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Computer September 1983

ACT Apricot

After having imported the Victor Sirius for years in the UK, ACT produced its own computer largely inspired by the Sirius : the Apricot PC.
It was supposed to be transportable as there is a handle on the main-unit ! If you really want to move your Apricot this way, the keyboard can be clipped to the main-unit.
Several features made this computer quite technically innovative :
? the Apricot PC was possibly the first computer outside Japan to use 3.5'' disk-drives (315k or 720k),
? the graphics quality and features were excellent (800 x 400) and came directly from the Victor Sirius,
? the keyboard was quite original with 8 "normal" and 6 flat programmable function keys along with a built-in LCD screen (40 characters / 2 lines) which displayed the function of the keys. This feature was largely used by the included software, but not much by third-party software.
This small LCD screen could also display the current line of text you're working on and there's even a contrast knob on the right of the keyboard.
It's possible to transfer files and some software from a Sirius or an IBM PC to the Apricot PC by connecting them with a special cable.
There's also an IBM PC emulator which forces the Apricot to act like an IBM PC. It works well for some applications but not all.
Some software was supplied with the Apricot PC : Supercalc, various system tools, asynchronous communication, IBM-PC emulator, Microsoft Basic-86, Basic Personal and ACT Manager (a graphical interface for MS-DOS). Word, Multiplan, Wordstar, dBase II, C-Pascal, Pascal UCSD, C, Fortran, Cobol and Basic Compiler 5.35 were available optionally.

In 1984, ACT launched new versions of the Apricot PC with built-in hard-disks and a different colour case. They were called Apricot Xi.
About IBM/PC compatibility, Greg Taylor specifies:

Concerning the early Apricot PCs (including the Xi) the reason they could not run all MS-DOS programs is that while they came with a copy of MS-DOS, they did not have an identical BIOS so any calls to specific BIOS modules could often fail.
For example, dBase III could not run (on mine anyway) but a competitor product called (I think) DBXL did run. That apart, they were very nice computers for their time with 3.5" disks (nearly everyone else was still using 5.25") and high-quality graphics.

Ian Foggon reports:
The original Apricot PC also came in another flavour you have not listed. It was possible to have these units upgraded to 286 IBM compatible standard by Apricot UK. This involved the replacement of the motherboard and the addition of a 20Mb Miniscribe HDD in the place of one of the Sony 3.5? FDDs. My Father had this done to his Apricot PC back in 1988. These units had their own specially written manuals, and the keyboards were re-keyed to make them IBM compatible too.

Computer 1984

ACT Apricot PC-Xi

The Xi was the hard-disk version of the cream-coloured Apricot PC.
The keyboard could be clipped to the underside of the machine, and a little cover would slide over the front panel to conceal the floppy drive. A handle then slid out of the front (just under the ridge) that allowed it to be carried very easily.
A colour screen was available - a re-packaged 10" Sony Trinitron screen that almost nobody bought because it was so expensive.
The mono screens had an anti-glare coating consisting of a very fine nylon mesh stretched over the screen and held in place by the bezel. Anybody who made the mistake of spraying glass cleaner on it would regret it, as the cleaner just clogged up in the pores of the mesh and left a nasty stain on the screen, which could only be removed by dismantling the monitor in order to rinse the mesh in water.
Model Xi5 : 256 KB RAM + 5 MB hard-disk + 315k disk-drive
Model Xi10 : 256 KB RAM + 10 MB hard-disk + 720k disk-drive
Model Xi20 : 512 KB RAM + 20 MB hard-disk + 720k disk-drive
Model Xi20s : 1 MB RAM + 20 MB hard-disk + 720k disk-drive
There was also a very rare model - coloured pale grey, which had a hard drive of 50 MB or thereabouts.
Dave Ridley reports:
Used to fix these machines, one very common problem on Apricot Xi was "wobbly screen" reported by user. The answer was to make a "bacofoil sandwich" as we called it! Take one aluminum foil strip, cover with packing tape to insulate, solder an earth wire onto one corner and stuff inside case, under where the screen sat. Hey presto, no wobble induced by PSU in main unit! Also the disk drives were prone to clogging up and getting generally dirty.
Technical tip from Charles Verrier:

Taking any Apricot PC to bits required a bit of care...
The rear panel had 3 or 4 screws, one of which fitted into the metal 'bridge' that ran the width of the machine, and held the PSU and disk drives above the motherboard, which filled the base of the case.
The bridge was partially supported by this real-panel screw, and would drop about half a centimetere when it was removed.
The only way to reassemble the thing was to turn the unit upside down so that the bridge screw hole would re-align with the real panel.
Happy days!

Computer October 1985

ACT Apricot XEN

Codenamed Candyfloss, this computer was aimed to compete with the IBM PC-AT. It was a multipost system capable of controlling up to 16 stations.

Three versions were sold:
? Xen FD with 512 KB of RAM and 2 x 720 KB 3.5" FDD.
? Xen HD with 1 MB of RAM, 720 KB 3.5" or 1.2 MB 5.25" FDD. and 20 MB HDD.
? Xen WS (WorkStation) with 1 MB of RAM and no disk drives.
Some Xen systems used a large black external power supply unit weighing at least 2-3 kilos, others featured a built-in one.
Speed of processing, supposedly zero wait-state, was superior to that of the IBM-AT. The motherboard featured a hard disk controller but the graphics card was delivered separately.
Xen systems also shipped with MS-DOS 3.2, GW-Basic and Windows. They could also run Xenix O.S.!


ADC Super Six

Computer 1979

APF Imagination Machine

The APF Imagination Machine was a combination home video game console and computer system released by APF Electronics Inc. in late 1979. It was composed of two separate components, the APF-M1000 game system, and an add on docking bay with full sized typewriter keyboard and tape drive. The APF-M1000 was built specifically to compete with the Atari 2600. The Imagination Machine has the distinction of being one of, if not the first, affordable home PCs to connect to the television, and is still one of the most expandable consoles ever marketed. The full APF Imagination Machine, including the APF-M1000 console and the IM-1 computer component originally sold for around $700.

CPU: 8-bit 3.579 MHz Motorola 6800
ROM: 14 KB
RAM: 9 KB expandable to 17 KB
Video Display Controller: MC6847
Resolutions: 256x192x4 / 128x192x8
Colors: 8
Controllers: 2
13 buttons
0-9 numeric keypad
Clear and End key
4 way joystick

Special features
The APF Imagination Machine had a few stand out features for its time.

APF Basic
First and foremost, was the bundled APF Basic compiler, which would allow almost anyone to program their own games and programs. Most retailers of the system offered a full and hefty instruction manual to teach you how the specialized code worked, and most even offered a tech sheet that specified every function of every chip on the console, so as to allow the users to make the most efficient code possible. To encourage more home users to create their own games and trade them, a monthly mailing list was started that lasted well through the video game crash of '83 and into the era of the next generation of consoles.

Special cassette
Second, and often one of the most marketed features of the console, was the fact that it had a dual sided cassette drive, that would allow the user to not only write or use a game or program from it, but also either record their own voice to it or listen to prerecorded audio. The feature was generally used for programmers to leave notes of their work, or for instructions to be read aloud before a game was played.

Third, the console had an unprecedented number of aftermarket add-ons, which included:

RS232 Storage Cartridge
Floppy Disk Storage
8k RAM Cartridge
Mini Floppy Disk Storage
Telephone Modem
As well as a hub of sorts, generally called the 'building block' which would allow for the connection of a good deal of standard computer accessories.

infos from: Wikipedia

Console 1977

APF M-1000

The APF M1000 was released in 1978. It's a Video game system cart based,
comes with 2 non-detachables joysticks with a numeric keypad on each ones
(look likes a mini-calculator with a joystick), has "Reset" & "Power"
buttons on the unit. Only could be played on a Color TV only. This system
seems to have been the pack-in unit with Imagination Machine.
The APF MP1000 was released in 1978. This system is basically the same
as the M1000 model and both systems does come with built-in game called
"Rocket Patrol".
Both of these systems had the ability to be expanded to the Imagination
Machine & both can play each other cartridges.

Unknown 1977

APF MP-1000

The APF M1000 was released in 1978. It's a Video game system cart based,
comes with 2 non-detachables joysticks with a numeric keypad on each ones
(look likes a mini-calculator with a joystick), has "Reset" & "Power"
buttons on the unit. Only could be played on a Color TV only. This system
seems to have been the pack-in unit with Imagination Machine.
The APF MP1000 was released in 1978. This system is basically the same
as the M1000 model and both systems does come with built-in game called
"Rocket Patrol".
Both of these systems had the ability to be expanded to the Imagination
Machine & both can play each other cartridges.


APF PeCos One


AT&T 3B20

Unknown 1979

Acetronic MPU-1000

The Acetronic MPU-1000 is another Interton VC-4000 "software compatible" system (saying "clone" would be misleading). That is to say that the internal specs are exactly the same and that games would run on both systems. The cartridge slots are however different in shape and cartridges won't fit in each others. This group of consoles is often refered as "Interton VC-4000 compatible system" as the VC-4000 maybe the most popular of all the other systems (see its entry for more info).
But according to the excellent research work from Dale Hansen, the 1292 Advanced Programmable Video System from Radofin would be the first member of the line as it was released in 1976! Radofin then licenced its system wordlwide to different companies.
There are two controllers composed of a 12 keys keypad, two red fire buttons and an analog joystick. Interton VC-4000 compatible systems usualy have these 12 keys and one or two fire buttons. The control panel has the same buttons found on all systems of this system family: Start, Load Programme, Game Select and on/off switch.
There is also an Acetronic MPU-2000, which is almost the same system, only with slightly different case design and built-in power supply. The MPU-1000 Home Video Entertainment Center could also be found under different brands such as Radofin 1292, AudioSonic PP-1292, Radofin Programmierbares Video System or Hanimex HMG-1392. Or rather, the same hardware & case were licenced (by Radofin?) to these different brands.
One particularity about this videogame "family" (VC-4000 & clones), is that they seem to be the only systems which required the game to be loaded into internal RAM from the cartridge, before being able to play (generally through a LOAD PROGRAM or equivalent button found on the control panel).
The Acetronic MPU-1000 sold well in United-Kingdom and can be considered as the "english Interton VC-4000"...

Computer 1987

Acorn Archimedes

The Acorn Archimedes was Acorn Computers Ltd's first general purpose home computer based on their own 32-bit ARM RISC CPU. The name is also commonly used to describe computers which were based on the same architecture, even where Acorn did not include 'Archimedes' in the official name.

Early models

The BBC Computer Literacy Project 'Owl' appeared on the keyboard, above the function keys on the Archimedes 300 series and A3000 keyboards.The first models were released in June 1987, as the 300 and 400 series. The 400 series included 4 expansion slots (although a 4 slot backplane could be added to the 300 series) and an ST506 controller for an internal hard drive. Both models included the Arthur OS (later called RISC OS), BBC BASIC and an emulator for Acorn's earlier BBC Micro, and were mounted in two-part cases with a small central unit, monitor on top, and a separate keyboard and three-button mouse. All models featured onboard 8 channel stereo sound and were capable of displaying 256 colours on screen.

Four models were initially released with different amounts of memory, the A305, A310, A410 and A440. The 300 and 400 were followed by a number of machines with minor changes and upgrades:

The A3000 and A5000
Work began on a successor to the Arthur operating system, initially named Arthur 2, but with the release of the Hollywood movie of the same name it was renamed to RISC OS 2. Along with it, a number of new machines were introduced as well, and in May 1989 the 300 series was phased out in favour of the new Acorn A3000. The earlier models were capable of being upgraded to RISC OS 2 by replacing the ROM chips which contained the Operating System.

Unlike the previous Archimedes models, the A3000 came in a single-part case similar to the Amiga 500 and Atari ST computers, with the keyboard attached to the main unit. This kind of housing consumes a lot of desktop space, a problem that Acorn tried to overcome by offering a monitor stand that could be attached to the base unit. The new model only sported a single expansion slot. Unlike the 300 series, the 400 series was kept in production.

The other new model, the A5000, came in a newly designed two-part case that looked more conventional than the housings of its predecessors. It featured the new 25 MHz ARM3 processor, while the A3000 was still equipped with an 8 MHz ARM2. The A3000 ran RISC OS 2, while the A5000 ran the new RISC OS 3.0. It came with 2 or 4 MB of RAM, compared to the A3000's 1 MB, and featured either a 40 MB or an 80 MB hard drive. Its video capabilities were enhanced as well and the A5000 could comfortably display VGA resolutions of up to 800x600 pixels. It was the first Archimedes to feature a High Density capable floppy disc drive as standard and could read and write various formats, including DOS and Atari discs. A later version of the A5000 was available, featuring a 33 MHz ARM3, 4 or 8 MB of RAM, an 80 or 120 MB hard drive and a revised OS, namely RISC OS 3.10.

As previously, earlier machines were capable of being upgraded to the new RISC OS 3, though some needed help, as well as the ARM3 CPU. Via a third party upgrade, earlier models could benefit from equal video performance to the A5000.

A new range and a laptop
In 1992, a new range was produced, using the ARM250 microprocessor, an ARM2 processor with integrated memory and video controllers, performing better thanks to an increase in clock frequency, and running RISC OS 3.10. The A30x0 series had a one-piece design, similar to the A3000 but far smaller, while the A4000 looked like a slightly slimmer A5000. The A3010 model was intended to be a home computing machine, featuring a TV modulator and joystick ports, while the A3020 targeted the home office and educational markets, featuring a built-in 2.5' hard drive and a dedicated network interface socket . Technically, the A4000 was almost identical to the A3020, only differing in hard disk size (3.5' in the A4000), though it sported a different appearance. All three ARM250-based machines could be upgraded to 4MB with plug-in chips (though the A3010 was designed for 2MB, third party upgrades overcame this) and one 'mini-podule' slot as used for internal expansion in the A3000.

Also in 1992, Acorn introduced a laptop computer called A4 that featured an ARM3 processor like the A5000, even though it had a slightly lower clock speed, and a LCD screen capable of displaying a maximum resolution of 640 x 480 pixels in 16 levels of grey. However, it did feature a monitor port which offered the same display capabilities as an A5000. A notable omission from the machine was a built-in pointing device, requiring users to nagivate with the cursor keys or attach a conventional Acorn three-button mouse.

The A7000, despite its name being reminiscent of the Archimedes naming conventions, was actually more similar to the Risc PC – the line of RISC OS computers that succeeded the Archimedes in 1994. It lacked, however, the DEBI expansion slots and multi-slice case that characterized the RiscPC (though by removing the CDROM, a backplane with one slot could be fitted).

List of models
Model Memory (RAM) Hard disk space Launch date UK retail price at launch Notes
BBC Archimedes 305 512 KB - July 1987 Pound 899 -
BBC Archimedes 310 1 MB - July 1987 Pound 999 -
Acorn Archimedes 410 1 MB - July 1987 Pound 1299 Appears only in marketing literature; may never have been produced
Acorn Archimedes 440 4 MB 20 MB July 1987 Pound 1499 -
BBC A3000 1 MB - May 1989 Pound 799 This model was the last ever BBC Microcomputer
Acorn Archimedes 410/1 1 MB - (ST506 interface on motherboard) June 1989 Pound 999 Improved MEMC1A memory controller over previous 410 model
Acorn Archimedes 420/1 2 MB 20 MB ST506 June 1989 Pound 1099 -
Acorn Archimedes 440/1 4 MB 40 MB ST506 June 1989 Pound 1299 Improved MEMC1A memory controller over previous 440 model
Acorn R140 4 MB 47 MB ST506 June 1989 Pound 3,500 RISC iX workstation
Acorn Archimedes 540/1 4 MB 100 MB SCSI June 1990 Pound ARM3 processor
Acorn R225 4 MB - July 1990 Pound ARM3 processor, RISC iX network workstation
Acorn R260 8 MB 100 MB SCSI July 1990 Pound ARM3 processor, RISC iX workstation
Acorn A5000 1 MB or 4 MB 0 MB to 160 MB IDE September 1991 Pound 999 or Pound 1499 ARM3 processor, launched with various sub-models
Acorn A4 2 MB or 4 MB 0 MB or 60 MB IDE (2.5') June 1992 Pound 1399 or Pound 1699 Notebook model with ARM3 processor clocked at 24MHz (1 MHz slower than usual), 640x480 greyscale LCD screen
Acorn A3010 1 MB - September 1992 Pound 499 ARM250 processor
Acorn A3020 2 MB 0 MB - 80 MB IDE (2.5') September 1992 Pound 799 ARM250 processor
Acorn A4000 2 MB 0 MB - 210 MB IDE September 1992 Pound 999 ARM250 processor

Also produced, but never sold commercially were:

A500 - 4 RAM, ST506 interface, Archimedes development machine
A680 and M4 - 8 MB RAM, SCSI on motherboard, RISC iX development machines

Significance and impact
The Archimedes was one of the most powerful home computers available during the late 1980s and early 1990s; its main CPU was faster than the 68000 microprocessors found in the more popular Atari ST and Commodore Amiga machines. 'An 8 MHz 68000 had an average performance of roughly 1 MIPS.' The 8MHz ARM2 yields 4.5-4.8 MIPS in repeatable benchmark tests

The Archimedes won significant market share in the education markets of the UK, Ireland and Australasia; the success of the Archimedes in British schools was due partly to its predecessor the BBC Micro and later to the Computers for Schools scheme organised by the Tesco supermarket chain in association with Acorn, and most students and pupils in these countries in the early 90s were exposed to an Archimedes or A-series computer. Outside of education, despite a technical edge the Archimedes only ever met a moderate success, becoming a 'minority' platform outside of niche markets (not unlike the Apple Macintosh). Niche markets included professional work such as radio, medical and railway station management and music publishing.

By the early 1990s, the UK educational market began to turn away from the Archimedes. Many schools started using Macintosh computers. The increasing multimedia capabilities of IBM compatible PCs also led to an erosion of the Archimedes market share.

Infos from: Wikipedia

Computer 1980

Acorn Atom

The Atom was {Acorn's} first computer to be aimed squarely at the home market.

The Acorn Atom was a {home computer} made by {Acorn Computers Ltd} from 1980 to 1981 when it was replaced by the {BBC Micro} (originally Proton) and later the {Acorn Electron}.

The Atom was a progression of the {MOS Technology} {6502} based machines that the company had been making from 1979. The Atom was a cut-down {Acorn System 3} without a disk drive but with an integral keyboard and cassette tape interface, sold in either kit or complete form. In 1980 it was priced between {£}120 in {kit} form, £170 ready assembled, to over £200 for the fully expanded version with 12 {KB} of {RAM} and the floating point extension {ROM}.

The minimum Atom had 2 KB of {RAM} and 8 KB of {ROM}, with a fully loaded machine having 12 KB of each. An additional {floating point} {ROM} was also available. The 12 KB of {RAM} was divided between 5 KB available for programs, 1 KB for the page zero and 6 KB for the high resolution graphics. The page zero memory (a.k.a. zero page memory) was used by the CPU for stack storage, by the OS, and by the Atom BASIC for variable storage of the 27 variables. If high resolution graphics were not required then 5 1/2 KB of the upper memory could be used for program storage.

It had a {MC6847} VDG {video chip} (Video Display Generator), allowing for text or two-colour graphics modes. It could be connected to a TV or modified to output to a video monitor. Basic video memory was 1 KB but could be expanded to 6 KB. A {PAL} colour card was also available. Six video modes were available, with resolutions from 64Ṫ64 in 4 colours, up to 256Ṫ192 in monochrome. At the time 256Ṫ192 was considered to be high resolution.

It had built-in {BASIC} ({Atom BASIC}), a fast but idiosyncratic version, which included indirection operators (similar to {PEEK and POKE}) for bytes and words (4 bytes). {Assembly code} could be included within a BASIC program, because the BASIC interpreter also contained an {Assembler} for the 6502 assembly language which assembled the inline code during program execution and then executed it. This was a very unusual, but also very useful, function.

In late 1982, Acorn released an upgrade ROM chip for the Atom which allowed users to switch between Atom BASIC and the more advanced BASIC used by the BBC Micro. The upgrade was purely to the programming language; the Atom's graphics and sound capabilities remained unchanged, and hence, contrary to some pre-release beliefs, the BBC BASIC ROM did not allow Atom users to run commercial BBC Micro software, since nearly all of it took advantage of the BBC machine's advanced graphics and sound hardware.

The manual for the Atom was called {Atomic theory and practice}

The Acorn {LAN}, {Econet}, was first configured on the Atom.

The case was designed by industrial designer {Allen Boothroyd} of Cambridge Product Design Ltd.

(Info: Wikipidea)

Computer 1981

Acorn BBC

The BBC Microcomputer System was a series of microcomputers and associated peripherals designed and built by Acorn Computers Ltd for the BBC Computer Literacy Project operated by the British Broadcasting Corporation.

While twelve models were eventually produced in the range, the term BBC Micro is often colloquially used to refer to the first four (Model A, B, B+64 and B+128), with the later eight models referred to by the BBC Master and Archimedes names.


The symbol of the BBC Computer Literacy Project. It appeared on all BBC Micros.In the early 1980s, the BBC started what became known as the BBC Computer Literacy Project. The project was initiated partly in response to an extremely influential ITV documentary series The Mighty Micro, in which Dr Christopher Evans from the National Physical Laboratory predicted the coming (micro) computer revolution and its impact on the economy, industry, and lifestyle of the United Kingdom.

The BBC wanted to base its project on a microcomputer capable of performing various tasks which they could then demonstrate in their 1981 TV series The Computer Programme. The list of topics included programming, graphics, sound and music, Teletext, controlling external hardware, artificial intelligence, etc. It decided to badge a micro, then drew up a fairly ambitious (for its time) specification and asked for takers.

The BBC discussed the issue with Sir Clive Sinclair, who tried to offer the unsuccessful Grundy NewBrain micro to them, but it was rejected. The BBC made appointments to see several other British computer manufacturers, including Dragon and Acorn.

The Acorn team had already been working on an upgrade to their existing Atom microcomputer. Known as the Proton, it included better graphics and a faster 2 MHz MOS Technology 6502 CPU. The machine was only in prototype form at the time, but the Acorn team, largely made up of students including Roger Wilson and Steve Furber, worked through the night to get a working Proton together to show the BBC. The Acorn Proton not only was the only machine to come up to the BBC's specification, but also exceeded it in nearly every parameter.

Market impact

The machine was released as the BBC Microcomputer in late 1981 and became affectionately known as the Beeb. The machine was popular in the UK, especially in the educational market. As with Sinclair's ZX Spectrum, also released later in 1982, demand greatly exceeded supply. For some months, there were long delays before customers received the machines they had ordered. A brief attempt to market the machine in the United States failed, due largely to the predominance of the highly similar Apple II family. The success of the machine in the UK was largely due to its acceptance as an 'educational' computer – the vast majority of UK schools used BBC Micros to teach computer literacy and information technology skills. Some British Commonwealth countries, like India, started their own Computer Literacy programs and used the BBC Micro.

Research Machines had, until this time, been one of the leaders in UK educational computer market. One of the main advantages which helped the BBC Micro in the educational market was its durable construction. The machine's casing and keyboard was solidly built compared to that of the ZX Spectrum, being able to cope with all the abuse that schoolchildren could throw at it.

The Model A and the Model B were initially priced at Pound 235 and Pound 335 respectively, but rising almost immediately to Pound 299 and Pound 399 due to increased costs. Acorn anticipated the total sales to be around 12,000 units, but eventually more than 1 million BBC Micros were sold.

The cost of the BBC Models was high compared to competitors such as the ZX Spectrum and Acorn attempted to counter this by producing a cut down version (although it did have the 32 kB RAM of the Model B rather than the 16 kB of the Model A), intended more for game playing, the Acorn Electron in 1983; games written specially for the Electron's more limited hardware could usually also be run on the Model B.

Hardware features, Models A and B

Rear of the BBC Micro. Ports from left to right: UHF Out, Video Out, RGB, RS423, Cassette, Analogue In and Econet.The Model A had 16 KB of user RAM; the Model B had 32 KB of user RAM. A feature of the 6502-based hardware that the Micro shared with other 6502 computers such as the Apple and the early Commodore models was that the RAM was clocked twice as fast as the CPU (4 MHz), with alternating access given to the CPU and the video display circuits. This gave the BBC Micro a fully unified memory address structure with no speed penalties. Most competing Z80-based micros with memory mapped display incurred CPU speed penalties depending on the actions of the video circuits (e.g. the Amstrad CPC and to a lesser extent the ZX Spectrum) or kept video memory completely separate from the CPU address pool (e.g. the MSX).

The machine included a number of extra I/O interfaces: serial and parallel printer ports, an 8-bit I/O port, four analogue inputs and an expansion connector (the '1MHz bus') that enabled other hardware to be connected. Additionally, an interface called 'The Tube' allowed a second processor to be added; several types of processor were offered by Acorn. It was later used in third-party add-ons, including a Zilog Z80 board and disk drive that allowed the BBC machine to run CP/M programs. In 2006, a kit with an ARM7TDMI CPU running at 64 MHz, with 16MB of RAM was released for the BBC Micro and Master, using the Tube interface in the same manner as older CPUs had. Possibly the best-known software to run on the Tube were an enhanced version of Elite (see below) and a CAD package which required a second 6502 CPU and a 5 dimensional joystick called a 'Bitstick'. The Model A and the Model B were built on the same PCB and a Model A could be upgraded to a Model B without too much difficulty. Users wishing to run Model B software needed only to add the extra RAM and the user/printer 6522 VIA (which many games used for timers etc) and snip a link, a task which could be achieved without soldering. To do a full upgrade with all the external ports did however require soldering the connectors to the motherboard.

An apparent oversight in the manufacturing process resulted in a significant number of Model Bs producing a constant buzzing noise from the built-in speaker. This fault could be partly rectified by a soldering-capable person, by soldering a resistor across two pads.

Hardware features: B+64 and B+128

Acorn introduced the Model B+ in mid 1985, increasing the total RAM to 64 KB and including floppy disk support as standard, but this had modest market impact. The extra RAM in the Model B+ BBC Micro was assigned as two blocks, a block of 20 KB dedicated solely for screen display (so-called 'Shadow' RAM) and a block of 12 KB of 'special' Sideways RAM. The much-needed memory increase provided by this new 1985 'Beeb' was a welcome development, but was seen as an eighteen months or so too late to challenge the increased specifications of new rival microcomputer systems. The B+128 came with an additional 64 KB ( 4 x 16 KB 'Sideways' RAM banks) to give a total RAM of 128 KB.

The new B+ was incapable of running some original BBC B programs and games, such as, for example, the very popular Castle Quest. A particular problem was the replacement of the Intel 8271 floppy disk controller with the Western Digital 1770 — many game software programmers in particular had used copy protection techniques which involved direct access to the controller, and simply wouldn't run on the new system.

There was also a long-running problem late on in the B/B+'s life infamous amongst B+ owners, when Superior Software released Repton Infinity, which refused to run on the B+. A string of unsuccessful replacements were issued before one compatible with both was finally released.

Software and expandability

Computer game Mr. Mephisto.Large numbers of games were written for the Beeb, including the original version of the classic Elite. A range of hardware add-ons and expansions was available, and the machine had provisions for floppy disk drives and Econet networking hardware. There were also sockets for the addition of extra ROM chips. The built-in ROM-resident BBC BASIC programming language interpreter was by far the most sophisticated of its time, and wholly supported the machine's educational focus. Advanced programs could be written without having to wade into the jungle of assembly language programming (necessary with many competing computers). Should one want, or need, to do some assembly programming, BBC BASIC featured a built-in assembler.

When the BBC Micro was released competing PCs used Microsoft BASIC, or variants typically designed to resemble Microsoft BASIC. BBC Basic had the following advantages:

Support for named procedures, rather than relying upon GOTO/GOSUB;
Support for IF .. THEN .. ELSE
Support for high-resolution graphics (albeit with a clumsy syntax);
Support for four-channel sound (again, with a clumsy syntax);
In-line support for machine code, rather than requiring the use of a DATA statement and the use of POKE to get the machine code data set-up;
Long variable names (Microsoft BASIC at that stage supported long names, but with only the first two characters recognised, so that effectively it was limited to two-character names);
Support for pointer-based programming, like C, although using a different syntax.
Although appropriate content was little-supported by television broadcasters, telesoftware could be downloaded via the optional Teletext Adapter and the other alternative teletext adaptors that emerged.

As the early BBC Micros had ample I/O allowing machines to be interconnected, and as many schools and universities employed the machines in Econet networks, numerous networked multiplayer games were created. With the exception of a Nethack game and a tank game (Bolo, for example), few rose to popularity; in no small measure due to the limited number of machines aggregated in one place. It has been suggested, but not verified, that the world's first networked multiplayer game was written for the BBC computer, a strategy wargame of some kind. A relatively late but well documented example can be found in a dissertation based on a ringed RS-423 interconnect.

Successor machines and the retro scene
In 1986, Acorn followed up with the BBC Master series, which offered memory sizes from 128 KB and many other refinements which improved on the 1981 original. It attracted more interest than the B+ upgrades, although at heart it was essentially the same 6502-based BBC architecture, with many of the upgrades that the original design had intentionally made possible (extra ROM software, extra paged RAM, second processors) now included on the circuit board.

However, Acorn had produced their own 32-bit RISC CPU in 1985 and were working on building a personal computer around it. This was released in 1987 as four models in the Archimedes series, with the lower-specified two models (with 512 KB and 1 MiB respectively) released as BBC Microcomputers.

The last model, the BBC A3000, was released in 1989 as essentially a 1 MiB Archimedes back in a single case form factor. The BBC closed the Computer Literacy Project two years later.

As of 2005, thanks to its ready expandability and I/O functions, there are still numbers of BBCs in use, and a retrocomputing community of dedicated users finding new things to do with the old hardware. A BBC B+ was observed running the communications link in an unattended water pumping station in Oxhey in 1995. They still survive in a few interactive displays in museums across the country, and Jodrell Bank apparently uses a BBC Micro to steer one of its satellite dishes. There are also a number of BBC Micro emulators for many OSes, so that even the original hardware is no longer necessary.

Infos from: Wikipedia

Computer September 1986

Acorn BBC Master

In 1986 the Acorn Business Computer range was long gone, and Olivetti -
Acorn's new owners, having been forced to increase their stake from 49
to 80 per cent of the firm - were concentrating on making Acorn more
profitable. The case for the 65C816-based Communicator was retained and
given a basic box, housing a PSU and disk drive, to make a standard-looking 3-box computer system based around the BBC Master architecture.
Also marketed in Europe as the Olivetti Prodest PC 128 S (S for Sistema), the Master compact differed from other computers in a number of annoying ways. Most confusing was the decision to keep the computer in the keyboard, with suitable reductions in available interfaces and features such as the real-time clock - making the Master Compact rather like a grown up Electron (however, home marketing would unfortunately not be attempted - it would have been considerably more successful). The 'CPU' was connected via a large ribbon cable and a jack plug. The monitor connected to the 'keyboard'. It was, to be blunt, a mess.
However, the system did introduce the 3.5" drive as a standard to the 8-bit BBC range and featured all the usual Master enhancements plus a mouse/joystick port. As a school computer - the traditional market - it differed just enough to make it relatively unpopular, lacking the user and 1MHz bus ports used by many educational devices, and being (by nature of its smaller case) somewhat easier to steal and damage. The Compact was discontinued very early on, the introduction of the A305 Archimedes offering a similar 'format' of machine, but with all the benefits associated with Acorn - expandability, speed, and reliability. The original one-box Master 128 continued to sell until 1993...
Olivetti were to get their own back for the Compact - Acorn sold a
branded version of the Olivetti M19 'PC Compatible', a rather dated 8088-based machine.
The Olivetti Prodest 128 can be seen in the kid's film 'Treasure Island in Space' - an Italian production, most likely. The computer is recognizable by its blue and white display.

Info, texts and picture by Richard Kilpatrick

Computer 1983

Acorn Electron

The Acorn Electron was a budget version of the BBC Micro educational/home computer made by Acorn Computers Ltd. It had 32 kilobytes of RAM, and its ROM memory included BBC BASIC along with its operating system.

The Electron was able to save and load programs onto audio cassette via a supplied converter cable that plugged into the microphone socket of any tape recorder. It was capable of basic graphics, and could display onto either a television set or a 'green screen' monitor.

At its peak, the Electron was the third best selling micro in the United Kingdom, and total lifetime game sales for the Electron exceeded those of the BBC Micro. There are at least 500 known games for the Electron and the true total is probably in the thousands.

The hardware of the BBC Micro was emulated by a single customized ULA chip designed by Acorn. It had feature limitations such as being unable to output more than one channel of sound where the BBC was capable of three-way polyphony and the inability to provide teletext mode. The machine architecture also imposed a substantial speed decrease on applications running from RAM, although ROM applications ran at the same speed

The ULA controlled memory access and was able to provide 32K x 8 bits of addressable RAM using 4 x 64K x 1-bit RAM chips (4164).

The Electron was developed during 1983 as a cheap sibling for the BBC Micro with the intention of capturing the low cost Christmas sales market for that year. Although Acorn were able to shrink substantially the same functionality as the BBC into just one chip, manufacturing problems meant that very few machines were available for the Christmas period - to the extent that some shops reported eight presales for every delivered machine.

This was a blow from which the machine never fully recovered, although games sales for it would ultimately outstrip those of the BBC Micro. Following Olivetti's 1985 cash injection into Acorn the machine was effectively sidelined.

With hindsight, the machine was too lacking in RAM (a typical program would need to fit in only around 20 kB once display memory is subtracted) and processing power to take on the prevailing ZX Spectrum and Commodore 64. Despite this, several features that would later be associated with BBC Master and Archimedes were first features of Electron expansion units, including ROM cartridge slots and the Advanced Disc Filing System — a hierarchical improvement to the BBC's original Disc Filing System.

Technical information

CPU: MOS Technology 6502A
Clock rate: variable. CPU runs at 2 MHz when accessing ROM and 1 MHz or 0.5897 MHz (depending on graphics mode) when accessing RAM due to sharing memory access with the video display circuits. The Electron is widely misquoted as operating at 1.79 MHz after measurements derived from speed testing against the thoroughly 2 MHz BBC Micro for various pieces of 'common software'
Coprocessor: Custom ULA
RAM: 32 kB
ROM: 32 kB
Text modes: 20x32, 40x25, 40x32, 80x25, 80x32 (all text output produced by software in graphics modes)
Graphics modes: 160x256 (4 or 16 colours), 320x256 (2 or 4 colours), 640x256 (2 colours), 320x200 (2 colours — spaced display with two blank horizontal lines following every 8 pixel lines), 640x200 (2 colours — spaced display)
Colours: 8 colours (TTL combinations of RGB primaries) + 8 flashing versions of the same colours
Sound: 1 channel of sound, 7 octaves; built-in speaker. Software emulation of noise channel supported
Dimensions: 16x34x6.5 cm
I/O ports: Expansion port, tape recorder connector (1200 baud variation on the Kansas City standard for data encoding), aerial TV connector (RF modulator), RGB video monitor output
Power supply: External PSU, 18V

Infos from Wikipedia

Computer 1994

Acorn Risc PC

In April 1994, Acorn announced the release of the second generation of ARM machines ? the Acorn RISC PC 600. Code named the Medusa project, this was set to replace the then ailing flagship A5000 machine.
As the name suggests, one of the main features of this computer was that it could run both Acorn and IBM-PC software side by side. This was achieved by a second CPU slot that could accept a daughter board with a PC CPU, such as a 486 or 586. This second processor then had shared access with the primary CPU to all the system resources. No more CPU intensive software PC emulation required!
As well as the second processor, other major enhancements included an updated video controller with the option for dedicated video RAM. The graphics chip in previous Archimedes range machines had shared the system memory with the rest of the computer which often proved to be a bottle neck without true DMA. Now the video controller could have video memory of it?s own, removing the bottle neck.
The system data bus was doubled in size to 32bits wide, and the MEMU and IOC chips were combined to create the IOMD20. This resulted in much better overall I/O, yet another bottle neck removed from previous machines. The system memory was also upgraded to a maximum of 256MB and the memory bus was designed to use the more widely available EDO SIMM?s.
A unique feature of the RISC PC was its case. This came in the form of the base holding the motherboard and power supply, a mid section for mounting one 3.5" device, one 5.25" device and two single width expansion cards, and then a lid. The magic was that you could add up to 8 slices at any time, giving you a very easily expandable computer, and all held together with clips and springs negating the need for a screwdriver. Very neat.
There were 2 other Acorn RISC PC's. The RISC PC 700 was released July 1995 and the RISC PC-2 was much publicised by Acorn and then dramatically cancelled at the last minute.
Thanks to Paul Hadfield for his kind help.

Computer 1979

Acorn System 1

This 6502 modular system was the first computer produced by Acorn in 1979. It was basically the same type of computer as competitors offered at that time (KIM-1, MK14, Nascom, etc...) : a 6502 or Z80 CPU (in this case, a 6502) mounted on a simple "naked" board, with a one-line display and a hexadecimal keyboard.
The System 1 is no exception : it featured an eight-digit seven-segment LED display, a hexadecimal keyboard (25 keys) and as there was no built-in BASIC in the computer, it had only machine-code.
Fortunately there was a tape-recorder interface communicating at 300 bauds.
Like all these types of "hobbyist" computers, the main advantage was the expandability of the system. They were quite cheap machines because they were shipped basically "naked". Then you had to buy whatever cards you wanted (video, BASIC, sound, etc...). Here the system was Eurocard compatible, which was a well-known expansion board standard at that time.
If then you had "too many" expansion cards, a Eurocard rack was available to organise the whole system.
The System 1 itself was composed of two Eurocard boards (one for the CPU and the other for the keypad and display) mounted one above the other (sandwiched, you could say), the two being connected by a ribbon cable.


Acorn Z80

Misc 2007

Adobe Flash

SWF is a proprietary vector graphics file format produced by the Flash software from Adobe (formerly Macromedia). Intended to be small enough for publication on the web, SWF files can contain animations or applets of varying degrees of interactivity and function. SWF is also sometimes used for creating animated display graphics and menus for DVD movies, and television commercials.

The Flash program produces SWF files as a compressed and uneditable final product, whereas it uses the .fla format for its editable working files.

The name is a backronym of sorts, standing for Small Web Format and Shockwave Flash. According to Adobe, SWF is pronounced 'S W F' (with each letter being pronounced individually), but some people prefer to pronounce it as 'swiff' or 'swaif'. A file of this format is called a Shockwave Flash Object. SWF is currently the dominant format for displaying animated vector graphics on the web, far exceeding the W3C open standard SVG, which has met with problems over competing implementations.

Originally limited to presenting vector based objects and images in a simple sequential manner, the newer versions of the format allow audio, video and many different possible forms of interaction with the end user. Once created, SWF files can be played by the Adobe Flash Player, working either as a browser plugin or as a standalone player. SWF files can also be encapsulated with the player, creating a self-running SWF movie called a 'projector'.

The file format was first created by a small company called FutureWave which was later acquired by Macromedia and had one main goal: create small files for displaying entertaining animations. The idea was to have a format which could be reused by a player running on any system and which would work with slower network (such as a browser used with a modem).

Plugins to play SWF files in web browsers are available from Adobe for most desktop operating systems, including Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac, and Linux on the x86 architecture. Adobe claims that over 97 percent of web users now have an SWF plugin installed , based on an independent study conducted by NPD Research. Sony PlayStation Portable consoles can play limited SWF files in its web browser but this can only be found on the firmwares 2.71 and up. Nintendo's Wii console can run SWF files through its Opera browser.

A free software implementation of a SWF player is gnash, which as of 2006 is undergoing intensive development

Infos from: Wikipedia

Unknown ? 1977

AlphaSmart 3000

Little is known about this small pong system made in Hong Kong.
It seems to be a classic pong system with 4 pong games. Games selection is made through a small dial in the middle of the case. Switches are used to choose different functions.
The two controllers (sliders) are detachable.
Contributors : Grant Meredith


AlphaSmart Pro

Computer January 1983

Altos Computer Systems ACS-186, 586, 686 & 986

The ACS-586 was a multipost system which could handle 5 users or more (8) with optional cards. To connect the terminals, there were several RS232 ports at the back of the system, labeled JA, JB, JC, JD, JE, etc... The ports not used by the terminals could be used to connect any serial peripheral, i.e. modem or printer.
The 186 was the first computer from a big company to use Xenix as its native operating system. Xenix was the Microsoft "adaptation" of Unix.
This system was quite well designed with its squashed hexagon shaped box and its thin monitor. These were medium-sized desktop cases, usually beige but often came in custom colors.
A fully-loaded 586 contained four printed-circuit boards.
The main board held the 80186 and 512 KB of RAM; a Z80 I/O processor supporting six serial I/O ports, floppy disc access, and an RN422 LAN; and sundry memory management components allowing the 586 to support Xenix.
A second board held a hard disk and tape controller with an Intel 8089 I/O processor
An optional communication board provided an Ethernet chipset and processors supporting either the X25 or SNA protocols, or four additional serial I/O ports.
The fourth board was an optional memory expansion board providing an additional 512 KB of RAM.
It had a 5''1/4 disk-drive built-in on the right part of the front panel, and a hard-disk on the left part.
A real-time clock was included with the system. There were 128 semi-graphic symbols available.
The Altos 686 appears to be the same machine as the 586, but with an 80286 processor.
Altos also produced an 8-bit version of this system, called the ACS-580.

Computer 1978

Altos Computer Systems ACS-8000

The ACS-8xxx were multi-user systems. They could support from 1 to 4 users, but you could also get them in versions for up to 9 users and a supervisor. In appearance, they were large and heavy rectangular desktop boxes with Z80 or 68000 CPUs (ACS-68000 series).
They used a large custom single-board computer the size of the case. The drive controller was a
separate half-card mounted on top of the SBC. The early 8000s had separate cases for the 8" FD & HD. In later models the drives and cards were
integrated into the same case.
The 8000 systems were labeled ACS-8000-x, where x indicates the size of the disk-drive and hard disk :
x=1 : 500 kb (SS/SD) FDD
x=2 : 1000 kb (DS/SD) FDD
x=3 : 1000 kb (SS/DD) FDD

x=4 : 2000 kb (DS/DD) FDD
x=10 : 10 Mb HD
x=12 : 20 Mb HD
x=14 : 40 Mb HD

The ACS-8000 had a 10, 20 or 40 MB Winchester hard-drive and could be upgraded to 80 MB. Hard-disk models also had disk-drives. CP/M, MP/M II or Oasis were the available operating systems.
The ACS-8000 MTU had a 17 MB magnetic streamer.
The ACS-8000 was quite similar to the Altos Serie 5 but was more powerful.

Computer 1978

Altos Computer Systems ACS-8600

The ACS-8xxx were multi-user systems. They could support from 1 to 4 users, but you could also get them in versions for up to 9 users and a supervisor. In appearance, they were large and heavy rectangular desktop boxes with Z80 or 68000 CPUs (ACS-68000 series).
They used a large custom single-board computer the size of the case. The drive controller was a
separate half-card mounted on top of the SBC. The early 8000s had separate cases for the 8" FD & HD. In later models the drives and cards were
integrated into the same case.
The 8000 systems were labeled ACS-8000-x, where x indicates the size of the disk-drive and hard disk :
x=1 : 500 kb (SS/SD) FDD
x=2 : 1000 kb (DS/SD) FDD
x=3 : 1000 kb (SS/DD) FDD

x=4 : 2000 kb (DS/DD) FDD
x=10 : 10 Mb HD
x=12 : 20 Mb HD
x=14 : 40 Mb HD

The ACS-8000 had a 10, 20 or 40 MB Winchester hard-drive and could be upgraded to 80 MB. Hard-disk models also had disk-drives. CP/M, MP/M II or Oasis were the available operating systems.
The ACS-8000 MTU had a 17 MB magnetic streamer.
The ACS-8000 was quite similar to the Altos Serie 5 but was more powerful.

Computer April 1982

Altos Computer Systems Series 5

The Serie 5 was a CP/M based multi-user system. It could support from 1 to 3 users.
It had a 5 MB Winchester hard-drive and could be upgraded with a 10 MB hard-drive (for the Serie 5D only). It could use CP/M, MP/M II or Oasis as its operating system.
The serie 5 was quite similar to the Altos ACS-8000, but with 5.25'' disk drives instead of the 8'' floppies.


Amcoe Amcoe

Computer 1983

Amstrad CPC

Processor Zilog Z80A @ 4 MHz
Memory 64 to 128 KiB
OS Locomotive BASIC 1.0, 1.1 and CP/M

The Amstrad CPC was a series of 8-bit home computers produced by Amstrad during the 1980s and early 1990s. CPC stood for 'Colour Personal Computer', although it was possible to purchase a CPC with a green screen (GT65/66) as well as with the standard colour screen (CTM640).

The first machine, the CPC 464 was introduced in 1984. It was designed to be a direct competitor to the Commodore 64 and Sinclair ZX Spectrum systems. The CPC range was very successful, and over 3 million were sold during the machine's lifespan.

Outwardly, the most distinguishing features of Amstrad's offering were the matt black console case with sharp corners and narrowly rectangular form factor (the latter due to the built-in cassette tape deck (CPC 464) or floppy disk drive (CPC 664 and CPC 6128), the keyboard's distinctly coloured special keys (all the non-typewriter-standard keys on the 464 and 664), and the unique power supply hookup with one lead going from the monitor to the computer (or RF modulator) and, on disc-based machines, one lead going the other way. A television could be used with an optional adapter, and an optional tuner was available to turn the monitor into a TV.

The Amstrad CPC sold as a 'complete system'

Amstrad initially promoted the CPC as being an improvement on the competing ZX Spectrum and C64 because it was a complete system - including everything required to use the machine in one box. Compared to a C64 or a ZX Spectrum, the Amstrad CPCs shipped with their own monitor, had a built in tape recorder or floppy disk drive and even a small loudspeaker. This marketing gave a more 'professional' appeal to the Amstrad CPC by marketing it in the same way as business-oriented systems, rather than gaming or home oriented ones.

As a late entrant to the European 8-bit market, the CPC range never achieved the total sales volume of either the ZX Spectrum or the C64, but the advantages of a proper typewriter-style keyboard and integrated tape or floppy drive saw it obtain considerable market share in the late 80s. It became the best-selling computer in France at this time, and was also popular in Spain. Many of the best software titles for the CPC were created on the continent, but only a limited number saw commercial release in the UK.

The CPC family

The Amstrad CPC 464, 472, 664, 6128

The original CPC was sold in the following configurations:
CPC 464 – Tape deck, 64 KiB RAM, square-edged keyboard
CPC 472 – Tape deck, 72 KiB RAM (although the extra 8 KiB of RAM cannot be used because the chip wasn't connected, only soldered to a dummy PCB); produced in small numbers for the Spanish market to avoid a legal ruling requiring that all computers with 64 KiB or less RAM must be localized to the Spanish language, including the keyboard and screen messages. The law was subsequently changed to include machines with more than 64 KiB RAM so a localised version of the 472 also exists.
CPC 664 – 3' Floppy disk drive, 64 KiB RAM, bowed keyboard; short-lived model, quickly replaced by the better-specified 6128
CPC 6128 – 3' Floppy disk drive, 128 KiB RAM (accessed using bank switching), more PC-like keyboard

An external disk drive (DDI-1) was available for the 464, incorporating the DOS in an interface unit. A second drive (FD-1) could be added to both this and 664/6128 machines. Cassette recorders could also be connected to the 664 and 6128. By and large, the later versions were compatible with earlier machines, though there were some incompatibilities in undocumented features. Third-party hardware add-ons such as Romantic Robot's popular Multiface allowed DIY backup of most tape software to disk.

Most games, especially in the early years, targeted the 64-KiB RAM 464 and 664 models. However, an increasing number of applications and demos made use of the extra memory of the 6128 as time went on, to the extent that much CPC software from the 1990s will not run on an unexpanded 464/664. RAM expansions were available, the most popular being produced by dk'Tronics.

The memory layout of the system allowed the CPCs to run CP/M 2.2 and CP/M software adapted especially for the machines' terminal emulation was not uncommon. An Amstrad-specific variant of CP/M 3.1 (aka CP/M Plus) was shipped with the 6128.

West Germany: Schneider CPC 464, 664 and 6128

Amstrad's German partner company Schneider produced its own models of the CPC 464, 664 and 6128. These machines had grey keys in place of the Amstrad coloured alternatives, and industry-standard D-connector Centronics ports in place of the edge connectors. They were otherwise identical at the hardware level, with a link on the PCB being set to configure the sign-on message as Schneider rather than Amstrad. Documentation and case labels were translated into German.

East Germany: KC compact

Like most other computers of the era, the CPC inspired a clone in the Eastern bloc - the KC compact, made in East Germany using Soviet and East German components.

The machine differed from a CPC visually with a different style of case, external power supply and (optional and even more scarce than the main device) external 5.25' Robotron disc drive. Unlike the Amstrad models it could be used with a television screen out of the box. It ran BASIC 1.1 and a CP/M clone, the German-language MicroDOS. It had 64-KiB RAM built in and an additional 64-KiB RAM was provided with the external disc/tape drive adapter.

The Z80 processor was replaced with a U 880 (which is 100 percent bug-compatible), and some proprietary Amstrad I/O chips replaced with clones based on the Z8536. This clone machine was around 95 percent compatible with the original.

The CPC 5512

The 'CPC 5512' was an April Fool concocted by weekly French computer magazine, Hebdogiciel. The purported specifications included 512 KiB RAM, a 5.25' floppy disk drive, and Digital Research's GEM on a CPC 6128 clone. Amstrad France eventually decided not to sue for lost trade, but forced the magazine to offer a refund of the purchase price to any disappointed readers.

Plus models

In 1990 Amstrad introduced the 'Plus' series which tweaked the hardware in many ways and added a cartridge slot to all models. Most improvements were to the video display which saw an increase in palette to 4096 colours and gained a capacity for hardware sprites. Splitting the display into separate modes and pixel scrolling both became full supported hardware features, although the former was easy, and the latter possible to some degree, on the non-'Plus' hardware using clever programming of the existing Motorola 6845.

An automatic DMA transfer system for feeding the sound chip was also added, enabling high-quality samples to be replayed with minimal processor overhead; the sound chip itself, however, remained unchanged. Additionally, the BASIC command set for disc access was improved.

A cut down CPC+ without the keyboard nor support for non-cartridge media was released simultaneously as the GX4000 video game console.

These models did not do very well in the marketplace, failing to attract any substantial third party support. The 8-bit technology behind the CPC was starting to look out-of-date by 1990, and Amstrad's marketing failed to promote any significant advantage over the competing Atari ST and Commodore Amiga systems. There is some anecdotal suggestion that users resented the substantial price hike for cartridge games compared to their tape and disc counterparts, likely exacerbated by the tendency to rerelease old CPC games on cartridge without taking advantage of the enhanced Plus hardware.

Hardware description

All CPC models were based on a Zilog Z80 processor clocked at 4MHz. Because a common pool of RAM is shared with the video circuits, the Z80 may only make a memory accesses every four cycles - which has the effect of rounding all instruction cycle lengths up to the next multiple of four. The speed is therefore roughly equivalent to a 3.3MHz machine.

The system came with 64 KiB or 128 KiB of RAM depending on the model (capable of being expanded to 512k within the Amstrad-standard address space). The machines also featured an (almost) standard 9-pin Atari-style joystick socket which was able to take two joysticks via a splitter.

Video (graphics): modes, outputs

Underlying the CPC's video output was the Motorola 6845 address generator. This chip was connected to a pixel generator that supported 4 bpp, 2 bpp and 1 bpp output (bpp = bits per pixel). The address generator was clocked at a constant rate so the 4 bpp display generated half as many pixels as the 2 bpp and a quarter as many as the 1 bpp. Three built-in display resolutions were available, though increased screen size could be achieved by reprogramming the 6845.

The standard video modes were:
Mode 0: 160x200 pixels with 16 colors (4 bpp)
Mode 1: 320x200 pixels with 4 colors (2 bpp)
Mode 2: 640x200 pixels with 2 colors (1 bpp)

A colour palette of 27 colors was supported, derived from RGB colour space with each component assigned as either off, half on or on. The later Plus models extended this to 4096 colours and added support for hardware sprites.

This hardware compares well with the other 8-bit computers. In particular the CPC lacks the colour clash of the ZX Spectrum and clever programming of the 6845 could produce overscan, different resolutions (although with the same pixel density), and smooth pixel scrolling.

The machine lacked either an RF TV or composite video output and instead shipped with a proprietary 6-pin DIN connector intended for use solely with the supplied Amstrad monitor. An external adapter for RF TV was available to be bought separately.

The 6-pin DIN connector is capable of driving a SCART television with a correctly wired lead. The video signals are PAL frequency 1v p-p analogue RGB with composite sync.

Audio (sound)

The CPC used the General Instrument AY-3-8912 sound chip, providing three channels, each configurable to generate square waves, white noise or both. A small array of hardware volume envelopes are available.

Output was provided in mono by a small (4 cm) built-in loudspeaker with volume control, driven by an internal amplifier. Stereo output was provided through a 3.5mm headphones jack.

Playback of digital sound samples at a resolution of approximately 5-bit, as heard on the title screen of the game RoboCop, was possible by sending a stream of values to the sound chip. This trick was very processor-intensive and hard to combine with any other processing.

The 3' floppy disk drives

Amstrad's idiosyncratic choice of Hitachi's 3' floppy disk drive, when the rest of the PC industry was moving to Sony's 3.5' format, is often claimed to be due to Amstrad bulk-buying a large consignment of 3' drive units in Asia. The chosen drive (built-in in later models) was a single-sided 40-track unit that required the user to physically remove and flip the disk to access both sides. Each side had its own independent write-protect switch. The sides were termed 'A' and 'B', with each one commonly formatted to 180 kB (in AMSDOS format, comprising 2 kB directory and 178 kB storage) for a total of 360 kB per disc.

The interface with the drives was a NEC 765 FDC, used for the same purpose in the IBM PC/XT, PC/AT and PS/2 machines. Many of its features were unused in order to cut costs, namely DMA transfers and support for single density disks; they were formatted as double density using Modified frequency modulation.

Disks were typically shipped in a paper sleeve or a hard plastic case resembling a compact disc 'jewel' case. The casing is thicker and more rigid than that of 3.5' diskettes. A sliding metal cover to protect the media surface is internal to the casing and latched, unlike the simple external sliding cover of Sony's version (some reviews at the time reported driving over them with no problems). Because of this they were significantly more expensive than both 5.25' and 3.5' alternatives. This, combined with their low nominal capacities and their essentially proprietary nature, led to the format being discontinued shortly after the CPC itself was discontinued.

Apart from Amstrad's other 3' machines (the PCW and the ZX Spectrum +3), the few other computer systems to use them included the Sega SF-7000 and mostly obscure and exotic CP/M systems such as the Tatung Einstein and Osborne machines. They also found some use on embedded systems.

The Shugart-standard interface meant that Amstrad CPC machines were able to use both 3.1/2' and 5.1/4' drives through their 'external drive' port - either one specially designed for use by the CPC or an adapted IBM PC drive. Programs such as ROMDOS and ParaDOS extended the standard AMSDOS system to provide support for double-sided, 80-track formats, enabling up to 800k to be stored on a single disk.

Serial port adaptor

Amstrad issued two RS-232-C D25 serial interfaces, attached to the expansion connector at the rear of the machine, with a through-connector for the CPC464 disk drive or other peripherals. The original interface came with a 'Book of Spells' for facilitating data transfer between other systems using a proprietary protocol in the device's own ROM, as well as terminal software to connect to British Telecom's Prestel service. A separate version of the ROM was created for the U.S. market due to the use of the commands 'SUCK' and 'BLOW', which were considered unacceptable there.

Software and hardware limitations in this interface led to its replacement with an Amstrad-branded version of a compatible alternative by Pace. Other serial interfaces were available from third-party vendors such as KDS Electronics and Cirkit.


Built-in BASIC and operating system

Like most home computers at the time, the CPC had its OS and a BASIC interpreter built in as ROM. It used Locomotive BASIC - an improved version of Locomotive Software's Z80 BASIC for the BBC Microcomputer co-processor board. This was faster, more comfortable and more powerful than the generic but common Microsoft BASIC used by the Commodore 64 and MSX amongst others. It was particularly notable for providing easy access to the machine's video and audio resources in contrast to the arcane POKE commands required on generic Microsoft implementations.

Other languages

Although it was possible to obtain compilers for Locomotive BASIC, C and Pascal, the majority of the CPC's software was written in native Z80a assembly language. Popular assemblers were Hisoft's Devpac, Arnor's Maxam, and (in France) DAMS. All disk-based CPC (not Plus) systems shipped with an interpreter for the educational language LOGO, booted from CP/M 2.2 but largely CPC-specific with much code resident in the AMSDOS ROM.

Criticism of CPC software (games)

The quality of CPC games has been sometimes criticized due to the existence of releases that were simply a ZX Spectrum port, thus not measuring taking full advantage of the CPC capabilities.

The CPC shared the Z80a processor with the ZX Spectrum. Consequently many game manufacturers, seeking to cut costs, developed games for the two systems in parallel or ported older Spectrum games, yielding products that did not take advantage of hardware scrolling or the availability of 4 and 16 colour modes. Despite this, CPC versions would typically look better due to the lack of the attribute clash characteristic of the ZX Spectrum.

For the majority who targeted the CPC, challenges included the lack of hardware support for sprites, and difficulties in implementing smooth scrolling — particularly tricky at a rate of under 8 pixels per second in the vertical direction. The complicated memory arrangement also made software sprite routines complex and comparatively slow-running, hindering the creation of smooth-running and colourful games.

Titles from the late 80s onwards tended to be coded more carefully than their mid 80s counterparts, making better use of the machine's graphics capabilities. When the CPC was programmed by an expert in the field, the smooth scrolling, colourful graphics and crisp music and sound effects could rival, and in several cases (such as Chase H.Q.) surpass, those of the C64. Nonetheless, the general perception of the CPC, several decades on, is one of a machine whose commercial success could have been greater.

That said, it is important to remark that numerous software companies from that era, such as Ocean Software, Codemasters, Elite Systems, Palace Software, Incentive, Hewson Consultants, Loriciels and Dinamic Software, among others, released quality titles on a regular basis which kept CPC users more than happy. It is also significant that the CPC had much greater support for serious, non-game software than the ZX Spectrum or (in Europe) the C64, not least due to its 80-column text mode. A large userbase persisted well into the 1990s, even from a smaller start than the Spectrum or C64, largely because of those people still using CPC word-processors such as Protext.

Notable games:
- Cybernoid 2
- Turrican
- Switchblade
- Crafton&Xunk (Get Dexter)


Magazines available for the system (at various times) included Amtix!, Computing With The Amstrad, Amstrad Computer User (Amstrad official publication), Amstrad Action, Amstradbladet, and CPC Attack.

The Amstrad CPC vs. its competitors

Since the Amstrad CPC was specifically built to compete with the ZX Spectrum and C64, and was a relatively late entrant into the 1980s 8-bit home computer market, comparisons between those computer systems were frequent in specialist magazines but also among users themselves. Because many games were released simultaneously for the three machines, it was easy - and tempting - to compare quality, technical characteristics, and platform-dependent peculiarities.

Amstrad vs C64

In general, C64 users were prone to snub both other competing machines as 'largely inferior'. In general, the C64 had in general better sound, medium/low-resolution graphics and scrolling than its competitors, thanks to its dedicated hardware. In particular, its sound-generation facilities were vastly superior, due to the SID chip.

However, C64 floppy drives were notoriously slow. It also suffered from a poor built-in BASIC and was not ideal for users who wanted to learn to program in comparison to the other two machines. Although an objective viewpoint might see the C64 as the most successful 8-bit games machine, the CPC managed a much more respectable showing for non-games software.

Amstrad vs Spectrum

Major rivalry existed between ZX Spectrum and CPC users, especially in the UK. The former considered the CPC to be just an overhyped clone of the their beloved Spectrum, while CPC users considered ZX Spectrum users as 'poor, jealous cousins' who tainted their beloved machine with inferior game ports.

The ZX Spectrum had the simplest hardware of all three, though this meant a lower price. As a result, it suffered from colour clash and the internal speaker of the 48k versions had very poor sound compared to the C64 and CPC - although later models of the ZX Spectrum shared the AY-3-8192 sound chip with the CPC.

The Amstrad CPC had better graphics capabilities than the ZX Spectrum, but several early CPC games were directly derived from their ZX Spectrum counterparts, resulting in a number of low quality titles which hurt the machine's reputation. Even when that was not the case, CPC titles sometimes lacked smooth scrolling due to programming complexities.

Again, the 80-column display and large install base of disk users made the CPC a more convincing choice for non-games work.

Amstrad vs BBC Micro

The CPC has occasionally been described as an 'improved Z80 implementation of the (earlier) BBC Micro' due to similarities in firmware and hardware. Both use the Motorola 6845 video address generator and the two have very similar sound output chips - the General Instrument AY-3-8912 in the CPC provides three tone channels each optionally with added noise and the Texas Instruments SN76489 in the BBC offers three tone channels and one exclusive noise channel. The BBC Micro uses an Intel 8271 floppy disc controller. The CPC uses the Intel 8272, which is similar to the 8271 but contains the addition of a double density (MFM) mode.

The 'two cursor' BASIC editing system seen on the Amstrad CPC (whereby holding Shift and using the cursor keys moves a shadow text cursor allowing text to be copied from another area of the screen to the normal cursor) is similar to that in BBC BASIC, albeit substantially improved by allowing free movement of the normal cursor. Both systems provide similar systems of full hardware abstraction through Operating System calls. This saves programs which don't require time-critical hardware access from having to touch the underlying machine and provides a level of machine portability for those programs.

Influence on other Amstrad machines

Amstrad followed their success with the CPC 464 by launching the Amstrad PCW word-processor range, another Z80-based machine with a 3' disk drive and software by Locomotive Software. The PCW was originally developed to be compatible with an improved version of the CPC ('ANT', or Arnold Number Two - the CPC's development codename was Arnold). However, Amstrad decided to focus on the PCW, which in due course became vastly successful, and the ANT project never came to market.

In 1986, Amstrad purchased the entire computer product range from Sinclair and the rights to use its brand name, discontinuing the unsuccessful Sinclair QL 68008-based model and relaunching the Sinclair ZX Spectrum 128 in '+2' and '+3' variants with better keyboards and integral storage drives. The case and design of these recognisably drew from the CPC series. Again, Locomotive were responsible for much of the firmware in the +3.

Hardware tricks on the CPC series

CRTC programming tricks

Simple reprogramming of the Motorola 6845 CRTCm can produce extended graphic modes, with up to 784x384 pixels, that use the overscan area - though these are not supported by Locomotive BASIC. Careful timing of palette switches allows all 27 hardware colours to be visible in any display mode. Due to high CPU use, programs with variable CPU load, such as games, would not usually change the palette more than six times per frame (the frequency of the CPC's hardware interrupt).

Changing the video address in mid-frame, which itself is only possible by fooling the CRTC into thinking that vertical sync has occurred, splits the screen in two separate areas that can be hardware-scrolled independently.

The custom VGA (Video Gate Array) chip could also be reprogrammed in the middle of the frame. Changing the display mode, for example, allows the programmer to divide the screen into a colourful playing area and a high resolution score area -- as in Sorcery by Virgin Games.

Sound tricks

Careful programming of the AY sound chip could cause it to produce a level wave. Adjustment of the output volume would cause related adjustments in the amplitude of the wave. Using this observation it was possible to output PCM digital audio at roughly 5-bit quality, albeit at a very high CPU cost.

The machine had an internal mechanical relay for controlling the tape recorder's motor which when switched would produce an audible click. A very few pieces of software used this trick to produce 'realistic' percussion sounds.

Infos from Wikipedia

Console 1990

Amstrad GX4000

The GX4000 was Amstrad's short-lived attempt to enter the games console market. The console was released in 1990 and was based on the still-popular CPC technology. The GX4000 was actually a modified CPC6128+ computer. This allowed The GX4000 to be compatible with a majority of CPC+ computer line software. Initial reviews were favourable - the console had impressive enhanced graphics and sound, a huge colour palette of 4096 (more than the 16 bit Sega Mega Drive), hardware sprites and hardware scrolling. The console itself had a sleek curved design (reminiscient of Nintendo 64, which came out six years later). It retailed for Pound 99 and came bundled with driving game Burnin' Rubber. GX4000 game cartridges could also be used by the new 464+ and 6128+ computers released at the same time.

Commercial failure
The GX4000 was a commercial failure and is one of the least successful game consoles ever made. This was in part due to the GX4000 being powered by 8 bit technology and almost immediately being superseded by the 16 bit Sega Mega Drive (released in November 1990 in Europe), and eventually the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. There was little available software at launch, with some games being released months late or cancelled entirely. To make matters worse, several GX4000 games were simply CPC games from previous years rereleased onto a cartridge. This was not inspiring and users were not prepared to pay Pound 25 for a cartridge game that they could buy for Pound 3.99 on cassette instead. Like Commodore with their C64GS system, essentially a cut down C64 in much the same was as the GX4000 was a cut down CPC, Amstrad massively overestimated how much extra people were willing to pay for the reliability and instant loading times of cartridge technology. Within a few weeks of the initial launch, the system could be bought at discounted prices. Popular UK videogame magazines marked the system as 'the worst system of the month' as voted by readers.

Many readers complained about lack of coverage in Amstrad magazines, Amstrad Computer User & Amstrad Action. Amstrad Action continued to give coverage for the machine when possible and included a complete rundown on every game released for the console that ran for 3 issues well after the GX4000s demise.

In an interview with UK magazine Retro Gamer, one Amstrad insider (implausibly) claimed that the GX4000 was 'technically at least on a par' with the SNES and that the machine faltered due to a lack of games and Amstrad not having the marketing budget to take on Nintendo and Sega.

In all, fewer than 40 games were produced for the GX4000, of which only half were original and unique to the console. The games were made by UK-based companies Ocean (Bought out by Infogrames UK and now Atari Inc.) and U.S. Gold (later Eidos & now owned by SCI (Sales Curve Interactive). Notable GX4000 games were Burnin' Rubber, RoboCop 2, Pang, Plotting (AKA Flipull), Navy Seals and Switchblade. The last was later released for the CPC range with only minor concessions, mainly colour.

The GX4000 was only manufactured for a matter of months before it was discontinued.

Technical specifications
CPU: 8-bit Zilog Z80A at 4 MHz
16 sprites
Resolution: from 160x200 to 640x200
4096 colour palette - 32 onscreen
Memory: 64 kB RAM, 16 kB VRam, 32 kB ROM
I/O: Audio output, 2 x digital controller connectors, Analog controller port (IBM standard), Light gun connector (RJ11 socket), Audio & RGB video output (8 pin DIN), Scart connector (audio & video), power supply socket from external PSU, power supply socket from monitor
Sound: 3 channel Mono; AY-3-8910 chip
Game Format: cartridge

Infos from: Wikipedia

Handheld August 1992

Amstrad NC-100

By 1992, once fast-growing Amstrad was struggling. Its reputation as a PC maker
had been undermined by a batch of dodgy Seagate disk drives at the same time
that bigger-name vendors were engaged in a price war, squeezing Amstrad out of
the market.
The NC 100, NC 150 and NC 200 were three products that its founder Alan Sugar was hoping would help revive the company's fortunes.
Cutting edge, they were not. Both were based on old eight-bit Zilog Z80
microprocessors. Curiously, both machines came with a BBC Basic interpreter on
which users could develop their own applications.
The NC 100 was a ?199 notebook computer the size of a piece of A4 paper, with a full size keyboard and a "letterbox" screen at the top, offering 80 columns by 8 lines.
It had an RS232 serial port and a Centronics parallel port for printer and communications. Built-in were 64 kilobytes of memory, expandable to 1 megabyte with the addition of an add-on memory card.
"If you can't use this new computer in five minutes, you'll get your money
back," boasted the company in its launch advertising. For ease of use, it had
four colour-coded keys giving instant access to a number of built-in
applications, including a word processor, calculator, diary and address book.
At a time when an entry-level lap-top computer cost more than ?2,000 and the
sub-notebook had not been invented, the NC100 and NC200 offered a good value
alternative for those with basic computing needs, such as word processing on the move.
All the NC computers were made in Japan by Nakajima. The company also sold its own version of the NC-100, called ES-210.

Thanks to Graeme Burton for information about NC series computers.

Handheld October 1993

Amstrad NC-200

The NC200, was the last model of the NC series which was comprised of the NC 100 and NC 150.
It was a very much smarter, more professional design, with a larger fold-out screen - offering 80 columns by 16 lines - a built-in 3? inch, 720 kilobyte floppy disk drive for storage, but at a heftier price tag of ?329.
It also had a spreadsheet, which the NC100 did not, as well as twice as much built-in memory at 128 kilobytes.

Computer 1986

Amstrad PC1512

The Amstrad PC 1512 was launched in 1986. After the Amstrad CPC 464, the CPC 664 and the CPC 6128 (three home computers based on the Z80) and the PCW 8256 and the PCW 9512 (both dedicated word processing computers based on the Z80 as well), Amstrad decided to make its first low-cost PC clone. It was a great European success, capturing more than 25% of the European computer market (impressive now and phenomenal then).
This cheap computer was, however, complete and offered more than some others did. The small power supply (57 W) was integrated into the monitor.
Eight models were offered: The PC 1512 SD/DD (with one or two 5.25" floppy disk drives) and two models with hard disk (HD10 with 10 MB hard disk and HD20 with 20 MB hard disk). FD and HD versions could be acquired with a monochrome or colour monitor.
The Amstrad used an "enhanced" CGA graphic mode, which could display 640x200 pixels with 16 colors (or grayscale). It was sold with MS-DOS 3.2, DR-DOS plus 1.2 (an operating system from Digital Research), GEM (a graphic interface, also used in the Atari ST, TT & Falcon), GEMPAINT and GEM BASIC.
The mouse port, although using 9 pins like a COM port, is proprietary to Amstrad ... The port is female and is only for use with an Amstrad mouse. The special PC-CM monitor provides power to the system unit by a large 14-DIN connector.
Charles Da Silva adds:

Digital Research brought all its support to the Amstrad PC with its DR-DOS, expecting it to know the same success as the CPC and PCW series. The problem is that, near to the launch, Sugar decided to also include MS-DOS, destroying all D.R. hopes to get even on Microsoft...

Andrew Balls comments:

The PC-1512 was CGA-compatible software wise, but the display had a round DIN connector instead of 9-pin D and the signals were different: I vaguely recall that they were analogue instead of digital and perhaps had composite sync. It has been many, many years since I looked at these. The PC-1640 had proper TTL EGA on a 9-pin D.

Rond Ofstad adds:

On the earliest versions of the 1512 model SD/DD you could get a HardCard. It was a controller card with onboard 10 or 20 MB HD.

Computer 1986

Amstrad PC1640

The Amstrad PC 1640 was the successor to the Amstrad PC 1512. It had the same characteristics as its predecessor except for added memory (640 KB instead of 512 KB) and the EGA graphics standard.
It also had great success, but to a lesser extent than the PC 1512. As the PC 1512, the Amstrad PC 1640 came with the GEM graphical user interface, from Digital Research, an alternative to Windows.
The PC-1640 was marketed under the name PC-6400 in the USA. It was also sold in Germany and maybe some other European countries under the name Schneider.
Three different kinds of monitors where supported, monochrome (-> Hercules), low-res (max 640 x 200) and hi-res (max 640 x 350). The hi-res monitor had a fan for the power supply as opposed to the other monitors which where fan-less. With the low-res monitor you could choose between a full CGA compatible mode (required for many CGA games) and an EGA mode (used for 640 x 200 x 16 eg. for GEM or 320 x 200 x 16 for several games).
Contributors: Andr? Janz
Charles Da Silva adds:

The 1640 was first introduced in the US and after a few months in Europe (which infuriated the British media, some of them having already been harsh critics on the 1512 : fan problems - forgetting that since the PSU was in the monitor, it was not needed - not 'fully' compatible as it was then thought. All of this proved to come from IBM itself, which made Alan Sugar really angry).
You can find all this info in 'Alan Sugar' from late D. Thomas.

Ex Cathedra's memories:

I did a large amount of development on these machines in the late 80s. They were surprisingly good, with only a few bugs and incompatibilities with the IBM PC standard. Bearing in mind the price differential, we had no problems living with these.
The RTC and BIOS settings were preserved by 4xAA batteries under the monitor - a configuration I wish we still had today! There was a minor (patchable) bug in the BIOS which caused a div/0 error at midnight each night if you'd left it running a long compilation...

Computer 1985

Amstrad PCW

The Amstrad PCW series (Personal Computer Word processor) was British company Amstrad's versatile line of home/personal microcomputers pitched as a complete, integrated home/office solution. It was first sold in 1985.

Some models were also affectionately known as Joyce, especially in Germany; the name is that of a secretary of Alan Sugar, the founder of Amstrad, and was the codename of the machine while it was in development.

General features

The PCWs came as complete setups bundled with a full-size word processor keyboard, high resolution monochrome CRT monitor, printers of various types, and floppy disk drive(s). The motherboard and disk drives were incorporated into the casing of the monitor. Although it lacked a built-in operating system, the package included bootable floppy disks containing LocoScript word processing software, and the CP/M operating system, including the Mallard BASIC dialect of the BASIC programming language and the Digital Research implementation of Seymour Papert's LOGO programming language.

3' drive common on Amstrad machinesThe floppy disk drives on early models were the relatively obscure 3-inch 'compact floppy' format. Later models replaced these with standard 3.1/2' 'microfloppy' drives. During the PCWs lifetime, many commercially-produced upgrades were available for the 3' disk models to add one or two 3.5' drives, either internally or externally. Often these were manually switchable to select which drives were 'A' and 'B'; some even had extra electronics that could do this automatically when the machine was switched on. It is also possible to fit a standard 3.5' floppy drive as a DIY upgrade; this however requires a number of modifications to the PCW's internal cabling and the external cabinet. Some modern PC floppy drives do not support the control signals that the PCW expects, and this can require extra circuitry or other methods to work around.

In order to allow a bundled printer to be included with every PCW, Amstrad devised a new, lower-level printer control protocol, placing the majority of the printer drive electronics inside the PCW cabinet. Instead of having a relatively sophisticated microcontroller inside the printer casing, the printer consisted only of electromechanical components and high current driver electronics; the power supply was fed from inside the PCW, and pin and motor drive signals were driven by a very small and simple microcontroller on the PCW mainboard. Most models of PCW were bundled with a 9-pin dot matrix printer mechanism, with the later 9512 and 9512+ models using a daisywheel (with a different cable; the printers were not interchangeable with the dot matrix models). These PCW printers could not, of course, be used on other computers, and the original PCW lacked a then-standard Centronics printer port. Instead, the Z80 bus and video signals were brought to an edge connector socket at the back of the cabinet. Many accessories including parallel and serial ports were produced for this interface. Some of the later models included a built-in parallel port; these could be bundled with either the dedicated Amstrad printer, or a Canon Bubblejet model.

The machines were built around the 8-bit Zilog Z80 processor, running at 4 MHz, and managed the relatively large amount of RAM main memory using a technique known as bank switching (allowing access to more than the Z80's normal 16-bit address bus reach of 64 kB). The PCW divided RAM into 16 kB sections, of which four could be accessed at any time. In CP/M, the memory used for the display was switched out while programs were running, giving more than 60 kB of usable RAM. While the Joyce architecture was designed with configurations of 128 kB and 256 kB of RAM in mind, no PCW was ever sold with 128 kB of RAM.

The PCWs were definitely not designed to play games, although some software authors considered this a minor detail, releasing games like Batman, Head Over Heels, and Bounder. The PCW video system was not at all suited to games. In order that it be able to display a full 80 column page plus margins, the display's addressable area was 90 columns and the display had 32 lines. The display was, in fact, monochrome and bitmapped, giving a resolution of 720 by 256. Even with one bit per pixel, this occupied 23 kB of RAM, making software scrolling far too slow for fluid text manipulation. In order to improve this, the PCW implemented roller RAM, with a 512-byte area of RAM used to hold the address of each line of display data, effectively allowing very rapid scrolling. The video system also fetched data in a special order designed so that plotting a character eight scan lines high would touch eight contiguous addresses. This meant that very fast Z80 copy instructions like LDIR could be used. Unfortunately, it meant that drawing lines and other shapes could be very complicated.

The original PCW did not have ROM software. On boot, the onboard microcontroller normally used to run the integrated printer was connected to the data port of the main processor, feeding it instructions, allowing it to start running. This code had to be very small in order to fit into the limited ROM of the microcontroller, and as a consequence it has no character generation code; this is why the Amstrad PCW machines do not display text to indicate the loading of software from floppy disk. Instead, they display a bright screen which is progressively filled by black stripes as the code is loaded.

The PcW16 does not share any hardware with the original PCW series, other than the Z80 CPU, and should be considered to be a completely different machine.

PCW models
The PCW8256 or Joyce (1985) featured 256 kilobytes of RAM and one 3-inch single-sided floppy drive that could store 180 kilobytes on each side of the disk (the disk had to be turned over, 'flipped', to access alternate sides). The 8256 had a green screen monitor.
The PCW8512 or Joyce Plus (1985) came with 512 kB RAM and two 3-inch floppy drives, the second of which could store 720 kB on an 80-track double-density floppy without needing the disk to be turned over.
The PCW9512 (1987) was supplied with a daisy wheel printer instead of the 9-pin dot matrix of the 8000 series. It had a single 3-inch 720 kB floppy drive, and a white-screen monochrome display. The visual appearance was significantly changed. It came with a parallel printer port as standard.
The PcW9256 (1991) had a modern, smaller case design similar to the 9512, but had 256 kB RAM, a single 3.1/2-inch 720 kB floppy drive, a dot-matrix printer, and no parallel port.
The PcW9512+ (1991) was a rework of the older PCW9512, with a 3.5' floppy instead of 3'. As a deriative of the 9512, it retained the parallel port. It was offered with the choice of the PCW9512 daisywheel or Canon Bubblejet printer.
The PcW10 (1993) was a 9256 with 512 kB RAM and a parallel port.
The PcW16 or Anne (1996) was a radical departure from earlier machines. The Z80 CPU was retained, but ran at 16 MHz and had 1 MB of Flash RAM. The system supported 1.44 MB 3.1/2-inch floppy disks, and came bundled with an entirely rewritten GUI software suite (Rosanne) and a mouse. It did not, however, come with a printer, and nor did it run software designed for the earlier machines. (An implementation of CP/M was later developed for running certain text-based programs such as Mallard BASIC.)

Market impact
The PCW series was extremely successful in addressing its particular market. These machines were not sold as general-purpose computers but rather as simple word processors. They were not bought in preference to a PC or an Amiga; but rather in preference to an electric typewriter. The PCW screen displayed 32 lines with 90 characters each (256 lines of 720 pixels), so more text could appear on a single screen simultaneously than on the 80x25 layout used on other machines.

Despite this they were capable microcomputers which were used for database management, online services, spreadsheets, programming, and even graphics and desktop publishing. The Sage Group's early growth was largely due to the demand for its PCW-based accounts package. The PCW introduced a generation of British writers to computers who might not have otherwise become involved with them.

Infos from: Wikipedia

Computer 1994

Amstrad PCW16

The PCW 16 replaced the PCW 9512. Contrary to the previous models, which used a text-based interface, the PCW 16 used a graphical user interface called The Desktop. The computer didn't run CP/M like the old PCW computers, but had its own operating system called Roseanne. Even though CP/M wasn't supplied, it was adapted to this machine by independent developers.
Unlike the previous PCW models which came with only the Locoscript word-processor, the PCW16 came with a complete range of built-in software - word-processor, spreadsheet, address book, diary/alarm, calculator and file manager.
Luckily, Amstrad abandoned the Hitachi 3" floppy format and switched to the standard MSDOS 3.5" 1.44 MB double-density floppy disk. The Roseanne system could use long filenames (up to 31 characters). The display was also standard: 640 x 480 VGA mode.
Amstrad provided Several internal expansions for the PCW-16, 1 MB RAM, 2 MB Flash RAM, Application ROMs, second FDD drive; but it seems that none of them saw the light.


Analogue Pocket


Apogee BK-01

Computer 1976

Apple I

The Apple I, also known as the Apple-1, was an early personal computer. They were designed and hand-built by Steve Wozniak. Wozniak's friend Steve Jobs had the idea of selling the computer. The Apple I was Apple's first product, demonstrated in April 1976 at the Homebrew Computer Club in Palo Alto, California. It went on sale in July 1976 at a price of Dollar666.66, because Wozniak liked repeating digits and because they originally sold it to a local shop for Dollar500 and added a one-third markup. About 200 units were produced. Unlike other hobbyist computers of its day, which were sold as kits, the Apple I was a fully assembled circuit board containing about 30 chips. However, to make a working computer, users still had to add a case, power supply, keyboard, and display. An optional board providing a cassette interface for storage was later released at a cost of Dollar75.

The Apple I is sometimes credited as the first personal computer to be sold in fully assembled form; however, some argue that the honor rightfully belongs to other machines, such as the MOS Technology KIM-1, Datapoint 2200, or more commonly the Altair 8800 (which could be bought in kit or assembled form for extra cost). One major difference sets the Apple I apart — it was the first personal computer to use a keyboard.

Excerpt from Apple 1 design manual, including Steve Wozniak's handwritten diagramsThe Apple I's built-in computer terminal circuitry was distinctive. All one needed was a keyboard and an inexpensive video monitor. Competing machines such as the Altair 8800 generally were programmed with front-mounted toggle switches and used indicator lights (red LEDs, most commonly) for output, and had to be extended with separate hardware to allow connection to a computer terminal or a teletype machine. This made the Apple I an innovative machine for its day. It was discontinued in March 1977, when it was replaced with the Apple II, which added graphics and sound capabilities.

As of 2008, an estimated 30 to 50 Apple Is are still known to exist, making it a very rare collector's item. An Apple I reportedly sold for Dollar50,000 at auction in 1999; however, a more typical price for an Apple I is in the Dollar14,000–Dollar16,000 range. A software-compatible clone of the Apple I (Replica 1) produced using modern components, was released in 2003 at a price of around Dollar200.

Infos from: Wikipedia

Computer 1977

Apple II

The Apple II (often written as Apple ][ or Apple //) was the first mass produced microcomputer product manufactured by Apple. It was one of the earliest and most successful home computers. In terms of ease of use, features and expandability the Apple II was a major technological advancement over its predecessor, the Apple I, a limited production bare circuit board computer for electronics hobbyists which pioneered many features that made the Apple II a commercial success. Introduced at the West Coast Computer Faire in 1977, the Apple II was among the first successful personal computers and responsible for launching the Apple company into a successful business. Throughout the years a number of different models were introduced and sold, with the most popular model manufactured having relatively minor changes even into the 1990s. By the end of its production in 1993, somewhere between five and six million Apple II series computers (including approximately 1.25 million Apple IIGS models) had been produced.

Throughout the 1980s and much of the 1990s, the Apple II was the de facto standard computer in American education; some of them are still operational in classrooms today. The Apple II was popular with business users as well as with families and schools, particularly after the release of the popular spreadsheet, VisiCalc, which initially ran only on the Apple II.

The original Apple II operating system was only the built-in BASIC interpreter contained in ROM. Apple DOS was added to support the diskette drive; the last version was 'Apple DOS 3.3'. Apple DOS was superseded by ProDOS to support a hierarchical filesystem and larger storage devices. With an optional Z80 based expansion card the Apple II could even run the popular Wordstar and dBase software under the CP/M operating system. At the height of its evolution, towards the late 1980s, the platform had the graphical look of a hybrid of the Apple II and Macintosh with the introduction of the Apple IIGS. By 1992, the platform featured 16-bit processing capabilities, a mouse driven Graphical User Interface and graphic and sound capabilities far beyond the original.

After years of focus on Apple's Macintosh product line, it finally eclipsed the Apple II series in the early 1990s. Even after the introduction of the Macintosh, the Apple II had remained Apple's primary revenue source for years: the Apple II and its associated community of third-party developers and retailers were once a billion-dollar-a-year industry. The Apple IIGS model was sold through to the end of 1992. The Apple IIe model was removed from the product line on October 15, 1993, ending an era.


The Apple II was designed to look more like a home appliance than a piece of electronic equipment. This was a computer that would not seem out of place in the home, on a manager's desk or in a classroom. The lid popped easily off the beige plastic case, however, allowing access to the computer's internals, including the motherboard with eight expansion slots, and an array of random access memory (RAM) sockets which could hold up to 48 Kilobytes worth of memory chips.

The Apple II had color and high-resolution graphics modes, sound capabilities and one of two built-in BASIC programming languages (initially Integer, later Applesoft). Compared with earlier microcomputers, these features were well-documented and easy to learn. The Apple II sparked the beginning of the personal computer revolution, as it was targeted for the masses rather than just hobbyists and engineers; its introduction and subsequent popularity also greatly influenced most of the microcomputers that followed it. 'VanLOVEs Apple Handbook' and 'The Apple Educators Guide' by Gerald VanDiver and Rolland Love reviewed more than 1,500 software programs that the Apple II series could use. The Apple dealer network used this book to emphasize the growing software developer base in education and personal use. The books became part of the Apple program and became the first book on database.

Apple II

The first Apple II computers went on sale on June 5, 1977 with a MOS Technology 6502 microprocessor running at 1 MHz, 4 KB of RAM, an audio cassette interface for loading programs and storing data, and the Integer BASIC programming language built into the ROMs. The video controller displayed 24 lines by 40 columns of monochrome, upper-case-only text on the screen, with NTSC composite video output suitable for display on a monitor, or on a TV set by way of an RF modulator. The original retail price of the computer was USDollar1298 (with 4 KB of RAM) and USDollar2638 (with the maximum 48 KB of RAM). To reflect the computer's color graphics capability, the Apple logo on the casing was represented using rainbow stripes, which remained a part of Apple's corporate logo until early 1998. The earliest Apple IIs were assembled in Silicon Valley, and later in Texas; printed circuit boards were manufactured in Ireland and Singapore.

In 1978, an external 5.1/4-inch floppy disk drive, the Disk II, attached via a controller card that plugged into one of the computer's expansion slots (usually slot 6), was used for data storage and retrieval to replace cassettes. The Disk II interface, created by Steve Wozniak, was regarded as an engineering masterpiece at the time for its economy of components. While other controllers had dozens of chips for synchronizing data I/O with disk rotation, seeking the head to the appropriate track, and encoding the data into magnetic pulses, Wozniak's controller card had few chips; instead, the Apple DOS used software to perform these functions. The Group Code Recording used by the controller was simpler and easier to implement in software than the more common MFM. In the end, the low chip count of the controller contributed to making Apple's Disk II the first affordable floppy drive system for personal computers. As a side effect, Woz's scheme made it easy for proprietary software developers to copy-protect the media on which their software shipped by changing the low-level sector format or stepping the drive's head between the tracks; inevitably, other companies eventually sold software to foil this protection. Another Wozniak optimization allowed him to omit Shugart's Track-0 sensor. When the Operating System wants to go to track 0, the controller simply moves forty times toward the next-lower-numbered track, relying on the mechanical stop to prevent it going any further down than track 0. This process, called 'recalibration', made a loud buzzing (rapid mechanical chattering) sound that often frightened Apple novices.

The approach taken in the Disk II controller was typical of Wozniak's design sensibility. The Apple II was full of clever engineering tricks to save hardware and reduce costs. For example, taking advantage of the way that 6502 instructions only access memory every other clock cycle, the video generation circuitry's memory access on the otherwise unused cycles avoided memory contention issues and also eliminated the need for a separate refresh circuit for the DRAM chips.

Rather than using a complex analog-to-digital circuit to read the outputs of the game controller, Wozniak used a simple timer circuit whose period was proportional to the resistance of the game controller, and used a software loop to measure the timer.

The text and graphics screens had a somewhat outdated arrangement (the scanlines were not stored in sequential areas of memory) which was reputedly due to Wozniak's realization that doing it that way would save a chip; it was less expensive to have software calculate or look up the address of the required scanline than to include the extra hardware. Similarly, in the high-resolution graphics mode, color was determined by pixel position and could thus be implemented in software, saving Woz the chips needed to convert bit patterns to colors. This also allowed for sub-pixel font rendering since orange and blue pixels appeared half a pixel-width further to the right on the screen than green and purple pixels.

Color on the Apple II series took advantage of a quirk of the NTSC television signal standard, which made color display really easy (and cheap) to implement. The original NTSC television signal specification was black-and-white. Color was tacked on later by adding a 3.58 MHz subcarrier signal that was ignored by B&W TV sets. Color is encoded based on the phase of this signal in relation to a reference color burst signal. The result is that the position, size, and intensity of a series of pulses define color information. These pulses can translate into pixels on the computer screen.

The Apple II display provided two pixels per subcarrier cycle. When the color burst reference signal was turned on and the computer attached to a color display, it could display green by showing one alternating pattern of pixels, magenta with an opposite pattern of alternating pixels, and white by placing two pixels next to each other. Later, blue and orange became available by tweaking the offset of the pixels by half a pixel-width in relation to the colorburst signal. The high-resolution enhanced display offered more colors simply by compressing more, narrower pixels into each subcarrier cycle. The coarse, low-resolution graphics display mode worked differently, as it could output a short burst of high-frequency signal per pixel to offer more color options.

The epitome of the Apple II design philosophy was the Apple II sound circuitry. Rather than having a dedicated sound-synthesis chip, the Apple II had a toggle circuit that could only emit a click through a built-in speaker or a line out jack; all other sounds (including two, three and, eventually, four-voice music and playback of audio samples and speech synthesis) were generated entirely by clever software that clicked the speaker at just the right times. Not for nearly a decade would an Apple II be released with a dedicated sound chip. Similar techniques were used for cassette storage: the cassette output worked the same as the speaker, and the input was a simple zero-crossing detector that served as a relatively crude (1-bit) audio digitizer. Routines in the ROM were used to encode and decode data in frequency shift keying for the cassette.

Wozniak's open design and the Apple II's multiple expansion slots permitted a wide variety of third-party devices to expand the capabilities of the machine. Apple II peripheral cards such as Serial controllers, improved display controllers, memory boards, hard disks, and networking components were available for this system in its day. There were emulator cards, such as the Z80 card that permitted the Apple to switch to the Z80 processor and run a multitude of programs developed under the CP/M operating system, including the dBase II database and the WordStar word processor. (At one point in the mid-1980s, more than half the machines running CP/M were Apple II's with Z80 cards.)There was also a third-party 6809 card that would allow OS-9 Level One to be run. The Mockingboard sound card greatly improved the audio capabilities of the Apple, with simple music synthesis and text-to-speech functions. Eventually, Apple II accelerator cards were created to double or quadruple the computer's speed.

Apple II Plus

The Apple II Plus, introduced in June 1979, included the Applesoft BASIC programming language in ROM. This Microsoft-authored dialect of BASIC, which was previously available as an upgrade, supported floating-point arithmetic (though it ran at a noticeably slower speed than Steve Wozniak's Integer BASIC) and became the standard BASIC dialect on the Apple II series.

The Apple II Plus was otherwise identical to the original Apple II. The smaller memory sizes were no longer available, so the II Plus always had a total of 48 KB of RAM, expandable to 64 KB by means of the 'language card', a 16 KB RAM expansion card that could be installed in the computer's slot 0. The Apple's 6502 microprocessor could support a maximum of 64 KB of memory, and a machine with 48 KB RAM reached this limit because of the additional 12 KB of read-only memory and 4 KB of I/O addresses. For this reason, the extra RAM in the language card was bank-switched over the machine's built-in ROM, allowing code loaded into the additional memory to be used as if it actually were ROM. Users could thus load Integer BASIC into the language card from disk and switch between the Integer and Applesoft dialects of BASIC with DOS 3.3's INT and FP commands just as if they had the BASIC ROM expansion card. The language card was also required to use the UCSD Pascal and FORTRAN 77 compilers, which were released by Apple at about the same time. These ran under a non-DOS operating system called the UCSD P-System, which had its own disk format and included a 'virtual machine' that allowed it to run on many different types of hardware. The UCSD P-system had a curious approach to memory management, which became even more curious on the Apple III.

Apple II Europlus and J-Plus

After the success of the first Apple II in the United States, Apple expanded its market to include Europe and the Far East in 1978, with the Apple II Europlus (Europe) and the Apple II J-Plus (Japan). In these models, Apple made the necessary hardware, software and firmware changes in order to comply to standards outside of the US. The power supply was modified to accept the local voltage, and in the European model the video output signal was changed from color NTSC to monochrome PAL — an extra video card was needed for color PAL graphics, since the simple tricks Wozniak had used to generate a pseudo-NTSC signal with minimal hardware didn't carry over to the more complex PAL system. In the Japanese version of the international Apple, the keyboard layout was changed to allow for Katakana writing (full Kanji support was clearly beyond the capabilities of the machine), but in most other countries the international Apple was sold with an unmodified American keyboard; thus the German model still lacked the umlauts, for example. For the most part, the Apple II Europlus and J-Plus were identical to the Apple II Plus. Production of the Europlus ended in 1983.

Apple IIe

An Apple IIe with DuoDisk and Monitor //.The Apple II Plus was followed in 1983 by the Apple IIe, a cost-reduced yet more powerful machine that used newer chips to reduce the component count and add new features, such as the display of upper and lowercase letters and a standard 64 KB of RAM. The IIe RAM was configured as if it were a 48 KB Apple II Plus with a language card; the machine had no slot 0, but instead had an auxiliary slot that for all practical purposes took the place of slot 3, the most commonly used slot for 80 column cards in the II Plus. The auxiliary slot could accept a 1 KB memory card to enable the 80-column display. This card contained only RAM; the hardware and firmware for the 80-column display was built into the Apple IIe, remaining fairly compatible with the older Videx-style cards, even though the low-level details were very different. An 'extended 80-column card' with more memory expanded the machine's RAM to 128 KB. As with the language card, the memory in the 80-column card was bank-switched over the machine's main RAM; this made the memory better suited to data storage than to running software, and in fact the ProDOS operating system, which was introduced with the Apple IIe, would automatically configure this memory as a RAM disk upon booting. Third-party aux-slot memory cards later allowed expansion up to 1 MB. The 1 K 80-column card also enabled one new graphics mode, Double Lo-Res (80x48 pixels); the extended 80-column card enabled two, Double Lo-Res and Double Hi-Res (560x192 pixels). Both modes doubled the horizontal resolution in comparison to the standard Lo-Res (40x48) and Hi-Res (280x192) Modes; in the case of Double Hi-Res, the number of available colors was increased as well, from 6 to 15. Apple IIe's from the very first production run cannot use Double Hi-Res. Neither of these modes was directly supported by the built-in BASIC, however, so the user had to resort to the use of lots of POKE and CALL commands, or assembly language programming, or one of a number of software Toolkits to exploit these modes.

Introduced with the IIe was the DuoDisk, essentially two Disk II 5.1/4-inch drives in a single enclosure designed to stack between the computer and the monitor, and a new controller card to run it. This controller was (by design) functionally identical to the original Disk II controller but used a different connector, allowing a single cable to control both drives in the DuoDisk. The DuoDisk was plagued by reliability problems, however, and did not catch on as well as the Apple IIe itself.

The Apple IIe was the most popular Apple II ever built and was widely considered the 'workhorse' of the line. It also has the distinction of being the longest-lived Apple computer of all time — it was manufactured and sold with only minor changes for nearly eleven years. In that time, following the original, two important variations came to pass known as the Enhanced IIe (four new replacement chips to give it some of the features as the later model Apple IIc, including an upgraded processor called the 65C02) and Platinum IIe (a modernized new look for the case color to match other Apple products of the era, along with the addition of a built-in numeric keypad). An Enhanced IIe with 128 KB of RAM can be considered the minimum requirement for running most Apple II software released after about 1988.

Two and a half years before the Apple IIe, Apple had produced and marketed a computer called the Apple III for business users. This product was not a success, and Steve Wozniak has been quoted as saying that the Apple III had a 100 percent failure rate — every single machine manufactured had some kind of fault. Many of its features were carried over in the design of the Apple IIe, though, including the ProDOS operating system, which was based on Apple III's Sophisticated Operating System (SOS).

Apple IIc

The Apple IIc was Apple's first compact and portable computer.Apple released the Apple IIc in April 1984, billing it as a portable Apple II, because it could be easily carried; however, it lacked battery power and a built-in display. The IIc even sported a carrying handle that folded down to prop the machine up into a typing position. It was the first of three Apple II models to be made in the Snow White design language, and the only one that used its unique creamy off-white color. (The other Snow White computers from the Apple II series, the IIGS and the IIc Plus, were light gray, called 'Platinum' by Apple.)

The Apple IIc was the first Apple II to use the updated 65C02 processor, and featured a built-in 5.25-inch floppy drive and 128 KB RAM, with a built-in disk controller that could control external drives, composite video (NTSC or PAL), serial interfaces for modem and printer, and a port usable by either a joystick or mouse. Unlike previous Apple II models, the IIc had no internal expansion slots at all, this being the means by which its compact size was attained. Third parties did eventually figure out how to wedge up to 1 MB of additional memory and a real-time clock into the machine, and a later revision of the motherboard provided an expansion slot that could accept an Apple memory card bearing up to 1 MB of RAM. The disk port, originally intended for a second 5.1/4-inch floppy drive, eventually was able to interface to 3.1/2-inch disk drives and (via third parties) even hard disks.

To play up the portability, two different monochrome LCD displays were sold for use with the IIc's video expansion port, although both were short-lived due to high cost and poor legibility. (An Apple IIc with the smaller of these displays appeared briefly in the film 2010.) The IIc had an external power supply that converted AC power to 12 V DC, allowing third parties to offer battery packs and automobile power adapters that connected in place of the supplied AC adapter.

The Apple IIc (in its American version) was the first microcomputer to include support for the Dvorak Simplified Keyboard, which was activated using a switch above the keyboard. This feature was also later found in late-model American Apple IIe computers (though the switch was inside the computer) and in the Apple IIGS (accessible via the built-in control panel). The international models used the same mechanism to switch between the localized and the American keyboard layouts, but did not offer Dvorak.

Apple IIGS

The Apple IIGS, the most powerful Apple II, featuring a true 16-bit CPU, 4096 colors, Ensoniq synthesizer, a Mac-like GUI and a mouse.
The Apple IIGS setup, with keyboard and mouse shown.The next member of the line was the Apple IIGS computer, released in September 15, 1986. A radical departure from the existing Apple II line, the IIGS featured a true 16-bit microprocessor, the 65C816, operating at 2.8 MHz with 24-bit addressing, allowing expansion up to 8 MB of RAM without the bank-switching hassles of the earlier machines (RAM cards with more than 4 MB were never directly supported by Apple). It introduced two completely new graphic modes sporting higher resolutions and a palette of 4,096 colors; however, only 4 (at 640x200 resolution) or 16 (at 320x200 resolution) colors could be used on a single line at a time, although a technique known as dithering was often employed in software to increase the number of perceived colors.

In a departure from earlier Apple II graphics modes, the new modes laid out the scanlines sequentially in memory. However, programmers in search of a graphics challenge could always turn to 3200-color mode, which involved precisely swapping in a different 16-color palette for each of the screen's 200 scanlines as the monitor's electron beam traced the screen line by line. This exotic technique did not leave many CPU cycles available for other processing, so this 'mode' was best suited to displaying static images.

The Apple IIGS stood out from any previous (or future) Apple II models, evolving and advancing the platform into the next generation of computing while still maintaining near-complete backward compatibility. The secret of the Apple IIGS's compatibility was a single chip called the Mega II, which contained the functional equivalent of an entire Apple IIe computer (sans processor), which, combined with the flawless 65C02 emulation mode of the 65C816 processor, provided full support for legacy software.

The computer also included a 32-voice Ensoniq 5503, 'wavetable' sample-based music synthesizer chip with 64 KB dedicated RAM, 256 KB of standard RAM, built-in peripheral ports (switchable between IIe-style card slots and IIc-style onboard controllers for disk drives, mouse, RGB video, and serial devices), built-in AppleTalk networking, and a ROM toolbox that supported a graphical user interface derived from the Macintosh toolbox. The computer could run existing 8-bit Apple II software (including software written for the very first Apple II in Integer BASIC), but also supported 16-bit software running under a new OS first called ProDOS 16 and later called GS/OS. The new OS eventually included a Finder that could be used for managing disks and files and opening documents and applications, along with desk accessories — just like the Macintosh. The 16-bit operating system would automatically switch to the text display and downshift to 8-bit mode to run legacy software, while offering a consistent, Macintosh-like graphical interface for native 16-bit applications. Eventually the IIGS gained the ability to read and write Macintosh disks and, through third-party software, even multitasking (both cooperative and preemptive, the latter in the form of a Unix-type shell), outline TrueType font support, and in one case, even real-time 3D gaming using texture mapping.

The first 50,000 Apple IIGS computers came with Steve Wozniak's 'Woz' signature silkscreened on the front and were referred to as the 'Woz Limited Edition'. These machines are not functionally different from machines from the same time period without the signature.

Apple IIc Plus

The Apple IIc Plus, an 8-bit revision of the original portable but with faster CPU, 3.1/2-inch floppy and built-in power supply. It was the last of the Apple II line.The final Apple II model was the Apple IIc Plus introduced in 1988. It was the same size and shape as the IIc that came before it, but the 5.1/4-inch floppy drive had been replaced with a 3.1/2-inch drive, the power supply was moved inside (gone was the IIc's 'brick on a leash' power supply), and the processor was a fast 4 MHz 65C02 processor that actually ran 8-bit Apple II software faster than the IIGS. (Third-party accelerators for other models could, however, go as fast as 10 MHz, and IIGS accelerators would eventually reach 16 MHz.) The IIc Plus's accelerator was derived from a design licensed from Zip Technologies, a third-party maker of accelerators for the Apple II, though Apple used separate chips instead of combining the processor, cache, and supporting logic on a multi-chip module as did Zip. Like later models of the original Apple IIc, the IIc Plus included a memory expansion slot that would accept a daughter-card carrying up to a megabyte of RAM. The IIc Plus also featured a new keyboard layout that matched the Platinum IIe and IIGS. Unlike the IIe, IIc and IIGS, the IIc Plus came only in one, American, version, and was not officially sold anywhere outside the USA.

Many perceived the IIc Plus as Apple's attempt to compete with the Laser 128EX/2, a popular third party Apple-compatible machine that also had an accelerated processor and a built-in 3.1/2-inch drive. There were few other rational explanations for Apple expending resources on the continued development of a new 8-bit Apple II model rather than furthering the 16-bit Apple IIGS. However, with its 3.1/2-inch drive and speedy processor, it was an excellent, compact machine for running the AppleWorks integrated productivity package, especially with the 1 MB memory upgrade.

Apple IIe Card

Although not an extension of the Apple II line, in 1990 the Apple IIe Card, an expansion card for the LC line of Macintosh computers, was released. Essentially a miniaturized Apple IIe computer on a card (using the Mega II chip from the Apple IIGS), it allowed the Macintosh to run 8-bit Apple IIe software through hardware emulation (although video was emulated in software and was slower at times than a IIe). Many of the LC's built-in Macintosh peripherals could be 'borrowed' by the card when in Apple II mode (i.e. extra RAM, 3.1/2-inch floppy, AppleTalk networking, hard disk). The IIe card could not, however, run software intended for the 16-bit Apple IIGS. The Macintosh LC with IIe Card was intended to replace the Apple IIGS in schools and homes and was presumably the reason a new model Apple IIGS that was confirmed by insiders to be in development at one point was cancelled and never released.

Other peripheral cards

There were many companies during the 1980s that provided the Apple II line of computers with peripheral cards that added functionality thanks to Steve Wozniak's slot design. One such company was Applied Engineering. Two of the most popular and successful cards were the RamWorks (and its successors, the RamWorks II and RamWorks III) and the TransWarp cards. The RamWorks III card replaced the Apple IIe's auxiliary-slot memory card and with the appropriate daughter board could hold a whopping 3 MB of RAM. The TransWarp card was an Accelerator Card that could speed up the Apple II from its native 1 MHz processor to 3.6 MHz for the TransWarp and 8 MHz for the TransWarp II. The Transwarp card had the advantage of using Slot 3, which was directly tied to the AUX slot and normally unusable if an 80-column card or other such card was populating the AUX slot. Applied Engineering also developed and sold a 1.44 MB 3.1/2-inch disk drive, an improvement over Apple's own 800 kB UniDisk 3.1/2 (for the Apple IIe and IIc) and Apple 3.1/2 Drive (for the Apple IIGS), though Apple did eventually release its own 1.44 MB drive (dubbed the SuperDrive) on the Apple IIe and IIGS. The SuperDrive was one of the last Apple II products released by Apple, and was canceled after a short time, together with the whole Apple II line. The Applied Engineering or AE drive came with its own controller card.

Another card available from Apple was the Apple II ProFile card. This card attached to the Apple ProFile Hard Disk that was initially designed for the Apple III computer. The ProFile was available first in a 5 MB configuration and later in a 10 MB one.

Final years

Apple's Macintosh product line finally eclipsed the Apple II in the early 1990s. Even after the Macintosh's introduction, the Apple II had remained the company's primary revenue source for years: the Apple II and its associated community of third-party developers and retailers was once a billion-dollar-a-year industry. The computer was the first to attract a loyal user community and many outspoken Apple II fans were bitter that the company had invested its Apple II profits into the Macintosh rather than using them to further the Apple II series.

Despite withholding advertising and little corporate support, Apple continued to sell the IIGS throughout 1992. Apple brought an era to a close when the IIe was removed from the product line on October 15, 1993.

Marketing, advertising, and packaging
Mike Markkula, a retired Intel salesman who provided early critical funding for Apple Computer, was keen on marketing. From 1977 until 1981 Apple used the Regis McKenna agency for its advertisements and marketing. In 1981, Chiat-Day acquired Regis McKenna's advertising operations and Apple used Chiat-Day. At Regis McKenna Advertising, the team assigned to launch the Apple II consisted of Rob Janoff, art director, Chip Schafer, copywriter and Bill Kelley, account executive. Janoff came up with the Apple logo with a bite out of it. The design was originally an olive green with matching company logotype all in lower case. Steve Jobs insisted on promoting the color capability of the Apple II by putting rainbow stripes on the Apple logo. In its letterhead and business card implementation, the rounded 'a' of the logotype echoed the 'bite' in the logo. This logo was developed simultaneously with an advertisement and a brochure; the latter being produced for distribution initially at the first West Coast Computer Faire. Ever since the original Apple II, Apple has paid high attention to its quality of packaging, partly because of Steve Jobs' personal preferences and opinions on packaging and final product appearance. All of Apple's packaging for the Apple II series looked similar, featuring lots of clean white space and showing the Apple rainbow logo prominently. For several years up until the 1980s, Apple used the Motter Tekkura font for packaging, until changing to the Apple Garamond font.

Apple ran the first advertisement for the Apple II in the July 1977 edition of Byte — a two page spread ad titled 'Introducing the Apple II' and followed by a third page that was an order form. The first brochure, was entitled 'Simplicity' and the copy in both the ad and brochure pioneered 'demystifying' language intended to make the new idea of a home computer more 'personal.' The Apple II introduction ad was later run in the September 1977 issue of Scientific American.

Apple later aired eight television commercials for the Apple IIGS, emphasizing on its benefits to education and students, along with some print ads.

Towards the end of 1982, art director Brent Thomas and Steve Hayden came up with the idea of doing an ad campaign based on the timely tagline 'Why 1984 won't be like 1984'. Chiat-Day shopped it around to a number of clients, including Apple, where it was proposed to be used for a print ad in the Wall Street Journal promoting the Apple II. However, Apple did not go for it, and the idea was filed away until the spring of 1983, when they met with the Macintosh marketing team to start working on the launch, which was scheduled for January 1984. The idea eventually became the famous 1984 commercial which aired during the third quarter at Super Bowl XVIII.


The Jiama (??) SPS-109, a Taiwanese clone of the Apple II, looks almost identical to the Apple II and II+, including an identical case, color and keyboard layout. The only noticeable physical difference is the label above the keyboard.The Apple II was frequently cloned, both in the United States and abroad - similar cloning of the IBM PC later occurred. According to some sources (see below), more than 190 different models of Apple II clones were manufactured. Many of these had 'fruit' names (e.g. 'Pineapple') to indicate to the initiated that they were Apple II clones. For many years the most widely-used microcomputers in the Soviet Bloc were the Agat, an oversized Russian Apple II clone with a Cyrillic character set, and Bulgarian Pravetz series 8, a close Apple II replica with Cyrillic support.

A Bosnian (at the time part of communist Yugoslavia) company named IRIS Computers (subcompany of biggest electric company in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Yugoslavia ENERGOINVEST) has produced Apple II clones since the early 1980s. Their official brandname was IRIS 8. They were very expensive and hard to obtain and were produced primarily for usage in early computerised digital telephone systems and for education. Their usage in offices of the state companies, R&D labs and in the Yugoslav army was also reported. IRIS 8 had looks of early IBM PCs — separate central unit with cooling system and two 5.1/4-inch disks, monitor and keyboard. Compatibility with original Apple II was complete. Elite high schools in Yugoslavia and especially Bosnia and Herzegovina were equipped with clusters of 8, 16 or 32 IRIS 8 computers connected in local network administrated by IRIS 16 PC clone. The number of IRIS 8's produced could be as many as a couple of tens of thousands.

An Australian-produced clone of the Apple II was the Medfly, named after the Mediterranean fruit fly that attacks apples. The Medfly computer featured a faster processor, more memory, detached keyboard, lower and upper case characters and a built-in disk controller.

Unitron, a Brazilian company, produced another clone, named ApII. Unitron used a copy of the Apple's ROM translated to Portuguese. The operating system was Apple's DOS 3.3 translated to Portuguese. During this period, it was illegal to import microcomputers in Brazil, and buying those (illegal) clones was the only way to have a microcomputer. Unitron stopped manufacturing the ApII a few years after the introduction of IBM PC clones in Brazil.

The Ace clones from Franklin Computer Corporation are the best known and had the most lasting impact, as Franklin copied Apple's ROMs and software and freely admitted to doing so. Franklin's argument: a computer's ROM was simply a pattern of switches locked into a fixed position, and one cannot copyright a pattern of switches. Apple fought Franklin in court for about five years to get its clones off the market, and was ultimately successful when a court ruled that software stored in ROM was in fact copyrightable. (See Apple Computer, Inc. v. Franklin Computer Corp.) Franklin later released non-infringing but less-compatible clones; these could run ProDOS and AppleWorks and had an Applesoft-like BASIC, but compatibility with other software was hit-or-miss.

Apple also challenged VTech's Laser 128, an enhanced clone of the Apple IIc first released in 1984, in court. This suit proved less fruitful for Apple, because VTech had reverse-engineered the Monitor ROM rather than copying it and had licensed Applesoft BASIC from its creator, Microsoft. Apple had neglected to obtain exclusive rights to the Applesoft dialect of BASIC from Microsoft; VTech was the first cloner to license it. The Laser 128 proved popular and remained on the market for many years, both in its original form and in accelerated versions that ran faster than 1 MHz. Although it wasn't 100 percent compatible with the Apple II, it was close, and its popularity ensured that most major developers tested their software on a Laser as well on as genuine Apple machines. Because it was frequently sold via mail order and mass-market retailers such as Sears, the Laser 128 may have cut into the sales of low-cost competitors such as Commodore Business Machines as much as it did Apple's.

While the first Apple II clones were generally exact copies of their Apple counterparts that competed mainly on price, many clones had extra capabilities too. A Franklin model, the Ace 1000, sported a numeric keypad and lower-case long before these features were added to the Apple II line. The Laser 128 series is sometimes credited with spurring Apple to release the Apple IIc Plus; the built-in 3.1/2-inch drive and accelerated processor were features Laser had pioneered. The Laser 128 also had a IIe-style expansion slot on the side that could be used to add peripheral cards.

Bell & Howell, an audiovisual equipment manufacturer whose products (particularly film projectors) were ubiquitous in American schools, offered what appeared at first glance to be an Apple II Plus clone in a distinctive black plastic case. However, these were in fact real Apple II Plus units manufactured by Apple for B&H for a brief period of time. Many schools had a few of these Black 'Darth Vader' Apples in their labs.

ITT created a clone for the European market called the ITT 2020 (Europlus). This clone was built in license from Apple and was thus officially sanctioned by Apple. It has the same shape as the Apple II but a different color (matte silver).

Data storage

Originally the Apple II used audio cassette tapes for program and data storage. A dedicated tape recorder along the lines of the Commodore Datassette was never produced; Apple recommended using the Panasonic RQ309 in some of its early printed documentation. Apple and many third-party developers made software available on tape at first, but after the Disk II became available, tape-based Apple II software essentially disappeared from the market.

The Disk II floppy drive used 5.1/4-inch floppy disks. The first disk operating systems for the Apple II were DOS 3.1 and DOS 3.2, which stored 113.75 kB on each disk, organized into thirty-five tracks of thirteen 256-byte sectors each. After about two years, DOS 3.3 was introduced, storing 140 kB thanks to a minor firmware change on the disk controller that allowed it to store 16 sectors per track. (This upgrade was user-installable on older controllers.) After the release of DOS 3.3, the user community discontinued use of DOS 3.2 except for running legacy software. Programs that required DOS 3.2 were fairly rare, however, as DOS 3.3 was not a major architectural change aside from the number of sectors per track. A program called MUFFIN was provided with DOS 3.3 to allow users to copy files from DOS 3.2 disks to DOS 3.3 disks.

On a DOS 3.x disk, tracks 0, 1, and most of track 2 were reserved to store the operating system. (It was possible, with a special utility, to reclaim most of this space for data if a disk did not need to be bootable.) A short ROM program on the disk controller had the ability to seek to track zero — which it did without regard for the read/write head's current position, resulting in the characteristic 'chattering' sound of a Disk II boot, which was the read/write head hitting the rubber stop block at the end of the rail — and read and execute code from sector 0. The code contained in there would then pull in the rest of the operating system. DOS stored the disk's directory on track 17, smack in the middle of the 35-track disks, in order to reduce the average seek time to the frequently-used directory track. The directory was fixed in size and could hold a maximum of 105 files. Subdirectories were not supported.

Most game publishers did not include DOS on their floppy disks, since they needed the memory it occupied more than its capabilities; instead, they often wrote their own boot loaders and read-only file systems. This also served to discourage 'crackers' from snooping around in the game's copy-protection code, since the data on the disk wasn't in files that could be accessed easily.

Some third-party manufacturers produced floppy drives that could write 40 tracks to most 5.1/4-inch disks, yielding 160 kB of storage per disk, but the format did not catch on widely, and no known software was published on 40-track media. Most drives, even Disk IIs, could write 36 tracks; simple modifications to DOS for formatting the extra track were common.

Incidentally, although the Apple Disk II stored 140 kB on single-sided, 'single-density' floppy disks, it was very common for Apple II users to extend the capacity of a floppy disk to 280 kB — by cutting out a second write-protect notch on the side of the disk using a 'disk notcher' (although a simple hole puncher would do) and inserting the disk flipped over. Early on, diskette manufacturers routinely warned that this technique would damage the read/write head of the drives or wear out the disk faster, and these warnings were frequently repeated in magazines of the day. In practice, however, this method was a quite reliable way to store twice as much data for the same amount of money, and was widely used for commercially released floppies as well.

Later, Apple IIs were able to use 3.1/2-inch disks with a total capacity of 800 kB and hard disks. DOS 3.3 did not support these drives natively; third-party software was required, and disks larger than about 400 kB had to be split up into multiple 'virtual disk volumes.' ProDOS, a 1983 descendent of the Apple ///'s SOS, became the Apple II operating system of choice for users with these larger disks thanks to its native support of volumes up to 32 MB in size and the fact that AppleWorks required it.

Renditions of the 'II' name
The 'II' portion of the Apple II name was rendered in a variety of creative ways using stylized characters which resembled punctuation symbols on the front lids of the computers, and most printed material followed this lead. The II and the 'unenhanced' IIe were labeled ][and ][e, and the IIGS and IIc Plus were rendered in small caps. The Apple ///, IIc, and later IIe models used slashes: ///, //c and //e. There have been some errors in the Apple II's name due to the numerous variations and forms on the 'II'.


'BSoD' XScreensaver module showing a crashed Apple II.
'Apple2' XScreensaver module simulating the typing of a pseudo-BASIC program.Today, emulators for various Apple II models are available to run Apple II software on Mac OS X, Linux, Microsoft Windows, homebrew enabled Nintendo DS and other operating systems. Numerous disk images of Apple II software are available free over the Internet for use with these emulators. AppleWin and MESS are among the best emulators compatible with most Apple II images. The MESS emulator supports recording and playing back of Apple II emulation sessions. The Home Action Replay Page (aka HARP) allows Apple II users to archive their favorite play sessions of the Apple II system and its games. However, many emulators cannot run software on copy-protected media, or can run only software employing fairly simple protection schemes, unless it is 'cracked' (copy restrictions removed). Cracked software was widely pirated in the Apple II's heyday (with commercial cracking software such as the popular Copy II+ program being sold in stores with the purpose of 'creating legitimate back-ups' of protected software), and some of it is still available, although use of such software is of questionable legality (see DMCA). For those who prefer to obtain their old software on the up-and-up, the Lost Classics Project has the goal of convincing copyright holders of classic Apple II software to officially allow unrestricted free distribution of their software and has 'freed' a number of programs.

One unusual homage to the Apple II is an XScreenSaver 'hack' named bsod. The bsod screensaver duplicates the appearance of computer crash screens for various operating systems (including the Windows Blue Screen of Death, after which it is named). In the case of the Apple II, the screensaver actually emulates the CRT display typically used with the computer, so the screen will appear to twitch as text blocks turn on and off, a common quirk of analog NTSC displays. Another module called 'Apple2' shows a working Apple II being used to type and run three different programs in Applesoft BASIC, also with glitch-complete CRT emulation and even typos (or 'syntax errors'), though the error messages are displayed at edit time (like Integer BASIC) instead of at run time (like Applesoft BASIC).

In addition, an active retrocomputing community of vintage Apple II collectors and users, continue to restore, maintain and develop hardware and software for daily use of these original computers. Numerous websites and support groups exist for these enthusiasts who engage in the trade and purchase for their collections, increasingly rare parts and systems. Hardly a dead platform, the Apple II has a worldwide network of kindred spirits actively engaged in preserving this otherwise outdated technology and indeed regularly attracts, new younger members who continue to keep the platform alive long after it was discontinued by Apple.

Industry impact
The Apple II series of computers had an enormous impact on the technology industry and on everyday life. The Apple II was the first computer many people ever saw, and its price was within the reach of many middle-class families. Its popularity bootstrapped the entire computer game and educational software markets and began the boom in the word processor and computer printer markets. The first microcomputer 'killer app' for business was VisiCalc, the earliest spreadsheet, and it ran first on the Apple II; many businesses bought Apple IIs just to run VisiCalc, because it was the only spreadsheet available at the time. Apple's success in the home market inspired competitive home computers such as the VIC-20 (1980) and Commodore 64 (1982, with estimated sales between 17 and 25 million units). Through their significantly lower price point, these models introduced the computer to several tens of millions more home users, acquiring most of Apple's market share in the process.

The success of the Apple II in business spurred IBM to create the IBM PC, which was then purchased by middle managers in all lines of business to run spreadsheet and word processing software, at first ported from Apple II versions; later, whole new application software dynasties would be founded on the PC. The popularity of these PCs and their clones then transformed business again with LAN applications such as e-mail and later Internet applications such as Usenet and the WWW.

One valuable lesson from the Apple II was the importance of an open architecture to the success of a computer platform. The first Apple IIs shipped with an Apple II Reference Manual containing a complete schematic of the entire computer's circuitry and a complete source listing of the 'Monitor' ROM firmware that served as the machine's BIOS (later this guide had to be purchased separately, and in the case of the Apple IIGS, the full technical documentation ran to several volumes). The Apple II's slots, allowing any peripheral card to take control of the bus and directly access memory, enabled an independent industry of card manufacturers who together created a flood of hardware products that let users build systems that were far more powerful and useful (at a lower cost) than any competing system, most of which were not nearly as expandable and were universally proprietary. Even the game port was unusually powerful and could be used for digital and analog input and output; one hacker used it to drive a LaserWriter printer.

Apple decided not to create an open architecture with the initial Macintosh models, and this is widely seen as having hobbled its success; however, the IBM PC provides an object lesson that success for the platform does not necessarily equate to success for the company that invented it. In the end, the IBM PC's off-the-shelf, open architecture allowed clones to be manufactured by startup competitors such as Compaq, Dell and Gateway, leading to a Pyrrhic victory for IBM. In December 2004, IBM confirmed it had sold its personal computer division including all computer models and technology to Lenovo in the People's Republic of China for USDollar1.75 billion.

Infos from: Wikipedia

Handheld 1988

Apple II Plus

The Apple IIc Plus unit was a direct response to the Laser 128EX/2.
Apple retrofitted the IIc design to try to compete with Video Technology's high-speed Apple II clone. The retrofitting is evident in the design of the motherboard. The motherboard runs at 1Mhz, unlike the Laser 128EX/2. In order to run its programs faster, Apple used a 4Mhz 65C02 with 8k of high speed SRAM cache and licensed the accelerator design from Zip Technologies (makers of the ZipChip accelerator for the IIe and IIc). They built an accelerator into a 1Mhz motherboard rather than designing a faster motherboard from scratch.
The designers of the Apple IIc Plus originally wanted to make a portable IIGS. Apple's management, bent on promoting the Mac, balked at the idea. At the same time, the Laser 128EX/2 made a quick design cycle mandatory. The result was an updated IIc.
The Apple IIc Plus was the finest Apple 8-bit computer ever built, but due to a lack of marketing, the apparent backward step in technology compared to the 16-bit Apple IIGS, and the aggressive sales of the Laser 128EX/2, the IIc Plus also was to be the most short-lived of the Apple II models.

Thanks to Steve and his site for the picture.

Computer 1986

Apple IIGS

The Apple IIgs, the fifth model inception of the Apple II, was the most powerful member of the Apple II series of personal computers made by Apple Computer. At the time of its release, it was capable of advanced color graphics and then-state-of-the-art sound synthesis that surpassed those of most other computers, including the black and white Macintosh (apart from a lower vertical resolution). 'GS' referred to its enhanced graphics and sound capabilities, which greatly surpassed previous models of the line.

The machine was a radical departure from any previous Apple II, with its true 16-bit architecture, increased processing speed, direct access to megabytes of RAM, wavetable music synthesizer, graphical user interface, and mouse. While still maintaining full backwards compatibility with earlier Apple II models, it blended the Apple II and aspects of Macintosh technology into one. The Apple IIgs set forth a promising future and evolutionary advancement of the Apple II line, but Apple paid it relatively little attention as the company increasingly focused on the Macintosh platform.

The Apple IIgs was the first computer produced by Apple to use a color graphical user interface, as well as the 'Platinum' (light grey) color scheme and the Apple Desktop Bus interface for keyboards, mice, and other input devices. It was also the first personal computer to come with a built-in 'wavetable' sample-based synthesizer chip, utilizing technology from Ensoniq. The machine outsold all other Apple products, including the Macintosh, during its first year in production.


The IIgs was released September 15, 1986. It was intended to compete with personal computers such as the Commodore Amiga and Atari ST at the time of its release and was somewhat popular with schools, but Apple failed to promote and update the IIgs, preferring to focus on the Macintosh instead. The IIgs lacked compelling features over its competitors and increasingly fell behind other personal computers over its lifetime, and Apple ceased production of it in December 1992.

Hardware features

The Apple IIgs was an innovative computer with many improvements over the older Apple IIe and Apple IIc. It emulated its predecessors by utilising a custom chip called the Mega II and used the new Western Design Center 65816 16-bit microprocessor running at 2.8 MHz, which was faster than the 8-bit 6502 and 65C02 processors used in earlier Apple IIs and also allowed the IIgs to use more RAM.

The IIgs also included enhanced graphics and sound, which led to its GS name. Its graphics were the best of the Apple II series, with new Super High Resolution video modes. These included a 640x200-pixel mode with 2-bit palletized color and a 320x200-pixel mode with 4-bit palletized color, both of which could dip in to a 4,096 color palette. By changing the palette on each scanline, it was possible to display up to 256 colors or more per screen, which was quite commonly seen within game and graphic design software. Through some clever programming, it was possible to display as many as 3,200 colors at once. When first introduced, Apple's user interface known as MouseDesk and the IIgs system Demo were both in black and white only. Users did not see color until an application which took advantage of the new features was launched. Audio was generated by a built-in sound and music synthesizer in the form of the Ensoniq Digital Oscillator Chip (DOC), which had its own dedicated RAM and 32 separate channels of sound, which were paired to produce 15 voices, in stereo audio.

The IIgs could support both 5.1/4-inch and 3.1/2-inch floppy disks and, like the IIe before it, had several expansion slots. These included seven general-purpose expansion slots compatible with those on the Apple II, II+, and IIe, plus a memory expansion slot that could be used to add up to 8 MB of RAM. The IIgs, like the IIc, also had dedicated ports for external devices. These included a port to attach floppy disk drives, two serial ports for devices such as printers and modems (which could also be used to connect to a LocalTalk network), an Apple Desktop Bus port to connect the keyboard and mouse, and composite and RGB video ports. These ports were associated with the slots, so for example using a card in slot 1 would mean the printer port was disabled.

The IIgs also supported booting from an AppleShare server, via the AppleTalk protocol, over LocalTalk cabling. Shortly afterward, so could the IIe, via the 'Apple IIe Workstation Card'. This was over a decade before NetBoot offered the same capability to computers from Mac OS 8 and beyond.

Graphics modes

In addition to supporting all graphics modes of previous Apple II models, the Apple IIgs introduced several new ones through a custom Video Graphics Chip (VGC), all of which used a 12-bit palette for a total of 4096 possible colors, though not all 4096 colors could appear onscreen at the same time.

320x200 pixels with a single palette of 16 colors.
320x200 pixels with up to 16 palettes of 16 colors. In this mode, the VGC holds 16 separate palettes of 16 colors in its own memory. Each of the 200 scan lines can be assigned any one of these palettes allowing for up to 256 colors on the screen at once. This mode is handled entirely by the VGC with no CPU assistance, making it perfect for games and high-speed animation.
320x200 pixels with up to 200 palettes of 16 colors. In this mode, the CPU assists the VGC in swapping palettes in and out of the video memory so that each scan line can have its own palette of 16 colors allowing for up to 3200 colors on the screen at once. This mode is computationally-intensive however, and is only suitable for viewing graphics or in paint programs.
320x200 pixels with 15 colors per palette, plus a 'fill mode' color. In this mode, color 0 in the palette is replaced by the last non-zero color pixel displayed on the scan line (to the left), allowing fast solid-fill graphics (drawn with only the outlines).
640x200 pixels with four pure colors. This mode is generally only used for ensuring that the Apple logo and menu bar retain their colors in Desktop applications.
640x200 pixels with 16 dithered colors. In this mode, two palettes of four pure colors each are used in alternating columns. The hardware then dithers the colors of adjacent pixels to create 16 total colors on the screen. This mode is generally used for programs requiring finer detail such as word processors and the Finder.
Each scan line on the screen could independently select either 320- or 640-mode, fill mode (320-mode only), and any of the 16 palettes, allowing graphics modes to be mixed on the screen. This is most often seen in graphics programs where the menu bar is constantly in 640-pixel resolution and the working area's mode can be changed depending on the user's needs.

Like other Apple computers, the IIgs lacked hardware sprites.

Later on, video cards such as Sequential Systems' Second Sight added SVGA modes allowing 24-bit color to the Apple IIgs.

Audio features

The Apple IIgs' sound was provided by an included Ensoniq ES5503 DOC wavetable sound chip, the same chip used in Ensoniq Mirage and Ensoniq ESQ-1 professional-grade synthesizers. The chip allowed for 32 separate channels of sound, though most software paired them into 16 stereo voices, as did most of the standard tools of the operating system (the MIDISynth Tool Set grouped 4 channels per voice, for a limit of 7-voice audio). The IIgs is often referred to as a 'fifteen-voice system', though, one stereo voice is reserved by the OS at all times for timing and system sounds. Software that doesn't use the OS, or uses custom-programmed tools (most games and demos do this), can access the chip directly and take advantage of all 32 voices.

A standard 1/8' headphone jack was provided on the back of the case, and standard stereo computer speakers could be attached there. However, it provided only mono sound through this jack, and a third party adapter card was required to produce true two-channel stereo, despite the fact the Ensoniq and virtually all native software produced stereo audio (stereo audio was essentially built-in to the machine, but had to be demultiplexed by third party cards). Applied Engineering's SonicBlaster was one of a few developed cards for this purpose.

Expansion capabilities

An Apple SCSI expansion card installed in an Apple IIgs.The IIgs was highly expandable. The expansion slots could be used for a variety of purposes, greatly increasing the computer's capabilities. SCSI host adaptors could be used to connect external SCSI devices such as hard drives and CD-ROM drives. Other mass storage devices such as adaptors supporting more recent internal 2.5-inch IDE hard drives could also be used. Another common class of Apple IIGS expansion cards was accelerator cards, such as Applied Engineering's TransWarp GS, replacing the computer's original processor with a faster one. Applied Engineering developed the PC Transporter that was essentially an IBM-XT PC on a card. A variety of other cards were also produced, including ones allowing new technologies such as 10BASE-T Ethernet and CompactFlash cards to be used on the IIgs.

Development and codenames

Apple's first internal project to develop a next-generation Apple II based on the 65816 was known as the 'IIx'. The IIx project, though, became bogged down when it attempted to include various coprocessors allowing it to emulate other computer systems. Early samples of the 65816 were also problematic. These problems led to the cancellation of the IIx project, but somewhat later a new project was formed to produce an updated Apple II. This project, which led to the released IIgs, was known by various codenames while the new system was being developed, including 'Phoenix', 'Rambo', 'Gumby', and 'Cortland'. There were rumors of several vastly enhanced prototypes built over the years at Apple but none were ever released. Only one, 'The Mark Twain', has been revealed so far.


An original Apple IIgs 'Woz Edition', with signature on frontDuring its introduction, Apple sold a specialized set of Bose Roommate speakers that were platinum colored with the Apple logo next to the Bose on each front speaker grille.

Some design features from the ill-fated Apple III lived on in the Apple IIgs, such as GS/OS borrowing elements from SOS (including, by way of ProDOS, the SOS filesystem), a unique keyboard feature for dual-speed arrow keys, and colorized ASCII text.

An easter egg (activated by Command-Option-Control-N) in ROM 3 lists the members of development team, and plays an audio clip of them shouting 'Apple II!'.

Limited Edition ('Woz' signed case)

As part of a commemorative celebration marking the 10th anniversary of the Apple II series' development, as well Apple Computer itself celebrating the same age anniversary, a special limited edition was introduced at product launch. Specifically the first 50,000 Apple IIGS's manufactured had a reproduced copy of Steve Wozniak's signature ('Woz') at the front right corner of the case, with a dotted line and the phrase 'Limited Edition' printed just below it. Owners of the Limited Edition, after mailing in their Apple registration card, were mailed back a Certificate of Authenticity signed by Wozniak and 12 key Apple engineers, as well as a personal letter from Steve Wozniak himself (both machine reproduced). Seeing as the difference between standard and Limited Edition machines were purely cosmetic, many users were able to 'convert' to the Limited Edition by merely swapping the case lid from an older, existing machine. While of nostalgic value to Apple II users and collectors, presently these stamped lid cases are not considered rare nor do they have any particular monetary worth.

Influence on later computers

The Apple Desktop Bus, which for a long time was the standard for most input peripherals for the Macintosh, first appeared on the Apple IIgs. In addition, the other standardized ports and addition of SCSI set a hallmark which allowed Apple for the first time to consolidate their peripheral offerings across both the Apple II and Macintosh product lines, permitting one device to be compatible with multiple disparate computers.

The IIgs was also the first Apple product to bear the new brand-unifying color scheme, a warm gray color Apple dubbed 'Platinum'. This color would remain the Apple standard used on the vast majority of all products for the next decade. The IIgs was also the second major computer design after the Apple IIc by Apple's outsourced industrial designer Frogdesign and together with its new corporate color and matching peripherals, officially ushered in the Snow White design language which was used exclusively for the next 5 years and made the Apple product line instantly recognizable around the world.

The inclusion of a professional-grade sound chip in the Apple IIgs was hailed by developers and users both, and hopes were high that it would be added to the Macintosh. However, it drew a lawsuit from Apple Records. As part of an earlier trademark dispute with the record company, Apple Computer had agreed not to release music-related products. Apple Records considered the inclusion of the Ensoniq chip in the IIgs as a violation of that agreement. Though the IIgs was allowed to keep the Ensoniq, Apple has not included dedicated hardware sound synthesizers in any of its Macintosh models since (though of course, third-party products exist).

Software features

Broadly speaking, software that runs on the Apple IIgs can be divided into two major categories: 8-bit software compatible with earlier Apple II systems such as the IIe and IIc, and 16-bit IIgs-specific software, most of which runs under the Apple IIgs System Software and takes advantage of its advanced features, including a near clone of the Macintosh graphical user interface.

8-bit Apple II compatibility

The Apple IIgs was almost completely backward compatible with older Apple II computers, so users wouldn't be left with large libraries of useless software. The IIgs could run all of Apple's earlier Apple II operating systems: Apple DOS, ProDOS 8, and Apple Pascal. It was also compatible with nearly all 8-bit software running under those systems. Like the Apple II+, IIe, and IIc, the IIgs also included Applesoft BASIC and a monitor (which could be used for very simple assembly language programming) in ROM, so they could be used even with no operating system loaded from disk. The 8-bit software ran twice as fast unless the user turned down the processor speed in the IIgs control panel.

Apple IIgs System Software

The Apple IIgs System Software utilized a graphical user interface (GUI) very similar to that of the Macintosh and somewhat like GEM for PCs and the operating systems of contemporary Atari and Amiga computers. Initial versions of the System Software were based on the ProDOS 16 operating system, which was based on the original ProDOS operating system for 8-bit Apple II computers. Although it was modified so that 16-bit Apple IIgs software could run on it, ProDOS 16 was written largely in 8-bit code and did not take full advantage of the IIgs's capabilities. Later System Software versions (starting with version 4.0) replaced ProDOS 16 with a new 16-bit operating system known as GS/OS. It better utilized the unique capabilities of the IIgs and included many valuable new features. The Apple IIgs System Software was substantially enhanced and expanded over the years during which it was developed, culminating in its final version, System 6.0.1, which was released in 1993.

Graphical user interface

The IIgs system software provided a mouse-driven graphical user interface using concepts such as windows, menus, and icons. This was implemented by a ''toolbox' of code, some of which resided in the computer's ROM and some of which was loaded from disk. The IIgs GUI was very similar to that of early Macintoshes. One major application could run at a time, although other smaller programs known as Desk Accessories could be used simultaneously. The IIgs had a Finder application very similar to the Macintosh's, which allowed the user to manipulate files and launch applications. By default, the Finder was displayed when the computer started up and whenever the user quit an application that had been started from it, although the startup application could be changed by the user.

The IIgs Finder allows easy exploration of disks' contents. New Desk Accessories such as the Calculator can be run at the same time as applications such as the Finder.


The IIgs System Software could be extended through various mechanisms. New Desk Accessories were small programs ranging from a calculator to simple word processors that could be used while running any standard desktop application. Classic Desk Accessories also served as small programs available while running other applications, but they used the text screen and could be accessed even from non-desktop applications. Control Panels and initialization files were other mechanisms that allowed various functions to be added to the system. Finder Extras permitted new capabilities to be added to the Finder, drivers could be used to support new hardware devices, and users could also add 'tools' that provided various functions that other programs could utilize easily. These features could be used to provide features never planned for by the system's designers, such as a TCP/IP stack known as 'Marinetti.'

Multitasking capability

An interesting feature of the IIgs was that multitasking was possible. A UNIX-like multitasking kernel was produced, called GNO/ME, which ran under the GUI and provided preemptive multitasking. In addition, a system called The Manager could be used to make the Finder more like the one on the Macintosh, allowing major software (other than just the 'accessory' programs) to run simultaneously through cooperative multitasking.

Upgrading from an Apple IIe

The replacement ID badges for the front lid, used in the Apple IIe to IIgs upgrade.Upon its release in September 1986, Apple announced it would be making an upgrade kit to upgrade an Apple IIe to a IIgs available for purchase. The upgrade replaced the Apple IIe motherboard for a 16-bit Apple IIgs motherboard. Users would bring their Apple IIe machines into an authorized Apple dealership, where the IIe motherboard and lower baseboard of the case were swapped for an Apple IIgs motherboard with a new baseboard (with matching cut-outs for the new built-in ports). New metal sticker ID badges replaced those on the front of the Apple IIe, rebranding the machine. Retained were the upper half of the IIe case, the keyboard, speaker and power supply. Original IIgs motherboards (those produced between 1986 to mid 1989) had electrical connections for the IIe power supply and keyboard present, although only about half produced had the physical plug connectors factory pre-soldered in, which were mostly reserved for the upgrade kits.

The upgrade cost USDollar500, plus the trade-in of the user's existing Apple IIe motherboard.

Back view of IIgs upgrade, note the new port openings and connectors.It proved unpopular as it did not include a mouse (which was an essential part of the new machine, much like the Macintosh); the keyboard, although functional, did not mimic all the features and functions of the Apple Desktop Bus keyboard, as well as lacking a numeric keypad; and some cards designed for the new 16-bit machine did not fit in the Apple IIe's slanted case either. In the end most users found they were not saving much, once they had to purchase a 3.5 floppy drive, analog RGB monitor and mouse. Although it could use some IIe peripherals, most of them became obsolete in the upgrade due to their function being already built-in. It did however make an attractive upgrade for Apple IIe users wanting to use the machine strictly in IIe-emulation mode (ignoring the native part of the machine), which provided faster CPU operation, 256 KB RAM, a clock and many built-in peripherals via the back ports.

Technical specifications

65C816 running at 2.8 MHz
16-bit internal data bus, 8-bit external
1.125 MB RAM built-in (256 KB in original)
256 KB ROM built-in (128 KB in original)
Expandable to 8.125 MB
Video modes
Emulation video:

40 and 80 columns text, with 24 lines (16 selectable foreground, background, border colors)1[›]
Low-Resolution: 40x48 (16 colors)
High-Resolution: 280x192 (6 colors)
Double-Low-Resolution: 80x48 (16 colors)
Double-High-Resolution: 560x192 (16 colors)
Native video:

Super-High-Resolution (320 mode)

320x200 (16 colors, selectable from 4,096 color palette)
320x200 (256 colors, selectable from 4,096 color palette)
320x200 (3200 colors, selectable from 4,096 color palette)
Super-High-Resolution (640 mode)

640x200 (4 colors, selectable from 4,096 color palette)
640x200 (16 colors, selectable from 4,096 color palette)
640x200 (64 colors, selectable from 4,096 color palette)
640x200 (800 colors, selectable from 4,096 color palette)

320x200, sections of screens filled in on-the-fly for up to 60 FPS full-screen animation

320/640x200, horizontal resolution selectable on a line by line basis
Ensoniq 5503 Digital Oscillator Chip
8-bit audio resolution
64 KB dedicated sound RAM
32 oscillator channels (15 voices when paired)
Support for 8 independent stereo speaker channels
Seven Apple II Bus slots (50-pin card-edge)
IIgs Memory Expansion slot (44-pin card-edge)
Internal connectors
Game I/O socket (16-pin DIP)
Ensoniq I/O expansion connector (7-pin molex)
Specialized chip controllers
IWM (Integrated Wozniak Machine) for floppy drives
VGC (Video Graphics Controller) for video
MEGA II (Apple IIe computer on chip)
Ensoniq DOC (wavetable synthesizer)
Zilog Z8530 SCC (serial port controller)
Apple Desktop Bus microcontroller
External connectors
NTSC composite video output (RCA connector); PAL composite video was not supported.
Joystick (DE-9)
Audio-out (1/8' mono phono jack)
Printer-serial 1 (mini-DIN8)
Modem-serial 2 (mini-DIN8)
Floppy drive (D-19)
Analog RGB video (D-15)
Apple Desktop Bus (s-video/4-pin)

Revision history

While in production between September 1986 and December 1992, the Apple IIgs remained relatively unchanged from its original inception. However, during those years, Apple did produce some maintenance updates to the system which mainly compromised of two new ROM-based updates and a revamped motherboard. It is rumored several prototypes that greatly enhanced the machines features and capabilities were designed and even built, though only one has ever been publicly exposed (i.e. the 'Mark Twain'). Outlined below are only those revisions and updates officially released by Apple.

Original ROM 1 ('ROM version 00')

During the entire first year of the machine's production an early, almost beta-like, firmware revision shipped with the machine and was notably bug ridden. Some limitations were: the built-in RAM Disk couldn't be set larger than 4096 KB (even if more RAM was present), and the firmware contained the very early System 1.x toolsets. It became incompatible with most native Apple IIgs software written from late-1987 onwards, and OS support only lasted up to System 3. The startup splash screen of the original ROM only displayed the words 'Apple IIgs' at the top center of the screen, in the same fashion previous Apple II models identified themselves.

Video Graphics Controller (VGC) replacement

Very early production runs of the machine had a faulty Video Graphics Controller (VGC) chip that produced strange cosmetic glitches in emulated (IIe/IIc) video modes. Specifically, the 80 columns text display and monochrome Double-High-Resolution graphics had a symptom where small flickering or static pink bits would appear between the gaps of characters and pixels. Most users noticed this when using AppleWorks classic or the Mousedesk application that was a part of System 1 and 2. Apple resolved the issue by offering a free chip swap upgrade to affected owners.

Updated ROM 2 ('ROM version 01')

In August 1987, Apple released an updated ROM that was included in all new machines and was made available as a free upgrade to all existing owners. The main feature of the new ROM was the presence of the System 2.x toolsets and several bug fixes. The upgrade was vital as software developers, including Apple, ceased support of the original ROM upon its release (most native Apple IIgs software written from late-1987 onwards would not run unless a ROM 01 or higher was present. This included the GS/OS operating system). This update also allowed up to 8128 KB for the RAM Disk, added some new features for programmers, and reported the ROM version and copyright information on the startup splash screen.

Increase standard RAM to 512 KB

In March 1988, Apple began shipping Apple IIgs units with 512 KB of RAM as standard. This was done by pre-installing the Apple IIgs Memory Expansion Card (that was once sold separately) in the memory expansion slot--the card had 256 KB of RAM on board with empty sockets for further expansion. The built-in memory on the motherboard remained at 256 KB and existing users were not offered this upgrade.

Updated ROM 3, The Apple IIgs with 1 MB of RAM

In August 1989, Apple increased the standard amount of RAM shipped in the Apple IIgs to 1.125 MB (1152 KB). This time the additional memory was built-in on the motherboard, which required layout change and allowed for other minor improvements as well. This update introduced both a new motherboard and a new ROM firmware update, however neither were offered to existing owners – even as an upgrade option (the new ROM, being larger, was incompatible with the original motherboard). Apple had cited the reason an upgrade was not being offered was on the basis that most of the features of the new machine could be obtained in existing machines by installing System 5 and a fully populated Apple IIgs Memory Expansion Card.

The new ROM firmware was now 256 KB in size and contained the System 5.x toolsets. The newer toolsets increased the performance of the machine by up to 10 percent, due to the fact less had to be loaded from disk and their highly optimized routines compared to the older toolsets (pre-GS/OS based). In addition to several bug fixes, more programmer assistance commands/features, a cleaned up Control Panel with improved mouse control, RAM Disk functionality, more flexible Appletalk support and slot mapping were added.

In terms of hardware the new motherboard was a cleaner design that drew less power and resolved audio noise issues that interfered with the Ensoniq synthesizer in the original motherboard. Over four times more RAM was built-in, with double the ROM size, and an enhanced ADB microcontroller added hardware supported sticky keys, emulated keyboard mouse and LED updating on Extended keyboards. The clock battery was now user serviceable being placed in a removable socket, and a jumper location was added to lock out the text-based Control Panel (mainly useful in school environments). Support for the Apple IIe to Apple IIgs upgrade was removed, and some cost cutting measures had some chips soldered in place rather than socketed. As the firmware only worked in this motherboard and no new firmware updates were ever issued, users commonly referred to this version of the Apple IIgs as the 'ROM 3'.

International versions

Like the Apple IIe and Apple IIc built-in keyboards before it, the detached Apple IIgs keyboard differed depending on what region of the world it was sold in, with extra local language characters and symbols printed on certain keycaps (e.g. French accented characters on Canadian IIgs keyboard such as 'á', 'é', 'ç', etc, or the British Pound 'Pound ' symbol on the UK IIgs keyboard). However, unlike previous Apple II models, the layout and shape of keys were the same standard for all countries. In order to access the local character set layout and display, users would change settings in the built-in software based Control Panel, which also provides a method of toggling between 50/60 Hz video screen refresh. The composite video output was NTSC only on all IIgs; users in PAL countries were expected to use an RGB monitor. This selectable internationalization made it quick and simple to 'localize' any given machine. Also present in the settings was a QWERTY/DVORAK keyboard toggle for all countries, much like that of the Apple IIc. Outside North America the Apple IIgs shipped with a different 220v clip-in powersupply, making this and the plastic keycaps the only physical difference (and also very modular, in the sense of converting a non-localized machine to a local one).

Notable Apple II developers

John Carmack, founder of id Software, started his career by writing commercial software for the Apple IIgs. The same is true of John Romero and Tom Hall. Wolfenstein 3D, based on the Apple II originated game Castle Wolfenstein, came full circle back to the Apple II series when it was released for the Apple IIgs in 1994.

Bob Yannes, creator of the SID synthesizer chip used in the Commodore 64, went on to design the Ensoniq 5503 DOC synthesizer used in the Apple IIgs.

Two mainstream video games, Zany Golf and The Immortal, originated as Apple IIgs-specific games that were later ported to several platforms due to their immense popularity.

Naughty Dog, the well known PlayStation game developer, started as an Apple IIgs game software company. Pangea Software, one of the best-known and popular Macintosh game developers, also started as an Apple IIgs game software company.

Between the late 1980s to early 1990s, the Apple IIgs developed its own demoscene very similar in vein to that of the Amiga and Atari ST, albeit much smaller and lesser known. The most popular demo group was called FTA (Free Tools Association) and was from France. Two of their demos (Nucleus and Modulae) were very popular and were used by Apple itself and by retailers to show off the computer.

Nintendo adopted the 65C816 as the basis for the custom CPU in the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Many early SNES programmers used the Apple IIgs as a SNES game development platform to write code on.

Prototype of the MEGA II chip was a large board containing mostly discrete logic parts called 'El Grande'.

Failed developments

VTech, makers of the Laser series, demonstrated a prototype of a more powerful Apple IIgs compatible in 1989. It was never released due to licensing issues with Apple.

A project called 'Avatar' in the early 90s promised a 32-bit state of the art machine that was backwards compatible with the Apple IIgs. It was never finished or released. Some doubt that the project even got out of the conceptualization stage.

Cirtech started work on, but never completed, a black and white Macintosh hardware emulation plug-in card for the Apple IIgs dubbed 'Duet'.

infos from: Wikipedia

Computer 198x

Apple III

The Apple III (often rendered as Apple ///) is a personal computer that was manufactured and sold by Apple. Intended as a computer for the business user market, design work on the Apple III started in late 1978 under the guidance of Dr. Wendell Sander. It had the internal code name of 'Sara', named after Sander's daughter. [2] The model was first announced on May 19, 1980, and started shipping the following Autumn.[3] It was discontinued on April 24, 1984.

Possibly more relevant in the long run was the fact that the Apple III was essentially an enhanced Apple II — newest heir to a line of 8-bit machines dating back to 1976. In 1981, International Business Machines unveiled the IBM Personal Computer (IBM PC) — a completely new 16-bit design soon available in a wide range of inexpensive clones. The business market moved rapidly towards the PC-DOS/MS-DOS platform, eventually pulling away from the Apple 8-bit computer line.[4] In the end, an estimated 65,000 Apple III computers were sold.[3] Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak stated that the primary reason for the Apple III's failure was that the system was designed by Apple's marketing department, unlike Apple's previous engineering-driven projects.[5]

Apple III design

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The Apple III was designed to be a business computer and an eventual successor for the Apple II.[6] While the Apple II contributed to the inspirations of several important business products, such as VisiCalc, Multiplan and Apple Writer, the computer's hardware architecture, operating system and developer environment were limited.[7] The Apple III addressed these weaknesses.

The Apple III was powered by a 2 MHz SynerTek 6502A 8-bit CPU and, like some of the more advanced machines in the Apple II family, used bank switching techniques to address up to 256 KB of memory. Third-party vendors also produced memory upgrade kits that allowed the Apple III to reach up to 512 KB. Other Apple III built-in features included an 80-column display with upper and lowercase characters, a numeric keypad, 6-bit (DAC) audio, 16-color graphics, and a built-in 140 KB 5.25' floppy disk drive. Unlike the Apple II, the Disk III controller was built into the logic board.

The Apple III was the first Apple product that allowed the user to choose both a screen font and a keyboard layout:either QWERTY or Dvorak. These choices could not be changed while programs were running, unlike the Apple IIc, which had a keyboard switch directly above the keyboard, allowing switching on the fly.


major limitation of the Apple II and DOS 3.3 was the way it addressed resources, which forced peripherals to be installed in pre-determined locations (slot 5 and 6 reserved for storage devices, slot 2 reserved for serial communication interfaces, etc.) This forced the user to identify a peripheral by its physical location, such as PR#6, CATALOG,D1, and so on.[8] The Apple III introduced an advanced operating system called Apple SOS, pronounced 'apple sauce'. Its ability to address resources by name instead of a physical location allowed the Apple III to be more scalable. Apple SOS also allowed the full capacity of a storage device to be used as a single volume, such as the Apple ProFile hard disk drive. And, Apple SOS supported a hierarchical file system (HFS). Some of the features and code base of Apple SOS made their way into the Apple II's ProDOS and GS/OS operating systems, as well as Lisa 7/7 and Macintosh system software.

The Apple III also introduced a new BASIC interpreter called Apple III Business BASIC, and later an implementation of UCSD Pascal for more structured programming.

Originally intended as a direct replacement to the Apple II series, it was designed for backwards-compatibility of Apple II software in order to migrate users over. However, since Apple did not want to encourage continued development of the II platform, they limited its capabilities to emulate a basic 48 KB Apple II+ configuration, with no access to the III's advanced features, a restriction which actually required custom chips to enforce.

The Apple III had a System Utilities program, which allowed system reconfiguration and file manipulation. Another program, Selector III, was designed to integrate with the System Utilities program and launch various applications. However, Apple decided not to finish this project, and the engineers and writers working on the project bought the right to market Selector III to Apple III owners for a nominal fee. However, another company, Quark Software, developed a competing product, Catalyst, the cruder interface of which was offset by program-switching capabilities and support for copy-protection, which enabled companies to license users to run programs from a hard disk without worrying that their software might be backed up or copied without permission. When Apple decided to bundle Catalyst with its new ProFile hard disk, Quark celebrated, and the Selector III's developers quietly dissolved their company.


Several Apple-produced peripherals were made available because of the Apple III. The original Apple III came with a built-in real-time clock, which was recognized by Apple SOS. The clock was later removed from the 'revised' and 'Plus' models, and instead was made available as an add-on.

Along with the built-in floppy drive, the Apple III could also handle up to three additional external 'Disk III' floppy disk drives. The Disk III was only compatible with the Apple III, although the Apple III was able to use the Apple II's Disk II disk drive.

For additional storage, Apple produced the ProFile external hard disk system. The ProFile was not made available until the release of the Apple III Plus. At a price of US$3499 for 5MB, it also required a peripheral slot for the ProFile controller card.

Apple III revised and Plus

Once the logic board design flaws were discovered, a newer logic board design was produced - which included wider traces and better designed chip sockets.[9]The revised model also included 256 KB RAM as a standard configuration.[9] The 14,000 units of the original Apple III sold were returned and replaced with the entirely new revised model.

The Apple III Plus was introduced in December 1983, while discontinuing the the original III model, at a price of US$2995.[9] This newer version included a built-in clock, video interlacing, improved ports, and a re-designed keyboard. The keyboard was designed in the style of the earlier beige Apple IIe.[9]

Owners of the earlier Apple III could obtain the newer logic board as a service replacement. A keyboard upgrade kit, dubbed 'Apple III Plus upgrade kit' was also made available - which included the keyboard, cover, keyboard encoder ROM and logo replacements. This upgrade had to be installed by an authorized service technician.

Design flaws

Steve Jobs forced on the idea of no fan or air vents - in order to make the computer run quietly. Jobs would later push this same ideology onto almost all Macintosh models he had control of - from the Apple Lisa and Macintosh 128K to the iMac[10]. To allow the computer to rid of heat, the base of the Apple III was made of heavy cast iron, which supposedly acted as a heat sink. And, unlike the Apple II series, the power supply was stored - without its own shell - in a compartment separate from the logic board.

However, many Apple III's experienced heating issues, allegedly caused by insufficient cooling and inability to dissipate the heat efficiently. To address the heat problem, later Apple III's were fitted with heat sinks. But still, the case design made it impossible for enough heat to escape. Some users stated that their Apple III became so hot that the chips started dislodging from the board, the screen would display garbled data, or their disk would come out of the slot 'melted'. In a technical bulletin, customers who were experiencing certain problems were instructed to lift the machine 3 inches (76 mm) and drop it in order to re-seat the chips on the logic board. Jerry Manock, the case designer, refuted these case design flaw charges and maintained that the unit adequately dissipated the internal heat, which he proved with various tests.

In the end, Manock was vindicated as the primary culprit turned out to be a major logic board design problem. The logic board used 'fineline' technology that was not fully mature at the time, with narrow, closely spaced traces.[11] When chips were 'stuffed' into the board and wave-soldered, solder bridges would form between traces that were not supposed to be connected. This caused numerous short circuits, which required hours of costly diagnosis and hand rework to fix. Apple designed a new circuit board - with more layers and normal-width traces. The new logic board was designed by one designer on a huge drafting board, rather than a costly CAD-CAM system used for the previous board, and it worked.

Earlier Apple III units came with a built-in real time clock, manufactured by National Semiconductor. The hardware, however, would fail after prolonged use. While it was assumed that a vendor would test parts before shipping them, Apple did not perform this level of testing. Apple was soldering chips directly to boards and could not easily change out a bad chip if one was found. Eventually, Apple solved this problem by removing the real-time clock from the Apple III's specification, rather than shipping the Apple III with the clock pre-installed, and sold the peripheral as a level 1 technician add-on.

Commercial failure

For a variety of reasons, the Apple III was a commercial failure. With a starting price between $4,340 to $7,800 US, it was more expensive than many of the CP/M-based business computers that were available at the time.[1] The Apple III's software library was very limited, and while sold as an Apple II compatible, the emulation that made this possible was intentionally hobbled, thus it could not make use of the advanced III features (specifically 64 KB RAM or higher, required by a large number of Apple II software titles based on PASCAL), which limited its usefulness.

In the end, Apple had to replace the first 14,000 Apple III machines, free of charge. The customers who had bought them were given brand new machines, with new circuit boards. These did not constitute a new model: it was deemed warranty service. However for new customers in late 1981, Apple 'reintroduced' a newly revised system, with twice as much memory (256K RAM),which sold for a much lower introductory price of $3,495. At the same time, Apple also introduced the optional ProFile 5 MB external hard drive.

(infos from wikipedia)

Computer January 1983

Apple IIe

After having sold more than 750,000 Apple II and II+ systems, making it one of the best-selling brands in the global computing market, Apple released an updated version of the II+, the Apple IIe ('e' standing for enhanced).
It also met with very great success and was widely used in schools (still in use nowadays in some places!).
While retaining the previous model's capabilities and software library, the enhanced version featured a revised logic board, keyboard and case design. Since its launch back in 1977, the Apple had been revised 13 times, but never so drastically as with this model. The IIe used only 1/4 as many integrated circuits as the II+. Its keyboard featured 4 cursor keys and a lockable lid.
It was originally delivered with DOS 3.3 (the Apple II operating system) and later with PRODOS. The Apple IIe borrowed some features from the Apple III, 80-column text and lowercase support.
The Apple IIe was replaced with the enhanced Apple IIe in 1985, which had 128k RAM, 32k ROM, improved support for 80-column text and lowercase characters, and was powered by the 65C02 CPU, the same as the Apple IIc one.
Finally in 1987, Apple released the Apple IIe Platinum, also called Extended Keyboard IIe, which had a new keyboard and other minor hardware changes.

Computer 1983

Apple Lisa

The Apple Lisa was a personal computer designed at Apple Computer, Inc. during the early 1980s.

The Lisa project was started at Apple in 1978 and evolved into a project to design a powerful personal computer with a graphical user interface (GUI) that would be targeted toward business customers.

Around 1982, Steve Jobs was forced out of the Lisa project, so he joined the Macintosh project instead. Contrary to popular belief, the Macintosh is not a direct descendant of Lisa, although there are obvious similarities between the systems and the final revision, the Lisa 2/10, was modified and sold as the Macintosh XL.

The Lisa was a more advanced system than the Macintosh in many respects, such as its inclusion of protected memory, cooperative multitasking, a generally more sophisticated hard disk based operating system, a built-in screensaver, an advanced calculator with a paper tape and RPN, support for up to 2 megabytes of RAM memory, expansion slots, and a larger higher resolution display. It would be many years before many of those features were implemented on the Macintosh platform. Protected memory, for instance, did not arrive until the Mac OS X operating system was released in 2001. The Macintosh, however, featured a faster 68000 processor (7.89 MHz) and sound. The complexity of the Lisa operating system and its programs taxed the 5 MHz Motorola 68000 microprocessor so that the system felt sluggish, particularly when scrolling in documents.


While the documentation shipped with the original Lisa only ever referred to it as The Lisa, officially, Apple stated that the name was an acronym for Local Integrated Software Architecture or 'LISA'. Since Steve Jobs' first daughter (born in 1978) was named Lisa Jobs, it is normally inferred that the name also had a personal association, and perhaps that the acronym was invented later to fit the name. Hertzfeld states that the acronym was reverse engineered from the name 'Lisa' in autumn 1982 by the Apple marketing team, after they had hired a marketing consultancy firm to come up with names to replace 'Lisa' and 'Macintosh' (at the time considered by Rod Holt to be merely internal project codenames) and then rejected all of the suggestions. Privately, Hertzfeld and the other software developers used 'Lisa: Invented Stupid Acronym', a recursive backronym.


The Lisa was first introduced in January 19, 1983 at a cost of Dollar9,995 US (Dollar20,893 in 2007 dollars). It was one of the first commercial personal computers to have a GUI and a mouse. It used a Motorola 68000 CPU at a 5 MHz clock rate and had 1 MB RAM.

The original Lisa had two Apple FileWare 5.1/4 inch double-sided floppy disk drives, more commonly known by Apple's internal code name for the drive, 'Twiggy'. They had a capacity of approximately 871 kilobytes each, but required special diskettes. The drives had the reputation of not being reliable, so the Macintosh, which was originally designed to have a single Twiggy, was revised to use a Sony 400k microfloppy drive in January 1984. An optional external 5 MB or, later, a 10 MB Apple ProFile hard drive (originally designed for the Apple III) was also offered.

The first hardware revision, the Lisa 2, released in January 1984 priced between Dollar3,495 and Dollar5,495 US, was much less expensive than the original model and dropped the Twiggy floppy drives in favor of a single 400k Sony microfloppy. It was possible to purchase the Lisa 2 with a ProFile and with as little as 512k RAM. The final version of the Lisa available included an optional 10 MB internal proprietary hard disk manufactured by Apple, known as the 'Widget'. In 1984, at the same time the Macintosh was officially announced, Apple announced that it was providing free upgrades to the Lisa 2 to all Lisa 1 owners, by swapping the pair of Twiggy drives for a single 3.1/2 inch drive, and updating the boot ROM and I/O ROM. In addition a new front faceplate was included to accommodate the reconfigured floppy disk drive. With this change, the Lisa 2 had the notable distinction of introducing the new Apple inlaid logo, as well as the first Snow White design language features.

There were relatively few third-party hardware offerings for the Lisa, as compared to the earlier Apple II. AST offered a 1.5 MB memory board, which when combined with the standard Apple 512 KB memory board, expanded the Lisa to a total of 2 MB of memory, the maximum the MMU could address.

Late in the product life of the Lisa, there were third-party hard disk drives, SCSI controllers, and double-sided 3.1/2 inch floppy-disk upgrades. Unlike the Macintosh, the Lisa featured expansion slots. It was an 'open system' like the Apple II.

The Lisa 2 motherboard was a very basic backplane with virtually no electronic components, but plenty of edge connector sockets/slots. There were 2 RAM slots, 1 CPU slot & 1 I/O slot all in parallel placement to each other. At the other end, there were 3 'Lisa' slots, parallel to each other. This flexibility provided the potential for a developer to create a replacement for the CPU 'card' to upgrade the Lisa to run a newer CPU, such as a Pentium/PowerPC, albeit with potential limitations from other parts of the system.


A reproduced screen shot of the Lisa Office System 1.0.The Lisa operating system featured cooperative (non-preemptive) multitasking and virtual memory, then extremely advanced features for a personal computer. The use of virtual memory coupled with a fairly slow disk system made the system performance seem sluggish at times. Conceptually, the Lisa resembled the Xerox Star in the sense that it was envisioned as an office computing system; consequently, Lisa had two main user modes: the Lisa Office System and the Workshop. The Lisa Office System was the GUI environment for end users. The Workshop was a program development environment, and was almost entirely text-based, though it used a GUI text editor. The Lisa Office System was eventually renamed '7/7', in reference to the seven supplied application programs: LisaWrite, LisaCalc, LisaDraw, LisaGraph, LisaProject, LisaList, and LisaTerminal.

Third Party Software

A significant impediment to third-party software on the Lisa was the fact that, when first launched, the Lisa Office System could not be used to write programs for itself: a separate development OS was required called Lisa Workshop. An engineer would run the two OSes in a dual-boot config, writing and compiling code on one machine and testing it on the other. Later, the same Lisa Workshop was used to develop software for the Macintosh. After a few years, Macintosh-native development system was developed. For most of its lifetime, the Lisa never went beyond the original seven applications that Apple had deemed enough to do 'everything.'


In April 1984, following the success of the Macintosh, Apple introduced MacWorks, a software emulation environment which allowed the Lisa to run Macintosh System software and applications. MacWorks helped make the Lisa more attractive to potential customers, but did not enable the Macintosh emulation to access the hard disk until September. In January 1985, re-branded MacWorks XL, it became the primary system application designed to turn the Lisa into the Macintosh XL.

Business blunder

The Lisa 2 / Macintosh XLThe Apple Lisa turned out to be a commercial failure for Apple, the largest since the Apple III disaster of 1980. The intended business computing customers balked at Lisa's high price and largely opted to run less expensive IBM PCs, which were already beginning to dominate business desktop computing. The largest Lisa customer was NASA, which used LisaProject for project management and which was faced with significant problems when the Lisa was discontinued.

The Lisa was also seen as being a bit slow in spite of its innovative interface. The release of the Apple Macintosh in 1984, which received far better marketing, was the most significant factor in the Lisa's demise. The Macintosh appeared, on the surface due to its GUI and mouse, to be a wholesale improvement and was far less expensive. Two later Lisa models were released (the Lisa 2 and its Mac ROM-enabled sibling Macintosh XL) before the Lisa line was discontinued in April 1985. In 1986, Apple offered all Lisa/XL owners the opportunity to turn in their computer and along with USDollar1,498.00, would receive a Macintosh Plus and Hard Disk 20 (a USDollar4,098.00 value at the time).

Historical importance

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Though generally considered a commercial failure, the Lisa was a marked success in one respect. Though too expensive and limited for individual desktops, there was a period of time when it seemed that nearly every moderate-sized organization had one or two (shared) Lisas in each major office. Though the performance of the Lisa was somewhat slow and the software selection was limited, what the Lisa could do, it did well. Using the Lisa software and an Apple dot-matrix printer, one could produce some very nice documents (compared to other options available at the time). This one compelling usage drove the Lisa into a number of larger offices, and due to the price, the number of people who had used a Lisa was much larger than the number of Lisas sold. This meant that when the lower-priced Macintosh came along, there was a notable pool of people pre-sold on the benefits of a GUI-based personal computer and the WIMP interface (Windows, Icons, Menu, Pointer) with its point-and-click, cut-copy-paste and drag-and-drop capabilities between different applications and windows. These people quickly bought the cheaper Macintosh and continued to buy new upgrades that gradually approached the Lisa's capabilities—and have now greatly exceeded them.

An often overlooked feature the Lisa system used was document-centric computing instead of application-centric computing. On a Macintosh, Windows, or Linux system, a user typically seeks a program. In the Lisa system, users would use stationery to begin using an application. Apple attempted to implement this approach on the Mac platform later with OpenDoc, but it did not catch on. Microsoft also later implemented stationery in a limited fashion via the Windows Start menu for Microsoft Office. Document-centric computing is more intuitive for new users because it is task-based. A user is familiar with the task and does not have to know what program is used to accomplish the task.

International significance

Within a few months of the Lisa introduction in the US, fully translated versions of the software and documentation were commercially available for British, French, German, Italian, and Spanish markets, followed by several Scandinavian versions shortly thereafter. The user interface for the OS, all seven applications, LisaGuide, and the Lisa diagnostics (in ROM) could be fully translated, without any programming required, using resource files and a translation kit. The keyboard would identify its native language layout, and the entire user experience would be in that language, including any hardware diagnostic messages.

Curiously, although several foreign-language keyboard layouts were available, the Dvorak keyboard layout was never ported to the Lisa, even by Dvorak users inside Apple, as had already happened on the Apple III, IIe, and IIc, and as later happened on the Macintosh. Keyboard-mapping on the Lisa was a black art, known to only a few of the Lisa engineers; and changing or adding layouts required building a new OS/kernel. All kernels contained images for all layouts, so due to serious memory constraints, keyboard layouts were stored as differences from a set of standard layouts, thus only a few bytes were needed to accommodate most additional layouts. A notable exception would have been the Dvorak layout that moves just about every key and thus required hundreds of extra bytes of precious kernel storage regardless of whether it were needed.

Each localized version (built on a globalized core) required grammatical, linguistic, and cultural adaptations throughout the user interface, including formats for dates, numbers, times, currencies, sorting, even for word and phrase order in alerts and dialog boxes. A kit was provided, and the translation work was done by native-speaking Apple marketing staff in each country. This localization effort resulted in about as many Lisa unit sales outside the US as inside the US over the product's lifespan, while setting new standards for future localized software products, and for global project co-ordination.

The end of the Lisa

In 1987, Sun Remarketing purchased about 5,000 Macintosh XLs and upgraded them. Some leftover Lisa computers and spare parts are still available today.

In 1989, Apple threw away approximately 2,700 unsold Lisas in a guarded landfill in Logan, Utah in order to receive a tax write-off on the unsold inventory.

Like other early GUI computers, working Lisas are now fairly valuable collectors items, for which people will pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars. The original model is the most sought after, although working ProFile and Widget hard disks, which are necessary for running the Lisa OS, are also particularly valued.

Infos from: Wikipedia

Computer 1984

Apple Macintosh

The Macintosh, marketed as Mac, is a line of personal computers (PCs) designed, developed, and marketed by Apple Inc. It is targeted mainly at the home, education, and creative professional markets, and includes the descendants of the original iMac, the entry-level Mac mini desktop model, the Mac Pro tower graphics workstation, and the MacBook Air and MacBook Pro laptops. Its Xserve server was discontinued on January 31, 2011.
Apple Inc.'s then-chairman Steve Jobs introduced the first Macintosh on January 24, 1984, and became the first commercially successful personal computer to feature a mouse and a graphical user interface rather than a command-line interface. The Apple II saw success through the end of the decade, though popularity dissipated in the 1990s as the personal computer market shifted toward the 'Wintel' platform: IBM PC compatible machines running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows. In 1998, Apple consolidated its multiple consumer-level desktop models into the all-in-one iMac, which proved to be a sales success and saw the brand revitalized.
Production of the Mac is based on a vertical integration model. Apple facilitates all aspects of its hardware and creates its own operating system that is pre-installed on all Mac computers, unlike most IBM PC compatibles, where multiple sellers create and integrate hardware intended to run another company's operating software. Apple exclusively produces Mac hardware, choosing internal systems, designs, and prices. Apple uses third party components, however, such as graphics subsystems from nVidia and ATi. Current Mac CPUs use Intel's X86-64 architecture; the earliest models (1984–1994) used Motorola's 68k, and models from 1994 until 2006 used the AIM alliance's PowerPC. Apple also develops the operating system for the Mac, OS X, currently on version 10.8 'Mountain Lion'. The modern Mac, like other personal computers, is capable of running alternative operating systems such as Linux, FreeBSD, and, in the case of Intel-based Macs, Microsoft Windows. However, Apple does not license OS X for use on non-Apple computers.

Development and introduction

The original 1984 Mac OS desktop featured a radically new graphical user interface. Users communicated with the computer, using a metaphorical desktop that included icons of real life items, instead of abstract textual commands.
The Macintosh project began in the late 1970s with Jef Raskin, an Apple employee who envisioned an easy-to-use, low-cost computer for the average consumer. He wanted to name the computer after his favorite type of apple, the McIntosh, but the name had to be changed for legal reasons as it was too close, phonetically, to that of the McIntosh audio equipment manufacturer. Steve Jobs requested a release of the name so that Apple could use it, but was denied, forcing Apple to eventually buy the rights to use the name. Raskin was authorized to start hiring for the project in September 1979, and he began to look for an engineer who could put together a prototype. Bill Atkinson, a member of Apple's Lisa team (which was developing a similar higher-end computer,) introduced him to Burrell Smith, a self-taught engineer that worked as a service technician who had been hired earlier that year. Over the years, Raskin assembled a large development team that designed and built the original Macintosh hardware and the original version of the Mac OS operating system that the computer ran. Besides Raskin, Atkinson and Smith, the team included George Crow, Chris Espinosa, Joanna Hoffman, Bruce Horn, Susan Kare, Andy Hertzfeld, Guy Kawasaki, Daniel Kottke, and Jerry Manock.
Smith's first Macintosh board was built to Raskin's design specifications: it had 64 kilobytes (kB) of RAM, used the Motorola 6809E microprocessor, and was capable of supporting a 256Ṫ256-pixel black-and-white bitmap display. Bud Tribble, a member of the Mac team, was interested in running the Lisa's graphical programs on the Macintosh, and asked Smith whether he could incorporate the Lisa's Motorola 68000 microprocessor into the Mac while still keeping the production cost down. By December 1980, Smith had succeeded in designing a board that not only used the 68000, but increased its speed from 5 MHz to 8 MHz; this board also had the capacity to support a 384Ṫ256-pixel display. Smith's design used fewer RAM chips than the Lisa, which made production of the board significantly more cost-efficient. The final Mac design was self-contained and had the complete QuickDraw picture language and interpreter in 64 kB of ROM – far more than most other computers; it had 128 kB of RAM, in the form of sixteen 64 kilobit (kb) RAM chips soldered to the logicboard. Though there were no memory slots, its RAM was expandable to 512 kB by means of soldering sixteen IC sockets to accept 256 kb RAM chips in place of the factory-installed chips. The final product's screen was a 9-inch, 512x342 pixel monochrome display, exceeding the size of the planned screen.
Burrel's innovative design, which combined the low production cost of an Apple II with the computing power of Lisa's CPU, the Motorola 68K, set off shock waves within Apple, capturing the attention of Steve Jobs,[13] co-founder of Apple. Realizing that the Macintosh was more marketable than the Lisa, he began to focus his attention on the project. Raskin left the project in 1981 over a personality conflict with Jobs, and team member Andy Hertzfeld said that the final Macintosh design is closer to Jobs' ideas than Raskin's.[7] After hearing of the pioneering GUI technology being developed at Xerox PARC, Jobs had negotiated a visit to see the Xerox Alto computer and its Smalltalk development tools in exchange for Apple stock options. The Lisa and Macintosh user interfaces were influenced by technology seen at Xerox PARC and were combined with the Macintosh group's own ideas.[14] Jobs also commissioned industrial designer Hartmut Esslinger to work on the Macintosh line, resulting in the 'Snow White' design language; although it came too late for the earliest Macs, it was implemented in most other mid- to late-1980s Apple computers.[15] However, Jobs' leadership at the Macintosh project did not last; after an internal power struggle with new CEO John Sculley, Jobs resigned from Apple in 1985.[16] He went on to found NeXT, another computer company targeting the education market,[17] and did not return until 1997, when Apple acquired NeXT.[18] The Macintosh 128K was manufactured at an Apple plant in Fremont, California.[19]
The Macintosh 128K was announced to the press in October 1983, followed by an 18-page brochure included with various magazines in December. The Macintosh was introduced by the now-famous US$1.5 million Ridley Scott television commercial, '1984'. It most notably aired during the third quarter of Super Bowl XVIII on January 22, 1984, and is now considered a 'watershed event' and a 'masterpiece.' '1984' used an unnamed heroine to represent the coming of the Macintosh (indicated by a Picasso-style picture of the computer on her white tank top) as a means of saving humanity from the 'conformity' of IBM's attempts to dominate the computer industry. The ad alludes to George Orwell's novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four, which described a dystopian future ruled by a televised 'Big Brother.'
Two days after '1984' aired, the Macintosh went on sale, and came bundled with two applications designed to show off its interface: MacWrite and MacPaint. It was first demonstrated by Steve Jobs in the first of his famous Mac keynote speeches, and though the Mac garnered an immediate, enthusiastic following, some labeled it a mere 'toy.' Because the operating system was designed largely around the GUI, existing text-mode and command-driven applications had to be redesigned and the programming code rewritten. This was a time-consuming task that many software developers chose not to undertake, and could be regarded as a reason for an initial lack of software for the new system. In April 1984, Microsoft's MultiPlan migrated over from MS-DOS, with Microsoft Word following in January 1985. In 1985, Lotus Software introduced Lotus Jazz for the Macintosh platform after the success of Lotus 1-2-3 for the IBM PC, although it was largely a flop. Apple introduced the Macintosh Office suite the same year with the 'Lemmings' ad. Infamous for insulting its own potential customers, the ad was not successful.
Apple spent upwards of $2.5 million purchasing all 39 advertising pages in a special, post-election issue of Newsweek Apple also ran a 'Test Drive a Macintosh' promotion, in which potential buyers with a credit card could take home a Macintosh for 24 hours and return it to a dealer afterwards. While 200,000 people participated, dealers disliked the promotion, the supply of computers was insufficient for demand, and many were returned in such a bad condition that they could no longer be sold. This marketing campaign caused CEO John Sculley to raise the price from US$1,995 to US$2,495 (about $5,200 when adjusted for inflation in 2010).

Desktop publishing

In 1985, the combination of the Mac, Apple's LaserWriter printer, and Mac-specific software like Boston Software's MacPublisher and Aldus PageMaker enabled users to design, preview, and print page layouts complete with text and graphics—an activity to become known as desktop publishing. Initially, desktop publishing was unique to the Macintosh, but eventually became available for other platforms. Later, applications such as Macromedia FreeHand, QuarkXPress, and Adobe's Photoshop and Illustrator strengthened the Mac's position as a graphics computer and helped to expand the emerging desktop publishing market.
The Macintosh's minimal memory became apparent, even compared with other personal computers in 1984, and could not be expanded easily. It also lacked a hard disk drive or the means to easily attach one. Many small companies sprang up to address the memory issue by either upgrading the memory to 512 KB or removing the computer's 16 memory chips and replacing them with larger-capacity chips, a tedious operation that was not always successful. In October 1985, Apple introduced the Macintosh 512K, with quadruple the memory of the original, at a price of US$3,195. It also offered an upgrade for 128k Macs that involved replacing the logicboard. In an attempt to improve connectivity, Apple released the Macintosh Plus on January 10, 1986, for a price of US$2,600. It offered one megabyte of RAM, easily expandable to four megabytes by the use of socketed RAM boards. It also featured a SCSI parallel interface, allowing up to seven peripherals—such as hard drives and scanners—to be attached to the machine. Its floppy drive was increased to an 800 kB capacity. The Mac Plus was an immediate success and remained in production, unchanged, until October 15, 1990; on sale for just over four years and ten months, it was the longest-lived Macintosh in Apple's history. In September 1986, Apple introduced the Macintosh Programmer's Workshop, or MPW, an application that allowed software developers to create software for Macintosh on Macintosh, rather than cross compiling from a Lisa. In August 1987, Apple unveiled HyperCard and MultiFinder, which added cooperative multitasking to the Macintosh. Apple began bundling both with every Macintosh.
Updated Motorola CPUs made a faster machine possible, and in 1987 Apple took advantage of the new Motorola technology and introduced the Macintosh II, powered by a 16 MHz Motorola 68020 processor. The primary improvement in the Macintosh II was Color QuickDraw in ROM, a color version of the graphics language which was the heart of the machine. Among the many innovations in Color QuickDraw were the ability to handle any display size, any color depth, and multiple monitors. The Macintosh II marked the start of a new direction for the Macintosh, as now for the first time it had an open architecture with several NuBus expansion slots, support for color graphics and external monitors, and a modular design similar to that of the IBM PC. It had an internal hard drive and a power supply with a fan, which was initially fairly loud. One third-party developer sold a device to regulate fan speed based on a heat sensor, but it voided the warranty. Later Macintosh computers had quieter power supplies and hard drives. The Macintosh SE was released at the same time as the Macintosh II, as the first compact Mac with a 20 MB internal hard drive and an expansion slot. The SE's expansion slot was located inside the case along with the CRT, potentially exposing an upgrader to high voltage. For this reason, Apple recommended users bring their SE to an authorized Apple dealer to have upgrades performed. The SE also updated Jerry Manock and Terry Oyama's original design and shared the Macintosh II's Snow White design language, as well as the new Apple Desktop Bus (ADB) mouse and keyboard that had first appeared on the Apple IIGS some months earlier.
In 1987, Apple spun off its software business as Claris. It was given the code and rights to several applications that had been written within Apple, most notably MacWrite, MacPaint, and MacProject. In the late 1980s, Claris released a number of revamped software titles; the result was the 'Pro' series, including MacDraw Pro, MacWrite Pro, and FileMaker Pro. To provide a complete office suite, Claris purchased the rights to the Informix Wingz spreadsheet program on the Mac, renaming it Claris Resolve, and added the new presentation software Claris Impact. By the early 1990s, Claris applications were shipping with the majority of consumer-level Macintoshes and were extremely popular. In 1991, Claris released ClarisWorks, which soon became their second best-selling application. When Claris was reincorporated back into Apple in 1998, ClarisWorks was renamed AppleWorks beginning with version 5.0.

The Macintosh Portable was Apple's first battery-powered Macintosh. It was available from 1989 to 1991 and could run System 6 and System 7.
In 1988, Apple sued Microsoft and Hewlett-Packard on the grounds that they infringed Apple's copyrighted GUI, citing (among other things) the use of rectangular, overlapping, and resizable windows. After four years, the case was decided against Apple, as were later appeals. Apple's actions were criticized by some in the software community, including the Free Software Foundation (FSF), who felt Apple was trying to monopolize on GUIs in general, and boycotted GNU software for the Macintosh platform for seven years.
With the new Motorola 68030 processor came the Macintosh IIx in 1988, which had benefited from internal improvements, including an on-board MMU. It was followed in 1989 by the Macintosh IIcx, a more compact version with fewer slots and a version of the Mac SE powered by the 16 MHz 68030, the Macintosh SE/30. Later that year, the Macintosh IIci, running at 25 MHz, was the first Mac to be '32-bit clean.' This allowed it to natively support more than 8 MB of RAM, unlike its predecessors, which had '32-bit dirty' ROMs (8 of the 32 bits available for addressing were used for OS-level flags). System 7 was the first Macintosh operating system to support 32-bit addressing. The following year, the Macintosh IIfx, starting at US$9,900, was unveiled. Apart from its fast 40 MHz 68030 processor, it had significant internal architectural improvements, including faster memory and two Apple II CPUs dedicated to I/O processing.


Microsoft Windows 3.0 was released in May 1990 as a less expensive alternative to the Macintosh platform, which began to approach the Macintosh operating system in both performance and feature set.ation needed] In response, Apple introduced a range of relatively inexpensive Macs in October 1990. The Macintosh Classic, essentially a less expensive version of the Macintosh Plus, was the least expensive Mac offered until early 2001. The 68020-powered Macintosh LC, in its distinctive 'pizza box' case, offered color graphics and was accompanied by a new, low-cost 512Ṫ384 pixel monitor. The Macintosh IIsi was essentially a 20 MHz IIci with only one expansion slot. All three machines sold well, although Apple's profit margin on them was considerably lower than that on earlier models.
Apple improved Macintosh computers by introducing models equipped with newly available processors from the 68k lineup. The Macintosh Classic II and Macintosh LC II, which used a 16 MHz 68030 CPU, were joined in 1991 by the Macintosh Quadra 700 and 900, the first Macs to employ the faster Motorola 68040 processor. In 1994, Apple abandoned Motorola CPUs for the RISC PowerPC architecture developed by the AIM alliance of Apple Computer, IBM, and Motorola. The Power Macintosh line, the first to use the new chips, proved to be highly successful, with over a million PowerPC units sold in nine months.
The Macintosh Portable was replaced in 1991 with the first of the PowerBook line: the PowerBook 100, a miniaturized Portable; the 16 MHz 68030 PowerBook 140; and the 25 MHz 68030 PowerBook 170. They were the first portable computers with the keyboard behind a palm rest and a built-in pointing device (a trackball) in front of the keyboard. The 1993 PowerBook 165c was Apple's first portable computer to feature a color screen, displaying 256 colors with 640 x 400-pixel resolution. The second generation of PowerBooks, the 68040-equipped 500 series, introduced trackpads, integrated stereo speakers, and built-in Ethernet to the laptop form factor in 1994.
As for Mac OS, System 7 was a 32-bit rewrite from Pascal to C++ that introduced virtual memory and improved the handling of color graphics, as well as memory addressing, networking, and co-operative multitasking. Also during this time, the Macintosh began to shed the 'Snow White' design language, along with the expensive consulting fees they were paying to Frogdesign. Apple instead brought the design work in-house by establishing the Apple Industrial Design Group, becoming responsible for crafting a new look for all Apple products.
Despite these technical and commercial successes, Microsoft and Intel began to rapidly lower Apple's market share with the introduction of the Windows 95 operating system and Pentium processors. These significantly enhanced the multimedia capability and performance of IBM PC compatible computers, and brought Windows closer to the Mac GUI. Furthermore, Apple had created too many similar models that confused potential buyers. At one point, its product lineup was subdivided into Classic, LC, II, Quadra, Performa, and Centris models, with essentially the same computer being sold under a number of different names. These models competed against Macintosh clones, hardware manufactured by third-parties that ran Apple's System 7. This succeeded in increasing the Macintosh's market share somewhat, and provided cheaper hardware for consumers, but hurt Apple financially as existing Apple customers began to buy cheaper clones while Apple shouldered the burden of developing the platform.
When Steve Jobs returned to Apple in 1997 following the company's purchase of NeXT, he ordered that the OS that had been previewed as version 7.7 be branded Mac OS 8 (in place of the never-to-appear Copland OS). Since Apple had licensed only System 7 to third-parties, this move effectively ended the clone line. The decision caused significant financial losses for companies like Motorola, who produced the StarMax; Umax, who produced the SuperMac; and Power Computing, who offered several lines Mac clones, including the PowerWave, PowerTower, and PowerTower Pro. These companies had invested substantial resources in creating their own Mac-compatible hardware. Apple bought out Power Computing's license, but allowed Umax to continue selling Mac clones until their license expired, as they had a sizeable presence in the lower-end segment that Apple did not.ation needed]


The iMac G3, introduced in 1998. While it led Apple's return to profitability, the associated mouse was one of consumers' least favorite products.
In 1998, Apple introduced its new iMac which, like the original 128K Mac, was an all-in-one computer. Its translucent plastic case, originally Bondi blue and later various additional colors, is considered an industrial design landmark of the late 1990s. The iMac did away with most of Apple's standard (and usually proprietary) connections, such as SCSI and ADB, in favor of two USB ports, effectively making it the first Legacy-free PC. It replaced a floppy disk drive with a CD-ROM drive for installing software,70] but was incapable of writing to CDs or other media without external third-party hardware. The iMac proved to be phenomenally successful, with 800,000 units sold in 139 days. It made the company an annual profit of US$309 million, Apple's first profitable year since Michael Spindler took over as CEO in 1995. This aesthetic was applied to the Power Macintosh and later the iBook, Apple's first consumer-level laptop computer, filling the missing quadrant of Apple's 'four-square product matrix' (desktop and portable products for both consumers and professionals). More than 140,000 pre-orders were placed before it started shipping in September, and by October proved to be a large success.
In early 2001, Apple began shipping computers with CD-RW drives and emphasized the Mac's ability to play DVDs by including DVD-ROM and DVD-RAM drives as standard. Steve Jobs admitted that Apple had been 'late to the party' on writable CD technology, but felt that Macs could become a 'digital hub' that linked and enabled an 'emerging digital lifestyle'. Apple would later introduce an update to its iTunes music player software that enabled it to burn CDs, along with a controversial 'Rip, Mix, Burn' advertising campaign that some felt encouraged media piracy. This accompanied the release of the iPod, Apple's first successful handheld device. Apple continued to launch products, such as the unsuccessful Power Mac G4 Cube, the education-oriented eMac, and the titanium (and later aluminium) PowerBook G4 laptop for professionals.
The original iMac used a PowerPC G3 processor, but G4 and G5 chips were soon added, both accompanied by complete case redesigns that dropped the array of colors in favor of white plastic. As of 2007, all iMacs use aluminium cases. On January 11, 2005, Apple announced the Mac Mini, priced at US$499, making it the cheapest Mac.
Mac OS continued to evolve up to version 9.2.2, including retrofits such as the addition of a nanokernel and support for Multiprocessing Services 2.0 in Mac OS 8.6, though its dated architecture made replacement necessary. Initially developed in the Pascal programming language, it was substantially rewritten in C++ for System 7. From its beginnings on an 8 MHz machine with 128 KB of RAM, it had grown to support Apple's latest 1 GHz G4-equipped Macs. Since its architecture was laid down, features that were already common on Apple's competition, like preemptive multitasking and protected memory, had become feasible on the kind of hardware Apple manufactured. As such, Apple introduced Mac OS X, a fully overhauled Unix-based successor to Mac OS 9. OS X uses Darwin, XNU, and Mach as foundations, and is based on NeXTSTEP. It was released to the public in September 2000, as the Mac OS X Public Beta, featuring a revamped user interface called 'Aqua'. At US$29.99, it allowed adventurous Mac users to sample Apple's new operating system and provide feedback for the actual release. The initial version of Mac OS X, 10.0 'Cheetah', was released on March 24, 2001. Older Mac OS applications could still run under early Mac OS X versions, using an environment called 'Classic'. Subsequent releases of Mac OS X included 10.1 'Puma' (September 25, 2001), 10.2 'Jaguar' (August 24, 2002), 10.3 'Panther' (October 24, 2003) and 10.4 'Tiger' (April 29, 2005).

Information from Wikipedia


Apple iPad

Computer 1982

Applied Technology MicroBee

The original MicroBee computer was designed in Australia by a team including Owen Hill and Matthew Starr. It was based on features available on the DG-Z80 and DG-640 S-100 cards developed by David Griffiths, TCT-PCG S-100 card developed by TCT Micro Design and MW6545 S-100 card developed by Dr John Wilmshurst. It was originally packaged as a two board unit, with the lower 'main board' containing the keyboard, Zilog Z80 microprocessor, Synertek 6545 CRT controller, 2K of 'screen' RAM, 2K of character ROM (128 characters) and 2K of PCG (Programmable Character Graphics) RAM (128 characters). Each byte in the screen RAM addressed a character in either the character ROM or PCG RAM. A second board, termed the 'core board', contained the memory, and on later models also included a floppy disk controller.

Kit beginnings

The computer was conceived as a kit, with assembly instructions included in Your Computer magazine, in June 1982. After a successful bid for the New South Wales Department of Education computer tender, the computer was repackaged in a two-tone beige and black case, and sold pre-built. The 16kB ROM held the MicroWorld BASIC interpreter written by Matthew Starr and DGOS compatible System Monitor. In addition to the 16K ROM, there is additional ROM socket for optional programs such as WORDBEE or EDASM (a Z80 Editor/Asssembler that was written by Ron Harris).

Original MicroBees ran at a clock speed of 2MHz, with a video dot clock of 12MHz, which was sufficient to display 64x16 characters (512x256 pixels) on a modified television or composite monitor. The original machines were supplied with 16 or 32K of static RAM, and stored programs on cassette, using Kansas City standard and 1200 Baud encoding.

The IC model

The IC model was released in 1983, increasing the clock speed to 3.375MHz, and allowing (through use of a 13.5MHz video clock) display of 80x24 characters (640x264 pixels), again on a modified television or composite monitor. It also included a 4K 'Telcom' terminal emulator ROM.

Disk machines

A floppy disk based machine was also released in 1983. Early disk machines used 56K of static RAM, with a 4K BIOS ROM. They ran CP/M 2.2. The disk controller, based on the Western Digital WD1793 Floppy Disk Controller chip was contained in an add-on card that connected to the core board. The machines used 5.25' floppy disks.

Dynamic RAM disk machines with 64 or 128K RAM followed soon after, with a WD2793 Floppy Disk Controller incorporated on the core board. Later disk machines used 3.5' floppy disks.


A colour machine was also released in 1983, called the '32K Personal Communicator'. This added a second byte of RAM for each character position, allowing each character to have 2 colours from a palette of 16. The extra circuitry was contained on an additional board mounted under the main board, with numerous messy connections to the main board.

The B-ETI Serial Terminal

The B-ETI was a Microbee based serial terminal. It could emulate either an ADM-3A or Televideo 912 terminal. The display format was monochrome 80x24 and it supported communication at either 300 baud or 1200 baud. An advertisement for a 'special introductory offer' with an asking price of AUDollar275 appeared in the December 1983 issue of Electronics Today International magazine.

The Premium Series MicroBee

In 1985, a new mainboard was introduced. The resulting machine was called the 'Premium Series' model. The new mainboard had 8K of screen RAM, 8K of 'attribute' RAM (raising the possible number of PCG characters to 32,768), 8K of colour RAM, and up to 32K (16K installed) of PCG RAM. 16K PCG RAM was sufficient to allow full 512 x 256 bit mapped displays with a limited colour palette. These machines were typically sold with dual-floppy drives (or a 10MB 'Winchester' disc) held in a monitor stand that connected to the main unit.

Final versions

Microbee 256TCThe final version of the MicroBee, released in 1987, was the 256TC. This increased the memory to 256K of dynamic RAM and had a new keyboard with numeric keypad. The computer had a built in 3.5' floppy disk drive supporting both 800k (DSDD) and 400k (SSDD) formats. Bundled software included 'Videotex' a videotex terminal program, 'Simply Write' (a word processor) and 'Telcom' (a serial terminal emulator program).

MicroBee Systems also designed a PC clone, called the 'Matilda', or 640TC, which ran an NEC V20 chip, and emulated the MicroBee CP/M systems in software.

An advanced next generation model code named 'Gamma', was based on the Motorola 68000 and Zilog Z80 processors was designed but never made it to the market.

Infos from: Wikipedia


Aquaplus P-ECE

Console 1977

Atari 2600

The Atari 2600 was released back in September 1977 by Atari. It has been recognized as the console for popularizing the use of the microprocessor hardware and ROM cartridges. The Atari 2600 wasn’t always under that name it was also sold as the Atari VCS butt was later renamed.

The console was released with nine games this included some classics such as Outlaw, Space War and Breakout. Throughout the consoles lifetime many games were developed for it by Atari. The game also had many hits such as pong, Pacman and many others that are still well known today.
The Atari 2600 came typically was bundled with two joystick controllers, a conjoined pair of paddle controllers and a cartridge game that was firstly Combat and then later was changed to Pacman.

The console due its large game library and a low price continued to sell well into the late 1980s and wasn’t discontinued until 1992.

The console has sold over 30 million units with the bestselling game for the console being Pacman sitting at 7 million copies.
There is still a strong demand for the Atari 2600 but not easily accessible so many people have moved to emulators to be able to relive their childhood growing up with this fantastic console.

Console 1982

Atari 5200

The Atari 5200 or also known as the Atari 5200 SuperSystem is a console developed and introduced to market back in 1982. The console was based on Atari’s already existing 400/800 computer systems with the software being customized for the console.
The console did not do very well in the market when compared to its predecessor, the Atari 2600. There were many factors that contributed to this outcome such as initially not being able to play any of the games from the 2600. The Atari 5200 was discontinued only 2 years after being on market with a total of only 1 million units sold.
It wasn’t all bad news they did bring a revolutionary new controller with an analogue joy stick to market. As well as the first automatic TV switchbox that allows it to automatically switch from regular TV viewing to a game system signal. They also had 4 ports for controllers where almost every other device on the market at the time only had 2.

Console 1986

Atari 7800

The Atari 7800 or also known as the Atari 7800 ProSystem is a console that was released by Atari back in January 1986.
It is often seen that the release in 1986 is considered a re-release because it had originally been announced on 21, May 1984 to replace the aging Atari 5200 but was shelved due to the sale of the company producing it (GCC).
Due to this delay it gave the NES time to build up and was dominating the market by the time 7800 was released into the market making it a very hard sell.
There were 13 games announced for the consoles launch this included some hits such as Centipede, Dig Dug and Ms. Pac-man. Also due to the strong feedback Atari received regarding not being able to play previous games on the 5200 they made sure this console was able to play almost all the games from the 2600.
Also as growing concerns from the community that a home PC was a better investment than a console the system was designed to be fully fledged home computer. You were able to plug in a keyboard and other peripherals such as disk drives and printers.
The console even though didn’t do nearly as well as the NES, but was still profitable for Atari, with it managing to sell over 3.8 million units worldwide. On January 1st 1992 Atari announced that the production of the Atari 7800 will end only being able to capture 12% while its rival Nintendo controlled 80%

Computer 1985

Atari 800

The Atari 8-bit family is a series of 8-bit home computers manufactured by Atari, starting in 1979. All are based on the MOS Technology 6502 CPU and were the first home computers designed with custom coprocessor chips. Over the following decade several versions of the same basic design were released, including the original Atari 400 and 800 and their successors, the XL and XE series of computers.



Design of the 8-bit series of machines started as soon as the Atari 2600 games console was released in late 1977. The engineering team from Atari's Grass Valley Research Center (who called themselves Cyan Engineering) felt that the 2600 would have about a three year lifespan before becoming obsolete, and started 'blue skying' designs for a new console that would be ready to replace it around 1980. What they ended up with was essentially a 'corrected' version of the 2600, fixing its more obvious flaws. The newer design would be faster than the 2600, have better graphics, and would include much better sound hardware. Work on the chips for the new system continued throughout 1978 and primarily focused on much-improved video hardware known as the Color Television Interface Adapter, or CTIA.

During this gestation the home computer revolution 'took off' in the form of the Apple II family, Commodore PET and TRS-80. Ray Kassar, the then-new CEO of Atari from Warner Communications, wanted the new chips to be used in a home computer to challenge Apple. In order to adapt the machine to this role, it would need to support character graphics, include some form of expansion for peripherals, and run the then-universal BASIC programming language.

Management identified two sweet spots for the new computers, a low-end version known as Candy, and a higher-end machine known as Colleen (rumored to be named after attractive Atari staff). The primary difference between the two models was marketing; Atari marketed Colleen as a computer, and Candy as a game machine (or hybrid game console). Colleen would include slots for RAM and ROM, a second 8k cartridge slot, monitor output and a full keyboard, while Candy used a plastic 'membrane keyboard' and internal slots for memory (not user upgradable). Both machines were very sturdy with huge internal aluminum shields, originally to meet FCC rules for TV signals emitted in RF space (Part 15 Type I). Apple machines, without a RF modulator, didn't need to meet those requirements (the first model of the TRS-80 actually never met that FCC spec).

Atari had originally intended to port Microsoft BASIC to the machine, as had most other vendors, intending to supply it on an 8 KiB ROM cartridge. However the existing 6502 version from Microsoft was 12 KiB, and all of Atari's attempts to pare it down to 8 KiB failed. Eventually they farmed out the work to a local consulting firm, who recommended writing their own version from scratch, which was eventually delivered as ATARI BASIC.

The early machines: 400 and 800

The machines were announced in December 1978 as the 400 and 800, although they weren't widely available until November 1979, much closer to the original design date. The names originally referred to the amount of memory, 4 KiB RAM in the 400 and 8 KiB in the 800. However by the time they were released the prices on RAM had started to fall, so the machines were instead released with 8 KiB and 16 KiB respectively.

Due to the FCC restrictions, the 400/800 couldn't allow slots like those found on the Apple II computers. Instead, they created a proprietary, expensive serial-based interface called SIO (Serial Input/Output). All external devices were connected using this interface (cassette drive, disk drive, interface box) adding to the cost of ownership. On the 800, the internal slots were reserved for ROM and memory modules.

Originally the 800's shipped with 16 KiB, but as memory prices continued to fall Atari eventually supplied the machines fully expanded to 48 KiB, using up all the slots. Overheating problems with the memory modules eventually led Atari to remove the casings on the memory modules, leaving them as 'bare' boards. Later, the expansion cover was held down with screws instead of latches.

The Atari 800 sold respectably, but not nearly as well as the Apple machines. The crippling of the 400 only confused buyers, and as the 400 outsold the 800 by some margin, developers were generally loath to use the 800-only features like the second cartridge slot.


The 800 was a complex and expensive machine to build, consisting of multiple circuit boards in various locations inside or outside the massive aluminum shield. Additionally the machine was designed to add RAM only through cards, which required expensive connectors and packaging even though it soon shipped fully expanded right from the factory. At the same time the 400 didn't compete technically with some of the newer machines appearing in the early 1980s, which tended to ship with much more RAM and a real keyboard.

Another major change was the introduction of the FCC ratings specifically for digital devices in homes and offices. One of the ratings, known as Class B, mandated that the device's RF emissions were to be low enough not to interfere with other devices, such as radios and TVs. Now computers needed just enough shielding to prevent interference (both ways), not prevent any emissions from leaking out. This requirement enabled lighter, less expensive shielding than the previous 400 and 800 computers.

In 1982 Atari started the Sweet 8' (or 'Liz NY') and Sweet 16 projects to address these issues. The result was an upgraded set of machines otherwise similar to the 400 and 800, but much easier to build and less costly to produce. Improvements in chip making allowed a number of chips in the original systems to be condensed into one. For comparison, the original 800 used seven separate circuit boards while the new machines used only one. Atari also ordered a custom version of the 6502, the 'C' model, which added a single pin that allowed four support chips to be removed. Sweet 16 also addressed problems with the 800 by adding a new expansion chassis, although it was to be external. Like the earlier machines, the Sweet 8/16 was intended to be released in two versions as the 1000 with 16 KiB and the 1000XL with 64 KiB; RAM was still expensive enough to make this distinction worthwhile.


When the machines were actually released there was only one version, the 1200XL, an odd hybrid of features from the Sweet 8/16 projects. Notable features were 64 KiB of RAM, built-in self test, redesigned keyboard (featuring four function keys and a HELP key), and redesigned cable port layout. In general terms the 1200XL most closely matched the 'high end' Sweet 16 concept.

However the 1200XL also included a number of missing or poorly implemented features. An improved video circuit provided more chroma for a more colorful image, but the line was not connected to the monitor port. The +12V pin in the SIO port was left unconnected; only +5V power was available although some devices made use of the +12V line. Even the re-arrangement of the ports made some joysticks and cartridges difficult or impossible to use. Changes made to the operating system to support the new hardware also resulted in compatibility problems with some older software that did not follow published guidelines. There was no PAL version of the 1200XL.

The 1200XL ended up with functionally similar to the existing 800, but at a hefty price point. For all of these reasons the 1200XL sold poorly. There is an often-repeated story, perhaps apocryphal, that 800 sales shot up after the release of the 1200XL, as existing owners tried to snap them up before they disappeared. Released in late 1982, the machine was quickly discontinued in 1983.

Newer XL machines

By this point in time Atari was involved in what would soon develop into a full-blown price war when Jack Tramiel of Commodore International was attempting to undercut his old enemy Texas Instruments. TI had undercut Commodore's calculator business only a few years earlier, almost driving him from the market, but this time Tramiel's supply was stronger than TI's, and he could turn the tables. Although Atari had never been a deliberate target of Tramiel's wrath, they, along with the rest of the market, were dragged into 'his' price war in order to maintain market share.

The timing was particularly bad for Atari; the 1200XL was a flop, and the earlier machines were too expensive to produce to be able to compete at the rapidly falling price points. The solution was to replace the 1200XL with a machine that users would again trust, while at the same time lowering the production costs to the point where they could compete with Commodore.

Starting with the 1200XL design as the basis for a new line, Atari engineers were able to add a number of new IC's to take over the functions of many of those remaining in the 1200XL. While the 1200XL fit onto a single board, the new designs were even smaller, simpler, and as a result much less expensive. To reduce cost even further, manufacturing of a new series of machines was set up in the far east.

These versions, the 600XL, 800XL, 1400XL and 1450XLD were announced at the 1983 Summer CES. These machines had Atari BASIC built into the ROM of the computer and a Parallel Bus Interface (PBI). The machines looked similar to the 1200XL, but were smaller back to front, the 600 being somewhat smaller than the 800 front-to-back (similar to the original Sweet 8 project). The 1400 and 1450 both added a built-in 300 baud modem and a voice synthesizer, and the 1450XLD also included a built-in double-sided floppy disk drive in an enlarged case.

Problems with the new production lines delayed the entry of the machines onto the market. Originally intended to replace the 1200XL in mid-83, the machines did not arrive until late in 1983, and far fewer than anticipated were available during the 1983 Christmas season. Nonetheless, the 800XL was the most popular computer sold by Atari. The 1400XL and the 1450XLD had their delivery dates pushed back, first by the priority given to the 600XL/800XL, and later by the 3600 System. In the end the 1400XL was eventually canceled outright, and the 1450XLD so delayed that it would never ship.

By late 1983 the price war that had started the year before was now reaching a crescendo. Although the 600/800 were well positioned in terms of price and features, their entry into the market was so delayed that Commodore dramatically outsold them over the '83 Christmas season. Combined with the simultaneous effects of the video game crash of 1983, Atari was soon losing millions of dollars a day. Their owners, Warner Communications, became desperate to sell off the division.

Although Commodore emerged intact from the computer price wars, fighting inside Commodore soon led to Jack Tramiel's ousting. Looking to re-enter the market, he soon purchased Atari from Warner for an extremely low price.

Tramiel era: XE series and XEGS

The final machines in the 8-bit series were there 65XE and 130XE. They were announced in 1985 at the same time as the initial models in the Atari ST series: the 130ST and 520ST. Originally intended to be called the 900XLF, the 65XE was functionally equivalent to the 800XL minus the PBI connection. The 65XE (European version) and the 130XE had the Enhanced Cartridge Interface (ECI), a semi-compatible variant of the Parallel Bus Interface (PBI). The 130XE shipped with 128 KiB of memory, accessible through bank-selection.

An additional 800XE was available in Europe (mostly Eastern Europe), which was essentially a 65XE. XE stood for XL-Expanded. The reason for repackaging the 130XE into the 800XE was Atari trying to ride on the popularity of the original 800XL in Europe. Unfortunately, 65XE and 800XE machines sold in Eastern Europe had a buggy GTIA chip, specifically those machines made in China in 1991.

Finally, with the resurgence of the gaming industry brought on by Nintendo, Atari brought out the XE Game System (XEGS), released in 1987. The XEGS was sold bundled with a detachable keyboard (first for an Atari computer), a joystick and a light gun (XG-1), and a couple of game cartridges (Bug Hunt and Flight Simulator II). The XEGS was essentially a repackaged 65XE, and was compatible with almost all Atari 8-bit software and hardware as a result. Bad marketing and a lack of newer releases hampered sales.

On January 1, 1992, Atari officially dropped all remaining support of the 8-bit line.


The Atari machines consisted of a 6502 as the main processor, a combination of ANTIC and GTIA chips to provide graphics, and the POKEY chip to handle sound and serial input/output. The 'support' chips were controlled via a series of registers that could be use-controlled via memory set/get instructions running on the 6502. For example, the GTIA used a series of registers to select colors for the screen; these colors could be changed by inserting the correct values into its registers, which were mapped into 'memory' that was visible to the 6502. Some parts of the system also used user-accessible memory as a buffer, notably the ANTIC's display buffer and its 'display list'(essentially a small assembler language program that told the ANTIC how to interpret that data and turn it into a display).


ANTIC was a microprocessor which processed display instructions. A complete sequence of instructions was known as a Display List. Each instruction described how a single 'line' on the screen was to be displayed (character or graphics), where it was displayed, if it contained interrupts, if fine scrolling was enabled or not, or where to load data from memory (character sets or graphics information). ANTIC read this display list using DMA (Direct Memory Access), then translated this display list into electrical data for GTIA to process. All calls were performed without any CPU intervention.

The ANTIC was primarily responsible for drawing the 'background' of the graphics screen, as well as text. ANTIC then passed off the video data through the GTIA, which added color and drew sprites. The combination led to oddities such as the ability to invert all the text on the screen by changing a value in memory. The character set was easily redirected by changing an ANTIC register, allowing the user to create their own character sets with relative ease.


The Color Television Interface Adapter was the graphics chip used in early Atari 400/800 home computers; it was the successor to the TIA chip used in the Atari 2600. The CTIA chip was replaced with the GTIA in later revisions of the 400 and 800 and all other members of the Atari 8-bit family. According to Joe Decuir, George McLeod designed the CTIA (Colleen TIA) in 1977.

GTIA, also designed by George McLeod, received graphics information from ANTIC and also controlled sprites, collision detection, priority control and color-luminance (brightness) control to all objects (including DMA objects from ANTIC). GTIA output them as separate digital luminance and chrominance signals, which were mixed to form an analogue composite video signal.


The third custom support chip, named POKEY, was responsible for reading the keyboard, generating sound and serial communications (in conjunction with the PIA). It also provided timers, a random number generator (for sound noise as well as random numbers), and maskable interrupts. POKEY had four semi-independent audio channels, each with its own frequency, noise and volume control. Each 8-bit channel had its own audio control register which selected the noise content and volume. For higher sound resolution (quality), two of the audio channels could be combined for more accurate sound (16-bit). The name POKEY comes from the words 'POtentiometer' and 'KEYboard', which were two of the I/O devices that POKEY interfaced with. This chip was considered one of the Atari's real strengths, and was actually used in several Atari arcade machines of the 80s despite the arcade division not being part of Atari Computers, Inc.

Computer models

400 and 800 (1979) – original machines in beige cases, 400 had membrane keyboard, 800 had full-travel keys, two cartridge ports, monitor output, expandable memory slots (up to 48 KiB).
1200XL (1982) – new aluminum and smoked plastic cases, 64 KiB of RAM, only two joystick ports. Help key, four function keys. A new OS caused compatibility problems with some older software.
600XL and 800XL (1983) – replacements for the 400, 800 and 1200XL sans function keys. 600XL had 16 KiB of memory, 800XL had 64 KiB and monitor output. Both had built-in BASIC and an expansion port known as the Parallel Bus Interface (PBI).
800XLF – 800XL with Atari FREDDIE chip and BASIC rev. C. Released in Europe only.
65XE and 130XE (1985) – A repackaged 800XLF with new cases and keyboards. The 130XE came with 128 KiB of RAM and a Enhanced Cartridge Interface (ECI) instead of a PBI. The U.S./Canadian version of the 65XE had no ECI or PBI.
XEGS (1987) – a game machine in a light beige case, with a detachable full-travel but slightly 'mushy' keyboard (Atari ST'ish)
800XE – the final machine in the series. Styling the same as 65XE and 130XE. A 130XE with 64 KiB RAM. Mainly seen in Eastern Europe.
Prototypes/Vaporware (Never Officially Released)
1400XL – Similar to the 1200XL but with an PBI, FREDDIE chip, built-in modem and speech synthesis chip. Cancelled by Atari.
1450XLD – basically a 1400XL with built in 5.1/4? disk drive and expansion bay for a second 5.1/4? disk drive. Code named Dynasty. Made it to pre-production, but got abandoned by Tramiel.
900XLF – redesigned 800XLF. Became the 65XE.
65XEM – 65XE with AMY sound synthesis chip. Cancelled.
65XEP – 'portable' 65XE with 3.5' disk drive, 5' green CRT and battery pack. Never released
1090 expansion system, 5 slots in a large case (never released, small numbers leaked out)
XF354 – 3.5' disk drive


Atari's peripherals were named after the machines they were intended to be used with, so in general they have names like '410' and '1050'. All of them used the proprietary SIO port, which allowed them to be daisy chained together into a single string; a method also used in Commodore's home computers from the VIC-20 onwards. These 'intelligent' peripherals were more expensive than the standard IBM PC devices, which did not need the added SIO electronics.

400/800 series

410 tape drive, 600 bit/s on cassettes
810 5.1/4' floppy disk, single-density single-sided, 90 KiB
815 dual 5.1/4' floppy disks, double-density single-sided, 180 KiB (only small numbers produced)
820 printer, 40-column dot matrix on adding machine paper
822 printer, 40-column thermal on slightly wider paper
825 printer, 80-column dot matrix (Centronics 737)
830 300-baud modem, using an acoustic coupler, used RS-232 so required an 850 (Novation CAT)
835 300-baud modem, direct connect, basic Hayes compatible with SIO interface
850 expansion system, included four RS-232 ports and one Centronics parallel port
CX-85 Numerical Keypad, external keypad that plugs into the joystick ports.

XL series

1020 4-color Plotter
1010 tape drive, a smaller replacement for the 410
1020 color printer, 40-column plotter with 4 pens
1025 printer, 80-column dot matrix (Okidata ML-80)
1027 printer, 80-column letter quality that printed with a 5-wheels-on-a-drum system kept inked by a top-mounted roller (Mannesmann Tally Riteman LQ)
1029 printer, 80-column lower-quality 7-pin dot matrix sold in Europe (Seikosha mechanism)
1030 300 baud modem, direct connect
1050 5.1/4' floppy disk, 'enhanced density' format single-sided, 130 KiB
1064 memory module, 64 KiB memory expansion for 600XL
CX77 touch tablet

XE series

XC12 tape drive
XEP80 80-column display module, parallel port
XC11 tape drive
XC12 tape drive (small model like the 1010, sold worldwide). Similar models were released, mainly in Eastern Europe. These included:-
XCA12 (same case as XC12)
CA12 (same case as XC12)
XL12 tape drive (an XC12 with minor changes)
XC13 - 'T2000 ready' version of XC12
XF551 5.1/4' floppy disk, double-density double-sided, 360 KiB
XMM801 printer, 80-column dot matrix
XDM121 printer, 80-column letter quality daisy wheel
XM301 300 baud modem
SX212 1200 baud modem (also included RS-232 for use on Atari ST computers)

In addition to the list above, Atari failed to release a huge selection of machines and peripherals that were otherwise completed. See the externally linked FAQ below for details.


Built-in and disk operating systems

The Atari 8-bit computers came with an operating system built into the ROM. The Atari 400/800 had the following:
OS Rev. A - 10 KiB ROM (3 chips) early machines.
OS Rev. B - 10 KiB ROM (3 chips) bug fixes. Most common for 400/800.

The XL/XE Atari 8-bit models all had OS revisions due to added hardware features and changes. But this created compatibility issues with some of the older software. Atari responded with the Translator Disk, a floppy disk which loaded the older 400/800 Rev. B or Rev. A OS into the XL/XE computers.
OS Rev. 10 - 16 KiB ROM (2 chips) for 1200XL Rev A
OS Rev. 11 - 16 KiB ROM (2 chips) for 1200XL Rev B (bug fixes)
OS Rev. 1 - 16 KiB ROM for 600XL
OS Rev. 2 - 16 KiB ROM for 800XL
OS Rev. 3 - 16 KiB ROM for 800XE/130XE
OS Rev. 4 - 32 KiB ROM (16 KiB OS + 8 KiB BASIC + 8 KiB Missile Command) for XEGS

The XL/XE models also came with built-in Atari BASIC. Early models came with the notoriously buggy revision B. Later models used revision C.

The standard Atari OS only contained very low-level routines for accessing floppy disk drives. An extra layer, a disk operating system, was added to assist in organizing file system-level disk access. Enter Atari DOS, which, like most home computer DOSes of the era, had to be booted from floppy disk at every power-on or reset. Unlike most others, Atari DOS was entirely menu driven.
DOS 1.0 - Initial DOS for Atari.
DOS 2.0S, 2.0D - Improved over DOS 1.0, became the standard for the 810 disk drive. 2.0D was for never-released 815 drive.
DOS 3.0 - Came with 1050 drive. Used a different disk format from previous DOSes, and was incompatible with DOS 2.0, making it very unpopular.
DOS 2.5 - Replaced DOS 3.0 in later 1050s. Functionally identical to DOS 2.0S, but able to read and write Enhanced Density disks.
DOS 4.0 - Designed for 1450XLD, cancelled, rights given back to the author.
DOS XE - Designed for the XF551 drive.

Several third-party replacement DOSes were also available.

Graphics capabilities

Standard modes

While the ANTIC and GTIA chips allowed a variety of graphics modes to be combined, and different playfield widths to be used, the Atari's Operating System provided a basic set of graphics modes. In most cases, these were exposed to Atari BASIC via the 'GRAPHICS' command, and to some other languages, via similar system calls.
40x24 text modes
1 color of text, with each character's 8x8 pixels the same size as those in 320x192 graphics mode, with the same hue restriction. Characters with the high-bit on were represented in inverse-video.
'Lowercase with descenders' mode, which was not available through GRAPHICS, only as part of custom display lists. In this mode characters were 10 pixels high and occupied either the upper or lower 8 pixels of that height. This was not strictly speaking a 40x24 text mode, because of the unusual height.
Colored text, where every two bits represents a colored pixel (characters were 4x8 pixels that were the same size as those in 160x192 graphics mode). Characters with the high-bit on were displayed using a 5th color palette registered where the 4th would normally be used.
Colored text, where every four bits represents a colored pixel (characters were 2x8 pixels that were the same size as those in 80x192 graphics mode and had the same color limitations). This mode was not directly available through GRAPHICS but required setting GTIA flags in text mode.
20x24 text mode
1 color of text, with each character's 8x8 pixels the same size as those in 160x192 graphics mode. Characters with various bits enabled or disabled (which would normally appear as 'control-characters', lower-case characters, or inverse-video) were displayed with different colored pixels.
20x12 text mode
(Same as 20x24 text mode, but with larger pixels and fewer rows of text)
40x24 graphics mode — 4 colors (2 bpp)
80x48 graphics modes — Either 2 colors (1 bpp), or 4 colors (2 bpp)
160x96 graphics modes — Either 2 colors, or 4 colors
160x192 graphics modes — Either 2 colors, or 4 colors
320x192 graphics mode — 2 colors (1 bpp). The pixels were a shade of the playfield color, and could not be different hue.
80x192 graphics modes (GTIA chip only)
9 colors from the color palette registers
All 15 Atari hues, but only of one brightness (plus black)
All 16 Atari shades, but only of one hue

Software-driven modes

In 1992, Jeff D. Potter created a GIF decoder and image viewer for the Atari called APACView. APAC, or Any Point, Any Color, was a software-driven method of displaying an image using all 256 of the Atari's possible colors. By taking 80x192 mode lines that displayed 16 hues, and those that displayed 16 shades, and either interlacing rows of them, quickly alternating between rows of them, or both, a screen displaying 80x96 or 80x192 pixels in 256 colors could be perceived.

Later, Potter created another GIF decoder, and later a JPEG decoder was created, which broke an image into the three red, green and blue channels. 16 shades of each, at 80x192 pixels, would be displayed in an interlaced and flickering fashion. The human eye's persistence of vision would allow the viewer to see 4096 colors (12 bpp) at 80x192, with slight 'rolling' artifacts in solid red, green or blue fields in the image. This was called ColrView mode.

In 1994, Clay Halliwell created a modem terminal program for the Atari (FlickerTerm80) which uses 40x24 text mode, combined with two character sets with an identical 4x8 font — one with the pixels on the left half of the 8x8 grid, the other on the right. By altering where in memory ANTIC looks for graphics, and which font to display, an 80x24 character screen can be displayed. It uses less memory (about 2 KiB) and can be more quickly manipulated, compared to rendering 80x24 characters using a 320x192 bitmap mode (which would require about 8 KiB).

In 1998, Bill Kendrick created a puzzle video game for the Atari (Gem Drop) which utilized a similar effect, but by using two alternating character sets (fonts) in colored text. (Each character is 4x8 pixels, each pixel being one of 4 colors.) No color palette changes occurred, and ANTIC's Display List wasn't altered — only a vertical blank interrupt was used to change the character set. This allowed for approximately 13 colors on the screen. Solid color fields that were based on two actual colors (e.g., dark red created by flickering between red and black) had less artifacting because they could be drawn in a checkerboard fashion. This mode was called SuperIRG. (Normal 4x8 multi-colored text on the Atari is called IRG.)

In 1996, Atari demo coders HARD Software from Hungary created HARD Interlacing Picture (HIP), which can display 160x192 pixels in 30 shades of grey. It interlaces two modes — 80x192 with 16 shades of grey, 80x192 with 9 paletted colors — and utilizes a bug in the GTIA chip that causes one of the modes to be shifted .1/2 pixel, allowing for a perceived 160 pixels across.

Later, other demo coders created RIP graphics mode, which is similar to HIP, but can display 160x192 pixels in color.

Infos from Wikipedia

Computer 1992

Atari Falcon030

The Atari Falcon 030 is the successor of the Atari 520 STe and the Atari TT 30.
It keeps some features these machines : The graphic modes (320 x 200 / 16 colors, 640 x 200 / 4 colors, 640 x 400 / 2 colors, 320 x 480 / 256 colors and 640 x 480 / 16 colors) and the sound chips (the old Yamaha PSG and the two 8 bits PCM channels of the STe).
Two new graphic modes have been added : a "small" 256 colors SVGA (640 x 480) and a true color VGA mode (32768 / 65535 colors in 320 x 480). Also when running on a TV, the resolutions are different: True Color mode is 640x480 in PAL and 640x400 in NTSC. The other TV resolutions also have a difference of vertical resolution between PAL and NTSC: 200 or 400 lines in NTSC, 240 or 480 in PAL.
New interfaces were added too : an ADC 16bit 50 KHz and a DSP I/O port. The videochip has also genlocking features.
The Falcon was sold with the single-task TOS operating system in ROM (4.04). It is the old Atari ST TOS with new functions to handle the DSP and the new graphic modes. The GUI was slightly enhanced with colored icons and 3D windows.
Hopefully a multi-task TOS - MultiTOS) was also delivered on disks. This multitasking system uses the MiNT kernel and an enhanced GUI. MiNT (which stands for MiNT is NOT TOS) is a multitasking Operating System with lot of Unix features. It was initially done by Eric Smith. It was bought later by Atari and became then "MiNT is NOW TOS). Atari planned first to put it in ROM, but it was not finished and was shipped on disks.

Console 1993

Atari Jaguar

The Atari Jaguar is a console that was released by Atari back 1993. This was the last console to be marketed under the Atari brand until 2004 when they released the Atari Flashback.
The system even through marketed as the first 64 bit console to enter the market it was still a commercial failure and thus forcing Atari out of the console market. The console had only sold about 250 thousand.
The Jaguar faced many problems that contributed to its failure such as extensive delays in development of the software for the console and also the introduction of products into the market by both Sega and Sony in 1995.
The Atari Jaguar had quite a few different accessories that could add functionality to the console. Just to name a few there was the cd add-on, memory track, team tap and many more.
There was a total of 82 games released for the console 67 were for the console itself and the other 15 were for the CD add-on. Just to name a few there was Alien Vs Predator, Breakout 2000, Missile Command 3D, Total Carnage and many more.

Console 1995

Atari Jaguar CD

The Atari Jaguar CD or Jag CD was a CD-ROM peripheral for the Atari Jaguar video game console.

Late in the life span of the company, Atari released this long-promised CD-ROM unit. The unit hit shelves in mid-1995 and retailed for $149.95[1]. The device sat atop the Jaguar console, plugging into the cartridge slot, and had a funnel-like shape. Due to this, the physical design of the system has sometimes been compared to that of a conventional toilet. The drive had its own cartridge slot to allow cartridge games to be played without removing the CD drive. There was a separate 'Memory Track' cartridge for storing saved game position and high scores.

The Jaguar CD unit featured a double speed (2x) drive and built-in VLM (Virtual Light Machine) software written by Jeff Minter. The VLM, which provided a sophisticated video light show when an audio CD was played in the machine, was as popular among buyers as the games themselves. Packaged with the drive were two games (Blue Lightning and Vid Grid), a music CD (Tempest 2000 soundtrack), and a Myst demo disc. Also, the startup screen was different to that of the cartridge-based Jaguar: using the VLM banks it created a random 'light show' that was different every time the console was switched on. However, the startup was silent.

Jaguar CD games could include as much as 790MB of data, considerably more than conventional CD-ROMs. The designers chose to ignore established CD-ROM formats and instead created their own based on the audio CD format. While allowing for dramatically more storage on the disc and foiling casual piracy, the format only provided limited error correction.

The drive was manufactured for Atari by Philips in the United States. The initial shipment was 20,000 units. Comments from Atari a few weeks after the unit was launched stated that the entire inventory had been sold, and that another batch would be ordered. With the JT Storage reverse takeover looming just a few months away, it is possible, however, that those 20,000 drives were the only units ever produced. The last game released for the Jaguar CD was Gorf in 2005 [2].

While the ratio of CD to cartridge games is fairly low, the CD add-on unit has always held an interest to gamers. In particular, the value of the CD add-on has gone up dramatically in the past few years, mainly due to low supply. Also, it is now possible to (legally) download and burn several encrypted demos (Black Ice/White Noise, Native, Atomic) to play on an actual CD unit with no modification. Due to this, the homebrew sector is active with several titles in progress (Eerievale). A third-party cartridge (Protector SE, B&C's cart) is, however, still required for unencrypted games. The console overall has a high chance for overall system failure, making for an unreliable system

Infos from Wikipedia

Handheld 1989

Atari Lynx

The Atari lynx is a handheld console that released back in September 1989 by Atari. It is widely recognised as the world’s first electronic game that has a colour LCD screen/
This handheld device has many several innovative features for its time such as the colour screen, a backlit display, and switchable right/left handed configuration and also the ability to network with up to 17 other unites.
While the Atari Lynx started off as successful this eventually started to slow down as more competition came onto the market. Lifetime sales of the Lynx totalled out to be about 7 million units when combined with the game gear. The Gameboy had sold 16 million units by the same time.
The handheld console received good praise by the critics at the time with one critic claiming that it “throws the Gameboy into the prehistoric age” citing the built-in object scaling capabilities and the strong multiplayer system gave it a huge advantage over the Gameboy.

Computer 1981

Atari PC

DOSBox is a DOS-emulator that uses the SDL-library which makes DOSBox very easy to port to different platforms. DOSBox has already been ported to many different platforms, such as Windows, BeOS, Linux, MacOS X...

DOSBox also emulates CPU:286/386 realmode/protected mode, Directory FileSystem/XMS/EMS, Tandy/Hercules/CGA/EGA/VGA/VESA graphics, a SoundBlaster/Gravis Ultra Sound card for excellent sound compatibility with older games...

You can "re-live" the good old days with the help of DOSBox, it can run plenty of the old classics that don't run on your new computer!

Handheld 1989

Atari Portfolio

The Portfolio was one of the first, if not the first MSDOS compatible pocket computer. It was fully compatible with the IBM PC standard, although it was difficult to use software because of its very small screen.
Its card drive can accept :
- optional 32K, 64K or 128K memory (RAM) cards,
- 64K or 128K programmable (PROM) cards,
- 128K masked ROM cards,
- and 512K Flash Memory cards.
It had several built-in programs :
- Worksheet: Lotus 1-2-3 File-compatible spreadsheet,
- Text editor with basic word processing funtions,
- Calculator with five memories, four number formats and editable "tape" of calculations,
- Address book with virtually unlimited name and address storage and automatic phone dialing,
- Personal calendar/appointment book with programmable alarms,
- File transfer to upload and download files from compatible PC using optional Smart Parallel Interface,
- Clipboard to move or copy data within a file or between files or programs,
- and an operating system similar to MS-DOS 2.11
A lot of interfaces were developped for this computer including MIDI I/O.
Fun fact: This computer appeared in Terminator 2. It was used by young John Connor to break into an ATM bank machine.

Computer 1985

Atari ST

The Atari ST is a home/personal computer that was commercially popular from 1985 to the early 1990s. It was released by Atari in 1985. The 'ST' officially stands for 'Sixteen/Thirty-two', which referred to the Motorola 68000's 16-bit external bus and 32-bit internals.

The Atari ST was a notable home computer, based on the Motorola 68000 CPU, with 512 KB of RAM or more, and 3.1/2' floppy disks as storage. It was similar to other contemporary machines which used the Motorola 68000, the Apple Macintosh and the Commodore Amiga. Although the Macintosh was the first widely available computer with a graphical user interface (GUI), it was limited to a monochromatic display on a smaller built-in monitor. The Atari ST was the first computer with a fully bit-mapped color GUI. It had an innovative single-chip graphics subsystem (designed by Shiraz Shivji) which shared the full amount of system memory, in alternating clock cycles, with the processor, similar to the earlier BBC Micro and the Unified Memory systems that have become common today. It was also the first home computer with integral MIDI support.

The ST was primarily a competitor to the Apple Macintosh and the Commodore Amiga systems. This platform rivalry was often reflected by the owners and was most prominent in the Demo Scene. Where the Amiga had custom processors which gave it the edge in the games and video market, the ST was generally cheaper, had a slightly faster CPU, and had a high-resolution monochrome display, ideal for business and CAD. Thanks to its built-in MIDI ports it enjoyed success as a music sequencer and controller of musical instruments among amateurs and professionals alike, being used in concert by bands such as Tangerine Dream and 90s UK dance act 808 State. In some markets, particularly Germany, the machine gained a strong foothold as a small business machine for CAD and Desktop publishing work.

The ST was later superseded by the Atari TT and Falcon computers.

Since Atari pulled out of the computer market there has been a market for powerful TOS-based machines (clones). Like most 'retro' computers the Atari enjoys support in the emulator scene.

Tramel Technologies
At Commodore International an argument involving Commodore's chairman (and largest shareholder) Irving Gould and Commodore founder Jack Tramiel ensued over Tramiel's desire for his sons to take more active executive roles within Commodore. The argument resulted in Tramiel's immediate departure from Commodore in January of 1984.

Tramiel immediately formed a holding company, Tramel Technologies, Ltd., and began to visit various US computer companies with the intention of purchasing a company. Tramiel visited Mindset (run by Roger Badersher, former head of Atari's Computer Division) and Amiga where Tramiel told Amiga staff that he was very interested in the chipset, but not the staff. Tramiel set his chief engineer - Shiraz Shivji the task of developing a new low-cost, high-end computer system. The original design considered using the NS32032, but in talks, National Semiconductor couldn't supply the chip in the numbers or price that the project required. In retrospect this proved to be fortunate as a prototype built on the NS32032 benchmarked slower than the 16/32-bit 68000.

The project, codenamed 'RBP' for 'Rock Bottom Price', began to form between April and July 1984 into a design that was almost identical to the ST that eventually shipped. The design was a combination of custom chips and commonly available parts in a highly integrated single-board design, fully equipped with standard and custom ports.

Amiga contract
Prior to the introduction of the ST, Atari's computer division developed and sold a line of home computers based on the 6502 CPU with a set of custom VLSI processors - ANTIC (DMA), CTIA/GTIA (Graphics), POKEY (AUDIO) and PIA (I/O)from 1979 through 1982 as the Atari 400 (16K) and Atari 800 (48k), in 1982 Atari introduced the 1200XL which was too closed a design and was replaced with the 600XL/800XL series. Atari prepared several high-end computers for introduction in 1984, but these were cancelled when the Tramiels took over Atari. Several months prior to the release of the ST line, Atari released its 65XE (64K) and 130XE(128k) computers to replace the XL series 6502 8bit computers.

Jay Miner, one of the original designers for the custom chips found in the Atari 2600 and Atari 8-bit of machines, tried to convince Atari management to invest big money into creating a new chipset and console/computer idea. When his idea was rejected, Miner left Atari to form a small think tank called Hi-Toro in 1982 and set about designing this new chipset. The company which was later renamed Amiga started selling various video game controllers and games while it developed its 'Lorraine' computer system.

During development, Amiga had run out of capital to complete the development of its Lorraine chipset, and the 'Warner owned' Atari had paid Amiga to continue development work. In return Atari was to get one-year exclusive use of the design. Atari had plans for a 68000 based machine, code named 'Mickey', that would have used custom chips, but details are sparse.

The following year, Tramiel discovered that Warner Communications wanted to sell Atari, which at that point was losing about Dollar10,000 a day. Interested in Atari's overseas manufacturing and world wide distribution network for his new computer, he approached Atari and entered talks. After on again/off again negotiations with Atari in May and June of 1984, Tramiel had secured his funding and bought Atari's Consumer Division (which included the console and home computer departments) that July.

As more executives and researchers left Commodore to join Tramiel's new company Atari Corp. after the announcement, Commodore followed by filing lawsuits against four former engineers for theft of trade secrets. This was intented to in effect, bar Tramiel from releasing his new computer.

One of Tramiel's first acts after forming Atari Corp. was to fire most of Atari's remaining staff and cancel almost all ongoing projects in order to review their continued viability. It was during this time in late July/early August that Tramiel representatives discovered the original Amiga contract.

It turned out that Amiga was supposed to deliver the Amiga chipset to Atari on June 30, 1984. The Amiga crew, having continuing serious financial problems, had sought more monetary support from investors that Spring (one of which had been Tramiel and his TTL, which ended quickly given his desire to replace nearly everyone at Amiga). Having heard rumors that Tramiel was in closed negotiations to complete the purchase of Atari in several days -- at around the same time that Tramiel was in negotiations with Atari - Amiga entered in to discussions with Commodore. The discussions ultimately led to Commodore wanting to purchase Amiga outright, which would (from Commodore's viewpoint) cancel any outstanding contracts - including Atari Inc.'s. So instead of Amiga delivering the chipset, Commodore delivered a check of Dollar500,000 to Atari on Amiga's behalf, in effect returning the funds invested into Amiga for completion of the Lorraine chipset. Seeing a chance to gain some leverage Tramiel immediately used the situation to countersue Commodore through its new (pending) subsidiary, Amiga, which was done on August 13, 1984. He sought damages and an injunction to bar Amiga (and effectively Commodore) from producing anything with that technology. The suit tried to render Commodore's new acquisition (and the source for its next generation of computers) useless and do to Commodore what they were trying to do to him.

Meanwhile at Commodore, the Amiga team (according to conversations by Curt Vendel of directly with Dave Needles of Amiga and also with Joe Decuir of Amiga) was sitting in limbo for nearly the entire summer because of the lawsuit. No word on the status of the chipset, the Lorraine computer system or the team's fate was known. Finally in the fall of 1984 Commodore informed the team that the Lorraine project was active again, the chipset to be improved, the OS developed and the hardware design completed. This delay bought Atari several additional months in 1985 to release Atari STs to Atari User Groups in June 1985 and to go into full retail sales of the Atari 520ST in September of 1985.

So far as the Atari vs Amiga lawsuit - in March of 1987 the two companies had settled out of court in a closed decision.

This chapter is used on Wikipedia with permission from

The operating system
With the hardware design nearing completion, the team started looking at solutions for the operating system. Soon after the buyout Microsoft approached Tramiel with the suggestion that they port Windows to the platform, but the delivery date was out by about two years, far too long for their needs. Another possibility was Digital Research, who were working on a new GUI-based system then known as Crystal, soon to become GEM. Another option was to write a new operating system in-house, but this was eventually rejected due to the risk.

Digital Research was fully committed to the Intel platform, so a team from Atari was sent to the Digital Research headquarters to work with the 'Monterey Team' which comprised a mixture of Atari and Digital Research engineers. Atari's Jim Tittsler was Atari key OS engineer overseeing 'Project Jason' (aka - The Operating System) for the Atari ST line of computers.

CP/M-68K was essentially a direct port of CP/M's original, mature operating system. By 1985, it was becoming increasingly outdated in comparison to MS-DOS 2.0; for instance, CP/M did not support sub-directories and did not have a hierarchical file system. Digital Research was also in the process of building a new DOS-like operating system specifically for GEM, GEMDOS, and there was some discussion of whether or not a port of GEMDOS could be completed in time for product delivery in June. The decision was eventually taken to port it, resulting in a GEMDOS file system which became part of TOS (The Operating System). This was beneficial as it gave the ST a fast, hierarchical file system, essential for hard drive storage disks, plus programmers had function calls similar to the IBM PC DOS.

Debut of the ST
The design shipped in June 1985 to Atari User Groups and then in September 1985 for general retail sales as the 520ST. The machine had gone from concept to store shelves in a little under a year. Atari had originally intended to release versions with 128 KB and 256 KB of RAM as the 130ST and 260ST respectively. However, with the OS loaded from floppy into RAM, there would be little or no room left over for applications to run. The 260ST did make its way into Europe on a limited basis.

Early models shipped with TOS on disk, but were designed with ROM sockets to make for easy upgrading to the future ROM based TOS. These became available only a few months later, and were included in all new machines, as well as being available to upgrade older machines. By late 1985 the machines were also upgraded with the addition of an RF modulator (for TV display), a version known as the 520STM.

Atari had originally intended to include GEM's GDOS (Graphical Device Operating System), which allowed programs to send GEM VDI (Virtual Device Interface) commands to drivers loaded by GDOS. This allowed developers to send VDI instructions to other devices simply by pointing to it. However, GDOS was not ready at the time the ST started shipping, and was included in software packages and later ST machines. Later versions of GDOS supported vector fonts.

On the plus side, the ST was less expensive than most machines, including the Macintosh Plus, and tended to be faster than most (external link: price comparison). Largely as a result of the price/performance factor, the ST would go on to be a fairly popular machine, notably in markets where the foreign exchange rates amplified prices. Indeed, the company's English advertising strapline of the era was 'power without the price.' In fact, an Atari ST and terminal emulation software was much cheaper than a Digital VT220 terminal, which was commonly needed by offices with central computers.


The Atari 520STThe 520ST was an all-in-one unit, similar to earlier home computers like the Commodore 64. By the time the 520ST reached the market, however, consumers demanded a keyboard with cursor keys and a numeric keypad. For this reason, the 520ST was a fairly large and awkward computer console.

Adding to this problem was the number of large cables needed to connect to the peripherals. This problem was addressed to some degree in the follow-on models which included a built-in floppy disk, though this addition resulted in the awkward placement of the mouse and joystick ports to a cramped niche underneath the keyboard.

Early 520ST owners became accustomed to the 'Atari Twist' and the 'Atari Drop' service procedures. 'Atari Twist' seemed to help discharge built-up static electricity (Atari soldered-down the metal shielding to fix the problem) while the 'Atari Drop' appeared to help re-seat chips which may have become partially unseated over time.

The case design was created by Ira Valenski - Atari's chief Industrial Designer. The ST was basically wedge shaped, with a series of grilles cut into the rear for airflow. The majority of the machines had keyboards with soft tactile feedback resulting in a 'cheap' feel, with rhomboid function keys across the top edge. The original 520ST design used an external floppy drive; the 1040ST-style case featured a built-in floppy drive. The power supply for the early 520ST was a large external brick while the 1040ST's was inside the machine.

Port connections
The ST featured a large number of ports mounted at the rear of the machine.

Standard ports:
RS-232c serial port (DB25 male)
Centronics printer port (DB25 female)
joystick/mouse ports (DE-9 male)

Atari ST mouse
MIDI ports (5-pin DIN)
ST-specific ports:
Monitor port (13-pin DIN)
ACSI (similar to SCSI) DMA port (for hard disks and laser printers)
Floppy port (to add a second floppy drive)
ST cartridge port (for 128 KB ROM cartridges)
Because of its bi-directional design, the Centronics printer port could be used for joystick input and several games made use of available adaptors that plugged into the printer socket, providing two additional 9-pin joystick ports.

Atari initially used single-sided disk drives that could store up to 360 KB. Later drives were double-sided versions that stored 720 KB. Due to the early sales of so many of the single-sided drives, almost all software would ship on two single-sided disks instead of a single double-sided one, for fear of alienating early adopters. ST magazines wishing to cater to the entire audience while still supplying a large amount of material on a single cover disc had to adopt innovative custom formats to work around this problem. Another sticking point was that while the Atari double-sided drive could read IBM-formatted disks, IBM PCs could not read Atari disks. This was a formatting issue that was later resolved by third-party software formatters and TOS upgrades (1.4 and higher).

STF and STFM models

Atari ST 1040Atari later upgraded the basic design in 1986 with the 1040STF (also written STF). The machine was generally similar to the earlier 520ST, but moved the power supply and a double-sided floppy drive into the rear of the housing of the computer, as opposed to being external. This added to the size of the machine, but reduced cable clutter in the back. The 1040 shipped with 1 MB of RAM, and the same design was also used for the new 512 KB 520STFM, which replaced the earlier models in the market.

The 1040ST was the first personal computer shipped with a base RAM configuration of 1 MB, and when the list price was reduced to Dollar999 in the U.S. it became the first computer to break the Dollar1000/megabyte price barrier, and was featured on the cover of Byte Magazine. However, the ST remained generally the same internally over the majority of its several-year lifespan. The choice of model numbers was inherited from the model numbers of the XE series of the Atari 8-bit family of computers. A limited number of 1040STFs shipped with a single-sided floppy drive.

Mega models
Initial sales were strong, especially in Europe where Atari sold 75 percent of its computers. Germany became Atari's strongest market, with small business users using them for desktop publishing and CAD.

To address this growing market segment, Atari came up with the ST1. First debuted at Comdex, 1986, it was received favorably. Renamed the Mega, this new machine included a detached high-quality keyboard, stronger case (to support the weight of a monitor), and internal bus expansion connector. The upcoming SLM804 laser printer would not come with a processor or memory, reducing costs. It would attach to the Mega through the ST DMA port and have the Mega computer render the pages. Initially equipped with 2 or 4 MB (a 1 MB version, the Mega 1 would later follow), the Mega machines would complement the Atari laser printer for a low-cost desktop publishing package.

A custom blitter co-processor was to be included to speed the performance of some graphics operations on the screen, but due to delays it was eventually released on the Mega 2 and Mega 4 machines. Developers wanting to use it had to detect for it in their programs because it was not present on all machines. However, properly-written programs using the screen VDI commands could use the blitter seamlessly since GEM API was a higher-level interface to TOS.

Later models
For about the first four years, no major design changes in the ST platform took place as Atari focused on manufacturing problems and distribution.

ST enhanced
In late 1989, Atari released the STE (also written STE), a version of the ST with improvements to the multimedia hardware and operating system. The STE featured an increased colour palette of 4096 colours from the ST's 512 (though the maximum displayable palette of these without programming tricks was still limited to 16 in the lowest 320x200 resolution and even fewer in higher resolutions), Genlock support, and a graphics co-processor chip called Blitter which could quickly move large blocks of data (most particularly, graphics sprites) around in RAM. It also included a new 2-channels digital sound chip that could play 8-bit stereo samples in hardware at up to 50 kHz. Two enhanced joystick ports (EJP) were added (two normal joysticks could be plugged into each port with an adaptor), with the new connectors placed in more easily-accessed locations on the side of the case. The enhanced joystick ports were compatible with joypads from Atari's Jaguar console. RAM was now much more simply upgradable via SIMMs. Despite all of this, it still ran at 8 MHz, and the enhanced hardware was clearly designed to catch up with the Amiga.

The STE models initially had software and hardware conflicts resulting in some applications and games written for the ST line being unstable or even completely unusable (sometimes, this could be solved by expanding the RAM). To make matters worse, the built-in floppy disk drives could not read as many tracks on a floppy disk as the built-in floppy disk drives on older models. While this was not a problem for most users, some games used the extra tracks as a crude form of copy protection and as a means of cramming more data onto the disk, and formatting as many as 86 tracks on an '80-track' disk was a common space-expanding option in custom formatting utilities. Furthermore, even having a joystick plugged in would sometimes cause strange behaviour with a few applications (such as First Word Plus).

Very little use was made of the extra features of the STE: STE-enhanced and STE-only software was rare, generally being limited to serious art, CAD or music applications, with very few games taking advantage of the hardware as it was found on so few machines. Quality did, however, seem to substitute for quantity, as the coders who took advantage of the new abilities used them to their fullest.

The last STE machine, the Mega STE, was a STE in a grey Atari TT case that ran at a switchable 16 MHz, dual-bus design (16-bit external, 32-bit internal), optional Motorola 68882 FPU, built-in 3.1/2' floppy disk drive, VME expansion slot, a network port (very similar to that used by Apple's LocalTalk) and an optional built-in 3.1/2' hard drive. It also shipped with TOS 2.00 (better support for hard drives, enhanced desktop interface, memory test, 1.44 MB floppy support, bug fixes). It was marketed as more affordable than a TT but more powerful than an ordinary ST.

The 68030 machines
In 1990, Atari released the high-end workstation-oriented TT (32-MHz, 68030-based TT030). Originally planned with a 68020 CPU, the TT included improved graphics and more powerful support chips. The case was a new design with an integrated hard drive enclosure.

The final ST computer was the multimedia Falcon (also 68030-based, operating at 16 MHz, but with improved video modes and extensive custom chip provisions, particularly high-quality audio DSPs). Although 68030 microprocessor was capable of using 32-bit memory, the Falcon used a 16-bit bus which impacted performance, but also served to reduce its cost. In another cost-reduction measure, Atari shipped the Falcon in an inexpensive case much like that of the STE. After-market upgrade kits were available that allowed the Falcon to be put in a desktop or rack-mount case, with the keyboard separate.

Released in 1992, it was cancelled by Atari the following year. In Europe, C-Lab licenced the Falcon design from Atari and released the C-Lab Falcon Mk I (the same as Atari's Falcon except for some slight modifications to the audio circuitry), Mk II (as Mk I but with a 500 MB hard disk) and Mk X (as Mk II but in a desktop case).

In 1993, Atari cancelled development on the ST computers to focus on the Jaguar.

Following the exit of Atari from the computer market, Medusa Computer Systems manufactured some powerful 3rd-party Atari Falcon/TT-compatible machines that used 68040 and 68060 processors, based around multimedia (particularly audio, but also video), CAD and office uses.

Despite the lack of a hardware supplier, there is a small active community dedicated to keeping the ST platform alive. There have been advancements in the operating system, software emulators (for Windows, Mac & Linux), and some hardware developments. There are accelerator cards, such as the CT60 & CT63, which is a 68060 based accelerator card for the Falcon, and there is the Atari Coldfire Project, which aims at developing an Atari-clone based on the Coldfire processor. Milan Computer of Germany also makes 68040 and 68060-based Atari clones that can run either Atari TOS 4.5 or Milan Computer's MultiOS operating system.

Music / Sound
The ST's low cost, built-in MIDI ports, and fast, low-latency response times made it a favorite with musicians.

The ST was the first home computer with built-in MIDI ports, and there was plenty of MIDI-related software for use professionally in music studios, or by amateur enthusiasts. The popular Windows/Macintosh applications Cubase and Logic Pro originated on the Atari ST. Another popular and powerful ST music sequencer application, Dr. T's KCS, contained a 'Multi-Program Environment' that allowed ST users to run other applications, such as the synthesizer patch editing software XoR (now known as Unisyn on the Macintosh), from within the sequencer application. Even today some people (such as Fatboy Slim) are still using the Atari ST for composing music.

Music tracker software was popular on the ST, such as the TCB Tracker, aiding the production of quality music from the Yamaha synthesizer ('chiptunes').

An innovative music composition program that combined the sample playing abilities of a tracker with conventional music notation (which was usually only found in MIDI software) was called Quartet (after its 4-note polyphonic tracker, which displayed one monophonic stave at a time on colour screens).

Due to the ST having comparatively large amounts of memory for the time, sound sampling packages became a realistic proposition. The Microdeal Replay Professional product featured a sound sampler that cleverly used the ST cartridge port to read in parallel from the cartridge port from the ADC. For output of digital sound, it used the on-board frequency output, set it to 128 kHz (inaudible) and then modulated the amplitude of that.

In addition to the sound sampling functionalities, the availability of software packages with MIDI support for music composition and efficient sound analysis contributed to make the Atari ST a forerunner of later computer-based all-in-one studios.

Also popular on the ST was professional desktop publishing software, such as PageStream and Calamus; office tools such as word processors (WordPerfect, WordWriter ST and others), spreadsheets and database programs; and various CAD and CAM tools from amateur hobbyist to professional grade, all being largely targeted or even limited to high resolution monochrome-monitor owners.

Graphics programs such as NEOchrome, Degas & Degas Elite, Canvas, Deluxe Paint, and Cyber Paint featured advanced features such as 3D design, animation. One paint program, Spectrum 512, used palette switching tricks allowing the maximum number of colors to be displayed on-screen at once (up to 46 in each scan line - the STE never had a Spectrum4096, but other more minor applications filled this speciality niche, one even going so far as to trick the shifter into displaying a maximum 19200 colours).

3D computer graphics applications (like The Cyber Studio), brought 3D modelling, sculpting, scripting, and most important, computer animation (using delta-compression) to the desktop. Video capture and editing applications using special video capture 'dongles' connected using the cartridge port - low frame rate, mainly silent and monochrome, but progressing to sound and basic colour (in still frames) by the end of the machine's life.

Software development
The Atari ST had a wide variety of languages and tools for development. 68000 assemblers (MadMac from Atari Corp, HiSoft's Devpac), Pascal (OSS Personal Pascal), Modula-2, C compilers (like Alcyon C, Lattice C, Megamax C, Mark Williams C, GNU C, Aztec C), LISP, Prolog, Logo and many others.

The initial development kit from Atari included a computer and manuals. At Dollar5,000, this discouraged many from developing software for the ST. Later, the Atari Developer's Kit consisted of software and manuals (no hardware) for Dollar300. Included with the kit were a resource kit, C compiler (first Alcyon C, then Mark Williams C), debugger, and 68000 assembler (plus the non-disclosure agreement).

The ST came bundled with a system disk that contained ST BASIC, the first BASIC for the ST. However, due to its poor performance, users favored other BASICs, such as GFA BASIC, FaST BASIC (notable for being one of the few programs to actually be supplied as a ROM cartridge instead of on disc) and the relatively famous STOS, a cousin of AMOS on the Amiga, and powerful enough that it was used (with a compiler, opposed to its usual runtime interpreter) for the production of at least two commercial titles and an innumerable host of good quality shareware and public domain games.

Even novelty tools such as SEUCK were available.

The ST enjoyed success in gaming due to low cost, fast performance and colorful graphics.

Notable individuals who developed games on the ST include Peter Molyneux, Doug Bell, Jeff Minter, Jez San, James Hutchby, Dimitri Koveos and David Braben. The first real-time 3D role-playing computer game, Dungeon Master, was first developed and released on the ST, and was the best-selling software ever produced for the platform. Simulation games like Falcon and Flight Simulator II made use of the enhanced graphics found in the ST machines, as did many arcade ports. One game, MIDI Maze used the midi ports to connect with other machines for interactive networked play. Games simultaneously released on the Amiga that had identical graphics and sound were often accused by computer game magazines of simply being ST ports.

See List of Atari ST games and Category:Atari ST games.

Utilities / Misc
Utility software was available to drive hardware add-ons such as video digitisers. Office Productivity and graphics software was also bundled with the ST (HyperPaint II by Dimitri Koveos, HyperDraw by David Farmborough, 3D-Calc spreadsheet by Frank Schoonjans, and several others commissioned by Bob Katz, later of Electronic Arts).

There was a thriving output of public domain and shareware software which was distributed by, in the days long before public internet access, public domain software libraries that advertised in magazines and on popular dial-up Bulletin Board Systems.

Remarkably, a modest core fanbase for the system, supporting a dwindling number of good quality print magazines, survived to the mid 90s and the birth of the modern, publicly accessible internet as we know it. Despite the limited graphics, memory, and temporary hard storage capabilities of the system, several email, FTP, telnet, IRC, and even full-blown graphical world wide web browser applications are available and usable on the ST.

Technical specifications
All ST's were made up of both custom and commercial chips:

Custom chips
ST Shifter 'Video shift register chip' — Enabled bitmap graphics using 32 KB of contiguous memory for all resolutions. Screen address had to be a multiple of 256.
ST GLU 'Generalized Logic Unit' — Control logic for the system used to connect the ST's chips. Not part of the data path, but needed to bridge chips with each other.
ST MMU 'Memory Management Unit' — Enabled physical memory access up to 4 MB. Maps out the memory space in the ST.
ST DMA 'Direct Memory Access' — Used for floppy and hard drive data transfers. Can directly access main memory in the ST.
Support chips
MC6850P ACIA 'Asynchronous Common Interface Adapter' — Enabled the ST to directly communicate with MIDI devices and keyboard (2 chips used). 31.25 kBaud for MIDI, 7812.5 bps for keyboard.
MC68901 MFP 'Multi Function Peripheral' — Used for interrupt generation/control, serial and parallel port. Atari TT030 had 2 MFP chips.
WD-1772-PH 'Western Digital Floppy Disk Controller' — Floppy controller chip.
YM2149F PSG 'Programmable Sound Generator' — Provided 3-voice sound synthesis, also used for floppy signalling and printer port control.
HD6301V1 'Hitachi keyboard processor' — Used for keyboard scanning and mouse/joystick ports.

As originally released in the 520ST:

CPU: Motorola 68000 @ 8 MHz. 16-bit data/24-bit address bus.
RAM: 512 KB or 1 Megabyte
Display modes (60 Hz NTSC, 50 Hz PAL, 71.2 Hz monochrome):
Low resolution - 320x200 (16 color), palette of 512 colors
Medium resolution - 640x200 (4 color), palette of 512 colors
High resolution - 640x400 (mono), monochrome
Sound: Yamaha YM2149 3-voice squarewave plus 1-voice white noise mono soundchip
Drive: Single-sided 3.1/2' floppy disk drive, 360 KB capacity when formatted to standard 9 sector, 80 track layout.
Ports: TV out (on ST-M and ST-FM models, NTSC or PAL standard RF modulated), MIDI in/out (with 'out-thru'), RS-232 serial, Centronics parallel (printer), monitor (RGB or Composite Video colour and mono, 13-pin DIN), extra disk drive port (15-pin DIN), DMA port (ACSI port, Atari Computer System Interface) for hard disks and Atari Laser Printer (sharing RAM with computer system), joystick and mouse ports (9-pin MSX standard)
Operating System: TOS v1.00 (The Operating System) with the Graphical Environment Manager (GEM) WiMP (Windows, Mouse, Pointer) GUI
Very early machines included the OS on a floppy disk due to it not being ready to be burned to ROM (Like the Amiga 1000 had) This early version of TOS was bootstrapped from a very small core boot ROM, but this was quickly replaced with (expanded capacity) ROM versions of TOS 1.0 when it was ready. (This change was also greatly welcomed as older ST machines with memory below 512 KB suffered, as GEM loaded its entire 192 KB code into RAM when booting the desktop). Having the OS loaded from disk was due to Atari (and Commodore) trying to rush the machines to market without ironing out all the bugs in the OS. Soon after this change, most production models became STFs, with an integrated single- (520STF/512 KB RAM) or double-sided (1040STF/1024 KB RAM) double density drive built-in, but no other changes. The next later models used an upgraded version of TOS - 1.02 (also known as TOS 1.2). Another early addition (after about 6 months) was an RF Modulator that allowed the machine to be hooked to a colour TV when run in its low or medium resolution (525/625 line 60/50 Hz interlace, even on RGB monitors) modes, greatly enhancing the machine's saleability and perceived value (no need to buy a prohibitively expensive, even if exceptionally crisp and clear, monitor). These models were known as the 520STM (or 520STM). Later F and FM models of the 520 had a built in double-sided disk drive instead of a single-sided one.

As originally released in the 520STE/1040STE:

All of the features of the 520STFM/1040STFM
Extended palette of 4,096 available colours to choose from
BLiTTER chip for fast movement of large data blocks around memory
Hardware-support for horizontal and vertical fine scrolling and split screen (using the Shifter video chip)
DMA sound chip with 2-channels stereo 8-bit PCM sound at 6.25/12.5/25/50kHz and stereo RCA audio-out jacks (using enhancements to the Shifter video chip to support audio shifting)
National LMC 1992 audio controller chip, allowing adjustable left/right/master volume and bass and treble EQ via a 'Microwire' (3-bit serial) interface
Memory: 30-pin SIMM memory slots allowing upgrades up to 4 MB Allowable memory sizes including only 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, and 4.0 MB due to configuration restraints (however, 2.5 and 3.0 MB are unsupported and have compatibilty problems). Later 3rd-party upgrade kits allow a maximum of 14MB, bypassing the stock MMU
Ability to synchronise the video-timings with an external device so that a video Genlock device can be used without having to make any modifications to computer's hardware
Analogue joypad ports (2), with support for devices such as paddles and light pens in addition to joysticks/joypads. The Atari Jaguar joypads and Power Pad joypads (grey version of Jaguar joypads marketed for the STE and Falcon) can be used without an adaptor. Two standard Atari-style digital joysticks could be plugged into each analogue port with an adaptor.
TOS 1.06 (also known as TOS 1.6) or TOS 1.62 (which fixed some major backwards-compatibility bugs in TOS 1.6) in two socketed 128 KB ROM chips.
Socketed PLCC 68000 CPU

Infos from: Wikipedia


Atari XL


Atlus Atlus


Aussie Byte II

Computer 1982

BASF 7100

The BASF 7000 systems are professional computers from Germany.
There were several models in the 7000 serie. The model shown is a BASF 7120.
The computer was based on a DigiLog (USA) Personal Computer (Microterm II Intelligent Terminal), which had an additional printer built in (the paper came out on the top), but was to faulty to be sold (power supply, monitor control, mechanical construction and more.).
The operating system was an "Enhanced commercial BASIC" interpreter and/or an Assembler. .Later on, a CP/M version was released.
The CPU frequency was 4.000 MHz and the memory was 64 kByte + FDC.
The production ended 1987, after a press release of the "SPIEGEL" magazine and legal trials claimed that due to the lack of a Parity Bit in the Memory, the computer was too unsafe for serious applications.
It had 2 CPUs (Z80A) which were able to operate independently and some programs used it for parallel processing(!).
One of them was part of the FDC (Floppy Disk Control), the upper of the three PCBs which were found inside.
It had a Centronics parallel port and a V.24 / RS232 port at the back.
The rocker switches on the right side of the keyboard were used to preset programs (rarely used), as well as the switch banks (DIL-Switches) on the rear side of the computer.

Computer 1982

BBC Bridge Companion

The Bridge 3C seems to be a rebranded InterSystems DPS-1 computer sold with Televideo terminals.
Apparently the Bridge 3C was delivered with the following software: CP/M 2.2, BMATE word processor, R80 RATFOR preprocessor, FORTRAN compiler, Enhanced FORTRAN, Pascal-Z and C compiler.
The following extensions/options were advertised for the Bridge 3C:
- FPP: system calendar, 3 interval timers, one additional serial port, and a 9511 floating point processor with complete software interface.
- ROM-EPROM development package including programmer and dual port memory for emulating 2716s
- GRX: High resolution graphics package
- AD: Hardware and software drivers for 16 channels A/D converters (30 KHz throughput) and 4 channels D/A converters.
- MEM: Additional 256 Kb memory
- HD: Hard disk drive (30 Mb) with interface and all necessary software updates

Console 1977

Bally Professional Arcade & Astrocade

The Astrocade is an early video game console and simple computer system designed by a team at Midway, the videogame division of Bally. It was marketed only for a limited time before Bally decided to exit the market. The rights were later picked up by a third-party company, who re-released it and sold it until around 1983. The Astrocade is particularly notable for its very powerful graphics capabilities, which were rendered impossible to access by Bally engineers.

Originally referred to as the Bally Home Library Computer, it was released in 1977 but available only through mail order. Delays in the production meant none of the units actually shipped until 1978, and by this time the machine had been renamed the Bally Professional Arcade. In this form it sold mostly at computer stores and had little retail exposure (unlike the Atari VCS). In 1979 Bally grew less interested in the arcade market and decided to sell off their Consumer Products Division, including development and production of the game console.

At about the same time a 3rd party group had been unsuccessfully attempting to bring their own console design to market as the Astrovision. A corporate buyer from Montgomery Ward who was in charge of the Bally system put the two groups in contact, and a deal was eventually arranged. In 1981 they re-released the unit with the BASIC cartridge included for free, this time known as the Bally Computer System, and then changed the name again in 1982 to Astrocade. It sold under this name until the video game crash of 1983, and then disappeared around 1985.

Midway had long been planned to release an expansion system for the unit, known as the ZGRASS-100. The system was being developed by a group of computer artists at the University of Illinois known as the Circle Graphics Habitat, along with programmers at Nutting. Midway felt that such a system, in an external box, would make the Astrocade more interesting to the market. However it was still not ready for release when Bally sold off the division. A small handful may have been produced as the ZGRASS-32 after the machine was re-released by Astrovision.

The system, combined into a single box, would eventually be released as the Datamax UV-1. Aimed at the home computer market while being designed, the machine was now re-targeted as a system for outputting high-quality graphics to video tape. These were offered for sale some time between 1980 and 1982, but it is unknown how many were built.

In the late 1970s Midway contracted Dave Nutting Associates to design a video display chip that could be used in all of their videogame systems, from standup arcade games, to a home computer system. The system Nutting delivered remains perhaps the most powerful graphics system of the 8-bit generation, and was used in most of Midway's classic arcade games of the era, including Gorf and Wizard of Wor.

The basic systems were powered by a Zilog Z80 driving the display chip with a RAM buffer in between the two. The display chip had two modes, a low-resolution mode at 160 x 102, and a high-resolution mode at 320 x 204, both with 2-bits per pixel for four colors. This sort of color/resolution was normally beyond the capabilities of RAM of the era, which could not read out the data fast enough to keep up with the TV display. The chip used a clever trick to work around this problem, technically 'holding the RAS high', allowing them to read one 'line' at a time at very high speed into a buffer inside the display chip. The line could then be read out to the screen at a more leisurely rate, while also interfering less with the CPU, which was also trying to use the same memory.

Sadly, on the Astrocade the pins needed to use this 'trick' were not connected. Thus the Astrocade system was left with just the lower resolution 160 x 102 mode. In this mode the system used up 160 x 102 x 2bits = 4080 bytes of memory to hold the screen. Since the machine had only 4k of RAM, this left very little room left over for the program's use, which was used for things like holding the score, or game options. The rest of the program would have to be placed in ROM.

The Astrocade used color registers, or color indirection as it was often referred to then, so the four colors could be picked from a palette of 256 colors. Color animation was possible by changing the values of the registers, and using a horizontal blank interrupt you could change them from line to line. An additional set of four color registers could be 'swapped in' at any point along the line, allowing you to create two 'halves' of the screen, split vertically. Originally intended to allow you to easily create a 'score area' on the side of the screen, clever programmers used this feature to emulate 8 color modes.

Unlike the VCS, the Astrocade did not include hardware sprite support. It did, however, include a blitter-like system and software to drive it. Memory above 0x4000 was dedicated to the display, and memory below that to the ROM. If a program wrote to the ROM space (normally impossible, it's 'read only' after all) the video chip would take the data, apply a function to it, and then copy the result into the corresponding location in the RAM. Which function to use was stored in a register in the display chip, and included common instructions like XOR and bit-shift. This allowed the Astrocade to support any number of 'sprites' independent of hardware, with the downside that it was up to the software to re-draw them when they moved.

The Astrocade was one of the early cartridge-based systems, using cartridges known as Videocades that were designed to be as close in size and shape as possible to a cassette tape. The unit also included two games built into the ROM, Gunfight and Checkmate, along with the simple but useful Calculator and a 'doodle' program called Scribbling.

The Astrocade featured a relatively complex input device incorporating several types of control mechanisms: the controller was shaped as a pistol-style grip with trigger switch on the front; a small 4-switch/8-way joystick was placed on top of the grip, and the shaft of the joystick connected to a potentiometer, meaning that the stick could be rotated to double as a paddle controller. Used in combination this set of controls allowed for more complex interaction with the games than any other game controller of the era. By most reports the controllers were excellent, but had the downside of breaking frequently.

On the front of the unit was a 24-key 'hex-pad' keyboard used for selecting games and options. Most cartridges included two games, and when they were inserted the machine would reset and display a menu starting with the programs on the cartridge and then listing the four built-in programs. On the back were a number of ports, including connectors for power, the controllers, and an expansion port. One oddity was that the top rear of the unit was empty, and could be opened to store up to 15 cartridges.

The Astrocade also included a BASIC programming language cartridge. Supporting BASIC on the system was very difficult, because the display alone used up almost all the available RAM. The solution to this problem was very complex, yet very clever.

BASIC programs were stored in the video RAM by interleaving every bit of the program along with the display itself; BASIC used all the even-numbered bits, and the display got the odd-numbered bits. The interpreter would read out two bytes, drop all the odd-numbered bits, and assemble the results into a single byte of code. This was rendered invisible by setting two of the colors to be the same as the other two, such that colors 01 and 11 would be the same (white), so the presence, or lack, of a bit for BASIC had no effect on the screen. Additional memory was scavenged by using less lines vertically, only 88 instead of the full 102. The end result of all this was to manage to squeeze out 1760 bytes of RAM for BASIC programs. The downside was that most of the graphics system's power was unavailable.

BASIC was programmed, laboriously, though this keyboard by assigning each of the keys a single command, number and several alpha characters. These were selected through a set of 4 colored shift keys. This way you simply typed 'WORD'(gold) shift then the '+' key and got GOTO.


Circuit Board and Cartridges
CPU: Z80, 1.789 MHz
RAM: 4k (up to 64k with external modules in the expansion port)
ROM: 8k
Cart ROM: 8k
Expansion: 64K total
Ports: 4 controller, 1 expansion, 1 light pen
Sound: 3 voices + noise/vibrato effects (played through the TV)

Resolution: True 160x102 / Basic 160x88 / Expanded RAM 320x204
Colors: True 8* / Basic 2
The bitmap structure of the Bally actually only allows for 4 color settings. However, through the use of 2 color palettes and a left/right boundary control byte you could have the left section of screen (lets call this the play field) use 1 set of colors while the right side (Info field) used an entirely different set of colors, thus 8 total colors were possible.
Graphic type: Bitmap, 2 plane bitpacked

Infos from: Wikipedia

Computer September 1983

Bandai Gundam RX-78

The Gundam RX-78 was originaly a very popular manga animation movie from the 80's. Bandai then marketed a personal computer under this name...
Little is known about this small computer. Since the Gundam Rx-78 was only sold in Japan nearly all the information currently comes from Japanese websites.
The capabilities of the RX-78 were not bad at all for 1983, and the space between the keys offered the possibility to use keyboard overlays with games or applications, except maybe for complaints about the poor keyboard quality.
It appears that there were two cartridge slots at the back of the system. One slot was often used for the BS Basic programming language and the other could be used for special expansion cartridges (to connect a printer for example).
The BS-Basic cartridge was also equipped with connectors to plug a tape-recorder into the RX-78.
While games were the main software developed for this computer an asian brand word processor was also available.


Bandai Pippin

Unknown December 1995

Bandai Pippin @World & Pippin Atmark

The Pippin @World (black model) is the US version of the Pippin Atmark (white model), which was sold in Japan. Apart from the different colored case, both systems are identical.
In the early 90's, several companies tried to market videogame systems based on their computers' technology as those were not selling as much as they should have to. Apple was one of them and designed the Pippin upon the hardware of their second generation Macintosh, like Commodore did with their CD32 based on the Amiga hardware.
The Pippin was first marketed as multimedia / game a machine, but after the flop of the 3DO, they re-launched the Pippin as an an internet appliance that also played games. That didn't work either, because, by the time the Pippin was ready to go, PC prices had dropped a lot.
By the way, pippin is a type of apples.


Bandai Playdia

Handheld 1999

Bandai WonderSwan

Generation 6th generation era
First available 1999
Media Cartidges

WonderSwan (Wandasuwan) is a handheld game console released in Japan by Bandai in 1999. It was developed by the late Gunpei Yokoi's company Koto and Bandai. The WonderSwan was made to compete with the Neo Geo Pocket Color and the market leader Nintendo's Game Boy Color (even though the developer for the WonderSwan, Gunpei Yokoi, developed the original Nintendo Game Boy).

The WonderSwan was later replaced by the WonderSwan Color. Although some WonderSwan Color games are compatible with the original WonderSwan, many are designed exclusively for the WonderSwan Color and show a message such as 'This cartridge is for WonderSwan Color only' when run on the original WonderSwan.

The WonderSwan was available in ten case colors, playable both vertically and horizontally, and features a fairly large library of games. As it was a console designed essentially for the Japanese market, most of the games are in Japanese, with only a few featuring English text.

Technical specifications

CPU: 16-bit NEC V30 MZ processor at 3.072 MHz
Screen: FSTN reflective LCD
Resolution: 224 x 144 pixels
2.49 inch diagonal
Display performance: Max. 512 characters per layer, max. 128 sprites (32 on one horizontal line), two screens (overlay possible), screen windows and sprite windows.
Graphics: 8-shade monochrome in the dot matrix section and six icons at the static section.
4-channel digital stereo sound.
Built-in mono speaker or optional headphones with stereo adapter.
Size: 74.3 mm x 121 mm x 24.3 mm
Weight: 93g (without battery) 110g (with battery)
Power: 1 AA battery or rechargeable pack, Approx.30-40 hours playtime
Connecting Ports: Link Port, Stereo Jack & cartridge port
Cartridge Capacity: ROM and/or RAM - maximum 128 Mbit (like Beat Mania)
Can be played holding the unit vertically or horizontally.
Built-in EEPROM and 1Kbit RAM for backing up game data.
Several levels of energy-saving control.

Infos from Wikipedia

Handheld 2000

Bandai WonderSwan Color

Generation 6th generation era
First available December 30, 2000
Media Cartridge
Top-selling game Final Fantasy I

The WonderSwan Color is a handheld game console designed by Bandai. It was released on December 30, 2000 in Japan, and was a moderate success.

The original WonderSwan had only a black and white screen. Although the WonderSwan Color was slightly larger and heavier (7 mm and 2 g) compared to the original WonderSwan, the color version featured 64k of RAM and a larger color LCD screen. In addition, the WonderSwan Color is compatible with the original WonderSwan library of games.

Prior to WonderSwan's release, Nintendo had virtually a monopoly in the Japanese video game handheld market. After the release of the WonderSwan Color, Bandai took approximately 8 percent of the market share in Japan partly due to its low price of 6800 Japanese yen (approximately 65 United States dollars).

Another reason for the WonderSwan's success in Japan was the fact that Bandai managed to get a deal with Squaresoft to port over the original Famicom Final Fantasy games with improved graphics and controls. However, with the popularity of the Game Boy Advance and the reconciliation between Squaresoft and Nintendo, the WonderSwan Color and its successor, the Swan Crystal quickly lost its competitive advantage.

Technical specifications

CPU: SPGY-1002, a 3.072 MHz 16-bit NEC V30MZ Clone
Memory: 64Kbyte VRAM/WRAM (shared)
FSTN reflective LCD
2.8 inch (71 mm) diagonal
no backlight
resolution: 224x144 pixels
colors: 241 out of 4096 colors
Sound: Built-in mono speaker or stereo with optional headphones adapter
three settings: mute, soft, loud
Link: Two players (adapter needed)
Power: one AA battery (Approx.20 hours of game play)
Size: 128 by 74.3 by 24.3 mm
Weight 95 g (3.35 oz) including battery

Personal Data

Before a WonderSwan can play games, the player must enter some personal information. The personal data screen can be reached by pressing the start and power buttons simultaneously. It requests a name, birthday (year, month, day), sex and bloodtype. The name will appear under the Bandai logo when the system is turned on. Option settings for default volume and contrast may also be set here.


The Wonderswan Color came in 5 basic colors: Pearl Blue, Pearl Pink, Crystal Black, Crystal Blue, and Crystal Orange. Many limited edition colors were also released.

Final Fantasy Bundles

The Wonderswan Color was also available in limited edition Final Fantasy bundles. These bundles came with either Final Fantasy I or Final Fantasy II along with a Final Fantasy-themed Wonderswan Color.

Infos from Wikipedia

Computer 1983

Bit Corporation BIT 90

This is an obscure and rare system, compatible with Colecovision cartridges, just like the Coleco Adam computer. Apparently, BIT Corporation was involved in the development of the Colecovision project. So this system is maybe not a outlaw project after all.
This computer had a completely rubber keyboard a bit like the ZX-Spectrum. Basic statements and graphic symbols could be accessed via combinations of "function" keys such as CTRL, BASIC, FCTN and a special symbol key.
The BIT-90 could display 16 colors and 32 sprites, with a high-resolution of 256 x 192 pixels.
Like its little brother the BIT-60, the BIT 90 could directly accept Colecovision cartridges, and Atari 2600 cartridges through a special interface.
The BIT-90 bears a striking resemblance with the Sega SC-3000 computer. It is not compatible, but share a lof things in common. The main common point is that they are both designed around the powerful Texas-Instruments Video Display Processor TMS-9929A which was revolutionnary for the time. A lot of systems used it, and that explains the common feeling when using them: Colecovision, Creativision, MSX computers, Sega SG-1000, Sega-SC3000, Tomy Tutor, Casio PV-1000/2000, etc.. not to forget the TI-99/4 which of course the first to use that VDP.
The BIT-90, like the BIT-60 seems to have been available in different colored models, at least one white and one grey.
Maybe due to legal problems, this computer didn't last long.


Bondwell 12


Bondwell 14


Bondwell 2


Burroughs B20

Computer February 1985

CCE MC-1000

What a weird computer !! Though it has a lot of similarities with other computers of that time, it seems to be however an original Brazilian production, a kind of mix between several popular systems.
Its name MC-1000 is strangely close to MC-10 from Tandy. It uses the same video-controller (Motorola MC-6847) but Sound chipset (GI AY-3-8910) and CPU (Z80A) are different. The character set is almost identical, but keyboard layout and Basic statements are not the same (PLOT vs SET, LOAD vs CLOAD, HOME vs CLS, etc.)
Maybe the closest system would be the Samsung SPC-1000. It has the same CPU, Video processor and Sound processor ! But sadly nearly nothing is known about it... At first sight it doesn't look the same at all, but internaly there are very close.
Finally it is also strangely similar to the Charlemagne / GEM-1000 / Junior Computer from GEM, or the Rabbit RX83 computer which seem to be the same computer... and indeed they are !
A former CCE employee reports (Source) that the original design of the MC1000 was Chinese. A Chinese engineer/representative came to Brazil to present the project to CCE. It was not presented as a final product already in production, but as a prototype. Some partnership was effectively established between CCE and the Chinese factory for the production of the MC1000. He was not reverse engineered. There was a lot of development: Hardware adaptations (for PAL-M, for example, or to adapt components), case, keyboard design, visual identity, packaging, software? The engineering staff worked many months to finalize the product. For the ROM, CCE received very little: just the dump and an assembly listing without comments...
Thanks to Cesar Cardoso for the following information :
BACKGROUND ON HISTORY: from 1976 to 1990-1992, Brazil had a market reserve policy on microcomputers and selected computing items, i.e. only Brazilian companies could manufacture these items. But most companies only copied foreign computers and only a small part of it created their own technology, like Scopus and a MS-DOS clone called SISNE.
This little monster was a genuine Brazilian computer! CCE was a electronics manufacturer known for their low prices and low quality products. They released Apple II and PC compatible machines, but developed their own computer, the MC-1000. Hardware-wise, it's close to a MSX, with some big project problems (the text mode, unsuitable for something more serious, and the printer port, which was external and sold separately).
The most heard word of this computer is "vaporware". CCE made a lot of them for this computer. The biggest of them all: disk drives. Hey, in 1985 disk drives was an essential peripheral of ANY computer - and CCE promised drives. Drives and CP/M - MC-1000 could have been a decent CP/M machine. They promised, promised... and never delivered. So people got tired of waiting and gave up on this computer.

Computer 1983


The COMX-35 was a home computer that was one of the very few systems to use the RCA 1802 microprocessor, the same microprocessor that is also used in some space probes. From the outset the 1802 has also been available fabricated in Silicon on Sapphire semiconductor process technology, which gives it a degree of resistance to radiation and electrostatic discharge (ESD).

It had a keyboard with an integrated joystick instead of cursor keys.

Although it came on the market relatively late (1983), it was relatively inexpensive and came with a large collection of software.

It was manufactured in Hong Kong by 'COMX World operations limited'.

Technical specifications

CPU: CDP 1802 at 2.813 (PAL) or 2.835 MHz (NTSC)
RAM: 35KB (67KiB max.)
ROM: 16KB with Basic interpreter
VIS: (Video Interface System) CDP1869/CDP1870
Text modes: 40 columns x 24 lines. Alternative 20x24, 40x12 and 20x12
Character set: 128 Programmable characters, the default character set displayed only uppercase characters
Character size: 6x9 (PAL) or 6x8 (NTSC) pixels, alternative up to 6x16
Graphics modes: None, but the character-set was re programmable to simulate a 240x216 High Resolution display
Colours: 8 foreground colors (with a limited choice of characters that would be displayed in each color) + 8 background colors (for the whole screen)
Sound: 1 channel 'beep generator' with an 8 octave span, 16 volume steps and special effects.


The 'COMX 35' was called '35' due to the amount of 35K RAM in the machine, this included 32K actual user RAM of which roughly 30K was available for actual basic the rest was used for system parameters and reserved for use by the basic system ROM. An additional 3 K was included as video RAM, for details see the Video Interface System chapter.

Video Interface System

The COMX used the RCA CDP1869 and CDP1870 Video Interface System (VIS), consisting of the CDP1869 address and sound generator and the CDP1870 colour video generator.

The COMX automatically selected operation in PAL or NTSC, this was done via the PAL/NTSC input on the VIS. Also during start-up the system ROM detected PAL/NTSC by checking EF2. EF2 gave PAL/NTSC information before the first pulse on the Q line, after this EF2 was used for keyboard handling.

The VIS ran on 5.626 MHz for a PAL and 5.67 MHz for an NTSC machine. This frequency was divided by 2 and output via CPUCLK (pin 38) to the CDP 1802 for timing of the CPU (2.813 and 2.835 Mhz). The VIS was also responsible for the timing of the interrupt (50/60 Hz) and timing of the non display period via PREDISPLAY (pin 1). Video memory could only be accessed during the non display period which allowed for execution of 2160 machine cycles on a PAL and 1574 on an NTSC machine. Provided that not more instructions were executed than the indicated maximum number of machine cycles video memory could be accessed during the interrupt routine. Alternatively the program could be paused by waiting for a non display period by checking EF1.

The Video memory consisted of 2 parts, 1K RAM page memory and 2K RAM character memory. The page memory stored the ASCII code for each character position on the screen. The screen had 960 characters where position 0 (left top corner) could be accessed by memory location @F800 (before scrolling). The character memory stored the character definition of each ASCII character and could be accessed by memory location @F400-@F7FF. Character memory could be accessed via different methods see also the VIS data sheet.


The COMX 35 came in two colours, either a white or black keyboard. Later models also included a monitor connection. The second COMX home computer was called the COMX PC1 which was basically the same hardware as the COMX-35 with a better keyboard and a joystick connection.


The COMX 35 had one 44 pin external connector for additional expansion options in the form of interface cards. Memory location @C000-DFFF was reserved for use by any interface card, either to connect ROM, additional RAM or for other purposes. The following HW was available:

Expansion Box

The expansion box allowed up to 4 interface cards to be connected to the COMX 35. The expansion box also included a firmware rom connected to memory location @E000-@EFFF which extended basic with commands and logic to switch between different interface cards. Next to the standard firmware rom there was an adaptation made by F&M (Frank and Marcel van Tongeren) this ROM added a screen editor feature to COMX basic.

Floppy Disk Controller

The COMX Floppy disk controller allowed connection of 5.25 disk drives. The controller used the WD1770 with a speed of 8 Mhz. The DOS ROM was selected between address C000-DFFF and was also mapped over address DD0-DDF of the basic ROM. COMX DOS supported 35 tracks for both single and double sided disks and 70 tracks on single sided disks. Every track consisted of 16 sectors and every sector of 128 bytes, resulting in disk files of max 140K.

Printer Card

The COMX Printer card allowed connection of parallel and serial printers. Depending on what type of printer was connected the firmware rom was selected either with the parallel firmware between memory location @C000-@CFFF and the serial firmware between memory location @D000-@DFFF or the other way around.

Thermal Printer and Card

The COMX Thermal Printer came including a dedicated interface card, printing was done on thermal paper by using a head that with 9 pins which could heat the paper and as such print both text and images. You needed to be careful when writing your own printer drivers, which was needed for graphic printing, as it was very easy to 'burn' the printer head.

32K RAM Card

The COMX 32K RAM card placed additional RAM from address @C000 to @DFFF, i.e. only one 8KB bank of the available 32K at a time. To switch to a different 8K bank the OUT 1 instruction needed to be used via 1802 assembler code. Bit 5 and 6 were used for the RAM bank selection (bit 1 to 4 were used for the expansion box slot selection).

80 Column Card

The COMX 80 Column card added possbility to use basic with a text mode of 80x24. The MC6845 was used as video chip.

F&M Joy Card

This card was not developed by COMX but was a home made extension by F&M, only a handfull were ever made! The card had connections for 2 joysticks and came with a simple game and supporting software.

Infos from: Wikipedia

Handheld 1988

Cambridge Computer Z88

Amstrad bought the rights to use the Sinclair name on computer products. However, while Sir Clive Sinclair (the creator of the ZX 80, ZX 81, ZX Spectrum and QL) retained ownership of Sinclair Research, he couldn't use the Sinclair name. Sir Sinclair therefore created a new company called Cambridge Research, with the intention of realizing an old project, the Pandora Project. The result of this work was the Z88 (it was achieved in 1988). Sir Sinclair at the time thought it was a revolution and said that this computer would be one of the best commercial successes. Actually it was Clive Sinclair's last contribution to the computer world!
This small machine was quite powerful; its operating system could exceed the 64 KB limitation of the Z80 with a good memory manager. It could also divide the memory into 16 KB pages, so the RAM could be expanded up to 3 MB thanks to 2 expansion ports. RAM cartridges of 32 KB and 128 KB were available. It had a built-in EPROM programmer available on the 3rd expansion port, so data could be saved directly on 128 KB EPROMs.
The ROM contained a lot of software: Pipedream (spreadsheet, word processor and database), the Z80 version of the BBC Basic (the Basic of the BBC or Electron), a diary, a calendar, a clock, a conversion tool, a VT 52 terminal emulator, Filer (the file manager of the Operating System) and a utility to transfer data to a PC compatible via a RS232 link. This transfer utility exported text and spreadsheet files into Wordstar or Lotus 1-2-3 formats.
It's probably worth pointing out that BBC basic built into the Z88 also contains a machine code editor, which allows you to embed Z80 assembly language into your Z88 BBC Basic programs! This feature was used quite often for the 'extra speed' portions of programs. Of course, having the assembly language embedded inside your source code meant that the code was very portable, and all loaded in one go - no messy 'support files' for your application.
Jan M.L. Bosmans reported to us that the BBC Basic in the Z88, although very powerful, lacks an essential feature: there is neither an editor nor debugger! This means that mistakes in a line can only be corrected by typing the whole line again. While it's true that the BBC basic had no editor built in, but one of the first 'type in programs' in the BASIC section of the manual was a program you could enter (and save to battery backed memory) that provided a line editor feature! It was just a few lines of BBC Basic, and worked very well.
Contributors: John J. Diamond, Mark Wills

Computer 1983

Camputers Lynx

The Lynx 48 was a competitor of the Sinclair Spectrum and the Oric 1. It was a good machine but its main problem was a lack of software. Several models were available with 48 KB, 96 KB or 128 KB RAM, and it was possible to reach 192 KB with on-board RAM expansions! There is even a monitor in the Lynx's ROM which allowed the user to write and edit programs written in machine code.
The 96 KB and 128 KB versions featured 4 KB of additional ROM memory (mirrored twice for obscure reasons) with lots of extra commands for sound effects, such as laser and klaxon, and for using 24 KB of dedicated RAM as data space.
The Lynx Basic has really cool features, unseen on other systems of its category, like REPEAT-UNTIL and WHILE-WEND statements, and automatic indenting of procedures! The graphic possibilities were excellent, especially with the 128 KB model, and CP/M could be used with the optional 5.25" disk-drive and 96 KB or better models.
However, the Lynx had no great success outside Great Britain.
The designer of the Lynx is John Shireff, an ex-drummer.
Some hardware devices on the bus had potentially contentious outputs. This meant that you had to be quite brave if you wanted to program in assembly language - if you made a mistake, you could damage the hardware itself. This was highlighted in the user manual!
Camputers ceased trading in 1984. Several companies expressed an interest in buying the business, and in November, 1984, a firm called Anston Technology took over. A re-launch was planned but never happened, and in June, 1986 Anston sold everything - hardware, design rights and thousands of cassettes - to the National Lynx User Group. The group planned to produce a Super-Lynx but was too busy supplying spares and technical information to owners of existing models, and the project never came into being.
Contributors: John J. Diamond (editor), Richard Hince

Handheld 1983

Canon X-07

The Canon X07 was very popular. The RAM could be extended thanks to small cards (which looked like credit cards), although these cards were very expensive. ROM cards were also available for professional applications.
The Canon X07 had a video interface and uses a cathodic screen. Thanks to this interface, the X07 could use a new text mode, 40 x 24, and a new graphic mode, 256 x 192, with 6 colours. It is unknown if the two displays could be used simultaneously.
An infrared interface was also available to allow the connection of peripherals without the use of cables.
Contributors: John J. Diamond (editor)

Arcade 1988

Capcom Capcom Play System 1

Arcade Board
First available 1988
CPU Motorola 68000
Media Arcade

The CPS-1 (shipi shisutemu) or Capcom Play System 1 is an arcade system board by Capcom that debuted in 1988 with Forgotten Worlds and Ghouls 'n Ghosts. Street Fighter II, one of the most popular fighting games of all time, ran on this board.


After a number of arcade game boards designed to run only one game, Capcom embarked upon a project to produce a system board that could be used to run multiple games, in order to reduce hardware costs and make the system more appealing to arcade operators. The design of the board had only two incarnations, the later version adding the QSound hardware and Kabuki encrypted sound program ROMs.

The system was plagued by many bootleg versions of its games. In particular, there were so many bootleg versions of Street Fighter II, they were in some countries more common than the official version. This problem was virtually eliminated by Capcom in the later CPS-2.

The CPS-1 hardware was also utilized in Capcom's unsuccessful attempt at home console market penetration, the CPS Changer.


Main CPU: Motorola 68000 at 10 MHz
Sound CPU: ZiLOG Z80 at 4 MHz
Sound chip(s): Yamaha YM2151 at 3.57958 MHz + OKI MSM6295 at 7.576 kHz or QSound at 4 MHz
Maximum number of colors: 4096 (12 bit RGB)
Colors per tile: 16 (4 bits per pixel)
Maximum number of objects: ?
Scroll faces: 3
Scroll features: Horizontal & vertical scrolling, linescroll
Resolution, pixels: 384x224

Infos from Wikipedia

Arcade 1993

Capcom Capcom Play System 2

Arcade Board
First available 1993
CPU Motorola 68000
Media Arcade

The CPS-2 (shipi shisutemu tsu) or Capcom Play System 2 is an arcade system board that debuted in 1993 with Super Street Fighter 2 and Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom.


The earlier Capcom system board, CPS-1, while successful, was very vulnerable to bootleggers making unauthorized copies of the games. In order to rectify the situation, Capcom took the CPS-1 hardware (with QSound) with minimal changes and employed encryption on the program ROMs to prevent software piracy.

The CPS-2 consists of 2 separate parts; the A board, which connects to the JAMMA harness and contains components common between all CPS-2 games, and the B board, which contains the game itself. The relationship between the A and B board is basically the same as that between a home video game console and cartridge. CPS-2 A and B boards are color-coded by region, and each board can only be used with its same-colored mate. The exception to this is that the blue and green boards can be used together.

The B boards hold battery-backed memory containing decryption keys needed for the games to run. As time passes, these batteries lose their charge and the games stop functioning, because the CPU cannot execute any code without the decryption keys. This is known to hobbyists as the "suicide battery". It is possible to bypass the original battery and swap it out with a new one in-circuit, but this must be done before the original falls below 2V or the keys will be lost.

Due to the heavy encryption, it was believed for a long time that CPS-2 emulation was next to impossible. However, in January 2001, the CPS-2 Shock group was able to obtain unencrypted program data by hacking the hardware and provided XOR difference tables to produce this data from ROM images, making emulation possible, as well as restoring cartridges that had been erased because of the suicide system. The legality of these difference tables is disputed.

In January 2007, the encryption method was fully reverse-engineered by Andreas Naive and Nicola Salmoria. It has been determined that the encryption employs two four-round Feistel ciphers with a 64-bit key. The algorithm was thereafter implemented in this state for all known CPS-2 games in MAME.

Also thanks to the encryption, the system was never bootlegged until unencrypted program data became available.


Main CPU: Motorola 68000 at 16 MHz
Sound CPU: ZiLOG Z80 at 8 MHz
Sound chip: QSound at 4 MHz
Maximum number of colors: 4096 (12 bit RGB)
Colors per tile: 16 (4 bits per pixel)
Maximum number of objects: 900 (16x16 pixels)
Scroll faces: 3
Scroll features: Horizontal & vertical scrolling, linescroll
Resolution, pixels: 384x224

Region colors

Blue: U.S.A., Canada, and Europe
Green: Japan
Orange: South America
Gray: Asia
Yellow: "Region 0" (available by rental only)
Black: "Region 0" incorporated A and B board in the same unit

Infos from Wikipedia

Arcade 1996

Capcom Capcom Play System III

Arcade Board
First available 19
CPU Hitachi HD6417099 (SH-2)
Media Arcade

The CPS-3 (shipi shisutemu suri) or Capcom Play System 3 is an arcade system board that was introduced by Capcom in 1996 with the game Warzard (known as Red Earth outside Japan).


The CPS-3 was the last arcade system board manufactured by Capcom. It features a security mechanism; games are supplied on a CD, which contains the encrypted game contents, and a security cartridge containing the game BIOS and the SH-2 CPU with integrated decryption logic, with the per-game key stored in battery-backed SRAM. When the CPS-3 board is first powered on, the contents of the CD are flashed onto a bank of SIMMs on the motherboard, where it is executed. The program code is then decrypted at run time via the security cartridge. The security cartridge is sensitive to any sort of tampering, which will result in the decryption key being erased and the cartridge being rendered useless.

Games became unplayable when the battery inside the security cartridge died, which had to be replaced at cost to the owner. Furthermore, the CPS-3 was only capable of 2D graphics at a time when most games were being developed with 3D hardware in mind.

In June 2007, the encryption method was reverse-engineered by Andreas Naive, making emulation possible. The encryption turned out to be a fairly straightforward combination of rotates and XORs.


Main CPU: Hitachi HD6417099 (SH-2) at 25 MHz
RAM (variable amount)
Flash ROM: 8 x 16 MiB
Sound chip: 16-channel 8-bit sample player, stereo
Maximum number of colors: 32768 (15 bit colour, 555 RGB)
Palette size: 131072 pens
Colors per tile (backgrounds / sprites): 64 (6 bits per pixel) or 256 (8 bits per pixel), selectable
Colors per tile (text overlay): 16 (4 bits per pixel)
Maximum number of objects: 1024, with hardware scaling
Scroll faces: 4 regular + 1 text overlay 'score screen' layer
Scroll features: Horizontal & vertical scrolling, linescroll, linezoom
Framebuffer zooming
Color blending effects
Hardware RLE decompression of 6 bpp and 8 bpp graphics through DMA
Resolution, pixels: 384x224 (standard mode) / 496x224 (widescreen mode)
Known games on this hardware: 6

Infos from Wikipedia


Casio CFX-9850

Computer 1983

Casio FP-1000 & FP-1100

The Casio FP-1000 and FP-1100 were essentially the same machine, except that the 1100 had colour capabilities, 48 KB VRAM and enhanced graphic mode (640 x 400).
The FP-1100 came with either a monochrome (green) monitor which would display colour as shades, or the colour monitor. The cable feeding the video to the monitor was a simple 2 core unsheilded RCA cable. The mono minitor had a switch at the back so that one could swap foreground and background (green on black or black on green)
Both the FP-1000 and FP-1100 had a built in OS called C82 BASIC. To run CP/M, you had to insert your systems diskette and reboot the computer, or if the program diskette had it's own boot strap, you could issue a "mount [1,2]" command where the number [1/2] indicated the diskette drive you wanted to use.
You could run multiple console sessions on the FP-1000/1100 toggling between them with the blue function keyboard keys that can be seen on the image. Some programs (eg SuperCalc) ussurped these keys and you were stuck in the console session until you stopped the program.
Thanks to Zieg Nielsen for the info.

Console 1995

Casio Loopy

The Casio Loopy, subtitled My Seal Computer SV-100, is a 32-bit games console sold exclusively in Japan. Released in October 1995, It was unique in that the marketing for it was completely targeted to the female market. Only 10 games were released for it, most being in the GxB and dress-up genres. A very interesting feature of this machine was that it included a built-in thermal color printer that could be used to create stickers from game screenshots. An optional accessory, called Magical Shop, allowed the machine to be used with outside devices (such as VCRs and DVD players) to obtain images from them, add text, and make stickers from those as well. The machine features only one controller port.

(info from Wikipedia)

Handheld 1987

Casio PB-1000

The Casio PB-1000 was an original, well designed and powerful pocket computer for its time.
On top of its standard QWERTY keyboard, a row of sensitive keys allowed fast
scientific calculations, menus access and text editing. The 4-line LCD display
also had 16 sensitive areas.
The computer could be programmed either in Basic or Assembly language. The C61 Basic interpreter, based on Japan Industrial Standard BASIC, had a wide range of built-in mathematic, trigonometric and statistic functions. Assembly programs had to be typed by using the built-in editor then compiled. The user's manual gave little information about CPU instructions and, oddly enough, Casio and it's distributors never released a full description of the whole CPU's instructions set, although Casio published an incomplete "Technical Reference Manual".
The processor was an Hitachi HDS61700. It contained a small amount of ROM and RAM, as well memory management and I/O circuitry. The memory was managed like a virtual disk. Several Basic or Assembly programs as well as ASCII text could be stored together in the same RAM area.
Two extensions were released for the PB-1000, the FA-7 Serial, Parallel and tape recorder interface, and the rare MD-100 3.5" floppy drive unit.
The PB-1000 was followed by the PB-2000 which lost the lift up display but had the unique feature of being programmable in ANSI C language.


Casio PB-2000C

Console 1983

Casio PV-1000

Casio of Japan, a successful electronics manufacturer, released their one and only video game console, the Casio PV-1000 in October of 1983 for 14,8000 yen (Dollar129 USD). Debuting against the likes of the Sega SG-1000 and the Nintendo Famicom, this extremely rare and obscure system rapidly was an afterthought and not to be seen on video game store shelves shortly after its release.

The PV-1000 itself is not unattractive and the housing feels very well constructed utilizing thick, durable plastics. Dark-teal in color and rectangular in shape, the soft, curved molding culminates with the game cartridge tier. The front inputs are simple but elegant - two joystick ports are centered in the front of the unit face. The back features the same no-nonsense approach with the power connection and RF connectors anchoring the far left and right. The power toggle switch is located on the right side and there is a port on the left side of the system that resembles a PC connector of some sort (use unknown to me). Overall, the PV-1000 design is sleek, unobtrusive and modern compared to its counterparts.

Powered by a Z80A micro-processor at 3.5Mhz and 2Kb of RAM, this engine was able to display games at a resolution of 256 x 192 pixels in 8 colors. Games were released on cartridges approximately the size of Nintendo Famicom carts. A total of 15 games were released for this system, mostly ports of earlier Casio releases for MSX compatible computers including Pooyan, Amidar, Tutankhamon and Dig-Dug. Overall video quality is comparable to the Colecovision. Game control is driven through a solid joystick featuring one (1) fire button at the top of the it along with a 'start', 'select' and a large auxillary button at it's base (packed in with the system). Casio also produced the PV-2000 in December 1983, which was a computer version of the PV-1000. Both the PV-1000 and PV-2000 joysticks are compatible though the game cartridges are not.

Overall, the Casio PV-1000 was a below average system when it debuted and met its demise quickly. This is an extremely rare item and only recommended for the ultra-serious console collector. This console was released solely in Japan for a short period of time. I do not have a recommendation for price since I have only seen one of these systems once for sale - the one pictured in this review. Be prepared to invest heavily if you do wish to pursue - games are just as scarce and pricey.

Infos from

Computer 1983

Casio PV-2000

Also called 'RakuGaki' in Japan, the PV-2000 is a very obscure japanese system released in 1983 at the same time of the PV-1000 gaming system. These two systems are not compatible with each other, as they have very different architecure. The PV-2000 is closer to MSX systems than to its little brother PV-1000.

The PV-2000 is crude little computer marketed as an initiation and gaming machine. The keyboard uses a flat plastic membrane just like the Sinclair ZX-81 for example. 8 direction keys act as a game controller along with two special 'fire' keys next to the spacebar.

Of course it had no great success. Only 11 cartridges seem to have been released for it, mainly popular Arcade hits (Pac&Pal, Rock'n Rope, Pooyan, Galaga, Super Cobra, etc).

NAME PV-2000
TYPE Home Computer
YEAR 1983
KEYBOARD Flat membrane keyboard, 70 keys, 8 arrow keys + 2 ''fire'' keys
CPU D780C-1 (Z80A clone)
SPEED 3.579 MHz
CO-PROCESSOR TMS9918 (Video chipset), SN76489 (PSG sound generator)
TEXT MODES 32 x 24
GRAPHIC MODES 256 x 192, 32 sprites
COLORS 16 colors
SOUND SN76489 (PSG sound generator)
SIZE / WEIGHT 97 (W) x 211 (D) x 46 (H) mm
I/O PORTS TV RF video output, Centroncis connector, Tape Interface (300/1200 bauds)
POWER SUPPLY External power supply
PRICE 29,800 yen (Japan, 1983)

Infos from:

Console 1982

Coleco ColecoVision

Generation 2nd generation
First available USA August 1982
CPU Zilog Z80
Media Cartridge
Units sold 6 million

The ColecoVision is Coleco Industries' second generation home video game console, which was released in August 1982. The ColecoVision offered arcade-quality graphics and gaming style, the ability to play other home consoles' video games (notably the Atari 2600), and the means to expand the system's hardware. The ColecoVision was released with an initial catalog of 12 titles, with 10 additional titles on the way for 1982. All told, approximately 170 titles were released in the form of plug-in cartridges between 1982 and 1985.


The main console unit consists of a 14x8x2 inch rectangular plastic case that houses the motherboard, with a cartridge slot on the right side and connectors for the external power supply and RF jack at the rear. The controllers connect into plugs in a recessed area on the top of the unit.

The design of the controllers is similar to that of Mattel's Intellivision — the controller is rectangular and consists of a numeric keypad and a set of side buttons. In place of the circular control disc below the keypad, the Coleco controller has a short, 1.5-inch joystick. The keypad is designed to accept a thin plastic overlay that maps the keys for a particular game. Each ColecoVision console shipped with two controllers.

Expansion Modules

From its introduction, Coleco had touted a hardware add-on called the Expansion Module #1 which made the ColecoVision compatible with the industry-leading Atari 2600. Functionally, this gave the ColecoVision the largest software library of any console of its day. The expansion module prompted legal action from Atari, but Atari was unable to stop sales of the module because the 2600 could be reproduced with standard parts. Coleco was also able to design and market the Gemini game system which was an exact clone of the 2600, but with combined joystick/paddle controllers.

Expansion Module #2 came with steering wheel, gas pedal controllers and Turbo (the pack-in), also for use with the games Destructor and Dukes Of Hazzard.

Expansion Module #3, the final hardware expansion module, was released in the summer of 1983. Module #3 converted the ColecoVision into a full-fledged computer known as the Coleco Adam, complete with keyboard and digital data pack (DDP) cassette drives. Module #3 was originally conceived to be the ColecoVision 'Super Game Module' using game wafers as the storage medium. Although Coleco presented a mock-up of the SGM at the 1983 New York Toy Show, that product was never to be. There were also rumors that Expansion Module #3 was to have incorporated an RCA CED player to store larger amounts of data.

Coleco prototyped a fourth expansion module intended to provide compatibility with Mattel's Intellivision, but they never released it.

There were also two other available expansion modules, a roller controller expansion module that was packaged with a Caterpillar-like game called Slither and a Sports Controller that was similar in design to a boxing glove with a joystick on top and a series of buttons within the grip area.


Coleco licensed Nintendo's Donkey Kong as the official pack-in cartridge for all ColecoVision consoles, and this version of the game was well received as a near-arcade perfect port, helping to boost the console's popularity. By Christmas of 1982, Coleco had sold 500,000 units, largely on the strength of its bundled game. The ColecoVision's main competitor in the next generation console space was the arguably more advanced but less commercially successful Atari 5200.

The ColecoVision was distributed by CBS Electronics outside of the United States, and was branded the CBS ColecoVision.

Sales quickly passed one million in early 1983, before the video game crash of 1983. The ColecoVision was discontinued in the spring of 1984. Even with its late difficulties, the ColecoVision still sold more than six million units. In 1986, Bit Corporation produced a ColecoVision clone called the Dina, which was sold in the United States by Telegames as the Telegames Personal Arcade.

Today, Coleco emulators and games are widely available as abandonware on the Internet. Although the games remain copyrighted, the holders of ColecoVision games have tended not to enforce their copyrights, in contrast to Intellivision and some Atari games.


Coleco's software approach was to go after licensed arcade games that Atari had missed and to make cartridges for the 2600 and Intellivision in addition to its own system. Realizing that Atari had firm support from Namco (creators of Pac-Man and many other hits), Coleco involved itself with companies like Sega, Konami, and Universal. The ColecoVision had enough power to produce near-arcade-quality ports, and industry magazines like Electronic Games were unanimous in their enthusiasm over the console.

Some of the more popular games included Donkey Kong (the pack-in), Donkey Kong Junior, Carnival, Lady Bug, Mouse Trap, Smurfs: Rescue in Gargamel's Castle, and Zaxxon. The ColecoVision didn't offer many revolutionary new games, since most of its popular titles were arcade ports. Still, it did offer a few notable original titles like War Room, Illusions, and Fortune Builder, an early milestone in the style of SimCity. Most cartridges did not have an end-game to beat, but instead would loop around to the beginning, such as Cosmic Avenger.

Coleco also popularized less popular arcade games, such as Venture, the aforementioned Cosmic Avenger and Lady Bug, as well as Mr. Do!. In some cases, the console versions were arguably superior to the arcade versions, as seen in Space Panic.


All Coleco cartridges and most third-party titles had a twelve second delay before the game select screen showed up. A common, but incorrect, anecdote suggested that this delay was the result of a function in the ColecoVision that emulated the programming language PASCAL. The real reason behind the twelve second delay is a loop in the ColecoVision BIOS, so the delay was purely intentional, to display the Coleco brand name on the screen. Some companies like Parker Brothers, Activision, and Micro Fun avoided the delay by simply bypassing the BIOS (however, this required embedding those parts of the BIOS that were outside the loop in the cartridge code, cutting down the amount of space available for game program).

Other games

Coleco was infamous for not releasing the games it advertised. In most cases, it isn't certain if games that never came out were advertised using actual screenshots of a game or artist renditions designed to look like a completed game. Nevertheless, over fifty ColecoVision games were advertised in catalogs or on boxes, but never released.

In 1997, ColecoVision was given its first 'homebrew' game, the Tetris clone Kevtris by Kevin Horton. Since then, dozens of homebrew games have been released by different authors.

Technical specifications

* CPU: Zilog Z80A @ 3.58 MHz
* Video processor: Texas Instruments TMS9928A
* 256x192 resolution
* 32 sprites
* 16 colors
* Sound: Texas Instruments SN76489A
* 3 tone generators
* 1 noise generator
* VRAM: 16 KiB
* RAM: 1 KiB
* Storage: Cartridge: 8/16/24/32 KiB

Similarities to other platforms

The ColecoVision contains the same CPU and graphics chip as the MSX1 and Sega SG-1000/SC-3000. It also shares a sound chip with the Sega machines (including the Master System), making them identical in hardware capabilities. The MSX contains a different sound chip that is very similar in capabilities, the General Instruments AY-3-8910. For this reason it proved very easy to port games between the three systems.

ColecoVision in popular culture

* In the Family Guy episode I Take Thee Quagmire, Peter's free maid Joan pulls a ColecoVision out of Peter's navel.
* During the South Park episode, Chickenpox, Kenny's father states, 'We got a ColecoVision hooked up to the black and white TV'; to the puzzlement of Stan and Kyle, and to the dismay of Kyle, who goes so far as to say: 'Oh my God, this is like a third-world country.'
* A track is named 'Colecovision' on the album 'Man Overboard' by Canadian rapper Buck 65.
* Jay-Z mentions it when ridiculing Just Blaze for being lazy, in his film Fade To Black.

Infos from Wikipedia

Computer 1983

Coleco ColecoVision ADAM

The Coleco Adam was a home computer, an attempt in the early 1980s by American toy manufacturer Coleco to follow on the success of its ColecoVision game console. The Adam was not very successful, partly because of early production problems.
Coleco announced the Adam in June 1983 at the Summer Consumer Electronics Show (CES) and executives predicted sales of 500,000 by Christmas 1983. From the time of the computer's introduction to the time of its shipment, the price increased, from USD Dollar525 to Dollar725.
The Adam is famous for an incident connected with its showing at the June, 1983 CES. To showcase the machine, Coleco decided to demonstrate a port of its ColecoVision conversion of Donkey Kong on the system. Nintendo was in the midst of negotiating a deal with Atari to license its Famicom for distribution outside of Japan, and the final signing would have been done at CES. Atari had exclusive rights to Donkey Kong for home computers (as Coleco had for game consoles), and when Atari saw that Coleco was showing Donkey Kong on a computer, its proposed deal with Nintendo was delayed. Coleco had to agree not to sell the Adam version of Donkey Kong. Ultimately it had no bearing on the Atari/Nintendo deal though, as Atari's CEO Ray Kassar was fired the next month and the proposal went nowhere, with Nintendo deciding to market its system on its own.

Technical details

In its favor, the Adam had a large software library from the start. It was derived from and compatible with the ColecoVision's software and accessories, and, in addition, the popular CP/M operating system was available as an option. Its price gave a complete system: a 64 KB RAM computer, tape drive, letter-quality printer, and software including the Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom video game. The IBM PCjr sold for Dollar669 but included no peripherals, and although the popular Commodore 64 sold for around Dollar200, its price was not much lower after the purchase of a printer, tape or disk drive, and software.

Like many home computers of its day, it was intended to use a television set for its display. The SmartWriter electronic typewriter loads when the system is turned on. In this mode, the system operates just like a typewriter, printing letters as soon as the user types them. Pressing the Escape/WP key puts SmartWriter into word processor mode, which functions similar to a modern word processor.

A less expensive version of the Adam plugged into a ColecoVision, which delivered on one of ColecoVision's launch commitments that owners would one day be able to upgrade their game system to a fully featured computer system.


Adam generated a surge of electromagnetic energy on startup, which would erase the contents of any removable media left in or near the drive. Making this problem worse, some of the Coleco manuals instructed the user to put the tape in the drive before turning the computer on; presumably these were printed before the issue was known.
Initial shipments to customers included a high rate of defective tape drives, some say up to 50 percent. Ejecting a tape while it was moving would usually destroy the drive as there was no eject lock-out mechanism and the tape (based on a standard Compact Cassette) moved at an extremely high rate of speed.
Since Coleco made the unusual decision of using the printer to supply power to the entire Adam system, if the printer malfunctioned, none of the system worked.
Unlike other home computers at the time, the Adam did not have its BASIC interpreter permanently stored in ROM. Instead, it featured a built-in electronic typewriter and word processor, SmartWriter, as well as the Elementary Operating System (EOS) OS kernel and the 8K OS-7 ColecoVision operating system. The SmartBASIC interpreter was delivered on a proprietary format Digital Data Pack tape cassette.
Once put into Word Processor mode, SmartWriter could not get back into the typewriter mode without rebooting the system.
Adam's Digital Data Pack drives, although faster and of higher capacity than the audio cassette drives used for competing computers, were less reliable and still not as fast as a floppy disk drive. Coleco eventually shipped a 160K 5.1/4 inch disk drive for it.


The Adam received some good reviews based on the quality of its keyboard and printer, and offered competitive sound and graphics. Its BASIC interpreter, called SmartBASIC, was largely compatible with Applesoft BASIC, which meant that many type-in programs from computer books and magazines would work with the Adam with little or no modification.

However, sales were weak, especially after the technical issues became obvious. Coleco lost Dollar35 million in the fourth quarter of 1984 as returns flooded in. Officially, Coleco blamed 'manuals which did not offer the first-time user adequate assistance.' Coleco reintroduced Adam with a new instruction manual, lower price, and a Dollar500 college scholarship along with each unit for use by a young child (to be paid when the child reached college). Less than 100,000 units ultimately sold. The Adam was discontinued in 1985, less than two years after its introduction.


The Adam weakened Coleco by absorbing much of the money it had made from Cabbage Patch Kids; the company filed for bankruptcy in 1988.

A group of Adam enthusiasts gather every year at the annual Adamcon . The 19th annual gathering was held in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada from July 26 to July 29, 2007.


Coleco ADAM, in word processing mode.CPU: Zilog Z80 @ 3.58 MHz
Support processors: three Motorola 6801s @ 1 MHz (memory & I/O, tape, and keyboard control)
Memory: 80 KB RAM, 16 KB video RAM; 32 KB ROM
Expansion: 3 internal slots, 1 cartridge slot, and a 62.5 kbit/s half-duplex serial bus called AdamNet. The stand-alone also has an external expansion port of the same type as the ColecoVision expansion port, on the right hand side.
Secondary storage: Digital Data Pack tape cassette, 256 KB
Graphics: Texas Instruments TMS9928A (a close relative of the TMS9918 in the TI-99/4A)
256 x 192 resolution
32 sprites
Sound: Texas Instruments SN76489AN
3 voices
white noise

infos from: Wikipedia

Unknown 1977

Coleco Telstar Arcade

The Telstar Arcade is maybe one of the most interesting systems made by Coleco, and also the most advanced PONG system released in America, although it played non-PONG games.
Made in a triangular case, the system could play three types of games, each being played on one of the three sides of the case. Obviously, the first side allowed playing PONG games (TENNIS and the like), and the second side allowed playing target shooting games. Nothing very different from most other systems, except the gun storage.
The third face was the most interesting: it allowed playing car racing games. Very few systems offering that type of games were released at this time, and the games were only played using rotary controllers or some sort of joysticks. Best of Coleco's Telstar Arcade was the wheel and the gear box for the car racing games.
Since several types of games could be played, the system used interchangeable cartridges. Telstar Arcade is therefore of the earliest systems to use cartridges containing a dedicated game chip. Each cartridge contains a chip made by MOS Technology: the MPS-7600. The four versions of this chip contain customised circuits because of the types of games, but they all use the same technology: a basic frame processor that controls the circuits, driven by a small program in ROM (the 8 PONG games chip has a 512-word program). Therefore, the MPS-7600 chips are not like the other PONG chips: they are customized microcontrollers.
Coleco used a very uncommon cartridge format: a silver triangular case which connects horizontally on the top of the console. Nothing in common with the other black cartridges whith plug vertically.
Coleco released only four cartridges. The first one was sold with the system and the others were available separately for the price of $25. Two flyers came with the system to order cartridges #2 and #3.
Text from


Comad Comad

Computer 1987

Commodore 128

The Commodore 128 (C128, CBM 128, C=128) home/personal computer was the last 8-bit machine commercially released by Commodore Business Machines (CBM). Introduced in January of 1985 at the CES in Las Vegas, it appeared three years after its predecessor, the bestselling Commodore 64. The primary hardware designer of the C128 was Bil Herd.

The C128 was a significantly expanded successor to the C64 and unlike the earlier Plus/4 it remained compatible. The new machine featured 128 KB of RAM (externally expandable to 640 KB) and an 80-column RGB monitor output (driven by the 8563 VDC chip with 16 KB dedicated video RAM, although following the release of the 128D later 'flat' 128s had 64 KB of VRAM[citation needed]), as well as a redesigned case/keyboard with a numeric keypad. The 128's power supply was vastly improved over the 64's troublesome design. It was much larger, with cooling vents and a fuse to protect it from blowing up. Instead of the 6510 CPU of the C64, the C128 incorporated a two-CPU design. The primary CPU, the 8502, was a slightly improved version of the 6510; its main addition was the ability to run at a 2 MHz clock rate (being quite beneficial to the 80 column display, but making it difficult to display a second signal to a second monitor, such as that used for a 40 column display). The second CPU was a Zilog Z80 which was used for ensuring CP/M compatibility and for mode-selection of the computer upon boot-up. The two processors could not run concurrently, thus the C128 was not a multiprocessing system.

The C128 had three modes of operation: C128 Mode (native mode), which ran at 1 or 2 MHz with the 8502 CPU and had both 40- and 80-column text modes available; CP/M Mode, which used the Z80 second CPU in either 40- or 80-column text mode; and C64 Mode, which was very nearly 100% compatible with the earlier computer. None of these modes would have been possible as implemented on the C128 without the Z80 chip. The Z80 controls the bus on initial boot-up and checks to see if there are any C64/C128 cartridges present, and if the Commodore key (C64-mode selector) is active on boot-up. Based on what it finds, it will switch to the appropriate mode of operation.

Some 128s suffered from a reliability problem caused by the electromagnetic shield over the internal board. The shield had fingers that rested on the top of the major chips to conduct heat into the shield which then acted as a large heatsink. A combination of poor contact and the fact that plastic encased chips do not lose heat that way plus the shield being made from mu-metal (a poor heat conductor) saw some chips overheat and fail. The SID sound chip was particularly vulnerable in this respect as it operated from a 9 volt supply. The situation could be vastly improved by removing the shield completely.

C128 Mode
C128 Main board

While the C64's graphics and sound capabilities were generally considered excellent, the popular home computer was the subject of a number of perennial criticisms. The 40-column VIC-II video display, while excellent for gaming, was often considered inadequate for productivity applications such as word processing. The lack of a numeric keypad was also an issue with some office suite software. Furthermore, the 2.0 revision of Commodore BASIC that was incorporated into the C64 was quite limited, and lacked keywords to handle the system's graphical and sound capabilities. These features had to be accessed via terse and potentially cryptic PEEK and POKE commands, or by custom-written machine language routines. A great improvement was the addition of a reset button on the side of the computer, next to the joystick ports. Finally, the C64's 1541 disk drive was almost universally condemned as slow and unreliable in comparison to the swifter and more capacious Commodore 1581.

The designers of the C128 succeeded in rectifying most of these concerns. A new chip, the VDC, provided the C128 with an 80-column color CGA-compatible display (also called RGBI for RGB plus Intensity). The new 8502 CPU was completely backward-compatible with the C64's 6510, but could run at double the speed if desired. However, the VIC-II chip which controlled the 40-column display could not operate at the faster clock rate, so the 40 column display is not available in Fast mode. A numeric keypad was added to the keyboard, as were various other keys. The C64's rudimentary BASIC 2.0 was replaced with the far more flexible and powerful BASIC 7.0, which included keywords designed specifically to take advantage of the machine's capabilities, and also incorporated a sprite editor and machine language monitor. The screen editor was further improved. A reset button was added to the system.

Three new disk drives were introduced in conjunction with the C128, the 1570, 1571, and 3.5 inch 1581 drives promising far faster transfer speeds via a new 'burst mode'. With these three drives, more complex drive data arrangements were also made available to Commodore users in the nature of 'track and sector' oriented subdirectories, a feature not available to PC users, who instead had to convolute their file allocation tables to do the same thing. The disk drives also had more on-board RAM than their predecessors, the 1540 and 1541 drives.

The C128 also had twice the RAM of the C64, and a far higher proportion was available for BASIC programming, due to the new MMU bankswitching chip. This feature made it possible for BASIC program code to be stored separately from variables, greatly enhancing the machine's ability to handle complex programs.

The C128's greater hardware capabilities, especially the increased RAM, screen display resolution, and serial bus speed, made it the preferred platform for running the GEOS graphical operating system.

CP/M Mode

The second of the C128's two CPUs was the Zilog Z80, which allowed the C128 to run CP/M; the machine came with CP/M 3.0, aka CP/M Plus (backward compatible with CP/M 2.2) and ADM31/3A terminal emulation. To make a large application software library instantly available at launch, the Commodore 128 CP/M and accompanying 1571 floppy disk drive was designed to run almost all Kaypro-specific CP/M software without modification.

Unfortunately, the C128 ran CP/M noticeably slower than most dedicated CP/M systems, as the Z80 processor ran at an effective speed of only 2 MHz (instead of the more common 4–6 MHz) and because it used CP/M 3.0, whose complexity made it inherently slower than the earlier, more widespread, CP/M 2.2 system. From the source code of the C128 CP/M implementation, it is clear that the engineers originally planned to make it possible to run CP/M in the 'fast' mode as well, with the 40-column output turned off and the Z80 running at an effective 4 MHz; however, this did not work on the released C128 hardware.

A possibly unique feature of the C128 among CP/M systems was that some of the low-level BIOS services were executed by the 8502 chip instead of the Z80. The latter transferred control to the 8502 after having placed the pertinent parameter values in designated memory locations. The Z80 then turned itself off, being awoken by the 8502 at completion of the BIOS routine, with status value(s) available in RAM for inspection.

C64 Mode

By incorporating the original C64 BASIC and KERNAL ROMs in their entirety (16 KB total), the C128 achieves almost 100% compatibility with C64 software. The C64 mode can be accessed in one of three ways:

* Hold down the Commodore logo key when booting the system
* Enter the GO64 command in BASIC 7.0 immediate mode
* Boot with a C64 cartridge plugged in

Some of the few C64 programs that fail on a C128 run correctly when the CAPS LOCK key is pressed down (or the ASCII/National key on international C128 models). This has to do with the larger built-in I/O port of the C128's CPU. Whereas the SHIFT LOCK key found on both C64 and C128 is simply a mechanical latch for the left SHIFT key, the CAPS LOCK key on the C128 can be read via the 8502's built-in I/O port. A few C64 programs are confused by this extra I/O bit; keeping the CAPS LOCK key in the down position will force the I/O line low, matching the C64's configuration and resolving the issue.

A handful of C64 programs wrote to $D030 (53296), often as part of a loop initializing the VIC-II chip registers. This memory-mapped register, unused in the C64, operated as a selector for 2 MHz mode in the C128. Since it was not disabled in C64 mode, an inadvertent write could blank the 40-column display by putting the CPU into fast mode. Fortunately, very few programs suffered from this flaw. In July 1986, COMPUTE!'s Gazette published a type-in program that exploited this minor incompatibility, by using a raster interrupt to enable fast mode when the bottom of the visible screen was reached, and then disable it when screen rendering began again at the top. By using fast mode during the vertical blank period, standard video display was maintained while increasing overall execution speed by about 20%. [1] [2]

An easy way to tell the C128's C64 mode and a real C64 apart, typically used from within a running program, is to write a value different from $FF (255) to memory address $D02F (53295), which is used to decode the extra keys of the C128 (the numerical keypad and some other keys). On the 64 this memory location will always contain the value $FF no matter what was written to it, but on a C128 in 64 mode the value of the location—a memory-mapped register—can be changed. Thus, checking the location's value after writing to it will reveal the actual hardware platform.

RAM setup

To handle the relatively large amounts of installable RAM, tenfold the 8502's 64 KB address space, the C128 used the 8722 MMU chip to create different memory maps, in which different combinations of RAM and ROM would appear according to bit patterns written into the MMU's confguration register. While the MMU was designed to handle more than 128 KB, the versions that were actually produced and used in the C128 cannot do so.

Although referred to as RAM expanders, Commodore's RAM Expansion Units were not expansion devices at all, as they utilized an external DMA controller to copy bytes between the C-128's RAM and the RAM in the 'expansion unit.' This function was essentially independent of the MMU's memory control features.

Commodore 128D
A Commodore 128D with a Commodore-brand RGB monitor and Commodore 1581 Floppy Disk Drive

In the autumn of 1985, Commodore released to the European market an updated version of the C128 with a redesigned chassis. Called the Commodore 128D, this new European model sported a plastic chassis with a carrying handle on the side, incorporated a 1571 Disk Drive into the main chassis, replaced the built-in keyboard with a detachable one, and added a cooling fan.

In addition to being less bulky than the C128's built-in keyboard, the detachable keyboard of the C128D was lighter in weight, and featured two folding legs for increasing the typing angle.

The following summer, Commodore released the C128D in North America with numerous enhancements. Outside, the C128D boasted an upgraded steel chassis, but lost the carrying handle. Inside, the C128D ROMs contained several bug fixes, and the 8563 VDC chip (in the C128DCR, the 8568) was equipped with the maximum capacity 64 KB of video RAM – four times that of the original C128. This permitted the C128D to do higher-resolution graphics with more colors in RGB mode, although very little software took advantage of this. With or without the extra RAM, the VDC's high-resolution graphics modes were inaccessible from the C128's BASIC. They could only be utilized by calls to screen editor ROM primitive data types (or their assembly language equivalents), or via third-party BASIC language extensions. The most popular such toolkit was Free Spirit Software's 'BASIC 8', which added high-resolution VDC graphics commands to CBM BASIC. BASIC 8 was available on two disks (editor disk and runtime disk) and with a ROM chip for installation in the C128's internal Function ROM socket.

Commodore later released a streamlined version of the C128D, called the Commodore 128DCR (CR for cost reduced), which was marketed in North America. In the C128DCR, Commodore consolidated some of the internal components to save production costs, but also improved heat dissipation to decrease reliance on active cooling.

Market performance

Because the C128 would run virtually all C64 software, and because the next-generation, 32/16-bit home computers, primarily the Commodore Amiga and Atari ST, were gaining ground, relatively little software for the C128's native mode appeared (probably on the order of 100–200 fully commercial titles, plus the usual share of public domain and magazine type-in programs). While the C128 sold a total number of 4 million units between 1985 and 1989, its popularity paled in comparison to that of its predecessor. This has been blamed on the lack of native software and on Commodore's less-aggressive marketing, which was mostly focused on the Amiga. An additional explanation may be found in the fact that the C64 sold huge numbers to people primarily interested in computer games, which the more expensive C128 didn't add much value towards improving (with the exception of a few Infocom text adventures). The C128 was certainly a better business machine than the C64, but not really a better gaming machine, and people who wanted business machines bought IBM PC clones almost exclusively by the time the C128 was released. With its advanced BASIC programming language, CP/M compatibility and 'user-friendly' native software packages such as Jane, Commodore attempted to create a low-end business market for the 128, branding it a 'Personal Computer' on the case, but this strategy was not successful in the face of low-cost IBM-compatibles like the Leading Edge Model D and Tandy 1000 that, in some cases, sold for less than a complete 128 system. There was a professional-level CAD program, Home Designer by BRiWALL, but again, most of this work was done on PCs by the 128s era. The main reason that the C128 still sold fairly well was probably that it was a much better machine for hobbyist programming than the C64.

Also, when the C128(D/DCR) was discontinued in 1989, it was reported to cost nearly as much to manufacture as the 16-bit Amiga 500, even though the C128D had to sell for several hundred dollars less to keep the Amiga's high-value marketing image intact.

Bil Herd commented on the Wikipedia C128 article, stating: 'We considered the C128 to be a holding action until the next generation computers arrived, we were trying to up the game as far as expectations for new machines and buy a year, two at the max in the process. In that we exceeded our initial goals but probably due in part to Commodore's lackluster follow through on marketing and selling the Amiga.'[citation needed]

C128's hidden features
The 40 column version of the C128 Easter egg screen, with a listing of, and a message from, the machine's main developers. Notice the term 'herdware', named after Bil Herd.

* Easter egg: Entering the command 'SYS 32800,123,45,6' in native mode reveals the 40-column screen shown to the right:
* The Commodore 128's BASIC 7.0, the programming language which comes built-in with the computer, can be crashed or cause the computer to reboot by executing PRINT''+-X (where X is any integer), depending on the number entered for X. This bug is present in all known versions of Microsoft's 6502 BASIC interpreter, including the BASIC of all other 8-bit Commodore machines, as well as Applesoft BASIC.
* Entering the keywords QUIT or OFF will produce an '?UNIMPLEMENTED COMMAND ERROR'. These commands are holdovers from a planned but never produced LCD-display portable computer and were intended to exit from the BASIC interpreter and to ignore keyboard input during sensitive program execution, respectively.
* The earlier ROM revision of the C128 includes a rather obvious bug. When in 'CAPS LOCK' mode, each of the alphabetic keys type properly in upper-case except the 'q', which remains lower-case.
* Multiple zero page and CPU stack locations can be defined by twiddling some bits in the C128's MMU, which theoretically would make multitasking a possibility. In practice, the lack of hardware memory protection would create a difficult-to-manage environment in which to run a preemptive kernel.
* Grounding the cartridge port's /EXROM and/or /GAME lines will cause the computer to automatically start up in C64 mode. This design faithfully duplicates the C64 behavior when a cartridge (such as Simons' BASIC) is plugged into the port and asserts either of these lines. C128 mode cartridges are recognized and started by the kernal polling defined locations in the memory map.


* CPUs:
o MOS Technology 8502 @ 2 MHz (1 MHz selectable for C64 compatibility mode)
o Zilog Z80 @ 4 MHz (effectively running at 2 MHz due to stopping half the time to allow VIC-II video chip access to system bus)
* MMU: Memory Management Unit controls 8502/Z80 processor selection; ROM/RAM banking; common RAM areas; relocation of zero page and stack
* RAM: 128 KB system RAM, 2 KB 4-bit dedicated color RAM (for the VIC-II E), 16 KB or 64 KB dedicated video RAM (for the VDC), up to 512 KB REU expansion RAM
* ROM: 72 KB (28 KB BASIC 7.0, 4 KB MLM, 8 KB C128 KERNAL, 4 KB screen editor, 4 KB Z80 BIOS, ca. 9 KB C64 BASIC 2.0, ca. 7 KB C64 KERNAL, 4 KB C64 (or international) character generator, 4 KB C128 (or national) character generator) – expandable by 32 KB Internal Function ROM (optional; for placement in motherboard socket) and/or 32KB External Function ROM (optional; for placement in REU socket)
* Video:
o MOS 8564/8566 VIC-II E (NTSC/PAL) for 40-column composite video (a TV set can be used instead of a monitor if desired)
+ Direct register access through memory-mapped I/O
+ Text mode: 40Ṫ25, 16 colors
+ Graphics modes: 160Ṫ200, 320Ṫ200
+ 8 hardware sprites
+ 2 KB dedicated 4-bit color RAM, otherwise uses main memory as video RAM
o MOS 8563 VDC (or, in C128DCR, the 8568) for 80-column digital RGBI component video, compatible with IBM PC CGA monitors, monochrome display also possible on composite video monitors; usable with TV sets only when the set has SCART and/or baseband video-in sockets in addition to the antenna connector. Color is possible through SCART, only monochrome through baseband video-in.
+ Indirect register access (address register, data register in mapped memory)
+ Text mode: Fully programmable, typically 80Ṫ25 or 80x50, 16 colors (not the same as those of the VIC-II)
+ Graphics modes: Fully programmable, typical modes are 320x200, 640Ṫ200, and 640Ṫ400 (interlaced).
+ No hardware sprites
+ 16 KB dedicated video RAM (64 KB standard in C128DCR, C128/C128D was upgradable to 64 KB), accessible to the CPU only in a doubly indirect method (address register, data register on VDC, which in turn are addressed through address register, data register in mapped memory)
+ limited blitter functionality helps to alleviate this RAM bottleneck
* Sound:
o MOS 6581 SID (or, in the C128DCR, the MOS 8580 SID) synthesizer chip
+ 3 voices, ADSR-controllable
+ Standard SID waveforms (triangle, sawtooth, variable pulse, noise, and certain combined modes)
+ Multi-mode filter
+ 3 ring modulators
+ Cost-reduced and noise-reduced version of C64's MOS 6581; some early C128s actually have 6581s
* I/O Ports:
o All the ports of C64 —100% compatible— plus the following:
o Higher speed possible on the serial bus
o Expansion port more flexibly programmable
o RGBI video output (DB9-connector, logically similar to the IBM PC CGA connector, but with an added monochrome composite signal. This added signal causes a minor incompatibility with certain CGA monitors that can be rectified by breaking off pin 7 from the plug at one end of the connecting cable.)

(Info: Wikipidea)

Computer 1984

Commodore 64

Released August 1982
Discontinued April 1994
Processor MOS Technology 6510 @ 1.02 MHz (NTSC version) / 0.99MHz (PAL version)
Memory 64 KiB
OS Commodore BASIC 2.0

The Commodore 64 is the best selling single personal computer model of all time. Released in August 1982 by Commodore Business Machines, the Commodore 64 is commonly referred to as the C64 (sometimes written C= 64 to mimic the Commodore company logo) and occasionally known as CBM 64 (its model designation), C-64 or VIC-64 (a label used by some users, magazine writers, third party advertisements and also by Commodore in Sweden). The original Commodore 64 casing has affectionately been nicknamed the 'breadbox' and 'bullnose' due to its shape. Introduced by Commodore Business Machines in August 1982 at a price of USDollar595, it offered 64 kibibytes of RAM with sound and graphics performance that were superior to IBM-compatible computers of that time. During the Commodore 64's lifetime (between 1982 and 1994), sales totaled around 17 million units.

Unlike computers that were distributed only through authorized dealers, Commodore also targeted department stores and toy stores. The unit could be plugged directly into a television set to play games, giving it much of the appeal of dedicated video game consoles like the Atari 2600. Its affordable pricing contributed to the video game market crash of 1983.

Approximately 10,000 commercial software titles were made for the Commodore 64 including development tools, office applications, and games. The machine is also credited with popularizing the computer demo scene. The Commodore 64 is still used today by many computer hobbyists, and emulators (see here for a list) allow anyone with a modern computer (or even smartphones) to run these programs on their desktop (with varying degrees of success and functionality).

The Commodore 64 is commonly seen as an icon of the 1980s. An example is the introductory movie of the video game Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, which features a Commodore 64 screen which later reveals the Rockstar North logo.


In January 1981, MOS Technology, Inc., Commodore's integrated circuit design subsidiary, initiated a project to design the graphic and audio chips for a next generation video game console. Design work for the chips, named MOS Technology VIC-II (graphics) and MOS Technology SID (audio), was completed in November 1981.

A game console project was then initiated by Commodore that would use the new chips -- called the Ultimax or alternatively the Commodore MAX Machine, engineered by Yashi Terakura from Commodore Japan. This project was eventually cancelled after just a few machines were manufactured for the Japanese market.

At the same time Robert 'Bob' Russell (system programmer and architect on the VIC-20) and Robert Yannes (engineer of the SID) were critical of the current product line-up at Commodore, which was a continuation of the Commodore PET line aimed at business users. With the support of Al Charpentier (engineer of the VIC-II) and Charles Winterble (manager of MOS Technology), they proposed to Commodore CEO Jack Tramiel a true low-cost sequel to the VIC-20. Tramiel dictated that the machine should have 64 KiB of RAM. Although 64 KiB of DRAM cost over US Dollar100 at the time, he knew that DRAM prices were falling, and would soon drop to an acceptable level before full production was reached. In November, Tramiel set a deadline for the first weekend of January, to coincide with the 1982 Consumer Electronics Show.

The product was codenamed the VIC-40 as the successor to the popular VIC-20. The team that constructed it consisted of Robert Russell, Robert 'Bob' Yannes and David A. Ziembicki. The design, prototypes and some sample software was finished in time for the show, after the team had worked tirelessly over both Thanksgiving and Christmas weekends.

When the product was to be presented, the VIC-40 product was renamed C64 in order to fit into the current Commodore business products lineup which contained the P128 and the B256, both named by a letter and their respective memory size.

The C64 made an impressive debut, as recalled by Production Engineer David A. Ziembicki: 'All we saw at our booth were Atari people with their mouths dropping open, saying, 'How can you do that for Dollar595?'' The answer, as it turned out, was vertical integration; thanks to Commodore's ownership of MOS Technology's semiconductor fabrication facilities, each C64 had an estimated production cost of only Dollar135. However, cheaper manufacturing techniques resulted in manufacturing problems; Many of these early units had video problems causing a blurry effect that made alphanumeric characters difficult to read.

Winning the market war

The C64 faced a wide range of competing home computers at its introduction in August 1982. With an impressive price point coupled with the C64's advanced hardware, it quickly out-classed many of its competitors. In the United States the greatest competitors to the C64 were the Atari 8-bit 400 and 800, the IBM PC and the Apple II. The Atari 400 and 800 were very similar in hardware terms, but it was very expensive to build, which forced Atari to redesign their machine to be more cost effective. This resulted in the 600XL/800XL line and the transfer of their production to the Far East. The IBM PC and the now aging Apple II were no match for the C64's graphical and sound abilities, but they were very expandable with their internal expansion slots, a feature lacking in the 64.

All three machines had a standard memory configuration of 16 KiB, 48 KiB less RAM than the C64. At USDollar1,500, the IBM PC and Apple II were three times as expensive, while the Atari 800 cost a mere Dollar899. One key to the C64's success was Commodore's aggressive marketing tactics, and they were quick to exploit the relative price/performance divisions between its competitors with a series of television commercials after the C64's launch in late 1982.

Commodore sold the C64 not only through its network of authorized dealers, but also placed it on the shelves of department stores, discount stores, and toy stores. Since it had the ability to output composite video, the C64 did not require a specialized monitor, but could be plugged into a television set. This allowed it (like its predecessor, the VIC-20) to compete directly against video game consoles such as the Atari 2600.

Aggressive pricing of the C64 is considered to be a major catalyst in the video game crash of 1983. In 1983, Commodore offered a Dollar100 rebate in the United States on the purchase of a C64 upon receipt of any video game console or computer. To take advantage of the Dollar100 rebate, some mail-order dealers and retailers offered a Timex Sinclair 1000 for as little as Dollar10 with purchase of a C64 so the consumer could send the computer to Commodore, collect the rebate, and pocket the difference. Timex Corporation departed the marketplace within a year. The success of the VIC-20 and C64 also contributed significantly to the exit of Texas Instruments and other competitors from the field.

In 1984, Commodore released the Commodore Plus/4. The Plus/4 offered a higher-color display, a better implementation of BASIC (V3.5), and built-in software. However, Commodore committed what was perceived by critics and consumers as a major strategic error by making it incompatible with the C64. The Plus/4 lacked hardware sprite capability and had much poorer sound, thus seriously underperforming in two of the areas that had made the C64 a star.
In the United Kingdom, the primary competitors to the C64 were the British-built Sinclair ZX Spectrum and the Amstrad CPC 464. Released a few months ahead of the C64, and selling for almost half the price, the Spectrum quickly became the market leader. Commodore would have an uphill struggle against the Spectrum, it could no longer rely on undercutting the competition. The C64 debuted at Pound 399 in early 1983, while the Spectrum cost Pound 175. The C64 would later rival the Spectrum in popularity in the latter half of the 1980s, eventually outliving the Spectrum when it discontinued in December 1990.

Despite a few attempts by Commodore to discontinue the C64 in favour of other, higher priced machines, constant demand made its discontinuation a hard task. By 1988, Commodore were selling 1.5 million C64s worldwide. Although demand for the C64 dropped off in the US by 1990, it continued to be popular in the UK and other European countries. In the end, economics, not obsolescence sealed the C64's fate. In March 1994, at CeBIT in Hanover, Germany, Commodore announced that the C64 would be finally discontinued in 1995. Commodore claimed that the C64's disk drive was more expensive to manufacture than the C64 itself. Although Commodore had planned to discontinue the C64 by 1995, the company filed for bankruptcy a month later, in April 1994.

The C64 family

1982: Commodore releases the Commodore MAX Machine in Japan. It is called the Ultimax in the US, and VC-10 in Germany. The MAX was intended to be a game console with limited computing capability. It was discontinued months after its introduction, because of poor sales in Japan.

In 1984 Commodore released the SX-64, a portable version of the C64. The SX-64 has the distinction of being the first full-color portable computer. The base unit featured a 5 inch (127 mm) CRT and an integral 1541 floppy disk drive. The SX-64 did not have a cassette connector.
Commodore was determined to avoid the problems of the Plus/4, making sure that the eventual successors to the C64—the Commodore 128 and 128D computers (1985)—were as good as, and fully compatible with the original, as well as offering a host of improvements (such as a structured BASIC with graphics and sound commands, 80-column display capability, and full CP/M compatibility).

In 1986, Commodore released the Commodore 64C (C64C) computer, which was functionally identical to the original, but whose exterior design was remodelled in the sleeker style of the C128 and other contemporary design trends. In the United States, the C64C was often bundled with the third-party GEOS GUI-based operating system. The Commodore 1541 disk drive was also remodelled resulting in the 1541-II.

In 1990, the C64 was re-released in the form of a game console, called the C64 Games System (C64GS). A simple modification to the C64C's motherboard was made to orient the cartridge connector to a vertical position. This allowed cartridges to be inserted from above. A modified ROM replaced the BASIC interpreter with a boot screen to inform the user to insert a cartridge. The C64GS was another commercial failure for Commodore, and it was never released outside of Europe.

In 1990, an advanced successor to the C64, the Commodore 65 (also known as the 'C64DX'), was prototyped, but the project was cancelled by Commodore's chairman Irving Gould in 1991. The C65's specifications were very good for an 8-bit computer. For example, it could display 256 colours on screen, while OCS based Amigas could only display 64. Although no specific reason was given for the C65's cancellation, it would have competed in the marketplace with Commodore's lower end Amigas. The Amiga 600 was released in mid 1992, eventually taking the C65's place as the upgrade from the C64.

C64 clones

In the summer of 2004, after an absence from the marketplace of more than 10 years, PC manufacturer Tulip Computers BV (owners of the Commodore brand since 1997) announced the C64 Direct-to-TV (C64DTV), a joystick-based TV game based on the C64 with 30 games built into ROM. Designed by Jeri Ellsworth, a self-taught computer designer who had earlier designed the modern C-One C64 implementation, the C64DTV was similar in concept to other mini-consoles based on the Atari 2600 and Intellivision which had gained modest success earlier in the decade. The product was advertised on QVC in the United States for the 2004 holiday season. Some users have installed 1541 floppy disk drives, hard drives, second joysticks and keyboards to these units, which give the DTV devices nearly all of the capabilities of a full Commodore 64. The DTV hardware is also used in the mini-console/game Hummer, sold at Radio Shack mid-2005.

As of 2006, C64 enthusiasts still develop new hardware, including Ethernet cards, specially adapted hard disks and Flash Card interfaces.


At the time of its introduction, the C64's graphics and sound capabilities were rivalled only by the Atari 8-bit family. This was at a time when most IBM PCs and compatibles had text-only graphics cards, green screen monitors, and sound consisting of squeaks and beeps from the built-in tiny, low-quality speaker.

Due to its advanced graphics and sound, the C64 is often credited with starting the computer subculture known as the demoscene (see Commodore 64 demos). The C64 lost its top position among demo coders when the 16-bit Atari ST and Commodore Amiga were released in 1985, however it still remained a very popular platform for demo coding up to the early 90s.

By the turn of the millennium, it was still being actively used as a demo machine, especially for music (its sound chip even being used in special sound cards for PCs, and the Elektron SidStation synthesizer). Unfortunately, the differences between PAL and NTSC C64s caused compatibility problems between U.S./Canadian C64s and those from most other countries. The vast majority of demos run only on PAL machines.


Graphics and sound

The C64 used an 8-bit MOS Technology 6510 microprocessor. This was a close derivative of the 6502, with an added 6-bit internal I/O port that in the C64 is used for two purposes: to bank-switch the machine's ROM in and out of the processor's address space, and to operate the datasette tape recorder.

The C64 had 64 kbytes of RAM, of which 38 KiB were available to built-in Commodore BASIC 2.0.

The graphics chip, VIC-II, featured 16 colors, eight hardware sprites, scrolling capabilities, and two bitmap graphics modes. The standard text mode featured 40 columns, like most Commodore PET models; the built in font was not standard ASCII but PETSCII, an extended form of ASCII-1963. Computer/video game and demo programmers quickly learned how to exploit undocumented or esoteric features of the VIC-II to gain additional capabilities, such as making more than 8 sprites appear on the screen (up to 128 in one case) or displaying additional colors beyond the 'factory' 16.

The sound chip, SID, had three channels, each with its own ADSR envelope generator, and with several different waveforms, ring modulation and filter capabilities. It too, was very advanced for its time. It was designed by Bob Yannes, who would later co-found synthesizer company Ensoniq. Yannes criticized other contemporary computer sound chips as 'primitive, obviously (...) designed by people who knew nothing about music.' Often the game music became a hit of its own among C64 users. Well-known composers and programmers of game music on the C64 were Rob Hubbard, David Whittaker, Chris Hülsbeck, Ben Daglish, Martin Galway and David Dunn among many others. Due to the chip's limitation to three channels, chords were played as arpeggios typically, coining the C64's characteristic lively sound.

There are two versions of the SID chip. The first version was the MOS Technology 6581, which is to be found in all of the original 'breadbox' C64s, and early versions of the C64C and the Commodore 128. It was later replaced with the MOS Technology 8580 in 1987. The sound quality was a little more crisp on the 6581 and many Commodore 64 fans still prefer its sound. The main difference between the 6581 and the 8580 was the voltage supply: the 6581 uses a 12 volt supply, while the 8580 required only 9 volts. A voltage modification can be made to use a 6581 in a C64C board (which uses 9V).

The SID chip has a distinctive sound which retained a following of devotees. In 1999, Swedish company Elektron produced a SidStation synth module, built around the SID chip, using remaining stocks of the chip. Several bands use these devices in their music.

Hardware revisions

Cost reduction was the driving force for hardware revisions to the C64's motherboard. Reducing manufacturing costs was vitally important to Commodore's survival during the price war and leaner years of the 16-bit era. The C64's original (NMOS based) motherboard would go through two major redesigns, (and numerous sub-revisions) exchanging positions of the VIC-II, SID and PLA chips. Initially, a large proportion of the cost was lowered by reducing the number of discrete components used, such as diodes and resistors.

The VIC-II was manufactured with 5 micrometre NMOS technology, clocked at 8 MHz. At such a high clock rate, it generated a lot of heat, forcing MOS Technology to use a ceramic DIL package (called a 'CERDIP'). The ceramic package was more expensive, but it dissipated heat more effectively than plastic.

After a redesign in 1983, the VIC-II was encased in a plastic DIL package, which reduced costs substantially, but it did not eliminate the heat problem. Without a ceramic package, the VIC-II required the use of a heatsink. To avoid extra cost, the metal RF shielding doubled as the heatsink for the VIC, although not all units shipped with this type of shielding. Most C64s in Europe shipped with a cardboard RF shield, coated with a layer of metal foil. The effectiveness of the cardboard was highly questionable, and worse still it acted as an insulator, blocking airflow which trapped heat generated by the SID, VIC and PLA chips.

The SID was manufactured using NMOS at 7 and in some areas 6 micrometres. The prototype SID and some very early production models featured a ceramic DIL package, but unlike the VIC-II, these are extremely rare as the SID was encased in plastic when production started in early 1982.

In 1986 Commodore released the last revision to the 'classic' C64 motherboard. It was otherwise identical to the 1984 design, except that it now used two 64 kbit x4 DRAM chips rather than the original eight 64 kbit x1.

After the release of the C64C, MOS Technology began to reconfigure the C64's chipset to use HMOS technology. The main benefit of using HMOS was that it required less voltage to drive the IC, which consequently generates less heat. This enhanced the overall reliability of the SID and VIC-II. The new chipset was re-numbered to 85xx in order to reflect the change to HMOS.
In 1987 Commodore released C64Cs with a totally redesigned motherboard commonly known as a 'short board'. The new board used the new HMOS chipset, featuring new 64-pin PLA chip. The new 'SuperPLA' as it was dubbed, integrated many discrete components and TTL chips. The 2114 color RAM was integrated into the last revision of the PLA.

The C64 used an external power supply. While this saved valuable space within the computer's case, the supply itself was barely adequate for the C64's power requirements. Commodore's plastic power bricks would typically break from overheating. Some users purchased heavier-duty, better-cooled, third-party power supplies. The C64's disk drives also came with their own external power supplies.

Later in the Commodore's lifetime, third-party power supplies became increasingly important when used in conjunction with RAM expansions or Creative Micro Designs' peripherals. Of particular note, a C64 coupled with a RAM expansion or CMD SuperCPU required more power than the original Commodore power supply could provide. A modern PC power unit can be modified to power a C64 and its disk drives.


Internal hardware

Microprocessor CPU:
* MOS Technology 6510/8500 (the 6510/8500 being a modified 6502 with an integrated 6-bit I/O port)
* Clock speed: 1.023 MHz (NTSC) or 0.985 MHz (PAL)

Video: MOS Technology VIC-II 6567/8567 (NTSC), 6569/8569 (PAL)
* 16 colors
* Text mode: 40x25 characters; 256 user-defined chars (8x8 pixels, or 4x8 in multicolor mode); 4-bit color RAM defines foreground color
* Bitmap modes: 320x200 (2 colors in each 8x8 block), 160x200 (3 colors plus background in each 4x8 block)
* 8 hardware sprites of 24x21 pixels (12x21 in multicolor mode)
* Smooth scrolling, raster interrupts

Sound: MOS Technology 6581/8580 SID
* 3-channel synthesizer with programmable ADSR envelope
* 8 octaves
* 4 waveforms: triangle, sawtooth, variable pulse, noise
* Oscillator synchronization, ring modulation
* Programmable filter: high pass, low pass, band pass, notch filter

* 64 KiB (65,536 bytes), of which 38 KiB minus 1 byte (38,911 bytes) were available for BASIC programs
* 512 bytes color RAM
* Expandable to 320 KiB with Commodore 1764 256 KiB RAM Expansion Unit (REU); although only 64 KiB directly accessible; REU mostly intended for GEOS. REUs of 128 KiB and 512 KiB, originally designed for the C128, were also available, but required the user to buy a stronger power supply from some third party supplier; with the 1764 this was included. Creative Micro Designs also produced a 2 MB REU for the C64 and C128, called the 1750 XL. The technology actually supported up to 16 MB, but 2 MB was the biggest one officially made. Expansions of up to 16 MB were also possible via the CMD SuperCPU.

* 20 KiB (9 KiB BASIC 2.0; 7 KiB KERNAL; 4 KiB character generator, providing two 2 KiB character sets)

I/O ports and power supply:
* I/O ports:
* 8-pin DIN plug containing composite video output, separate Y/C outputs, and sound input/output. (Some early C64 units utilized a 5-pin DIN connector that omitted the Y/C output.)
* Integrated RF modulator antenna output via a RCA connector
* 2 x screwless DE9M game controller ports (compatible with Atari 2600 controllers), each supporting five digital inputs and two analog inputs. Available peripherals included digital joysticks, analog paddles, a light pen, the Commodore 1351 mouse, and the unique KoalaPad.
* Cartridge expansion slot (slot for edge connector with 6510 CPU address/data bus lines and control signals, as well as GND and voltage pins; used for program modules and memory expansions, among others)
* PET-type Datassette 300 baud tape interface (edge connector with cassette motor/read/write/sense signals and GND and +5 V pins; the motor pin is powered to directly supply the motor)
* User port (edge connector with TTL-level RS-232 signals, for modems, etc; and byte-parallel signals which can be used to drive third-party parallel printers, among other things; with 17 logic signals, 7 GND and voltage pins, including 9V AC voltage)
* Serial bus (serial version of IEEE-488, 6-pin DIN plug) for CBM printers and disk drives
* Power supply:
* 5V DC and 9V AC from an external 'power brick', attached to a 7-pin female DIN-connector on the computer. The C64's original power brick was under-powered, and users would often replace it with a third party solution, particularly if they had power-hungry peripherals attached to their machines.

Notes on C64 Software

* On address DollarFFF6-DollarFFF9 (65526-9) in the C64 KERNAL, immediately before the hard-coded jump vectors for the processor, is letter sequence 'RRBY'. These are the initials of Robert Russell and Bob Yannes, the two main engineers that created the C64.
* The Commodore 64's BASIC V2, the programming language which came built-in with the computer, can be crashed by executing PRINT''+-[x] (where x is any integer), or by attempting to create a BASIC program with an initial line number near 350800.
* Due to a quirk in the C64's BASIC operating system, an Easter egg or screensaver of sorts may be activated by pressing the RUN/STOP and RESTORE keys in unison, then entering POKE781,96:SYS58251 on the subsequently cleared screen.
* There is a way to hide lines of code written in the BASIC Language stored in local memory. It involved using the 'heart' symbol.
* Entering the character shift-L (which looks like an L-shaped border corner) into the program code will cause a syntax error when that line is LISTed. This is a simple way to prevent arbitrary listing of the program code.

Infos from Wikipedia

Computer 1980

Commodore 65

The CAB 65 was compatible with the Apple II.


Commodore 8096


Commodore 8296

Computer 1985

Commodore Amiga

The Amiga is a family of personal computers originally developed by Amiga Corporation. Development on the Amiga began in 1982 with Jay Miner as the principal hardware designer. Commodore International bought Amiga Corporation and introduced the machine to the market in 1985. The name Amiga was chosen by the developers specifically from the Spanish and Portuguese word for a female friend, and because it occurred before Apple and Atari alphabetically.

Based on the Motorola 68k series of microprocessors, the machine sported a custom chipset with advanced graphics and sound capabilities, and a pre-emptive multitasking operating system (now known as AmigaOS). While the M68k was a 32-bit processor, the version originally used in the Amiga, the 68000, had a 16-bit external data bus, and the original machine (along with its contemporary, the Atari ST) was generally referred to in the press as a 16-bit computer; later models sported fully 32-bit designs. The Amiga provided a significant upgrade from 8-bit computers such as the Commodore 64, and the Amiga quickly grew in popularity among computer enthusiasts, especially in Europe, and sold approximately 6 million units.

It also found a prominent role in the desktop video / video production and show control business, and was a less-expensive alternative to the Apple Macintosh and IBM-PC. The Amiga was most commercially successful as a home computer, although early Commodore advertisements attempted to place the Amiga into several different markets at the same time.

Since the demise of Commodore, various groups have marketed successors to the original Amiga line. Eyetech sold Amiga hardware under the AmigaOne brand from 2002 till 2005.


The Amiga was originally designed by a small company called Amiga Corporation, and initially intended to be a next generation video game machine, but was later redesigned into a general purpose computer. Before the machine was released into the market the company was purchased by Commodore. The first model, later known as the Amiga 1000, was released in 1985 as a successor to the Commodore 64 and as a rival to the Atari ST. Commodore later released several new Amiga models, both for low-end gaming use and high-end productivity use. Throughout the 1980s, the Amiga's combination of hardware and operating system software offered great value, but by the mid-nineties other platforms, most of all the PC, reduced or eliminated this advantage.

In 1994, Commodore filed for bankruptcy and its assets were purchased by Escom, a German PC manufacturer, who created the subsidiary company Amiga Technologies. They re-released the A1200 and A4000T, and introduced a new 68060 version of the A4000T.

However, Escom in turn went bankrupt in 1997. The Amiga brand was then sold to another PC manufacturer, Gateway 2000, which had announced grand plans for it. However, in 2000, Gateway sold the Amiga brand.

The current owner of the trademark, Amiga, Inc., has licensed the rights to make hardware using the Amiga brand to a UK computer vendor, Eyetech Group, Ltd, which was founded by some former UK employees of Commodore International. They are currently selling the AmigaOne via an international dealer network. The AmigaOne is a PowerPC computer designed to run the latest version of AmigaOS, which was itself licensed to a Belgian-German company, Hyperion Entertainment.


At its core, the Amiga featured custom designed coprocessors, useful for handling tasks such as audio, video, encoding and animation. This freed up the Amiga's central processor for other tasks (given that the coprocessors could keep up with the central processor's demands) and gave the Amiga an edge on its competitors in many situations.

The platform also introduced other innovations. For example, the Amiga CDTV was the first computer to feature a CD-ROM drive as standard, as well as being one of the earlier computers to no longer include a floppy drive in the standard configuration. The Amiga was also one of the first computers for which inexpensive sound sampling and video digitization accessories were available.

Although it was once regarded as 'unemulatable,' since around 2000, hardware has developed to a point where many different platforms have Amiga emulation programs available that reproduce the Amiga's hardware functions in software. This allows users to run Amiga software without the need for an actual Amiga computer.

Central processing unit

PowerPC processor.All Commodore Amiga models make use of Motorola Central Processing Units (CPUs) based on the Motorola 68k architecture. In desktop-style Amiga models, the CPU was fitted on a daughterboard (except the A2000) called a CPU card. Low-cost Amiga models came with CPUs either socketed or soldered onto the motherboard. On all Amiga models the CPU could be upgraded through an expansion card or direct CPU replacement. CPU cards were provided by both Commodore and third-party manufacturers. These cards often came with on-board memory slots and hard drive interfaces, alleviating those tasks from the base Amiga.

The Amiga was not limited to solely the 68k CPU architecture; it was also possible to install a PowerPC coprocessor that could be used by PowerPC-aware software and libraries, and later the AmigaOne used a PowerPC CPU instead of a 68k CPU.

Custom chipset

The Amiga's custom chipset, as the name implies, consists of a number of chips.

There are three generations of chipsets used in the various Amiga models. The first was the OCS, followed by the ECS and finally the AGA. What all these chipsets have in common is that they handle raster graphics, digital audio and communication between various peripherals (e.g., CPU, memory and floppy disks) in the Amiga.


All Amiga systems can display full-screen animated graphics with 32, 64 (EHB Mode) or 4096 colors (HAM Mode). Models with the AGA chipset (A1200 and A4000) also have 128, 256 and 262,144 color modes and a palette expanded from 4096 to 16.8 million colors. The Amiga chipset could genlock — adjust its own screen refresh timing to match an NTSC or PAL video signal. When combined with setting transparency, this allowed an Amiga to overlay an external video source with graphics. This ability made the Amiga popular for many applications, and provided the ability to do character generation and CGI effects far more cheaply than earlier systems. Some frequent users of this ability included wedding videographers, TV stations and their weather forecasting divisions (for weather graphics and radar), advertising channels, music video production, and 'desktop video'. The NewTek Video Toaster was made possible by the genlock ability of the Amiga.


The sound chip, named Paula, supports four sound channels (two for the left speaker and two for the right) with 8-bit resolution for each channel and a 6-bit volume control per channel. The analog output is connected to a low-pass filter, which filters out high-frequency aliases when the Amiga is using a lower sampling rate (see Nyquist limit). The brightness of the Amiga's power LED is used to indicate the status of the Amiga's low-pass filter. The filter is active when the LED is at normal brightness, and deactivated when dimmed. Older Amiga 500's simply turned off the power LED. On Amiga 1000, the power LED had no relation to the filter's status, you had to manually solder a wire between pins on the sound chip to disable the filter. Paula can read directly from the system's RAM, using direct memory access (DMA), making sound playback without CPU intervention possible.

Although the hardware is limited to four separate sound channels, software such as OctaMED uses software mixing to allow eight or more virtual channels, and it was possible for software to mix two hardware channels to achieve a single 14-bit resolution channel by playing with the volumes of the channels in such a way that one of the source channels contributes the most significant bits and the other the least ones.

It is also possible to use interrupts to control the sound chip and get 14 bits for all four channels. It should also be possible to mix the two channels on each side and get 15-bit sound. Because of the interrupts, this will require a lot of CPU time.

The quality of the Amiga's sound output, and the fact that the hardware is ubiquitous and easily addressed by software, were standout features of Amiga hardware unavailable on PC platforms for years. Third-party sound cards exist that provide DSP functions, multi-track direct-to-disk recording, multiple hardware sound channels and 16-bit and beyond resolutions. A retargetable sound API called AHI was developed allowing these cards to be used transparently by the OS and software.


The classic Amiga Operating System consisted of Kickstart (including System API) and Workbench. In the Amiga 1000 model, Kickstart was first loaded from a floppy disk, followed by Workbench, or other bootable disk. Later models held Kickstart (and system API) on a ROM, improving start-up times. Models could be upgraded by changing the ROM.

The early ROMs were generally known as 'Kickstart' and started with version 1.0 (A1000 floppy) and ending with Kickstart 3.1. There are hardware and software packages that can 'shadow' Kickstart into memory. This resulted in faster operation for functions dependent on the ROM, at the cost of system memory to store the ROM data.

Three finger salute

The Amiga's three-finger salute (CTRL plus the two 'Amiga' keys), which reboots the system (but does not erase or reload the Kickstart software), is actually implemented in hardware common to the Apple II (CTRL-Open Apple-Reset), but unlike the IBM PC (whose Ctrl-Alt-Del is implemented in software). Another kind of three-finger salute (CTRL plus the two 'Alt' keys) was introduced with AmigaOS 4.0 which resets the machine entirely, forcing a reload of the Kickstart.

Third party hardware

Many expansion boards were produced for Amiga computers to improve the performance and capability of the hardware, such as memory expansions, SCSI controllers, CPU boards, and graphics boards. Other upgrades included genlocks, ethernet cards, modems, sound cards and samplers, video digitizers, USB cards, extra serial ports, and IDE controllers.

The most popular upgrades were memory, SCSI controllers and CPU accelerator cards. These were sometimes combined into the one device, particularly on big-box Amigas like the A2000, A3000 and A4000.

Early CPU accelerator cards featured full 32-bit CPUs of the 68000 family such as the Motorola 68020 and Motorola 68030, almost always with 32-bit memory and usually with FPUs and MMUs or the facility to add them. Later designs featured the Motorola 68040 and Motorola 68060. Both CPUs featured integrated FPUs and MMUs. Many CPU accelerator cards also had integrated SCSI controllers.

Phase5 designed the PowerUp boards (BlizzardPPC and CyberstormPPC) featuring both a 68k (a 68040 or 68060) and a PPC (603 or 604) CPU, which are able to run the two CPUs at the same time (and share the system memory). The PPC CPU on PowerUp boards is usually used as a coprocessor for heavy computations (a powerful CPU is needed to run for example MAME, but even decoding JPEG pictures and MP3 audio was considered heavy computation in those years). It is also possible to ignore the 68k CPU and run Linux on the PPC (project Linux APUS), but a PPC-native Amiga OS was not available when the PPC boards first appeared.

24-bit graphics cards and video cards were also available. Graphics cards are designed primarily for 2D artwork production, workstation use, and later, gaming. Video cards are designed for inputting and outputting video signals, and processing and manipulating video.

Perhaps the most famous video card in the North American market was the NewTek Video Toaster. This was a powerful video effects board which turned the Amiga into an affordable video processing computer which found its way into many professional video environments. Due to its NTSC-only design it did not find a market in countries that used the PAL standard, such as in Europe. In PAL countries the OpalVision card was popular, although less featured and supported than the Video Toaster. Low-cost time base correctors (TBCs) specifically designed to work with the Toaster quickly came to market, most of which were designed as standard Amiga bus cards.

Various manufacturers started producing PCI busboards for the A1200 and A4000, allowing standard Amiga computers to use PCI cards such as Voodoo graphic cards, Sound Blaster sound cards, 10/100 ethernet cards, and TV tuner cards.

PowerPC upgrades with Wide SCSI controllers, PCI busboards with ethernet, sound and 3D graphics cards, and tower cases allowed the A1200 and A4000 to survive well into the late nineties.

Expansion boards were made by Richmond Sound Design that allowed their show control and sound design software to communicate with their custom hardware frames either by ribbon cable or fiber optic cable for long distances, allowing the Amiga to control up to eight million digitally controlled external audio, lighting, automation, relay and voltage control channels spread around a large theme park, for example. See Amiga software for more information on these applications.

Models and variants
Main article: Amiga models and variants

The Amiga 500 (1987) was the most popular variant of the Amiga.The 'classic Amiga' models were produced from 1985 to 1996. They are, in order of appearance: 1000, 2000, 500, 1500, 2500, 3000, 3000UX, 500+, 3000T, CDTV, 600, 4000, 1200, CD32, and 4000T. The PowerPC based AmigaOne was later produced from 2002 to 2005. Some companies have also released Amiga clones.

The Amiga 500 was Commodore's best-selling Amiga model. Early units, at least, had the words 'B52/ROCK LOBSTER' silk-screen printed onto their printed circuit board, a reference to the popular song by the rock band the B-52's. Commodore's two subsequent console style models also carried a reference to the same band on their motherboards - the Amiga 600 had 'JUNE BUG' and the Amiga 1200 had 'CHANNEL Z'.

The Amiga 500+ was the shortest lived model, replacing the Amiga 500 and lasting only six months until it was phased out and replaced by the Amiga 600.

Commodore released three significant upgrades: the Amiga 2000 in 1987, the Amiga 3000 in 1990, and the Amiga 4000 in 1992. These upgrades improved the platform's graphical abilities, allowing for more colors and different display modes, and added expansion slots and ports. The best selling models, however, were the much cheaper but still versatile console models - the Amiga 500 (1987) and the Amiga 1200 (1992).

In 2006, PC World rated the Amiga 1000 as the seventh greatest PC of all time, stating 'Years ahead of its time, the Amiga was the world's first multimedia, multitasking personal computer'.

AmigaOS 4 systems
AmigaOS 4 is designed for PowerPC Amiga systems and currently runs on both Amigas equipped with CyberstormPPC or BlizzardPPC accelerator boards, and on the PPC Teron series based AmigaOne computers built by Eyetech under license by Amiga Inc. AmigaOS 4.0 had been available only in developer pre-releases for numerous years until the final update was 'released' in December 2006. Due to the nature of some provisions of the contract between Amiga Inc. and Hyperion Entertainment the Belgian-German firm which is developing the OS, the commercial AmigaOS had only been available licensed to buyers of AmigaOne motherboards.

AmigaOS 4.0 for Classic Amigas equipped with PPC (Cyberstorm PPC or BlizzardPPC) accelerator boards was released commercially in November 2007, prior to this it was available only to developers and beta-testers.

There have been no major changes or feature enhancements to Amiga OS 4.0 since December, 2006, and no new hardware released since the AmigaOne, despite rumors of several PowerPC-based motherboards.

Amiga hardware clones
Long-time Amiga developer MacroSystems entered the Amiga-clone market with their DraCo nonlinear video edit system. It appeared in two versions, initially a tower model and later a cube. DraCo expanded upon and combined a number of earlier expansion cards developed for Amiga (VLabMotion, Toccata, WarpEngine, RetinaIII) into a true Amiga-clone powered by Motorola's 68060 processor. The DraCo can run AmigaOS 3.1 up through AmigaOS 3.9. It is the only Amiga-based system to support FireWire for video I/O. DraCo also offers an Amiga-compatible ZORRO-II expansion bus and introduced a faster custom DraCoBus, capable of 30 MB/sec transfer rates (faster than Commodore's ZORRO-III). The technology was later used in the Casablanca system, a set-top-box also designed for non-linear video editing.

In 1998, Index Information released the Access, an Amiga-clone similar to the A1200, but on a motherboard which could fit into a standard 5 .1/4' drive bay. It featured either a 68020 or 68030 CPU, with a redesigned AGA chipset, and ran AmigaOS 3.1.

In 2006, two new Amiga-clones were announced. The Minimig is a personal project of Dutch engineer Dennis van Weeren. Minimig replicates the Amiga OCS custom chipset inside an FPGA. The original model was built on a Xilinx Spartan 3 development board, but now a dedicated board has been demonstrated. The design for Minimig was released as Open Source on July 25, 2007. In December, 2007, an Italian company Acube Systems announced plans to commercially produce the original Minimig. In February 2008 Acube began selling Minimig boards.

Individual Computers has announced development of the Clone-A system. As of mid 2007 it has been shown in its development form, with FPGA-based boards replacing the custom chips in an Amiga 500.

Operating systems


Amiga OS 3.9At the time of release AmigaOS put an OS that was well ahead of its time into the hands of the average consumer. It was the first commercially available consumer operating system for personal computers to implement preemptive multitasking . Other features included combining a graphical user interface with a command-line interface, allowing long filenames permitting whitespace and not requiring a file extension and the use of information files associated with other files to store icons, launch and other desktop data.

John C. Dvorak stated in 1996 that AmigaOS 'remains one of the great operating systems of the past 20 years, incorporating a small kernel and tremendous multitasking capabilities the likes of which have only recently been developed in OS/2 and Windows NT. The biggest difference is that the AmigaOS could operate fully and multitask in as little as 250 K of address space.'

Like other operating systems of the time, the OS lacked memory protection. This was necessary also because the 68000 CPU of the first Amiga computers did not include a memory management unit, and because there was no way of enforcing use of flags indicating memory to be shared. Although it eased interapplication communication (programs could communicate by simply passing a pointer back and forth), the lack of memory protection made the Amiga OS more vulnerable to crashes from badly behaving programs, and fundamentally incapable of enforcing any form of security model since any program had full access to the system. Later this memory protection feature was implemented in Amiga OS 4.

The problem was somewhat exacerbated by Commodore's initial decision to release documentation relating not only to the OS's underlying software routines, but also to the hardware itself, enabling intrepid programmers who cut their teeth on the Commodore 64 to POKE the hardware directly, as was done on the older platform. While the decision to release the documentation was a popular one and allowed the creation of fast, sophisticated sound and graphics routines in games and demos, it also contributed to system instability as some programmers lacked the expertise to program at this level. For this reason, when the new AGA chipset was released, Commodore declined to release documentation for it, forcing most programmers to adopt the approved software routines.

Following Commodore's bankruptcy, two main clones of AmigaOS were developed: MorphOS, which runs on Amiga and Pegasos machines, and the free software AROS project.

Unix and Unix-like systems

Commodore-Amiga produced Amiga Unix, informally known as Amix, based on AT&T SVR4. It supported the Amiga 2500 and Amiga 3000 and was included with the Amiga 3000UX. Among other unusual features of Amix was a hardware-accelerated windowing system which could scroll windows without copying data. Amix was not supported on the later Amiga systems based on 68040 or 68060 processors.

Other, still maintained, operating systems are available for the classic Amiga platform, including Linux and NetBSD. Both require a CPU with MMU such as the 68020 with 68851 or full versions of the 68030, 68040 or 68060. There is also a version of Linux for Amigas with PowerPC accelerator cards. Debian and Yellow Dog Linux can run on the AmigaOne.

There is an official, older version of OpenBSD. The last Amiga release is 3.2. Minix 1.5.10 also runs on Amiga.

Emulating other systems

The Amiga is able to emulate other computer platforms ranging from many 8-bit systems such as the ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64, Nintendo Game Boy, Nintendo Entertainment System, Apple II and the TRS-80, to platforms such as the IBM PC and Apple Macintosh. MAME (the arcade machine emulator) is also available for Amiga systems with PPC accelerator card upgrades.

Amiga software

The Amiga was a primary target for productivity and game development during the late 1980s and early 1990s. Software was often developed for the Amiga and the Atari ST simultaneously, since the ST shared a similar architecture.

Much of the freely available software was available on Aminet. Until around 1996, Aminet was the largest public archive of software for any platform.


If an Amiga 500 is rebooted or powered without a floppy this screen is displayed. The displayed OS is Kickstart 34.5 (AmigaOS 1.3), included in the Amiga 500 ROM.When an Amiga is reset, the Kickstart code selects a boot device (floppy or hard drive), loads the first two sectors of the disk or partition (the bootblock), and passes control to it. Normally this code passes control back to the OS, continuing to boot from the device or partition it was loaded from. The first production Amiga, the Amiga 1000, needed to load Kickstart from floppy disk into 256 kilobytes of RAM reserved for this purpose, but subsequent Amigas held Kickstart in ROM. Some games and demos for the A1000 (notably Dragon's Lair) provided an alternative code-base in order to use the extra 256 kilobytes of RAM for data.

A floppy disk or hard drive partition bootblock normally contains code to load the 'dos.library' (AmigaDOS) and then exit to it, invoking the GUI. Any such disk, no matter what the other contents of the disk, was referred to as a 'Boot disk', 'bootable disk' or 'Workbench disk'. (A bootblock could be added to a disk by use of the 'install' command.) Some entertainment software contains custom bootblocks. The game or demo then takes control of memory and resources to suit itself, effectively disabling AmigaOS and the Amiga GUI.

The bootblock became an obvious target for virus writers. Some games or demos that used a custom bootblock would not work if infected with a bootblock virus, as the virus's code replaced the original. The first such virus was the SCA virus. Anti-virus attempts included custom bootblocks. These amended bootblock advertised the presence of the virus checker while checking the system for tell-tale signs of memory resident viruses and then passed control back to the system. Unfortunately these could not be used on disks that already relied on a custom bootblock, but did alert users of potential trouble. Several of them also replicated themselves across other disks, becoming little more than viruses in their own right.

Boing Ball

The Boing Ball has been synonymous with Amiga since its public release in 1985. It has been a popular theme in computer demo effects since the 1950s, when a bouncing ball demo was released for Whirlwind computers. Commodore released a bouncing ball demo at the 1978 Consumer Electronics Show, to illustrate the capabilities of the VIC chip. A similar theme was used to demonstrate the capabilities of the Amiga computer at the 1984 Consumer Electronics Show. It was a real-time animation showing a red-and-white balloon bouncing forth and back off the edges of the screen, as a deep 'boing!' sound played on each impact. Since then, the Boing Ball became one of the most well-known symbols for Amiga and compatible computers. Within the context of this tradition of bouncing ball demos at the Consumer Electronics Show, CBS Electronics also showed a Bouncing Ball demo for the Atari VCS/2600, with a spinning and bouncing ball, at the same event.

The 1984 Boing Ball demo was one of the very first demos shown on the Amiga. It was specifically designed to take advantage of the Amiga's custom graphics and sound hardware, achieving a level of speed and smoothness not previously seen on a home computer. This demo operated in an Intuition Screen, allowing the higher resolution Amiga Workbench screen to be dragged down to make the Boing Ball visible from behind, bouncing up above the Workbench while the Workbench remained fully active. Since the Boing Ball used almost no CPU time, this made a particularly impressive demonstration of multitasking at the time.

Despite its popularity in the Amiga community, the Boing Ball itself was never officially adopted as a trademark by Commodore. The official Amiga trademark was a rainbow-colored double checkmark. After the bankruptcy of Commodore, the Boing Ball remained in use as one of the symbols for Amiga-related systems on hundreds of web sites and products by different companies and individuals.

The demo was once ported to the Atari 2600 under the title Boing. The porter impressed himself so much that he added a little Easter Egg, which he referred to as lame (When you hold down the game reset switch, the checkered ball turns into a message that says HAPPY XMAS 1999!-----FROM ROB KUDLA and Jingle Bells starts playing. You also won't hear the bounce sound effect. Releasing the switch stops the music, turns the message back into the checkered ball, and the boing sound effect is played again when the ball bounces).

Amiga community

When Commodore went bankrupt in 1994, there was still a very active Amiga community, and it continued to support the platform long after mainstream commercial vendors abandoned it. The most popular Amiga magazine, Amiga Format, continued to publish editions until 2000, some six years after Commodore filed for bankruptcy. Another magazine, Amiga Active, was launched in 1999 and was published until 2001. Interest in the platform is high enough to sustain a specialist column in the UK weekly magazine Micro Mart.

As of mid-2006, there was enough demand for Amiga expansion hardware to keep some small scale manufacturers in business.

Infos from: Wikipedia

Computer 1992

Commodore Amiga 1000

The inventor of the Amiga 1000 was Jay Miner, who created the Atari 800 many years before. He wanted to make the most powerful computer ever, then he joined a small Californian company called Amiga. He used the principle of the three coprocessors (again) to help the main processor.
At the beginning, the Amiga had only 64 kilobytes of RAM! The original "Amiga" called the Lorraine was meant to be a game machine with some computer capabilities.
Atari initially invested the money in the Amiga Corp. to do the R&D on the Amiga computer line. Naturally, when the design was finished, Amiga Corp. gave Atari the choice to purchase the technology. Atari passed in favor of their own project. Amiga Corp. then offered the technology to Commodore, Inc., who were quite pleased to purchase it, seeing that their own 16-bit computer was so far from reaching the shelf.
After the loss of a major legal battle for control of the Amiga chip set design, Atari launched the ST series (Sixteen-Thirty-two) as a competitor for the upcoming Amiga.
The operating system (AmigaDOS) was done by MetaComCo, a British company who specialized in the 68000 processor (they also made languages for the Sinclair QL). It is a fully multitasking system which looks like UNIX with a graphical user interface.
It was the very first personal computer with great graphics and sound capabilities with a GUI environment.
The Amiga BASIC was written by Microsoft (like most other versions of BASIC), but the first models were shipped with a non-Microsoft BASIC called ABasiC.
The Amiga 1000 was to lose popularity one year later with the creation of its two main successors: the Amiga 500 and the Amiga 2000.
There were two versions of the Amiga 1000. The first one sold only in the USA, had a NTSC display and no EHB video mode. Later versions would have this built in. The second one had a PAL display, the enhanced video modes (EHB) and was built in Germany.
The official name for the A1000 was the Commodore Amiga. It was only when the A2000 was launched that they officially began to refer to the machine by its model number.

Computer 1992

Commodore Amiga 1200

In October 1992 the Amiga 1200 was launched. This machine took the A500 approach to computing with the "distinct" Commodore case, but including the AGA chipset present in the A4000, 2 MB RAM, and the PCMCIA slot from the A600.
At the price of ?399 it sold like hot cakes and is seen as one of the best Amigas to date. It appears to have been rushed to launch for the Christmas period with manuals claiming to give you the opportunity to upgrade from 1mb to 2mb chip ram with FPU. It is, however, a darn fine machine that can be easily upgraded for most of your needs.
After Escom bought the Amiga during 1995 it was relaunched to mass outrage. The machine still cost ?399, ?150 more than it had done a year previously and was not enhanced in any dramatic fashion. It was released in two versions- the Amiga Magic pack and the Amiga Surfer bundle. Unfortunately, the former was never released due to Escoms financial situation. The Escom Amigas were also struck by incompatibility problems due to a different disk drive being used, it was actually a PC high-density drive mechanism that had been altered to allow compatibility with the Amiga file system. Unfortunately, some games that hit the hardware directly would not run. A circuit upgrade was released free of charge that allowed users to fix the drive problem.
Source: Amiga Interactive Guide

Computer 1992

Commodore Amiga 3000

The Commodore Amiga 3000 is the successor of the Amiga 2500 (itself a successor of the Amiga 2000). It was replaced three years later with the Amiga 4000.
Amiga Interactive Guide description :
The A3000 is a powerhouse in comparison to previous Amiga, it was sold as a high-end graphics workstation. For a time it was used by W Industries as the basis of their highly acclaimed Virtuality machines. At the heart of the A3000 was the powerful 68030 (described in ST/Amiga Format as a 'as a mainframe on a chip'). In addition the A3000 was the first Amiga to feature the new Kickstart 2 upgrade and Zorro III slots.
To emphasis the A3000s capabilities as a high-end workstation, two operating systems were included:
The first was the newly released Kickstart/Workbench 2. This was unusual by the fact that Kickstart was stored on the hard disk rather than in ROM. This was similar to the A1000 that required Kickstart to be loaded from floppy disk before anything else could be done.
The second OS to be included with the A3000 was the Unix System (SVR4) V operating system. This allowed the use of the Unix graphical interface, X Windows and Open Look. It also came with standard networking capabilities (probably a first for Commodore), such as TCP/IP, NFS and RFS for networking between different operating systems. In a bizarre twist, the Unix OS was sold on a magnetic tape rather than floppy disk.

Three Amiga 3000 models were produced : 3000, 3000UX, and 3000T.
The 3000 was the desktop model (pictured here) which shipped with flippable 1.3 or 2.0 AmigaOS Roms. The Amiga 3000T, released in 1991, was a tower system with built-in speaker, 32Mb RAM, high-resolution mouse, 100 Mb hard-drive, a lot of Zorro II slots, a variety of drive bays, and a 25Mhz 68030 with a 68882 math coprocessor. The 3000UX shipped with "AMIX", Commodore's System-5 derived UNIX which was very nice and came with X-windows. It was Commodore's only serious attempt to get into the UNIX workstation market, and a noble effort that unfortunately failed utterly.
Notice there are some rare versions of the Amiga 3000: the 3000/16 (the speed is only 16 MHz) and the Amiga 3000+ which uses an AGA video chip and a DSP. The 3000+ was a prototype only. A few units are known to exist, but they are not supported. The DSP was able to function as a software modem in some configurations, which was extremely cool.

Computer 1992

Commodore Amiga 4000

In 1992 Commodore launched the most advanced Amiga yet. The A4000 used the AGA chipset to allow it to show 256,000 colours on screen from a palette of 16.8 million, as well as the new Workbench 3 that introduced the concept of among other things, datatypes. The Amiga 4000 is one of the most powerful Amigas ever made.

As a replacement for the A3000 & A3000T, the A4000 was a combination of the A2000 (big box), A3000 (vertical slots (integrated hard drive controller) and A1200 (AGA chips). As standard it allows memory expansion for up to 18Mb RAM on the motherboard. It shipped with either a 25 MHz 68030/68882 or 25 MHz 68040 CPU. The A4000 was never intended for release, but was a prototype for a system known as the A3000 Plus which was a considerably better machine. The machine was eventually cancelled and the A4000 drafted for release due to the low cost of development.
Like the Amiga 3000, the 4000 has 2 MB of chip RAM (reserved for its coprocessors) and 4 MB of fast RAM (used directly by the 68040).
The Amiga 4000 mainboard was planned to use the AAA chip (the video custom chip designed to replace the AGA chip), the AAA chip was theoretically designed to use 8 MB FastRAM (see the "Chip RAM : ON=2MB, OFF=8MB" jumper on the motherboard), unfortunately, Commodore didn't use this chip, so this jumper is absolutely useless.
There's an internal 120 MB IDE hard disk and 4 expansion slots: three ISA slots (for PC compatible cards) and one dedicated 32 bit video slot used for graphics cards.
The Amiga 4000 works under WorKBench 3.0, a very powerful and flexible multitasking system which looks like UNIX, it can read & write directly to DOS 1.44 Mb floppy disks.
The Amiga 4000 was mainly used for video production but was in direct competition with the PC compatibles when most of its major products (ImageIn, Real 3D, & Lightwave, to name a few) were adapted for Windows.
There were in fact two models of Amiga 4000 :
- the A4000-040 released in September 92 with a Motorola 68040 Processor, 6 Mb RAM, internal 3.5" 1.76 Mb Floppy Drive and 120 Mb IDE Hard Drive,
- and the A4000-030 released March 93, with Motorola 25MHz 68030EC processor, 4Mb RAM (2Mb Chip, 2Mb Fast), 3.5" FDD, 120Mb hard disk, etc.
There was even a more powerful successor called Amiga 4000T ("T" stands for Tower). The A4000T is basically an A4000 in a full tower case with IDE & SCSI-2 Fast controllers integrated as well as 2 video slots and shipped with a 25MHz 68040 processor.
A lot of expansion hardware has been developed for the 4000/1200 : Video cards (2000 x 1500 in 24 bit), 3D cards, Wide SCSI controllers and PowerPC 604e/233 MHz accelerator cards.
The Amiga scene is still very active and great software is still being developed.
Source : Amiga Interactive Guide.
Todd Deery reports:
There was at least one other version of the Amiga 4000 available (at least in Canada) -- the Amiga 4000LC. This version contained the 25Mhz LC version of the 68040, which lacked a math coprocessor.

from Chris Coulson:

Here in the UK, the 4000-030 (not sure if this is true for the -040 as well) was also available with an 80MB HD in place of the 120MB drive.

Computer 1985

Commodore Amiga 500

Commodore's Amiga 500 was the low-end version of the Amiga 2000 and the main competitor of Atari's 520/1040 ST range. The A500 was superior in almost every area, apart from its MIDI capabilities and the disk drive, which was not only slow but very noisy as well and a bitter feud quickly developed between owners of these rival machines.
Hardware wise, the A500 is very similar to the Amiga 1000, the main internal differences being an increase in memory fom 256 KB to 512 KB and the addition of another custom chip named "Gary" (the only Amiga chip with a male name). This is a new I/O chip that controls the disk drive and also performs address decoding. This chip is also used in the high-end A2000.
The A500 was easier to upgrade than both the ST and big box Amigas, thanks to an expansion port located in the bottom of the case. Owners could simply insert a small board which contained an extra 512 KB of Ram and a battery-backed clock. The popularity of this upgrade meant that more 1 MB software (both 1 MB versions of 512 KB software and 1 MB only software) was released for the Amiga than the ST, which had to be taken apart to expand the memory.
Over the course of the A500s lifespan several different packages were available, the most basic of which included only the computer, TV modulator and Workbench disks. A number of bundles were also sold, such as the best selling "Batman Pack" which was released in 1989 and included 3 games and Deluxe Paint 2.
The A500 was discontinued in 1991 and replaced by the short lived Amiga 500 Plus.
Pandy comments:
The Amiga 500 is a "cleaned" A1000, "cleaned" means plenty of TTL glue logic was replaced by custom IC which was named Gary. A500+ it is a new generation of custom IC's so called ECS (A500 have OCS). A500+, A3000, A600 have new graphics modes (1280 dots in line without overscan and 31Khz scanning similar to VGA - limited to 640 pixels in line with 4 colors).

Computer 1985

Commodore Amiga 600

After being on sale for only a few months the Amiga 500 Plus was replaced with the Amiga 600 in March 1992.
The smallest Amiga ever made, it is similar in size to a laptop and weighs just 6 lbs. Originally the A600 was to be sold alongside the A500+ as a budget model to be named the Amiga 300, but instead replaced the A500+ which required a name change.
Very early models of the A600 have A300 printed on their motherboards, an indication of the confusion that was taking hold at Commodore after the surprise launch of the A500+. These early models also have a slightly different version of AmigaOS (although it is still version 2.05, it has the internal revision number 37.299) which doesn't have built-in support for the IDE or PCMCIA interfaces, the drivers for which must be loaded from a floppy disk. Later revisions of the AmigaOS (versions 37.300 & 37.350) have these drivers built-in.
The small size of the A600 also added to the incompatibility problems of the A500+. The numeric keypad had been removed from the A600 and this added hardware incompatibility to the already existing AmigaOS incompatibilities. Problems occurred with software that used the numeric keypad for inputs, mostly flight sims but also things like spreadsheets or office software, although a numeric keypad emulator was later released to address this problem.
As usual with the Amiga there were a number of official and unofficial bundles were available, with prices starting at ?399. Also released was the Amiga 600HD which included a built-in hard drive.
But with the release of the powerful new Amiga 1200 later the same year, and at the same price as the A600, a great opportunity was missed. By this time sales of the Amiga's great rival the Atari ST were slowing considerably and instead of marketing the A600 as a budget machine (as it should have been originally), it was effectively pushed out of the market thanks to competition from Commodore themselves.

Console 1993

Commodore Amiga CD32

The Amiga CD32 was the first 32-bit CD-ROM based video game console released in western Europe and Canada. It was first announced at the Science Museum in London, United Kingdom on 16 July 1993, and was released in September of the same year. The CD32 is based on Commodore's Advanced Graphics Architecture chipset, and is of similar specification to the Amiga 1200 computer. Using 3rd-party devices, it is possible to upgrade the CD32 with keyboard, floppy drive, and mouse, turning it into a personal computer. A hardware MPEG decompression module for playing Video CD was also available. The CD32 managed to secure over 50 percent of the CD-ROM market in the UK in 1993 and 1994, outselling the MegaCD, Philips CDi, and even PC CD-ROM sales.

The CD32 was released in Canada and was planned for release in the United States. However, a deadline was reached for Commodore to pay a patent royalty to Cad Track for their use of their XOR patent. A federal judge ordered an injunction against Commodore preventing them from importing anything into the United States. Commodore had built up CD32 inventory in their Philippine manufacturing facility for the United States launch, but, being unable to sell the consoles, they remained in the Philippines until the debts owed to the owners of the facility were settled. Commodore declared bankruptcy shortly afterwards, and the CD32 was never officially sold in the United States. However, imported models did come over the border from Canada, and many stores in the United States (primarily mail-order stores) imported units for domestic sale. During the long bankruptcy proceedings, Commodore UK also provided some hardware components and software for the American market, including production of the MPEG Video Module that was not officially released by Commodore International.

On its release, the CD32 was marketed by Commodore as 'the world's first 32-bit CD games console'. Although it was indeed the first such machine released in Europe and North America, the FM Towns Marty, a console released exclusively in Japan, beat it to market by two years.

Ultimately, Commodore was not able to meet demand for new units because of component supply problems. The sales of the CD32 in Europe was not enough to save Commodore, and the bankruptcy of Commodore International in April 1994 caused the CD32 to be discontinued only months after its debut.

Technical specifications

Ports located on the back of the Amiga CD32CPU: Motorola 68EC020 at 14.3 MHz
2 MB Amiga Chip RAM
1 MB Kickstart ROM with CD32 firmware
1 KB of FlashROM for game saves
Chipset: AGA (Advanced Graphics Architecture)
24-Bit color palette (16.7 Million colors)
Up to 256 on-screen colors in indexed mode
262,144 on-screen colors in HAM-8 mode
Resolutions of up to 1280x512i (more with overscan)
Audio (Paula):
4 voices / 2 channels (Stereo)
8-bit resolution / 6-bit volume
With additional Akiko chip (CD-ROM controller and performs chunky to planar conversion)
Double-speed (300 kB/s) CD-ROM drive (proprietary MKE controller)
Input/Output connections:
S-Video out (4-pin mini-DIN)
Composite video out (RCA)
RF audio/video out
Audio out (2 x RCA and 3.5 mm stereo jack)
Keyboard (6-pin mini-DIN)
2 x Mouse/Joypad ports (DE9)
RS-232 serial AUX port (6-pin mini-DIN)
Expansion Slot: 182-pin expansion socket for official MPEG cartridge or third party devices such as the SX-1 and SX32 expansion packs
Operating System: AmigaOS 3.1 and CD32 firmware

Accessories and third party devices

The CD32 can be enhanced using these devices: ProModule, Paravision SX-1 and DCE SX-32 (which optionally includes 68030 CPU).

Those devices extend the capability of Amiga CD32, allowing it to utilize hardware such as an external 3.5' floppy disk drive, hard disk and IBM PC keyboard. An Amiga CD32 can be turned into a de facto Amiga 1200 via the addition of 3rd party packages. The SX-1 appears to have been designed around Commodore's mechanical specs and not the actual production units – it did not fit very well and requires an internal 'modification' to fit properly. Consequently, the SX-1 can be jarred loose if the console is not handled gently. The upgraded SX-32 expansion pack (which included a 68030 25 MHz processor) solves these problems.

In addition to its own special controllers, the Amiga CD32 is also compatible with SEGA Megadrive/Genesis controllers.

CDs created for the CD32 conform to ISO 9660 level2, mode1; although the Rock Ridge and Joliet extensions are not compatible.


If the system is turned on without a CD, a splash screen with scrolling colours will appear and a tune will play. After this tune ends, the user can press the blue button on the game pad to enter a language selection menu. The user can also press the red button to access a menu where they can view the contents of the internal Flash ROM. Unlike most game consoles, this menu does not allow the user to delete items. Instead, the system will automatically overwrite the oldest entries when memory runs out. The menu allows the user to 'lock' files to prevent overwriting.

At launch, the CD32 was bundled with two games, Diggers, a new game from Millennium Interactive, and Oscar from Flair. A later pack included the one-on-one fighting game Dangerous Streets, a move by Commodore that was met with derision by the press. Many reviewers had given Dangerous Streets terrible scores (Amiga Power rating it just 3 percent) and were surprised that with a slew of powerful rival consoles about to hit the market, Commodore would choose to show off the abilities of its machine with a poor game.

The CD32 was capable of running most of the titles developed for the Amiga CDTV multimedia device (differences in CPU speed and Kickstart version prevented some of the earlier CDTV titles from running). Many of the games released for the CD32 were simply ports of games that were already available for Amiga computers. One benefit of this is that, when appropriate, many games retain the ability to use an Amiga mouse (in port 2) or Amiga keyboard (plugged into the AUX port).

Like all later Amiga computers, the CD32 has a hidden boot menu that can be accessed by plugging an Amiga mouse into port 2 and holding both buttons down while turning the system on. Most of the options in this menu are not useful on a CD32, but from this menu you can choose to boot in either NTSC or PAL mode. This is important, as there are some games that will refuse to work if the system is in the wrong mode, since most games don't advertise what video mode they were developed for. It should also be pointed out that despite the naming, the menu really only allows a choice of 60 Hz or 50 Hz video output; a PAL system booted in NTSC mode will still output a video signal using PAL color encoding, which will usually result in a black and white picture when connected to an NTSC television.

While the console was fairly successful during its lifespan and managed to be the best-selling CD format console in 1993, it was not able to sustain its growth, with Commodore filing for Chapter 11 just a year after its release after not being able to secure additional CD32 shipments for the holiday season. It was speculated that the holiday season could have kept Commodore afloat for another six months. Another problem was the lack of original games, which had also plagued the CDTV before it.

The CD32 arrived at a time when new, technically demanding genres such as the first person shooter were becoming popular. While the console was capable of handling some or all of these new types of genres, games developers saw more profit in shovelware—taking an older game and either adding an FMV intro or even (in some cases) just directly transferring the floppy game onto CD. A few pieces of original software did appear and some were well received but by and large the CD32 found itself with a software library mainly containing titles that were up to five years old and which much of the machine's target audience already owned. Given that, along with the fact that 'hot' games like Doom and Virtua Fighter were planned for release on the CD32's competitors, many observers blamed shovelware for the machine's relative failure.

However, a large fan base carried over from the success of other Amiga computers, and several notable titles, such as Microcosm, Liberation: Captive 2, Simon the Sorcerer and Super Stardust prevented the console from sliding into total obscurity.

Uses of the CD32

In 1993, 109 CD32s were installed to run the interactive exhibits at the London Transport Museum, Covent Garden. They provided information, animations, pictures, sound and text available in several languages, as well as a London Underground simulator. The systems were produced by the Odiham, Hampshire-based company Index Information, utilising their CD32x interface units.

In 1995, an Italian company named CD Express used the CD32 as a basis for an arcade machine called 'CUBO CD32'. Inside these machines, stock CD32s were hooked up to an external circuit board which essentially acted as a converter to route all the input and output into a standard JAMMA connector for use in an arcade cabinet. The software was provided on CD-ROM. Nine games are known to exist, all of which are original games created by CD Express.

In the mid to late 1990s, some vehicle registries in Canada utilized CD32 systems for interactive multimedia testing for drivers license applications.

Infos from: Wikipedia

Computer 1991

Commodore Amiga CDTV

The Commodore CDTV (for Commodore Dynamic Total Vision) was a computer made by Commodore International and launched in March 1991. It was one of the first computers to come with a CD-ROM drive as standard. The CDTV was designed and marketed as a set-top box to go along with one's VCR and be used as a CD-player and games console. It was created as a direct competitor to the CD-i, with neither having any real commercial success. Though the CDTV was based entirely on Amiga hardware it was marketed as Commodore CDTV with the Amiga name omitted from product branding.

The CDTV was essentially an Amiga 500, replacing the floppy drive with a single-speed CD-ROM drive. But unlike its progenitor, CDTV was intended as a media appliance rather than a personal computer. As such, its housing had dimensions and styling compatible with most stereo components, and came with an infrared remote control. Similarly, it was initially sold without keyboard and mouse (which could be added separately). Commodore chose Amiga enthusiast magazines as its chief advertising channel, but the Amiga community on the whole avoided the CDTV in the expectation of an add-on CD-ROM drive for the Amiga, which eventually came in the form of the A570.

The CDTV was supplied with the already obsolete AmigaOS 1.3, rather than the more advanced 2.0 release. The CDXL motion video format was primarily developed for the CDTV making it one of the earliest consumer systems to allow video playback from CD-ROM.

The CDTV debuted in America in March 1991 (CES, Las Vegas) and in the UK (Word of Commodore 1991 at Earls Court, London). It was advertised at Pound 499 for the CDTV unit, remote control and two titles. Though Commodore later developed an improved and cost-reduced CDTV-II it was never released and the CDTV was eventually replaced with the Amiga CD32 following its release in 1993.

Technical Specifications

CPU: Motorola 68000 at 7.16 MHz (NTSC) or 7.09 MHz (PAL)
1 MB Amiga Chip RAM
2 kB non-volatile RAM
256 kB Kickstart ROM
256 kB CDTV firmware ROM
Chipset: Original Chip Set (OCS)
Single-speed CD-ROM drive (proprietary controller)
OS: AmigaOS 1.3 and CDTV firmware
Wireless infrared remote control/gamepad
NTSC model:
RF audio/video out (RCA)
Composite video out (RCA)
S-Video out (4-pin mini-DIN)
PAL model:
RF audio/video out (RF loop through)
Composite video out (RCA)
Analogue RGB video out (DB-23M)
Audio out (2xRCA and 6.35 mm stereo jack)
Mouse (4 pin mini-DIN)
Keyboard (5 pin mini-DIN)
RS-232 serial port (DB-25M)
Centronics style parallel port (DB-25F)
Floppy disk drive port (DB-23F)
MIDI (In and Out)
Proprietary card slot for 64 or 256 kB non-volatile memory cards

Infos from: Wikipedia


Commodore P500

Computer 1977

Commodore PET

The PET (Personal Electronic Transactor) was a home-/personal computer produced by Commodore starting in 1977. Although it was not a top seller outside the Canadian, US, and UK educational markets, it was Commodore's first full-featured computer and would form the basis for their future success.

Origins and the early models

Design of the chiclet keyboard of the PET 2001 seriesIn the 1970s, Texas Instruments was the main supplier of CPUs for use in calculators. Many companies sold calculator designs based on their chip sets, including Commodore. However, in 1975 TI increased the price to the point where the chip set alone cost more than what TI sold their entire calculators for, and the industry they had built up was frozen out of the market.

Commodore responded by looking for a chip set of their own they could purchase outright, and quickly found MOS Technology, Inc. who were bringing their 6502 microprocessor design to market. Along with the company came Chuck Peddle's KIM-1 design, a small computer kit based on the 6502. At Commodore, Peddle convinced Jack Tramiel that calculators were a dead-end. Instead they should focus on making a 'real' machine out of the KIM-1, and selling that for much higher profits. Tramiel demanded that Peddle, and Tramiel's son, Leonard, create a computer in time for the June 1977 Consumer Electronics Show, and gave them six months to do it.

The result was the first all-in-one home computer, the PET. The first model was the PET 2001, including either 4 KB (the 2001-4) or 8 KB (2001-8) of 8-bit RAM. It was essentially a single-board computer with a new display chip (the MOS 6545) driving a small built-in monochrome monitor with 40x25 character graphics. The machine also included a built-in Datassette for data storage located on the front of the case, which left little room for the keyboard. The 2001 was announced at the '77 Winter CES in January 1977 and the first 100 units were shipped in mid October 1977. However they remained back-ordered for months, and to ease deliveries they eventually cancelled the 4 kB version early the next year.

Although the machine was fairly successful, there were frequent complaints about the tiny calculator-like keyboard, often referred to as a 'chiclet keyboard' because the keys resembled the popular gum candy. This was addressed in upgraded 'dash N' and 'dash B' versions of the 2001, which put the cassette outside the case, and included a much larger keyboard with a full stroke non-click motion. Internally a newer and simpler motherboard was used, along with an upgrade in memory to 8, 16, or 32 KB, known as the 2001-N-8, 2001-N-16 or 2001-N-32, respectively.

Sales of the newer machines was strong, and Commodore then introduced the models to Europe. However there was already a machine called PET for sale in Europe from the huge Dutch Philips company, and the name had to be changed. The result was the CBM 3000 series ('CBM' standing for Commodore Business Machines), which included the 3008, 3016 and 3032 models. Like the 2001-N-8, the 3008 was quickly dropped.

CBM Model 4032
CBM 4040 dual disk drive (5.25')

Education, business, and computer science

The final version of what could be thought of as the 'classic' PET was the PET 4000 series.

This was essentially the later model 2000 series, but with a larger black-and-green monitor and a newer version of Commodore's BASIC programming language.

By this point Commodore had noticed that many customers were buying the 'low memory' versions of the machines and installing their own RAM chips, so the 4008 and 4016 had the sockets punched out of the motherboard.

The 4032 was a huge success in schools, where its tough all-metal construction and all-in-one design made it better able to stand up to the rigors of classroom use. Just as important in this role was the PET's otherwise underutilized IEEE 488 port. Used wisely, the port could be used as a simple 'network' and allowed printers and disk drives (then very expensive) to be shared among all of the machines in the classroom.

Two more machines were released in the PET series. The CBM 8000 included a new display chip which drove an 80x25 character screen, but this resulted in a number of software incompatibilities with programs designed for the 40 column screen, and it appears to have been unpopular as a result.

The machine shipped with 32 kB standard as the 8032, but allowed another 64 kB to be added externally. Later the upgrade was installed from the factory, creating the 8096.

The last in the series was the SP9000, known as the SuperPET or MicroMainframe. This machine was designed at the University of Waterloo for teaching programming. In addition to the basic CBM 8000 hardware, the 9000 added a second CPU in the form of the Motorola 6809 and included a number of programming languages including BASIC in ROM for the 6502 and APL, COBOL, FORTRAN, Pascal and a 6809 assembler on floppies for the 6809. It also included a terminal program which allowed the machine to be used as a 'smart terminal' as well, so this single machine could replace many of the boxes currently in use at the university. Additionally this machine became a remote development environment where the user could later upload their creation to a mainframe after completing development and testing on the SuperPET.

Commodore tried to update the PET line with a new redesign called the CBM-II series (also known as the B series). These were not as successful and were ultimately abandoned. However, due to demand, the original PET machines were revived and the CBM-II case style was retained. These were known as the SK's (due to the separated keyboard). They also had a swivel monitor. Originally, standard 8032 boards were retrofitted into these cases. Later the SK models got a new mainboard that already included the 64 kB extension directly on the board and were sold as 8296 or, with a built-in 8250 dual disk drive, as 8296-D.

Although not officially a member of the PET series, in 1983 Commodore packaged C64 motherboards in PET 4000-series cases to create the Educator 64. This was an attempt to retake some of the education market they had largely lost by then to the Apple II.

The graphics issue

In the home computer market the line was soon outsold by machines that included bitmapped color graphics and sound, mainly the Apple II (introduced later in 1977, the same year as the PET 2001), Atari 400/800 (1979), and, in particular, Commodore's own bestselling VIC-20 (1980/81). The mainstream business computer market of the time considered colors and graphics somewhat less of an issue, a view that would change toward the end of the 1980s.

Bitmapping and colors aside, the main limitation of the PET's graphics capabilities was that the character set was 'hardwired' in ROM. On many of the PET range's home computer rivals, the look-up address of the character graphics could be changed and pointed to RAM, where new characters could be drawn by a programmer to create custom graphics shapes. From a programming point of view, this was a relatively simple method of producing good-looking graphics images, and because of this, as well as the acceptable speed obtainable by a BASIC program moving character objects on the screen compared to bitmap graphics, many programs with a certain amount of graphics, including a fair amount of games, were made this way even on bitmap-capable machines. The PET's lack of the character set remapping feature must therefore be said to constitute a major weakness in the machine's design.

Somewhat offsetting this drawback, the PET's ROM-restricted character set—an ASCII-1963 deviation known as PETSCII—was one of the most varied and flexible of the era, allowing PET games with rudimentary graphics to be created, exemplified by clones of video games such as Space Invaders. Also, the many popular text adventure games of the time, some multiplatform, some created for the PET line, did not need graphics at all. For specialized applications, alternative character sets could be programmed into an EPROM inserted in the character set ROM socket. Alternative character set EPROMs with diacritics and mathematical symbols were available in the aftermarket.

Model summary

PET 2001 series / 2001-N & -B series, CBM 3000 series

CPU: 6502, 1 MHz
RAM: 4 or 8 KB / 8, 16, or 32 KB
ROM: 18 KB, including BASIC 1.0 / 20 kB, including BASIC 2.0
Video: discrete TTL video circuit, 9' monochrome monitor, 40x25 character display
Sound: none / single piezo 'beeper' (optional external speaker driven by MOS 6522 CB2 pin)
Ports: 2 MOS 6520 PIA, MOS 6522 VIA, 2 Datassette (1 used / 1 on the back), 1 IEEE-488
Notes: 69 key chiclet keyboard and built-in Datassette / full-sized, full-travel keyboard, no built-in Datassette

PET 4000 series / CBM 8000 series

CPU: MOS 6502, 1 MHz
RAM: 8, 16, or 32 kB / 32 or 96 kB
ROM: 20K, including BASIC 4.0
Video: MOS 6545, 9' or 12' / 12' monochrome monitor, 40x25 / 80x25 character display
Sound: single piezo 'beeper' (optional external speaker driven by MOS 6522 CB2 pin)
Ports: 2 MOS 6520 PIA, MOS 6522 VIA, 2 Datassette ports (1 on the back), 1 IEEE-488
Notes: basically an upgraded 2001 / basically a 4000 with 80 columns and slightly different keyboard with smaller (11 key) numeric pad

SuperPET 9000 series

CPU: MOS 6502 and Motorola 6809, 1 MHz
RAM: 96 KB
ROM: 48 KB, including BASIC 4.0 and other programming languages
Video: MOS 6545, 12' monochrome monitor, 80x25 character display
Sound: single piezo 'beeper' (optional external speaker driven by MOS 6522 CB2 pin)
Ports: MOS 6520 PIA, MOS 6522 VIA, MOS 6551 ACIA, 1 RS-232, 2 Datassette ports (1 on the back), 1 IEEE-488
Notes: basically an 8000 with ROMs for programming languages, it also had three character sets, and an RS-232 for use as a terminal


Commodore Business Machines made a variety of disk drives available for the PET, using the IEEE 488 interface, including:

Commodore 2031 single disk drive
Commodore 4040 dual disk drive
Commodore 8050 dual disk drive
Commodore 8250 'quad density' dual disk drive
Commodore 8280 dual disk drive (8')
Commodore SFD-1001 'quad density' single disk drive
Commodore 9060 hard drive (5 Megabytes)
Commodore 9090 hard drive (7.5 Megabytes)

Easter Egg

In PET Microsoft Basic, type the command 'WAIT 6502.' The screen will fill with the text 'MICROSOFT.'

Infos from: Wikipedia

Computer 1984

Commodore Plus-4 - C16 - C116

The Commodore 16 was a home computer made by Commodore with a 6502-compatible 7501 CPU, released in 1984. It was intended to be an entry-level computer to replace the VIC-20 and it often sold for USDollar99. A cost-reduced version, the Commodore 116, was sold only in Europe.

The C16 was intended to compete with other sub-Dollar100 computers from Timex Corporation, Mattel, and Texas Instruments (TI). Timex's and Mattel's computers were less expensive than the VIC, and although the VIC offered better expandability, a full-travel keyboard, and in some cases more memory, the C16 offered a chance to improve upon those advantages. The TI-99/4A was priced in-between Commodore's VIC-20 and C64, and was somewhat between them in capability, but TI was lowering its prices. On paper, the C16 was a closer match for the TI-99/4A than the aging VIC-20.

Additionally, Commodore president Jack Tramiel feared that one or more Japanese companies would introduce a consumer-oriented computer and undercut everyone's prices. Although the Japanese would soon dominate the U.S. video game console market, the feared dominance of the home computer field never materialized. Additionally, Timex, Mattel, and TI departed the market before the C16 was released.

Outwardly the C16 resembled the VIC-20 and the C64, but with a black case and white/light gray keys. Performance-wise located between the VIC and 64, it had 16 kilobytes of RAM with 12 KB available to its built-in BASIC interpreter, and a new sound and video chipset offering a palette of 128 colors (in reality 121, since the system had a 16 base colors and 8 shades but black always remained black, with all 8 shades), the TED (better than the VIC used in the VIC-20, but lacking the sprite capability of the VIC-II and advanced sound capabilities of the SID, both used in the C64). The ROM resident BASIC 3.5, however, was more powerful than the VIC-20's and C64's BASIC 2.0, in that it had commands for sound and bitmapped graphics (320x200 pixels), as well as simple program tracing/debugging.

From a practical user's point of view, three tangible features the C16 lacked were a modem port and VIC/C64-compatible Datassette and game ports. Commodore sold a C16 family-specific cassette player (the Commodore 1531) and joysticks, but third-party converters to allow the use of the abundant, and hence much less expensive, VIC/C64-type units soon appeared. The official reason for changing the joystick ports was to reduce RF interference. The C16's serial port (Commodore's proprietary 'serial IEEE-488 bus', no relation to RS-232 and the like) was the same as that of the VIC and C64, which meant that printers and disk drives, at least, were interchangeable with the older machines.

The Commodore 16 was one of three computers in its family. The even less successful Commodore 116 was functionally and technically similar but shipped in a smaller case with a rubber chiclet keyboard and was only available in Europe. The family's flagship, the Commodore Plus/4, shipped in a smaller case but had a 59-key full-travel keyboard (with a specifically advertised 'cursor key diamond' of four keys, contrasted with the VIC and C64's two + shift key scheme), 64 KB of RAM, a modem port, and built-in entry-level office suite software.


The Commodore Plus/4 was a home computer released by Commodore International in 1984. The 'Plus/4' name refers to the four-application ROM resident office suite (word processor, spreadsheet, database, and graphing); it was billed as 'the productivity computer with software built-in'. It had some success in Eastern Europe, but was less popular in Western Europe . A total flop in the United States, it was derided as the 'Minus/60'—a pun on the difference between the Plus/4 and the dominant Commodore 64.

In the early 1980s, Commodore found itself engaged in a price war in the home computer market. The VIC-20 resulted from MOS Technology designing a video chip it couldn't sell, and companies like Texas Instruments and Timex Corporation undercutting the price of Commodore's PET line. The Commodore 64, the first 64-KB computer to sell for under USDollar600, was another salvo in the price war but it was far more expensive to make than the VIC-20 because it used discrete chips for video, sound, and I/O. Commodore president Jack Tramiel wanted a new computer line that would use fewer chips and at the same time address some of the user complaints about the VIC and C64.

Commodore's third salvo — which, as it turned out, was fired just as most of Commodore's competition was leaving the home computer market — was the C116, C16, and Plus/4. There were also prototypes of a 232, basically a 32k version of the Plus /4 without the software ROMs, and a V364 which had a numeric keypad and built in voice synthesis. The latter two models never made it to production. All these computers used a MOS 7501 CPU (6502 compatible but Approx.75 percent faster) and a MOS Technology TED all-in-one video, sound, and I/O chip. The Plus/4's design is thus philosophically closer to that of the VIC-20 than of the C64.

The Plus/4 was the flagship computer of the line. The Plus/4 had 64 KB of memory while the C16 and 116 had 16 KB. The Plus/4 had built-in software, whereas the others did not. The Plus/4 and C16 had full-travel keyboards; the 116 used a rubber chiclet keyboard like less-expensive Timex-Sinclair computers and the original IBM PCjr. The C116 was only sold in Europe. All of the machines were distinguished by their dark gray cases and light gray keys.

The Plus/4 was introduced in June 1984 and priced at USDollar299. It was discontinued in 1985. It is not completely clear whether Commodore's intent was to eventually totally replace the C64 with the Plus/4, or whether they wanted to attempt to expand the home computer market and sell the Plus/4 to users who were more interested in serious applications than gaming. However, the Plus/4 succeeded at neither and quickly disappeared.

Plus/4 strengths

Commodore Plus/4 with accessories. Clockwise from top left: power supply, joystick, 1531 tape recorder with tapes.The TED offered 121-color (15 colors x 8 luminance levels + black) video, a palette matched only by Atari Computers at the time, and 320x200 video resolution, which was standard for computers intended to be capable of connecting to a television. The Plus/4's memory layout gave it a larger amount of user-accessible memory than the C64, and its BASIC programming language was vastly improved, adding sound and graphics commands as well as looping commands that improved program structure. Commodore released a high-speed floppy disk drive for the Plus/4, the Commodore 1551, which offered much better performance than the C64/1541 combination because it used a parallel interface rather than a serial bus. (The Plus/4 did not have the parallel interface built-in; it was provided by a plug-in cartridge supplied with the drive).

Unlike the C64, the Plus/4 had a built-in MOS Technology 6551 UART chip (the C64 emulated the 6551 in software). This allowed the Plus/4 to use high-speed modems without additional hardware or software tricks (the C64 required specially written software to operate at 2400 bit/s). However, since most people only could afford 300- or 1200-bit/s modems in 1984, and Commodore never released a 2400-bit/s modem, this feature went largely unnoticed. The Plus/4 keyboard had a separately placed 'diamond' of four cursor keys, presumably more intuitive in use than the VIC's and C64's two shifted cursor keys. Also, for serious programmers, the Plus/4 featured a ROM-resident machine code monitor, which rekindled a tradition from the first Commodore computers, the PET/CBM series.

While the C64 had the advertised 64 KB of RAM installed, only about 38 KB was available for BASIC programs. The Plus/4's BASIC V3.5 made 59 KB available, aided by its memory map that placed I/O at the top of memory (DollarFD00). In addition, the Plus/4's CPU was about 75 percent faster than the C64's.

Plus/4 weaknesses
The Plus/4 had three shortcomings, which proved fatal: unlike the C64's VIC II, the TED had no sprite capability, which strongly limited its video game graphics capabilities. Also, its tone generator was much closer to the VIC in quality than to the C64's SID, which, again, made the Plus/4 less attractive to game developers. Finally, the lack of these capabilities made C64 software compatibility impossible. Commodore may not have believed this to be a problem, as the successful C64 was incompatible with most VIC-20 software — but the C64 had developed a large software library by 1984, and while the C64 was a significant upgrade to the VIC-20 in almost every way, the Plus/4 was not.

Another problem that kept the Plus/4 from selling was that even though the three machines (116,C16 and Plus/4) were all compatible with one another, developers tended to write programs for the lowest common denominator in a computer family. So as not to alienate buyers of the 116 and C16, which were intended to be the largest selling machines in this series, most software was designed to run in 16k and the extra memory on the Plus/4 was not as widely supported as it could have been. Also, most development for these machines was in Europe. Few North American developers leapt at the chance to write programs for these machines.

Peripheral compatibility with the C64 was inconsistent. The Plus/4's serial, user, and video ports were compatible with the C64, but the Datasette port was changed, rendering previous units incompatible without third-party adapters that only became available later. This also posed a problem for the many third-party C64 printer interfaces that allowed one to connect a standard Centronics parallel printer to the Commodore serial port. Since most of these interfaces connected to the Datasette port to get +5 volts for power, they were incompatible with the Plus/4 unless the user modified the interface and risked voiding the warranty. For a computer intended to be used for productivity applications, this was a heavy weakness. Additionally, with the Plus/4, Commodore abandoned the Atari-style joystick ports used on the C64, replacing them with a proprietary mini-DIN port that was said to be less prone to emit RF interference. While this may have been seen as an advantage by the Federal Communications Commission and other regulatory agencies, end users did not share this view.

This made upgrading to the Plus/4 from the VIC-20 or C64 more expensive, since the user in many cases would have to buy new peripherals in addition to the new computer. It also made the Plus/4 less attractive to new buyers, since VIC and C64 peripherals were more plentiful and less expensive than their Plus/4 counterparts. The street price for a complete C64 system was lower than that of a comparable system based on the Plus/4.

The Plus/4, unlike the C64 and most other computers of its time (with the notable exception of the Coleco Adam), was equipped with ROM-resident application software (developed for Commodore by TriMicro). Unfortunately, the application suite, featuring a word processor, spreadsheet, database, and graphing, was completely inadequate for the Plus/4's originally intended market of business and professional users. Better business software packages were available for other systems, including the C64.

Most of the developers of the Plus/4 also worked on the later Commodore 128 project, which was much more successful. The lead hardware designer Bil Herd commented directly on the wikipedia article adding: The TED series (Plus4) was specifically designed to not encroach on the successful C64, it was designed to sell for Dollar49 and to go head to head with the Timex/Sinclair computer line, specifically the color Timex (Spectrum?) Targeting the office more than the game market, the smallest version of the computer had a total of 9 IC's, cheapness was the main metric as defined by Jack Tramiel. After Tramiel left Commodore, the remaining management seemed to not know what to do with the Plus4 line which resulted in untold variations and lack of focus on the targeted market. Since most of the management at that time had only experienced the C64, they tried to market it as another C64 which was exactly what Tramiel had set out not to do.

This shortcomings of the end product were the inspiration for the C128 series as the designers calculated that if they created a computer that was compatible with the C64 that ultimately management and marketing could not damage the C64 software base (much) in spite of how they were to take the product to market.

CPU: MOS_Technology 7501, 1.77 MHz (PAL) / 1.79 MHz (NTSC)
RAM: 64 KB, of which nearly 60 KB available to BASIC users
ROM: 64 KB including Commodore BASIC 3.5, machine code monitor; TRI-Micro's '3 Plus 1' (word processor, spreadsheet, database, graphing)
Text mode: 40x25 characters (PETSCII)
Graphics modes: 160x200 (lores) / 320x200 (hires), 121 colors
I/O ports:
Tape connector (for Commodore 1531 Datassette; incompatible with C64)
Cartridge slot (incompatible with C64)
Two game controller ports (incompatible with C64)
Commodore serial bus
User port (for modems and nonstandard devices)
Composite video connector incl. mono audio signal
RF modulator to TV antenna connector

Infos from: Wikipedia

Computer October 1980

Commodore VIC-1001

The VIC-1001 is the first of the VIC series of computers, which includes the tremendously successful VIC-20. The VIC-1001 was only sold in Japan. As such, it includes a special character ROM and keyboard that allow the user to enter Katakana characters.
As often with Commodore, the origin of the "-1001" moniker is unclear. It might be a reference to another popular Commodore system, the PET-2001.
When he introduced the VIC-1001 to the world, Jack Tramiel uttered this unforgettable sentence: "The Japanese are coming, so we must become the Japanese!" (referring to the threats of low-cost systems from Japan) He then proceeded to create one of the most popular line of micro-computers of all time.
Contributors: Thomas Cont?

Computer 1980

Commodore VIC-20

Processor MOS Technology 6502 @ 1MHz
Memory 5KB - 64KB
OS Commodore BASIC 2.0

The VIC-20 (Germany: VC-20; Japan: VIC-1001) is an 8-bit home computer. It was made by Commodore Business Machines, with 5 KB RAM and a MOS 6502 CPU. The machine's external design was later used by the Commodore 64 and C16. The VIC-20 was released in Japan in 1980, and in the U.S. and Europe in 1981, roughly three years after Commodore's first personal computer, the PET. The VIC-20 was the first microcomputer to sell one million units.


Origin, marketing

The VIC-20 was intended to be more economical than the PET computer. The VIC-20's video chip, the MOS Technology VIC was a general-purpose color video chip designed by Al Charpentier in 1977 and intended for use in inexpensive display terminals and game consoles, but Commodore couldn't find a market for the chip. With Apple II gaining momentum with the advent of VisiCalc in 1979, Jack Tramiel wanted a product out that would compete in the same segment, to be presented at the January 1980 CES. For this reason Chuck Peddle and Bill Seiler started to design a computer named TOI (The Other Intellect).

The TOI computer failed to materialize, much due to the fact that it required an 80-column character display which in turn required the MOS Technology 6564 chip, which could not be used since it required very expensive static RAM to operate fast enough. In the meantime, freshman engineer Robert Yannes at MOS Technology (then a part of Commodore) had designed a computer in his home dubbed the MicroPET and finished a prototype with some help from Al Charpentier and Charles Winterble. When Jack Tramiel was confronted with this prototype he immediately said he wanted it to be finished and ordered it to be mass produced following a limited demonstration on the CES, since the TOI had not yet been finished.

The very hackish prototype produced by Yannes had very few of the features required for a real computer, so Robert Russell at Commodore headquarters had to coordinate and finish large parts of the design under the codename Vixen. The parts contributed by Russell included a port of the operating system (kernel and BASIC interpreter) taken from John Feagans design for the Commodore PET, a character set with the characteristic PETSCII, an Atari 2600-compatible joystick interface and the cartridge port. The serial IEEE 488-derivative interface was designed by Glen Stark. Some features, like the memory add-in board, were designed by Bill Seiler. At the time, Commodore had an oversupply of 1Kbitx4 SRAM chips, so Tramiel demanded that these be used in the new computer. The end result is arguably closer to the PET or TOI computers than to Yannes prototype, albeit with a 22-column VIC chip instead of the custom chips designed for the more ambitious computers.

In April 1980 at a meeting of general managers outside of London, Jack Tramiel declared that he wanted a lowcost color computer. When most of the GMs argued against it, he said, 'the Japanese are coming, so we will become the Japanese.' This was in keeping with Tramiel's philosophy which was to make 'computers for the masses, not the classes.' The concept was championed at the meeting by Michael Tomczyk, newly hired marketing strategist and assistant to the president; Tony Tokai, General Manager of Commodore-Japan, and Kit Spencer, the U.K.'s top marketing executive.

When they returned to California from that meeting, Tomczyk wrote a 30 page memo detailing recommendations for the new computer and presented it to Tramiel. Recommendations included programmable function keys, full size typewriter style keys, built-in RS-232. Tomczyk insisted on 'user friendliness' as the prime directive for the new computer and proposed a retail price of Dollar299.95. He recruited a marketing team and a small group of computer enthusiasts, and worked closely with colleagues in the U.K. and Japan to create colorful packaging, user manuals, and the first wave of software programs (mostly games and home applications). Scott Adams was contracted to provide a series of cartridge-based adventure games. Tomczyk's account of the story is told in his 1984 book, The Home Computer Wars.

While the PET was sold through authorized dealers, the VIC-20 primarily sold at retail, especially discount and toy stores, where it could compete more directly with game consoles. It was the first computer to be sold in K-Mart. Commodore took out advertisements featuring actor William Shatner of Star Trek fame as its spokesman, asking, 'Why buy just a video game?'. Television personality Henry Morgan (best known as a panelist on the TV show What's My Line?) became the ironic voice on a series of clever Commodore product ads.

The VIC-20 had 5K of Ram, which netted down to 3.5K on startup, which is the equivalent to the words and spaces on one sheet of typing paper. The computer was expandable to 32k with an add-on memory cartridge. Although the VIC-20 was criticized in print as being underpowered, the strategy worked: in 1982 it was the best-selling computer of the year, with 800,000 machines sold, and in January 1983 it passed the 1 million unit mark—a first in computer history. At its peak, 9,000 units per day were produced, and a total of 2.5 million units were sold before it was discontinued in January 1985, when Commodore repositioned the C64 as its entry-level computer due to the forthcoming release of the C128 and Amiga (the latter taking Commodore into the 16-bit world).
In 1981, Tomczyk contracted with an outside engineering group to develop a direct-connect modem-on-a-cartridge (the VICModem) which at Dollar99 became the first modem priced under Dollar100. The VICModem was also the first modem to sell over 1 million units. VICModem was packaged with Dollar197.50 worth of free telecomputing services from the Source, CompuServe and Dow Jones. Tomczyk also created an entity called the Commodore Information Network to enable users to exchange information and take some of the pressure from Customer Support inquires, which were straining Commodore's lean organization. In 1982, this network accounted for the largest traffic on CompuServe, which, it can be argued, was an early implementation of Internet-style user groups.


Because of its small memory and low-resolution display compared to some other computers of the time, the VIC-20 was primarily used for educational software and games. However, productivity applications such as home finance programs, spreadsheets, and communication terminal programs were also made for the machine. Its high accessibility to the general public meant that quite a few software developers-to-be cut their teeth on the VIC-20, being introduced to BASIC programming, and in some cases going further to learn assembly or machine language. Several computer magazines sold on newsstands, such as Compute! and CBM-produced publications, offered programming tips and type-in programs for the VIC-20. Many VIC users learned to program by entering, studying, running, and modifying these type-ins.

The ease of programming the VIC and availability of an inexpensive modem combined to give the VIC a sizable library of public domain and freeware software, although much smaller than that of the C64. This software was distributed on online services such as CompuServe, BBSs, and via user groups.

As for commercial software offerings, an estimated 300 titles were available on cartridge, and another 500+ titles were available on tape. By comparison, the Atari 2600, the most popular of the video game consoles at the time, had a library of about 900 titles near the end of its production life (many were variations of another title). Cartridge games were ready to play as soon as VIC-20 was turned on, as opposed to games on tape which required loading. Titles on cartridge included Gorf, Cosmic Cruncher, Sargon II Chess, and many others.

One of the most popular cassette games was Blitz, written by Simon Taylor and published by Commodore, selling many tens of thousands of copies, and remaining in the top ten computer games listings for six months. The game involved flying over a city of skyscrapers, and flattening the buildings one by one by bombing them until the city was flat. The aircraft descended a line at a time, and if your bombing had not been accurate enough, you would hit the skyscraper and crash.


Basic features

The VIC-20 had proprietary connectors for program/expansion cartridges and a tape drive (PET-standard Datassette). It came with 5 KB RAM, but 1.5 KB were used by the system for various things, like the video display (which had a rather unusual 22x23 char/line screen layout), and other dynamic aspects of the ROM-resident BASIC interpreter and KERNAL (a low-level operating system). Thus, 3.5 KB of BASIC program memory for code and variables was available to the user of an unexpanded machine.

The computer also had a serial bus (a serial version of the PET's IEEE-488 bus) for daisy chaining disk drives and printers; a TTL-level 'user port' with RS-232 and Centronics signals (most frequently used as RS-232, for connecting a modem); and a single DE-9 game controller port, compatible with the digital joysticks and paddle (game controller)s used with Atari 2600 videogame consoles and, later, the C64 (the use of a standard port ensured ample supply of Atari-manufactured and other third-party joysticks; Commodore itself offered an Atari joystick under the Commodore brand).

Importantly, like most video game consoles at the time the VIC had a cartridge port to allow for plug-in cartridges with games and other software as well as for adding memory to the machine. Port expander boxes were available from Commodore and other vendors to allow more than one cartridge to be connected at a time.

The graphics capabilities of the VIC chip (6560/6561) were limited but flexible. At startup the screen showed 176 pixels in width and 184 in height, with a fixed-colour border to the edges of the screen; since a NTSC or PAL screen has a 4:3 width-to-height ratio, each VIC pixel was much wider than it was high. The screen normally showed 22 columns and 23 rows of 8-by-8-pixel characters; it was possible to increase these dimensions but the characters would soon run out the sides of the monitor. Like on the PET, 256 different characters could be displayed at a time, normally taken from one of the two character generators in ROM (one for upper-case letters and simple graphics, the other for mixed-case -- non-English characters were not provided). In the usual display mode, each character position could have its foreground colour chosen individually, and the background and screen border colours were set globally. A character could be made to appear in another mode where each pixel was chosen from 4 different colours: the character's foreground colour, the screen background, the screen border and an 'auxiliary' colour; but this mode was rarely used since it made the pixels twice as wide as they normally were.

The VIC chip did not provide for a direct full-screen, high-resolution graphics mode. It did, however, allow the pixel-by-pixel depictions of the on-screen characters to be redefined (by using a character generator in RAM), and it allowed for double-height characters (8 pixels wide, 16 pixels high). It was possible to get a fully-addressable screen, slightly smaller (160 by 160) than normal, by filling the screen with a sequence of 200 different double-height characters, then turning on the pixels selectively inside the RAM-based character definitions. (The 200-character limitation was so that enough bytes would be left over for the screen character grid itself to remain addressable by the VIC chip.) The Super Expander cartridge provided such a mode in BASIC, although it often had to move the BASIC program around in memory to do it. It was also possible to fill a larger area of the screen with addressable graphics using a more dynamic allocation scheme, if the contents were sparse or repetitive enough. This was used, for instance, by the game Omega Race. The VIC chip did not support sprites.

The VIC chip had readable scan-line counters but could not generate interrupts based on the scan position (as the VIC-II chip could). Thus it was possible, but difficult, to switch graphics modes dynamically during a single screen scan. The VIC chip could also process a light pen signal (an light pen input was provided on the DE-9 joystick connector) but few of those ever appeared on the market.

The VIC chip had three rectangular-wave sound generators (about an octave apart) plus a white noise generator. There was only one volume control.

Memory expansion

The VIC-20's RAM was expandable with plug-in cartridges using the same expansion port as programs. RAM cartridges were available in several sizes: 3K (with or without an included BASIC extension ROM), 8K, 16K, 32K and 64K, the latter two only from third-party vendors. The internal memory map was reorganised with the addition of each size cartridge, leading to the situation that some programs would only work if the right amount of memory was present (to cater for this, the 32K cartridges had switches, and the 64K cartridges had software setups, allowing the RAM to be enabled in user-selected sections).

The most visible part of memory that was reorganised with differing expansion memory configurations was the video memory (with text and/or graphics display data). This was because the free memory had to remain contiguous for the BASIC interpreter to be able to use it. An unexpanded VIC had 1K of system memory, followed by a 3K 'hole', then 4K of contiguous user memory up to address 8191. The 3K cartridge would fill the 'hole', so on unexpanded and +3K VICs the video area was placed at the top of user memory (8K - 512). If an 8K or 16K cartridge was added instead, this memory appeared at addresses above 8K; the video memory was then placed at the start of user memory at 4K, just above the 'hole', to provide the maximum amount of contiguous user memory.

Some 64K expansion cartridges allowed the user to copy ROM images to RAM. The more advanced versions even contained an 80-character video chip and a patched BASIC interpreter which gave access to 48K of the memory and to the 80-column video mode. As the latter type of cartridges, marketed primarily in Germany, weren't released until late 1984—two years after the appearance of the more capable C64—they went by mostly unnoticed.

The VIC's name(s)

* The name 'VIC' came from the Video Interface Chip, which, despite its designation, also handled all the sound synthesis in the VIC-20. The VIC chip's successor, the graphics-and-RAM-refresh VIC-II, was used to great success in Commodore's later best-selling machine, the C64, and also in the dual video output C128 for that computer's 40-column/composite video graphics.
* The VIC-20 was originally meant to be called Vixen, but this name was inappropriate in Germany, Commodore's second most important market, because it sounds like wichsen, a German language slang word for 'masturbate'. VIC, which was subsequently chosen, has a similar problem—it can be pronounced like fick[en], the German word for 'fuck'. Therefore the VIC-20 was finally marketed as the VC-20 'Volkscomputer' in German-language countries.
* In Japan the VIC-20 was marketed as the VC-1001 (1980).
* The 20 in VIC-20 has nothing to do with technical specs, Michael Tomczyk thought that VIC sounded like a truck drivers name so he insisted on adding 20 as a friendly number for a friendly computer. According to reports, the original name was going to be VIC-22 (based on the screen width) but 20 was chosen as a friendlier name. (citation needed).

VIC trivia

* BASIC programs running on a fully expanded VIC-20 could use at most 24K RAM. Any extra occupied the memory space used by ROM cartridges, i.e. commercial software like games and other applications. This allowed people to copy cartridges to tape and distribute them to their friends, who could then load the tape into the top 8K of their 32K RAM packs.
* An anecdotal bit of evidence to support Commodore's statement that the VIC-20 could be used not only for games but also as a serious introduction to computing, can be said to originate in the fact that a young Linus Torvalds was given a VIC-20 as his first computer. Torvalds later upgraded to a Sinclair QL, then to a 386 PC. Torvalds later went on to write the Linux operating system kernel.


Both the VIC 20 and C64 could be hooked into external electronic circuitry, using parts available from parts outlets like Radio Shack and Maplin. Interfaces were designed to use either the joystick ports, printer port, or the expansion ports, which exposed various analog to digital, memory bus, and other internal I/O circuits to the experimenter. The BASIC language could then be used (using the PEEK and POKE commands) to perform data acquisition from temperature sensors, control robotic stepper motors, etc. The VIC 20 did not originally have a disk drive available for sale, with only a relatively high cost tape recorder system (using audio cassette tapes). Many experimenters built adaptors that allowed any conventional audio cassette recorder to be used for program and data storage.

Infos from Wikipedia

Computer 1977

Compucolor II

The CompuColor II, also called the "Renaissance Machine", is said to be the first home-computer available with a colour display. ISC (Intelligent Systems Corp), who was a large color computer manufacturer, conceived the CompuColor II built into a RCA color TV chassis (sans tuner assembly). The main problem of the system was that the machine had *no* RFI (Radio Frequency Interference) shielding what-so-ever and the FCC was soon on their butts. They planned to redesign the system but then prefered to stop production...
The first Compucolor system (model 8001) was in fact an 8080 based terminal (model 8001) and was later followed by the CompuColor II (model 8051), with BASIC and a floppy interface. It seems like the system was sold by ISC, Compucolor and Intecolor; but in which order ? Any idea someone ?
Different models with different keyboards were available. The one pictured here is the Deluxe model with a full implemented keyboard. There were models with 16, 32 or 48 kb RAM. Later models seemed to have a built-in 300 baud modem. Apparently, you could not format the 5.25" disks yourself, surely because Intecolor wanted to make money by selling these preformated disks... But many users ended up by writing their own formating programs.
The system was very vulnerable to certain hardware tinkering. Tampering with the addresses that accessed the hardware registers could wipe out all the RAM (it did something fatal to the refresh logic). It used an Intel CRT controller for screen processing. Altering the number of scanlines to too high a value could kill the CRT.
The ROM contained a ripped-off version of Microsoft BASIC and a simplistic file system. Microsoft found out about them, and forced ISC to become a Microsoft distributor. They also collected royalties on all machines sold up to that time.
The disk drive was originally designed to use an 8-track tape cartridge for storage (yes, you read that right!). When that proved to unreliable, they switched to a 5.25 inch disk drive. They didn't change the file system, which still thought it was a tape drive. When you deleted a file, it re-packed all remaining files back to the front of the disk. Used the 8K of screen RAM for a buffer to do it, which led to some psychedelic I/O.
Some games were available, such as the famous Star-Trek, Othello, Chess, Black Jack, Tic Tac Toe, etc.
Thanks to the Computer Closet Collection for the picture.
Thanks to Woodside for some information.

Computer September 1982

Conitec PROF-80

This computer was never sold in computer stores. It is an homebrew machine built around an unique board called PROF80.
The Prof 80 was a CPM Board for CP/m 2.2 or (later) 3.X., manufactured by Conitec, Dieburg, Germany. There is also a branch in US. The company still exists, and the chief designer of the board, Joachim Hanst, is still working there.
It was sold in France in kit form by the Pentasonic stores chain. User had to solder all the components onto the bare board.
The PROF80 board was fully compatible with the Tandy Trs-80 MOD III, and featured 64 KB of RAM, serial and parallel ports, floppy drive controller, video and tape recorder interfaces and a GRIP (Graphical IO-Processor). The Basic interpreter was the LNW version.
Various systems were designed by private persons around this board, mainly in Germany. From simple training computers up to complete professional system.
The version pictured here was very carefully built from an old video terminal. It featured some enhancements allowing the use of the 8" floppy disk drive as well as graphic capabilities.

Handheld 1993

Creatronic Mega Duck & Cougar Boy

The Mega Duck WG-108 (also known as Cougar Boy) is a handheld game console that was produced by several companies, Creatonic, Videojet, and Timlex, and came on the market in 1993 to be mainly sold in France, the Netherlands and Germany for about €60 ( fl 129,- ). In South America, mainly in Brazil, the Chinese-made Creatonic version was distributed by Cougar USA, also known as 'Cougar electronic organization [sic]', and sold as the 'Cougar Boy'.

The cartridges are very similar to the ones of the Watara Supervision, but slightly less wide, and having fewer contacts (36 pins, the Watara has 40). Conceptionally the electronics inside the Supervision and the Mega Duck, are also very similar. the position of the volume and contrast controls, the buttons and connectors are virtually identical. However, the LCD of the Supervision is larger than the Mega Duck's.

The cougar boy came with a 4-in-one game cartridge, and a stereo earphone.

With an external joystick (not included) two players could play against each other simultaneously.

Technical specifications

CPU : MOS version of the Z80 (embedded in the main VLSI )
Clockspeed : 4.194304 MHz (= 222 Hz)
RAM : 16 KB in two 8K chips (Goldstar GM76C88LFW)
System logic : 80 pins VLSI chip (Just the die on the PCB covered with a blob of epoxy)
LCD : 2,7' (48 (h) x 51 (w) mm) STN dot matrix. resolution 160x144 at 59.732155 Hz
Grayscales : 4 levels of dark blue on a green background
Player controls : 4 directional keys, A, B, Select and Start keys
Other controls : On/off switch and contrast and volume regulators
Sound : Built in speaker (8O 200 mW) and stereo headset output
Dimensions : 155 (l) x 97 (w) x32 (h) mm
Weight : 249 gram (w.o. batteries)
Power : Four AA batteries or AC adapter 6VDC/300mA
Current consumption : 700 mW
Play duration : according to the manufacturer ca 15 hour on one set of four AA batteries
Expansion Interface : Serial link for two player games (6 pins), or external joystick.
Game medium : 36 pins ROM cartridge, 63 (l) x 54 (w) mm and 7 mm thick, 17 gram.
The Video Display Controller of the Mega duck/cougar boy has one special feature, the display logic uses two 'display planes' that are used to create scrolling backgrounds, as if the picture is drawn on two sheets of which the top sheet is partly transparent.

Infos from: Wikipedia

Handheld 19??

Cybiko Cybiko

Cybiko was a hand held computer designed for teenagers featuring its own two-way radio text messaging system. It had over 430 'official' freeware games and applications. Because of the text messaging system, it features a QWERTY Keyboard that was used with a stylus. An MP3 player add-on was made for the unit as well as a SmartMedia card reader. The company stopped manufacturing the units after two product versions and only a few years on the market, but because of the unique radio messaging hardware there is still a hobbyist community using Cybiko.

Cybikos can communicate with each other up to a maximum range of 300 metres (0.19 miles) (which can be boosted to 450 metres (0.26 miles) using a freeware program called UI Power). Several Cybikos can chat with each other in a wireless chatroom.

Cybiko Classic
Cybiko Xtreme with antenna folded down.There are two models of the Classic Cybiko. The obvious difference is that version 1 has a switch on the side; version two uses the 'ESC' key for power management. The not-so-obvious differences between the two are the internal memory changes and the location of the firmware.

The CPU is an Hitachi H8S/2241 at 11.0592 MHz and it also has an Atmel AT90S2313 co-processor at 4 MHz to provide some support for RF communications. It came with 512 KB ROM flash memory and 256 KB RAM. It came with an add-on slot in the back.

The add-on slot has the same physical appearance (pin-count, spacing) as PC card, but it is not compatible.

Cybiko Xtreme
The Cybiko Xtreme (commonly misspelt 'Extreme') is the 2nd-generation Cybiko handheld. It boasts many improvements over the "classic" Cybiko, such as a faster processor, more RAM, more ROM, a new OS, a new keyboard layout and case design, greater wireless range, a microphone, improved audio output, and smaller size.

The CPU is an Hitachi H8S/2323 at 18 MHz and it also has an Atmel AT90S2313 co-processor at 4 MHz to provide some support for RF communications. It came with 512 KB ROM flash memory and 1.5 MB RAM. It came with an add-on slot in the back, but the only hardware released was an MP3 player.

Infos from Wikipedia


DEC AlphaServer

Computer 1960


It has an 18-bit word and had 4 kilowords as standard main memory (equivalent to 9 kilobytes, or 9,000 bytes), upgradable to 64 kilowords (144 KB). The magnetic core memory's cycle time was 5 microseconds (corresponding very roughly to a 'clock speed' of 200 kilohertz; consequently most arithmetic instructions took 10 microseconds (100,000 operations per second) because they had two memory cycles: one for the instruction, one for the operand data fetch. Signed numbers were represented in one's complement.

The PDP-1 was built mostly of DEC 1000-series System Building Blocks, using Micro-Alloy and Micro-Alloy-Diffused transistors with a rated switching speed of 5 MHz.


The PDP-1 used punched paper tape as its primary storage medium. Unlike punched card decks, which could be sorted and re-ordered, paper tape was difficult to physically edit. This inspired the creation of text-editing programs such as Expensive Typewriter and TECO. Because it was equipped with online and offline printers that were based on IBM electric typewriter mechanisms, it was capable of what, in eighties terminology, would be called 'letter-quality printing' and therefore inspired TJ-2, arguably the first word processor.

The console typewriter was the product of a company named Soroban Engineering. It was an IBM Model B Electric typewriter mechanism modified by the addition of switches to detect keypresses and solenoids to activate the typebars. It used a traditional typebar mechanism, not the 'golfball' IBM Selectric typewriter mechanism, which was not introduced until the next year. Case shifting was performed by raising and lowering the massive type basket. It was equipped with a two-color red-and-black ribbon, and the interface allowed color selection. Programs commonly used color coding to distinguish user input from machine responses. The Soroban mechanism was unreliable and prone to jamming, particularly when shifting case or changing ribbon color, and was widely disliked.

Offline devices were typically Friden Flexowriters that had been specially built to operate with the FIO-DEC character coding used by the PDP-1. Like the console typewriter, these were built around a typing mechanism that was mechanically the same as an IBM Electric typewriter.[1] However, Flexowriters were highly reliable and often used for long unattended printing sessions. Flexowriters had electromechanical paper tape punches and readers which operated synchronously with the typewriter mechanism. Typing was performed about ten characters per second. A typical PDP-1 operating procedure was to output text to punched paper tape using the PDP-1's 'high speed' (60 character per second) Teletype model BRPE punch, then carry the tape to a Flexowriter for offline printing.

Computer music

MIT hackers also used the PDP-1 for playing music in four-part harmony, using some special hardware—four flip-flops directly controlled by the processor (filtered with simple RC filters). Music was prepared via Peter Samson's Harmony Compiler, a sophisticated text-based program with some features specifically oriented toward the efficient coding of baroque music. Several hours of music were prepared for it, including Bach fugues, all of Mozart's Eine kleine Nachtmusik, Christmas carols, and numerous popular songs.

Current status

Only three PDP-1 computers are still known to exist, and all three are in the collection of the Computer History Museum. One was a prototype, and the other two are production PDP-1C machines. One of the latter, serial number 55 (the last PDP-1 made) has been restored to working order, is on exhibit, and is demonstrated two Saturdays every month. The demonstrations include:

the game Spacewar!
graphics demonstrations such as Snowflake
playing music
The restoration is described on a special web page of the Computer History Museum.

Simulations of the PDP-1 exist in SIMH and MESS, and paper tapes of the software exist in the archives.

BBN was DEC's first customer for the PDP-1.[2] MIT's PDP-1, donated by DEC in 1961, occupied the room next door to the TX-0 which was on indefinite loan from Lincoln Laboratory.

At the Computer History Museum TX-0 alumni reunion in 1984, Gordon Bell said DEC's products developed directly from the TX-2, the successor to the TX-0 which had been developed at what Bell thought was a bargain price at the time, about USD $3 million. At the same meeting, Jack Dennis said Ben Gurley's design for the PDP-1 was influenced by his work on the TX-0 display. [3]

At the museum's PDP-1 restoration celebration in May 2006, Alan Kotok said his Mac G4 laptop was 10,000 times faster, came with 100,000 times the RAM and 500,000 times the storage, was 1/2000 the size, and cost 1/100 as much.[4]

(Info: Wikipedia)







Computer 1965


The DEC PDP-7 is a minicomputer produced by Digital Equipment Corporation. Introduced in 1965, the first to use their Flip-Chip technology, with a cost of only $72,000 USD, it was cheap but powerful. The PDP-7 was the third of Digital's 18-bit machines, with essentially the same instruction set architecture as the PDP-4 and the PDP-9. It was the first wire-wrapped PDP.

In 1969, Ken Thompson wrote the first UNIX system in assembly language on a PDP-7, then named Unics as a somewhat treacherous pun on Multics, as the operating system for Space Travel, a game which required graphics to depict the motion of the planets. A PDP-7 was also the development system used during the development of MUMPS at MGH in Boston a few years earlier.

There are a few remaining PDP-7 still in operable condition, along with one under restoration in Oslo, Norway.

(info from Wikipedia)

Computer 1965


The PDP-8 was the first sucessful commercial minicomputer, produced by DEC in the 60s, the first real minicomputer, and the first computer costing less than $20,000.
By late 1973 to 77, the PDP-8 family was the best selling computer in the world. The basic version could sit on a desktop rather than requiring cumbersome racks well known at the time. This compact size caused it to become a popular system in scientific laboratories.
The machine had a now quite strange 12-bit word and four thousand 12-bit words of magnetic core memory. The first model was built without any Integrated circuit - thus no microprocessor - but with discrete transistors mounted on numerous small printed circuit boards called 'flip chips' that were inserted on two backplanes mounted vertically. Both table-top and rack-mount models were available, but adding additional memory required a rack.
CPU was composed of 12 interlinked Register Boards each operating on one bit slice of the 12 bit word and containing an Adder function together with all the major registers - MB, MA, AC, PC. Speed a little less than 1MHz.
The instructions set of the PDP-8 was very limited, only eight basic instructions encoded by the three left bits of each 12-bit word, and one register, the accumulator: However, the PDP-8 could be programmed to do almost anything. It just took longer (sometimes very longer!) to execute programs.
A 110 baud current loop teletype interface allowed an ASR 33 Teletype to be connected, serving as a console as well as a storage device by means of the built-in papertape puncher and reader.
There were numerous variations of the original model over the years, among them:
1966: PDP-8/S - minimum price but slow memory serial logic design
1968: PDP-8/I - first version with integrated circuits
1970: PDP-8/E - New bus structure design called Omnibus
1975: PDP-8/A - Allowed OEMs choice of memory type and quantity
All together, about 50,000 PDP-8 series computers were sold, as well as numerous clones made USA, Asia and East European countries.
In 2000 year, there were still a few PDP8's in operation, mainly in third-world countries.

Computer 1984

DEC Rainbow 100

The Rainbow 100 was a microcomputer introduced by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) in 1982. This desktop unit had a monitor similar to the VT220 in a dual-CPU box with both 4 MHz Zilog Z80 and 4.81 MHz Intel 8088 CPUs. The Rainbow 100 was a triple-use machine: VT100 mode (industry standard terminal for interacting with DEC's own VAX), 8-bit CP/M mode (using the Z80), and CP/M-86 or MS-DOS mode using the 8088.
The Rainbow came in three models, the 100A, 100B and 100+. The "A" model was the first released, followed later by the "B" model. The most noticeable differences between the two models were the firmware and slight hardware changes.
The "A" model was the first produced by Digital. The distinguishing characteristic of the "A" model from an end-user perspective was that the earlier firmware did not support booting from a hard disk. Other distinguishing hardware features included the three 2764 (8 KB) ROM chips holding the system firmware and the case fan/power supply combinations. In addition, the 100A was unable to move its hardware interrupt vectors to avoid the conflict with MS-DOS soft INT 21, etc. DOS had to take unusual actions to distinguish between the hard and soft vectors. The Rainbow 100A initially only supported 256 KB of RAM total, but the limitation in the memory expansion slot was later worked around with a special adapter card, though the maximum was limited to 828 KB.
The "B" model followed the "A" model, and introduced a number of changes. The "B" model featured the ability to boot from a hard disk (referred to as the Winchester drive) via the boot menu due to updated firmware. The hardware changes included bigger firmware stored on two 27128 (16 KB) ROMs and an improved case fan/power supply. The firmware allowed selection of the boot screen language and keyboard layout, eliminating the need to switch ROM. The "B" model also allowed remapping of hardware interrupts to be more compatible with MS-DOS. The B model also improved the memory expansion slot to allow a maximum configuration of 892 KB.
The "100+" model was actually a marketing designation signifying that the system shipped with a hard drive installed; the "100+" and "B" models were identical in all other respects. When a hard-disk option was installed on the Rainbow, the kit included the 100+ emblem for the computer's case.
The Rainbow contained two separate data buses controlled by the Zilog Z80 and the Intel 8088 respectively. The buses exchanged information via a shared 62 KB memory. When not executing 8-bit code, the Zilog Z80 was used for floppy disk access. The 8088 bus was used for control of all other subsystems, including graphics, hard disk access, and communications. While it may have been theoretically possible to load Z80 binary code into the Rainbow to execute alongside 8088 code, this procedure has never been demonstrated.
The 8088 could also be upgraded with an NEC V-20 chip, resulting in about 10-15% speed improvement, but it involved either doing an E-PROM hack (published) or manually selecting the boot mode each time. (It was due to the V-20 being so much faster, and the post used a step/increment timing sequence, the system would respond faster than the number of clock cycles it was told to wait until looking for a response.)
The 100A model shipped with 64 KB memory on the motherboard, while the 100B had 128 KB memory on the motherboard. Daughterboards were available from Digital Equipment Corporation that could increase system memory with up to an additional 768 KB for a total 892 KB for the 100B or 828 KB for the 100A. The difference in max memory was due to the difference in initial memory configuration.
The system was triple boot (in BIOS, and could be set for automatic default boot preference on 100+) and booted in either CP/M, DOS, or VT100 mode. When booted in DOS, the Z-80 acted as an I/O co-processor for the 8088 side, and visa-versa for CP/M mode.
The floppy disk drives, known as the RX50, accepted proprietary 400 KB single-sided, quad-density 5?-inch diskettes. Initial versions of the operating systems on the Rainbow did not allow for low-level formatting, requiring users to purchase RX50 media from Digital Equipment Corporation. The high cost of media ($5 per disk) led to accusations of vendor "lock-in" against Digital. However, later versions of MS-DOS and CP/M allowed formatting of diskettes.
Of note was the single motor used to drive both disk drives via a common spindle, which were arranged one on top of the other. That meant that one disk went underneath the first but inserted upside-down. This earned the diskette drive the nickname "toaster". The unusual orientation confused many first-time users, who would complain that the machine would not read the disk. This was remedied later by placing a red arrow on the diskette slots and on the top of the diskettes to indicate which side of the diskette to be inserted into each diskette drive.
Disks formatted for the Rainbow 100 could not be read or written to by other PC computers, even though materially they were the same type of 5'' disk.
The base Rainbow system was capable of displaying text in 80?24- or 132?24-character format in monochrome only. The system could apply attributes to text including bolding, double-width, and double-height-double-width.
The graphics option was a user-installable module that added graphics and color display capabilities to the Rainbow system. The Graphic module was based on a NEC 7220 graphic display controller (which was used in the NEC APC among others) and an 8?64 KB DRAM video memory. It enables high resolution color display:
- 400x240 resolution, with 16 colors from a pallette of 4096.
- 800x240 resolution, with 4 colors from a pallette of 4096.
Due to the design of the graphics system, the Rainbow was capable of controlling two monitors simultaneously, one displaying graphics and another displaying text.
Contributors: Chris Ryan, Wikipedia.

Computer 1982

DEC VT-180

In 1982, Digital introduced an option board which turned a VT-100 terminal into a personal computer using the CP/M operating system. It was called the Digital's Personal Computing Option. Customer could purchase just the option board or could buy the complete terminal/computer package called the VT-180.
The VT-100 terminal was introduced by Digital in August 1978. It rapidly enjoyed great popularity and soon became the most widely imitated asynchronous terminal. Its control codes and escape sequences still form the basis of the xterm set and of the ANSI or IBM PC standards. VT100 compatibility is still provided by most terminal emulators. All terminals that came after the VT100 was able to emulate their ancestor, although they offered new features in addition to what the VT100 could do.
The VT-180, also called 'Robin', was thus basically a VT100 terminal with an extra board installed which includes a Z80 processor, 64 KB of RAM memory, a floppy disk controller and an extra serial port controller. The single sided floppy disk drives came in a dual case. The system supported up to four individual disk drives (two dual drive units).

Computer 1981

Data Applications International DAI Personal Computer

In the early 70s, the British government whished an English computer company could compete with the world major manufacturers. Some years later, the ICL company became one of the larger manufacturer of computers in Europe and did really compete with U.S. companies.
In 1980, before the ICL Personal Computer was born, the company met serious financial problems, the English government paid several million pounds and ICL asked the British RAIR CIE to provide the ICL-PC hardware.
This ICL Personal Computer is thus exactly the same machine as the RAIR Black Box system, a backplane 8085 based system using a serial video terminal as video display, and CP/M (single user) or MP/M (multi-user) operating systems.
Two series were released. The PC1 series is the model pictured here. The PC2 series was the same design case as the ICL PC Quattro. This used an Intel or AMD 8085AH-2 CPU at 5MHZ
The model numbers for the PC1 series were:
Model 10 (pictured here) - 64 KB RAM, 2 x 5.25" FDD, CP/M O.S.
Model 30 with a 5 MB hard disc, CP/M O.S.
Model 31 64 KB RAM, three users, 5 MB hard disc, MP/M O.S.
Model 32 256 KB RAM, three users, 10 MB hard disc, MP/M O.S.

Those of the PC2 series were:
Model 15 64 KB RAM, 2 x 5.25" FDD, CP/M O.S.
Model 25 with a 5 MB hard disc, CP/M O.S.
Model 26 64 KB RAM, three users, 5 MB hard disc, MP/M O.S.
Model 35 256 KB RAM, three users, 10 MB hard disc, MP/M O.S.
Agnus WR Gulliver reports us:
There were a few simple games written for it, mostly text based (what do you expect, it uses CP/M), but it's main use was of course as an office machine.
I recall it being a slow machine to use, even boot-up took about a minute. You had to be very careful with the hard disk because it didn't have auto-parking heads. After it was switched off you had to wait about a minute to switch it on again.

According to K.-L. Butte,there were 3 different models of it marking the 3 major development steps: The first incarnation wit 8085 and MP/M, the second with 8088 and Concurrent CP/M and the third with 8086 and Concurrent CP/M.


Digilog 320

Computer 1982

Dragon 32-64

The Dragon 32 and Dragon 64 were home computers built in the 1980s. The Dragons were very similar to the TRS-80 Color Computer (CoCo), and were produced for the European market by Dragon Data, Ltd., in Port Talbot, Wales. The model numbers reflect the primary difference between the two machines, which had 32 and 64 kilobytes of RAM, respectively.

Product history
In the early 1980s, the British home computer market was booming. New machines were released almost monthly. In August 1982, Dragon Data joined the fray with the Dragon 32; the Dragon 64 followed a year later. The computers sold quite well initially and attracted the interest of several independent software developers, most notably Microdeal. A magazine, Dragon User also began publication shortly after the machine's launch.

In the private home computer market, where games were a significant driver, the Dragon suffered due to its graphical capabilities, which were inferior to other machines such as the Sinclair ZX Spectrum and Commodore 64.

The Dragon was also unable to display lower-case letters easily. Some more sophisticated applications synthesised them using high-resolution graphics modes (in the same way that user-defined characters would be designed for purely graphical applications such as games). Simpler programs just managed without lower case. This effectively locked it out of the then-blooming educational market.

As a result of these limitations, the Dragon was not a commercial success, and Dragon Data collapsed in June 1984.

Despite the demise of the parent company, Dragons still proved quite popular. They had a robust motherboard in a spacious case, and were much more tolerant of home-modification than many of their contemporaries, which often had their components crammed into the smallest possible space.

Hardware and peripherals
The Dragon was built around the Motorola MC6809E processor running at 0.89 MHz. This was the most advanced 8-bit CPU design of the time, having, among other things limited 16-bit capabilities. In terms of raw computational power, the Dragon beat most of its contemporary rivals (which were based on the older MOS Technology 6502 or Zilog Z80), but this made little difference in a market where graphical capabilities and software library were much more important to consumers.

Many Dragon 32s were upgraded by their owners to 64K. A few were further expanded to 128K, 256K, or 512K, with home-built memory controllers/memory management units (MMUs).

A broad range of peripherals existed for the Dragon 32/64, and on top of this there were add-ons such as the Dragon's Claw which gave the Dragons access to the BBC Micro's large range of accessories (a particularly important factor in the UK home market). Although neither machine had a built-in disk operating system (cassette tapes being the default data-storage mechanism in the home computer market at the time), DragonDOS was supplied as part of the disk controller interface from Dragon Data Ltd. The numerous external ports (by the standards of the time), including the standard RS-232 on the 64, also allowed hobbyists to attach a diverse range of equipment.

An unusual feature was a monitor port for connection of a computer monitor, as an alternative to the TV output. This was rarely used due to the cost of dedicated monitors at that time. The port is actually a Composite Video port and can be used to connect the Dragon 32 to most modern TVs to deliver a much better picture.

The Dragon used analogue joysticks, unlike most systems of the time which used less versatile but cheaper digital systems. Other uses for the joystick ports included light pens.

Video Modes
The Dragon's main display mode was 'black on green' text (in actual fact the black was a deeper and muddy green). The only graphics possible in this mode were block based. It also had a selection of five high resolution modes, named PMODEs 0-4, which alternated monochrome and four-colour in successively higher resolutions, culminating in the black and white 256x192 PMODE 4. Each mode had two possible colour palettes. Unfortunately, these were rather garish and caused the system to fare poorly in visual comparisons with other home computers at the time. It was also impossible to use standard printing commands to print text on the graphical modes, causing software development difficulties.

Full colour scanline based 64x192 'semi-graphics' modes were also possible, though their imbalanced resolution and programming difficulty (they were not accessible via BASIC) meant they were not often utilised.

Disk Systems
A complete Disk Operating System was produced for the Dragon by a third party supplier, Premier Microsystems located near Croydon, South London. The system was sold as the 'Delta' disk operating system. Although Premier offered the Delta system to be marketed by Dragon themselves, Dragon were not happy that a third party were hijacking the standards for their computer, and produced their own rival DragonDOS system making it clear that the third party Delta was not compatible with the 'standard' Dragon Disk system.

Inevitably, with Delta's head start, software was marketed in either system (but rarely both). The result was the inevitable confusion with customers upset that a particular piece of software was not available for the Disk system that they had. Although this was far from the principle driver for the Dragon's demise, it was nevertheless a factor and had Dragon adopted the established Delta system, the machine may well have had a greater following and a longer life.

System software
The Dragon came with a Microsoft BASIC interpreter in 16K of ROM. Unlike a modern PC with the operating system on disk, a Dragon starts instantly when powered up. Some software providers also produced compilers for BASIC, and other languages, to produce binary ('machine') code which would run many times faster and make better use of the small system RAM. Towards the end of its life, Dragon Data produced an assembler/disassembler/editor suite called 'Dream'.

In addition to the DragonDOS disk operating system the Dragon 32/64 were capable of running several others, including FLEX, and even OS-9 which brought UNIX-like multitasking to the platform. Memory-expanded and MMU-equipped Dragons were able to run OS-9 Level 2.

Differences from the CoCo
Both the Dragon and the TRS-80 Color Computer (CoCo) were based on a Motorola data sheet design for the MC6883 SAM chip for memory management and peripheral control.

The systems were sufficiently similar that a significant fraction of the compiled software produced for one machine would happily run on the other. Software running via the built-in Basic interpreters also had a high level of compatibility, but only after they were re-tokenized (which could be achieved fairly easily by transferring via cassette tape with appropriate options).

The Dragon had additional circuitry to make the MC6847 VDG compatible with European 625-line television standards, rather than the US 525-line NTSC standard, and a Centronics parallel printer port not present on the CoCo. Some models were manufactured with NTSC video for the US market.

Dragon 32 vs. Dragon 64
Aside from the amount of RAM, the 64 also had an RS-232 serial port which was not included on the 32.

A minor difference between the two Dragon models was the outer case colour; the Dragon 32 was beige and the 64 was light grey. Besides the colour and the Dragon 64's serial port (and the model name stickers, of course), the two machines looked exactly the same.

Infos from Wikipedia

Computer January 1982

Dragon Data Dragon

The DRAGON 32 enjoyed a pretty good success in Europe. Its ROM holds the Operating System and a version of the Microsoft Extended BASIC.
One of its characteristics is partial compatibility with the Tandy TRS 80 Color Series. They can use same peripherals and some cartridges, but most ROM calls will fail on the other computer.
However, the Dragon did have at least two advantages over the first TRS-80 Color computer: A typewriter-style keyboard that was somewhat better than the tandy's calculator-like keys; and a Centronics parallel-printer port.
Two years later, Welsh launched the DRAGON 64 which has the same characteristics except the added memory (64k RAM instead of 32k), a RS232c port and minor ROM changes.


Dragon FLEX


Dragon OS-9


Dynax Dynax


EC 1841

Computer 1982

EACA EG2000 Colour Genie

The EACA EG2000 Colour Genie was a computer produced by Hong Kong-based manufacturer EACA. It followed their earlier Video Genie I and II computers (and was released around the same time as the business-oriented Video Genie III). However, it was not compatible with them.
Unlike the earlier Video Genies, which were compatible with their main competitor (the Model I TRS-80), the Colour Genie was also incompatible with the rival TRS-80 Color Computer — one fundamental difference being the different CPUs.

Technical Specifications

Internal hardware

* Zilog Z80, 2 MHz

Video Hardware
* 6845 CRTC
* 40x25 text, 16 colours, 128 user defined characters
* 160x102 graphics, 4 colours

Sound Hardware
* General Instruments AY-3-8910
* 3 sound channels, ADSR programmable
* 1 noise channel
* 2 8-bit wide I/O ports

* 16 KiB RAM, expandable to 32 KiB

* 16 KiB containing LEVEL II BASIC

* 63-key typewriter style
* 4 programmable function keys

I/O ports and power supply
* I/O ports:
* Composite video out and audio out (cinch plugs)
* Integrated RF modulator antenna output, which also carries sound, to TV
* Cartridge expansion slot (slot for edge connector with Z80 CPU address/data bus lines and control signals, as well as GND and voltage pins; used for ROM cartridges or the floppy disk controller
* 1200 baud tape interface (5 pin DIN)
* RS-232 port (5 pin DIN)
* Lightpen port (5 pin DIN)
* Parallel port for printer or joystick controller
* Power supply: 5 V DC, +12 V DC and -12 V DC

External hardware options

Floppy disk controller with floppy disk station.
* Supported up to 4 drives (5.25 inch).
* Support for 90 KiB SS/SD up to 720 KiB DS/DD drives.

Cassette recorder
* EPROM cartridge of 12 KiB

EG2013 Joystick Controller
* 2 Analogue joysticks with keypads

Infos from Wikipedia

Handheld 1984


This computer is the successor of the HX-20.
The main cosmetic difference is a wider screen that can be adjusted to the right angle.
There are 2 ROM slots under the machine to implement additional ROM programs.
On the right of the LCD display can be plugged a tape-recorder, a plotter, RAM expansions, a lot of things or ... nothing.
A lot of peripherals were available for this little computer (see hardware page), at least in japan.
The PX-4 was logically followed by the PX-8.


Generic ETI-660







Computer 1985

Elektronska Industrija Nis PECOM 32 & 64

The information on this page comes from Bostjan Lemut.
Ei NIS means Elektronska industrija Nis.
ROM was devided into 12KB for Basic and 3.4KB for OS.
RAM could be extended for 16KB more, also 16KB ROM was available with an editor and assembler.

Console 1982

Emerson Arcadia 2001

The Arcadia 2001 is a second-generation 8-bit console released by Emerson Radio Corp. It was meant to outshine the Atari 2600, but came out right before the more-advanced Atari 5200 and the ColecoVision. It was a failure as soon as it came to market. The game library was composed of 51 unique games and about 10 variations. The graphics were similar to those of the Intellivision and the OdysseyĠ.

The Arcadia was not named after the company of the same name. Arcadia Corporation, makers of the 2600 supercharger, was sued by Emerson for trademark infringement. Arcadia Corporation changed its name to Starpath.


The Arcadia was originally intended to be a portable console, one can see that it was much smaller than its competitors at the time. The console is powered by a standard 12-volt power supply, so it could be used in a boat, or a camper, and so on. This portability feature, however, required a portable television, which was extremely rare in the early 1980s. It also has two outputs(or inputs) earphones jacks types on the back of the unit, on the far left and far right sides.

The system came with two Intellivision-style control pads, but with a lighter touch on the side 'fire' buttons. The control pads have screw holes in their centers, so that one could transform them into a joystick, a la Sega Master System. Most games came with mylar overlays which could be applied to the controllers. The console itself had five buttons: power, start, reset, option, and select.

There are at least three different types of cartridge case styles and artwork, with variations on each. Emerson-family carts come in two different lengths of black plastic cases; the short style is similar to Atari 2600 carts in overall size. This family uses a unique 'sketch' type of picture label. MPT-03 family cart cases (see below) resemble Super NES carts in size and shape, except that they are molded in brown plastic. Their labels look much more modern and stylized, with only a minimal picture on each. There are also a family of what look like pirate carts, that look nothing like the others in shape, size or label artwork. The different labeled versions however all used the same cartridges.

Market Failure

The console was essentially considered dead upon arrival. The system came out at the same time that much better systems came onto the market — the Atari 5200 and ColecoVision — which immediately crushed sales. In addition, Atari's use of exclusive rights to many games made it very virtually impossible for Emerson to get popular games to the console.

Emerson actually created many popular arcade titles including Pacman, Galaxian and Defender for the Arcadia and had them manufactured. However, Atari started to sue its competitors for companies that it had exclusive-rights agreements and Emerson was stuck with thousands of manufactured games that could no longer be sold.

Today, only a very limited number of console collectors even bother to go after the Arcadia.


Unlike almost all other consoles, the Arcadia 2001 was sold from many different firms under different names.
These include (Name – Country – Manufacturer):

Advision Home Arcade – France - Advision
Bandai Arcadia – Japan - Bandai
Hanimex Fever 1 – Germany - Hanimex
Hanimex HMG-2650 – Germany - Hanimex
Hanimex MPT-03 - France? - Hanimex
Intercord 2000XL – Germany - ???
Leisure-Vision – Canada - Leisure-Dynamics
Leonardo – Italy - GiG
Palladium – Germany - Palladium?
Prestige MPT-03 – France - ???
Rowntron MPT-03 - ?? - Rowntron?
Schmidt TVG-2000 – Germany - Schmidt
Soundic MPT-03 - ?? - Soundic?
Tempest MPT-03 – Australia - Tempest?
Tele-Fever – Germany - Tchibo
Tryom - ??? - Tryom?
Tunix Home Arcade - New Zealand - Monaco Distributors Ltd.
Video Master - New Zealand - Grand Stand

Each console had a different number of games released for them; some like the Schmidt had almost every game released for them, others like the Tele-fever only had 4 games released. The Palladium has a different cartridge connector/pinout, 4 extra keys per controller.

Technical specifications

* Main Processor: Signetics 2650 CPU running at 3.58 MHz
* Some variants run a Signetics 2650A
* RAM: 512 bytes (originally promised 28K)
* ROM: None
* Video Display: 8 Colours
* Video Display Controller: Signetics 2637 UVI
* Sound: Single Channel 'Beeper' + Single Channel 'Noise'
* Hardware Sprites: 4 independent, single color
* Controllers: 2 x 2 way
* Keypads: 2 x 12 button (more buttons on some variants)


Many of the games for the Arcadia 2001 are lesser-known arcade game such as Route 16 and Jungler. Different games were available for the various clones of the Arcadia 2001, consult the Arcadia FAQ for more information. These game ROMS have been released into the public domain as abandonware.

* 3-D Bowling
* 3-D Raceway
* 3-D Soccer
* Alien Invaders
* Astro Invader
* American Football
* Baseball
* Brain Quiz
* Breakaway
* Capture
* Cat Trax
* Crazy Gobbler
* Crazy Climber (Unreleased)
* Escape
* Funky Fish
* Galaxian
* Grand Prix 3-D
* Grand Slam Tennis
* Hobo
* Home Squadron
* Jump Bug
* Jungler
* Kidou Senshi Gundamu (only in Japan)
* Math Logic
* Missile War
* Ocean Battle
* Pleiades
* RD2 Tank
* Red Clash
* Robot Killer (clone of Berzerk)
* Route 16
* Soccer
* Space Attack
* Space Chess
* Space Mission
* Space Raiders
* Space Squadron
* Space Vultures
* Spiders
* Star Chess
* Super Gobbler
* Tanks A Lot
* The End
* Turtles/Turpin

Infos from Wikipedia

Computer 1985

Enterprise 64 & 128

The Enterprise is a Zilog Z80 based home computer first released in 1985. There were two variants, the Enterprise 64 with 64 kB of RAM, and the Enterprise 128 with 128 kB. The machine was also known by the names DPC, Samurai, Oscar, Elan and Flan before the Enterprise name was finally chosen.

The machine had a Z80 CPU running at 4 MHz, 64 kB or 128 kB of RAM and 48 kB of ROM containing the EXOS operating system and BASIC. The case was unique for the time (in the UK at least) for containing both a full-sized membrane keyboard with programmable function keys, and a joystick.

The machine was specifically engineered for games, with a 672x256 pixel display and 256 colours per pixel (one byte per pixel being particularly easy to program). Sound was 4 channels, stereo. A graphics coprocessor called 'Nick' and sound coprocessor called 'Dave' (named after the designers Nick Toop, who had previously worked on the Acorn Atom, and Dave Woodfield) took the load off the central processor.

The machine came with a surprising array of connectors, far beyond what was common on home computers of the time. There was an RGB output, RS232/RS432 serial port, a Centronics printer port, two external joystick ports, a cassette interface, a ROM cartridge slot and an ordinary expansion port. (To save money, however, the connectors on the rear did not come with sockets. They simply exposed traces on the edge of the printed circuit board).

The BASIC ROM could even be replaced by a ROM which could emulate a ZX Spectrum, thus in theory allowing the Enterprise to run the existing catalogue of thousands of Spectrum games. Later, an external floppy drive became available, supporting CP/M programs.

Commercial failure

Despite being particularly powerful for the time, the machine was not a commercial success. The Amstrad CPC 464 was released before the Enterprise, was less powerful, but included a monitor and cassette recorder, and retailed for less. The CPC in fact had a strikingly similar colour scheme to the Enterprise, and it may be that Amstrad boss Alan Sugar had seen a prototype.

After the initial manufacturing run of 80,000 units it is not believed that any further units were made, making the Enterprise an extraordinarily collectible item in Europe. When Enterprise (the company) was wound up in Europe, 20,000 units were shipped to Hungary where it appears a strong user community formed.


After the home computer market in the UK took off with the launch of the Sinclair ZX Spectrum in 1982, a Hong Kong trading company called Locumals decided to commission Intelligent Software in the UK to develop a home computer. The head of Intelligent Software was David Levy, an international chess player.

During development the machine had the codename DPC, standing for damp-proof course, to throw off potential competitors in case anyone left the development plans on a bus.

Emulating Amstrad's AMSOFT, Entersoft was set up to ensure a steady supply of software for the new machine.

Although the machine was announced to the press in September 1983, it did not go on sale until April 1984, at which point some 80,000 machines were pre-ordered. Unfortunately machines did not ship until 1985, by which point the competitive environment was much worse for Enterprise, as the UK home computer market had become dominated by the ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64, Amstrad CPC and Acorn BBC.

A successor machine, the PW360, was developed in 1986 to compete directly against the Amstrad PCW 8256, but by this time the company was in severe financial difficulties and went under.

Infos from: Wikipedia

Handheld 1982

Entex Adventure Vision

The Adventure Vision is a self-contained (no external monitor is required) cartridge-based video game console released by Entex Industries in 1982. The Adventure Vision was Entex's second generation system. Their first console was the Entex select-a-game, released a year earlier in 1981.

Control is through a single multi-position joystick and two sets of four buttons, one on each side of the joystick, for ease of play by both left- and right-handed players.

An interesting feature of the Adventure Vision is its 'monitor.' Rather than using an LCD screen or an external television set like other systems of the time, the Adventure Vision uses a single vertical line of 40 red LEDs combined with a spinning mirror inside the casing. This allows for a screen resolution of 150 x 40 pixels. Another product using this technique was produced by Nintendo in the mid 1990s – the Virtual Boy – another product which while technically ahead of its time like the Adventure Vision was doomed to failure in the open market.

The game cartridges can be stored in spaces on top of the case.

Drawbacks to the Adventure Vision are its monochrome (red) screen as well as the mirror motor, which draws a great deal of power from the batteries. The latter problem can be solved easily by the use of the built-in AC adapter port.

Many casual fans dismiss the Adventure Vision as a failed handheld console. In fact, it was a tabletop console that was much too large and fragile to be used effectively for handheld purposes.

Entex released four games for the Adventure Vision:

Defender, based on the Williams Electronics arcade game of the same name
Super Cobra, based on the Konami arcade game of the same name
Turtles, based on the Konami arcade game of the same name
Space Force, a clone of Atari's Asteroids arcade game

Technical Specifications
CPU: Intel 8048 @ 733 kHz
Sound: National Semiconductor COP411L @ 52.6 kHz
RAM: 64 bytes (internal to 8048), 1K (on main PCB)
ROM: 1K (internal to 8048), 512 bytes (internal to COP411L), 4K (cartridge)
Input: 4 direction joystick, 4 buttons duplicated on each side of the joystick
Graphics: 150x40 monochrome pixels

Infos from: Wikipedia

Unknown 30th June 1981

Epoch Cassette Vision

The Cassette Vision is a japanese console released on the 30th June, 1981 by Epoch Co. This is for sure an obscure system as little is known about this console. It was one of the first cartridge system released in japan and ha d almost no real competitor until the launch of the fabulous Nintendo Famicom in 1983. It was however clearly a low-end and cheap system.
The graphics are very basic and blocky. The overall aspect of the games and cartridges (size and plastic boxes), is strangely similar to the Hanimex HMG-7900... Though games are not the same, there must be a link between these two obscure systems.
There were not a lot of cartridge released for it. "Kikori No Yosaku" was its killer game. It is a game where you must chop trees! Other games include Grand Champion (car race), Galaxian, Big Sports 12 (paddle games), Baseball, Astro Command, Elevator Panic, Monster Mansion, Monster Block, etc. The machine did cost 13500 yen and games, about 4000 yen.
The controller are in fact two knobs for vertical and horizontal movements (like the Magnavox Odyssey). There are also 4 fire buttons labeled PUSH-1, PUSH-2, PSUH-3 and PUSH-4 (two for each player?). There is also a power on/off switch, SELECT, AUX. and START buttons, a strange switch called COURSE and two others labeled LEVER-1 and LEVER-2... can anyone help us finding the use of these?
The Cassette Vision was later followed by the Cassette Vision Junior, which was a low-cost version of the Cassette Vision, and then by the Super Cassette Vision, a more well known system since it was also released outside Japan. Worth noting are also two stand-alone consoles which had each a single game included (and no possibility to play any other games). There were released before the Cassette Vision. First one was called TV Vader and played a Space Invaders type game. The second one, TV Baseball, was a system playing only a Baseball game. It is interesting to note that both games would be released later for the Cassette Vision as cartridges.

Console 1984

Epoch Super Cassette Vision

The Epoch (Super) Cassette Vision was a video game console made by Epoch and released in Japan on July 30, 1981. Despite the name, the console used cartridges, not cassettes, and it has the distinction of being the first ever programmable console video game system to be made in Japan. The system retailed for 13,500 yen, with games going for 4,000. It is believed, though not confirmed, that Sega and/or SNK made games for the Cassette Vision. Its graphics were less refined than the Atari 2600, and the only controls were 4 knobs (2 to a player, 1 for horizontal movement, 1 for vertical) built into the console itself, along with 2 fire buttons to a player. Though the Cassette Vision was not a fantastic seller, it managed to spawn off a smaller, cheaper version called the Cassette Vision Jr. and a successor called the Super Cassette Vision. The latter was released in 1984, and was sold in Europe, with little success. Except for their failed Game Pocket Computer handheld system, Epoch never had another system released.

TSuper Cassette Vision Specifications

CPU: uPD7801G (NOT Z80 Clone)
RAM: 128B (uPD7801G internal)
ROM: 4KB (uPD7801G internal)
Video Processor: EPOCH TV-1
VRAM: 4KB (2 x uPD4016C-2) + 2KB (EPOCH TV-1 internal)
Colour: 16
Sprites: 128
Display: 256x256 (NOT 309x246)
Sound Processor: uPD1771C
Sound: 1 channel (Tone, Noise or 1bit PCM)
Controllers: 2 x hard-wired joysticks

Infos from: Wikipedia

Handheld 1984

Epson PX-4 & HC-40

This computer is the successor of the HX-20.
The main cosmetic difference is a wider screen that can be adjusted to the right angle.
There are 2 ROM slots under the machine to implement additional ROM programs.
On the right of the LCD display can be plugged a tape-recorder, a plotter, RAM expansions, a lot of things or ... nothing.
A lot of peripherals were available for this little computer (see hardware page), at least in japan.
The PX-4 was logically followed by the PX-8.

Handheld 1984

Epson PX-8, HC-88 & Geneva

The PX-8 was the successor of the PX-4 and HX-20. The main improvement was a twice bigger flip-up LCD screen.
It was sold with four cartridges which could be added to the base of the unit: a BASIC Programming Language, CardBox Plus, a diary for 400 names and addresss, Calc, a spreadsheet and WordStar the well known word processor. A double 5.25" floppy drive was available, and an Epson developed stand alone 3.5" floppy drive.
The PX-8 was designed to be compatible with CP/M programs but these may need some modifications due to the display system. Actually, 8 lines of 80 characters were shown at any one time, but the display could be scrolled through up to 48 lines.
It may also act as a terminal for other computers.
The PX-8 was sold as HC-88 in Japan and Geneva in the USA.

Computer 1982

Epson QX-10

The QX-10 was a robust small business computer that used tried and tested technology rather than anything too innovative. Nevertheless, it was designed to be complete in itself for both hardware and software.
It had an enhanced keyboard with 10 function keys and up to 16 fonts can be defined. It had a battery to save clock, date and a small 2048 characters buffer. It could use MS-DOS programs thanks to an optional 8088 card.
Byte magazine said in January 1983:

The QX-10 is, at first glance, not a revolutionary machine. Yet in many subtle ways it is. On the surface, its specs are not spectacular. But the real power of the machine lies in its careful integration of software and hardware. The software was designed with the hardware in mind and vice versa.
Such products reflect a growing concern for the user, a recognition that the old standards for hardware and software performance are no longer good enough. We need better-quality products, more attention to details, better-written manuals, and state-of-the-art features. Fortunately, the industry is listening.


Excalibur 64

Computer 1984

Exelvision EXL 100

The EXL100 was introduced in France in 1984.

It came with an optional color ( 8 colors ) Peritel monitor, a standard cartridge loader and an optional tape drive. The two joysticks and the keyboard had an Infra Red connection. It also had a pretty good integrated speech synthethesizer. The lack of available software came from the rare Texas Intruments CPU used in the EXL100.

The EXL 100 was done by people who worked at Texas Instruments. It uses a lot of technologies of the TI CC40 (like the basic and the CPU for exemple). All the hardware is based on Texas Instruments chips. The TMS 7020 is the CPU, the TMS 7041 manages all I/O, the speech synthesizer (TMS 5220) and the infrared receiver. The keyboard and the joysticks are linked by infrared to the CPU.

Several peripherals were developped for this computer : a dot matrix printer (EXL 80) and a modem (ExelModem). This computer didn't have a great market success. It was above all used in schools.

TYPE Home Computer
YEAR September 1984
BUILT IN LANGUAGE Exelbasic delivered on cartridge
KEYBOARD Infra-red rubber keyboard, AZERTY, 61 keys
CPU TMS 7020 (Texas-Instrument)
SPEED 4.91 MHz
CO-PROCESSOR TMS-7041 (I/O), TMS-5220A (Speech synthesizer), TMS-3356 (Video generator)
RAM 34 kb (2k of the TMS-7020 + 32k VRAM)
ROM 4 KB (up to 32 KB)
TEXT MODES 40 x 24
SOUND built-in speech synthesizer (TMS-5220A)
SIZE / WEIGHT 40 x 30 x 6,5 cm
I/O PORTS Tape interface (DIN), RGB video out (SCART), Cartridge slot, expansion slot, RAM cards slot
BUILT IN MEDIA optional CMOS RAM card (16k or 64k)
Optional 3.4'' disk drives
OS CROS (Exelmémoires), ExelDOS (disks)

Computer 1986

Exelvision Exeltel

In 1986, as the micro-computer market was getting ill, some french manufacturers thought that Telematic was the solution. Oric with the Telestrat, Thomson with the TO-9+ and Exelvision with the Exeltel proposed computers with built-in modems and teletext features.
The Exeltel was surely the most innovative of these three systems. It's a "super Minitel" wich can also be used as an answering machine, or can be your children teacher by downloading educative software through a dedicated network.

Arcade 1978

Exidy Sorcerer

The Sorcerer was one of the early home computer systems, released in 1978 by the videogame company, Exidy. It was comparatively advanced when released, given its competition of Commodore PET and TRS-80, but due to a number of problems including a lack of marketing, the machine remained relatively unknown. Exidy eventually pulled it from the market in 1980, and today they are a coveted collector's item.

The Sorcerer was first launched in 1978 (although some sources claim 1977, which appears unlikely), at a price of 895 Dollar. It was powered by a Z80 running at 2.106 MHz with 8 kilobytes of RAM. The expansion systems and drives were released at the same time.

Sales in Europe were fairly strong, via their distributor, CompuData Systems. The machine had its biggest brush with success in 1979 when the Dutch broadcasting company, TELEAC, decided to introduce their own home computer. The Belgian company DAI was originally contracted to design their machines, but when they couldn't deliver, CompuData delivered several thousand Sorcerers instead.

By 1980 Exidy had already decided to give up on the machine, but sales in Europe were strong enough that CompuData decided to license the design for local construction in the Netherlands. They built the machine for several years before developing their own 16-bit Intel 8088–based machine called the Tulip, which replaced the Sorcerer in 1983.

One of the largest groups in The Netherlands was the ESGG (Exidy Sorcerer Gebruikers Groep) which published a monthly newsletter in two editions, Dutch and English. They were the largest group for a while in the HCC (Hobby Computer Club) federation. The Dutch company De Broeders Montfort was a major firmware manufacturerer.

The Sorcerer also had a strong following in Australia. This is most likely due to Dick Smith Electronics, being a leading electronics and hobbyist retailer at the time, pushing the Sorcerer quite heavily. The Sorcerer Computer Users group of Australia (or SCUA) actively supported the Sorcerer long after Exidy discontinued it, with RAM upgrades, speed boosts, the '80 column card', and even a replacement monitor program, SCUAMON.

The history of the Sorcerer has interesting parallels with Exidy's competition's attempts to build a home computer, Bally's various attempts at making a 'real' machine out of the Astrocade. It is particularly interesting that while the Astrocade (and Datamax UV-1) had limited text capabilities but excellent graphics, the Sorcerer instead had excellent text and only 'usable' graphics.

The Sorcerer was an interesting combination of parts from a standard S-100 bus machine, combined with their custom display circuitry. The machine included the Zilog Z80 and various bus features needed to run the CP/M operating system, but placed them inside a 'closed' box with a built-in keyboard similar to machines like the Atari 8-bit family and Commodore 64. Unlike those machines, the Sorcerer's keyboard was a high quality unit with full 'throw'. The keyboard included a custom 'Graphics' key, which allowed easy entry of the extended character set, without having to overload the Control key, the more common solution on other machines.

Unlike other CP/M machines, the Sorcerer did not have any internal expansion slots, and everything that was needed for basic computing was built-in. It included a small ROM containing a simple monitor program which allowed the machine to be controlled at the machine language level, as well as load programs from cassette tape or cartridges. The cartridges, known as 'ROM PAC's in Exidy-speak, were built by replacing the internal tape in an eight-track tape case with a circuit board and edge connector to interface with the Sorcerer.

The machine was useable without any expansion, but if the user wished to use S-100 cards they could do so with an external expansion chassis. This was connected to the back of the machine through a 50-pin connector. Using the expansion chassis the user could directly support floppy disks, and boot from them into CP/M (without which the disks were not operable). Another expansion option was a large external cage which included a full set of S-100 slots, allowing the Sorcerer to be use like a 'full' S-100 machine. Still another option combined the floppies, expansion chassis and a small monitor into a single large-ish box.

Graphics on the Sorcerer sound impressive, with a resolution of 512Ṫ240, when most machines of the era supported a maximum of 320Ṫ200. These lower resolutions were a side effect of the inability of the video hardware to read the screen data from RAM fast enough; given the slow speed of the machines they would end up spending all of their time driving the display. The key to building a usable system was to reduce the total amount of data, either by reducing the resolution, or by reducing the number of colors.

The Sorcerer instead chose another method entirely, which was not really to have graphics at all. There were 256 characters possible for each screen location. The lower half was fixed in ROM, and contained the usual ASCII character set. The upper half was defined in RAM. This area would be loaded with a default set of graphics at reset, but could be re-defined and used in lieu of pixel-addressable graphics. In fact the machine was actually drawing a 64Ṫ30 display (8Ṫ8 characters) which was well within the capabilities of the hardware. However this meant that all graphics had to lie within a checkerboard pattern on the screen, and the system was generally less flexible than machines with 'real' graphics. In addition, the high resolution was well beyond the capability of the average color TV, a problem they solved by not supporting color. In this respect the Sorcerer was similar to the PET in that it had only 'graphics characters' to draw with, but at least on the Sorcerer one could define one's own.

Given these limitations, the quality of the graphics on the Sorcerer was otherwise excellent. Clever use of several characters for each graphic allowed programmers to create smooth motion on the screen, regardless of the character-cell boundaries. A more surprising limitation, given the machine's genesis, is the lack of sound output. Enterprising developers then standardized on attaching a speaker to two pins of the parallel port, which users were expected to supply.

A Standard BASIC cartridge was included with the machine. This cartridge was essentially the common Microsoft BASIC already widely used in the CP/M world, but Exidy added a number of one-stroke commands that allowed you to type in common instructions, like PRINT with a single keystroke (much like the Commodore BASIC substitution of '?' for the 'PRINT' statement). The machine included sound in/out ports on the back that could be attached to a cassette tape recorder, so BASIC could load and save programs to tape without needing a disk drive. An Extended BASIC cartridge requiring 16 KB was also advertised, but it is unclear if this was actually available; Extended BASIC from Microsoft was available on cassette. Another popular cartridge was the Word Processor PAC which contained a version of the early word processor program Spellbinder. A constant ROM fault in the wordprocessor PAC was a printer status switch setting for the printer, but most people learned about it and turned it off early in their power-on. The Montfort Brothers made an Eprom PAC with a rechargeable battery inside and 16 KB RAM with an external write-protect switch. Thus bootable software could be uploaded to the pack and kept for a longer period.

CPU: Zilog Z80, 2.106 MHz (later 4 MHz)
RAM: 4 kB, expandable to 48 kB. larger sizes came standard in later runs
ROM: 4 kB, cartridges could include 4 to 16 kB
Video: 64Ṫ30 character display, monochrome
Sound: none (external additions possible)
Ports: composite video, Centronics parallel, RS-232, sound in/out for cassette use, 50 pin ribbon connector including the S-100 bus.

infos from: Wikipedia

Console 1976

Fairchild Channel F

The Fairchild Channel F is the world's second cartridge-based video game console, after the Magnavox Odyssey (although it was the first programmable cartridge system as the Odyssey cartridges only contained jumpers and not ROM information). It was released by Fairchild Semiconductor (though ostensibly by their parent company) in August 1976 at a retail price of Dollar169.95. At this point it was known as the Video Entertainment System, or VES, but when Atari released their VCS the next year, Fairchild quickly renamed it.

1 The Channel F console
1.1 Channel F Games
1.2 Market Impact
2 The Channel F System II
3 Playing Channel F over the phone
4 Technical specifications

The Channel F console
The Channel F was based on the Fairchild F8 CPU, invented by Robert Noyce before he left Fairchild to start his own company, Intel. The F8 was very complex compared to the typical integrated circuits of the day, and had more inputs and outputs than other contemporary chips. Because chip packaging was not available with enough pins, the F8 was instead fabricated as a pair of chips that had to be used together to form a complete CPU. The video was quite basic, although it was in color which was a large step forward from the contemporary PONG machines. Sound was played through an internal speaker, rather than the TV set.

The controllers were a kind of joystick without a base; the main body was a large hand grip with a triangular "cap" on top, the top being the portion that actually moved. It could be used as both a joystick and paddle (twist), and not only pushed down to operate as a fire button but also pulled up! The unit contained a small compartment for storing the controllers when moving it: this was useful because the wiring was notoriously flimsy and even normal movement could break it.

Channel F Games
Please improve this article by rewriting this sub-section in an encyclopedic style.

Despite its initial popularity, only 26 cartridges were released for the system (though some cartridges contained more than one game), typically priced at Dollar19.95. Contemporary reviewers often don't see much value in the gameplay, although the simplicity of the games appealed at the time to younger children and many parents. Cartridges for the system were large and yellow, and usually featured colorful label artwork reminiscent of the artist Peter Max. The console contained two built-in games: A PONG clone and Hockey. Hockey was a more complex form of PONG, where the reflecting bar could be changed to diagonals by twisting the controller, and could move forward and backward.

"Dodge It" consisted of a randomly-sized playing field (a rectangle or square) with an increasing number of bricks of a size set for each level that come out of the wall and bounce around the field. The speed of the bricks was set randomly for each level, and the size of the player's brick (which needed to be moved to avoid impact with the other bricks) was also randomly set per level. Rarely, two computer-controlled bricks would collide, forming a noisy and unstable-seeming "monster brick" that would go to the wall and work its way around it. "Sonar Search" was similar to the game "Battleship". In the game, hidden ships had to be exposed and sunk with sonar pulses. The game supported more than one player, and was popular as a family game, since it had a gamer-controlled pace and fairly simple action, yet contained the challenge of finding the invisible ships. "Maze/Cat and Mouse" is another rather simple title. In "Maze", a player simply had to navigate a complicated maze, but in "Cat and Mouse", the player's brick was an innocent mouse that had to not only successfully navigate the maze, but also had to avoid the cat brick. The mail-order Zircon game, "Alien Invasion", which was released after the Channel F was sold by is parent company, is a clone of the game "Space Invaders", and is possibly the most complicated game for the console.

Reviewers often fail to understand the appeal of the Fairchild at the time it was released, because their perspective is distorted by the better quality of the games offered later, by systems like the Atari VCS/2600. The Fairchild doesn't stand up well against these later systems, but was respectable when it was the only programmable cartridge-based system on the market. If Atari had not released its system, it's likely that the console's games would have improved more than they did.

Some parents who played the Channel F said they miss the simplicity of games like "Sonar Search" and don't find the complexity of modern games appealing.

Market Impact
The biggest effect of the Channel F in the market was to spur Atari into releasing and improving their next-generation console that was then in design. Then named "Stella," the machine was also going to use cartridges, and after seeing the Channel F they realized they needed to release it before the market was flooded with cartridge based-machines. With cash flow dwindling as sales of their existing Pong-based systems dried up, they were forced to sell to Warner Communications in order to gain the capital they needed. Naming their system as a takeoff of the VES, when the Atari VCS was released a year later it had considerably better graphics and sound.

The Channel F System II

The Channel F System IIFairchild decided to compete with the VCS, and started a re-design as the Channel F System II. The major changes were in design, the controllers were removable from the base unit instead of being wired directly into it, the storage compartment was moved to the rear of the unit, and the sound was now mixed into the TV signal so the unit no longer needed a speaker. This version featured a simpler and more modern-looking case design. However by this time the market was in the midst of the first video game crash, and Fairchild eventually threw in the towel, and left the market.

Some time in 1979 Zircon International bought the rights to the Channel F and released the Channel F System II. Only six new games were released after the release of the second system before its death, several of which were developed at Fairchild before they sold it off.

A number of licensed versions were released in Europe, including the Luxor Video Entertainment System in Sweden, Adman Grandstand in the UK, and the Saba Videoplay, Nordmende Teleplay and ITT Tele-Match Processor, from Germany.

Playing Channel F over the phone
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By the use of some special circuitry, it is possible to turn voice into simple digital signals. In the 1970s, it seems someone did just this to the Channel F. The voice input could be connected to a phone line, and thus someone on a phone at the other end could make loud noises to trigger the button on a Channel F.

It appears this was employed in a TV show which aired as a locally produced show in many markets in the US (some say a human merely listened to the pows and pressed a controller button instead of a circuit doing it). There were also reports of the same kind of show airing in Australia (listings have confirmed this show airing on the RVN-AMV network in northern Victoria and southern New South Wales; there are also reports of a similar-formatted program carried by TVW7 in Perth). This show was usually called "TV Pow". It was organized as a call-in game show. A person would send a letter to say they wanted to be on the show, and the organizers would select contestants and arrange to call them during the show. The host would small talk with the contestant a while and prep them to play the game. When the host said "go", the output of a Channel F playing shooting gallery would be aired on the station. The voice of the contestant could be heard over the game, and the contestant could only activate the "fire" functionality of the game by saying a word loudly into the phone (the word "pow" was suggested and usually used).

Shooting Gallery was comprised of a target which would move down the far right-hand side of the screen at an even rate. Somewhere left of that target (it varied) would be the player's "gun". The gun looked exactly like the "bat" in PONG, although sometimes it would be turned at a 45 degree angle. When the player fired the "bullet" would come out perpendicular to the gun in the middle of the long sides.

To play TV Pow, the player would have to watch the target move down the screen on the TV station and say "pow" into the phone when he wanted to fire at the target. The system would then fire at the target. Once the target passed by the spot the gun was aimed at, the player could only wait until the target went off the bottom and came out at the top again for a fresh run.

Even in the days of all-analog production, there was significant lag in producing and transmitting a TV signal. The player would experience all this lag which likely made playing the game somewhat more difficult.

Technical specifications
CPU chip: Fairchild F8 operating at 1.79 MHz
RAM: 64 bytes, 2 KiB VRAM (2x128x64 bits)
Resolution: 128 x 64 pixels, 102 x 58 pixels visible
Colors: eight colors (either black/white or four color max. per line)
Audio: 500 Hz, 1 kHz, and 1.5 kHz tones (can be modulated quickly to produce different tones)
Input: two custom game controllers, hardwired to the console
Output: RF modulated composite video signal, cord hardwired to console

Infos from Wikipedia

Unknown 1976

Fairchild VES & Channel F

The Channel F was the first programmable video game system, having plug-in cartridges containing ROM and microprocessor code rather than dedicated circuits. Not a very popular or entertaining system, it was nonetheless important at the time for having a number of original features which were copied by later more successful systems.
Unique to the console is a `hold' button that allowed the player freeze the game and also change either the time, the speed or both during the course of the game, without altering the score. Another feature which was used for the Hockey game was `overtime' which allowed one minute of extra play should there be a tie-break in the score.
Detached controllers were just starting to appear on `pong' units as opposed to having them directly on the unit itself. The Channel F controllers which were attached to the unit with dedicated wires, were gripped by the whole hand and enabled movement in all directions, including the twisting left and right for `paddle' movement. There was no firebutton, the joystick had 8 way digital movement, forward/backwards, left/right, pull knob down/pull up and twist counter-/clockwise.
Fairchild released twenty-six different cartridges for the system, with up to four games being on each cartridge. The games included sports, such as Hockey, Tennis and Baseball, educational, such as Maths Quiz, board games, such as Checkers, and shooting games, such as Space War. The cartridges had labels that contained the game instructions on them and each were given a sequential number. In this respect Fairchild started a trend in trying to boost game sales by numbering them and so appealing to consumers who wanted to complete their collection.
The Channel F console's popularity lowered when the Atari released their VCS in 1977 as the VCS had much better graphics, games and sound. Fairchild responded to the Atari VCS by changing the name of their console to the `Fairchild Channel F' from it's original name of the `Fairchild Video Entertainment System', but this did not raise flagging sales.
In 1978, Zircon International Inc. bought the rights for the Channel F and released it as the Channel F System 2. This new system had some minor modifications : slightly different cosmetic design, sound output through TV speakers and the controller holders at the back of the unit. But this new model did not succeed either, as this time, Atari VCS, Intellivision and Odyssey? were already on the market...
In Sweden this console was sold as the Luxor Video Entertainment System.
Contributors: Abi Waddell, Fredric CJ Blaholtz, Bj?rn Roman


Fidelity MSC


Fidelity SC6

Computer 1989

Fujitsu FM Towns

The FM Towns system is a Japanese PC variant, built by Fujitsu from February 1989 to the summer of 1997. It started as a proprietary PC variant intended for multimedia applications and computer games, but later became more compatible with regular PCs. In 1993, the FM Towns Marty was released, a gaming console compatible with the FM Towns games.

The name 'FM Towns' is derived from the codename the system was assigned while in development, 'Townes'; this was chosen as an homage to Charles Hard Townes, one of the winners of the 1964 Nobel Prize in Physics, following a custom of Fujitsu at the time to codename PC products after Nobel prize winners. The e in 'Townes' was dropped when the system went into production to make it clear that it was to be pronounced 'Towns' rather than 'Tau-Ness', and the 'FM', which stood for 'Fujitsu Micro', was added.

Several variants were built; the first system was based on an Intel 80386DX processor running at a clock speed of 16 MHz, with the option of adding an 80387 FPU, featured one or two megabytes of RAM (with a possible maximum of 64 MB), one or two 3.5' floppy disk drives and a single-speed CD-ROM drive. It was delivered with a gamepad, a mouse and a microphone.

The operating system used was Windows3.0/3.1/95 and a graphical OS called Towns OS, based on MS-DOS and the Phar Lap DOS extender (RUN386.EXE). Most games for the system were written in protected mode Assembly and C using the Phar Lap DOS extender. These games usually utilized the Towns OS API (TBIOS) for handling several graphic modes, sprites, sounds, a mouse, gamepads and CD-audio.

A minimal DOS system that allowed the CD-ROM drive to be accessed was contained in a system ROM; this, coupled with Fujitsu's decision to charge only a minimal license fee for the inclusion of a bare-bones Towns OS on game CD-ROMs, allowed game developers to make games bootable directly from CD-ROM without the need for a boot floppy or hard disk.

Various Linux distributions have also been ported to the FM Towns system, including Debian and Gentoo.

The FM Towns featured video modes ranging from 320x240 to 640x480, with 16 to 32768 simultaneous colours out of a possible 4096 to 16.7 million (depending on the video mode); most of these video modes had two memory pages, and it allowed the use of up to 1024 sprites of 16x16 pixels each. It also had a built-in font ROM for the display of Kanji characters.

One unique feature of the FM Towns system was the ability to overlay different video modes; for example, the 320x240 video with 32768 colours could be overlaid with a 640x480 mode using 16 colours, which allowed games to combine high-colour graphics with high-resolution Kanji text.

The FM Towns system was able to play regular audio CDs, and also supported the use of eight PCM voices and six FM channels, thanks to Ricoh RF5C68 and Yamaha YM-2612 chipsets, respectively.

Infos from: Wikipedia

Computer 1982

Fujitsu FM-7

Fujitsu was (and still is) japan's leading electronics company. This computer was the succesor of the FM-8 itself first member of the Fujitsu FM (for "Fujitsu Micro") range of computers, extending from hobbyist home computers up to 16-bit machines for the business market.

The FM-7 was conceived as a cut-down version of the FM-8, eliminating the bubble cassette feature, and thereby achieving greater compactness and significantly lower price. But it also offered features not found on the FM-8, like a real sound synthesizer LSI providing 3 voices and 8 octaves. This made it the ideal hobby japanese computer at the time.

As the NEC PC series and the Sharp X1 and X68000, these computers were very very popular in Japan. They all had impressive characteristics in relation to the European and American computers counterparts.

The Most outstanding feature of the FM-7 was the quality and speed of the graphic display.

On the Japanese Computer Museum, one can read:
Later, it developed into the FM-NEW7, which used high-integration memory and gate array LSI to reduce price while maintaining FM-7 functionality, and a high-end machine called the FM-77. From the start, the FM-7/77 series emphasized high-resolution color graphics and Japanese language display, and this trend continued with AV (Audio Visual) personal computers (beginning with the subsequent FM-77 AV) and the FM TOWNS hypermedia personal computer. The FM-7/77 machines laid the groundwork for Fujitsu's later hobby machines.

Nomura, Hisayuki reports:
Fujitsu FM 8 / 7 have a very unique feature. They have 2 CPUs. 1 for Main CPU (it's usual) and 1 for Graphics. Graphic CPU has their own boot ROM and main program. The Grapic CPU recieves request from Main CPU and draw pictures with their software. The two CPUs share small part of memory area and uses this shared area exclusively.
As another unique feature, the FM-7 can change its CPU. If optional Z-80A card is inserted, it can run CP/M. In this case, memory is shared by the two different CPUs.

Joerg Lemmer's memories:
We had the FM7 as our first 'real computers' in school. As the teachers had no understanding in computers at all they first bought the FM7 and then found out that there was no software available for them in Germany. So Z80-cards were bought and installed. By this a modified CP/M could be used with just two applications: An early version of WordStar and TurboPascal. I am not sure, but I think there was dBase running on the FM7 later.
One teacher even started programming a library to use the outstanding grafic card of the FM 7 in TurboPascal. We had FM 7 with single and dual external 5,25'', 170KB Diskdrives.

TYPE Home Computer
YEAR November 1982
KEYBOARD Full-stroke 98 key with 10 function keys, arrow keys and numeric keypad.
CO-PROCESSOR second MBL 68B09 (Graphic & I/0)
RAM 64 KB (30371 Bytes free with F-Basic)
TEXT MODES 80 x 25 / 80 x 20 / 40 x 25 / 40 x 20
GRAPHIC MODES 640 x 200 pixels
SOUND Programable Sound Generator, 3 channels, 8 octaves
SIZE / WEIGHT 43.2 (W) x 28.5 (D) x 10.2 (H)
I/O PORTS Tape, RGB, RS232, Joystick (2), ROM/RAM cartridges, BUS
BUILT IN MEDIA Optional 5.25'' disk-drive. 10 or 20 MB hard disk
OS Fujitsu Disk Basic , OS-9 (Microware), Flex (CP/M like DOS for 68xx CPU)
POWER SUPPLY Built in Power supply AC100V 50/60Hz 70W
PERIPHERALS Kanji ROM card, Z80 card, RS232c interface card, etc.
PRICE Pound 569 + Pound 430 (Fujitsu monitor)

Infos from:

Computer 1985

Fujitsu FM-77AV

The FM 77 AV was an impressive system in 1985. It's a good example of what was developped in Japan and we never heard of in the rest of the world.
The system has great audio and video features, hence the AV for "Audio and Video". It can display 640 x 200 pixels in two colors, or 320 x 200 in 4096 colors ! There is even a multipage mode where you can define two 460 x 200 screens with 8 colors each, or six 640 x 200 monochrome screens !
There are a lot of graphical symbols already stored in memory (each symbol / letter is composed by 8 x 8 pixels) : 69 alphanumeric symbols, 63 kakatana signs, 63 hiragana signs and 62 graphic symbols. Moreover, the system is capable of displaying 3418 chinese and asiatic characters with a 16 x 16 character matrix (text resolution is thus of 40 x 12).
Last but not least, the FM 77 AV offers superimposition features...
On the sound side, it offers three FM voices and three more PSG voices. Other cool features include infra-red keyboard and built-in real time clock.
There were two models : the AV-1 which has one 3.5" disk-drive (double density) built-in and the AV-2 which is equiped with two of these drives.
Source : Junya Kubota's museum.

Computer May 1981

Fujitsu FM-8

Introduced may 1981, the FM 8 was one of the first Fujitsu micro computers (after the LKIT-8 hobby computer in 1977). In any case it was the first member of the FM series, FM standing for "Fujitsu Micro". At that time its features were really impressive: bi-processor (even an additionnal Z80 cpu could be installed), 64 KB RAM, bubble memory, built-in chinese characters ROM, 640x200 high resolution with 8 colors and no proximity conflict!
The FM-8 was developed by employing innovative design and state-of-the-art semiconductor technology, and was designed for use in a variety of fields, ranging from high-level hobby use, to business applications and process control.
The Japanese Computer Museum specifies:
"The FM-8 had the following features:
- Equipped with two Motorola 6809 8-bit CPUs (main and sub)
- The world's first use of 64 kilobit DRAM (like that in large main frame computer) in a microcomputer (64 kilobyte main memory)
- Japanese language display using Chinese character (kanji) ROM (JIS level 1 2,965 characters, optional)
- High-resolution color graphics (640x200 dot, 8 colors selectable at each dot)
- The provided operating systems (OS) included F-BASIC, as well as UCSD-PASCAL, FLEX and CP/M (required Z80 card option)
- First use in a personal computer of bubble memory as external memory (At the time of announcement, the machine had a bubble cassette with a 32 kilobyte capacity. A 128 kilobyte cassette was added later. Bubble memory did not catch on, however, and was eliminated from the standard features in the FM-7.)"

When booted, a menu offers different choices:
1 - F-BASIC (ROM/DISK mode)
2 - DOS (mini- floppy disk)
3 - Bubble memory
4 - DOS (standard floppy disk)
There are a lot of character sets available (8x8 matrix): 69 alphanumeric char., 63 katakana signs and 62 graphic symbols. And for characters with a 16x16 pixels matrix: 2965 chinese characters (JIS standard level 1) and 453 non-chinese characters (JIS non-chinese characters).
Optional mini floppy disks could be connected (320 KB each), as well as an expansion unit which allowed many things (voice input/ouput, hard disk connection, RS232c interface, analog interface for measurement,etc.)
In November 1982, Fujitsu announced a upper model of the FM-8 called the FM-11, and a mass-market model called the FM-7.
Nomura, Hisayuki reports:

Fujitsu FM 8 / 7 have a very unique feature. They have 2 CPUs. 1 for Main CPU (it's usual) and 1 for Graphics. Graphic CPU has their own boot ROM and main program. The Graphic CPU recieves request from Main CPU and draw pictures with their software. The two CPUs share small part of memory area and uses this shared area exclusively.

Gern adds:
In addition to Mr. Nomura's report. During game programmers there was famous "Hidden" feature.
The performance of FM-8 was not so excellent as many people expected. Dual CPU concept was bottleneck. When main CPU stores command code to shared memory, sub CPU get halt. Sub CPU restarts and start drawing. Problem was size of shared memory; 128 bytes are too small to store massive graphic requests. That is, FM series are not appropriate for hobby use.
However, One of BIOS programmer, Mr.Yamauchi in Fujitsu Ltd. left several hidden commands in sub-system BIOS, which is called YAMAUCHI command. These command permitted us to transfer large binary programs to reserved memory space and JMP! After unveiled this hacking technique, FM series are known to their performance in games.


Fujitsu FMR50

Console 1995

Funtech Super A'Can

In 1995, Funtech Entertainment Corporation released the first original gaming system in Taiwan - the Super A'Can. Produced and sold exclusively in its native country, the console and controllers feel very fragile, constructed of thin plastics that belies its strong, dark grey outwardly appearance and extremely high price tag. This system is often mistaken as a Super Nintendo Entertainment System clone due to both the physical design and the processor powering this unit. A closer inspection of this rare oddity reveals a different picture.

Appearing just at the end of the hugely successful 16-bit era, the Super A'Can utilizes dual Motorola processors to deliver its gaming experience. The first of these central processing units (CPU) was the 16-bit Motorola 68000, which was also the driving core used in the Sega Genesis and Neo Geo AES systems. The 8-bit Motorola 6502, which originally debuted inside the Nintendo Entertainment System, comprised the second CPU. This dual engine rendered games using a 32,768 color palette and was quite powerful compared to the rest of the 16-bit systems. This processing power would have been a significant advantage for the Super A'Can if this console was released in 1989 instead of 1995. 32-bit technology was already being fully utilized within the gaming market at the time of its release and the Super A'Can was technologically obsolete before it hit the store shelves.

The twelve (12) confirmed games, with an additional nine (9) rumored to be in existence, were released in rather large, SNES-like cartridges. Games came presented in flamboyant, cardboard boxes which included a plastic game holder and instruction manual (also well presented). This matched the fun and playful design of the systems packaging. Overall game graphics and play are very similar to the Neo Geo and SNES. Bold, vibrant colors are pleasantly displayed in 2D environments. One of the best games for this system is C.U.G., a Super Mario type clone.

Funtech Super A'CanThe Super A'Can failed miserably due to utilizing outdated technology and being initially offered for sale at an exorbitant price. Very few of these systems were sold, and it has been reported that Funtech Entertainment Corporation lost $6 million USD in this venture. Unsold units were disassembled and were parted out to various companies in the USA and abroad.

Collecting for this console is an expensive proposition, due to the limited number of units that were purchased and the exclusivity to the Taiwanese market. Expect to invest heavily if pursing this console - $100/$150 USD for a loose system, $250 USD plus for complete in box (CIB). Unfortunately, games are as rare that the system itself and usually run around $50 a piece for the common games, more for the more elusive titles. Super A'Can systems and games are most commonly found from Taiwanese sellers. Shipping costs to the USA will run you a few dollars, but overall are quite reasonable compared to other countries.

Overall, the Super A'Can is a pretty rare console solely due to its failure in the gaming industry. There is nothing extraordinary about the system or the game library for it. Only serious console or game collectors should pursue purchasing the Super A'Can - the system itself does not warrant the high investment by the casual gamer. (info:

Pinball 195?

Generic Future Pinball

Future Pinball is a real time Pinball Development System. It allows you to design and play your very own pinball simulation in True real time 3D. It uses Advanced Physics to provide the best possible Simulation of a true to life pinball machine.

Tables are built up out of Standard components (Plastics, Pegs, Bumpers, Lights etc..) which are placed onto the playfield via the Editor. Objects like Surfaces, Lights and Rubbers are shapeable within the editor and generated real-time when the table is played. Other objects (Bumpers, Flippers, Gates, Triggers, Targets etc..) use pre-made 3d Models (of which there is a nice selection of each type).

The Table logic is scripted in Visual Basic Scripting (via the Microsoft Scripting Technology's built into Microsoft Windows). Scripting is designed to be simple but flexible enough to allow a wide vararity of Original Games to be created. Only a limited subset of the Visual Basic Scripting Language is used as a lot of extra functionality is provided by the game engine.

Full Sound / Music Support is also provided with multiple Music Channels to allow cross fading.

As Future Pinball is a Game Construction Program it contains some advanced concepts which may require a little bit of time (and patience) to learn and fully understand (such as computer graphics and scripting concepts).

Infos from: Website (homepage)

Console 1982

GCE Vectrex

Generation 2nd generation
First available USA November, 1982
EUR May, 1983
JPN June, 1983
CPU Motorola MC68A09, 1.5 MHz
Media Cartridge
Controller input Two
Top-selling game Minestorm

The Vectrex is an 8-bit video game console developed by General Consumer Electric (GCE) and later bought by Milton Bradley Company. The Vectrex is unique in that it utilized vector graphics drawn on a monitor that was integrated in the console. It was released in November 1982 at a retail price of Dollar199. As the video game market declined and then crashed, the Vectrex exited the market in early 1984.

Smith Engineering briefly considered designing a handheld version of the device in 1988, though the success of the Nintendo Game Boy made such a project too risky. In the mid-1990s, Smith Engineering condoned the duplication of the Vectrex system image and cartridges for non-commercial uses and has expressed joy to see that it has still-thriving developer and user communities.

Unlike other video game consoles which connected to TVs to display raster graphics, the Vectrex included its own monitor which displayed vector graphics. The monochrome Vectrex used screen overlays to give the illusion of color, and also to reduce the severity of the inherent flickering caused by the vector monitor. At the time many of the most popular arcade games used vector displays, and GCE was looking to set themselves apart from the pack by selling high-quality versions of games like Space Wars and Armor Attack. The system even contained a built in game, the Asteroids-like Minestorm.

The two peripherals for the Vectrex were a light pen and 3D imager.


* While most video game players first encountered an analog joystick on the Nintendo 64, the Vectrex preceded the N64 by over a decade. The Atari 5200 also had an analog joystick, but it was not self-centering.
* Even today there are new games in development by homebrew video game programmers. Also new hardware (for example VecVox, a speech synthesizer) is available.
* The built in CRT feature of the Vectrex is shared by the 1983 Philips Videopac G7200 non-portable console, though in raster scan technology.
* Newport Cigarettes at one point commissioned a customized version of Web Wars. It just featured 'Newport Cigarettes Presents' on the title screen and trophy room screen. Bill Hawkins finished the coding which was sent to Newport, but it isn't known what happened with that, if anything.
* The liquor company, Mr. Boston, gave out a limited number of customized cartridges of Clean Sweep. The box had a Mr. Boston sticker on it. The overlay was basically the regular Clean Sweep overlay with the Mr. Boston name, logo, and percent proof/copyright info running up either side. The game itself had custom text, and the player controlled a top hat rather than a vacuum.
* The game built into the Vectrex, Minestorm, would crash at level 13. Consumers who complained to the company received a replacement cartridge in the mail. Entitled 'MineStorm II', it was the fixed version of the Vectrex's built in game. However, not many wrote to the company about it, making MineStorm II one of the rarest cartridges for the Vectrex system.
* Was the first system to offer a 3D peripheral (the Vectrex 3D Imager), predating the Sega Master System's SegaScope 3D by about six years.
* Cosmic Chasm has the distinction of being the first arcade video game based on a home console video game.
* Early units had a very audible 'buzzing' from the built-in speaker, that would change as graphics were generated on screen. This was due to a lack of shielding between the built-in CRT and speaker wiring and was eventually resolved in later production models. This idiosyncrasy had become a familiar characteristic of the machine, especially among owners.

Technical Specifications

Circuit Board
* CPU : Motorola 68A09 @ 1.6 MHz
* RAM: 1 KiB (two 4-bit 2114 chips)
* ROM: 8 KiB (one 8-bit 2363 chip)

* Sound: General Instruments AY-3-8912
* 3' magnet-driven speaker


The cathode ray tube was a Samsung model 240RB40 monochrome unit measuring 9 x 11 inches, displaying a picture of 240mm diagonal. A vector display such as the Vectrex does not require a special tube, and differs only in the control circuits. Rather than use sawtooth waves to divert the internal electron beam in a raster pattern, digital-to-analog converters drove the horizontal and vertical deflection magnets. The high-voltage transformers and tube remained the same as a television. Such technology was already established by arcade games such as Asteroids.
The Vectrex did not have any luminance control, but rather brightness was adjusted by drawing some lines more frequently than others.

Screen upgrades were hindered by the cost of redesigning the analog circuits. Likewise it was impossible to connect the Vectrex to a home television.

3D Imager

The 3-D imager spins a disk which is 1/2 black and 1/2 colored bands that radiate from the centre (Usually red, green and blue) between your eyes and the vectrex screen. The Vectrex is synchronized to the rotation of the disk (or vice versa) and draws vectors corresponding to a particular color and/or a particular eye. Therefore only one eye will see the vectrex screen and its associated images (or color) at any one time while the other will see nothing.

A single object that does not lie on the plane of the monitor (i.e. in front of or into the monitor) is drawn at least twice to provide information for each eye. The distance between the duplicate images and whether the right eye image or the left eye image is drawn first will determine where the object will appear to 'be' in 3-D space. The 3-D illusion is also enhanced by adjusting the brightness of the object (dimming objects in the background). Spinning the disk at a high enough speed will fool your eyes/brain into thinking that the multiple images it is seeing are two different views of the same object. This creates the impression of 3-D and color.

Supported Games
* 3D Pole Position (not released)
* 3D Crazy Coaster
* 3D Minestorm
* 3D Narrow Escape
* 3D Lord of the Robots (homebrew)

List of game titles


* Armor Attack
* Bedlam
* Berzerk
* Blitz!
* Clean Sweep (aka Mr. Boston)
* Cosmic Chasm
* Spinball (aka Flipper Pinball)
* Fortress of Narzod
* Heads Up (aka Soccer Football)
* Hyperchase
* Minestorm
* Polar Rescue
* Pole Position
* Rip Off
* Scramble
* Solar Quest
* Space Wars
* Spike
* Star Castle
* Star Trek: The Motion Picture
* Starhawk
* Web Wars (aka Web Warp)

Required add-on accessory hardware:

* 3D Crazy Coaster
* 3D MineStorm
* 3D Narrow Escape
* AnimAction (requires light pen)
* Art Master (requires light pen)
* Melody Master (requires light pen)

Unreleased Prototypes

* Berzerk II
* Cube Quest
* Dark Tower
* Engine Analyzer (requires light pen)
* Mail Plane (requires light pen)
* Melody Master II
* Pitcher's Duel
* Tour De France

Home Brew

* Vector Vaders (1996)
* Patriots (1996)
* All Good Things (1996)
* Spike Hoppin' (1996)

* Omega Chase Deluxe (new title developed in 1998, based on Omega Race)
* Vecmania (1998)

* Moon Lander (new title developed in 2000, based on Lunar Lander)

* Vectopia

* Gravitrex (new title developed in 2002, based on Gravitar)
* Tsunami/VIX (new title (two games) developed in 2002, based on Tempest and QIX)
* Vec Sports Boxing

* Protector (new title developed in 2003)
* War of the Robots (new title developed in 2003)
* Yasi (new title developed in 2003)

* I, Cyborg (new title developed in 2004)
* Revector (new title developed in 2004)
* Thrust (new title developed in 2004)

* Debris (new title developed in 2005)
* Nebula Commander (new title developed in 2005)

* Logo (New Title Released February 2006)
* Space Frenzy (New Title Released March 2006)
* Colorclash (New Title Released May 2006)
* Space Frenzy (New Title Released March 2006)
* Star Sling (New Title Released May 2006)
* Vector 21 (New Title Released April 2006)
* Spike's Circus (New Title Released August 2006)
* 3D Lord of the Robots (New Title Released October 2006)

Infos from Wikipedia

Computer 1983

Galaksija Galaksija

The meaning of the name "Galaksija" is "Galaxy" and is pronounced "Galaxiya".
"Galaksija" was a very important computer - not for its features but for the effect it had on the "geek" society at the time. It was named after the same-name monthly magazine dealing with various scientific issues (i.e. Yugoslav equivalent of "Scientific American").
Sometime in 1983, the editor, Dejan Ristanovic, decided to release a special (but separate) issue dedicated to computers: "Racunari u vasoj kuci" - "Computers in your house". This was the first truly computer magazine in the country. Due to amazing popularity it first became a regular bi-monthly and later a monthly issue.
Voja Antonic heard about the plans to release the (first) special issue, contacted Dejan Ristanovic and the plans were made. It was originally thought that it will just be interesting to read but not really to make. Wrong: more than 8000 were made by enthusiasts (amazing number for such a small country).
The Galaksija was not envisioned as a *kit* but as a build-it-yourself computer (i.e. one did not have to purchase the kit at all, although kits were available) - so people made it themselves. Later on, some companies (such as "Elektronika Inzenjering" - Electronics Engineering) started making pre-built versions, mainly distributed to schools through "Zavod za udzbenike i nastavna sredstva" (Institute for textbooks and teaching aids).
An EPROM has to be sent to the authors to be programmed. The designs were found in the first issue of Racunari u vasoj kuci (which translates to "Computers in your home") magazine. There were 7000 kit complets sold and aproximately 10.000 made computers (including kit built ones).
It was a ZX81 class computer & was invented by Voja Antonic. The Galaksija had an improved, optimised BASIC. Originally the Microsoft Basic was meant to be used, but in order to fit in 4KB of ROM, the improvements were done. Galaksija used only capital characters (like the TI-99/4A).
The computer was designed in second half of 1983. The diagrams were published in very late December 1983 in the January 1984 issue of magazine "Racunari u vasoj kuci" (special issue of magazine Galaksija). Technically speaking first Galaskijas were made in 1983 but only by the creators. All others were made in 1984 and later.
RAM was a static RAM based on 6116 (2 KB) chips. The motherboard had three slots on-board to provide from 2 to 6 KB. Since first 8 KB were reserved for ROMs, RAM was expandable to max. 54 KB. Static RAM was chosen to simplify development although it was more expensive.
There is no VRAM. A part of RAM was used, read by the Z80A CPU which, in turn controlled the primitive video circuitry. Almost 75% of CPU time was used to generate the video signal but this made the computer a whole lot cheaper and easier to build.
About the ROM, two sockets ("A" and "B") were available for 2732 EPROMs (4KB each). ROM "A" contained the basics (initialization, video generation, BASIC interpreter and alike). ROM "B" was optional and contained additional BASIC commands, assembler, monitor, etc.
Galaksija only had a text mode (32x16). However, 64 semi-graphic characters composed of 2x3 blocks combinations allowed PSEUDOgraphics to be drawn in 64x48 resolution.
The build-it-yoursef price varied significantly based on when and
where parts were purchased. Pre-built model (significantly more expensive, from "Zavod za udzbenike i nastavna sredstva") used to be priced as follows
(in 1984 currencies):
- ROM A only, 4 KB of RAM: 45,500 din (approx. 447 USD)
- ROM A only, 6 KB of RAM: 49,500 din (approx. 487 USD)
- Both ROMs, 4 KB of RAM: 55,500 din (approx. 546 USD)
- Both ROMs, 6 KB of RAM: 59,500 din (approx. 585 USD)
Galaksija Plus was an improvement of regular Galaksija, created by different authors (hardware by Nenad Dunjic and software by software Milan Tadic). They added more RAM (48 K), more ROM (12K total) separate graphics mode (256x208). To reduce time it takes to save or load longer data (for large memory) the tape data recording speed was increased from 280 bps to 1200 bps. It was announced in the sixth issue (june/jully 1985) of the same magazine, now simply called "Racunari" (Computers). Estimated price at that time was much higher, mainly due to very high inflation in the country - 140,000 din.
The author of this computer, Voja Antonic, reports us that the "Glalksija" was initialy offered as a "do-it-yourself" project in the 1st issue of the first computer magazine in (former) Yugoslavia, and there is a lot of interesting stuff about it. It was the time when hardly anybody knew what is the computer, so at the first moment he had the estimation of about 100 built samples, but he received over 7000 replies that readers built it and that they work !
The story has many more details, including broadcasting Galaksija programs over the radio (people would save the programs to the tape and then load them later, while other unsuspecting listeners would hear unimaginable noise).
Thanks to Aleksandar Susnjar for most of the info !


Galaksija Plus

Galaksija Plus was an improved version of Galaksija, with 256x208 monochrome graphics mode, 3-voice sound based on AY-3-8910 and 48 KiB RAM.

The hardware of Galaksija Plus was created by Nenad Dunjic' and software by Milan Tadic' in 1985. The goal was to enhance original Galaksija while keeping the original goal of keeping things inexpensive and simple for the constructor.

Continuing to use Static RAM in Galaksija Plus would have significantly increased the cost, so designers decided to switch to dynamic, built out of 4416 chips. Larger memory prompted the need for faster cassette tape data recording rate, which was increased to 1200 bit/s by modifying another piece of firmware.

Having enough memory to store the bit map and since Galaksija's own CPU directly drove the video signal, video generation hardware did not have to change significantly. Video generation routine was modified to take the raw video data from the new video memory instead of relying on character set ROMs. Some games for original Galaksija used to do a similar trick, albeit in a limited fashion due to restrictive memory capacity.

The final hardware upgrade was addition of AY-3-8910 sound-generation chip, providing contemporary-standard sound to Galaksija without the need to use tricks such as with the cassette tape port (see original Galaksija).

Galaksija Plus was manufactured by Institute for School Books and Teaching Aids for an announced price of 140,000 dinars.'

* CPU: ZiLOG Z80A 3.072 MHz
* ROMs:
o Original ROM 'A' or '1' - 4 KB (in 2764 EPROM together with ROM 'B') contains bootstrap, core control and Galaksija BASIC interpreter code
o Original ROM 'B' or '2' - 4 KB (in 2764 EPROM together with ROM 'A') - additional Galaksija BASIC commands, assembler, Machine code monitor, etc.
o Additional ROM 'C' or '3' - 2 KB (in 2716 EPROM) - additional firmware specific to Galaksija Plus (e.g. graphics mode drivers and handling)
o Character ROM - 2 KB (2716 EPROM) contains character definitions
* RAM: 48 KB of 4416 static RAM, 46 KB accessible
* Text mode 32 x 16 characters, monochrome
* Graphics mode: 256x208
* Sound: 3-channels + white noise provided by AY-3-8912.
* Storage media: cassette tape, recording at either 280 or 1200 bit/s rate
* I/O ports: 44-pin Edge connector with Z80 Bus, tape (DIN connector), monochrome video out (PAL timings, DIN connector), UHF TV out (RCA connector) and two 8-bit parallel ports (e.g. printer and general port)


Handheld 2001

GamePark GP32


Dimensions: 147 mm x 88 mm x 34 mm

Weight: 163 g

Display: 3.5 inch TFT, 16-bit colour, 320 x 240 pixels

CPU: Samsung S3C2400X01 (ARM920T core), 20 (and under) to 133 MHz (overclockable to 166 MHz+ in some cases. Some have even reached 256 MHz (not always stable, low battery life). Overclocking ability is random, however all GP32s are supposed to reach 133 MHz. A few early "bad" units maxed out at 132 MHz.)


ROM: 512 KB

Sound: 44.1 kHz 16-bit stereo sound
- four-channels and up software WAV mixing (it is up to the coder, but four channel is built into the official SDK)
- 16-part polyphonic software MIDI (in official SDK)
- earphone port
- stereo speakers
- Storage SmartMedia 8–128 MB
- Power Supply 2 x AA batteries or 3-V DC adapter. Batteries last between 6 and 12+ hours, but actual amount depends on a number of factors.


The console is based on a 133 MHz ARM CPU, which can be overclocked to 166 MHz through software. This is backed by eight megabytes of RAM (upgradeable to 32/64 MB). Unlike similar gaming systems, which are proprietary cartridge-based, the GP32 uses rewritable SmartMedia cards, making it very appealing for amateur game developers. The console also has a USB port for connection with a PC, and a serial expansion port.

There are three main commercial versions of the unit: the original GP32, with no light, the front-lit unit (FLU), modified for Game Park by Hahotech, and the back-lit unit (BLU), released in Europe in mid-summer 2004. At the end of 2004, Game Park also released so-called BLU+ versions, which have a different screen than the normal BLU units. All commercially released units are white with grey or white buttons. There are also a number of differently colored promotional units, and several prototype units with wildly different designs.

GP32 Features

The GP32 is natively capable of playing DivX movies. This sets it apart from its rival product, the Game Boy Advance, which requires a third-party upgrade for this feature. The GP32 plays media files more fluently than Nintendo's console.

Software Installation
The GP32 stores its software on SmartMedia cards varying in sizes from 2MB to 128MB. This allows the user to store custom media, applications and games on his GP32, including alternative firmware. Commercial games can be acquired via internet download or in a retail box. The box contains a game CD, which is placed in your PC, so that the software can be transferred to the GP32 system's SmartMedia card via USB cable. This method effectively reduced the price of the games because you weren't paying for cartridges (though you still had to pay for high priced SmartMedia cards to store the games later on). Downloading a game online could range from Dollar10 to Dollar30.

Homebrew Friendly
Game Park planned their system to be powerful and useful, but they also wanted users to be able to create homebrew software (a first in video game consoles). When one bought a GP32, one could register the unit on the official website and get a free suite of development tools to create their own games and applications for the GP32. Game Park also allowed (under certain restrictions) the publishing of such homebrew games on their website.

Through this strategy, the GP32 was the host of multiple homebrew applications and games. The various applications made for it ranged from alternative firmware (GUI), games, game generators (such as RPG maker), DivX players, image slideshows, and emulators.

The GP32 has the processing power, and is easy enough to program for that many emulators have been developed for the system. Emulators of many popular 16-bit and earlier consoles are available, as well as of some older computer platforms. Those allowed gamers to play a large variety of older games on their GP32 systems. There is also a Windows-based emulator for GP32, which allows users to run GP32 software on a Windows-based PC.

Although the number of official games available for the GP32 system is limited, many open source/free software developers are working on various emulators and are porting PC games. In addition to this, a wide range of free, public-domain games are being created by amateur developers. Game Park does not ask any royalties to release games for its device, which makes it easier for small editors or independent developers to release software for the GP32.

The modification of Ericsson Chatboard micro-keyboards to work with the system has seen a new flourish of software development, including countless attempts at ports of Linux, and keyboard support being added to many emulators.

Commercial availability
Commercially, the system can be found mostly in Korea, and some other parts of Asia, although the GP32 BLU model was released in three European markets, including Portugal, Spain, and Italy on June 15, 2004 with a price point of €199. There are official distributors in the United Kingdom and Sweden as well. Game Park, however, does not intend to release the console in America.

Despite of the GP32 not being released worldwide, it has a large international community of users and developers

Infos from Wikipedia

Arcade -

Generic Arcade

MAME is an emulator application designed to recreate the hardware of arcade game systems in software, with the intent of preserving gaming history and preventing vintage games from being lost or forgotten. The name is an acronym for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator.

The first public MAME release (0.1) was on February 5, 1997, by Nicola Salmoria. As of version 0.121 (actually the 165th proper release), released November 19, 2007, the emulator now supports 3677 unique games and 6900 actual ROM image sets and is growing all the time. However, not all of the games in MAME are currently playable; 851 ROM sets are marked as not working in the current version, and 35 are not actual games but BIOS ROM sets. The project is currently coordinated by Aaron Giles.

The MAME core coordinates the emulation of several elements at the same time. These elements replicate the behavior of the hardware present in the original arcade machines. MAME can emulate many different central processing units (CPUs), both in number or types, including processors, audio and video specific chips, integrated circuits, microcontrollers, etc., including the needed elements for them to communicate together such as memory regions, RAM, data buses, peripherals, storage devices, etc. These elements are virtualized so MAME acts as a software layer between the original program of the game, and the platform MAME runs on.

Individual arcade systems are specified by drivers which take the form of C macros. These drivers specify the individual components to be emulated and how they communicate with each other.

Emulation philosophy
The stated aim of the project is to document hardware, and so MAME takes a somewhat purist view of emulation, prohibiting programming hacks that might make a game run improperly or run faster at the expense of emulation accuracy (see UltraHLE, a project aimed to run games at a playable speed). In MAME every emulated component is replicated down to the smallest level of individual registers and instructions. Consequently, MAME emulation is very accurate (in many cases pixel- and sample-accurate), but system requirements can be high. Since MAME runs mostly older games, a large majority of the games run well on a 2 GHz PC. More modern arcade machines are based on fast pipelined RISC processors, math DSPs, and other devices which are difficult to emulate efficiently. These systems may not run quickly even on the most modern systems available.

The MAME team has not diverged from this purist philosophy to take advantage of 3D hardware available on PCs today. It is a common but incorrect assumption that performance problems are due to some games' use of 3D graphics. However, even with graphics disabled, games using RISC processors and other modern hardware are not emulated any faster. Thus taking advantage of 3D hardware would not speed these games up significantly. In addition, using 3D hardware would make it difficult to guarantee identical output between different brands of cards, or even revisions of drivers on the same card, which goes against the MAME philosophy. Consistency of output across platforms is very important to the MAME team.

Game data

MacMAME under Mac OS X running Progear.Main article: ROM image
In most arcade machines, the data (consisting of the game program, graphics, sounds, etc.) is stored in read-only memory chips (hence the name 'ROM'), although other devices such as cassettes, floppy disks, hard disks, laserdiscs, and compact discs are also used. Most of these devices can be copied to computer files, in a process called 'dumping'. The resulting files are often generically called ROM images or ROMs regardless of the kind of storage they came from.

To play a particular game, MAME requires a set of files called a ROM set. They contain all the data from the original machine; however, MAME itself does not include any of these files. For analog media, such as laserdiscs and magnetic tapes with audio/video data, it is impossible to make a 100 percent accurate digital copy. The process necessarily involves an analogue-digital conversion and the resultant reduction in quality.

MAME uses two different file types for storing ROMs depending on the original medium:

The majority of ROM dumps are stored in raw format and contained in ZIP archives, one for each game.
For arcade machines which use hard disks or CDs, MAME uses CHD (Compressed Hunks of Data) files which contain the entire contents of the original hard disk, CD or Laserdisc. Due to the large size of these media, the CHD files derived from them also tend to be large.

Parents and clones
Original ROM sets ('parent'): the games which the MAME development team has decided are the 'original' versions of each game. Except for the files contained in BIOS ROMs (if needed; see below), the ROM files for these games contain everything those games need to run. The 'original' set is generally defined as the most recent revision of the game, and if multiple regional versions are available, the 'World' or US revision.
Clone ROM sets: different versions or variants of the originals. For example, Street Fighter II Turbo is considered a variant of Street Fighter II Champion Edition.
BIOS ROM sets: the ROMs in common between all games on various standardized arcade systems (e.g. Neo-Geo). They basically boot the hardware and then allow the regular game software to take over.

Naming convention
A single supported game is usually referred to as a ROM set. Usually each game will consist of multiple ROM files, each of which represents a single device (usually ROM, but sometimes other devices such as PALs). The MAME developers assign each ROM set an 8-letter name for identification as well as a description associated with that 8-letter name. Examples:

Original ROM: hyperpac 'Hyper Pacman' - MAME expects all required ROM images in a folder (or ZIP file) called hyperpac.
Clone ROM: hyperpcb 'Hyper Pacman (bootleg)' - MAME will look in both the parent folder (hyperpac) and the clone folder (hyperpcb) for the files.
Individual ROM files are often named after labels found on the ROM chips and the position they are located on the board in the format 'label.position'. Sega for example use a standard labeling scheme for all the ROMs found on their arcade boards giving each unique ROM chip a unique label. 'mpr12380.b2' is a ROM from the Golden Axe romset. This implies that the rom was labeled 'mpr12380' and located in position 'b2' on the PCB. By using such a naming scheme it makes it easy to use MAME to identify, and often help repair, non-working PCBs.

The 8-letter identification tags are less standardized and usually left to the discretion of individual developers. Although some standards do exist, the descriptive long names often follow naming conventions set by the original game manufacturers. For example, Sunset Riders by Konami:

ssriders 'Sunset Riders (4 Players ver EAC)' (This is the parent set, with clones following)
ssrdrebd 'Sunset Riders (2 Players ver EBD)'
ssrdrebc 'Sunset Riders (2 Players ver EBC)'
ssrdruda 'Sunset Riders (4 Players ver UDA)'
ssrdreaa 'Sunset Riders (4 Players ver EAA)'
ssrdruac 'Sunset Riders (4 Players ver UAC)'
ssrdrubc 'Sunset Riders (2 Players ver UBC)'
ssrdrabd 'Sunset Riders (2 Players ver ABD)'
ssrdradd 'Sunset Riders (4 Players ver ADD)'
ssrdrjbd 'Sunset Riders (2 Players ver JBD)'
Konami gave each revision of their later games a very specific and clearly visible version number, from the mid 90s onwards. As these represent an easy way to identify each version of the game, including the region in which it was available and the revision of the code, MAME uses this information to identify each set. UAA is American revision A, while ABD is Asian revision D. For companies where it is less clear sets are often simply labeled as '(set 1)' and '(set 2)'. Unreleased games are labeled as '(Prototype)' and non-original versions of games are labeled as '(Bootleg)'

Infos from Wikipedia

Computer 1979

Generic Compukit UK-101

Made in the UK by Compukit in New Barnet, North London, the UK-101 was originally a copy of the Ohio Scientific Superboard II. Two years and various legal battles later the UK-101 became, technically, behind its erstwhile rival.
You could buy the UK101 as a kit or as ready made for an extra fee. The kit came in a cardboard briefcase, in which there were anti-static tubes containing the 65+ ICs, a box of IC sockets, and bags containing passives (mainly 0.1uF ceramic decoupling capacitors) and keyboard bits (the keyboard switches were soldered directly to the PCB).
The UK101 came with a transformer in a plastic case, which was rectified and regulated down to +5, the regulator's heatsink was far too small and it would run very very hot, causing the RF modulator to drift channel. Many people relocated the regulator off-board onto a bigger heatsink to solve both problems.
It came with an A4-size book authored by Dr. A.A. Berk, covering assembly, trouble-shooting, and circuit diagrams with descriptions.
The UK101 was based around the 6502 processor. On top of ASCII characters, 128 graphic characters were available in ROM. The RAM memory was expandable from 4 KB to 8 KB on board, or 40 KB with an expansion board.
At the time, The UK101 was heavily supported by Watford Electronics in the UK, and by various electronics magazines who published circuits. There were many user groups and plenty of software available. It was thus possible to upgrade this machine beyond all recognision !
Several cases were also made and sold by a number of manufacturers.
Contributors: Paul Mansfield
John reports to us:

There were 3 monitor chips available, this being the 8k rom. The only one I can remember the name of was the Cegmon, the latest in the series.
The 40 pin expansion slot offered some inpressive (for the time) abilites. Mine had a sound card in it but I also saw systems with colour, hard drives and 5.25 floppy systems.
Some boards had links in them in place of the two sockets on your picture. These needed to be removed if you wanted to use the 40 pin expansion and a couple of 8T28s (buffer chips) put in their place. Other expansions I saw included a 'graphics' chip that could be switched in using software. A small pigiback board replaced the Normal character chip (which is the horizontal one in your picture) with the graphics rom and normal character rom slotted into it. This gave 256 additional characters, and since the replacement rom was an Eprom these new characters could be anything.
Programming was via Microsoft 8k Basic and involved a lot of Poke instructions to get it to do anything much. Overclocking was a breeze, but you had to get it right otherwise the screen divided into 4!

Martin Ward adds:

You could upgrade the graphics RAM by "piggkbacking" two new RAM chips on top of the existing chips, with one pin sticking out sideways which had a flying lead soldered to it. This gave you 48 characters x 32 lines.
The tape recorder could also be "overclocked" to 600 or even 1200 baud!
RAM cost about ?10 per K (?5 per 1KB x 4bit chip).

Dick Greening reports:
An interesting story is that one of the BBC engineers rewrote the garbage collection routine (in the Microsoft Basic 4 Rom I thing it was,) only to find later that somehow Microsoft had incorporated his routine in their new version of Basic. He was able to prove it was his program as he had encrypted his name in the program!
Sound a familiar story!

Console 1987

Generic CoreGrafX

Not a new console, this was simply a re-release of the PC Engine, this time in a black case and with composite AV output.

Arcade 1978

Generic Daphne

Laserdisc (LD) was the first commercial optical disc storage medium, and was used primarily for movies for home viewing.

During its development, MCA, which owned the technology, referred to it as the Reflective Optical Videodisc System; changing the name once in 1969 to Disco-Vision and then again in 1978 to DiscoVision (without the hyphen), which became the official spelling. MCA owned the rights to the largest catalog of films in the world during this time, and they manufactured and distributed the DiscoVision releases of those films under the 'MCA DiscoVision' label beginning on December 15, 1978.

Pioneer Electronics also entered the optical disc market in 1978, manufacturing players and printing discs under the name Laser Videodisc. For 1980 the name was compressed into LaserDisc and in 1981 the intercap was eliminated and 'Laserdisc' became the final and common name for the format, supplanting the use of the 'DiscoVision' name, which disappeared shortly thereafter; titles released by MCA became MCA Laserdiscs or (later) MCA-Universal Laserdiscs. The format has been incorrectly referred to as LV or LaserVision, although this actually refers to a line of Philips brand players; the term VDP or Video Disc Player was a somewhat more common and more correct name for players in general.

During the early years, MCA also manufactured discs for other companies including Paramount, Disney and Warner Bros. Some of them added their own names to the disc jacket to signify that the movie was not owned by MCA. When MCA merged into Universal years later, Universal began reissuing many of the early DiscoVision titles as MCA-Universal discs. The DiscoVision versions had largely been available only in pan and scan and had often utilized poor transfers, the newer versions improved greatly in terms of both audio and video quality.

Laserdisc certification markLaserdisc technology, using a transparent disc, was invented by David Paul Gregg in 1958 (and patented in 1961 and 1969). By 1969 Philips had developed a videodisc in reflective mode, which has great advantages over the transparent mode. MCA and Philips decided to join their efforts. They first publicly demonstrated the videodisc in 1972. LD was first available on the market, in Atlanta, on December 15, 1978, two years after the VHS VCR and four years before the CD, which is based on laserdisc technology. Philips produced the players and MCA the discs. The Philips/MCA cooperation was not successful, and discontinued after a few years. Several of the scientists responsible for the early research (Richard Wilkinson, Ray Deakin, and John Winslow) founded Optical Disc Corporation (now ODC Nimbus), and that company is still the world leader in optical disc mastering technology.

It was estimated that in 1998, laserdisc players were in approximately 2 percent of US households (roughly two million). By comparison, in 1999, players were in 10 percent of Japanese households. LD has been completely replaced by DVD in the North American retail marketplace, as neither players nor software are now produced there. Laserdisc has retained some popularity among American collectors and, to a greater degree, in Japan, where the format was better supported and more prevalent during its life. In Europe LD has always remained an obscure format.

The first laserdisc title marketed in North America was the MCA DiscoVision release of Jaws in 1978. The last two titles released in North America were Paramount's Sleepy Hollow and Bringing Out the Dead in 2000. A dozen or so more titles continued to be released in Japan until the end of 2001. The last Japanese-released LD-format movie title was Tokyo Raiders.

Technical information
The standard home video laserdisc is 30 cm (11.81 inches) in diameter and made up of two single-sided aluminum discs layered in plastic and bonded with glue. Although read and featuring properties similar to a compact disc or DVD, a Laserdisc is for the most part an entirely analog system with video stored in the composite domain with analog sound and/or some form of digital audio. The first laserdiscs featured in 1978 were entirely analog but the format evolved to incorporate simple digital stereo sound to multi-channel formats such as Dolby Digital and DTS.

Since digital encoding and compression schemes were either unavailable or impractical in 1978, three encoding formats based on the rotation speed were used:

CAV (Constant Angular Velocity) or Standard Play discs supported several unique features such as freeze frame, variable slow motion and reverse. CAV discs were spun at a constant rotational speed during playback, with one video frame read per revolution and in this mode, 54,000 individual frames or 30 minutes of audio/video could be stored on a single side of a CAV disc. Another unique attribute to CAV was to reduce the visibility of cross talk from adjacent tracks, since on CAV discs any crosstalk at a specific point in a frame is simply from the same point in the next or previous frame. CAV was used less frequently than CLV, reserved for special editions of feature films to highlight bonus material and special effects. One of the most intriguing advantages of this format was the ability to reference every frame of a film directly by number—a feature of particular interest to film buffs, students and others intrigued by the study of errors in staging, continuity etc.
CLV (Constant Linear Velocity) or Extended Play discs do not have the 'trick play' features of CAV, offering only simple playback on all but the high-end laserdisc players incorporating a digital frame store. These high-end laserdisc players could add features not normally available to CLV discs such as variable forward and reverse, and a VCR-like 'pause'. CLV encoded discs could store 60 minutes of audio/video per side, or 2 hours per disc. For films with a run–time less than 120 minutes, this meant they could fit on a single disc, lowering the cost of the title and eliminating the distracting exercise of 'getting up to change the disc'—at least for those fortunate enough to own a dual-sided player. The vast majority of titles were only available in CLV. (A few titles were released partly CLV, partly CAV. For example, a 140-minute movie could fit on two CLV sides, and one CAV side, thus allowing for the CAV-only features during the climax of the film.)
CAA (Constant Angular Acceleration). In the early 1980s, due to problems with crosstalk distortion on CLV extended play Laserdiscs, Pioneer Video introduced CAA formatting for extended play discs. Constant Angular Acceleration is very similar to Constant Linear Velocity save for the fact that CAA varies the angular rotation of the disc in controlled steps instead of gradually slowing down in a steady linear pace as a CLV disc is read. With the exception of 3M/Imation, all Laserdisc manufacturers adopted the CAA encoding scheme, although the term was rarely (if ever) used on any consumer packaging.
As Pioneer introduced Digital Audio to Laserdisc in 1985, they further refined the CAA format. CAA55 was introduced in 1985 with a total playback capacity of 55 minutes 5 seconds, and was necessary to resolve technical issues with the inclusion of Digital Audio. Several titles released between 1985 and 1987 were analog audio only due to the length of the title and the desire to keep the film on 1 disc (e.g., 'Back to the Future'). By 1987, Pioneer had overcome the technical challenges and was able to once again encode in CAA60—allowing a total of 60 minutes, 5 seconds. Pioneer further refined CAA, offering CAA45—encoding 45 minutes of material, but filling the entire playback surface of the side. Used on only a handful of titles, CAA65 offered 65 minutes 5 seconds of playback time. The final variant of CAA is CAA70, which could accommodate 70 minutes of playback time. There are not any known uses of this format on the consumer market.

All of these timing parameters are based on the NTSC standard of 30fps. The PAL and SECAM standards of 25fps increases the playback capacity of all the various formats by 20 percent.

Audio could be stored in either analog or digital format and in a variety of surround sound formats; NTSC discs could carry two analog audio tracks, plus two uncompressed PCM digital audio tracks, which were CD quality (2 channels, 16 bit, 44.1 kHz sample rate, and a 96 dB signal-to-noise ratio). PAL discs could carry one pair of audio tracks, either analog or digital; in the UK the term LaserVision is used to refer to discs with analog sound, while LaserDisc is used for those with digital audio. Dolby Digital (also called AC-3) and DTS, which are now common on DVD titles, first became available on Laserdisc, and Star Wars: Episode I (1999) which was released on Laserdisc in Japan, is among the first home video releases ever to include 6.1 channel Dolby Digital EX Surround. Unlike DVDs, which carry Dolby Digital audio in digital form, Laserdiscs store Dolby Digital in a frequency modulated form within a track normally used for analog audio. Extracting Dolby Digital from a Laserdisc required a player equipped with a special 'AC-3 RF' output and an external demodulator in addition to an AC-3 decoder. The demodulator was necessary to convert the 2.88 MHz modulated AC-3 information on the disc into a 384 kbit/s signal that the decoder could handle. DTS audio, when available on a disc, replaced the digital audio tracks; hearing DTS sound required only an optical digital audio connection to a DTS decoder.

At least where the digital audio tracks were concerned, the sound quality was unsurpassed at the time, but the quality of the analog soundtracks varied greatly depending on the disc and, sometimes, the player. Many early and lower-end LD players had poor analog audio components, and many early discs had poorly mastered analog audio tracks, making digital soundtracks in any form most desirable to serious enthusiasts. Early DiscoVision and Laserdisc titles lacked the digital audio option, but many of those movies received digital sound in later re-issues by Universal, and the quality of analog audio tracks generally got far better as time went on. Many discs that had originally carried old analog stereo tracks received new Dolby Stereo and Dolby Surround tracks instead, often in addition to digital tracks, helping boost sound quality. Later analog discs also applied CX Noise Reduction, which improved the signal-noise ratio of their audio.

Both AC-3 and DTS surround audio were clumsily implemented on Laserdiscs, leading to some interesting player- and disc-dependent issues. A disc that included AC-3 audio forfeited the right analog audio channel to the modulated AC-3 stream. If the player did not have an AC-3 decoder available, the next most attractive playback option would be the digital Dolby Surround or stereo audio tracks. If either the player did not support digital audio tracks (common in older players), or the disc did not include digital audio tracks at all (uncommon for a disc which is mastered with an AC-3 track), the only remaining option was to fall back to a monophonic presentation of the left analog audio track. However, many older analog-only players not only failed to decode AC-3 streams, but weren't even aware of their potential existence. Such a player will happily play the analog audio tracks verbatim, resulting in garbage output in the right channel.

On a DTS disc, digital PCM audio is not available, so if a DTS decoder was also not available, the only option is to fall back to the analog Dolby Surround or stereo audio tracks. In some cases, the analog audio tracks were further made unavailable through replacement with supplementary audio such as isolated scores or audio commentary. This effectively reduced playback of a DTS disc on a non-DTS equipped system to mono audio—or in a handful of cases, no film soundtrack at all.

Only one 5.1 surround sound option existed on a given Laserdisc (either Dolby Digital or DTS), so if surround sound is desired, the disc must be matched to the capabilities of the playback equipment (LD Player and Receiver/Decoder) by the purchaser. A fully capable Laserdisc playback rig includes a newer Laserdisc player that is capable of playing digital tracks, has a digital optical output for digital PCM and DTS audio, is aware of AC-3 audio tracks, and has an AC-3 coaxial output; an external or internal AC-3 RF demodulator and AC-3 decoder; and a DTS decoder. Many A/V receivers combine the AC-3 decoder and DTS decoder logic, but an integrated AC-3 demodulator is rare both in Laserdisc players and in newer A/V receivers.

The earliest players used Helium-neon laser tubes to read the media with red-orange light, later players used infrared semiconductor laser diodes. It is difficult to find one of the tube players now, in part because of the limited operating lifetime of laser tubes, but mostly because they represent only a small fraction of the total players made. Optical hobbyists have also been known to cannibalize the laser tube machines, further depleting their ranks.

Most machines made were single-sided; players which required manually turning the disk over to play the other side. A number of players were made that were 'double-sided', in that the machine could automatically reverse the spin direction and move the pickup head to the other side of the disk.

Many Laserdisc players manufactured from the late 1980s through the time of the format's death had both composite (red, white and yellow RCA type connectors) and S-Video outputs on the rear panel. When using the S-Video connection, the player would utilize its own internal comb filter, designed to help reduce picture noise by separating the luminance (brightness) and color parts of the signal, while using the composite outputs forced the player to rely on the comb filter of the display device. Although using the S-Video connection was often considered to yield superior results in the late 80s and early 1990s, most of today's mid and high level television sets contain better comb filters than the vast majority of players were equipped with. In these instances, where a player is being used with a more modern display, using the composite output and allowing the display device's internal comb filter to do the work may yield better results.

In 1996, the first model DVD/LD combi-player (and first Pioneer DVD player, for that matter) was the Pioneer DVL-9 released in Japan. The Pioneer Elite DVL-90 an updated version, followed by a similar, though supposedly lower-end model, the DVL-700, and were released in 1997. Successors to this model include the Pioneer DVL-909, Pioneer DVL-919, and the Pioneer Elite DVL-91. Although the DVD/LD combi players offered competent LD performance, they paled in comparison to high end LD players such as the Pioneer Elite CLD-99 and the Pioneer Hi-Vision/MUSE HLD-X9.

The Pioneer DVL-909 lacks support for DTS output. However, a modification to the player can allow this player to support DTS streams on DTS discs, essentially turning the DVL-909 into a Pioneer Elite DVL-91.

The last model DVD/LD player was the Japanese only DVL-H9, but the older DVL-919 is still sold in the U.S. and appears on Pioneer's North American website. However, it has not been actively marketed since the late 1990s. The DVL-919 supports DTS output. The DVL-919's DVD section is unremarkable by modern standards, and does not support progressive scan (480p) even though it has component output. As noted above, the LD section, while competent, is inferior to earlier high end LD players. A few Pioneer dealers offer North American specification DVL-919s, and a unit purchased in April 2004 had a manufacture date of December 2003. Pioneer representatives reportedly state that the product is officially discontinued, and that warranty coverage for 919s will be based on the date of manufacture rather than on the date of sale.

Success of the format
The format was not well-received outside of videophile circles in North America, but became more popular in Japan. Part of the reason was marketing. In North America, the cost of the players and discs was kept far higher than VHS decks and tapes (mainly to combat anticipated losses at the box office). In Japan, the LD strategy was very similar to the strategy taken by DVD manufacturers early in its life: prices were kept low to ensure adoption, resulting in minimal price differences between VHS tapes and the higher quality Laserdiscs. LD also quickly became the dominant format of choice amongst Japanese collectors of anime, helping to drive its acceptance. Laserdiscs were popular alternatives to videocasettes among movie enthusiasts in the more affluent regions of South East Asia, such as Singapore, due to their high integration with the Japanese export market and superior longetivity compared to videocassette in humid conditions. Also in Hong Kong, although the retail prices of Laserdiscs were relatively high, they became quite popular in the city during the 1990s before the introduction of VCDs and DVDs. The reason was people rarely bought the discs; they usually rented them and the video renting business grew larger than ever at that time.

Nonetheless, manufacturers refused to market recordable Laserdisc devices to the consumer segment, while all of the competing video cassette recorder devices could record using their cassettes. Combined with the inconvenient disc size and high North American prices for both players and media, the format was doomed to obscurity.

Although the Laserdisc format has been almost completely supplanted by DVD, many LDs are still highly coveted by movie enthusiasts. This is largely because there are many films that are still only available on LD and many other LD releases contain supplemental material not available on subsequent DVD versions of those films. As well, there are various films which are available on DVD as well as LD, but the LD version is preferred.

LD players are also sometimes found in contemporary North American high school and college physics classrooms, in order to play a disc of the Physics: Cinema Classics series of mid-20th century Encyclopædia Britannica films reproducing classic experiments in the field which are difficult or impossible to replicate in the laboratories in educational settings. These films have yet to be released on DVD.

Laserdisc variations

Computer control
Early in the eighties, Philips produced a laservision player model adapted for a computer interface, dubbed 'professional'. When hooked to a PC this combination could be used to display images or information for educational or archival purposes, for example thousands of scanned medieval manuscripts. This strange device could be considered a very early equivalent of a CD-ROM. In one case such a 'Laserdisc-ROM' was still present, although rarely used, in 2001. A SCSI equipped Laserdisc player attached to a BBC Master computer was used for the BBC Domesday Project.

Apple's HyperCard scripting language provided Macintosh computer users with a means to design databases of slides, animation, video and sounds from Laserdiscs and then to create interfaces for users to play specific content from the disc. User-created 'stacks' were shared and were especially popular in education where teacher-generated stacks were used to access discs ranging from art collections to basic biological processes. Commercially available stacks were also popular with the Voyager company being possibly the most successful distributor.

Pioneer also made computer-controlled units such as the LD-V2000. It had a back-panel RS-232 serial connection through a 5-pin DIN connector, and no front-panel controls except Open/Close. (The disc would be played automatically upon insertion.)

Video games
Main article: Laserdisc video game
A number of companies used the Laserdisc format as the basis for arcade video games during the 1980s and early 1990s, most notably Dragon's Lair and Space Ace. Hardware in the arcade cabinet jumped to various scenes on the Laserdisc according to the player's actions. The ability of Laserdisc to use full-motion video provided significantly more detailed and complex visuals (although at the expense of interactivity due to the non-realtime nature of the format) than the simplistic sprite-based graphics of other arcade games at the time. Significant players in the Laserdisc video game market included American Laser Games and Cinematronics.

In 1991, several manufacturers announced specifications for what would become known as MUSE Laserdisc, representing a span of almost 15 years until the feats of this HD analog optical disc system would finally be duplicated digitally by HD DVD and Blu-ray. Encoded using NHK's MUSE 'Hi-Vision' analogue TV system, MUSE discs would operate like standard Laserdiscs but would contain high-definition 1125-line (1035 visible lines) video with a 5:3 aspect ratio. The MUSE players were also capable of playing standard NTSC format discs and are superior in performance to non-MUSE players even with these NTSC discs. The MUSE-capable players had several noteworthy advantages over standard Laserdisc players, including a red laser with a much narrower wavelength than the lasers found in standard players. The red laser was capable of reading through disc defects such as scratches and even mild disc-rot that would cause most other players to stop, stutter or drop-out. Crosstalk was not an issue with MUSE discs, and the narrow wavelength of the laser allowed for the virtual elimination of crosstalk with normal discs. In order to view MUSE encoded discs, it was necessary to have a MUSE decoder in addition to a compatible player and a MUSE-compatible TV set. Equipment prices were high, especially for early HDTVs which generally eclipsed USDollar10,000, and even in Japan the market for MUSE was tiny. Players and discs were never officially sold in North America, although several distributors imported MUSE discs along with other import titles. Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Lawrence of Arabia, A League of Their Own, Bugsy, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Bram Stoker's Dracula and Chaplin were among the theatrical releases available on MUSE LDs. Several documentaries, including one about Formula One at Japan's Suzuka Circuit were also released.

Laserdisc sizes
The most common size of Laserdisc was 30 cm (12 inches). These approximated the size of LP vinyl records. These discs allowed for 30 minutes per side (CAV) or 60 minutes per side (CLV). The vast majority of programming for the Laserdisc format was produced on these discs.

20 cm Laserdiscs were also published. These were approx. 8 inches; one inch larger in diameter than a standard 45-RPM record. These 'EP'-sized LDs allowed for 20 minutes per side (CLV). They are much rarer than the full-size LDs, especially in North America. These discs were often used for music video compilations (e.g., Bon Jovi's 'Breakout', Bananarama's 'Video Singles' or T'Pau's 'View From A Bridge').

There were also 12 cm (5 inch, same as an audio CD) 'single'-style discs produced that were playable on Laserdisc players. These were referred to as CD Video (CD-V) discs, and Video Single Discs (VSD). A CD-V carried up to 5 minutes of analog Laserdisc-type video content (usually a music video), as well as up to 20 minutes of digital audio CD tracks. The original 1989 release of David Bowie's restrospective Sound + Vision CD box set prominently featured a CD-V video of Ashes To Ashes, and standalone promo CD-V's featured the video, plus 3 audio tracks: John, I'm Only Dancing, Changes and The Supermen.

CD-Vs are not to be confused with Video CDs (which are all-digital and can only be played on VCD players, DVD players, CD-i players, computers, and later-model Laserdisc players (such as the DVL series from Pioneer that can also play DVDs). CD-Vs can only be played back on Laserdisc players with CD-V capability. VSDs were the same as CD-Vs, but without the audio CD tracks. CD-Vs were somewhat popular for a brief time worldwide, but soon faded from view. VSDs were popular only in Japan and other parts of Asia, and were never really introduced to the rest of the world.

Picture discs
Picture discs have artistic etching on one side of the disc to make the disc more visually attractive than the standard shiny silver surface. This etching might look like a movie character, logo, or other promotional material. Sometimes that side of the LD would be made with colored plastic rather than the clear material used for the data side. Picture disc LDs only had video material on one side as the 'picture' side could not contain any data. Picture discs are rare in North America.

Pioneer Electronics, one of the format's largest supporters/investors, was also deeply involved in the karaoke business in Japan, and used Laserdiscs as the storage medium for music and additional content such as graphics. The format was generally called LD-G. While several other karaoke labels manufactured Laserdiscs, there was nothing like the breadth of competition in that industry that exists now, as almost all manufacturers have transitioned to CD+G discs (en route, possibly, to a new DVD-based format).!>>!!

Main article: Pioneer LaserActive
Pioneer also marketed a format similar to LD-G, called LD-ROM. It was used by Pioneer's LaserActive interactive Laserdisc player/video game console introduced in 1993, and contained analog video and audio, in combination with digital data (where the digital audio tracks would be on regular Laserdiscs). LD-ROM was used for several games that could be played on the LaserActive player/console.

Squeeze LD

Cover of Pioneer release of Squeeze LD StargateWith the release of 16:9 televisions in the mid 1990s, Pioneer and Toshiba decided that it was time take advantage of this aspect ratio. Squeeze LDs are enhanced 16:9 ratio widescreen Laserdiscs. In the video transfer stage the movie is stored in an anamorphic format. The widescreen movie image was stretched to fill the entire video frame with less or none of the video resolution wasted to create letterbox bars. The advantage was a 33 percent greater vertical resolution compared to regular Laserdisc. This same procedure was used for DVD. Unlike most DVD players, very few LD players had the ability to unsqueeze the image for 4:3 sets. If the discs were played on a 4:3 television the image would be distorted. Since very few people owned 16:9 displays, the marketability of these special discs was very limited.

There were no titles available in the US except for promotional purposes. Upon purchase of a Toshiba 16:9 television viewers had the option of selecting a number of Warner Brothers 16:9 films. Titles include Unforgiven, Grumpy Old Men, The Fugitive, and Free Willy. The Japanese lineup of titles was different. A series of releases under the banner 'SQUEEZE LD' from Pioneer of mostly Carolco titles included Basic Instinct, Stargate, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Showgirls, Cutthroat Island, and Cliffhanger. Oddly enough Terminator 2 was released twice in Squeeze LD, the second release being THX certified and a notable improvement over the first.

Recordable formats

A CRV Disc with a VHS tape for size comparisonAnother type of video media, CRVdisc, or 'Component Recordable Video Disc' were available for a short time, mostly to professionals. Developed by Sony, CRVdiscs resemble early PC CD-ROM caddies with a disc inside resembling a full sized LD. CRVdiscs were blank, write-once, read-many media that could be recorded once on each side. CRVdiscs were used largely for backup storage in professional/commercial applications.

Another form of recordable Laserdisc that is completely playback-compatible with the Laserdisc format (unlike CRVdisc with its caddy enclosure) is the RLV, or Recordable LaserVision disc. It was developed and first marketed by the Optical Disc Corporation (ODC, now ODC Nimbus) in 1984. RLV discs, like CRVdisc, are also a WORM technology, and function exactly like a CD-R disc. RLV discs look almost exactly like standard Laserdiscs, and can play in any standard Laserdisc player after they've been recorded. The only difference an RLV disc has over regular factory-pressed Laserdiscs is their reflective purple-violet (or blue with some RLV discs) color resulting from the dye embedded in the reflective layer of the disc to make it recordable, as opposed to the silver mirror appearance of regular LDs. The purplish color of RLVs is very similar to some DVD-R and DVD+R discs. RLVs were popular for making short-run quantities of Laserdiscs for specialized applications such as interactive kiosks and flight simulators.

In spite of nonrecordability being commonly regarded as the primary weakness of the Laserdisc format, these recordable LD systems were never marketed toward the general public, and are so poorly known as to create the misconception that a home recording system for Laserdiscs is impossible

Infos from Wikipedia

Virtual Machine

Generic EasyRPG

Computer Unknown 1984

Generic IQ-151

The IQ-151 was a Czechoslovakian home computer manufactured by ZPA Novy Bor (Novy Bor being the town where ZPA was based). It was mainly intended for educational purpose and was actually supplied to all types of Czech schools.
The main peripheral was a standard cassette recorder, but several modules could be connected to 5 built-in expansion slots: VIDEO (display), BASIC (interpreter), BASIC G (graphic Basic interpreter), GRAFIK (256 x 512 graphics), STAPER (printer), MINIGRAF (plotter)


Generic Jazz


Generic Korvet

Computer 1983

Generic LEMZ Agat

This computer was called "Yablotchko" (small apple) by the westerners as this is a poor copy of the Apple II. And to prove that the Agat is really copied on the Apple, the ROM still has Steve Wozniak's name in memory ! Its operating system and ROM are nearly identical to the Apple II's, but instead of a single board, it uses several chip modules.
Agat was produced in a military company based in Moscow called "LEMZ" which stands for "Linozovo (district in Moscow) electronics-mechinical manufacturer". They started producing it in 1985, although prototypes were available in 1984 or probably erlier. Designers of that computer were actually hobbysts and LEMZ picked their design when managers from that company came across Agat designers at an exhibition.
Elorg didn't produce any Agat systems. They were just the exclusive distributer of Russian microelectronics products outside of USSR, and as matter of fact tried to promote Agats in Eastern Europe...
Agat was built first around a multi-chip processor, clone of one of the LSI-11 processors, but then a real MOS6502 was used. The system is composed of three parts : a screen, a keyboard and a central unit. The screen is in fact a real 30cm Secam (russian standard) television, which is connected to the computer through a 1m long cord (DIN9). The keyboard is composed of cyrillic and latin keys (33 keys) plus function keys and a numeric keypad. It uses the layout of the standard Russian typewriter.
There is a built-in 5??1/4 disk-drive into the right part of the central unit. The operating system is not exactly the same as the Apple OS and it?s impossible to start an Apple II with this OS nor an Agat with the Apple OS. On the other hand, once the OS is loaded, it?s possible to read the same disk or run the same programs on both systems. But there were some serious incompatibility problems with first models.
There is no way to add a second disk-drive as there is no other connector apart from monitor, keyboard, printer and cassette interface. In the same way, there are no way to expand the original 64k RAM...
The Agat can operate under three graphic modes : low, medium and high, which are compatible with the Apple?s graphic features. The cyrillic characters displayed on the screen are said to have been conceived by the russian engineers with the Apple Tool Kit.
It was principally meant for education and was the object of some important early educational experimentats such as ?Schkol'nitza? which took place in a Novosibirsk school. Schkol'nitza, which means schoolgirl in russian, was a system developped to assist the teacher in its classroom. It was composed of several Agat computers and software packages. The teacher, who had a computer, a printer and the disks, could command all the network to ask questions, correct the answers, display maps or what he wanted on the pupils' screens.
It seems like Elorg and the USSR had plans to export the Agat for $17000 ! ! Quite expensive for a bad Apple II clone...
At that time it was impossible for a normal citizen to buy a micro-computer for its own use as all the computers there were for the education, the army, the research or some privileged persons...
The original Agat was followed by several other models, from which the Agat-7 and the Agat-9.
The Agat-7, conceived in 1986, introduced the expansion feature which was the main weakness of the original Agat and had an optional full Apple compatibility card available.
The Agat-9, produced a bit later, was a fully compatible Apple II+ system with real expansion possibilities (6 non-apple compatible slots). It was then possible to find memory expansion cards, serial cards, additional disk-drives and even network cards. In fact the Agat-9 was also compatible with the more exotic Pravetz-8 and Tzyntzy computers.

Computer 1991

Generic Linux

Virtual Machine 2020

Generic LowRes NX

Virtual Machine 2015

Generic Lutro


Generic NeXT

Computer 2000

Generic PC

Just after the Atari ST series, Atari decided to launch a series of PC compatible systems.
The PC-1 was the first model. It used the shell of the Atari Mega ST4 and its mouse. It held 512 KB of RAM, an optional 20 or 23 MB HDD, but didn't have ISA extension slot, to use a PC card, an expansion box was necessary.
However, the PC-1 had Parallel, serial and mouse ports built-in as well as an universal video interface allowing either colour CGA and EGA or Hercules monochrome monitors to be connected to the same video port.
The range of Atari PC compatible systems was also comprised of:
? The PC3, a 8088 8Mhz based system with 640 KB ram, CGA graphics and 20MB hard drive,
? The PC4, a 80286 16Mhz based system with a 60MB hard drive in which - optionally- a 3.5 1.44 Mb drive could be fitted (the front needed to be cut out and the metal casing sawed by the user). It also featured VGA graphics,
? The ABC, a 80386sx 16Mhz model with a 40MB hard disk and vga graphics. This one came with a 3.5 floppy built in,
? The PC5, a 20MHz 80386 PC featuring 60 MB hard disk and SVGA graphics with same 3.5 floppy disk option as with the PC4,
? the N386 laptop.


Generic PC PPC


Generic PC SPARC

Computer 1982 (Japan), 1983 (Europe)

Generic PHC-25

The PHC-25 was released at the same time as the PHC-10 and the PHC-20, in 1982. Sanyo wanted to offer a perfect line of products for computing initiation. These three models were supposed to be complementary. But despite high hopes, they just were flops and it's not clear if the PHC-10 and PHC-20 were even really sold, as very few were ever found. The PHC-25 was the only model of the line to have been sold with moderate success.
PHC stands for "Personal Home Computer". The PHC-25 was the high-level system of the trio. It offered an extended version of the Sanyo Basic already found in the PHC-20, which itself was an evolution of the Tiny BASIC found in the PHC-10. Editing of the program lines is facilitated by the use of the orange arrow keys found at the top right of the keyboard.
The Sanyo BASIC V1.3 is stored in a 24KB ROM. The computer offers 16KB RAM leaving only 14KB for the user to program in Basic or 8KB if the "SCREEN 2" option is chosen at startup. Indeed at startup a "SCREEN ?" prompt welcome the user. If you enter 1, it means you will just need one screen to be stored in RAM, leaving you almost all the RAM available for Basic programming. If you reply "2" at the SCREEN? prompt, then the computer reserves some RAM for a second virtual screen which could be used by the program.
The PHC-25 is powered by a NEC D780C microprocessor running at 4 MHz, which is compatible with the Zilog Z80A. The chip used for the video is the famous Motorola MC-6847 Video Display Generator, well known for its omnipresent green colored background, and also used in many systems of that time including the TRS-80 Color Computer, Dragon 32/64, Laser 200, TRS-80 MC-10, NEC PC-6000 series, Philips VG5000> (used the Thomson EF9345 compatible chip) or the APF Imagination Machine, among others. Inside the plastic case, everything is arranged on two motherboards connected to each other through a ribbon cable.
This MC-6847 chip offers different text and graphic modes, each with a subset of colors available:
- Mode 1: 16x32 (text) in 2 colors
- Mode 2: 16x32 (text) in 4 colors and 64x48 (semi graphic) in 8 colors
- Mode 3: 16x16 (text) in 8 colors and 128x192 (graphic) in 8 colors
- Mode 4: 16x32 (text) in 2 colors and 256x192 (high resolution graphics) in 2 colors
The set of BASIC commands are:
This is a very complete BASIC which is in fact compatible with the NEC PC-6001 one. Thus, the PHC-25 if virtually "BASIC" compatible with the 6001, but some instructions and features need to be modified before running the program. Curiously, it is not the only similarity between these two computers. The colors of the plastic case and keys are almost the same: beige and cream with grey and orange keys ! Alongside the BASIC compatibility, the electronic components are the same. Chances are it must have been intentional.
Strangely enough, the computer looks like it was not entirely finished or if the designers lacked some space to implement all the features. Thus, you need to buy the famous PSG-01 expansion box if you want to have sound capabilities on your PHC-25. Crazy if you think that even the cheap PHC-10 had a internal buzzer to play with. Anyway, connect the PSG-01 box and you've got a real 3-voices synthesizer to play with. You even get two DB9 "Atari compatible" connectors to plug your favorite joysticks in order to play...
Well, that is the main problem. The PHC-25 has maybe the worst ever choice of games available in the world ! Most of them are poor BASIC games, only INVASION (clone of SPACE INVADERS) being a real machine code game worth being played.
Today, the Sanyo PHC-25 seems to be a rare machine. Very few were sold, and most of them were apparently distributed in France, hence most of the games found online are in french.


Generic PT68K2

Computer 1985

Generic Pecom 64

The PECOM 64 seems to be the 64 KB version of the PECOM 32.
About this computer, Darko Sola from Yougoslavia says:

This is the same model as EI Pecom 32. EI comes from Electronic Industry. Those computers were built in demand from schools. We got this computer in our school to learn Basic (at that time ex-Yugoslav governement had 5 different computer projects). The programming language was Basic with no real graphic commands. Year after, in our school, all those Pecoms were replaced with IBM PC clones. Size of computer was a little bit smaller than A4 page. It had tape as primary media. I do not remember any "Mini FDD". I don't remember OS, was some home-made based on CP/M (as many systems at that time in Yugoslavia). Price? Not so cheap, It was 2 average monthly salaries.

Thanks to Sveto (Croatia) for the picture.

Virtual Machine 2014

Generic Pico-8


Generic Pinball


Generic Poisk-1


Generic Poly


Generic SITCOM

Virtual Machine 199?

Generic ScummVM

ScummVM is a collection of game engine recreations. Originally designed to play LucasArts adventure games that use the SCUMM system (the VM in the name stands for virtual machine), it now also supports a variety of non-SCUMM games by companies like Revolution Software and Adventure Soft.

ScummVM is a reimplementation of the part of the software used to interpret the scripting languages such games used to describe the game world rather than emulating the hardware the games ran on; as such, ScummVM allows the games it supports to be played on platforms other than those for which they were originally released.

ScummVM was originally written by Ludvig Strigeus. Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License, ScummVM is free software.


Portability is a design goal of the project. Ports of ScummVM are available for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and a variety of Unix-like systems including Linux (RPM Based, Debian based, source based), members of the BSD family (FreeBSD/NetBSD/OpenBSD/DragonFly BSD) and Solaris. Less mainstream personal computer ports include those to AmigaOS, Atari/FreeMiNT, BeOS/Haiku/ZETA, MorphOS and OS/2.

A variety of game consoles have official ports; these range in power from gaming machines such as the PlayStation 2 and Sega Dreamcast to handheld consoles including the GP2X and GP32, Nintendo DS , iPod Touch , iPhone and PlayStation Portable. Handheld computer platforms supported include Palm OS/Tapwave Zodiac, Symbian OS (UIQ platform, Nokia 60, 80 and Nokia 7710/90 phone series), Nokia's Internet Tablet OS (used by the Nokia 770, N800 and N810), Apple's iPhone and Windows Mobile.

Platforms supported by unofficial ScummVM ports include the Zaurus and Gizmondo portable device platforms, the Motorola A780, Motorola A680i Linux-based mobile phones, and the Xbox.


ScummVM was a participant in the Google Summer of Code 2007 and is also a participant in 2008.

AGI engine addition

On 2006-05-24 the Adventure Game Interpreter engine was added. It is based on Sarien code, an AGI interpreter, but sadly outdated and known for being buggy in some ways (which is now being solved in the new ScummVM engine). The ScummVM's AGI engine is in an early phase of conversion to C++ and is being improved in many ways. The Sarien project stopped its development, continuing the development into ScummVM's AGI engine.

TrollVM has also been integrated into ScummVM adding support for three pre-AGI games: Mickey's Space Adventure, Troll's Tale, and Winnie the Pooh and the Hundred Acre Wood.

Game releases

During the development cycle leading up to the 0.5.0 release on August 2, 2003, game manufacturer Revolution Software not only helped ScummVM developers add support for their adventure Beneath a Steel Sky by supplying them with the original source code, but also decided to release both the CD and the floppy version of the game as freeware, available for download on the ScummVM website. A few months later, the developers of Flight of the Amazon Queen made it freely available in much the same way.

The cut scenes from the supported Broken Sword games were encoded in the Smacker video format when originally released, which requires specialised software to be decoded. RAD Game Tools is unwilling to release the specifications of the older versions of the Smacker format and has asked the ScummVM team to not reverse engineer it. Revolution Software therefore allowed re-encoded versions of these cut scenes to be downloaded for free from the ScummVM website.

Permission has been obtained for ScummVM to support Discworld 1 and Discworld 2, but the original source code has not yet been delivered to the developers.

Infos from: Wikipedia

Virtual Machine 2006

Generic Solarus

Computer 1984-09-01

Generic Squale

The Squale was a strange computer which was sold in very small quantities. The BASIC was supplied in a cartridge. Only 28 KB were free for the user (4 KB for the monitor, 28 KB for BASIC and FLEX and 32 KB for the video memory). One of its interesting characteristics was its built-in modem (Thomson EFB 7510, 1200 baud, full duplex or 1200/75 baud, half duplex). The designers of this computer apparently encountered lots of problems with the development of the Squale, which explains why it sold in such limited quantities.

Virtual Machine 2017

Generic TIC-80


Generic UT-88

Computer 1983

Gimix 6809

The Codimex 6809 is a brasilian clone of the Tandy TRS-80 Color Computer.
After the success of another brazilian Coco clone, the Prologica CP-400, several brasilian companies tried to release their own compatible system. The Codimex 6809 is one of them.
It has nothing quite special and doesn't seem to innovate at all... Anyone has more info about this system ?
Source : Computadores Brazileiros


Grundy NewBrain

Computer September 1983

Gundam RX-78

The Gundam RX-78 was originaly a very popular manga animation movie from the 80's. Bandai then marketed a personal computer under this name...
Little is known about this small computer. Since the Gundam Rx-78 was only sold in Japan nearly all the information currently comes from Japanese websites.
The capabilities of the RX-78 were not bad at all for 1983, and the space between the keys offered the possibility to use keyboard overlays with games or applications, except maybe for complaints about the poor keyboard quality.
It appears that there were two cartridge slots at the back of the system. One slot was often used for the BS Basic programming language and the other could be used for special expansion cartridges (to connect a printer for example).
The BS-Basic cartridge was also equipped with connectors to plug a tape-recorder into the RX-78.
While games were the main software developed for this computer an asian brand word processor was also available.

Computer January 1985

Handheld Electronic Games (LCD)

The following information comes from Death Adder :
One of the rarest Commodore machines ever. Only very few units have been built with case, a few (more) without. As opposed to the widely held opinion, this computer is NOT called 'C64 laptop'.
Commodore developed this 3 pounds laptop in 1984 and presented it to the public at the Consumer Eletronics Show in January 1985 (Winter CES). In contradiction to what you might think when you first hear of a Commodore laptop, this machine has nearly nothing to do with the Commodore 64 or the Commodore 128 - alas.
The factory population was 32k of static CMOS RAM, internally expandable to 64k using standard memory chips. It was externally expandable with another 64k of RAM.
Its display was one of the best on the market available at that time, made by Commodore's own optoelectronics division, which was sold off shortly after the C=LCD was cancelled. The resolution in graphics mode was 480x128, and 80x16 in text mode. Although only 16 lines could be displayed simultaneously, the virtual screen size was 25 lines.
Like the Commodore 264 series (Plus/4, C16, C116), the Commodore LCD had built-in software, but as opposed to the unfaithful 264 series, the software was by far better. The 96k of CMOS ROM contained the following software, some of which was incomplete in the prototype shown on the Winter CES:
- wordprocessor and spreadsheet - both could be worked on using a split-screen display, with the spreadsheet supporting scrolling even in this split-screen format. The spreadsheet engineer stated that it will be faster at moving a thousand cells than Lotus 1-2-3 on an IBM PC.
- Address manager and planner
- Pocket calculator
- Filemanager
- Memo pad
- Monitor
- Terminal program
- BASIC 3.6
The main menu offered a few utilities for copying from the internal RAM disk to an external drive, or for downloading over the built-in modem (which was also supported by the BASIC 3.6 by an OPEN statement) or the RS232 port.
Both memo pad and calculator (which had also hex and binary mode) could be invoked with a single keystroke at any time without interfering with the running program.
The BASIC 3.6 is - with the exception of a few commands which are useless for the CLCD, like COLOR - almost downward compatible with BASIC 7.0. It also supports high resolution graphic commands, just like the Plus/4.
The terminal program is of use, indeed, since the CLCD has a built in 300bps auto answer/auto-dial modem. Additionally, the C=LCD has a separate RS232C port, so there is no need to attach a userport-to-RS232C adapter for a 'real' serial port. Commodore also decided to integrate a standard centronics port; rather unusual (at least for that time) is the HP compatible barcode port.
Lacking a builtin floppy drive, the LCD came with a serial IEC port, which was compatible with all Commodore serial peripherals. Above that, Commodore showed prototypes of an external 3.5" serial floppy drive, the 1561, which was also battery-powered.
A prototypical battery-powered thermal transfer printer with an excellent NLQ image was produced, but didn't make it to the market, either.
Although this laptop didn't have an external video output, Jeff Porter stated that his team was thinking about a cartridge for the C=LCD which provided 80 column display for an external video display, using the C128's video chip.
Here is an article by Benn Dunnington, from Commodore Info magazine issue #6 (1985) about a CES coverage:
"[snip]...Now I pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming (where's Herbie when you need him?): there before our eyes is a working model of a Commodore lap computer with a remarkably readable 80 column X 16 line liquid crystal display! I run ouer to a guy demonstrating one of these units to ask a few questions. He turns out to be Jeffrey Porter, one of the co-designers of the LCD (as it is called). We are surprised at how young and intelligent he looks (we have met 'project' types from Commodore before who would not necessarily fit
this description). While we take turns vigorously shaking his hand, Jeff explains that he is a former C-64 'hacker' like us, and was recruited by Comnodore to design "the machine you'd want for yourself". What a concept!
We stop to read our product sheets,[stop here and read your LCD press sheets] I take_ a close-up photo of the keyboard noticing that it is different from the one shown in the standard press photos in our kit. Jeff explains that the press kit photos are of early mock-ups, and that the close-fitting keys of the unit on display would be used in actual production. We agree that they have a nice feel, and look better than the earlier version.
We are slightly disappointed to learn that the LCD is not C-64 software-compatible, but are impressed with the extensive built-in software which looks much more professional than the PLUS/4 built-ins. I knouw a lot of people that will be delighted with the built in MODEM and the on-board terminal software which can emulate both the DEC VT52 & VT100 terminals. I mentally go over some of the other pluses: 5hrs. operation on 4 penlight batteries, only 5lbs. total
weight, fits in my briefcase, compatible with all C-64 peripherals, expected price- under $500) I ask Jeff about some items not covered by the press
materials; Is the 32K RAM expandable? Jeff thinks it will be, but doesn't say by how much; does the use of the 6502-compatible 65C102 processor mean that the
LCD will be able to use Bill Plensch's fabled 65816 Superchip" from Western Design Center [see 'News & Views', iss. #5] ? a smile flickers over Jeff's
lips, and his eyes go slightly out of focus as he replies simply, "We're talking about it."
We also want to know more about the 3.5" micro-floppy we see hooked up to the LCD. Al we can find out is that it is a "Sony-compatible" drive that hooks up to the serial port of any of the Conmodore computers (the peculiar thing is that, while other 3.5" drives typically store 1/2 to 1 full megabyte, we are told that this unit will only store a measly 170K- just like the 1541 ! "Why" was not explained)."

Bil Herd, ex Commodore Engineer, reports :
The LCD project had orders for over 15,000 units in place before it was cancelled. Apparently the Commodore executive who was responsible for this product (Marshall Smith) was convinced during a conversation with a Tandy (Radio Shack) executive that there was no future in LCD notebook computers. Tandy, of course, went on to sell huge numbers of the model 100,102 and 200 LCD notebook computers!

Computer 1984

Hanimex Pencil II

This Australian computer was in fact built and conceived in Hong Kong by Soundic Electronics, which produced a lot of low-end products at that time.
The high-resolution (256 x 192) can only be accessed with at least a 16k RAM extension.
The Basic (SD-Basic 2.0) is supplied on a ROM cartridge, it allowed to display up to 32 sprites.
The Pencil II also came with an interesting expansion cartridge. The regular cartridge port was the exact same size as a Colecovision cartridge, and when you plugged the "Colecvision Support" cartridge into the side of the unit, it played regular Colecvision games.
Unfortunately, very few games and applications were developped and the Pencil II quickly fell into oblivion...

Handheld 1990

Hartung Game Master

The Game Master is a handheld game console developed by the German company Hartung to compete with the Nintendo Game Boy. The Game Master has a 64 x 64 monochrome LCD screen capable of displaying graphics on par with the Atari 2600. The design was much like the Sega Game Gear with a D-Pad and 2 action buttons. The cartridges resemble those used by the Watara Supervision mainly that the card edge of the cartridge jutted out past the plastic of the cartridge. The Game Master utilizes a 40-pin cartridge port like the Supervision but is not compatible with Supervision games.

Technical Specifications

CPU: NEC upd7810
Screen: 64 x 64 Low Resolution LCD
Color: monochrome black/white tones
Power Switch
External Power Supply Jack (DC6V)
Contrast Adjustment
4 Way directional pad
Headphone jack (unit includes small stereo headphones)
Speaker built-in
A & B buttons
Select button
Start button
Volume controller
Dimensions: 170 x 97 x 33 mm
Input: 40-pin cartridge slot

Infos from: Wikipedia

Computer Summer 1983

Hector HRX

The HRX is only a 2HR with some more memory (RAM of 64kb) and above all, a new integrated language, the Forth !! Yes, you read well : FORTH. At this time, as the Jupiter Ace was no longer produced, the Hector HRX was simply the only micro-computer in the world with Forth originally integrated (at least I think).

Computer July 1982

Hewlett-Packard HP-86/7

The HP-86 series was the same machines as the HP-87 but used a 9" or 13" external monochrome monitor.
The built-in BASIC language derived from the HP-85's but featured about 20 additional graphics commands. It also allowed to directly address the ports of external modules.
Two vdersions were successively released:
The 86-A had 64 KB of RAM and was fully compatible with the 87-A. It had built-in interfaces for a printer and dual floppy drives. Internally, these interfaces were seen as HP-IB devices.
The 86-B had 128 KB of RAM and an HP-IB port instead of the printer/fDD interfaces. It was the same machine as the HP-87XM, but with an external monitor.
There was no special operating system. The Basic interpreter provided all the necessary commands for I/O and peripherals management.
Notice that the HP-IB interface found on almost all HP computers - from micro to mini - is a special version of the well-known IEEE 488 interface.

Computer 1980

Hewlett-Packard HP85

The HP-85 was a famous all-in-one computer which met a great worldwide success thanks to its high reliability and ease of use. It featured a 8 bit processor, 16 KB of RAM, a built-in 5" CRT display, tape drive, thermal printer and four I/O ports.
The HP custom processor had 64 8-bit registers but no accumulators. Even slow, it offered outstanding performances in math calculations.
The display offered a full screen editor and and a ROLL key allowing to scroll the screen window up and down through a 48 line (three full screens) buffer .
The quiet and quite fast printer could print a hard copy of the screen in text or graphic mode as well as direct programs outputs.
The built-in tape cartridge system used a common DC100 data cartridge that could hold 195 KB of program files, binary files or data files. Up to 42 file names could be stored in the directory of the tape. A searching function made a file to be found in less than 1 mn. When the system was switched on, the tape drive automatically searched a program called 'Autost' and ran it if found.
HP also provided a large range of interface modules to be plugged in the expansion slots. The system could then manage several peripherals through GPIB or Serial ports: FDD unit, printers, plotters, etc. A 'ROM Drawer' module allowed up to six ROM chips to be inserted. They expanded the capabilities of the internal BASIC interpreter, provided additional languages (Assembler, Pascal), and I/O routines for external devices.
A quite special "feature" of the HP-85 was that the screen blanked whenever the printer was printing or the cartridge was accessed!

Computer 1982

Hitachi Basic Master Level 2

An upgraded version of the Basic Master Level 3, with built-in chinese character ROM board.

Computer 1980

Hitachi Basic Master Level 3

This japanese computer seems quite powerful. The main board is located into the main case, under the monitor.
Inside this main case there are 6 expansion slots which is quite enough ! Thus a lot of expansion boards were available (disk, printers, 8088, Z80 boards, etc).
An interesting feature is that there's a little trap-door on the keyboard which reveals some cool control switches : a power switch, a text mode switch (80 / 40 columns), a reset button and volume control knob. Quite useful !

Computer Unknown

Hitachi S1

Nearly nothing is known about this obscure system. Help welcome !
Pat from Australia, remembers:
On a whim, I looked up the Hitachi S1. When I was much younger - probably in 1984 or 1985 - my dad worked as a Hitachi reseller in Australia. The S1 was not sold outside of Japan to my knowledge, but it did have English available as a language so that may not be for certain. What really caught my attention outside of the amazing computational capabilities and colours (having used Hitachi Peaches for quite a while) was that the S1 (or at least the one I was playing with) had a hard disk! If only I could remember the name of the games I was playing on this thing!

Computer 1985

HomeLab HomeLab

The HomeLab computers family was conceived in the People's Republic of Hungary by the famous Luk?cs brothers.
J?zsef Luk?cs, the older brother was the creator of the hardware, and the younger, Endre Luk?cs was the father of software (a great BASIC language).
The HomeLab machines were cheap, well-working and easy-to-use Basic computers. They were neither clones nor licencied, but original Hungarian home computers.
The HomeLab-2 (see the 'More pictures' section) was also called Aircomp-16. It was made by a little agro-electronics company called the Personal Agroelektronikai GT.
Thanks to K?pes G?bor for all this information and pictures.
All of the HomeLab versions could also be homebrew built or assembled by the HCC (Hungarian Computer Club), an association of amateur computer fans.
The Brailab (pictured) was an exciting curiosity. It was a speaking Homelab-4 version especially intended for blind people. It featured a nice retro robot voice and a perfect Hungarian phonetics reproduction. It was a member of the BraiLab series. The text-to-speech system was conceived by Andr?s Arat? and Ter?z Vasp?ri.
It was made by the Color Ipari Szovetkezet factory, in Domb?v?r, a little Hungarian city. Only 400 machines were made between 1985 and 1987.
The BraiLab ran with a simple tape recorder and could be connected to either a TV set (VHF) or a monochrome monitor. A blind user could use it only with a tape recorder, hear but not watch the data.
The BraiLab was followed by the BraiLab Plus with floppy and CP/M system then by the BraiLab PC, a text-to-speech interface for IBM PCs.
Click here to hear a BraiLab voice synthesizer sample. (MP3 file).


IBM 1620


IBM 3740

Handheld april 1986

IBM PC 5140 Convertible

IBM had little luck with it's portable models, and realized to keep up, they needed a laptop. IBM came up with the 5140, it was a laptop that could be converted into a main desktop in seconds.
The LCD screen detaches for a color CRT to be attached. IBM didn't sell many of these due to the fact the LCD was not backlit, and conpetition was less expensive.
The IBM 5140 was available in two models, the 2 and the 22; the only difference being the 22 came with diagnostics software. IBM saw little success from this machine due to high costs, slow processor at 4.77 MHz, hard to read screen, and cumbersome size. Both models were expandable to 640KB RAM with third party upgrades.
This laptop is unique however because it used static memory, instead of dynamic memory. The static memory was more reliable, and gave the CPU 7% more processing power.
There were three distinct display models for the IBM 5140. One was the standard 10? monochrome LCD, which was hard to read. Later on IBM changed this to a super twist LCD, which was much easier to read.
The first CRT option was an IBM 5144 monochrome display, which was easy to read, it came with a stand, ac power cord, and CRT adaptor for the 5140. The second and final option was an IBM 5145 color display, which was easy to read as well, it came with a stand, ac power cord, and CRT adaptor for the 5140. The CRT monitors sat atop a stand which was placed over the 5140, the 5140 then could be slid in and out from under the monitor stand for easy conversion. The LCD screen that attaches via proprietary connection could be disconnected and removed easily with the push of a button.
There is a 72 pin port on the back of the unit for several expansions; serial, parallel, and CRT interfaces were available.
These computers also came with a small, direct-attach thermal printer that was same width, height, etc as the computer so you could carry computer, printer and all by the one handle.
Thanks to Alex Rushing for info and for the picture.

Computer 1984


The IBM PC AT was the successor of the PC and the XT. IBM added a lot of new features: they abandoned the old Intel 8086 to the Intel 80286, so the PC AT used new 16 bit expansion slots.
The PC AT had a new version of the Microsoft OS: MS-DOS 3.0 which could manage the new 5.25" floppy disk format (1.2 MB), the new hard disk capacities (20 MB and more) and allowed file sharing. It had a new keyboard too (the same we use now, more or less) with cursor keys and a key that could lock it.
Two models were launched: the PC-AT model 1 (256 KB RAM, two floppy disk units and a color screen) and the PC-AT Model 2 (512 KB RAM, one floppy disk unit, one hard disk and a color screen).
This computer was revolutionary, but it was the last time IBM imposed a standard to the PC clone industry. The next year, the first PC based on a 80386 was made by Compaq and IBM failed to impose the PS/2 standard in 1986?

Computer 1986


The IBM PC XT 286 is an intermediate computer between the IBM PC XT and the IBM PC AT.
It had a very short career because most of its features can be found in the PC AT.
Contrary to the PC XT, it has a saved clock and a calendar.
James G. Davis reports:
Only a few were made-maybe 20,000. Someone with IBM told me that they stopped making them when they had used up all the XT boxes, since the new ATs used a different box.

Computer November 1983


After launching the IBM PC (and its great success), IBM tried to stand out a standard for home computers, it created then the PC junior, which itself is a "light" version of the PC especially designed for home activities.
Despite its qualities, the PC jr had few success and never managed to replace the established home computers like Commodore 64, Apple II or Atari 800.
Two IBM PC junior models were available: a basic one and a enhanced one (supplied with 128k, 30 programs, a 5.25" floppy disk drive [360 KB] and its controller).
Contrary to the IBM PC, the power supply is not integrated to the case, but is external. The keyboard is linked by infra-red to the CPU, though there was a RJ11 (standard phone jack) plug that could be used instead to save batteries. It is impossible to connect a 8087 math co-processor.
The RS232 connector is not a standard one. To use a standard RS232 device, the user has to buy a special adapter ("Berg" style connector breakout -> D25 connector).
The PC Jr runs under MSDOS 2.1 (the same version as the PC) and handles a hard disk when it is not possible to connect hard disk on the PC Jr (go figure)!
There was an internal modem available that ran at 300 bps sold by IBM. Third party modems were also available at 1200bps.
A cartridge containing enhanced basic (with special graphics instructions) was also available. To get a 80 column text display, the extra 64k RAM expansion is needed.
Many IBM PC programs would not originally run on the PCjr because it did not include a DMA controller. This was available through a memory side-car add-on from Tecmar Systems. Many people were able to then run the PCjr as a competent business type of system as well.


IBM System-360



Computer 1970

IMLAC Corporation PDS-1

The Imlac PDS-1 is a graphical minicomputer made by Imlac Corporation (founded in 1968) of Needham, Massachusetts. The PDS-1 debuted in 1970 and is considered to be the predecessor of all later graphical minicomputers and modern computer workstations. The PDS-1 had a built-in display list processor and 4096 16-bit words of core RAM. The PDS-1 used a vector display processor for displaying vector graphics as opposed to the raster graphics of modern computer displays. The PDS-1 was often used with another flagship Imlac product, a typesetting program called CES.
The PDS-1 was used in many pioneering computer applications. The FRESS hypertext system had enhanced capability and usability if accessed from a PDS-1 system; the user could make hyperlinks with a light pen and create them simply with a couple of keystrokes. Multi-window editing on FRESS was also possible when using the PDS-1.
The PDS-1 also had the capability to run remote graphical programs such as those that ran on the Stanford AI Lab's main computer. The PDS-1 was also able to run Mazewar, the first online multiplayer computer game. The PDS-1 connected to a host PDP-10 computer (located at MIT) running ITS over Arpanet and the Mazewar program. Up to 8 players running PDS-1 minicomputers or other terminals could access MIT's Mazewar host. The PDS-1 was also important during the early days of Arpanet when network graphics protocols were under consideration.
Source: Wikipedia

Computer February 1982

ITT 3030

The ITT 3030 is a modular system with several options available. The original CPU for example is a Z80A, but a 8086 CPU board was available...
More floppy disk drives and hard disks (5, 10 and 15 MB) can be added. The average access time of the hard-disks is 170ms, and the transfer rate 600 kb/s.
It is also possible to add up to two 8" disk drives in addition to the original 5''1/4 disk-drives. They can be simple-sides/simple-density (256k) and are thus compatible with the IBM 3740 format, or double-sided/double-density (1024kb).
Two monitors were proposed. A greenich monochrome one (80 x 24), and a color one being able to display 512 x 512 pixels and 16 colors. But these monitors could also be replaced with a TV.
The ITT 3030 works under CP/M, MP/M or BOS. It was delivered with CP/M and user documentations.
The following software were sold with the machine : CP/M, Microsoft Basic 5.0, Cobol, Fortran, Pascal (UCSB), Mailmerge and Supersport. Were also available : Calcstar, Wordstar, Datastar and many professional software (for doctors for example).
The ITT-3030 was in fact conceived by Standard Electric Lorenz, a subsidiary of ITT RFA.
About BOS operating system, Ian Turner (from U.K.) clarifies:

Bos was an independent company who created a truly 'portable' (between different types of computers) operating system and sofware. They specialised in accounting packages but the OS was quite excellent and the name was the acronym of "Business Operating Software". They were highly successful until the early 1990's when they were bought by an insurance company and slowly migrated into an accounts software company running under Unix.
I was a major developer and reseller for them and was instrumental in the link between Bos and ITT, who offered Bos as a package with their systems. The company still exists.

More information from Thomas Bourke:

BOS was originally developed by CAP Ltd who were *the* consulting company for IT in the 1970's - 80's - the eventually were taken over by a French Company with the resulting name of Cap Gemni Sogeti.
Anyway, I digress, CAP didn't know what to do with BOS, so they effectively spun it of into a company called MPSL (Micro Process Software Ltd - if my memory serves).
It sold BOS and a bunch of horizontal packages (payroll, accounting, word processing, spreadsheet et al) both direct and through a series of dealers throughout the (english) speaking world.
Eventually MPSL (by now called BOS Software Ltd) was taken over by MISYS, a UK software/ services company. MISYS ran a VAN (value added network) for Insurance Brokers, hence the confusion with insurance companies - but they did and do other things as well - mainly for financial organisations (but hey, they're big, so they do lots of things!).
An MBO bought the remaining pieces in March 1999 and TIS Software Ltd now owns BOS...

Computer april 1980

Incredible Technologies Eagle

Eagle Computers were originally manufactured by AVL (Audio Visual Labs) as a controller for audio-video projectors. The original models, the Eagle I and II, had AV ports on the back.
The computers proved so popular that the AV ports were removed, and standard RS-232 and Centronics ports added. The computer division was spun off and Eagle Computers, Inc. was created.
The complete line of CP/M computers they made was: Eagle I, II, III, IV, and V. All were the same except for the storage. The Eagle I had a single single-sided (SS) double-density (DD) 96-tpi 5.25" floppy-disk drive, the Eagle II had two of these. The Eagle III had two double-sided (DS) DD 96-tpi 5.25" FDD. The Eagle IV had one of these and a 10-Mb hard disk, and the Eagle V had one of these and a 32-Mb hard disk.
The Is and Vs were not sold in large numbers, because of the small storage capacity of the former, and the high capacity and higher price of the latter. Who needed 32 Mb?

Computer 1979

Intec Interact

The Interact computer had a very short life in USA. It had only just got in production when the Interact Co. of Ann Arbor MI, went bankrupt. Several thousand machines were produced though. Some of them were sold by Protecto Enterprizes of Barrington, IL, the liquidator, but the main part was sold by MicroVideo, also of Ann Arbor. Protecto bought lots of back-of-the-magazine ads for years, always printed with 'WE LOVE OUR CUSTOMERS'.

The Interact shipped with 2 joysticks, a built-in tape recorder, a TV RF modulator and 2 KB of ROM. Everything, including BASIC, must be loaded from tape. A little trivia: The tape unit did include an erase head, but it was not connected! Tapes had to be erased on a regular cassette recorder before being reused. Another surprising feature is that the '1' key is after the '0' key at the far right of the keyboard. Thus the row is starting from 2 and finishing by 1... See explanation in the 'Read more' page.

MicroVideo supported the machine for two years, 1979-80, making some hardware expansions (32K RAM card and stringy floppy drive), replacing the original minimalist EDU-BASIC language with a Microsoft 8K graphic version, and even publishing 3 issues of 'Interaction', a newsletter of the Detroit Interact Group.

The Interact computer finally vanished from the US market in late 1980. However, a French company bought the rights of the machine and started to sell the Interact under Victor Lambda name in French market. See the rest of the story here.

For five years, several improved sequels of the Interact, called Hector, were launched in France. The last version, the Hector MX, featured high resolution graphics and 4 built-in languages!

NAME Home Computer System
TYPE Home Computer
YEAR 1979
BUILT IN LANGUAGE None (EDU-BASIC on cassette tape)
KEYBOARD QWERTY, chicklet keyboard 53 keys
CPU Intel 8080 A
RAM 8 or 16 KB
TEXT MODES 17 chars. x 12 lines
GRAPHIC MODES 112 x 78 in 4 colors
SOUND 1 voice, 4 octaves
SIZE / WEIGHT 46.3 (W) x 26.5 (D) x 10 (H) cm / 5.8 kg
I/O PORTS 2 joystick sockets, TV output
BUILT IN MEDIA Tape recorder (1200 bauds)
POWER SUPPLY External AC transformer
PERIPHERALS 32 KB RAM card, stringy floppy drive
PRICE 300Dollar (USA, 1980)

Retrieved from ''

Computer 1979

Interact Family Computer

The Interact computer had a very short life in USA. It had only just got in production when the Interact Co. of Ann Arbor MI, went bankrupt. Several thousand machines were produced though. Some of them were sold by Protecto Enterprizes of Barrington, IL, the liquidator, but the main part was sold by MicroVideo, also of Ann Arbor. Protecto bought lots of back-of-the-magazine ads for years, always printed with "WE LOVE OUR CUSTOMERS".
The Interact shipped with 2 joysticks, a built-in tape recorder, a TV RF modulator and 2 KB of ROM. Everything, including BASIC, must be loaded from tape. A little trivia: The tape unit did include an erase head, but it was not connected! Tapes had to be erased on a regular cassette recorder before being reused. Another surprising feature is that the "1" key is after the "0" key at the far right of the keyboard. Thus the row is starting from 2 and finishing by 1... See explanation in the "Read more" page.
MicroVideo supported the machine for two years, 1979-80, making some hardware expansions (32K RAM card and stringy floppy drive), replacing the original minimalist EDU-BASIC language with a Microsoft 8K graphic version, and even publishing 3 issues of 'Interaction', a newsletter of the Detroit Interact Group.
The Interact computer finally vanished from the US market in late 1980. However, a French company bought the rights of the machine and started to sell the Interact under Victor Lambda name in French market. See the rest of the story here.
For five years, several improved sequels of the Interact, called Hector, were launched in France. The last version, the Hector MX, featured high resolution graphics and 4 built-in languages!
If you got tapes for the Interact or Victor Lambda (or Hector/Victor), please contact us. We are trying to save all programs released for this computer before there are lost forever.

Console 1978

Interton VC 4000

The VC 4000 is an early 8-bit cartridge-based game console released in Germany in 1978 by Interton. The console is quite obscure outside Germany, but many software compatible systems can be found in many European countries (see 1292 Advanced Programmable Video System). It's unclear if Interton really made the VC 4000 from scratch or if they bought the rights and the design to produce it, as many other brands produced similar systems the following years.

The VC-4000 is powered by a Signetics 2650A CPU (same as the Arcadia 2001) and a Signetics 2636 Video Controller. The two controllers are composed of a 12-key keypad, 2 fire buttons and an analog joystick. On the control panel of the system, one can find an on/off switch and three buttons: RESET, SELECT and START.

Technical specifications

CPU: Signetics 2650A
Video controller: Signetics 2636

Infos from Wikipedia


Itautec I-7000

Computer 1979

Ithaca InterSystems DPS-1

InterSystems was the computers brand name of the Ithaca company which previously manufactured various cards for other mainframe makers.
The DPS-1 is based on the S-100 bus. It seems to be a copy of the Altair 8800 and Cromemco Z-1 systems. The case had a 20-card capacity and can support 8 and 16 bit processors.
With a 16-bit Zilog Z8000 processor, the system could take up to 256 KB of RAM and run the Unix operating system, as well as the more usual CP/M.
It was the last computer proposing a front panel with switches and data/addresses LED.
Mark Mullin specifies:

There were actually two boxes as I recall, one holding the computer and the other holding great big nasty heavy quantum hard disks (20Mb each) - you could actually have more than one drive. The OS it ran was Coherent, a Unix 7 clone from Mark Williams in Chicago.
It was one of the first machines you could get and reliably and affordably run your own UNIX server - one thing that I do recall was that they'd built their own memory management unit on a S-100 card that attached to the cpu over an additional top bus - the card used static high speed ram to hold the segmentation mapping data, and the chips themselves had a nasty habit of walking out of their sockets every month or so - when the system started crashing a lot more than normal, you pulled out the mmu card and reseated all of the chips.

Steven Sorensen adds:

They made 2 styles of with a front panel, and one without. Later they came out with a cache-bios for their version of CPM, it became a real hot rod. Motherboards were by Godbout I believe. Early CPU boards were a little flakey at 4 MHz, but later cpu boards were great! I replaced the crystal section on the CPU board with a 6 MHz oscillator and Z80b CPU.


Jaleco Jaleco


Juku E5101

Console 2007

JungleTac-KenSingTon Vii

Jungle Soft's Sport Vii is a video game console similar in aspect to the Nintendo's Wii.[1] Originally released in China in 2007, according to Engadget China the console used to sell for 1,280 Yuan; now in 2009 the Vii sells for 443 Yuan a substantially lower price. The Vii is not a competitive console in the current generation; instead, it competes in the 'plug-in TV game' genre of inexpensive consoles with built-in games. It is based on the 16-bit SunPlus SPG CPU.

The Vii's Handybar controller is similar in design to the Wii Remote but is smaller in size. It features motion detection but not the pointing capability of the Wii Remote.

The Vii remotes also come in different colors.

Available Colors:

* Arctic White
* Hot Pink
* Mint Blue.

A redesign of the console, colloquially called the Vii 2 by bloggers, features remodeled controllers and a console design reminiscent of the Nintendo Entertainment System and the PlayStation 3,[3] as well as support for both NTSC and PAL televisions.[4]

In 2008, the Vii was released in Japan under the name V-Sports (Sport Vii)
(Info: Wikipedia)

The vii interactive game is to achieve the purpose of entertainment and body-training through the body movement and operation of the player.

Vii means a Very Interesting Interactive game console for those who can not afford wii, as vii is only 50% lesser and has the following:

- A legitimate interactive video game in China and wii is not
- Combining entertainment, sports, and family fun
- Wireless motion sensitive control


Computer 1982

Jupiter Cantab Jupiter Ace

The Jupiter Ace was a British home computer of the early 1980s, produced by a company, set up for the purpose, named Jupiter Cantab. The Ace differed from other microcomputers of the time in that it used FORTH instead of the traditional BASIC.

FORTH systems combine high performance and code compactness with the programming benefits of high-level programming languages . The designers had the courage to deliver FORTH's many advantages to the public, education and industry.


It was named after the early British computer, the ACE. The name choice hides several references:

An introductory home computer that avoided BASIC programming - It was a first.
Having an high level programing language and high performance - It was an ace.
Instead of interpreted BASIC it used FORTH, a Threaded code programming language that also acted as Operating System.
In the ACE, the FORTH language, and system,was adapted to the disk-less tape-using home computer hardware.

The Jupiter ACE was this FORTH dialect inside a simple and efficient hardware.

On average, and for similar programs, ACE's FORTH was 5 times faster and needing half the RAM (RAM was an expensive luxury at the time).

ACE's FORTH made it a very fast microcomputer and simultaneously one that promoted both well structured code and modular programming.
It grabbed the attention of the community.


The company, Jupiter Cantab, was formed by Richard Altwasser and Steven Vickers.

Both had been on the design team for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum:

Altwasser did some work on the development of the ZX-81 and in the design of the hardware of the Spectrum.
Vickers adapted and expanded the 4K ZX-80 ROM to the 8K ZX-81 ROM and wrote most of the ROM for the Spectrum.
A promising association, with high hopes but limited in money and time. So the ACE born conditioned by those limits.

A completely new, clean and well engineered board kept it economical.
The FORTH usage and clever adaptation made it a good and usable tool for learning, programming and control.


CPU : Zilog Z80 processor clocked at 3.25 MHz.
RAM : 1 KB, expandable up to 49 KB.
Video : Independent sub-system using dedicated 2 banks of 1 KB making a total of 2 KB of extra VRAM.
Sound : Internal Speaker.
Keyboard : was the same type used in the Spectrum, but avoiding single-keyword entry (due to the extensible nature of the residing Forth language).
Expansion : 2 connectors: One (standard, CPU related) similar to the one in the ZX-81. The other (extra) connecting to the Video sub-system.
The ACE RAM is usually referenced including the 2 KB Video banks of VRAM (like the Sinclair computers did), leading to some confusion.

Clarification notes on the subject:

In computers the ACE is compared, their actual user RAM available is less than the total declared as they share it with Video usage.
Their BASIC RAM demands are greater than those of FORTH. RAM amounts are not equivalent, but relative though in a non-direct way:
Forth programs usage tends to be be more RAM efficient the bigger programs are as they reuse previous defined code.


A small Jupiter ACE systemThe Jupiter ACE is usually compared with ZX81 due to its looks, though in a white box, B/W display and limited RAM. It is also wrongly classified as a Sinclair derivative or clone when is actually an independent computer:

Having a completely new and clean architecture, similarities are limited to the outside box, keyboard or limited RAM:

The ZX81 used 75 percent of its Z80 [[CPU Time] to drive the video. In ACE the Z80 CPU was fully used.
The Spectrum, like preceding Sinclair Research computers, use available RAM both to programming but also video.
The ACE used a Dedicated Video Circuit with its own 2 KB maximizing the role of the CPU. Thus the declared RAM total of 3KB.
The use of discrete transistor-transistor logic rather than the ULA Sinclair machines (after the ZX-80).
The Jupiter-ACE was new in the market. So it couldn't afford the use of an ULA (only highly economical in high quantities) used by other computers to be more price competitive. Even so, its clever design needed a low number of chips allowing it to be a choice to consider.

Like the Spectrum, it used black rubber keys. Likewise, both audio capabilities were CPU controlled with programmable frequency and duration. Also shared sound output through a small built-in speaker.

It also used a television as a display output, but in B&W only.

Programs and data storage was by means of a common cassette tape, as was standard at that time.


Clean and economical on chips, it was designed from scratch to be efficient. (Not a Sinclair derivative).

Video :

One 1K bank allowed redefinition of most of its 128 characters ASCII based characters in 8x8 pixel bitmap format.
The other 1K bank stored the full screen display of 24 rows x 32 columns of characters in black and white.
So while it had only one video mode, text only (each char being a 8x8 defined sprite) graphics could be used:

Chunky graphics with a low resolution of 64x48, usually used for plotting or drawing.
Emulation of High resolution (256x192) graphics, limited by the 128 available (definable) 8x8 chars.
These 2 kinds of graphics could be mixed together and with text.
The font of the character set was identical to that of the Spectrum, but the display was white on black instead of color. Although a color graphics board was designed none was ever commercialized.

Internal speaker directly controlled by the CPU in single task mode, with control of sound frequency an its duration in milliseconds.

External Storage :
Cassette tape interface at 1500 baud.

Add-Ons :
Originally developed to receive ZX-81 add-ons, with a compatible expansion slot, it was actually delivered in a different configuration. A simple rewiring adapter could be used, but not very effective due to power losses. Dedicated add-ons were needed and built by external companies, after the initial 16KB by Jupiter Cantab.

Pack 16KB by Jupiter Cantab.
Pace 16KB and 32KB by Stonechip Electronics.
Pack 48KB by Boldfield (new Jupiter ACE owner after Jupiter Cantab).

Memotech Keyboard, by Memotech.

SoundBoard (1983) by Essex Micro Electronics,

Jet-Disc Disc Drive System (1983) by MPE (control up to four 3', 5', or 8' drives).
Drive Disk Controler (1985) by MPE (compatible with most makes of 5.1/4' floppy disc units and some types of 3' drive).
Printer Adapters
ADS Centronics Interface Machine (1983), by Advanced Digital Systems,
RS232 & Centronics PrinterCard (1984) by Essex Micro Electronics.


ACE's Forth VocabularyThe major visible difference from previous introductory computers, was it avoided BASIC language problems (low speed, non-structured code) by using Forth as its default programming language. On the downside, the usage of a data stack and the associated Reverse Polish notation were as unfamiliar as Structured programming was.

Forth, being a structured language and efficient one (both on speed and RAM usage), was considered more adapted to be used by micro-computers (meaning an affordable but slow CPU and a small size RAM). The new microcomputer was meant to be fast and useful.
Control Structures could be nested to any deep level, only memory available dependent.
Forth allowed easier implementation of Machine code routines, if needed for a particular task.
Used Runtime error Checking by default. This could be turned off to get a further (application dependent) speed improvement of 25 percent to 50 percent. In conjunction with structured code and Modular programming made it a very stable system (an hard to crash computer).
Also allowed recursive programing, if desired.
The ACE had an 8 KB ROM containing the O/S, Forth Kernel and the predefined dictionary of Forth words in about 5KB. The remaining 3KB of ROM were used for tape control, Floating numbers library and Character definitions table'ACE ROM Project (E-Book)'. . Some of the ROM was written in Z80 machine code, but some was also coded in Forth, both maximizing the number of functions available in ROM and also maximizing the RAM space for extensions.

The next 8 KB were splited in 2 blocks of 4KB space:

The Video subsystem access allowing two different priorities by the user to the 2KB VRAM in: Regular or Overriding Video.
User RAM. But since only 1KB was delivered this resulted in that 1KB echoing on all 4KB space, wrongly interpreted as a multiple access.
So a 16KB space was used for ROM, VIDEO, and USER. Leaving free a 16KB space for RAM extension plus 32KB space free for all possible usages.

ACE's Forth

ACE's Forth, maybe more correctly named as Jupiter Forth, was based mostly on Forth-79, with some relevant differences:

A few extra Words were named similar to known BASIC sound, video and tape commands, as behavior was the same.
Lacked less used Forth Words, easy implemented if needed.
It introduced several innovations, as follows:
As a Programming Language:

It simplified usual Forth definer and compiler words creation, with the CREATE .. DOES> , creation pair with:
DEFINER .... DOES> : Create new Defining words, usually used to define and build data data structures, ( Examples: Arrays, Records, ... ).
COMPILER .. RUNS> : Create new Compiling words, less frequently used to extend the language with new control structures. ( Examples: Case, Infinite-Loop, ... ).
As an Operating System:

It was adapted to Tape usage, saving/loading user vocabularies instead of the usual numbered programing blocks used in diskette systems.
The ACE's Forth could decompile its programs, unlike usual Forth systems:
This decompiling ability had several advantages as a solution to the absence of the more flexible disk system used by Forth;

It did not store the text of a Forth program, instead it compiled the code after editing and stored it in ready-to-run format.
While this saved RAM it also saved time in reading and writing programs from cassette tape.
This tape-friendly and RAM-saving solution was unique to the Jupiter ACE Forth.


Though Forth delivered several great advantages over the interpreted BASIC used on all other home computers, the weak box and too small initial RAM kept the sales low in spite of technical interest. Excellent reviews in most magazines grabbed attention and interest on the ACE and its characteristics.


Jupiter ACE 40001982 - Original Jupiter ACE on an yogurt-pot type of case - Reported 8000 units built.
1983 - Jupiter ACE 4000 on stronger injection moulded case - Reported 800 units built.


Sales of the machine were never very large; as of the early 2000s, surviving machines are quite uncommon, fetching quite high prices as collector's items. One main reason, for this low commercial results, seems to have been the need to buy an extra 16KB RAM-extension which almost doubled the ACE's price. It happened that the designed 4 KB of base RAM was not built in favor of the less expensive 1 KB delivered.

Industry and Education did not respond, apparently for another reason: The weak case, later replaced in the new ACE4000 model. As for the public, the absence of color kept the ACE squarely in a niche market of programming enthusiasts.

It must be understood that with ACE's Forth, 1 KB was equivalent to 2 KB (on average) in Sinclair computers, used here as reference.
It was a real limit nonetheless. Notice that an initial 4 KB (in design) would be the equivalent of about 8 KB in Sinclair BASIC. With the designed 4 KB, though the final price would be slightly more expensive, the ACE would have been much more useful and attractive starting right from the base model.


Its full discrete logic construction makes this home computer an excellent choice to clone for digital electronics, programming learning and small languages study. Any of these isolated or integrated with the others.

An added advantage for educators is that Forth is an High level language but still very close to the hardware.
Its design blueprints are available for study and construction, as is its ROM file and code.

Today, for all the above, the ACE keeps being an excellent education tool (as it was originally intended).

infos from: Wikipedia

Handheld august 1982

Kaypro II

Despite its name, the Kaypro II was the first Kaypro model. The name was KAYPRO II, because the Apple II was the most popular system (besides the IBM PC) around back then, and Kaypro decided to follow in the image.
It was conceived by Non Linear Systems inc., a company with over 30 years' experience of producing small portable aerospace electronic equipment, which would later become Kaypro.
The Kaypro systems were known to be square-built ! All the hardware is packed into a solid aluminum case. These computers can resist to a lot of trouble as they proved when ten of them (Kaypro IV & 10) were used by doctors for the Paris-Dakar 84's edition. Non of them failed despite extreme conditions.
One asset of the Kaypro, over the Osborne 1 which was
available at about the same time, is the 9" built-in monitor, easily twice
the size of the Osborne's. Though the Kaypro 2 has no graphic features, it can display 80 x 24 characters. There are two single-sided / double-density full-heigth 5.25'' disk-drives (190k each). One can be used to boot CP/M and the other to run the software.
The Kaypro II is a real "luggable" system. Even if it weights more than 10kg, it can be easily moved with the handle found at the back.
At the rear of the system, one can find a serial port, a parallel port, a keyboard connector, a brightness control knob and reset button.
Perfect Writer, Perfect Calc, Perfect Filer, Perfect Speller, S-Basic, CP/M and Profitplan were bundled with the system. Later WordStar was also available.
As usual with Kaypro, the model names logic is quite dramatic to resolve. Several Kaypro "2" were marketed :
- In 1984 a new Kaypro 2 (refered as Kaypro 2'84) is introduced. It has two SS/DD half-height floppy drives, a Z-80A running at 4.0 MHz, 2 serial ports and rudimentary graphics (through graphic characters).
- The same year, the Kaypro 2X is released. Very similar to a Kaypro 2'84 but with DS/DD half-height drives.
- Still in 1984, in order to be compatible with IBM software, a special version was marketed with an Intel 8088 CPU instead of the Z80A. It was called the Kaypro II Plus 88!
- In 1985 another Kaypro 2 refered as "New 2" is sold. It is basically an old 2X motherboard, with one or two DS/DD floppy drives, but no 300 baud modem previously found on the 2X. It comes with just CP/M and Wordstar for software.
- And to spice up a bit things, Kaypro decides to rename its Kaypro 4'84 as Kaypro 2X (sometimes also known as 2X MTC), thus dropping the previous 2X model!
See ! I told you...
Trivia :
In 1985, Arthur C. Clarke published a sequel to 2001 : 2010 Odyssey Two. He worked with Peter Hyams in the movie version of 2010. Their work was done using a Kaypro computer and a modem, for Arthur was in Sri Lanka and Peter Hyams in Los Angeles. Their communications turned into the book The Odyssey File - The Making of 2010.
Thanks to Bolo's Computer Museum for the picture.


Koei PasoGo


Konami FireBeat


Konami Picno


Konami Python 2


Kontron PSI98

Computer 1983

Lambda Electronics Lambda 8300

The Lambda 8300 is basically a ZX-81 clone. Made in Hong-Kong (by Lambda Electronics LTD? DEF?), it was designed as a cheap computer for initiation and was licenced to many companies throughout the world. This explains why the same computer can be found under many different brands and names (DEF 3000, Power 3000, Basic 2000, Basic 3000, PC 2000, PC 8300, Marathon 32K, IQ 8300, Futura 8300, Your Computer, etc.). But on all mainboards is written a generic "PC 8300", which explains why 8300 or 3000 are often used in licenced names.
The system is thus a cloned ZX-81 with a modified ROM (to avoid legal problems), a better keyboard, more RAM (2 KB), sound features, a composite video output and even a joystick connector (Atari compatible). These represent in fact all the upgrades ZX-81 users usually wanted to add first to their system, but all bundled for a cheaper price.
With its modified ROM, the PC-8300 was only ZX-81 compatible with Basic programs. But soon, a ZX-81 ROM was available to turn your system into a real Sinclair ZX-81 machine, being able to run all software including machine code.
Different addons were available : 16 KB and 32 KB RAM upgrades, color (and high resolution graphics ?) expansion, joysticks, printers... The expansion bus is supposed to be compatible with the ZX-81 one (to be confirmed).


LeapFrog Didj


LeapFrog IQuest


Luxor ABC 1600

Computer 1978

Luxor ABC 80

In August 1978, first units of the "Advanced Basic Computer for the 1980s", in short ABC-80 left the Swedish Luxor factory.
A few months earlier, Luxor contracted with two other companies, Scandia Metric and Data Industrier AB (DIAB), to build the first totally Swedish computer. Scandia Metrics which had previous experience of computer based products designed the main board, DIAB manufactured the chips, while Luxor, one of the biggest TV set manufacturers, built the monitor, case and keyboard and assembled the whole system in its assembly plant of Motala (Sweden, at the northeast shore of Swedens second largest sea, V?ttern).
Despite the fact that the technology behind the ABC 80 was very simple and technical features wasn't better than US competitors, the ABC80 was a quality machine and became a great success among early Swedish computer enthusiasts, who had been waiting for a long time a real local computer. More than 10.000 computers were sold within two years. For six years, the ABC80 and then its sequel the ABC800, were by far the most sold and used personal computers in Sweden, for home, hobby, and especially education.
Many schools in Sweden had ABC 80 or ABC 800 for the students. It was possible to connect together several ABC 80 thanks to a network called ABC NET.
In 1984, the ABC1600 and ABC9000, two Unix systems, were launched with the slogan "Who needs to be IBM compatible?"... They were the last Luxor computers produced.

Computer 1981

Luxor ABC 800

This computer is the successor of the Luxor ABC 80
There were several successors to the ABC800, most notably the ABC802 with built-in small 9" monitor and the ABC806 with more memory and more advanced 512x240x16 graphics.
The ABC 800 series was also sold by Facit under the DTC (DeskTop Computer) name, in a darker enclosure.


Luxor ABC 806


Luxor X37

Computer 1986

Lviv PC-01

The L'vov was made by an Ukrainian company called "V. I. Lenin". It is also called "Lviv" is KR580WM80A based with 64k of RAM and 8k of ROM.

Here are some interesting notes from "Hard Wisdom":
4 simultaneous colors from a palette of .... quite hard to describe: here the source to compute actual color from four screen colors and a 8-bit palette index.

// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
enum {BLACK=0, BLUE=1, GREEN=2, RED=4};

// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
int LVOV20_PAL::ComputeColor(int PalettePort, int LvColor) {
int Result=BLACK; if (PalettePort&0x40) Result^=BLUE;
if (PalettePort&0x20) Result^=GREEN;
if (PalettePort&0x10) Result^=RED;
switch (LvColor) {default: break;
case 0: if (!(PalettePort&0x08)) Result^=RED;
if (!(PalettePort&0x04)) Result^=BLUE; break;
case 1: Result^=GREEN; break;
case 3: Result^=RED; if (!(PalettePort&0x02)) Result^=GREEN; break;
case 2: Result^=BLUE; if (!(PalettePort&0x01)) Result^=RED; break;
} return Result;

Resolution: 256x256, but this is the full size of videoframe, excluding border we will have 220x200 points. No text mode, only graphic. (To access 16kb of graphic RAM You need to switch RAM pages).

Technical Overview:
Year: 1986
CPU: KR580WM80A or KR155
RAM/ROM: 64kB / 8 kB
Clone: none
Colors: 4
Resolution: 256x256

(Info: HCM: East-European Home-Computer)



Computer 1959

MGT Sam Coupe

The SAM Coupé was an 8-bit British home computer that was first released in late 1989. A popular misconception is that it is a clone of the Sinclair ZX Spectrum computer because it has a compatible screen mode and features that allow for emulation and it was marketed as a logical upgrade from the Spectrum. It was originally manufactured by Miles Gordon Technology, plc. (MGT) based in Swansea in the United Kingdom.

1 Hardware overview
1.1 Video memory problems
1.2 Disk drives
1.3 Expansion ports
1.4 Kaleidoscope
2 ZX Spectrum compatibility
3 Commercial fortunes
3.1 Miles Gordon Technology, plc.
3.2 SAM Computers Ltd
3.3 West Coast Computers
4 SAM the robot
5 Notable software
5.1 Flash!
6 Software houses
6.1 Enigma Variations
6.2 Revelation
6.3 FRED Publishing

Hardware overview

A profile of the SAM Coupé, explaining its car themed nameThe machine was based around a Z80B CPU clocked at 6 MHz, and contained an ASIC that is comparable to the Spectrum's ULA. Memory was accessible within the 64 KiB range of the Z80B CPU, by slicing it into 16 KiB blocks and accessing IO ports to switch which blocks appeared in the 4 slots available to the CPU. The basic model had 256 KiB of RAM, upgradable internally to 512 KiB and externally with an additional 4 MiB (added in 1 MiB packs). Tapes were the original storage medium, but one or two 3.5 inch floppy disk drives could be fitted internally. Six channel, 8 octave stereo sound was provided by a Philips SAA 1099 chip. The ASIC also included a line triggered interrupt counter, allowing video effects to be synchronised to specific display positions with little effort.

Four graphics modes were provided:

Mode 4 — 256x192, linear framebuffer, 4 bits per pixel (16 colours) = 24 KiB
Mode 3 — 512x192, linear framebuffer, 2 bits per pixel (4 colours) = 24 KiB
Mode 2 — 256x192, linear framebuffer, 1 bit per pixel with separate attributes for each 8x1 block of pixels = 12 KiB
Mode 1 — 256x192, separate attributes, non-linear framebuffer arranged to match the display of the ZX Spectrum = 6.75 KiB
All modes were paletted, with a 16-entry CLUT selecting from a palette of 128 colours. Palette entries consisted of 2 bits for each of the red, green and blue components as well as an extra bit which would slightly increase the intensity of all three components. The machine's non-standard SCART connector included signals to drive an old fashioned TTL style monitor, in which case the total palette of colours was reduced to 16.

In mode 1, extra forced wait states reduced the CPU speed by around 10 percent to give a more compatible running speed for ZX Spectrum software.

The Motorola MC1377P RGB to PAL/NTSC encoder created a composite video signal from the machine's RGB- and Sync-signals (output by the ASIC) for the RF modulator.

SAM Coupé bootup screenThe machine shipped with 32 KiB of ROM containing code to boot the machine and a BASIC interpreter (SAM BASIC) written by Andrew Wright and heavily influenced by his earlier Beta BASIC for the ZX Spectrum. No DOS was included in the ROMs, this was instead loaded from disk using the BOOT or BOOT 1 command, or the F9 key. The majority of disks shipped with SAMDOS, the system's first DOS, on them so that they could be directly booted. An improved replacement, MasterDOS, was also developed offering faster disk access, more files and support for the Real Time Clock for filestamps amongst many other improvements.

The BASIC was very advanced and included code for sprite drawing and basic vector shapes such as lines and circles. The screen co-ordinate system for these was variable and could be arbitrarily scaled and centred. A provision for "recording" sequences of graphics commands so that they could later be repeated without the speed penalty of a BASIC interpreter in between, very similar to the display lists of OpenGL, was provided.

Video memory problems
Internal RAM was shared between the video circuitry and the CPU, with accesses incurring a speed penalty (known as memory contention delay) as the CPU was forced to wait for the ASIC to finish. As a result the SAM Coupé's CPU ran only around 14 percent faster than that of the ZX Spectrum, yet was required to do four times as much work to produce the same amount of movement on the display. This penalty applied to all memory accesses to RAM, and not just to memory associated with the video circuitry (as in the case of the ZX Spectrum). Hardware sprites and scrolling would have greatly reduced the effect of this penalty on the performance of games.

While the main 256x192 area of the screen was being drawn, the processor could only access memory in 1 out of every 8 t-states. During the border area this was 1 out of every 4 t-states, which had no effect on the many instructions whose timings were a multiple of 4. In modes 3 and 4 the display could be disabled completely, eliminating these memory contention delays for a full 6 MHz running speed. Code running in ROM was unaffected by the contention, though any RAM accesses they performed would still be affected.

Disk drives

The original MGT SAM Coupé box — all original MGT material pictured a single disk drive inserted into the right hand side even though the machine required single drive users to use the left hand bay.The SAM used Citizen 3.5 inch slimline drives which slotted in below the keyboard to provide front facing slots. Like IDE hard disks, these enclosures contained not just the drives but also the drive controllers, a WD1772-02, with the effect that the SAM could use both drives simultaneously.

Due to a flaw in the Coupé's design, resetting the machine while a disk was left in a drive would be liable to cause data corruption on that disk. With the appropriate technical expertise, this fault was easily corrected.

The double density disks used a format of 2 sides, 80 tracks per side and 10 sectors per track, with 512 bytes per sector. This gave a total capacity of 800 KiB, though the standard directory occupied 20 KiB leaving 780 KiB free for user files. Files were stored in the same structure as MGT's original +D interface, but with additional codes used for SAM Coupé file types.

The firmware of the disk controllers was compatible with that for IBM PC, and programs were available to read FAT formatted disks.

Expansion ports

Rear of the SAM Coupé. From left to right: break button, MIDI IN/OUT ports, joystick port, mouse port, reset button, Euroconnector expansion port, cassette jack, stereo sound output/lightpen input, power button, SCART socket, power/RF socketA large array of expansion ports were provided, including:

Two internal drive bays.
Slightly non-standard SCART connector offering composite video and digital and linear RGB.
64-pin Euroconnector for general purpose hardware expansions.
Mouse socket (proprietary format, although a converter for Atari ST style mice was later available).
Lightpen / Lightgun via 5-pin DIN.
MIDI IN/OUT ports (and THROUGH, via a software switch).
Network using the MIDI port (up to 16 machines could be interconnected).
Atari-style 9-pin joystick port (dual capability with a splitter cable).
3.5 mm mono Cassette jack.
Stereo sound output through 5-pin DIN.
Uniquely the SAM's RF modulator was built into the power supply unit and connected via a joint power/TV socket. This made signal interference from the ACDC converter common and it was a popular but entirely unofficial modification to remove the modulator and keep it as a separate unit.

Due to a flaw in the design, when two joysticks were used at the same time (through the approved splitter) they would interfere with each other.

Up to four devices could be connected to the Coupé's Euroconnector port, through the use of the SAMBUS, which also provided a built-in clock. When using more power-hungry peripherals, the SAMBUS required an additional power supply.

The Kaleidoscope, announced by SAMCo shortly before bankruptcy, extended the machine's total colour palette to 32768 colours in such a way as to allow forwards and backwards compatibility by applications. Although complete, very few were produced and the design ceased with SAMCo.

ZX Spectrum compatibility

The MessengerEmulation of the ZX Spectrum was limited to the 48K and was achieved by loading a copy of the ZX Spectrum ROM and switching to display mode 1, which mimicked the ZX Spectrum display mode and approximated that machines processor speed.

The ROM was not supplied with the machine and had to be obtained from a real ZX Spectrum.

The 128K model's memory map was incompatible with the Coupé's memory model and the machine featured an entirely different sound generator. It was possible to convert games by hacking the 128K code.

Because the Coupé didn't run at exactly the same speed as the Spectrum even in emulation mode, many anti-piracy tape loaders would not work on the Coupé hardware. This led to the development by MGT of a special hardware interface called the Messenger which could capture the state of a connected ZX Spectrum to SAM Coupé disk for playback later without the Spectrum connected. The Messenger plugged into the Coupé's network port, and the Spectrum's expansion slot. Due to faulty break (NMI) buttons (needed to activate the Messenger software), a break-button card was also provided, which plugged into the Coupé's expansion slot.

Commercial fortunes
Three different companies have owned the rights to the SAM Coupé. It is believed that about 12,000 SAM Coupé and SAM Élite machines were sold in total.

Miles Gordon Technology, plc.
MGT, Miles Gordon Technology, plc., which originally produced add-ons for the ZX Spectrum, launched the SAM Coupé (very) late in 1989, missing the Christmas sales. They ended up with a vast number of machines in stock. The 16-bit and PC markets were on the rise and it helped little that MGT in the beginning of 1990 had to ship a new ROM to about 8,000 existing customers to fix bugs, notably a DOS bootstrapping bug. MGT went into receivership in June 1990.

SAM Computers Ltd
Immediately after the collapse of MGT, Alan Miles and Bruce Gordon purchased that company's assets and formed SAM Computers Ltd. The price of the SAM with floppy disk drive was brought down to under Pound 200 and new games and hardware were released. SAMCo survived until 15th July 1992.

West Coast Computers
Stock from SAM Computers Ltd were bought by West Coast Computers in November 1992. They revamped the SAM Coupé into SAM Élite. The only changes were that 512 KiB became standard and an external printer connector was added. The slim-line floppy drives from Citizen, which had withdrawn them from the European market in 1990, were replaced with standard 3.5 inch drives. West Coast was placed into liquidation in February 2005. Little is known about the company. For a long period the only point of contact was Format Publications, run by Bob Brenchley, which faded out of existence sometime around 1998.

SAM the robot

SAM, a friendly robotDevised by Mel Croucher and put in pen by Robin Evans as a mascot for the machine, SAM the robot appeared in the user manual and on most of the advertising literature for the machine and later made an appearance as the main character in the game SAM Strikes Out!

Notable software
The SAM Coupé was particularly notable for the wide array of disk based magazines that originated for it, include FRED and the official SAMCo Newsdisk. It also became notorious for the overwhelming number of puzzle games for the system, something that Spectrum magazine Your Sinclair jokingly referred to on numerous occasions.

Several famous computer games were ported to the SAM, notably Manic Miner, Prince of Persia, and Lemmings. An unofficial but arcade perfect port of Defender surfaced late in the machine's lifespan.

Flash!, an art package, was the only full application bundled with every SAM Coupé and as a result is probably the program best known to SAM owners. Written by Bo Jangeborg, author of the earlier ZX Spectrum program The Artist and The Artist II, it offered pixel editing in all four graphics modes, conversion of graphics from one mode to another and some basic animation functions.

Only full screen images were supported and the program's main flaw was an inability to view the entirety of an image while working on it. A copy adapted for use with a mouse was bundled with the official mouse addon.

Software houses
Before the machine was released, US Gold infamously claimed that "if, as with Strider, we've already produced a games across all common formats, all we have to do is simply take the code from the Speccy version and the graphics from the ST and sort of mix them together. This should take one bloke around two weeks at most.

Computer 1975

MITS Altair 8800

This computer was one of the first "home" computers ever made, it was sold as a kit, but for additional money, you could buy one fully assembled.
It had no keyboard, the "program" had to be entered with the switches located on the front panel of the "computer", and as it didn't have video output (yet), the result was displayed via LEDs.
Another computer which had almost the same characteristics was launched by IMSAI and was called IMSAI 8080 (see both in the "Emulators" section).
The ALTAIR 8800 had one input port, also called the "Sense Switches" (I/O address 255) which was the left hand 8 address switches. Address 255 was also used on the IMSAI. The IMSAI front panel differed from the Altair in that you could also output to port 255 to a displayed LED buffer above the sense switches - a feature the Altair did not have (it only had input). The Altair sense switch were used during boot into Altair DOS to specify the terminal port to the DOS.
MITS made several peripherals and cards for this computer, namely, a video card, a serial card to connect a terminal, a RAM expansion card and a 8" floppy drive that used hard sectored floppies and stored 300 KB.
Several models were launched, they had the same characteristics except the CPU (8080 and later 8080A).
Believe it or not, the name "Altair" comes from Star Trek! The young daughter of the 'Popular Electronics' magazine editor gave it the name of the destination planet of the Enterprise from the episode she was watching.

Computer 1975


This prehistoric computer has no "real" keyboard and no video output, program are entered by the small hexadecimal keyboard (located in the lower right part of the picture) and results are displayed on the small LED "screen" (it can display only 6 digits). It has a simple monitor that allows one to examine & modify memory, load and save paper tape, load and save cassette tape, run and debug programs through a 'single step' mode. The monitor works with the built in keypad and LEDs, or a terminal like the Teletype ASR33.
It is possible to connect the KIM to a terminal via a dedicated serial port.
Soon after release, Commodore Business Machines would buy out MOS Technologies and distribute the KIM-1 with a Commodore name on it.
Bob Leedom reports :
The KIM-1 had "no video output", you say? And the "small LED screen...can only display 6 digits"?
Not quite. The software could address each segment of the 7-segment displays in the "LED screen". As a result, tremendous ingenuity was unleashed by the KIM-1 User's Group, and the display was used for many clever things.
The editors published my version of the artificial intelligence board game (in which the computer learns which moves lose, and never makes those moves again, until it's eventually unbeatable), my baseball game (two-player or you vs computer, six kinds of pitches possible, scoreboard, men-on-base display, lots more), and my semi-successful commercial entry called KIM-venture (a tiny version of Adventure, with XYZZY-type secret word, monsters, treasures, 26 rooms, and more).
It was an amazing little computer. Mine still works!

Computer 1985


After the (relative) success of the MSX 1 computer (in Japan, Europe and South America), Microsoft and ASCII presented its successor. The main new feature was the very enhanced graphic modes, no other computers were able to display such graphics! The 128 KB VRAM was very impressive! It had a battery-backed clock and a new MMU (to handle more than the Z80 64KB limit).
The MSX 2 standard, like the MSX 1, was designed by ASCII, the new operating system MSX DOS 2.0 was designed by Microsoft (it's almost a copy of MS-DOS 3.3). A while after launching the MSX 2 standard, Microsoft abandoned the project, but several manufacturers took it over.
John van Poelgeest adds:

As the MSX2 and MSX2+ computers were very alike, it did not take long to have a MSX2 computer rebuilt with the MSX2+ VDP (V9958 from Yamaha) and the BIOS chips from the MSX2+, making the MSX2 computer a fully compatible MSX2+. The one thing lacking was the MSX-Music (FM-Pac), but this could be added by using a cartridge.

Toby comments:
Note that MSX-DOS 2 did not ship with any MSX2 by default. It was developed later and sold as an external cartridge (with the kernel) and 3.5" diskette (containing the OS files). The only computer to ship with MSX-DOS 2 was the MSX turboR (both the ST and the GT) which had MSX-DOS version 2.3x built in.


MSX Palcom

Computer 1990

MSX TurboR

Originally, Yamaha and ASCII announced the V9978 Video Display Processor in 1990, the video chip for the MSX3. It was a very capable video IC, featuring two different sets of video modes. In bitmap modes it was capable of up to 768Ṫ240 resolution (up to 768Ṫ480 in interlace mode), up to 32768 colors, superimposing, hardware scrolling, and even a hardware cursor for Windows-like OSes. However the most impressive feature with these modes was the use of high-speed hardware bit block data mover. The MSX2 video IC was also equipped with a hardware bit mover, but the new one was going to be 20 times faster!

In pattern mode, it was capable of SNES class features. Multi layers, 16k patterns, several palettes, 128 sprites, a maximum of 16 sprites per scanline. So basicly a SNES but with no mode7.

However, something went wrong and the project was canceled. Probably due to the lack of interest in marketing of MSX machines and growing interest in game consoles and powerful PC alike computers (for word processing purposes mainly), companies were not so enthusiastic about creating a new MSX machine anymore. The biggest software supporters of MSX deserted to Nintendo and other computers/game machines. Sony chose to make their own game console.

We ended getting the MSXturboR instead, a supercharged MSX2+. Some people say ASCII wasn't able to delivery the new VDP in time for the 1990 release, so they ended going with just the new CPU (named R800). However the V9978 specs and pinout were featured in some databooks from that time. Later Yamaha and ASCII removed the legacy compatibility features in the V9978 and released it as the V9990, which was later used in the GFX9000 hobby project. (See also below.)

So, the result is two excellent MSX2++ machines, released by Panasonic. And after that, it ended, as Panasonic moved on to their 3DO game console.

* Mainly the same as the FS-A1ST. Due to some minor bugs that were discovered, the mainboard is a bit different: e.g. MSX-Music part is redesigned to decrease influence of the noise from computer's digital parts.
* MSX-BASIC V4.1 (MIDI extensions)
* 512kB of main RAM
* MSX-MIDI interface built in (Not the same as MIDI-Saurus, thus available as a cartridge from BITĠ for MSX2 and up). Includes 8251 (UART) and 8254 (timer)
* 16kB MIDI-BASIC ROM (almost same as FM-BASIC which is built in in the FM-PAC and the MSX2+ machines with MSX-Music)
* MIDI in/out connectors
* MSX-VIEW (`MSX-Windows') developed by ASCII & HAL. Software as Page Edit, PageView, Page Link, VShell, VTed, VPaint and VDraw) on 512kB ROM DISK (C: drive).
* MSX-DOS V2.31
* 32kB SRAM for backup (some games can use it)/SRAM disk (D: drive)
* SVHS connector
* Sold with the game Seed of Dragon


Console 1972

Magnavox Odyssey 1

The Magnavox Odyssey was the first home video game system, invented by Ralph Baer, who started work on it as early as 1967. It was then launched in 1972 at the end of which over 100,000 units were sold.
This system is very basic, having no CPU, score mechanism, colour or sound. In fact there were only 40 diodes and 40 transistors inside. Six cartridges could be used to play up to 12 games - sometimes the same cartridges being used more than once to play different games. The large number of game accessories that came with it allowed for different games to be played, with some games using the accessories as a main focus for the game instead of the console. Each game used a plastic transparent colour overlay which was to affixed to the TV set. The overlays compensated for the fact that the Odyssey could only produce a vertical line, a dot for the ball and 2 shorter lines (representing each player controller) on the screen. The overlays were meant to attach to the TV by use of static electricity and smoothed over by hand or a soft cloth, but the instruction manual said if this didn?t work one should use tape instead. It even suggested that you could trim them down to fit your TV set!
The controllers are in fact two largish block sized controllers with a round dial on either side. Twisting the dial on the left for horizontal movement, and the right for vertical movement. An `English? dial on the left of each one controlled the `deflection ? of the ball. Ball speed could also be controlled.
Despite the basic nature of the games by today's standards, the system marked a crucial change in the way people used their TVs. In 1972 the marketing stated that the user could now actually `participate? in television and not just be a spectator, with the system manual describing it as: `The exciting casino action of Monte Carlo, the thrills of Wimbledon, the challenge of ski trails ? can be duplicated right in your own living room.?
The games included tennis, ski, hockey, table tennis, simon says, analogic, states, cat and mouse, submarine, football, haunted house, roulette, invasion and shooting games (with the optional rifle that could be purchased separately). Most games were also played with cards, dices, paper money or game chips delivered with the system.
Odyssey?s cartridges contain no components: they are basically wirejumper sets. When plugging a cartridge into the console, internal diode logic circuits are interconnected in different ways to produce the desired result. As a matter of fact, the Odyssey contains everything to make a game based around a ball, one or two paddles representing the players, and a central or off-side vertical line which serves as a net or a wall. The cartridges act to connect some the machine?s diode logic circuitry to set the aspect and the position of the vertical line (normally centered for ping pong and tennis but located on the left or on the middle for handball and volleyball respectively, or not displayed at all for Chase games and gun games), and to determine the interaction between the ball and the other graphic objects: bounce or erase either a player or a ball spot when there is a collision with a player or the central line (a player could even be erased after a collision with the ball).
Text and info from Abi Waddell & David Winter.

Console 1978

Magnavox Odyssey 2

Generation 2nd generation
First available USA 1978
JPN 1982
CPU Intel 8048
Media Cartridge

The Magnavox Odyssey 2, known in Europe as the Philips Videopac G7000, in Brazil as the Philips Odyssey, in the United States as the Magnavox Odyssey 2 and the Philips Odyssey 2, and also by many other names, is a video game console released in 1978.

In the early 1970s, Magnavox was an innovator in the home video game industry. They succeeded in bringing the first home video game system to market, the Odyssey, which was quickly followed by a number of later models, each with a few technological improvements. In 1978 Magnavox, now a subsidiary of North American Philips, released the Odyssey 2, their new second-generation video game console.


The original Odyssey had a number of removable circuit cards that switched between the built-in games, of which there were 10 in Europe and Asia, or 12 in America. The Odyssey 2 followed in the steps of the Fairchild Channel F and Atari 2600 by being designed to play programmable ROM game cartridges. With this improvement, each game could be a completely unique experience, with its own background graphics, foreground graphics, gameplay, scoring, and music. The potential was enormous, as an unlimited number of games could be individually purchased; a game player could purchase a library of video games tailored to his or her own interest. Unlike any other system at that time, the Odyssey 2 included a full alphanumeric membrane keyboard, which was to be used for educational games, selecting options, or programming (Magnavox also released a game cartridge called Computer Intro! with the intent of teaching simple computer programming).

The Odyssey 2 used the standard joystick design of the 1970s and 80s: the original console had a moderately-sized silver controller, held in one hand, with a square housing for its eight-direction stick that was manipulated with the other hand. Later releases had a similar black controller, with an 8-pointed star-shaped housing for its eight-direction joystick. In the upper corner of the joystick was a single 'Action' button, silver on the original controllers and red on the black controllers.

One other difference in these controllers is that the earliest releases of the silver joystick were removable. They could be plugged and unplugged from the back of the unit, while all later silver and all black controllers were hardwired into the rear of the unit itself.

One of the strongest points of the system was its excellent speech synthesis unit, which was released as an add-on for speech, music, and sound effects enhancement. The area that the Odyssey 2 may be best remembered for was its pioneering fusion of board and video games: The Master Strategy Series. The first game released was the instant classic Quest for the Rings!, with gameplay somewhat similar to Dungeons & Dragons, and a storyline reminiscent of J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings.

Market life

United States

The Odyssey 2 sold moderately well in the US. Even without third-party developers, by 1983 over a million Odyssey 2 units were sold in the US alone. The lack of third-party support kept the number of new games very limited, but the success of the Philips Videopac G7000 overseas led to two other companies producing games for it: Parker Brothers released Popeye, Frogger, Q*Bert and Super Cobra, while Imagic released versions of their hit games Demon Attack and Atlantis. Finally, in 1983 the two Imagic games were brought to the states; these became strong sellers.


In Europe and Brazil, the Odyssey 2 did very well on the market. In Europe, the console was most widely known as the Philips Videopac G7000, or just the Videopac, although branded variants were released in some areas of Europe under the names Radiola Jet 25, Schneider 7000, and Siera G7000. Philips, as Magnavox's European parent company, used their own name rather than Magnavox's for European marketing. A rare model, the Philips Videopac G7200, was only released in Europe; it had a built-in black-and-white monitor. Videopac game cartridges are mostly compatible with American Odyssey 2 units, although some games have color differences and a few are completely incompatible. A number of additional games were released in Europe that never came out in the US.


In Brazil, the console was released as the Philips Odyssey; the Magnavox Odyssey was released in Brazil by a company named 'Planil Comércio', not affiliated to Philips or Magnavox. Since just a few units were sold, the Brazilian branch of Philips released Odyssey 2 without its number. Odyssey became much more popular in Brazil than it ever was in the US; tournaments were even held for popular games like K.C.'s Krazy Chase! (Come-Come in Brazil).


The Odyssey 2 was released in Japan in December 1982 by Koton Trading Toitarii Enterprise under the name odessei2. 'Japanese' versions of the Odyssey 2 and its games consisted of the American boxes with katakana stickers on them and cheaply printed black-and-white Japanese manuals. The initial price for the console was Yen 49,800. It was apparently not very successful; Japanese Odyssey 2 items are now very difficult to find.

Technical specifications

* Intel 8048 8-bit microcontroller running at 1.79 MHz

* CPU-internal RAM: 64 bytes (1/16 KiB)
* Audio/video RAM: 128 bytes (1/8 KiB)
* BIOS ROM: 1024 bytes (1 KiB)

* Intel 8244 custom IC
* 160x200 resolution (NTSC)
* 16-color palette; sprites may only use 8 of these colors
* 4 8x8 single-color user-defined sprites; each sprite's color may be set independently
* 12 8x8 single-color characters; must be one of the 64 shapes built into the ROM BIOS; can be freely positioned like sprites, but cannot overlap each other; each character's color may be set independently
* 4 quad characters; groups of four characters displayed in a row
* 9x8 background grid; dots, lines, or solid blocks

* Intel 8244 custom IC
* mono
* 24-bit shift register, clockable at 2 frequencies
* noise generator
* NOTE: There is only one 8244 chip in the system, which performs both audio and video functions.

* Two 8-way, one-button, digital joysticks. In the first production runs of the Magnavox Odyssey and the Philips 7000, these were permanently attached to the console; in later models, they were removable and replaceable.
* QWERTY-layout membrane keyboard

* RF Audio/Video connector
* Péritel/SCART connector (France only)

* ROM cartridges, typically 2 KiB, 4 KiB, or 8 KiB in size.

Expansion modules:
* The Voice - provides speech synthesis & enhanced sound effects
* Chess Module - The Odyssey2 didn't have enough memory and computing power for a decent implementation of chess on its own, so the C7010 chess module contained a secondary CPU with its own extra memory to run the chess program.


An open source console emulator for the Odyssey 2 called O2EM is available. It includes Philips Videopac G7400 emulation among other features. The emulator works on Linux, Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, DOS and other platforms.

O2EM, (originally not open source) was created in 1997 by computer programmer Daniel Boris.
The open source multi-platform multi-system emulator MESS has rudimentary Odyssey 2 support, although many games have problems and 4KB Challenger Series games are completely unsupported.

Infos from Wikipedia

Computer 1983

Matra Hachette Alice 32

The Matra & Hachette Ordinateur Alice was a home computer sold in France beginning in 1983. It was a clone of the TRS-80 MC-10, produced through a collaboration between Matra and Hachette in France and Tandy Corporation in the United States.

Alice 32 and cassette deck
The Alice is distinguished by its unique, bright red casing. Functionally, it is equivalent to the MC-10, with a Péritel (SCART) connector replacing the RF modulator for video output.

Unlike its progenitor, the Alice became a popular computer in its home country, aided by its presence in schools as part of the country's Informatique pour tous ('Information technology for everyone') programme.

Matra later released two successor models:

The Matra Alice 32, which shared the case style of the original, but was a different computer inside, due to using the EF9345 video chip in place of the MC-10's 6847. The Alice 32 had 8 kibibytes of main RAM, 8 kibibytes of dedicated video RAM, and 16 kibibytes ROM (the ROM incorporated an assembler).
The Matra Alice 90, an upgrade to the Alice 32, which featured 32 kibibytes of RAM and a full-size case and keyboard. Its video cable included video-in, so EF9345 graphics could be overlaid onto the input video.

CPU: Motorola 6803
RAM: 4 KiB on-board
ROM: 8 KiB (Microsoft BASIC)
I/O Ports:
RS-232C serial interface
Cassette interface
Péritel video output
Expansion interface
AZERTY keyboard layout

All other specifications should be comparable to those of the TRS-80 MC-10, but have not been confirmed.

Infos from: Wikipedia

Computer 1984

Matra Hachette Alice 90

The Matra Alice 90 is the successor of the unsuccessful Alice 32 and is 100% compatible with this computer. This computer was designed, like its predecessor, to be used as a "first contact" computer.
Genlocking allowed the user to use the computer and watch TV simultaneously.
The ROM contains a version of the world famous Microsoft BASIC, but this version of BASIC can't access to the highest graphic mode (320x250), it could be accessed from the built-in assembler.
Like its predecessor, this machine was also unsuccessful.

Computer 1982

Matsushita National JR 200

It is the successor of the JR 100.
The JR-200 had good features compared to its japanese competitors : 8 colors, 2400 bauds tape speed and 3 voices synthesizer.
But sadly there were no real graphic resolution, only a combination of semi-graphic characters.
The Panasonic JR-200U is the same computer but aimed at the american and european market. Read its page for more information, and a complete history text.

Computer 1981

Matsushita National JR-100

The National (also known as Panasonic or Matsushita in other countries) JR series was pretty popular in Japan. Small quantities were sold outside Japan, in New Zeland among other countries.
Little is known about the first system of the range (please help!). It was obviously an initiation machine with black & white display and rubber keyboard.
The JR 100 was followed by the JR 200.
Thanks to Murray Moffatt from New Zeland for most of the information and pictures.

Computer 1983

Mattel Aquarius

Aquarius was a very simple early home computer from Mattel in 1983. It featured a Zilog Z80 microprocessor, a rubber chiclet keyboard, 4K of RAM memory, and a subset of Microsoft BASIC in ROM. It connected to a television set and used a cassette tape recorder for secondary data storage. A limited number of peripherals, such as a 40-column thermal printer, a 4-color printer/plotter, and a 300 baud modem, were released for the unit.

The computer was not actually made by Mattel, but instead by Radofin, an electronics manufacturer based in Hong Kong. It was announced in 1982 and finally released in June 1983, at a price of Dollar160, but production ceased four months later because of poor sales. Mattel paid Radofin to take back the marketing rights, and two other short-lived companies, CEZAR Industries and CRIMAC Inc., also marketed the unit and accessories for it.

Although less expensive than the Texas Instruments TI-99/4A and Commodore VIC-20, the Aquarius had comparatively weak graphics and sound capability and limited memory. Internally, Mattel programmers dubbed it 'the system for the seventies.' Of the 32 software titles Mattel announced for the unit, 21 were released. Most of the released titles were ports from Mattel's Intellivision game console, but because the Intellivision had better graphics and sound capabilities, gameplay was better on the less-expensive console. Computer offerings from other companies who sold both computers and consoles, such as Atari and Coleco, at least matched and sometimes exceeded the capabilities of their consoles.

Shortly after the release of the Aquarius, Mattel announced plans for another home computer. There is evidence that the Aquarius II reached the market in small numbers, but it was never a commercial success.

Technical Specifications
CPU: Zilog Z-80, 3.5 MHz
Memory: 4K RAM, expandable to 20K RAM; 8K ROM
Keyboard: 48-key rubber chiclet
Display: 40x25 text, 80x72 graphics, 16 colors
Sound: One voice, expandable to four voices
Ports: Television, cartridge/expansion, tape recorder, printer
Hardware Sprites: None
PSU: Hard-wired into case and cannot be removed.

Infos from: Wikipedia

Console 1979

Mattel Intellivision

Generation 2nd generation
First available USA 1979 (test market)
USA 1980
EUR/JPN 1982
CPU GI CP 1610
Media Cartridge

The Intellivision is a video game console released by Mattel in 1979. Development of the console began in 1978, less than a year after the introduction of its main competitor, the Atari 2600. The word intellivision is a portmanteau of 'intelligent television'.


The Intellivision was developed by Mattel Electronics, a subsidiary of Mattel formed expressly for the development of electronic games. The console was test marketed in Fresno, California, in 1979 with a total of four games available, and went nationwide in 1980 with a price tag of USDollar299 and a pack-in game: Las Vegas Poker & Blackjack. Though not the first system to challenge Atari (systems from Fairchild Semiconductor, Bally, and Magnavox were already on the market), it was the first to pose a serious threat to Atari's dominance. A series of ads featuring George Plimpton were produced which mercilessly attacked the Atari 2600's lesser capabilities with side-by-side game comparisons.

One of the slogans of the television advertisements stated that Intellivision was 'the closest thing to the real thing'; one example in an advertisement compared golf games - the others had a blip sound and cruder graphics, while Intellivision featured a realistic swing sound and striking of the ball, and graphics that suggested a more 3D look, although undoubtedly crude when compared with modern game consoles.

Like Atari, Mattel marketed their console to a number of retailers as a rebadged unit. These models include the Radio Shack Tandyvision, the GTE-Sylvania Intellivision, and the Sears Super Video Arcade. (The Sears model was a particular coup for Mattel, as Sears was already selling a rebadged Atari 2600 unit, and in doing so made a huge contribution to Atari's success.)
In that first year Mattel sold 175,000 Intellivision consoles, and the library grew to 19 games. At this point in time, all Intellivision games were developed by an outside firm, APh. The company recognized that what had been seen as a secondary product line might be a big business. Realizing that potential profits are much greater with first party software, Mattel formed its own in-house software development group.

The original five members of that Intellivision team were manager Gabriel Baum, Don Daglow, Rick Levine, Mike Minkoff and John Sohl. Levine and Minkoff (a long-time Mattel Toys veteran) both came over from the hand-held Mattel games engineering team. To keep these programmers from being hired away by rival Atari, their identity and work location was kept a closely guarded secret. In public, the programmers were referred to collectively as the Blue Sky Rangers.

By 1982 sales were soaring. Over two million Intellivision consoles had been sold by the end of the year, earning Mattel a Dollar100,000,000 profit. This was a big year for Mattel. Third party Atari developers Activision, and Imagic began releasing games for the Intellivision, as did hardware rivals Atari and Colecovision. Mattel created M Network branded games for Atari and Coleco's systems. The most popular titles sold over a million units each. The Intellivision was also introduced in Japan that year by Bandai.

The original 5-person Mattel game development team had grown to 110 people under now-Vice President Baum, while Daglow led Intellivision development and top engineer Minkoff directed all work on all other platforms.

Keyboard Component

Many users waited patiently for the promised release of the 'Keyboard Component', an add-on computer upgrade unit touted by Mattel as 'coming soon' even when the original console was first shipped. The unit featured a built-in cassette tape drive for loading and saving data. The Keyboard Component would plug into the cartridge slot on the Intellivision, and had an additional cartridge slot of its own to allow regular Intellivision games to be played in the usual way.

The upgrade had proven too expensive to develop and produce, so Mattel had repeatedly sent the engineers 'back to the drawing board' to attempt to increase reliability and reduce cost. Mattel was subsequently investigated by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) for failing to produce the promised upgrade, and eventually ordered to pay Dollar10,000 a day (about Dollar25,000 in 2005 when adjusted for inflation) until it was released. Finally, Mattel offered the Keyboard Component for sale via mail order.

The keyboard component became so notorious around Mattel headquarters that comedian Jay Leno, when performing at Mattel's 1981 Christmas party, got a huge response with his joke, 'You know what the three big lies are, don't you? 'The check is in the mail,' 'I'll still respect you in the morning,' and 'The Keyboard will be out in the spring.''

After its limited release, four thousand units were sold; many were later returned for a full refund when Mattel recalled the unit in 1983 due to various support problems, including the then-innovative cassette tape unit which had never proved to be reliable. According to the Blue Sky Rangers web site, users who opted to keep theirs were made to sign a waiver absolving Intellivision of all future responsibility for technical support. In addition, the Keyboard Component could be modified into a development platform for the Intellivision, and such units were used internally for game development during the latter portion of the system's lifespan.

By this time, Mattel had set up competing internal engineering teams, each trying to either fix the Keyboard Component or replace it. The rival Mattel engineers had come up with a much less expensive keyboard alternative. The Entertainment Computer System (ECS), was much smaller, sleeker, and easier to produce than the original Keyboard Component. While the original Keyboard Component had some advantages over the small computers of its day, the new Keyboard Component was designed to be inexpensive, not functional, and was far less powerful than emerging machines like the Commodore 64. The two keyboard units were incompatible, but owners of the older unit were offered a new ECS.

To maintain secrecy in a toy industry where industrial espionage was a way of life, many projects had code names, so documents and casual discussion did not reveal company secrets. With the video games business already staggering by the time the new Keyboard Component was planned, Daglow suggested the new device be code-named LUCKI (for 'Low User Cost Keyboard Interface.') The name stuck but the good fortune did not: the cheaply manufactured ECS keyboard add-on was a retail failure.

The Keyboard Component debacle was ranked as #11 on GameSpy's 25 Dumbest Moments in Gaming.


In 1983 Mattel introduced a new peripheral innovative for the time: Intellivoice, a voice synthesis device which produced speech when used with certain games, most of which would not work without the add-on component. Top Mattel programmers including Bill Fisher, Steve Roney, Gene Smith and John Sohl were diverted to the project, slowing the previous initiative to counter Atari with new arcade-style games. Voice titles included:
* Bomb Squad
* B-17 Bomber
* Intellivision World Series Baseball (Intellivoice optional since the game already required the ECS keyboard)
* Space Spartans
* TRON Solar Sailer
Other versions with foreign languages were planned for Space Spartans: they were Gli Spartani dello Spazio, Les Spartiates de l'Espace and Spartaner aus dem All. They would require the International Intellivoice unit, never released.

Intellivision II

In addition to the Intellivoice module, 1983 also saw the introduction of a redesigned model, called the Intellivision II (featuring detachable controllers and sleeker case), the System Changer (which played Atari 2600 games on the Intellivision II), and a music keyboard add-on for the ECS.

Like the ECS, Intellivision II was designed first and foremost to be inexpensive to manufacture. Among other things, the raised bubble keypad of the original hand controller was replaced by a flat membrane keyboard surface. Many Intellivision games had been designed for users to play by feeling the buttons without looking down, and many games were far less playable on Intellivision II.

Mattel also changed the Intellivision II's internal ROM program (called the EXEC) in an attempt to lock out unlicensed 3rd party titles. To make room for the lock-out code while retaining compatibility with existing titles, some portions of the EXEC code were moved in a way that changed their timing. While most games were unaffected, a couple of the more popular titles, Shark! Shark!, and Space Spartans, had certain sound effects that the Intellivision II reproduced differently than intended, although the games remained playable. Electric Company Word Fun did not run at all and INTV's later release Super Pro Football has minor display glitches at the start, both due to the modified EXEC.

Competition and market crash

Amid the flurry of new hardware, there was trouble for the Intellivision. New game systems (ColecoVision, Atari 5200, and Vectrex, all in 1982) were further subdividing the market, and the video game crash began to put pressure on the entire industry. The Intellivision team rushed to finish a major new round of games, including Burger Time and the ultra-secret 3D glasses game Hover Force. Although Burger Time was a popular game on the Intellivision and was programmed by Blue Sky Ranger Ray Kaestner in record time, the five-month manufacturing cycle meant that the game did not appear until the late spring of 1983, after the video game crash had severely damaged game sales.

In the spring of 1983, Mattel went from aggressively hiring game programmers to laying them off within a two-week period. By August there were massive layoffs, and the price of the Intellivision II (which launched at Dollar150 earlier that year) was lowered to Dollar69. Mattel Electronics posted a Dollar300 million loss. Early in 1984, the division was closed - the first high-profile victim of the crash.

Intellivision game sales continued when a liquidator purchased all rights to the Intellivision and its software from Mattel, as well as all remaining inventory. After much of the existing software inventory had been sold, former Mattel Marketing executive Terry Valeski bought all rights to Intellivision and started a new venture. The new company, INTV Corp., continued to sell old stock via retail and mail order. When the old stock of Intellivision II consoles ran out, they introduced a new console dubbed INTV III. This unit was actually a cosmetic rebadge of the original Intellivision console (this unit was later renamed the Super Pro System.) In addition to manufacturing new consoles, INTV Corp. also continued to develop new games, releasing a few new titles each year. Eventually, the system was discontinued in 1991.

Intellivision games became readily available again when Keith Robinson, an early Intellivision programmer responsible for the game TRON Solar Sailer purchased the software rights and founded a new company, Intellivision Productions. As a result, games originally designed for the Intellivision are available on PCs and modern-day consoles including the PlayStation 2, Xbox and Nintendo GameCube in the Intellivision Lives! package. A newer version of the Intellivision Lives! game is in development for the Nintendo DS, and a small number of licensed Intellivision games are available through the GameTap subscription gaming service. Also, several LCD handheld and direct-to-TV games have been released in recent years.


* More than 6 million Intellivision consoles were sold during its 12 year run.
* There were a total of 125 Intellivision games released during the initial run; the Intellivision Lives! project has suggested new games may be offered in the 21st Century.


* Intellivision was the first 16-bit game console, though some people have mistakenly referred to it as a 10-bit system because the CPU's instruction set and game cartridges are 10 bits wide. A 10-bit chunk of data is called a 'decle'. The registers in the microprocessor, where the mathematical logic is processed, were 16 bits wide.
* The Intellivision was also the first system to feature downloadable games (though without a storage device the games vanished once the machine was turned off). In 1981, General Instrument (manufacturer of the Intellivision's CPU) teamed up with Mattel to roll out the PlayCable, a device that allowed the downloading of Intellivision games via cable TV.
* Intellivision was the second game console to provide real-time human and robot voices in the middle of gameplay, courtesy of the IntelliVoice module. The first was Magnavox's voice module for the OdysseyĠ. The voice chip used by both machines, the SP0256 Orator, was developed jointly by Mattel and General Instrument.
* Intellivision World Series Baseball, designed by Don Daglow and Eddie Dombrower and released in 1983, was the first video game to use the concept of displaying the action in simulated 3D through 'camera angles' that emulated those used in TV sports coverage. Prior games always showed a single fixed or scrolling camera view of the field. Daglow and Dombrower went on to create the Earl Weaver Baseball games at Electronic Arts in 1987.
* Intellivision was the first console to feature a controller with a directional pad that allowed 16 directions. The disc-shaped pad allowed players to control action without lifting the thumb (using motions similar to those used upon the Apple iPod clickwheel) and was considered by many Intellivision users to be a useful and novel--even revolutionary--innovation. However, the ergonomics of the 'action' buttons on the side of the controller were poor, and the disc-pad was perceived by potential buyers as unfamiliar. Along with cost, this was one of the factors in making the Intellivision less popular than the Atari 2600. However, it is interesting to note that the method of controlling movement on the Intellivision (with the thumb) is emulated in many subsequent video game controllers. The joystick-style controller, as seen on the VCS, has not been widely emulated on later consoles.
* A collection of Intellivision games was reproduced onto a Play Station game, titled Intellivision Classic Games.

Interactive television games

Intellivision featured prominently in a brief trend of using videogames as a feature in interactive television shows. 'TV POWWW' started the trend, in which a television show would broadcast a videogame in progress, and callers would play the Fairchild Channel F games by saying POW! into their telephone to interface with the system.

With the eventual failure of the Fairchild Channel F, the system was upgraded to use the Intellivision, and during the early 1980s, New York based television station WPIX ran a variant of TV POWWW called TV-PIXX. It was aired during the traditional weekday afternoon slot of children's TV as an interlude. Participants would be called at home to play a videogame that appeared on their screen.

The segment originally featured simple games such as Tic Tac Toe and a Breakout type game called Moving Target. Intellivision's NFL Football, Major League Baseball, NBA Basketball, and Space Battle were later featured as the TV segment gained in popularity. Participants interacted with the game by saying the word 'PIXX' to perform game-related actions. Prizes included T-shirts and Dollar10 Dollar U.S. Savings Bonds. They could double their prize or win a bonus prize (such as advance tickets to see upcoming films) by answering a Trivia question. For a chance at playing, children could send a postcard with their name, address, and phone number to TV PIXX. David Elliot, of Staten Island NY, was the grand all time champion of TV Pixx, having won the elusive 'Ke-Op' award, named after the famed character from 'Battle Of The Planets'. The program lasted until 1982; for many New York viewers, TV PIXX was their first glimpse of the Intellivison home game system. The trend of TV use of videogames also spread beyond New York, including 'Switchback' which aired on the CBC affiliate CBRT-TV in (Calgary, Alberta) beginning in 1985, also including Intellivision's Space Battle as one of the featured games.

Technical specifications

General Instrument CP1610 16-bit microprocessor CPU running at 894.886 kHz (i.e., slightly less than 1 MHz)

1352 bytes of RAM:
* 240 x 8-bit Scratchpad Memory
* 352 x 16-bit (704 bytes) System Memory
* 512 x 8-bit Graphics RAM

7168 bytes of ROM:
* 4096 x 10-bit (5120 bytes) Executive ROM
* 2048 x 8-bit Graphics ROM

160 pixels wide by 196 pixels high (5x2 TV pixels make one Intellivision pixel)
* 16 color palette, all of which can be on the screen at once
* 8 sprites. Hardware supports the following features per-sprite:
* Size selection: 8x8 or 8x16
* Stretching: Horizontal (1x, 2x) and vertical (1x, 2x, 4x or 8x)
* Mirroring: Horizontal and vertical
* Collision detection: Sprite to sprite, sprite to background, and sprite to screen border
* Priority: Selects whether sprite appears in front of or behind background.

3 channel sound, with 1 noise generator (audio chip: GI AY-3-8914)

Game controller specs
* Twelve-button numeric keypad (0–9, Clear, and Enter)
* 'Four' side-located 'action buttons' (where the top two are actually electronically the same, giving three distinct buttons)
* 'Directional Disk', capable of detecting 16 directions of movement
* 'Overlays' that would slide into place as an extra layer on the keypad to show game-specific key functions

Fans of the game console recall that an overuse injury was possible when playing for extended periods of time due to the pressure needed to use the keypad and especially the side buttons. This was a phenomenon similar to BlackBerry Thumb today. The problem was worsened significantly when the cost-reduced Intellivision II changed from solid rubber side buttons to plastic ones with a hollow center, leaving a rectangular imprint on players' thumbs and causing pain after even short periods of play. The change was apparently made to fractionally reduce the materials cost of the units, and was never play-tested for usability due to the rush to bring the system to market in the early days of the Video game crash of 1983.

Infos from Wikipedia


Megatel Quark

Computer 1983

Memotech MTX

The Memotech MTX500, MTX512 and RS128 were a series of Zilog Z80A processor-based home computers released by Memotech in 1983 and 1984. They were technically similar to MSX computers, but were not compatible.

The MTX500 had 32KB of RAM, the MTX512 had 64KB, and the RS128 had 128KB (a significant amount at that time). Although the Z80A could only address a maximum of 64KB at a time, the RS128's extra memory was accessible through the technique of page switching.

The computers featured an all-aluminum case and full size keyboard with real keys (unlike others of the same vintage such as the Sinclair ZX Spectrum). In addition to the standard (for the time) BASIC language interpreter, it included some interesting variations:

- A built-in assembler
- A forerunner of HyperCard called Noddy
- More sprites than the comparable equipment at the time

The computers also featured support for plug-in ROM cartridges (a little like the BBC Micro). The most popular of these was the ISO Pascal language which was much faster than interpreted BASIC. A considerable addition to any Memotech system was the hugely-expensive FDX system which added 5.25' floppy disk drives, Winchester hard disks and CP/M 2.2 operating system.

Unfortunately, although they were generally well-received, the computers were not a commercial success, and Memotech went into receivership in 1985.

The MTX512 did manage a minor cinematic appearance in the film Weird Science as the computer the two lead male characters use to hack into the Pentagon mainframe - however, it is highly unlikely that the impressive 3D graphics it was supposedly displaying were genuine.

Infos from: Wikipedia

Computer 1983

Memotech MTX512

The Memotech company started manufacturing expansion cards and high quality memory modules for the Sinclair ZX 81 home computer.
The British Memotech MTX 512 has a hardware which looks like the Sord M5. It also has characteristics, which are close to the MSX standard, but is not MSX compatible.
It uses a dedicated chip for video (Texas Instruments TM 9918 or 9928) and sound (Texas Instruments SN76489A) and has a very nice mechanical keyboard and a nice black aluminum case!
Both models have the same characteristics, but the MTX 500 has only 32 KB RAM and the 512, 64 KB. It had no success and was replaced a short time later by the RS-128.
Jon O'Brien reports:
I was in computer retail in Bracknell at the time the MTX was released, owned an MTX 512 (which I still have somewhere, I think) and spent quite a bit of time talking on the telephone to the owner of Memotech (whose name now escapes me) about stocking the machines. I was told at the time that much of the MSX design was based on the company's work on the MTX. How true this is I can't say, but it is a claim that was made at the time.


Mephisto MM I


Mephisto MM II


Mephisto MM IV


Mephisto MM V

Computer 198?

Microkey Primo

The PRIMO is a home computer which was developed in the 80's by a hungarian computer developer called SZTAKI. This is a 8 bit machine, with Z80 CPU. The hardware is realized modesty, but there are some interesting features in this machine. There are more than one product line. The series A has touch keyboard (works on capacitive way, this is the original Primo feeling). The series B has normal keyboard. There are tales about the series C and in this series was the ROM upgraded. We should take a mention about the Pro Primo, which has color screen. (There was a photo in a micro computer magazine near '86, and on this photo is a complete Pro Primo configuration, likely the one and only prototype.)

The different series was sold with different RAM configurations. The BASIC (and the operating system of-course) is in a 16K ROM, and only the size of the RAM was changed.

A-32: 16K ROM and 16K RAM
A-48: 16K ROM and 32K RAM
A-64: 16K ROM and 48K RAM
B-64: 16K ROM and 48K RAM (normal keyboard, and some I/O implementations which left out from the series A)

The Primo has only monochrome (black and white) screen with 256x192 resolution. (By the hardware manual the the Primo can works with the resolution 256x256, but this is only a hardware option, nobody used it.) The resolution 256x192 is the same resolution that the ZX Spectrum can do, but without colors. The pixel frequency is onther tan the Spectrum, It is not 7 MHz, but 7.5 MHz, so the CPU frequency is 3.75 MHz, but the displayed area horizontaly is little smaller. The screen memory is at the end of the RAM, and it uses only 6K. The hardware can do double buffering, the secondary screen memory is accesible under the first 8K. The series A has the following starting screen:


There is in the computer a speaker, which was called in the documentation "horn". This is a one bit sound generator like the PC Speaker in the PC-s. In that time, it was enough in a computer.


In the hardware manual there is a complete circuit diagram about the tape interface. In the first view, it seems overcomplicated, but later one can realize that it is very tricky. The interface is a creative and good solution, the loading is also safe when the records are noisy.


In the series A there is a "keyboard" which works by capacitive principles. This was realy only a board. It is from the electronical view a strike of genius, but it is mainly unusable. In the series B and C there are normal (usable) keyboards.


In the series A there is a lot of empty space on the motherboard. There was developed some I/O connection on the motherboard, but not imlemented in the A series. In all series are tape interface. In the B and C series are two additional connector implemented, they are:

Commodore type IEC serial interface (the ROM supports it only in the series C)
Serial joystick interface (never heard and saw joystick, we think nobody use this)

Primo C was an experimental prototype, the precusor of the Pro/Primo.
Pro/Primo was prepared for the second School Computer Tender, with new desing (house, keyboard, and colors.

Infos from:

Computer 1981

Microsoft MS-DOS

MS-DOS (short for Microsoft Disk Operating System) is an operating system built for x86 based personal computers. It was the most popular of the DOS family of operating systems being the main operating system for IBM PC compatible personal computers.
While it reined supreme during the 1980’s through to the mid-1990s, it was slowly replaced by operating systems that offered a graphical user interface (GUI) especially so by the Microsoft Windows.
Due to MS-DOS, and DOS in general being around for a long period almost all programs written for it will not run on a modern operating system, requiring software like DOSBox to emulate its architecture to allow old software and games to be run on modern systems.

Computer 1980

Microsoft MSX

Released 1983 (MSX1)
Discontinued 1995 (MSX turbo R)
Processor Zilog Z80
Memory 16KB Approx. 512KB

MSX was the name of a standardized home computer architecture in the 1980s. It was a Microsoft-led attempt to create unified standards among hardware makers, conceived by one-time Microsoft Japan executive Kazuhiko Nishi. Despite Microsoft's involvement, MSX-based machines were seldom seen in the United States but were hugely popular in other markets. Eventually 5 million MSX-based units were sold world-wide.

Nishi proposed MSX as an attempt to create a single industry standard for home computers. Inspired by the success of VHS as a standard for video cassette recorders, many Japanese electronic manufacturers along with Goldstar, Philips and Spectravideo built and promoted MSX computers. Any piece of hardware or software with the MSX logo on it was compatible with MSX products of other manufacturers. In particular, the expansion cartridge form and function were part of the standard; any MSX expansion or game cartridge would work in any MSX computer.

Nishi's standard consisted primarily of several off-the-shelf parts; the main CPU was a 3.58 MHz Zilog Z80, the graphics chip a Texas Instruments TMS9918 with 16 KB of dedicated VRAM, and the sound was provided by the AY-3-8910 chip manufactured by General Instrument (GI). These components alongside Microsoft's MSX BASIC made the MSX a competitive, though somewhat more expensive home computer package. This design closely resembled the Spectravideo SV-328 home computer, but was not completely compatible with it. Spectravideo later launched a system, the SV-728 which did adhere to the MSX standard.

Before the appearance and great success of the Nintendo Famicom, MSX was the platform for which major Japanese game studios, such as Konami and Hudson Soft, produced their titles. The Metal Gear series was originally written for MSX hardware.


In the 1980s Japan was in the midst of an economic awakening. Large Japanese electronics firms may have been successful in the early computer market had they made a concerted effort in the late 1970s. Their combined design and manufacturing power could have allowed them to produce competitive machines, but they initially ignored the home computer market and appear to have been hesitant to do business in a market where no industry standard existed.

When MSX was announced and a slew of big Japanese firms announced their plans to introduce machines, it set off a wave of panic in the U.S. industry. However, the Japanese companies avoided the intensely competitive U.S. home computer market, which was in the throes of a Commodore-led price war. Only Spectravideo and Yamaha briefly marketed MSX machines in the U.S. Spectravideo's MSX enjoyed very little success, and Yamaha's CX5M model, built to interface with various types of MIDI equipment, was billed more as a digital music tool than a standard personal computer.

During the 1980s Europe became the largest computer games (as opposed to console games) market in the world, and the extremely popular Commodore 64 and Sinclair ZX Spectrum computers dominated. By the time the MSX launched in Europe several more popular 8-bit home computers had also arrived, and it was far too late to capture the extremely crowded European 8-bit computer market.

Consequently, MSX never became the worldwide standard that its makers had envisioned, mainly because it never took off in the United States or most of Europe. In Japan and South Korea, MSX was the paramount home computer system in the 1980s. It was also popular in The Netherlands, Spain, Brazil, some Arab countries and the Soviet Union.

The exact meaning of the 'MSX' abbreviation remains a matter of debate. At the time, most people seemed to agree it meant 'MicroSoft eXtended', referring to the built-in MSX-BASIC programming language, specifically adapted by Microsoft for the MSX system. However, according to Kazuhiko Nishi during a recent visit to Tilburg in the Netherlands, MSX stands for 'Machines with Software eXchangeability'. The MSX-DOS disk operating system had file system compatibility with CP/M and was similar to MS-DOS. In this way, Microsoft could promote MSX for home use while promoting MS-DOS based personal computers in office environments.

MSX spawned four generations: MSX 1 (1983), MSX 2 (1986), MSX 2+ (1988) and MSX turbo R (1990). The first three were 8-bit computers based on the Z80 microprocessor, while the MSX turbo R was based on an enhanced Zilog Z800 known as the R800. The Turbo R was introduced in 1990 but was unsuccessful due to a lack of support and the rise in popularity of the by then well-established IBM PC Compatible market. Production of the Turbo R ended in 1995.
In total, 5 million MSX computers were sold, which made it relatively popular but not the global standard it was intended to be. For a comparison with rival 8-bit computers, the Commodore 64 sold 17 million units worldwide in its lifetime, the Amstrad CPC sold 3 million units, the Apple II sold 2 million units, and the Tandy TRS-80 sold 250,000 units.

MSX Revival

* In 2001, Kazuhiko Nishi initiated an 'MSX Revival' around an official MSX emulator called MSXPLAYer. This is the only official MSX emulator. All MSX copyrights are maintained by the MSX Association.
* In 2004 Dutch company Bazix announced they had become the representatives of MSX Association in Europe, being the English contact for any questions regarding the MSX trademarks and copyrights (licensing).
* On October 17, 2006, Bazix launched WOOMB.Net, a website selling MSX games (translated to English if necessary), with a selection of 14 games. In Japan, game sales began earlier, through Project EGG. WOOMB.Net is the English counterpart of this (and other) Japanese services offered by D4 Enterprise.
* D4 Enterprise also announced (in August 2006) the launch of a new MSX2 compatible system called the 'one chip-MSX', a system based on an Altera Cyclone EP1C12Q240C8 FPGA. The 'one chip-MSX' is similar in concept to the C-One, a Commodore 64 clone also build on the basis of a single FPGA chip. The new MSX system is housed in a box made out of transparent blue plastic, and can be used with a standard monitor (or TV) and a PC keyboard. It has two MSX cartridge slots and supports the audio extensions MSX-MUSIC and SCC+. A SD/MMC-flashcard can be used as an external storage medium, emulating a disk drive and can be used to boot MSX-DOS. Due to its VHDL programmable hardware it is possible to give the device new hardware extensions simply by running a reconfiguration program under MSX-DOS. The 'one chip-MSX' also has two USB connectors that can be used after adding some supporting VHDL code.
* In 2006 Nintendo of Japan posted on its Virtual Console webpage that MSX games will be available for Wii's Virtual Console emulator. In February 2007, it was confirmed again and announced that the games would cost 800 Wii Points and will become available in Spring 2007 (for Japan only, at least initially).

MSX trivia

* The birthday of the MSX Home Computer Standard is June 27, 1983, the day it was formally announced during a press-conference.
* MSX 1 computers were very similar to the Colecovision and Sega SG-1000 video game systems. They shared the same CPU and video processors. Their sound processors were also very similar. A Colecovision emulator for the MSX exists.
* By far, the most popular and famous MSX games were written by Japanese software-house Konami.
* As the MSX's processor, the Zilog Z80A, could only address up to 64 kB of memory, the default allocation (used in most, if not all models) was with the lower 32 kB for ROM BASIC and the upper 32 kB for RAM. Machines intended to run MSX-DOS (a CP/M-like system) had 64 kB RAM, but the lower 32 kB were disabled in order for the ROM BASIC to function. When the computer booted MSX-DOS, the ROM BASIC was disabled and all of the 64 kB address space was mapped to RAM.
* Among MSX-DOS compatible software (directly ported from CP/M) were dBase II, Turbo Pascal version 3 and Wordstar. Therefore, in the late 1980s, several Brazilian companies used an MSX system as their 'corporate' computer. As an MSX 1 could display only 40x25 text, expansion kits were introduced that upgraded the display to 80x25, giving MSX a more professional appeal. MSX 2 and up were never manufactured by the main companies in Brazil (Gradiente and Sharp). Much of the market was created alone by Ademir Carchano (MSX Projetos et al) who created most of the aftermarket hardware for MSX, including the MegaRAM cartridge (a way to copy and play MegaROM games), the MSX 2.0 and 2+ conversion kits and IDE interfaces. Although cheaper IBM-PC clones eventually dominated the market, the MSX remained somewhat popular, with hardware being created and sold for substantial prices for some time afterwards.
* MSX 1 games were published mainly on cartridge and cassette. Later in the 1980s the MSX 2 was released, which generally included a 3.5' disk drive, and consequently the popular media for games and other software shifted to floppy disks.
* The MSX 3.5' floppy disks, at least those formatted under MSX-DOS 2.0, were directly compatible with MS-DOS (although some details like file undeletion and boot sector code were different).
* The introduction of MSX led to a new and short-lived kind of software cracking: converting. Since the MSX games were unplayable on the SV-328 computer, SV-328 crackers developed a method of modifying the (MSX 1) games to make them work on the SV-328. In most cases this included downloading the MSX BIOS to the SV-328 from tape or floppy disk.
* Due to the same processor (Z80), graphical resolution (256x192 pixels) and number of colors (16) of the MSX 1 systems and the Sinclair ZX Spectrum, many videogames made for the latter could easily be ported to the MSX platform by the (European) authors themselves, making both versions nearly identical. The enhanced color display possibilities of the MSX were not exploited: they did not used any hardware sprites, and the color by character style of the ZX Spectrum graphics was directly used, instead of using the MSX's more advanced facility to have a different color pair for each line in the character.

Franchises established on the MSX

Several popular video game franchises were established on the MSX:
* Bomberman
* Eggerland
* Metal Gear
* Parodius
* Puyo Puyo

Others got various installments on the MSX, including some titles unique to the system or largely reworked versions of games on other formats:

* Aleste
* Castlevania (as Vampire Killer)
* Contra
* Dragon Quest
* Dragon Slayer
* Final Fantasy
* Golvellius
* Gradius (Nemesis)
* Wizardry
* Xak
* Ys
* Zanac

Manufacturers of MSX computers

* MSX 1: Spectravideo (USA), Philips (the Netherlands), Sony, Sanyo, Mitsubishi, Toshiba, Hitachi, National, Panasonic, Canon, Casio, Pioneer, Fujitsu General, Yamaha, Yashica-Kyocera (Japan), GoldStar, Samsung/Fenner (Korea/Italy), Daewoo/Yeno (South Korea), Gradiente, Sharp/Epcom (Brazil), Talent (Argentina).
* MSX 2: Philips (the Netherlands), Sony, Sanyo, Samsung, Mitsubishi, Victor (a.k.a. JVC), National, Panasonic, Canon, Yamaha (Japan), ACVS, DDX (Brazil, upgrade kit), Daewoo/Yeno (South Korea), Talent (Argentina).
* MSX 2+: Sony, Sanyo, Panasonic (Japan), ACVS, DDX (Brazil, upgrade kit)
* MSX turbo R: Panasonic (Japan)

System specs


* Processor: Zilog Z80A running at 3.58 MHz
* ROM: 32 kB
* BIOS (16 kB)
* MSX BASIC V1.0 (16 kB)
* RAM: 8 kB minimum, up to 64 kB
* Video Display Processor: Texas Instruments TMS9918 family
* Video RAM: 16 kB
* Text modes: 40x24 and 32x24
* Resolution: 256x192 (16 colours)
* Sprites: 32, 1 colour, max 4 per horizontal line
* Sound chip: General Instrument AY-3-8910 (PSG)
* 3 channels + noise


* Processor: Zilog Z80A running at 3.58 MHz
* ROM: 48 kB
* BIOS + Extended BIOS (32 kB)
* MSX BASIC V2.0 (16 kB)
* DiskROM (16 kB) (optional)
* MSX-Audio BIOS (32 kB) (optional)
* RAM: commonly 128 kB (64 kB on Japanese computers, Sony HB-F700P had 256 kB)
* Memory mapped (4 MB/slot max)
* Video Display Processor: Yamaha V9938 (aka MSX-Video)
* Video RAM: 128 kB (sometimes 64 kB or 192 kB)
* Text modes: 80x24 and 32x24
* Resolution: 512x212 (16 colours out of 512) and 256x212 (256 colours)
* Sprites: 32, 16 colours, max 8 per horizontal line
* Hardware acceleration for copy, line, fill, etc.
* Interlacing to double vertical resolution
* Vertical scroll register
* Sound chip: Yamaha YM2149 (PSG)
* 3 channels + noise
* Clock chip RP5C01

MSX 2+

* Only officially released in Japan (available in Europe and Brazil via upgrades)
* Processor: Zilog Z80 compatible running at 3.58 MHz or more (5.37 MHz versions were available)
* ROM: 64 kB
* BIOS + Extended BIOS (32 kB)
* MSX BASIC V3.0 (16 kB)
* DiskROM (16 kB)
* Kun-BASIC (16 kB) (optional)
* Kanji ROM (optional)
* RAM: commonly 64 kB (on Japanese computers)
* Memory mapped (4 MB/slot max)
* Video Display Processor: Yamaha V9958 (aka MSX-Video)
* Video RAM: 128 kB
* Text modes: 80x24 and 32x24
* Resolution: 512x212 (16 colours out of 512) and 256x212 (19268 colours)
* Sprites: 32, 16 colours, max 8 per horizontal line
* Hardware acceleration for copy, line, fill, etc.
* Interlacing to double vertical resolution
* Horizontal and vertical scroll registers
* Sound chip: Yamaha YM2149 (PSG)
* 3 channels + noise
* Optional sound chip: Yamaha YM2413 (OPLL) (MSX-Music)
* 9 channels FM or 6 channels FM + 5 drums
* 15 pre-set instruments, 1 custom
* Clock chip RP5C01

MSX turbo R

* Only released in Japan
* Processor: R800 and Zilog Z80 running respectively at 29 MHz and 7.14 MHz
* ROM: 96 kB
* BIOS + Extended BIOS (48 kB)
* MSX BASIC V4.0 (16 kB)
* DiskROM (16 kB)
* Kun-BASIC (16 kB)
* Kanji ROM (256 kB)
* Firmware (4 MB)
* RAM: 256 kB (FS-A1ST) or 512 kB (FS-A1GT)
* Memory mapped (4 MB/slot max)
* Additionally 16 kB (FS-A1ST) or 32 kB (FS-A1GT) of SRAM (battery-powered)
* Video Display Processor: Yamaha V9958 (aka MSX-Video)
* Video RAM: 128 kB
* Text modes: 80x24 and 32x24
* Resolution: 512x212 (16 colours out of 512) and 256x212 (19768 colours)
* Sprites: 32, 16 colours, max 8 per horizontal line
* Hardware acceleration for copy, line, fill, etc.
* Interlacing to double vertical resolution
* Horizontal and vertical scroll registers
* Sound chip: Yamaha YM2149 (PSG)
* 3 channels + noise
* Sound chip: Yamaha YM2413 (OPLL) (MSX-Music)
* 9 channels FM or 6 channels FM + 5 drums
* 15 pre-set instruments, 1 custom
* Sound chip: PCM
* 8-bit single channel (no DMA), 16 kHz max using BIOS routines.
* Microphone built-in
* Sound chip: MIDI in/out (FS-A1GT only)
* Clock chip



* Yamaha Y8950, also known as:
* Panasonic: MSX-Audio (standard name)
* Philips: Music Module (no MSX-Audio BIOS)
* Toshiba: MSX FM-synthesizer Unit (no sample RAM, no MSX-Audio BIOS)
* 9 channels FM or 6 channels FM + 5 drums
* ADPCM record and play
* 32 kB of sample RAM, which can be upgraded to 256 kB


* Yamaha YM2413 (OPLL), also known as:
* MSX-Music (standard name)
* Panasonic: FM-PAC
* Zemina: Music Box
* Checkmark: FM-Stereo-Pak
* 9 channels FM or 6 channels FM + 5 drums
* 15 pre-set instruments, 1 custom
* Built-in in many MSX 2+ computers and the MSX turbo R


MSX computers are one of the most emulated platforms today.

blueMSX: Considered by many the best MSX emulator
* A fairly new MSX emulator for Windows (development started September 2003) initially based on Marat Fayzullin's fMSX
* Perfect looking emulation of MSX, MSX 2, MSX 2+, MSX turboR, Colecovision and Spectravideo
* Very accurate sound emulation
* Many unique emulation features such as ethernet emulation, video recording, digitizing, and theme based user interface
* Open source (GPL) since v2.0, which didn't use Marat Fayzullin code anymore

BrMSX: discontinued
* The fastest MSX and MSX 2 emulator ever, written entirely in Assembly for DOS only
* BrMSX author, Ricardo Bittencourt, is now part of the blueMSX development team

CJS MSX Emulator: discontinued
* Along with fMSX was one of the very first successful MSX emulators
* Unlike fMSX the code was not portable and is compatible only with IBM-PC running DOS
* Fast MSX and MSX 2 emulation with good sound support

fMSX: A portable MSX emulator by Marat Fayzullin
* The first widespread MSX emulator and the most ported one
* Offers accurate MSX, MSX 2 and MSX 2+ emulation with sound
* Source is available in a commercially restricted license (free ports are allowed and encouraged)
* The majority of MSX emulators today were more or less based on the fMSX source code

fMSX for Series 60 by Juha Riihimäki
* Very interesting port of the famous fMSX emulator for the Nokia Series 60 based devices

fMSXDS: A portable MSX emulator for the Nintendo DS by Nyagosu

* This is the official MSX emulator.
* Outside of Japan BAZIX is the representative for MSXPLAYer, and is also acting as the trademark holder for the MSX logo when used in emulators
* MSXPLAYer is produced by the MSX Association of which Kazuhiko Nishi, (the inventor of the MSX standard) is the president.
* BAZIX is currently in the process of developing a version of MSXPLAYer for the use with mobile phones that use the Symbian 60 OS
* In Japan, a Windows and a Pocket PC version is available

NLMSX: inactive
* A basic, fairly accurate MSX, MSX 2, MSX 2+ and turboR emulator for Windows based on fMSX 2.0b

NODollarMSX: by Martin Korth
* A decent MSX and MSX 2 emulator aimed to be more of a serious development tool than just an emulator
* Has a very useful and comfortable debugger and is written entirely in Assembly language to run smoothly on a 33 MHz PC.

openMSX: The MSX emulator that aims for perfection
* Open source (GPL) MSX emulator with some unique features (script based operation, command interface via pipes/socket, etc.)
* Extremely accurate MSX, MSX 2, MSX 2+ and turboR emulation

paraMSX: fMSX port by Yeongman Seo
* Was one of the best fMSX ports for Windows in its time

RuMSX: Turbo-R emulator for Windows
* One of the older MSX, MSX 2, MSX 2+ and turboR emulators
* Had very nice sound support for its time
* Very intuitive user interface
* The first MSX emulator with turboR support

RedMSX: blueMSX derivative
* Started out as a hack on blueMSX to add zipped ROM support and the SCALE2X graphical enhancement algorithm
* Added support for zipped DSK (disk images), lightguns and drag-and-drop launching of zip files
* While blueMSX compiles only with Microsoft Visual Studio .Net, RedMSX will compile with Microsoft Visual C/C++ 6.
* RedMSX's CPU load is very low (even less than blueMSX) making it run fast and accurately even in older, inexpensive hardware

Virtual Console on the Wii

Infos from Wikipedia

Computer 1990

Microsoft MSX Turbo-R

Here is the last MSX computer ever made. It is the successor of the MSX 2+ and thus has many characteristics in common. New features include: a new PCM sound chip which can produce digitized sound up to 44 KHz (in assembly language) and a new Z80 downward compatible R800 processor. The user can select the CPU (Z80 or R800) by software.
Panasonic was the only company to produce MSX 2 Turbo R systems: the FS A1. Two versions of the FS A1 were presented, the FS A1 ST and the FS A1 GT. The GT has 512 KB RAM, a MIDI interface and MSX View in ROM (MSX View is the Graphic User Interface compatible with MSX-DOS).
Panasonic stopped the production of the Turbo R when they launched the 3DO game system in 1992. They failed with this system and never returned to MSX.
Lot of extensions, however, were produced by third-party companies to enhance the Turbo R, among them, an OPL4 Sound Card, a hi-res card (Yamaha V9990) with lot of hardware sprites and IDE or SCSI interfaces.
David Heremans reports:
There is a mixed mode where you can have +4096 colors
simultaneously with an extra 16 indexed colors so that still pictures in
full color can be displayed while the index palatte of 16 redefinable colors
can be used for all kind of effects. But trying to display that would
probably be a litle long for the small space reserved for it on the

Computer 1985

Microsoft MSX2

Released 1983 (MSX1)
Discontinued 1995 (MSX turbo R)
Processor Zilog Z80
Memory 16KB Approx. 512KB

MSX was the name of a standardized home computer architecture in the 1980s. It was a Microsoft-led attempt to create unified standards among hardware makers, conceived by one-time Microsoft Japan executive Kazuhiko Nishi. Despite Microsoft's involvement, MSX-based machines were seldom seen in the United States but were hugely popular in other markets. Eventually 5 million MSX-based units were sold world-wide.

Nishi proposed MSX as an attempt to create a single industry standard for home computers. Inspired by the success of VHS as a standard for video cassette recorders, many Japanese electronic manufacturers along with Goldstar, Philips and Spectravideo built and promoted MSX computers. Any piece of hardware or software with the MSX logo on it was compatible with MSX products of other manufacturers. In particular, the expansion cartridge form and function were part of the standard; any MSX expansion or game cartridge would work in any MSX computer.

Nishi's standard consisted primarily of several off-the-shelf parts; the main CPU was a 3.58 MHz Zilog Z80, the graphics chip a Texas Instruments TMS9918 with 16 KB of dedicated VRAM, and the sound was provided by the AY-3-8910 chip manufactured by General Instrument (GI). These components alongside Microsoft's MSX BASIC made the MSX a competitive, though somewhat more expensive home computer package. This design closely resembled the Spectravideo SV-328 home computer, but was not completely compatible with it. Spectravideo later launched a system, the SV-728 which did adhere to the MSX standard.

Before the appearance and great success of the Nintendo Famicom, MSX was the platform for which major Japanese game studios, such as Konami and Hudson Soft, produced their titles. The Metal Gear series was originally written for MSX hardware.


In the 1980s Japan was in the midst of an economic awakening. Large Japanese electronics firms may have been successful in the early computer market had they made a concerted effort in the late 1970s. Their combined design and manufacturing power could have allowed them to produce competitive machines, but they initially ignored the home computer market and appear to have been hesitant to do business in a market where no industry standard existed.

When MSX was announced and a slew of big Japanese firms announced their plans to introduce machines, it set off a wave of panic in the U.S. industry. However, the Japanese companies avoided the intensely competitive U.S. home computer market, which was in the throes of a Commodore-led price war. Only Spectravideo and Yamaha briefly marketed MSX machines in the U.S. Spectravideo's MSX enjoyed very little success, and Yamaha's CX5M model, built to interface with various types of MIDI equipment, was billed more as a digital music tool than a standard personal computer.

During the 1980s Europe became the largest computer games (as opposed to console games) market in the world, and the extremely popular Commodore 64 and Sinclair ZX Spectrum computers dominated. By the time the MSX launched in Europe several more popular 8-bit home computers had also arrived, and it was far too late to capture the extremely crowded European 8-bit computer market.

Consequently, MSX never became the worldwide standard that its makers had envisioned, mainly because it never took off in the United States or most of Europe. In Japan and South Korea, MSX was the paramount home computer system in the 1980s. It was also popular in The Netherlands, Spain, Brazil, some Arab countries and the Soviet Union.

The exact meaning of the 'MSX' abbreviation remains a matter of debate. At the time, most people seemed to agree it meant 'MicroSoft eXtended', referring to the built-in MSX-BASIC programming language, specifically adapted by Microsoft for the MSX system. However, according to Kazuhiko Nishi during a recent visit to Tilburg in the Netherlands, MSX stands for 'Machines with Software eXchangeability'. The MSX-DOS disk operating system had file system compatibility with CP/M and was similar to MS-DOS. In this way, Microsoft could promote MSX for home use while promoting MS-DOS based personal computers in office environments.

MSX spawned four generations: MSX 1 (1983), MSX 2 (1986), MSX 2+ (1988) and MSX turbo R (1990). The first three were 8-bit computers based on the Z80 microprocessor, while the MSX turbo R was based on an enhanced Zilog Z800 known as the R800. The Turbo R was introduced in 1990 but was unsuccessful due to a lack of support and the rise in popularity of the by then well-established IBM PC Compatible market. Production of the Turbo R ended in 1995.
In total, 5 million MSX computers were sold, which made it relatively popular but not the global standard it was intended to be. For a comparison with rival 8-bit computers, the Commodore 64 sold 17 million units worldwide in its lifetime, the Amstrad CPC sold 3 million units, the Apple II sold 2 million units, and the Tandy TRS-80 sold 250,000 units.

MSX Revival

* In 2001, Kazuhiko Nishi initiated an 'MSX Revival' around an official MSX emulator called MSXPLAYer. This is the only official MSX emulator. All MSX copyrights are maintained by the MSX Association.
* In 2004 Dutch company Bazix announced they had become the representatives of MSX Association in Europe, being the English contact for any questions regarding the MSX trademarks and copyrights (licensing).
* On October 17, 2006, Bazix launched WOOMB.Net, a website selling MSX games (translated to English if necessary), with a selection of 14 games. In Japan, game sales began earlier, through Project EGG. WOOMB.Net is the English counterpart of this (and other) Japanese services offered by D4 Enterprise.
* D4 Enterprise also announced (in August 2006) the launch of a new MSX2 compatible system called the 'one chip-MSX', a system based on an Altera Cyclone EP1C12Q240C8 FPGA. The 'one chip-MSX' is similar in concept to the C-One, a Commodore 64 clone also build on the basis of a single FPGA chip. The new MSX system is housed in a box made out of transparent blue plastic, and can be used with a standard monitor (or TV) and a PC keyboard. It has two MSX cartridge slots and supports the audio extensions MSX-MUSIC and SCC+. A SD/MMC-flashcard can be used as an external storage medium, emulating a disk drive and can be used to boot MSX-DOS. Due to its VHDL programmable hardware it is possible to give the device new hardware extensions simply by running a reconfiguration program under MSX-DOS. The 'one chip-MSX' also has two USB connectors that can be used after adding some supporting VHDL code.
* In 2006 Nintendo of Japan posted on its Virtual Console webpage that MSX games will be available for Wii's Virtual Console emulator. In February 2007, it was confirmed again and announced that the games would cost 800 Wii Points and will become available in Spring 2007 (for Japan only, at least initially).

MSX trivia

* The birthday of the MSX Home Computer Standard is June 27, 1983, the day it was formally announced during a press-conference.
* MSX 1 computers were very similar to the Colecovision and Sega SG-1000 video game systems. They shared the same CPU and video processors. Their sound processors were also very similar. A Colecovision emulator for the MSX exists.
* By far, the most popular and famous MSX games were written by Japanese software-house Konami.
* As the MSX's processor, the Zilog Z80A, could only address up to 64 kB of memory, the default allocation (used in most, if not all models) was with the lower 32 kB for ROM BASIC and the upper 32 kB for RAM. Machines intended to run MSX-DOS (a CP/M-like system) had 64 kB RAM, but the lower 32 kB were disabled in order for the ROM BASIC to function. When the computer booted MSX-DOS, the ROM BASIC was disabled and all of the 64 kB address space was mapped to RAM.
* Among MSX-DOS compatible software (directly ported from CP/M) were dBase II, Turbo Pascal version 3 and Wordstar. Therefore, in the late 1980s, several Brazilian companies used an MSX system as their 'corporate' computer. As an MSX 1 could display only 40x25 text, expansion kits were introduced that upgraded the display to 80x25, giving MSX a more professional appeal. MSX 2 and up were never manufactured by the main companies in Brazil (Gradiente and Sharp). Much of the market was created alone by Ademir Carchano (MSX Projetos et al) who created most of the aftermarket hardware for MSX, including the MegaRAM cartridge (a way to copy and play MegaROM games), the MSX 2.0 and 2+ conversion kits and IDE interfaces. Although cheaper IBM-PC clones eventually dominated the market, the MSX remained somewhat popular, with hardware being created and sold for substantial prices for some time afterwards.
* MSX 1 games were published mainly on cartridge and cassette. Later in the 1980s the MSX 2 was released, which generally included a 3.5' disk drive, and consequently the popular media for games and other software shifted to floppy disks.
* The MSX 3.5' floppy disks, at least those formatted under MSX-DOS 2.0, were directly compatible with MS-DOS (although some details like file undeletion and boot sector code were different).
* The introduction of MSX led to a new and short-lived kind of software cracking: converting. Since the MSX games were unplayable on the SV-328 computer, SV-328 crackers developed a method of modifying the (MSX 1) games to make them work on the SV-328. In most cases this included downloading the MSX BIOS to the SV-328 from tape or floppy disk.
* Due to the same processor (Z80), graphical resolution (256x192 pixels) and number of colors (16) of the MSX 1 systems and the Sinclair ZX Spectrum, many videogames made for the latter could easily be ported to the MSX platform by the (European) authors themselves, making both versions nearly identical. The enhanced color display possibilities of the MSX were not exploited: they did not used any hardware sprites, and the color by character style of the ZX Spectrum graphics was directly used, instead of using the MSX's more advanced facility to have a different color pair for each line in the character.

Franchises established on the MSX

Several popular video game franchises were established on the MSX:
* Bomberman
* Eggerland
* Metal Gear
* Parodius
* Puyo Puyo

Others got various installments on the MSX, including some titles unique to the system or largely reworked versions of games on other formats:

* Aleste
* Castlevania (as Vampire Killer)
* Contra
* Dragon Quest
* Dragon Slayer
* Final Fantasy
* Golvellius
* Gradius (Nemesis)
* Wizardry
* Xak
* Ys
* Zanac

Manufacturers of MSX computers

* MSX 1: Spectravideo (USA), Philips (the Netherlands), Sony, Sanyo, Mitsubishi, Toshiba, Hitachi, National, Panasonic, Canon, Casio, Pioneer, Fujitsu General, Yamaha, Yashica-Kyocera (Japan), GoldStar, Samsung/Fenner (Korea/Italy), Daewoo/Yeno (South Korea), Gradiente, Sharp/Epcom (Brazil), Talent (Argentina).
* MSX 2: Philips (the Netherlands), Sony, Sanyo, Samsung, Mitsubishi, Victor (a.k.a. JVC), National, Panasonic, Canon, Yamaha (Japan), ACVS, DDX (Brazil, upgrade kit), Daewoo/Yeno (South Korea), Talent (Argentina).
* MSX 2+: Sony, Sanyo, Panasonic (Japan), ACVS, DDX (Brazil, upgrade kit)
* MSX turbo R: Panasonic (Japan)

System specs


* Processor: Zilog Z80A running at 3.58 MHz
* ROM: 32 kB
* BIOS (16 kB)
* MSX BASIC V1.0 (16 kB)
* RAM: 8 kB minimum, up to 64 kB
* Video Display Processor: Texas Instruments TMS9918 family
* Video RAM: 16 kB
* Text modes: 40x24 and 32x24
* Resolution: 256x192 (16 colours)
* Sprites: 32, 1 colour, max 4 per horizontal line
* Sound chip: General Instrument AY-3-8910 (PSG)
* 3 channels + noise


* Processor: Zilog Z80A running at 3.58 MHz
* ROM: 48 kB
* BIOS + Extended BIOS (32 kB)
* MSX BASIC V2.0 (16 kB)
* DiskROM (16 kB) (optional)
* MSX-Audio BIOS (32 kB) (optional)
* RAM: commonly 128 kB (64 kB on Japanese computers, Sony HB-F700P had 256 kB)
* Memory mapped (4 MB/slot max)
* Video Display Processor: Yamaha V9938 (aka MSX-Video)
* Video RAM: 128 kB (sometimes 64 kB or 192 kB)
* Text modes: 80x24 and 32x24
* Resolution: 512x212 (16 colours out of 512) and 256x212 (256 colours)
* Sprites: 32, 16 colours, max 8 per horizontal line
* Hardware acceleration for copy, line, fill, etc.
* Interlacing to double vertical resolution
* Vertical scroll register
* Sound chip: Yamaha YM2149 (PSG)
* 3 channels + noise
* Clock chip RP5C01

MSX 2+

* Only officially released in Japan (available in Europe and Brazil via upgrades)
* Processor: Zilog Z80 compatible running at 3.58 MHz or more (5.37 MHz versions were available)
* ROM: 64 kB
* BIOS + Extended BIOS (32 kB)
* MSX BASIC V3.0 (16 kB)
* DiskROM (16 kB)
* Kun-BASIC (16 kB) (optional)
* Kanji ROM (optional)
* RAM: commonly 64 kB (on Japanese computers)
* Memory mapped (4 MB/slot max)
* Video Display Processor: Yamaha V9958 (aka MSX-Video)
* Video RAM: 128 kB
* Text modes: 80x24 and 32x24
* Resolution: 512x212 (16 colours out of 512) and 256x212 (19268 colours)
* Sprites: 32, 16 colours, max 8 per horizontal line
* Hardware acceleration for copy, line, fill, etc.
* Interlacing to double vertical resolution
* Horizontal and vertical scroll registers
* Sound chip: Yamaha YM2149 (PSG)
* 3 channels + noise
* Optional sound chip: Yamaha YM2413 (OPLL) (MSX-Music)
* 9 channels FM or 6 channels FM + 5 drums
* 15 pre-set instruments, 1 custom
* Clock chip RP5C01

MSX turbo R

* Only released in Japan
* Processor: R800 and Zilog Z80 running respectively at 29 MHz and 7.14 MHz
* ROM: 96 kB
* BIOS + Extended BIOS (48 kB)
* MSX BASIC V4.0 (16 kB)
* DiskROM (16 kB)
* Kun-BASIC (16 kB)
* Kanji ROM (256 kB)
* Firmware (4 MB)
* RAM: 256 kB (FS-A1ST) or 512 kB (FS-A1GT)
* Memory mapped (4 MB/slot max)
* Additionally 16 kB (FS-A1ST) or 32 kB (FS-A1GT) of SRAM (battery-powered)
* Video Display Processor: Yamaha V9958 (aka MSX-Video)
* Video RAM: 128 kB
* Text modes: 80x24 and 32x24
* Resolution: 512x212 (16 colours out of 512) and 256x212 (19768 colours)
* Sprites: 32, 16 colours, max 8 per horizontal line
* Hardware acceleration for copy, line, fill, etc.
* Interlacing to double vertical resolution
* Horizontal and vertical scroll registers
* Sound chip: Yamaha YM2149 (PSG)
* 3 channels + noise
* Sound chip: Yamaha YM2413 (OPLL) (MSX-Music)
* 9 channels FM or 6 channels FM + 5 drums
* 15 pre-set instruments, 1 custom
* Sound chip: PCM
* 8-bit single channel (no DMA), 16 kHz max using BIOS routines.
* Microphone built-in
* Sound chip: MIDI in/out (FS-A1GT only)
* Clock chip



* Yamaha Y8950, also known as:
* Panasonic: MSX-Audio (standard name)
* Philips: Music Module (no MSX-Audio BIOS)
* Toshiba: MSX FM-synthesizer Unit (no sample RAM, no MSX-Audio BIOS)
* 9 channels FM or 6 channels FM + 5 drums
* ADPCM record and play
* 32 kB of sample RAM, which can be upgraded to 256 kB


* Yamaha YM2413 (OPLL), also known as:
* MSX-Music (standard name)
* Panasonic: FM-PAC
* Zemina: Music Box
* Checkmark: FM-Stereo-Pak
* 9 channels FM or 6 channels FM + 5 drums
* 15 pre-set instruments, 1 custom
* Built-in in many MSX 2+ computers and the MSX turbo R


MSX computers are one of the most emulated platforms today.

blueMSX: Considered by many the best MSX emulator
* A fairly new MSX emulator for Windows (development started September 2003) initially based on Marat Fayzullin's fMSX
* Perfect looking emulation of MSX, MSX 2, MSX 2+, MSX turboR, Colecovision and Spectravideo
* Very accurate sound emulation
* Many unique emulation features such as ethernet emulation, video recording, digitizing, and theme based user interface
* Open source (GPL) since v2.0, which didn't use Marat Fayzullin code anymore

BrMSX: discontinued
* The fastest MSX and MSX 2 emulator ever, written entirely in Assembly for DOS only
* BrMSX author, Ricardo Bittencourt, is now part of the blueMSX development team

CJS MSX Emulator: discontinued
* Along with fMSX was one of the very first successful MSX emulators
* Unlike fMSX the code was not portable and is compatible only with IBM-PC running DOS
* Fast MSX and MSX 2 emulation with good sound support

fMSX: A portable MSX emulator by Marat Fayzullin
* The first widespread MSX emulator and the most ported one
* Offers accurate MSX, MSX 2 and MSX 2+ emulation with sound
* Source is available in a commercially restricted license (free ports are allowed and encouraged)
* The majority of MSX emulators today were more or less based on the fMSX source code

fMSX for Series 60 by Juha Riihimäki
* Very interesting port of the famous fMSX emulator for the Nokia Series 60 based devices

fMSXDS: A portable MSX emulator for the Nintendo DS by Nyagosu

* This is the official MSX emulator.
* Outside of Japan BAZIX is the representative for MSXPLAYer, and is also acting as the trademark holder for the MSX logo when used in emulators
* MSXPLAYer is produced by the MSX Association of which Kazuhiko Nishi, (the inventor of the MSX standard) is the president.
* BAZIX is currently in the process of developing a version of MSXPLAYer for the use with mobile phones that use the Symbian 60 OS
* In Japan, a Windows and a Pocket PC version is available

NLMSX: inactive
* A basic, fairly accurate MSX, MSX 2, MSX 2+ and turboR emulator for Windows based on fMSX 2.0b

NODollarMSX: by Martin Korth
* A decent MSX and MSX 2 emulator aimed to be more of a serious development tool than just an emulator
* Has a very useful and comfortable debugger and is written entirely in Assembly language to run smoothly on a 33 MHz PC.

openMSX: The MSX emulator that aims for perfection
* Open source (GPL) MSX emulator with some unique features (script based operation, command interface via pipes/socket, etc.)
* Extremely accurate MSX, MSX 2, MSX 2+ and turboR emulation

paraMSX: fMSX port by Yeongman Seo
* Was one of the best fMSX ports for Windows in its time

RuMSX: Turbo-R emulator for Windows
* One of the older MSX, MSX 2, MSX 2+ and turboR emulators
* Had very nice sound support for its time
* Very intuitive user interface
* The first MSX emulator with turboR support

RedMSX: blueMSX derivative
* Started out as a hack on blueMSX to add zipped ROM support and the SCALE2X graphical enhancement algorithm
* Added support for zipped DSK (disk images), lightguns and drag-and-drop launching of zip files
* While blueMSX compiles only with Microsoft Visual Studio .Net, RedMSX will compile with Microsoft Visual C/C++ 6.
* RedMSX's CPU load is very low (even less than blueMSX) making it run fast and accurately even in older, inexpensive hardware

Virtual Console on the Wii

Infos from Wikipedia

Computer 1995

Microsoft PC Win9X

Console 2001

Microsoft Xbox

The Xbox was Microsfts first real foray into  Video Game Console development, while they have done gaming on the PC for many years prior, they had never touched console development till the Xbox’s release. It came in the sixth generation of video game consoles, going up against the Nintendo GameCube, the SEGA Dreamcast and the Sony PS2.
The Xbox was different to all of the consoles of its time, Instead of utilizing highly customized pieces of hardware like the Dreamcast and PlayStation 2 did, the Xbox instead used hardware that was much more familiar to them. That being they utilized a PC style system and architecture for there console, bringing in the in-built hard drive to store save games directly to the console, removing the need to purchase memory cards.
Emulation of the Xbox so far has not managed to get very far, despite a couple of attempts emulation has basically never gotten past managing to get in-game in a couple of games. Performance is not to great in the emulators either. The difficulty of Xbox Emulation is likely due to how much in common it has with the PC Architecture and the sheer lack of any real documentation on how everything works. There is currently only one real Xbox emulator project that is making ground, and that is the XQEMU project.
It also brought with it an Ethernet port, and was the first video game console to bring together a proper online gaming community with there console thanks to the introduction of Xbox Live. Xbox Live didn’t just let you play games with other people, it also let you add friends to a buddy list and interact with them. Xbox’s network prowess was helped by there better and more reliable services coupled alongside the fantastic online gameplay of Halo 2.
Ultimately the Xbox fared extremely well for there first video game console, coming distant second to the PlayStation 2. Ending with over 24 million units sold, it proved more popular then Nintendo’s GameCube and eclipsed that of the SEGA Dreamcast.

Console 2005

Microsoft Xbox 360

The Xbox 360 was Microsoft’s entry into the seventh generation of video game consoles, It went up against two very impressive showing, that being Sony’s PlayStation 3, and the extremely successful Nintendo Wii. The Xbox 360 managed to sell over 84 million units, an impressive feat despite suffering some serious setbacks. Initial versions of the Xbox 360 suffered from a severe hardware failure, often refereed to as the “Red Ring of Death”. This was caused by a poor heat sink and bracket that would over time cause the processor to bend and be lifted from the main board.
Emulation of the Xbox 360 seemed like a very far fetched idea up considering the sheer difficulty developers had trying to emulate the original Xbox. There is one incredibly promising Xbox 360 emulator that has surfaced, and that is the surprising Xenia. it has already managed to get in game in a variety of different games and is already showing great promise that it will manage to successfully emulate the system.
The Xbox 360 was an impressive showing from Microsoft, boasting a much improved online service, something that ended up becoming a core pillar of the device thanks to its sheer success in the previous generation of consoles. The Xbox 360 also boasted a rather robust set of media center abilities, however unlike the PlayStation 3, Microsoft made the decision to only include a DVD drive. While Microsoft eventually brought out an addon that implemented the HD DVD, it ended up a failed effort as the HD DVD ultimately failed after Blu-ray gained significant support.
Ultimately the Xbox 360 was a very successful video game console, while not the top selling seventh generation video game console, it did bring with it some of the most memorable games of the generation. One of the most notable game series of those is the Gears of War series, which has now become a pillar of Xbox gaming alongside the fantastic open world racing game, Forza Horizon and the stellar Forza Motorsport series.

Console 2013

Microsoft Xbox One

The Xbox One was Microsoft’s entry into the eighth generation of Video Game Consoles. It perhaps had one of the most botched console releases of all time. This is can be attributed to a very poor marketing effort that left consumers confused.
The announcement conference of the Xbox One featured a large segment dedicated to non gaming features, and then the time that was left focused on policies that were never explained properly. Such as the apparent “always-online” feature, and the original policy of being unable to trade in games, replacing the normal console system with a system much like the extremely popular PC Gaming platform, Steam.
The next few weeks after the Xbox One’s announcement there was a few attempts to try and clarify there policies but those attempts just ended up throwing fuel on the fire and confusing the consumers even further. Eventually the two key policies of the console ended up being rolled back for the more traditional style. But it ended up with two high level Microsoft employees having to stand down, the most notable of these being the head of Xbox, Don Mattrick. Ultimately the Xbox One never recovered from the disaster that it was the announcement, Sony utilized the mess up to promote there console and appear to be the good guys helping them gain a majority early on in the consoles life.
Emulation of the Xbox One is nothing but a pipe dream at this moment, there is no current effort to try and emulate the console, and there does not currently appear to be any real interest in a Xbox One emulator. Please note if you do find any supposed Xbox One emulators on the internet, steer clear of them as they are more then likely loaded with adware.
It is currently to difficult to find out how well the Xbox One is doing as Microsoft chose to cease disclosing the Xbox One Sold unit numbers.

Xbox One Emulators

There is currently no Xbox One emulator in development, or any Xbox One emulator released at all.

Please note that if you find any on the internet at this time, it is likely a fake, even more so if it claims to actually be able to one any games fully.
Please steer clear of any Xbox One Emulators. We will update this page as soon as a legitimate attempt at developing an Xbox One Emulators shows up.

Unknown 2020

Microsoft Xbox Series X

The Xbox Series S/X made up a part of Microsoft’s ninth generation of video game consoles and was released at the end of 2020. These consoles are the successor to the Xbox One and represent the companies fourth attempt at building its own video game console.
Like the PlayStation 5, the Xbox Series console sported some of the latest processing technologies from AMD. These processing technologies are AMD’s Zen 2 CPU architecture and their RDNA 2 GPU architecture.
The use of these architectures allows the Xbox’s processor to match that of what was a relatively high-end computer at the time of release.
Value-wise this put the Xbox Series console in an excellent position. They boasted pretty high-end CPU and GPU performance at a fraction of what it would cost to build a PC of the same capabilities.
When marketing their latest Xbox consoles Microsoft focused a lot on their backward compatibility capabilities.
The Xbox Series consoles are fully backward compatible with the Xbox One. They even support a large number of games from the Xbox 360 and the original Xbox.
On the hardware side, the Xbox Series consoles set out to achieve a few things. The first was to improve the storage speed of the device significantly. Game consoles for years have relied on slow hard drives. The Xbox Series made the jump to an NVMe drive. These drives are incredibly fast, allowing the console to load data almost instantly.
These gave rise to features such as Xbox’s Quick Resume. This feature stored the game’s current game state on the NVMe drive to quickly load back into memory.
As the Xbox Series consoles are relatively new, there have been no successful attempts at emulating the video game console. Be careful if you see any website claiming they have a fully working Xbox Series emulator.
We will update this page once there is progress on developing an emulator of the Xbox Series.

Computer 1979

Microtan 65

This computer is what is the ZX-80 to the ZX-Spectrum, but for the Oric 1. Tangerine developped this computer before they became Oric and produced the Oric-1.
It was mainly sold in kit, without the complete keyboard shown in the photo, but with a little hexadecimal keyboard.
The unextended Microtan 65 couldn't use Basic (Basic65) due to its RAM limitation (1kb), so only machine-code was usable.
Te 1kb ROM contained TANBUG, a monitor which allowed to enter machine code programs. But with the unextended Microtan65, there was no way to save your work (not tape facility), so you had to re-type your program each time you switched-on the computer !


MikroMikko 1

Computer 1984

Mindset Corporation Mindset

This little-known graphics workstation is an intriguing example of the many, varied machines introduced in the mid 1980's.
The Mindset microcomputer, designed by two ex-Atari engineers, offered graphics performance far beyond that of other personal computers on the market at the time of its introduction in early 1984.
Based on the rarely seen, 16-bit Intel 80186 (also used in the Tandy Model 2000), the Mindset was a powerful graphics workstation built on a (mostly) MS-DOS compatible core. Two custom VLSI chips shouldered the burden of graphics heavy lifting; offering graphics performance 50 times that of the IBM PC, leaving the CPU free to handle other chores.
The system unit was striking to behold. Crafted by industrial design group, GVO, of Menlo Park, CA, the Mindset was chosen for a place in the Museum of Modern Art.
The main system unit lacked floppy disk storage but instead sported two, front-mounted ROM/NVRAM module ports. The system's serial and parallel interface, as well as system memory expansion, were also modular. A dual floppy drive expansion module attached to the top of the unit, giving it a futuristic, double-decker look (most units were sold with the floppy drive module bundled in).
The Mindset was one of the very first computers to come standard with a mouse; in this case, a two-button unit with a somewhat unwieldy, heavy cord and a metal mouse ball.
11 advanced graphics modes which could be seen on any of the system's three graphics outputs; impressive flexibility for its day. A very powerful paint program, Lumena from Time Arts, Inc., was available for the Mindset, allowing the creation of stunning, static images from its palette of 512 colors. Beyond the static, however, the machine's custom graphics hardware was capable of performing frame buffer animation at a speed 50 times greater than that of the IBM PC.
There were rumors that Atari CEO, Jack Tramiel, was considering purchasing the Mindset to bring it under the Atari flag. This did not happen, but it is interesting to note that the original Atari ST series computers, released a year later, featured almost exactly the same graphics modes and palette depth as the Mindset micro.
More information about this notable entry in computing history can be
found at this on-line version of a Feb. '85 Creative Computing review.
Thanks to Blake Patterson for information.

Computer 1983

Mitsubishi Multi 8

The Multi 8 can be used in two modes : a Basic Mode and a CP/M mode. In the CP/M mode, the whole memory (64 KB) can be accessed.

Computer 1982

Motorola EXORciser

The Exorset was designed by Motorola firstly to be a development kit for the MC6809 and Motorola systems.
It has a built-in green 9'' monochrom screen and two 5''1/4 floppy-drives.
It runs under XDOS (a compatible MDOS operating system).
It is sold with a compiled Basic (BASICM), a text editor and an assembler.
Douro reports us :
The Motorola Exorset-30 has amazing graphic and sound capability. A modified version of this hardware is used in Williams arcade machines !

Computer 1984

NCR Decision Mate V

An other CP/M / MSDOS hybrid system. This computer had no great commercial success.
The Decision Mate V came with 128 KB of RAM, but could be upgraded to 256 or 512 KB with expansion cards. The serial and Centronics interfaces were not on the mainboard, but were added as expansion cards. An additional card with a 68000 was developed by NCR in order to use CP/M 68.
There were 7 expansion slots. An optional diagnostic card was available for slot 6. Otherwise, diagnostics were produced through 6 red LEDs on the back of the case, above the volume control.
The computer had two floppy drives, or only one + a Winchester hard drive mounted in the second bay.

A network called 'DecisoNet' was designed to link together several Decision V.
Contributors: Sebastian Rho.

Computer 1982

NEC Advanced Personal Computer

This professional computer from NEC was a very nice system at the time. With its high resolution graphics (640 x 475) and its large disk capacity (1 MB), it sure was impressive in 1982!
Bill Czermak recalls:
I developed the first version of MIPS (Manufacturers Integrated Production System) on one of the first colour APCs sold in Australia. I added a 5 Mb NEC harddisk later. The 8" floppies held 1.2 Mb.
I am told my original system is in a museum in the Geelong area.
I added an XT compatibility card to port my software to the the IBM XT and my software worked fine using this card. When I installed it on a customer's genuine IBM, I got a blank screen!!! Which I fixed that day on the customer's premesis. I think the APC was 30% faster than the XT and cheaper with better graphics.

Jeremiah S. Junken reports :
I actually have one of these which still works. By default, it runs CPM/86, there was a UNIX available, and MS-DOS available. Mine had an external 10MB HDD. The software included "benchmark" word processor, VisiCalc and dBase II.
The major things worth nothing about this otherwise unremarkable machine were it's relative speed, the fact that the lights would dim slightly when it was turned on, and that, in the year 2002, it still works. :-)

Gary McCray adds:

I actually still have a working one of these also. Actually, it was pretty remarakable when it came out for its high resolution graphics capability using a (at the time) powerful NEC 7220 Graphics controller chip which formed the base strategy for virtually every other graphics controller since.
Unfortunately very little software was available that took advantage of its graphics capability. Also it was featured in one of the stupidist full page ads ever produced and ran for months with a giant hand covering it up and the admonition "The Computer The Competition Doesnt Want You to See" and a suggestion to write away for information on it (see 'Adverts' section). If that wasn't stupid enough, you couldn't actually get any information on it from either writing or calling.
It is remarkably well made and was extremely powerful and reliable in the time it was built (weighs over 80 lb). But a combination of truly stupid advertising and lack of easy access doomed it in the US to a very small group. It fared much better in Japan understandably, and surprisingly in Australia (no giant hand I guess). I developed graphics authoring programs for it that sold successfully in both Japan and Australia.

Console 1989

NEC PC Engine SuperGrafx

The SuperGrafx video game console is an upgraded version of NEC's popular PC Engine (North America: TurboGrafx-16) system. At first it was known as the PC-Engine 2 — which was purported to be a true 16-Bit system with improved graphics and audio capabilities, not expected to see release until 1990. However the final machine was named SuperGrafx, was released earlier than expected, in late 1989, only provided modestly enhanced graphics over the original PC-Engine, had audio that was the same as the PC-Engine and no 16-bit CPU, just the same one as the PC-Engine.

The enhancements SuperGrafx did have: compared to the PC-Engine, SuperGrafx has four times the amount of work RAM for the main CPU, a second video chip with its own video RAM, and a priority controller chip that allowed the output of both video chips to be combined in various ways. SuperGrafx had support for two independently scrolling background layers, like the Sega Megadrive/Genesis, instead of the PC-Engine's single layer.

The SuperGrafx was not well received, due to a lack of software written to support its enhanced abilities; only 7 titles were ever released. There were no CD, SCD, or ACD games written that took advantage of the SuperGrafx platform. Game software was also very expensive, with games approaching 110 (USD). However, the SuperGrafx can play PCE HuCards, PCE CDs, PCE Super CDs, PCE Arcade CDs, and the native SuperGrafx HuCards. These titles combined totals to a very respectable library of near 700 titles.

In addition, its single 8-bit CPU had a heavy workload managing the extra video hardware.

One accessory of note was the Power Console, designed to add a full flight yoke, throttle and keypad to the SuperGrafx, sliding over the entire console. Besides a prototype, no Power Consoles were ever produced.

Technical Specifications

CPU: 8-bit HuC6280A, a modified 65SC02 running at 1.79 or 7.16 MHz (switchable by software). Features integrated bankswitching hardware (driving a 21-bit external address bus from a 6502-compatible 16-bit address bus), an integrated general-purpose I/O port, a timer, block transfer instructions, and dedicated move instructions for communicating with the HuC6270A VDC.
GPU: A multiple graphics processor setup. One 16-bit HuC6260 Video Color Encoder (VCE), two 16-bit HuC6270A Video Display Controllers (VDCs), and one HuC6202 Video Priority Controller. The HuC6270A featured Port-based I/O similar to the TMS99xx VDP family.


Horizontal resolution: variable, maximum of 512 (programmable to 256, 352, or 512 pixels)
Vertical resolution: variable, maximum of 242 (programmable in increments of 1 scanline)
The majority of SuperGrafx games use 256x240.
Depth: 8-bit
Colors available: 513
Colors onscreen: 482 (241 background, 241 sprite)
Palettes: 32 (16 for background tiles, 16 for sprites)
Colors per palette: 16
Simultaneously displayable: 128
Sizes: 16x16, 16x32, 16x64, 32x16, 32x32, 32x64
Palette: Each sprite can use up to 15 unique colors (one color must be reserved as transparent) via one of the 16 available sprite palettes.
Layers: The dual HuC6270A VDCs are capable of displaying 2 sprite layers (1 each). Sprites could be placed either in front of or behind background tiles.
Size: 8x8
Palette: Each background tile can use up to 16 unique colors via one of the 16 available background palettes. The first color entry of each background palette must be the same across all background palettes.
Layers: The dual HuC6270A VDCs were capable of displaying 2 background layers (1 each).


Work RAM: 32KB
Video RAM: 128KB (64KB per HuC6270A VDC)

Audio Capacity

Six PSG audio channels, programmable through the HuC6280A CPU.
Each channel had a frequency of 111.87 kHz (while not in D/A mode) with a bit depth of 5 bits. Each channel also was allotted 20 bytes (32x5 bits) of RAM for sample data.
The waveforms were programmable so the composers were not limited to the standard selection of waveforms (square, sine, sawtooth, triangle, etc.).
The first two audio channels (1 and 2) were capable of LFO when channel #2 was used to modulate channel #1. This was used to achieve FM-like sound qualities.
The final two audio channels (5 and 6) were capable of Noise generation.
Optional software enabled Direct D/A which allows for sampled sound to be streamed into any of the six PSG audio channels. When a channel is in D/A mode the frequency is as fast as the CPU can stream bytes to the port, though in practicality it is limited to 6.99 kHz when using the TIMER interrupt with its smallest loop setting (1023 cpu cycles).
There is a method that combines two channels in DDA mode to play back 8-bit, 9-bit, or 10-bit samples.
The addition of the CD-ROM peripheral adds CD-DA sound, and a single ADPCM channel to the existing sound capabilities of the TurboGrafx-16.

Game Media

HuCard: A thin, card-like game media. The largest Japanese HuCard games were up to 20Mbit in size. In addition to its own HuCard games, the SuperGrafx was backward compatible with all PC Engine HuCard games. The labels on SuperGrafx HuCards were upside-down relative to PC Engine HuCards; A PC Engine HuCard will read upside down on a SuperGrafx, while its own are right-side-up.
CD: The SuperGrafx was compatible with the PC Engine Super CD-ROMĠ unit, and could play all PC-Engine CD games with it attached. There were no CDs produced especially for the SuperGrafx.

HuCard cartridge connector.
EXT-BUS expansion connector. (for CD-ROM, Tennokoe 2, RAU-30, etc.)
Standard mini-DIN gamepad connector.
Enhanced I/O port with 8 output and 4 input pins.
5-pin DIN A/V connector with composite video and stereo audio output only.
Power adapter jack.
Compatibility mode (PC-Engine or SuperGrafx) switch on back of unit.
The enhanced I/O port was designed for a multiple-input perhipheral that was shown in several game magazines but never released commercially.

RAU-30 adapter Connects SuperGrafx to IFU-30 CD-ROM interface tray, as the SuperGrafx won't fit due to its unusual shape.

Infos from: Wikipedia

Computer 1981

NEC PC-6001

The NEC PC 6001 is the first member of the great NEC PC family. During the 80's and the beginning of the 90's, the big Japanese electronics companies launched several series of computers, they were very powerful and had great features (some of them were costly options or totally non-existent on European or American computers at the time), the FM series from Fujitsu, the JR series from Matsushita (Panasonic), the Pasopia from Toshiba, the Basic Master from Hitachi, the X1 and X680x0 series from Sharp and all the MSX computers are good examples of this.

The NEC PC series was among them, they had a really great success and the later models of this family are still use today.

The NEC PC-6001 also had an American version, called the NEC TREK, or the NEC PC-6001A. Its ROMs are different from its Japanese progenitor.

NAME PC 6001
TYPE Home Computer
YEAR November 1981
BUILT IN LANGUAGE Microsoft N60 Basic
KEYBOARD Chicklet keyboard, 71 keys, JIS standard layout
CPU PD 780c-1 (compatible with Z80)
CO-PROCESSOR M5C6847P-1 video generator (MC6847 compatible)
RAM 16 KB (up to 32 KB)
VRAM Unknown
ROM 16 KB (Basic) + 4 KB (character ROM)
TEXT MODES 32 x 16
GRAPHIC MODES 256 x 192 / 256 x 128 / 128 x 192 / 128 x 128 / 64 x 48
COLORS monochrome (256 x 192) / 2 (128 x 192) / 9 (64 x 48)
SOUND three channels, 8 octaves (General Instruments AY-3-8910)
I/O PORTS Tape (600 / 1200 baud), RGB, Centronics, Joystick (2), ROM/RAM cartridges, Audio
PRICE Unknown

Infos from:

Computer 1979

NEC PC-8001

In 1979, the NEC PC-8001 was an excellent machine, offering 8 colors when most of its competitors were still monochrome. There is even a (low) graphic resolution of 160 x 100 dots. It could display capital and small letters.
The PC-8001 had great success with Japanese businesses, where it was widely used. At the time, NEC claimed that the PC-8001 represented at least 45% of their home japanese market. This is when the PC serie from NEC and MZ serie from Sharp started competing!
The base system was 32K, but a company in Concord, CA. made a thing called the "WEDGE" that mounted below the Base system and added the needed 32K plus it had analog and digital input ports and other goodies.
The US version of the PC-8001 was named PC-8001A.
Contributors : Jeff Denno


NEC PC-8201

Computer 1981

NEC PC-8801

The NEC PC-8801 system was introduced by the NEC Corporation in 1981 and was an early Zilog Z80-based computer. The PC-88, as it is informally called, became very popular in Japan but did not see release in other markets.

CPU: PD9002 (NEC-PD7008 compatible)
Resolutions: 640x200, 640x400, 320x200, 320x400
Memory: 1.5 MB ROM, 512 KB RAM
Sound: 3 FM channels + 3 SSG + 6 rhythms + 1 ADPCM
For its time, the PC-8801 offered a high display resolution, although it could only display 8 out of 512 colors simultaneously. Its sound-producing capabilities were also more advanced than other machines of the time.

Companies that produced exclusive software for this platform include Enix, Square, Falcom, Bandai Soft, Hal Laboratory, ASCII, Pony, T&E Soft, Champion Soft, Starcraft, Micro Cabin, PSK, and Bothtec. Certain games produced for the PC-8801 found shared release with the MSX platform, such as those produced by Game Arts, ELF, and Konami. Many popular series first appeared on this computer, including Snatcher, Thexder, Dragon Slayer and Ys.

Nintendo licensed Hudson Soft to port some of Nintendo's Famicom titles for the system, including Excitebike, Balloon Fight, Tennis, Donkey Kong 3, Golf and Ice Climber, as well as unusual ports of Mario Bros. called Mario Bros. Special and Punch Ball Mario Bros.. Most notably, they produced for it a unique Super Mario Bros. game entitled Super Mario Bros. Special. The game has since fallen into obscurity, prompting some to call it the "true Lost Levels.

Computer 1987


The PC-88VA was compatible with the PC-8801 and also had a V3 mode that operated in 16bit mode and allowed to run MS-DOS like OS.
This machine had sprites for games in character mode. High quality games
such as R-TYPE were released using this mode.
Unfortunately this machine had no success and was replaced by the PC-88VA2/VA3 series in 1988.

Computer 1982

NEC PC-9801

The NEC PC-9801 (or the PC-98 for short) is a Japanese microcomputer manufactured by NEC. It first appeared in 1982, and employed an 8086 CPU. It ran at a clock speed of 5 MHz, with two ṁPD7220 display controllers (one for text, the other for video graphics), and shipped with 128 KB of RAM, expandable to 640 KB. Its 8-color display had a maximum resolution of 640x400 pixels. Its successor, the PC-9801E, which appeared in 1983, employed an 8086-2 CPU, which could selectably run at a speed of either 5 or 8 MHz.

In the 1980s and early 1990's, NEC dominated the Japan domestic PC market with more than 60 percent of the PCs sold as PC9801 or PC8801. In 1990, IBM Japan introduced the DOS/V OS which enabled to display Japanese text on ordinary IBM PC/AT's VGA adapter. After that, the fall and decline of the PC98 began. The PC-9801's last successor was the Celeron-based PC-9821Ra43 (with a clockspeed 433MHz), which appeared in 2000.

FreeBSD/pc98 runs on PC-9801s equipped with an i386 or compatible.

Software for the PC98 generally ran from program and data disks (Disk 0 & 1) or (A & B), and NEC did not have a strong GUI to go up against Microsoft's Windows 95 when it took Japan's PC market by storm. NEC's decision to work with Microsoft to offer a PC98 compatible version of Windows 95 could be seen as the first step towards the 9800 series computer's downfall, as consumers were no longer required to have an NEC-built system to run software designed for Windows.

The PC98 is different from the IBM PC in many ways; for instance, it uses its own 16 bit C-Bus instead of the ISA bus; BIOS, I/O port addressing, memory management and graphics output are also different. However, localized MS-DOS or Windows will still run on PC-9801s.

Seiko Epson manufactured PC-9801 clones, as well as compatible peripherals.

As a Game Platform:
The PC9801 had thousands of game titles designed for it, many of which did not require fancy graphics but made creative use of the system's limitations (it was originally designed as a business machine) to great commercial success. Desipite having hardware specifications far inferior to the Fujitsu FM Towns and Sharp X68000 personal computers, the massive install base and steady flow of game titles (in particular 'Dojin' style dating sims and RPG's) for the 'Kyuu-Hachi' ('98' in Japanese) kept it as the favored platform for PC game developers in Japan until the rise of the DOS/V clones.

In this way the PC9801 might be seen as the Japanese equivalent of the IBM PC (and its successful battle against the Amiga), except that NEC kept much of its hardware and platform proprietary or under license (until the bitter end), so while it had a virtual monopoly in the Japan market, later IBM PC clones with DOS/V and Windows from companies such as Hitachi and Panasonic that did not require such license fees (like Epson's 98 clones) flooded the market and took the NEC giant down. The proprietary technology that was NEC's strength turned into its weakness as its competitors could use off-the-shelf technology to build cheaper IBM PC clones at a time when NEC was charging much steeper prices for its PC9800 series computers.

Emulators popular for the PC9801 today include T98-NEXT, NekoprojectII(np2), and ANEX 86.

Infos from: Wikipedia

Console 1987

NEC PC-Engine

Generation 4th generation (16-bit era)
First available JP October 30, 1987
US August 29, 1989
EUR 1990
CPU Hudson Soft HuC6280
Media HuCard, CD-ROM (only with the CD-ROMĠ add-on)
Units sold 10 million
Top-selling game Bonk's Adventure
Successor PC-FX

The TurboGrafx-16, known as PC-Engine in Japan, is a video game console first released in Japan by NEC on October 30, 1987. The system was released in late August 1989 in North America. A PAL version of the system also saw a very limited release in the UK and continental Europe in 1990 as Turbografx (not including the '16' in the title, and uncapitalized 'g' in 'grafx').
The TurboGrafx-16 was an 8-bit system with a 16-bit graphics chip, capable of displaying 482 colors at once.


The PC-Engine was a collaborative effort between Japanese software maker Hudson Soft (which maintains a chip-making division) and NEC. Hudson was looking for financial backing for a game console they had designed, and NEC was looking to get into the lucrative game market. The PC Engine was and is a very small video game console, due primarily to a very efficient three-chip architecture and its use of HuCards, credit-card sized data cartridges. 'HuCard' (Hudson Card; also referred to as 'TurboChip' in North America) was derived from Hudson Soft. The cards were the size of a credit card (but slightly thicker) and thus were somewhat similar to the card format used by the Sega Master System for budget games. Unlike the Sega Master System (which also supported cartridges), however, the TurboGrafx-16 used HuCards exclusively. TG-16 featured an enhanced MOS Technology 65C02 processor and a custom 16-bit graphics processor, as well as a custom video encoder chip, all designed by Hudson. The HES logo found on the manual of every Japanese game stood for 'Hudson Entertainment System'.

It was the first console to have an optional CD module, allowing the standard benefits of the CD medium: more storage, cheaper media costs, and redbook audio. The efficient design, backing of many of Japan's major software producers, and the additional CD ROM capabilities gave the PC Engine a very wide variety of software, with several hundred games for both the HuCard and CD formats.

The PC Engine was extremely popular in Japan, beating Nintendo's Famicom in sales soon after its release, with no fewer than twelve console models released from 1987 to 1993. It was capable of up to 482 colors at once in several resolutions, and featured very robust sprite handling abilities. The Hudson-designed chroma encoder delivered a video signal more vibrant and colorful than both the Famicom and the Sega Mega Drive and is largely regarded as the equal to Nintendo's Super Famicom, although that system was not released until 1990.

As graphics technology improved, gamers continued to stick to the PC Engine despite its shortcomings. Erotic games were a key factor in making the PC Engine popular, and this popularity was maintained far past the lifespan of a regular video game console. New games were released for the PC-Engine up until 1999.

Despite the system's success, it started to lose ground to the Super Famicom. NEC made one final effort to resuscitate the system with the release of the Arcade Card expansion, bringing the total amount of RAM up to a then-massive 2048K; many Arcade Card games were conversions of popular NeoGeo titles. The additional memory even allowed the system to display 3D polygon graphics well beyond what the competing Super Famicom and Megadrive/Mega-CD could offer. By this time, however, it was too late -- only a relative handful of Arcade Card games were ever produced, and the expansion was never released in the U.S.

TurboGrafx-CD: Pioneering CD-ROM console

The TurboGrafx-16 was the first video game console in North America to have a CD-ROM peripheral (following the pioneering spirit of the PC-Engine CD-ROM add-on in Japan, although the FM Towns Marty was the first console to have a built-in CD-ROM). The TurboGrafx-CD debuted at a prohibitive Dollar399.99 (and did not include a pack-in game). Monster Lair (Wonder Boy III: Monster Lair) and Fighting Street (Street Fighter) were the initial TurboGrafx-CD titles. Ys Book I & II soon followed and was instantly recognized as the 'must-have' TurboGrafx-CD game (and continues to be highly regarded today). The TurboGrafx-CD catalog grew at a snail's pace compared to the library of TurboChip (HuCard) titles.

The TurboGrafx-CD came packaged in a very large box, 85 percent of which was filled with protective styrofoam inserts. By some accounts, no other video game console (or peripheral) has been packaged in such an overkill manner. The TurboGrafx-CD did however come with a large plastic 'carrying case' that could comfortably hold the TurboGrafx-16 base system, TurboGrafx-CD, all AC adapters, 2–3 controllers, and a few games.

Although the TurboGrafx-CD library was relatively small, North Americans could draw from a wide range of Japanese software since there was no region protection on TG-CD / PC Engine CD-ROM software. Many mail order (and some brick-and-mortar) import stores advertised Japanese PCE CD and HuCard titles in the video game publications of the era.

Region Protection

With HuCards a limited form of region protection was introduced between markets which for the most part was nothing more than running the HuCard's pinout connections in a different arrangement. There were two major after-market converters sold to address this problem, and both were sold predominantly for use in converting Japanese titles for play on a TG-16. In the Asian market, NEC went an extra step of adding a hardware level detection function to all PC-Engine systems that detected if a game was a U.S. release. It would then refuse to play it. The only known exception to this is the U.S. release of Klax which did not contain this flag.

This region system was explained at one time by Dean to Turbo Mailing-List members as such:
'The way it works is that of the 38 pins on a HuCard, the middle pins (specifically 15-17 and 19-23, where 18 is ground) are flipped between US and Jp cards. Either way, the converters like the Kisado (and Purple Barney, diving board, Mirai, etc) merely 'flip' these going from the HuCard to the hardware. The problem mentioned is that US HuCards have a lockout where it polls the processor to check the region of the hardware, causing US HuCards to not work on non-US hardware (although Japanese HuCards work fine on US hardware with the converters). To defeat the region block, you must lift pin 29 on the Hu6280 processor and ground it to the board. This allows you to use the US cards on any Japanese unit. The only game I've ever seen affected negatively by this mod is Aldynes for the SuperGrafx. This game hangs during the attract mode, but works fine if you start the game before advancing in the attract mode. The pin 29 mod is simple enough, although that tiny little pin is quite sensitive.
The explanation commonly given for this by NEC officials is that most U.S. conversions had been skill level reduced, and in some cases censored for what was considered inappropriate content. Because of that, they did not want the U.S. conversion to re-enter the Asian market and negatively impact the perception of a game. The poster child for censorship in this fashion was Kato-chan and Ken-chan released as JJ and Jeff in the U.S.. With some minor soldering skills, a change could be made to PC-Engines to disable this check.

The only Japanese games that could not be played on a U.S. system using one of these converters were the SuperGrafx titles which also required additional system hardware to run.

The first converter to market was an Asian developed module labeled the Game Converter and marked with a model number of WH-301. English speaking fans historically have dubbed this device the 'Purple Converter', or 'Barney Converter' due to its purple color that is reminiscent of Barney the Dinosaur. While this device was most commonly sold in a purple color, there has been discussion of them being seen in other colors.

The second converter, named the 'Kisado', was created and sold by David Shadoff initially to members of the Turbo Mailing-List in pre-ordered batches. Then later, some were sold through on-line retailers.

The main difference between these two converters is their design. The WH-301 extended out of the system and HuCards were inserted into a widened riser platform that contained the HuCard slot (almost one inch above the board). Because of this wide top area to the board, WH-301 adapters were incompatible with the Turbo-Duo as they would not fit into the card slot.

The Kisado was a straight board where the HuCard was inserted into a slot on the opposite end of the board that faced back towards the system. For TurboDuo owners the Kisado design is the only one that works with the system.

For CD games, it was an entirely different situation. While there was no region-protection on CD games, there were several different CD formats: CD, Super CD (SCD) and, later, Arcade CD (ACD). TurboGrafx-CD, equipped with the original System Card (version 2.01), could play all Japanese and North American CD games. A TurboGrafx-CD, equipped with the updated Super System Card (version 3.01), could play all Japanese and North American SCD and CD format games. The Arcade System Card (for playing Arcade CD titles) had two versions and was never released in North America.

The Arcade System Card was sold in two versions, labeled Pro and Duo. The Arcade Card Pro was specifically for pre-Duo systems although it was compatible with all PC-Engine systems (including the SuperGrafx), it included both the SuperCD operating system and the extra memory found in the Duo systems. The Arcade Card Duo worked with Duo based systems exclusively as it featured only the Arcade enhancments. This allowed the Duo card to be sold at a lower price. All Japanese released system cards worked in U.S. systems with the use of a HuCard converter.

Rivalry with Nintendo and Sega

In North America, the TurboGrafx-16 was first released in late August of 1989, in New York and Los Angeles. Initially, the TurboGrafx-16 was marketed as a direct competitor to the NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) and early television ads touted TG-16's superior graphics and sound. These early television ads featured a brief montage of TG-16's launch titles: Blazing Lazers, China Warrior, Vigilante, Alien Crush, etc. Of course, TG-16 was also in direct competition with the Sega Genesis, which had had its own New York/Los Angeles test-market launch two weeks prior, on August 14. The Genesis launch was accompanied by an ad campaign mocking NEC's claim that the TurboGrafx-16 was the first 16-bit console.

Another problem for the TG-16 was its limited hardware. The Genesis only came with one controller, but it provided a port for a second; the TG-16 only had one controller port. Players who wanted to take advantage of the simultaneous multiplayer modes in their games were required to buy, in addition to the necessary extra controllers, the Turbo Tap (a multitap accessory which permitted five controllers to be plugged into the system). Another problem in the battle against the Genesis were the pack-in games (game included with purchase): The Genesis originally came with the impressive arcade translation of Altered Beast (1989), which included big, bold sprites and colors as well as impressive digital sound effects. The TG-16's initial pack-in game was Keith Courage in Alpha Zones (1989), a modest action platform game that did not show off the capabilities of the TG-16 in nearly the same way Altered Beast did for the Genesis (or Super Mario World later did for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System).

The Genesis' Japanese counterpart, the Sega Mega Drive, was less popular than the NEC console, the PC Engine. In North America, however, the situation was reversed, and the Genesis is mainly remembered there for its rivalry with the Super Nintendo, not with the TurboGrafx-16.

Both Sega and NEC released CD peripherals (Sega CD versus Turbo CD), color handhelds (Sega Game Gear versus TurboExpress), and even 'TV Tuners' for their respective handheld systems. While Sega outperformed NEC in North America in both hardwares, the companies' peripherals and handhelds were not very popular overall.

In 1994, comic book-like ads featuring Johnny Turbo were published by TTi. The ads mocked Sega, in particular the Sega CD. By this point it was too little too late, the TG-16 had been defeated by the Genesis in the marketplace, which was by then dominated by the battle between the Genesis and the Super Nintendo.

Despite this former rivalry, several TurboGrafx-16 games are currently available via Nintendo's Virtual Console service.

Struggles in North America

Initially, the TurboGrafx-16 sold well in North America, but it generally suffered from a lack of support from third-party software developers and publishers. One reason for this was that many larger software companies such as Konami supported the PC Engine in Japan, but also produced games for Nintendo. Nintendo at the time had engaged in anti-competitive practices that were later ruled illegal, such as enforcing exclusive contracts and punishing developers who developed for more than one system with 'chip shortages' around the holiday seasons. As a result of this practice, many developers were compelled to pick the immensely popular NES over the upstart NEC console, resulting in a catch-22 for the TurboGrafx-16 — most developers would only consider taking a risk on the TG-16 if it were more popular, and yet it could not become more popular because only a handful of North American publishers would support it. Accordingly, most of the games published for the TG-16 were produced by NEC and Hudson Soft.

The TurboGrafx-16 was originally marketed by NEC Home Electronics based in Wood Dale, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. As the system's popularity tanked, the platform was handed over to a new company called Turbo Technologies Incorporated (TTI), based in Los Angeles. This company was comprised mainly of former NEC Home Electronics and Hudson Soft employees, and it essentially took over all marketing and first-party software development for the struggling system.

Another reason for the TG-16's lack of success in North America was the system's marketing. NEC of Japan's marketing campaign for the PC Engine was mainly targeted to the largest metropolitan areas in the country. This proved to be quite successful there, but when the same kind of marketing was used in the much larger and more diverse North American market, it resulted in a lack of public awareness outside of the big cities. The TG-16 ended up being far more competitive and popular in certain local markets such as New York, Chicago and Los Angeles, while in smaller and more spread-out areas, it failed miserably.

By 1991, the Sega Genesis had clearly surpassed the TurboGrafx-16, putting NEC's console in a distant fourth place in the video game market (Nintendo held the #2 and 3 places with the brand new SNES and the aging but still potent NES). NEC, who was relatively new to the market, had an increasingly difficult time convincing consumers who already owned a Sega or Nintendo system to give the TG-16 a try.

Compounding the problem was that the vast majority of the titles that made the system so successful in Japan were produced for the CD-ROM add-on. In the American market, this add-on was difficult to find outside of large cities, and it was widely considered to be overpriced (debuting at nearly Dollar400). TTI tried to address this issue by releasing a combination system called the TurboDuo, as well as dropping the price of the CD add-on to around Dollar150. Unfortunately, at Dollar300, the cost of the TurboDuo was still too steep for most American consumers, even when NEC took the bold step of including seven pack-in titles and a coupon book with the system. Despite all these efforts, the company failed to attract much of a mainstream audience.

Many of the CD games for the Turbo platform were innovative and well-received, but the cost of the add-on system was a strong deterrent to buyers, especially when the competition sold for considerably less. Some of the most popular Japanese releases, such as Demon Castle Dracula X: Rondo of Blood, Ys IV: The Dawn of Ys, Tengai Makyo II: Manjimaru and Snatcher, never made it to North American shelves.

In the handheld market, the TurboExpress further suffered from short battery life, a hefty price tag, and a large number of units that were missing pixels in their displays (due mainly to the fact that TFT LCD manufacturing technology was still in its infancy at the time).


Today, the TurboGrafx-16 is mainly known for its much-vaunted shoot'em ups, its competition with the Sega Genesis, advertising flop Johnny Turbo, and the Bonk games. After the system died, NEC decided to concentrate on the Japanese market, where it had had much more success.

In 1994 NEC released a new console, the Japan-only PC-FX, a 32-bit system with a tower-like design; it enjoyed a small but steady stream of games until 1998, when NEC finally abandoned the video games industry. NEC would then partner with former rival Sega, providing a version of its PowerVR 2 Chipset for the Sega Dreamcast.

There is a niche collector's market for TurboGrafx games and Japanese imports, mainly centered around the system's many arcade ports of shooters. Spurring this interest is the fact that Turbo ports from the arcade tended to be closer to the original than Sega Genesis or NES versions, in terms of graphics and sound. Hudson Soft also released some shooters which were exclusive to the Turbo, such as Super Air Zonk, Gate of Thunder, Soldier Blade, Super Star Soldier, Star Parodia (Japan). The most famous North American shooter is probably Blazing Lazers (Gunhed in Japan) and was featured in all of the early television ads.

Several PC Engine/TurboGrafx-16 games are available for download on Nintendo's Virtual Console download service. More games among the 'best hits' of the system are planned to be released at as-of-yet undetermined times; the exact number or titles of games selected for future release is still unknown.


Several variations on the TurboGrafx were released throughout the 1990s.

Another variation of the hardware is the SuperGrafx. This system is very nearly the same as the original PCE, except it has a duplicate set of video chips (and an extra chip to coordinate the two) and four times as much RAM. Since the CPU was not upgraded most developers were unable to utilize the extra graphics capability, as the CPU just could not keep up. Only five SuperGrafx games (and one hybrid game - Darius) were released, and the system fell into obscurity.

Minor variations

Other members of the PC Engine family include the Shuttle, the LT (a laptop version similar to the Game Boy Advance SP, but considerably larger), the CoreGrafx I and II, the Duo R and the Duo RX. Contrary to popular belief, the CoreGrafx is not a European version of the PC Engine. It is simply a reengineered version of the original (white) PC Engine with an AV output instead of the original model's RF output. The PC Engine and its derivatives were never officially sold in Europe, although many systems and most accessories and games were available as imports. The PC Engine and its games had been extensively covered by most major European video game magazines and were surprisingly popular.

In 1992 TTi (Turbo Technologies Inc.) released the TurboDuo, the North American version of the Japanese Duo. The system combined the TurboGrafx-16 and an enhanced version of the CD-ROM drive (the 'Super CD-ROMĠ') into a single unit. The system could play audio CDs, CD+Gs, CD-ROM2 and Super CD games as well as standard HuCards. The Super System Card required for some games when using the original CD add-on as well as some of the Japanese variants of the TurboGrafx was built in to the Duo rather than requiring the card to be inserted at all times when playing CD games. The original pack-in for the Turbo Duo included the system, one control pad, an AC adapter, RCA cables, Ys book I & II a CD-ROM2 title, a Super CD disc including Bonk's Adventure, Bonk's Revenge, Gates of Thunder and a secret version of Bomberman accessible via an easter egg. The system was also packaged with one random HuCard game which varied from system to system (note: Actually, Dungeon Explorer was the original HuCard pack-in for TurboDuo, although many titles were eventually used, such as IREM's Ninja Spirit and NAMCO's Final Lap Twin and then eventually a random pick).

TurboExpress handheld, TV tuner, and gamesThe TurboExpress was a portable version of the TurboGrafx, released in 1990 for Dollar249.99 (the price was briefly raised to Dollar299.99, soon dropped back to Dollar249.99, and by 1992 it was Dollar199.99). It was the most advanced handheld of its time and could play all the TG-16's HuCard games. Its Japanese equivalent was the PC Engine GT'. It had a 2.6-inch screen, the same as the original Game Boy. It shared the capabilities of the TurboGrafx, giving it 512 available colors (9-bit RGB), stereo sound, and the same custom CPU at 7.16 MHz. The optional 'TurboVision' TV tuner included RCA audio/video input, allowing the user to use TurboExpress as a video monitor. The 'TurboLink' allowed two-player play. Falcon, a flight simulator, included a 'head-to-head' dogfight mode that could only be accessed via TurboLink. However, very few TG-16 games offered co-op play modes especially designed with the TurboExpress in mind.

A TurboExpress appeared in the movie Enemy of the State which it was partly centered on, despite the system's demise several years earlier.

Stand-alone systems
PC Engine (1987)
White, only RF output
PC Engine Shuttle (1989)
UFO-shaped system, unique expansion port (no CD option), AV output
PC Engine SuperGrafx (1989)
The only PC Engine unit to contain enhanced HuCard functionality. Only five games were released for it. (Two regular PC Engine releases, Darius Plus and Darius Alpha, were enhanced to utilize the extra sprite capability of the SuperGrafx.)
PC Engine CoreGrafx (1989)
Dark grey, blue label, AV output
PC Engine CoreGrafx II (1991)
Light grey, orange label, AV output, Identical in function to the CoreGrafx

CD-ROM accessories
PC Engine CD-ROMĠ (1988)
Designed for the original PC Engine
PC Engine Super CD-ROMĠ (1991)
Designed for the CoreGrafx II

Portable systems
PC Engine GT (1990)
Portable system, identical in shape and function to the US-released TG Express
PC Engine LT (1991)
Semi-portable system (no battery option) similar in size to a normal PC Engine or CoreGrafx. Uses a very large attached screen, and folds up like a laptop (hence the LT moniker)

Duo systems
PC Engine Duo (1991)
Combination PC Engine + CD ROM system, dark grey, has a CD door lock and headphone port
PC Engine Duo R (1993)
Same as the Duo, but white/beige, shaped differently, and lacks the lock and headphone port.
PC Engine Duo RX (1994)
Same as the Duo R, slightly blue in colour. The only PCE packaged with a six-button pad.

X1 Twin
Combination of Sharp X1 computer and PC Engine. Only played HuCards.
Pioneer LaserActive
Pioneer + NEC released a Laserdisc player with video game modules. One module allowed the use of PC Engine games.

Other region variations
TurboGrafx-CD - North American version of CD-ROM 2
TurboExpress - North American version of PC Engine GT
TurboDuo - North American version of PC Engine Duo
Vistar 16 (Korean)
Several clones
TurboGrafx-16 - European (PAL) variant. Slightly different PCB layout to accommodate additional circuitry for PAL display, otherwise is identical to the NTSC TurboGrafx-16.

Unofficial variations
Various PC Engine Shuttle clones exist, with varying levels of compatibility with original PC-Engine games. One of the more common types is the 'PC Boy'.
New Tai Sang Corporation released bootleg HuCards which were sometimes patched to add features like invincibility. Unlike most bootlegs these closely resembled the original games in terms of packaging, even with color labels and manuals.
The PC Engine was never officially released in France, but one chain of videogame stores (SODIPENG for 'SOciété DIstributrice de la Pc-ENGine') imported them and made SCART conversions on a moderate scale. In Germany, several importers sold converted PC Engines with PAL RF as well as RGB output. The connectors and pinouts used for the latter were frequently compatible with the Amiga video port, with two unconnected pins used for the audio channels.

Unreleased and rumored hardware

A modem was developed but never released.
A SCSI interface for the Duo CD-ROM drive to be used by a PC existed in prototype form only. (it was featured in a TTi-published TurboGrafx-16 oriented magazine in the US)

Peripheral compatibility

All PC Engine systems support the same controller peripherals, including pads, joysticks and multitaps. Except for the Vistar, Shuttle, GT and systems with built-in CD ROM drives all PC Engine units shared the same expansion connector, which allowed for the use of devices such as the CD ROM unit, game saves and AV output. See the External Links (bottom) for details on this connector.

The TurboGrafx and Vistar units use a different controller port than the PC Engines, but adaptors are available and the protocol is the same. The TurboGrafx offers the same expansion connector pinout as the PC Engine, but has a slightly different shape so peripherals must be modified to fit.

The Super System Card provides 192 KiB of RAM, supplementing the built in 64K of DRAM found in the CD interface tray. The PC-Engine Duo/R/RX consoles have the Super System Card's 192 KiB of RAM plus the 64K of standard RAM and v3.00 BIOS software built in, and can play both CD-ROMĠ and Super CD-ROMĠ games without using any additional cards.

The Arcade Card Pro is for the original PC-Engine CD-ROMĠ and Super CD-ROMĠ peripherals, adding the 2304 KiB of RAM required by Arcade CD-ROMĠ games. It could, of course, also play standard CD-ROMĠ and Super CD-ROMĠ games.
The Arcade Card Duo is for the PC-Engine Duo/R/RX consoles, which adds 2048 KiB RAM. Because the PC-Engine Duo series of systems have 256K of RAM built-in, this does not need to be provided and is why the Arcade Card Duo contained less RAM and was less expensive than the Pro version.

Both the Pro and Duo versions of the Arcade Card worked in the same way. Just as with the Super CD-ROMĠ, up to 256 KiB of the RAM was able to be accessed directly by the CPU. The other 2048 KiB was accessed indirectly by transferring data to the other 256 KiB of RAM on the fly. This was done rather seamlessly, so that even though the CPU could only use up to 256 KiB of RAM at once, data could be swapped to and from the other 2048 KiB of RAM at any time. This technique of swapping data from RAM to RAM was much faster than loading the data directly from the CD into RAM, and offered developers a significant advantage over the previous System Card formats, as is evidenced by the many conversions of well-animated Neo Geo fighting games to the Arcade CD-ROMĠ.

One technique that was used by games pre-dating the Arcade Card upgrade was to store graphics data in the 64K audio RAM (used for ADPCM samples) that was present. This RAM could be directly populated by the CD-ROM hardware (it had a direct DMA channel from the CD controller) without CPU intervention, and the memory could be accessed in an indirect fashion, similar to the Arcade Card, allowing data stored in it to appear as a 64 KiB stream of linear data that could be easily transferred to the system RAM.

Note: Because the aforementioned consoles use the same BIOS revision as the Arcade Card Pro, it is not known (as a cost-saving measure) if the Arcade Card Duo includes the BIOS software itself, or if the existing built-in BIOS is used.

The various CD-ROM game types are:

CD-ROMĠ (pronounced CD-ROM-ROM) : Standard CD-ROM game.
Super CD-ROMĠ : Requires a compatible system or upgrade card.
Arcade CD-ROMĠ : Requires an upgrade card.
While the standard CD-ROMĠ and Super CD-ROMĠ had RAM for data storage which was accessed directly, the Arcade CD-ROMĠ cards accessed the RAM in a slightly different way.

NEC manufactured a very large line of personal computers, one of which featured a single-speed CD ROM drive identical to the PC Engine version. They were designed to be interchangeable, which is why the PC Engine's IFU-30 CD ROM interface could be purchased without a CD ROM drive.

NEC developed a prototype adaptor that connected a PC through the HuCard slot, allowing the PC to control the PC Engine's CD ROM as it would any normal SCSI drive. Due to falling CD drive prices and the increasing undesirability of a single-speed SCSI drive, it was never released. It was however previewed in NEC's official US TurboDuo magazine.

Video formats
All PC Engine hardware is natively NTSC, including the European version which creates PAL-compatible video with the use of a chroma encoder chip not found in any other system in the series.

Technical Specifications
CPU: 8-bit HuC6280A, a modified 65C02 running at 1.79 or 7.16 MHz (switchable by software). Features integrated bankswitching hardware (driving a 21-bit external address bus from a 6502-compatible 16-bit address bus), an integrated general-purpose I/O port, a timer, block transfer instructions, and dedicated move instructions for communicating with the HuC6270A VDC.
GPU: A dual graphics processor setup. One 16-bit HuC6260 Video Color Encoder (VCE), and one 16-bit HuC6270A Video Display Controller (VDC). The HuC6270A featured Port-based I/O similar to the TMS99xx VDP family.

X (Horizontal) Resolution: variable, maximum of 512 (programmable to 256, 352 or 512 pixels)
Y (Vertical) Resolution: variable, maximum of 242 (programmable in increments of 1 scanline)
The vast majority of TurboGrafx-16 games use 256x224, though some games, such as Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective did use 512x224. Chris Covell's 'High-Resolution Slideshow' uses 512x240.
Depth: 9 bit
Colors available: 512
Colors onscreen: Maximum of 482 (241 background, 241 sprite)
Palettes: Maximum of 32 (16 for background tiles, 16 for sprites)
Colors per palette: Maximum of 16
Simultaneously displayable: 64
Sizes: 16x16, 16x32, 16x64, 32x16, 32x32, 32x64
Palette: Each sprite can use up to 15 unique colors (one color must be reserved as transparent) via one of the 16 available sprite palettes.
Layers: The HuC6270A VDC was capable of displaying one sprite layer. Sprites could be placed either in front of or behind background tiles.
Size: 8x8
Palette: Each background tile can use up to 16 unique colors via one of the 16 available background palettes. The first color entry of each background palette must be the same across all background palettes.
Layers: The HuC6270A VDC was capable of displaying one background layer.

Work RAM: 8 KiB
Video RAM: 64 KiB

Audio Capacity
6 PSG audio channels, programmable through the HuC6280A CPU.
Each channel had a frequency of 111.87 kHz (while not in D/A mode) with a bit depth of 5 bits. Each channel also was allotted 20 bytes (32x5 bits) of RAM for sample data.
The waveforms were programmable so the composers were not limited to the standard selection of waveforms (square, sine, sawtooth, triangle, etc.).
The first two audio channels (1 and 2) were capable of LFO when channel #2 was used to modulate channel #1. This was used to achieve FM-like sound qualities.
The final two audio channels (5 and 6) were capable of Noise generation.
Optional software enabled Direct D/A which allows for sampled sound to be streamed into any of the six PSG audio channels. While a channel was in D/A mode, its frequency was limited to 6.99 kHz.
The addition of the CD-ROM peripheral adds CD-DA sound, and a single ADPCM channel to the existing sound capabilities of the TurboGrafx-16.

Game Media
TurboChip (HuCard in Japan and North America): A thin, card-like game media. The largest Japanese HuCard games were up to 20 Mibit in size.
CD: The TurboGrafx-16 was the first home video game console to offer a CD-ROM accessory.
With only one exception, the SuperGrafx, all TurboGrafx-16 hardware could play the entire TurboChip library, and every CD system could play all the CD games - with the right system card.

CD hardware technical specifications and information
Drive unit:
Single-speed CD-ROM drive, managed by a NEC microcontroller and using the SCSI-I interface.
Transfer rate of 150 kB/sec.
Oki MSM5205 ADPCM chip with variable speed input clock, and 64 KiB DRAM for audio sample storage. Only one channel of 4-bit compressed audio (decompresses to 12-bit, top 10 bits output through DAC) was supported.
Programmable, timer controlled, electronic volume attenuator to fade-out the CD-DA and ADPCM audio channels together or individually.
The PC-Engine CD-ROM interface tray has 64 KiB of DRAM for storage of program code and data loaded from the CD.
The 'System Card' contains the BIOS program used to boot CD media and provides functions for software to access CD hardware through a standardized interface. Later System Cards had extra RAM and updates to the BIOS.
The Duo series has the same BIOS ROM (v3.00) and RAM (256 KiB total) as a PC-Engine system equipped with a Super System Card. The Duo implements the memory as a single 256 KiB SRAM chip rather than the split 64 KiB DRAM / 192 KiB SRAM.

The list of known System Card releases are:
System Card, v1.00 - First release. Came packaged with the original PC-Engine CD-ROMĠ System. Also available as a standalone purchase, in case you lost or damaged the pack-in System Card.
System Card, v2.00) – BIOS update. The only difference between this and the original System Card is the BIOS code update to v2.00. Otherwise, it is the same.
System, Card, v.2.10 – BIOS update. This may have been a bug fix for the System Card v2.00 BIOS code.
Super System Card - 1.5 Mbit RAM (192 KiB) – RAM upgrade and BIOS update. This expands the RAM available for the CD-ROM unit to 256 KiB when including the existing built in DRAM. It also offers a final BIOS update to v3.00. The PC-Engine Duo (Turbo Duo in North America) had 256 KiB of RAM and the same v3.00 BIOS built into the system. Games developed for this System Card bore the title 'Super CD', and could not be played using an older System Card.
Arcade Card Pro - 17.5 Mbit RAM (2240 KiB as 2 MiB+192 KiB) – RAM upgrade. This greatly expands the RAM available for the CD-ROM unit to 2240 KiB. The BIOS revision was unchanged from v3.00. Games developed for this System Card bore the title 'Arcade Card CD', and could not be played using an older System Card. The Arcade Card Pro includes the extra 192 KiB needed by the non Duo CD system. The 2 MiB of RAM is accessed through ports or units of single 8 KiB banks and is intended for graphics data storage rather than program code; its flexible addressing system allows for rapid transfer of data to VRAM.
Arcade Card Duo – 16 Mbit RAM (2048 KiB) – RAM upgrade. This greatly expands the RAM available for the PC-Engine Duo system to 2048 KiB. The BIOS revision was unchanged from v3.00. Games developed for this System Card bore the title 'Arcade Card CD', and could not be played using an older System Card. This will only work on the Duo systems, as it does not include the extra memory built into the Duo system.
Games Express Card – Bootleg system card. This was a bootleg System Card released by Games Express for play of unlicensed Games Express CD games. Only unlicensed Games Express games could be played on this System Card.

The corresponding CD-ROM products were:
PC-Engine Interface Unit (IFU-30), came with System Card (CD-ROMĠ System, v1.00)
System Card (CD-ROMĠ System, v1.00) (standalone, available as a replacement for the above)
System Card (CD-ROMĠ System, v2.00)
System Card (CD-ROMĠ System, v2.10)
Super System Card (Super CD-ROMĠ System, v3.00)
Arcade Card Pro (Arcade CD-ROMĠ, v3.00)
Arcade Card Duo (Arcade CD-ROMĠ, v3.00)
Super CD-ROMĠ System (Super CD-ROMĠ System, v3.00)
PC-Engine Duo (Super CD-ROMĠ System, v3.00)
PC-Engine Duo R (Super CD-ROMĠ System, v3.00)
PC-Engine Duo RX (Super CD-ROMĠ System, v3.00)
RAU-30 (Extension cable for the SuperGrafx to fit into the IFU-30 tray)

Infos from Wikipedia

Console 1989 (U.S.A.), 1990 (Europe)

NEC PC-Engine & TurboGrafx-16

Released in 1989, the TurboGrafx-16 was the American name for the PC Engine.
Originally marketed as a competitor for the NES, it sold well initially, but never achieved the same success the PC Engine enjoyed in Japan.
Games for the TG-16 came on credit card sized TurboChips, similar to the cards that could be used on the original Master System.
TG-16 games have a distinct style, featuring large, colourful sprites, which still hold up well today. The 16 attached to the end of the name referred to the fact it had 16 bit graphics. While the system itself was only 8 bit, the custom chips meant it was still a powerful machine and the graphics were remarkable for the time.
A CD add-on was released two years before the Mega CD, making the PC Engine/TurboGrafx-16 the first console capable of playing CD games. The TurboGrafx-CD received its own upgrade in the Super System Card which increased Ram to 256 KB. The Arcade Card Pro was never released outside of Japan.
The machine received a limited release in Europe, where it was known simply as the Turbografx. Very few details are available about the European version but it has been suggested that no games were ever released, leaving users with just the one game that came with the console.

Console 1994


The PC-FX is a video game console released in Japan on 23 December 1994 by NEC Corporation. It is the 32-bit successor to NEC's PC Engine (US:TurboGrafx-16).

The PC-FX uses CD-ROMs as its storage medium, following on from the expansion released for its predecessor, which originally used HuCards. The game controller resembles that of the Sega Genesis in shape, only with more buttons.

The PC-FX's computer-like design was unusual for consoles at the time. It stands upright like a tower computer while other contemporary consoles lay flat. Another interesting feature is its three expansion ports, as expansion ports are relatively underused in consoles and therefore their inclusion increased the price without offering a great deal to the end user.


The PC-FX was designed based on a new 32-bit development kit by NEC called 'Iron Man'. Iron Man was designed in 1992, while the PC Engine was still quite popular in Japan. It was around the time of the first running demonstration units in mid 1992 that NEC started discussing an imminent release of an Iron Man based system with its many third party developers. Many PC Engine developers seemed upset and disinterested since the PC Engine market was still growing, and as a result NEC halted work on the Iron Man and continued making modifications to the PC Engine. By 1993 the 32-bit 3DO platform was released with lots of the developer interest and Sega and Sony let it be known that the Sega Saturn and Sony PlayStation would be ready for the Japanese marketplace in late 1994, and Bandai was also readying the release of their 32-bit Playdia system. Now in a rush to keep the large development base that made the PC Engine so successful, NEC had to make a decision. Rather than spending the time to develop a new, more powerful platform capable of standing up to their competitors, they marched out the now dated 32-bit Iron Man architecture to be used in the PC-FX. The result was that NEC wound up with a severely underpowered system that failed to impress either developers or consumers, and ultimately led to its demise.

As the PC-FX struggled, NEC became far more liberal than most companies with regard to the titles that it allowed to be released for the platform in an attempt to get whatever development support they could. As a result, the PC-FX has gained quite a reputation for its abundance of hentai and dating simulation titles.

Technical specifications
32-Bit NEC V810 RISC running at 21.5MHz, 15.5MIPS, 5-Way Superscalar
2MB main RAM
1MB shared RAM(for background generators, CD-ROM DMA, motion decoder, and ADPCM)
256KB dedicated VRAM(for HuC6270 chips)
256KB CD Buffer
32KB back-up RAM.
Resolutions:256x240p, 320x240p, 256x480i, 320x480i
6 background layers
2 sprite layers
1 motion decoder layer generated from RLE-encoded or JPEG-like data
16-Bit Stereo CD-DA
2 ADPCM channels at up to Approx.31.5KHz with left/right panning
6 5-bit sample channels with left/right panning
Main RAM Expansion Slot x 1, Backup RAM Card Slot x 1, CPU Expansion Slot x 1

Infos from Wikipedia.



Console 1988

NEC TurboGrafx-CD

Generation 4th generation (16-bit era)
First available JP October 30, 1987
US August 29, 1989
EUR 1990
CPU Hudson Soft HuC6280
Media HuCard, CD-ROM (only with the CD-ROMĠ add-on)
Units sold 10 million
Top-selling game Bonk's Adventure
Successor PC-FX

The TurboGrafx-16, known as PC-Engine in Japan, is a video game console first released in Japan by NEC on October 30, 1987. The system was released in late August 1989 in North America. A PAL version of the system also saw a very limited release in the UK and continental Europe in 1990 as Turbografx (not including the '16' in the title, and uncapitalized 'g' in 'grafx').
The TurboGrafx-16 was an 8-bit system with a 16-bit graphics chip, capable of displaying 482 colors at once.


The PC-Engine was a collaborative effort between Japanese software maker Hudson Soft (which maintains a chip-making division) and NEC. Hudson was looking for financial backing for a game console they had designed, and NEC was looking to get into the lucrative game market. The PC Engine was and is a very small video game console, due primarily to a very efficient three-chip architecture and its use of HuCards, credit-card sized data cartridges. 'HuCard' (Hudson Card; also referred to as 'TurboChip' in North America) was derived from Hudson Soft. The cards were the size of a credit card (but slightly thicker) and thus were somewhat similar to the card format used by the Sega Master System for budget games. Unlike the Sega Master System (which also supported cartridges), however, the TurboGrafx-16 used HuCards exclusively. TG-16 featured an enhanced MOS Technology 65C02 processor and a custom 16-bit graphics processor, as well as a custom video encoder chip, all designed by Hudson. The HES logo found on the manual of every Japanese game stood for 'Hudson Entertainment System'.

It was the first console to have an optional CD module, allowing the standard benefits of the CD medium: more storage, cheaper media costs, and redbook audio. The efficient design, backing of many of Japan's major software producers, and the additional CD ROM capabilities gave the PC Engine a very wide variety of software, with several hundred games for both the HuCard and CD formats.

The PC Engine was extremely popular in Japan, beating Nintendo's Famicom in sales soon after its release, with no fewer than twelve console models released from 1987 to 1993. It was capable of up to 482 colors at once in several resolutions, and featured very robust sprite handling abilities. The Hudson-designed chroma encoder delivered a video signal more vibrant and colorful than both the Famicom and the Sega Mega Drive and is largely regarded as the equal to Nintendo's Super Famicom, although that system was not released until 1990.

As graphics technology improved, gamers continued to stick to the PC Engine despite its shortcomings. Erotic games were a key factor in making the PC Engine popular, and this popularity was maintained far past the lifespan of a regular video game console. New games were released for the PC-Engine up until 1999.

Despite the system's success, it started to lose ground to the Super Famicom. NEC made one final effort to resuscitate the system with the release of the Arcade Card expansion, bringing the total amount of RAM up to a then-massive 2048K; many Arcade Card games were conversions of popular NeoGeo titles. The additional memory even allowed the system to display 3D polygon graphics well beyond what the competing Super Famicom and Megadrive/Mega-CD could offer. By this time, however, it was too late -- only a relative handful of Arcade Card games were ever produced, and the expansion was never released in the U.S.

TurboGrafx-CD: Pioneering CD-ROM console

The TurboGrafx-16 was the first video game console in North America to have a CD-ROM peripheral (following the pioneering spirit of the PC-Engine CD-ROM add-on in Japan, although the FM Towns Marty was the first console to have a built-in CD-ROM). The TurboGrafx-CD debuted at a prohibitive Dollar399.99 (and did not include a pack-in game). Monster Lair (Wonder Boy III: Monster Lair) and Fighting Street (Street Fighter) were the initial TurboGrafx-CD titles. Ys Book I & II soon followed and was instantly recognized as the 'must-have' TurboGrafx-CD game (and continues to be highly regarded today). The TurboGrafx-CD catalog grew at a snail's pace compared to the library of TurboChip (HuCard) titles.

The TurboGrafx-CD came packaged in a very large box, 85 percent of which was filled with protective styrofoam inserts. By some accounts, no other video game console (or peripheral) has been packaged in such an overkill manner. The TurboGrafx-CD did however come with a large plastic 'carrying case' that could comfortably hold the TurboGrafx-16 base system, TurboGrafx-CD, all AC adapters, 2–3 controllers, and a few games.

Although the TurboGrafx-CD library was relatively small, North Americans could draw from a wide range of Japanese software since there was no region protection on TG-CD / PC Engine CD-ROM software. Many mail order (and some brick-and-mortar) import stores advertised Japanese PCE CD and HuCard titles in the video game publications of the era.

Region Protection

With HuCards a limited form of region protection was introduced between markets which for the most part was nothing more than running the HuCard's pinout connections in a different arrangement. There were two major after-market converters sold to address this problem, and both were sold predominantly for use in converting Japanese titles for play on a TG-16. In the Asian market, NEC went an extra step of adding a hardware level detection function to all PC-Engine systems that detected if a game was a U.S. release. It would then refuse to play it. The only known exception to this is the U.S. release of Klax which did not contain this flag.

This region system was explained at one time by Dean to Turbo Mailing-List members as such:
'The way it works is that of the 38 pins on a HuCard, the middle pins (specifically 15-17 and 19-23, where 18 is ground) are flipped between US and Jp cards. Either way, the converters like the Kisado (and Purple Barney, diving board, Mirai, etc) merely 'flip' these going from the HuCard to the hardware. The problem mentioned is that US HuCards have a lockout where it polls the processor to check the region of the hardware, causing US HuCards to not work on non-US hardware (although Japanese HuCards work fine on US hardware with the converters). To defeat the region block, you must lift pin 29 on the Hu6280 processor and ground it to the board. This allows you to use the US cards on any Japanese unit. The only game I've ever seen affected negatively by this mod is Aldynes for the SuperGrafx. This game hangs during the attract mode, but works fine if you start the game before advancing in the attract mode. The pin 29 mod is simple enough, although that tiny little pin is quite sensitive.
The explanation commonly given for this by NEC officials is that most U.S. conversions had been skill level reduced, and in some cases censored for what was considered inappropriate content. Because of that, they did not want the U.S. conversion to re-enter the Asian market and negatively impact the perception of a game. The poster child for censorship in this fashion was Kato-chan and Ken-chan released as JJ and Jeff in the U.S.. With some minor soldering skills, a change could be made to PC-Engines to disable this check.

The only Japanese games that could not be played on a U.S. system using one of these converters were the SuperGrafx titles which also required additional system hardware to run.

The first converter to market was an Asian developed module labeled the Game Converter and marked with a model number of WH-301. English speaking fans historically have dubbed this device the 'Purple Converter', or 'Barney Converter' due to its purple color that is reminiscent of Barney the Dinosaur. While this device was most commonly sold in a purple color, there has been discussion of them being seen in other colors.

The second converter, named the 'Kisado', was created and sold by David Shadoff initially to members of the Turbo Mailing-List in pre-ordered batches. Then later, some were sold through on-line retailers.

The main difference between these two converters is their design. The WH-301 extended out of the system and HuCards were inserted into a widened riser platform that contained the HuCard slot (almost one inch above the board). Because of this wide top area to the board, WH-301 adapters were incompatible with the Turbo-Duo as they would not fit into the card slot.

The Kisado was a straight board where the HuCard was inserted into a slot on the opposite end of the board that faced back towards the system. For TurboDuo owners the Kisado design is the only one that works with the system.

For CD games, it was an entirely different situation. While there was no region-protection on CD games, there were several different CD formats: CD, Super CD (SCD) and, later, Arcade CD (ACD). TurboGrafx-CD, equipped with the original System Card (version 2.01), could play all Japanese and North American CD games. A TurboGrafx-CD, equipped with the updated Super System Card (version 3.01), could play all Japanese and North American SCD and CD format games. The Arcade System Card (for playing Arcade CD titles) had two versions and was never released in North America.

The Arcade System Card was sold in two versions, labeled Pro and Duo. The Arcade Card Pro was specifically for pre-Duo systems although it was compatible with all PC-Engine systems (including the SuperGrafx), it included both the SuperCD operating system and the extra memory found in the Duo systems. The Arcade Card Duo worked with Duo based systems exclusively as it featured only the Arcade enhancments. This allowed the Duo card to be sold at a lower price. All Japanese released system cards worked in U.S. systems with the use of a HuCard converter.

Rivalry with Nintendo and Sega

In North America, the TurboGrafx-16 was first released in late August of 1989, in New York and Los Angeles. Initially, the TurboGrafx-16 was marketed as a direct competitor to the NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) and early television ads touted TG-16's superior graphics and sound. These early television ads featured a brief montage of TG-16's launch titles: Blazing Lazers, China Warrior, Vigilante, Alien Crush, etc. Of course, TG-16 was also in direct competition with the Sega Genesis, which had had its own New York/Los Angeles test-market launch two weeks prior, on August 14. The Genesis launch was accompanied by an ad campaign mocking NEC's claim that the TurboGrafx-16 was the first 16-bit console.

Another problem for the TG-16 was its limited hardware. The Genesis only came with one controller, but it provided a port for a second; the TG-16 only had one controller port. Players who wanted to take advantage of the simultaneous multiplayer modes in their games were required to buy, in addition to the necessary extra controllers, the Turbo Tap (a multitap accessory which permitted five controllers to be plugged into the system). Another problem in the battle against the Genesis were the pack-in games (game included with purchase): The Genesis originally came with the impressive arcade translation of Altered Beast (1989), which included big, bold sprites and colors as well as impressive digital sound effects. The TG-16's initial pack-in game was Keith Courage in Alpha Zones (1989), a modest action platform game that did not show off the capabilities of the TG-16 in nearly the same way Altered Beast did for the Genesis (or Super Mario World later did for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System).

The Genesis' Japanese counterpart, the Sega Mega Drive, was less popular than the NEC console, the PC Engine. In North America, however, the situation was reversed, and the Genesis is mainly remembered there for its rivalry with the Super Nintendo, not with the TurboGrafx-16.

Both Sega and NEC released CD peripherals (Sega CD versus Turbo CD), color handhelds (Sega Game Gear versus TurboExpress), and even 'TV Tuners' for their respective handheld systems. While Sega outperformed NEC in North America in both hardwares, the companies' peripherals and handhelds were not very popular overall.

In 1994, comic book-like ads featuring Johnny Turbo were published by TTi. The ads mocked Sega, in particular the Sega CD. By this point it was too little too late, the TG-16 had been defeated by the Genesis in the marketplace, which was by then dominated by the battle between the Genesis and the Super Nintendo.

Despite this former rivalry, several TurboGrafx-16 games are currently available via Nintendo's Virtual Console service.

Struggles in North America

Initially, the TurboGrafx-16 sold well in North America, but it generally suffered from a lack of support from third-party software developers and publishers. One reason for this was that many larger software companies such as Konami supported the PC Engine in Japan, but also produced games for Nintendo. Nintendo at the time had engaged in anti-competitive practices that were later ruled illegal, such as enforcing exclusive contracts and punishing developers who developed for more than one system with 'chip shortages' around the holiday seasons. As a result of this practice, many developers were compelled to pick the immensely popular NES over the upstart NEC console, resulting in a catch-22 for the TurboGrafx-16 — most developers would only consider taking a risk on the TG-16 if it were more popular, and yet it could not become more popular because only a handful of North American publishers would support it. Accordingly, most of the games published for the TG-16 were produced by NEC and Hudson Soft.

The TurboGrafx-16 was originally marketed by NEC Home Electronics based in Wood Dale, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. As the system's popularity tanked, the platform was handed over to a new company called Turbo Technologies Incorporated (TTI), based in Los Angeles. This company was comprised mainly of former NEC Home Electronics and Hudson Soft employees, and it essentially took over all marketing and first-party software development for the struggling system.

Another reason for the TG-16's lack of success in North America was the system's marketing. NEC of Japan's marketing campaign for the PC Engine was mainly targeted to the largest metropolitan areas in the country. This proved to be quite successful there, but when the same kind of marketing was used in the much larger and more diverse North American market, it resulted in a lack of public awareness outside of the big cities. The TG-16 ended up being far more competitive and popular in certain local markets such as New York, Chicago and Los Angeles, while in smaller and more spread-out areas, it failed miserably.

By 1991, the Sega Genesis had clearly surpassed the TurboGrafx-16, putting NEC's console in a distant fourth place in the video game market (Nintendo held the #2 and 3 places with the brand new SNES and the aging but still potent NES). NEC, who was relatively new to the market, had an increasingly difficult time convincing consumers who already owned a Sega or Nintendo system to give the TG-16 a try.

Compounding the problem was that the vast majority of the titles that made the system so successful in Japan were produced for the CD-ROM add-on. In the American market, this add-on was difficult to find outside of large cities, and it was widely considered to be overpriced (debuting at nearly Dollar400). TTI tried to address this issue by releasing a combination system called the TurboDuo, as well as dropping the price of the CD add-on to around Dollar150. Unfortunately, at Dollar300, the cost of the TurboDuo was still too steep for most American consumers, even when NEC took the bold step of including seven pack-in titles and a coupon book with the system. Despite all these efforts, the company failed to attract much of a mainstream audience.

Many of the CD games for the Turbo platform were innovative and well-received, but the cost of the add-on system was a strong deterrent to buyers, especially when the competition sold for considerably less. Some of the most popular Japanese releases, such as Demon Castle Dracula X: Rondo of Blood, Ys IV: The Dawn of Ys, Tengai Makyo II: Manjimaru and Snatcher, never made it to North American shelves.

In the handheld market, the TurboExpress further suffered from short battery life, a hefty price tag, and a large number of units that were missing pixels in their displays (due mainly to the fact that TFT LCD manufacturing technology was still in its infancy at the time).


Today, the TurboGrafx-16 is mainly known for its much-vaunted shoot'em ups, its competition with the Sega Genesis, advertising flop Johnny Turbo, and the Bonk games. After the system died, NEC decided to concentrate on the Japanese market, where it had had much more success.

In 1994 NEC released a new console, the Japan-only PC-FX, a 32-bit system with a tower-like design; it enjoyed a small but steady stream of games until 1998, when NEC finally abandoned the video games industry. NEC would then partner with former rival Sega, providing a version of its PowerVR 2 Chipset for the Sega Dreamcast.

There is a niche collector's market for TurboGrafx games and Japanese imports, mainly centered around the system's many arcade ports of shooters. Spurring this interest is the fact that Turbo ports from the arcade tended to be closer to the original than Sega Genesis or NES versions, in terms of graphics and sound. Hudson Soft also released some shooters which were exclusive to the Turbo, such as Super Air Zonk, Gate of Thunder, Soldier Blade, Super Star Soldier, Star Parodia (Japan). The most famous North American shooter is probably Blazing Lazers (Gunhed in Japan) and was featured in all of the early television ads.

Several PC Engine/TurboGrafx-16 games are available for download on Nintendo's Virtual Console download service. More games among the 'best hits' of the system are planned to be released at as-of-yet undetermined times; the exact number or titles of games selected for future release is still unknown.


Several variations on the TurboGrafx were released throughout the 1990s.

Another variation of the hardware is the SuperGrafx. This system is very nearly the same as the original PCE, except it has a duplicate set of video chips (and an extra chip to coordinate the two) and four times as much RAM. Since the CPU was not upgraded most developers were unable to utilize the extra graphics capability, as the CPU just could not keep up. Only five SuperGrafx games (and one hybrid game - Darius) were released, and the system fell into obscurity.

Minor variations

Other members of the PC Engine family include the Shuttle, the LT (a laptop version similar to the Game Boy Advance SP, but considerably larger), the CoreGrafx I and II, the Duo R and the Duo RX. Contrary to popular belief, the CoreGrafx is not a European version of the PC Engine. It is simply a reengineered version of the original (white) PC Engine with an AV output instead of the original model's RF output. The PC Engine and its derivatives were never officially sold in Europe, although many systems and most accessories and games were available as imports. The PC Engine and its games had been extensively covered by most major European video game magazines and were surprisingly popular.

In 1992 TTi (Turbo Technologies Inc.) released the TurboDuo, the North American version of the Japanese Duo. The system combined the TurboGrafx-16 and an enhanced version of the CD-ROM drive (the 'Super CD-ROMĠ') into a single unit. The system could play audio CDs, CD+Gs, CD-ROM2 and Super CD games as well as standard HuCards. The Super System Card required for some games when using the original CD add-on as well as some of the Japanese variants of the TurboGrafx was built in to the Duo rather than requiring the card to be inserted at all times when playing CD games. The original pack-in for the Turbo Duo included the system, one control pad, an AC adapter, RCA cables, Ys book I & II a CD-ROM2 title, a Super CD disc including Bonk's Adventure, Bonk's Revenge, Gates of Thunder and a secret version of Bomberman accessible via an easter egg. The system was also packaged with one random HuCard game which varied from system to system (note: Actually, Dungeon Explorer was the original HuCard pack-in for TurboDuo, although many titles were eventually used, such as IREM's Ninja Spirit and NAMCO's Final Lap Twin and then eventually a random pick).

TurboExpress handheld, TV tuner, and gamesThe TurboExpress was a portable version of the TurboGrafx, released in 1990 for Dollar249.99 (the price was briefly raised to Dollar299.99, soon dropped back to Dollar249.99, and by 1992 it was Dollar199.99). It was the most advanced handheld of its time and could play all the TG-16's HuCard games. Its Japanese equivalent was the PC Engine GT'. It had a 2.6-inch screen, the same as the original Game Boy. It shared the capabilities of the TurboGrafx, giving it 512 available colors (9-bit RGB), stereo sound, and the same custom CPU at 7.16 MHz. The optional 'TurboVision' TV tuner included RCA audio/video input, allowing the user to use TurboExpress as a video monitor. The 'TurboLink' allowed two-player play. Falcon, a flight simulator, included a 'head-to-head' dogfight mode that could only be accessed via TurboLink. However, very few TG-16 games offered co-op play modes especially designed with the TurboExpress in mind.

A TurboExpress appeared in the movie Enemy of the State which it was partly centered on, despite the system's demise several years earlier.

Stand-alone systems
PC Engine (1987)
White, only RF output
PC Engine Shuttle (1989)
UFO-shaped system, unique expansion port (no CD option), AV output
PC Engine SuperGrafx (1989)
The only PC Engine unit to contain enhanced HuCard functionality. Only five games were released for it. (Two regular PC Engine releases, Darius Plus and Darius Alpha, were enhanced to utilize the extra sprite capability of the SuperGrafx.)
PC Engine CoreGrafx (1989)
Dark grey, blue label, AV output
PC Engine CoreGrafx II (1991)
Light grey, orange label, AV output, Identical in function to the CoreGrafx

CD-ROM accessories
PC Engine CD-ROMĠ (1988)
Designed for the original PC Engine
PC Engine Super CD-ROMĠ (1991)
Designed for the CoreGrafx II

Portable systems
PC Engine GT (1990)
Portable system, identical in shape and function to the US-released TG Express
PC Engine LT (1991)
Semi-portable system (no battery option) similar in size to a normal PC Engine or CoreGrafx. Uses a very large attached screen, and folds up like a laptop (hence the LT moniker)

Duo systems
PC Engine Duo (1991)
Combination PC Engine + CD ROM system, dark grey, has a CD door lock and headphone port
PC Engine Duo R (1993)
Same as the Duo, but white/beige, shaped differently, and lacks the lock and headphone port.
PC Engine Duo RX (1994)
Same as the Duo R, slightly blue in colour. The only PCE packaged with a six-button pad.

X1 Twin
Combination of Sharp X1 computer and PC Engine. Only played HuCards.
Pioneer LaserActive
Pioneer + NEC released a Laserdisc player with video game modules. One module allowed the use of PC Engine games.

Other region variations
TurboGrafx-CD - North American version of CD-ROM 2
TurboExpress - North American version of PC Engine GT
TurboDuo - North American version of PC Engine Duo
Vistar 16 (Korean)
Several clones
TurboGrafx-16 - European (PAL) variant. Slightly different PCB layout to accommodate additional circuitry for PAL display, otherwise is identical to the NTSC TurboGrafx-16.

Unofficial variations
Various PC Engine Shuttle clones exist, with varying levels of compatibility with original PC-Engine games. One of the more common types is the 'PC Boy'.
New Tai Sang Corporation released bootleg HuCards which were sometimes patched to add features like invincibility. Unlike most bootlegs these closely resembled the original games in terms of packaging, even with color labels and manuals.
The PC Engine was never officially released in France, but one chain of videogame stores (SODIPENG for 'SOciété DIstributrice de la Pc-ENGine') imported them and made SCART conversions on a moderate scale. In Germany, several importers sold converted PC Engines with PAL RF as well as RGB output. The connectors and pinouts used for the latter were frequently compatible with the Amiga video port, with two unconnected pins used for the audio channels.

Unreleased and rumored hardware

A modem was developed but never released.
A SCSI interface for the Duo CD-ROM drive to be used by a PC existed in prototype form only. (it was featured in a TTi-published TurboGrafx-16 oriented magazine in the US)

Peripheral compatibility

All PC Engine systems support the same controller peripherals, including pads, joysticks and multitaps. Except for the Vistar, Shuttle, GT and systems with built-in CD ROM drives all PC Engine units shared the same expansion connector, which allowed for the use of devices such as the CD ROM unit, game saves and AV output. See the External Links (bottom) for details on this connector.

The TurboGrafx and Vistar units use a different controller port than the PC Engines, but adaptors are available and the protocol is the same. The TurboGrafx offers the same expansion connector pinout as the PC Engine, but has a slightly different shape so peripherals must be modified to fit.

The Super System Card provides 192 KiB of RAM, supplementing the built in 64K of DRAM found in the CD interface tray. The PC-Engine Duo/R/RX consoles have the Super System Card's 192 KiB of RAM plus the 64K of standard RAM and v3.00 BIOS software built in, and can play both CD-ROMĠ and Super CD-ROMĠ games without using any additional cards.

The Arcade Card Pro is for the original PC-Engine CD-ROMĠ and Super CD-ROMĠ peripherals, adding the 2304 KiB of RAM required by Arcade CD-ROMĠ games. It could, of course, also play standard CD-ROMĠ and Super CD-ROMĠ games.
The Arcade Card Duo is for the PC-Engine Duo/R/RX consoles, which adds 2048 KiB RAM. Because the PC-Engine Duo series of systems have 256K of RAM built-in, this does not need to be provided and is why the Arcade Card Duo contained less RAM and was less expensive than the Pro version.

Both the Pro and Duo versions of the Arcade Card worked in the same way. Just as with the Super CD-ROMĠ, up to 256 KiB of the RAM was able to be accessed directly by the CPU. The other 2048 KiB was accessed indirectly by transferring data to the other 256 KiB of RAM on the fly. This was done rather seamlessly, so that even though the CPU could only use up to 256 KiB of RAM at once, data could be swapped to and from the other 2048 KiB of RAM at any time. This technique of swapping data from RAM to RAM was much faster than loading the data directly from the CD into RAM, and offered developers a significant advantage over the previous System Card formats, as is evidenced by the many conversions of well-animated Neo Geo fighting games to the Arcade CD-ROMĠ.

One technique that was used by games pre-dating the Arcade Card upgrade was to store graphics data in the 64K audio RAM (used for ADPCM samples) that was present. This RAM could be directly populated by the CD-ROM hardware (it had a direct DMA channel from the CD controller) without CPU intervention, and the memory could be accessed in an indirect fashion, similar to the Arcade Card, allowing data stored in it to appear as a 64 KiB stream of linear data that could be easily transferred to the system RAM.

Note: Because the aforementioned consoles use the same BIOS revision as the Arcade Card Pro, it is not known (as a cost-saving measure) if the Arcade Card Duo includes the BIOS software itself, or if the existing built-in BIOS is used.

The various CD-ROM game types are:

CD-ROMĠ (pronounced CD-ROM-ROM) : Standard CD-ROM game.
Super CD-ROMĠ : Requires a compatible system or upgrade card.
Arcade CD-ROMĠ : Requires an upgrade card.
While the standard CD-ROMĠ and Super CD-ROMĠ had RAM for data storage which was accessed directly, the Arcade CD-ROMĠ cards accessed the RAM in a slightly different way.

NEC manufactured a very large line of personal computers, one of which featured a single-speed CD ROM drive identical to the PC Engine version. They were designed to be interchangeable, which is why the PC Engine's IFU-30 CD ROM interface could be purchased without a CD ROM drive.

NEC developed a prototype adaptor that connected a PC through the HuCard slot, allowing the PC to control the PC Engine's CD ROM as it would any normal SCSI drive. Due to falling CD drive prices and the increasing undesirability of a single-speed SCSI drive, it was never released. It was however previewed in NEC's official US TurboDuo magazine.

Video formats
All PC Engine hardware is natively NTSC, including the European version which creates PAL-compatible video with the use of a chroma encoder chip not found in any other system in the series.

Technical Specifications
CPU: 8-bit HuC6280A, a modified 65C02 running at 1.79 or 7.16 MHz (switchable by software). Features integrated bankswitching hardware (driving a 21-bit external address bus from a 6502-compatible 16-bit address bus), an integrated general-purpose I/O port, a timer, block transfer instructions, and dedicated move instructions for communicating with the HuC6270A VDC.
GPU: A dual graphics processor setup. One 16-bit HuC6260 Video Color Encoder (VCE), and one 16-bit HuC6270A Video Display Controller (VDC). The HuC6270A featured Port-based I/O similar to the TMS99xx VDP family.

X (Horizontal) Resolution: variable, maximum of 512 (programmable to 256, 352 or 512 pixels)
Y (Vertical) Resolution: variable, maximum of 242 (programmable in increments of 1 scanline)
The vast majority of TurboGrafx-16 games use 256x224, though some games, such as Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective did use 512x224. Chris Covell's 'High-Resolution Slideshow' uses 512x240.
Depth: 9 bit
Colors available: 512
Colors onscreen: Maximum of 482 (241 background, 241 sprite)
Palettes: Maximum of 32 (16 for background tiles, 16 for sprites)
Colors per palette: Maximum of 16
Simultaneously displayable: 64
Sizes: 16x16, 16x32, 16x64, 32x16, 32x32, 32x64
Palette: Each sprite can use up to 15 unique colors (one color must be reserved as transparent) via one of the 16 available sprite palettes.
Layers: The HuC6270A VDC was capable of displaying one sprite layer. Sprites could be placed either in front of or behind background tiles.
Size: 8x8
Palette: Each background tile can use up to 16 unique colors via one of the 16 available background palettes. The first color entry of each background palette must be the same across all background palettes.
Layers: The HuC6270A VDC was capable of displaying one background layer.

Work RAM: 8 KiB
Video RAM: 64 KiB

Audio Capacity
6 PSG audio channels, programmable through the HuC6280A CPU.
Each channel had a frequency of 111.87 kHz (while not in D/A mode) with a bit depth of 5 bits. Each channel also was allotted 20 bytes (32x5 bits) of RAM for sample data.
The waveforms were programmable so the composers were not limited to the standard selection of waveforms (square, sine, sawtooth, triangle, etc.).
The first two audio channels (1 and 2) were capable of LFO when channel #2 was used to modulate channel #1. This was used to achieve FM-like sound qualities.
The final two audio channels (5 and 6) were capable of Noise generation.
Optional software enabled Direct D/A which allows for sampled sound to be streamed into any of the six PSG audio channels. While a channel was in D/A mode, its frequency was limited to 6.99 kHz.
The addition of the CD-ROM peripheral adds CD-DA sound, and a single ADPCM channel to the existing sound capabilities of the TurboGrafx-16.

Game Media
TurboChip (HuCard in Japan and North America): A thin, card-like game media. The largest Japanese HuCard games were up to 20 Mibit in size.
CD: The TurboGrafx-16 was the first home video game console to offer a CD-ROM accessory.
With only one exception, the SuperGrafx, all TurboGrafx-16 hardware could play the entire TurboChip library, and every CD system could play all the CD games - with the right system card.

CD hardware technical specifications and information
Drive unit:
Single-speed CD-ROM drive, managed by a NEC microcontroller and using the SCSI-I interface.
Transfer rate of 150 kB/sec.
Oki MSM5205 ADPCM chip with variable speed input clock, and 64 KiB DRAM for audio sample storage. Only one channel of 4-bit compressed audio (decompresses to 12-bit, top 10 bits output through DAC) was supported.
Programmable, timer controlled, electronic volume attenuator to fade-out the CD-DA and ADPCM audio channels together or individually.
The PC-Engine CD-ROM interface tray has 64 KiB of DRAM for storage of program code and data loaded from the CD.
The 'System Card' contains the BIOS program used to boot CD media and provides functions for software to access CD hardware through a standardized interface. Later System Cards had extra RAM and updates to the BIOS.
The Duo series has the same BIOS ROM (v3.00) and RAM (256 KiB total) as a PC-Engine system equipped with a Super System Card. The Duo implements the memory as a single 256 KiB SRAM chip rather than the split 64 KiB DRAM / 192 KiB SRAM.

The list of known System Card releases are:
System Card, v1.00 - First release. Came packaged with the original PC-Engine CD-ROMĠ System. Also available as a standalone purchase, in case you lost or damaged the pack-in System Card.
System Card, v2.00) – BIOS update. The only difference between this and the original System Card is the BIOS code update to v2.00. Otherwise, it is the same.
System, Card, v.2.10 – BIOS update. This may have been a bug fix for the System Card v2.00 BIOS code.
Super System Card - 1.5 Mbit RAM (192 KiB) – RAM upgrade and BIOS update. This expands the RAM available for the CD-ROM unit to 256 KiB when including the existing built in DRAM. It also offers a final BIOS update to v3.00. The PC-Engine Duo (Turbo Duo in North America) had 256 KiB of RAM and the same v3.00 BIOS built into the system. Games developed for this System Card bore the title 'Super CD', and could not be played using an older System Card.
Arcade Card Pro - 17.5 Mbit RAM (2240 KiB as 2 MiB+192 KiB) – RAM upgrade. This greatly expands the RAM available for the CD-ROM unit to 2240 KiB. The BIOS revision was unchanged from v3.00. Games developed for this System Card bore the title 'Arcade Card CD', and could not be played using an older System Card. The Arcade Card Pro includes the extra 192 KiB needed by the non Duo CD system. The 2 MiB of RAM is accessed through ports or units of single 8 KiB banks and is intended for graphics data storage rather than program code; its flexible addressing system allows for rapid transfer of data to VRAM.
Arcade Card Duo – 16 Mbit RAM (2048 KiB) – RAM upgrade. This greatly expands the RAM available for the PC-Engine Duo system to 2048 KiB. The BIOS revision was unchanged from v3.00. Games developed for this System Card bore the title 'Arcade Card CD', and could not be played using an older System Card. This will only work on the Duo systems, as it does not include the extra memory built into the Duo system.
Games Express Card – Bootleg system card. This was a bootleg System Card released by Games Express for play of unlicensed Games Express CD games. Only unlicensed Games Express games could be played on this System Card.

The corresponding CD-ROM products were:
PC-Engine Interface Unit (IFU-30), came with System Card (CD-ROMĠ System, v1.00)
System Card (CD-ROMĠ System, v1.00) (standalone, available as a replacement for the above)
System Card (CD-ROMĠ System, v2.00)
System Card (CD-ROMĠ System, v2.10)
Super System Card (Super CD-ROMĠ System, v3.00)
Arcade Card Pro (Arcade CD-ROMĠ, v3.00)
Arcade Card Duo (Arcade CD-ROMĠ, v3.00)
Super CD-ROMĠ System (Super CD-ROMĠ System, v3.00)
PC-Engine Duo (Super CD-ROMĠ System, v3.00)
PC-Engine Duo R (Super CD-ROMĠ System, v3.00)
PC-Engine Duo RX (Super CD-ROMĠ System, v3.00)
RAU-30 (Extension cable for the SuperGrafx to fit into the IFU-30 tray)

Infos from Wikipedia

Console 1987

NEC Turbografx 16

Designed by software company Hudson Soft (Famed for the Bomberman series), financial backing was needed to put the console into production. At the same time NEC was looking for a way into the console market.
Games for the PC Engine came on credit card sized HuCards, similar to the cards that could be used on the original Master System.
Outselling the Famicom in Japan, the PC Engine went on to be a worthy competitor to the 16 bit Mega Drive and Super Famicom, despite being an 8 bit system. The custom chips meant it was still a powerful machine and the graphics were remarkable for the time. PC-Engine games have a distinct style, featuring large, colourful sprites, which still hold up well today.
A CD add-on was released two years before the Mega CD, making the PC Engine the first console capable of playing CD games. The PC Engine CD-ROM? received its own upgrades in the Super System Card which increased RAM to 256 KB and later the Arcade Card Pro. This increased the RAM to 2 MB, and provided the best home versions of games like Ryuko No Ken (Art Of Fighting) and Garou Densetsu (Fatal Fury) outside of their native Neo Geo.
Contributors: Ste (text & info)
Taneli Lukka from Finland comments:
The original PCE is perhaps one of the most beautiful consoles of all time and also the smallest original home console ever, only about twice the size of the standard controller. Today it is the most wanted standard PCE console for collectors and can be pretty hard to find in good condition because the white plastic easily yellows in sunlight and gets generally dirty.
A problem when using the machine outside Japan is that it only has RF output which gives a poor quality picture and most TV's outside Japan can't understand the NTSC RF signal. NEC did release a peripheral called the AV-Booster which plugs into the back of the console and gives standard RCA composite and stereo sound output. The Interface Unit required by CD-Rom2 drive also has RCA connectors built in.
All of NEC's home consoles were designed to be used with RF or composite output only. S-Video and RGB signal were never originally included altough the machines video chip outputs RGB without problems. Many collectors machines have been RGB modified. The problem with the RGB mod is that many game designers counted on the a bit fuzzy RF and composite outputs to mix colors for them: by putting two diffirent colors side by side they could create a third color or some other effect. The result is that when when using a RGB modded console some games look grainy and the colors or some effects seem a bit off. I have noticed this myself with my RGB modded PCE and prefer the composite output with a number of games.

Arcade 1993

Namco System 22

The Namco System 22 is the successor to the Namco System 21 arcade system board designed and produced by Namco. It was first released in 1993 with the game Ridge Racer. It was essentially a continuation of the System 21 hardware design, where the main CPU provides a scene description to a bank of DSP chips which perform all necessary 3D calculations. Additional graphical improvements included texture mapping, Gouraud shading, transparency effects, and depth cueing.

A variant of the system, called the Super System 22, was released in 1995. The hardware was largely similar to the System 22, but with a slightly higher polygon rate and more special effects possible.

System 22 Specifications
Main CPU: Motorola 68EC020 @ 25 MHz
DSP: 2x Texas Instruments TMS32025 @ 48 MHz (exact number of DSPs may vary)
Sound CPU: Mitsubishi M37710
Sound Chip: Namco C352
+ Namco Custom Chips

Infos from Wikipedia

Computer 1978

Nascom I & II

The Nascom 1 was the most popular British made computer kit in the U.K. It was an affordable single board Z80 based computer with a keyboard attached by cable. It came as a kit or ready-built.
Why Nascom? Because the idea of a low cost computer intended for U.K. hobbysts was originated by an American company called Nasco. However, the board was designed in the U.K. by Shelton Instruments Ltd that, later, also designed and sold the Sig-Net
The minimum configuration featured 2 KB RAM and 1 KB ROM monitor, but the Nascom could be gradually extended into a system that was powerful enough to compete with many home computers of the time, Pet, Apple or Tandy.
Actually, the RAM area was divided into two parts: 1 KB for user program and data and 1 KB for storing characters displayed to the television. The ROM monitor provided basic functions: enter program and data, display memory content and processor registers, save and load programs from a tape recorder.
A whole range of peripherals and expansions were available from independant suppliers, as well as a vast range of software and many user groups. Several magazines dedicated to the Nascom and its relatives, the Gemini computers, were published. Many languages were available including BASIC, PASCAL, C, FORTH, etc.

Handheld 2011

Nintendo 3DS

The Nintendo 3DS was developed by Nintendo as a successor to the original Nintendo DS. While the design is very much familiar the underlying hardware is completely different. It features a more powerful CPU and GPU allowing the device to handle more complex scenes and also the new 3D functionality of the top screen.
Emulation of the Nintendo 3DS seemed to be something that was never going to end up happening, after several failed attempts and a seemingly lack of real interest from developers there was a sudden surprise release of 3DS Emulator, Citra. Citra came out of nowhere and proved that 3DS Emulation could be done, and as years have gone, shown that it can be done fast and successfully. There was two other attempts but both of those ceased development before showing the amount of progress Citra did, those 3DS emulators being Tron 3DS and 3dmoo. In a way its a good thing as development now appears to be solely focused around Citra, allowing it the best chance to fully emulate the 3DS.
As Nintendo has done with the vast majority of its devices. They have introduced a new different feature to the handheld market, and not one people would of expected. This feature is that the top screen acts as a 3D display. This display is designed in a way so the user does not require 3D glasses to see the 3D effect. Though this has some draw backs in its original iteration. That being that if the screen was not looked at directly and at the right angle the 3D effect wouldn’t work properly and make the screen appear blurry. However this is a problem that was solved with Nintendo’s latest 3Ds iteration marketed as “New Nintendo 3DS”.
The console has faced two different iterations of its design to date. The first of these being the Nintendo 2DS. This took away the consoles clam shell design and made it a more flat design. It also removed a key feature of the Nintendo 3DS and that is the 3D screen, despite this the actual hardware inside the console remains relatively the same. It is believed that this iteration was aimed at younger children due to a couple of reasons. The first is the lack of a hinge to be damaged, and the second being the lack of the 3D, as it was believed it could put strain on younger eyes.

Console 1996

Nintendo 64

The Nintendo 64 (Often abbreviated to N64) is Nintendo’s third attempt at a video game console. It was the world’s true first 64-bit CPU console.
The N64 saw the release of many games that are touted as being some of the best of all time. These games range from much raved Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time to the game touted with revolutionizing the FPS genre GoldenEye 007.
Graphically the Nintendo 64 was the more powerful of the 5th generation consoles, its boost in power was helped in that it came in at the end of the 5th generation of consoles.
The N64’s graphics chip was capable of trilinear filtering, among other more advanced 3D techniques. However, the true power of the N64 console was inhibited by the smaller storage size of the ROM cartridges.
The smaller size made developers have to reduce the number of textures used and use other methods such as Gouraud shading or extremely simple textures.
Emulation wise the N64 is still to be perfected. While the vast majority of games are playable, there are still a few that are completely unplayable. Most problems with N64 emulation and its compatibility doesn’t come from its CPU but from its GPU.
The GPU uses methods that are rather complicated to successfully emulate on modern GPU’s, while a modern GPU is far more powerful we simply don’t have the same access to it as developers on the original N64 would have to its GPU.
It is also not helped that there is a lack of documentation on the way the GPU operates for specific games. One of the most significant of these being Star Wars Rogue Squadron.
Best compatibility emulator wise is Project 64. It offers full and fast support for the vast majority of games, video plugin wise, Glide64 is the go-to for best emulation of the GPU side. However, it does sacrifice speed.

Handheld 2004

Nintendo DS

The Nintendo DS was Nintendo’s successor to the Game Boy Advance. It introduced two very stand out unique features to the handheld market. While the Nintendo DS did make use of the Game Boy Advance’s SP clamshell design, the way it utilized it much differently.

The biggest and most obvious of these unique features is the inclusion of two LCD screens that work in tandem, the bottom screen also acts as a touch device allowing interaction with the images on screen. Something, that at the time was quite unusual and different to the standardized single screen and buttons.
Another feature the Nintendo DS was the addition of a microphone, this was another different feature games could tap into to use to offer unique game play elements, such as blowing smoke off the screen.

The other most noticeable feature is its Wi-FI ability that allows it to connect to other Nintendo DS’s, it also had online play through the Nintendo Wi-Fi connection service. However sadly that service was  shut down in 2014 making online useless for all games designed for the Nintendo DS. This forces people to the 3DS if they want to enjoy games with online abilities.
The Nintendo DS would end up seeing three separate reiterations of its look and hardware, this is not include the extra large screen versions that were also relate for the DSi version. The first iteration was  the Nintendo DS Lite, this retained all the features of the original fat DS but however was a lot slimmer, and included better screens. There was also slight improvement to the hardware inside the console, however this was mainly battery saving changes then performance increases. The DS Lite also retains the backwards compatibility with Game Boy Advance games  that the original Nintendo DS allowed.
After the Nintendo DS Lite, Nintendo introduced the DSi. This made a few more changes to the formula, adding a camera to the console, improved Wi-Fi and again better screens. Alongside this it also came with iterations that featured a much larger screen. The underling hardware was also improved which meant there were a few games that were made for the DSi specifically. However most developers chose to make sure the game worked on all three iterations, not utilizing the improvements. Despite all these improvements the Nintendo DSi removed the backwards compatibility for Game Boy Advance games that the fat DS and DS Lite had.

Console 1983

Nintendo Nintendo Entertainment System

The Nintendo Entertainment System (often abbreviated as NES) is an 8-bit video game console that was designed, developed and manufactured by Japanese company, Nintendo. The NES is strongly associated with the revitalization of the US video game industry after the crash of the industry in 1983.
Nintendo used the NES to bring to life some of what are they most popular game series to date, these being Super Mario Bros, The Legend of Zelda and Metroid. It also so the birth of Capcom’s Mega Man franchise, Konami’s Castlevania franchise, Square’s(Now Square Enix) Final Fantasy franchise and Enix’s(Now Square Enix) Dragon Quest franchise. All of these franchises are still highly popular and still exist today.
While Nintendo’s NES brought to life some of the greatest game franchises it also gave console manufactures a new outlook in their relationship with third-party software developers by restricting developers from publishing software without licensed approval from the manufacturer. This led to the consoles having much more high quality software titles, and in turn better public outlook on the console.
While the console is no longer being manufactured, the console has been emulated to the point where almost all hardware functionality has been replicated on the computer, with some emulators such as Nestopia providing cycle accurate emulation of the original hardware, meaning what is shown on screen should be exactly what the original console would of produced.

Console 1986

Nintendo Famicom

The Family Computer Disk System (??????????? ????????, Famiri Konpyuta Disuku Shisutemu?, FDS) was released on February 21, 1986 by Nintendo as a peripheral to its popular Family Computer ('Famicom') console in Japan. It was a unit that sat underneath the Famicom and used proprietary floppy disks for data storage. It was announced, but never released, for the North American Nintendo Entertainment System. Through its entire production span, 1986-2003, 4.5 million units were sold .

The device was connected to the Famicom deck by plugging a modified cartridge known as the RAM Adapter into the system's cartridge port, which attached via a supplied cable to the disk drive. The RAM adapter contained 32 kilobytes of RAM for temporary program storage, 8 kilobytes of RAM for tile and sprite data storage, and an ASIC known as the 2C33. The ASIC acted as a disk controller for the floppy drive, and also included additional sound hardware featuring primitive FM synthesis capabilities. The floppy disks used were double-sided, with a capacity of 64 kilobytes per side. Many games spanned both sides of a disk, requiring the user to switch sides at some point during gameplay. A few games used two full disks (four sides). The Famicom Disk System was capable of running on six C-cell batteries or the supplied AC adapter. The battery option was included due to the likelihood of a standard set of AC plugs already being occupied by a Famicom and a television.

In 1986, the disks' 128K of storage space was quite appealing. The rewritable aspect of the disks also opened up interesting possibilities; games such as The Legend of Zelda (the first FDS game), Metroid, and Kid Icarus were released to the FDS with a save feature. Many of these titles were subsequently ported to cartridge format and released for the NES a year or two later, with saving implemented with password resume or battery-backed memory.

Hardware versions
Sharp released the Twin Famicom (????????, Tsuin Famikon?), a composite console of both Famicom and Disk System under license.

The FDS disks were somewhat proprietary 2.8' x 3' 64K-per-side double-sided floppy. These 'Disk Cards,' as Nintendo called them, were a slight modification of Mitsumi's 'Quick Disk' 2.8' square disk format which was used in a handful of Japanese computers and various synthesizer keyboards, along with a few word processors. Some of the QuickDisk drives even made it into devices in Europe and North America, though they were somewhat rare. Mitsumi already had close relations with Nintendo, as it manufactured the Famicom and NES consoles, and possibly other Nintendo hardware.

Nintendo's flagship mascots Mario and brother Luigi make an appearance in the FDS's BIOS. After turning on the system, a 'battle' between the two characters would begin over the color scheme of the Nintendo sign and screen border, until a disk is inserted into the FDS. The sprites used are from the NES version of Mario Bros.

Within a year of its release, piracy of the FDS disks became rampant via use of slightly modified QuickDisks and different disk copying techniques. Hacker publications such as Backup Technique (which later became Game Labo, still published today) and Famicom Kaizo Manual showed the plans to make various devices to copy the disks along with very simple plans to convert QuickDisks to FDS disks. At least a couple issues of Backup Technique even advertised products like the Dubbing Boy and the Dubbing Boy II for copying the disks, which were commercialized versions of some of the do-it-yourself projects that the publications wrote articles on. To thwart this piracy, Nintendo changed one of the ICs in the drive to a newer version and made slight modifications to some of the traces on the other PCB within the drive. Techniques were quickly published to build modification boards to circumvent these measures. Certain software techniques were used by some programmers to thwart the copying of their disks, but even these were circumvented by certain unlicensed FDS programs like Disk Hacker (versions include 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, and II), Kosodate Gokko, Copy Master, Disk Keeper, and others, which facilitated the copying of disks.

Reliability issues
Blue disk with shutterWhile the Disk System was years ahead of its time in terms of a disc-format game console, the system and games both have reliability issues. The drive belt in the drive is a proprietary size, and standard floppy drive belts are too big. In addition, no drive in the U.S. uses that size belt, so replacement belts must be obtained from Japan. Until 2004, Japanese residents were able to send their systems to Nintendo directly for repairs/belt replacements, but Nintendo of America and the PAL regions do not service them. The old belts have a habit of breaking or even melting on occasion.

In addition, the disks themselves must be tested and verified to work on both sides, as the FDS disks' construction can allow dirt to get into the disk, or even for the disk to demagnetize over time. Even one bad sector on a disc will render it unplayable. In an effort to save money on production, Nintendo opted to not use disk shutters (a feature seen on 3.5' floppy disks) to keep dirt out, instead opting to include wax paper sleeves as with the older 5.25' floppies. The only exception to this were certain games that were special released on blue discs (which did have shutters).

Square Co., Ltd. had a branch at one point called 'Disk Original Group', a software label that published Disk System titles from Japanese PC software companies. The venture was largely a failure and almost pushed a pre-Final Fantasy Square into bankruptcy. (Final Fantasy was to be released for the FDS, but a disagreement over Nintendo's copyright policies caused Square to change its position and release the game as a cartridge.)

Nintendo released a disk version of Super Mario Bros. in addition to the cartridge version. The Western-market Super Mario Bros. 2 originated from a disk-only game called Yume Kojo: Doki Doki Panic.

Launch titles
For information on launch titles, see the Famicom Disk System section of the article on launch titles.

Mr. Disk
Nintendo would hold game score contests, and the mascot was called Disk-kun (Mr. Disk). Some of the prizes to these contests included 2 gold prize disks, one for the game Golf US course, and one for Golf Japan course (Not to be confused with the title simply called Golf). These two gold disks had metal shutters on them, like the aforementioned blue disks. Other prizes were a stationary set, and a gold cartridge version of the NES/Famicom Punch-Out!! titles. In the gold version of Punch-Out!!, the final boss was Super Macho Man, before Nintendo used Mike Tyson and Mr. Dream instead in later NES versions.

Information from Wikipedia

Handheld 1989

Nintendo Game Boy

Generation 4th generation
First available JP April 21, 1989
US August, 1989
EU 1990
Media Game Boy cartridges
Units sold as of December, 2004:
69.42 million (worldwide)
20.61 million (Japan)
48.81 million (other)
Top-selling game Pokémon Red and Blue
Predecessor Game and Watch
Successor Game Boy Color

The Game Boy (Gemu Boi) is a handheld game console developed and manufactured by Nintendo, released in 1989 at Dollar89.95 USD. The Game Boy was the first successful handheld console, and was the predecessor of all other iterations of the Game Boy line.

The Game Boy was originally bundled with the puzzle game Tetris, since Nintendo thought that an addictive puzzle game would get consumers' attention.


One of the top-selling games for the Game Boy was Tetris, which sold about 3 million copies in the US and is an example of a killer game. Tetris was packaged with the Game Boy, and often, consumers were buying the Game Boy to play Tetris.


The Game Boy's main controls are located on the lower half of its front frame.

Like the NES controller, the Game Boy has four face buttons labelled 'A,' 'B,' 'SELECT,' and 'START.' The functions of these face buttons vary from game to game, though generally, the START button is used as a 'pause' function to temporarily stop gameplay. The Game Boy also features a Directional Pad, allowing up to eight directions of movement in its games.

Outside of buttons used in gameplay, there is a volume control knob on the right side of the console, and a similar knob to change the contrast on the left side. The ON/OFF switch is located at the top of the Game Boy.


The Game Boy contains the following input/output connectors:
A power input, located on the left side of the handheld console. The power adapter was included in a rechargeable battery pack kit. Separate editions of the battery pack were made for 110V and 230V countries. The Game Boy requires 6V DC of at least 250mA.
A link cable port, located on the right side. It connects two Game Boy handheld consoles, and transfers information between two games of the same type or same series. This was widely used in games such as Pokémon.
A 3.5mm stereo headphone jack output is located on the bottom side of the console.
An input for Game Boy cartridges (also called Game Paks) is situated on top of the Game Boy.

Sales and competition

The success of the Game Boy is exhibited in one way by its expansive and successful line of consoles. For instance, the Game Boy Color and Game Boy Advance have reached worldwide sales figures of 49 million (as of December 2004) and 75 million (as of June 2006), respectively. The original Game Boy sold roughly 70 million units worldwide.

At the time of its release in 1989, the Atari Lynx, also known as the 'Handy,' was also just being introduced to the market. This system featured color graphics, a backlit screen, and networking capabilities. Nevertheless, its release price of Dollar179, substantial requirement of 6 AA batteries that would provide roughly four hours of gameplay (compared to 10-12 on the Game Boy), physical bulkiness, and other factors doomed it to a second-rate status.

In the 1990s, Nintendo experienced heavier competition from Sega's Game Gear. To promote its new, color console, Sega aired a number of negative but unsuccessful ad campaigns in the United States that criticized the Game Boy's monochrome color palette. Nonetheless, the Game Gear suffered from generally the same problems that the Lynx did.


Several accessories compatible with the Game Boy were also produced:
The Game Boy Battery Pack (or AC Adapter), sold for about Dollar30 USD, was roughly 3 in. long, 2 in. wide, and 0.5 in. thick. One end of it had a 2 inch-long cord, ending in a 3.5 mm phone plug, while the other end had a standard mains plug. The first version of it was gray with purple lettering, to match the colors used on the Game Boy. It also featured a belt clip. The battery pack was good for several hours of gameplay per charge, providing an alternative to purchasing more AA batteries once their power was exhausted. The product used nickel-cadmium batteries, lasted about 4-5 hours per charge, and could be charged roughly 1000 times before a significant loss in effectiveness. A major drawback of the battery pack was its weight, as well as the way the phone plug sticks out prominently.
Released in 1998, the Game Boy Camera was able to take pictures that could be printed out using the Game Boy Printer. The photos were in black and white only, and the resolution of the pictures was 128 x 123. Both the Game Boy Camera and Game Boy Printer products were marketed together in Japan, the U.S., and Europe, primarily towards children. It is no longer in production by Nintendo.
Released at the same time as the Game Boy Camera, the Game Boy Printer was a thermal printer. It ran off of six AA batteries. In addition to printing out Game Boy Camera photos, it also ran in conjunction with several Game Boy games, such as Pokémon Yellow and The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX.
The Game Link cable an accessory that established a data connection between two Game Boys using the same game or game from the same series.

Custom 8-bit Sharp Z80 at 4.194304 MHz (has a slightly different instruction set than a standard Z80, and integrated sound generation)
8 kByte internal S-RAM
Video RAM
8 kByte internal
256 kbit, 512 kbit, 1 Mbit, 2 Mbit and 4 Mbit and 8 Mbit cartridges
2 Square Waves, 1 Triangle Wave, 1 White Noise. The unit only has one speaker, but headphones provide stereo sound
Reflective LCD 160 x 144 pixels
Screen Size
66 mm (2.6 in) diagonal
Color Palette
4 shades of 'gray' (green to (very) dark blue)
Up to 16 Game Boys can be linked together via serial ports
6 V, 0.7 W (4 AA batteries provide Approx.35 hours)
90mm(W) x 148mm(H) x 32mm(D)/3.5 x 5.8 x 1.3 (inch)

Infos from Wikipedia

Handheld 2001

Nintendo Game Boy Advance

The Game Boy Advance, often abbreviated to GBA is the successor to the Game Boy Color. The hand held console managed to hold on to Nintendo’s reign as being the top hand held console seller. This is in part due to the Game Boy Advance selling over 81.51 million units.
Much like its predecessor, the Game Boy Advance retained backwards compatibility support, this allowed the console to support both Game Boy Color and Game Boy games. This gave the Game Boy Advance a superb library of high quality and well made games right off the bat. Making it an easy choice for those who have yet to buy a hand held or are thinking of replacing their Game Boy Colour they can still retain their library of games.
The Game Boy Advance saw two redesigns, the first of these was the Game Boy Advance SP. This saw the console move to using the clamshell design that is now present in the Nintendo DS. It also introduced a backlight to the consoles design allowing it to be played much better under different lighting conditions and also allow the colours to appear more vibrant.
The second of these was the Game Boy Micro. This was essentially a much smaller version of the Game Boy Advance. It however also meant that it lacked a major feature of the Game Boy Advance. This being its backwards compatibility. It however still had some of the feature improvements that the SP introduced such as the backlight.
The Game Boy Advance truly set Nintendo as the company to beat in the handheld console market, and has managed to remain king of the market ever since.

Handheld 1998

Nintendo Game Boy Color

The Game Boy Color, often referred to as the GBC is Nintendo’s fourth attempt at the handheld game console market. Specification wise it did not differ much from its predecessor the Game Boy. However it introduced one big new feature and that was the ability to display the picture in colour, rather than the Gray scale present in its predecessor. Thanks to largely having the same hardware, this enabled the Game Boy Color to remain backwards compatible with older games.
This backwards compatibility was a huge advantage when coming up against its competitors as it allowed the handheld to inherit a large game library right off the bat and not rely completely on a couple of games to generate sales.
The Game Boy Color proved to be a huge success, going on to sell over 118.59 million units. A number that far exceeded its competitors of the time, the Neo Geo Pocket and WonderSwan.

Console 2001

Nintendo GameCube

The Nintendo Gamecube marked Nintendo’s 5th entry into the home Video game console market. It was Nintendo’s first move into using optical media as its primary storage. However instead of using the standard full-sized disc’s, Nintendo chose to use miniDVD, excluding the console from being able to play standard DVD’s or audio CD’s due to the smaller size. This made it lack a feature its two competitors of the time, the Xbox and the Playstation 2, and that is simply to also be able to act as a DVD player. While a simple feature, it did add an extra element to a consumers decision on what console to buy, especially during a period where DVD players were costly.
The system had the ability to expand its hardware functionality via a port on the bottom of the console. This would only ever end up being used for the consoles Broardband Adapter which gave the console its network functionality, and also the Game Boy Player which allowed Game Boy games to be played on the TV with a GameCube controller.
While the GameCube was praised for having an extensive library of high-quality games, the console failed to gain the sales that its main competitors did. At the end of its lifetime, the Game Cube managed to make 21.74 million sales, falling short by 3 million sales to Microsofts newcomer, the Xbox. However both fell painfully short of the Playstation 2’s 155 million sales.
Despite the GameCube’s shortfall in sales, it still left a legacy thanks to its high quality games.

Handheld 2001

Nintendo Pokemon Mini

The Pokémon mini is a handheld game console designed and manufactured by Nintendo and based on Satoshi Tajiri's Pokémon media franchise. It is a officially the smallest ever cartridge-based system that includes a black-and-white LCD and an integrated gamepad. Other features of the Pokémon mini include an infrared port used to facilitate multiplayer gaming, an internal timer, an accelerometer (shock detector), and a vibrator used to implement force feedback. Some of the Pokémon Mini games were included in the Gamecube game, Pokémon Channel in a software emulator of the Pokémon Mini itself.

Infos from: Wikipedia

Console 1990

Nintendo Super Nintendo Entertainment System

The Super Nintendo Entertainment System (often referred to as SNES, Super Nintendo or Super NES) is a 16-bit video game console and also Nintendo’s second foray into the game console market. The console introduced quite a few advanced graphical and sound features when compared against other consoles of its generation. It also was the first start at gaining significant progress in the field of 3D graphics, utilizing its “Super FX”  chip the SNES was able to run games with smoother and more detailed 3D graphics than had been seen before.
The SNES was a surprising global success with the console quickly becoming the best-selling 16-bit console despite having a relatively late start  and having to face quite fierce competition from SEGA’s Genesis in North American and European markets.The SNES was successful enough to still remain popular even in the 32-bit era and has continued to be popular among fans, collectors retro gamer’s, and emulation enthusiasts.
The SNES is one of the most emulated consoles available, having a plethora of emulators that successfully emulate the console completely such as bSNES which offers 100% accurate emulation of the SNES’s hardware, while it does require a more high end system it does mean that everything shown on the screen is exactly how it would be with the original system, right down to every little bug or quirk.

Console 2017

Nintendo Switch

The Nintendo Switch is a ninth generation video game console developed by Nintendo and is the successor to the Nintendo Wii U.
The Switch was released in 2017 to substantial praise thanks to its fantastic launch titles and its ability to switch from console mode to handheld. Launching with a critical hit like Breath of the Wild gave the Switch the popularity boost that the Wii U never quite achieved.
Nintendo followed up the release of the Switch with several other hits such as Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Splatoon 2, and Super Mario Oddysee. The console has also had fantastic support from 3rd party developers, with a slew of well-optimized ports of high-profile games such as Skyrim.
The Nintendo Switch has a couple of unique features. First is the ability for the Switch to be used as both a handheld console and a video game console. This works by using a simple dock that connects to your tv.
One thing to note is that when the Switch in handheld mode, its performance is slightly limited to try to preserve battery life.  This means most games will have their resolutions reduced to 720p.
The other is the ability of the controllers to also act as motion controllers. However, this ability is not available on the “Lite” version of the Switch.
The Nintendo Switch Lite is a handheld only version of the console with non-detachable controllers. It can run any game that has compatibility for the Switches handheld mode.
Switch emulation has made an astonishing amount of progress in just a few short years thanks to the effort of the Yuzu Emulator team. The emulator is able to emulate a large amount of the Switch’s library already successfully.
Considering the time it took for the Nintendo 3DS and Wii U to be successfully emulated, the progress in developing an emulator for the Nintendo Switch has been surprisingly fast.

Handheld 1995

Nintendo Virtual Boy

The Virtual Boy is Nintendo’s 3rd foray into the video game console and also their biggest failure.
While Nintendo attempted to tout the console as the first “portable” video game console capable of displaying 3D graphics out of the box it was an idea that never took with players. The console was such a commercial failure that it never made it out of Japan and North America.
One of the Virtual Boy’s worse points was that its screen was only capable of monochrome colors destroying the immersion of the system. Another problem users found was the lack of games that truly made use of its “3D” features with most of them just using the 3D functionality as a gimmick while still functioning like a 2D game would.

Console 2006

Nintendo Wii

The Nintendo Wii is Nintendo’s seventh generation console, and the competitor to Microsoft’s Xbox 360 and Sony’s PlayStation 3. The console introduced a new factor to the home console market with the controllers designed to act as both a pointing device and also detect moment in three dimensions. This opened up the console to a variety of different games that weren’t present on its competitors systems.
The console originally also had two extra functions, one that is not present in the end production model, and one other that has been taken offline.
The first of these is the ability to play GameCube games on the Nintendo Wii, this allowed the console to remain fully backwards compatible with all GameCube games as long as you had a GameCube controller.  However this feature was removed for the two later and final versions of the Nintendo Wii, these being the Wii Family Edition and the Wii Mini.
The second feature that is no longer present in all versions of the console is its online capabilities and also its WiiConnect24 function that allowed the console to receive updates and messages while its in standby. These were both taken offline by Nintendo, meaning all multiplayer functions of games can no longer be used. Despite these two features being removed the Wii Shop Channel still functions.

Console 2012

Nintendo Wii U

The Nintendo Wii U is an eighth-generation video game console and the successor to Nintendo’s insanely successfully Nintendo Wii. The console was released worldwide in 2012 but sadly lacked the massive amount of hype and excitement that its predecessor had created, this was not helped by a fairly lacking library of launch day games.
The Wii U was a primary competitor to Microsoft’s Xbox One, and Sony’s PlayStation 4, sadly though despite those consoles releasing nearly a year after the Wii U’s release, the Wii U just couldn’t make the same level of sales, its hard to say whether this was due to a poor library of games or poor marketing, the name Wii U may of created confusion with some consumers due to its similarities with the Wii name.
Wii U emulation seemed to be something that was never going to happen for a period of time, over the years there was a few attempts here and there that attempted to emulate it but most of those projects were short lived or ran into problems due to the sheer lack of documentation on the inner working on the Wii U.
It was not until October 2015 when there was a big breakthrough in emulation, and a massive surprise to the emulation community and that was with the first release of Cemu. Cemu was the first Nintendo Wii U Emulator that started showing real promise. Despite Cemu being closed source there is now another promising emulator that is making progress, namely the open source Decaf emulator project.
The biggest hindrance to the Wii U is down to its poor library of games, not only was Nintendo incredibly slow in bringing their own superb IP’s to the console, many 3rd party companies abandoned the console altogether leaving it with a void of games despite some superb surprises like Bayonetta 2.

Accessory 2001

Nintendo e-Reader

General information

The e-Reader is a device made by Nintendo for its Game Boy Advance portable video game system. It was first released in Japan in December 2001, with a North American release following in September 2002. It has a LED scanner that reads 'e-Reader cards', paper cards with specially encoded data printed on them.
Depending on the card and associated game, the e-cards are typically used in a key-like function to unlock secret items, levels, or play mini-games when swiped through the reader. See below for a comprehensive list of cards and their functions. The cards themselves contain data, as opposed to unlocking data already on the device itself.
The e-Reader is neither a console nor an accessory, but an add-on device, like the Famicom Disk System or the Sega CD. The e-Reader is one of only three official Nintendo add-ons to be released in North America. The other two are the Super Nintendo Entertainment System's Super Game Boy and the Nintendo GameCube's Game Boy Player.
Two versions were released in Japan: the original e-Reader (without a link cable port), which could read cards to unlock game content, etc.; and later the e-Reader+ (simply 'e-Reader' in Australia and North America), which came with a link cable port to connect with Nintendo GameCube games such as Animal Crossing and with other Game Boy Advance systems for games such as Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire. The e-Reader was only considered successful in Japan. It was announced for Europe but very few were made, as it was almost immediately canceled, and it was discontinued in North America in early 2004, due to a lack of popularity. In Japan, however, it sold much better and was produced up to the discontinuation of the Game Boy hardware line.
In order to add items and scan levels in games such as Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3, a player required two Game Boy Advance systems and a link cable. The gray end would go into the e-Reader GBA and the purple end into the GBA that had the game. After entering the needed point on the game, players would swipe the cards in and the data would be transferred to the game cartridge. This function does not work with the Nintendo DS due to the lack of link cable support.

e-Reader cards

Two e-Reader cards. The top card is one of the five cards needed to play Excitebike and the bottom card is the EON Ticket, a promotional card for Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire .
In the U.S., e-Reader Card packs have been released that contain:
1.NES games
2.New levels and power-ups for Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3
3.Items and designs for Animal Crossing
4.New trainers to battle in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire
5.Mini-games, including an exclusive version of Mario Party.
6.Game & Watch Cards, originally there were plans to release every Game and Watch game on a series of E-reader cards, or at least 20 according to some people. There have only been four of the games officially released.
There have been numerous other games released with e-Reader support in Japan.

Dot code

Data is encoded on the cards using 'dot code', a specialized barcode technology licensed from Olympus Corporation. e-Reader Cards may have one or two sets of dot code on them, either a wide strip on the left side of the card, a wide strip on both the left and right sides of the card, a narrow strip on the bottom of the card or a short strip on the bottom of the card with a long strip on the left side of the card. Smaller games may require scanning only one card (two sets of dot code), while the greater NES games can require as many as five cards (nine to ten sets of dot code) in order to start the application.
The shorter sets of dot code were only used with the Pokémon Trading Card Game. Cards released in regular sets published by both Nintendo and Wizards of the Coast had dot code on the bottom side of the card. When scanned, the e-Reader displayed a Pokédex data entry for the Pokémon shown on the card. Many of the cards published by Wizards of the Coast included a left side dot code that would allow users to play mini-games, animations, and use secret attacks in the Trading Card Game or play with various songs and graphics.


The e-Reader plugged into a Game Boy Advance SP.
The e-Reader plugs into the cartridge slot of the Game Boy Advance like a regular game would. The end of the e-Reader sticks out from the Game Boy Advance unit to provide a slot to scan the e-Reader Cards. Electronically, the e-Reader is compatible with any console that supports Game Boy Advance games, however it may be mechanically incompatible with some systems (it simply does not fit), and the ability to link consoles may not be available.
Once installed, the link cable connector on the Game Boy Advance is obstructed, but a pass-through connection on the e-Reader allows link-up features to be used. The Game Boy Advance SP is also fully compatible, although the e-Reader doesn't mount flush with the SP (see picture). As the link cable connector on the SP is unobstructed, the pass-through on the e-Reader is not used.
The Game Boy Player is also fully compatible, and the e-Reader connects as it would to a Game Boy Advance (the e-Reader pass-through connector is used for connecting the link cable). The GameCube hosting this system acts as a Game Boy Advance - in order to link to a GameCube game, a second GameCube, running the game in question, must be used.
The e-Reader can connect to the DS Lite, but not the original DS. The e-Reader can however be modified to fit into the original DS, In either case, there is no support for linking features, as neither system has a link cable port.
The e-Reader does fit into the Game Boy Micro., and that system has a link cable port, however it is not a standard connector. A special Game Boy Micro Game Link Cable must be used for linking features. The Game Boy Micro's non-standard link cable port can not accept the Nintendo GameCube Game Boy Advance Cable, meaning it cannot link with GameCube games without modification to the cable.
Because the first version of the Japanese e-Reader did not have a link cable pass-through connector, it can fit into consoles which the later e-Readers are incompatible with. Even though Game Boys and DSs are region-free, Japanese e-Reader cards work only on Japanese e-Readers, etc.

Information from Wikipedia

Handheld 2003

Nokia N-Gage

The N-Gage is a mobile telephone and handheld game system based on the Nokia Series 60 platform. It started selling on October 7, 2003. It attempted to lure gamers away from the Game Boy Advance by including cellphone functionality. This was unsuccessful, partly because the buttons, designed for a phone, were not well-suited for gaming and when used as a phone the original N-Gage was described as resembling a 'taco'.

In 2005, Nokia announced that it would move its N-Gage games capabilities onto a series of smartphones. These devices have been available since early 2007, and a pre-release version of the N-Gage application allowing users to purchase and download games was made available for download from the official N-Gage website on February 4, 2008. Release of the full version of the N-Gage service is planned for first half of 2008.

In the late 1990s, gamers increasingly carried both mobile phones and handheld game consoles. Nokia spotted an opportunity to combine these devices into one unit. They developed the N-Gage, a device that integrated these two devices. Instead of using cables, multiplayer gaming was accomplished with Bluetooth or the Internet (via the N-Gage Arena service). The N-Gage also included MP3 and Real Audio/Video playback and PDA-like features into the system.

With a launch price of USDollar299, the N-Gage was not as commercially popular as Nokia estimated. In its first weeks of availability in the United States, it was outsold by the Game Boy Advance 100 to 1. Within 17 days of the deck's release, popular retailers GameStop and Electronics Boutique began offering Dollar100 rebates on the deck's price.

The poor sales performance can be attributed to the poor selection of games compared to its competitors and its cost at launch; it was more than twice as expensive as a Game Boy Advance SP on release day. Poor sales were also amplified by game media being standard MMC memory cards and as with most consoles piracy did become an issue.

Besides its gaming capabilities, the N-Gage was a Series 60 smartphone, running Symbian OS 6.1, with features similar to those of the Nokia 3650 (it does not have an integrated camera, however). It was able to run all Series 60 software, and Java MIDP applications as well. Its main CPU was an ARM Integrated (ARMI) compatible chip (ARM4T architecture) running at 104 MHz, the same as the Nokia 7650 and 3650 phones.

As of August 2007, it was estimated that Nokia had shipped more than two million N-Gage game decks. The 'N-Gage' brand name still had a poor reputation within the gaming media and the few consumers who recognized the N-Gage brand, due to the weakness of the system's first games and the original model's limitations. Many gamers were unaware of the later QD redesign and still consider the N-Gage as a joke. The situation has not improved either with the arrival of the PlayStation Portable and Nintendo DS handhelds. As of September 2005, Nokia had more than 50 games available for the system.

While the N-Gage didn't have any significant financial successes, it did have a handful of critical successes. Pocket Kingdom: 0wn the W0rld received a handful of glowing reviews when it was released, and Pathway to Glory was Nokia's first self-published success. These games came perhaps too late to have much effect in improving the perception of the N-Gage hardware itself in the eyes of consumers or press.

In January 2005, UK sales-tracking firm ChartTrack dropped the N-Gage from its regular ELSPA chart, commenting that 'The N-Gage chart, though still produced, is of little interest to anyone. Sales of the machine and its software have failed to make any impact on the market at all.' Although only directly reflective of the UK market, this was interpreted by some as a serious blow to the N-Gage as a viable gaming platform. Despite this, Nokia reaffirmed their commitment to the N-Gage as a platform, to the point where a new version of the hardware was rumored after GDC 2005.

February 2005 saw Nokia appoint Gerard Wiener, formerly of Sega Europe, to the post of Director and General Manager for Games at Nokia. Wiener steered Nokia away from looking at the N-Gage as primarily being a games console to 'this is a mobile phone that is great for playing games on.' This strategy, along with targeting niche franchises such as the table-top Warhammer 40,000 series, the Rifts RPG series, and the Settlers of Catan board game, has kept sales of the N-Gage healthy and gotten the platform a modicum of respect from some quarters of the media. It should be noted that this change coincided with the initial releases of the Sony PSP and Nintendo DS.

The last game to be released in the US for the system was Civilization on March 2006 according to In November 2006 Nokia released its last game for the N-Gage QD - combat racer Payload.

The system continues to be sold in the Chinese and Indian markets.

There is some disagreement in sources about the actual number of N-Gage decks sold. Nokia initially claimed 400,000 sales in the first two weeks the deck was available. However, independent market research firms Chart-Track and Arcadia Research claimed that the N-Gage had sold only 5,000 decks in the United States in that time, and 800 decks in the UK. Critics suggested Nokia was counting the number of decks shipped to retailers, not the number actually purchased by consumers. Nokia later admitted this was the truth.

In 2004, Nokia claimed in a press release that it had shipped its millionth deck, represented as a company milestone despite falling short of the company's initial projection of six million decks by the end of 2004. However, this number shipped doesn't give a reliable picture of the actual sales of the deck. Nokia ultimately shipped 2 million N-Gage decks by 2007.

In all cases, sales of the N-Gage and N-Gage QD have been counted together.

White Screen of Death
The N-gage also suffered from a software bug problem known as the White Screen of Death, a memory management issue that rendered the phone inoperational if the main memory was used beyond a certain capacity. This prevented the phone from booting and could only be solved by flashing its firmware. Nokia also had a support contract exclusively for the N-Gage that enabled them to reimburse users with such problems for less than the phone cost, disregarding any responsibilities as to this particular problem, due to the phone no longer being supported (although still marketable).

At E3 2005, Nokia announced their intention to make it possible to play games on their next wave of smartphones. (At E3, games were demonstrated on the Nokia 3230, 6680, Nokia 6630, and N90, but Nokia has not yet announced what phones will be compatible with this as-of-yet unnamed service). These phones won't be compatible with the games sold on MMC in stores, but will be able to download games over the cellular network, or play games downloaded on your computer. All of the details of this scheme have not yet been stated, but this network/scheme is expected for mid 2007.

During E3 2006 there were a number of announcements related to Nokia's next generation mobile games strategy which continued to stress gameplay across a range of Nokia cellphones, rather than one particular 'gaming handheld', as before.

The company explained the core of the service as '...a pre-installed application which allows consumers to easily find, buy and play rich and immersive games on a range of Nokia Nseries multimedia computers and other Nokia S60 devices.'

Nokia also announced that gaming communities, in a similar vein to Xbox Live, are another key element of the company's mobile gaming strategy. At the base of this it cited its already existing N-Gage Arena.

Nokia also announced deals with Electronic Arts and Gameloft and six new titles including, fishing sim Creatures of the Deep a follow up to its first party fighting game ONE, with ONE: Who's Next? and System Rush: Evolution.

System Rush Evolution is now included as standard on the Nokia N93 and a version of ONE: Who's Next? was demonstrated on the Nokia N93 during E3 2006 as well, both games demonstrate improved graphics.

Since E3 2006 Nokia has been relatively quiet. However, recently it announced findings of a study on mobile gaming behavior carried out by Nielsen research.

In December 2006, Nokia launched the Future Watch website to track the evolution of the next generation of the N-Gage platform. According to the site, the launch date for the next generation of the N-Gage is mid 2007.

On January 30, 2007, mobile games specialist website reported that Pocket Gamer was briefing leading games developers and publishers in secret workshops ahead of the launch of the next gen N-Gage.

On August 29, 2007, Nokia unveiled N-Gage as its new download portal for games, compatible with a number of smartphones starting from November 2007. Initial line-up of smartphones comprehend: Nokia N73, N81, N81 8GB, N93, N93i, N95, N95 8GB.

In the beginning of November 2007, Nokia announced that Next Generation N-Gage launch has been pushed back to December due to hold-ups on the software front.

Nokia N82 was added to the list of compatible devices on November 14th 2007.

On November 26, 2007, an announcement was made saying that the old first generation N-Gage Arena servers will be shutting down on December 5th at 10 a.m. PST in order to prepare the new and improved back end servers and databases for the Next Generation launch.

On December 20, 2007, a further delay was announced. This time the launch date of second generation N-Gage platform was moved to early 2008.

N-Gage First Access, a pre-release version of the N-Gage application, was made available for download for Nokia N81 owners from the official N-Gage website on February 4, 2008.

Tetris and World Series of Poker were added to N-Gage First Access application on February 7, 2008


N-Gage Classic

The N-Gage browsing Wikipedia using the Opera browserThe original phone's taco-shaped design was considered clumsy: to insert a game, users had to remove the phone's plastic cover and remove the battery compartment as the game slot was next to it. Another clumsy feature was the speaker and microphone being located on the side edge of the phone. This often resulted in many to describe it as if one was talking into a 'taco phone' or 'Sidetalking', or simply that they had one very large ear, because the user held the edge of the phone against the cheek in order to talk into it. The comfort factor of lengthy calls was also called into question. Despite the criticism, it is thought that the speakers were there for a practical reason: if placed elsewhere, the screen would get in contact with the cheek and become smudged. However, almost all other cell phones have the screen against the cheek when the user is talking. Despite the questionable practicality, gamers were still unwilling to talk in such an awkward manner.

When considered from a video game point of view, the N-Gage was known for its unusual screen orientation, a vertical one as opposed to a horizontal one (which is more popular with other handhelds). The reason for this was that the underlying operating system, Series 60, did not support horizontal orientations at that time (only supported since S60v3 ). Some felt this to be a negative feature, feeling that 'unconventional' does not necessarily mean improvement. Possibly due to this screen feature, as well as the public's luke-warm reception to the device, the game library was far from extensive. Despite this, the N-Gage did manage to garner some well known franchises such as Tomb Raider, Sonic, Rayman, Red Faction, and Tony Hawk's Pro Skater, The Elder Scrolls, among others.

From a cell phone standpoint, the N-Gage also faced problems. Besides the unusual form factor, in the US it was initially sold primarily through specialty game outlets instead of through cell phone providers, which only called attention to its high pre-subsidy price, lack of games, and curious interface compared to other gaming devices (thanks to the Series 60 interface and unusual face button layout). Once cellphone retail outlets started carrying the phone, which didn't become a widespread practice in the US until well after the release of the N-Gage QD, it still faced problems. The N-Gage and its successor, the N-Gage QD, worked only on GSM networks, meaning that it was incompatible with the then-largest US cell service provider, Verizon Wireless, as well as all of Japan's cell networks. Where N-Gage was compatible with major cell phone networks its popularity varied. It was not well received in Canada and the UK for instance but received a much warmer reception in mainland Europe and in particular Asia where games on mobile phones were seen as much more desirable.

The original N-Gage, though, still had many benefits to developers and end-users. It had a large amount of executable RAM memory compared to Series 60 devices (the 66xx series); it had MP3 decoding in a dedicated hardware chip as Nokia 3300 (other Series 60 devices, including the N-Gage QD, rely on software decoding); it had stereo output from a mini headphone jack plug; and it could be mounted as a USB Mass Storage device on any compatible computer without requiring the Nokia PC Connect software.

Hardware specifications: Weight: 137 g, dimensions: 134 x 70 x 20 mm.

N-Gage QD

Nokia N-Gage QDThe N-Gage QD (QD stands for quaque die, meaning every day in Latin) was Nokia's successor to the N-Gage and was released six months after the first N-Gage, replacing it in 2004. It revised the device's physical design, being smaller and rounder. It corrected the flaw of the cartridge slot with a more convenient one on the bottom of the device. This design also moved the earpiece to the face of the device, rather than on the side, as in the previous model. Despite the revision, many were quick to criticize the unit, just as they did the original N-Gage. Some noted that the rubber fitting side that closed the gap between the device top and bottom casing could be easily loosened over a few months if it were dropped regularly, although this was hardly a recommended practice in taking care of the unit. Once the rubber piece was removed, the device became more vulnerable to water or particles entering the internals unless the fitting was replaced. The fitting was available at Nokia's service centers, and was also available in a variety of colors through various third-party sellers via online electronics suppliers or eBay.

The device retailed at a lower price, further aided by the fact that it was generally sold with a pre-paid cell phone service contract and the corresponding subsidy. In the United States, the N-Gage QD was available as a prepaid phone offered by Cingular for Dollar99.99 at retail games stores such as Electronics Boutique and GameStop. This is no longer the case as the device has reached the end of its lifespan and the above mentioned stores have discontinued carrying the QD.

Some of the 'bulky' features of the system such as MP3 playback, FM radio reception, and USB connectivity were removed from the device, presumably to cut size and cost. The QD did not support MP3 internally; however, it could still play MP3s with third-party software, albeit only in 16 kHz mono.

Instead of using the N-Gage with generic USB removable drive drivers, a user would use either Bluetooth or a separate MMC card reader to transfer files onto the device memory or an MMC card for use in the N-Gage QD.

Another change from the original unit was the 'Orange-and-grey' theme of the face of the unit as well as the GUI. Some felt this was an unwanted change from the 'more colorful' GUI of the original N-Gage. Even then there were some third-party applications that enhanced the interface or replaced the system shell.

As for the telephone portion, it no longer supported the three GSM frequency bands 900/1800/1900; instead it came in two dualband variants, one for the American market and one for the European and Asian markets.

The rest of the N-Gage QD hardware specifications were otherwise the same as the original N-Gage; same vertical screen layout, button configuration, etc.

Hardware specifications: Weight: 143 g, dimensions: 118 x 68 x 22 mm.

Infos from: Wikipedia

Computer 1982

NorthStar Advantage

NorthStar launched this indestructible all-in-one system in 1982.
The Advantage combined the well known (at the time) NorthStar 5.25 floppy disc sub-system with a high-resolution display and a durable keyboard. The Advantage also had it's own bus with it's own set of optional I/O card and a 8088 co-processor card for comparability with the newly released IBM PC software. Sadly, the card was delivered with MS-DOS ver.1 which wasn't compatible with the IBM-PC PC-DOS and very few programs were developed for this OS.
Despite some interesting features - High resolution graphics display, 8 and 16-bit software compatibility - and a proven reliability, the Advantage never really competed with Apple and IBM-PC systems

Computer 1977

NorthStar Horizon

The Horizon was a S-100 bus based system. It was the first floppy-disc based system hobbyists could buy. In a case with a choice of wood or blue metal cover, the basic version included a 4 Mhz. Z80 microprocessor, 16 KB of RAM, a 90 KB 5''1/4 floppy drive with a controller card, a serial terminal interface and 12 S-100 slots. It was sold with the North Star Disc Operating System and a Basic interpreter allowing random and sequential disk files. The Horizon-2 version offered a second floppy-disc drive.
Any S-100 cards (compatible with Altair, Cromemco and many other systems) could be added to the system, but North Star provided its own additional 16 KB RAM and hardware floating point boards.
In 1979, original 90 KB floppy drives were replaced by Shugart 360 KB models. Northstar also offered an add-on box with two additional floppies, making a total of 4. The box had a matching walnut stained plywood cover.


OCC Osborne-1



Computer 1979

Ohio Scientific Challenger 1P

Ohio Scientific, based in Ohio, USA, were the makers of the Superboard II. The Challenger 1P and Challenger IIP-MF were essentially cased versions of this single board system with integrated keyboard, a single 5Volt power supply and the first 6502 version of Microsoft BASIC interpreter.
An optional floppy disk controller and a extra 24K of ram for this unit was available using a 610 expansion board.
The C1P-MF was an upgraded version of the C1P having 20 KB of RAM and one 90 KB floppy disc drive. Memory could be upgraded up to 32 KB.
The Superboard and its derivatives had good user support and many programs were available.
Some additional information from Mark Alsing:

It had basic keyclick sound capability that could be added by popultaing components (resitors and caps) on the main board.An RS-232 interface could also be added this way and there was a cut-out on the back to mount a DB-25 connector for it. Video output was composite and required an RF modulator to display output on a regular TV. I had a MicroVerter box that put the output on ch. 13 or 14.

Ken Jordan, a game developer who got his start on the OSI-C1P, reports :

The text mode was really 32 x 32, but because of TV overscan only 24 x 24 was used.
As was common, I soldered Atari joysticks to the numeric keys to allow gaming (there was a standard for this mod).

Computer March 1982

Olivetti M20

In 1972, Olivetti established in the U.S.A. (Cupertino), the Advanced Technology Centre (ATC), a research centre specialized in new technologies and office automation equipment design. During ten years the centre designed Olivetti typewriters, calculators, photocopiers, etc.... In 1980, the first Olivetti computer took form in Cupertino, and the M-20 computer was launched in March 1982. More than 50,000 units are estimated to have been shipped in the first year.

The M20 was one of the very rare computers based on the Zilog Z8000, a 16 bits microprocessor very close to its 8 bits big brother the Z80. Like most of the computers designed before the IBM PC era, the M20 offered technical choices which made it totally incompatible with the rest of the micro world.
The first proprietary M20 operating system, called PCOS (Professional Computer Operating System) was also very particular and didn't allowed files to be exchanged with other systems. Hopefully, MS-DOS V2.0, CP/M-86 and CP/M-80 would be later adapted to the specific M-20 hardware. Moreover, front of this compatibility problem, Olivetti developped a coprocessor board based on the 8086 chip, which offered M20 owners access to IBM PC software.
The M20 came with a 12'' monochrome or colour custom built monitor. The international version had a grey plastic case, the Italian version had a brown one.

Computer 1984

Olivetti M24

This is a highly IBM PC compatible system. It means that it is truely hardware and sotfware compatible with the IBM PC of that time. Back then, all "PC compatible" systems were not exactly 100% compatible... so it was a real marketing argument for the Olivetti M24.
There were two true tests to know if a system was really IBM PC compatible : Lotus 1-2-3 and Microsoft Flight Simulator, and the M-24 was running both with no problem.
But in addition to its good compatibility, the Olivetti M24 was offering more than the IBM PC itself : RS232c and Centronics interface built-in, more complete keyboard, better graphic possibilities (640 x 400) and 7 free expansion slots (instead of 3 for the IBM PC). Even the CPU (8086, real 16-bit) was faster than the 8088 (16-bit with an 8-bit bus) used by the IBM PC.
It runs under MS-DOS 2.11, CP/M 86, UCSD P-System and even PCOS, the Olivetti OS used on the M20.
The 128k RAM can be expanded to 256k or 640k by adding memory directly onboard. It is also possible to connect two optional 10 Mb hard disks (one internal and one external).
The Olivetti M24 was sold with a green or yellow phosphore 12" monochrome monitor, or with a color monitor (more expensive, of course). Two keyboards were available : one absolutly identical to the IBM PC's, and an Olivetti with more keys (102 instead of 83) including 18 functions keys and a complete editing keypad.
In September 85 appears a new model, the M24 SP. It is based on a M24 but its Intel 8086 is running at 10 Mhz, it has 512k RAM (still upgradable to 640k) and a 20Mb hard-disk.
Conclusion : the Olivetti M24 was the first computer to be fully compatible with the IBM PC and to offer more features than original PC, for a cheaper price !
The Olivetti M24 was also sold as the Logabax 1600 in France (Olivetti owned Logabax) and the ATT PC-6300in the USA (Olivetti signed a distribution deal with ATT). As Olivetti was not entirely satisfied with the ATT deal, it also approached Xerox to distribute its computers in the USA.

Computer 1986

Olivetti Prodest PC 128

The Prodest PC-128 was a rebadged and slightly redesigned version of the French Thomson MO6
Apart from case design touching up, technical features was the same as the MO6.
This machine seems having been sold in very small quantity in Italy.

Computer 1987

Olivetti Prodest PC 128S

The Olivetti PC 128S was exactly the same machine as the Acorn BBC Master compact. It was sold only in Italy.
Olivetti merely transformed the case design with nice blue and grey patterns and translated all the programs of the original Acorn Welcome disk, as well as the manual into Italian language.
Although it was one of the most advanced 8-bit computer, the PC 128S, like its predecessor, the PC 128, didn't meet a large success, mainly because it came to late on the market, just at the time when the new Atari and Commodore 16-bit machines were launched in Europe.

Handheld April 1982

Otrona Attache

The Otrona Attache was the most wanted transportable computer at the time as it was the smallest of its category. Preceded by the Osborne and Kaypro II, the Attache was also more expensive than its competitors. Compactness has a price!
The Attache is this a nice little CP/M system. High-resolution graphics, compact keyboard, 64 KB RAM, real time battery-packed clock, composite video output, delivered with Wordstar, MBasic, CP/M, the Otrona Attache had all that was needed at the time to be efficient.
in 1983, Otrona released a second model, the Attache 8:16 which was in fact a "normal" Attache with an Intel 8086 expansion board built-in, thus offering the MS-DOS world in addition to the CP/M compatibility. The IBM PC was already putting a strong pressure on the market. The rush toward MS-DOS compatibility had begun, announcing CP/M death. Meanwhile, hybrid machines like this one appeared on the market illustrating the transition.
In May 1984, Otrona announced a new transportable model, the Otrona 2001, using an Intel 8088 processor. Sadly the 2001 wasn't completely IBM PC compatible and the production costs were high. Like its predecessor (Attache), the 2001 had real assets, but was too expensive compared to other portables. As Otrona didn't want to exceed the $3000 price limit to stay competitive against IBM and Compaq, they had to throw in the towel.
Too bad, as the demand for the "2001" ran extraordinarily well, as Otrona president Jim Lindner explained. 1000 orders in the month were common.
But in september 1984, Otrona Advanced Systems announced that it was ceasing production. It gave notice to its 175 employees and said that it had decided that is was not able to reorganize (and thus continue in business) under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Act. Jim Lindner hoped for a buyback which never came (?).


Generic Ouya


PDC Clipper

Computer 1985

PEL Varazdin Orao

"Orao (English = Eagle) was an 8-bit computer developed by PEL Vara?din in 1984. It was used as a standard primary school computer in Croatia from 1985 to 1991.
Orao (code named YU102) was designed by Miroslav Kocijan to supersede Galeb (code named YU101). The goal was to make a better computer, yet with less components, easier to produce and less expensive. Originally a Motorola 6809 microprocessor was planned but was abandoned for the MOS 6502 due to being significantly more expensive."
(source : Wikipedia)
Orao was the computer of choice back in the eighties for educational
use in the Croatian elementary schools. When turned on it would start
the monitor, and you had to type a command to start the BASIC. There is no text mode. Characters are drawn in graphic mode in an 8x8 grid, allowing the system to display 32 characters x 32 lines.
Zoran Majcenic reports (source =
In 1985 in Croatia (then Yugoslavia), for purposes of education, a microcomputer called Orao (Eagle) was made for elementary schools. I believe that 2 per school were produced (so they are rare). It is a computer with 16 or 32 kb of memory, 6502 processor, internal speaker, 256x256 monochrome display, built-in BASIC and MONITOR programs. It can be connected using antenna or VIDEO connector. The PSU is integrated in its casing so you just directly plug it in power outlet.
Also, according to Karlo Siljeg (source =
"Orao" was made by a company called PEL Varazdin, Velebit was the distributor. Velebit also distributed a number of Apple II Compatible computers called "Impuls". Impuls was a Apple II compatible made by Ivel. Ivel was a company which made oil equipment. It manufactured microcontrollers and branched out in making Apple II compatibles. The company was based in the town of Ivanjic Grad. The Ivel micro was also distributed under the Ivel name as Ivel Ultra. The Ivel micro was one of the "standard" machines by the education board and they which were distributed in Croatia (then Yugoslavia) by the education department as Impuls. The company Velebit which imported Apple's into Croatia also distributed Ivels and Orao machines
Sinisa Kolaric adds:

"Orao" came bundled with a small black-and-white monochrome monitor. Also, the mentioned "MONITOR" program was actually a rudimentary assembler for 6502. It was a basic but architecturally clean machine, relatively powerful for that age. Something like C64 but without frills. A perfect introduction to the IBM PC which came a little bit later, along with the Amiga and Atari ST.

Console 1993

Panasonic 3DO Interactive Multiplayer

Generation 5th generation (32-bit/64-bit era)
First available JP/US May 18, 1993
Media CD-ROM
Units sold 6 million

3DO Interactive Multiplayer (most commonly referred to as the 3DO) is a line of video game consoles which were released in 1993 and 1994 by Panasonic, Sanyo and Goldstar, among other companies. The consoles were manufactured according to specifications created by The 3DO Company, and were originally designed by Dave Needle and RJ Mical of New Technology Group. The system was conceived by entrepreneur and EA Games founder Trip Hawkins.

Despite a highly-promoted launch and a host of cutting-edge technologies, the system's high price (Dollar699.95 USD at release) and an over-saturated console market prevented the 3DO from ever achieving any real market penetration.

Features and catalogue

The consoles had very advanced hardware features at the time: an ARM60 32-bit RISC CPU, two custom video co-processors, a custom 16-bit DSP and a custom math coprocessor. They also featured 2 megabytes of DRAM, 1 megabyte of VRAM, and a double speed CD-ROM drive for main storage, Up to 8 controllers could be daisy-chained on the system at once. In addition to special 3DO software, the system was able to play audio CDs (including support for CD+G), view Photo CDs, and Video CDs with an add-on MPEG video card. The 3DO also included the first music visualizer in a console system, converting CD music to a mesmerizing color pattern.

A notable feature of the console is that it is one of few CD-based consoles that feature neither regional lockout nor copy protection, scoring it points amongst import gamers and software pirates alike, though reports have suggested that the Goldstar model isn't particularly durable when used for either of those purposes. Although there is no regional lockout present in any 3DO machine, a few Japanese games cannot be played on non-Japanese 3DO consoles due to a special kanji font. At the request of the 3DO company, most third-party developers included this font directly on the game CDs so that they could be played on any 3DO console; however, a few did not, including Sword and Sorcery (which was released in English under the title Lucienne's Quest) and a demo version of Alone in the Dark.

It is often said that the 3DO software library exhibited many of the worst aspects of home video gaming at the time. This was the dawn of CD-ROM gaming, so cutscenes of pixelated video footage dominated many titles at the expense of good gameplay. The most well-received titles were commonly ports of games from other systems, such as Alone in the Dark, Myst, Out of This World, Return to Zork, and Star Control II. Other notable titles include Need for Speed, Road Rash, Jurassic Park Interactive, Crash N' Burn, Gex, Slayer, Killing Time, and the first console port of Super Street Fighter II Turbo, which exceeded the original with its CD-quality audio. Game series that started on 3DO by Electronic Arts, Studio 3DO and Crystal Dynamics established themselves on other 32-bit consoles. One major hit for the 3DO, Return Fire, an advanced tank battle game, was ported from the 3DO to the Sony PlayStation, and Microsoft Windows, but met with limited success. However, few titles utilized the console's full potential.

In addition to the consoles, a 3DO Blaster ISA peripheral card for PCs which offered all the features of the home console was manufactured by Creative Technology.

The 3DO Company also designed a next-generation console called the M2, which was to use a PowerPC 602 processor, but the company abandoned the console business and sold the technology to Matsushita, who rebranded the hardware and sold it in the kiosk market competing with the CD-i system.

Konami later made an M2-based arcade board. As games ran straight from the CD-ROM drive, it suffered from long load times and a high failure rate, so very few games were developed for it.


* Double-speed (depending on manufacturer) 300 kbytes/s data transfer CD-ROM drive with 32 kilobyte RAM buffer
* Multitasking 32-bit operating system

* 32-bit 12.5 MHz RISC CPU (ARM60) made by Advanced RISC Machines (roughly equivalent to 25 MHz 68030)
* Math co-processor
* 32kb SRAM

* Anti-aliased 640x480 pixel resolution displayed on-screen, upsampled from 320x240 or 320x480 internal resolution with either 16 bit palettized color (from 24 bits) or 24 bit truecolor.
* Two accelerated video co-processors capable of producing 9-16 million pixels per second (36-64 megapix/s interpolated), distorted, scaled, rotated and texture mapped

System board
* Super-fast bus speed (50 megabytes per second)
* 36 separate DMA channels for processing data quickly
* 2 megabytes of RAM
* 1 megabyte of VRAM
* 2 expansion ports

* 16-bit stereo sound
* 44.1 kHz sound sampling rate
* Fully supports Dolby Surround Sound
* Custom 16-bit Digital Signal Processor (DSP)


* Panasonic FZ-1 R.E.A.L. 3DO Interactive Multiplayer (Japan, Asia, North America and Europe) - The first 3DO system, which was initially priced at Dollar699.99 in the U.S. The price was later reduced to Dollar499 in the fall of 1994.
* Panasonic FZ-10 R.E.A.L. 3DO Interactive Multiplayer (Japan, North America and Europe) - Less expensive than the FZ-1, the FZ-10 is smaller compared to the FZ-1. The primary selling point of this unit (at least in the U.S. market) was the top-loading design, which addressed the main failure point in FZ-1 of the CD tray.
* Goldstar 3DO Interactive Multiplayer (South Korea, North America and Europe) - Early models of the Goldstar systems cause some games not to work
* Goldstar 3DO ALIVE II (South Korea only)
* Sanyo TRY 3DO Interactive Multiplayer (Japan only)
* Creative 3DO BLASTER - PC card (ISA slot) with a 2X CD-ROM drive and one controller that enables a PC to play 3DO games.


By the early 1990s, the video game market had become overcrowded. Sega, Nintendo, Commodore, SNK, and Atari each had a video game system on the market. When viewed internationally, the chief competition for the 3DO during its peak had been Nintendo's SNES, the Sega Mega Drive and NEC's PC Engine platforms. The success and quality of subsequent next generation systems which began coming onto the market in the mid-90s, the limited library of titles, the lack of third-party support, and a refusal to reduce pricing till almost the end of the products life were among the many issues that led to the platform's demise.

For a significant period of the products life cycle, 3DO's official stance on pricing was that the 3DO was not a video game console, it was a high-end audio-visual system and was priced accordingly, so no price adjustment was needed. Price drops announced in February of 1996 were perceived in the industry to be an effort to improve market penetration before the release of the promised M2, heavy promotional efforts on the YTV variety show It's Alive and a stream of hinted product expandability items supported that idea.

The 3DO system was eventually discontinued at the end of 1996 with a complete shutdown of all internal hardware development and divestment of the M2 technology. 3DO restructured themselves around this same time, repositioning their internal software development house (Studio3DO) as a multi-platform software company supporting the Sony PlayStation, Sega Saturn, and PC gaming platforms with a re-launch of Star Fighter as well as the PC Launch of the first commercial, 3-D MMORPG, Meridian 59. The businesses' most successful post 3DO software release is considered to be the Army Men franchise which was their featured product line up until the company filed for bankruptcy and liquidated its assets in 2003. Take 2 Interactive acquired the rights to the Army Men series.

Infos from Wikipedia

Console 1991

Philips CD-i

Generation 4th generation era
CPU Philips 68070
Media CD-i, Audio CD, CD+G, Karaoke CD, VCD
Units sold 567,000

CD-i or Compact Disc Interactive is the name of an interactive multimedia CD player developed and marketed by Royal Philips Electronics N.V. CD-i also refers to the multimedia Compact Disc standard utilized by the CD-i console, also known as Green Book, which was co-developed by Philips and Sony in 1986 (not to be confused with MMCD, the pre-DVD format also co-developed by Philips and Sony). The first Philips CD-i player, released in 1991 and initially priced around USD Dollar700, was capable of playing interactive CD-i discs, Audio CDs, CD+G (CD+Graphics), Karaoke CDs, and Video CDs (VCDs), though the latter required an optional 'Digital Video Card' to provide MPEG-1 decoding.


Early software releases in the CD-i format focused heavily on educational, music, and self-improvement titles, with only a handful of video games, many of them adaptations of board games like 'Connect Four'. Later attempts to develop a foothold in the games market were rendered irrelevant by the arrival of cheaper and more powerful consoles, such as the Sony PlayStation. CD-i is noted for the release of several spinoffs of popular Nintendo video games featuring characters typically seen only on Nintendo consoles, although those games were not developed by Nintendo. Hotel Mario was a puzzle game that featured Super Mario Bros. characters. In addition, three Legend of Zelda games were released: Link: The Faces of Evil, Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon and Zelda's Adventure. The reason for this was that Nintendo and Philips had established an agreement to co-develop a CD-ROM enhancement for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (after Nintendo and Sony broke a previous deal on an earlier add-on for said console), and Philips was contractually allowed to continue using Nintendo characters after the deal fell through.

CD-i also released several CD-i versions of popular TV game shows. Including versions of Jeopardy!, Wheel of Fortune, Name That Tune, and two versions of The Joker's Wild (One for adults hosted by Wink Martindale and one for kids hosted by Marc Summers.)

Although extensively marketed by Philips, notably via infomercial, consumer interest in CD-i titles remained low. By 1994, sales of CD-i systems had begun to slow, and in 1998 the product line was dropped. With the home market exhausted, Philips tried with some success to position the technology as a solution for kiosk applications and industrial multimedia. The console still maintains a cult following on the Internet.


In addition to consumer models, professional and development players were sold by Philips Interactive Media Systems and their VARs. Philips marketed several CD-i player models.

* The CD-i player 200 series, which included the 205, 210, and 220 models. Models in the 200 series were designed for general consumption, and were available at major home electronics outlets around the world. The Philips CD-i 910 was the American version of the CD-i 205, the most basic model in the series.
* The CD-i player 300 series, which included the 310, 350, 360, and 370 models. The 300 series consisted of portable players designed for the professional market and not available to home consumers. A popular use was multimedia sales presentations such as those used by pharmaceutical companies to provide product information to physicians, as the devices could be easily transported by sales representatives.
* The CD-i player 400 series, which included the 450, 470, 490 models. The 400 models were slimmed-down units aimed at console and educational markets. The CD-i 450 player, for instance, was a budget model designed to compete with game consoles. In this version an infrared remote controller was not standard but optional.
* The CD-i player 600 series, which included the 601, 602, 604, 605, 615, 660, and 670 models. The 600 series was designed for professional applications and software development. Units in this line generally included support for floppy disk drives and connected to computer keyboards and other computer peripherals. Some models could also be connected to an emulator and had software testing and debugging features.

There also exist a number of hard-to-categorize models, such as the FW380i, an integrated mini-stereo and CD-i player; the 21TCDi30, a television with a built-in CD-i device; and the CD-i 180/181/182 modular system, the first CD-i system produced.

Other Manufacturers

Besides Philips, several other manufacturers produced CD-i players, including Magnavox, GoldStar / LG Electronics, Digital Video Systems, Memorex, Grundig, Sony, Kyocera, NBS, Highscreen, and Bang & Olufsen, who produced a television with a built-in CD-i device.

Recognizing the growing need among marketers for networked multimedia, Philips partnered in 1992 with Amsterdam based CDMATICS to develop TeleCD-i (also TeleCD). In this concept the CD-i player is connected to a network (PSTN, Internet or other) enabling data-communication and rich media presentation. Dutch grocery chain Albert Heijn and mail-order giant Neckermann Shopping were early adopters and introduced award-winning TeleCD-i applications for their home-shopping and home-delivery services. CDMATICS also developed the special Philips TeleCD-i Assistant and a set of software tools helping the worldwide multimedia industry to develop and implement TeleCD-i. TeleCD-i was the world's first networked multimedia application at the time of its introduction. In 1996, Philips acquired source code rights from CDMATICS.

Technical specifications

* 16-bit 68070 CISC Chip (68000 core)
* Clock Speed of 15.5 MHz

* Resolution: 384x280 to 768x560
* Colors: 16.7 million w/ 32,768 on screen
* MPEG 1 Cartridge Plug-In for VideoCD and Digital Video

Operating System
* CD-RTOS (based on Microware's OS-9)

* 1.5 MB of Main RAM
* Single Speed CD-ROM Drive
* Weight With DV Cart 1,460 kg, Without DV 1,210 kg
* ADPCM Eight Channel Sound

CD-i accessories
* CD-i Mouse
* Roller Controller
* CD-i Trackball
* I/O Port Splitter
* Touchpad Controller
* Gamepad Controller (see Gravis PC GamePad)
* IR Wireless Controller

Infos from Wikipedia

Computer 1980

Philips P2000

The Philips P2000T home computer was Philips' first real entry in the home computer market, after the Philips Videopac G7000 game system (better known in the U.S. as the Magnavox Odyssey2) which they already sold to compete with the Atari 2600 and similar game systems. There was also an P2000M version with an additional 80-column card for use with a monochrome monitor. This version shipped with a monitor cabinet also housing a dual 5.25' floppy drive.

Basically the P2000T was a Z80 based home computer that used a Teletext display chip to produce the video picture and a small Mini Cassette recorder for mass storage (42 kByte). The mini cassette was seen as a floppy drive from the user perspective using the automatic search for a program (CLOAD command) or free space (CSAVE). A command to display the directory of the cassette does also exist. Philips used components they already produced for other markets (television sets and dictation machines) to quickly design a small computer system. It was partially designed by Austrian professor Dieter Hammer.

They also copied the ROM cartridge system from their Videopac G7000 game system. One of these cartridges contained Microsoft BASIC. It was also possible to use cassette tape floppys.

Although the Teletext video chip permitted a quick entry into the home computer market, it was also the major weakness of the P2000T. Using the Teletext standard in itself was not a bad idea because it did support eight colors and rudimentary graphics. But unlike later entries in the home computer market which also supported a Teletext display mode, such as the venerable BBC computer and the Oric Atmos, the P2000T did not support a high resolution display mode. This made it very difficult to develop interesting games for it.

As a result, the P2000T had only a limited success, and Philips later replaced it with their MSX machines. The machine did gain popularity in The Netherlands, especially in the realms of science, education, and data communications (videotex).

The P2000M incorporated two 5,25'-inch floppy disk drives beside a built-in monochrome screen. It could run CP/M or Microsoft BASIC applications depending on the cartridge used. It was incompatible with the P2000T in the way it handled display of special characters (color, 'graphics mode'), which made most P2000T games unplayable.

Initially in 1981 the computer costed 3000 guilders (1361 EUR). In 1984 the price was lowered to 1200 guilders (544,5 EUR).

The P2000 system can be emulated with the MESS software.

Type Home computer
Release date March 1980
Operating system 4 KB ROM containing BASIC and JWSDOS, CP/M with extra card[1] + 12 KB Cartridge
CPU Zilog Z80 @ 2,5 MHz
Memory 16 KB RAM, expandable to 48 KB
Display Text mode 40 x 25, 7 Colors (Teletext-type)
Sound 1 channel (Beep)
Connectivity 2 cartridge slots
T version: TV aerial, RGB, Serial
M version: Monochrome composite video, FDD interface, Serial

(info: Wikipedia)

Computer 1984

Philips VG 5000

This computer was created and made in France by a company called RTC. It was the first home computer released by Philips. It was not MSX compliant and or compatible with the other Philips VG computers. The basic was written by Microsoft.

It was designed to be a cheap computer for beginners and school purpose. Philips planned to develop a lot of peripherals for this computer : synthetiser, memory card, floppy disk unit, videodisc interface, etc... but none of them was realised. Finally, it had a limited success.

NAME VG 5000
TYPE Home Computer
ORIGIN Netherlands
YEAR end of 1984
KEYBOARD AZERTY, 63 keys (chicklet keyboard)
33 Basic statements
10 accentuated letters
Editing keypad
CPU Zilog Z80
RAM 24 kb (up to 56 kb)
VRAM 8 kb
ROM 18 kb
TEXT MODES 40 x 25 (15 x 80 only in assembler)
GRAPHIC MODES None (pseudo 320 x 250 resolution with semi-graphic symbols)
SOUND 1 voice, 4 octaves
SIZE / WEIGHT 28 x 21 x 4,2 cm / 820g
I/O PORTS Tape recorder DIN plug (1200 or 2400 bauds)
Video output (DIN to SCART)
Power DIN plug
Extension port (2 x 25 pins)
POWER SUPPLY External PSU (VU 0022)
PERIPHERALS VG 5200 - Joystick interface
VG 5216 - Expansion unit
VU 0001 - Joytsick
VU 0011 - SECAM Modulator
VU 0031 - 16k RAM cartridge
VW 0010 - 40 columns printer
VW 0020 - 80 columns print
PRICE 242 (France, dec. 84)
120 (France, oct. 86)

Infos from: Wikipedia

Console 1978

Philips Videopac+

The Philips Videopac + G7400 was a video game console released in limited quantities in 1983, and only in Europe; an American release as the Odysseyġ Command Center was planned but never occurred. The G7400 was the successor to the Philips Videopac G7000, the European counterpart to the American Magnavox OdysseyĠ. The system had 16 KB of both RAM and ROM and featured excellently tailored background and foreground graphics

The Videopac+ supported three types of cartridges:

* Original Videopac cartridges
* Remakes of Videopac games which featured better graphics when played on a Videopac+, and standard graphics when played on a Videopac.
* New Videopac+ exclusive games.
(info: Retro Roms & Wikipedia)

Computer 1985

Pravetz 8D

The Pravetz 8D was a Bulgarian clone of the Oric Atmos featuring a Bulgarian version of the 6502 processor called CM630, 16 KB of ROM and 48 KB of RAM
The keyboard was almost the same as the original Atmos version, including a MK key, similar to the CTRL key, a C/L key allowing to display Cyrillic or Latin alphabets, and cursor keys. As in Pravets 82 (etc), the original lowercase characters were replaced by cyrillic characters and the C/L lock key, was the CAPS LOCK key of the Oric Atmos.
Like the original Atmos, The 8D had two modes of recording : Fast mode at 2400 bits/sec. and slow mode at 300 bits/sec.
The computer also featured a parallel Centronics interface and a user port. Pravetz provided a local dot matrix printer called "Petritch" but the popular Epson printers could be also connected to the 8D.
The "D" after Pravets 8 stays for "???????" (Domashen = For home use), and the idea was, that it should be used without having to buy any peripherals - monitor (which couldn't be connected through composite video to a Pravets 8D without modification) and FDD (cassete recorder used instead).
Floppy drives, modem and joysticks were also available. Floppy disk drives were very hard to find (in fact they appeared only in the early nineteens). They were a modification of the Pravetz 82 FDDs but with a built-in controller, making them two times bigger. Probably that was one of the reasons why Pravetz 8D never achieved the popularity ot Pravetz 8 (despite of the 3 times lower price).
There were in fact two ways to have floppy disk drives for the Pravetz 8D. One was indeed to use Pravetz 82 FDD and to develop an additional controller + power supply (the schematic and firmware were published in "Computer for you" magazine). There was an operating system called DOS 8D, developed in Bulgaria by Borislav Zahariev.
Later, Pravetz factory decided to develop special FDD for the 8D, which was bundled with the controller and the power supply in a box twice bigger than the normal Apple ][ floppy. It came out on market when the production of the computer itself was finished! It used also modified version of DOS 8D for DIY floppy.
The computer was very well crafted and the survived systems often look as new.
Contributed to this page : Bozhidar Stefanov, Jordan, anonymous visitor
Peter Petrov reports:
There are several rom images of the basic in Pravetz. If you wand disk emulation you need 8DControllerROM and use CALL#320 command.
With Basic you have 48 K RAM to work, but with this little schematics you can use additional 16K. The signals that you need for proper work are these.
One trigger is used to form MAP signal, but second is free to use additional thing. If you realise schematis of disk controller below you can use these schematics together to load 8DDOS v2.10 in additional RAM.
You must use write operation in these adresses to use the controller:
#380 - writing in additional RAM - additional thing is off
#381 - writing and reading in additional RAM - additional thing is off
#382 - writing in additional RAM - additional thing is on
#383 - writing and reading in additional RAM - additional thing is on
for "additional thing" see Disk controller section
So, if you realise this little controller you can use:
FOR I = #C000 TO #CFFF : POKE I,0 : NEXT - clearing first 4K of additional RAM
or you can move the basic interpreter in additional memory and use:
POKE #381,0
to go in RAM interpreter and make changes in it.
If you have Apple ][ floppy drive and disk controller you can use this schematics to connect them to your Pravetz (Oric). The schematics is from two parts:
The signals for proper work of the controller are here:
You can change the signal Q with changing the resistors of monovibrator 74LS123.
The record of EPROM is here:
You must write it from addres #20 of the EPROM.
Connecting RAM controller and disk controller:
you can connect these controllers by this way:
pin 9 of 74LS74 is connecting to A8 addres bar of 2716 EPROM, so the "additional thing" is second page of the EPROM, where is the program of loading DOS 8D v.2.1 into additional RAM. (The record of the EPROM above is exatly for first and second page).
The versions of the DOS I have are:
Dos 8D v1.0 - you can use it if you realise only the schematics of the disk controller, but this versions loads in normal RAM, so it is unusable with long games.
Dos 8D v.2.1 - you can use it if you realise the two schematics and connect them. So - dos loads in additional RAM and you can use all the programs you have.
You can use regular Oric software in Pravetz 8D, but you have not regular letters. You have cyrillic letters instead. Changing of the keyboard maps is with Ctrl-T.
There are some games for Pravetz like SnakeByte, Tetris (exellent clone) and other. Most of them are from Bulgarian computer magazine "Computer for you". There is 80 column text editor, Disk copier program and the most beautiful - Borislav Zahariev ported BigMac Assembler from Apple ][ to Pravetz, so you can use if you realise schematics above. Soon I hope you will see this software here.


Psikyo Psikyo

Handheld 1986

Psion Organiser II

In 1986 Psion launched their second pocket computer, the Organiser II.
Initially there were two models: the 8K RAM model CM and the 16K model
XP. Both had a 32K ROM containing simplistic software, including a card
file database, diary and clock. Less simplistic was the OPL programming
language, a semi-compiled structured language allowing full use of the
machine's features. It was this that principally guaranteed the
machine's success. Later, the XP was upgraded to 32K RAM for the U.S.
market, and given the model name LA, though the cases still bore the
legend "XP".
In 1989, two upgraded models were released, the LZ and LZ64. These
featured an enlarged 20x4 display, a choice of 32K or 64K RAM, and a 64K
ROM containing more sophisticated diary and card file software, along
with a notepad application. The OPL language was upgraded with a few
extra statements to take advantage of the machine's capabilities (and to
rectify a few omissions from the CM/XP's built-in language).
Expansion was through a proprietary connector in the top of the machine,
protected by a sliding door. Bar code readers and a thermal printer
were available. Memory expansion was through a pair of expansion slots
in the back of the machine. "Rampaks" were simple battery-backed RAM
expansions. "Datapaks" were EPROMs which acted as write-once-read-many
drives and were formatted with an external formatter device - a simple
UV light with timer that erased the EPROMS. "Flashpaks" were EEPROMs,
which acted similarly to Datapaks but could be formatted using the Psion
itself. Software was supplied on Datapaks, or occasionally PROMs. The
model CM could use only Datapaks.
The Organiser II range was used in a wide variety of environments,
including retail and industrial environments in which its hardy case was
particularly valuable. It was superseded as a PDA in 1991 when Psion
brought out the Series 3 range, but continued to be manufactured until
the late 1990s. Their robust design may well allow them to continue
functioning long after the later Series 3 and 5 range machines are
beyond repair.
Thanks to Damian Walker for information and picture.

Misc 198?

RCA Chip-8

CHIP-8 is an interpreted programming language, developed by Joseph Weisbecker. It was initially used on the COSMAC VIP and Telmac 1800 8-bit microcomputers in the mid-1970s. CHIP-8 programs are run on a CHIP-8 virtual machine. It was made to allow video games to be more easily programmed for said computers.

Roughly twenty years after CHIP-8 was introduced, derived interpreters appeared for some models of graphing calculators (from the late 1980s onward, these handheld devices in many ways have more computing power than most mid-1970s microcomputers for hobbyists).

An active community of users and developers existed in the late 1970s, beginning with ARESCO's "VIPer" newsletter whose first three issues revealed the machine code behind the CHIP-8 interpreter.

Information from Wikipedia.

Console 1977

RCA Studio II

The RCA Studio II is a videogame console made by RCA that debuted in January 1977. The graphics of Studio II games were black and white and resembled those of earlier PONG consoles and their clones. The Studio II also did not have joysticks or similar game controllers but instead used two keypads that were built into the console itself. The console was capable of making simple beep sounds with slight variations in length.

One distinct feature of the Studio II was its five built-in games. Also unique to the Studio II was its use of a switchbox that relayed both the modulated RF signal of the console's video to the television set while powering the console with DC power. This type of hookup would not be seen again (or thereafter) until the Atari 5200 used a similar video signal and power connection method.

The Studio II was not a successful product; it was already obsolete by the time it hit the market when compared to the previously released Fairchild Channel F, and had its 'final nail in the coffin' when the superior (to both) Atari 2600 console was released only 9 months later. It was soon discontinued.

System specs

RCA 1802 microprocessor, 1.78 Mhz
2 KiB (x8) ROM (includes the five built-in games); total of 16 KiB ROM
512 bytes (x8) RAM; total of 4 KiB RAM
RCA 1861 "Pixie" video chip, 64x128, monochrome graphics

Infos from: Wikipedia

Computer 1977


The Cosmac VIP, originaly named VP-111, is a typical hobbyist 'single-board' computer sold as a kit. You had to build it yourself ! The system uses a RCA CDP-1802 microprocessor like the RCA Studio II video game system. In fact the Studio II is very similar to the VIP and can be considered as its video-game version. But the VIP is also somehow an improved version of the original Cosmac Elf board system, described in Popular Electronics magazine, august 76 and the following months. The CDP-1802 CPU was also used as the heart of the Voyager, Viking and Galileo probes ! Until recently the 1802 was quite popular (for alarm systems for example) thanks to its CMOS technology ideal for low power systems.

The Cosmac VIP has a most basic hexadecimal keyboard (16 keys). The language stored in ROM is called CHIP-8 and is only 512 bytes long ! It consists of 31 instructions each of which is two bytes (or four hex digits) long. It's a kind of simplified machine language. 16 one-byte variables are provided. Subroutine nesting and machine language inserts are permitted. CHIP-8 was quite popular at that time (Telmac 1800, ETI 660 and DREAM 6800 used it) as it allowed to program video games easily. CHIP-8 was not only used in the late 70's and early 80's. It was used in the early 90's on the HP48 calculator because there was no programming tools to develop fast games on it. Then, a better version of CHIP-8 appeared: SUPER-CHIP. This interpreter has all the CHIP-8 features, as well as and some new ones like a 128*64 resolution (source : David Winter).
RCA also sold Tiny Basic, a simple Basic interpreter, as a 4K ROM on an expansion board.

With this system, basic functions are : type programs into RAM from the hex keyboard, save and load programs on tapes, display memory bytes in hex on CRT, step through RAM contents and examine microprocessor registers. Wow.

The Cosmac VIP is equiped with a sound chip and a real-time crystal clock. The sound produced can be heard through the tape output connector. It was delivered with some documentations (CHIP-8, machine language) and listings of 20 video games !

To the left of the hexadecimal keyboard are a reset switch and LED indicators for power-on and cassette operation. Memory add-ons, expansion port and parallel interface are pre-wired on the motherboard but have to be implemented as options. With the I/O interface, you could connect interface relays, sensors, printers or ASCII keyboards.

TYPE Home Computer
YEAR 1977
KEYBOARD Hexadecimal membrane keyboard, 16 keys
SPEED 1.7609 MHz (4.54 microsecond per machine cycle)
CO-PROCESSOR RCA CDP-1861 video chip
RAM 1 kb (VP-111) or 2 Kb (VIP), upgradable to 32 kb
ROM VP-111 : 1 kb
VIP : 4 kb CMOS ROM + 512 byte Monitor ROM
TEXT MODES Texts are displayed using graphical features
COLORS Black & white
SOUND 1.4 kHz tone generator. Ouput may be connected to any small standard 8 ohm speaker
SIZE / WEIGHT 8.5'' x 11'' x 1'' / 2.2 lbs
I/O PORTS Video output, tape cassette interface (100 bytes per second)
VP-111 : +5.0 +/- 0.25 VDC @ 250 mA
VIP : 5v dc, 600mA
PERIPHERALS Expansion interface, Parallel I/O interface
PRICE $275 (USA, 1977)

Computer 1985

RM Nimbus PC

When the Nimbus PC series was launched, Research Machines already had a long history of providing innovative and reliable computers for the British education market.
The Nimbus PC was also intended to support schools in the use of the computers. It wasn't a pale copy of a standard PC but a fast and versatile DOS machine entirely designed and manufactured by RM.
The basic machine held 192 KB of RAM, a single 720 KB floppy drive and extended sound and graphics. It could be expanded to 1 MB of RAM, dual floppy drives and up to 160 MB hard disk. The Nimbus was also designed as a network station and came with built-in Piconet and ethernet ports.
The Nimbus ran a modified version of Microsoft MS-DOS 3.10 that could not run on a standard PC. Sadly, this was quite a limitation. Although an IBM emulator software allowed some standard PC programs to run, only software specifically written for the Nimbus was able to take advantage of the improved sound and graphic features. However, RM and third-parties released numerous languages and educational software that fulfilled most school needs.
A special x86 version of BBC Basic also allowed a wide range of programs written for Acorn machines to be run. To note also that some Nimbus software would run on a standard PC, for example the Nimbus versions MS Word and Multiplan.


Radio-86RK Radio-86RK

The Radio-86RK was the successor of the 'Micro-80' - the electric scheme and BIOS code were published in the local radio electronics-fans magazine “Radio” in June 1986. The name seems to be derived from the name of the magazin and the year. RK may be a short form of ???????????????? (Electronic Do It Yourself Kit). The circuit count was reduced from 200 to about 29 - so it was easier to built. That might be the reason why the Radio-86RK became so very popular that a lot of clones (some even industrial manufactured) were built. It looks like the whole computer family could be called 'RK-86' compatible.

according to Kirill Kukarkin the 8-bit CPU K580VM80 used for the Radio-86 is a clone of Intel 8080A. It has 16/32 Kb RAM, 4Kb ROM, 25x80 monochrome display (TV) and used tape recorder as external ROM. Based on Radio-RK schematic the following PCs were industry produced: Microsha, Krista, Electronica KR01…04 with a insignificant modification in electric scheme and BIOS. The additional adapters designed in 1987 – 1992 allowed to produce sound, add color display, attach FDD, attach ROM modules.

According to Sergey in 1989-1991 (during the perestroyka) many of these systems were sold in assembled form as a mass-market product. In the earlier days the RK-86 was mainly available in kit form.

In contrast to the many sinclair clones of this time the Radio-86RK has a Intel 8080 compatible (some sources say reengineered, some say officially licensed ?) CPU called ??580??80? (KR580WM80A) .

Technical Overview:
Year: 1989
CPU: KR580VM80A (8080A)
RAM/ROM: 32/64kB / 32kB
Clone: RK-86
Colors: b/w
Resolution: text only
(info: HCM: East-European Home-Computer)


Raytheon 704


Robotron Z1013

Computer 1976

Rockwell AIM 65

This strange computer was designed to be a development system for 6502 based computers. It had no display except for a small 20 character LED screen and a very small thermal printer located directly on the motherboard which could print everything that was typed on the keyboard.
The board featured five 4 KB-ROM sockets. Two of them were dedicated to the AIM monitor program, including an instant input assembler (no labels) and a disassembler. Various programming languages (BASIC, FORTH...) or custom applications could be added in the three remaining sockets.
Several cards were developped for this machine, especially language cards and ROMs: a BASIC card (BASIC language with floating point mathematics capabilities), PL/65 (a mixture of the PL/1 and Algol languages), Instant Pascal (an interpreted version of Pascal), Assembler and the FORTH programming language.


Roland TN-SC1


Roland U-110

Unknown ? 1981

Rowtron Television Computer System

The Rowtron Television Computer System is another Interton VC-4000 "software compatible" system (saying "clone" would be misleading). That is to say that the internal specs are exactly the same and that games would run on both systems. The cartridge slots are however different in shape, so there is no way simply test that (with an emulator that would be easier).
There are two controllers composed of a 12 keys keypad and an analog joystick. Interton VC-4000 compatible systems usualy have this 12 keys PLUS one or two fire buttons. Here there are only 12 keys and one of these, the "8", is used as the fire button (it is thus colored red). However the quality of the keys is excellent (calculator type) compared to other systems... The top of the joysticks can be unscrewed and stored somewhere safe.
The control panel has always the same buttons found on all systems of this system family: Function (Start), Reset, Cycle (Options) and on/off switch. Underneath one can find a useful sound volume switch. It's not ON and OFF but rather HIGH and LOW, which is helpful enough.
Something very strange about this console, is that on top of the case there is a plastic modeled rectangle at the exact place where it would have been logical to find the cartridge slot. But the real cartridge slot is found on the right side of the system, like an Intellivision... It sounds like the case had been designed for a top-loaded cartridge system, and they had to modify it at the last moment to implement the mother board they finaly got...
On the case is written "Television Computer System" as well as "Home Entertainment Centre". Wow, very promising... Underneath the system, there is label reading SD-090R. The letters SD are often found on obscure systems, and are supposed to mean SOUNDIC, an asian company which produced a lot of obscure systems, especially pong-based systems. But SD-090 systems are usualy quite different from the Rowtron. This remains a mistery to me. However, on the motherboard is written MPT-04, which makes much more sense! MPT-0x is often found on obscure system motherboards. We don't know yet who produced them (Soundic?) and sold them to so many brands but: MPT-02 are RCA Studio II compatible systems, MPT-03 are Emerson Arcadia 2001 compatible systems and MPT-04 / 05 systems are Interton VC-4000 compatible systems!
The Rowtron Television Computer System can also be found under the Teleng brand.

Computer 1977

Generic SDK-85

Each time Intel launched a new microprocessor, they provided simultaneously a System Development Kit (SDK) allowing computer company ingineers as well as university students to introduce them to the new processor concepts and features.
The SDK-85 was a complete 8085A (5 for 'first 5 Volt microprocessor') microcomputer system on a single board including ROM and RAM memory, a 24 key hexadecimal keyboard, a 6 digit LED display, I/O connections and an expansion area allowing memory and I/O expansions as well as hardware experiments.
A 2 KB monitor software provided the same commands as the SDK-86 board. User could enter and read program results through either the buit-in keyboard/display or using a serial Teletype through the built-in serial TTY interface. A 38 lines parallel interface was also available.
A large set of manuals were delivered with the board: MCS-85 (processor) and SDK-85 (board) user manuals, 8085 Assembly Language Programming Manual, full circuit schematics of the PCB, a full dump of the ROM monitor program, programming examples and application notes.



Console 1990

SNK Neo Geo

Arcade Board / Console
Generation 4th generation (16-bit era)
First available 1990
CPU Motorola 68000, Zilog Z80
Media Arcade
Units sold 1 million

Neo-Geo is the name of a cartridge-based arcade and home video game system released in 1990 by Japanese game company SNK. The system offered comparatively colorful 2D graphics and high-quality sound. A major platform for arcade games at the time, the system was also available as a costly home console. The two versions of the system were known as the AES (Advanced Entertainment System, the home version) and the MVS (Multi Video System, the arcade version).


Initially, the home system was only available for rent or for use in hotel settings, but SNK quickly began selling the system through stores when customer response indicated that people were willing to spend the money. Compared to the other consoles of the time, the Neo Geo had much better graphics and sound.

The home system featured two CPUs: a 16-bit Motorola 68000 main processor running at 12 MHz and an 8-bit ZiLOG Z-80A coprocessor running at 4 MHz. A custom video chipset allowed the system to display 4,096 colors and 380 individual sprites onscreen simultaneously, while the onboard Yamaha 2610 sound chip gave the system 15 channels of sound with seven channels reserved specifically for digital sound effects.

The console was planned to debut at Dollar599 USD and included two joystick controllers and a game (either Baseball Stars or NAM-1975). However, this plan was quickly scrapped and when the system had its national launch it debuted at Dollar649.99 with two joysticks, a memory card, and a single pack-in game, Magician Lord (the early Neo Geo boxes had a gold sticker announcing the inclusion of Magician Lord over the initially planned choice of two games), this package was known as the "Gold System". The system was also released in a "Silver System" package, which included one joystick controller and did not include a game or memory card. Other games cost Dollar200 and up—each. With these "premium" prices though, most gamers weren't able to afford the system and so the console was only accessible to a niche market.

The Neo Geo was only to be driven further into cult status by changing mainstream tastes which soon demanded flashy, 3D graphics. Yet, the quality of Neo Geo games kept it alive in arcades, particularly in Japan, where the newest installment of the flagship King of Fighters was certain to cause a stir with each release.

The last game by SNK for the Neo Geo system, Samurai Shodown V Special, was released on October 19, 2004. SNK decided to abandon the hardware due to the rampant piracy of games built for the system, which SNK believed was partially responsible for their bankruptcy in 2000. SNK ceased to manufacture home consoles by the end of 1997, but software for both formats and arcade hardware was produced for many years after. Measured from the introduction of the arcade hardware in 1990 to the release of the last home cartridge in 2004, the Neo Geo's 14-year official span of support from its manufacturer makes it the second longest-lived arcade or home console system ever produced, only behind the Atari 2600, which was supported from 1977 until 1992.

A new cartridge-based game called Last Hope was released for the home console in 2006 by the independent NG:DEV.TEAM, running at 60 fps and showcasing the continued ability of the Neo Geo even sixteen years after its debut. The game features both hand-drawn and CG graphics with transparency and lighting effects as well as a techno soundtrack.

On August 31, 2007, SNK stopped offering maintenance and repairs to Neo Geo home consoles, handhelds, and games. They will continue to repair their arcade hardware.


The GameTap subscription service currently includes a Neo Geo emulator and a small library of Neo Geo games.

In February 2007, Nintendo announced on their Japanese website that Neo Geo games would appear on the Wii's Virtual Console in Japan; announcements in April and July confirmed placement on the North American Virtual Console,and on October 1st, a similar announcement was made for the European Virtual Console. NeoGeo games were made available on the Australian and European Virtual Console on October 5th, and North American Virtual Console on October 8th. The first three games released were Fatal Fury: King of Fighters, Art of Fighting, and World Heroes.

NeoGeo games released on the Virtual Console cost 900 Wii Points (Dollar9 USD) in all regions.

Technical aspects

Each joystick controller was 280mm (width) x 190mm (depth) x 95 mm (height) ( 11 x 8 x 2.5 in.) and contained the same four-button layout as the arcade MVS cabinet.

The arcade machines had a memory card system by which a player could save a game to return to at a later time, and remarkably, to be used to continue play on the SNK home console of the same name.

The arcade version of the hardware is often referred to as the "MVS," or Multi Video System (available in 1-slot, 2-slot, 4-slot, and 6-slot variations, the latter being capable of up to six cartridges loaded into one machine), with its console counterpart referred to as the "AES", or Advanced Entertainment System (most likely to distinguish it from the Nintendo Entertainment System, the dominating console on the market at the time).

The programming code is the same on both the MVS and AES hardware. In fact, owners could move EPROMs from one type to the other, and the game would still run. The program specifics for both MVS and AES game options were contained on every game ROM, whether the cartridge was intended for home or arcade use. However, the arcade and home cartridges do have a different pinout. They were designed this way to prevent arcade operators from buying the cheaper home carts and then using them in arcades.

ROM sizes and startup screens

Specification for ROM size was up to 330 megabits, hence the system displaying "MAX 330 MEGA - PRO GEAR SPEC" upon startup. While no technical specifications were required to display it, some games over 100 megabits followed this screen by displaying an animation proclaiming "The 100 Mega Shock". The original ROM size spec was later enhanced on cartridges with bank switching memory technology, increasing the maximum cartridge size to around 716 Mbit. These new cartridges also caused the system to display "GIGA POWER" upon startup, indicating this enhancement.


Main Processor: Motorola 68000 running at 12 MHz
Although the 68000 CPU was designed by Motorola, there were many other clones of this CPU found in the Neo Geo hardware. The most common CPU is the TMP68HC000 manufactured by Toshiba. This is essentially a Motorola 68000 clone.
Co-Processor: Zilog Z80 running at 4 MHz. This is used as an audio controller.
Sound chip: Yamaha YM2610 15 Sound Channels. 7 Digital, 4 FM synthesis, 3 PSG, and 1 Noise Channel.

Main Memory (used directly by 68K): 64 KB
Main Video memory : 74 KB
Video Memory: 64 KB
Palette Memory : 8 KB
Fast Video RAM : 2 KB
Sound Memory (used directly by Z80): 2 KB

Display resolution: 320x224 (many games only used the centermost 304 pixels)
Color Palette: 65,536
Maximum Colors On-Screen: 4,096
Maximum Sprites On-Screen: 380
Minimum Sprite Size: 1x2
Maximum Sprite Size: 16x512
Maximum Sprites per scanline: 96
Background Layers: 0
Aspect ratio: 4:3
A/V output:RF, composite video, RGB (with separate 21 pin cable FCG-9).

Sound CPU: Z80 at 4 MHz
Sound hardware: YM2610 at 8 MHz, stereo sounds up to 56 kHz
4 channels FM (4 operators + LFO)
1 noise
7 4-bit ADPCM
Work RAM (sound): 2KB
Sound ROM 128KB on-board (only less than 32KB used)
up to 512KB sound ROM on cartridges

Source: separate DC 5 V(older systems) and DC 9 V adapter (newer systems).
Consumption: 8 W older Systems, 5 W newer Systems

Console: 325 mm (width) x 237 mm (depth) x 60 mm (height).
Controller: 280 mm (width) x 190 mm (depth) x 95 mm (height).

Removable Memory Card: 8 KB or 68-pin JEIDA ver.3 spec memory
Any 68-pin memory that fits the JEIDA ver.3 spec will work


Home cartridges

There is a thriving collectors' scene for the Neo Geo home systems, especially the original AES home console. This is mainly because of the limited runs received by cartridges, the massive arcade library available, and the system's reputation as a 2D powerhouse. It is still common even to this day for both Neo Geo consoles and cartridges to fetch extremely high prices on eBay and other auction websites, particularly English versions of cartridges as these were produced in fewer quantities. A handful of the rarest Neo Geo games can sell for well over Dollar1,000 on eBay. This gives the system an almost cult following, as owners see the system as more of an "investment" rather than an ordinary videogame console. This leads to high resale value on most Neo Geo systems and games and makes the console a "must-have" for a number of video game collectors. The most expensive cartridge for the Neo Geo home system is the European-localized version of Kizuna Encounter: there are only four known copies of the game, with the most recently sold copy selling for Dollar12,000 USD. This version of the game contains 2 unlockable and playable characters that have speical abilities and weapons.

Arcade cartridges

Another sub-scene within the Neo Geo collector's market involves the MVS cartridges. Although these were initially designed for arcade use, a strong market has developed around collecting this particular format. The MVS market can be divided into two distinct groups: those who are looking for cheaper alternatives to the expensive rare home carts, and those who are interested in paying premium prices for complete arcade kits.

For those interested primarily in lower prices on rare home games, MVS carts, particularly loose carts or incomplete kits, can offer a cost effective alternative. Most MVS cartridges go for substantially less money than their home counterparts. This lower price can be associated with their lack of decoration as most were for inside arcade cabinets and lack cartridge artwork or box artwork, the high set-up cost of purchasing the MVS system, and the prevalence of bootleg cartridges. Many of the most common MVS games go for prices between Dollar10-Dollar150.

However, in recent years a growing market has emerged for complete MVS arcade kits. These consist of all the materials that would be initially sent to an arcade operator, including the brown cardboard shipping box (with label), the insert materials to decorate the marqee and arcade cabinet (including separate move lists), warning information, dipswitch settings, in some cases even posters and/or any packing materials. Because many of the items in an MVS kit were designed to be discarded by arcade operators, finding complete arcade kits can be difficult and thus the prices for some complete MVS kits can be quite high.

Because of the conflicting requirements and desires of the two MVS sub-groups, they rarely compete with each other for games.

Counterfeit or bootleg software is regarded in the collectors community as having zero value or very low value. Such software has a reputation for audio and video flaws, and is generally disparaged by fans of the Neo Geo systems. This software is identifiable by visual inspection of the game PCBs, or by comparison of ROM CRC values using a specially designed BIOS.

Other Neo Geo systems

Several home console systems were created based on the same hardware as the arcade games, as well as two handheld systems under the name Neo Geo Pocket.
Hyper Neo-Geo 64 (New Hardware, Arcade only)
Neo Geo CD
Neo Geo CDZ
Neo Geo Pocket
Neo Geo Pocket Color

Graphical development

The Neo Geo was particularly notable for its ability to bring arcade-quality graphics directly into the home. As time went on, programmers were able to further tune the games to produce higher quality graphics than previous years and eventually beyond what was initially thought possible for the system.

One of the pack-in games with the original Japanese release was NAM-1975, a side-scrolling shooting game that featured multi-layer scrolling backgrounds. However, the initial Neo Geo games were, graphically speaking, a little less polished than SNK's non-Neo Geo games. By 1991, games like King of the Monsters demonstrated the Neo Geo's ability to produce graphic detail that matched or surpassed contemporary arcade games from the period.

In 1992, SNK's Art of Fighting marked the beginning of a series of 2-D fighting game innovations. This landmark game brought visual graphic damage to the characters faces when hit, as well as large character sprites in combination with zoom effects to intensify the action. This zoom feature was also used in the following year's Samurai Shodown, whose even more elaborate graphics and gameplay won it Electronic Gaming Monthly's award as the 1993 Game of the Year and launched a successful franchise. The Neo Geo also became known for its shooters, with the first successful title coming with 1994's Aero Fighters 2. The following year's Pulstar managed to up the ante on both graphics and gameplay.

By the mid-1990s, SNK was trying to move onto a new platform, notably the Hyper-64. When the new 3-D system failed to take off, however, SNK found itself still developing games for its old 2-D engine. This led programmers to come up with ways to increase the limits of what was initially thought possible for the system.

Six years after the Neo Geo's initial launch, Nazca surprised the video game industry with Metal Slug. A take from the Contra series, Metal Slug is a run and gun game that featured cartoonish, hyper-active graphics and gameplay that also launched a very successful franchise. Since the Neo Geo was unable to produce the 3-D games that began dominating arcades in the 1990s, SNK focused on mastering the realm of 2-D. With the launch of The Last Blade in 1997, SNK programmers demonstrated that the Neo Geo was still capable of producing artistically rendered graphics to match the gameplay.

While the system became primarily known for its fighting games in the late-1990s, notably the King of Fighters series, 1998's Blazing Star updated the previous Pulstar with more detail. This trend of adding more detail to 2-D environments reached a plateau with 1999's Garou: Mark of the Wolves, an update of the Fatal Fury series, as well as 2000's Metal Slug 3. By the final Neo Geo-based edition of the longstanding King of Fighters series, The King of Fighters 2003, had stagnated to the level that was initially achieved at the turn of the century. In its 14 year lifespan of official support, the programmers for the Neo Geo appeared to bleed out all that the system's hardware was capable of.

Infos from Wikipedia

Console 1994

SNK Neo Geo CD

The Neo Geo CD was released shortly after its cartridge-based equivalent in an effort to reduce manufacturing costs. The system was originally priced at USDollar300 new. The unit's 1X CD-ROM drive was quite slow, making loading times very long with the system loading up to 56 Mbit of data between loads. Neo Geo CD game prices were lowered to a reasonable Dollar50 as opposed to the usual cost for MVS game cartridges, sometimes upwards of Dollar300. The system could be used to play Audio CDs.

The Neo Geo CD comes with a control pad instead of the joystick that is in other Neo Geo systems. This made the controls more stiff and caused some difficulty in play if one was used to the joystick.

Ultimately, the Neo Geo CD was considered poor, mainly because of the lack of marketing and the long load times.

A total of three versions of the Neo Geo CD have been released:

A front-loading device (only distributed in Japan, 25000 total units were built)
A top loading version that was marketed worldwide (the most common model)
The CDZ.

The CDZ was released in 1996 as the Japanese market replacement for SNK's previous effort, the Neo Geo CD. The NGCD had met with limited success because it was plagued by slow loading times that could vary from 30 to 60 seconds between levels, depending on the game. Although SNK's American home entertainment division quickly acknowledged that the system simply wasn't capable of competing with 3D-capable powerhouse systems of the day like Sega's Saturn and Sony's PlayStation, SNK corporate of Japan felt that they could continue to maintain profitable sales in the Japanese home market by shortening the previous system's load-times.

Popular rumor suggests that SNK made several changes to the CD hardware to end up with the CDZ, most prominent is the rumor that they increased the CD-ROM drive speed from 1x to 2x. The truth of the matter is that the CDZ had a larger amount of cache. Though the CD-Rom motor in the CDZ may have been more efficient than the one in the original, it was still a 1x speed CD-Rom. The console had a design flaw that sometimes caused it to overheat after certain periods of time, breaking the console in the process and making it hard to repair. This was a result of a lack of ventilation in the cramped housing of the smaller unit and more heat generated by the newer drive which could damage the circuit board.

CDZ Availability
The CDZ console was the third of three generations of CD system offered by SNK, the first two being the 'front-loader' CD system and the 'top-loader' CD system. Like the original 'front-loader' style CD system, the CDZ was officially sold only in Japan during its production. However its lack of a 'region lock' feature and the fact that it could play older CD software made it a popular import item for enthusiasts in Europe and North America. Today they can be found sporadically on the internet, especially through auction sites such as eBay.

Technical Specifications:

Neo Geo CD Boot LogoMain Processor: Motorola 68000 running at 12 MHz
Although the 68000 CPU was designed by Motorola, there were many other clones of this CPU found in the Neo Geo hardware. The most common CPU is the TMP68HC000 manufactured by Toshiba. This is essentially a Motorola 68000 clone.
Colors On Screen: 4,096
Colors Available: 65,536
Resolution: 304 x 224
Max Sprites: 380
Max Sprite Size: 16 x 512
Number of Planes: 3
The system was also capable of Redbook audio as seen in many of the game's soundtracks. This is possibly the only advantage the CD system had over the cartridge system apart from the cheaper storage medium.

In addition to the multi-AV port (exact same one as used on the Sega Genesis model 1) all NGCD models had straight up composite RCA A/V and S-Video out jacks right on the rear of the console therefore eliminating the need for proprietary cables. The S-Video out on the console is highly recommended to use over the standard composite video. S-Video out cannot be achieved on the original NeoGeo AES system without hardware modification.

The CD system's 58 Mbit / 7 MB of ram was split accordingly:

68000 Program Memory: 2 MB
Fix Layer Memory: 128 kB
Graphics Memory: 4 MB
Sound Sample Memory: 1 MB
Z80 Program Memory: 64 kB
VRAM: 512Kb (For graphics attributes)
SRAM: 2 kB (For high scores / general save data)

Infos from Wikipedia

Handheld 1998

SNK Neo Geo Pocket

Generation 5th generation console
First available 1998
CPU Toshiba TLCS900H
Media Cartridge
Successor Neo Geo Pocket Color

The Neo Geo Pocket was SNK's first hand held video game system, released in Japan in late 1998. However lower than expected sales resulted in its discontinuation in 1999, and was immediately succeeded by the Neo Geo Pocket Color. The system only had a retail release within the Japan and Hong Kong market.

Though the system enjoyed only a short life, there were some significant games released on the system such as Samurai Showdown, and King of Fighters R-1.

The Neo Geo Pocket is mostly forwards compatible, meaning it can play the majority of the newer color games. There are, however, notable exceptions such as Sonic the Hedgehog Pocket Adventure and SNK vs. Capcom: Match Of The Millennium. The newer Neo Geo Pocket Color is fully backwards compatible and can play all games released for the Neo Geo Pocket.

16 bit TOSHIBA TLCS-900H high performance core CPU
32 bit/16 bit register bank cofiguration at 6.144 MHz
Virtual screen 256x256 - 16 palettes/plane, 64 sprites/frame
Z80 8 bit cpu sound
12 bit DAC & 6 psg tone simultaneous output
I/O serial SIO 1 channel 19200 bit/s



Manufacturer SNK
Type Handheld game console
Generation 6th generation era
First available JP 1998
US 1999
Media Cartridge
Backward compatibility Neo Geo Pocket
Predecessor Neo Geo Pocket

The Neo-Geo Pocket Color (or NGPC) was released on March 16, 1999 in Japan. It was a 16-bit color hand held game console designed by SNK, the makers of the Neo Geo home console and arcade machine. It came after SNK's original Neo Geo Pocket monochrome handheld, which debuted in 1998 in Japan (and was released in the United States on August 6, 1999). The U.S. version of the Neo Geo Pocket Color had an exclusive launch on the website eToys in 1999. eToys also sold the initial launch titles in the preferred plastic snap lock cases. The system debuted in the United States with six launch titles (20 promised by end of year) and retail price of Dollar69.95. Six different unit colors were available: Camouflage Blue, Carbon Black, Crystal White, Platinum Blue, Platinum Silver, and Stone Blue.

In 2000 following SNK's purchase by Japanese Pachinko manufacturer Aruze, the Neo Geo Pocket Color was dropped from both the United States and European markets, purportedly due to commercial failure. Remaining stock was bought back by SNK for repackaging in Asia. Before SNK was bought out, the Neo Geo Pocket Color was being advertised on US television and units were being sold nationally in Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Toys 'R' Us, and other large retail chains. In June 2000 SNK of America (and Europe) tried recalling most of the back-stock of systems and games to be flashed and re-sold in Asia where the system would continue to be sold and supported. Some of the back-stock of US NGPC hardware and software started showing up back on the marketplace in the US and Asia in 2003. These units frequently appear bundled with six games stripped of their cases and manuals. Two games often included, Faselei! and Last Blade were never previously released in United States, meaning that they have no US-localized box or manual; however, these titles did receive a European release, incorporating an English translation.

The system seemed well on its way to being a success in the US. Indeed, it enjoyed a greater success than any Game Boy competitor since Sega's Game Gear. However, it was hurt by several factors, such as the Neo Geo heads' (the Barone family) notorious lack of communication with third-party developers, and anticipation of the Game Boy Advance. The decision to ship American games in cardboard boxes in a cost cutting move rather than the much loved hard plastic cases that Japanese and European releases were shipped in may have also hurt the American sales.

The system has a language setting on the handheld device, and games display text in the language selected (provided the cartridge supports that language). Other settings can be set on the handheld such as time and date, and the system can provide customized horoscopes when one's birth-date is entered.

Cables for linking multiple systems were available, as well as a cable to connect the NGPC and the Sega Dreamcast for King of Fighters themed games. There was a wireless connector released in Japan that allowed several players in proximity to play together, with some cartridge moulding reshaped to hold it. An MP3 audio player add-on was developed but was not released due to SNK's closure.

Technical specifications

CPUs: Toshiba TLCS900H core (16-bit), 6.144 MHz, Z80 at 3.072 MHz for sound.
RAM: 12 k for 900H, 4k for Z80
ROM: 64 kbit boot ROM
Interfaces: SIO 1 channel 19200 bit/s, 5-pin serial port
Resolution: 160x152
Colors: 16 palettes per plane, 48 palettes. 146 colors on screen out of 4096.** NEO GEO POCKET color mode, 20 colors out of 4096.
Sprites: 64 sprites per frame, 4 colors per sprite*.
Scrolling: 2 scrolling planes, 8x8 character tiles, 4 colors each*.
Sound: PSG 6 tone simultaneous output. Stereo sound.
Cartridges: Maximum 4 MB (32 Mbit) with 4-16 Mbit flash memory.
Batteries: 40 hours on 2 AA batteries. Lithium CR2032 battery backs up memory and clock.

Information from Wikipedia

Handheld 1999

SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color

The Neo-Geo Pocket Color (or NGPC) was released on March 16, 1999 in Japan. It was a 16-bit color hand held game console designed by SNK, the makers of the Neo Geo home console and arcade machine. It came after SNK's original Neo Geo Pocket monochrome handheld, which debuted in 1998 in Japan (and was released in the United States on August 6, 1999). In 2000, following SNK's purchase by Japanese Pachinko manufacturer Aruze, the Neo Geo Pocket Color was dropped from both the United States and European markets, purportedly due to commercial failure.

U.S. Release
The cartridge of the game Faselei!The U.S. version of the Neo Geo Pocket Color had an exclusive launch on the website eToys in 1999. eToys also sold the initial launch titles in the preferred plastic snap lock cases. The system debuted in the United States with six launch titles (20 promised by end of year) and retail price of Dollar69.95. Six different unit colors were available: Camouflage Blue, Carbon Black, Crystal White, Platinum Blue, Platinum Silver, and Stone Blue.

Before SNK was bought out, the Neo Geo Pocket Color was being advertised on US television and units were being sold nationally in Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Toys 'R' Us, and other large retail chains.

Post-Aruze buyout
Remaining stock was bought back by SNK for repackaging in Asia. In June 2000 SNK of America (and Europe) tried recalling most of the back-stock of systems and games to be flashed and re-sold in Asia where the system would continue to be sold and supported. Some of the back-stock of US NGPC hardware and software started showing up back on the marketplace in the US and Asia in 2003. These units frequently appeared bundled with six games stripped of their cases and manuals. Two games often included, Faselei! and Last Blade were never previously released in United States, meaning that they have no US-localized box or manual; however, these titles did receive a European release, incorporating an English translation.

The system enjoyed a greater success than any Game Boy competitor since Sega's Game Gear. However, it was hurt by several factors, such as the Neo Geo heads' (the Barone family) notorious lack of communication with third-party developers, and anticipation of the Game Boy Advance. The decision to ship American games in cardboard boxes in a cost cutting move; rather than the hard plastic cases that Japanese and European releases were shipped in, may have also hurt the American sales.

Technical specifications
Handheld game consoles
Early units
See Microvision and Handheld electronic games
Nintendo handhelds
Game & Watch | Game Boy (Pocket) (Light) | Game Boy Color | Game Boy Advance (SP) | Game Boy Micro | Pokémon Pikachu | Pokémon mini | Nintendo DS (Lite)
Bandai handhelds
WonderSwan | WonderSwan Color | SwanCrystal
GamePark/Holdings handhelds
GP32 | GP2X | XGP | XGP Mini | XGP Kids
SNK handhelds
Neo Geo Pocket | Neo Geo Pocket Color
Sega handhelds
Game Gear | Nomad | Mega Jet | VMU
Sony handhelds
PocketStation | PlayStation Portable (Slim)
Other handhelds
Atari Lynx | Gamate | Watara Supervision | Mega Duck | | Gizmondo | N-Gage | TurboExpress | Pepper Pad | GameKing | iRiver G10 | Ez MINI | OQO Model 2
CPUs: Toshiba TLCS900H core (16-bit), 6.144 MHz, Z80 at 3.072 MHz for sound.
RAM: 12 k for 900H, 4k for Z80
ROM: 64 kbit boot ROM
Interfaces: SIO 1 channel 19200 bit/s, 5-pin serial port
Resolution: 160x152
Colors: 16 palettes per plane, 48 palettes. 146 colors on screen out of 4096.
Sprites: 64 sprites per frame, 4 colors per sprite*.
Scrolling: 2 scrolling planes, 8x8 character tiles, 4 colors each*.
Sound: PSG 6 tone simultaneous output. Stereo sound.
Cartridges: Maximum 4 MB (32 Mbit) with 4-16 Mbit flash memory.
Batteries: 40 hours on 2 AA batteries. Lithium CR2032 battery backs up memory and clock.

The link cable for linking systems togetherThe system has an on-board language setting, and games display text in the language selected (provided the cartridge supports that language). Other settings can be set on the handheld such as time and date, and the system can provide customized horoscopes when one's birth-date is entered.

Cables for linking multiple systems were available, as well as a cable to connect the NGPC and the Sega Dreamcast. Games that featured this option include King of Fighters R-2 (links with King of Fighters '99 Dream Match and King of Fighters Evolution), SNK vs Capcom - Match of the Millennium (links with Capcom vs SNK 2), SNK vs Capcom - Card Fighters' Clash (links with King of Fighters Evolution), SNK vs Capcom - Card Fighters' Clash Expand Edition (links with Capcom vs SNK 2) and Cool Cool Jam (links with Cool Cool Toon). There was a wireless connector released in Japan that allowed several players in proximity to play together, with some cartridge moulding reshaped to hold it. An MP3 audio player add-on was developed but was not released due to SNK's closure.

Discovery Store offered packages of Neo Geo Pockets with six games; however, none of these items are in their original packaging. The same packages, usually retailing around USDollar70 apiece, are also carried by various online stores which primarily sell amateur development kits for other portable game systems.

Infos from Wikipedia


SSD Xavix Port


SSE SoftBox

Computer 1982

Sage II

Sage Technology designed the Sage II around one of the fastest and most powerful chip available at the time, the Motorola MC68000, which was designed, among other things, for the implementation of high-level languages.
The Sage II, didn't look awesome. It was physically smaller than an Apple II, but packed a true 16 bits CPU and 512 KB of RAM. Only 128 KB were left free for the user, the remaining 384 KB being used as a RAM disc.
The Sage II used the UCSD P-System operating system. P-System means P-Code, an early universal intermediate code concept for programming languages, the same idea that Java is now based upon. Sage had even modified the P-System so that the system was truly multi-user. A special version of CP/M called CP/M 68K could also run on the Sage II.
One or two Mitsubishi 5.25 inch floppy drives were used to store programs and data. Each one could store up to 800 Kb per disk in the native Sage format. They were fully software configurable and had preset formats for IBM, Xerox, Rainbow and other systems. The only problem is that the Sage II didn't provide any hard disk management. This is will only be possible with the Sage IV model (10 to 40 MB hard disks).


Saitek Endgame


Saitek KSO

Arcade 2003

Sammy Atomiswave

Arcade Board
First available 2003
CPU Hitachi SH-4 128-bit 200 MHz
Media Arcade

The Atomiswave is a 2003 custom arcade system board and cabinet from Sammy Corporation. It is based on Sega's NAOMI system board (thus it's common to see the 'Sega' logo on its boot up screen). The Atomiswave uses interchangeable game cartridges and the cabinet's control panel can be easily switched out with different control sets, including dual joysticks, dual lightguns and a steering wheel.

With the retirement of the aging Neo Geo MVS system, SNK Playmore chose the Atomiswave as its next system to develop games for. In a contract with Sammy, SNK Playmore agreed to develop five games for the Atomiswave system. Metal Slug 6 was SNK Playmore's fifth game for the Atomiswave, after which SNK moved on to a Taito Type X2 arcade board.

* CPU: Hitachi SH-4 128-bit RISC CPU 200 MHz
o Rated performance: 360 MIPS/1.4 GFLOPS
* Graphics processor: PowerVR 2 100 MHz
o Polygon performance: 3 to 5 million polygons/sec
o Rendering speed: 500 M pixels/sec
o Additional features: bump mapping, fog, alpha-blending (transparency), mip mapping (polygon-texture auto switch), tri-*linear filtering, anti-aliasing, environment mapping, and specular effect
* Sound processor: ARM7 Yamaha AICA (with internal 32-bit RISC CPU, 64 channel ADPCM) 45 MHz
* Memory
o System: 16 MB
o Graphics: 16 MB
o Sound: 8 MB
* Storage media: ROM board

Infos from Wikipedia

Computer 1982

Samsung SPC-1000

The SPC-1000 is a Z80-based home computer from Samsung. This machine was developed in Korea, but built-in BASIC was written by Hudson soft in Japan.
Because of its integrated tape recorder design, it looks like MZ 700 series.
It has a button 'ILP' on its left side. Pushing ILP button enables this machine to load a new O/S from tape recorder. (This concept resembles MZ 700, too).
This machine was quite popular at the first time, but advent of MSX and MSX2 pushed this machine off the market.
CP/M was available with double-side, double density floppy disk drives. But the cost of the FDD unit and poor display capability limited its use.
Part of early productions were delivered under the name of SPC-1100.

Thanks to Kue-Hwan Sihn from Korea for info and picture.

Computer 1982

Sanyo MBC-550

The Sanyo MBC-550 was the first of the legitimate "clones" of the IBM Personal Computer. While others (notably the Taiwanese) were duplicating the circuitry and Read-Only Memories (ROMs) of the IBM PC, Sanyo Business Systems designed their own circuitry and wrote their own Basic Input/Output System (BIOS), part of which was in ROM and part was on disk. The character set was also in ROM. In Japan, this computer was the MBC-55. It came with a kanji character set and the CP/M-86 operating system. Sanyo had Microsoft write a special version of their disk operating system (MS-DOS) and command interpreter (COMMAND.COM). They had MicroPro write special versions of WordStar, CalcStar, and EasyWriter which they bundled with the MBC-550, making it a very attractive package, not only for their intended market, business; but also for the computer hobbyist.
The Sanyo 55x was the first MS-DOS compatible computer that retailed for under US$1000. It was also quite possibly the only (somewhat) IBM-compatible system that was actually slower than an IBM PC (the PC clocked at 4.77 MHz, while the Sanyo clocked at 3.6, giving it a Norton SI rating of 0.8).
It came with 5.25" floppy drives sized from 160 KB to 800 KB. One thing the machine had that was odd was a floppy controller for 4 floppy drives, you simply chained them and adjusted the DSx jumper on the drives. The drives were labeled ABCD and if a hard drive was added it became E even if you only had 2 floppy drives as the BIOS reserved A-D for floppy drives. The floppy drives in these models were from Teac. Interestingly, the drive lights always stayed on when the door was closed. They did not go out even if the drive was not currently being accessed.
They were manufactured & sold from about 1983 to about 1988. The different models are:
- MBC-550 : 1 x 5.25" disk-drive (160 KB)
- MBC-555 : 2 x 5.25" disk-drive (160 KB)
- MBC-555-2 : 2 x 5.25" disk-drive (360 KB)
- MBC-555-3 : 2 x 5.25" disk-drive (720 KB)
The default graphics were easy to use: three straight 640x400 bitplanes, R, G, and B. There was no text mode, so stock IBM PC apps that bypassed the video BIOS did not work. The main add-on card was a Sanyo CGA color card, that transformed the original Sanyo into about a 90% PC IBM compatible computer. The CGA board was EXPENSIVE and one version added memory to 640 KB as well.
While the mixed text-and-graphics video made it incompatible with many programs intended for the IBM (Lotus 1-2-3 being the benchmark at the time), WordStar worked just fine, as did Microsoft Excel (the original MS-DOS version) and also Borland's Turbo Pascal compiler. If your consideration was more for file interchangeability (it ran MS-DOS 2.1) than for software compatibility, the Sanyo was a solid, workhorse system at a very reasonable price.
A lot of "IBM PC" software at the time accessed the address of the video cards directly - B800:0000 for color and B000:0000 for monochrome, since the Sanyo had no video card at this address the video output was never seen. Sanyo offered the CGA card that was present at this address for direct memory writing.
There was a pinout on the motherboard for a ribbon cable that would accept a 5 MB hard disk. The 55x motherbaord also included a socket for an 8087 math coprocessor, which helped with spreadsheet applications.
Soft Sector magazine and all the BBS systems specific such as First Sanyo Opus and the Sanyo supporting clubs kept these working and many many mods from power supply fixes to memory addons (768 KB was possible) to serial board mods, hard drive addons, etc came out of these.
The MS-DOS had to be specific to this machine as well, you couldnt boot the generic versions. There were a few aftermarket DOS's that gave extra abilities to include 800 KB from 720 KB floppy drives. A few people even professed to adding 3.5" drives. A-OK company wrote a OS for the system as well, called A-OK DOS.
Among the quirks to the machine: the power supply was not a regular switching power supply. It was a transformer. Also the keyboard had no ALT key - made it nuts to operate software made for IBM specific machines! The IBM PC/XT at the time had 10 function keys while the Sanyo had half that amount. To get the higher function keys you would need to do these strange shift combinations.
When you push the power button, you definately had the feeling that Sanyo had borrowed some parts from their stereo division!
This systems was also proposed when you got a course through NRI.
Contributors: Russ Blakeman, David Botkin, Joe Dellea, Steven Koehler, Victor Frank

Computer 1982

Sanyo MBC-550 and MBC-555

The Sanyo MBC-550 was the first of the legitimate "clones" of the IBM Personal Computer. While others (notably the Taiwanese) were duplicating the circuitry and Read-Only Memories (ROMs) of the IBM PC, Sanyo Business Systems designed their own circuitry and wrote their own Basic Input/Output System (BIOS), part of which was in ROM and part was on disk. The character set was also in ROM. In Japan, this computer was the MBC-55. It came with a kanji character set and the CP/M-86 operating system. Sanyo had Microsoft write a special version of their disk operating system (MS-DOS) and command interpreter (COMMAND.COM). They had MicroPro write special versions of WordStar, CalcStar, and EasyWriter which they bundled with the MBC-550, making it a very attractive package, not only for their intended market, business; but also for the computer hobbyist.
The Sanyo 55x was the first MS-DOS compatible computer that retailed for under US$1000. It was also quite possibly the only (somewhat) IBM-compatible system that was actually slower than an IBM PC (the PC clocked at 4.77 MHz, while the Sanyo clocked at 3.6, giving it a Norton SI rating of 0.8).
It came with 5.25" floppy drives sized from 160 KB to 800 KB. One thing the machine had that was odd was a floppy controller for 4 floppy drives, you simply chained them and adjusted the DSx jumper on the drives. The drives were labeled ABCD and if a hard drive was added it became E even if you only had 2 floppy drives as the BIOS reserved A-D for floppy drives. The floppy drives in these models were from Teac. Interestingly, the drive lights always stayed on when the door was closed. They did not go out even if the drive was not currently being accessed.
They were manufactured & sold from about 1983 to about 1988. The different models are:
- MBC-550 : 1 x 5.25" disk-drive (160 KB)
- MBC-555 : 2 x 5.25" disk-drive (160 KB)
- MBC-555-2 : 2 x 5.25" disk-drive (360 KB)
- MBC-555-3 : 2 x 5.25" disk-drive (720 KB)
The default graphics were easy to use: three straight 640x400 bitplanes, R, G, and B. There was no text mode, so stock IBM PC apps that bypassed the video BIOS did not work. The main add-on card was a Sanyo CGA color card, that transformed the original Sanyo into about a 90% PC IBM compatible computer. The CGA board was EXPENSIVE and one version added memory to 640 KB as well.
While the mixed text-and-graphics video made it incompatible with many programs intended for the IBM (Lotus 1-2-3 being the benchmark at the time), WordStar worked just fine, as did Microsoft Excel (the original MS-DOS version) and also Borland's Turbo Pascal compiler. If your consideration was more for file interchangeability (it ran MS-DOS 2.1) than for software compatibility, the Sanyo was a solid, workhorse system at a very reasonable price.
A lot of "IBM PC" software at the time accessed the address of the video cards directly - B800:0000 for color and B000:0000 for monochrome, since the Sanyo had no video card at this address the video output was never seen. Sanyo offered the CGA card that was present at this address for direct memory writing.
There was a pinout on the motherboard for a ribbon cable that would accept a 5 MB hard disk. The 55x motherbaord also included a socket for an 8087 math coprocessor, which helped with spreadsheet applications.
Soft Sector magazine and all the BBS systems specific such as First Sanyo Opus and the Sanyo supporting clubs kept these working and many many mods from power supply fixes to memory addons (768 KB was possible) to serial board mods, hard drive addons, etc came out of these.
The MS-DOS had to be specific to this machine as well, you couldnt boot the generic versions. There were a few aftermarket DOS's that gave extra abilities to include 800 KB from 720 KB floppy drives. A few people even professed to adding 3.5" drives. A-OK company wrote a OS for the system as well, called A-OK DOS.
Among the quirks to the machine: the power supply was not a regular switching power supply. It was a transformer. Also the keyboard had no ALT key - made it nuts to operate software made for IBM specific machines! The IBM PC/XT at the time had 10 function keys while the Sanyo had half that amount. To get the higher function keys you would need to do these strange shift combinations.
When you push the power button, you definately had the feeling that Sanyo had borrowed some parts from their stereo division!
This systems was also proposed when you got a course through NRI.
Contributors: Russ Blakeman, David Botkin, Joe Dellea, Steven Koehler, Victor Frank

Console 1994

Sega 32X

Generation 4th generation
First available US November 1994
JP December 3, 1994
EUR January 1995
CPU 2x SH-2 - 32-bit RISC (23 MHz)
Media Cartridge - CD-ROM with Sega Mega-CD/Sega CD
Successor Sega Saturn

The Sega 32X (Japanese: 32X) is an add-on for the Sega Mega Drive video game console by Sega.

In Japan, it was distributed under the name Sega Super 32X. In North America, its name was the Sega Genesis 32X. In Europe, Australia, and other countries that use PAL, it was called the Sega Mega Drive 32X. Most gamers, for simplicity's sake, refer to it as just the '32X'.

Market history

With the release of the Super Famicom in Japan and the Super NES in North America, Sega needed to leapfrog Nintendo in the technological department. The Sega Mega-CD, known as Sega CD in North America, had not worked as well, in a business sense, as Sega had wanted it to. Sega had various developments underway, and focused most of its energy on the then new Sega Saturn. Some used System 16 technology, as the Sega Mega Drive, as well as other arcade games, did.

The 32X was released in mid-November 1994 in North America for Dollar150, Japan on December 3rd 1994 for Yen 16,800, and Europe in January 1995 for Pound 170 / DM 400.

Technical aspects

The Sega 32X can only be used in conjunction with a Mega Drive/Genesis system; it is plugged in where the cartridge bay is. Besides playing its own cartridges, it also acts as a passthrough for Mega Drive games so it can be a permanent attachment (The Sega Virtua Processor-based Virtua Racing was the only exception - the game will not run on a Mega Drive with a 32X unit attached due its processor). The 32X came with a spacer so it would fit properly with the Mega Drive II. It could be used with the Sega Multi-Mega/Sega CDX system, but the spacer would not accommodate the CDX, which created a number of user-unfriendly conditions in the unit. Without the use of the spacer on a Mega Drive II, some of the 32X hardware was left exposed and vulnerable. The combined unit was also very prone to tipping over, risking damage to the unit and games. In addition to the physical problems, there was also an issue with FCC approval.

Most 32X games cannot be played unless the distribution region of the game matches the region of the console. A few games are not locked and can be played on a console from any region (e.g. FIFA 96). Two games, Darxide and FIFA Soccer '96, were only released for the PAL 32X.

All but one of the games released for the Japanese market were released in the United States, albeit some had different names. The one Japanese-only game was Sangokushi IV (known as 'Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV').

In addition to regular cartridge-based 32X games, there were also a very small number of CD-ROM games for the 32X. These games were labeled with Sega Mega-CD 32X (Sega CD 32X in North America). As the name suggests, these required both the 32X and Mega-CD/Sega CD addons. The lack of a significant userbase due to the high cost of purchasing all three necessary components saw only five games released, only one of those developed by Sega. The most notable of these was a new version of the infamous Night Trap with 32,768 onscreen colors instead of the 64 found on the regular Mega-CD/Sega CD version.

Technical specifications
* Processor: Twin SH2 32 bit RISC processors with a clock speed of 23.011 MHz, approx 20 MIPS each
* Video RAM: Two linear framebuffers with support for RLE compression and an overdraw mode to simplify compositing objects with transparency. All scaling, rotation, and 3D operations are performed in software on the SH2 processors.
* ROM (BIOS): 3 Kb
* Color depth: 32,768 simultaneous colors on screen at standard Mega Drive/Genesis resolution. Video output can overlay Mega Drive/Genesis graphics or vice versa. Mega Drive/Genesis video effects such as shadow or highlight do not affect 32X video.
* Memory: 256KB (2 MBit) program RAM and two 128KB (1 MBit) framebuffers.
* Audio: Stereo 10-bit PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) mixing with Mega Drive/Genesis sound for a total of 12 audio channels of varying capability, 22 with the addition of a Mega-CD/Sega CD.
* I/O: Same as Mega Drive/Genesis.
* Storage: 32X cartridges are fundamentally the same as Mega Drive/Genesis cartridges with some small differences in the plastic casing. A few CD-ROM games were developed that also required a Mega-CD/Sega CD.
* Compatibility: Compatible with Mega Drive/Genesis models 1 and 2, JVC Wondermega/X'Eye and the Multi-Mega/CDX. The 32X does not work with the Genesis 3 which lacks some of the necessary interface logic.
* Size & weight (more or less) : 107x205x110 mm 495 gr



On January 8, 1994, Hayao Nakayama, then CEO of Sega, ordered his company to make a 32-bit cartridge based console that would be in stores by Christmas 1994. This would at first be named 'Project Jupiter', but after Sega found CD technology cheaper, they decided to modify it instead of dropping the cartridge project (that would be called 'Project Saturn'). Hideki Sato and some other Sega of Japan engineers came over to collaborate about the project with Sega of America's Joe Miller. The first idea was a new Mega Drive/Genesis with more colors and a 32-bit processor. Miller thought that an add-on to the Mega Drive/Genesis would be a better idea, because he felt that gamers would not buy an improved version of the Mega Drive/Genesis. And so, this project was codenamed Project Mars, and Sega of America was going to shape the project.

At the same time, however, Sega of Japan was working on the Sega Saturn, a CD-based 32-bit videogame system. Sega of America did not learn of this until Project Mars was already in progress.


The video-gaming public first got a glimpse at the Summer 1994 CES in Chicago. Players highly anticipated the system, because it would make the Genesis superior to the Super Famicom/SNES. The console was unmasked as the 32X, with a price projection of Dollar170 (USD), at a gamers' day, held by Sega of America in September 1994.
The 32X hit the market in North America in November 1994, during the same month the Sega Saturn was released in Japan. Many industry insiders speculated that the 32X was doomed from the beginning as the Sega Saturn hardware was widely regarded as more powerful than the 32X and had the support of many Japanese third party software developers (a necessary resource required for any gaming platform's long term success) which the 32X was sorely lacking.

Only 500,000 consoles had been produced for North American consumption, yet orders were in the millions. The console allegedly had numerous mechanical problems. Games had been rushed for the system in the run up to Christmas 1994. Some early games came with errors in programming, causing crashes and glitches on certain titles. Other games required leaving out parts in order to make the Christmas deadline; Doom 32X is missing almost half the levels present on the PC. Many complained that their 32X was not working with their Mega Drive/Genesis or television. Sega was forced to give away adapters.

Since this was an expensive add-on system, Sega decided to offer a Pound 50 discount on games with the console in Europe. However, the offer came in the form of rebate vouchers, which were difficult to take advantage of. Just like its North American counterpart, this console was initially popular. Orders exceeded one million, but not enough were produced, and supply shortage problems arose.


By mid-1995, the time the Sega executives realized their blunder, it was too late. Developers and licensees had abandoned this console in favor of what they perceived to be a true 32-bit console, the Sega Saturn. Even though the 32X was a 32-bit system, the games did not appear to take full advantage of 32 bit processing; many games were rushed and produced in 2D. Many were just slightly-enhanced ports of Genesis or old arcade games such as Mortal Kombat II and Space Harrier.
Due to successful marketing, customers perceived the Sega Saturn, Nintendo 64 and the PlayStation as the true next-generation consoles, due to their rich launch titles and 3D graphics. Also, customers perceived that Sega abandoned the 32X despite promises to the contrary, due to the launch of the Saturn.
Console makers, prior to the launch of PlayStation 2, would often abandon platforms and offer no backwards compatibility with older systems. For this reason Sega's 32X customers felt cheated because of the apparent lower quality of the games, and the inevitability of obsolescence.

Store shelves became littered with unwanted Sega 32X systems, and prices for a new one dropped as low as Dollar19.95. Sega planned a console named the Sega Neptune, which would have been a Genesis and 32X in one. However, by the time a prototype was developed, the Sega Saturn was going to be released, and Sega canceled the Neptune.

The last game made for the 32X in the US was Spider-Man: Web of Fire (1996). The last ever 32X game was Darxide, which had been intended by Frontier Developments to be a launch title for the ill-fated Neptune. Both these games now command a high value from collectors — but especially Darxide (up to Dollar1000) due to its scarcity, reputation and auspicious creator (David Braben, co-writer of the groundbreaking game Elite). Nevertheless, it is exceeded in rarity by the European PAL versions of the games Primal Rage and T-Mek. For obscure reasons a mere handful of copies of these games are known to be in circulation - with T-Mek being so scarce that until a copy surfaced on eBay in late 2005, it was widely held that the PAL release was only a rumor. The appearance of a copy has fueled speculation that other rumored but unconfirmed PAL games may also exist, in particular BC Racers.

For many years prior, console makers promised devices like the 32X (for consoles such as the Colecovision, Intellivision II, and some Atari systems) that would extend and enhance the original system. The 32X was the first product released that fundamentally altered the original console's abilities. However, deficient in software titles and lacking the 3D capabilities the gaming community demanded, the add-on represented a technological dead end, ultimately punishing early adopters. Ignorant of the idea that console systems' primary strength is in standardization, Sega had created three different platforms (the Sega Mega Drive, and the Mega-CD/Sega CD and the 32X add-ons) all under the same banner, stealing valuable shelf space from itself and confusing both vendors and consumers in the process. The entire episode demonstrated that producing such add-ons is likely to have detrimental effects on a system's brand marketing strategy.

The system, like most of other Sega consoles, ended production worldwide in 1996 to focus their efforts on the Sega Saturn.

Notable Games:
Blackthorne - Interplay/Blizzard
Space Harrier - Sega (1994)
Star Wars Arcade - Sega (1994)
Virtua Racing Deluxe - Sega (1994)
Knuckles' Chaotix - Sega (1995)
Kolibri - Sega/Novotrade (1995)
Virtua Fighter - Sega/AM2 (1995)
World Series Baseball '95 - Blue Sky Software/Sega (1995)

Infos from Wikipedia


Sega Beena

Console 1991

Sega CD

Generation 16-bit era
First available JPN December 1, 1991
USA October 15, 1992
EUR April, 1993
CPU MC68000 @ 12.5 MHz
Media CD-ROM
System storage Internal RAM
Units sold 6 million (380,000 in Japan)
Top-selling game Sonic CD

The Sega Mega-CD (Mega Shi Di) was an add-on device for the Sega Mega Drive released in Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Japan. The Genesis add-on for the North American market was called Sega CD. The device allowed the user to play games, audio CDs, and CD+G discs.
The development of the Mega-CD was confidential; game developers were not made aware of what exactly they were working on until the add-on was finally revealed at the Tokyo Toy Show in Japan. The Sega Mega-CD was designed to compete with the PC Engine in Japan, which had a separate CD-ROM drive.

The Sega Mega-CD was not meant to compete with the Super Famicom (Super Nintendo Entertainment System outside Japan). This posed a problem in the markets outside of Japan, where the PC Engine did not fare very well, and the expectation was that the Mega-CD would be in competition with Nintendo.

The first version of the system sat under the Mega Drive console and loaded CDs via a motorized tray. The second version of the system, dubbed Mega-CD 2, had the CD-ROM drive relocated to the right of the Sega Mega Drive system, changed to a top-loading CD-ROM drive with a lid, and was meant primarily to be used with the redesigned Sega Mega Drive 2. However the original model of the Sega Mega Drive could still be used with the addition of an extension that allowed the system to firmly sit on the add-on without overhanging the edge. (the Sega Mega Drive still sat ontop of the system, but to a much lesser extent than before)

In North America, the Sega CD was considered a failure due to its high price, low sales, few hardware upgrades, and general confusion with the Sega 32X, another Genesis peripheral offered. Due to Sega of America's lack of support for the Sega CD and 32X, many consumers lost their trust in Sega. It can be said that Sega never recovered from this, as the Saturn and the Dreamcast — although considered good efforts on Sega's behalf — were unable to compete effectively with PlayStation and Nintendo consoles.



The Sega Mega-CD was released first in Japan in 1st December 1991. Its retail price was about Yen 49,800. Initially, it was a great success because of the inherent advantages of CDs (high storage capacity and the low cost of media). The fact that it had a large RPG catalog also helped.

Despite having been on sale for over 2 years, by March 1994 the MEGA-CD had only sold 380,000 units in Japan, which meant that only 11 percent of Japanese Mega Drive owners had purchased the add-on unit.

North America

Sega of Japan did not speak to Sega of America about their Mega-CD plans for that market until a few months later.

The Sega CD had been announced at the Chicago CES on November 1992. Early reports had suggested that hardware in the system would allow it to display more on screen colors (from a larger palette) than the Sega Genesis or the Super Nintendo, which was an important technical concern for consumers.

In the end, the Sega CD failed to convince North American gamers, mostly due to the cost of the console, and the lack of any hardware advancements. Many people felt there was not enough value for the price. Moreover, the game experience was little improved. Players came to have high expectations for the add-on, and Sega even promised that the Sega CD would allow a higher color palette than the Genesis. However, the end result was somewhat lackluster compared to expectations. Graphically, most games ended up looking not much better than normal Sega Mega Drive games, though the sound quality was higher, owing to the CD format of the games.

Sega wanted to showcase the power of the Sega CD, and so focused on 'FMV' games rather than taking advantage of the extra storage space of the CD media. Sega insisted on licensing and producing primarily 'full motion video' games similar to earlier Laserdisc games, that were universally panned by game reviewers. The limited 64-color palette of the system, combined with the processor not being well-suited for video, did not lend itself well to reproducing video, resulting in grainy video in most games.

Because of the CD format, games suffered load times, which some players criticized. One of the worst examples of which being the port of Midway's Mortal Kombat which suffered from excessive load times, which would often stop the game in the middle of play to load data from the CD.

Another criticism of the software library was that most titles consisted of Shovelware, in which a developer takes an existing title and adds minor new content (usually a CD audio soundtrack, or video sequences) while not expanding the original game itself. Few titles received major changes, but two exceptions were Earthworm Jim which featured additional levels and game changes, and The Amazing Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin, which featured many changes, which drastically restructured the game, making it more non-linear, and adding animated cutscenes.

Despite a somewhat lackluster library of games, the console introduced very famous franchises. The Lunar series, which despite the relatively narrow circulation the two titles on the Sega CD received, went on to be critically acclaimed and became a cult classic, with both games receiving remakes for the PlayStation and Sega Saturn in the late 90's; and a prequel to the series for the Nintendo DS in 2005. The English publisher of the two Lunar titles, Working Designs, also published another RPG for the platform, entitled Vay. While it received generally positive reviews, the game did not obtain the same popularity as the Lunar titles. Other notable title were the cult-classic Snatcher, a cyber-punk digital comic released by Konami and designed by Hideo Kojima and the only version of the game released in English.


In Europe the Mega-CD was thought to be overpriced. It was released in April 1993 in the United Kingdom for Pound 270. Unlike the Mega Drive, which was a very successful console in Europe, only 60,000 of the 70,000 Mega-CD's shipped to Europe were sold by August 1993.
Some European countries (Spain for instance), would not get the original Mega-CD, but the Mega-CD 2, which also slowed sales.


The Mega-CD was released on 19 April 1993 in Australia.


The Sega-CD 2 was launched in the Brazilian market exactly at the same time of the U.S. Release. Since the original Sega-CD was never released there, it was simply called 'Sega-CD'. However, because several Mega-CD units imported from Japan were already in the market, it was informally known as 'Mega-CD'. It was manufactured locally by Tec Toy.


The following models were released:
* Sega Mega-CD I (Sega CD I in North America)
* Sega Mega-CD II (Sega CD II in North America). Designed for the Mega Drive 2 / Genesis (second model) and to reduce manufacturing costs
* JVC Wondermega (X'Eye in North American release, never released in Europe), was an all-in-one Mega Drive/Mega-CD unit
* Sega Multi-Mega (called Sega CDX in North America). A portable CD player that plays both Mega Drive and Mega-CD games, as well as audio CDs, and CD-G discs. Resembling a slightly longer version of the typical portable CD player of the day.
* Pioneer LaserActive Sega Mega-CD module, an add-on device available for the LaserActive system

Technical specifications

The Sega Mega-CD specifications were as follows:

The main CPU is a 12.5-MHz 16-bit Motorola 68000 processor. The Mega Drive/Genesis has the same processor, but at a lower clock rate of 7.67 MHz (NTSC) / 7.61 MHz (PAL).

* Graphics Processor: Custom ASIC
* Number of simultaneous colors on screen: 64 out of 512
* Display resolution: 320 x 224 pixels, video size from .1/4 to full screen (only one game had full screen full motion video)
* Advanced compression scheme
* Software-based upgrade

* Main RAM: 6 Mbit
* PCM samples: 512 Kbit
* CD-ROM data cache: 128 Kbit
* 64 Kbit Internal Backup RAM

The Mega-CD also features sprite enhancement effects such as scaling and rotation, similar to that of the Super Famicom/SNES Mode 7. However Sega initially refused to allow developers access to the software required to take advantage of these features, partially leading to the system's downfall.

* 500 MB CD-ROM discs (equivalent to 62 min of audio data)
* .1/4 screen B/W footage video: 1.5 to 4 hours
* .1/4 screen color footage: 45 minutes
* CD-ROM drive transfer rate: 150 Kbytes/s (1x)
(Above specs prior to compression)

* Size: 1 MBit
* Used for games, CD player, CD+G and karaoke
* Access time: 800 ms
BIOS Revisions
BIOS Version Machine
1.02 Pioneer LaserActive Mega LD (Japan/North America) (based on ver. 0.98 proto Mega-CD BIOS)
1.00 Original Mega-CD (Europe/Japan)
1.10 Original Sega-CD (North America)
2.00 Mega-CD 2
2.11 Mega-CD 2
2.21 Sega Multi-Mega (Europe/Japan), Sega CDX (North America)

The Mega-CD adds 10 extra sound channels to the Mega Drive's YM2612 SPU.
* Sound format: Stereo PCM
* Sound channels: 8
* Maximum sample rate: 32 kHz (44.1 kHz for CD-DA)
* 16 bit DAC
* 8x internal over-sampling digital filter
* Frequency Range: 20 Hz - 20 kHz
* Signal-to-Noise Ratio: > 90.0 dB @ 1K
* Channel Separation: > 90.0 dB
* Output: RCA stereo Pin Jack x2 (L/R) / SCART cable
* Mixing Input Port for stereo sound on the original Sega Mega Drive / Sega Genesis Model.

* Dimensions: 301mm x 212.5 mm x 112.5mm
* Weight: 1.4 kg (3.1 lbs)

* Few accessories were released for the Mega-CD. The most notable being an external memory card that came in the form of a Mega Drive cartridge. Titled the 'CD Backup RAM Cart', it was placed in the Mega Drive slot like a normal Mega Drive game, and the Mega-CD would detect this cartridge upon booting up. Games could either be saved directly to it (on the titles that supported it) or to copy/transfer game saves to and from the Mega-CD's internal RAM. Complete backups were possible as the CD Backup RAM Cart contained 16 times the amount of RAM as the Mega-CD (1Mbit, or 2000 Game Save Blocks, compared to the Mega-CD's 64Kb, or 125 Game Save Blocks.)
* A Light gun named the 'Justifier' was also released bundled with Lethal Enforcers
* A multi-functional cartridge called 'Megacart' was released 2006. It works as a region converter, RAM cart and can flash cart games.

Graphic trivia

While the system was in development, several US video game magazines such as Electronic Gaming Monthly and Game Pro had published reports that the Sega CD was going to be able to display more on-screen colors than the Sega Genesis. It appears that there had been some discussion about upgrading the hardware in the Sega CD to compete with the color capabilites of the Super Nintendo, but it was vetoed.

A common myth surrounding the Mega-CD is in regard to the number of colors it can display on-screen. Like the unexpanded Mega Drive/Genesis, the published specifications of the Mega-CD indicate that the system can produce up to 64 colors on-screen out of a global palette of 512. However, many people claim that some games, such as Snatcher, Jurassic Park and Eternal Champions: Challenge From The Dark Side, exceeded the on-screen limit with the use of programming tricks, achieving 112, 192, even 256 colors simultaneously. Some versions of this rumor claim that there was a version of the Cinepak video codec that could render FMV in 256 colors on the Mega-CD as well.

The idea of displaying more than 64 colors at once in Mega-CD games is not groundless. What is not widely realized, however, is that the Mega-CD breaks this limit with the same methods that can be executed on an unexpanded console, and also that these methods are all severely limited in practical use.

The most common way of displaying extra colors is with the use of raster effects, which involve simply changing the on-screen color palette in between TV scanlines as the picture is being drawn. Sonic games use this to make underwater effects. A lesser known trick is to use the priority bit of a pixel for color purposes, allowing any color to have 3 shades (normal, bright and dim) and effectively tripling the number of colors available onscreen. However, this trick compromises the video display processor's capabilities so drastically that it was rarely ever used, especially for in-game graphics. Finally, many developers simply relied on dithering, a simple artist's method of drawing pixels of two similar colors in an alternating, checkerboard-like manner, and relying on the inaccuracy of composite or RF video signals to blend the colors together into a third color. On a side note, this same method could be used to make a fake transparency just by leaving every other pixel blank.

The programming trick which many mistakenly believe can be used to display extra colors on the Mega-CD is called HAM, or Hold And Modify. This complicated trick was used with the Commodore Amiga line of computers with the same goal of raising the on-screen color limit. However, the Amiga could also use raster effects, and this is where the confusion most likely started. At some point, it was probably said that a trick similar to one used on the Amiga could be used with the Mega-CD to display extra colors on-screen. Since people knew there was a trick to get extra colors out of the Amiga called HAM, they may have then assumed that the Mega-CD could use HAM as well. However, the Mega-CD has no support for this or a similar function at all whereas the Amiga's graphic chip was designed for it.


On October 15, 1992, the system received one of the most controversal titles of all time, Night Trap, developed by Digital Pictures. The game was a FMV title, and starred a young Dana Plato as one of a group of young girls having a slumber party in a house whose family were secretly vampires. The action consisted of playing the part of a 'security guard' and watching cameras inside the house. The player has control over various traps in the house, and when 'Augers' (men in black outfits) threatened one or more of the girls, the player has to time the springing of the trap to successfully trap the 'Auger.' The title received widespread criticism (and controversy) due to several scenes where the girls could be seen in skimpy clothing/underwear, in addition to the violence. This lead many public figures to condemn the game and demanded it be pulled off store shelves. Along with Mortal Kombat, Night Trap led to the formation of the ESRB. On December 16, 1993 the game was pulled, and the offending scenes edited out, the game was then rereleased under the new 'M' rating, for Mature. In reality, the scenes in question were not as graphic as they were made out to be (some people were claiming the game featured actual nudity, which it did not.) The game was also released for several other systems, including the PC, 3DO, and even the Sega 32X.

Infos from Wikipedia


Sega Chihiro

Console 1998

Sega Dreamcast

The Sega Dreamcast was released back on November 27, 1998 in Japan, September 9, 1999 in November and finally 1999 in Europe. It is also the final console that Sega released with no successors afterwards.
After the setback Sega had with the Saturn system such as high production costs and very complex hardware they decided to take a different approach. The outcome of this decision was a console that was designed to be much more intelligent with subsystems working in parallel.
The console was originally very successful as the U.S launch was highly backed by a large marketing campaign but interest in the console rapidly declined once Sony started to build the hype for their upcoming console.
There were many factors to why Sega exited the console market but the Dreamcast was one of the leading issues with failing to meet sales expectations and the rise in tough competition such as the Playstation 2, Xbox and Nintendo’s latest console.
Even though it had such as short lifespan and very limited support the console was still praised as being ahead of its time.
There were some pretty awesome games that were released for the Sega Dreamcast just to name a few Crazy Taxi, Shenmue, Jet Set Radio and as well of some great high quality ports from the Naomi arcade system board.

Console 1983

Sega Game 1000

The SG-1000 or Sega Game 1000 is a cartridge based video game console manufactured by Sega.
This console marked Sega’s very first entry into the home hardware video game market and was released in 1983. The console cost 15,000 Japenese Yen to buy and was released in several different markets including Japan & Australia.
Due to the competition at the time the SG-1000 was released into the markets it was not very successful. Issues such as a poor controller, lack of support for the A/V output, however lessons were learnt and help in the development of the master system.
There was a total of 68 standard cartridge releases and 29 Sega cartridge releases with a total of 97.
There were several peripherals for the SG-1000 such as keyboards, different controllers, a racing wheel and a few more different peripherals.

Handheld 1990

Sega Game Gear

Generation 4th generation
First available JP October 6, 1990
US 1991
EUR 1992
CPU Zilog Z80
Media Cartridge
Online service None
Units sold 8.65 million
Top-selling game Sonic the Hedgehog

The Sega Game Gear was a handheld game console and was Sega's response to Nintendo's Game Boy. It was the third commercially available color handheld console, after the Atari Lynx and the Turbo Express.

Work began on the console in 1989 under the codename 'Project Mercury', and the system was released in Japan on October 6, 1990. It was released in North America and Europe in 1991 and in Australia in 1992. The launch price was Dollar149.99. Support for the Game Gear was dropped in early 1997.

Design and technical features

The Game Gear was basically a portable Master System with a lower resolution screen, but allowed for a larger color palette, and therefore potentially better-looking graphics. In addition, it could also produce stereo sound (through headphones) as opposed to the Master System's monaural output, although very few games made use of the stereo capabilities. Unlike the original Game Boy, the system was held in a 'landscape' position, with the controls at the sides, making it less cramped to hold. One of the more famous and unusual peripherals for the Game Gear was the 'TV Tuner Adapter', a device that plugged into the system's cartridge slot, and allowed one to watch TV on the Game Gear's screen. Other add-ons included a magnifying glass to compensate for the relatively small size of the Game Gear's screen, and a rechargeable battery pack.

Sega had taken a similar approach when developing the Sega Mega Drive, basing it on Sega's 16-bit arcade hardware. This enabled direct conversion of popular games. Likewise, because of the similarities between the Master System and the Game Gear, it was possible for Master System games to be written directly onto ROMs in Game Gear cartridges. Similarly, an adapter called the 'Master Gear' allowed Master System cartridges to be plugged in and played on the Game Gear. The reverse (playing a Game Gear game on a Master System console) was impossible due to the Game Gear's aforementioned larger color palette.

Main processor: Zilog Z80 (8-bit)
Processor speed: 3.58 MHz (same as NTSC dot clock)
Resolution: 160 x 144 pixels
Colors available: 4,096
Colors on screen: 32
Maximum sprites: 64
Sprite size: 8x8 or 8x16
Screen size: 3.2 inches (81 mm)
Audio: 3 square wave generators, 1 noise generator, mono
RAM: 24 KB
Batteries: 6 AA


As of 2006, emulators for Game Gear have been made for the GP2X, GP32, Game Boy Advance, Nintendo DS, Symbian, Windows Mobile,Ipod, PC and the PlayStation Portable, which use less power, fewer batteries and a smaller form factor along with emulation through software.

Sales history and Game Boy rivalry

The Game Gear was not very popular in Japan, where it was released to a generally apathetic audience, with build quality issues plaguing it early in its service life. Another problem was battery life; while better than earlier color backlit systems, its 5 hour battery life (using alkaline batteries) still wasn't as good as the Game Boy (due to that system's monochrome screen, lack of a backlight, and less powerful hardware). Battery life was a much bigger issue before handheld systems had built-in rechargeable batteries: gamers needed either a constant supply of six AA batteries, or a rechargeable battery pack that was sold separately.

Pricewise, the Game Gear was more expensive than the Game Boy (Dollar149.99, versus Dollar89.95 for the Game Boy). The significantly larger price tag contributed to driving away potential Game Gear buyers.

When first launched in America, a memorable TV advertising campaign was used to promote the system as superior to the Game Boy. One commercial featured a dog looking back and forth at both portables, with a narrator saying, 'If you were colorblind and had an IQ of less than twelve, then you wouldn't care which portable you had. Of course, you wouldn't care if you drank from the toilet, either.' An advertisement was shown in black and white, with players milling about aimlessly in a dark void, playing Game Boys. A lone rebel appears with a Game Gear, cuing the narrator's comment of 'The Sega Game Gear: Separates the men from the boys.' Another showed a gamer hitting himself in the head with a rigid, dead squirrel in order to see color on his Game Boy. When the Game Boy began to appear in different colors, Sega's ad ridiculed it by showing the Game Boy disguised in loaves of bread. Another ad from that era featured a professor explaining that though the Game Boy now was available in bright colors, the graphics were still monochrome, and therefore Game Gear was still superior. Although Sega was rather proud of these original marketing campaigns, it may have backfired since many gamers - loyal to their existing Nintendo handhelds - saw the ads as offensive, condescending or even patronizing. Negative advertising may have also been detrimental since it implied that the Game Gear was in second place (as indeed it was). However, less offensive advertising included the phrase SEGA does what Nintendon't, but even that phrase didn't discourage Nintendo fans from buying the Game Boy instead.

Although its color backlit screen and ergonomic design made it technically superior to the Game Boy, the Game Gear did not manage to take over a significant share of the market. This can be blamed partly on the perception that it was too bulky, and on its somewhat low battery performance: the device required six AA batteries, and the backlit screen consumed these in approximately five hours (six on the later versions), compared to 10-12 hours of four-AA battery lifespan for the Game Boy. External and rechargeable battery packs were sold to extend the devices' battery life. At that time, rechargeable batteries had strict limitations (e.g. the batteries needed to be discharged before being recharged). Ni-Cd batteries were the mainstream type of rechargeable batteries during that era, and Ni-MH and Li-Ion batteries would not become mainstream until after the Game Gear was phased out.

The blue Game Gear sports edition, identical to the standard Game Gear, except in body color, was released in 1993, with the game World Series Baseball. Another specialty edition was a red Coca-Cola-themed Game Gear unit, released to the Japanese market, which came with a game entitled Coca-Cola Kid.

However, Sega's biggest problem was that it failed to enlist as many key software developers as Nintendo, so the Game Gear was perceived as lacking as many games. Although it was a moderate success, the Game Gear did not manage to achieve the commercial success that Game Boy did, in that when it went off the market it was not replaced by an immediate successor. The Game Gear, however, did better than other portable systems that tried to compete with the Game Boy, such as the preceding Atari Lynx. The Game Gear did suffer from some of the same key problems that plagued the similar Lynx, though the Sega did somewhat better than Atari due to more titles and a stronger marketing campaign. In the end, the Game Gear gained most of its sales by pushing the Lynx out of the market rather than eating into the Game Boy's dominant share.

Support ended in 1997, but Majesco released a core version of the Game Gear in 2000 for a reduced price. The Majesco Core Game Gear differed slightly from the original Game Gear in that it was black and had a purple start button rather than dark grey and a blue start button, the logo on the front of the unit was no longer in color, and it did not support the television tuner accessory. It also had a somewhat better speaker that didn't distort as much when played loudly. It was part of Majesco's strategy of eking profits from products with margins too slim for the original manufacturer to pursue, and was accompanied by Majesco's licensed reissue of several classic Game Gear cartridges. Majesco-reissued cartridges are distinguished by having no plastic case, and a Majesco Sales logo on the label, as well as the current games ratings system, which differs slightly from the one formerly used by Sega. The Majesco logo was not prominent, and these were marketed under the Sega name.

The Game Gear was rereleased in a smaller handheld form factor in late 2006. This small handheld device was powered by 3 AAA batteries, had a brighter active matrix screen, and contained 20 Game Gear and Sega Master System games. It was released under several brands including Coleco and PlayPal.

Though its sales success has been surpassed by the Sony PSP, the Game Gear is still the longest supported handheld console not made by Nintendo to date.

Infos from Wikipedia

Console 1988

Sega Genesis

The Sega Genesis or also known as the Mega Drive outside of North America is a console that was developed and sold by Sega. It is also the successor the Master System console.
Like most of Sega’s consoles this again didn’t go to well against the two competitors the NES and the NEC’s PC Engine. It still however was able to achieve success in North America and Europe. The huge game library was one of the factors that helped the console sell well.
The Sega Genesis boasted a game library of over 900 games these were developed by Sega and also a wide range of third party publishers. The games came in form of a ROM based cartridge. The console featured games such as Sonic the Hedgehog, Disney’s Aladdin, Mortal Kombat and many more classics that we know and love.
There were a number of peripherals released for the consoles such as a light gun, a mouse, a foam covered bat and many more extra items to add extra functionality to the console. At the end of 1994 when the newer 32bit bit consoles were released the console became obsolete very fast. By the time the Sega Genesis was discontinued it had sold an estimated 40 million units.
The Sega Genesis still maintains a strong fan base with people collecting the old consoles and games. As well as people turning to emulators to replay some of the classics they grew up with.


Sega Lindbergh

Unknown 1993 (Japan) 1994 (Europe)

Sega MD-2

The Mega Drive II is basically just a re-designed Mega Drive.
The Mega Drive II was much smaller and squarer then the original Mega Drive. It did not have the headphone jack, volume control or RF TV output. The A/V port changed to a custom multi out port that now provided stereo sound to T.V's (previously only mono was output by the Mega Drive, the headphone jack had to be used for stereo sound). The power lead port was made smaller and a different AC adapter was used. Finaly the power switch was changed to a push button.
Both the original Mega Drive and the Mega Drive II could be connected to a Sega CD and 32X add-ons. The Mega CD was even remodeled to better fit the Mega Drive II. A specific version of the Mega Adapter/Master System Converter was also designed.
Adapted from Miles Mason's Genesis 2/Megadrive II text

Console 1985

Sega Mark III & Master System

The Sega Master System or also known as the Master System is the third generation console that was developed and manufactured by Sega. Originally being released back in 1985 as the Sega Mark III in Japan was later redesigned for the North American launch in 1986.
Both the newer older versions of the console could play the cartridges and also the credit card sized “Sega Cards”. These cards retailed at lower prices than cartridges but had a drawback of having less memory then a cartridge. The Sega cards were eventually dropped because their very small memory limit. (Only 256 Kbit)
The system had superior hardware when it was compared to NES containing twice as much memory. The CPU also ran at a much faster pace but this wasn’t enough to stop the NES and its strong franchise lines from outdoing them in sales.There was a few accessories developed for the system such as 3D glasses and a light gun both being designed to work with a range of specially developed games.
The console faced strong competition from Nintendo with the Sega Master System only selling about 10-13 million units over its life time which is far less than the NES that sold over 62 million.

The game library was criticised of being too small and needed to be more substantial. The Master System did feature the Sega’s flagship character at the time (The Alex Kidd franchise). Other games such as Street Fighter II and Dynamite Headdy were also released for the system.

Console 1988 (Japan), 1990 (Europe)

Sega Mega Drive

The Mega Drive launched in 1988 in Japan. Europe had to wait two whole years before they would get the machine.
Designed as the replacement for the 8 bit Master System, it originally competed against other 8 bit systems, namely the Famicom/NES and PC Engine/TurboGrafx.
The Mega Drive had mixed fortunes. In Japan the console was out sold by both the PC Engine and later the Super Famicom. In Europe on the other hand, the Mega Drive fared considerably better. The practically unheard of TurboGrafx was extremely rare and the Mega Drive was able to outsell the SNES, finishing the generation in first place.
However, the success of the console in Europe, and as the Genesis in the States, may well have contributed to Sega's downfall. Two misjudged add-ons, the 32X and Mega CD put a huge dent in Sega's reputation, one so large that the company would never recover.
A redesigned Mega Drive II was released in 1993. The smaller console was cheaper to produce, similar in concept to the Master System II.

Arcade 1992

Sega Model 1

The Sega Model 1 is an arcade system board released by Sega in 1992. During development of the system, Sega went to General Electric Aerospace (which would become part of Martin Marietta, later Lockheed Martin) for assistance in creating the 3D hardware. The first game for the system, Virtua Racing was designed to test the viability of the platform and was never intended to be released commercially, but it was such a success internally that Sega did so anyway.

However, the high cost of the system meant only six games were ever released; among them the popular fighting game Virtua Fighter. The Model 1 would pave the way for the Model 2, one of the most popular arcade system boards ever developed.

Model 1 specifications
Main CPU: NEC V60 @ 16 MHz
Graphics Coprocessor: Fujitsu TGP MB86233 FPU
Sound CPU: Motorola 68000 @ 10 MHz
Sound Chip: 2 x Sega 315-5560 Custom 28 channel PCM
Sound Timer: Yamaha YM3834 @ 8MHz
Display Resolution: 496 x 384
Color Depth: 16-bit
Graphical Capabilities: Flat shading, Diffuse reflection, Specular reflection, 2 layers of background scrolling, Alpha blending
Geometric performance: 180,000 polygons/sec.

Infos from Wikipedia

Arcade 1993

Sega Model 2

The Bondwell 2 was a late CP/M machine, designed and shipped towards the end of the lifecycle of the OS. It is, however, a true portable computer running CP/M, which is quite rare.

The Machine

A low power Z80 running at 4 MHz (despite the fact that some docs say 2 MHz)
64 KB of DRAM
a 4 KB EPROM containing the boot code (2 KB) and character map (2 KB)
16 KB of SRAM for the frame buffer (bitmapped 640x200 = 128000 bits = 16000 bytes)
an MSM6255 LCD controller chip driving the Citizen 640x200 LCD panel (no backlight)
an 82C51 serial interface controller chip
an 82C53 programmable interval timer chip
an 82C55 PIO chip for controlling the keyboard, memory banking, and floppy drive controls
a discrete chip implementation for the parallel port
a TMS2797 FDC controller, software compatible with the FD179x family of FDCs
a TEAC FD-35 floppy disk drive (SS/DD, 360 KB capacity)
two 6V sealed lead acid batteries, wired in series
a switching regulator to produce regulated +12V, +5V, and -13V from the ~12V lead acid battery
Beneath the case is a single slot where an expansion cartridge can be plugged in. One such cartridge is the RAMCARD. This contains up to 512 KB of DRAM and a 16 KB or 32 KB EPROM. This extra RAM is configured as a RAM disk, and the EPROM contains code that configures it. In my case, this EPROM had been customized to contain three utility CP/M programs that automatically get installed into the RAM drive.

The rear of the machine has a fold-down door exposing three I/O connectors. One is for the serial port, one for the parallel port, and one for an external floppy disk drive. All use non-standard pin-outs to reduce the connectors' sizes.

Note that the machine has more (with the RAMCARD, a lot more) than 64 KB of things to address. Three of the 8255 PIO chip pins are used to control memory banking. Memory is split with the upper 32 KB being fixed to always map to 32 KB of the 64 KB on the motherboard. The lower 32 KB of the address space can be mapped to the other 32 KB of motherboard DRAM, or the boot ROM, or the video RAM, or the expansion slot. While the other six bank enables appear on the expansion slot interface, the RAMCARD uses one 32 KB aperture to write to a control register in the RAMCARD to provide more bank bits. Without that second level banking, the RAMCARD would have been limited to 180 KB or so (six banks of 32 KB).

The two 6V 3Ah batteries in my machine were dead, long dead. I replaced them both with a single 12V 3.4Ah battery; mechanically it is an identical fit and it was cheaper as well.

As was mentioned, the graphics are bitmapped at 640x200. The text is drawn in software by splatting the pixels for the character so the appropriate place in the display RAM. As a result, text output is quite slow. TYPEing a document from the RAM disk on a 4 MHz CPU should tear, but on the BW2, it leaves just about enough time to read the document as it scrolls past.

Arcade 1996

Sega Model 3

The Sega Model 3 is an arcade system board released by Sega in 1996. It was the final culmination of Sega's partnership with Lockheed Martin, using the company's Real3D division to design the graphical hardware. Upon release, the Model 3 was easily the most powerful arcade system board in existence, capable of over one million polygons per second. The hardware went through several 'steppings,' which increased the clock speed of the CPU, as well as minor changes to the board architecture.

Well known Model 3 games include Virtua Fighter 3 (1996), Sega Super GT (1996), Harley-Davidson & L.A. Riders (1997), Sega Bass Fishing (1997), Daytona USA 2 (1998), Sega Rally 2 (1998), and The Ocean Hunter (1998), although it is the rarest of them.

Model 3 Specifications

Main CPU: IBM PowerPC 603e @ 66, 100, 166 MHz
Graphics Chip: 2Ṫ Lockheed Martin Real3D/Pro-1000
Sound CPU : Motorola 68EC000 @ 11.3 MHz
Sound chip: 2Ṫ Yamaha SCSP/YMF292-F 128-step DSP, MIDI interface, 64 voices, 4 channel, maximum of 16.5 MB ROM, 64 PCM channels, 16-bit audio, 44.1 kHz sampling rate.
Main RAM: 8 MB
Audio RAM: 1 MB
Graphical capabilities: Texture mapping, trilinear filtering, mipmapping, specular reflection, Gouraud shading, flat shading, anti aliasing, alpha blending, perspective texture mapping, trilinear interpolation, micro texture shading, high-specular Gouraud shading.
Geometric performance: Over 1,000,000 polygons/sec, 60 million pixels/sec, 16 million coloured textures/sec.
Special effects: Zoning fog, 32 levels of translucency, clipping, model & texture LOD, fade in/out, 4095 moving models.
Lighting: Parallel light, 4 light sports, pin-point light.
Display resolution: 640x480, Z-buffering, non-interlaced.

Infos from Wikipedia

Arcade 1998

Sega Naomi

The Sega NAOMI (New Arcade Operation Machine Idea) is a development of the Sega Dreamcast technology as a basis for an arcade system board. The first NAOMI hardware was demonstrated in 1998 at JAMMA as the successor to the Sega Model 3 hardware. The use of mass produced hardware allowed for a sharp reduction in the cost of complete arcade cabinets.

The NAOMI and Dreamcast share the same system-architecture. Both systems use the same Hitachi SH-4 CPU, PowerVR Series 2 GPU (PVR2DC), and Yamaha AICA based sound system. NAOMI packs twice as much system and graphics memory, and 4X as much sound memory. And although the NAOMI and Dreamcast operate at the same speed (clock frequency), multiple NAOMI boards can be 'stacked' together to achieve better graphics performance or a multi-monitor setup. The other key difference between NAOMI and Dreamcast lies in the game-media. The Dreamcast typically loads data from a GD-ROM during a game. NAOMI games either use only solid-state ROMs without a GD-ROM, or else load data from a GD-ROM only once at the start of a game to avoid wear and tear on the hardware. The NAOMI system is capable of storing 168 MB of data.

NAOMI boards can be used in special game cabinets (NAOMI Universal Cabinet) where a theoretical maximum of sixteen boards can be used in a parallel processing format.

Unlike most hardware platforms in the arcade industry, NAOMI is widely licensed for use by other manufacturers. Games such as Mazan, Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 and Guilty Gear XX are examples of NAOMI-based arcade games that are not Sega products. An offshoot version of the NAOMI hardware is Atomiswave by Sammy Corporation.

After nine years of hardware production, and with new game titles coming in 2008 like Melty Blood: Actress Again and Akatsuki Blitzkampf AC, NAOMI is considered to be one of the longest running arcade platforms ever and is comparable in longevity with the Neo-Geo MVS.

NAOMI Specifications

CPU: Hitachi SH-4 32-bit RISC CPU (200 MHz 360 MIPS / 1.4 GFLOPS)
Graphic Engine: PowerVR 2 (PVR2DC)
Sound Engine: ARM7 Yamaha AICA 45 MHZ (with internal 32-bit RISC CPU, 64 channel ADPCM)
Main Ram: 32 megs
Main Memory: 32 MByte
Graphic Memory: 16 MByte
Sound Memory: 8 MByte
Media: ROM Board (maximum size of 172MBytes) / GD-Rom
Simultaneous Number of Colors: Approx. 16,770,000 (24bits)
Polygons: 2.5 Million polys/sec
Rendering Speed: 500 M pixel/sec
Additional Features: Bump Mapping, Fog, Alpha Blending, Mip-Mapping, Trilinear filtering, Anti-Aliasing, Environment mapping, and Specular Effects.

Infos from Wikipedia

Console 1993

Sega Pico

The Pico was released in 1993 in Japan and 1994 in America and Europe. In these parts of the world, Pico games were produced until late 1996/ early 1997, In Japan, however, games are still being produced. As of April 2005, 3.4 million Pico consoles and 11.2 million software cartridges had been sold (info: Wikipedia)

In 1994, Sega shifted the focus of its game marketing to a much younger age group when it released the Pico 'edutainment' system. It was designed as both a learning tool and gaming platform for kids. With the Pico, Sega planned to introduce video games to a new generation.

The Pico console resembled a laptop PC. Sega advertised the Pico as 'the computer that thinks it's a toy.' Inside the console was a stylus called the 'Magic Pen' and a drawing pad. The Pico did not come equipped with its own screen and required a television hook-up.

When a child touched the Magic Pen to the drawing pad, pre-rendered characters could be animated or original pictures could be drawn. The Magic Pen aided children in learning how to use a computer mouse. They could also control action on-screen by using the Pico's directional arrow keys like on a real personal computer.

Software for the Pico system was called 'Storyware.' It was fashioned like a storybook. The Storyware game cartridges fit into its slot in the top lid of the Pico. As Storyware pages were flipped, the television screen changed and displayed new pictures. Voices, sound effects and music also accompanied the turning of each Storyware page.

The Pico system originally retailed for $139 and included one pack-in game. Additional Storyware titles ranged in price from $39.99 to $49.99. Sega recommended the Pico for children between the ages of three and seven.

The Storyware selections were aimed at teaching children different lessons like spelling (Adventures in Letter Land), counting (Math Antics with the 101 Dalmatians), reading (The Magic School Bus) music (The Musical Zoo), matching (Ecco Jr.), and coloring (Magic Crayons).

Naturally Sega introduced its world famous character, Sonic the Hedgehog into a Pico game. He is the star of Sonic's Gameworld which features thirteen games that teach problem solving. Sega licensed other animated characters such as Mickey Mouse in Mickey's Blast into the Past and the Muppets in The Muppets on the Go to increase the Pico's appeal to children.

Most acclaimed games for the Pico system include: Disney's The Lion King: Adventures at Pride Rock, A Year at Pooh Corner, Smart Alex and Smart Alice: Curious Kids and Scholastic's Magic School Bus.



Sega RingEdge


Sega RingEdge 2

Computer 1983

Sega SC-3000

The SC-3000 was the computer equivalent of the SG-1000 cartridge-based gaming console manufactured by Sega.

The SC-3000 sold for Yen 29,800 in 1983 and was marketed as a computer for beginners. Since games were compatible with both the SC-3000 and SG-1000, and since the SC-3000 was also able to run computer applications, it outsold the SG-1000.

Users were able to create their own programs and games on the machine. A speech synthesis unit, light pen, and several other third party accessories were also available.

The SC-3000H, which originally sold for Yen 33,800, was an upgraded version of the SC-3000 with more RAM and an upgraded keyboard (the original keyboard was of the low-end membrane type).

The SC-3000 had an add-on called the SF-7000. The SF-7000 added 64KB of RAM and 8KB ROM, a 3-inch floppy disk drive, a Centronics parallel port, and an RS232 serial port.

Infos from Wikipedia

Console 1983

Sega SG-1000

The SG-1000 (also called the Mark I) was Sega's first home console. Although a market test was conducted in 1981, it would be another two years until the SG-1000 received it's full launch, putting it in direct competition with the NES.
Sega's arcade background meant that a number of arcade games were converted to the system, most of which were very well done. The graphics and sound may seem primitive today, but this was cutting edge technology back then and the games are still quite playable even now.
While Sega marketed the console in Asia, Grandstand took care of overseas sales. The console was available in a number of countries and was popular not only in Japan but also New Zealand and Taiwan, but for some reason it was never released in America.
A number of clones of this system were available such as the Othello Multivision and the DINA 2-in-1/Telegames Personal Arcade, which was advertised as a ColecoVision clone but it could also play SG-1000 games, a fact which most owners were unaware of!
The SG-1000 was followed by the SG-1000 Mark II, which was released in 1984.

Console 1994

Sega Saturn

The Sega Saturn is the 5th generation console developed and sold by Sega. It was released on November 22, 1994 in Japan, May 11 1995 in North American and July 8, 1995 in Europe. It is the successor the successful Sega Genesis.
The North American launch was a surprise launch that caught many of the retailers by surprise as only a few retailers had been told about this. As a result few retailers refused to stock any of Sega’s products. The console boasted a dual-CPU setup with a total of eight processors. The games also were in a CD-ROM format.
The Saturn’s game library consisted mostly of the Arcade ports that included games such as Daytona USA, Last Bronx, Die Hard Arcade and many more. In 1998 surprisingly the system had more games than its competitor the Nintendo 64. The Saturn faced many problems in the American marketplace after selling well in Japan. The console was released 4 months prior and faced very shaky sales and to top it off the release of the Nintendo 64 in 1996 basically was the final nail in the coffin, with the SEGA Saturn being discontinued in 1998. The Sega Saturn sold a total of only 9.5 million units worldwide and was considered a commercial failure.
As there was a decline in the industry the failure of the Sega Saturn put a lot of financial strain onto the company. This caused departures within the company and for the discontinuation of the system leaving the Western Market without any Sega games for over a year.

Arcade 1985

Sega System 16

The Sega System 16 is an arcade system board released by Sega in 1985. Throughout its lifespan, there would be around forty games released on this hardware, making it one of Sega's most successful hardware designs. It was produced in two variants, the System 16A and System 16B.

In order to prevent piracy, as well as illegal bootleg games, many System 16 boards used an encryption system. A Hitachi FD1094 chip, containing the main CPU as well as the decryption key, was used in place of a regular CPU.

System 16 specifications
Main CPU: Motorola 68000 @ 10 MHz
Sound CPU: ZiLOG Z80 @ 4 MHz (5 MHz in System 16B)
Sound Chip: Yamaha YM2151 @ 4 MHz (+ NEC uPD7759 ADPCM decoder in System 16B)
Display Resolution: 320 x 224
Colors: 4096
Graphical Capabilities: 128 onscreen sprites, 2 tile layers, 1 text layer, 1 sprite layer, sprite scaling. Note only System 16B supports sprite scaling.

Infos from Wikipedia

Arcade 1995

Sega Titan Video

ST-V (Sega Titan Video game system) was an arcade system board released by Sega in 1995. Unlike existing arcade hardware at the time, the ST-V's hardware was essentially identical to their home console system, the Sega Saturn, with the only difference being that the Saturn used CDs to store games, while the ST-V used cartridges. This allowed for very 'pure' ports from arcade to the console. The majority of ST-V titles were released in Japan only. Being derived from the Saturn hardware, the system was presumably named for the moon Titan, a satellite of Saturn. Games released for the ST-V includes the arcade version of Virtua Fighter Remix, Golden Axe: The Duel and Final Fight Revenge.

ST-V Specifications

Main CPU: 2x Hitachi SH-2 @ 28.6 MHz in a master/slave configuration
Custom Saturn Control Unit (SCU): Fixed-point math coprocessor
VPD1: 32-bit Video Display Processor - handles sprite and polygon drawing. Dual 256 KB framebuffers for rotate and scale effects. Texture mapping, Gouraud shading. 512KB texture RAM
VDP2: 32-bit background and scroll plane Video Display Processor - transparency effects, shadowing, 5 simultaneous scrolling backgrounds and 2 simultaneous rotating playfields
Sound CPU: Motorola 68000 @ 11.45 MHz
Sound Chip: Yamaha YM292-F SCSP @ 11.3 MHz
Main RAM: 2MB
VRAM: 1.54MB
Audio RAM: 512KB

Infos from Wikipedia

Unknown 1992

Sega WonderMega

The Wondermega was released in 1992 as a joint development by Sega and JVC. It is similar to the Multi-Mega, being a combination of a Mega Drive and Mega CD, but with the added ability to function as a karaoke machine and improved sound thanks to JVC's new DSP. The system shipped with four karaoke programs and a compilation CD of four games. Two microphones can be connected to the system so users can sing along with CDs, or, thanks to a button on the machine, the CDs vocals can be muted allowing you to sing with just the music as a backing track.
In 1993 the WonderMIDI package was released. This allowed users to connect a MIDI keyboard the Wondermega to create sound effects and music, and included instructional software which could help people learn to play the piano. 1993 also saw a re-release of the system, with several small changes designed to reduce cost.


Seta Aleck64

Computer 1978

Sharp MZ-2000

The Sharp MZ is a series of personal computers sold in Japan and Europe (particularly Germany and Great Britain) by Sharp beginning in 1978.

Although commonly believed to stand for 'Microcomputer Z80', the term MZ actually has its roots in the MZ-40K, a home computer kit produced by Sharp in 1980. This was soon followed by the MZ-80K, K2, C, and K2E, all of which were based on Fujitsu's 4-bit MB8843 processor and provided a simple hexadecimal keypad for input. (The MZ-80C, which was sold fully assembled, included a full alphanumeric keyboard.)

From the first Z80 processor-based model to the MZ-2200 in 1983, the MZ computers included the PC, monitor, keyboard, and tape-based recorder in a single unit, similar to Commodore's PET series. It was also notable for not including a programming language or operating system in ROM, like the IBM PC. This allowed a host of third-party companies, starting with Hudson Soft, to produce many languages and OSes for the system. In an era when floppy disk drives were too expensive for most home users, the MZ's built-in tape drive was considered faster and more reliable than the drive on competing computers; however, this meant that the MZ series was relatively slow to adopt floppy drives as a standard accessory.

Infos from: Wikipedia

Computer 1983

Sharp MZ-2200

The MZ 2200 is basicaly a Sharp MZ 2000 with an optional built-in 3.5" floppy disk drive and no buil-in monitor.

Computer 1978

Sharp MZ-2500

The Sharp MZ is a series of personal computers sold in Japan and Europe (particularly Germany and Great Britain) by Sharp beginning in 1978.

Although commonly believed to stand for 'Microcomputer Z80', the term MZ actually has its roots in the MZ-40K, a home computer kit produced by Sharp in 1980. This was soon followed by the MZ-80K, K2, C, and K2E, all of which were based on Fujitsu's 4-bit MB8843 processor and provided a simple hexadecimal keypad for input. (The MZ-80C, which was sold fully assembled, included a full alphanumeric keyboard.)

From the first Z80 processor-based model to the MZ-2200 in 1983, the MZ computers included the PC, monitor, keyboard, and tape-based recorder in a single unit, similar to Commodore's PET series. It was also notable for not including a programming language or operating system in ROM, like the IBM PC. This allowed a host of third-party companies, starting with Hudson Soft, to produce many languages and OSes for the system. In an era when floppy disk drives were too expensive for most home users, the MZ's built-in tape drive was considered faster and more reliable than the drive on competing computers; however, this meant that the MZ series was relatively slow to adopt floppy drives as a standard accessory.

Infos from: Wikipedia

Computer 1983

Sharp MZ-700

The Sharp MZ 700 series replaced the aging MZ 80 (MZ 80K, MZ 80A and MZ 80B) series. Moreover, the MZ 700 was compatible with the MZ 80K and MZ 80A.
The MZ 700 series is composed of four machines: the first three models were launched in 1983 (November 1982 in Japan) and the last one was launched in late 1985 (in fact, this one is the "ancestor" of the MZ 800):
- the MZ 711 was the "naked" model (without any peripheral),
- the MZ 721, has an integrated tape recorder
- the MZ 731, has built-in plotter and tape recorder).
- the fourth model was the MZ 780 which was actually a MZ 731 with a 80 columns card, a floppy disk drive and a Centronics port. It worked under CP/M.
There was no language in ROM (the ROM size is only 2 KB, it is just used for boot and OS calls), it has to be loaded from tape. So there was a lot of languages adapted for this machine (more than five versions of BASIC, assemblers, Pascal, Lisp, C, Fortran, Comal, Forth, & others).
The games were a bit poor because of the low resolution (which was actually graphical characters), but there were 512 graphic characters in ROM, which can be used to offset it (sort of).
It will be replaced with the MZ 800.

Computer 1981

Sharp MZ-80B

As the German magazine "mc" reported in its January 1981 first edition, the MZ-80B was shown first on the German Hannover show, in April 1981.
The MZ-80B was one of the nicer, if not the nicer, and well designed home computer ever built. It also featured an innovative 'Intelligent' cassette deck which was able to find and load a program anywhere in the cassette tape. All the cassette functions were remote controlled by software.

The MZ-80B was compatible with the other MZ 80x computers (Sharp MZ 80A, Sharp MZ 80K), but unlike these ones, it was possible to have high graphic resolution thanks to one or two optional boards which provided one or two switchable graphic pages.
This computer, like all the computers of the Sharp MZ series, had no language in ROM, Basic (or any other language) had to be loaded from tape.


Sharp Wizard

Computer 1982

Sharp X1

The X1 is a series of home computer released by Sharp Corporation from 1982 to 1988. It was based on a Z80 CPU.

Despite the fact that the Computer Division of Sharp Corporation had released the MZ series, suddenly the Television Division released a new computer series called the X1. At the time the original X1 was released, all other home computers generally had a BASIC language in ROM. However the X1 did not have a BASIC ROM, and it had to load the interpreter from a cassette tape. On the plus side however, this concept meant that a free RAM area was available that was as big as possible when not using BASIC. This policy was originally copied from the Sharp MZ series, and they were called clean computers in Japan. The cabinet shape of X1 was also much more stylish than others at that time and a range of cabinet colors (including Red) was selectable.

The RGB display monitor for the X1 had a television tuner, and a computer screen could be super-imposed on TV. All the TV functions could be controlled from a computer program. The character font was completely programmable (A.K.A. PCG) with 4bit color, and it was effectively used into a lot of games. The entirety of the VRAM memory was mapped on to the I/O area, so it was controlled without bank change. Since X1 had these features, it was very powerful for game software.

While X1 was struggling to sell, the PC8801 (from NEC) was quickly becoming popular in the Japanese market. In 1984, Sharp released the X1 turbo series with high resolution graphics (640x400, while X1 had 640x200). It had a lot of improvements, but the clock speed was still only 4MHz. In 1986, Sharp released the X1 turbo Z series with a 4096 color analog RGB monitor. An X1 twin, which had a PC-Engine in the cabinet, was finally released as the last machine of the X1 series in 1987. Then this series was succeeded by the X68000 series.

Technical Info:

Name X1 (CZ-800C)
Manufacturer Sharp
Type Home Computer
Origin Japan
Year 1982
Keyboard Full-stroke keyboard
CPU Sharp Z80 A
Speed 4 MHz
Virtual RAM 4 KB (up to 48 KB)
Text Modes 40 / 80 x 25
Graphic Modes 320 x 200 / 640 x 200
Colours 8
Sound 3 voices PSG
I/O Ports 2 x I/O ports
2 x Joysticks (Atari)
Audio out

Built in media Tape
Power Supply Built-in PSU
Price Yen 155,000

Infos from: Wikipedia

Computer 1984

Sharp X1 Turbo

The Turbo serie was launched simultaneously with the X1 serie.
The X1 Turbo has enhanced graphic features. It also has additional hardware compared to the X1 serie: DMAC, CTC and SIO as standard. CTC & SIO can be however implemented on X1 serie through additional FM sound board or Mouse/Rs-232C board. But DMAC can not.
Turbo series has a special "KANJI" V-RAM, compared to X1 series which has only one way to display "KANJI" symbols, a heavy task for the Z80A: to display 1 "KANJI" character, 96 bytes of data are transfered to the V-RAM. As opposed, Turbo series just send 3 bytes of data (2 bytes for shift JIS code, and another 1 byte for attribute) to the "KANJI" V-RAM. Among the 8-bit systems, only the X1 Turbo serie and MZ-2500 have this special V-RAM. The access time is almost null, compared to the X1's V-RAM which is slower.
In the same way, it takes from 2 to 8 seconds to define P.C.G (user generated characters, similar to sprites) with the X1 serie, while it takes only 0.5 seconds with the Turbo serie. The MZ-2500 is also equiped with this feature.
There were in fact three models:
- Model 10: built-in tape recorder, no KANJI ROM, only 48 KB V-RAM (additional 48 KB available as an option),
- Model 20: one 5.25" disk drive instead of the tape recorder,
- Model 30: two 5.25" disk drives

Computer 1987

Sharp X68000

The Sharp X68000, often referred to as the X68k, was a home computer released only in Japan by the Sharp Corporation. The first model was released in 1987, with a 10 MHz Motorola 68000 CPU, 1 MB of RAM and no hard drive; the last model was released in 1993 with a 25 MHz Motorola 68030 CPU, 4 MB of RAM and optional 80 MB SCSI hard drive. RAM in these systems was expandable to 12 MB though most games and applications didn't require more than two.

Operating System

The X68k ran an operating system developed for Sharp by Hudson, called Human68k, which features commands very similar to those in MS-DOS (typed in English). Pre-2.0 versions of the OS had command line output only for common utilities like 'format' and 'switch' while later versions included forms-based versions of these utilities, greatly improving their usability. At least three major versions of the OS were released, with several updates in between. Other operating systems available include NetBSD for X68030 and OS-9.

Early models had a GUI called 'VS'; later ones were packaged with SX-WINDOW (not to be confused with Microsoft Windows, whose interface is very different). A third GUI called Ko-Windows existed; its interface was similar to Motif. These GUI shells could be booted from floppy disk or the system's hard drive. Most games also booted and ran from floppy disk; some were hard disk installable and others require hard disk installation.

Since the system's release, Human68k, console, and SX-Window C compiler suites and BIOS ROMs have been released as public domain and are freely available for download.

Case Design

The X68000 featured two soft-eject 5.25' floppy drives, or in some of the compact models, two 3.5' floppy drives, and a very distinct case design of two connected towers, divided by a retractable carrying handle. This system was also one of the first to feature a software-controlled power switch; pressing the switch would signal the system's software to save and shutdown, similar to the ATX design of modern PC's. The screen would fade to black and sound would fade to silence before the system turned off.

The system's keyboard, although rather poorly designed overall, had a mouse port built into either side. The front of the computer had a headphone jack, volume control, joystick, keyboard and mouse ports. The top had a retractable carrying handle (only on non-Compact models), a reset button, and a Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI) button. The rear had a plethora of ports, including stereoscopic output, FDD and HDD expansion ports, and I/O board expansion slots.


The monitor supported 15 and 31 kHz with up to 65,535 colors and functioned as a cable-ready television (NTSC-J standard) with composite video input. It was an excellent monitor for playing JAMMA compatible arcade boards due to its analog RGB input and standard-resolution refresh timing.

Disk I/O

Early machines used the rare Shugart Associates System Interface (SASI) as their hard disk interface; later versions adopted the industry-standard small computer system interface (SCSI). Per the hardware's capability, formatted SASI drives could be 10, 20 or 30 megabytes in size and could be logically partitoned as well. Floppy disks came in a couple of different formats, none of which are natively readable on other platforms, though software exists that can read and write these disks on a DOS or Windows 98 PC.


Many add-on cards were released for the system, including networking (Neptune-X), SCSI, memory upgrades, CPU enhancements (JUPITER-X 68040/060 accelerator), and MIDI I/O boards. The system has two joystick ports, both 9-pin male and supporting Atari standard joysticks. MSX controllers work natively and Super NES controllers could be used in conjunction with the adapter that came with Super Street Fighter 2.

Arcade at home

Hardware-wise, it was very similar to arcade hardware of the time. It supported separate text RAM, graphic RAM and hardware sprites. Sound was produced internally via Yamaha's then top-of-the-line YM2151 FM synthesizer and a single channel OKI MSM6258V for PCM. Due to this and other similarities it played host to many arcade game ports in its day. Games made for this system included Parodius Da! -Shinwa kara Owarai e-, Final Fight, Street Fighter 2, Ghosts 'n Goblins, a port of Akumajo Dracula (Castlevania in other regions, the X68000 version being remade for Sony PlayStation as Castlevania Chronicles), and many others. Many games also supported the Roland SC-55 and MT-32 MIDI modules for sound as well as mixed-mode internal/external output.

Infos from Wikipedia


Siemens PC-X

Computer 1988

Sinclair PC200

The Sinclair PC 200 was one of the last computers built under the Sinclair brand (along with the PC-500). In fact it was not a Sinclair at all, but a desktop version of the Amstrad PPC-512.
The case bore a striking resemblance to the Atari 520 ST case. It had a built-in 3.5" floppy drive on the right and mouse and joystick ports under the keyboard. And indeed the PC-200 was officially marketed as an Atari 520-ST competitor : same price, same disk drive, same memory (512k) and same design.
But compared to the Amiga and 520-ST, the PC-200 looked like a naked pea, even for an IBM compatible. Its two ISA slots were not enough to reasonably expand the system. Standard IBM expansion cards were nearly twice the height of the computer, thus the computer needed to be opened permanently!
In 1988, the MDA and CGA graphic modes were quite obsolete as most PC systems had adopted the more convenient EGA mode.
An interesting feature of the PC-200 was a TV output socket at the rear of the system, quite rare for a PC compatible system. It shows that Amstrad wanted to market the PC-200 as a low-range PC compatible system for the whole family.
At the same time, Amstrad presented the PC 20, which was in fact the same computer as the Sinclair PC 200 except for the color of the case (black for the Sinclair, white for the Amstrad) and the TV output (not implemented on the PC-20).
Angus WR Gullivers reports to us :
The Sinclair PC200 had absolutely no success, it bombed and was withdrawn very quickly from the market. It was advertised for only about 3 months. It was released to poor reviews because of its lack of expansion possibilities and use of CGA graphics when EGA and VGA were already available.

Computer 1986

Sinclair QL

The Sinclair QL (for Quantum Leap), was a personal computer launched by Sinclair Research in 1984, as the successor to the ZX Spectrum. The QL was aimed at the hobbyist and small business markets, but failed to achieve commercial success.

QL rear viewThe QL was originally conceived in 1981 under the code-name ZX83, as a portable computer for business users, with a built-in flat-screen CRT display, printer and modem. As development progressed, and ZX83 became ZX84, it eventually became clear that the portability features were over-ambitious and the specification was reduced to a conventional desktop configuration.

Based on a Motorola 68008 processor clocked at 7.5 MHz, the QL included 128 KB of RAM (officially expandable to 640 KB) and could be connected to a monitor or TV for display. Two built-in Microdrive tape-loop cartridge drives (first seen as a peripheral for the ZX Spectrum) provided mass storage, in place of the more expensive floppy disk drives found on similar systems of the era. Interfaces included an expansion slot, ROM cartridge socket, dual RS-232 ports, proprietary QLAN local area network ports, dual joystick ports and an external Microdrive bus. Two video modes were available, 256x256 pixels with 8 RGB colours and per-pixel flashing, or 512x256 pixels with four colours (black, red, green and white). Both screen modes used a 32 KB framebuffer in main memory. The hardware was capable of switching between two different areas of memory for the framebuffer, thus allowing double buffering. However, this would have used 64 KB of the standard machine's 128 KB of RAM and there is no support for this feature in the QL's original firmware. The alternative and much improved operating system Minerva does provide full support for the second framebuffer.

Internally, the QL comprised the CPU, two ULAs, (ZX8301 and ZX8302) and an Intel 8049 microcontroller (known as the IPC, or 'Intelligent Peripheral Controller'). The ZX8301 or 'Master Chip' implemented the video display generator and also provided DRAM refresh. The ZX8302, or 'Peripheral Chip', interfaced to the RS-232 ports (transmit only) Microdrives, QLAN ports, real-time clock and the 8049 (via a synchronous serial link). The 8049 (included at late stage in the QL's design, as substitute for a third ULA) acted as a keyboard/joystick controller, RS-232 receive buffer and audio generator.

A multitasking operating system, QDOS, primarily designed by Tony Tebby, was included on ROM, as was an advanced BASIC interpreter, named SuperBASIC designed by Jan Jones. The QL was also bundled with an office suite (word processor, spreadsheet, database, and graphics) written by Psion. Sinclair had commissioned GST Computer Systems to produce an operating system for the machine, but switched to QDOS, developed in-house, before launch. GST's OS, designed by Tim Ward, was later made available as 68K/OS, in the form of an add-on ROM card. The tools developed by GST for the QL would later be used on the Atari ST, where GST object format became standard.

Physically, the QL was the same black colour as the preceding ZX81 and ZX Spectrum models, but introduced a new angular styling theme and keyboard design which would later be seen in the ZX Spectrum+.


Bundled application software on Microdrive cartridgesThe QL was the first mass-market personal computer based on the Motorola 68000-series processor family. Rushed into production, the QL beat the Apple Macintosh by a month, and the Atari ST by a year. While clock speeds were comparable, the 8-bit databus and cycle stealing of the ZX8301 ULA limited the QL's performance. However, at the time of launch, on January 12, 1984, the QL was far from being ready for production, there being no complete working prototype in existence. Although Sinclair started taking orders immediately, promising delivery within 28 days, first customer deliveries only started, slowly, in April. This provoked much criticism of the company and the attention of the Advertising Standards Authority.

Due to its rushed development, the QL was plagued by a number of problems from release, particularly bugs in the QDOS operating system and SuperBASIC which led to multiple releases of the firmware. In addition, early production QLs were shipped with an external 16 KB ROM cartridge (infamously known as the 'kludge' or 'dongle') containing part of the firmware until the QL was redesigned to accommodate the necessary 48 KB of ROM internally, instead of the 32 KB initially specified. The QL also suffered from reliability problems of its Microdrives. These problems were later rectified, by Sinclair engineers, especially on Samsung produced models, as well as by aftermarket firms such as Adman Services and TF Services — to the point where several QL users report their Microdrives working perfectly even after almost 17 years of service (for Samsung QLs) — but in any case much too late to redeem the negative image they had already created.

Although the computer was hyped as being advanced for its time, and relatively cheap, it failed to sell well, and UK production was suspended in 1985, due to lack of demand. After Amstrad acquired Sinclair's computer products lines in April 1986, the QL was officially discontinued. Apart from its reliability issues, the target business market was becoming wedded to the IBM PC platform, whilst the majority of ZX Spectrum owners were uninterested in upgrading to a machine which had a minimal library of games. Sinclair's persistence with the non-standard Microdrive and uncomfortable keyboard did not endear it to the business market; coupled with the machine's resemblance to a ZX Spectrum, they led many to perceive the QL as something akin to a toy. Software publishers were also reluctant to support the QL due to the necessity of using Microdrive cartridges as a distribution medium.

The ICL connection

The QL's CPU, ZX8301 and ZX8302 ULAs and ZX Microdrives also formed the basis of International Computers Limited's (ICL's) One Per Desk (OPD) - also marketed by British Telecom as the Merlin Tonto and by Telecom Australia as the Computerphone. The result of a three-year collaboration between Sinclair Research, ICL and British Telecom, the OPD had the intriguing addition of a telephone handset on one end of the keyboard, and rudimentary Computer-Telephony Integration (CTI) software. This curious machine interested a number of high-profile business customers, including certain divisions of the former UK Customs and Excise Department, but its success was generally limited. In the late eighties they were used in Bingo halls to allow a country wide networked bingo game.


After Amstrad abandoned the QL, several companies previously involved in the QL peripherals market stepped in to fill the void. These included CST and DanSoft, creators of the Thor line of compatible systems; Miracle Systems, creator of the Gold Card and Super Gold Card processor/memory upgrade cards and the QXL PC-based hardware emulator; and Qubbesoft, with the Aurora, the first replacement QL mainboard, featuring enhanced graphics modes.

In the late 1990s, two partly QL-compatible motherboards named Q40 and Q60 (collectively referred to as Qx0) were designed by Peter Graf and marketed by D&D Systems. The Q40 and Q60, being based around the 68040 and 68060 CPUs respectively, were much more powerful than the original QL and have the ability among other things (such as multimedia, high resolution graphics, Ethernet networking etc.) to run the Linux operating system.

Hardware add-ons are still being produced for the original QL mainly by TF Services who supply various hardware and software upgrades.


A few patched versions of QDOS were produced, most notably Minerva which gradually evolved into a completely rewritten operating system, offering improved speed, with mulititasking SuperBASIC interpreters. Tony Tebby went on to produce another updated operating system, SMSQ/E, which has continued to be developed for the Sinclair QL and emulators, offering many more features.

Infos from: Wikipedia

Computer 1982

Sinclair ZX Spectrum +3

Processor Z80 @ 3.5 MHz and equivalent
Memory 16 kB / 48 kB / 128 kB
OS Sinclair BASIC

The ZX Spectrum is a home computer released in the United Kingdom in 1982 by Sinclair Research Ltd. Originally dubbed the ZX82, the machine was later renamed the ZX Spectrum by Sinclair to highlight the machine's colour display, compared to the black-and-white of its predecessor, the Sinclair ZX81.

The Spectrum was the first mainstream audience home computer in the UK, similar in significance to the Commodore 64 in the USA; the C64 was the main rival to the Spectrum in the UK market during the early 1980s.

In 1980–1982 the UK Department of Education and Science had begun the Microelectronics Education Programme to introduce microprocessing concepts and educational materials. In 1982 through to 1986, the Department of Industry (DoI) allocated funding to assist UK local education authorities to supply their schools with a range of computers, with the ZX Spectrum proving useful for the control projects.


The Spectrum's hardware was designed by Richard Altwasser of Sinclair Research. Sinclair's industrial designer Rick Dickinson was responsible for the machine's outward appearance.
Based on a Zilog Z80A CPU running at 3.5 MHz, the original Spectrum came with either 16 kB or 48 kB of RAM. Both units had 16 kB of ROM.

The Spectrum's video output was through an RF modulator and was designed for use with contemporary portable television sets, for a simple colour graphic display. Text could be displayed using 32 columns x 24 rows of characters from the ZX Spectrum character set, with a choice of eight colours at two levels of brightness, which gave 15 shades (black was the same in both modes). The image resolution was 256x192 with the same colour limitations. The Spectrum had an interesting method of handling colour; to save memory, colour 'attributes' were held separately from the pixel bitmap in a 32x24 grid, corresponding to the character cells. An attribute consisted of a foreground and a background colour, a brightness level (normal or bright) and a flashing 'flag' which, when set, caused the two colours to swap at regular intervals. This scheme led to what was called colour clash or attribute clash with some bizarre effects in the animated graphics of arcade style games. This problem became a distinctive feature of the Spectrum and an in-joke among Spectrum users, as well as a point of derision by advocates of other systems. Other machines available around the same time, for example the Amstrad CPC, did not suffer from this problem. The Commodore 64 used colour attributes, but hardware sprites and scrolling were used to avoid attribute clash.

Sound output was through a beeper on the machine itself. This was capable of producing one channel with 10 octaves over ten semitones. The machine also included an expansion bus edge connector and audio in/out ports for the connection of a cassette recorder for loading and saving programs and data.
The machine's software was written by Steve Vickers on contract from Nine Tiles Ltd, the authors of Sinclair BASIC. The Spectrum's chiclet keyboard (on top of a membrane, similar to calculator keys) was marked with Sinclair BASIC keywords, so that, for example, pressing 'G' when in programming mode would insert the BASIC command GO TO.


Sinclair Research models

The original ZX Spectrum is remembered for its rubber keyboard and diminutive size. It was originally released in 1982 with 16 kB of RAM for Pound 125 or with 48 kB for Pound 175; these prices were later reduced to Pound 99 and Pound 129 respectively. Owners of the 16 kB model could purchase an internal 32 kB RAM upgrade, which for early 'Issue 1' machines consisted of a daughterboard. Later issue machines required the fitting of 8 dynamic RAM chips and a few TTL chips. Users could mail their 16K Spectrums to Sinclair to be upgraded to 48 kB versions. To reduce the price, the 32 kB extension used eight faulty 64 kilobit chips with only one half of their capacity working and/or available. External 32 kB RAMpacks that mounted in the rear expansion slot were also available from third parties. Both machines had 16kB of onboard ROM.

Planning of the ZX Spectrum+ started in June 1984, and was released in October the same year. This 48 kB Spectrum (development code-name TB) introduced a new QL-style enclosure with a much needed injection-moulded keyboard and a reset button, retailing for Pound 179.95. A DIY conversion-kit for older machines was also available. Early on, the machine outsold the rubber-key model 2:1; however, some retailers reported very high failure rates.

Sinclair developed the ZX Spectrum 128 (code-named Derby) in conjunction with their Spanish distributor Investrónica. Investrónica had helped adapt the ZX Spectrum+ to the Spanish market after the Spanish government introduced a special tax on all computers with 64 kB RAM or less which did not support the Spanish alphabet (including ñ) and show messages in Spanish.

New features included 128 kB RAM, three-channel audio via the AY-3-8912 chip, MIDI compatibility, an RS-232 serial port, an RGB monitor port, 32 kB of ROM including an improved BASIC editor and an external keypad.

The machine was simultaneously presented for the first time and launched in September 1985 at the SIMO '85 trade show in Spain, with a price of 44.250 pesetas. Because of the large amount of unsold Spectrum+ models, Sinclair decided not to start selling in the UK until January 1986 at a price of Pound 179.95. No external keypad was available for the UK release, although the ROM routines to utilise it and the port itself, which was hastily renamed 'AUX', remained.

The Z80 processor used in the Spectrum has a 16-bit address bus, which means only 64 kB of memory can be directly addressed. To facilitate the extra 80 kB of RAM the designers utilised bank switching so that the new memory would be available as eight pages of 16 kB at the top of the address space. The same technique was also used to page between the new 16 kB editor ROM and the original 16 kB BASIC ROM at the bottom of the address space.

The new sound chip and MIDI out abilities were exposed to the BASIC programming language with the command PLAY and a new command SPECTRUM was added to switch the machine into 48K mode. To enable BASIC programmers to access the additional memory, a RAM disk was created where files could be stored in the additional 80 kB of RAM. The new commands took the place of two existing user-defined-character spaces causing compatibility problems with some BASIC programs.

The Spanish version had the '128K' logo (right, bottom of the computer) in white colour while the English one had the same logo in red colour.

Amstrad models

The ZX Spectrum +2 was Amstrad's first Spectrum, coming shortly after their purchase of the Spectrum range and 'Sinclair' brand in 1986. The machine featured an all-new grey enclosure featuring a spring-loaded keyboard, dual joystick ports, and a built-in cassette recorder dubbed the 'Datacorder' (like the Amstrad CPC 464), but was (in all user-visible respects) otherwise identical to the ZX Spectrum 128. Production costs had been reduced and the retail price dropped to Pound 139–Pound 149.

The new keyboard did not include the BASIC keyword markings that were found on earlier Spectrums, except for the keywords LOAD, CODE and RUN which were useful for loading software. However, the layout remained identical to that of the 128.

The ZX Spectrum +3 looked similar to the +2 but featured a built-in 3-inch floppy disk drive (like the Amstrad CPC 6128) instead of the tape drive, and was in a black case. It was launched in 1987, initially retailed for Pound 249 and then later Pound 199 and was the only Spectrum capable of running the CP/M operating system without additional hardware.

The +3 saw the addition of two more 16 kB ROMs, now physically implemented as two 32 kB chips. One was home to the second part of the reorganised 128 ROM and the other hosted the +3's disk operating system. This was a modified version of Amstrad's AMSDOS, called +3DOS. To facilitate the new ROMs and CP/M, the bank-switching was further improved, allowing the ROM to be paged out for another 16 kB of RAM.

Such core changes brought incompatibilities:
* Removal of several lines on the expansion bus edge connector (video, power, ROMCS and IORQGE); caused many external devices problems; some such as the VTX5000 modem could be used via the 'FixIt' device
* Reading a non-existent I/O port no longer returned the last attribute; caused some games such as Arkanoid to be unplayable
* Memory timing changes; some of the RAM banks were now contended causing high-speed colour-changing effects to fail
* The keypad scanning routines from the ROM were removed

Some older 48K, and a few older 128K, games were incompatible with the machine.

The +3 was the final official model of the Spectrum to be manufactured, remaining in production until December 1990. Although still accounting for one third of all home computer sales at the time, production of the model was ceased by Amstrad in an attempt to transfer customers to their CPC range.

The ZX Spectrum +2A was produced to homogenise Amstrad's range in 1987. Although the case reads 'ZX Spectrum +2', the +2A/B is easily distinguishable from the original +2 as the case was restored to the standard Spectrum black.

The +2A was derived from Amstrad's +3 4.1 ROM model, using a new motherboard which vastly reduced the chip count, integrating many of them into a new ASIC. The +2A replaced the +3's disk drive and associated hardware with a tape drive, as in the original +2. Originally, Amstrad planned to introduce an additional disk interface, but this never appeared. If an external disk drive was added, the '+2A' on the system OS menu would change to a +3. As with the ZX Spectrum +3, some older 48K, and a few older 128K, games were incompatible with the machine.
The ZX Spectrum +2B signified a manufacturing move from Hong Kong to Taiwan later in 1987.


Sinclair licensed the Spectrum design to Timex Corporation in the United States. An enhanced version of the Spectrum with better sound, graphics and other modifications was marketed in the USA by Timex as the Timex Sinclair 2068. Timex's derivatives were largely incompatible with Sinclair systems. However, some of the Timex innovations were later adopted by Sinclair Research. A case in point was the abortive Pandora portable Spectrum, whose ULA had the high resolution video mode pioneered in the TS2068. Pandora had a flat-screen monitor and Microdrives and was intended to be Sinclair's business portable until Alan Sugar bought the computer side of Sinclair, when he took one look at it and ditched it (a conversation with UK computer journalist Guy Kewney went thus: AS: 'Have you seen it?' GK: 'Yes' AS: 'Well then.').

In the UK, Spectrum peripheral vendor Miles Gordon Technology (MGT) released the SAM Coupé as a potential successor with some Spectrum compatibility. However, by this point, the Commodore Amiga and Atari ST had taken hold of the market, leaving MGT in eventual receivership.

Many unofficial Spectrum clones were produced, especially in Eastern Bloc nations and South America (e.g. Microdigital TK 90X). In Russia for example, ZX Spectrum clones were assembled by thousands of small start-ups and distributed though poster ads and street stalls. Over 50 such clone models existed. Some of them are still being produced, such as the Sprinter and ATM Turbo.

In India, Decibells Electronics introduced a licensed version of the Spectrum+ in 1986. Dubbed the 'db Spectrum+', it did reasonably well in the Indian market and sold quite a few thousands before the market slowly died away by 1990 or so.


Several peripherals for the Spectrum were marketed by Sinclair: the ZX Printer was already on the market, as the ZX Spectrum expansion bus was backwards-compatible with that of the ZX81.

The ZX Interface 1 add-on module included 8 kB of ROM, an RS-232 serial port, a proprietary LAN interface (called ZX Net), and an interface for the connection of up to eight ZX Microdrives — somewhat unreliable but speedy tape-loop cartridge storage devices released in July 1983. These were later used in a revised version on the Sinclair QL, whose storage format was electrically compatible but logically incompatible with the Spectrum's. Sinclair also released the ZX Interface 2 which added two joystick ports and a ROM cartridge port.

There were also a plethora of third-party hardware addons. The better known of these included the Kempston joystick interface, the Morex Peripherals Centronics/RS-232 interface, the Currah Microspeech unit (speech synthesis), Videoface Digitiser, RAM pack, and Cheetah Marketing SpecDrum (Drum machine), and the Multiface (snapshot and disassembly tool), from Romantic Robot.

There were numerous disk drive interfaces, including the Abbeydale Designers/Watford Electronics SPDOS, Abbeydale Designers/Kempston KDOS and Opus Discovery. The SPDOS and KDOS interfaces were the first to come bundled with Office productivity software (Tasword Word Processor, Masterfile database and OmniCalc spreadsheet). This bundle, together with OCP's Stock Control, Finance and Payroll systems, introduced many small businesses to a streamlined, computerised operation. The most popular floppy disk systems (except in East Europe) were the DISCiPLE and +D systems released by Miles Gordon Technology in 1987 and 1988 respectively. Both systems had the ability to store memory images onto disk snapshots could later be used to restore the Spectrum to its exact previous state. They were also both compatible with the Microdrive command syntax, which made porting existing software much simpler.

During the mid-1980s, the company Micronet800 launched a service allowing users to connect their ZX Spectrums to a network known as Micronet hosted by Prestel. This service had some similarities to the Internet, but was proprietary and fee-based.


The Spectrum enjoys a vibrant, dedicated fan-base. Since it was cheap and simple to learn to use and program, the Spectrum was the starting point for many programmers and technophiles who remember it with nostalgia. The hardware limitations of the Spectrum imposed a special level of creativity on game designers, and for this reason, many Spectrum games are very creative and playable even by today's standards. The early Spectrum models' great success as a games platform came in spite of its lack of built-in joystick ports, primitive sound generation, and colour support that was optimised for text display.

The Spectrum family enjoys a very large software library of more than 14,000 titles. While the majority of these were games, its software library was very diverse, including programming language implementations, databases (eg VU-File), word processors (eg Tasword II), spreadsheets (eg VU-Calc), drawing and painting tools (eg OCP Art Studio), and even 3D modelling (eg VU-3D).


Most Spectrum software was originally distributed on audio cassette tapes. The Spectrum was intended to work with almost any cassette tape player, and despite differences in audio reproduction fidelity, the software loading process was quite reliable.

While the ZX Microdrive quickly became quite popular with the Spectrum user base due to the low cost of the drives, the actual media was very expensive for software publishers to use for mass market releases (by a factor of 10x compared to tape duplication). Furthermore, the cartridges themselves acquired a reputation for unreliability, and publishers were reluctant to QA each and every item shipped. Hence the main use became to complement tape releases, usually utilities and niche products like the Tasword word processing software and the aforementioned Trans Express. No games are known to be exclusively released on Microdrive.

Despite the popularity of the DISCiPLE and +D systems, most software released for them took the form of utility software. The ZX Spectrum +3 enjoyed much more success when it came to commercial software releases on floppy disk. More than 700 titles were released on 3-inch disk from 1987 to 1997.

Software was also distributed through print media, fan magazines and books. The prevalent language for distribution was the Spectrum's BASIC dialect Sinclair BASIC. The reader would type the software into the computer by hand, run it, and save it to tape for later use. The software distributed in this way was in general simpler and slower than its assembly language counterparts, and lacked graphics. But soon, magazines were printing long lists of checksummed hexadecimal digits with machine code games or tools. There was a vibrant scientific community built around such software, ranging from satellite dish alignment programs to school classroom scheduling programs.

Another, unusual, software distribution method was to broadcast the audio stream from the cassette on another medium and have users record it onto an audio cassette themselves. In radio or television shows in e.g. Croatia (Radio 101), Belgrade (Ventilator 202), Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania or Brazil, the host would describe a program, instruct the audience to connect a cassette tape recorder to the radio or TV and then broadcast the program over the airwaves in audio format. Some magazines distributed 7' 33? rpm flexidisc records, a variant of regular vinyl records which could be played on a standard record player. These disks were known as floppy ROMs.

Copying and backup software

Most copier software available for the Spectrum was designed for copyright infringement of software through tape duplication. Copiers were developed to copy programs from audio tape to microdrive tapes, and later on diskettes. Complex loaders with unusual speeds or encoding were the basis of the Spectrum's copy prevention schemes, although other methods were used including asking for a particular word from the documentation included with the game — often a novella — or another physical device distributed in the software box (e.g. Lenslok). As protection became more complex it was almost impossible to use copiers to copy tapes, and the loaders had to be cracked by hand, to produce unprotected versions. Special hardware such as Romantic Robot's Multiface was able to dump a copy of the ZX Spectrum RAM to disk/tape at the press of a button, entirely circumventing the copy protection systems.

Most Spectrum software has been digitized in recent years and is available for download in digital form. One popular program for digitizing Spectrum software is Taper: it allows connecting a cassette tape player to the line in port of a sound card or, through a simple home-built device, to the parallel port of a PC. Once in digital form, the software can be executed on one of many existing emulators, on virtually any platform available today. Today, the largest on-line archive of ZX Spectrum software is World of Spectrum, with more than 12,000 titles. The legality of this practice is still in question. However, it seems unlikely that any action will ever be taken over such so-called abandonware.

Notable Spectrum developers

A number of current leading games developers and development companies began their careers on the ZX Spectrum, including David Perry of Shiny Entertainment, and Tim and Chris Stamper (founders of Ultimate Play The Game, now known as Rare, maker of many famous titles for Nintendo and Xbox game consoles). Other prominent games developers include Matthew Smith (Manic Miner, Jet Set Willy), Jon Ritman (Match Day, Head Over Heels), Sid Meier (Silent Service), The Oliver Twins (the Dizzy series), Clive Townsend (Saboteur) and Alan Cox.


The ZX Spectrum enjoyed a very strong community early on. Several dedicated magazines were released including Sinclair User (1982), Your Sinclair (1983) and CRASH (1984). Early on they were very technically oriented with type-in programs and machine code tutorials. Later on they became almost only games oriented. Several general contemporary computer magazines covered the ZX Spectrum in more or less detail. They included Computer Gamer, Computer and Video Games, Computing Today, Popular Computing Weekly, Your Computer and The Games Machine, Sinclair Programs and Sinclair User.

Infos from Wikipedia

Computer February 1980

Sinclair ZX-80

After the modest but encouraging success of the MK-14 (initiation board with hexadecimal keyboard), Sinclair (at the time Sciences of Cambridge) decided to develop a slightly more advanced computer.
The ZX-80 is regarded as a pioneer system in micro-computing as at the time the only available computers were kits for hobbyists like the MK-14 or more expensive systems intended for education or research such as the Tandy TRS-80 or the Commodore PET.
The ZX-80 inaugurated the transition between the hobbyist world and the consumer electronics by proposing a true computer in its case for less than ?100.
Technically, the ZX-80 is not a revolutionary system but is rather the result of a search for economy through the choice of the components, starting with the membrane keyboard, or the RAM memory limited to 1kb. The operating system, the editor and the Basic interpreter fit into the 4kb of the ROM !
The ZX-80 met some success with nearly 70.000 machines sold in less than one year, announcing the future success of the ZX-81 and at the same time the birth of a new major actor in the micro-computers world : Sinclair Computers Ltd.

Computer 1981

Sinclair ZX-81

The Sinclair ZX81 home computer, released by Sinclair Research in 1981, was the follow up to the company's ZX80. The case was black, with a membrane keyboard; the machine's distinctive appearance was the work of industrial designer Rick Dickinson. Video output, as in the ZX80, was to a television set, and saving and loading programs was via an ordinary home audio tape recorder to audio cassette. Timex Corporation manufactured kits as well as assembled machines for Sinclair Research. In the United States a version with double the RAM and an NTSC television standard was marketed as the 'Timex Sinclair 1000'.

General description

As with the ZX80, the processor was a NEC Zilog Z80-compatible, running at a clock rate of 3.25 MHz, but the system ROM had grown to 8192 bytes in size, and the BASIC now supported floating point arithmetic. It was an adaptation of the ZX80 ROM by Steve Vickers on contract from Nine Tiles Ltd, the authors of Sinclair BASIC. The new ROM also worked in the ZX80 and Sinclair offered it as an upgrade for the older ZX80 for a while.

As suggested, the computer was similar to the ZX80, but was built around a semi-custom Ferranti ULA (Uncommitted Logic Array) instead of TTL logic. The redesigned system board therefore had only four or five ICs: the microprocessor, the ULA, the 8192 bytes ROM, and either one 1024 bytes RAM chip, or two 1024x4 bit RAM chips.

A 16-KB RAM pack that plugged into the rear of the ZX81The base system as supplied (in the UK for approximately GBPound 70 fully built and GBPound 50 as a kit requiring soldering , or USDollar100 in the US) had 1 KB (KiB) of RAM. This RAM was used to hold the computer's system variables, the screen image, and any programs and data. The screen was text only, 32 characters wide by 24 high. Blocky graphics with a resolution of 64 by 48 pixels were possible by the use of the PLOT command, which selected among a set of 16 graphics characters.

To conserve memory, the screen bytes were stored as minimal length strings: for example, if a screen line was only 12 characters long, it would be stored as only those 12 characters followed by the code for a new line, the rest of the line being automatically assumed to be spaces. Using this knowledge, it was common to write programs that kept to the top left of the screen to save memory. As another memory-saving feature, BASIC keywords were stored as 1-byte tokens. If memory grew short, the number of lines displayed on the TV screen would be reduced. Even with these limitations and quirks, there were many games and applications that ran in the minimalistic 1 KB, including a basic game of Chess.

Originally sold via mail order in kit or assembled form, but a later deal with high street retail W.H.Smith saw the ZX81 and all accessories being sold on the high street (ZX81 was Pound 69.99, 16K RAM pack Pound 49.99, Printer Pound 49.99)

The ZX81 was used as an analogy in the Comedy cult series Red Dwarf (S05E01 - Psiriens) in exclamation that their ship had survived a collision and crash landing wholly intact 'Starbug was made to last, sir. This old baby has crashed more times than a ZX81'

Memory expansions

ZX81 interfacesEven with all these space saving measures, the built-in memory of the machine did not go very far, so the ZX 16K RAM (or Timex-Sinclair TS1016) expansion pack was available with 16 KB of RAM (GBPound 49.95 n the UK, USDollar100 in the US). By mid-1982, third-party 32 KB and 64 KB expansion packs were available. These plugged onto the main circuit board expansion bus edge connector (the 16 KB Memopak from Memotech could be 'stacked' with a 16 KB or 32 KB one) and were notorious for their loose and wobbly connection to the main board. A swift nudge or jolt to a powered-on ZX81 with such an expansion pack usually resulted in a computer crash, known as a 'whiteout', and the loss of hours of programming. Enterprising users used Blu Tack and other things to support the 16k RAM Pack so that it did not wobble.

Printers and add-ons

The optional ZX printer; a simple spark printer using aluminised paper.
Timex Sinclair 2040 printer, sold in the U.S. and in Portugal.The Sinclair ZX Printer was also marketed to accompany the ZX81; this was a spark printer (although it was sometimes misleadingly called a 'thermal printer') in which a wire point sparked the dot pattern into 4-inch-wide silvery-grey aluminised paper, accompanied by a distinct odour of ozone. Although there were FCC compliance issues, the ZX Printer was marketed in the US for a limited time, and later the Timex-Sinclair 2040 thermal printer was produced (also available in the UK as the Alphacom 32).

There were also a third-party RS-232 serial interface (at Approx.USDollar140) and a Centronics parallel interface (at Approx.USDollar105) that would allow the ZX81 to communicate to a standard printer, as well as a full-sized external keyboard (at Approx.USDollar85). Memopak also produced a programmable RS-232 dongle, as well as 16, 32, & 64 KB RAM expansion dongles. The RS-232 interface was sometimes used to employ the ZX81 as a robotics controller (although a memory expansion pack was required) and it was well suited for this task as it was sufficiently cheap for a sole-use application.

A number of companies such as DK'tronics and Fuller (with the FD42) sold a case and keyboard that, with some skill, could be used to replace the membrane keyboard and black 'doorstop' case.

Fast and slow

In the ZX80 and ZX81, the video output was generated by the Z80 chip. In the ZX80, when a program ran the screen blanked until the program paused again for input. An improvement of the ZX81 over the ZX80 was that the ZX81 had two modes of operation. The ZX81 could run in FAST mode like the ZX80, blanking while programs ran, or in SLOW mode (approximately a quarter as fast) in which the video was maintained since programs only ran during the blank top and bottom border area of the screen. Since a FOR-NEXT loop from 1 to 1000 took 19 seconds, it was common to run the machine in FAST all the time, even when editing a program, causing the TV to flash every time a key was pressed into the editor.

Other peculiarities

The ZX81 did not have the ability to make sound, but by switching between FAST and SLOW mode in various combinations under the control of a program, it was possible to modulate the interference that the processor caused on the TV and create a VERY simple musical keyboard.

The ZX81 did not use ASCII but had its own character set. Character code 0 was space, codes 1–10 were used for blocky graphics, codes 11–63 corresponded to punctuation, numbers and upper case characters. Character codes 128–191 were reverse video versions of the first 64 characters. Other codes represented BASIC keywords and control codes such as NEWLINE. There were no lower case characters. Keys typically served three or four purposes, with some serving five (from a character, a graphic icon, a symbol or input function and up to three BASIC keywords) with the user selecting each via the 'shift' key, Function mode or Graphics modes, with the cursor showing which mode is current. Another trait of the ZX81 was that it echoed the signal from the tape recorder to the screen whilst loading and saving programs using cassettes, causing the TV to display zigzagging patterns.

Because the display was generated primarily by software in the ZX81 ROM, it was possible to override the interrupt service routine and generate the display oneself. Several 'hi-res' (meaning, 256x192, rather than 64x48) games did this, notably from a company called Software Farm.

There was a notorious bug causing some ZX81s to give the square root of 0.25 as 1.3591409 rather than 0.5. Sinclair's reputation for poor quality control was due less to the existence of the bug in some machines, and more to the time it took to react once the bug had been reported. Conversely, an article in BYTE of the time, comparing mathematical accuracy of several mainstream and much more expensive computers of the time, reflected positively on the ZX81.

The BASIC interpreter was fully proprietary, unlike most microcomputers of this era (except the original Apple II) which used a series of similar but incompatible Microsoft BASIC variants. This meant that there was no need to comply with ASCII or any other existing standards.

Success and successors

The Sinclair ZX81 was sold in the U.S. by Sinclair itself (from its facility in Nashua, New Hampshire) and also by Timex as the Timex Sinclair 1000. The TS1000 shipped with twice as much RAM (2 KB)

The ZX81 sold in large numbers, until it was replaced by its greatly upgraded successor, the ZX Spectrum.

Technical description

The technical means used to implement the display and other parts of ZX81 was quite original — at a time when the entire 'home' class of computers was in its infancy. The system operated as follows:

Hardware overview

The integrated circuits

The ZX81 contains (depending on RAM type) four or five chips; ROM, CPU, SRAM, and a Ferranti Gate array (or ULA – Uncommitted Logic Array). The ROM occupies addresses 0–8191 (but also addresses 8192–16383, due to minimal decoding hardware). The 1 KB (or 2 KB for Timex) SRAM is placed at address 16384 (but repeats up to address 32767). A15 is used for display purposes (see below), and the upper 32 KB memory area is therefore unusable for code execution. It may still be used to store data, such as BASIC programs or large arrays, however. Unless more than 16 KB RAM is installed, this upper 32 KB area is mirroring the lower 32 KB (except for code execution).

Character display

The computer uses a resizable display-file (screen buffer) meaning that it can be expanded or shrunk depending on the amount of installed memory and the amount of free space at the moment.

There is also a completely non-standard (non-ASCII) character set in which codes 0–63 are printable characters and 128–191 the same characters in reverse video. Bit 6 has special meaning here as, under normal circumstances, the only value with bit 6 set that should be written to the display file is 118, which is a NEWLINE (and also the opcode for HALT!). Placing any other byte with bit 6 set into the display-file would cause unexpected results and may cause the machine to crash.

The ZX81 has the bitmaps (patterns) of the character set stored in the uppermost 512 bytes of its 8 KB BASIC ROM.

Bus multiplexing

To reduce the number of ICs, and also enable the use of standard 40-pin package for the ULA, resistors are employed as simple multiplexers, placed in series with the data lines (CPU & ULA on one side, ROM & RAM on the other), allowing the ULA to override data when the CPU reads from memory (see below).

There are also resistors in series with address lines A0–A8, separating the ROM and ULA from the CPU (and from any add-on hardware) on those lines; this is used by the ULA to read pixel patterns out of the ROM by overriding address bits A0–A8, while allowing the CPU to control address bits A9–A12 (see below).

The Z80

The conversion of the character codes into pixels on the TV screen employs both well known and other Z80-specific capabilities, most notably the use of the R and I registers:

The register R is intended as a dynamic RAM refresh counter; during the last part of each opcode fetch, the value of this counter is fed onto the lower portion of the address bus, and the RFSH control signal becomes active. However, also the interrupt vector register, I, is output* during the refresh cycles, but on the upper portion of the address bus.

The HALT instruction is also of central importance in the ZX81, it's necessary to know that a halted Z80 executes repeated NOPs until an interrupt occurs, and that these NOPs causes the refresh counter to tick, just as normal NOPs do.

* Undocumented by Zilog and other manufacturers (such as NEC) at the time.

Keyboard scanning

The membrane keyboard is scanned during (and closely coupled to) the vertical retrace interval. The scan pattern is laid out by the upper* eight bits of the unbuffered address bus and read back through five TTL inputs (8x5 = 40). It thus takes eight readings to determine which 'keys' are being pressed. Decoding and debounce are done in software.

* This exploits the undocumented feature that (for instance) IN A, (C) actually puts the whole BC register pair on the address bus.

TV picture generation

The I register is normally set to point to the base of the character set bitmap table in ROM. The refresh counter, R, is used to count the 32 character positions on the screen during each scan line. The program counter, PC (see below), counts actual character codes, which may be less than 32 due to the fact that the display-file is dynamically sized.

During each scan line, the CPU enters a HALT state as soon as it encounters the NEWLINE (HALT) that terminates each line of characters in the display-file, and when the R register has counted all 32 positions, a maskable interrupt (INT) is generated to bring the processor out of the HALT state just in time to prepare for another raster line.

SLOW mode

During the upper and lower blank parts of the screen, the computer executes application code (i.e. BASIC or machine code), but a non-maskable interrupt (or NMI) briefly interrupts even this, once every HSYNC period; a counter is updated by the NMI-routine, so it can decide whether it's time to go back and produce character patterns again.

Unfortunately, the use of the SLOW (smooth multitasking mode) slows all other processing by approximately 75 percent compared to the FAST (flickery mode).

Executing characters

To actually produce a TV raster scan line of 256 pixels, the interrupt routine literally jumps to the start of the currently scanned line of characters in the display file, but with address line A15 set (i.e. 32768 added); the Z80 control line M1 is also active (indicating an opcode-fetch), and this combination is detected by the ULA:

The CPU fetches the character codes (as if it were opcodes), enabling the ULA to easily latch the values; by forcing a NOP (all zeros) onto the Z80 data bus after each retrieved byte, the ULA ensures that 'nothing happens' except that the R register keeps track of the character positions on the line, and that the program counter functions as an auto incrementing pointer into the display file.

As long as the retrieved data has bit 6 reset (a character), the CPU will continue 'executing' characters (as NOPs), helping the ULA reading character codes out of the display file. When the ULA detects the HALT (bit 6 set), it allows the Z80 to execute it normally; the processor stays halted and executes NOPs until the R-register wraps around to zero and thereby generates an INT — this works because INT is hardwired to A6.

This process is repeated eight times for each line of characters, and 192 times for a full TV frame. The ZX81 makes extensive use of rather intricate 'instruction timing', in the ROM program, as well as some small but delicate hardware fixes to fine-tune this system and avoid glitches and jitter in the generated video picture.

The interrupts

The INT routines are not proper interrupt routines, in that they mostly do not return. Instead, the return address is constantly discarded so that each interrupt can, technically, interrupt the previous without causing stack overflow. Only once every eight scan lines (pixel lines) is the pushed address used, it then points to the next line of characters in the (possibly) irregular display file, directly after the HALT instruction.

The NMI interrupt, however, always makes a conventional return to the application code (i.e. the BASIC interpreter or another machine code program) during the greater part of each blank line in the upper and lower parts of the screen (the upper and lower borders). However, when it's time to initiate the character pattern display, it turns the NMI generator off, and transfers control to the INT routines (and vice versa).

More details and timing

Due to the refresh-mechanism, the Z80 opcode-fetch consists of four clock cycles, which (during generation of eight pixels) are spent as follows:

During the first and second (the opcode fetch), the processor attempts to fetch a character code (as if it were an instruction), but the ULA latches the actual data, while forcing a NOP onto the Z80-bus, as described above.

During the third and fourth (the DRAM refresh) the ULA composes the address to the actual byte of pixel-data; bits 0–5 of the latched code is fed onto bits 3–8 of the ROM address (selecting one of the 64 different character patterns); the interrupt vector register supplies the base address (bit 9-12), while bits 0–3 comes from a modulo 8 counter (in the ULA) clocked by HSYNC and thereby selecting one of the eight pixel-rows for all characters on a line simultaneously. The byte from the ROM is then fed into a shift-register, controlled by the same 'crystal' as the CPU, and clocked out to the TV set at twice the CPU frequency (8 pixels during the 4 cycle NOP).

TV synchronization pulses (HSYNC and VSYNC) are output by the ULA and mixed with the video signal such that white=5V, black=2.5V, and SYNC=0V and fed to the HF-modulator. HSYNC is autonomously generated in hardware, while VSYNC is generated under CPU control in connection with keyboard scanning.

Bit 7 from the original character byte is read by the ULA and controls inverse-video on a per-character basis. The video synchronization pulses uses the same individual I/O bit as is used to generate the output for the 250 bit/s cassette recorder interface. This is the reason for the strange patterns displayed on the TV while saving or loading programs.

RAM pack & add-ons


The lower eight I/O address bits were used as individual chip selects for individual I/O devices within the ULA. Every lower address bit except that selecting the desired device would therefore have to be one, theoretically allowing up to eight I/O devices. In the standard configuration, the only I/O present (unless the optional external ZX Printer was plugged into the 40-pin bus edge connector) was one bit for the cassette input, one bit for the cassette/video sync output, a five-bit word of input from the keyboard (which resembled a car bumper sticker more than it resembled a proper keypad) and whatever control registers were required to enable the ULA itself for video generation. This meant that not all eight bits were used, allowing some limited room for external expansion.

ZX 16K RAM pack

The 16K RAM pack tied the RAM-CS line on the 40-pin edge connector to +5V to disable the internal RAM. It used eight 4116 16 K x 1 bit dynamic RAM chips contained in 16-pin dual inline packages (1 data pin and 7 multiplexed address pins with /RAS, /CAS, /WE, and power). These old chips required +12 V, +5 V and -5 V so the RAM pack contained an oscillator and some inductors to convert +5V into the other required voltages as well as circuitry to multiplex the address lines, adding significantly to its internal complexity.

The ZX81's internal voltage was regulated by a simple 7805 5V linear regulator attached to a small heatsink. This could became rather warm as the voltage into the 3.5 mm jack could vary within an approximate 9V-18V range depending on factors such as actual load (RAM pack, printer, etc) and line voltage variations.

Unfortunately the 40 pin bus edge connector itself was not gold-plated (the contacts were covered with plain solder) and was very prone to oxidation. In addition the mechanical design of the Sinclair RAM pack (inherited from the ZX80's RAM pack) resulted in an insecure connection to the ZX81, which rendered the upgraded system very crash-prone. This would become annoying as it would take eight minutes to reload the full 16 KB RAM from an (often-unreliable) cassette tape. Home-brew 'kludge' solutions to this problem varied from physically bolting the computer and RAMpack to a solid substrate to placing the whole works in a larger case with a proper surplus keyboard in place of the original.

User defined characters and high-resolution graphics

Another less-common upgrade made by some end-users was to connect static RAM (as 'pseudo-ROM') in place of the ROM mirrored at addresses 8192–16383. This RAM would need to be connected to the same side of the data bus resistors as the ROM itself so that it could be used to store a user-defined character set of up to 64 characters. One variant on this theme added a one-bit latch to latch the high data bit of the original character (when M1 and A15 were both active) in order to use it to drive one of the address bits, allowing all 128 character bitmaps to be redefined.

As the main RAM was on the wrong side of the data and address bus resistors for this to work, the extra static RAM was required for this approach. Loading the I register to point to the main RAM would not produce the desired result, instead displaying garbage as pixels.


The ZX81 was cloned for sale outside Europe, with Timex Sinclair, a joint venture, producing the TS1000 for the US market.

The ZX81 was also cloned in the Brazilian Market by many local companies, among them: Apply, Ritas, Microdigital and Prológica (these two being the main competitors for the market). Microdigital produced several ZX80 clones (TK 80 and TK 82/82C), a ZX81 clone (the TK 83), a TS1500 clone (TK 85), and two ZX Spectrum clones (TK 90X and TK 95). Prológica produced NE-Z80 (ZX80 clone), NEZ-8000, CP-200 and CP-200S (late cheaper version). There was also a clone in the Argentine market, produced by a electrical motor factory Czerweny: the TS1000 clone (CZ1000), the TS1500 clone CZ1500 and the TS2068 clone (CZ2000)

Infos from: Wikipedia

Console 1994

Sony Playstation

The PlayStation, which is sometimes refereed to as the PS, PS1 and PSX  was Son’y first real foray into the video game console market. Releasing in 1994 in Japan and then 1995 in North America and the rest of the world, the PlayStation went on to become the biggest selling console of the fifth generation of video game consoles, and the first ever video game console to sell over 100 million units. It was the PlayStations and Sony’s jump start into becoming one of the most formidable opponents in the gaming world.
The PlayStation’s biggest competitors during the fifth generation of video game consoles was the Nintendo 64 and the Sega Saturn. Despite going up against incredibly stiff competition with video game giants Nintendo and Sega dominating the market, the PlayStation managed to overcome both of them, overtaking that of the Nintendo 64 and leaving the Sega Saturn in distant third place. One of the biggest advantages of the PlayStation was that it relied on discs, though cartridges were an awful lot faster and didn’t suffer as many durability issues, they just didn’t have the same storage space that a CD could provide. CD’s were an awful lot cheaper to produce, something that appealed heavily to publishers as there wasn’t as significant of a risk to produce large quantities of a game.
PlayStation (PSX) emulation is fairly complete, with the vast majority of games able to run flawlessly with no major issues, the focus of most PSX emulators have now turned to focus on increasing the accuracy and speed of their emulation over trying to increase compatibility. This is alongside increasing features such as being able to successfully render PSX games at higher internal resolutions. There is several great PlayStation emulators, though most are plugin based, ePXSE, PCSX-R are both highly capable emulators.

Console 2000

Sony Playstation 2

The PlayStation 2 (PS2) is a sixth-generation console and was Sony’s successor to there incredibly successful console, the PlayStation 1 (PSX). The PS2 went on to be the biggest selling console of all time, selling an incredible 155 million units throughout its extended lifetime from the year to 2000 right up to 2013.
The PlayStation 2 went up against some of the stiffest competition in gaming history, as well as having to go up against surprise entry from software giant Microsoft. It competed against Sega’s final console entry, the SEGA Dreamcast, Nintendo’s GameCube and Microsoft Xbox.
A key feature to the PlayStation 2 was its ability to be fully backward compatible with the PlayStation 1 (PSX) games. This means a user who chose to buy the new console did not have to ditch there whole games library or retain the older console. This was in stark contrast to Sony’s competitors at the time, as a new console often meant all your games were rendered useless. The PS2 also managed to retain support for the previous generations’ Dualshock controllers.
Emulation of the PS2 has been somewhat successful, largely in thanks to the PCSX2 emulation project. PCSX2 was originally started by the development team, who made the PlayStation 1 (PSX) Emulator, PCSX.
PCSX2 proved that the emulation of the PS2 could be achieved. While it has taken a few years, the emulation of the PS2 has matured exceptionally well. Almost every single game now being playable and enough knowledge of the PS2 is now known to be able to emulate it while achieving great speed accurately.

Console 2006

Sony Playstation 3

The Sony PlayStation 3 is the successor to the highest selling video game console of all time, the PlayStation 2. It competed against Microsoft’s Xbox 360 and Nintendo’s Wii in what was a bitterly fought battle between the 3 companies, and a battle that was thought right up to the end of the seventh generation of video game consoles.
The PS3 started slowly with both the Nintendo Wii and the Xbox 360 launching a year before the PS3, while this hurt it in the short time it gave more will to Sony to push there console hard. Leading to the console having some of the greatest video games of all time, such as the excellent Metal Gear Solid IV, the Uncharted series, and The Last of Us, this is among a plethora of other highly successful and highly regarded games.
However the delayed launch was not the only negative point to the PS3, while it included much more powerful GPU and CPU then its two competitors, there was a significant flaw with the hardware. That being it was incredibly hard to program for with Sony choosing to make use of the powerful but complex Cell processors. This made it difficult for companies to develop for the console especially near the start of the generation as most companies didn’t have the chance to work out the best way to utilize the processor.
This cell processor is also what makes emulating the PS3 extremely difficult, many people thought it would make emulation of the PS3 unachievable. However these doubts were put to rest when PS3 Emulator RPCS3 was released by DH & Hykem, it proved that emulation of the complicated Cell architecture could be achieved. This was an extremely remarkable and impressive achievement. Over 5 years on from its initial release, RPCS3 is now even managing to emulate actual commercial games and get in game, and even be playable at some decent speeds.

Console 2013

Sony Playstation 4

The PlayStation 4 (PS4) is Sony’s entry into the eighth generation of video game consoles, and the competitor to the Nintendo Wii U and the Microsoft Xbox One.

It has manged to gain over 40.0 million sold units in the 3 years since its launch, and is currently the number one selling video game console of the eighth generation of video game consoles..
The PS4 gained a good head start to the Xbox One thanks in large to a very smartly run marketing campaign, and the train wreck that was the Xbox One announcement event and there failed marketing attempts.
Sony utilized the confusion in the Xbox One marketing campaign to there great benefit, it helped spur a massive interest in there console and helped get the consumer onto there side. Microsoft’s attempts to fight back against the marketing just ended up pouring fuel into the PS4’s marketing campaign.
Emulation of the PS4 is nothing but a pipe dream at the moment, with emulation of the PS3 only just being achieved, emulation of the PS4 will be some time off. If you see any PS4 emulator that actually claims to be able to run a PS4 game successfully at this time, please ignore it. It is likely an adware ridden piece of software with the core goal of making money off a non working piece of software.
We will update this page when there becomes some progress in the PS4 emulation scene.

PS4 Emulators

There is currently no legitimate PS4 Emulators in development, or even just in the planning stages. Emulation of new consoles take a much longer time due to there sheer hardware complexity.
Please note if you find any PS4 Emulators on the internet, at this stage they are likely programs filled with harmful adware. Please stay clear from them. We will update this page as soon as there is legitimate PS4 Emulator.

Unknown 2020

Sony Playstation 5

The PlayStation 5 is Sony’s ninth generation video game console and the successor to their wildly popular PlayStation 4.
The technical improvements introduced in this generation represent one of the most significant leaps in video game consoles’ performance.
Instead of relying on older technologies, Sony has utilized AMD’s Zen 3 and RDNA 2 technologies for the PlayStation 5. Both of these technologies were only released in 2020, meaning that they were cutting edge at the time of the release.
Where Sony has made their most significant changes is their new PS5 DualSense controller. On the outside, it features a more refined shape with better button placements.
On the inside of the controller is where the real magic occurs. Thanks to the introduction of new haptic technology, the rumble has way more fidelity.
Additionally, the triggers have been reworked so that they can have a feel of tension as you press them. Games can configure these triggers so that they have different reactions depending on the task. For example, when pulling back a bow, you can feel the tension increase as you pull the trigger.
Out of all the changes introduced by the new hardware, the controller is what helps set the console apart from previous generations.
At this stage there is no currently successful emulation projects for the PlayStation 5. Be wary of any projects claiming that they can emulate any part of the PS5 as it is a relatively new piece of hardware.
We will update this page and provide links to emulators as projects manage to get off the ground.

Handheld 2004

Sony Playstation Portable

The PlayStation Portable (PSP) was Sony’s first foray into the hand-held gaming market. It was there attempt to tackle Nintendo’s massive dominance in the handheld market. Going up against the Nintendo DS, the PlayStation portable was a commercial failure, despite being a console that was quite well regarded and had a fantastic brand name thanks to the sheer success of the PlayStation 2.

The PSP went on to sell over 80 million copies over its 10 year life span, a number that was poultry in comparison to Nintendo’s 152 million sold units for the Nintendo DS.
PSP emulation started off not long after the consoles initial release in 2004. The first to try and tackle it was the PSP Emulator, PSPE. While PSPE could never actually emulate a commercial PSP game, it did prove that PSP emulation could be done. This was followed by numerous other emulators. The most modern PSP Emulator is PPSSPP, which has proven itself to be able to emulate basically all PSP games faithfully while offering numerous extra features so the games can be rendered in HD. PSP Emulation is regarded as now being fairly complete, large in thanks to the efforts of the PPSSPP team.
The PSP sported high end hardware for its time, boasting a more powerful processor and GPU then its competitor the Nintendo DS. It also featured an assortment of different features such as a tv tuner, media player and various other multimedia capabilities. The device was also meant to sport the capability to be able to connect directly the the PlayStation 3 as well.
The PSP had a weird way of storing its games, unlike Nintendo’s hand-held consoles and the various others who tried to beat Nintendo over the years, Sony chose to make use of a optical disc format, bucking the trend of using cartridges for games. The format that ultimately went with with was the Universal Media Disc (UMD).

Handheld 2011

Sony Playstation Vita

The PlayStation Vita was Sony’s second attempt at building a handheld video game console. It was released in 2011 during the eighth generation of video game consoles, going up against the Nintendo 3DS.
The PS Vita boasted modest specs for the time. The first iteration even boasted an OLED screen. It also featured complete backwards compatibility for all PlayStation Portable games.
You could even use the PS Vita as a remote play device for your PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3. Remote play allowed you to play games without needing to use a TV.
While the PS Vita has built up quite a loyal fanbase that has modified the device for their own uses, overall, the console was a commercial failure. It failed to get near the same amount of sales as its competitor with the estimated final sales sitting at about 16 million units worldwide.
Analysts primarily point to this failure being of Sony’s own making. During the PS Vita’s lifetime, there were barely any games produced by Sony for the device. Additionally, due to Sony’s lack of support, there was never any real big push from 3rd party studios to support the device.
The PS Vita is a popular device for running emulated games, thanks to the broader community’s great work. People choose it as a suitable handheld emulation device thanks to its decent power, built-in support for PSP and PlayStation 1 games, and overall design.
However, emulation of the PlayStation Vita has had slow progress, primarily due to programmers’ lack of interest. There is currently only one actively developed emulator that has managed to produce results.
That PS Vita emulator being Vita3k. This emulator is still highly experimental and can only play a few commercial games.

Handheld 1998

Sony PocketStation

The PocketStation is a miniature game console created by Sony as a peripheral for the PlayStation. Released exclusively in Japan on December 23, 1998, it features an LCD display, sound, a real-time clock, and infrared communication capability. It also serves as a standard PlayStation memory card.

Games for the PocketStation are stored on the same disc as PlayStation games. PocketStation games can enhance PlayStation games with added features. For example, using PocketStation a player may be able to 'level up' characters in one's favorite PlayStation game while driving their car to work. A player can also download stand-alone PocketStation games. It allows a player to swap game data between PlayStation units and also allows multiplayer gaming via the built-in infrared data link.

Although the system was not released in North America or Europe, there were apparently plans to do so - a feature on the system appeared in Official UK PlayStation Magazine, for example, and a few games (such as Final Fantasy VIII) retained PocketStation functionality in their localised versions. As a result, the PC version of Final Fantasy VIII added a stand-alone Chocobo World game as part of the installation.

Technical specifications
CPU: ARM7T (32 bit RISC Processor)
Memory: SRAM 2K bytes, Flash RAM 128K bytes
Graphics: 32 x 32 dot monochrome LCD
Sound: Miniature speaker (12 bit PCM) x 1 unit
Switches: 5 input buttons, 1 reset button
Infrared communication: Bi-directional (supports IrDA based and conventional remote control systems)
LED indicator: 1 unit
Battery: Lithium-Ion battery (CR 2032) x 1 unit
Other functions: Calendar function and Identification number.
Dimensions: 64 x 42 x 13.5 mm (length x width x height)
Weight: Approximately 30g (including battery)

Infos from: Wikipedia

Computer 1983 (777) - 1984 (777C)

Sony SMC-777

This computer is the successor of the SMC 70. It is also capable of superimposition.
The big blue pad on the right hand-side are the cursor keys.
The difference between the SMC-777 and SMC-777c is about color features (hence the "C").

Arcade 19??

Sony ZiNc

Sony ZN-1 Hardware

Main CPU : R3000A 32 bit RISC processor, Clock - 33.8688MHz, Operating performance - 30 MIPS, Instruction Cache - 4KB
BUS : 132 MB/sec.
OS ROM : 512 Kilobytes
Sound CPU : Z80 (Encrypted Kabuki Model)
Sound Chips : Capcom Q Sound (PSX Sound chip is ignored)
Main RAM: 2 Megabytes
Video RAM: 2 Megabyte
Sound RAM : 512 Kilobytes
Graphical Processor : 360,000 polygons/sec, Sprite/BG drawing, Adjustable frame buffer, No line restriction, 4,000 8x8 pixel sprites with individual scaling and rotation, Simultaneous backgrounds (Parallax scrolling)
Sprite Effects : Rotation, Scaling up/down, Warping, Transparency, Fading, Priority, Vertical and horizontal line scroll
Resolution : 256x224 - 740x480
Colours : 16.7 million colors, Unlimited CLUTs (Color Look-Up Tables)
Other Features : custom geometry engine, custom polygon engine, MJPEG decoder

Sony ZN-2 Hardware

Main CPU : R3000A 32 bit RISC processor, Clock - 50MHz?, Operating performance - 30 MIPS, Instruction Cache - 4KB
BUS : 132 MB/sec.
OS ROM : 512 Kilobytes
Sound CPU : Z80 (Encrypted Kabuki Model)
Sound Chips : Capcom Q Sound (PSX Sound chip is ignored)
Main RAM: 2/4/8 Megabytes depending on game.
Video RAM: 2/4/8 Megabytes depending on game.
Sound RAM : 512 Kilobytes
Graphical Processor : 360,000 polygons/sec, Sprite/BG drawing, Adjustable frame buffer, No line restriction, 4,000 8x8 pixel sprites with individual scaling and rotation, Simultaneous backgrounds (Parallax scrolling)
Sprite Effects : Rotation, Scaling up/down, Warping, Transparency, Fading, Priority, Vertical and horizontal line scroll
Resolution : 256x224 - 740x480
Colours : 16.7 million colors, Unlimited CLUTs (Color Look-Up Tables)
Other Features : custom geometry engine, custom polygon engine, MJPEG decoder

Computer 198x

Sord M5

The Sord M5 (also sold in the United Kingdom and other countries by Computer Games Limited as the CGL M5), was a Japanese home computer launched by Sord Computer Corporation in 1982. It had keys similar to the Sinclair ZX Spectrum, but with the bottom right corner of each key chopped off.

Internal hardware:

CPU: Zilog Z80 , 3.58 MHz
Video Hardware: TMS9918
24x40 text (8x6 characters), 224 user defined characters
256x192 graphics, 16 colours
32 hardware sprites (up to 16x16 pixels)
Sound Hardware: SN76489
3 sound channels
1 noise channel
6 octaves, 15 amplitude levels
RAM: 20 KB (of which 16KB is screen memory)
ROM: 8 KB expandable to 16KB

I/O ports and power supply:

TV out
Video out (phono socket)
Sound out (phono socket)
Centronics 16-pin interface
8-pin DIN cassette connector
Power supply: external

Language cartridge options:

Integer arithmetic only (16 bit signed)
Graphics and sound functions
Floating point arithmetic
applications package

Retail price:

UK Retail prices, December 1983 [1]
Sord M5 plus BASIC-I : £190
BASIC-G : £35
BASIC-F : £35
FALC : £35

Computer 1981

Spectravideo SVI-318 & SVI-328

The Spectravideo SV 328 was the ancestor of the Spectravideo MSX SV-728 (it had the same case and almost all its features) and the successor of the SV-318.
This computer wasn't a MSX machine, even though its hardware design was almost the same as MSX computers. Its Microsoft Extended Basic was also close to the MSX Basic but not fully compatible. The cartridge slot couldn't use MSX cartridges. However, Coleco cartridges could run thanks to an optional card.
The SV-328 ran CP/M 2.2 or 3.0 when connected to the 5.25" 360 KB floppy drive unit. Several well known CP/M software were adapted to the SV328; i.e. dBase II and WordStar.
Several expansion devices were developed for this computer. Among them, the SV-605B expansion box which offered a 10 MB hard disk, two 5.25" DSDD floppy drives, one Centronics port and six expansion slots.
Some other peripherals were released: Graphic Tablet, 80-column card, 1200/75 modem card, RS232 interface.

Unknown 198?

TRQ Video Computer H-21

Few information is known about this obscure system...
It is software compatible with the Interton VC-4000 and "clones". This doesn't mean that it can use the Interton cartridges, as they certainly won't fit, but the internal specs and software are the same. The CPU is the 2650A from Signetics and the Video Controller is the 2636 from Signetics as well. About 40 cartridges has been released for the Interton VC-4000, but we can't tell how many were available for the TRQ H-21, nor if exclusive games were developped for it...
Like with all the systems of this "Interton family", there are two controllers with 12 buttons keypad + 2 fire buttons + a joystick. Apparently the controllers were designed to use informative plastic layers delivered with each games, showing the functions of each key. The control panel is composed of an ON/OFF switch and three buttons: Carga (Load/Reset), Seleccion (Select) and Inicio (Start). In fact when you switch on the console, you must press "Carga" to "load" the game.

Thanks to Juan Maestre for some info.


Takara e-kara

Computer 1980

Tandy Radio Shack TRS-80 Color Computer

TRS-80 was Tandy Corporation's desktop microcomputer model line, sold through Tandy's RadioShack stores in the late 1970s and 1980s. Hobbyists, home users, and small-businesses were the intended consumers, and the endearment of the TRS-80 computer by its users resulted in a successful venture for Tandy Corporation. Its leading position in the 1977 Trinity years was mostly due to Tandy retailing it through more than 3000 of its Radio Shack storefronts, (Tandy in the UK). Its other strong features were its full-stroke QWERTY keyboard, its small size, its well-written Floating BASIC programming language, an included monitor, and a price of Dollar599.

One major drawback with the original Model I was the massive RF interference it caused in surrounding electronics. This became a problem when it violated FCC regulations, leading to the Model I's phase out in favor of the new Model III.

By 1979, the TRS-80 had the largest available selection of software of the microcomputer market.


Announced at a press conference on August 3, 1977 by Tandy Corporation, the Radio Shack TRS-80 Microcomputer (later redesignated the Model I) was Tandy's entry into the home computer market, meant to compete head-on against the Commodore PET 2001 and the Apple II. At Dollar999 for a complete package including cassette storage, the computer was the most expensive single product Tandy's Radio Shack chain of electronics stores had ever offered. Company management was unsure of the computer's market appeal, and intentionally kept the initial production run to 3,000 units so that if the computer failed to sell, it could at least be used for accounting purposes within the chain's 3,000 stores.

Tandy ended up selling 10,000 TRS-80s in its first month of production, and 55,000 in its first year. Before its January 1981 discontinuation, Tandy sold more than 250,000 Model Is. By the end of its lifetime, the computer had become affectionately known by its users as a 'Trash-80'.


The Model I combined the motherboard and keyboard into one unit, in what was to be a common case design trend throughout the 8-bit and 16-bit microcomputer eras, although it had a separate power supply unit. It used a Zilog Z80 processor clocked at 1.77 MHz (later models were shipped with a Z80A). The basic model originally shipped with 4 KB of RAM, and later 16 KB.


The transfer of information about what keys were being pressed was unusual, in that instead of transferring data via an I/O device or chip, the hardware mapped the keyboard to pre-defined locations in memory, i.e., there was no 'real' memory at this location, but performing a read from the keyboard area of the memory map would return the state of a particular set of keys.

A version of the computer was produced which replaced the nameplate with a numeric keypad.

Many users complained about the TRS-80 keyboards, which were mechanical switches and suffered from 'Keyboard Bounce', resulting in multiple letters being typed accidentally. A Keyboard De-Bounce tape was distributed to compensate, which both ignored key contact closures if they were detected within a short time of a contact opening, and slowed down polling of the keyboard. Eventually, this was added to a later ROM revision. The keyboard was also changed to be less vulnerable to bounce.


The TRS-80 was accompanied by a white-on-black display, which was a modified RCA XL-100 Black and White television. The actual color of the system was light bluish (the standard 'P4' phosphor used in black-and white televisions), and green and amber filters or replacement tubes (to make the display easier on the eyes) were a common aftermarket item.

Later models came with a green-on-black display.

Because of bandwidth problems in the interface card that replaced the TV's tuner, the display would lose horizontal sync if large areas of white were displayed; a simple hardware fix (involving less than half an hour's work) could be applied to correct that.

Layout of characters and pixels on the TRS-80 displayThe video hardware could only display text at 64 or 32 characters wide by 16 lines of resolution. This was because the video memory system used a single kilobyte of video memory. Seven of these bits were used to display ASCII characters, with the eighth bit used to differentiate between text and 'semigraphics' characters.

Primitive graphics ('text semigraphics,' rather than a true bitmap) could be displayed because the upper 64 characters of the 128 character set displayed as a grid of 2x3 blocks (very similar to Teletext). BASIC routines were provided which could write directly to this virtual 128x48 grid.

Although the original TRS-80 Model I could differentiate between upper and lower characters in memory, lower case characters were displayed without descenders. For example, the letters g, p, y, etc., did not display their tails below the base line of the uppercase characters. In order to display the descenders properly on the Model I, one had to solder or clip an eighth memory chip onto the back of one of the existing seven video RAM chips, and then bend up a pin to tap an address line off the system bus. This modification became a popular third-party add-on.

Later models came with the hardware allowing the lowercase character set to be displayed with descenders. The software, however, remained unchanged, and when using standard BASIC programming, no lower case characters could be displayed. A small keyboard driver written in machine language could overcome this shortcoming.

Any access to the screen memory, either by writing to it using the BASIC statement PRINT or accessing the screen memory directly, caused 'flicker' on the screen. The bus arbitration logic would block video display while access was given to the CPU, causing a short black line. This had little effect on normal BASIC programs, but fast programs made in assembly language could be affected if the programmer didn't take it into consideration. Many software authors were able to minimize this effect. Notwithstanding this primitive display hardware, many arcade-style games were available for the Tandy TRS-80.

Cassette tape drive

User data was originally stored on cassette tape. A standard monaural audio cassette deck (CTR-41) was included with the machine. The cassette tape interface was extremely sensitive to audio volume changes, and the machine only gave the very crudest indication as to whether the correct volume was set, via a blinking character on screen when data was actually being loaded - to find the correct volume, one would sometimes have to attempt to load a program once adjusting volume until the machine picked up the data, then reset the machine, rewind the tape and attempt the load again. Users quickly learned to save a file three or more times in hopes that one copy would prove to be readable. Automatic gain control or indicator circuits could be constructed to compensate for this (fortunately the owner's manual provided complete circuit diagrams for the whole machine, including the peripheral interfaces, with notes on operation), and there was also an alternative tape interface that one could build in order to receive transmissions from the BBC's 'Chip Shop' programme in the UK, an experiment in transmitting free software for several different BASIC home microcomputers, in a common tape format, over the radio. A special program (loaded using the conventional tape interface) was needed to access the custom interface over the expansion port and then load the recorded software. Tandy eventually replaced the CTR-41 unit with the CTR-80 which had built-in AGC circuitry (and no volume control). This helped the situation, but tape operation was still unreliable.

TRS-80s with Level I BASIC read and wrote tapes at 250 baud; however, 'baud' was a misnomer in this application. The data rate was 25 bytes per second. Level II BASIC doubled this to 500 'baud', or 50 bytes per second.

Some programmers wrote machine language programs that would increase the speed to up to 1500 baud without loss in reliability.

For loading and storing data, no hardware controller existed. Instead, the processor created the sound itself by switching the output voltage from minus to plus and back, thus creating a click for every 1 and silence for every 0 in the bit stream.

Expansion interface

An optional (and expensive) Expansion Interface provided several important features - the ability to expand up to 48K of RAM, a floppy disk controller, a real-time clock, a second cassette port, a RS-232 port (as an option) and a Centronics parallel printer port.

Originally, one could not print from the model I without purchasing an Expansion Interface. However, Tandy Corp. soon sold a printer-only Interface for the Model I for approx. 300 Deutschmark in Germany.

The Expansion Interface was the most troublesome part of the TRS-80 system. It went through several revisions (a pre-production version is said to have looked completely different, and to have had a card cage) before on-board buffering of the bus connector lines cured its chronic problems with random lockups and crashes. Its edge card connectors tended to oxidise due to the use of two different metals in the contacts, and required periodic cleaning with a pencil eraser. The unit required a second power supply, identical to that of the TRS-80, and was designed with an interior recess which held both power supplies.

Since the cable connecting the expansion interface carried the system bus, it was kept short (about two inches). This meant that the user had no choice but to place it directly behind the computer with the monitor on top of it. This caused problems if one owned a monitor whose case did not fit the mounting holes. Also, the loose friction fit of the edge connector on the already short interconnect cable created the precarious possibility of disconnecting the system bus from the CPU if either unit happened to be moved during operation.

Floppy disk drives

To use the Model I with a disk operating system, one had to buy the 'Expansion Interface' which included a 'single density' floppy disk interface. This was based on a Western Digital 1771 single density floppy disk controller chip, but it lacked a separate external 'data separator', and was thus very unreliable.

The Western Digital 1771 was 'mis-programmed' by Radio Shack's early version(s) of TRS-DOS. Any time the OS issued a command to the 1771, it was required to wait for several instruction cycles before querying the 1771 for status. A common method of handling this was to issue a command to the 1771, perform several 'NOP' instructions, then query the 1771 for command status. Early TRS-DOS neglected to use the required 'wait' period, instead querying the chip immediately after issuing a command, and thus false status was often returned to the OS, causing various errors and crashes. If the 1771 was handled 'correctly' by the OS, it was actually fairly reliable.

Double density floppy disks

A Data Separator and/or a Double Density disk controller (based on the WD 1791 chip) were made available by Percom (a Texas Peripheral Vendor), LNW, Tandy and others. The Percom Doubler added the ability to boot and use Double Density Floppies (they provided their own modified TRSDOS called DoubleDOS), and included the Data Separator. The LNDoubler added the ability to read and write from 8' Diskette Drives for over 1.2mb of Storage.

Double sided floppy disks

All TRS-80 disk formats were soft-sectored with index-sync (as opposed to the Apple II formats, which were soft-sectored without index sync, with many Apple drives lacking even an index hole detector), and except for some very early Shugart drives (recognizable by their spiral-cam head positioner), all TRS-80 floppy drives were 40-track double-density models. The combination of 40 tracks, double-density, and index-sync gave a maximum capacity of 180 kilobytes per single-sided floppy disk, considerably higher than most other systems of the era. On the other hand, the use of index-sync meant that in order to turn a floppy disk into a 'flippy,' it was necessary not only to cut a second write-enable notch, but also to punch a second index hole window in the jacket (at great risk to the disk inside). Or one could purchase factory-made 'flippies,' or use the back side for Apple Computer systems (as some software publishers of the era did).

The drives sold by Radio Shack were 35-track models with a 160K capacity.


One unusual peripheral offered was a 'screen printer': an electrostatic rotary printer that scanned the video memory through the same bus connector used for the E/I, and printed an image of the screen onto aluminum-coated paper in about a second. Unfortunately, it was incompatible with both the final, buffered version of the E/I, and with the 'heartbeat' interrupt used for the real-time clock under Disk BASIC. This could be overcome by using special cabling, and by doing a 'dummy' write to the cassette port while triggering the printer.

For Printing, there were offered another two printers: one for 57 mm metal coated paper, selling at approx. 600 Deutschmark in Germany, and one Centronics (the name does not only stand for its interface, but for the manufacturer, Centronics Company) for normal paper, costing at first 3000 Deutschmark, later sold at approx. 1500 Deutschmark in some stores. It had 7 pins so letters like 'g' did not reach under the baseline, but were elevated within the normal line.


Two versions of the BASIC programming language were produced for the Model I. Level I BASIC fit in 4 KB of ROM, and Level II BASIC fit into 12 KB of ROM. Level I was single precision only and had a smaller set of commands. Level II introduced double precision floating point support and had a much wider set of commands. Level II was further enhanced when a disk system was added, and the Disk Based BASIC was loaded.

Level I Basic was Li-Chen Wang's free Tiny BASIC, hacked by Radio Shack to add functionality. It achieved a measure of noteworthiness due in large part to its outstanding manual, written by David Lien, which presented lessons on programming with text and humorous graphics, making the subjects very easy to understand. The basic had only two string variables (ADollar and BDollar), 26 variables (A - Z) and one array, A(). Code for functions like SIN(), COS() and TAN() was not included in ROM but printed at the end of the book. The error messages were: 'WHAT?' for syntax errors, 'HOW?' for arithmetical errors (like division by zero), and 'SORRY' for out of memory errors.

Level II BASIC was licensed from Microsoft. It was a cut-down version of the 16 KB Extended BASIC, since the Model I had 12 KB of ROM space. The accompanying manual was not nearly as colorful and suited for beginning programmers as the Level I Basic manual.

The Disk Based BASIC added the ability to perform disk I/O, and in some cases (NewDos/80, MultiDOS, DosPlus, LDOS) added powerful sorting, searching, full screen editing, and other features. Level II BASIC recognized some of these commands and issued a '?L3 ERROR', suggesting that a behind-the-scenes change of direction intervened between the recording of the Level II ROMs and the introduction of Disk BASIC, which Radio Shack didn't call Level III.

Microsoft also marketed a tape-cassette based enhanced BASIC called Level III BASIC. This added most of the functions in the full 16 KB version of Basic.

The first models of the Model I also had problems reading from the cassette drives. Tandy eventually offered a small board which was installed in a service center to correct earlier models. The ROMs in later models were modified to correct this.

TRS-DOS--Radio Shack's operating system for its TRS-80 computers--was so ineffectual that most discerning TRS-80 owners spurned it in favor of NewDOS, a third-party rival sold by a company called Apparat. (Apparat Personal Computers, Denver CO went out of business in 1987) (Eventually, it was one of multiple TRS-80 alternatives--others included LDOS, DOSPLUS, and VTOS.)

Software applications

Quite a few popular software applications were available for the TRS-80. Many leading developers, and independent software companies such as Big Five, ported over popular arcade hits like Namco's Pac-Man and Galaxian, Atari's Centipede, Sega's Zaxxon and Stern electronics Berzerk (with digitized speech). Some ported games from other home computers of the area, such as the original Zork adventure game. There were also many games unique to the TRS-80, including shooters like Cosmic Fighter and Defence Command and strange experimental programs such as Dancing Demon, which was not strictly considered a game but did have a big entertainment value.

The TRS-80 also had a full suite of office applications, including the VisiCalc and As-Easy-As spreadsheets and the Lazy Writer and Electric Pencil and Scripsit word processors.


TRS-80 Model I clone the DGT-100 by DIGITUS Ind. Com. Serv. de Eletrônica Ltda.Many clones of the TRS-80 Model I came on the market: the Lobo Max-80 (Lobo also produced their own version of the Expansion Interface), the LNW-80 Models I/II and Team Computers (LNW also produced an alternate version of the Expansion Interface), and the Dutch Aster CT-80, a computer that could run both TRS-80 and CP/M software, plus it had all the improvements of the later Model III.

EACA in Hong Kong made a Model I clone that was marketed around the world under different names with modifications. In Australia and New Zealand it was the Dick Smith System-80, in North America it was PMC-80 and PMC-81, in Hungary the HT-1080Z, in South Africa the TRZ-80, and in Western Europe it was Video Genie. The expansion bus was different and EACA also made its own Expansion Interface to fit it. There were several versions and it was later split into a 'home' and a 'business' version, Genie I and II, and System-80 Mark I and II, where the II would have a numeric keypad instead of the inbuilt cassette player. EACA's Colour Genie was also based on TRS-80 Model I but with improved graphics and other changes, therefore it was not very compatible.

In Brazil there were several manufacturers of different Model I/III/IV clones. Digitus made the DGT-100 and DGT-1000, Prologica made the highly-successful CP300 and CP500 series, Sysdata Eletrônica Ltda. made the Sysdata Jr. Dismac made the D8000/D8001/D8002 series. Prologica also made the CP400 / CP 400II which were copies of the TRS80-Color, with the external case being almost a copy of the Timex 2068.

In Germany, S.C.S. GmbH in Mörfelden- Waldorf offered the Komtek-I Model I clone. Noteworthy were the four relay switching outputs.

Model III

As a follow on to the Model I, in July 1980 Tandy released the Model III, a more integrated and much improved Model I. The improvements of the Model III included built-in lower case, a better keyboard, and a faster (2.03 MHz) Z-80 processor. With the introduction of the Model III, Model I production was eventually discontinued as the Model I's did not comply with new FCC regulations regarding radio interference. In fact, the Model I's radiated so much RFI (Radio Frequency Interference) that many game companies made their games so you could put an AM radio next to the computer and use the interference to get sounds. The TRS-80 Model III also came with the option of integrated disk drives.

Model 4

The successor to the Model III was the Model 4 (April 1983, with '4' written as an Arabic numeral), which included the capability to run CP/M.

Running CP/M had previously only been possible via a hardware modification that remapped the BASIC ROMs away from memory address zero, such as the third-party add-on sold as the Omikron Mapper board, or by running a version of CP/M modified to run at a starting address other than zero. However, this also required modified applications, since the area of memory at zero contined the vectors for applications to access CP/M itself.

The Model 4 also had the ability to display high-resolution graphics with an optional board. The Model 4 also came in a 'luggable' version known as the Model 4P (1983) which was portable. It was a self-contained unit that looked like a small sewing machine.

Model II

TRS-80 Model IIIn October 1979, Tandy began shipping the Model II, which was targeted to the small-business market. It was not an upgrade of the Model I, but an entirely different system, built using the faster Zilog Z80A chip running at 4 MHz, with the computer, 8' floppy disk drive, and monochrome 80x24 monitor built into a single cabinet, DMA and vectored interrupts that the Model I lacked, and a detached keyboard. It was available with 32 KB or 64 KB of RAM; two RS-232 serial ports and a Centronics printer port were standard. Unlike the Model I, the video and keyboard were not memory-mapped, leaving the entire memory space available for programs. Hard disk drives and additional floppy drives were available as options. The Model II ran TRSDOS-II and BASIC. TRSDOS-II was not very compatible with TRSDOS for the Model I, thus the Model II never had the same breadth of available software as the Model I. This was somewhat mitigated by the availability of the CP/M operating system from third parties such as Pickles & Trout.

Tandy offered a desk custom-designed for the Model II for USDollar370. It could hold an additional three 8' disk drives or up to four 8.4MB hard drives.

Tandy eventually offered a 16-bit upgrade to the Model II, the Model 16. The Model II was later replaced by a cost-reduced Model 12, which added half-height 8' floppy drives, a green phosphor screen, and a white case, but dropped the expansion card cage (though one was available as an option).

Model 16, Model 16B, and Tandy 6000

Tandy later released the TRS-80 model 16, which was a follow on to the Model II; an upgrade was available to Model II owners. The Model 16 added a 6 MHz, 16-bit Motorola 68000 processor, keeping the original Z-80 as an I/O processor. It could run either TRSDOS-16 or Xenix, Microsoft's version of UNIX. Of the two operating systems, Xenix was far more popular. TRSDOS-16 was essentially a 68000 port of Model II TRSDOS, with no additional features and little compatible software.

Xenix, on the other hand, offered the full power of UNIX System III including multi-user support. The Model 16 family with Xenix became a popular system for small business, with a relatively large library of business and office automation software for its day. Tandy offered multi-user word processing (Scripsit 16), spreadsheet (Multiplan), and a 3GL 'database' (Profile 16, later upgraded to filePro 16+), as well as an accounting suite with optional COBOL source for customization. RM-COBOL, Basic, and C were available for programming, with Unify and Informix offered as relational databases.

The Model 16 evolved into the Model 16B, and then the Model 6000, gaining an internal hard drive along the way and switching to an 8 MHz 68000 and half-height, 8-inch floppy drives (double-sided, double density, 1.2 MB). Tandy offered 8.4MB, 15 MB, 35 MB, and 70 MB hard drives, up to 768 KB of RAM, and up to eight RS-232 serial ports supporting multi-user terminals. Additional memory and serial port expansion options were available from aftermarket companies.

TRS-80 Color Computers

Tandy also produced the TRS-80 Color Computer (Coco) using a Motorola 6809 processor. This machine was clearly aimed at the home market, where the Model 2 and above were sold as business machines. It competed directly with the Commodore 64. OS-9, a multitasking, multi-user operating system was supplied for this machine.

TRS-80 Model 100 line

In addition to the above, Tandy produced the TRS-80 Model 100 series of 'laptop' computers. This series comprised the TRS-80 Model 100, 102 and 200. The Model 100 was designed by the Japanese company Kyocera with software written by Microsoft. It is reported that the Model 100 featured the last code that Bill Gates ever wrote.

The Model 100 had an internal 300 baud modem, built-in BASIC, and a limited text editor. It was possible to use the Model 100 on essentially any phone in the world with the use of an optional acoustic coupler that fit over a standard telephone handset. The combination of the acoustic coupler, the machine's outstanding battery life (it could be used for days on a set of 4 AA batteries), and its simple text editor made the Model 100/102 popular with journalists in the early 1980s. The Model 100 line also had an optional serial/RS-232 floppy drive and a Cassette interface.

TRS-80 Model 200 line

TRS-80 Model 200 beside a Sony Vaio laptop.The Model 200 was introduced in 1985 as the successor to the Model 102, a Model 100 variant. The Model 200 had 24 KB RAM expandable to 72 KB, a flip-up 16 line by 40 column display, and a spreadsheet (Multiplan) included. The Model 200 also included DTMF tone-dialling for the internal modem. Although less popular than the Model 100, the Model 200 was also particularly popular with journalists in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

TRS-80 MC-10

The MC-10 was a short-lived and little-known Tandy computer, similar in appearance to the Sinclair ZX81.

It was a small system based on the Motorola 6803 processor and featured 4 KB of RAM. A 16 KB RAM expansion pack that connected on the back of the unit was offered as an option as was a thermal paper printer. A modified version of the MC-10 was sold in France as the Matra Alice.

Programs loaded using a cassette which worked much better than those for the Sinclair. A magazine published offered programs for both the COCO and MC-10 but very few programs were available for purchase. Programs for the MC-10 were not compatible with the COCO.

TRS-80 Pocket Computers

TRS-80 was also used for a line of Pocket Computers which were manufactured by Sharp or Casio, depending on the model.

TRS-80 PC-Compatible Computers

In the early-1980s, Tandy began producing a line of computers that were more or less PC compatible. Two of these systems were referred to as TRS-80 Model 2000 and Tandy 1000. As margins decreased in PC clones, Tandy was unable to compete and stopped marketing their own systems.

Originally, Tandy offered computers manufactured by Tandon Corporation, and then started producing their own line of systems.

The TRS-80 Model 2000 system was similar to the Texas Instruments Professional Computer in that it offered better graphics, a faster processor (80186) and higher capacity disk drives (80 track double sided 800k 5.25 drives). The industry was moving away from MS-DOS compatible computers (like the Sanyo MBC-550 and the TIPC) and towards fully compatible clones (like the Compaq, Eagle, Columbia MPC and others).

The later Tandy 1000 systems and follow-ons were also marketed by DEC, as Tandy and DEC had a joint manufacturing agreement.

Infos from: Wikipedia

Computer 1983

Tandy Radio Shack TRS-80 MC-10

The Tandy MC 10 (MC means Micro Color) was designed as an "initiation" computer to compete with the Timex Sinclair 1000, the american version of the Sinclair ZX-81. It was more expensive than the Sinclair machine, but outpassed it in every category. It had sound, color, more memory and even a better keyboard.
In fact, the MC-10 is basically a cut down version of the Tandy "Coco" computers, but didn't have as much success as its big brothers.
It is fully compatible with the first version of the Matra Alice (a French computer). Actually both are the same computer (except for the case color, the Alice is red and the Tandy is white).

Computer 1983

Tandy Radio Shack TRS-80 Model 100

The Tandy 100 was actually a computer made in Japan by Kyocera. All the ROM programs were written by Microsoft, and even a few of them were written by Bill Gates (!) himself ! These programs include a text editor, a telecommunication program, which uses the built-in modem (300 baud), and a rather good version of BASIC (no big surprise there).
Kyocera made this computer for three main companies: Tandy, Olivetti (Olivetti M10) and NEC (PC 8201), these computers are the same except the case and some little differences in the programs and a few physical differences.
The operating system uses 3130 bytes of the 8 KB RAM. So the 8 KB models (Catalog # 26-3801) didn?t sell very well. But there was also a 24 kb model (Catalog # 26-3802), and one year later, Tandy replaced the Tandy 100 with the Tandy 102 (which has 24 kb RAM too), and later with the Tandy 200 (1985).
The Tandy 102 is 1/2 inch thinner and one pound weight different. The "Date-Bug" (random changing of the calendar) is also repaired from the Model 100. But many people still prefer the feel of the Model 100 as there are also more 100-only accessories on the used market than compatible accessories...
The CMOS CPU (80c85) allows to use the Tandy 100 for 20 hours with only 4 AA batteries (5 days at 4 hours/day or 20 days at 1 hour/day)!!
The model 100/102 is still considered and used as an excellent machine, mainly to type texts when you're on the move (you can transfer them to modern computers) and even to send and receive emails !
Fun fact : its CPU was also used on the Mars Pathfinder probe's Sojourner rover !

Computer 1983

Tandy Radio Shack TRS-80 Model 4

The TRS-80 model 4 (ref 26-1068/69) was one of the last models of the TRS-80 series (and perhaps the less known). It ran at 4 MHz and displayed 80 columns x 24 lines in Model 4 mode, but was fully compatible with the TRS-80 model 3 and in Model 3 mode actually displayed 64x16 and ran at the Model 3's 2 MHz.
It had 64 or 128 KB RAM, the 64 upper KB being used as a ram disk. It had one or two 5.25" floppy disk (184 KB each) and ran under TRSDOS 6.0 or 1.3, LDOS or CP/M.
A transformation kit "TRS80 model III -> model IV" was available.
The Model 4 was followed by the Model 4D (ref. 26-1070). The only difference being double sided drives -384 KB, instead of single sided drives.
A portable version of the Model IV called Model 4P (ref. 26-1080) was also marketed few time after.

Computer 1977

Tandy Radio Shack TRS-80 Model I

The Tandy TRS 80 model 1 was the first member of one of the most famous computer family. It was one of the first home computer and was launched at the same time as famous computers like the Apple II or the Commodore PET. Beside, Tandy competitors nicknamed was "Trash-80".
The TRS-80 was developed was developed within the Radio Shack engeneering group, based upon several processor chips, SC/MP, PACE, 8008, 8080 and finally the Z80.
It used a black & white TV set, made by RCA, without tuner as monitor. The earlier models use a poor basic called Basic Level 1 (the Basic and the OS fit in the 4 KB ROM!). It was replaced later with the Basic Level 2 which needed a 12 KB ROM.
To offset its poor characteristics, Tandy developed a device called Expansion Interface which brings a lot of new features : additional 16 or 32kb RAM, two tape unit connectors, a printer port, a floppy disk controller, a serial port and a real time clock.
Tandy did as well 5, 10 and 15 MB hard drives. The case for them is about the size of a small PC tower. It's possible to fit 2 drives into each case. They were compatible with all TRS-80 versions.
When it was connected to a floppy disk unit, the TRS-80 uses the TRS DOS operating system, it was pretty bugged and most of the TRS-80 users prefered NEW DOS, it was an operating system done by a third-party company called Apparat. This OS was the real TRS-80 operating system.
LS-DOS was also an excellent DOS, superior to NEW DOS for most users. Interestingly, Microsoft's MS-DOS became more and more like LS-DOS each time it was updated, although never as good. LS-DOS was finally adopted by Tandy as the official DOS for the Model 4.
Documentation for all the TRS machines was superb. Even Microsoft provided documentation for its BASIC interpreter listing all the machine calls. You could use these calls when programming with either machine code or BASIC.
The Model I was followed by the TRS 80 model II (a business computer) and model III which had almost the same characteristics as the model I.
Contributors : Donald French, Paul D Moore

Computer May 1979

Tandy Radio Shack TRS-80 Model II

The TRS-80 model II, is the obscure brother of the TRS-80 family. Many internet pages deal with the models 1,3 and 4 but omit the model 2... This is maybe because the TRS-80 Model 2 was intended to be a business computer for use in offices and labs. Thus it is equiped with a full height Shugart 8'' drive with a capacity of 500k which is a lot compared to the 87k offered by the TRS-80 Model 1 system disk.
It is also possible to connect up to 4 floppy disk units, so you could have 2MB disk space online !
It runs under TRSDOS, but can also achieve CP/M compatibility.
Options for the machine included a hard disk controller, an arcnet network card, a graphics card and a 6 MHz 68000 board set with extra memory (up to 512K) so it could run XENIX.

Computer 1981

Tandy Radio Shack TRS-80 Model III

The model 3 is generally regarded as the successor to the Model 1.
Its two 5.25" floppy disk drives could convert model 1 disks.
Initially Radio Shack wanted to sell both the model 1 and 3 at the same time, but the FCC forced them to stop selling model 1. Is so they were discontinued because of the excessive radio noise that they put out.
However, the Model 3 wasn't FULLY compatible with the model 1. There were differences in ROM which meant some programs had to be converted, especially those machine language ones that made ROM calls.
Model III configurations, by Dave Thompson:
TRS-80 Model III was sold in multiple configurations.
No hardrive configurations included:
Model III with Level 1 ROM, 8k RAM sold for US$799. Model III with Level 2 ROM, 16k RAM sold for $999.

The first floppy drive cost $849, and could store 168k. The second drive was cheaper, and could store more. The price difference is due to the first one included the drive controller. The increased space on the second drive (189k) was due to the first drive must also contain some TRS-DOS (the operating system).

Brandt Daniels adds:

There was also a TRS-80 VideoTex Computer terminal in 1980.

Mark Fowler reports:
I worked for a company in 1982 that had integrated a 5MB, and later a 10MB hard disk into the TRS80 Model III. It was then programmed in FORTRAN-66 as a dedicated medical records system, to mimic the pegbook accounting system in use in the 1980's. We introduced green phosphor, and later amber phosphor display tubes. Some systems were used with a modem to do simple email-type applications, and to access various bulletin boards.

Computer 1984

Tandy Radio Shack Tandy 1000 series

The Tandy 1000 was a line of IBM PC compatible computers made during the 1980?s by the American Tandy Corporation for sale in their chain of Radio Shack electronics stores in Canada and the USA. The Tandy 1000 would be the successor to their influential TRS-80 line of computers, the Tandy 1000 would eventually replace the COCO line of 8 bit computers as well when Tandy decided to prematurely end that project in favor of the Tandy PC line of computers.
Targeted toward the home user with a modest budget, it copyied the IBM PCjr's 16-color graphics (PCjr's graphics were an extension of CGA video) and anhanced 3-voice sound, but didn't use the PCjr cartridge ports, instead the Tandy version had built-in game ports compatible with those on the TRS-80 Color Computer (COCO), as well as a port for a "light wand/pen". Most Tandy 1000 models also featured ?line-level? sound and composite video RCA outputs built onto the motherboard so that a standard television could be used as a monitor, albeit with much poorer video quality. Unlike most PC clones, early Tandy 1000 computers had MS-DOS built into ROM allowing the OS to boot in a few seconds. Tandy also bundled onto floppy diskette ?DeskMate?, a suite of consumer-oriented applications, with several models. Besides a composite output to TV, as mentioned earlier, Tandy 1000?s also housed a built in CGA video adaptor equal to PC standards built onto the motherboard and since the Tandy 1000 outlasted the PCjr by many years these graphics and sound standards became known as "Tandy-compatible" or "TGA," and many software packages of the era listed their adherence to Tandy standards on the package. One odd feature of the Tandy-1000, however, was a non standard edge card printer connector built onto the motherboard and protruding through the rear; an adaptor would be needed to work a standard IBM style printer.
In 1984, when the ?T-1000? was in its prime, you may have paid up to $2499.00 (Canadian) for a full featured system with matching monitor.
The original line was equipped with the Intel-8088 CPU at 4.77Mhz, which was later extended to faster clock speeds up to 7.16Mhz, as well as the upgrade to 8086 and 80286 processors at 10Mhz (in the TL & TX configurations). Common models of the machine included the Tandy 1000, EX, HX, SX, TX, SL, SL/2, RL, and TL, TL/2, TL/3.
The ?T-1000? was a workhorse in the IBM PC world, large numbers of units are still in active service today as it?s construction was quite robust. The T-1000 was Tandy?s last attempt in the home computer market. In the early 1990?s Tandy Corporation sold its computer manufacturing business to ?AST Computers?. When that occurred, instead of selling Tandy computers, Radio Shack stores began selling computers made by other manufacturers, such as ?Compaq?.
The original Tandy 1000 was similar in size to the IBM PC except it had a plastic case to reduce weight. The original Tandy 1000 featured a proprietary serial keyboard port along with 2 similar joystick ports on the FRONT of the case (a feature that would become standard in later models). The rear featured a PC standard monitor connector (compatible with CGA/EGA), a composite (TV) video-out connector, a single RCA-style monophonic line-level audio connector, a port for a light pen, and the unusual edge-card connector used to attach a parallel printer.
The original Tandy 1000 came standard with one 5.25 disk drive, with an additional bay usable for the installation of a second 5.25 disk drive (available as a kit from Radio Shack). 128k of memory was standard, with the computer accepting up to 640k of total memory with the addition of expansion cards. MS-DOS 2.11 and DeskMate 1.0 were included with the system.
The Tandy 1000 offered 256 characters: 96 standard ASCII characters, 48 block graphics characters, 64 foreign language/Greek characters, 16 special graphics characters, 32 word processing/scientific-notation characters.
Contributors: Derek McDonald (aka ?Skel?)
Sources: Switchtec's Virtual PC Museum, Emperor Multimedia Electronic Archives, Wikipedia, 8-Bit Micro, Tandy 1000 PC Museum

Handheld 1984

Tandy Radio Shack Tandy 200

The Tandy 200 was an evolution of the successful Tandy 100. It offered more RAM and a bigger display. The computer was powered by internal batteries, providing up to 16 hours(!) of use.
A lot of utilities were in ROM: a telecommunication program (telcom) which used the built-in modem, MSPLAN spreadsheet (light version of Multiplan), text editor, calendar, address book and BASIC Programming Language.
3.5" floppy disk drives could be connected via the RS-232. There were actually 2 drives made by Tandy for the Model T computers. The TPDD held 100KB whereas the TPDD2 held 200KB. The TPDD2 could read the TPDD disks. They both used 720k floppies. A video interface was also available, it offered a new display resolution (80 columns X 24 lines) on any external video display unit.
The main competitor of the Tandy 200 was the Epson PX-8. Note that several of the ROM programs were written by Bill Gates himself!
Contributed to this page : Kaleb Marshall

Computer december 1981

Tandy Radio Shack Tandy 2000

The Tandy 2000 was launched in December 1981, a full year BEFORE the 1000, and proved to be a mistake on the part of Tandy, but to their credit they weren?t alone, many manufacturers who built systems based on the Intel 80186 CPU suffered the same fate.
On the surface the computer was quite the catch:
The ?T-2000? featured new instructions and new fault tolerance protection over the TRS-80 and COCO lines. Tandy built the 2000 with advanced color graphics, Intel 16bit processing at 8 Mhz and 2 720K 5.25? Floppy disks; and a CPU that was out performing even the 80286 computers of the time! It was a robust computer with excellent features but that 80186 CPU would come back to haunt it. The Tandy 2000 by many was considered the first AT style computer in North America, a bold and risky move by Tandy.
Despite all the advancements, the 80186 CPU was not popular with software developers, so few wrote software for the 80186. More to the point, however, the Tandy 2000, while touted as being compatible with the IBM XT, was different enough for most software beyond purely text oriented to not work properly. It differed by having a Tandy-specific video mode (640x400, not related to or forward-compatible with VGA), along with the new concept of keyboard scan codes, and the proprietary 720kb 5-1/4" floppy format: no other computer used this disk format, which was single-sided high-density, using standard 1.2Mb double-sided high-density disks; the drives could read and write 360kb floppies, but be careful when doing so if the disks were to be subsequently used in an IBM-compatible; there were hardware hacks to use 720kb 3.5" floppy drives, but it was unclear whether disks formatted in this way were compatible with standard PC-compatibles.
In addition: The Tandy 2000 was nominally BIOS-compatible with the IBM XT, which allowed extremely well-behaved DOS software to run on both platforms. However, most DOS software is not so well behaved and many PC programmers would bypass the PC-BIOS to achieve higher performance, rendering the software incompatible with the Tandy 2000. Microsoft provided a special version of MS-DOS that could combat these problems, but it was a proprietary programming venture. All other units, including the later Tandy 1000, operated on what was essentially the standard PC-DOS (IBMs version) or MS-DOS. The Tandy 2000 was further killed by the arrival of the 80286 CPU 2 months after its release.
In fairness, Tandy wasn't the only casualty of the 80186. Other computers that were built on that format, mostly from Europe, such as the Compis and the Dulmont Magnum were marketed with the CP/M operating system suffered the same fate. If you had a machine based on those systems the only thing that could realistically run on them was the CP/M operating system, but software was scarce, at least with MS-DOS you had some options with software.
In the end the computer was poorly supported by Radio Shack; eventually the remaining unsold computers were converted into the first Radio Shack Terminals (which, oddly enough, had been one of the original backup plans for the original TRS-80 Model 1). The Tandy 2000 computer was the only computer sold by Radio Shack that had both logos on the case "Tandy" and "TRS-80". The Tandy 2000 computer was the first to have the "Tandy" logo on it.
Contributors: Derek McDonald (aka ?Skel?)
Sources: Switchtec's Virtual PC Museum, Emperor Multimedia Electronic Archives, Wikipedia, 8-Bit Micro, Tandy 1000 PC Museum

Computer 1986

Tangerine Oric Telestrat

The Oric Telestrat is the successor of the Oric 1 and Oric Atmos with which it is compatible. It was launched some months after Oric was bought by Eur?ka, a French company in 1985.
It was designed especially for telecommunications, like the Goupil 2, the Thomson TO-9+ or the Exeltel. It was designed to be used with the Minitel (French videotext terminal): it has a special ROM (8 KB) enabling the Telestrat to act as a videotext server.
A 3" floppy disk drive was available (400 KB) which run under StradSED (the Oric operating system, compatible with the old Oric DOS).
Several ROM cartridges were developed for this machine: Midi software (unreleased), Hyper Basic (compiled basic), Telematic Basic (designed for telecommunications), etc...

Computer 1982

Tangerine Oric-1 & Oric Atmos

British microcomputer company Tangerine Computer Systems was founded in 1979 by Dr. Paul Johnson and Barry Muncaster and was run out of offices in Ely, Cambridgeshire. The company was later renamed, and was known in most of the 1980s as Oric International.

1 An early 6502 machine: the Microtan 65
2 The Oric-1
3 The Atmos
4 The Stratos, the Telestrat, and The end
5 The clones
6 Notes

An early 6502 machine: the Microtan 65

The Microtan 65 in the full System Rack enclosure and with the ASCII keyboardTangerine produced one of the first 6502-based kit computers, the Microtan 65. It had a 3U form factor, a small amount of memory (RAM), a video character generator and UHF modulator for use with a TV set, and a simple latch for entering hex data from a keypad, and the computer was designed to be expandable. The manual came with a one-kilobyte listing of Conway's Game of Life. An optional expansion board could be built with a UART, more memory and BASIC ROMs. Additional expansion boards became available later, offering more RAM, dedicated serial and parallel I/O boards, etc.

After the Microtan 65, Tangerine planned to build a desktop machine and got as far as selling the design for the Microtan 2 aka Tangerine Tiger to a company who never built it.

The Oric-1

Oric 1With the success of the Sinclair ZX Spectrum Tangerine's backers suggested a home computer and Tangerine formed Oric Products International Ltd to develop and release the Oric-1 in 1983. Based on a 1 MHz 6502A CPU, it came in 16 KB or 48 KB RAM variants for Pound 129 and Pound 169 respectively, matching the models available for the popular ZX Spectrum and undercutting the price of the 48K Spectrum by a few pounds. Both Oric-1 versions had a 16 KB ROM containing the operating system and a modified BASIC interpreter.

The Oric-1 improved somewhat over the Spectrum with a chiclet keyboard design replacing the Spectrum's renowned "dead flesh" one. In addition the Oric had a true sound chip, the programmable GI 8912, and two graphical modes handled by a semi-custom ASIC (ULA) which also managed the interface between the processor and memory. The two modes were a LORES text only mode (though the character set could be redefined to produce graphics) with 28 rows of 40 characters and a HIRES mode with 200 rows of 240 pixels above three lines of text. Like the Spectrum, the Oric-1 suffered from attribute clash—albeit to a lesser degree in HIRES mode, when a single row of pixels could be coloured differently from the one below in contrast to the Spectrum, which applied foreground and background color in 8 x 8 pixel blocks. As it was meant for the home market, it had a built in television RF modulator as well as RGB output and was meant to work with a basic audio tape recorder to save and load data.

According to the Oric World website (see External links, below), about 160,000 Oric-1s were sold in the UK in 1983 with another 50,000 sold in France (where it was the top-selling machine that year). Although not the 350,000 predicted, it was enough for Oric International to be bought out by Edenspring and given Pound 4m in funding.

The Atmos

Oric AtmosThe Edenspring money enabled Oric International to release the Oric Atmos, which added a true keyboard and an updated V1.1 ROM to the Oric-1. Unfortunately, it also added a faulty tape error checking routine. Soon after the Atmos was released, the modem, printer and 3-inch floppy disk drive originally promised for the Oric-1 were announced and released by the end of 1984.

The Stratos, the Telestrat, and The end
The Atmos failed to turn around Oric International's fortunes, but they persevered and in early 1985 Oric announced several new machines were on the way, including an IBM compatible and an MSX-compatible computer. On February 1st it demonstrated the Oric Stratos/IQ164 at the Frankfurt Computer Show; on the 2nd however, Edenspring put Oric International into receivership with Tansoft, by then a company in its own right, following in May. French company Eureka bought the remains of Oric and, after renaming itself, continued to produce the Stratos under that name, followed by the Oric Telestrat in late 1986. In December 1987 after announcing the Telestrat 2, Oric International went into receivership for the second and final time.

The clones
A Yugoslavian company (believed to be Avtotehna, based in Ljubljana) obtained a licence to make 5000 machines. Machines were made, but whether they were under license or not is not known in any detail. It is thought that they assembled parts shipped from the UK. They were Atmos based, the only difference being the logo indicating Oric Nova 64 instead of Oric Atmos 48k.

A Bulgarian machine called the Pravetz 8D was produced between 1986 and 1989. The Pravetz is entirely hardware and software compatible with the Oric Atmos. The major change on the hardware side is the bigger white case that hosts a comfortable mechanical keyboard and an integrated power supply. The BASIC Rom has been patched to host both a Western European and Cyrillic alphabet - the upper case character set produces Western European characters, which lower case gives Cyrillic letters. In order to ease the use of the two alphabets, the Pravetz 8D is fitted with a CAPS LOCK key. A Disk II compatible interface and a custom DOS, called DOS-8D, have been created circa 1990.

^ The choice of the company's name, Tangerine, was inspired by the success of the-then already famous (in the computer business world) Apple Computer.
^ The 48k Oric machines are actually really 64k machines. The top 16k of memory are masked by the BASIC Rom and thus normally not available for the user. The disc drive unit contains some additional hardware that makes it able to enable or disable the ROM, effectively adding 16k of RAM to the machine. This additional memory is used by the system to store the Oric DOS software.

Infos from Wikipedia

Computer 1984

Tatung Einstein TC-01

The Tatung Einstein was an eight-bit home/personal computer produced by Taiwanese corporation Tatung, designed and assembled in Telford, England. It was aimed primarily at small businesses.

The Einstein was released in the United Kingdom in the summer of 1984, and 5,000 were exported back to Taipei later that year. A Tatung monitor (monochrome or color) and printer were also available as options.

The machine was physically large, with an option for one or two built-in three-inch floppy disk drives manufactured by Hitachi. At the time, most home computers used ordinary tape recorders for storage. Another unusual feature of the Einstein was that on start-up the computer entered a simple machine code monitor, called MOS (Machine Operating System). A variety of software could then be loaded from disk, including a CP/M-compatible operating system named Xtal, and a BASIC interpreter.

More expensive than most of its rivals, and lacking an obvious niche market other than technically-advanced home programmers, the Einstein was commercially unsuccessful.

A later, revised version, named the Tatung Einstein 256 suffered a similar fate.

Technical specifications
CPU: Zilog Z80A @ 4 MHz
RAM: 64KB system RAM; 16KB video RAM
Video: 16 colors, 32 sprite planes

Infos from Wikipedia


Tektronix 4052

Handheld 1983

Telcon Zorba

The Zorba is one of the last 8 bits portable computer running the CP/M operating system. Its features were almost identical to the Kaypro II.
The Zorba was first manufactured and sold by Telcon, a company specialized in telecomunication equipments manufacturing.
For $190 more, the user could order the Perfect Software Package including the 'Perfect Writer' word processor, the 'Perfect Speller' spell checker, the 'Perfect Filer' database manager and the 'Perfect Calc' spreadsheet.
Having spent a lot of money designing the Zorba, Telcon was seeking for new investors to market its portable and settle a network sales. It was then bought up by ModComp (Modular Computer), a company specialized in mini-computer manufacturing. A group called Modular Micro Group, specialized in Zorba marketing was created. In spite of that, results were very bad and one year after its launch date, Zorba computers stock was sold to a company specialized in selling off surplus stocks, wich sold them at a very low price.
Zorba users were nevertheless very satisfied. They were able to read practically every existing CP/M floppy format. Its several video emulations (H19/Z19/VT52) allowed them to run virtually any existing CP/M software.

Computer 1982

TeleVideo Systems TS-802 & TS-802H

In 1982, T?l?vid?o was one of the first companies selling passive video terminals. These devices were used as monitors/keyboards for mainframes. Their major competitor was Digital and its VT100 terminal, which became the reference model and was later on copied by several companies.
The same year, Digital and Televideo had the same idea: to convert their video terminal into a business computer. The digital solution was called the VT-180. Televideo offered their solution under the name TS-802.
The TS-802 was a traditional Z80 and CP/M based system. There were two versions: one equiped with double 5.25'' disk drives, and another with a 10 MB hard disk (TS-802H). Like all CP/M systems manufacturers of the time, Televideo offered a free software suite called TeleSolutions. It included the two MicroPro editor bestsellers: WordStar (wordprocessor) and CalcStar (agenda/spreadsheet).
Initially, these computers were used by large companies as single user, stand alone systems. Then, they were connected to multitasking mainframe units (Televideo TS-806 or TS-816 for example) and used for many years as intelligent satellite stations.

Computer March 1983

TeleVideo Systems TS-803, TS-803H & TPC-1

The TS-803 succeeded to the TS-802. Although it was basically the same CP/M machine, it had several notable enhancements.
The all-in-one case had an innovative design. The main unit and mass storage devices were mounted vertically at the right side of a large tilting 14" green display (at the time the standard size was of 12").

The keyboard was also greatly improved. It offered 16 programmable function keys and 10 pre-programmed text-editing keys. It was one of the first keyboard to offer a built-in wrist rest.
The TS-803 was also one of the rare CP/M machines to run graphics.
At the same period, Televideo also released the TS-1603, an Intel 8088 version with same design which ran CPM/86 and MS-DOS OSs.

Computer 1985

Telenova Compis

The Telenova Compis computer was designed to be used in swedish schools. It featured a 80186 cpu and used CP/M 86.
The name "compis" would be a synthesis of the word Computer and the swedish word
"kompis", meaning Buddy or mate. It was also a shorting for 'computer i skolan' (computer in school).
The Compis was called Scandis in Norway.
There was a small speaker in the keyboard. On the later models (Compis II) the network identity and other setup-data of the computer were also stored in the keyboard.
Compis II was also capable of running MD-DOS. Some models only had one floppy drive. It had amber monochrome display while the first model had green on black.
Svenska Datorer AB (Swedish Computers AB) went bankrupt shortly after beginning the production of the compis. Further production was taken over by the state-owned Televerket?s company TeleNova that invested large amounts of money in the project.
The following languages were available on disk : Comal, Pascal, Fortran, Cobol.


Telmac TMC-600

Computer 1985

Tesla Ondra & Ondra ViLi

Developed in Elstroj and produced by Tesla Liberec and later Tesla Blatna, the Ondra was a low-cost system intended for computing initiation at home and school.
It was build around the U880 processor (East-German version of the Z80). It featured 64 KB RAM, 4 KB ROM and had 320 x 255 graphic capabilities. Three peripherals could be connected, a tape recorder, a Parallel printer and a joystick.
Only 1000 units were ever made. Then Tesla wanted to give the manufacturing to other firm. Unfortunately that never happened.
Picture and information from Jan Krupka

Computer 1985

Tesla PMD-85

The PMD-85 was a Czechoslovakian personal computer based on the MHB 8080A processor and manufactured by slovakian company Tesla Bratislava.

Several versions were available:
- PMD-85-1 (most common)
- PMD-85-2 (better keyboard and software)
- PMD-85-2A (new motherboard)
- PMD-85-3 (new motherboard again, pictured)
- Mato (kit of a clone in a smaller case)

This machine was well known among kids and fans for its presence in schools in 80's.

Thanks to Monty Jack and Jan Krupka from Czech Republik for info and picture.

The PMD series, by Andrej
Actually PMD series started much earlier. First one was PMD-81 (from 1981) followed by PMD-83 (of course manufactured in 1983-84) and the last one from series was PMD-85.
While PMD-81 (as far as I know) had just cartridge for Basic G, PMD-85 had as standard Basic G, but also Pascal cartridge was available.
Computer didn't have a monitor, it was plugged in regular (at that time B/W) TV.
While PMD-85-3 had prominent keyboard (as you can see in a picture), previous models had flat keys

Some acid remarks from David Cady:
In fact, this computer did not have a built-in language. That Basic G was a kind of a cartridge or a module, that can be seen and identified fairly easy on the picture provided on the page.
Above the keyboard, where the upper part of the rear panel begins, you can notice a slightly different colour of the case (the gray is a little lighter) with only one inscription on it in the upper right corner. Well, it's not the case anymore - it's that module! It was huge (in comparison to Atari or Commodore cartridges), quite heavy (almost one fifth of the total weight of the computer) and, surprisingly, fragile.

Probably therefore was this Basic G module shipped automatically with the computer (plugged in already - that might be the reason, why it's so often described as built-in).

Basic G was really bad, it was a very-low-performance clone of the Sinclair ZX Spectrum Basic programming language. Just imagine, that holding down the function key and pressing a letter key meanwhile wrote the whole command on the screen although there was no indication for the upcoming command on the keyboard itself (unlike ZX). It was very uncomfortable to get used to this and majority of those, who worked with PMD's didn't use this 'fast commands writing feature'.

The PMD 85/1 had a pretty miserable keyboard made of telephone keys (!). Writing a couple of A4's could become a blood-sweating experience.

PMD's were not really much cheaper in comparison to Atari, Commodore or ZX Spectrum computers (some of the peripherals were even more expensive than their 'western' equivalents), but they were the 'official' computers for youth educating in computer science. Probably every other computer or programming club had several of those, so they became fairly widespread despite the quality.

PMD 85/2A, PMD 85/3 and Mato, Slovak successor to (and clone of) PMD 85/2, were basically the same shit. Sorry to say that, but I had to work with them, so I know, what I'm talking about. I didn't like ZX's, but I'd prefer them anytime to PMD's.

The peripherals - similar to ZX, any casette player/recorder could be plugged in. There was a special peripheral from Tesla that combined the tape recorder with a printer (the D-100 model or the BT-100 model). This printer had a single-pin head and you had to put a carbon paper (!) in between the head and the clean paper for the printer to work correctly - to print at all! That's what I call innovative approach :-)

TYPE Home Computer
ORIGIN Czechoslovakia
YEAR 1985
KEYBOARD Full stroke 77 keys
SPEED 2,048 MHz (Xtal 18,432 MHz divided by 9)
RAM 48 KB (Mod. 1), 56 KB (Mod. 2A), 64 KB (Mod. 3)
ROM 4 KB (Mod. 1, 2A), 8 KB (Mod. 3)
TEXT MODES 25 lines x 48 characters
GRAPHIC MODES 288 x 256 dots
COLORS 4 (Black, White, Grey, Blink) - 8 for the PMD-85-3
SOUND 1 channel
SIZE / WEIGHT 31.3 (W) x 26.5 (D) x 6.5 (H) cm / 1.915 kg
I/O PORTS Serial, Parallel
POWER SUPPLY Exxternal power supply unit, +5V, +12V, -5V, Max 35VA
PERIPHERALS Tape recorder
PRICE Unknown


Texas Instruments TI-85

The TI-85 is a graphing calculator made by Texas Instruments based around the Zilog Z80 microprocessor. Designed in 1992 as TI's second graphing calculator (the first was the TI-81), it has since been replaced by the TI-86, which has also been discontinued.

The TI-85 was significantly more powerful than the TI-81, as it was designed as a calculator primarily for use in engineering and calculus courses. Texas Instruments had included a version of BASIC on the device to allow programming. Each calculator came with a cable to connect calculators (simply a three-conductor cable with 2.5 mm jack plugs on each end). Another cable known as the TI-Graph Link was also sold, along with appropriate software, to connect the calculator to a personal computer. These cables made it possible to save programs and make backups.

Technical specifications

Zilog Z80 CPU,[1] 6 MHz
32 KB, (28 KB user-available)
128 KB non-upgradeable
Text: 21Ṫ8 characters
Graphics: 128Ṫ64 pixels, monochrome
Link capability
2.5 mm I/O port
4ṪAAA, 1ṪCR1616 or CR1620
Programming language(s)
TI-BASIC, Z80 Assembly (hacked)

(info: Wikipedia)


Texas Instruments TI-86

The TI-86 is a programmable graphing calculator introduced in 1997 and produced by Texas Instruments. The TI-86 uses the Zilog Z80 microprocessor. It is partially backwards-compatible with its predecessor, the TI-85.

The TI-86 can be thought of as the tier among various Texas Instruments calculators directly above the TI-83 and TI-84 line. In addition to having a larger screen than the TI-83, the TI-86 also allows the user to type in lower case and Greek letters and features five softkeys, which improve menu navigation and can be programmed by the user for quick access to common operations such as decimal-to-fraction conversion. The calculator also handles vectors, matrices and complex numbers better than the TI-83. One drawback, however, is that the statistics package on the TI-83 range doesn't come preloaded on the TI-86. However, it can be downloaded from the Texas Instruments program archive and installed on the calculator using the link cable.

The TI-86 has been discontinued.


* CPU: Zilog Z80 6 MHz
* RAM: 128 KB, 96 KB user-accessible
* ROM: 256 KB non-upgradable
* Display: 128Ṫ64 pixels high-contrast monochrome LCD
* Data Communication: Serial link port; allows two TI-86 calculators to be connected to each other, or one TI-86 to be connected to a PC, for data transfer via a special link cable
* Programming Languages: TI-BASIC, Z80 Assembly (ASM)

(info: Wikipedia)

Calculator 1995

Texas Instruments TI-92

The TI-92 was originally released in 1995, and was the first symbolic calculator made by Texas Instruments. It came with a computer algebra system (CAS) based on Derive, and was one of the first calculators to offer 3D graphing. The TI-92 was not allowed on most standardized tests due mostly to its QWERTY keyboard. Its larger size was also rather cumbersome compared to other graphing calculators. In response to these concerns, Texas Instruments introduced the TI-89 which is functionally similar to the original TI-92, but featured Flash ROM and 188KB RAM, and a smaller design without the QWERTY keyboard. The TI-92 was then replaced by the TI-92 Plus, which was essentially a TI-89 with the larger QWERTY keyboard design of the TI-92. Eventually, TI released the Voyage 200, which is a smaller, lighter version of the TI-92 Plus with a QWERTY keyboard and more Flash ROM. The TI-92 is no longer sold through TI or its dealers, and is very hard to come by in stores.

Display: 240Ṫ128 pixels
CPU Motorola MC68000
10 MHz
RAM 128 KB 70 KB user-available(TI-92)
256 KB 136 KB user-available(TI-92II)
Flash ROM 1 MB ROM,
capability 2.5 mm I/O port
Power 4ṪAA,
Release 1995(TI-92)

(info: Wikipedia)

Computer 1981

Texas Instruments TI-99 4A

he TI-83 series of graphing calculators is manufactured by Texas Instruments. The original TI-83 is itself an upgraded version of the TI-82. Released in 1996, it is one of the most used graphing calculators for students. In addition to the functions present on normal scientific calculators, the TI-83 includes many features, including function graphing, polar/parametric/sequence graphing modes, statistics, trigonometric, and algebraic functions. Although it does not include as many calculus functions, applications (for the TI-83 Plus -- see below) and programs can be downloaded from certain websites or written on the calculator

The TI-83 was the first calculator in the TI series to have built in assembly language support. The TI-92, TI-85, and TI-82 were capable of running assembly language programs, but only after sending a specially constructed (hacked) memory backup. The support on the TI-83 could be accessed through a hidden feature of the calculator. Users would write their assembly (ASM) program on their computer, assemble it, and send it to their calculator as a program. The user would then execute the command 'Send (9prgmXXX' (where XXX is the name of the program), and it would execute the program. Successors of the TI-83 replaced the Send() backdoor with a less-hidden Asm() command.

The TI-83 Plus is a graphing calculator made by Texas Instruments, designed in 1999 as an upgrade to the TI-83. The TI-83 Plus is one of TI's most popular calculators. It uses a Zilog Z80 microprocessor[1] running at 6 MHz, a 96Ṫ64 monochrome LCD screen, and 4 AAA batteries as well as backup CR1616 or CR1620 battery. A link port is also built into the calculator in the form of a 2.5mm jack. The main improvement over the TI-83, however, is the addition of 512 KB of Flash ROM, which allows for OS upgrades and applications to be installed. Most of the Flash memory is used by the OS, with 160 KB available for user files and applications. Another development is the ability to install Flash Applications, which allows the user to add functionality to the calculator. Such applications have been made for math and science, text editing, organizers and day planners, editing spread sheets, games, and many other uses.

Designed for use by high school students, though now used by middle school students in some public school systems, it contains all the features of a scientific calculator as well as function, parametric, polar, and sequential graphing capabilities; an environment for financial calculations; matrix operations; on-calculator programming; and more. Symbolic manipulation (differentiation, algebra) is not built into the TI-83 Plus, but is available via a flash application from Detached Solutions. It can be programmed using a language called TI-BASIC, which is similar to the BASIC computer language. Programming may also be done in TI Assembly, made up of Z80 assembly and a collection of TI provided system calls. Assembly programs run much faster, but are more difficult to write. Thus, the writing of Assembly programs is often done on the computer.

Computer 1982

Thomson MO5

The MO-5 was presented alongside the TO 7/70, in march 1984. While the TO-7/70 follows and enhances the TO-7 philosophy, the MO-5 is more a cut-down version of the TO-7/70. The idea was to design a coherent French home computer, able to compete with such systems as the ZX Spectrum or the Commodore 64.

The case of the MO-5 is elegant with its anthracit colour and pleasant lines. The keyboard, though made of rubber keys, is an improvement over the flat membrane keyboard of the TO-7. Most BASIC statements are engraved onto the keys and can be directly entered by pressing a special BASIC key and the key matching the desire statement. But the Basic commands can also be typed in letter by letter. The keyboard layout is AZERTY which is normal as the MO-5 is a french system. Accentuated letters can directly be accessed by pressing the ACC key, followed by the desired key (6 for é, 7 for è, 8 for ù, 9 for ç and 0 for à). There are also four arrow keys, INS to insert a space, EFF to delete the pointed character, STOP to pause a program, CNT to resume a program stoped and RAZ (remise à zéro) to clear the screen.

The cartridge slot is different from the TO-7 and TO-7/70 one. Thus, MEMO7 cartridges cannot be used. The cartridges of the MO-5 are called MEMO5. Next to the cartridge slot is a RESET (software) button. When pressed it re-initiates the computer without clearing the RAM. Thus, programs in memory are not lost.

As opposed to the TO-7/70, the MO-5 is very compact in many ways. One of the drawbacks is that there is only one expansion connector. You cannot connect the Game expansion AND a printer, or a disk-drive AND a printer, etc. When you get the computer, you've got the system itself and nothing more. Everything else is optional : tape recorder, light-pen, joystick expansion, etc. This is mainly the reason why the MO-5 was not too expensive compared to the other Thomson systems.

Hopefully, the Microsoft Basic 1.0 (Level 5), is built-in ROM (it is not the case with the TO-7/70). This Basic version developped specially for Thomson is quite excellent, with many interesting functions and statements. In fact it is the same found on the TO-7 and TO-7/70 with only some minor changes (the MO5 version lacks DEF USR statement, and double-precision numbers).

The light-pen introduced on the TO-7 has been improved on the MO-5 and TO-7/70. While its resolution was only 40x25 on the TO-7, it can now access every point of the screen, that is to say 320 x 200 pixels.

But a strange feature is that the tape format of the MO-5 is not compatible with the TO-7 & TO-7/70 one. Tapes saved with a TO system can not be loaded with a MO-5. And games sold for the TO computers could not be directly used by a MO-5. As a result, most games were sold with the program saved in TO-7 format on one side, and in MO-5 format on the other side.

So, to clarify everything, the main differences between the MO5 and TO-7/70 are:
- Built-in Basic for the MO5, only available on cartridge for the TO-7/70
- Memo5 cartridge slot is different from the Memo7 one
- only one expansion port on the MO5, four (including memory expansion) on the TO-7/70
- different tape format,
- slightly different Basic versions (MO5 lacks DEF USR statement and double-precision numbers)
- colours are coded differently internaly,
- MO5 lacks special 'Minitel' videotext characters,
- the lightpen is only optional for the MO5,
- ROMs and memory addresses are different

Though this looks like a lot of differences, both systems are in fact very close in terms of possibilities, features and performances. The MO5 in its conception can be seen as a compact TO-7/70 targeted specificaly for the home-computer / initiation market.
The MO-5 was very popular in schools, as Thomson was the main supplier of the French National Education for the 'Informatique Pour Tous' Plan. MO-5 were mainly used as terminals for the famous 'Nanoréseau', an educational network, often piloted by a Logabax Persona 1600. A special version called MO-5 NR (for NanoRéseau) was even developed some times later.
The MO-5E (E for Exportation) is a MO-5 version specially developped for foreign markets. It has a proper full-stroke keyboard, a different case, two joystick connectors and several video outputs. It did not have much success... The MO-5 itself was replaced in France by a second version which was only different by its full-stroke keyboard. In 1986, the MO-5 was replaced with the MO 6.

Computer 1982

Thomson MO6

The Thomson MO 6 was the successor of the Thomson MO 5. This machine was widely used in French schools. It was compatible with the MO 5 and the other members of its family (TO 7, TO 8, TO 9 and TO 9 plus).
It has two versions of BASIC on ROM, one to be compatible with MO5 and BASIC 128 (both made by Microsoft). Almost all memory (101 KB) was accessible with BASIC thanks to a transparent 16 KB bank switching mechanism. An optional 3.5" floppy disk drive (640 KB) was available.
It had a short life because soon after it was launched, the TO 8 came and challenged to it.
The MO5 was also sold in Italy by Olivetti under the name Prodest PC-128

Computer 1982

Thomson TO7

The Thomson TO 7 is the first micro computer conceived by Thomson and the first French micro-computer. This computer, also called Thomson 9000 was mainly used in french schools and had somehow a great success in France. "TO" stands for "Tele Ordinateur" (ordinateur meaning computer in French).
One of the most interesting feature of the TO-7 is its light pen. Indeed, there is one stored in a small trap above the keyboard. A wide range of software used this device. Even on later Thomson systems (MO and TO series), the light pen is still available as an option. It was the distinctive sign of the Thomson micro-computers.
On the other hand, its flat membrane keyboard (like the ZX 81's one) is awful! It is impossible to type something quickly. Each stroke is signaled by a small beep. There is a key labeled RAZ (Remise A Zero) which clears the screen, like the classic CLS command... There is a also a ACC key (Accent) which enables accentuated letters.
When you switch on the computer, there is no language, just a small configuration tool to test the light pen. The Basic 1.0 (Microsoft Basic 5) is delivered on a cartridge. It inserts into the cartridge trap door on the left side of the keyboard. The cartridges are called "Memo 7". Sadly, the trap door locking system is not very secure, and all TO 7 owners experienced the lost of their programs when the trap door opened itself without prompting... When the trap door opens, the cartridge is ejected, and the system hangs. You've lost everything :(
The Basic is quite complete with useful statements. To do graphics you've got LINE (to draw a line), PSET (to draw points), BOX (to draw a box) and BOXF (to draw a filled box). You can also handle the lightpen with INPEN, INPUTPEN, PEN and ONPEN. The joystick states are read with STICK and STRIG. To do music, you have the PLAY statement, which has been Frenchised. To play the standard note sequence, you would type: PLAY "DOREMIFASOLASI"...
At the back of the computer, one can find 4 expansion slots protected by plastic caps. Three are identical and are used for common expansions like joystick, disk-drives, etc. The fourth one is used by the optional memory expansion. Another item you can't miss at the back of the TO 7 is the BIG heatsink! This thing is huge and was known to cut a lot :( So be careful when you handle a TO 7! It also gets hot fairly quickly, so don't get burn either (man, the TO 7 is dangerous!).
The first programs (mainly developped by Vifi-Nathan) where really bad, often written in Basic. They were essentialy boring educative games. Despite this bad point, the TO-7 did well thanks to the French National Education who bought a lot of systems to the nationalised Thomson company... And in 1984, the TO-7 was replaced with the TO-7/70 (in fact the TO-7 continued to be sold too for a short time) which corrected the main weaknesses of its little brother.

Computer 1982

Thomson TO7-70

The TO-7/70 was presented alongside the MO5, in march 1984. While the MO-5 represents a small break into the TO-7 philosophy, the TO-7/70 follows and enhances the TO-7 features.
The case of the TO-7/70 is almost the same as the TO-7 one : roughly triangular with sharp edges. The keyboard, though made of rubber keys, is an improvement over the flat membrane keyboard of the TO-7. The keyboard layout is AZERTY which is normal as the TO-7/70 is a french system. Accentuated letters can directly be accessed by pressing the ACC key, followed by the desired key (6 for ?, 7 for ?, 8 for ?, 9 for ? and 0 for ?). There are also four arrow keys, INS to insert a space, EFF to delete the pointed character, STOP to pause a program, CNT to resume a program stoped and RAZ (remise ? z?ro) to clear the screen.
The light-pen introduced on the TO-7 has been improved on TO-7/70. While its resolution was only 40x200 on the TO-7 (one eighth of the horizontal range), it can now access every point of the screen, that is to say 320 x 200 pixels.
The expansion possibilities of the TO-7/70 are the same as the TO-7 : 3 expansion connectors for printers, disk-drives, game extension, etc. and 1 memory expansion slot. There is also still a tape-recorder intreface.
The main improvements over the TO-7 are :
- better integration of the components on the main-board
- a better keyboard (hmmmm, so they say)
- more RAM (48 KB, instead of 22 KB)
- a switch to lock the cartridge trap door, since it used to open randomly on the TO-7, rebooting the system and thus loosing all work in progress
- more colours (16 instead of 8)
- better light-pen precision
- the infamous heat-sink at the back of the TO-7 has disapeared !
The TO-7 is upward compatible with the TO-7/70, i.e. software developped for the TO-7 can be used by the TO-7/70, but not the contrary... It also means that the MEMO7 cartridge format is still the same.
AS for the MO-5, the TO-7/70 was quite popular in schools, as Thomson was the main supplier of the French National Education for the "Informatique Pour Tous" Plan. TO-7/70 (and MO5) were mainly used as terminals for the famous "Nanor?seau", an educational network, often piloted by a Logabax Persona 1600.
A second model with better mechanical keyboard was released some months later, for christmas 1985 (see more pictures section). In fact this model was first sold as an exportation model along with the MO5E. They were both presented at the "Hannover Messe" (Germany) in april 1985. That explains why some rumours talked about a TO-7/70E model, but it was never called like this. It was exactly the same model sold later in France.
The TO-7/70 was finally replaced by the TO-8 and TO-8D in 1986.

Computer 1982

Thomson TO8

The Thomson TO 8 is the successor of the Thomson TO 7/TO 7/70. This machine was, like the Thomson MO 5 very used in french schools. It was compatible with the TO 7 and the other members of its family (Thomson MO 6, Thomson TO 9 and Thomson TO 9 plus). It has three basics on ROM : The Basic 1.0 of the TO7, The Basic 512 and the Basic DISK. Almost all memory (235 KB) was accessible with basic thanks to a transparent 16 KB bank switching mechanism and up to 17 programs can be loaded simultaneously in memory and it is possible to switch between them. An optional 3.5" floppy disk drive (640 KB) was available.
A new version of the TO 8 was launched few times after, the Thomson TO 8D, this computer had the same characteristics but had a built-in 3.5" floppy disk drive.

Computer 1986

Thomson TO8, TO8D, TO9, TO9+

The Thomson TO 8 is the successor of the Thomson TO 7/TO 7/70. This machine was, like the Thomson MO 5 very used in french schools. It was compatible with the TO 7 and the other members of its family (Thomson MO 6, Thomson TO 9 and Thomson TO 9 plus). It has three basics on ROM : The Basic 1.0 of the TO7, The Basic 512 and the Basic DISK. Almost all memory (235 KB) was accessible with basic thanks to a transparent 16 KB bank switching mechanism and up to 17 programs can be loaded simultaneously in memory and it is possible to switch between them. An optional 3.5" floppy disk drive (640 KB) was available.
A new version of the TO 8 was launched few times after, the Thomson TO 8D, this computer had the same characteristics but had a built-in 3.5" floppy disk drive.

Handheld 1997

Tiger Electronics

The (pronounced in TV commercials as 'game com', not 'game dot com' and not capitalized in marketing material) was a handheld game console released by Tiger Electronics in September 1997. It featured many new ideas for handheld consoles and was aimed at an older target audience, sporting PDA-style features and functions such as a touch screen and stylus. However, Tiger hoped it would also challenge Nintendo's Game Boy and gain a following among younger gamers too. Unlike other handheld game consoles, the first consoles included two slots for game cartridges and could be connected to a 14.4 kbit/s modem. Later models reverted to a single cartridge slot.


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game.comTitles released at's launch included Indy 500, Duke Nukem 3D and Mortal Kombat Trilogy, along with Lights Out which came packaged with the system. Tiger also produced equivalents to many Game Boy peripherals, such as the serial cable allowing players to connect their consoles to play multiplayer games or exchange high scores. Branded items such as an AC adapter, earphones, and a carry-case were also made available.

Many of the's extra features had only limited functionality compared to modern portable devices. The touch screen had a fairly low sensor resolution along with no backlight, so it lacked precision and made it hard to see the on-screen controls. Entering phone numbers, addresses or the like was cumbersome. As with most portable devices from the 1990s, data storage was entirely dependent on a button battery, and failure of this backup battery would erase any high scores or information stored on the console.

The Lights Out cart which came bundled with the consoleTiger failed to sell the to an older audience. While they were able to obtain more mature-themed game licences like Mortal Kombat, Duke Nukem, and Resident Evil, few of these portable adaptations were developed by their original creators, or kept to the spirit of the original games. For example, the FPS Duke Nukem was presented in the first person, and while shooting does happen, the manner in which it is handled is far from that of the typical First Person Shooter: the player shifts around a room one tile at a time, always facing squarely north, and presses the fire button if an enemy happens to obstruct his gun. Turning, strafing, jumping, and the finer subtleties of aiming are thus rendered non-existent.

Most game development, even on licensed games, was done in-house. As such, SDKs were not known to be widely available, and the third party development that has always been crucial to the survival of any gaming platform was absent.

At the time, the platform was almost completely ignored by the gaming press. Tiger used provocative and potentially insulting marketing, including controversial slogans such as, 'It plays more games than you idiots have brain cells.', which may have lost it supporters instead of gaining them.

In an effort to revitalize their low sales, Tiger would later release the Pocket Pro. This was a smaller version of the which had the same specifications as the original except that it had a single cartridge slot and required only two AA batteries. The initial version of the Pocket Pro featured a frontlit screen (advertised as backlit) and is distinguished by its rough-textured black case. A subsequent re-release omitted the frontlight and came in four translucent colors (green, blue, pink, and purple).

This re-release enjoyed very limited success, and the console would be cancelled in 2000, along with its exclusive internet service. Most of the console's problems were due to a small lineup (only 20 games), poor quality of games, lack of third party support, poor distribution, and poor marketing. Moreover, its display, like the original Game Boy's, suffered from very slow screen updates (known as 'ghosting'), which makes fast moving objects blur and particularly hurt the fast-moving games Tiger sought licenses for. The Pocket Pro had a slightly better display than the first model — on par with the Game Boy Pocket's one — with less of a ghosting problem.

While the was a failure, it is notable that similar features were later used with great success by Nintendo in their DS handheld console. The was the first console to use a touchscreen, the first to include basic PDA-functions, the first to allow two game carts to be inserted at once and the first to allow internet access. It is arguable that the basic concept of the was a strong one, but the actual implementation of those concepts was completely botched by Tiger Electronics, and severely limited by the technology of the mid-1990s. When Nintendo implemented the same basic ideas on the DS in 2004, the result was extremely successful both commercially and critically.

Internet features modem and internet cartridgesUsing the with the modem was cumbersome. The user had to insert the modem into one of the unit's game cartridge slots, connect the to a phone jack, and dial into the (and fairly expensive) ISP. From there, the user could upload saved high scores, or check e-mail and view the web if they had the Internet cartridge (sold separately from the modem). This process would end up being a matter of trial-and-error; both Tiger's now-defunct website and the included manual gave incorrect instructions for setting up a for internet access.

Web access was text-only, and the later, single-cartridge versions of the could not access the web or send e-mail at all. No games had actual online play with other people, only high score uploads. The monthly fee, two extra peripherals, and exceedingly confusing setup required meant that only a small percentage of the admittedly few owners had a subscription to the internet service, which would barely survive until the cancellation of the handheld itself.

Technical specifications

System Size (LxWxD) Original: 190 x 108 x 19 mm / Pocket Pro: 140 x 86 x 28 mm
Processor Chip Sharp SM8521 8-Bit CPU
Screen Specs 192 x 160 resolution, 12 x 10 grid based touch screen, 3.5 in. diameter (Original) / 2,8 in. diameter (Pocket Pro)
Color System Black and White, with 4 gray levels
Sound/Music Monoaural, with 8-bit PCM and FM-synthesis, through a single speaker located in the upper left corner
Power Source 4 AA Batteries (2 AA batteries in Pocket and Pocket Pro) or AC Adapter
Ports Serial Comm Port for the cable, internet cable and weblink cable;
3.5 mm Audio In Jack for headphones; DC9 V in (AC Adapter); 2 Cartridge Slots (1 on the Pocket and Pocket Pro)
Buttons Power (On/Off)
Action (A, B, C, D); 3 Function (Menu, Sound, Pause); 1 Eight-way Directional Pad; Volume; Contrast
Reset (On system's underside)

Infos from: Wikipedia

Handheld 2005

Tiger Electronics Gizmondo

The Gizmondo is a handheld gaming console with GPRS and GPS technology, which was manufactured by Tiger Telematics. Launched in 2005, the Gizmondo sold poorly, and by February of 2006 the company discontinued the Gizmondo and was forced into bankruptcy. Gizmondo was overshadowed by Stefan Eriksson's involvement in organized crime.

In November 2007 Carl Freer stated in an interview for the Swedish-American journalist Hans Sandberg that he was interested in starting up production of the Gizmondo again. The interview was published in the business news site, and a translated segment of the interview was made available on the author's blog The Nordic Link ( on January 23, 2008. The week before, Veckans Affärer, another Swedish business publication, had confirmed Realtid's story about Carl Freer's cooperation with the British company Plextek, who designed the original platform.

Functionality and specifications
The Gizmondo includes a GPS module for in-car navigation which could also be used to track player movement in real-time for multiplayer games. It also contains a 0.3 Megapixel VGA camera mounted on the rear of the device. The Gizmondo can play MP3/WAV/MIDI music, WMV/MPEG4 videos and a variety of 2D/3D games. It can send email and even SMS/MMS messages, although it lacks the ability to send or receive voice calls.

The phone service to enable users to send messages was provided by pre-pay Vodafone accounts bundled with the device. It can also access the Global Positioning System for use as a navigation aid. There were plans to support a variety of location-based services, for example. GPRS and Bluetooth wireless connections were intended to provide multiplayer gaming.

The Gizmondo also had a feature called 'Smart Ads.' In exchange for a discount on the Gizmondo (of Dollar170 in the US, Pound 100 in the UK), up to three advertisements per day would be displayed on the handheld's screen. Although the ads would not interrupt game play or other functions of the unit, the user would be forced to watch them before going on to the next function or shutting down the device. However because of the closure of the company, 'Smart Ads' currently do not run on the 'Smart Ads' enabled devices.

Gizmondo is powered by a 400 MHz ARM9 processor and has a 2.8 inch 320x240 pixels TFT screen and an NVIDIA 128 bit GoForce 3D 4500 GPU featuring fixed-pipeline shading, hardware transform engine and 1280KB of embedded memory (only 830KB are left when memory is allocated for the double buffers and the z-buffer). The unit measures 128 mm (4.9 inches) in length, 82 mm (3.2 inches) in width, and 32 mm (1.3 inches) in depth, and weighs in at 155 grams (4.2 oz) including the battery.

GE (Gametrac Europe), before changing its name to Gizmondo, said it will offer mobile data communications, such as texting, multimedia messaging, WAP, email, and over-the-air game, music and ringtone downloads, but not voice.

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The device would feature a tri-band radio. It supports GSM Class 4 and GPRS Class 12 connections. The GPU was added relatively late in the system's design, causing some delays for launch titles and the system, as they were redesigned.

The system's appearance and ergonomics were created by industrial designer Rick Dickinson, who worked in a similar role on various Sinclair products such as the ZX Spectrum.

United Kingdom

Gizmondo was released in the United Kingdom on 19 March 2005, initially priced at Pound 229. Units enabled with 'Smart Ads' (see above) had a reduced RRP of Pound 129. The Gizmondo was available from the Gizmondo flagship store on London's Regent Street, via Gizmondo's online shop, and other highstreet and online retailers (such as Argos, Dixons, Currys, John Lewis among others).

United States

In the United States, the Gizmondo launched on October 22, 2005. Retail price was Dollar400 for a unit without Smart Ads, or Dollar229 for a Smart Ads enabled device. It was available only through Gizmondo's website or at one of several kiosks located in shopping malls. However, only 8 of the planned 14 games were ever released in the U.S., along with no CoPilot GPS software, though the software was sold on the British site for a week or two. There was little to no advertising, and some of their advertising was even put in magazines of Nintendo Power (Nintendo's official magazine). Plans to distribute the handheld through other retailers never materialized.

Gizmondo widescreen

Tiger Telematics planned to release a widescreen Gizmondo in 2006. It was intended to have a larger screen and upgrades like Wi-Fi and TV-out support. The widescreen Gizmondo was announced just a few weeks before the US launch of the Gizmondo, possibly prompting some potential customers to not buy the Gizmondo, and instead wait for the improved model.

Tiger Telematics

Despite the losses, Tiger Telematics had gained continuing funding, including Dollar73.1m worth of investment capital during the year 2005, and it issued some 24.7m shares which brought in over Dollar200m.

In October 2005, shortly after Gizmondo was released in America, a Swedish yellow-page paper printed a story linking Stefan Eriksson and two other Swedish Gizmondo Europe Executives to the Swedish crime ring 'Uppsalamaffian' (Uppsala Mafia.) The paper investigated a six months' loss of 200 million dollars, exhibiting large payouts to later bankrupt entities. Further, the trio's felon history was revealed such as Eriksson's 10-year prison sentences in 1993/94, for, among other things, conspiracy to pass counterfeit currency and attempted fraud, and the fact that Johan Enander was wanted by the Swedish police. In light of these findings Eriksson and others resigned. One of those resignations came from Carl Freer, the Chairman of the board and a director, who co-owned along with Eriksson Northern Lights Software Limited. (Freer had previously sold luxury cars in France, Germany and the U.K., some of which turned out to have been stolen. In an interview for he claims that he had no knowlege about that, and that it back then was very hard to verify if a car bought from another country was stolen or not. At one point he stopped a check to a German seller since he suspected him of having delivered a stolen car, not knowing that it was a crime in Germany to stop a check once you had accepted delivery.) Northern Lights was paid a large sum of money to create Chicane and Colors, two Gizmondo games that were actually developed by Gizmondo Europe itself. Freer paid the money back to Gizmondo in order to stop an investigation into the matter. The Gizmondo company itself denied knowing anything about Eriksson's past.

Enander, nicknamed 'The Torpedo' started his career as a local bouncer at various restaurants in Uppsala and then rose to become the main enforcer and debt collector of Uppsalamaffian. He was sentenced to over six years for a series of violent crimes. In December 2003 he was again sentenced to one and a half years for physical assault on a woman, upon release, he was assigned as Head of Security. Another management employee was Peter Uf who was sentenced to 8.5 years in prison for similar charges to Eriksson, namely attempting to defraud 22 million Kronor from the Swedish Bank Giro Central. Uf was the other executive to resign. However, Gizmondo conveniently relocated Eriksson to California for its US launch, raising questions as to how Eriksson, a wanted felon, could legally enter the US.

Gizmondo booth in a mall in West CovinaIn 2000, Carl Freer had formed Eagle Eye Scandinavian, a small electronics business in Sweden. In 2002 he quietly merged Tiger with Floor Décor, a loss-making carpet retailer based in Jacksonville, Florida, purely for the carpet company's shares, which were quoted on America's pink sheets grey market, which allowed him to have a group of shareholders from whom he could raise finance for his new project. Once that was completed Michael Carrender would come on board as the company chief financial officer. The electronics company would soon be renamed Tiger Telematics, Inc. and a new ticker symbol 'TIGR', with an attempt to take on Sony and Nintendo at the UK market, the third largest market and relocated at an office near Farnborough Airfield. Stefan Eriksson who Freer had met during a previous business visit was brought along into the company with Peter Uf

The other executives who were employed by the company were: Steve Carroll, chief technology officer; Peter Lilley, who was the head of the company's Smart Ads operation; David Levett, chief software architect; Rich Clayton, the company's US producer; Tamela Sainsbury, corporate secretary; Johan Enander, Head of Security, and Eriksson's wife, Nicole Persson who was 'marketing and public-relations services officer' for a short period, so was Anneli Freer, the wife of Carl who was paid Pound 100,000 for the same 'consultancy services' which included an introduction to the singer Sting, and time spent in connection with the Agaju gaming concept.

In 2004, Eriksson was paid Pound 1.1million by the company with other bonuses that amounted to another Pound 145,000 and also received a car allowance of Pound 5,000 a month. Not to be outdone, Freer was paid Pound 1.1million with a chauffeur-driven Maybach and his own Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren despite an 280,000 USD vehicle allowance. Persson was paid Pound 90,000 for 'marketing and public-relations services' for just over one year. Steve Carroll was paid Pound 800,000 with a company Bentley Continental. The three executives between them own shares of the company amounting to 94 million USD. Carroll's girlfriend, former actress Sainsbury, was paid Pound 78,000 with perks worth Pound 43,000 and a Mercedes-Benz M-Class for a company car.

The Gizmondo device made its debut as a concept product at the German CeBIT show in March 2004, when its European subsidiary was then known as Gametrac Europe before renaming itself as Gizmondo Europe.

Gizmondo's flagship showroom on Regent StreetThe company became known for its extravagant spending, despite not yet making a profit, let alone getting the Gizmondo off the ground. It counts amongst its exploits buying out model agency ISIS, and leasing a shop in Regent Street in London as its flagship showroom at a cost of Pound 175,000 per annum.

The showroom also ran a launch party at the Park Lane Hotel and its own store, sparing no expense. The party was hosted by Dannii Minogue and Tom Green, with performances by Sting, Pharrell Williams, Busta Rhymes and Jamiroquai. Sting was rumored to be paid Pound 750,000 for the performance. In an attempt to promote the product, Eriksson competed at the 24 hours of Le Mans in the Gizmondo sponsored Ferrari 360 Modena GTC in 2005 but retired in the morning with mechanical troubles.

In August 2004, the company announced it was buying Swedish games developer Indie Studios, which had already agreed to create two titles for the handheld.

In addition, Gizmondo paid Dollar4m to Games Factory Publishing for nineteen concept games on the handheld, including a game called Typing Tutor despite having no keyboard peripheral, Dollar5.9m to Electronic Arts to port its SSX and FIFA games and Dollar3.5m to Northern Lights to develop Colors (the urban gang warfare first-person perspective shooter) and Chicane (a Formula One racing game being developed exclusively for Gizmondo) which was in fact developed by other Indie Studios.

Around March 2005, US-based Tiger Telematics bought UK stock market-listed games developer Warthog, for almost 500,000 Tiger shares and Dollar1.13m in cash—together worth Dollar8.1m. Acquiring all of Warthog's operating subsidiaries, along with the group's debts, and Warthog's CEO, Ashley Hall, COO Steven Law and CFO Simon Elms, to become Tiger employees. Warthog's team also has close ties with key games publishers and game franchise owners.


On January 23, 2006, the UK based arm, Gizmondo Europe (GE) declared bankruptcy. Gizmondo haemorrhaged hundreds of millions of dollars before filing for bankruptcy: in 2004, Tiger Telematics reported a loss of Dollar99.29 million, and between January and September of 2005, they lost Dollar210 million, 'Principally due to development costs for the Gizmondo and non-cash expenses associated with shares of restricted common stock issued for services'. In other words it has bartered shares in lieu of cash payments. Soon after Gizmondo retail locations in both the US and the UK closed, and the Gizmondo website was shut down. The game development arm of Gizmondo also went out of business. The company was also involved in various litigation. Swedish Ogilvy Group, MTV Europe, Christian and Timbers (landlord to their office), Handheld Gaming and the Jordan Grand Prix all filed million dollar suits against the company. Gizmondo is currently under investigation in the UK for approximately Pound 25-30 million owed to HM Revenue and Customs. On February 21, 2006, Eriksson lost control of a million dollar Ferrari Enzo sports car which he allegedly drove while drunk on the Pacific Coast Highway in California. Eriksson claimed to have been a passenger in the car, but this claim was not supported by forensic evidence. The car itself was not owned by Eriksson, but was claimed by the Bank of Scotland during the bankruptcy of Tiger Telematics. It was found that the crashed Ferrari and two other sport cars were leased in Britain, that lease payments since had ceased after the company collapse, and that after the export, the Mercedes was reported stolen in Britain with insurance pay-out. On November 7, 2006, Eriksson pleaded no contest to embezzling the two other sport cars and illegally possessing a gun and was sentenced to 3 years in jail. The following month in the same week as the Ferrari crash, Freer, Lilley, Levett and Clayton have founded a virtual network operator called Xero Mobile which is similar to business in terms of business model to the Smart Ads. In early February 2006, the High Court appointed two liquidators. David Rubin & Partners would deal with the sale of the company's assets, thought to amount to little more than the furniture in its Regent Street showroom and Begbies Traynor was asked to investigate exactly where Gizmondo's money had gone. The 27 staff remaining at Gizmondo's head office in Farnborough and five at its London store were made redundant. No Gizmondo accounts for 2005 have been published. But internal figures show sales of just Pound 1.4m in the first nine months of the year. Losses were equivalent to Pound 500,000 a day. Directors' salaries amounted to Pound 6.6m for the nine months. And leasing cars totalled Pound 2m-plus.

Infos from: Wikipedia

Computer April 1984

Tiki Data Kontiki-100 & Tiki-100

The Tiki-100 was a Norwegian educational, professional, homecomputer system that was quite popular in schools.
Acutally they first used the name Kontiki-data, and named the first few models Kontiki-100, but had to change the name to Tiki after the Thor Heyerdahl Society, wich owned the rights to the Kontiki name, threatened with a lawsuit.
Five models were available, featuring one or two 80 KB, 200 KB or 800 KB 5'' floppy disc drives. An optional 20MB Winchester harddrive was also available.
The Tiki-100 could read various disk formats, like Scandis, IBM-PC, Osborne, and ABC-800. The 80 KB format was the same as used in some Xerox-systems.
The operating-system was called TIKO, and was compatible with CP/M 2.2. It was first called KP/M, but was renamed at the same time as the computer changed the name from Kontiki-100 to Tiki-100.
One could also install an optional Intel-8088 processor-board, adding an extra 256 KB ram to the main 64 KB. A 16-bit operating system called TIKOS was used together with the i8088 board, and managed both the i8088 and Z80 at the same time. TIKOS was developed from CP/M-86, and was compatible with it. MS-DOS 2.11 was also available.
The Tiki-100 had 3 (maybe more?) graphics modes, but no text-mode as it used
bitmapped graphics only.
A separate network hub was available that allowed up to 8 (not sure) computers to be connected in a star topology. One of the standard Tiki's serial ports was used for the network, in high speed mode. The server was a Tiki-100 that ran MP/M.
Several programs were developed for the Tiki-100. Most common were: BRUM (a simple wordprocessor), Tiki-Kalk (Spreadsheet), Tiki-BAS (Database),WordStar and SuperCalc and a little snake-type game called Pyton.
A simple terminal program was also imbedded in the OS, and made it possible to
connect to a BBS through a 300 or 1200 bps modem. A serial terminal could be
used to acces the Tiki-100 via one of the serial ports.
Program languages like: C, Fortran, Cobol, BASIC, Pascal was also available.

Thanks to Jon Andre Finnerud and Jorn E.Haugan for information and pictures.


TimeTop GameKing

Computer Fall 1983

Timex Sinclair TS-2068

This is the American version of the Spectrum. It has an additional 8K extension ROM, cartridge port, two joystick ports and AY-3-8912 sound chip with extra Sinclair BASIC commands to support these devices (STICK, SOUND). It was packaged in a hard plastic silver case with nonstandard plastic keys.
The TS2068 is Timex's re-engineered 48K Spectrum. It was released in Fall 1983 just before Timex Computer Corp folded in Spring 1984. A rogue arm of Timex in Portugal continued to sell TC2068s (same as TS2068) and TC2048s (an improved Spectrum) until 1989. They, of course, were only allowed to sell in non-Sinclair controlled marketplaces.
Timex recognized that a 48K Spectrum would not continue being competitive in North America for long without changes being made. They developed two computers that were to be North America's debut of the Spectrum. One was called the TS2048 and the other the TS2068. The TS2048 was basically a 48K Spectrum w/ Kempston joystick and the advanced video modes of the TS2068. The TS2068 was a completely different computer with the Spectrum as its roots. Timex decided to only sell the TS2068. When sales over Christmas 1983 were disappointing, they pulled the plug. Timex of Portugal, no doubt encouraged by the Spectrum's popularity in Europe, continued to sell the TS2068 and offered the TS2048 as the TC2068 and TC2048 in parts of Europe, notably Portugal and Poland. When Timex pulled the plug, they dumped all their surplus TS2068s in Argentina.
As for Spectrum compatibilty: The tape I/O is the same so you can load Spectrum tape files. Spectrum BASIC is a subset of the TS2068's BASIC, so you can run Spectrum BASIC programs. The TS2068's ROM is different, though, so you can't run Spectrum m/c that makes use of the ROM. Without the aid of a Spectrum emulator, you can run about 7% of the Spectrum's commercially available software.
The Spectrum emulator is really a Spectrum ROM on cartridge (there are other forms) that is bankswitched into the lower 0-16K region. The top 48K region is filled with RAM. To the software this looks exactly the same as a 48K Spectrum. There are a few hardware reasons for incompatibilities but using an emulator, you can reach 97% compatibility.

Text taken from Sinclair Computer Hardware Factsheet.
Thanks Bob Johnson.


Tomy KISS-Site


Tomy Prin-C

Computer 1983

Tomy Tutor

This computer was partially compatible with the Texas Instuments TI 99/4A. It had almost the same characteristics, except its main CPU (TMS 9995 instead of the TMS 9900 for the TI 99/4A).
The two languages (GBASIC and Tomy Basic) were only available in UK and US computers. The Japanese computers didn't have the Tomy Basic (a TI-like Basic), but a "nihongo basic" using japanese characters and words, e.g. "kake" meant "print", "moshi-naraba" meant "if-then".
This computer, known under the name Pyuuta in Japan had no really success outside Japan. It was followed by the Pyuuta Mark 2 and a game console called Pyuuta Jr one year later.

Computer 1983

Tomy Tutor & Pyuuta

CPU TMS 9995
2.7 MHz speed
64 KB of RAM memory
32 Kbytes ROM (20 Kbytes in the Japanese system)
16 KB VideoRAM
256x192 display
16 colors
Sound 3 channels

1xJoystick (?)
1xI / O port

Computer 1983

Toshiba Pasopia 7

This is the successor of the Pasopia 5. It has improved sound and graphics.
A cool feature was it was sold with three interchangeable colored panels, so it was possible to change the color of your computer any time you liked. There were blue, red and black panels.

Computer 1981

Toshiba Personal Computer Pasopia PA7010

This is the first home-computer made by Toshiba and was quite powerful for 1981 : 64k RAM, 80 columns, 640 x 200 high resolution and large expansion possibilities.
There were two models : the PA7010 with the T-BASIC built-in, and the PA7012 with the OA-BASIC built-in.
The advantage of the OA-BASIC is that it can use indexed sequential access methods to handle files, and has an automatic load / run function for launching programs. It can also handle Chinese characters directly within BASIC. Finally it has a Terminal mode.

Unknown January 1978

Toshiba Visicom

This beautiful but obscure Japanese system was released in january 1978. It's basically a clone of the RCA Studio gaming system, one of the first videogame console of all time (released in january 1977).
Made by Toshiba, this beauty was also based on the RCA 1802 micro-processor, and its video counterpart, the CDP 1861. However the main difference with the Studio II is that the Visicom 100 offers colour display thanks additional hardware.
Another nice difference, is that unlike the Studio II the Visicom comes with 2 beautiful joystick controllers.
The Visicom 100 has 5 built in games (Doodle, Patterns, Bowling, Freeway and Additions), just like the RCA Studio II.


Touhou Project

Computer 1983

Triumph-Adler Alphatronic PC

Triumph was originally Triumph-Adler - the merger company of the 2 typewriter manufacturers Triumph and Adler, to which Triumph (which also produced mechanical calculators and sewing-machines) was the bigger one. Later they got US-typewriter Royal merged into it and had the best years between 1975 and 1988, when they even build competiting machines to IBM System /34 and /36 ... but they did neither understand nor learn the business and ran out of the financial power.
The technical part of TA is today a subsidary of Olivetti which tells it all about the downfall of TA. The operational part is a Holding in Nuremberg, which deals with offices, buildings and health-care.
The Alphatronic was mainly sold in Germany and was intended as a 'hybrid' Business / Home machine. For Business it was sold as either a 'dumb' Terminal or as a stand-alone Word Processor 'package' (consisting of base unit, WP Cartridge and (Centronics) printer.
For home the base unit had a 'built in' Basic ROM - it was also available with either a single or dual Floppy Disks (which included CP/M and Disk basic).
It never sold very well in either market - it was much too expensive for home use.
Thanks to its Z80 CPU, the Alphatronic PC can run CP/M and quite a few software packages available for it. There were two external disk-drives available: F1 and F2. F1 had the controller built-in. You had to have F1 to use F2, the second one.
Sometimes, the Alphatronic PC was sold as a complete wordprocessing package with a daisy-wheel printer (Triumph-Adler TR-170) and a word-processing cartridge inserted into the ROM-pack slot (top left part of the case).
Towards the end of it's life, the British Company, MATMOS sold off the final 'batch' or single & dual floppy packages together with a RGB-PAL convertor
Contributors: Steeve Buniak


USSR Vector-06C


VM-Labs Nuon

Console 1981

VTech CreatiVision

The Video Technology CreatiVision was a hybrid computer and video game console introduced by VTech in 1981. The hybrid unit was similar in concept to computers such as the APF Imagination Machine, the older Video Brain computer, and to a lesser extent the Intellivision game console and Coleco ADAM computer, all of which anticipated the trend of video game consoles becoming more like low-end computers.

The CreatiVision was distributed in many European countries and South Africa, as well as in Australia under the Dick Smith Wizzard name. Other names for the system (which were likely clones) included the FunVision Computer Video Games System and Hanimex Rameses. All CreatiVision and similar clones were designed for use with PAL standard television sets.

The CreatiVision console sported an 8-bit Rockwell 6502A CPU at a speed of 2 MHz, 1kb of RAM and 16kb of Video RAM, and had a graphics resolution of 256 x 192 with 16 colors and 32 sprites. The console had 2 integrated joystick/membrane keypad controllers (much like the Colecovision) which, when set in a special compartment on top of the console, could be used as a makeshift computer keyboard. The CreatiVision had interfaces for a cassette player, an extra rubber keyboard, floppy disk drive, parallel I/O interface, modem (likely unreleased), Centronics printer and one memory expansion module for use with the Basic language cartridge.

The CreatiVision, like many video game consoles and computers, was discontinued in 1984 due to the infamous Video game crash of 1983.

Infos from Wikipedia

Computer November 1983

VTech Laser 200

The Laser 200 / 210 was sold worldwide under different brands (Dick Smith, Texet, Salora, etc...). Maybe the most popular of these "foreign models" was the VZ-200 sold by Dick Smith Electronics.
The Laser 200 is the successor of the poor Laser 110 and was followed by the Laser 310.
It was a good choice if you wanted to buy a cheap computer for initiation.

Computer June 1983

VTech Laser 2001

In June 1983, Video Technology presented a prototype of the Laser 2001 (and the Apple II compatible Laser 3000 the same day) which can use Colecovision and Atari VCS 2600 cartridges!
The Laser 2001 was also sold as the Salora Manager in Scandinavia

Computer 1983

VTech Laser 3000 & Dick Smith CAT

A very interesting and obscure system.
The Laser 3000 is compatible (software-wise only) with the Apple II+ through emulation software.
A Z80 card with CP/M 80 was available, as well as an Intel 8088 card.

Computer 1984

VTech Laser 310

The Laser 310 is an improved version of the Laser 200/210. Both computers are compatible with each other, for both software and hardware.
Basically, it has an enhanced keyboard and more memory.
This model was also sold worldwide, the most popular version being the VZ-300 from Dick Smith Electronics.

Computer 1985

VTech Laser 350, 500, 700 & 750

Technically the Laser 350 / 500 / 700 / 750 are completely different from the Laser 100 / 200 / 300 family and thus non compatible with them.
All 4 computers are nearly identical but the Laser 350 uses a Laser 300 case while the Laser 500 / 700 / 750 use a "new" case.
Though the CPU is still a Z80A compatible one (the D780c from NEC), its capabilities are better.
There are now 6 graphical modes, ranging from 160 x 96 in 16 colors to 640 x 192 in 2 colors. The memory size is also bigger compared to the old series and ranges from 16K RAM for the Laser 350, to 128K RAM for the Laser 750. The Laser 500 and 700 have 64K.

Computer 1985

VTech Laser 500

Technically the Laser 350 / 500 / 700 / 750 are completely different from the Laser 100 / 200 / 300 family and thus non compatible with them.
All 4 computers are nearly identical but the Laser 350 uses a Laser 300 case while the Laser 500 / 700 / 750 use a "new" case.
Though the CPU is still a Z80A compatible one (the D780c from NEC), its capabilities are better.
There are now 6 graphical modes, ranging from 160 x 96 in 16 colors to 640 x 192 in 2 colors. The memory size is also bigger compared to the old series and ranges from 16K RAM for the Laser 350, to 128K RAM for the Laser 750. The Laser 500 and 700 have 64K.


VTech Mobigo

Console 2004

VTech Socrates


VTech V.Baby


VTech V.Flash

Console 2004

VTech V.Smile

Computer 198?

Videoton TVC

The TV Computer (TVC) was a home computer made by the Hungarian company Videoton around 1986. The computer was based on the Enterprise (computer) and had a built-in BASIC interpreter. Programs could be loaded via tape[3] or floppy.

It had a built-in joystick, and a keyboard with Hungarian letters and nine function keys.

There were three different models:

TVC 32k had 32K of memory.
TVC 64k had 64K of memory.
TVC 64k+ also had 64K of memory, but had a newer BASIC interpreter (v2.2) and more video RAM (64K instead of 16K).
The TVC had three graphical modes: 128×240/16 colors, 256×240/4 colors, and 512×240/2 colors (black and white).

Few programs existed for the TVC. Many of these were written by dedicated amateurs and distributed by mail.
Information from Wikipedia.

Pinball 195?

Generic Visual Pinball

Visual Pinball is an editor program and game engine recreation program that allows users to create and play 3D computer simulations of pinball machines on a personal computer. Its ability to import external sounds and images allows pinball players to play renditions of real pinball machines.


Every Visual Pinball table comprises two main parts: the 'physical' playfield design (displayed in the editor) and the script which controls the table gameplay. The editor uses the Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting (VBScript) language for user programming, but the Visual Pinball program itself is written in C++ with ATL (which helps in making ActiveX controls). This allows Visual Pinball to run on Windows operating systems Windows 98 or newer.

Visual PinMAME

Modern pinball machines (especially those made after 1992 and using DMD animations) usually require the Visual PinMAME (VPinMAME) program in order to work. VPinMAME adds to Visual Pinball's system requirements and, like other MAMEs, uses image files of the actual ROMs from the physical pinball machines, executing them as simulations of the embedded CPUs, sound chips, and displays from the physical machines.

Visual PinMAME is a program (a COM class) that works in combination with Visual Pinball (or in theory any other program that can make use of the COM class) that allows for 3-D renderings of actual pinball table designs. Specifically, Visual PinMAME is for emulating CPUs and the connected ROMs used in modern pinball tables, as opposed to tables with solid-state electronics/electro mechanical machines that contain no ROMs or advanced ICs in their hardware design. Visual PinMAME displays the LEDs and/or DMD of the machines in a separate window and also delivers emulation of the integrated sound chips. In order for Visual PinMAME to work properly with a rendered pinball table, it requires that table's ROM images. Without VPinMAME, Visual Pinball can be used to make original pinball and pinball-like games (such as pitch-and-bat baseball, pinball bingo, and pachinko).

Visual PinMAME was written by the team of programmers including Steve Ellenoff, Tom Haukap, Martin Adrian, and Gerrit Volkenborn and was started January 4, 2001. The program is named after the original MAME program for emulating arcade games. Visual PinMAME runs on top of the PinMAME software engine which again uses some parts of the MAME core. Visual PinMAME is written in C++ programming language.


The Visual Pinball program was first released to the public on December 19, 2000 by programmer Randy Davis.

In 2005, David Foley purchased rights from Randy Davis for modification of Visual Pinball for a full-sized pinball cabinet based on Visual Pinball software. Chicago Gaming purchased rights for licensed tables from Williams Electronics. The Visual PinMAME team and Visual Pinball development community also joined in the effort to produce improvements to the Visual Pinball product and a few tables. This project, known as UltraPin, was taken over by Global VR following the collapse of Ultracade , and is currently in location test.

Infos from: Wikipedia

Computer 1984

Visual Technology Visual 1050

The Visual 1050. Entered into the PC battles mid-80s from the now defunct
Visual Technology company (most famous for video terminals at the time).
This CP/M based machine was tailored to Wordstar with a specialized
keyboard featuring all the wordstar function keys.
Graphic capabilities were managed by a second 6502 processor.
It was delivered with a set of Digital Research software, including CP/M, C-BASIC compiler, DR-GSX (graphic extensions), as well as WordStar (Word processor), Mailmerge (address database), Multiplan (spreadsheet) and TTY-1050 (communications)
John Citron remembers:

I worked for Visual from 1980-1987. From 1983 to 1987, I was a hardware technician with them and serviced many of these machines. In addition to the expansion ports on the outside, there is also a riser header for a, never implemented, optional memory expansion card. The 9" green monitor was manufactured in Taiwan by ADI and it, along with the keyboard, eventually became the main components for their V-50/55 and V-60/65 line of video terminals.
In addition to coming with a huge bundle of applications, the system was also able to read CP/M disks from many of the competitive machines in its day. By running a special utility, one could load in programs and data from Osborne, DEC VT-180, DEC Rainbow, and others.
Overall, the system was great in its day and I eventually owned one for a number of years. The video was crisp and the Keytronic keyboard was comfortable to use. The only complaint that I ever had was the noise. The system was very loud due to the empty case and the noisy fan and floppy drives.

Thanks to Richard Bramante for information and pictures.


Wang PC


Wang VS

Handheld 1992

Watara Supervision

The Watara Supervision is a monochrome handheld game console, originating from Hong Kong, and introduced in 1992 as a cut-price competitor for Nintendo's Game Boy. It came packaged with a game called Crystball, which is similar to Breakout.

The console has a slightly larger screen and larger buttons, and its games sold for far less than the Game Boy's. The games were simpler than the Game Boy's, and the console did not sell well. The original design for the console changed significantly through several iterations, and the last Supervisions were sold in 1996.

The Supervision was marketed by several different companies around the world and under several different names, including Quickshot Supervision, Travell Mate, and Hartung SV-100.
It was so popular in the early 1990s that it was once offered as a final prize in the extremely popular television show Legends of the Hidden Temple.

Technical specifications

* CPU: 8-bit 65C02 processor, running at 4 MHz
* Screen: 61 mm x 61 mm (2.37 inches x 2.37 inches), 160 x 160 pixels, 4 greys LCD
* Sound: 2 Tonal and 1 Noise Channel plus additional audio DMA stereo output channel. Built-in speaker and headphone jack with stereo earphones included.
* Power: 4 x AA batteries or 6V AC/DC adapter
* Communication port: Two Player Link using DE-9 connector.
* Cartridge port
* Controls for 1 Player
* TV adapter (optional)

Infos from Wikipedia


Waveterm A

Console 1987

WoW Action Max

Action Max from Worlds of Wonder (WoW), released in the US in 1987, was a unique, if simple and ultimately unimpressive game system that used special pre-recorded VHS video tapes for software. The original package came bundled with the base unit, light gun, television sensor, headphones, connection cables, documentation and one game, "Sonic Fury". Batteries or a power supply were not included. After connecting the components to the base unit and the base unit to any standard VCR, the player inserted the videotape game into the VCR and pressed 'play'. After minimal video instruction, the target sensor was placed on the appropriate spot on the television's screen via the included suction cup. A short target practice scenario was displayed, then the game began, with the target sensor glowing red every time a hit was registered, keeping count on the base unit.
Interaction was strictly one way. There was no reaction from the video when a target, be it a plane, ghost or some other enemy, was hit, so gameplay was a purely linear experience, with the footage rolling unimpeded as long as 'stop' was not pressed on the VCR's controls or the end of the tape was reached. As for the quality of the videos themselves, the special effects were laughable and what little there was in regards to acting was amateurish at best. Since the base unit could receive signals but not output them, a small speaker was built-in to generate simple sound effects. This sound could be disabled or bypassed with the headphones.
Three game modes could be selected: 'Standard', 'Reflex' and 'Limited Ammunition'. On the console itself there were dials to adjust interal sound volume and player distance from the display. There were also switches to choose game type ('Normal', 'Special'), players ('First', 'Second') and to turn the system on or Off.
So what were the system's failings? Due to the linear nature of the games, targets appeared in the same places every single time, making memorization of "enemy" locations a real issue. While the system had three game variations and play for alternating gamers, it was nothing more than a fancy target game, no matter which videotape was utilized. Interestingly, at the end of each videotape "game", there were video previews of other releases, which also had targets and could be shot at and scored, acting like a (unintentional?) demo!
WoW was most famous for its "Teddy Ruxpin" line of animated dolls and "Laser Tag" action game. WoW was also the original distributor of the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) in the US. Eventually, Nintendo's market presence became so great that the company decided to handle distribution and store relations without WoW's assistance. The Action Max then was WoW's ill-fated attempt to re-enter the videogame market with a device that was more toy than videogame. Interestingly, after the company's collapse due to a glut of unbought toys, some of its former employees went to work for Nintendo.
NOTE: If you want to buy one of these units from auction sites, the format for the VHS tapes is NTSC, which does not work in many International territories.

Thanks to Bill Loguidice for text correction and most of the info.


Xerox 1186

Computer 1985

Xerox 6085

The Xerox 6085 was the successor of the revolutionary Xerox Star, first commercial computer to use a graphical user interface (GUI) with the familiar desktop, icons and a mouse.
The 6085 series was offered in models for network, remote (linked by Ethernet) and stand alone operation. The main unit was founded upon Xerox's Mesa 8 MHz processor which had 256 auxiliary registers and executed 48-bit-wide instructions. It also used an 80186 as an auxiliary processor.
The basic system came with 1.1 MB of memory, expandable up to 3.7 MB, a 10 to 80 MB hard disk drive, two serial ports and a 15-inch high-resolution monochrome display. An optional card allowed the 6085 to run MS-DOS software.
The operating system and GUI interface was called ViewPoint. It also came from the Star. It was written in a language developed at Xerox PARC in the 1970's and also called Mesa. This strongly-typed and structured high-level language, would have a large influence on future well known languages like Pascal or C.
Two improved versions were launched afterwards, the 6085-II with an almost twice as fast processor, and the XPIW (Xerox Publishing Illustrator's Workstation), basically a 6085 workstation with a scanner.
Sadly, like the Alto, the 6085 didn't meet a large success in spite of numerous vanguard concepts, mainly because the Xerox marketing policy was, at the time, above all directed towards copiers rather than computers.

Computer 1981

Xerox 820

The Model 820 is an attempt from Rank Xerox to enter the professional micro-computer market. But the 820 is a bit weak with its Z80 at only 2,5 Mhz and its 96kb 5''1/4 disk-drives (83k formated). Fortunately higher capacity 8'' disk-drives were also available (300 kb each). Apparently a 10Mb hard-disk was also proposed.
The communication was focused on the fact that the Xerox 820 could suit to a lot of professions, and indeed, thanks to its CP/M compatibility a lot of different software was available (Wordprocessor, Supercalc, AGIS billing, SAARI, Wordstar 3.0, Mailmerge 3.0, Supersort 1.6, Calcstar, Infostar 1.0, FIGARO hair-dresser management, etc...).
The Xerox 820 was followed by the Xerox 820-II.

Computer 1983

Xerox 820-II

The model 820-II is basically a model 820 with a higher clock rate (4 MHz instead of 2.5 MHz) and a 8" double density/double side disk-drive and hard-disk instead of the the two basic 8" Single density/single side disk-drive of the first model 820. But the hard-disk is said to be very noisy and the dual disks weigh more than 38 pounds!
Nearly all the hardware is housed within the monitor, a bit like a Macintosh. The separate keyboard is linked to the monitor by a "not-long-enough" cord. The 8" disk-drive and hard-disk are mounted in a separate huge box. The 10MB hard drive for example was boxed with an 8" drive. A real-time clock is included in the hardware. Green screens were available in all models since the screen/processor case was common to all.
Like its predecessor, the 820-II is well furnished in software of all sorts. Thanks to its CP/M compatibility nearly every profession can find a suitable program. A lot of languages and OS were also available (CP/M, Basic 80, C Basic 2, Assembler Macro 80, Cobol 80, Short 80, TTY communication, 3270/3780 emulation).
But the 820-II has no real graphic possibilities nor sound, and a small RAM capacity (64 KB) for a professional computer. Above all it was quite expensive compared to its competitors.
There was also WP dedicated versions with unique key caps.
A 16-bit expansion board was released to upgrade the 820-II, so that its performance would nearly match the new Xerox computer(the 16/8), and also allowed the 820 to work under DOS. At the start of the year 1985, Xerox would definately leave the micro-computer market and stop the production of the 820.
Contributors: Jeremy Wilcox, Bronislaw Opacki Jr
Dale Carpenter clarifies:

I started working for Xerox in 1983 as a PC tech in the Xerox Service Center a sevice/support part to the retail store they had back then.
820-II's were the next step after 820's they were already double density instead of upgraded like many 820's were. They also supported double sided drives.
The drive choices were 5.25" dual drives single or double sided, 8" dual drives also single or double sided and the top was a 8"double sided floppy paired with a 8" 10Mb Shugart hard drive.The 8" double density, 2-sided floppies had a capacity of 960K which was a lot for back then.

Computer March 1980

Xerox 860

This wonderful computer was mainly used as an advanced wordprocessing system, but it could do much more.
The full-text monitor could display 70 lines of 102 characters. The text could be black on a white background, or the inverse.
The Xerox 860 was equipped with one of the first WYSIWYG word processors: BravoX (later called "Xerox Document System Editor") which was originally developed for the 1972 Xerox Alto and became the predecessor of virtually all modern word processors
Two 8" disks (600 kb) stored the files. Each disk catalog could store up to 560 files.
The system was sold with a Diablo printer, which was bidirectional and could print 40 characters per second. Up to three Xerox 860 could share one Diablo printer. The printer spooler could store up to 20 documents waiting to be printed.
The Xerox 860 could also be used to write and send electronic mails or work with data-bases through an Ethernet network.
There was another version called 'Supertext' which was the same system but with a smaller screen (24 x 102 characters).
These kind of systems were very expensive!


Yamaha Copera

Computer ? 1984

Yeno MisterX

This is a classic MSX 1 computer. It was also sold under the Daewoo brand. It's one of the few Korean MSX computers...
It has 64 KB RAM... Not much more to say !


Zeebo Zeebo


Zilog MCZ-2


iQue iQue

Name Company Type Date Description Logo Photo
Commander X16 8-Bit Productions Unknown

Apricot ACT Computer September 1983

After having imported the <a href="computer.asp?c=210">Victor Sirius</a> for years in the UK, ACT produced its own computer largely inspired by the Sirius : the Apricot PC. It was supposed to be transportable as there is a handle on the main-unit ! If you really want to move your Apricot this way, the keyboard can be clipped to the main-unit. Several features made this computer quite technically innovative : ? the Apricot PC was possibly the first computer outside Japan to use 3.5'' disk-drives (315k or 720k), ? the graphics quality and features were excellent (800 x 400) and came directly from the Victor Sirius, ? the keyboard was quite original with 8 "normal" and 6 flat programmable function keys along with a built-in LCD screen (40 characters / 2 lines) which displayed the function of the keys. This feature was largely used by the included software, but not much by third-party software. This small LCD screen could also display the current line of text you're working on and there's even a contrast knob on the right of the keyboard. It's possible to transfer files and some software from a Sirius or an IBM PC to the Apricot PC by connecting them with a special cable. There's also an IBM PC emulator which forces the Apricot to act like an IBM PC. It works well for some applications but not all. Some software was supplied with the Apricot PC : Supercalc, various system tools, asynchronous communication, IBM-PC emulator, Microsoft Basic-86, Basic Personal and ACT Manager (a graphical interface for MS-DOS). Word, Multiplan, Wordstar, dBase II, C-Pascal, Pascal UCSD, C, Fortran, Cobol and Basic Compiler 5.35 were available optionally. In 1984, ACT launched new versions of the Apricot PC with built-in hard-disks and a different colour case. They were called <a href="computer.asp?c=500">Apricot Xi</a>. _______________________ About IBM/PC compatibility, <b>Greg Taylor</b> specifies: <font color="#666666"> Concerning the early Apricot PCs (including the Xi) the reason they could not run all MS-DOS programs is that while they came with a copy of MS-DOS, they did not have an identical BIOS so any calls to specific BIOS modules could often fail. For example, dBase III could not run (on mine anyway) but a competitor product called (I think) DBXL did run. That apart, they were very nice computers for their time with 3.5" disks (nearly everyone else was still using 5.25") and high-quality graphics.</font> <b>Ian Foggon</b> reports: <font color="#666666">The original Apricot PC also came in another flavour you have not listed. It was possible to have these units upgraded to 286 IBM compatible standard by Apricot UK. This involved the replacement of the motherboard and the addition of a 20Mb Miniscribe HDD in the place of one of the Sony 3.5? FDDs. My Father had this done to his Apricot PC back in 1988. These units had their own specially written manuals, and the keyboards were re-keyed to make them IBM compatible too.</font>

Apricot PC-Xi ACT Computer 1984

The Xi was the hard-disk version of the cream-coloured <a href="computer.asp?c=499">Apricot PC</a>. The keyboard could be clipped to the underside of the machine, and a little cover would slide over the front panel to conceal the floppy drive. A handle then slid out of the front (just under the ridge) that allowed it to be carried very easily. A colour screen was available - a re-packaged 10" Sony Trinitron screen that almost nobody bought because it was so expensive. The mono screens had an anti-glare coating consisting of a very fine nylon mesh stretched over the screen and held in place by the bezel. Anybody who made the mistake of spraying glass cleaner on it would regret it, as the cleaner just clogged up in the pores of the mesh and left a nasty stain on the screen, which could only be removed by dismantling the monitor in order to rinse the mesh in water. Model Xi5 : 256 KB RAM + 5 MB hard-disk + 315k disk-drive Model Xi10 : 256 KB RAM + 10 MB hard-disk + 720k disk-drive Model Xi20 : 512 KB RAM + 20 MB hard-disk + 720k disk-drive Model Xi20s : 1 MB RAM + 20 MB hard-disk + 720k disk-drive There was also a very rare model - coloured pale grey, which had a hard drive of 50 MB or thereabouts. <b>Dave Ridley</b> reports: <font color="#666666">Used to fix these machines, one very common problem on Apricot Xi was "wobbly screen" reported by user. The answer was to make a "bacofoil sandwich" as we called it! Take one aluminum foil strip, cover with packing tape to insulate, solder an earth wire onto one corner and stuff inside case, under where the screen sat. Hey presto, no wobble induced by PSU in main unit! Also the disk drives were prone to clogging up and getting generally dirty.</font> Technical tip from <b>Charles Verrier</b>: <font color="#666666"> Taking any Apricot PC to bits required a bit of care... The rear panel had 3 or 4 screws, one of which fitted into the metal 'bridge' that ran the width of the machine, and held the PSU and disk drives above the motherboard, which filled the base of the case. The bridge was partially supported by this real-panel screw, and would drop about half a centimetere when it was removed. The only way to reassemble the thing was to turn the unit upside down so that the bridge screw hole would re-align with the real panel. Happy days! </font>

Apricot XEN ACT Computer October 1985

Codenamed Candyfloss, this computer was aimed to compete with the IBM PC-AT. It was a multipost system capable of controlling up to 16 stations. Three versions were sold: ? Xen FD with 512 KB of RAM and 2 x 720 KB 3.5" FDD. ? Xen HD with 1 MB of RAM, 720 KB 3.5" or 1.2 MB 5.25" FDD. and 20 MB HDD. ? Xen WS (WorkStation) with 1 MB of RAM and no disk drives. Some Xen systems used a large black external power supply unit weighing at least 2-3 kilos, others featured a built-in one. Speed of processing, supposedly zero wait-state, was superior to that of the IBM-AT. The motherboard featured a hard disk controller but the graphics card was delivered separately. Xen systems also shipped with MS-DOS 3.2, GW-Basic and Windows. They could also run Xenix O.S.! <a href="doc.asp?c=501"><img src="graphs/readmore.gif" border="0" vspace="4"></a>

Super Six ADC Unknown

Olympia Olytext 20 AEG Unknown

LittleBoard Z80 AMPRO Computers Unknown

Imagination Machine APF Computer 1979

The APF Imagination Machine was a combination home video game console and computer system released by APF Electronics Inc. in late 1979. It was composed of two separate components, the APF-M1000 game system, and an add on docking bay with full sized typewriter keyboard and tape drive. The APF-M1000 was built specifically to compete with the Atari 2600. The Imagination Machine has the distinction of being one of, if not the first, affordable home PCs to connect to the television, and is still one of the most expandable consoles ever marketed. The full APF Imagination Machine, including the APF-M1000 console and the IM-1 computer component originally sold for around $700. Specifications CPU: 8-bit 3.579 MHz Motorola 6800 ROM: 14 KB RAM: 9 KB expandable to 17 KB Video Display Controller: MC6847 Resolutions: 256x192x4 / 128x192x8 Colors: 8 Controllers: 2 13 buttons 0-9 numeric keypad Clear and End key Trigger 4 way joystick Special features The APF Imagination Machine had a few stand out features for its time. APF Basic First and foremost, was the bundled APF Basic compiler, which would allow almost anyone to program their own games and programs. Most retailers of the system offered a full and hefty instruction manual to teach you how the specialized code worked, and most even offered a tech sheet that specified every function of every chip on the console, so as to allow the users to make the most efficient code possible. To encourage more home users to create their own games and trade them, a monthly mailing list was started that lasted well through the video game crash of '83 and into the era of the next generation of consoles. Special cassette Second, and often one of the most marketed features of the console, was the fact that it had a dual sided cassette drive, that would allow the user to not only write or use a game or program from it, but also either record their own voice to it or listen to prerecorded audio. The feature was generally used for programmers to leave notes of their work, or for instructions to be read aloud before a game was played. Peripherals Third, the console had an unprecedented number of aftermarket add-ons, which included: RS232 Storage Cartridge Floppy Disk Storage 8k RAM Cartridge Mini Floppy Disk Storage Telephone Modem As well as a hub of sorts, generally called the 'building block' which would allow for the connection of a good deal of standard computer accessories. infos from: Wikipedia

M-1000 APF Console 1977

The APF M1000 was released in 1978. It's a Video game system cart based, comes with 2 non-detachables joysticks with a numeric keypad on each ones (look likes a mini-calculator with a joystick), has "Reset" &amp; "Power" buttons on the unit. Only could be played on a Color TV only. This system seems to have been the pack-in unit with <a href="computer.asp?c=584">Imagination Machine</a>. The APF MP1000 was released in 1978. This system is basically the same as the M1000 model and both systems does come with built-in game called "Rocket Patrol". Both of these systems had the ability to be expanded to the Imagination Machine &amp; both can play each other cartridges.

MP-1000 APF Unknown 1977

The APF M1000 was released in 1978. It's a Video game system cart based, comes with 2 non-detachables joysticks with a numeric keypad on each ones (look likes a mini-calculator with a joystick), has "Reset" &amp; "Power" buttons on the unit. Only could be played on a Color TV only. This system seems to have been the pack-in unit with <a href="computer.asp?c=584">Imagination Machine</a>. The APF MP1000 was released in 1978. This system is basically the same as the M1000 model and both systems does come with built-in game called "Rocket Patrol". Both of these systems had the ability to be expanded to the Imagination Machine &amp; both can play each other cartridges.

PeCos One APF Unknown

3B20 AT&T Unknown

ARB AVE Micro Systems Unknown

Acclaim Acclaim Arcade

MPU-1000 Acetronic Unknown 1979

The Acetronic MPU-1000 is another <a href="computer.asp?st=2&amp;c=726">Interton VC-4000</a> "software compatible" system (saying "clone" would be misleading). That is to say that the internal specs are exactly the same and that games would run on both systems. The cartridge slots are however different in shape and cartridges won't fit in each others. This group of consoles is often refered as "<b>Interton VC-4000 compatible system</b>" as the VC-4000 maybe the most popular of all the other systems (see <a href="computer.asp?st=2&amp;c=726">its entry</a> for more info). But according to the excellent research work from Dale Hansen, the <b>1292 Advanced Programmable Video System</b> from Radofin would be the first member of the line as it was released in 1976! Radofin then licenced its system wordlwide to different companies. There are two controllers composed of a 12 keys keypad, two red fire buttons and an analog joystick. Interton VC-4000 compatible systems usualy have these 12 keys and one or two fire buttons. The control panel has the same buttons found on all systems of this system family: Start, Load Programme, Game Select and on/off switch. There is also an <b>Acetronic MPU-2000</b>, which is almost the same system, only with slightly different case design and built-in power supply. The MPU-1000 Home Video Entertainment Center could also be found under different brands such as Radofin 1292, AudioSonic PP-1292, Radofin Programmierbares Video System or Hanimex HMG-1392. Or rather, the same hardware &amp; case were licenced (by Radofin?) to these different brands. One particularity about this videogame "family" (VC-4000 &amp; clones), is that they seem to be the only systems which required the game to be loaded into internal RAM from the cartridge, before being able to play (generally through a LOAD PROGRAM or equivalent button found on the control panel). The Acetronic MPU-1000 sold well in United-Kingdom and can be considered as the "english Interton VC-4000"...

Archimedes Acorn Computer 1987

The Acorn Archimedes was Acorn Computers Ltd's first general purpose home computer based on their own 32-bit ARM RISC CPU. The name is also commonly used to describe computers which were based on the same architecture, even where Acorn did not include 'Archimedes' in the official name. Early models The BBC Computer Literacy Project 'Owl' appeared on the keyboard, above the function keys on the Archimedes 300 series and A3000 keyboards.The first models were released in June 1987, as the 300 and 400 series. The 400 series included 4 expansion slots (although a 4 slot backplane could be added to the 300 series) and an ST506 controller for an internal hard drive. Both models included the Arthur OS (later called RISC OS), BBC BASIC and an emulator for Acorn's earlier BBC Micro, and were mounted in two-part cases with a small central unit, monitor on top, and a separate keyboard and three-button mouse. All models featured onboard 8 channel stereo sound and were capable of displaying 256 colours on screen. Four models were initially released with different amounts of memory, the A305, A310, A410 and A440. The 300 and 400 were followed by a number of machines with minor changes and upgrades: The A3000 and A5000 Work began on a successor to the Arthur operating system, initially named Arthur 2, but with the release of the Hollywood movie of the same name it was renamed to RISC OS 2. Along with it, a number of new machines were introduced as well, and in May 1989 the 300 series was phased out in favour of the new Acorn A3000. The earlier models were capable of being upgraded to RISC OS 2 by replacing the ROM chips which contained the Operating System. Unlike the previous Archimedes models, the A3000 came in a single-part case similar to the Amiga 500 and Atari ST computers, with the keyboard attached to the main unit. This kind of housing consumes a lot of desktop space, a problem that Acorn tried to overcome by offering a monitor stand that could be attached to the base unit. The new model only sported a single expansion slot. Unlike the 300 series, the 400 series was kept in production. The other new model, the A5000, came in a newly designed two-part case that looked more conventional than the housings of its predecessors. It featured the new 25 MHz ARM3 processor, while the A3000 was still equipped with an 8 MHz ARM2. The A3000 ran RISC OS 2, while the A5000 ran the new RISC OS 3.0. It came with 2 or 4 MB of RAM, compared to the A3000's 1 MB, and featured either a 40 MB or an 80 MB hard drive. Its video capabilities were enhanced as well and the A5000 could comfortably display VGA resolutions of up to 800x600 pixels. It was the first Archimedes to feature a High Density capable floppy disc drive as standard and could read and write various formats, including DOS and Atari discs. A later version of the A5000 was available, featuring a 33 MHz ARM3, 4 or 8 MB of RAM, an 80 or 120 MB hard drive and a revised OS, namely RISC OS 3.10. As previously, earlier machines were capable of being upgraded to the new RISC OS 3, though some needed help, as well as the ARM3 CPU. Via a third party upgrade, earlier models could benefit from equal video performance to the A5000. A new range and a laptop In 1992, a new range was produced, using the ARM250 microprocessor, an ARM2 processor with integrated memory and video controllers, performing better thanks to an increase in clock frequency, and running RISC OS 3.10. The A30x0 series had a one-piece design, similar to the A3000 but far smaller, while the A4000 looked like a slightly slimmer A5000. The A3010 model was intended to be a home computing machine, featuring a TV modulator and joystick ports, while the A3020 targeted the home office and educational markets, featuring a built-in 2.5' hard drive and a dedicated network interface socket . Technically, the A4000 was almost identical to the A3020, only differing in hard disk size (3.5' in the A4000), though it sported a different appearance. All three ARM250-based machines could be upgraded to 4MB with plug-in chips (though the A3010 was designed for 2MB, third party upgrades overcame this) and one 'mini-podule' slot as used for internal expansion in the A3000. Also in 1992, Acorn introduced a laptop computer called A4 that featured an ARM3 processor like the A5000, even though it had a slightly lower clock speed, and a LCD screen capable of displaying a maximum resolution of 640 x 480 pixels in 16 levels of grey. However, it did feature a monitor port which offered the same display capabilities as an A5000. A notable omission from the machine was a built-in pointing device, requiring users to nagivate with the cursor keys or attach a conventional Acorn three-button mouse. The A7000, despite its name being reminiscent of the Archimedes naming conventions, was actually more similar to the Risc PC – the line of RISC OS computers that succeeded the Archimedes in 1994. It lacked, however, the DEBI expansion slots and multi-slice case that characterized the RiscPC (though by removing the CDROM, a backplane with one slot could be fitted). List of models Model Memory (RAM) Hard disk space Launch date UK retail price at launch Notes BBC Archimedes 305 512 KB - July 1987 Pound 899 - BBC Archimedes 310 1 MB - July 1987 Pound 999 - Acorn Archimedes 410 1 MB - July 1987 Pound 1299 Appears only in marketing literature; may never have been produced Acorn Archimedes 440 4 MB 20 MB July 1987 Pound 1499 - BBC A3000 1 MB - May 1989 Pound 799 This model was the last ever BBC Microcomputer Acorn Archimedes 410/1 1 MB - (ST506 interface on motherboard) June 1989 Pound 999 Improved MEMC1A memory controller over previous 410 model Acorn Archimedes 420/1 2 MB 20 MB ST506 June 1989 Pound 1099 - Acorn Archimedes 440/1 4 MB 40 MB ST506 June 1989 Pound 1299 Improved MEMC1A memory controller over previous 440 model Acorn R140 4 MB 47 MB ST506 June 1989 Pound 3,500 RISC iX workstation Acorn Archimedes 540/1 4 MB 100 MB SCSI June 1990 Pound ARM3 processor Acorn R225 4 MB - July 1990 Pound ARM3 processor, RISC iX network workstation Acorn R260 8 MB 100 MB SCSI July 1990 Pound ARM3 processor, RISC iX workstation Acorn A5000 1 MB or 4 MB 0 MB to 160 MB IDE September 1991 Pound 999 or Pound 1499 ARM3 processor, launched with various sub-models Acorn A4 2 MB or 4 MB 0 MB or 60 MB IDE (2.5') June 1992 Pound 1399 or Pound 1699 Notebook model with ARM3 processor clocked at 24MHz (1 MHz slower than usual), 640x480 greyscale LCD screen Acorn A3010 1 MB - September 1992 Pound 499 ARM250 processor Acorn A3020 2 MB 0 MB - 80 MB IDE (2.5') September 1992 Pound 799 ARM250 processor Acorn A4000 2 MB 0 MB - 210 MB IDE September 1992 Pound 999 ARM250 processor Also produced, but never sold commercially were: A500 - 4 RAM, ST506 interface, Archimedes development machine A680 and M4 - 8 MB RAM, SCSI on motherboard, RISC iX development machines Significance and impact The Archimedes was one of the most powerful home computers available during the late 1980s and early 1990s; its main CPU was faster than the 68000 microprocessors found in the more popular Atari ST and Commodore Amiga machines. 'An 8 MHz 68000 had an average performance of roughly 1 MIPS.' The 8MHz ARM2 yields 4.5-4.8 MIPS in repeatable benchmark tests The Archimedes won significant market share in the education markets of the UK, Ireland and Australasia; the success of the Archimedes in British schools was due partly to its predecessor the BBC Micro and later to the Computers for Schools scheme organised by the Tesco supermarket chain in association with Acorn, and most students and pupils in these countries in the early 90s were exposed to an Archimedes or A-series computer. Outside of education, despite a technical edge the Archimedes only ever met a moderate success, becoming a 'minority' platform outside of niche markets (not unlike the Apple Macintosh). Niche markets included professional work such as radio, medical and railway station management and music publishing. By the early 1990s, the UK educational market began to turn away from the Archimedes. Many schools started using Macintosh computers. The increasing multimedia capabilities of IBM compatible PCs also led to an erosion of the Archimedes market share. Infos from: Wikipedia

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Atom Acorn Computer 1980

The Atom was {Acorn's} first computer to be aimed squarely at the home market. The Acorn Atom was a {home computer} made by {Acorn Computers Ltd} from 1980 to 1981 when it was replaced by the {BBC Micro} (originally Proton) and later the {Acorn Electron}. The Atom was a progression of the {MOS Technology} {6502} based machines that the company had been making from 1979. The Atom was a cut-down {Acorn System 3} without a disk drive but with an integral keyboard and cassette tape interface, sold in either kit or complete form. In 1980 it was priced between {£}120 in {kit} form, £170 ready assembled, to over £200 for the fully expanded version with 12 {KB} of {RAM} and the floating point extension {ROM}. The minimum Atom had 2 KB of {RAM} and 8 KB of {ROM}, with a fully loaded machine having 12 KB of each. An additional {floating point} {ROM} was also available. The 12 KB of {RAM} was divided between 5 KB available for programs, 1 KB for the page zero and 6 KB for the high resolution graphics. The page zero memory (a.k.a. zero page memory) was used by the CPU for stack storage, by the OS, and by the Atom BASIC for variable storage of the 27 variables. If high resolution graphics were not required then 5 1/2 KB of the upper memory could be used for program storage. It had a {MC6847} VDG {video chip} (Video Display Generator), allowing for text or two-colour graphics modes. It could be connected to a TV or modified to output to a video monitor. Basic video memory was 1 KB but could be expanded to 6 KB. A {PAL} colour card was also available. Six video modes were available, with resolutions from 64Ṫ64 in 4 colours, up to 256Ṫ192 in monochrome. At the time 256Ṫ192 was considered to be high resolution. It had built-in {BASIC} ({Atom BASIC}), a fast but idiosyncratic version, which included indirection operators (similar to {PEEK and POKE}) for bytes and words (4 bytes). {Assembly code} could be included within a BASIC program, because the BASIC interpreter also contained an {Assembler} for the 6502 assembly language which assembled the inline code during program execution and then executed it. This was a very unusual, but also very useful, function. In late 1982, Acorn released an upgrade ROM chip for the Atom which allowed users to switch between Atom BASIC and the more advanced BASIC used by the BBC Micro. The upgrade was purely to the programming language; the Atom's graphics and sound capabilities remained unchanged, and hence, contrary to some pre-release beliefs, the BBC BASIC ROM did not allow Atom users to run commercial BBC Micro software, since nearly all of it took advantage of the BBC machine's advanced graphics and sound hardware. The manual for the Atom was called {Atomic theory and practice} The Acorn {LAN}, {Econet}, was first configured on the Atom. The case was designed by industrial designer {Allen Boothroyd} of Cambridge Product Design Ltd. (Info: Wikipidea)

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BBC Acorn Computer 1981

The BBC Microcomputer System was a series of microcomputers and associated peripherals designed and built by Acorn Computers Ltd for the BBC Computer Literacy Project operated by the British Broadcasting Corporation. While twelve models were eventually produced in the range, the term BBC Micro is often colloquially used to refer to the first four (Model A, B, B+64 and B+128), with the later eight models referred to by the BBC Master and Archimedes names. Background The symbol of the BBC Computer Literacy Project. It appeared on all BBC Micros.In the early 1980s, the BBC started what became known as the BBC Computer Literacy Project. The project was initiated partly in response to an extremely influential ITV documentary series The Mighty Micro, in which Dr Christopher Evans from the National Physical Laboratory predicted the coming (micro) computer revolution and its impact on the economy, industry, and lifestyle of the United Kingdom. The BBC wanted to base its project on a microcomputer capable of performing various tasks which they could then demonstrate in their 1981 TV series The Computer Programme. The list of topics included programming, graphics, sound and music, Teletext, controlling external hardware, artificial intelligence, etc. It decided to badge a micro, then drew up a fairly ambitious (for its time) specification and asked for takers. The BBC discussed the issue with Sir Clive Sinclair, who tried to offer the unsuccessful Grundy NewBrain micro to them, but it was rejected. The BBC made appointments to see several other British computer manufacturers, including Dragon and Acorn. The Acorn team had already been working on an upgrade to their existing Atom microcomputer. Known as the Proton, it included better graphics and a faster 2 MHz MOS Technology 6502 CPU. The machine was only in prototype form at the time, but the Acorn team, largely made up of students including Roger Wilson and Steve Furber, worked through the night to get a working Proton together to show the BBC. The Acorn Proton not only was the only machine to come up to the BBC's specification, but also exceeded it in nearly every parameter. Market impact The machine was released as the BBC Microcomputer in late 1981 and became affectionately known as the Beeb. The machine was popular in the UK, especially in the educational market. As with Sinclair's ZX Spectrum, also released later in 1982, demand greatly exceeded supply. For some months, there were long delays before customers received the machines they had ordered. A brief attempt to market the machine in the United States failed, due largely to the predominance of the highly similar Apple II family. The success of the machine in the UK was largely due to its acceptance as an 'educational' computer – the vast majority of UK schools used BBC Micros to teach computer literacy and information technology skills. Some British Commonwealth countries, like India, started their own Computer Literacy programs and used the BBC Micro. Research Machines had, until this time, been one of the leaders in UK educational computer market. One of the main advantages which helped the BBC Micro in the educational market was its durable construction. The machine's casing and keyboard was solidly built compared to that of the ZX Spectrum, being able to cope with all the abuse that schoolchildren could throw at it. The Model A and the Model B were initially priced at Pound 235 and Pound 335 respectively, but rising almost immediately to Pound 299 and Pound 399 due to increased costs. Acorn anticipated the total sales to be around 12,000 units, but eventually more than 1 million BBC Micros were sold. The cost of the BBC Models was high compared to competitors such as the ZX Spectrum and Acorn attempted to counter this by producing a cut down version (although it did have the 32 kB RAM of the Model B rather than the 16 kB of the Model A), intended more for game playing, the Acorn Electron in 1983; games written specially for the Electron's more limited hardware could usually also be run on the Model B. Hardware features, Models A and B Rear of the BBC Micro. Ports from left to right: UHF Out, Video Out, RGB, RS423, Cassette, Analogue In and Econet.The Model A had 16 KB of user RAM; the Model B had 32 KB of user RAM. A feature of the 6502-based hardware that the Micro shared with other 6502 computers such as the Apple and the early Commodore models was that the RAM was clocked twice as fast as the CPU (4 MHz), with alternating access given to the CPU and the video display circuits. This gave the BBC Micro a fully unified memory address structure with no speed penalties. Most competing Z80-based micros with memory mapped display incurred CPU speed penalties depending on the actions of the video circuits (e.g. the Amstrad CPC and to a lesser extent the ZX Spectrum) or kept video memory completely separate from the CPU address pool (e.g. the MSX). The machine included a number of extra I/O interfaces: serial and parallel printer ports, an 8-bit I/O port, four analogue inputs and an expansion connector (the '1MHz bus') that enabled other hardware to be connected. Additionally, an interface called 'The Tube' allowed a second processor to be added; several types of processor were offered by Acorn. It was later used in third-party add-ons, including a Zilog Z80 board and disk drive that allowed the BBC machine to run CP/M programs. In 2006, a kit with an ARM7TDMI CPU running at 64 MHz, with 16MB of RAM was released for the BBC Micro and Master, using the Tube interface in the same manner as older CPUs had. Possibly the best-known software to run on the Tube were an enhanced version of Elite (see below) and a CAD package which required a second 6502 CPU and a 5 dimensional joystick called a 'Bitstick'. The Model A and the Model B were built on the same PCB and a Model A could be upgraded to a Model B without too much difficulty. Users wishing to run Model B software needed only to add the extra RAM and the user/printer 6522 VIA (which many games used for timers etc) and snip a link, a task which could be achieved without soldering. To do a full upgrade with all the external ports did however require soldering the connectors to the motherboard. An apparent oversight in the manufacturing process resulted in a significant number of Model Bs producing a constant buzzing noise from the built-in speaker. This fault could be partly rectified by a soldering-capable person, by soldering a resistor across two pads. Hardware features: B+64 and B+128 Acorn introduced the Model B+ in mid 1985, increasing the total RAM to 64 KB and including floppy disk support as standard, but this had modest market impact. The extra RAM in the Model B+ BBC Micro was assigned as two blocks, a block of 20 KB dedicated solely for screen display (so-called 'Shadow' RAM) and a block of 12 KB of 'special' Sideways RAM. The much-needed memory increase provided by this new 1985 'Beeb' was a welcome development, but was seen as an eighteen months or so too late to challenge the increased specifications of new rival microcomputer systems. The B+128 came with an additional 64 KB ( 4 x 16 KB 'Sideways' RAM banks) to give a total RAM of 128 KB. The new B+ was incapable of running some original BBC B programs and games, such as, for example, the very popular Castle Quest. A particular problem was the replacement of the Intel 8271 floppy disk controller with the Western Digital 1770 — many game software programmers in particular had used copy protection techniques which involved direct access to the controller, and simply wouldn't run on the new system. There was also a long-running problem late on in the B/B+'s life infamous amongst B+ owners, when Superior Software released Repton Infinity, which refused to run on the B+. A string of unsuccessful replacements were issued before one compatible with both was finally released. Software and expandability Computer game Mr. Mephisto.Large numbers of games were written for the Beeb, including the original version of the classic Elite. A range of hardware add-ons and expansions was available, and the machine had provisions for floppy disk drives and Econet networking hardware. There were also sockets for the addition of extra ROM chips. The built-in ROM-resident BBC BASIC programming language interpreter was by far the most sophisticated of its time, and wholly supported the machine's educational focus. Advanced programs could be written without having to wade into the jungle of assembly language programming (necessary with many competing computers). Should one want, or need, to do some assembly programming, BBC BASIC featured a built-in assembler. When the BBC Micro was released competing PCs used Microsoft BASIC, or variants typically designed to resemble Microsoft BASIC. BBC Basic had the following advantages: Support for named procedures, rather than relying upon GOTO/GOSUB; Support for IF .. THEN .. ELSE Support for high-resolution graphics (albeit with a clumsy syntax); Support for four-channel sound (again, with a clumsy syntax); In-line support for machine code, rather than requiring the use of a DATA statement and the use of POKE to get the machine code data set-up; Long variable names (Microsoft BASIC at that stage supported long names, but with only the first two characters recognised, so that effectively it was limited to two-character names); Support for pointer-based programming, like C, although using a different syntax. Although appropriate content was little-supported by television broadcasters, telesoftware could be downloaded via the optional Teletext Adapter and the other alternative teletext adaptors that emerged. As the early BBC Micros had ample I/O allowing machines to be interconnected, and as many schools and universities employed the machines in Econet networks, numerous networked multiplayer games were created. With the exception of a Nethack game and a tank game (Bolo, for example), few rose to popularity; in no small measure due to the limited number of machines aggregated in one place. It has been suggested, but not verified, that the world's first networked multiplayer game was written for the BBC computer, a strategy wargame of some kind. A relatively late but well documented example can be found in a dissertation based on a ringed RS-423 interconnect. Successor machines and the retro scene In 1986, Acorn followed up with the BBC Master series, which offered memory sizes from 128 KB and many other refinements which improved on the 1981 original. It attracted more interest than the B+ upgrades, although at heart it was essentially the same 6502-based BBC architecture, with many of the upgrades that the original design had intentionally made possible (extra ROM software, extra paged RAM, second processors) now included on the circuit board. However, Acorn had produced their own 32-bit RISC CPU in 1985 and were working on building a personal computer around it. This was released in 1987 as four models in the Archimedes series, with the lower-specified two models (with 512 KB and 1 MiB respectively) released as BBC Microcomputers. The last model, the BBC A3000, was released in 1989 as essentially a 1 MiB Archimedes back in a single case form factor. The BBC closed the Computer Literacy Project two years later. As of 2005, thanks to its ready expandability and I/O functions, there are still numbers of BBCs in use, and a retrocomputing community of dedicated users finding new things to do with the old hardware. A BBC B+ was observed running the communications link in an unattended water pumping station in Oxhey in 1995. They still survive in a few interactive displays in museums across the country, and Jodrell Bank apparently uses a BBC Micro to steer one of its satellite dishes. There are also a number of BBC Micro emulators for many OSes, so that even the original hardware is no longer necessary. Infos from: Wikipedia

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BBC Master Acorn Computer September 1986

In 1986 the Acorn Business Computer range was long gone, and Olivetti - Acorn's new owners, having been forced to increase their stake from 49 to 80 per cent of the firm - were concentrating on making Acorn more profitable. The case for the 65C816-based Communicator was retained and given a basic box, housing a PSU and disk drive, to make a standard-looking 3-box computer system based around the BBC Master architecture. Also marketed in Europe as the <b>Olivetti Prodest PC 128 S</b> (S for Sistema), the Master compact differed from other computers in a number of annoying ways. Most confusing was the decision to keep the computer in the keyboard, with suitable reductions in available interfaces and features such as the real-time clock - making the Master Compact rather like a grown up Electron (however, home marketing would unfortunately not be attempted - it would have been considerably more successful). The 'CPU' was connected via a large ribbon cable and a jack plug. The monitor connected to the 'keyboard'. It was, to be blunt, a mess. However, the system did introduce the 3.5" drive as a standard to the 8-bit BBC range and featured all the usual Master enhancements plus a mouse/joystick port. As a school computer - the traditional market - it differed just enough to make it relatively unpopular, lacking the user and 1MHz bus ports used by many educational devices, and being (by nature of its smaller case) somewhat easier to steal and damage. The Compact was discontinued very early on, the introduction of the A305 Archimedes offering a similar 'format' of machine, but with all the benefits associated with Acorn - expandability, speed, and reliability. The original one-box Master 128 continued to sell until 1993... Olivetti were to get their own back for the Compact - Acorn sold a branded version of the Olivetti M19 'PC Compatible', a rather dated 8088-based machine. The Olivetti Prodest 128 can be seen in the kid's film 'Treasure Island in Space' - an Italian production, most likely. The computer is recognizable by its blue and white display. <font color="#666666"> _______ Info, texts and picture by <b>Richard Kilpatrick</b> </font>

BBC Micro Acorn Computer 1981

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Electron Acorn Computer 1983

The Acorn Electron was a budget version of the BBC Micro educational/home computer made by Acorn Computers Ltd. It had 32 kilobytes of RAM, and its ROM memory included BBC BASIC along with its operating system. The Electron was able to save and load programs onto audio cassette via a supplied converter cable that plugged into the microphone socket of any tape recorder. It was capable of basic graphics, and could display onto either a television set or a 'green screen' monitor. At its peak, the Electron was the third best selling micro in the United Kingdom, and total lifetime game sales for the Electron exceeded those of the BBC Micro. There are at least 500 known games for the Electron and the true total is probably in the thousands. The hardware of the BBC Micro was emulated by a single customized ULA chip designed by Acorn. It had feature limitations such as being unable to output more than one channel of sound where the BBC was capable of three-way polyphony and the inability to provide teletext mode. The machine architecture also imposed a substantial speed decrease on applications running from RAM, although ROM applications ran at the same speed The ULA controlled memory access and was able to provide 32K x 8 bits of addressable RAM using 4 x 64K x 1-bit RAM chips (4164). History The Electron was developed during 1983 as a cheap sibling for the BBC Micro with the intention of capturing the low cost Christmas sales market for that year. Although Acorn were able to shrink substantially the same functionality as the BBC into just one chip, manufacturing problems meant that very few machines were available for the Christmas period - to the extent that some shops reported eight presales for every delivered machine. This was a blow from which the machine never fully recovered, although games sales for it would ultimately outstrip those of the BBC Micro. Following Olivetti's 1985 cash injection into Acorn the machine was effectively sidelined. With hindsight, the machine was too lacking in RAM (a typical program would need to fit in only around 20 kB once display memory is subtracted) and processing power to take on the prevailing ZX Spectrum and Commodore 64. Despite this, several features that would later be associated with BBC Master and Archimedes were first features of Electron expansion units, including ROM cartridge slots and the Advanced Disc Filing System — a hierarchical improvement to the BBC's original Disc Filing System. Technical information CPU: MOS Technology 6502A Clock rate: variable. CPU runs at 2 MHz when accessing ROM and 1 MHz or 0.5897 MHz (depending on graphics mode) when accessing RAM due to sharing memory access with the video display circuits. The Electron is widely misquoted as operating at 1.79 MHz after measurements derived from speed testing against the thoroughly 2 MHz BBC Micro for various pieces of 'common software' Coprocessor: Custom ULA RAM: 32 kB ROM: 32 kB Text modes: 20x32, 40x25, 40x32, 80x25, 80x32 (all text output produced by software in graphics modes) Graphics modes: 160x256 (4 or 16 colours), 320x256 (2 or 4 colours), 640x256 (2 colours), 320x200 (2 colours — spaced display with two blank horizontal lines following every 8 pixel lines), 640x200 (2 colours — spaced display) Colours: 8 colours (TTL combinations of RGB primaries) + 8 flashing versions of the same colours Sound: 1 channel of sound, 7 octaves; built-in speaker. Software emulation of noise channel supported Dimensions: 16x34x6.5 cm I/O ports: Expansion port, tape recorder connector (1200 baud variation on the Kansas City standard for data encoding), aerial TV connector (RF modulator), RGB video monitor output Power supply: External PSU, 18V Infos from Wikipedia

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FileStore Acorn Unknown

FileStore E01 Acorn Unknown

Risc PC Acorn Computer 1994

In April 1994, Acorn announced the release of the second generation of ARM machines ? the Acorn RISC PC 600. Code named the <b>Medusa</b> project, this was set to replace the then ailing flagship <a href="computer.asp?c=710">A5000</a> machine. As the name suggests, one of the main features of this computer was that it could run both Acorn and IBM-PC software side by side. This was achieved by a second CPU slot that could accept a daughter board with a PC CPU, such as a 486 or 586. This second processor then had shared access with the primary CPU to all the system resources. No more CPU intensive software PC emulation required! As well as the second processor, other major enhancements included an updated video controller with the option for dedicated video RAM. The graphics chip in previous Archimedes range machines had shared the system memory with the rest of the computer which often proved to be a bottle neck without true DMA. Now the video controller could have video memory of it?s own, removing the bottle neck. The system data bus was doubled in size to 32bits wide, and the MEMU and IOC chips were combined to create the IOMD20. This resulted in much better overall I/O, yet another bottle neck removed from previous machines. The system memory was also upgraded to a maximum of 256MB and the memory bus was designed to use the more widely available EDO SIMM?s. A unique feature of the RISC PC was its case. This came in the form of the base holding the motherboard and power supply, a mid section for mounting one 3.5" device, one 5.25" device and two single width expansion cards, and then a lid. The magic was that you could add up to 8 slices at any time, giving you a very easily expandable computer, and all held together with clips and springs negating the need for a screwdriver. Very neat. There were 2 other Acorn RISC PC's. The RISC <b>PC 700</b> was released July 1995 and the RISC <b>PC-2</b> was much publicised by Acorn and then dramatically cancelled at the last minute. Thanks to <b>Paul Hadfield</b> for his kind help.

System 1 Acorn Computer 1979

This 6502 modular system was the first computer produced by Acorn in 1979. It was basically the same type of computer as competitors offered at that time (<a href="computer.asp?c=149">KIM-1</a>, <a href="computer.asp?c=961">MK14</a>, <a href="computer.asp?c=814">Nascom</a>, etc...) : a 6502 or Z80 CPU (in this case, a 6502) mounted on a simple "naked" board, with a one-line display and a hexadecimal keyboard. The System 1 is no exception : it featured an eight-digit seven-segment LED display, a hexadecimal keyboard (25 keys) and as there was no built-in BASIC in the computer, it had only machine-code. Fortunately there was a tape-recorder interface communicating at 300 bauds. Like all these types of "hobbyist" computers, the main advantage was the expandability of the system. They were quite cheap machines because they were shipped basically "naked". Then you had to buy whatever cards you wanted (video, BASIC, sound, etc...). Here the system was Eurocard compatible, which was a well-known expansion board standard at that time. If then you had "too many" expansion cards, a Eurocard rack was available to organise the whole system. The System 1 itself was composed of two Eurocard boards (one for the CPU and the other for the keypad and display) mounted one above the other (sandwiched, you could say), the two being connected by a ribbon cable.

Z80 Acorn Unknown

Flash Adobe Misc 2007

SWF is a proprietary vector graphics file format produced by the Flash software from Adobe (formerly Macromedia). Intended to be small enough for publication on the web, SWF files can contain animations or applets of varying degrees of interactivity and function. SWF is also sometimes used for creating animated display graphics and menus for DVD movies, and television commercials. The Flash program produces SWF files as a compressed and uneditable final product, whereas it uses the .fla format for its editable working files. The name is a backronym of sorts, standing for Small Web Format and Shockwave Flash. According to Adobe, SWF is pronounced 'S W F' (with each letter being pronounced individually), but some people prefer to pronounce it as 'swiff' or 'swaif'. A file of this format is called a Shockwave Flash Object. SWF is currently the dominant format for displaying animated vector graphics on the web, far exceeding the W3C open standard SVG, which has met with problems over competing implementations. Description Originally limited to presenting vector based objects and images in a simple sequential manner, the newer versions of the format allow audio, video and many different possible forms of interaction with the end user. Once created, SWF files can be played by the Adobe Flash Player, working either as a browser plugin or as a standalone player. SWF files can also be encapsulated with the player, creating a self-running SWF movie called a 'projector'. The file format was first created by a small company called FutureWave which was later acquired by Macromedia and had one main goal: create small files for displaying entertaining animations. The idea was to have a format which could be reused by a player running on any system and which would work with slower network (such as a browser used with a modem). Plugins to play SWF files in web browsers are available from Adobe for most desktop operating systems, including Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac, and Linux on the x86 architecture. Adobe claims that over 97 percent of web users now have an SWF plugin installed , based on an independent study conducted by NPD Research. Sony PlayStation Portable consoles can play limited SWF files in its web browser but this can only be found on the firmwares 2.71 and up. Nintendo's Wii console can run SWF files through its Opera browser. A free software implementation of a SWF player is gnash, which as of 2006 is undergoing intensive development Infos from: Wikipedia

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PDQ-3 Advanced Computer Design Unknown

3000 AlphaSmart Unknown ? 1977

Little is known about this small pong system made in Hong Kong. It seems to be a classic pong system with 4 pong games. Games selection is made through a small dial in the middle of the case. Switches are used to choose different functions. The two controllers (sliders) are detachable. ________ <font color="#666666"><b>Contributors :</b> Grant Meredith</font>

Pro AlphaSmart Unknown

ALSPA Alspa Computers Unknown

ACS-186, 586, 686 & 986 Altos Computer Systems Computer January 1983

The ACS-586 was a multipost system which could handle 5 users or more (8) with optional cards. To connect the terminals, there were several RS232 ports at the back of the system, labeled JA, JB, JC, JD, JE, etc... The ports not used by the terminals could be used to connect any serial peripheral, i.e. modem or printer. The 186 was the first computer from a big company to use Xenix as its native operating system. Xenix was the Microsoft "adaptation" of Unix. This system was quite well designed with its squashed hexagon shaped box and its thin monitor. These were medium-sized desktop cases, usually beige but often came in custom colors. A fully-loaded 586 contained four printed-circuit boards. The main board held the 80186 and 512 KB of RAM; a Z80 I/O processor supporting six serial I/O ports, floppy disc access, and an RN422 LAN; and sundry memory management components allowing the 586 to support Xenix. A second board held a hard disk and tape controller with an Intel 8089 I/O processor An optional communication board provided an Ethernet chipset and processors supporting either the X25 or SNA protocols, or four additional serial I/O ports. The fourth board was an optional memory expansion board providing an additional 512 KB of RAM. It had a 5''1/4 disk-drive built-in on the right part of the front panel, and a hard-disk on the left part. A real-time clock was included with the system. There were 128 semi-graphic symbols available. The <b>Altos 686</b> appears to be the same machine as the 586, but with an 80286 processor. Altos also produced an 8-bit version of this system, called the <a href="computer.asp?c=516">ACS-580</a>. <a href="doc.asp?c=515"><img src="graphs/readmore.gif" border="0" vspace="4"></a>

ACS-8000 Altos Computer Systems Computer 1978

The ACS-8xxx were multi-user systems. They could support from 1 to 4 users, but you could also get them in versions for up to 9 users and a supervisor. In appearance, they were large and heavy rectangular desktop boxes with Z80 or 68000 CPUs (ACS-68000 series). They used a large custom single-board computer the size of the case. The drive controller was a separate half-card mounted on top of the SBC. The early 8000s had separate cases for the 8" FD &amp; HD. In later models the drives and cards were integrated into the same case. The 8000 systems were labeled ACS-8000-x, where x indicates the size of the disk-drive and hard disk : x=1 : 500 kb (SS/SD) FDD x=2 : 1000 kb (DS/SD) FDD x=3 : 1000 kb (SS/DD) FDD x=4 : 2000 kb (DS/DD) FDD x=10 : 10 Mb HD x=12 : 20 Mb HD x=14 : 40 Mb HD The ACS-8000 had a 10, 20 or 40 MB Winchester hard-drive and could be upgraded to 80 MB. Hard-disk models also had disk-drives. CP/M, MP/M II or Oasis were the available operating systems. The ACS-8000 MTU had a 17 MB magnetic streamer. The ACS-8000 was quite similar to the <a href="computer.asp?c=455">Altos Serie 5</a> but was more powerful. <a href="doc.asp?c=456"><img src="graphs/readmore.gif" border="0" vspace="4"></a>

ACS-8600 Altos Computer Systems Computer 1978

The ACS-8xxx were multi-user systems. They could support from 1 to 4 users, but you could also get them in versions for up to 9 users and a supervisor. In appearance, they were large and heavy rectangular desktop boxes with Z80 or 68000 CPUs (ACS-68000 series). They used a large custom single-board computer the size of the case. The drive controller was a separate half-card mounted on top of the SBC. The early 8000s had separate cases for the 8" FD &amp; HD. In later models the drives and cards were integrated into the same case. The 8000 systems were labeled ACS-8000-x, where x indicates the size of the disk-drive and hard disk : x=1 : 500 kb (SS/SD) FDD x=2 : 1000 kb (DS/SD) FDD x=3 : 1000 kb (SS/DD) FDD x=4 : 2000 kb (DS/DD) FDD x=10 : 10 Mb HD x=12 : 20 Mb HD x=14 : 40 Mb HD The ACS-8000 had a 10, 20 or 40 MB Winchester hard-drive and could be upgraded to 80 MB. Hard-disk models also had disk-drives. CP/M, MP/M II or Oasis were the available operating systems. The ACS-8000 MTU had a 17 MB magnetic streamer. The ACS-8000 was quite similar to the <a href="computer.asp?c=455">Altos Serie 5</a> but was more powerful. <a href="doc.asp?c=456"><img src="graphs/readmore.gif" border="0" vspace="4"></a>

Series 5 Altos Computer Systems Computer April 1982

The Serie 5 was a CP/M based multi-user system. It could support from 1 to 3 users. It had a 5 MB Winchester hard-drive and could be upgraded with a 10 MB hard-drive (for the Serie 5D only). It could use CP/M, MP/M II or Oasis as its operating system. The serie 5 was quite similar to the <a href="computer.asp?c=456">Altos ACS-8000</a>, but with 5.25'' disk drives instead of the 8'' floppies.

Amcoe Amcoe Arcade

American Laser Games American Laser Games Arcade

CD-ROM System American Laser Games Unknown

CPC Amstrad Computer 1983

Processor Zilog Z80A @ 4 MHz Memory 64 to 128 KiB OS Locomotive BASIC 1.0, 1.1 and CP/M The Amstrad CPC was a series of 8-bit home computers produced by Amstrad during the 1980s and early 1990s. CPC stood for 'Colour Personal Computer', although it was possible to purchase a CPC with a green screen (GT65/66) as well as with the standard colour screen (CTM640). The first machine, the CPC 464 was introduced in 1984. It was designed to be a direct competitor to the Commodore 64 and Sinclair ZX Spectrum systems. The CPC range was very successful, and over 3 million were sold during the machine's lifespan. Outwardly, the most distinguishing features of Amstrad's offering were the matt black console case with sharp corners and narrowly rectangular form factor (the latter due to the built-in cassette tape deck (CPC 464) or floppy disk drive (CPC 664 and CPC 6128), the keyboard's distinctly coloured special keys (all the non-typewriter-standard keys on the 464 and 664), and the unique power supply hookup with one lead going from the monitor to the computer (or RF modulator) and, on disc-based machines, one lead going the other way. A television could be used with an optional adapter, and an optional tuner was available to turn the monitor into a TV. The Amstrad CPC sold as a 'complete system' Amstrad initially promoted the CPC as being an improvement on the competing ZX Spectrum and C64 because it was a complete system - including everything required to use the machine in one box. Compared to a C64 or a ZX Spectrum, the Amstrad CPCs shipped with their own monitor, had a built in tape recorder or floppy disk drive and even a small loudspeaker. This marketing gave a more 'professional' appeal to the Amstrad CPC by marketing it in the same way as business-oriented systems, rather than gaming or home oriented ones. As a late entrant to the European 8-bit market, the CPC range never achieved the total sales volume of either the ZX Spectrum or the C64, but the advantages of a proper typewriter-style keyboard and integrated tape or floppy drive saw it obtain considerable market share in the late 80s. It became the best-selling computer in France at this time, and was also popular in Spain. Many of the best software titles for the CPC were created on the continent, but only a limited number saw commercial release in the UK. The CPC family The Amstrad CPC 464, 472, 664, 6128 The original CPC was sold in the following configurations: CPC 464 – Tape deck, 64 KiB RAM, square-edged keyboard CPC 472 – Tape deck, 72 KiB RAM (although the extra 8 KiB of RAM cannot be used because the chip wasn't connected, only soldered to a dummy PCB); produced in small numbers for the Spanish market to avoid a legal ruling requiring that all computers with 64 KiB or less RAM must be localized to the Spanish language, including the keyboard and screen messages. The law was subsequently changed to include machines with more than 64 KiB RAM so a localised version of the 472 also exists. CPC 664 – 3' Floppy disk drive, 64 KiB RAM, bowed keyboard; short-lived model, quickly replaced by the better-specified 6128 CPC 6128 – 3' Floppy disk drive, 128 KiB RAM (accessed using bank switching), more PC-like keyboard An external disk drive (DDI-1) was available for the 464, incorporating the DOS in an interface unit. A second drive (FD-1) could be added to both this and 664/6128 machines. Cassette recorders could also be connected to the 664 and 6128. By and large, the later versions were compatible with earlier machines, though there were some incompatibilities in undocumented features. Third-party hardware add-ons such as Romantic Robot's popular Multiface allowed DIY backup of most tape software to disk. Most games, especially in the early years, targeted the 64-KiB RAM 464 and 664 models. However, an increasing number of applications and demos made use of the extra memory of the 6128 as time went on, to the extent that much CPC software from the 1990s will not run on an unexpanded 464/664. RAM expansions were available, the most popular being produced by dk'Tronics. The memory layout of the system allowed the CPCs to run CP/M 2.2 and CP/M software adapted especially for the machines' terminal emulation was not uncommon. An Amstrad-specific variant of CP/M 3.1 (aka CP/M Plus) was shipped with the 6128. West Germany: Schneider CPC 464, 664 and 6128 Amstrad's German partner company Schneider produced its own models of the CPC 464, 664 and 6128. These machines had grey keys in place of the Amstrad coloured alternatives, and industry-standard D-connector Centronics ports in place of the edge connectors. They were otherwise identical at the hardware level, with a link on the PCB being set to configure the sign-on message as Schneider rather than Amstrad. Documentation and case labels were translated into German. East Germany: KC compact Like most other computers of the era, the CPC inspired a clone in the Eastern bloc - the KC compact, made in East Germany using Soviet and East German components. The machine differed from a CPC visually with a different style of case, external power supply and (optional and even more scarce than the main device) external 5.25' Robotron disc drive. Unlike the Amstrad models it could be used with a television screen out of the box. It ran BASIC 1.1 and a CP/M clone, the German-language MicroDOS. It had 64-KiB RAM built in and an additional 64-KiB RAM was provided with the external disc/tape drive adapter. The Z80 processor was replaced with a U 880 (which is 100 percent bug-compatible), and some proprietary Amstrad I/O chips replaced with clones based on the Z8536. This clone machine was around 95 percent compatible with the original. The CPC 5512 The 'CPC 5512' was an April Fool concocted by weekly French computer magazine, Hebdogiciel. The purported specifications included 512 KiB RAM, a 5.25' floppy disk drive, and Digital Research's GEM on a CPC 6128 clone. Amstrad France eventually decided not to sue for lost trade, but forced the magazine to offer a refund of the purchase price to any disappointed readers. Plus models In 1990 Amstrad introduced the 'Plus' series which tweaked the hardware in many ways and added a cartridge slot to all models. Most improvements were to the video display which saw an increase in palette to 4096 colours and gained a capacity for hardware sprites. Splitting the display into separate modes and pixel scrolling both became full supported hardware features, although the former was easy, and the latter possible to some degree, on the non-'Plus' hardware using clever programming of the existing Motorola 6845. An automatic DMA transfer system for feeding the sound chip was also added, enabling high-quality samples to be replayed with minimal processor overhead; the sound chip itself, however, remained unchanged. Additionally, the BASIC command set for disc access was improved. A cut down CPC+ without the keyboard nor support for non-cartridge media was released simultaneously as the GX4000 video game console. These models did not do very well in the marketplace, failing to attract any substantial third party support. The 8-bit technology behind the CPC was starting to look out-of-date by 1990, and Amstrad's marketing failed to promote any significant advantage over the competing Atari ST and Commodore Amiga systems. There is some anecdotal suggestion that users resented the substantial price hike for cartridge games compared to their tape and disc counterparts, likely exacerbated by the tendency to rerelease old CPC games on cartridge without taking advantage of the enhanced Plus hardware. Hardware description All CPC models were based on a Zilog Z80 processor clocked at 4MHz. Because a common pool of RAM is shared with the video circuits, the Z80 may only make a memory accesses every four cycles - which has the effect of rounding all instruction cycle lengths up to the next multiple of four. The speed is therefore roughly equivalent to a 3.3MHz machine. The system came with 64 KiB or 128 KiB of RAM depending on the model (capable of being expanded to 512k within the Amstrad-standard address space). The machines also featured an (almost) standard 9-pin Atari-style joystick socket which was able to take two joysticks via a splitter. Video (graphics): modes, outputs Underlying the CPC's video output was the Motorola 6845 address generator. This chip was connected to a pixel generator that supported 4 bpp, 2 bpp and 1 bpp output (bpp = bits per pixel). The address generator was clocked at a constant rate so the 4 bpp display generated half as many pixels as the 2 bpp and a quarter as many as the 1 bpp. Three built-in display resolutions were available, though increased screen size could be achieved by reprogramming the 6845. The standard video modes were: Mode 0: 160x200 pixels with 16 colors (4 bpp) Mode 1: 320x200 pixels with 4 colors (2 bpp) Mode 2: 640x200 pixels with 2 colors (1 bpp) A colour palette of 27 colors was supported, derived from RGB colour space with each component assigned as either off, half on or on. The later Plus models extended this to 4096 colours and added support for hardware sprites. This hardware compares well with the other 8-bit computers. In particular the CPC lacks the colour clash of the ZX Spectrum and clever programming of the 6845 could produce overscan, different resolutions (although with the same pixel density), and smooth pixel scrolling. The machine lacked either an RF TV or composite video output and instead shipped with a proprietary 6-pin DIN connector intended for use solely with the supplied Amstrad monitor. An external adapter for RF TV was available to be bought separately. The 6-pin DIN connector is capable of driving a SCART television with a correctly wired lead. The video signals are PAL frequency 1v p-p analogue RGB with composite sync. Audio (sound) The CPC used the General Instrument AY-3-8912 sound chip, providing three channels, each configurable to generate square waves, white noise or both. A small array of hardware volume envelopes are available. Output was provided in mono by a small (4 cm) built-in loudspeaker with volume control, driven by an internal amplifier. Stereo output was provided through a 3.5mm headphones jack. Playback of digital sound samples at a resolution of approximately 5-bit, as heard on the title screen of the game RoboCop, was possible by sending a stream of values to the sound chip. This trick was very processor-intensive and hard to combine with any other processing. The 3' floppy disk drives Amstrad's idiosyncratic choice of Hitachi's 3' floppy disk drive, when the rest of the PC industry was moving to Sony's 3.5' format, is often claimed to be due to Amstrad bulk-buying a large consignment of 3' drive units in Asia. The chosen drive (built-in in later models) was a single-sided 40-track unit that required the user to physically remove and flip the disk to access both sides. Each side had its own independent write-protect switch. The sides were termed 'A' and 'B', with each one commonly formatted to 180 kB (in AMSDOS format, comprising 2 kB directory and 178 kB storage) for a total of 360 kB per disc. The interface with the drives was a NEC 765 FDC, used for the same purpose in the IBM PC/XT, PC/AT and PS/2 machines. Many of its features were unused in order to cut costs, namely DMA transfers and support for single density disks; they were formatted as double density using Modified frequency modulation. Disks were typically shipped in a paper sleeve or a hard plastic case resembling a compact disc 'jewel' case. The casing is thicker and more rigid than that of 3.5' diskettes. A sliding metal cover to protect the media surface is internal to the casing and latched, unlike the simple external sliding cover of Sony's version (some reviews at the time reported driving over them with no problems). Because of this they were significantly more expensive than both 5.25' and 3.5' alternatives. This, combined with their low nominal capacities and their essentially proprietary nature, led to the format being discontinued shortly after the CPC itself was discontinued. Apart from Amstrad's other 3' machines (the PCW and the ZX Spectrum +3), the few other computer systems to use them included the Sega SF-7000 and mostly obscure and exotic CP/M systems such as the Tatung Einstein and Osborne machines. They also found some use on embedded systems. The Shugart-standard interface meant that Amstrad CPC machines were able to use both 3.1/2' and 5.1/4' drives through their 'external drive' port - either one specially designed for use by the CPC or an adapted IBM PC drive. Programs such as ROMDOS and ParaDOS extended the standard AMSDOS system to provide support for double-sided, 80-track formats, enabling up to 800k to be stored on a single disk. Serial port adaptor Amstrad issued two RS-232-C D25 serial interfaces, attached to the expansion connector at the rear of the machine, with a through-connector for the CPC464 disk drive or other peripherals. The original interface came with a 'Book of Spells' for facilitating data transfer between other systems using a proprietary protocol in the device's own ROM, as well as terminal software to connect to British Telecom's Prestel service. A separate version of the ROM was created for the U.S. market due to the use of the commands 'SUCK' and 'BLOW', which were considered unacceptable there. Software and hardware limitations in this interface led to its replacement with an Amstrad-branded version of a compatible alternative by Pace. Other serial interfaces were available from third-party vendors such as KDS Electronics and Cirkit. Software Built-in BASIC and operating system Like most home computers at the time, the CPC had its OS and a BASIC interpreter built in as ROM. It used Locomotive BASIC - an improved version of Locomotive Software's Z80 BASIC for the BBC Microcomputer co-processor board. This was faster, more comfortable and more powerful than the generic but common Microsoft BASIC used by the Commodore 64 and MSX amongst others. It was particularly notable for providing easy access to the machine's video and audio resources in contrast to the arcane POKE commands required on generic Microsoft implementations. Other languages Although it was possible to obtain compilers for Locomotive BASIC, C and Pascal, the majority of the CPC's software was written in native Z80a assembly language. Popular assemblers were Hisoft's Devpac, Arnor's Maxam, and (in France) DAMS. All disk-based CPC (not Plus) systems shipped with an interpreter for the educational language LOGO, booted from CP/M 2.2 but largely CPC-specific with much code resident in the AMSDOS ROM. Criticism of CPC software (games) The quality of CPC games has been sometimes criticized due to the existence of releases that were simply a ZX Spectrum port, thus not measuring taking full advantage of the CPC capabilities. The CPC shared the Z80a processor with the ZX Spectrum. Consequently many game manufacturers, seeking to cut costs, developed games for the two systems in parallel or ported older Spectrum games, yielding products that did not take advantage of hardware scrolling or the availability of 4 and 16 colour modes. Despite this, CPC versions would typically look better due to the lack of the attribute clash characteristic of the ZX Spectrum. For the majority who targeted the CPC, challenges included the lack of hardware support for sprites, and difficulties in implementing smooth scrolling — particularly tricky at a rate of under 8 pixels per second in the vertical direction. The complicated memory arrangement also made software sprite routines complex and comparatively slow-running, hindering the creation of smooth-running and colourful games. Titles from the late 80s onwards tended to be coded more carefully than their mid 80s counterparts, making better use of the machine's graphics capabilities. When the CPC was programmed by an expert in the field, the smooth scrolling, colourful graphics and crisp music and sound effects could rival, and in several cases (such as Chase H.Q.) surpass, those of the C64. Nonetheless, the general perception of the CPC, several decades on, is one of a machine whose commercial success could have been greater. That said, it is important to remark that numerous software companies from that era, such as Ocean Software, Codemasters, Elite Systems, Palace Software, Incentive, Hewson Consultants, Loriciels and Dinamic Software, among others, released quality titles on a regular basis which kept CPC users more than happy. It is also significant that the CPC had much greater support for serious, non-game software than the ZX Spectrum or (in Europe) the C64, not least due to its 80-column text mode. A large userbase persisted well into the 1990s, even from a smaller start than the Spectrum or C64, largely because of those people still using CPC word-processors such as Protext. Notable games: - Cybernoid 2 - Turrican - Switchblade - Crafton&Xunk (Get Dexter) Magazines Magazines available for the system (at various times) included Amtix!, Computing With The Amstrad, Amstrad Computer User (Amstrad official publication), Amstrad Action, Amstradbladet, and CPC Attack. The Amstrad CPC vs. its competitors Since the Amstrad CPC was specifically built to compete with the ZX Spectrum and C64, and was a relatively late entrant into the 1980s 8-bit home computer market, comparisons between those computer systems were frequent in specialist magazines but also among users themselves. Because many games were released simultaneously for the three machines, it was easy - and tempting - to compare quality, technical characteristics, and platform-dependent peculiarities. Amstrad vs C64 In general, C64 users were prone to snub both other competing machines as 'largely inferior'. In general, the C64 had in general better sound, medium/low-resolution graphics and scrolling than its competitors, thanks to its dedicated hardware. In particular, its sound-generation facilities were vastly superior, due to the SID chip. However, C64 floppy drives were notoriously slow. It also suffered from a poor built-in BASIC and was not ideal for users who wanted to learn to program in comparison to the other two machines. Although an objective viewpoint might see the C64 as the most successful 8-bit games machine, the CPC managed a much more respectable showing for non-games software. Amstrad vs Spectrum Major rivalry existed between ZX Spectrum and CPC users, especially in the UK. The former considered the CPC to be just an overhyped clone of the their beloved Spectrum, while CPC users considered ZX Spectrum users as 'poor, jealous cousins' who tainted their beloved machine with inferior game ports. The ZX Spectrum had the simplest hardware of all three, though this meant a lower price. As a result, it suffered from colour clash and the internal speaker of the 48k versions had very poor sound compared to the C64 and CPC - although later models of the ZX Spectrum shared the AY-3-8192 sound chip with the CPC. The Amstrad CPC had better graphics capabilities than the ZX Spectrum, but several early CPC games were directly derived from their ZX Spectrum counterparts, resulting in a number of low quality titles which hurt the machine's reputation. Even when that was not the case, CPC titles sometimes lacked smooth scrolling due to programming complexities. Again, the 80-column display and large install base of disk users made the CPC a more convincing choice for non-games work. Amstrad vs BBC Micro The CPC has occasionally been described as an 'improved Z80 implementation of the (earlier) BBC Micro' due to similarities in firmware and hardware. Both use the Motorola 6845 video address generator and the two have very similar sound output chips - the General Instrument AY-3-8912 in the CPC provides three tone channels each optionally with added noise and the Texas Instruments SN76489 in the BBC offers three tone channels and one exclusive noise channel. The BBC Micro uses an Intel 8271 floppy disc controller. The CPC uses the Intel 8272, which is similar to the 8271 but contains the addition of a double density (MFM) mode. The 'two cursor' BASIC editing system seen on the Amstrad CPC (whereby holding Shift and using the cursor keys moves a shadow text cursor allowing text to be copied from another area of the screen to the normal cursor) is similar to that in BBC BASIC, albeit substantially improved by allowing free movement of the normal cursor. Both systems provide similar systems of full hardware abstraction through Operating System calls. This saves programs which don't require time-critical hardware access from having to touch the underlying machine and provides a level of machine portability for those programs. Influence on other Amstrad machines Amstrad followed their success with the CPC 464 by launching the Amstrad PCW word-processor range, another Z80-based machine with a 3' disk drive and software by Locomotive Software. The PCW was originally developed to be compatible with an improved version of the CPC ('ANT', or Arnold Number Two - the CPC's development codename was Arnold). However, Amstrad decided to focus on the PCW, which in due course became vastly successful, and the ANT project never came to market. In 1986, Amstrad purchased the entire computer product range from Sinclair and the rights to use its brand name, discontinuing the unsuccessful Sinclair QL 68008-based model and relaunching the Sinclair ZX Spectrum 128 in '+2' and '+3' variants with better keyboards and integral storage drives. The case and design of these recognisably drew from the CPC series. Again, Locomotive were responsible for much of the firmware in the +3. Hardware tricks on the CPC series CRTC programming tricks Simple reprogramming of the Motorola 6845 CRTCm can produce extended graphic modes, with up to 784x384 pixels, that use the overscan area - though these are not supported by Locomotive BASIC. Careful timing of palette switches allows all 27 hardware colours to be visible in any display mode. Due to high CPU use, programs with variable CPU load, such as games, would not usually change the palette more than six times per frame (the frequency of the CPC's hardware interrupt). Changing the video address in mid-frame, which itself is only possible by fooling the CRTC into thinking that vertical sync has occurred, splits the screen in two separate areas that can be hardware-scrolled independently. The custom VGA (Video Gate Array) chip could also be reprogrammed in the middle of the frame. Changing the display mode, for example, allows the programmer to divide the screen into a colourful playing area and a high resolution score area -- as in Sorcery by Virgin Games. Sound tricks Careful programming of the AY sound chip could cause it to produce a level wave. Adjustment of the output volume would cause related adjustments in the amplitude of the wave. Using this observation it was possible to output PCM digital audio at roughly 5-bit quality, albeit at a very high CPU cost. The machine had an internal mechanical relay for controlling the tape recorder's motor which when switched would produce an audible click. A very few pieces of software used this trick to produce 'realistic' percussion sounds. Infos from Wikipedia

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GX4000 Amstrad Console 1990

The GX4000 was Amstrad's short-lived attempt to enter the games console market. The console was released in 1990 and was based on the still-popular CPC technology. The GX4000 was actually a modified CPC6128+ computer. This allowed The GX4000 to be compatible with a majority of CPC+ computer line software. Initial reviews were favourable - the console had impressive enhanced graphics and sound, a huge colour palette of 4096 (more than the 16 bit Sega Mega Drive), hardware sprites and hardware scrolling. The console itself had a sleek curved design (reminiscient of Nintendo 64, which came out six years later). It retailed for Pound 99 and came bundled with driving game Burnin' Rubber. GX4000 game cartridges could also be used by the new 464+ and 6128+ computers released at the same time. Commercial failure The GX4000 was a commercial failure and is one of the least successful game consoles ever made. This was in part due to the GX4000 being powered by 8 bit technology and almost immediately being superseded by the 16 bit Sega Mega Drive (released in November 1990 in Europe), and eventually the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. There was little available software at launch, with some games being released months late or cancelled entirely. To make matters worse, several GX4000 games were simply CPC games from previous years rereleased onto a cartridge. This was not inspiring and users were not prepared to pay Pound 25 for a cartridge game that they could buy for Pound 3.99 on cassette instead. Like Commodore with their C64GS system, essentially a cut down C64 in much the same was as the GX4000 was a cut down CPC, Amstrad massively overestimated how much extra people were willing to pay for the reliability and instant loading times of cartridge technology. Within a few weeks of the initial launch, the system could be bought at discounted prices. Popular UK videogame magazines marked the system as 'the worst system of the month' as voted by readers. Many readers complained about lack of coverage in Amstrad magazines, Amstrad Computer User & Amstrad Action. Amstrad Action continued to give coverage for the machine when possible and included a complete rundown on every game released for the console that ran for 3 issues well after the GX4000s demise. In an interview with UK magazine Retro Gamer, one Amstrad insider (implausibly) claimed that the GX4000 was 'technically at least on a par' with the SNES and that the machine faltered due to a lack of games and Amstrad not having the marketing budget to take on Nintendo and Sega. Games In all, fewer than 40 games were produced for the GX4000, of which only half were original and unique to the console. The games were made by UK-based companies Ocean (Bought out by Infogrames UK and now Atari Inc.) and U.S. Gold (later Eidos & now owned by SCI (Sales Curve Interactive). Notable GX4000 games were Burnin' Rubber, RoboCop 2, Pang, Plotting (AKA Flipull), Navy Seals and Switchblade. The last was later released for the CPC range with only minor concessions, mainly colour. The GX4000 was only manufactured for a matter of months before it was discontinued. Technical specifications CPU: 8-bit Zilog Z80A at 4 MHz Graphics: 16 sprites Resolution: from 160x200 to 640x200 4096 colour palette - 32 onscreen Memory: 64 kB RAM, 16 kB VRam, 32 kB ROM I/O: Audio output, 2 x digital controller connectors, Analog controller port (IBM standard), Light gun connector (RJ11 socket), Audio & RGB video output (8 pin DIN), Scart connector (audio & video), power supply socket from external PSU, power supply socket from monitor Sound: 3 channel Mono; AY-3-8910 chip Game Format: cartridge Infos from: Wikipedia

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Mega PC Amstrad Unknown

NC-100 Amstrad Handheld August 1992

By 1992, once fast-growing Amstrad was struggling. Its reputation as a PC maker had been undermined by a batch of dodgy Seagate disk drives at the same time that bigger-name vendors were engaged in a price war, squeezing Amstrad out of the market. The NC 100, <a href="computer.asp?c=1140">NC 150</a> and <a href="computer.asp?c=1141">NC 200</a> were three products that its founder Alan Sugar was hoping would help revive the company's fortunes. Cutting edge, they were not. Both were based on old eight-bit Zilog Z80 microprocessors. Curiously, both machines came with a BBC Basic interpreter on which users could develop their own applications. The NC 100 was a ?199 notebook computer the size of a piece of A4 paper, with a full size keyboard and a "letterbox" screen at the top, offering 80 columns by 8 lines. It had an RS232 serial port and a Centronics parallel port for printer and communications. Built-in were 64 kilobytes of memory, expandable to 1 megabyte with the addition of an add-on memory card. "If you can't use this new computer in five minutes, you'll get your money back," boasted the company in its launch advertising. For ease of use, it had four colour-coded keys giving instant access to a number of built-in applications, including a word processor, calculator, diary and address book. At a time when an entry-level lap-top computer cost more than ?2,000 and the sub-notebook had not been invented, the NC100 and NC200 offered a good value alternative for those with basic computing needs, such as word processing on the move. All the NC computers were made in Japan by Nakajima. The company also sold its own version of the NC-100, called <a href="computer.asp?c=1143">ES-210</a>. <font color="#666666"> Thanks to <b>Graeme Burton</b> for information about NC series computers.</font>

NC-200 Amstrad Handheld October 1993

The NC200, was the last model of the NC series which was comprised of the <a href="computer.asp?c=753">NC 100</a> and <a href="computer.asp?c=1140">NC 150</a>. It was a very much smarter, more professional design, with a larger fold-out screen - offering 80 columns by 16 lines - a built-in 3? inch, 720 kilobyte floppy disk drive for storage, but at a heftier price tag of ?329. It also had a spreadsheet, which the NC100 did not, as well as twice as much built-in memory at 128 kilobytes.

PC1512 Amstrad Computer 1986

The Amstrad PC 1512 was launched in 1986. After the Amstrad <a href="computer.asp?c=84">CPC 464</a>, the <a href="computer.asp?c=112">CPC 664</a> and the <a href="computer.asp?c=111">CPC 6128</a> (three home computers based on the Z80) and the <a href="computer.asp?c=189">PCW 8256</a> and the <a href="computer.asp?c=190">PCW 9512</a> (both dedicated word processing computers based on the Z80 as well), Amstrad decided to make its first low-cost PC clone. It was a great European success, capturing more than 25% of the European computer market (impressive now and phenomenal then). This cheap computer was, however, complete and offered more than some others did. The small power supply (57 W) was integrated into the monitor. Eight models were offered: The PC 1512 SD/DD (with one or two 5.25" floppy disk drives) and two models with hard disk (HD10 with 10 MB hard disk and HD20 with 20 MB hard disk). FD and HD versions could be acquired with a monochrome or colour monitor. The Amstrad used an "enhanced" CGA graphic mode, which could display 640x200 pixels with 16 colors (or grayscale). It was sold with MS-DOS 3.2, DR-DOS plus 1.2 (an operating system from Digital Research), GEM (a graphic interface, also used in the Atari <a href="computer.asp?c=20">ST</a>, <a href="computer.asp?c=245">TT</a> &amp; <a href="computer.asp?c=125">Falcon</a>), GEMPAINT and GEM BASIC. The mouse port, although using 9 pins like a COM port, is proprietary to Amstrad ... The port is female and is only for use with an Amstrad mouse. The special PC-CM monitor provides power to the system unit by a large 14-DIN connector. <b>Charles Da Silva</b> adds: <font color="#666666"> Digital Research brought all its support to the Amstrad PC with its DR-DOS, expecting it to know the same success as the CPC and PCW series. The problem is that, near to the launch, Sugar decided to also include MS-DOS, destroying all D.R. hopes to get even on Microsoft... </font> <b>Andrew Balls</b> comments: <font color="#666666"> The PC-1512 was CGA-compatible software wise, but the display had a round DIN connector instead of 9-pin D and the signals were different: I vaguely recall that they were analogue instead of digital and perhaps had composite sync. It has been many, many years since I looked at these. The PC-1640 had proper TTL EGA on a 9-pin D.</font> <b>Rond Ofstad</b> adds: <font color="#666666"> On the earliest versions of the 1512 model SD/DD you could get a HardCard. It was a controller card with onboard 10 or 20 MB HD.</font>

PC1640 Amstrad Computer 1986

The Amstrad PC 1640 was the successor to the <a href="computer.asp?c=183">Amstrad PC 1512</a>. It had the same characteristics as its predecessor except for added memory (640 KB instead of 512 KB) and the EGA graphics standard. It also had great success, but to a lesser extent than the PC 1512. As the PC 1512, the Amstrad PC 1640 came with the GEM graphical user interface, from Digital Research, an alternative to Windows. The PC-1640 was marketed under the name PC-6400 in the USA. It was also sold in Germany and maybe some other European countries under the name Schneider. Three different kinds of monitors where supported, monochrome (-&gt; Hercules), low-res (max 640 x 200) and hi-res (max 640 x 350). The hi-res monitor had a fan for the power supply as opposed to the other monitors which where fan-less. With the low-res monitor you could choose between a full CGA compatible mode (required for many CGA games) and an EGA mode (used for 640 x 200 x 16 eg. for GEM or 320 x 200 x 16 for several games). ________ Contributors: Andr? Janz <b>Charles Da Silva</b> adds: <font color="#666666"> The 1640 was first introduced in the US and after a few months in Europe (which infuriated the British media, some of them having already been harsh critics on the 1512 : fan problems - forgetting that since the PSU was in the monitor, it was not needed - not 'fully' compatible as it was then thought. All of this proved to come from IBM itself, which made Alan Sugar really angry). You can find all this info in 'Alan Sugar' from late D. Thomas.</font> <b>Ex Cathedra's</b> memories: <font color="#666666"> I did a large amount of development on these machines in the late 80s. They were surprisingly good, with only a few bugs and incompatibilities with the IBM PC standard. Bearing in mind the price differential, we had no problems living with these. The RTC and BIOS settings were preserved by 4xAA batteries under the monitor - a configuration I wish we still had today! There was a minor (patchable) bug in the BIOS which caused a div/0 error at midnight each night if you'd left it running a long compilation...</font>

PCW Amstrad Computer 1985

The Amstrad PCW series (Personal Computer Word processor) was British company Amstrad's versatile line of home/personal microcomputers pitched as a complete, integrated home/office solution. It was first sold in 1985. Some models were also affectionately known as Joyce, especially in Germany; the name is that of a secretary of Alan Sugar, the founder of Amstrad, and was the codename of the machine while it was in development. General features The PCWs came as complete setups bundled with a full-size word processor keyboard, high resolution monochrome CRT monitor, printers of various types, and floppy disk drive(s). The motherboard and disk drives were incorporated into the casing of the monitor. Although it lacked a built-in operating system, the package included bootable floppy disks containing LocoScript word processing software, and the CP/M operating system, including the Mallard BASIC dialect of the BASIC programming language and the Digital Research implementation of Seymour Papert's LOGO programming language. 3' drive common on Amstrad machinesThe floppy disk drives on early models were the relatively obscure 3-inch 'compact floppy' format. Later models replaced these with standard 3.1/2' 'microfloppy' drives. During the PCWs lifetime, many commercially-produced upgrades were available for the 3' disk models to add one or two 3.5' drives, either internally or externally. Often these were manually switchable to select which drives were 'A' and 'B'; some even had extra electronics that could do this automatically when the machine was switched on. It is also possible to fit a standard 3.5' floppy drive as a DIY upgrade; this however requires a number of modifications to the PCW's internal cabling and the external cabinet. Some modern PC floppy drives do not support the control signals that the PCW expects, and this can require extra circuitry or other methods to work around. In order to allow a bundled printer to be included with every PCW, Amstrad devised a new, lower-level printer control protocol, placing the majority of the printer drive electronics inside the PCW cabinet. Instead of having a relatively sophisticated microcontroller inside the printer casing, the printer consisted only of electromechanical components and high current driver electronics; the power supply was fed from inside the PCW, and pin and motor drive signals were driven by a very small and simple microcontroller on the PCW mainboard. Most models of PCW were bundled with a 9-pin dot matrix printer mechanism, with the later 9512 and 9512+ models using a daisywheel (with a different cable; the printers were not interchangeable with the dot matrix models). These PCW printers could not, of course, be used on other computers, and the original PCW lacked a then-standard Centronics printer port. Instead, the Z80 bus and video signals were brought to an edge connector socket at the back of the cabinet. Many accessories including parallel and serial ports were produced for this interface. Some of the later models included a built-in parallel port; these could be bundled with either the dedicated Amstrad printer, or a Canon Bubblejet model. The machines were built around the 8-bit Zilog Z80 processor, running at 4 MHz, and managed the relatively large amount of RAM main memory using a technique known as bank switching (allowing access to more than the Z80's normal 16-bit address bus reach of 64 kB). The PCW divided RAM into 16 kB sections, of which four could be accessed at any time. In CP/M, the memory used for the display was switched out while programs were running, giving more than 60 kB of usable RAM. While the Joyce architecture was designed with configurations of 128 kB and 256 kB of RAM in mind, no PCW was ever sold with 128 kB of RAM. The PCWs were definitely not designed to play games, although some software authors considered this a minor detail, releasing games like Batman, Head Over Heels, and Bounder. The PCW video system was not at all suited to games. In order that it be able to display a full 80 column page plus margins, the display's addressable area was 90 columns and the display had 32 lines. The display was, in fact, monochrome and bitmapped, giving a resolution of 720 by 256. Even with one bit per pixel, this occupied 23 kB of RAM, making software scrolling far too slow for fluid text manipulation. In order to improve this, the PCW implemented roller RAM, with a 512-byte area of RAM used to hold the address of each line of display data, effectively allowing very rapid scrolling. The video system also fetched data in a special order designed so that plotting a character eight scan lines high would touch eight contiguous addresses. This meant that very fast Z80 copy instructions like LDIR could be used. Unfortunately, it meant that drawing lines and other shapes could be very complicated. The original PCW did not have ROM software. On boot, the onboard microcontroller normally used to run the integrated printer was connected to the data port of the main processor, feeding it instructions, allowing it to start running. This code had to be very small in order to fit into the limited ROM of the microcontroller, and as a consequence it has no character generation code; this is why the Amstrad PCW machines do not display text to indicate the loading of software from floppy disk. Instead, they display a bright screen which is progressively filled by black stripes as the code is loaded. The PcW16 does not share any hardware with the original PCW series, other than the Z80 CPU, and should be considered to be a completely different machine. PCW models The PCW8256 or Joyce (1985) featured 256 kilobytes of RAM and one 3-inch single-sided floppy drive that could store 180 kilobytes on each side of the disk (the disk had to be turned over, 'flipped', to access alternate sides). The 8256 had a green screen monitor. The PCW8512 or Joyce Plus (1985) came with 512 kB RAM and two 3-inch floppy drives, the second of which could store 720 kB on an 80-track double-density floppy without needing the disk to be turned over. The PCW9512 (1987) was supplied with a daisy wheel printer instead of the 9-pin dot matrix of the 8000 series. It had a single 3-inch 720 kB floppy drive, and a white-screen monochrome display. The visual appearance was significantly changed. It came with a parallel printer port as standard. The PcW9256 (1991) had a modern, smaller case design similar to the 9512, but had 256 kB RAM, a single 3.1/2-inch 720 kB floppy drive, a dot-matrix printer, and no parallel port. The PcW9512+ (1991) was a rework of the older PCW9512, with a 3.5' floppy instead of 3'. As a deriative of the 9512, it retained the parallel port. It was offered with the choice of the PCW9512 daisywheel or Canon Bubblejet printer. The PcW10 (1993) was a 9256 with 512 kB RAM and a parallel port. The PcW16 or Anne (1996) was a radical departure from earlier machines. The Z80 CPU was retained, but ran at 16 MHz and had 1 MB of Flash RAM. The system supported 1.44 MB 3.1/2-inch floppy disks, and came bundled with an entirely rewritten GUI software suite (Rosanne) and a mouse. It did not, however, come with a printer, and nor did it run software designed for the earlier machines. (An implementation of CP/M was later developed for running certain text-based programs such as Mallard BASIC.) Market impact The PCW series was extremely successful in addressing its particular market. These machines were not sold as general-purpose computers but rather as simple word processors. They were not bought in preference to a PC or an Amiga; but rather in preference to an electric typewriter. The PCW screen displayed 32 lines with 90 characters each (256 lines of 720 pixels), so more text could appear on a single screen simultaneously than on the 80x25 layout used on other machines. Despite this they were capable microcomputers which were used for database management, online services, spreadsheets, programming, and even graphics and desktop publishing. The Sage Group's early growth was largely due to the demand for its PCW-based accounts package. The PCW introduced a generation of British writers to computers who might not have otherwise become involved with them. Infos from: Wikipedia

PCW16 Amstrad Computer 1994

The PCW 16 replaced the <a href="computer.asp?c=190">PCW 9512</a>. Contrary to the previous models, which used a text-based interface, the PCW 16 used a graphical user interface called The Desktop. The computer didn't run CP/M like the old PCW computers, but had its own operating system called Roseanne. Even though CP/M wasn't supplied, it was adapted to this machine by independent developers. Unlike the previous PCW models which came with only the Locoscript word-processor, the PCW16 came with a complete range of built-in software - word-processor, spreadsheet, address book, diary/alarm, calculator and file manager. Luckily, Amstrad abandoned the Hitachi 3" floppy format and switched to the standard MSDOS 3.5" 1.44 MB double-density floppy disk. The Roseanne system could use long filenames (up to 31 characters). The display was also standard: 640 x 480 VGA mode. Amstrad provided Several internal expansions for the PCW-16, 1 MB RAM, 2 MB Flash RAM, Application ROMs, second FDD drive; but it seems that none of them saw the light.

Mega Sg Analogue Unknown

Nt Mini Noir Analogue Unknown

Pocket Analogue Unknown

Super Nt Analogue Unknown

BK-01 Apogee Unknown

I Apple Computer 1976

The Apple I, also known as the Apple-1, was an early personal computer. They were designed and hand-built by Steve Wozniak. Wozniak's friend Steve Jobs had the idea of selling the computer. The Apple I was Apple's first product, demonstrated in April 1976 at the Homebrew Computer Club in Palo Alto, California. It went on sale in July 1976 at a price of Dollar666.66, because Wozniak liked repeating digits and because they originally sold it to a local shop for Dollar500 and added a one-third markup. About 200 units were produced. Unlike other hobbyist computers of its day, which were sold as kits, the Apple I was a fully assembled circuit board containing about 30 chips. However, to make a working computer, users still had to add a case, power supply, keyboard, and display. An optional board providing a cassette interface for storage was later released at a cost of Dollar75. The Apple I is sometimes credited as the first personal computer to be sold in fully assembled form; however, some argue that the honor rightfully belongs to other machines, such as the MOS Technology KIM-1, Datapoint 2200, or more commonly the Altair 8800 (which could be bought in kit or assembled form for extra cost). One major difference sets the Apple I apart — it was the first personal computer to use a keyboard. Excerpt from Apple 1 design manual, including Steve Wozniak's handwritten diagramsThe Apple I's built-in computer terminal circuitry was distinctive. All one needed was a keyboard and an inexpensive video monitor. Competing machines such as the Altair 8800 generally were programmed with front-mounted toggle switches and used indicator lights (red LEDs, most commonly) for output, and had to be extended with separate hardware to allow connection to a computer terminal or a teletype machine. This made the Apple I an innovative machine for its day. It was discontinued in March 1977, when it was replaced with the Apple II, which added graphics and sound capabilities. As of 2008, an estimated 30 to 50 Apple Is are still known to exist, making it a very rare collector's item. An Apple I reportedly sold for Dollar50,000 at auction in 1999; however, a more typical price for an Apple I is in the Dollar14,000–Dollar16,000 range. A software-compatible clone of the Apple I (Replica 1) produced using modern components, was released in 2003 at a price of around Dollar200. Infos from: Wikipedia

II Apple Computer 1977

The Apple II (often written as Apple ][ or Apple //) was the first mass produced microcomputer product manufactured by Apple. It was one of the earliest and most successful home computers. In terms of ease of use, features and expandability the Apple II was a major technological advancement over its predecessor, the Apple I, a limited production bare circuit board computer for electronics hobbyists which pioneered many features that made the Apple II a commercial success. Introduced at the West Coast Computer Faire in 1977, the Apple II was among the first successful personal computers and responsible for launching the Apple company into a successful business. Throughout the years a number of different models were introduced and sold, with the most popular model manufactured having relatively minor changes even into the 1990s. By the end of its production in 1993, somewhere between five and six million Apple II series computers (including approximately 1.25 million Apple IIGS models) had been produced. Throughout the 1980s and much of the 1990s, the Apple II was the de facto standard computer in American education; some of them are still operational in classrooms today. The Apple II was popular with business users as well as with families and schools, particularly after the release of the popular spreadsheet, VisiCalc, which initially ran only on the Apple II. The original Apple II operating system was only the built-in BASIC interpreter contained in ROM. Apple DOS was added to support the diskette drive; the last version was 'Apple DOS 3.3'. Apple DOS was superseded by ProDOS to support a hierarchical filesystem and larger storage devices. With an optional Z80 based expansion card the Apple II could even run the popular Wordstar and dBase software under the CP/M operating system. At the height of its evolution, towards the late 1980s, the platform had the graphical look of a hybrid of the Apple II and Macintosh with the introduction of the Apple IIGS. By 1992, the platform featured 16-bit processing capabilities, a mouse driven Graphical User Interface and graphic and sound capabilities far beyond the original. After years of focus on Apple's Macintosh product line, it finally eclipsed the Apple II series in the early 1990s. Even after the introduction of the Macintosh, the Apple II had remained Apple's primary revenue source for years: the Apple II and its associated community of third-party developers and retailers were once a billion-dollar-a-year industry. The Apple IIGS model was sold through to the end of 1992. The Apple IIe model was removed from the product line on October 15, 1993, ending an era. Design The Apple II was designed to look more like a home appliance than a piece of electronic equipment. This was a computer that would not seem out of place in the home, on a manager's desk or in a classroom. The lid popped easily off the beige plastic case, however, allowing access to the computer's internals, including the motherboard with eight expansion slots, and an array of random access memory (RAM) sockets which could hold up to 48 Kilobytes worth of memory chips. The Apple II had color and high-resolution graphics modes, sound capabilities and one of two built-in BASIC programming languages (initially Integer, later Applesoft). Compared with earlier microcomputers, these features were well-documented and easy to learn. The Apple II sparked the beginning of the personal computer revolution, as it was targeted for the masses rather than just hobbyists and engineers; its introduction and subsequent popularity also greatly influenced most of the microcomputers that followed it. 'VanLOVEs Apple Handbook' and 'The Apple Educators Guide' by Gerald VanDiver and Rolland Love reviewed more than 1,500 software programs that the Apple II series could use. The Apple dealer network used this book to emphasize the growing software developer base in education and personal use. The books became part of the Apple program and became the first book on database. Apple II The first Apple II computers went on sale on June 5, 1977 with a MOS Technology 6502 microprocessor running at 1 MHz, 4 KB of RAM, an audio cassette interface for loading programs and storing data, and the Integer BASIC programming language built into the ROMs. The video controller displayed 24 lines by 40 columns of monochrome, upper-case-only text on the screen, with NTSC composite video output suitable for display on a monitor, or on a TV set by way of an RF modulator. The original retail price of the computer was USDollar1298 (with 4 KB of RAM) and USDollar2638 (with the maximum 48 KB of RAM). To reflect the computer's color graphics capability, the Apple logo on the casing was represented using rainbow stripes, which remained a part of Apple's corporate logo until early 1998. The earliest Apple IIs were assembled in Silicon Valley, and later in Texas; printed circuit boards were manufactured in Ireland and Singapore. In 1978, an external 5.1/4-inch floppy disk drive, the Disk II, attached via a controller card that plugged into one of the computer's expansion slots (usually slot 6), was used for data storage and retrieval to replace cassettes. The Disk II interface, created by Steve Wozniak, was regarded as an engineering masterpiece at the time for its economy of components. While other controllers had dozens of chips for synchronizing data I/O with disk rotation, seeking the head to the appropriate track, and encoding the data into magnetic pulses, Wozniak's controller card had few chips; instead, the Apple DOS used software to perform these functions. The Group Code Recording used by the controller was simpler and easier to implement in software than the more common MFM. In the end, the low chip count of the controller contributed to making Apple's Disk II the first affordable floppy drive system for personal computers. As a side effect, Woz's scheme made it easy for proprietary software developers to copy-protect the media on which their software shipped by changing the low-level sector format or stepping the drive's head between the tracks; inevitably, other companies eventually sold software to foil this protection. Another Wozniak optimization allowed him to omit Shugart's Track-0 sensor. When the Operating System wants to go to track 0, the controller simply moves forty times toward the next-lower-numbered track, relying on the mechanical stop to prevent it going any further down than track 0. This process, called 'recalibration', made a loud buzzing (rapid mechanical chattering) sound that often frightened Apple novices. The approach taken in the Disk II controller was typical of Wozniak's design sensibility. The Apple II was full of clever engineering tricks to save hardware and reduce costs. For example, taking advantage of the way that 6502 instructions only access memory every other clock cycle, the video generation circuitry's memory access on the otherwise unused cycles avoided memory contention issues and also eliminated the need for a separate refresh circuit for the DRAM chips. Rather than using a complex analog-to-digital circuit to read the outputs of the game controller, Wozniak used a simple timer circuit whose period was proportional to the resistance of the game controller, and used a software loop to measure the timer. The text and graphics screens had a somewhat outdated arrangement (the scanlines were not stored in sequential areas of memory) which was reputedly due to Wozniak's realization that doing it that way would save a chip; it was less expensive to have software calculate or look up the address of the required scanline than to include the extra hardware. Similarly, in the high-resolution graphics mode, color was determined by pixel position and could thus be implemented in software, saving Woz the chips needed to convert bit patterns to colors. This also allowed for sub-pixel font rendering since orange and blue pixels appeared half a pixel-width further to the right on the screen than green and purple pixels. Color on the Apple II series took advantage of a quirk of the NTSC television signal standard, which made color display really easy (and cheap) to implement. The original NTSC television signal specification was black-and-white. Color was tacked on later by adding a 3.58 MHz subcarrier signal that was ignored by B&W TV sets. Color is encoded based on the phase of this signal in relation to a reference color burst signal. The result is that the position, size, and intensity of a series of pulses define color information. These pulses can translate into pixels on the computer screen. The Apple II display provided two pixels per subcarrier cycle. When the color burst reference signal was turned on and the computer attached to a color display, it could display green by showing one alternating pattern of pixels, magenta with an opposite pattern of alternating pixels, and white by placing two pixels next to each other. Later, blue and orange became available by tweaking the offset of the pixels by half a pixel-width in relation to the colorburst signal. The high-resolution enhanced display offered more colors simply by compressing more, narrower pixels into each subcarrier cycle. The coarse, low-resolution graphics display mode worked differently, as it could output a short burst of high-frequency signal per pixel to offer more color options. The epitome of the Apple II design philosophy was the Apple II sound circuitry. Rather than having a dedicated sound-synthesis chip, the Apple II had a toggle circuit that could only emit a click through a built-in speaker or a line out jack; all other sounds (including two, three and, eventually, four-voice music and playback of audio samples and speech synthesis) were generated entirely by clever software that clicked the speaker at just the right times. Not for nearly a decade would an Apple II be released with a dedicated sound chip. Similar techniques were used for cassette storage: the cassette output worked the same as the speaker, and the input was a simple zero-crossing detector that served as a relatively crude (1-bit) audio digitizer. Routines in the ROM were used to encode and decode data in frequency shift keying for the cassette. Wozniak's open design and the Apple II's multiple expansion slots permitted a wide variety of third-party devices to expand the capabilities of the machine. Apple II peripheral cards such as Serial controllers, improved display controllers, memory boards, hard disks, and networking components were available for this system in its day. There were emulator cards, such as the Z80 card that permitted the Apple to switch to the Z80 processor and run a multitude of programs developed under the CP/M operating system, including the dBase II database and the WordStar word processor. (At one point in the mid-1980s, more than half the machines running CP/M were Apple II's with Z80 cards.)There was also a third-party 6809 card that would allow OS-9 Level One to be run. The Mockingboard sound card greatly improved the audio capabilities of the Apple, with simple music synthesis and text-to-speech functions. Eventually, Apple II accelerator cards were created to double or quadruple the computer's speed. Apple II Plus The Apple II Plus, introduced in June 1979, included the Applesoft BASIC programming language in ROM. This Microsoft-authored dialect of BASIC, which was previously available as an upgrade, supported floating-point arithmetic (though it ran at a noticeably slower speed than Steve Wozniak's Integer BASIC) and became the standard BASIC dialect on the Apple II series. The Apple II Plus was otherwise identical to the original Apple II. The smaller memory sizes were no longer available, so the II Plus always had a total of 48 KB of RAM, expandable to 64 KB by means of the 'language card', a 16 KB RAM expansion card that could be installed in the computer's slot 0. The Apple's 6502 microprocessor could support a maximum of 64 KB of memory, and a machine with 48 KB RAM reached this limit because of the additional 12 KB of read-only memory and 4 KB of I/O addresses. For this reason, the extra RAM in the language card was bank-switched over the machine's built-in ROM, allowing code loaded into the additional memory to be used as if it actually were ROM. Users could thus load Integer BASIC into the language card from disk and switch between the Integer and Applesoft dialects of BASIC with DOS 3.3's INT and FP commands just as if they had the BASIC ROM expansion card. The language card was also required to use the UCSD Pascal and FORTRAN 77 compilers, which were released by Apple at about the same time. These ran under a non-DOS operating system called the UCSD P-System, which had its own disk format and included a 'virtual machine' that allowed it to run on many different types of hardware. The UCSD P-system had a curious approach to memory management, which became even more curious on the Apple III. Apple II Europlus and J-Plus After the success of the first Apple II in the United States, Apple expanded its market to include Europe and the Far East in 1978, with the Apple II Europlus (Europe) and the Apple II J-Plus (Japan). In these models, Apple made the necessary hardware, software and firmware changes in order to comply to standards outside of the US. The power supply was modified to accept the local voltage, and in the European model the video output signal was changed from color NTSC to monochrome PAL — an extra video card was needed for color PAL graphics, since the simple tricks Wozniak had used to generate a pseudo-NTSC signal with minimal hardware didn't carry over to the more complex PAL system. In the Japanese version of the international Apple, the keyboard layout was changed to allow for Katakana writing (full Kanji support was clearly beyond the capabilities of the machine), but in most other countries the international Apple was sold with an unmodified American keyboard; thus the German model still lacked the umlauts, for example. For the most part, the Apple II Europlus and J-Plus were identical to the Apple II Plus. Production of the Europlus ended in 1983. Apple IIe An Apple IIe with DuoDisk and Monitor //.The Apple II Plus was followed in 1983 by the Apple IIe, a cost-reduced yet more powerful machine that used newer chips to reduce the component count and add new features, such as the display of upper and lowercase letters and a standard 64 KB of RAM. The IIe RAM was configured as if it were a 48 KB Apple II Plus with a language card; the machine had no slot 0, but instead had an auxiliary slot that for all practical purposes took the place of slot 3, the most commonly used slot for 80 column cards in the II Plus. The auxiliary slot could accept a 1 KB memory card to enable the 80-column display. This card contained only RAM; the hardware and firmware for the 80-column display was built into the Apple IIe, remaining fairly compatible with the older Videx-style cards, even though the low-level details were very different. An 'extended 80-column card' with more memory expanded the machine's RAM to 128 KB. As with the language card, the memory in the 80-column card was bank-switched over the machine's main RAM; this made the memory better suited to data storage than to running software, and in fact the ProDOS operating system, which was introduced with the Apple IIe, would automatically configure this memory as a RAM disk upon booting. Third-party aux-slot memory cards later allowed expansion up to 1 MB. The 1 K 80-column card also enabled one new graphics mode, Double Lo-Res (80x48 pixels); the extended 80-column card enabled two, Double Lo-Res and Double Hi-Res (560x192 pixels). Both modes doubled the horizontal resolution in comparison to the standard Lo-Res (40x48) and Hi-Res (280x192) Modes; in the case of Double Hi-Res, the number of available colors was increased as well, from 6 to 15. Apple IIe's from the very first production run cannot use Double Hi-Res. Neither of these modes was directly supported by the built-in BASIC, however, so the user had to resort to the use of lots of POKE and CALL commands, or assembly language programming, or one of a number of software Toolkits to exploit these modes. Introduced with the IIe was the DuoDisk, essentially two Disk II 5.1/4-inch drives in a single enclosure designed to stack between the computer and the monitor, and a new controller card to run it. This controller was (by design) functionally identical to the original Disk II controller but used a different connector, allowing a single cable to control both drives in the DuoDisk. The DuoDisk was plagued by reliability problems, however, and did not catch on as well as the Apple IIe itself. The Apple IIe was the most popular Apple II ever built and was widely considered the 'workhorse' of the line. It also has the distinction of being the longest-lived Apple computer of all time — it was manufactured and sold with only minor changes for nearly eleven years. In that time, following the original, two important variations came to pass known as the Enhanced IIe (four new replacement chips to give it some of the features as the later model Apple IIc, including an upgraded processor called the 65C02) and Platinum IIe (a modernized new look for the case color to match other Apple products of the era, along with the addition of a built-in numeric keypad). An Enhanced IIe with 128 KB of RAM can be considered the minimum requirement for running most Apple II software released after about 1988. Two and a half years before the Apple IIe, Apple had produced and marketed a computer called the Apple III for business users. This product was not a success, and Steve Wozniak has been quoted as saying that the Apple III had a 100 percent failure rate — every single machine manufactured had some kind of fault. Many of its features were carried over in the design of the Apple IIe, though, including the ProDOS operating system, which was based on Apple III's Sophisticated Operating System (SOS). Apple IIc The Apple IIc was Apple's first compact and portable computer.Apple released the Apple IIc in April 1984, billing it as a portable Apple II, because it could be easily carried; however, it lacked battery power and a built-in display. The IIc even sported a carrying handle that folded down to prop the machine up into a typing position. It was the first of three Apple II models to be made in the Snow White design language, and the only one that used its unique creamy off-white color. (The other Snow White computers from the Apple II series, the IIGS and the IIc Plus, were light gray, called 'Platinum' by Apple.) The Apple IIc was the first Apple II to use the updated 65C02 processor, and featured a built-in 5.25-inch floppy drive and 128 KB RAM, with a built-in disk controller that could control external drives, composite video (NTSC or PAL), serial interfaces for modem and printer, and a port usable by either a joystick or mouse. Unlike previous Apple II models, the IIc had no internal expansion slots at all, this being the means by which its compact size was attained. Third parties did eventually figure out how to wedge up to 1 MB of additional memory and a real-time clock into the machine, and a later revision of the motherboard provided an expansion slot that could accept an Apple memory card bearing up to 1 MB of RAM. The disk port, originally intended for a second 5.1/4-inch floppy drive, eventually was able to interface to 3.1/2-inch disk drives and (via third parties) even hard disks. To play up the portability, two different monochrome LCD displays were sold for use with the IIc's video expansion port, although both were short-lived due to high cost and poor legibility. (An Apple IIc with the smaller of these displays appeared briefly in the film 2010.) The IIc had an external power supply that converted AC power to 12 V DC, allowing third parties to offer battery packs and automobile power adapters that connected in place of the supplied AC adapter. The Apple IIc (in its American version) was the first microcomputer to include support for the Dvorak Simplified Keyboard, which was activated using a switch above the keyboard. This feature was also later found in late-model American Apple IIe computers (though the switch was inside the computer) and in the Apple IIGS (accessible via the built-in control panel). The international models used the same mechanism to switch between the localized and the American keyboard layouts, but did not offer Dvorak. Apple IIGS The Apple IIGS, the most powerful Apple II, featuring a true 16-bit CPU, 4096 colors, Ensoniq synthesizer, a Mac-like GUI and a mouse. The Apple IIGS setup, with keyboard and mouse shown.The next member of the line was the Apple IIGS computer, released in September 15, 1986. A radical departure from the existing Apple II line, the IIGS featured a true 16-bit microprocessor, the 65C816, operating at 2.8 MHz with 24-bit addressing, allowing expansion up to 8 MB of RAM without the bank-switching hassles of the earlier machines (RAM cards with more than 4 MB were never directly supported by Apple). It introduced two completely new graphic modes sporting higher resolutions and a palette of 4,096 colors; however, only 4 (at 640x200 resolution) or 16 (at 320x200 resolution) colors could be used on a single line at a time, although a technique known as dithering was often employed in software to increase the number of perceived colors. In a departure from earlier Apple II graphics modes, the new modes laid out the scanlines sequentially in memory. However, programmers in search of a graphics challenge could always turn to 3200-color mode, which involved precisely swapping in a different 16-color palette for each of the screen's 200 scanlines as the monitor's electron beam traced the screen line by line. This exotic technique did not leave many CPU cycles available for other processing, so this 'mode' was best suited to displaying static images. The Apple IIGS stood out from any previous (or future) Apple II models, evolving and advancing the platform into the next generation of computing while still maintaining near-complete backward compatibility. The secret of the Apple IIGS's compatibility was a single chip called the Mega II, which contained the functional equivalent of an entire Apple IIe computer (sans processor), which, combined with the flawless 65C02 emulation mode of the 65C816 processor, provided full support for legacy software. The computer also included a 32-voice Ensoniq 5503, 'wavetable' sample-based music synthesizer chip with 64 KB dedicated RAM, 256 KB of standard RAM, built-in peripheral ports (switchable between IIe-style card slots and IIc-style onboard controllers for disk drives, mouse, RGB video, and serial devices), built-in AppleTalk networking, and a ROM toolbox that supported a graphical user interface derived from the Macintosh toolbox. The computer could run existing 8-bit Apple II software (including software written for the very first Apple II in Integer BASIC), but also supported 16-bit software running under a new OS first called ProDOS 16 and later called GS/OS. The new OS eventually included a Finder that could be used for managing disks and files and opening documents and applications, along with desk accessories — just like the Macintosh. The 16-bit operating system would automatically switch to the text display and downshift to 8-bit mode to run legacy software, while offering a consistent, Macintosh-like graphical interface for native 16-bit applications. Eventually the IIGS gained the ability to read and write Macintosh disks and, through third-party software, even multitasking (both cooperative and preemptive, the latter in the form of a Unix-type shell), outline TrueType font support, and in one case, even real-time 3D gaming using texture mapping. The first 50,000 Apple IIGS computers came with Steve Wozniak's 'Woz' signature silkscreened on the front and were referred to as the 'Woz Limited Edition'. These machines are not functionally different from machines from the same time period without the signature. Apple IIc Plus The Apple IIc Plus, an 8-bit revision of the original portable but with faster CPU, 3.1/2-inch floppy and built-in power supply. It was the last of the Apple II line.The final Apple II model was the Apple IIc Plus introduced in 1988. It was the same size and shape as the IIc that came before it, but the 5.1/4-inch floppy drive had been replaced with a 3.1/2-inch drive, the power supply was moved inside (gone was the IIc's 'brick on a leash' power supply), and the processor was a fast 4 MHz 65C02 processor that actually ran 8-bit Apple II software faster than the IIGS. (Third-party accelerators for other models could, however, go as fast as 10 MHz, and IIGS accelerators would eventually reach 16 MHz.) The IIc Plus's accelerator was derived from a design licensed from Zip Technologies, a third-party maker of accelerators for the Apple II, though Apple used separate chips instead of combining the processor, cache, and supporting logic on a multi-chip module as did Zip. Like later models of the original Apple IIc, the IIc Plus included a memory expansion slot that would accept a daughter-card carrying up to a megabyte of RAM. The IIc Plus also featured a new keyboard layout that matched the Platinum IIe and IIGS. Unlike the IIe, IIc and IIGS, the IIc Plus came only in one, American, version, and was not officially sold anywhere outside the USA. Many perceived the IIc Plus as Apple's attempt to compete with the Laser 128EX/2, a popular third party Apple-compatible machine that also had an accelerated processor and a built-in 3.1/2-inch drive. There were few other rational explanations for Apple expending resources on the continued development of a new 8-bit Apple II model rather than furthering the 16-bit Apple IIGS. However, with its 3.1/2-inch drive and speedy processor, it was an excellent, compact machine for running the AppleWorks integrated productivity package, especially with the 1 MB memory upgrade. Apple IIe Card Although not an extension of the Apple II line, in 1990 the Apple IIe Card, an expansion card for the LC line of Macintosh computers, was released. Essentially a miniaturized Apple IIe computer on a card (using the Mega II chip from the Apple IIGS), it allowed the Macintosh to run 8-bit Apple IIe software through hardware emulation (although video was emulated in software and was slower at times than a IIe). Many of the LC's built-in Macintosh peripherals could be 'borrowed' by the card when in Apple II mode (i.e. extra RAM, 3.1/2-inch floppy, AppleTalk networking, hard disk). The IIe card could not, however, run software intended for the 16-bit Apple IIGS. The Macintosh LC with IIe Card was intended to replace the Apple IIGS in schools and homes and was presumably the reason a new model Apple IIGS that was confirmed by insiders to be in development at one point was cancelled and never released. Other peripheral cards There were many companies during the 1980s that provided the Apple II line of computers with peripheral cards that added functionality thanks to Steve Wozniak's slot design. One such company was Applied Engineering. Two of the most popular and successful cards were the RamWorks (and its successors, the RamWorks II and RamWorks III) and the TransWarp cards. The RamWorks III card replaced the Apple IIe's auxiliary-slot memory card and with the appropriate daughter board could hold a whopping 3 MB of RAM. The TransWarp card was an Accelerator Card that could speed up the Apple II from its native 1 MHz processor to 3.6 MHz for the TransWarp and 8 MHz for the TransWarp II. The Transwarp card had the advantage of using Slot 3, which was directly tied to the AUX slot and normally unusable if an 80-column card or other such card was populating the AUX slot. Applied Engineering also developed and sold a 1.44 MB 3.1/2-inch disk drive, an improvement over Apple's own 800 kB UniDisk 3.1/2 (for the Apple IIe and IIc) and Apple 3.1/2 Drive (for the Apple IIGS), though Apple did eventually release its own 1.44 MB drive (dubbed the SuperDrive) on the Apple IIe and IIGS. The SuperDrive was one of the last Apple II products released by Apple, and was canceled after a short time, together with the whole Apple II line. The Applied Engineering or AE drive came with its own controller card. Another card available from Apple was the Apple II ProFile card. This card attached to the Apple ProFile Hard Disk that was initially designed for the Apple III computer. The ProFile was available first in a 5 MB configuration and later in a 10 MB one. Final years Apple's Macintosh product line finally eclipsed the Apple II in the early 1990s. Even after the Macintosh's introduction, the Apple II had remained the company's primary revenue source for years: the Apple II and its associated community of third-party developers and retailers was once a billion-dollar-a-year industry. The computer was the first to attract a loyal user community and many outspoken Apple II fans were bitter that the company had invested its Apple II profits into the Macintosh rather than using them to further the Apple II series. Despite withholding advertising and little corporate support, Apple continued to sell the IIGS throughout 1992. Apple brought an era to a close when the IIe was removed from the product line on October 15, 1993. Marketing, advertising, and packaging Mike Markkula, a retired Intel salesman who provided early critical funding for Apple Computer, was keen on marketing. From 1977 until 1981 Apple used the Regis McKenna agency for its advertisements and marketing. In 1981, Chiat-Day acquired Regis McKenna's advertising operations and Apple used Chiat-Day. At Regis McKenna Advertising, the team assigned to launch the Apple II consisted of Rob Janoff, art director, Chip Schafer, copywriter and Bill Kelley, account executive. Janoff came up with the Apple logo with a bite out of it. The design was originally an olive green with matching company logotype all in lower case. Steve Jobs insisted on promoting the color capability of the Apple II by putting rainbow stripes on the Apple logo. In its letterhead and business card implementation, the rounded 'a' of the logotype echoed the 'bite' in the logo. This logo was developed simultaneously with an advertisement and a brochure; the latter being produced for distribution initially at the first West Coast Computer Faire. Ever since the original Apple II, Apple has paid high attention to its quality of packaging, partly because of Steve Jobs' personal preferences and opinions on packaging and final product appearance. All of Apple's packaging for the Apple II series looked similar, featuring lots of clean white space and showing the Apple rainbow logo prominently. For several years up until the 1980s, Apple used the Motter Tekkura font for packaging, until changing to the Apple Garamond font. Apple ran the first advertisement for the Apple II in the July 1977 edition of Byte — a two page spread ad titled 'Introducing the Apple II' and followed by a third page that was an order form. The first brochure, was entitled 'Simplicity' and the copy in both the ad and brochure pioneered 'demystifying' language intended to make the new idea of a home computer more 'personal.' The Apple II introduction ad was later run in the September 1977 issue of Scientific American. Apple later aired eight television commercials for the Apple IIGS, emphasizing on its benefits to education and students, along with some print ads. Towards the end of 1982, art director Brent Thomas and Steve Hayden came up with the idea of doing an ad campaign based on the timely tagline 'Why 1984 won't be like 1984'. Chiat-Day shopped it around to a number of clients, including Apple, where it was proposed to be used for a print ad in the Wall Street Journal promoting the Apple II. However, Apple did not go for it, and the idea was filed away until the spring of 1983, when they met with the Macintosh marketing team to start working on the launch, which was scheduled for January 1984. The idea eventually became the famous 1984 commercial which aired during the third quarter at Super Bowl XVIII. Clones The Jiama (??) SPS-109, a Taiwanese clone of the Apple II, looks almost identical to the Apple II and II+, including an identical case, color and keyboard layout. The only noticeable physical difference is the label above the keyboard.The Apple II was frequently cloned, both in the United States and abroad - similar cloning of the IBM PC later occurred. According to some sources (see below), more than 190 different models of Apple II clones were manufactured. Many of these had 'fruit' names (e.g. 'Pineapple') to indicate to the initiated that they were Apple II clones. For many years the most widely-used microcomputers in the Soviet Bloc were the Agat, an oversized Russian Apple II clone with a Cyrillic character set, and Bulgarian Pravetz series 8, a close Apple II replica with Cyrillic support. A Bosnian (at the time part of communist Yugoslavia) company named IRIS Computers (subcompany of biggest electric company in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Yugoslavia ENERGOINVEST) has produced Apple II clones since the early 1980s. Their official brandname was IRIS 8. They were very expensive and hard to obtain and were produced primarily for usage in early computerised digital telephone systems and for education. Their usage in offices of the state companies, R&D labs and in the Yugoslav army was also reported. IRIS 8 had looks of early IBM PCs — separate central unit with cooling system and two 5.1/4-inch disks, monitor and keyboard. Compatibility with original Apple II was complete. Elite high schools in Yugoslavia and especially Bosnia and Herzegovina were equipped with clusters of 8, 16 or 32 IRIS 8 computers connected in local network administrated by IRIS 16 PC clone. The number of IRIS 8's produced could be as many as a couple of tens of thousands. An Australian-produced clone of the Apple II was the Medfly, named after the Mediterranean fruit fly that attacks apples. The Medfly computer featured a faster processor, more memory, detached keyboard, lower and upper case characters and a built-in disk controller. Unitron, a Brazilian company, produced another clone, named ApII. Unitron used a copy of the Apple's ROM translated to Portuguese. The operating system was Apple's DOS 3.3 translated to Portuguese. During this period, it was illegal to import microcomputers in Brazil, and buying those (illegal) clones was the only way to have a microcomputer. Unitron stopped manufacturing the ApII a few years after the introduction of IBM PC clones in Brazil. The Ace clones from Franklin Computer Corporation are the best known and had the most lasting impact, as Franklin copied Apple's ROMs and software and freely admitted to doing so. Franklin's argument: a computer's ROM was simply a pattern of switches locked into a fixed position, and one cannot copyright a pattern of switches. Apple fought Franklin in court for about five years to get its clones off the market, and was ultimately successful when a court ruled that software stored in ROM was in fact copyrightable. (See Apple Computer, Inc. v. Franklin Computer Corp.) Franklin later released non-infringing but less-compatible clones; these could run ProDOS and AppleWorks and had an Applesoft-like BASIC, but compatibility with other software was hit-or-miss. Apple also challenged VTech's Laser 128, an enhanced clone of the Apple IIc first released in 1984, in court. This suit proved less fruitful for Apple, because VTech had reverse-engineered the Monitor ROM rather than copying it and had licensed Applesoft BASIC from its creator, Microsoft. Apple had neglected to obtain exclusive rights to the Applesoft dialect of BASIC from Microsoft; VTech was the first cloner to license it. The Laser 128 proved popular and remained on the market for many years, both in its original form and in accelerated versions that ran faster than 1 MHz. Although it wasn't 100 percent compatible with the Apple II, it was close, and its popularity ensured that most major developers tested their software on a Laser as well on as genuine Apple machines. Because it was frequently sold via mail order and mass-market retailers such as Sears, the Laser 128 may have cut into the sales of low-cost competitors such as Commodore Business Machines as much as it did Apple's. While the first Apple II clones were generally exact copies of their Apple counterparts that competed mainly on price, many clones had extra capabilities too. A Franklin model, the Ace 1000, sported a numeric keypad and lower-case long before these features were added to the Apple II line. The Laser 128 series is sometimes credited with spurring Apple to release the Apple IIc Plus; the built-in 3.1/2-inch drive and accelerated processor were features Laser had pioneered. The Laser 128 also had a IIe-style expansion slot on the side that could be used to add peripheral cards. Bell & Howell, an audiovisual equipment manufacturer whose products (particularly film projectors) were ubiquitous in American schools, offered what appeared at first glance to be an Apple II Plus clone in a distinctive black plastic case. However, these were in fact real Apple II Plus units manufactured by Apple for B&H for a brief period of time. Many schools had a few of these Black 'Darth Vader' Apples in their labs. ITT created a clone for the European market called the ITT 2020 (Europlus). This clone was built in license from Apple and was thus officially sanctioned by Apple. It has the same shape as the Apple II but a different color (matte silver). Data storage Originally the Apple II used audio cassette tapes for program and data storage. A dedicated tape recorder along the lines of the Commodore Datassette was never produced; Apple recommended using the Panasonic RQ309 in some of its early printed documentation. Apple and many third-party developers made software available on tape at first, but after the Disk II became available, tape-based Apple II software essentially disappeared from the market. The Disk II floppy drive used 5.1/4-inch floppy disks. The first disk operating systems for the Apple II were DOS 3.1 and DOS 3.2, which stored 113.75 kB on each disk, organized into thirty-five tracks of thirteen 256-byte sectors each. After about two years, DOS 3.3 was introduced, storing 140 kB thanks to a minor firmware change on the disk controller that allowed it to store 16 sectors per track. (This upgrade was user-installable on older controllers.) After the release of DOS 3.3, the user community discontinued use of DOS 3.2 except for running legacy software. Programs that required DOS 3.2 were fairly rare, however, as DOS 3.3 was not a major architectural change aside from the number of sectors per track. A program called MUFFIN was provided with DOS 3.3 to allow users to copy files from DOS 3.2 disks to DOS 3.3 disks. On a DOS 3.x disk, tracks 0, 1, and most of track 2 were reserved to store the operating system. (It was possible, with a special utility, to reclaim most of this space for data if a disk did not need to be bootable.) A short ROM program on the disk controller had the ability to seek to track zero — which it did without regard for the read/write head's current position, resulting in the characteristic 'chattering' sound of a Disk II boot, which was the read/write head hitting the rubber stop block at the end of the rail — and read and execute code from sector 0. The code contained in there would then pull in the rest of the operating system. DOS stored the disk's directory on track 17, smack in the middle of the 35-track disks, in order to reduce the average seek time to the frequently-used directory track. The directory was fixed in size and could hold a maximum of 105 files. Subdirectories were not supported. Most game publishers did not include DOS on their floppy disks, since they needed the memory it occupied more than its capabilities; instead, they often wrote their own boot loaders and read-only file systems. This also served to discourage 'crackers' from snooping around in the game's copy-protection code, since the data on the disk wasn't in files that could be accessed easily. Some third-party manufacturers produced floppy drives that could write 40 tracks to most 5.1/4-inch disks, yielding 160 kB of storage per disk, but the format did not catch on widely, and no known software was published on 40-track media. Most drives, even Disk IIs, could write 36 tracks; simple modifications to DOS for formatting the extra track were common. Incidentally, although the Apple Disk II stored 140 kB on single-sided, 'single-density' floppy disks, it was very common for Apple II users to extend the capacity of a floppy disk to 280 kB — by cutting out a second write-protect notch on the side of the disk using a 'disk notcher' (although a simple hole puncher would do) and inserting the disk flipped over. Early on, diskette manufacturers routinely warned that this technique would damage the read/write head of the drives or wear out the disk faster, and these warnings were frequently repeated in magazines of the day. In practice, however, this method was a quite reliable way to store twice as much data for the same amount of money, and was widely used for commercially released floppies as well. Later, Apple IIs were able to use 3.1/2-inch disks with a total capacity of 800 kB and hard disks. DOS 3.3 did not support these drives natively; third-party software was required, and disks larger than about 400 kB had to be split up into multiple 'virtual disk volumes.' ProDOS, a 1983 descendent of the Apple ///'s SOS, became the Apple II operating system of choice for users with these larger disks thanks to its native support of volumes up to 32 MB in size and the fact that AppleWorks required it. Renditions of the 'II' name The 'II' portion of the Apple II name was rendered in a variety of creative ways using stylized characters which resembled punctuation symbols on the front lids of the computers, and most printed material followed this lead. The II and the 'unenhanced' IIe were labeled ][and ][e, and the IIGS and IIc Plus were rendered in small caps. The Apple ///, IIc, and later IIe models used slashes: ///, //c and //e. There have been some errors in the Apple II's name due to the numerous variations and forms on the 'II'. Legacy 'BSoD' XScreensaver module showing a crashed Apple II. 'Apple2' XScreensaver module simulating the typing of a pseudo-BASIC program.Today, emulators for various Apple II models are available to run Apple II software on Mac OS X, Linux, Microsoft Windows, homebrew enabled Nintendo DS and other operating systems. Numerous disk images of Apple II software are available free over the Internet for use with these emulators. AppleWin and MESS are among the best emulators compatible with most Apple II images. The MESS emulator supports recording and playing back of Apple II emulation sessions. The Home Action Replay Page (aka HARP) allows Apple II users to archive their favorite play sessions of the Apple II system and its games. However, many emulators cannot run software on copy-protected media, or can run only software employing fairly simple protection schemes, unless it is 'cracked' (copy restrictions removed). Cracked software was widely pirated in the Apple II's heyday (with commercial cracking software such as the popular Copy II+ program being sold in stores with the purpose of 'creating legitimate back-ups' of protected software), and some of it is still available, although use of such software is of questionable legality (see DMCA). For those who prefer to obtain their old software on the up-and-up, the Lost Classics Project has the goal of convincing copyright holders of classic Apple II software to officially allow unrestricted free distribution of their software and has 'freed' a number of programs. One unusual homage to the Apple II is an XScreenSaver 'hack' named bsod. The bsod screensaver duplicates the appearance of computer crash screens for various operating systems (including the Windows Blue Screen of Death, after which it is named). In the case of the Apple II, the screensaver actually emulates the CRT display typically used with the computer, so the screen will appear to twitch as text blocks turn on and off, a common quirk of analog NTSC displays. Another module called 'Apple2' shows a working Apple II being used to type and run three different programs in Applesoft BASIC, also with glitch-complete CRT emulation and even typos (or 'syntax errors'), though the error messages are displayed at edit time (like Integer BASIC) instead of at run time (like Applesoft BASIC). In addition, an active retrocomputing community of vintage Apple II collectors and users, continue to restore, maintain and develop hardware and software for daily use of these original computers. Numerous websites and support groups exist for these enthusiasts who engage in the trade and purchase for their collections, increasingly rare parts and systems. Hardly a dead platform, the Apple II has a worldwide network of kindred spirits actively engaged in preserving this otherwise outdated technology and indeed regularly attracts, new younger members who continue to keep the platform alive long after it was discontinued by Apple. Industry impact The Apple II series of computers had an enormous impact on the technology industry and on everyday life. The Apple II was the first computer many people ever saw, and its price was within the reach of many middle-class families. Its popularity bootstrapped the entire computer game and educational software markets and began the boom in the word processor and computer printer markets. The first microcomputer 'killer app' for business was VisiCalc, the earliest spreadsheet, and it ran first on the Apple II; many businesses bought Apple IIs just to run VisiCalc, because it was the only spreadsheet available at the time. Apple's success in the home market inspired competitive home computers such as the VIC-20 (1980) and Commodore 64 (1982, with estimated sales between 17 and 25 million units). Through their significantly lower price point, these models introduced the computer to several tens of millions more home users, acquiring most of Apple's market share in the process. The success of the Apple II in business spurred IBM to create the IBM PC, which was then purchased by middle managers in all lines of business to run spreadsheet and word processing software, at first ported from Apple II versions; later, whole new application software dynasties would be founded on the PC. The popularity of these PCs and their clones then transformed business again with LAN applications such as e-mail and later Internet applications such as Usenet and the WWW. One valuable lesson from the Apple II was the importance of an open architecture to the success of a computer platform. The first Apple IIs shipped with an Apple II Reference Manual containing a complete schematic of the entire computer's circuitry and a complete source listing of the 'Monitor' ROM firmware that served as the machine's BIOS (later this guide had to be purchased separately, and in the case of the Apple IIGS, the full technical documentation ran to several volumes). The Apple II's slots, allowing any peripheral card to take control of the bus and directly access memory, enabled an independent industry of card manufacturers who together created a flood of hardware products that let users build systems that were far more powerful and useful (at a lower cost) than any competing system, most of which were not nearly as expandable and were universally proprietary. Even the game port was unusually powerful and could be used for digital and analog input and output; one hacker used it to drive a LaserWriter printer. Apple decided not to create an open architecture with the initial Macintosh models, and this is widely seen as having hobbled its success; however, the IBM PC provides an object lesson that success for the platform does not necessarily equate to success for the company that invented it. In the end, the IBM PC's off-the-shelf, open architecture allowed clones to be manufactured by startup competitors such as Compaq, Dell and Gateway, leading to a Pyrrhic victory for IBM. In December 2004, IBM confirmed it had sold its personal computer division including all computer models and technology to Lenovo in the People's Republic of China for USDollar1.75 billion. Infos from: Wikipedia

logo photo
II Plus Apple Handheld 1988

The Apple IIc Plus unit was a direct response to the <a href="computer.asp?c=13">Laser 128EX/2</a>. Apple retrofitted the <a href="computer.asp?c=69">IIc</a> design to try to compete with Video Technology's high-speed Apple II clone. The retrofitting is evident in the design of the motherboard. The motherboard runs at 1Mhz, unlike the Laser 128EX/2. In order to run its programs faster, Apple used a 4Mhz 65C02 with 8k of high speed SRAM cache and licensed the accelerator design from Zip Technologies (makers of the ZipChip accelerator for the IIe and IIc). They built an accelerator into a 1Mhz motherboard rather than designing a faster motherboard from scratch. The designers of the Apple IIc Plus originally wanted to make a portable <a href="computer.asp?c=71">IIGS</a>. Apple's management, bent on promoting the Mac, balked at the idea. At the same time, the Laser 128EX/2 made a quick design cycle mandatory. The result was an updated IIc. The Apple IIc Plus was the finest Apple 8-bit computer ever built, but due to a lack of marketing, the apparent backward step in technology compared to the 16-bit <a href="computer.asp?c=71">Apple IIGS</a>, and the aggressive sales of the Laser 128EX/2, the IIc Plus also was to be the most short-lived of the Apple II models. <font color="#666666"> Thanks to <b>Steve</b> and his <a href="">site</a> for the picture.</font>

IIGS Apple Computer 1986

The Apple IIgs, the fifth model inception of the Apple II, was the most powerful member of the Apple II series of personal computers made by Apple Computer. At the time of its release, it was capable of advanced color graphics and then-state-of-the-art sound synthesis that surpassed those of most other computers, including the black and white Macintosh (apart from a lower vertical resolution). 'GS' referred to its enhanced graphics and sound capabilities, which greatly surpassed previous models of the line. The machine was a radical departure from any previous Apple II, with its true 16-bit architecture, increased processing speed, direct access to megabytes of RAM, wavetable music synthesizer, graphical user interface, and mouse. While still maintaining full backwards compatibility with earlier Apple II models, it blended the Apple II and aspects of Macintosh technology into one. The Apple IIgs set forth a promising future and evolutionary advancement of the Apple II line, but Apple paid it relatively little attention as the company increasingly focused on the Macintosh platform. The Apple IIgs was the first computer produced by Apple to use a color graphical user interface, as well as the 'Platinum' (light grey) color scheme and the Apple Desktop Bus interface for keyboards, mice, and other input devices. It was also the first personal computer to come with a built-in 'wavetable' sample-based synthesizer chip, utilizing technology from Ensoniq. The machine outsold all other Apple products, including the Macintosh, during its first year in production. Background The IIgs was released September 15, 1986. It was intended to compete with personal computers such as the Commodore Amiga and Atari ST at the time of its release and was somewhat popular with schools, but Apple failed to promote and update the IIgs, preferring to focus on the Macintosh instead. The IIgs lacked compelling features over its competitors and increasingly fell behind other personal computers over its lifetime, and Apple ceased production of it in December 1992. Hardware features The Apple IIgs was an innovative computer with many improvements over the older Apple IIe and Apple IIc. It emulated its predecessors by utilising a custom chip called the Mega II and used the new Western Design Center 65816 16-bit microprocessor running at 2.8 MHz, which was faster than the 8-bit 6502 and 65C02 processors used in earlier Apple IIs and also allowed the IIgs to use more RAM. The IIgs also included enhanced graphics and sound, which led to its GS name. Its graphics were the best of the Apple II series, with new Super High Resolution video modes. These included a 640x200-pixel mode with 2-bit palletized color and a 320x200-pixel mode with 4-bit palletized color, both of which could dip in to a 4,096 color palette. By changing the palette on each scanline, it was possible to display up to 256 colors or more per screen, which was quite commonly seen within game and graphic design software. Through some clever programming, it was possible to display as many as 3,200 colors at once. When first introduced, Apple's user interface known as MouseDesk and the IIgs system Demo were both in black and white only. Users did not see color until an application which took advantage of the new features was launched. Audio was generated by a built-in sound and music synthesizer in the form of the Ensoniq Digital Oscillator Chip (DOC), which had its own dedicated RAM and 32 separate channels of sound, which were paired to produce 15 voices, in stereo audio. The IIgs could support both 5.1/4-inch and 3.1/2-inch floppy disks and, like the IIe before it, had several expansion slots. These included seven general-purpose expansion slots compatible with those on the Apple II, II+, and IIe, plus a memory expansion slot that could be used to add up to 8 MB of RAM. The IIgs, like the IIc, also had dedicated ports for external devices. These included a port to attach floppy disk drives, two serial ports for devices such as printers and modems (which could also be used to connect to a LocalTalk network), an Apple Desktop Bus port to connect the keyboard and mouse, and composite and RGB video ports. These ports were associated with the slots, so for example using a card in slot 1 would mean the printer port was disabled. The IIgs also supported booting from an AppleShare server, via the AppleTalk protocol, over LocalTalk cabling. Shortly afterward, so could the IIe, via the 'Apple IIe Workstation Card'. This was over a decade before NetBoot offered the same capability to computers from Mac OS 8 and beyond. Graphics modes In addition to supporting all graphics modes of previous Apple II models, the Apple IIgs introduced several new ones through a custom Video Graphics Chip (VGC), all of which used a 12-bit palette for a total of 4096 possible colors, though not all 4096 colors could appear onscreen at the same time. 320x200 pixels with a single palette of 16 colors. 320x200 pixels with up to 16 palettes of 16 colors. In this mode, the VGC holds 16 separate palettes of 16 colors in its own memory. Each of the 200 scan lines can be assigned any one of these palettes allowing for up to 256 colors on the screen at once. This mode is handled entirely by the VGC with no CPU assistance, making it perfect for games and high-speed animation. 320x200 pixels with up to 200 palettes of 16 colors. In this mode, the CPU assists the VGC in swapping palettes in and out of the video memory so that each scan line can have its own palette of 16 colors allowing for up to 3200 colors on the screen at once. This mode is computationally-intensive however, and is only suitable for viewing graphics or in paint programs. 320x200 pixels with 15 colors per palette, plus a 'fill mode' color. In this mode, color 0 in the palette is replaced by the last non-zero color pixel displayed on the scan line (to the left), allowing fast solid-fill graphics (drawn with only the outlines). 640x200 pixels with four pure colors. This mode is generally only used for ensuring that the Apple logo and menu bar retain their colors in Desktop applications. 640x200 pixels with 16 dithered colors. In this mode, two palettes of four pure colors each are used in alternating columns. The hardware then dithers the colors of adjacent pixels to create 16 total colors on the screen. This mode is generally used for programs requiring finer detail such as word processors and the Finder. Each scan line on the screen could independently select either 320- or 640-mode, fill mode (320-mode only), and any of the 16 palettes, allowing graphics modes to be mixed on the screen. This is most often seen in graphics programs where the menu bar is constantly in 640-pixel resolution and the working area's mode can be changed depending on the user's needs. Like other Apple computers, the IIgs lacked hardware sprites. Later on, video cards such as Sequential Systems' Second Sight added SVGA modes allowing 24-bit color to the Apple IIgs. Audio features The Apple IIgs' sound was provided by an included Ensoniq ES5503 DOC wavetable sound chip, the same chip used in Ensoniq Mirage and Ensoniq ESQ-1 professional-grade synthesizers. The chip allowed for 32 separate channels of sound, though most software paired them into 16 stereo voices, as did most of the standard tools of the operating system (the MIDISynth Tool Set grouped 4 channels per voice, for a limit of 7-voice audio). The IIgs is often referred to as a 'fifteen-voice system', though, one stereo voice is reserved by the OS at all times for timing and system sounds. Software that doesn't use the OS, or uses custom-programmed tools (most games and demos do this), can access the chip directly and take advantage of all 32 voices. A standard 1/8' headphone jack was provided on the back of the case, and standard stereo computer speakers could be attached there. However, it provided only mono sound through this jack, and a third party adapter card was required to produce true two-channel stereo, despite the fact the Ensoniq and virtually all native software produced stereo audio (stereo audio was essentially built-in to the machine, but had to be demultiplexed by third party cards). Applied Engineering's SonicBlaster was one of a few developed cards for this purpose. Expansion capabilities An Apple SCSI expansion card installed in an Apple IIgs.The IIgs was highly expandable. The expansion slots could be used for a variety of purposes, greatly increasing the computer's capabilities. SCSI host adaptors could be used to connect external SCSI devices such as hard drives and CD-ROM drives. Other mass storage devices such as adaptors supporting more recent internal 2.5-inch IDE hard drives could also be used. Another common class of Apple IIGS expansion cards was accelerator cards, such as Applied Engineering's TransWarp GS, replacing the computer's original processor with a faster one. Applied Engineering developed the PC Transporter that was essentially an IBM-XT PC on a card. A variety of other cards were also produced, including ones allowing new technologies such as 10BASE-T Ethernet and CompactFlash cards to be used on the IIgs. Development and codenames Apple's first internal project to develop a next-generation Apple II based on the 65816 was known as the 'IIx'. The IIx project, though, became bogged down when it attempted to include various coprocessors allowing it to emulate other computer systems. Early samples of the 65816 were also problematic. These problems led to the cancellation of the IIx project, but somewhat later a new project was formed to produce an updated Apple II. This project, which led to the released IIgs, was known by various codenames while the new system was being developed, including 'Phoenix', 'Rambo', 'Gumby', and 'Cortland'. There were rumors of several vastly enhanced prototypes built over the years at Apple but none were ever released. Only one, 'The Mark Twain', has been revealed so far. Release An original Apple IIgs 'Woz Edition', with signature on frontDuring its introduction, Apple sold a specialized set of Bose Roommate speakers that were platinum colored with the Apple logo next to the Bose on each front speaker grille. Some design features from the ill-fated Apple III lived on in the Apple IIgs, such as GS/OS borrowing elements from SOS (including, by way of ProDOS, the SOS filesystem), a unique keyboard feature for dual-speed arrow keys, and colorized ASCII text. An easter egg (activated by Command-Option-Control-N) in ROM 3 lists the members of development team, and plays an audio clip of them shouting 'Apple II!'. Limited Edition ('Woz' signed case) As part of a commemorative celebration marking the 10th anniversary of the Apple II series' development, as well Apple Computer itself celebrating the same age anniversary, a special limited edition was introduced at product launch. Specifically the first 50,000 Apple IIGS's manufactured had a reproduced copy of Steve Wozniak's signature ('Woz') at the front right corner of the case, with a dotted line and the phrase 'Limited Edition' printed just below it. Owners of the Limited Edition, after mailing in their Apple registration card, were mailed back a Certificate of Authenticity signed by Wozniak and 12 key Apple engineers, as well as a personal letter from Steve Wozniak himself (both machine reproduced). Seeing as the difference between standard and Limited Edition machines were purely cosmetic, many users were able to 'convert' to the Limited Edition by merely swapping the case lid from an older, existing machine. While of nostalgic value to Apple II users and collectors, presently these stamped lid cases are not considered rare nor do they have any particular monetary worth. Influence on later computers The Apple Desktop Bus, which for a long time was the standard for most input peripherals for the Macintosh, first appeared on the Apple IIgs. In addition, the other standardized ports and addition of SCSI set a hallmark which allowed Apple for the first time to consolidate their peripheral offerings across both the Apple II and Macintosh product lines, permitting one device to be compatible with multiple disparate computers. The IIgs was also the first Apple product to bear the new brand-unifying color scheme, a warm gray color Apple dubbed 'Platinum'. This color would remain the Apple standard used on the vast majority of all products for the next decade. The IIgs was also the second major computer design after the Apple IIc by Apple's outsourced industrial designer Frogdesign and together with its new corporate color and matching peripherals, officially ushered in the Snow White design language which was used exclusively for the next 5 years and made the Apple product line instantly recognizable around the world. The inclusion of a professional-grade sound chip in the Apple IIgs was hailed by developers and users both, and hopes were high that it would be added to the Macintosh. However, it drew a lawsuit from Apple Records. As part of an earlier trademark dispute with the record company, Apple Computer had agreed not to release music-related products. Apple Records considered the inclusion of the Ensoniq chip in the IIgs as a violation of that agreement. Though the IIgs was allowed to keep the Ensoniq, Apple has not included dedicated hardware sound synthesizers in any of its Macintosh models since (though of course, third-party products exist). Software features Broadly speaking, software that runs on the Apple IIgs can be divided into two major categories: 8-bit software compatible with earlier Apple II systems such as the IIe and IIc, and 16-bit IIgs-specific software, most of which runs under the Apple IIgs System Software and takes advantage of its advanced features, including a near clone of the Macintosh graphical user interface. 8-bit Apple II compatibility The Apple IIgs was almost completely backward compatible with older Apple II computers, so users wouldn't be left with large libraries of useless software. The IIgs could run all of Apple's earlier Apple II operating systems: Apple DOS, ProDOS 8, and Apple Pascal. It was also compatible with nearly all 8-bit software running under those systems. Like the Apple II+, IIe, and IIc, the IIgs also included Applesoft BASIC and a monitor (which could be used for very simple assembly language programming) in ROM, so they could be used even with no operating system loaded from disk. The 8-bit software ran twice as fast unless the user turned down the processor speed in the IIgs control panel. Apple IIgs System Software The Apple IIgs System Software utilized a graphical user interface (GUI) very similar to that of the Macintosh and somewhat like GEM for PCs and the operating systems of contemporary Atari and Amiga computers. Initial versions of the System Software were based on the ProDOS 16 operating system, which was based on the original ProDOS operating system for 8-bit Apple II computers. Although it was modified so that 16-bit Apple IIgs software could run on it, ProDOS 16 was written largely in 8-bit code and did not take full advantage of the IIgs's capabilities. Later System Software versions (starting with version 4.0) replaced ProDOS 16 with a new 16-bit operating system known as GS/OS. It better utilized the unique capabilities of the IIgs and included many valuable new features. The Apple IIgs System Software was substantially enhanced and expanded over the years during which it was developed, culminating in its final version, System 6.0.1, which was released in 1993. Graphical user interface The IIgs system software provided a mouse-driven graphical user interface using concepts such as windows, menus, and icons. This was implemented by a ''toolbox' of code, some of which resided in the computer's ROM and some of which was loaded from disk. The IIgs GUI was very similar to that of early Macintoshes. One major application could run at a time, although other smaller programs known as Desk Accessories could be used simultaneously. The IIgs had a Finder application very similar to the Macintosh's, which allowed the user to manipulate files and launch applications. By default, the Finder was displayed when the computer started up and whenever the user quit an application that had been started from it, although the startup application could be changed by the user. The IIgs Finder allows easy exploration of disks' contents. New Desk Accessories such as the Calculator can be run at the same time as applications such as the Finder. Extensibility The IIgs System Software could be extended through various mechanisms. New Desk Accessories were small programs ranging from a calculator to simple word processors that could be used while running any standard desktop application. Classic Desk Accessories also served as small programs available while running other applications, but they used the text screen and could be accessed even from non-desktop applications. Control Panels and initialization files were other mechanisms that allowed various functions to be added to the system. Finder Extras permitted new capabilities to be added to the Finder, drivers could be used to support new hardware devices, and users could also add 'tools' that provided various functions that other programs could utilize easily. These features could be used to provide features never planned for by the system's designers, such as a TCP/IP stack known as 'Marinetti.' Multitasking capability An interesting feature of the IIgs was that multitasking was possible. A UNIX-like multitasking kernel was produced, called GNO/ME, which ran under the GUI and provided preemptive multitasking. In addition, a system called The Manager could be used to make the Finder more like the one on the Macintosh, allowing major software (other than just the 'accessory' programs) to run simultaneously through cooperative multitasking. Upgrading from an Apple IIe The replacement ID badges for the front lid, used in the Apple IIe to IIgs upgrade.Upon its release in September 1986, Apple announced it would be making an upgrade kit to upgrade an Apple IIe to a IIgs available for purchase. The upgrade replaced the Apple IIe motherboard for a 16-bit Apple IIgs motherboard. Users would bring their Apple IIe machines into an authorized Apple dealership, where the IIe motherboard and lower baseboard of the case were swapped for an Apple IIgs motherboard with a new baseboard (with matching cut-outs for the new built-in ports). New metal sticker ID badges replaced those on the front of the Apple IIe, rebranding the machine. Retained were the upper half of the IIe case, the keyboard, speaker and power supply. Original IIgs motherboards (those produced between 1986 to mid 1989) had electrical connections for the IIe power supply and keyboard present, although only about half produced had the physical plug connectors factory pre-soldered in, which were mostly reserved for the upgrade kits. The upgrade cost USDollar500, plus the trade-in of the user's existing Apple IIe motherboard. Back view of IIgs upgrade, note the new port openings and connectors.It proved unpopular as it did not include a mouse (which was an essential part of the new machine, much like the Macintosh); the keyboard, although functional, did not mimic all the features and functions of the Apple Desktop Bus keyboard, as well as lacking a numeric keypad; and some cards designed for the new 16-bit machine did not fit in the Apple IIe's slanted case either. In the end most users found they were not saving much, once they had to purchase a 3.5 floppy drive, analog RGB monitor and mouse. Although it could use some IIe peripherals, most of them became obsolete in the upgrade due to their function being already built-in. It did however make an attractive upgrade for Apple IIe users wanting to use the machine strictly in IIe-emulation mode (ignoring the native part of the machine), which provided faster CPU operation, 256 KB RAM, a clock and many built-in peripherals via the back ports. Technical specifications Microprocessor 65C816 running at 2.8 MHz 16-bit internal data bus, 8-bit external Memory 1.125 MB RAM built-in (256 KB in original) 256 KB ROM built-in (128 KB in original) Expandable to 8.125 MB Video modes Emulation video: 40 and 80 columns text, with 24 lines (16 selectable foreground, background, border colors)1[›] Low-Resolution: 40x48 (16 colors) High-Resolution: 280x192 (6 colors) Double-Low-Resolution: 80x48 (16 colors) Double-High-Resolution: 560x192 (16 colors) Native video: Super-High-Resolution (320 mode) 320x200 (16 colors, selectable from 4,096 color palette) 320x200 (256 colors, selectable from 4,096 color palette) 320x200 (3200 colors, selectable from 4,096 color palette) Super-High-Resolution (640 mode) 640x200 (4 colors, selectable from 4,096 color palette) 640x200 (16 colors, selectable from 4,096 color palette) 640x200 (64 colors, selectable from 4,096 color palette) 640x200 (800 colors, selectable from 4,096 color palette) Fill-mode 320x200, sections of screens filled in on-the-fly for up to 60 FPS full-screen animation Mixed-mode 320/640x200, horizontal resolution selectable on a line by line basis Audio Ensoniq 5503 Digital Oscillator Chip 8-bit audio resolution 64 KB dedicated sound RAM 32 oscillator channels (15 voices when paired) Support for 8 independent stereo speaker channels Expansion Seven Apple II Bus slots (50-pin card-edge) IIgs Memory Expansion slot (44-pin card-edge) Internal connectors Game I/O socket (16-pin DIP) Ensoniq I/O expansion connector (7-pin molex) Specialized chip controllers IWM (Integrated Wozniak Machine) for floppy drives VGC (Video Graphics Controller) for video MEGA II (Apple IIe computer on chip) Ensoniq DOC (wavetable synthesizer) Zilog Z8530 SCC (serial port controller) Apple Desktop Bus microcontroller FPI/CYA External connectors NTSC composite video output (RCA connector); PAL composite video was not supported. Joystick (DE-9) Audio-out (1/8' mono phono jack) Printer-serial 1 (mini-DIN8) Modem-serial 2 (mini-DIN8) Floppy drive (D-19) Analog RGB video (D-15) Apple Desktop Bus (s-video/4-pin) Revision history While in production between September 1986 and December 1992, the Apple IIgs remained relatively unchanged from its original inception. However, during those years, Apple did produce some maintenance updates to the system which mainly compromised of two new ROM-based updates and a revamped motherboard. It is rumored several prototypes that greatly enhanced the machines features and capabilities were designed and even built, though only one has ever been publicly exposed (i.e. the 'Mark Twain'). Outlined below are only those revisions and updates officially released by Apple. Original ROM 1 ('ROM version 00') During the entire first year of the machine's production an early, almost beta-like, firmware revision shipped with the machine and was notably bug ridden. Some limitations were: the built-in RAM Disk couldn't be set larger than 4096 KB (even if more RAM was present), and the firmware contained the very early System 1.x toolsets. It became incompatible with most native Apple IIgs software written from late-1987 onwards, and OS support only lasted up to System 3. The startup splash screen of the original ROM only displayed the words 'Apple IIgs' at the top center of the screen, in the same fashion previous Apple II models identified themselves. Video Graphics Controller (VGC) replacement Very early production runs of the machine had a faulty Video Graphics Controller (VGC) chip that produced strange cosmetic glitches in emulated (IIe/IIc) video modes. Specifically, the 80 columns text display and monochrome Double-High-Resolution graphics had a symptom where small flickering or static pink bits would appear between the gaps of characters and pixels. Most users noticed this when using AppleWorks classic or the Mousedesk application that was a part of System 1 and 2. Apple resolved the issue by offering a free chip swap upgrade to affected owners. Updated ROM 2 ('ROM version 01') In August 1987, Apple released an updated ROM that was included in all new machines and was made available as a free upgrade to all existing owners. The main feature of the new ROM was the presence of the System 2.x toolsets and several bug fixes. The upgrade was vital as software developers, including Apple, ceased support of the original ROM upon its release (most native Apple IIgs software written from late-1987 onwards would not run unless a ROM 01 or higher was present. This included the GS/OS operating system). This update also allowed up to 8128 KB for the RAM Disk, added some new features for programmers, and reported the ROM version and copyright information on the startup splash screen. Increase standard RAM to 512 KB In March 1988, Apple began shipping Apple IIgs units with 512 KB of RAM as standard. This was done by pre-installing the Apple IIgs Memory Expansion Card (that was once sold separately) in the memory expansion slot--the card had 256 KB of RAM on board with empty sockets for further expansion. The built-in memory on the motherboard remained at 256 KB and existing users were not offered this upgrade. Updated ROM 3, The Apple IIgs with 1 MB of RAM In August 1989, Apple increased the standard amount of RAM shipped in the Apple IIgs to 1.125 MB (1152 KB). This time the additional memory was built-in on the motherboard, which required layout change and allowed for other minor improvements as well. This update introduced both a new motherboard and a new ROM firmware update, however neither were offered to existing owners – even as an upgrade option (the new ROM, being larger, was incompatible with the original motherboard). Apple had cited the reason an upgrade was not being offered was on the basis that most of the features of the new machine could be obtained in existing machines by installing System 5 and a fully populated Apple IIgs Memory Expansion Card. The new ROM firmware was now 256 KB in size and contained the System 5.x toolsets. The newer toolsets increased the performance of the machine by up to 10 percent, due to the fact less had to be loaded from disk and their highly optimized routines compared to the older toolsets (pre-GS/OS based). In addition to several bug fixes, more programmer assistance commands/features, a cleaned up Control Panel with improved mouse control, RAM Disk functionality, more flexible Appletalk support and slot mapping were added. In terms of hardware the new motherboard was a cleaner design that drew less power and resolved audio noise issues that interfered with the Ensoniq synthesizer in the original motherboard. Over four times more RAM was built-in, with double the ROM size, and an enhanced ADB microcontroller added hardware supported sticky keys, emulated keyboard mouse and LED updating on Extended keyboards. The clock battery was now user serviceable being placed in a removable socket, and a jumper location was added to lock out the text-based Control Panel (mainly useful in school environments). Support for the Apple IIe to Apple IIgs upgrade was removed, and some cost cutting measures had some chips soldered in place rather than socketed. As the firmware only worked in this motherboard and no new firmware updates were ever issued, users commonly referred to this version of the Apple IIgs as the 'ROM 3'. International versions Like the Apple IIe and Apple IIc built-in keyboards before it, the detached Apple IIgs keyboard differed depending on what region of the world it was sold in, with extra local language characters and symbols printed on certain keycaps (e.g. French accented characters on Canadian IIgs keyboard such as 'á', 'é', 'ç', etc, or the British Pound 'Pound ' symbol on the UK IIgs keyboard). However, unlike previous Apple II models, the layout and shape of keys were the same standard for all countries. In order to access the local character set layout and display, users would change settings in the built-in software based Control Panel, which also provides a method of toggling between 50/60 Hz video screen refresh. The composite video output was NTSC only on all IIgs; users in PAL countries were expected to use an RGB monitor. This selectable internationalization made it quick and simple to 'localize' any given machine. Also present in the settings was a QWERTY/DVORAK keyboard toggle for all countries, much like that of the Apple IIc. Outside North America the Apple IIgs shipped with a different 220v clip-in powersupply, making this and the plastic keycaps the only physical difference (and also very modular, in the sense of converting a non-localized machine to a local one). Notable Apple II developers John Carmack, founder of id Software, started his career by writing commercial software for the Apple IIgs. The same is true of John Romero and Tom Hall. Wolfenstein 3D, based on the Apple II originated game Castle Wolfenstein, came full circle back to the Apple II series when it was released for the Apple IIgs in 1994. Bob Yannes, creator of the SID synthesizer chip used in the Commodore 64, went on to design the Ensoniq 5503 DOC synthesizer used in the Apple IIgs. Two mainstream video games, Zany Golf and The Immortal, originated as Apple IIgs-specific games that were later ported to several platforms due to their immense popularity. Naughty Dog, the well known PlayStation game developer, started as an Apple IIgs game software company. Pangea Software, one of the best-known and popular Macintosh game developers, also started as an Apple IIgs game software company. Between the late 1980s to early 1990s, the Apple IIgs developed its own demoscene very similar in vein to that of the Amiga and Atari ST, albeit much smaller and lesser known. The most popular demo group was called FTA (Free Tools Association) and was from France. Two of their demos (Nucleus and Modulae) were very popular and were used by Apple itself and by retailers to show off the computer. Nintendo adopted the 65C816 as the basis for the custom CPU in the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Many early SNES programmers used the Apple IIgs as a SNES game development platform to write code on. Prototype of the MEGA II chip was a large board containing mostly discrete logic parts called 'El Grande'. Failed developments VTech, makers of the Laser series, demonstrated a prototype of a more powerful Apple IIgs compatible in 1989. It was never released due to licensing issues with Apple. A project called 'Avatar' in the early 90s promised a 32-bit state of the art machine that was backwards compatible with the Apple IIgs. It was never finished or released. Some doubt that the project even got out of the conceptualization stage. Cirtech started work on, but never completed, a black and white Macintosh hardware emulation plug-in card for the Apple IIgs dubbed 'Duet'. infos from: Wikipedia

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III Apple Computer 198x

The Apple III (often rendered as Apple ///) is a personal computer that was manufactured and sold by Apple. Intended as a computer for the business user market, design work on the Apple III started in late 1978 under the guidance of Dr. Wendell Sander. It had the internal code name of 'Sara', named after Sander's daughter. [2] The model was first announced on May 19, 1980, and started shipping the following Autumn.[3] It was discontinued on April 24, 1984. Possibly more relevant in the long run was the fact that the Apple III was essentially an enhanced Apple II — newest heir to a line of 8-bit machines dating back to 1976. In 1981, International Business Machines unveiled the IBM Personal Computer (IBM PC) — a completely new 16-bit design soon available in a wide range of inexpensive clones. The business market moved rapidly towards the PC-DOS/MS-DOS platform, eventually pulling away from the Apple 8-bit computer line.[4] In the end, an estimated 65,000 Apple III computers were sold.[3] Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak stated that the primary reason for the Apple III's failure was that the system was designed by Apple's marketing department, unlike Apple's previous engineering-driven projects.[5] Apple III design This section does not cite any references or sources. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (October 2007) The Apple III was designed to be a business computer and an eventual successor for the Apple II.[6] While the Apple II contributed to the inspirations of several important business products, such as VisiCalc, Multiplan and Apple Writer, the computer's hardware architecture, operating system and developer environment were limited.[7] The Apple III addressed these weaknesses. The Apple III was powered by a 2 MHz SynerTek 6502A 8-bit CPU and, like some of the more advanced machines in the Apple II family, used bank switching techniques to address up to 256 KB of memory. Third-party vendors also produced memory upgrade kits that allowed the Apple III to reach up to 512 KB. Other Apple III built-in features included an 80-column display with upper and lowercase characters, a numeric keypad, 6-bit (DAC) audio, 16-color graphics, and a built-in 140 KB 5.25' floppy disk drive. Unlike the Apple II, the Disk III controller was built into the logic board. The Apple III was the first Apple product that allowed the user to choose both a screen font and a keyboard layout:either QWERTY or Dvorak. These choices could not be changed while programs were running, unlike the Apple IIc, which had a keyboard switch directly above the keyboard, allowing switching on the fly. Software major limitation of the Apple II and DOS 3.3 was the way it addressed resources, which forced peripherals to be installed in pre-determined locations (slot 5 and 6 reserved for storage devices, slot 2 reserved for serial communication interfaces, etc.) This forced the user to identify a peripheral by its physical location, such as PR#6, CATALOG,D1, and so on.[8] The Apple III introduced an advanced operating system called Apple SOS, pronounced 'apple sauce'. Its ability to address resources by name instead of a physical location allowed the Apple III to be more scalable. Apple SOS also allowed the full capacity of a storage device to be used as a single volume, such as the Apple ProFile hard disk drive. And, Apple SOS supported a hierarchical file system (HFS). Some of the features and code base of Apple SOS made their way into the Apple II's ProDOS and GS/OS operating systems, as well as Lisa 7/7 and Macintosh system software. The Apple III also introduced a new BASIC interpreter called Apple III Business BASIC, and later an implementation of UCSD Pascal for more structured programming. Originally intended as a direct replacement to the Apple II series, it was designed for backwards-compatibility of Apple II software in order to migrate users over. However, since Apple did not want to encourage continued development of the II platform, they limited its capabilities to emulate a basic 48 KB Apple II+ configuration, with no access to the III's advanced features, a restriction which actually required custom chips to enforce. The Apple III had a System Utilities program, which allowed system reconfiguration and file manipulation. Another program, Selector III, was designed to integrate with the System Utilities program and launch various applications. However, Apple decided not to finish this project, and the engineers and writers working on the project bought the right to market Selector III to Apple III owners for a nominal fee. However, another company, Quark Software, developed a competing product, Catalyst, the cruder interface of which was offset by program-switching capabilities and support for copy-protection, which enabled companies to license users to run programs from a hard disk without worrying that their software might be backed up or copied without permission. When Apple decided to bundle Catalyst with its new ProFile hard disk, Quark celebrated, and the Selector III's developers quietly dissolved their company. Peripherals Several Apple-produced peripherals were made available because of the Apple III. The original Apple III came with a built-in real-time clock, which was recognized by Apple SOS. The clock was later removed from the 'revised' and 'Plus' models, and instead was made available as an add-on. Along with the built-in floppy drive, the Apple III could also handle up to three additional external 'Disk III' floppy disk drives. The Disk III was only compatible with the Apple III, although the Apple III was able to use the Apple II's Disk II disk drive. For additional storage, Apple produced the ProFile external hard disk system. The ProFile was not made available until the release of the Apple III Plus. At a price of US$3499 for 5MB, it also required a peripheral slot for the ProFile controller card. Apple III revised and Plus Once the logic board design flaws were discovered, a newer logic board design was produced - which included wider traces and better designed chip sockets.[9]The revised model also included 256 KB RAM as a standard configuration.[9] The 14,000 units of the original Apple III sold were returned and replaced with the entirely new revised model. The Apple III Plus was introduced in December 1983, while discontinuing the the original III model, at a price of US$2995.[9] This newer version included a built-in clock, video interlacing, improved ports, and a re-designed keyboard. The keyboard was designed in the style of the earlier beige Apple IIe.[9] Owners of the earlier Apple III could obtain the newer logic board as a service replacement. A keyboard upgrade kit, dubbed 'Apple III Plus upgrade kit' was also made available - which included the keyboard, cover, keyboard encoder ROM and logo replacements. This upgrade had to be installed by an authorized service technician. Design flaws Steve Jobs forced on the idea of no fan or air vents - in order to make the computer run quietly. Jobs would later push this same ideology onto almost all Macintosh models he had control of - from the Apple Lisa and Macintosh 128K to the iMac[10]. To allow the computer to rid of heat, the base of the Apple III was made of heavy cast iron, which supposedly acted as a heat sink. And, unlike the Apple II series, the power supply was stored - without its own shell - in a compartment separate from the logic board. However, many Apple III's experienced heating issues, allegedly caused by insufficient cooling and inability to dissipate the heat efficiently. To address the heat problem, later Apple III's were fitted with heat sinks. But still, the case design made it impossible for enough heat to escape. Some users stated that their Apple III became so hot that the chips started dislodging from the board, the screen would display garbled data, or their disk would come out of the slot 'melted'. In a technical bulletin, customers who were experiencing certain problems were instructed to lift the machine 3 inches (76 mm) and drop it in order to re-seat the chips on the logic board. Jerry Manock, the case designer, refuted these case design flaw charges and maintained that the unit adequately dissipated the internal heat, which he proved with various tests. In the end, Manock was vindicated as the primary culprit turned out to be a major logic board design problem. The logic board used 'fineline' technology that was not fully mature at the time, with narrow, closely spaced traces.[11] When chips were 'stuffed' into the board and wave-soldered, solder bridges would form between traces that were not supposed to be connected. This caused numerous short circuits, which required hours of costly diagnosis and hand rework to fix. Apple designed a new circuit board - with more layers and normal-width traces. The new logic board was designed by one designer on a huge drafting board, rather than a costly CAD-CAM system used for the previous board, and it worked. Earlier Apple III units came with a built-in real time clock, manufactured by National Semiconductor. The hardware, however, would fail after prolonged use. While it was assumed that a vendor would test parts before shipping them, Apple did not perform this level of testing. Apple was soldering chips directly to boards and could not easily change out a bad chip if one was found. Eventually, Apple solved this problem by removing the real-time clock from the Apple III's specification, rather than shipping the Apple III with the clock pre-installed, and sold the peripheral as a level 1 technician add-on. Commercial failure For a variety of reasons, the Apple III was a commercial failure. With a starting price between $4,340 to $7,800 US, it was more expensive than many of the CP/M-based business computers that were available at the time.[1] The Apple III's software library was very limited, and while sold as an Apple II compatible, the emulation that made this possible was intentionally hobbled, thus it could not make use of the advanced III features (specifically 64 KB RAM or higher, required by a large number of Apple II software titles based on PASCAL), which limited its usefulness. In the end, Apple had to replace the first 14,000 Apple III machines, free of charge. The customers who had bought them were given brand new machines, with new circuit boards. These did not constitute a new model: it was deemed warranty service. However for new customers in late 1981, Apple 'reintroduced' a newly revised system, with twice as much memory (256K RAM),which sold for a much lower introductory price of $3,495. At the same time, Apple also introduced the optional ProFile 5 MB external hard drive. (infos from wikipedia)

IIe Apple Computer January 1983

After having sold more than 750,000 Apple II and II+ systems, making it one of the best-selling brands in the global computing market, Apple released an updated version of the <a href="computer.asp?c=68">II+</a>, the <b>Apple IIe</b> ('e' standing for enhanced). It also met with very great success and was widely used in schools (still in use nowadays in some places!). While retaining the previous model's capabilities and software library, the enhanced version featured a revised logic board, keyboard and case design. Since its launch back in 1977, the Apple had been revised 13 times, but never so drastically as with this model. The IIe used only 1/4 as many integrated circuits as the II+. Its keyboard featured 4 cursor keys and a lockable lid. It was originally delivered with DOS 3.3 (the Apple II operating system) and later with PRODOS. The Apple IIe borrowed some features from the <a href="computer.asp?c=72">Apple III</a>, 80-column text and lowercase support. The Apple IIe was replaced with the <b>enhanced Apple IIe</b> in 1985, which had 128k RAM, 32k ROM, improved support for 80-column text and lowercase characters, and was powered by the 65C02 CPU, the same as the <a href="computer.asp?c=69">Apple IIc</a> one. Finally in 1987, Apple released the <b>Apple IIe Platinum</b>, also called Extended Keyboard IIe, which had a new keyboard and other minor hardware changes.

Lisa Apple Computer 1983

The Apple Lisa was a personal computer designed at Apple Computer, Inc. during the early 1980s. The Lisa project was started at Apple in 1978 and evolved into a project to design a powerful personal computer with a graphical user interface (GUI) that would be targeted toward business customers. Around 1982, Steve Jobs was forced out of the Lisa project, so he joined the Macintosh project instead. Contrary to popular belief, the Macintosh is not a direct descendant of Lisa, although there are obvious similarities between the systems and the final revision, the Lisa 2/10, was modified and sold as the Macintosh XL. The Lisa was a more advanced system than the Macintosh in many respects, such as its inclusion of protected memory, cooperative multitasking, a generally more sophisticated hard disk based operating system, a built-in screensaver, an advanced calculator with a paper tape and RPN, support for up to 2 megabytes of RAM memory, expansion slots, and a larger higher resolution display. It would be many years before many of those features were implemented on the Macintosh platform. Protected memory, for instance, did not arrive until the Mac OS X operating system was released in 2001. The Macintosh, however, featured a faster 68000 processor (7.89 MHz) and sound. The complexity of the Lisa operating system and its programs taxed the 5 MHz Motorola 68000 microprocessor so that the system felt sluggish, particularly when scrolling in documents. Etymology While the documentation shipped with the original Lisa only ever referred to it as The Lisa, officially, Apple stated that the name was an acronym for Local Integrated Software Architecture or 'LISA'. Since Steve Jobs' first daughter (born in 1978) was named Lisa Jobs, it is normally inferred that the name also had a personal association, and perhaps that the acronym was invented later to fit the name. Hertzfeld states that the acronym was reverse engineered from the name 'Lisa' in autumn 1982 by the Apple marketing team, after they had hired a marketing consultancy firm to come up with names to replace 'Lisa' and 'Macintosh' (at the time considered by Rod Holt to be merely internal project codenames) and then rejected all of the suggestions. Privately, Hertzfeld and the other software developers used 'Lisa: Invented Stupid Acronym', a recursive backronym. Hardware The Lisa was first introduced in January 19, 1983 at a cost of Dollar9,995 US (Dollar20,893 in 2007 dollars). It was one of the first commercial personal computers to have a GUI and a mouse. It used a Motorola 68000 CPU at a 5 MHz clock rate and had 1 MB RAM. The original Lisa had two Apple FileWare 5.1/4 inch double-sided floppy disk drives, more commonly known by Apple's internal code name for the drive, 'Twiggy'. They had a capacity of approximately 871 kilobytes each, but required special diskettes. The drives had the reputation of not being reliable, so the Macintosh, which was originally designed to have a single Twiggy, was revised to use a Sony 400k microfloppy drive in January 1984. An optional external 5 MB or, later, a 10 MB Apple ProFile hard drive (originally designed for the Apple III) was also offered. The first hardware revision, the Lisa 2, released in January 1984 priced between Dollar3,495 and Dollar5,495 US, was much less expensive than the original model and dropped the Twiggy floppy drives in favor of a single 400k Sony microfloppy. It was possible to purchase the Lisa 2 with a ProFile and with as little as 512k RAM. The final version of the Lisa available included an optional 10 MB internal proprietary hard disk manufactured by Apple, known as the 'Widget'. In 1984, at the same time the Macintosh was officially announced, Apple announced that it was providing free upgrades to the Lisa 2 to all Lisa 1 owners, by swapping the pair of Twiggy drives for a single 3.1/2 inch drive, and updating the boot ROM and I/O ROM. In addition a new front faceplate was included to accommodate the reconfigured floppy disk drive. With this change, the Lisa 2 had the notable distinction of introducing the new Apple inlaid logo, as well as the first Snow White design language features. There were relatively few third-party hardware offerings for the Lisa, as compared to the earlier Apple II. AST offered a 1.5 MB memory board, which when combined with the standard Apple 512 KB memory board, expanded the Lisa to a total of 2 MB of memory, the maximum the MMU could address. Late in the product life of the Lisa, there were third-party hard disk drives, SCSI controllers, and double-sided 3.1/2 inch floppy-disk upgrades. Unlike the Macintosh, the Lisa featured expansion slots. It was an 'open system' like the Apple II. The Lisa 2 motherboard was a very basic backplane with virtually no electronic components, but plenty of edge connector sockets/slots. There were 2 RAM slots, 1 CPU slot & 1 I/O slot all in parallel placement to each other. At the other end, there were 3 'Lisa' slots, parallel to each other. This flexibility provided the potential for a developer to create a replacement for the CPU 'card' to upgrade the Lisa to run a newer CPU, such as a Pentium/PowerPC, albeit with potential limitations from other parts of the system. Software A reproduced screen shot of the Lisa Office System 1.0.The Lisa operating system featured cooperative (non-preemptive) multitasking and virtual memory, then extremely advanced features for a personal computer. The use of virtual memory coupled with a fairly slow disk system made the system performance seem sluggish at times. Conceptually, the Lisa resembled the Xerox Star in the sense that it was envisioned as an office computing system; consequently, Lisa had two main user modes: the Lisa Office System and the Workshop. The Lisa Office System was the GUI environment for end users. The Workshop was a program development environment, and was almost entirely text-based, though it used a GUI text editor. The Lisa Office System was eventually renamed '7/7', in reference to the seven supplied application programs: LisaWrite, LisaCalc, LisaDraw, LisaGraph, LisaProject, LisaList, and LisaTerminal. Third Party Software A significant impediment to third-party software on the Lisa was the fact that, when first launched, the Lisa Office System could not be used to write programs for itself: a separate development OS was required called Lisa Workshop. An engineer would run the two OSes in a dual-boot config, writing and compiling code on one machine and testing it on the other. Later, the same Lisa Workshop was used to develop software for the Macintosh. After a few years, Macintosh-native development system was developed. For most of its lifetime, the Lisa never went beyond the original seven applications that Apple had deemed enough to do 'everything.' MacWorks In April 1984, following the success of the Macintosh, Apple introduced MacWorks, a software emulation environment which allowed the Lisa to run Macintosh System software and applications. MacWorks helped make the Lisa more attractive to potential customers, but did not enable the Macintosh emulation to access the hard disk until September. In January 1985, re-branded MacWorks XL, it became the primary system application designed to turn the Lisa into the Macintosh XL. Business blunder The Lisa 2 / Macintosh XLThe Apple Lisa turned out to be a commercial failure for Apple, the largest since the Apple III disaster of 1980. The intended business computing customers balked at Lisa's high price and largely opted to run less expensive IBM PCs, which were already beginning to dominate business desktop computing. The largest Lisa customer was NASA, which used LisaProject for project management and which was faced with significant problems when the Lisa was discontinued. The Lisa was also seen as being a bit slow in spite of its innovative interface. The release of the Apple Macintosh in 1984, which received far better marketing, was the most significant factor in the Lisa's demise. The Macintosh appeared, on the surface due to its GUI and mouse, to be a wholesale improvement and was far less expensive. Two later Lisa models were released (the Lisa 2 and its Mac ROM-enabled sibling Macintosh XL) before the Lisa line was discontinued in April 1985. In 1986, Apple offered all Lisa/XL owners the opportunity to turn in their computer and along with USDollar1,498.00, would receive a Macintosh Plus and Hard Disk 20 (a USDollar4,098.00 value at the time). Historical importance This section does not cite any references or sources. (April 2008) Please improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources. Unverifiable material may be challenged and removed. Though generally considered a commercial failure, the Lisa was a marked success in one respect. Though too expensive and limited for individual desktops, there was a period of time when it seemed that nearly every moderate-sized organization had one or two (shared) Lisas in each major office. Though the performance of the Lisa was somewhat slow and the software selection was limited, what the Lisa could do, it did well. Using the Lisa software and an Apple dot-matrix printer, one could produce some very nice documents (compared to other options available at the time). This one compelling usage drove the Lisa into a number of larger offices, and due to the price, the number of people who had used a Lisa was much larger than the number of Lisas sold. This meant that when the lower-priced Macintosh came along, there was a notable pool of people pre-sold on the benefits of a GUI-based personal computer and the WIMP interface (Windows, Icons, Menu, Pointer) with its point-and-click, cut-copy-paste and drag-and-drop capabilities between different applications and windows. These people quickly bought the cheaper Macintosh and continued to buy new upgrades that gradually approached the Lisa's capabilities—and have now greatly exceeded them. An often overlooked feature the Lisa system used was document-centric computing instead of application-centric computing. On a Macintosh, Windows, or Linux system, a user typically seeks a program. In the Lisa system, users would use stationery to begin using an application. Apple attempted to implement this approach on the Mac platform later with OpenDoc, but it did not catch on. Microsoft also later implemented stationery in a limited fashion via the Windows Start menu for Microsoft Office. Document-centric computing is more intuitive for new users because it is task-based. A user is familiar with the task and does not have to know what program is used to accomplish the task. International significance Within a few months of the Lisa introduction in the US, fully translated versions of the software and documentation were commercially available for British, French, German, Italian, and Spanish markets, followed by several Scandinavian versions shortly thereafter. The user interface for the OS, all seven applications, LisaGuide, and the Lisa diagnostics (in ROM) could be fully translated, without any programming required, using resource files and a translation kit. The keyboard would identify its native language layout, and the entire user experience would be in that language, including any hardware diagnostic messages. Curiously, although several foreign-language keyboard layouts were available, the Dvorak keyboard layout was never ported to the Lisa, even by Dvorak users inside Apple, as had already happened on the Apple III, IIe, and IIc, and as later happened on the Macintosh. Keyboard-mapping on the Lisa was a black art, known to only a few of the Lisa engineers; and changing or adding layouts required building a new OS/kernel. All kernels contained images for all layouts, so due to serious memory constraints, keyboard layouts were stored as differences from a set of standard layouts, thus only a few bytes were needed to accommodate most additional layouts. A notable exception would have been the Dvorak layout that moves just about every key and thus required hundreds of extra bytes of precious kernel storage regardless of whether it were needed. Each localized version (built on a globalized core) required grammatical, linguistic, and cultural adaptations throughout the user interface, including formats for dates, numbers, times, currencies, sorting, even for word and phrase order in alerts and dialog boxes. A kit was provided, and the translation work was done by native-speaking Apple marketing staff in each country. This localization effort resulted in about as many Lisa unit sales outside the US as inside the US over the product's lifespan, while setting new standards for future localized software products, and for global project co-ordination. The end of the Lisa In 1987, Sun Remarketing purchased about 5,000 Macintosh XLs and upgraded them. Some leftover Lisa computers and spare parts are still available today. In 1989, Apple threw away approximately 2,700 unsold Lisas in a guarded landfill in Logan, Utah in order to receive a tax write-off on the unsold inventory. Like other early GUI computers, working Lisas are now fairly valuable collectors items, for which people will pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars. The original model is the most sought after, although working ProFile and Widget hard disks, which are necessary for running the Lisa OS, are also particularly valued. Infos from: Wikipedia

Macintosh 68k Apple Computer

Macintosh PPC Apple Computer

Macintosh Apple Computer 1984

The Macintosh, marketed as Mac, is a line of personal computers (PCs) designed, developed, and marketed by Apple Inc. It is targeted mainly at the home, education, and creative professional markets, and includes the descendants of the original iMac, the entry-level Mac mini desktop model, the Mac Pro tower graphics workstation, and the MacBook Air and MacBook Pro laptops. Its Xserve server was discontinued on January 31, 2011. Apple Inc.'s then-chairman Steve Jobs introduced the first Macintosh on January 24, 1984, and became the first commercially successful personal computer to feature a mouse and a graphical user interface rather than a command-line interface. The Apple II saw success through the end of the decade, though popularity dissipated in the 1990s as the personal computer market shifted toward the 'Wintel' platform: IBM PC compatible machines running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows. In 1998, Apple consolidated its multiple consumer-level desktop models into the all-in-one iMac, which proved to be a sales success and saw the brand revitalized. Production of the Mac is based on a vertical integration model. Apple facilitates all aspects of its hardware and creates its own operating system that is pre-installed on all Mac computers, unlike most IBM PC compatibles, where multiple sellers create and integrate hardware intended to run another company's operating software. Apple exclusively produces Mac hardware, choosing internal systems, designs, and prices. Apple uses third party components, however, such as graphics subsystems from nVidia and ATi. Current Mac CPUs use Intel's X86-64 architecture; the earliest models (1984–1994) used Motorola's 68k, and models from 1994 until 2006 used the AIM alliance's PowerPC. Apple also develops the operating system for the Mac, OS X, currently on version 10.8 'Mountain Lion'. The modern Mac, like other personal computers, is capable of running alternative operating systems such as Linux, FreeBSD, and, in the case of Intel-based Macs, Microsoft Windows. However, Apple does not license OS X for use on non-Apple computers. Development and introduction The original 1984 Mac OS desktop featured a radically new graphical user interface. Users communicated with the computer, using a metaphorical desktop that included icons of real life items, instead of abstract textual commands. The Macintosh project began in the late 1970s with Jef Raskin, an Apple employee who envisioned an easy-to-use, low-cost computer for the average consumer. He wanted to name the computer after his favorite type of apple, the McIntosh, but the name had to be changed for legal reasons as it was too close, phonetically, to that of the McIntosh audio equipment manufacturer. Steve Jobs requested a release of the name so that Apple could use it, but was denied, forcing Apple to eventually buy the rights to use the name. Raskin was authorized to start hiring for the project in September 1979, and he began to look for an engineer who could put together a prototype. Bill Atkinson, a member of Apple's Lisa team (which was developing a similar higher-end computer,) introduced him to Burrell Smith, a self-taught engineer that worked as a service technician who had been hired earlier that year. Over the years, Raskin assembled a large development team that designed and built the original Macintosh hardware and the original version of the Mac OS operating system that the computer ran. Besides Raskin, Atkinson and Smith, the team included George Crow, Chris Espinosa, Joanna Hoffman, Bruce Horn, Susan Kare, Andy Hertzfeld, Guy Kawasaki, Daniel Kottke, and Jerry Manock. Smith's first Macintosh board was built to Raskin's design specifications: it had 64 kilobytes (kB) of RAM, used the Motorola 6809E microprocessor, and was capable of supporting a 256Ṫ256-pixel black-and-white bitmap display. Bud Tribble, a member of the Mac team, was interested in running the Lisa's graphical programs on the Macintosh, and asked Smith whether he could incorporate the Lisa's Motorola 68000 microprocessor into the Mac while still keeping the production cost down. By December 1980, Smith had succeeded in designing a board that not only used the 68000, but increased its speed from 5 MHz to 8 MHz; this board also had the capacity to support a 384Ṫ256-pixel display. Smith's design used fewer RAM chips than the Lisa, which made production of the board significantly more cost-efficient. The final Mac design was self-contained and had the complete QuickDraw picture language and interpreter in 64 kB of ROM – far more than most other computers; it had 128 kB of RAM, in the form of sixteen 64 kilobit (kb) RAM chips soldered to the logicboard. Though there were no memory slots, its RAM was expandable to 512 kB by means of soldering sixteen IC sockets to accept 256 kb RAM chips in place of the factory-installed chips. The final product's screen was a 9-inch, 512x342 pixel monochrome display, exceeding the size of the planned screen. Burrel's innovative design, which combined the low production cost of an Apple II with the computing power of Lisa's CPU, the Motorola 68K, set off shock waves within Apple, capturing the attention of Steve Jobs,[13] co-founder of Apple. Realizing that the Macintosh was more marketable than the Lisa, he began to focus his attention on the project. Raskin left the project in 1981 over a personality conflict with Jobs, and team member Andy Hertzfeld said that the final Macintosh design is closer to Jobs' ideas than Raskin's.[7] After hearing of the pioneering GUI technology being developed at Xerox PARC, Jobs had negotiated a visit to see the Xerox Alto computer and its Smalltalk development tools in exchange for Apple stock options. The Lisa and Macintosh user interfaces were influenced by technology seen at Xerox PARC and were combined with the Macintosh group's own ideas.[14] Jobs also commissioned industrial designer Hartmut Esslinger to work on the Macintosh line, resulting in the 'Snow White' design language; although it came too late for the earliest Macs, it was implemented in most other mid- to late-1980s Apple computers.[15] However, Jobs' leadership at the Macintosh project did not last; after an internal power struggle with new CEO John Sculley, Jobs resigned from Apple in 1985.[16] He went on to found NeXT, another computer company targeting the education market,[17] and did not return until 1997, when Apple acquired NeXT.[18] The Macintosh 128K was manufactured at an Apple plant in Fremont, California.[19] The Macintosh 128K was announced to the press in October 1983, followed by an 18-page brochure included with various magazines in December. The Macintosh was introduced by the now-famous US$1.5 million Ridley Scott television commercial, '1984'. It most notably aired during the third quarter of Super Bowl XVIII on January 22, 1984, and is now considered a 'watershed event' and a 'masterpiece.' '1984' used an unnamed heroine to represent the coming of the Macintosh (indicated by a Picasso-style picture of the computer on her white tank top) as a means of saving humanity from the 'conformity' of IBM's attempts to dominate the computer industry. The ad alludes to George Orwell's novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four, which described a dystopian future ruled by a televised 'Big Brother.' Two days after '1984' aired, the Macintosh went on sale, and came bundled with two applications designed to show off its interface: MacWrite and MacPaint. It was first demonstrated by Steve Jobs in the first of his famous Mac keynote speeches, and though the Mac garnered an immediate, enthusiastic following, some labeled it a mere 'toy.' Because the operating system was designed largely around the GUI, existing text-mode and command-driven applications had to be redesigned and the programming code rewritten. This was a time-consuming task that many software developers chose not to undertake, and could be regarded as a reason for an initial lack of software for the new system. In April 1984, Microsoft's MultiPlan migrated over from MS-DOS, with Microsoft Word following in January 1985. In 1985, Lotus Software introduced Lotus Jazz for the Macintosh platform after the success of Lotus 1-2-3 for the IBM PC, although it was largely a flop. Apple introduced the Macintosh Office suite the same year with the 'Lemmings' ad. Infamous for insulting its own potential customers, the ad was not successful. Apple spent upwards of $2.5 million purchasing all 39 advertising pages in a special, post-election issue of Newsweek Apple also ran a 'Test Drive a Macintosh' promotion, in which potential buyers with a credit card could take home a Macintosh for 24 hours and return it to a dealer afterwards. While 200,000 people participated, dealers disliked the promotion, the supply of computers was insufficient for demand, and many were returned in such a bad condition that they could no longer be sold. This marketing campaign caused CEO John Sculley to raise the price from US$1,995 to US$2,495 (about $5,200 when adjusted for inflation in 2010). Desktop publishing In 1985, the combination of the Mac, Apple's LaserWriter printer, and Mac-specific software like Boston Software's MacPublisher and Aldus PageMaker enabled users to design, preview, and print page layouts complete with text and graphics—an activity to become known as desktop publishing. Initially, desktop publishing was unique to the Macintosh, but eventually became available for other platforms. Later, applications such as Macromedia FreeHand, QuarkXPress, and Adobe's Photoshop and Illustrator strengthened the Mac's position as a graphics computer and helped to expand the emerging desktop publishing market. The Macintosh's minimal memory became apparent, even compared with other personal computers in 1984, and could not be expanded easily. It also lacked a hard disk drive or the means to easily attach one. Many small companies sprang up to address the memory issue by either upgrading the memory to 512 KB or removing the computer's 16 memory chips and replacing them with larger-capacity chips, a tedious operation that was not always successful. In October 1985, Apple introduced the Macintosh 512K, with quadruple the memory of the original, at a price of US$3,195. It also offered an upgrade for 128k Macs that involved replacing the logicboard. In an attempt to improve connectivity, Apple released the Macintosh Plus on January 10, 1986, for a price of US$2,600. It offered one megabyte of RAM, easily expandable to four megabytes by the use of socketed RAM boards. It also featured a SCSI parallel interface, allowing up to seven peripherals—such as hard drives and scanners—to be attached to the machine. Its floppy drive was increased to an 800 kB capacity. The Mac Plus was an immediate success and remained in production, unchanged, until October 15, 1990; on sale for just over four years and ten months, it was the longest-lived Macintosh in Apple's history. In September 1986, Apple introduced the Macintosh Programmer's Workshop, or MPW, an application that allowed software developers to create software for Macintosh on Macintosh, rather than cross compiling from a Lisa. In August 1987, Apple unveiled HyperCard and MultiFinder, which added cooperative multitasking to the Macintosh. Apple began bundling both with every Macintosh. Updated Motorola CPUs made a faster machine possible, and in 1987 Apple took advantage of the new Motorola technology and introduced the Macintosh II, powered by a 16 MHz Motorola 68020 processor. The primary improvement in the Macintosh II was Color QuickDraw in ROM, a color version of the graphics language which was the heart of the machine. Among the many innovations in Color QuickDraw were the ability to handle any display size, any color depth, and multiple monitors. The Macintosh II marked the start of a new direction for the Macintosh, as now for the first time it had an open architecture with several NuBus expansion slots, support for color graphics and external monitors, and a modular design similar to that of the IBM PC. It had an internal hard drive and a power supply with a fan, which was initially fairly loud. One third-party developer sold a device to regulate fan speed based on a heat sensor, but it voided the warranty. Later Macintosh computers had quieter power supplies and hard drives. The Macintosh SE was released at the same time as the Macintosh II, as the first compact Mac with a 20 MB internal hard drive and an expansion slot. The SE's expansion slot was located inside the case along with the CRT, potentially exposing an upgrader to high voltage. For this reason, Apple recommended users bring their SE to an authorized Apple dealer to have upgrades performed. The SE also updated Jerry Manock and Terry Oyama's original design and shared the Macintosh II's Snow White design language, as well as the new Apple Desktop Bus (ADB) mouse and keyboard that had first appeared on the Apple IIGS some months earlier. In 1987, Apple spun off its software business as Claris. It was given the code and rights to several applications that had been written within Apple, most notably MacWrite, MacPaint, and MacProject. In the late 1980s, Claris released a number of revamped software titles; the result was the 'Pro' series, including MacDraw Pro, MacWrite Pro, and FileMaker Pro. To provide a complete office suite, Claris purchased the rights to the Informix Wingz spreadsheet program on the Mac, renaming it Claris Resolve, and added the new presentation software Claris Impact. By the early 1990s, Claris applications were shipping with the majority of consumer-level Macintoshes and were extremely popular. In 1991, Claris released ClarisWorks, which soon became their second best-selling application. When Claris was reincorporated back into Apple in 1998, ClarisWorks was renamed AppleWorks beginning with version 5.0. The Macintosh Portable was Apple's first battery-powered Macintosh. It was available from 1989 to 1991 and could run System 6 and System 7. In 1988, Apple sued Microsoft and Hewlett-Packard on the grounds that they infringed Apple's copyrighted GUI, citing (among other things) the use of rectangular, overlapping, and resizable windows. After four years, the case was decided against Apple, as were later appeals. Apple's actions were criticized by some in the software community, including the Free Software Foundation (FSF), who felt Apple was trying to monopolize on GUIs in general, and boycotted GNU software for the Macintosh platform for seven years. With the new Motorola 68030 processor came the Macintosh IIx in 1988, which had benefited from internal improvements, including an on-board MMU. It was followed in 1989 by the Macintosh IIcx, a more compact version with fewer slots and a version of the Mac SE powered by the 16 MHz 68030, the Macintosh SE/30. Later that year, the Macintosh IIci, running at 25 MHz, was the first Mac to be '32-bit clean.' This allowed it to natively support more than 8 MB of RAM, unlike its predecessors, which had '32-bit dirty' ROMs (8 of the 32 bits available for addressing were used for OS-level flags). System 7 was the first Macintosh operating system to support 32-bit addressing. The following year, the Macintosh IIfx, starting at US$9,900, was unveiled. Apart from its fast 40 MHz 68030 processor, it had significant internal architectural improvements, including faster memory and two Apple II CPUs dedicated to I/O processing. Decline Microsoft Windows 3.0 was released in May 1990 as a less expensive alternative to the Macintosh platform, which began to approach the Macintosh operating system in both performance and feature set.ation needed] In response, Apple introduced a range of relatively inexpensive Macs in October 1990. The Macintosh Classic, essentially a less expensive version of the Macintosh Plus, was the least expensive Mac offered until early 2001. The 68020-powered Macintosh LC, in its distinctive 'pizza box' case, offered color graphics and was accompanied by a new, low-cost 512Ṫ384 pixel monitor. The Macintosh IIsi was essentially a 20 MHz IIci with only one expansion slot. All three machines sold well, although Apple's profit margin on them was considerably lower than that on earlier models. Apple improved Macintosh computers by introducing models equipped with newly available processors from the 68k lineup. The Macintosh Classic II and Macintosh LC II, which used a 16 MHz 68030 CPU, were joined in 1991 by the Macintosh Quadra 700 and 900, the first Macs to employ the faster Motorola 68040 processor. In 1994, Apple abandoned Motorola CPUs for the RISC PowerPC architecture developed by the AIM alliance of Apple Computer, IBM, and Motorola. The Power Macintosh line, the first to use the new chips, proved to be highly successful, with over a million PowerPC units sold in nine months. The Macintosh Portable was replaced in 1991 with the first of the PowerBook line: the PowerBook 100, a miniaturized Portable; the 16 MHz 68030 PowerBook 140; and the 25 MHz 68030 PowerBook 170. They were the first portable computers with the keyboard behind a palm rest and a built-in pointing device (a trackball) in front of the keyboard. The 1993 PowerBook 165c was Apple's first portable computer to feature a color screen, displaying 256 colors with 640 x 400-pixel resolution. The second generation of PowerBooks, the 68040-equipped 500 series, introduced trackpads, integrated stereo speakers, and built-in Ethernet to the laptop form factor in 1994. As for Mac OS, System 7 was a 32-bit rewrite from Pascal to C++ that introduced virtual memory and improved the handling of color graphics, as well as memory addressing, networking, and co-operative multitasking. Also during this time, the Macintosh began to shed the 'Snow White' design language, along with the expensive consulting fees they were paying to Frogdesign. Apple instead brought the design work in-house by establishing the Apple Industrial Design Group, becoming responsible for crafting a new look for all Apple products. Despite these technical and commercial successes, Microsoft and Intel began to rapidly lower Apple's market share with the introduction of the Windows 95 operating system and Pentium processors. These significantly enhanced the multimedia capability and performance of IBM PC compatible computers, and brought Windows closer to the Mac GUI. Furthermore, Apple had created too many similar models that confused potential buyers. At one point, its product lineup was subdivided into Classic, LC, II, Quadra, Performa, and Centris models, with essentially the same computer being sold under a number of different names. These models competed against Macintosh clones, hardware manufactured by third-parties that ran Apple's System 7. This succeeded in increasing the Macintosh's market share somewhat, and provided cheaper hardware for consumers, but hurt Apple financially as existing Apple customers began to buy cheaper clones while Apple shouldered the burden of developing the platform. When Steve Jobs returned to Apple in 1997 following the company's purchase of NeXT, he ordered that the OS that had been previewed as version 7.7 be branded Mac OS 8 (in place of the never-to-appear Copland OS). Since Apple had licensed only System 7 to third-parties, this move effectively ended the clone line. The decision caused significant financial losses for companies like Motorola, who produced the StarMax; Umax, who produced the SuperMac; and Power Computing, who offered several lines Mac clones, including the PowerWave, PowerTower, and PowerTower Pro. These companies had invested substantial resources in creating their own Mac-compatible hardware. Apple bought out Power Computing's license, but allowed Umax to continue selling Mac clones until their license expired, as they had a sizeable presence in the lower-end segment that Apple did not.ation needed] Revival The iMac G3, introduced in 1998. While it led Apple's return to profitability, the associated mouse was one of consumers' least favorite products. In 1998, Apple introduced its new iMac which, like the original 128K Mac, was an all-in-one computer. Its translucent plastic case, originally Bondi blue and later various additional colors, is considered an industrial design landmark of the late 1990s. The iMac did away with most of Apple's standard (and usually proprietary) connections, such as SCSI and ADB, in favor of two USB ports, effectively making it the first Legacy-free PC. It replaced a floppy disk drive with a CD-ROM drive for installing software,70] but was incapable of writing to CDs or other media without external third-party hardware. The iMac proved to be phenomenally successful, with 800,000 units sold in 139 days. It made the company an annual profit of US$309 million, Apple's first profitable year since Michael Spindler took over as CEO in 1995. This aesthetic was applied to the Power Macintosh and later the iBook, Apple's first consumer-level laptop computer, filling the missing quadrant of Apple's 'four-square product matrix' (desktop and portable products for both consumers and professionals). More than 140,000 pre-orders were placed before it started shipping in September, and by October proved to be a large success. In early 2001, Apple began shipping computers with CD-RW drives and emphasized the Mac's ability to play DVDs by including DVD-ROM and DVD-RAM drives as standard. Steve Jobs admitted that Apple had been 'late to the party' on writable CD technology, but felt that Macs could become a 'digital hub' that linked and enabled an 'emerging digital lifestyle'. Apple would later introduce an update to its iTunes music player software that enabled it to burn CDs, along with a controversial 'Rip, Mix, Burn' advertising campaign that some felt encouraged media piracy. This accompanied the release of the iPod, Apple's first successful handheld device. Apple continued to launch products, such as the unsuccessful Power Mac G4 Cube, the education-oriented eMac, and the titanium (and later aluminium) PowerBook G4 laptop for professionals. The original iMac used a PowerPC G3 processor, but G4 and G5 chips were soon added, both accompanied by complete case redesigns that dropped the array of colors in favor of white plastic. As of 2007, all iMacs use aluminium cases. On January 11, 2005, Apple announced the Mac Mini, priced at US$499, making it the cheapest Mac. Mac OS continued to evolve up to version 9.2.2, including retrofits such as the addition of a nanokernel and support for Multiprocessing Services 2.0 in Mac OS 8.6, though its dated architecture made replacement necessary. Initially developed in the Pascal programming language, it was substantially rewritten in C++ for System 7. From its beginnings on an 8 MHz machine with 128 KB of RAM, it had grown to support Apple's latest 1 GHz G4-equipped Macs. Since its architecture was laid down, features that were already common on Apple's competition, like preemptive multitasking and protected memory, had become feasible on the kind of hardware Apple manufactured. As such, Apple introduced Mac OS X, a fully overhauled Unix-based successor to Mac OS 9. OS X uses Darwin, XNU, and Mach as foundations, and is based on NeXTSTEP. It was released to the public in September 2000, as the Mac OS X Public Beta, featuring a revamped user interface called 'Aqua'. At US$29.99, it allowed adventurous Mac users to sample Apple's new operating system and provide feedback for the actual release. The initial version of Mac OS X, 10.0 'Cheetah', was released on March 24, 2001. Older Mac OS applications could still run under early Mac OS X versions, using an environment called 'Classic'. Subsequent releases of Mac OS X included 10.1 'Puma' (September 25, 2001), 10.2 'Jaguar' (August 24, 2002), 10.3 'Panther' (October 24, 2003) and 10.4 'Tiger' (April 29, 2005). Information from Wikipedia

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iOS Apple Unknown

iPad Apple Unknown

MicroBee Applied Technology Computer 1982

The original MicroBee computer was designed in Australia by a team including Owen Hill and Matthew Starr. It was based on features available on the DG-Z80 and DG-640 S-100 cards developed by David Griffiths, TCT-PCG S-100 card developed by TCT Micro Design and MW6545 S-100 card developed by Dr John Wilmshurst. It was originally packaged as a two board unit, with the lower 'main board' containing the keyboard, Zilog Z80 microprocessor, Synertek 6545 CRT controller, 2K of 'screen' RAM, 2K of character ROM (128 characters) and 2K of PCG (Programmable Character Graphics) RAM (128 characters). Each byte in the screen RAM addressed a character in either the character ROM or PCG RAM. A second board, termed the 'core board', contained the memory, and on later models also included a floppy disk controller. Kit beginnings The computer was conceived as a kit, with assembly instructions included in Your Computer magazine, in June 1982. After a successful bid for the New South Wales Department of Education computer tender, the computer was repackaged in a two-tone beige and black case, and sold pre-built. The 16kB ROM held the MicroWorld BASIC interpreter written by Matthew Starr and DGOS compatible System Monitor. In addition to the 16K ROM, there is additional ROM socket for optional programs such as WORDBEE or EDASM (a Z80 Editor/Asssembler that was written by Ron Harris). Original MicroBees ran at a clock speed of 2MHz, with a video dot clock of 12MHz, which was sufficient to display 64x16 characters (512x256 pixels) on a modified television or composite monitor. The original machines were supplied with 16 or 32K of static RAM, and stored programs on cassette, using Kansas City standard and 1200 Baud encoding. The IC model The IC model was released in 1983, increasing the clock speed to 3.375MHz, and allowing (through use of a 13.5MHz video clock) display of 80x24 characters (640x264 pixels), again on a modified television or composite monitor. It also included a 4K 'Telcom' terminal emulator ROM. Disk machines A floppy disk based machine was also released in 1983. Early disk machines used 56K of static RAM, with a 4K BIOS ROM. They ran CP/M 2.2. The disk controller, based on the Western Digital WD1793 Floppy Disk Controller chip was contained in an add-on card that connected to the core board. The machines used 5.25' floppy disks. Dynamic RAM disk machines with 64 or 128K RAM followed soon after, with a WD2793 Floppy Disk Controller incorporated on the core board. Later disk machines used 3.5' floppy disks. Colour A colour machine was also released in 1983, called the '32K Personal Communicator'. This added a second byte of RAM for each character position, allowing each character to have 2 colours from a palette of 16. The extra circuitry was contained on an additional board mounted under the main board, with numerous messy connections to the main board. The B-ETI Serial Terminal The B-ETI was a Microbee based serial terminal. It could emulate either an ADM-3A or Televideo 912 terminal. The display format was monochrome 80x24 and it supported communication at either 300 baud or 1200 baud. An advertisement for a 'special introductory offer' with an asking price of AUDollar275 appeared in the December 1983 issue of Electronics Today International magazine. The Premium Series MicroBee In 1985, a new mainboard was introduced. The resulting machine was called the 'Premium Series' model. The new mainboard had 8K of screen RAM, 8K of 'attribute' RAM (raising the possible number of PCG characters to 32,768), 8K of colour RAM, and up to 32K (16K installed) of PCG RAM. 16K PCG RAM was sufficient to allow full 512 x 256 bit mapped displays with a limited colour palette. These machines were typically sold with dual-floppy drives (or a 10MB 'Winchester' disc) held in a monitor stand that connected to the main unit. Final versions Microbee 256TCThe final version of the MicroBee, released in 1987, was the 256TC. This increased the memory to 256K of dynamic RAM and had a new keyboard with numeric keypad. The computer had a built in 3.5' floppy disk drive supporting both 800k (DSDD) and 400k (SSDD) formats. Bundled software included 'Videotex' a videotex terminal program, 'Simply Write' (a word processor) and 'Telcom' (a serial terminal emulator program). MicroBee Systems also designed a PC clone, called the 'Matilda', or 640TC, which ran an NEC V20 chip, and emulated the MicroBee CP/M systems in software. An advanced next generation model code named 'Gamma', was based on the Motorola 68000 and Zilog Z80 processors was designed but never made it to the market. Infos from: Wikipedia

1616 Applix Unknown

P-ECE Aquaplus Unknown

2600 Atari Console 1977

The Atari 2600 was released back in September 1977 by Atari. It has been recognized as the console for popularizing the use of the microprocessor hardware and ROM cartridges. The Atari 2600 wasn’t always under that name it was also sold as the Atari VCS butt was later renamed. The console was released with nine games this included some classics such as Outlaw, Space War and Breakout. Throughout the consoles lifetime many games were developed for it by Atari. The game also had many hits such as pong, Pacman and many others that are still well known today. The Atari 2600 came typically was bundled with two joystick controllers, a conjoined pair of paddle controllers and a cartridge game that was firstly Combat and then later was changed to Pacman. The console due its large game library and a low price continued to sell well into the late 1980s and wasn’t discontinued until 1992. The console has sold over 30 million units with the bestselling game for the console being Pacman sitting at 7 million copies. There is still a strong demand for the Atari 2600 but not easily accessible so many people have moved to emulators to be able to relive their childhood growing up with this fantastic console.

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400 Atari Computer

5200 Atari Console 1982

The Atari 5200 or also known as the Atari 5200 SuperSystem is a console developed and introduced to market back in 1982. The console was based on Atari’s already existing 400/800 computer systems with the software being customized for the console. The console did not do very well in the market when compared to its predecessor, the Atari 2600. There were many factors that contributed to this outcome such as initially not being able to play any of the games from the 2600. The Atari 5200 was discontinued only 2 years after being on market with a total of only 1 million units sold. It wasn’t all bad news they did bring a revolutionary new controller with an analogue joy stick to market. As well as the first automatic TV switchbox that allows it to automatically switch from regular TV viewing to a game system signal. They also had 4 ports for controllers where almost every other device on the market at the time only had 2.

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7800 Atari Console 1986

The Atari 7800 or also known as the Atari 7800 ProSystem is a console that was released by Atari back in January 1986. It is often seen that the release in 1986 is considered a re-release because it had originally been announced on 21, May 1984 to replace the aging Atari 5200 but was shelved due to the sale of the company producing it (GCC). Due to this delay it gave the NES time to build up and was dominating the market by the time 7800 was released into the market making it a very hard sell. There were 13 games announced for the consoles launch this included some hits such as Centipede, Dig Dug and Ms. Pac-man. Also due to the strong feedback Atari received regarding not being able to play previous games on the 5200 they made sure this console was able to play almost all the games from the 2600. Also as growing concerns from the community that a home PC was a better investment than a console the system was designed to be fully fledged home computer. You were able to plug in a keyboard and other peripherals such as disk drives and printers. The console even though didn’t do nearly as well as the NES, but was still profitable for Atari, with it managing to sell over 3.8 million units worldwide. On January 1<sup>st</sup> 1992 Atari announced that the production of the Atari 7800 will end only being able to capture 12% while its rival Nintendo controlled 80%

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800 Atari Computer 1985

The Atari 8-bit family is a series of 8-bit home computers manufactured by Atari, starting in 1979. All are based on the MOS Technology 6502 CPU and were the first home computers designed with custom coprocessor chips. Over the following decade several versions of the same basic design were released, including the original Atari 400 and 800 and their successors, the XL and XE series of computers. History Origins Design of the 8-bit series of machines started as soon as the Atari 2600 games console was released in late 1977. The engineering team from Atari's Grass Valley Research Center (who called themselves Cyan Engineering) felt that the 2600 would have about a three year lifespan before becoming obsolete, and started 'blue skying' designs for a new console that would be ready to replace it around 1980. What they ended up with was essentially a 'corrected' version of the 2600, fixing its more obvious flaws. The newer design would be faster than the 2600, have better graphics, and would include much better sound hardware. Work on the chips for the new system continued throughout 1978 and primarily focused on much-improved video hardware known as the Color Television Interface Adapter, or CTIA. During this gestation the home computer revolution 'took off' in the form of the Apple II family, Commodore PET and TRS-80. Ray Kassar, the then-new CEO of Atari from Warner Communications, wanted the new chips to be used in a home computer to challenge Apple. In order to adapt the machine to this role, it would need to support character graphics, include some form of expansion for peripherals, and run the then-universal BASIC programming language. Management identified two sweet spots for the new computers, a low-end version known as Candy, and a higher-end machine known as Colleen (rumored to be named after attractive Atari staff). The primary difference between the two models was marketing; Atari marketed Colleen as a computer, and Candy as a game machine (or hybrid game console). Colleen would include slots for RAM and ROM, a second 8k cartridge slot, monitor output and a full keyboard, while Candy used a plastic 'membrane keyboard' and internal slots for memory (not user upgradable). Both machines were very sturdy with huge internal aluminum shields, originally to meet FCC rules for TV signals emitted in RF space (Part 15 Type I). Apple machines, without a RF modulator, didn't need to meet those requirements (the first model of the TRS-80 actually never met that FCC spec). Atari had originally intended to port Microsoft BASIC to the machine, as had most other vendors, intending to supply it on an 8 KiB ROM cartridge. However the existing 6502 version from Microsoft was 12 KiB, and all of Atari's attempts to pare it down to 8 KiB failed. Eventually they farmed out the work to a local consulting firm, who recommended writing their own version from scratch, which was eventually delivered as ATARI BASIC. The early machines: 400 and 800 The machines were announced in December 1978 as the 400 and 800, although they weren't widely available until November 1979, much closer to the original design date. The names originally referred to the amount of memory, 4 KiB RAM in the 400 and 8 KiB in the 800. However by the time they were released the prices on RAM had started to fall, so the machines were instead released with 8 KiB and 16 KiB respectively. Due to the FCC restrictions, the 400/800 couldn't allow slots like those found on the Apple II computers. Instead, they created a proprietary, expensive serial-based interface called SIO (Serial Input/Output). All external devices were connected using this interface (cassette drive, disk drive, interface box) adding to the cost of ownership. On the 800, the internal slots were reserved for ROM and memory modules. Originally the 800's shipped with 16 KiB, but as memory prices continued to fall Atari eventually supplied the machines fully expanded to 48 KiB, using up all the slots. Overheating problems with the memory modules eventually led Atari to remove the casings on the memory modules, leaving them as 'bare' boards. Later, the expansion cover was held down with screws instead of latches. The Atari 800 sold respectably, but not nearly as well as the Apple machines. The crippling of the 400 only confused buyers, and as the 400 outsold the 800 by some margin, developers were generally loath to use the 800-only features like the second cartridge slot. Liz The 800 was a complex and expensive machine to build, consisting of multiple circuit boards in various locations inside or outside the massive aluminum shield. Additionally the machine was designed to add RAM only through cards, which required expensive connectors and packaging even though it soon shipped fully expanded right from the factory. At the same time the 400 didn't compete technically with some of the newer machines appearing in the early 1980s, which tended to ship with much more RAM and a real keyboard. Another major change was the introduction of the FCC ratings specifically for digital devices in homes and offices. One of the ratings, known as Class B, mandated that the device's RF emissions were to be low enough not to interfere with other devices, such as radios and TVs. Now computers needed just enough shielding to prevent interference (both ways), not prevent any emissions from leaking out. This requirement enabled lighter, less expensive shielding than the previous 400 and 800 computers. In 1982 Atari started the Sweet 8' (or 'Liz NY') and Sweet 16 projects to address these issues. The result was an upgraded set of machines otherwise similar to the 400 and 800, but much easier to build and less costly to produce. Improvements in chip making allowed a number of chips in the original systems to be condensed into one. For comparison, the original 800 used seven separate circuit boards while the new machines used only one. Atari also ordered a custom version of the 6502, the 'C' model, which added a single pin that allowed four support chips to be removed. Sweet 16 also addressed problems with the 800 by adding a new expansion chassis, although it was to be external. Like the earlier machines, the Sweet 8/16 was intended to be released in two versions as the 1000 with 16 KiB and the 1000XL with 64 KiB; RAM was still expensive enough to make this distinction worthwhile. 1200XL When the machines were actually released there was only one version, the 1200XL, an odd hybrid of features from the Sweet 8/16 projects. Notable features were 64 KiB of RAM, built-in self test, redesigned keyboard (featuring four function keys and a HELP key), and redesigned cable port layout. In general terms the 1200XL most closely matched the 'high end' Sweet 16 concept. However the 1200XL also included a number of missing or poorly implemented features. An improved video circuit provided more chroma for a more colorful image, but the line was not connected to the monitor port. The +12V pin in the SIO port was left unconnected; only +5V power was available although some devices made use of the +12V line. Even the re-arrangement of the ports made some joysticks and cartridges difficult or impossible to use. Changes made to the operating system to support the new hardware also resulted in compatibility problems with some older software that did not follow published guidelines. There was no PAL version of the 1200XL. The 1200XL ended up with functionally similar to the existing 800, but at a hefty price point. For all of these reasons the 1200XL sold poorly. There is an often-repeated story, perhaps apocryphal, that 800 sales shot up after the release of the 1200XL, as existing owners tried to snap them up before they disappeared. Released in late 1982, the machine was quickly discontinued in 1983. Newer XL machines By this point in time Atari was involved in what would soon develop into a full-blown price war when Jack Tramiel of Commodore International was attempting to undercut his old enemy Texas Instruments. TI had undercut Commodore's calculator business only a few years earlier, almost driving him from the market, but this time Tramiel's supply was stronger than TI's, and he could turn the tables. Although Atari had never been a deliberate target of Tramiel's wrath, they, along with the rest of the market, were dragged into 'his' price war in order to maintain market share. The timing was particularly bad for Atari; the 1200XL was a flop, and the earlier machines were too expensive to produce to be able to compete at the rapidly falling price points. The solution was to replace the 1200XL with a machine that users would again trust, while at the same time lowering the production costs to the point where they could compete with Commodore. Starting with the 1200XL design as the basis for a new line, Atari engineers were able to add a number of new IC's to take over the functions of many of those remaining in the 1200XL. While the 1200XL fit onto a single board, the new designs were even smaller, simpler, and as a result much less expensive. To reduce cost even further, manufacturing of a new series of machines was set up in the far east. These versions, the 600XL, 800XL, 1400XL and 1450XLD were announced at the 1983 Summer CES. These machines had Atari BASIC built into the ROM of the computer and a Parallel Bus Interface (PBI). The machines looked similar to the 1200XL, but were smaller back to front, the 600 being somewhat smaller than the 800 front-to-back (similar to the original Sweet 8 project). The 1400 and 1450 both added a built-in 300 baud modem and a voice synthesizer, and the 1450XLD also included a built-in double-sided floppy disk drive in an enlarged case. Problems with the new production lines delayed the entry of the machines onto the market. Originally intended to replace the 1200XL in mid-83, the machines did not arrive until late in 1983, and far fewer than anticipated were available during the 1983 Christmas season. Nonetheless, the 800XL was the most popular computer sold by Atari. The 1400XL and the 1450XLD had their delivery dates pushed back, first by the priority given to the 600XL/800XL, and later by the 3600 System. In the end the 1400XL was eventually canceled outright, and the 1450XLD so delayed that it would never ship. By late 1983 the price war that had started the year before was now reaching a crescendo. Although the 600/800 were well positioned in terms of price and features, their entry into the market was so delayed that Commodore dramatically outsold them over the '83 Christmas season. Combined with the simultaneous effects of the video game crash of 1983, Atari was soon losing millions of dollars a day. Their owners, Warner Communications, became desperate to sell off the division. Although Commodore emerged intact from the computer price wars, fighting inside Commodore soon led to Jack Tramiel's ousting. Looking to re-enter the market, he soon purchased Atari from Warner for an extremely low price. Tramiel era: XE series and XEGS The final machines in the 8-bit series were there 65XE and 130XE. They were announced in 1985 at the same time as the initial models in the Atari ST series: the 130ST and 520ST. Originally intended to be called the 900XLF, the 65XE was functionally equivalent to the 800XL minus the PBI connection. The 65XE (European version) and the 130XE had the Enhanced Cartridge Interface (ECI), a semi-compatible variant of the Parallel Bus Interface (PBI). The 130XE shipped with 128 KiB of memory, accessible through bank-selection. An additional 800XE was available in Europe (mostly Eastern Europe), which was essentially a 65XE. XE stood for XL-Expanded. The reason for repackaging the 130XE into the 800XE was Atari trying to ride on the popularity of the original 800XL in Europe. Unfortunately, 65XE and 800XE machines sold in Eastern Europe had a buggy GTIA chip, specifically those machines made in China in 1991. Finally, with the resurgence of the gaming industry brought on by Nintendo, Atari brought out the XE Game System (XEGS), released in 1987. The XEGS was sold bundled with a detachable keyboard (first for an Atari computer), a joystick and a light gun (XG-1), and a couple of game cartridges (Bug Hunt and Flight Simulator II). The XEGS was essentially a repackaged 65XE, and was compatible with almost all Atari 8-bit software and hardware as a result. Bad marketing and a lack of newer releases hampered sales. On January 1, 1992, Atari officially dropped all remaining support of the 8-bit line. Design The Atari machines consisted of a 6502 as the main processor, a combination of ANTIC and GTIA chips to provide graphics, and the POKEY chip to handle sound and serial input/output. The 'support' chips were controlled via a series of registers that could be use-controlled via memory set/get instructions running on the 6502. For example, the GTIA used a series of registers to select colors for the screen; these colors could be changed by inserting the correct values into its registers, which were mapped into 'memory' that was visible to the 6502. Some parts of the system also used user-accessible memory as a buffer, notably the ANTIC's display buffer and its 'display list'(essentially a small assembler language program that told the ANTIC how to interpret that data and turn it into a display). ANTIC ANTIC was a microprocessor which processed display instructions. A complete sequence of instructions was known as a Display List. Each instruction described how a single 'line' on the screen was to be displayed (character or graphics), where it was displayed, if it contained interrupts, if fine scrolling was enabled or not, or where to load data from memory (character sets or graphics information). ANTIC read this display list using DMA (Direct Memory Access), then translated this display list into electrical data for GTIA to process. All calls were performed without any CPU intervention. The ANTIC was primarily responsible for drawing the 'background' of the graphics screen, as well as text. ANTIC then passed off the video data through the GTIA, which added color and drew sprites. The combination led to oddities such as the ability to invert all the text on the screen by changing a value in memory. The character set was easily redirected by changing an ANTIC register, allowing the user to create their own character sets with relative ease. CTIA/GTIA The Color Television Interface Adapter was the graphics chip used in early Atari 400/800 home computers; it was the successor to the TIA chip used in the Atari 2600. The CTIA chip was replaced with the GTIA in later revisions of the 400 and 800 and all other members of the Atari 8-bit family. According to Joe Decuir, George McLeod designed the CTIA (Colleen TIA) in 1977. GTIA, also designed by George McLeod, received graphics information from ANTIC and also controlled sprites, collision detection, priority control and color-luminance (brightness) control to all objects (including DMA objects from ANTIC). GTIA output them as separate digital luminance and chrominance signals, which were mixed to form an analogue composite video signal. POKEY The third custom support chip, named POKEY, was responsible for reading the keyboard, generating sound and serial communications (in conjunction with the PIA). It also provided timers, a random number generator (for sound noise as well as random numbers), and maskable interrupts. POKEY had four semi-independent audio channels, each with its own frequency, noise and volume control. Each 8-bit channel had its own audio control register which selected the noise content and volume. For higher sound resolution (quality), two of the audio channels could be combined for more accurate sound (16-bit). The name POKEY comes from the words 'POtentiometer' and 'KEYboard', which were two of the I/O devices that POKEY interfaced with. This chip was considered one of the Atari's real strengths, and was actually used in several Atari arcade machines of the 80s despite the arcade division not being part of Atari Computers, Inc. Computer models 400 and 800 (1979) – original machines in beige cases, 400 had membrane keyboard, 800 had full-travel keys, two cartridge ports, monitor output, expandable memory slots (up to 48 KiB). 1200XL (1982) – new aluminum and smoked plastic cases, 64 KiB of RAM, only two joystick ports. Help key, four function keys. A new OS caused compatibility problems with some older software. 600XL and 800XL (1983) – replacements for the 400, 800 and 1200XL sans function keys. 600XL had 16 KiB of memory, 800XL had 64 KiB and monitor output. Both had built-in BASIC and an expansion port known as the Parallel Bus Interface (PBI). 800XLF – 800XL with Atari FREDDIE chip and BASIC rev. C. Released in Europe only. 65XE and 130XE (1985) – A repackaged 800XLF with new cases and keyboards. The 130XE came with 128 KiB of RAM and a Enhanced Cartridge Interface (ECI) instead of a PBI. The U.S./Canadian version of the 65XE had no ECI or PBI. XEGS (1987) – a game machine in a light beige case, with a detachable full-travel but slightly 'mushy' keyboard (Atari ST'ish) 800XE – the final machine in the series. Styling the same as 65XE and 130XE. A 130XE with 64 KiB RAM. Mainly seen in Eastern Europe. Prototypes/Vaporware (Never Officially Released) 1400XL – Similar to the 1200XL but with an PBI, FREDDIE chip, built-in modem and speech synthesis chip. Cancelled by Atari. 1450XLD – basically a 1400XL with built in 5.1/4? disk drive and expansion bay for a second 5.1/4? disk drive. Code named Dynasty. Made it to pre-production, but got abandoned by Tramiel. 900XLF – redesigned 800XLF. Became the 65XE. 65XEM – 65XE with AMY sound synthesis chip. Cancelled. 65XEP – 'portable' 65XE with 3.5' disk drive, 5' green CRT and battery pack. Never released 1090 expansion system, 5 slots in a large case (never released, small numbers leaked out) XF354 – 3.5' disk drive Peripherals Atari's peripherals were named after the machines they were intended to be used with, so in general they have names like '410' and '1050'. All of them used the proprietary SIO port, which allowed them to be daisy chained together into a single string; a method also used in Commodore's home computers from the VIC-20 onwards. These 'intelligent' peripherals were more expensive than the standard IBM PC devices, which did not need the added SIO electronics. 400/800 series 410 tape drive, 600 bit/s on cassettes 810 5.1/4' floppy disk, single-density single-sided, 90 KiB 815 dual 5.1/4' floppy disks, double-density single-sided, 180 KiB (only small numbers produced) 820 printer, 40-column dot matrix on adding machine paper 822 printer, 40-column thermal on slightly wider paper 825 printer, 80-column dot matrix (Centronics 737) 830 300-baud modem, using an acoustic coupler, used RS-232 so required an 850 (Novation CAT) 835 300-baud modem, direct connect, basic Hayes compatible with SIO interface 850 expansion system, included four RS-232 ports and one Centronics parallel port CX-85 Numerical Keypad, external keypad that plugs into the joystick ports. XL series 1020 4-color Plotter 1010 tape drive, a smaller replacement for the 410 1020 color printer, 40-column plotter with 4 pens 1025 printer, 80-column dot matrix (Okidata ML-80) 1027 printer, 80-column letter quality that printed with a 5-wheels-on-a-drum system kept inked by a top-mounted roller (Mannesmann Tally Riteman LQ) 1029 printer, 80-column lower-quality 7-pin dot matrix sold in Europe (Seikosha mechanism) 1030 300 baud modem, direct connect 1050 5.1/4' floppy disk, 'enhanced density' format single-sided, 130 KiB 1064 memory module, 64 KiB memory expansion for 600XL CX77 touch tablet XE series XC12 tape drive XEP80 80-column display module, parallel port XC11 tape drive XC12 tape drive (small model like the 1010, sold worldwide). Similar models were released, mainly in Eastern Europe. These included:- XCA12 (same case as XC12) CA12 (same case as XC12) XL12 tape drive (an XC12 with minor changes) XC13 - 'T2000 ready' version of XC12 XF551 5.1/4' floppy disk, double-density double-sided, 360 KiB XMM801 printer, 80-column dot matrix XDM121 printer, 80-column letter quality daisy wheel XM301 300 baud modem SX212 1200 baud modem (also included RS-232 for use on Atari ST computers) In addition to the list above, Atari failed to release a huge selection of machines and peripherals that were otherwise completed. See the externally linked FAQ below for details. Software Built-in and disk operating systems The Atari 8-bit computers came with an operating system built into the ROM. The Atari 400/800 had the following: OS Rev. A - 10 KiB ROM (3 chips) early machines. OS Rev. B - 10 KiB ROM (3 chips) bug fixes. Most common for 400/800. The XL/XE Atari 8-bit models all had OS revisions due to added hardware features and changes. But this created compatibility issues with some of the older software. Atari responded with the Translator Disk, a floppy disk which loaded the older 400/800 Rev. B or Rev. A OS into the XL/XE computers. OS Rev. 10 - 16 KiB ROM (2 chips) for 1200XL Rev A OS Rev. 11 - 16 KiB ROM (2 chips) for 1200XL Rev B (bug fixes) OS Rev. 1 - 16 KiB ROM for 600XL OS Rev. 2 - 16 KiB ROM for 800XL OS Rev. 3 - 16 KiB ROM for 800XE/130XE OS Rev. 4 - 32 KiB ROM (16 KiB OS + 8 KiB BASIC + 8 KiB Missile Command) for XEGS The XL/XE models also came with built-in Atari BASIC. Early models came with the notoriously buggy revision B. Later models used revision C. The standard Atari OS only contained very low-level routines for accessing floppy disk drives. An extra layer, a disk operating system, was added to assist in organizing file system-level disk access. Enter Atari DOS, which, like most home computer DOSes of the era, had to be booted from floppy disk at every power-on or reset. Unlike most others, Atari DOS was entirely menu driven. DOS 1.0 - Initial DOS for Atari. DOS 2.0S, 2.0D - Improved over DOS 1.0, became the standard for the 810 disk drive. 2.0D was for never-released 815 drive. DOS 3.0 - Came with 1050 drive. Used a different disk format from previous DOSes, and was incompatible with DOS 2.0, making it very unpopular. DOS 2.5 - Replaced DOS 3.0 in later 1050s. Functionally identical to DOS 2.0S, but able to read and write Enhanced Density disks. DOS 4.0 - Designed for 1450XLD, cancelled, rights given back to the author. DOS XE - Designed for the XF551 drive. Several third-party replacement DOSes were also available. Graphics capabilities Standard modes While the ANTIC and GTIA chips allowed a variety of graphics modes to be combined, and different playfield widths to be used, the Atari's Operating System provided a basic set of graphics modes. In most cases, these were exposed to Atari BASIC via the 'GRAPHICS' command, and to some other languages, via similar system calls. 40x24 text modes 1 color of text, with each character's 8x8 pixels the same size as those in 320x192 graphics mode, with the same hue restriction. Characters with the high-bit on were represented in inverse-video. 'Lowercase with descenders' mode, which was not available through GRAPHICS, only as part of custom display lists. In this mode characters were 10 pixels high and occupied either the upper or lower 8 pixels of that height. This was not strictly speaking a 40x24 text mode, because of the unusual height. Colored text, where every two bits represents a colored pixel (characters were 4x8 pixels that were the same size as those in 160x192 graphics mode). Characters with the high-bit on were displayed using a 5th color palette registered where the 4th would normally be used. Colored text, where every four bits represents a colored pixel (characters were 2x8 pixels that were the same size as those in 80x192 graphics mode and had the same color limitations). This mode was not directly available through GRAPHICS but required setting GTIA flags in text mode. 20x24 text mode 1 color of text, with each character's 8x8 pixels the same size as those in 160x192 graphics mode. Characters with various bits enabled or disabled (which would normally appear as 'control-characters', lower-case characters, or inverse-video) were displayed with different colored pixels. 20x12 text mode (Same as 20x24 text mode, but with larger pixels and fewer rows of text) 40x24 graphics mode — 4 colors (2 bpp) 80x48 graphics modes — Either 2 colors (1 bpp), or 4 colors (2 bpp) 160x96 graphics modes — Either 2 colors, or 4 colors 160x192 graphics modes — Either 2 colors, or 4 colors 320x192 graphics mode — 2 colors (1 bpp). The pixels were a shade of the playfield color, and could not be different hue. 80x192 graphics modes (GTIA chip only) 9 colors from the color palette registers All 15 Atari hues, but only of one brightness (plus black) All 16 Atari shades, but only of one hue Software-driven modes In 1992, Jeff D. Potter created a GIF decoder and image viewer for the Atari called APACView. APAC, or Any Point, Any Color, was a software-driven method of displaying an image using all 256 of the Atari's possible colors. By taking 80x192 mode lines that displayed 16 hues, and those that displayed 16 shades, and either interlacing rows of them, quickly alternating between rows of them, or both, a screen displaying 80x96 or 80x192 pixels in 256 colors could be perceived. Later, Potter created another GIF decoder, and later a JPEG decoder was created, which broke an image into the three red, green and blue channels. 16 shades of each, at 80x192 pixels, would be displayed in an interlaced and flickering fashion. The human eye's persistence of vision would allow the viewer to see 4096 colors (12 bpp) at 80x192, with slight 'rolling' artifacts in solid red, green or blue fields in the image. This was called ColrView mode. In 1994, Clay Halliwell created a modem terminal program for the Atari (FlickerTerm80) which uses 40x24 text mode, combined with two character sets with an identical 4x8 font — one with the pixels on the left half of the 8x8 grid, the other on the right. By altering where in memory ANTIC looks for graphics, and which font to display, an 80x24 character screen can be displayed. It uses less memory (about 2 KiB) and can be more quickly manipulated, compared to rendering 80x24 characters using a 320x192 bitmap mode (which would require about 8 KiB). In 1998, Bill Kendrick created a puzzle video game for the Atari (Gem Drop) which utilized a similar effect, but by using two alternating character sets (fonts) in colored text. (Each character is 4x8 pixels, each pixel being one of 4 colors.) No color palette changes occurred, and ANTIC's Display List wasn't altered — only a vertical blank interrupt was used to change the character set. This allowed for approximately 13 colors on the screen. Solid color fields that were based on two actual colors (e.g., dark red created by flickering between red and black) had less artifacting because they could be drawn in a checkerboard fashion. This mode was called SuperIRG. (Normal 4x8 multi-colored text on the Atari is called IRG.) In 1996, Atari demo coders HARD Software from Hungary created HARD Interlacing Picture (HIP), which can display 160x192 pixels in 30 shades of grey. It interlaces two modes — 80x192 with 16 shades of grey, 80x192 with 9 paletted colors — and utilizes a bug in the GTIA chip that causes one of the modes to be shifted .1/2 pixel, allowing for a perceived 160 pixels across. Later, other demo coders created RIP graphics mode, which is similar to HIP, but can display 160x192 pixels in color. Infos from Wikipedia

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Atari 2600 Supercharger Atari Accessory 1982

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Atari Classics Atari Arcade

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Falcon030 Atari Computer 1992

The Atari Falcon 030 is the successor of the <a href="computer.asp?c=24">Atari 520 STe</a> and the <a href="computer.asp?c=245">Atari TT 30</a>. It keeps some features these machines : The graphic modes (320 x 200 / 16 colors, 640 x 200 / 4 colors, 640 x 400 / 2 colors, 320 x 480 / 256 colors and 640 x 480 / 16 colors) and the sound chips (the old Yamaha PSG and the two 8 bits PCM channels of the STe). Two new graphic modes have been added : a "small" 256 colors SVGA (640 x 480) and a true color VGA mode (32768 / 65535 colors in 320 x 480). Also when running on a TV, the resolutions are different: True Color mode is 640x480 in PAL and 640x400 in NTSC. The other TV resolutions also have a difference of vertical resolution between PAL and NTSC: 200 or 400 lines in NTSC, 240 or 480 in PAL. New interfaces were added too : an ADC 16bit 50 KHz and a DSP I/O port. The videochip has also genlocking features. The Falcon was sold with the single-task TOS operating system in ROM (4.04). It is the old Atari ST TOS with new functions to handle the DSP and the new graphic modes. The GUI was slightly enhanced with colored icons and 3D windows. Hopefully a multi-task TOS - MultiTOS) was also delivered on disks. This multitasking system uses the MiNT kernel and an enhanced GUI. MiNT (which stands for MiNT is NOT TOS) is a multitasking Operating System with lot of Unix features. It was initially done by Eric Smith. It was bought later by Atari and became then "MiNT is NOW TOS). Atari planned first to put it in ROM, but it was not finished and was shipped on disks.

Jaguar Atari Console 1993

The Atari Jaguar is a console that was released by Atari back 1993. This was the last console to be marketed under the Atari brand until 2004 when they released the Atari Flashback. The system even through marketed as the first 64 bit console to enter the market it was still a commercial failure and thus forcing Atari out of the console market. The console had only sold about 250 thousand. The Jaguar faced many problems that contributed to its failure such as extensive delays in development of the software for the console and also the introduction of products into the market by both Sega and Sony in 1995. The Atari Jaguar had quite a few different accessories that could add functionality to the console. Just to name a few there was the cd add-on, memory track, team tap and many more. There was a total of 82 games released for the console 67 were for the console itself and the other 15 were for the CD add-on. Just to name a few there was Alien Vs Predator, Breakout 2000, Missile Command 3D, Total Carnage and many more.

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Jaguar CD Atari Console 1995

The Atari Jaguar CD or Jag CD was a CD-ROM peripheral for the Atari Jaguar video game console. Late in the life span of the company, Atari released this long-promised CD-ROM unit. The unit hit shelves in mid-1995 and retailed for $149.95[1]. The device sat atop the Jaguar console, plugging into the cartridge slot, and had a funnel-like shape. Due to this, the physical design of the system has sometimes been compared to that of a conventional toilet. The drive had its own cartridge slot to allow cartridge games to be played without removing the CD drive. There was a separate 'Memory Track' cartridge for storing saved game position and high scores. The Jaguar CD unit featured a double speed (2x) drive and built-in VLM (Virtual Light Machine) software written by Jeff Minter. The VLM, which provided a sophisticated video light show when an audio CD was played in the machine, was as popular among buyers as the games themselves. Packaged with the drive were two games (Blue Lightning and Vid Grid), a music CD (Tempest 2000 soundtrack), and a Myst demo disc. Also, the startup screen was different to that of the cartridge-based Jaguar: using the VLM banks it created a random 'light show' that was different every time the console was switched on. However, the startup was silent. Jaguar CD games could include as much as 790MB of data, considerably more than conventional CD-ROMs. The designers chose to ignore established CD-ROM formats and instead created their own based on the audio CD format. While allowing for dramatically more storage on the disc and foiling casual piracy, the format only provided limited error correction. The drive was manufactured for Atari by Philips in the United States. The initial shipment was 20,000 units. Comments from Atari a few weeks after the unit was launched stated that the entire inventory had been sold, and that another batch would be ordered. With the JT Storage reverse takeover looming just a few months away, it is possible, however, that those 20,000 drives were the only units ever produced. The last game released for the Jaguar CD was Gorf in 2005 [2]. While the ratio of CD to cartridge games is fairly low, the CD add-on unit has always held an interest to gamers. In particular, the value of the CD add-on has gone up dramatically in the past few years, mainly due to low supply. Also, it is now possible to (legally) download and burn several encrypted demos (Black Ice/White Noise, Native, Atomic) to play on an actual CD unit with no modification. Due to this, the homebrew sector is active with several titles in progress (Eerievale). A third-party cartridge (Protector SE, B&C's cart) is, however, still required for unencrypted games. The console overall has a high chance for overall system failure, making for an unreliable system Infos from Wikipedia

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Lynx Atari Handheld 1989

The Atari lynx is a handheld console that released back in September 1989 by Atari. It is widely recognised as the world’s first electronic game that has a colour LCD screen/ This handheld device has many several innovative features for its time such as the colour screen, a backlit display, and switchable right/left handed configuration and also the ability to network with up to 17 other unites. While the Atari Lynx started off as successful this eventually started to slow down as more competition came onto the market. Lifetime sales of the Lynx totalled out to be about 7 million units when combined with the game gear. The Gameboy had sold 16 million units by the same time. The handheld console received good praise by the critics at the time with one critic claiming that it “throws the Gameboy into the prehistoric age” citing the built-in object scaling capabilities and the strong multiplayer system gave it a huge advantage over the Gameboy.

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PC Atari Computer 1981

DOSBox is a DOS-emulator that uses the SDL-library which makes DOSBox very easy to port to different platforms. DOSBox has already been ported to many different platforms, such as Windows, BeOS, Linux, MacOS X... DOSBox also emulates CPU:286/386 realmode/protected mode, Directory FileSystem/XMS/EMS, Tandy/Hercules/CGA/EGA/VGA/VESA graphics, a SoundBlaster/Gravis Ultra Sound card for excellent sound compatibility with older games... You can "re-live" the good old days with the help of DOSBox, it can run plenty of the old classics that don't run on your new computer!

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Portfolio Atari Handheld 1989

The Portfolio was one of the first, if not the first MSDOS compatible pocket computer. It was fully compatible with the <a href="computer.asp?c=274">IBM PC</a> standard, although it was difficult to use software because of its very small screen. Its card drive can accept : - optional 32K, 64K or 128K memory (RAM) cards, - 64K or 128K programmable (PROM) cards, - 128K masked ROM cards, - and 512K Flash Memory cards. It had several built-in programs : - Worksheet: Lotus 1-2-3 File-compatible spreadsheet, - Text editor with basic word processing funtions, - Calculator with five memories, four number formats and editable "tape" of calculations, - Address book with virtually unlimited name and address storage and automatic phone dialing, - Personal calendar/appointment book with programmable alarms, - File transfer to upload and download files from compatible PC using optional Smart Parallel Interface, - Clipboard to move or copy data within a file or between files or programs, - and an operating system similar to MS-DOS 2.11 A lot of interfaces were developped for this computer including MIDI I/O. <b>Fun fact</b>: This computer appeared in Terminator 2. It was used by young John Connor to break into an ATM bank machine.

ST Atari Computer 1985

The Atari ST is a home/personal computer that was commercially popular from 1985 to the early 1990s. It was released by Atari in 1985. The 'ST' officially stands for 'Sixteen/Thirty-two', which referred to the Motorola 68000's 16-bit external bus and 32-bit internals. Overview The Atari ST was a notable home computer, based on the Motorola 68000 CPU, with 512 KB of RAM or more, and 3.1/2' floppy disks as storage. It was similar to other contemporary machines which used the Motorola 68000, the Apple Macintosh and the Commodore Amiga. Although the Macintosh was the first widely available computer with a graphical user interface (GUI), it was limited to a monochromatic display on a smaller built-in monitor. The Atari ST was the first computer with a fully bit-mapped color GUI. It had an innovative single-chip graphics subsystem (designed by Shiraz Shivji) which shared the full amount of system memory, in alternating clock cycles, with the processor, similar to the earlier BBC Micro and the Unified Memory systems that have become common today. It was also the first home computer with integral MIDI support. The ST was primarily a competitor to the Apple Macintosh and the Commodore Amiga systems. This platform rivalry was often reflected by the owners and was most prominent in the Demo Scene. Where the Amiga had custom processors which gave it the edge in the games and video market, the ST was generally cheaper, had a slightly faster CPU, and had a high-resolution monochrome display, ideal for business and CAD. Thanks to its built-in MIDI ports it enjoyed success as a music sequencer and controller of musical instruments among amateurs and professionals alike, being used in concert by bands such as Tangerine Dream and 90s UK dance act 808 State. In some markets, particularly Germany, the machine gained a strong foothold as a small business machine for CAD and Desktop publishing work. The ST was later superseded by the Atari TT and Falcon computers. Since Atari pulled out of the computer market there has been a market for powerful TOS-based machines (clones). Like most 'retro' computers the Atari enjoys support in the emulator scene. Tramel Technologies At Commodore International an argument involving Commodore's chairman (and largest shareholder) Irving Gould and Commodore founder Jack Tramiel ensued over Tramiel's desire for his sons to take more active executive roles within Commodore. The argument resulted in Tramiel's immediate departure from Commodore in January of 1984. Tramiel immediately formed a holding company, Tramel Technologies, Ltd., and began to visit various US computer companies with the intention of purchasing a company. Tramiel visited Mindset (run by Roger Badersher, former head of Atari's Computer Division) and Amiga where Tramiel told Amiga staff that he was very interested in the chipset, but not the staff. Tramiel set his chief engineer - Shiraz Shivji the task of developing a new low-cost, high-end computer system. The original design considered using the NS32032, but in talks, National Semiconductor couldn't supply the chip in the numbers or price that the project required. In retrospect this proved to be fortunate as a prototype built on the NS32032 benchmarked slower than the 16/32-bit 68000. The project, codenamed 'RBP' for 'Rock Bottom Price', began to form between April and July 1984 into a design that was almost identical to the ST that eventually shipped. The design was a combination of custom chips and commonly available parts in a highly integrated single-board design, fully equipped with standard and custom ports. Amiga contract Prior to the introduction of the ST, Atari's computer division developed and sold a line of home computers based on the 6502 CPU with a set of custom VLSI processors - ANTIC (DMA), CTIA/GTIA (Graphics), POKEY (AUDIO) and PIA (I/O)from 1979 through 1982 as the Atari 400 (16K) and Atari 800 (48k), in 1982 Atari introduced the 1200XL which was too closed a design and was replaced with the 600XL/800XL series. Atari prepared several high-end computers for introduction in 1984, but these were cancelled when the Tramiels took over Atari. Several months prior to the release of the ST line, Atari released its 65XE (64K) and 130XE(128k) computers to replace the XL series 6502 8bit computers. Jay Miner, one of the original designers for the custom chips found in the Atari 2600 and Atari 8-bit of machines, tried to convince Atari management to invest big money into creating a new chipset and console/computer idea. When his idea was rejected, Miner left Atari to form a small think tank called Hi-Toro in 1982 and set about designing this new chipset. The company which was later renamed Amiga started selling various video game controllers and games while it developed its 'Lorraine' computer system. During development, Amiga had run out of capital to complete the development of its Lorraine chipset, and the 'Warner owned' Atari had paid Amiga to continue development work. In return Atari was to get one-year exclusive use of the design. Atari had plans for a 68000 based machine, code named 'Mickey', that would have used custom chips, but details are sparse. The following year, Tramiel discovered that Warner Communications wanted to sell Atari, which at that point was losing about Dollar10,000 a day. Interested in Atari's overseas manufacturing and world wide distribution network for his new computer, he approached Atari and entered talks. After on again/off again negotiations with Atari in May and June of 1984, Tramiel had secured his funding and bought Atari's Consumer Division (which included the console and home computer departments) that July. As more executives and researchers left Commodore to join Tramiel's new company Atari Corp. after the announcement, Commodore followed by filing lawsuits against four former engineers for theft of trade secrets. This was intented to in effect, bar Tramiel from releasing his new computer. One of Tramiel's first acts after forming Atari Corp. was to fire most of Atari's remaining staff and cancel almost all ongoing projects in order to review their continued viability. It was during this time in late July/early August that Tramiel representatives discovered the original Amiga contract. It turned out that Amiga was supposed to deliver the Amiga chipset to Atari on June 30, 1984. The Amiga crew, having continuing serious financial problems, had sought more monetary support from investors that Spring (one of which had been Tramiel and his TTL, which ended quickly given his desire to replace nearly everyone at Amiga). Having heard rumors that Tramiel was in closed negotiations to complete the purchase of Atari in several days -- at around the same time that Tramiel was in negotiations with Atari - Amiga entered in to discussions with Commodore. The discussions ultimately led to Commodore wanting to purchase Amiga outright, which would (from Commodore's viewpoint) cancel any outstanding contracts - including Atari Inc.'s. So instead of Amiga delivering the chipset, Commodore delivered a check of Dollar500,000 to Atari on Amiga's behalf, in effect returning the funds invested into Amiga for completion of the Lorraine chipset. Seeing a chance to gain some leverage Tramiel immediately used the situation to countersue Commodore through its new (pending) subsidiary, Amiga, which was done on August 13, 1984. He sought damages and an injunction to bar Amiga (and effectively Commodore) from producing anything with that technology. The suit tried to render Commodore's new acquisition (and the source for its next generation of computers) useless and do to Commodore what they were trying to do to him. Meanwhile at Commodore, the Amiga team (according to conversations by Curt Vendel of directly with Dave Needles of Amiga and also with Joe Decuir of Amiga) was sitting in limbo for nearly the entire summer because of the lawsuit. No word on the status of the chipset, the Lorraine computer system or the team's fate was known. Finally in the fall of 1984 Commodore informed the team that the Lorraine project was active again, the chipset to be improved, the OS developed and the hardware design completed. This delay bought Atari several additional months in 1985 to release Atari STs to Atari User Groups in June 1985 and to go into full retail sales of the Atari 520ST in September of 1985. So far as the Atari vs Amiga lawsuit - in March of 1987 the two companies had settled out of court in a closed decision. This chapter is used on Wikipedia with permission from The operating system With the hardware design nearing completion, the team started looking at solutions for the operating system. Soon after the buyout Microsoft approached Tramiel with the suggestion that they port Windows to the platform, but the delivery date was out by about two years, far too long for their needs. Another possibility was Digital Research, who were working on a new GUI-based system then known as Crystal, soon to become GEM. Another option was to write a new operating system in-house, but this was eventually rejected due to the risk. Digital Research was fully committed to the Intel platform, so a team from Atari was sent to the Digital Research headquarters to work with the 'Monterey Team' which comprised a mixture of Atari and Digital Research engineers. Atari's Jim Tittsler was Atari key OS engineer overseeing 'Project Jason' (aka - The Operating System) for the Atari ST line of computers. CP/M-68K was essentially a direct port of CP/M's original, mature operating system. By 1985, it was becoming increasingly outdated in comparison to MS-DOS 2.0; for instance, CP/M did not support sub-directories and did not have a hierarchical file system. Digital Research was also in the process of building a new DOS-like operating system specifically for GEM, GEMDOS, and there was some discussion of whether or not a port of GEMDOS could be completed in time for product delivery in June. The decision was eventually taken to port it, resulting in a GEMDOS file system which became part of TOS (The Operating System). This was beneficial as it gave the ST a fast, hierarchical file system, essential for hard drive storage disks, plus programmers had function calls similar to the IBM PC DOS. Debut of the ST The design shipped in June 1985 to Atari User Groups and then in September 1985 for general retail sales as the 520ST. The machine had gone from concept to store shelves in a little under a year. Atari had originally intended to release versions with 128 KB and 256 KB of RAM as the 130ST and 260ST respectively. However, with the OS loaded from floppy into RAM, there would be little or no room left over for applications to run. The 260ST did make its way into Europe on a limited basis. Early models shipped with TOS on disk, but were designed with ROM sockets to make for easy upgrading to the future ROM based TOS. These became available only a few months later, and were included in all new machines, as well as being available to upgrade older machines. By late 1985 the machines were also upgraded with the addition of an RF modulator (for TV display), a version known as the 520STM. Atari had originally intended to include GEM's GDOS (Graphical Device Operating System), which allowed programs to send GEM VDI (Virtual Device Interface) commands to drivers loaded by GDOS. This allowed developers to send VDI instructions to other devices simply by pointing to it. However, GDOS was not ready at the time the ST started shipping, and was included in software packages and later ST machines. Later versions of GDOS supported vector fonts. On the plus side, the ST was less expensive than most machines, including the Macintosh Plus, and tended to be faster than most (external link: price comparison). Largely as a result of the price/performance factor, the ST would go on to be a fairly popular machine, notably in markets where the foreign exchange rates amplified prices. Indeed, the company's English advertising strapline of the era was 'power without the price.' In fact, an Atari ST and terminal emulation software was much cheaper than a Digital VT220 terminal, which was commonly needed by offices with central computers. Housing The Atari 520STThe 520ST was an all-in-one unit, similar to earlier home computers like the Commodore 64. By the time the 520ST reached the market, however, consumers demanded a keyboard with cursor keys and a numeric keypad. For this reason, the 520ST was a fairly large and awkward computer console. Adding to this problem was the number of large cables needed to connect to the peripherals. This problem was addressed to some degree in the follow-on models which included a built-in floppy disk, though this addition resulted in the awkward placement of the mouse and joystick ports to a cramped niche underneath the keyboard. Early 520ST owners became accustomed to the 'Atari Twist' and the 'Atari Drop' service procedures. 'Atari Twist' seemed to help discharge built-up static electricity (Atari soldered-down the metal shielding to fix the problem) while the 'Atari Drop' appeared to help re-seat chips which may have become partially unseated over time. The case design was created by Ira Valenski - Atari's chief Industrial Designer. The ST was basically wedge shaped, with a series of grilles cut into the rear for airflow. The majority of the machines had keyboards with soft tactile feedback resulting in a 'cheap' feel, with rhomboid function keys across the top edge. The original 520ST design used an external floppy drive; the 1040ST-style case featured a built-in floppy drive. The power supply for the early 520ST was a large external brick while the 1040ST's was inside the machine. Port connections The ST featured a large number of ports mounted at the rear of the machine. Standard ports: RS-232c serial port (DB25 male) Centronics printer port (DB25 female) joystick/mouse ports (DE-9 male) Atari ST mouse MIDI ports (5-pin DIN) ST-specific ports: Monitor port (13-pin DIN) ACSI (similar to SCSI) DMA port (for hard disks and laser printers) Floppy port (to add a second floppy drive) ST cartridge port (for 128 KB ROM cartridges) Because of its bi-directional design, the Centronics printer port could be used for joystick input and several games made use of available adaptors that plugged into the printer socket, providing two additional 9-pin joystick ports. Atari initially used single-sided disk drives that could store up to 360 KB. Later drives were double-sided versions that stored 720 KB. Due to the early sales of so many of the single-sided drives, almost all software would ship on two single-sided disks instead of a single double-sided one, for fear of alienating early adopters. ST magazines wishing to cater to the entire audience while still supplying a large amount of material on a single cover disc had to adopt innovative custom formats to work around this problem. Another sticking point was that while the Atari double-sided drive could read IBM-formatted disks, IBM PCs could not read Atari disks. This was a formatting issue that was later resolved by third-party software formatters and TOS upgrades (1.4 and higher). STF and STFM models Atari ST 1040Atari later upgraded the basic design in 1986 with the 1040STF (also written STF). The machine was generally similar to the earlier 520ST, but moved the power supply and a double-sided floppy drive into the rear of the housing of the computer, as opposed to being external. This added to the size of the machine, but reduced cable clutter in the back. The 1040 shipped with 1 MB of RAM, and the same design was also used for the new 512 KB 520STFM, which replaced the earlier models in the market. The 1040ST was the first personal computer shipped with a base RAM configuration of 1 MB, and when the list price was reduced to Dollar999 in the U.S. it became the first computer to break the Dollar1000/megabyte price barrier, and was featured on the cover of Byte Magazine. However, the ST remained generally the same internally over the majority of its several-year lifespan. The choice of model numbers was inherited from the model numbers of the XE series of the Atari 8-bit family of computers. A limited number of 1040STFs shipped with a single-sided floppy drive. Mega models Initial sales were strong, especially in Europe where Atari sold 75 percent of its computers. Germany became Atari's strongest market, with small business users using them for desktop publishing and CAD. To address this growing market segment, Atari came up with the ST1. First debuted at Comdex, 1986, it was received favorably. Renamed the Mega, this new machine included a detached high-quality keyboard, stronger case (to support the weight of a monitor), and internal bus expansion connector. The upcoming SLM804 laser printer would not come with a processor or memory, reducing costs. It would attach to the Mega through the ST DMA port and have the Mega computer render the pages. Initially equipped with 2 or 4 MB (a 1 MB version, the Mega 1 would later follow), the Mega machines would complement the Atari laser printer for a low-cost desktop publishing package. A custom blitter co-processor was to be included to speed the performance of some graphics operations on the screen, but due to delays it was eventually released on the Mega 2 and Mega 4 machines. Developers wanting to use it had to detect for it in their programs because it was not present on all machines. However, properly-written programs using the screen VDI commands could use the blitter seamlessly since GEM API was a higher-level interface to TOS. Later models For about the first four years, no major design changes in the ST platform took place as Atari focused on manufacturing problems and distribution. ST enhanced In late 1989, Atari released the STE (also written STE), a version of the ST with improvements to the multimedia hardware and operating system. The STE featured an increased colour palette of 4096 colours from the ST's 512 (though the maximum displayable palette of these without programming tricks was still limited to 16 in the lowest 320x200 resolution and even fewer in higher resolutions), Genlock support, and a graphics co-processor chip called Blitter which could quickly move large blocks of data (most particularly, graphics sprites) around in RAM. It also included a new 2-channels digital sound chip that could play 8-bit stereo samples in hardware at up to 50 kHz. Two enhanced joystick ports (EJP) were added (two normal joysticks could be plugged into each port with an adaptor), with the new connectors placed in more easily-accessed locations on the side of the case. The enhanced joystick ports were compatible with joypads from Atari's Jaguar console. RAM was now much more simply upgradable via SIMMs. Despite all of this, it still ran at 8 MHz, and the enhanced hardware was clearly designed to catch up with the Amiga. The STE models initially had software and hardware conflicts resulting in some applications and games written for the ST line being unstable or even completely unusable (sometimes, this could be solved by expanding the RAM). To make matters worse, the built-in floppy disk drives could not read as many tracks on a floppy disk as the built-in floppy disk drives on older models. While this was not a problem for most users, some games used the extra tracks as a crude form of copy protection and as a means of cramming more data onto the disk, and formatting as many as 86 tracks on an '80-track' disk was a common space-expanding option in custom formatting utilities. Furthermore, even having a joystick plugged in would sometimes cause strange behaviour with a few applications (such as First Word Plus). Very little use was made of the extra features of the STE: STE-enhanced and STE-only software was rare, generally being limited to serious art, CAD or music applications, with very few games taking advantage of the hardware as it was found on so few machines. Quality did, however, seem to substitute for quantity, as the coders who took advantage of the new abilities used them to their fullest. The last STE machine, the Mega STE, was a STE in a grey Atari TT case that ran at a switchable 16 MHz, dual-bus design (16-bit external, 32-bit internal), optional Motorola 68882 FPU, built-in 3.1/2' floppy disk drive, VME expansion slot, a network port (very similar to that used by Apple's LocalTalk) and an optional built-in 3.1/2' hard drive. It also shipped with TOS 2.00 (better support for hard drives, enhanced desktop interface, memory test, 1.44 MB floppy support, bug fixes). It was marketed as more affordable than a TT but more powerful than an ordinary ST. The 68030 machines In 1990, Atari released the high-end workstation-oriented TT (32-MHz, 68030-based TT030). Originally planned with a 68020 CPU, the TT included improved graphics and more powerful support chips. The case was a new design with an integrated hard drive enclosure. The final ST computer was the multimedia Falcon (also 68030-based, operating at 16 MHz, but with improved video modes and extensive custom chip provisions, particularly high-quality audio DSPs). Although 68030 microprocessor was capable of using 32-bit memory, the Falcon used a 16-bit bus which impacted performance, but also served to reduce its cost. In another cost-reduction measure, Atari shipped the Falcon in an inexpensive case much like that of the STE. After-market upgrade kits were available that allowed the Falcon to be put in a desktop or rack-mount case, with the keyboard separate. Released in 1992, it was cancelled by Atari the following year. In Europe, C-Lab licenced the Falcon design from Atari and released the C-Lab Falcon Mk I (the same as Atari's Falcon except for some slight modifications to the audio circuitry), Mk II (as Mk I but with a 500 MB hard disk) and Mk X (as Mk II but in a desktop case). Aftermath In 1993, Atari cancelled development on the ST computers to focus on the Jaguar. Following the exit of Atari from the computer market, Medusa Computer Systems manufactured some powerful 3rd-party Atari Falcon/TT-compatible machines that used 68040 and 68060 processors, based around multimedia (particularly audio, but also video), CAD and office uses. Despite the lack of a hardware supplier, there is a small active community dedicated to keeping the ST platform alive. There have been advancements in the operating system, software emulators (for Windows, Mac & Linux), and some hardware developments. There are accelerator cards, such as the CT60 & CT63, which is a 68060 based accelerator card for the Falcon, and there is the Atari Coldfire Project, which aims at developing an Atari-clone based on the Coldfire processor. Milan Computer of Germany also makes 68040 and 68060-based Atari clones that can run either Atari TOS 4.5 or Milan Computer's MultiOS operating system. Music / Sound The ST's low cost, built-in MIDI ports, and fast, low-latency response times made it a favorite with musicians. The ST was the first home computer with built-in MIDI ports, and there was plenty of MIDI-related software for use professionally in music studios, or by amateur enthusiasts. The popular Windows/Macintosh applications Cubase and Logic Pro originated on the Atari ST. Another popular and powerful ST music sequencer application, Dr. T's KCS, contained a 'Multi-Program Environment' that allowed ST users to run other applications, such as the synthesizer patch editing software XoR (now known as Unisyn on the Macintosh), from within the sequencer application. Even today some people (such as Fatboy Slim) are still using the Atari ST for composing music. Music tracker software was popular on the ST, such as the TCB Tracker, aiding the production of quality music from the Yamaha synthesizer ('chiptunes'). An innovative music composition program that combined the sample playing abilities of a tracker with conventional music notation (which was usually only found in MIDI software) was called Quartet (after its 4-note polyphonic tracker, which displayed one monophonic stave at a time on colour screens). Due to the ST having comparatively large amounts of memory for the time, sound sampling packages became a realistic proposition. The Microdeal Replay Professional product featured a sound sampler that cleverly used the ST cartridge port to read in parallel from the cartridge port from the ADC. For output of digital sound, it used the on-board frequency output, set it to 128 kHz (inaudible) and then modulated the amplitude of that. In addition to the sound sampling functionalities, the availability of software packages with MIDI support for music composition and efficient sound analysis contributed to make the Atari ST a forerunner of later computer-based all-in-one studios. Applications Also popular on the ST was professional desktop publishing software, such as PageStream and Calamus; office tools such as word processors (WordPerfect, WordWriter ST and others), spreadsheets and database programs; and various CAD and CAM tools from amateur hobbyist to professional grade, all being largely targeted or even limited to high resolution monochrome-monitor owners. Graphics programs such as NEOchrome, Degas & Degas Elite, Canvas, Deluxe Paint, and Cyber Paint featured advanced features such as 3D design, animation. One paint program, Spectrum 512, used palette switching tricks allowing the maximum number of colors to be displayed on-screen at once (up to 46 in each scan line - the STE never had a Spectrum4096, but other more minor applications filled this speciality niche, one even going so far as to trick the shifter into displaying a maximum 19200 colours). 3D computer graphics applications (like The Cyber Studio), brought 3D modelling, sculpting, scripting, and most important, computer animation (using delta-compression) to the desktop. Video capture and editing applications using special video capture 'dongles' connected using the cartridge port - low frame rate, mainly silent and monochrome, but progressing to sound and basic colour (in still frames) by the end of the machine's life. Software development The Atari ST had a wide variety of languages and tools for development. 68000 assemblers (MadMac from Atari Corp, HiSoft's Devpac), Pascal (OSS Personal Pascal), Modula-2, C compilers (like Alcyon C, Lattice C, Megamax C, Mark Williams C, GNU C, Aztec C), LISP, Prolog, Logo and many others. The initial development kit from Atari included a computer and manuals. At Dollar5,000, this discouraged many from developing software for the ST. Later, the Atari Developer's Kit consisted of software and manuals (no hardware) for Dollar300. Included with the kit were a resource kit, C compiler (first Alcyon C, then Mark Williams C), debugger, and 68000 assembler (plus the non-disclosure agreement). The ST came bundled with a system disk that contained ST BASIC, the first BASIC for the ST. However, due to its poor performance, users favored other BASICs, such as GFA BASIC, FaST BASIC (notable for being one of the few programs to actually be supplied as a ROM cartridge instead of on disc) and the relatively famous STOS, a cousin of AMOS on the Amiga, and powerful enough that it was used (with a compiler, opposed to its usual runtime interpreter) for the production of at least two commercial titles and an innumerable host of good quality shareware and public domain games. Even novelty tools such as SEUCK were available. Games The ST enjoyed success in gaming due to low cost, fast performance and colorful graphics. Notable individuals who developed games on the ST include Peter Molyneux, Doug Bell, Jeff Minter, Jez San, James Hutchby, Dimitri Koveos and David Braben. The first real-time 3D role-playing computer game, Dungeon Master, was first developed and released on the ST, and was the best-selling software ever produced for the platform. Simulation games like Falcon and Flight Simulator II made use of the enhanced graphics found in the ST machines, as did many arcade ports. One game, MIDI Maze used the midi ports to connect with other machines for interactive networked play. Games simultaneously released on the Amiga that had identical graphics and sound were often accused by computer game magazines of simply being ST ports. See List of Atari ST games and Category:Atari ST games. Utilities / Misc Utility software was available to drive hardware add-ons such as video digitisers. Office Productivity and graphics software was also bundled with the ST (HyperPaint II by Dimitri Koveos, HyperDraw by David Farmborough, 3D-Calc spreadsheet by Frank Schoonjans, and several others commissioned by Bob Katz, later of Electronic Arts). There was a thriving output of public domain and shareware software which was distributed by, in the days long before public internet access, public domain software libraries that advertised in magazines and on popular dial-up Bulletin Board Systems. Remarkably, a modest core fanbase for the system, supporting a dwindling number of good quality print magazines, survived to the mid 90s and the birth of the modern, publicly accessible internet as we know it. Despite the limited graphics, memory, and temporary hard storage capabilities of the system, several email, FTP, telnet, IRC, and even full-blown graphical world wide web browser applications are available and usable on the ST. Technical specifications All ST's were made up of both custom and commercial chips: Custom chips ST Shifter 'Video shift register chip' — Enabled bitmap graphics using 32 KB of contiguous memory for all resolutions. Screen address had to be a multiple of 256. ST GLU 'Generalized Logic Unit' — Control logic for the system used to connect the ST's chips. Not part of the data path, but needed to bridge chips with each other. ST MMU 'Memory Management Unit' — Enabled physical memory access up to 4 MB. Maps out the memory space in the ST. ST DMA 'Direct Memory Access' — Used for floppy and hard drive data transfers. Can directly access main memory in the ST. Support chips MC6850P ACIA 'Asynchronous Common Interface Adapter' — Enabled the ST to directly communicate with MIDI devices and keyboard (2 chips used). 31.25 kBaud for MIDI, 7812.5 bps for keyboard. MC68901 MFP 'Multi Function Peripheral' — Used for interrupt generation/control, serial and parallel port. Atari TT030 had 2 MFP chips. WD-1772-PH 'Western Digital Floppy Disk Controller' — Floppy controller chip. YM2149F PSG 'Programmable Sound Generator' — Provided 3-voice sound synthesis, also used for floppy signalling and printer port control. HD6301V1 'Hitachi keyboard processor' — Used for keyboard scanning and mouse/joystick ports. ST/STF/STM/STFM As originally released in the 520ST: CPU: Motorola 68000 @ 8 MHz. 16-bit data/24-bit address bus. RAM: 512 KB or 1 Megabyte Display modes (60 Hz NTSC, 50 Hz PAL, 71.2 Hz monochrome): Low resolution - 320x200 (16 color), palette of 512 colors Medium resolution - 640x200 (4 color), palette of 512 colors High resolution - 640x400 (mono), monochrome Sound: Yamaha YM2149 3-voice squarewave plus 1-voice white noise mono soundchip Drive: Single-sided 3.1/2' floppy disk drive, 360 KB capacity when formatted to standard 9 sector, 80 track layout. Ports: TV out (on ST-M and ST-FM models, NTSC or PAL standard RF modulated), MIDI in/out (with 'out-thru'), RS-232 serial, Centronics parallel (printer), monitor (RGB or Composite Video colour and mono, 13-pin DIN), extra disk drive port (15-pin DIN), DMA port (ACSI port, Atari Computer System Interface) for hard disks and Atari Laser Printer (sharing RAM with computer system), joystick and mouse ports (9-pin MSX standard) Operating System: TOS v1.00 (The Operating System) with the Graphical Environment Manager (GEM) WiMP (Windows, Mouse, Pointer) GUI Very early machines included the OS on a floppy disk due to it not being ready to be burned to ROM (Like the Amiga 1000 had) This early version of TOS was bootstrapped from a very small core boot ROM, but this was quickly replaced with (expanded capacity) ROM versions of TOS 1.0 when it was ready. (This change was also greatly welcomed as older ST machines with memory below 512 KB suffered, as GEM loaded its entire 192 KB code into RAM when booting the desktop). Having the OS loaded from disk was due to Atari (and Commodore) trying to rush the machines to market without ironing out all the bugs in the OS. Soon after this change, most production models became STFs, with an integrated single- (520STF/512 KB RAM) or double-sided (1040STF/1024 KB RAM) double density drive built-in, but no other changes. The next later models used an upgraded version of TOS - 1.02 (also known as TOS 1.2). Another early addition (after about 6 months) was an RF Modulator that allowed the machine to be hooked to a colour TV when run in its low or medium resolution (525/625 line 60/50 Hz interlace, even on RGB monitors) modes, greatly enhancing the machine's saleability and perceived value (no need to buy a prohibitively expensive, even if exceptionally crisp and clear, monitor). These models were known as the 520STM (or 520STM). Later F and FM models of the 520 had a built in double-sided disk drive instead of a single-sided one. STE As originally released in the 520STE/1040STE: All of the features of the 520STFM/1040STFM Extended palette of 4,096 available colours to choose from BLiTTER chip for fast movement of large data blocks around memory Hardware-support for horizontal and vertical fine scrolling and split screen (using the Shifter video chip) DMA sound chip with 2-channels stereo 8-bit PCM sound at 6.25/12.5/25/50kHz and stereo RCA audio-out jacks (using enhancements to the Shifter video chip to support audio shifting) National LMC 1992 audio controller chip, allowing adjustable left/right/master volume and bass and treble EQ via a 'Microwire' (3-bit serial) interface Memory: 30-pin SIMM memory slots allowing upgrades up to 4 MB Allowable memory sizes including only 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, and 4.0 MB due to configuration restraints (however, 2.5 and 3.0 MB are unsupported and have compatibilty problems). Later 3rd-party upgrade kits allow a maximum of 14MB, bypassing the stock MMU Ability to synchronise the video-timings with an external device so that a video Genlock device can be used without having to make any modifications to computer's hardware Analogue joypad ports (2), with support for devices such as paddles and light pens in addition to joysticks/joypads. The Atari Jaguar joypads and Power Pad joypads (grey version of Jaguar joypads marketed for the STE and Falcon) can be used without an adaptor. Two standard Atari-style digital joysticks could be plugged into each analogue port with an adaptor. TOS 1.06 (also known as TOS 1.6) or TOS 1.62 (which fixed some major backwards-compatibility bugs in TOS 1.6) in two socketed 128 KB ROM chips. Socketed PLCC 68000 CPU Infos from: Wikipedia

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XE Atari Computer 1985

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XEGS Atari Unknown

XL Atari Computer

Atlus Atlus Arcade

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Byte II Aussie Unknown

7100 BASF Computer 1982

The BASF 7000 systems are professional computers from Germany. There were several models in the 7000 serie. The model shown is a BASF 7120. The computer was based on a DigiLog (USA) Personal Computer (Microterm II Intelligent Terminal), which had an additional printer built in (the paper came out on the top), but was to faulty to be sold (power supply, monitor control, mechanical construction and more.). The operating system was an "Enhanced commercial BASIC" interpreter and/or an Assembler. .Later on, a CP/M version was released. The CPU frequency was 4.000 MHz and the memory was 64 kByte + FDC. The production ended 1987, after a press release of the "SPIEGEL" magazine and legal trials claimed that due to the lack of a Parity Bit in the Memory, the computer was too unsafe for serious applications. It had 2 CPUs (Z80A) which were able to operate independently and some programs used it for parallel processing(!). One of them was part of the FDC (Floppy Disk Control), the upper of the three PCBs which were found inside. It had a Centronics parallel port and a V.24 / RS232 port at the back. The rocker switches on the right side of the keyboard were used to preset programs (rarely used), as well as the switch banks (DIL-Switches) on the rear side of the computer.

Bridge Companion BBC Computer 1982

The Bridge 3C seems to be a rebranded <a href="computer.asp?c=574">InterSystems DPS-1</a> computer sold with Televideo terminals. Apparently the Bridge 3C was delivered with the following software: CP/M 2.2, BMATE word processor, R80 RATFOR preprocessor, FORTRAN compiler, Enhanced FORTRAN, Pascal-Z and C compiler. The following extensions/options were advertised for the Bridge 3C: - FPP: system calendar, 3 interval timers, one additional serial port, and a 9511 floating point processor with complete software interface. - ROM-EPROM development package including programmer and dual port memory for emulating 2716s - GRX: High resolution graphics package - AD: Hardware and software drivers for 16 channels A/D converters (30 KHz throughput) and 4 channels D/A converters. - MEM: Additional 256 Kb memory - HD: Hard disk drive (30 Mb) with interface and all necessary software updates

Excalibur 64 BGR Computers Unknown

Bashkiria-2M BNPO Unknown

C2 Color & Card Baiyi Unknown

Professional Arcade & Astrocade Bally Console 1977

The Astrocade is an early video game console and simple computer system designed by a team at Midway, the videogame division of Bally. It was marketed only for a limited time before Bally decided to exit the market. The rights were later picked up by a third-party company, who re-released it and sold it until around 1983. The Astrocade is particularly notable for its very powerful graphics capabilities, which were rendered impossible to access by Bally engineers. History Originally referred to as the Bally Home Library Computer, it was released in 1977 but available only through mail order. Delays in the production meant none of the units actually shipped until 1978, and by this time the machine had been renamed the Bally Professional Arcade. In this form it sold mostly at computer stores and had little retail exposure (unlike the Atari VCS). In 1979 Bally grew less interested in the arcade market and decided to sell off their Consumer Products Division, including development and production of the game console. At about the same time a 3rd party group had been unsuccessfully attempting to bring their own console design to market as the Astrovision. A corporate buyer from Montgomery Ward who was in charge of the Bally system put the two groups in contact, and a deal was eventually arranged. In 1981 they re-released the unit with the BASIC cartridge included for free, this time known as the Bally Computer System, and then changed the name again in 1982 to Astrocade. It sold under this name until the video game crash of 1983, and then disappeared around 1985. Midway had long been planned to release an expansion system for the unit, known as the ZGRASS-100. The system was being developed by a group of computer artists at the University of Illinois known as the Circle Graphics Habitat, along with programmers at Nutting. Midway felt that such a system, in an external box, would make the Astrocade more interesting to the market. However it was still not ready for release when Bally sold off the division. A small handful may have been produced as the ZGRASS-32 after the machine was re-released by Astrovision. The system, combined into a single box, would eventually be released as the Datamax UV-1. Aimed at the home computer market while being designed, the machine was now re-targeted as a system for outputting high-quality graphics to video tape. These were offered for sale some time between 1980 and 1982, but it is unknown how many were built. Description In the late 1970s Midway contracted Dave Nutting Associates to design a video display chip that could be used in all of their videogame systems, from standup arcade games, to a home computer system. The system Nutting delivered remains perhaps the most powerful graphics system of the 8-bit generation, and was used in most of Midway's classic arcade games of the era, including Gorf and Wizard of Wor. The basic systems were powered by a Zilog Z80 driving the display chip with a RAM buffer in between the two. The display chip had two modes, a low-resolution mode at 160 x 102, and a high-resolution mode at 320 x 204, both with 2-bits per pixel for four colors. This sort of color/resolution was normally beyond the capabilities of RAM of the era, which could not read out the data fast enough to keep up with the TV display. The chip used a clever trick to work around this problem, technically 'holding the RAS high', allowing them to read one 'line' at a time at very high speed into a buffer inside the display chip. The line could then be read out to the screen at a more leisurely rate, while also interfering less with the CPU, which was also trying to use the same memory. Sadly, on the Astrocade the pins needed to use this 'trick' were not connected. Thus the Astrocade system was left with just the lower resolution 160 x 102 mode. In this mode the system used up 160 x 102 x 2bits = 4080 bytes of memory to hold the screen. Since the machine had only 4k of RAM, this left very little room left over for the program's use, which was used for things like holding the score, or game options. The rest of the program would have to be placed in ROM. The Astrocade used color registers, or color indirection as it was often referred to then, so the four colors could be picked from a palette of 256 colors. Color animation was possible by changing the values of the registers, and using a horizontal blank interrupt you could change them from line to line. An additional set of four color registers could be 'swapped in' at any point along the line, allowing you to create two 'halves' of the screen, split vertically. Originally intended to allow you to easily create a 'score area' on the side of the screen, clever programmers used this feature to emulate 8 color modes. Unlike the VCS, the Astrocade did not include hardware sprite support. It did, however, include a blitter-like system and software to drive it. Memory above 0x4000 was dedicated to the display, and memory below that to the ROM. If a program wrote to the ROM space (normally impossible, it's 'read only' after all) the video chip would take the data, apply a function to it, and then copy the result into the corresponding location in the RAM. Which function to use was stored in a register in the display chip, and included common instructions like XOR and bit-shift. This allowed the Astrocade to support any number of 'sprites' independent of hardware, with the downside that it was up to the software to re-draw them when they moved. The Astrocade was one of the early cartridge-based systems, using cartridges known as Videocades that were designed to be as close in size and shape as possible to a cassette tape. The unit also included two games built into the ROM, Gunfight and Checkmate, along with the simple but useful Calculator and a 'doodle' program called Scribbling. The Astrocade featured a relatively complex input device incorporating several types of control mechanisms: the controller was shaped as a pistol-style grip with trigger switch on the front; a small 4-switch/8-way joystick was placed on top of the grip, and the shaft of the joystick connected to a potentiometer, meaning that the stick could be rotated to double as a paddle controller. Used in combination this set of controls allowed for more complex interaction with the games than any other game controller of the era. By most reports the controllers were excellent, but had the downside of breaking frequently. On the front of the unit was a 24-key 'hex-pad' keyboard used for selecting games and options. Most cartridges included two games, and when they were inserted the machine would reset and display a menu starting with the programs on the cartridge and then listing the four built-in programs. On the back were a number of ports, including connectors for power, the controllers, and an expansion port. One oddity was that the top rear of the unit was empty, and could be opened to store up to 15 cartridges. BASIC The Astrocade also included a BASIC programming language cartridge. Supporting BASIC on the system was very difficult, because the display alone used up almost all the available RAM. The solution to this problem was very complex, yet very clever. BASIC programs were stored in the video RAM by interleaving every bit of the program along with the display itself; BASIC used all the even-numbered bits, and the display got the odd-numbered bits. The interpreter would read out two bytes, drop all the odd-numbered bits, and assemble the results into a single byte of code. This was rendered invisible by setting two of the colors to be the same as the other two, such that colors 01 and 11 would be the same (white), so the presence, or lack, of a bit for BASIC had no effect on the screen. Additional memory was scavenged by using less lines vertically, only 88 instead of the full 102. The end result of all this was to manage to squeeze out 1760 bytes of RAM for BASIC programs. The downside was that most of the graphics system's power was unavailable. BASIC was programmed, laboriously, though this keyboard by assigning each of the keys a single command, number and several alpha characters. These were selected through a set of 4 colored shift keys. This way you simply typed 'WORD'(gold) shift then the '+' key and got GOTO. Specifications Circuit Board and Cartridges CPU: Z80, 1.789 MHz RAM: 4k (up to 64k with external modules in the expansion port) ROM: 8k Cart ROM: 8k Expansion: 64K total Ports: 4 controller, 1 expansion, 1 light pen Sound: 3 voices + noise/vibrato effects (played through the TV) Video Resolution: True 160x102 / Basic 160x88 / Expanded RAM 320x204 Colors: True 8* / Basic 2 The bitmap structure of the Bally actually only allows for 4 color settings. However, through the use of 2 color palettes and a left/right boundary control byte you could have the left section of screen (lets call this the play field) use 1 set of colors while the right side (Info field) used an entirely different set of colors, thus 8 total colors were possible. Graphic type: Bitmap, 2 plane bitpacked Infos from: Wikipedia

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Design Master Bandai Unknown

Gundam RX-78 Bandai Computer September 1983

The Gundam RX-78 was originaly a very popular manga animation movie from the 80's. Bandai then marketed a personal computer under this name... Little is known about this small computer. Since the Gundam Rx-78 was only sold in Japan nearly all the information currently comes from Japanese websites. The capabilities of the RX-78 were not bad at all for 1983, and the space between the keys offered the possibility to use keyboard overlays with games or applications, except maybe for complaints about the poor keyboard quality. It appears that there were two cartridge slots at the back of the system. One slot was often used for the BS Basic programming language and the other could be used for special expansion cartridges (to connect a printer for example). The BS-Basic cartridge was also equipped with connectors to plug a tape-recorder into the RX-78. While games were the main software developed for this computer an asian brand word processor was also available.

Karaoke Ranking Party Bandai Unknown

Pippin Bandai Unknown

Pippin @World & Pippin Atmark Bandai Unknown December 1995

The Pippin @World (black model) is the US version of the Pippin Atmark (white model), which was sold in Japan. Apart from the different colored case, both systems are identical. In the early 90's, several companies tried to market videogame systems based on their computers' technology as those were not selling as much as they should have to. Apple was one of them and designed the Pippin upon the hardware of their second generation Macintosh, like Commodore did with their CD32 based on the Amiga hardware. The Pippin was first marketed as multimedia / game a machine, but after the flop of the 3DO, they re-launched the Pippin as an an internet appliance that also played games. That didn't work either, because, by the time the Pippin was ready to go, PC prices had dropped a lot. By the way, pippin is a type of apples.

Playdia Bandai Unknown

Super Note Club Bandai Unknown

Super Vision 8000 Bandai Unknown

WonderSwan Bandai Handheld 1999

Generation 6th generation era First available 1999 CPU NEC V30 MZ Media Cartidges WonderSwan (Wandasuwan) is a handheld game console released in Japan by Bandai in 1999. It was developed by the late Gunpei Yokoi's company Koto and Bandai. The WonderSwan was made to compete with the Neo Geo Pocket Color and the market leader Nintendo's Game Boy Color (even though the developer for the WonderSwan, Gunpei Yokoi, developed the original Nintendo Game Boy). The WonderSwan was later replaced by the WonderSwan Color. Although some WonderSwan Color games are compatible with the original WonderSwan, many are designed exclusively for the WonderSwan Color and show a message such as 'This cartridge is for WonderSwan Color only' when run on the original WonderSwan. The WonderSwan was available in ten case colors, playable both vertically and horizontally, and features a fairly large library of games. As it was a console designed essentially for the Japanese market, most of the games are in Japanese, with only a few featuring English text. Technical specifications CPU: 16-bit NEC V30 MZ processor at 3.072 MHz Screen: FSTN reflective LCD Resolution: 224 x 144 pixels 2.49 inch diagonal Display performance: Max. 512 characters per layer, max. 128 sprites (32 on one horizontal line), two screens (overlay possible), screen windows and sprite windows. Graphics: 8-shade monochrome in the dot matrix section and six icons at the static section. Audio: 4-channel digital stereo sound. Built-in mono speaker or optional headphones with stereo adapter. Size: 74.3 mm x 121 mm x 24.3 mm Weight: 93g (without battery) 110g (with battery) Power: 1 AA battery or rechargeable pack, Approx.30-40 hours playtime Connecting Ports: Link Port, Stereo Jack & cartridge port Cartridge Capacity: ROM and/or RAM - maximum 128 Mbit (like Beat Mania) Features: Can be played holding the unit vertically or horizontally. Built-in EEPROM and 1Kbit RAM for backing up game data. Several levels of energy-saving control. Infos from Wikipedia

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WonderSwan Color Bandai Handheld 2000

Generation 6th generation era First available December 30, 2000 Media Cartridge Top-selling game Final Fantasy I The WonderSwan Color is a handheld game console designed by Bandai. It was released on December 30, 2000 in Japan, and was a moderate success. The original WonderSwan had only a black and white screen. Although the WonderSwan Color was slightly larger and heavier (7 mm and 2 g) compared to the original WonderSwan, the color version featured 64k of RAM and a larger color LCD screen. In addition, the WonderSwan Color is compatible with the original WonderSwan library of games. Prior to WonderSwan's release, Nintendo had virtually a monopoly in the Japanese video game handheld market. After the release of the WonderSwan Color, Bandai took approximately 8 percent of the market share in Japan partly due to its low price of 6800 Japanese yen (approximately 65 United States dollars). Another reason for the WonderSwan's success in Japan was the fact that Bandai managed to get a deal with Squaresoft to port over the original Famicom Final Fantasy games with improved graphics and controls. However, with the popularity of the Game Boy Advance and the reconciliation between Squaresoft and Nintendo, the WonderSwan Color and its successor, the Swan Crystal quickly lost its competitive advantage. Technical specifications CPU: SPGY-1002, a 3.072 MHz 16-bit NEC V30MZ Clone Memory: 64Kbyte VRAM/WRAM (shared) Screen: FSTN reflective LCD 2.8 inch (71 mm) diagonal no backlight resolution: 224x144 pixels colors: 241 out of 4096 colors Sound: Built-in mono speaker or stereo with optional headphones adapter three settings: mute, soft, loud Link: Two players (adapter needed) Power: one AA battery (Approx.20 hours of game play) Size: 128 by 74.3 by 24.3 mm Weight 95 g (3.35 oz) including battery Personal Data Before a WonderSwan can play games, the player must enter some personal information. The personal data screen can be reached by pressing the start and power buttons simultaneously. It requests a name, birthday (year, month, day), sex and bloodtype. The name will appear under the Bandai logo when the system is turned on. Option settings for default volume and contrast may also be set here. Colors The Wonderswan Color came in 5 basic colors: Pearl Blue, Pearl Pink, Crystal Black, Crystal Blue, and Crystal Orange. Many limited edition colors were also released. Final Fantasy Bundles The Wonderswan Color was also available in limited edition Final Fantasy bundles. These bundles came with either Final Fantasy I or Final Fantasy II along with a Final Fantasy-themed Wonderswan Color. Infos from Wikipedia

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Banpresto Banpresto Arcade

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Pocket Challenge V2 Benesse Handheld 2001

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Pocket Challenge W Benesse Unknown

Huebler-Evert-MC Bernd Huebler & Klaus-Peter Evert Unknown

Huebler-Grafik-MC Bernd Huebler Unknown

BIT 90 Bit Corporation Computer 1983

This is an obscure and rare system, compatible with Colecovision cartridges, just like the <a href="computer.asp?c=57">Coleco Adam computer</a>. Apparently, BIT Corporation was involved in the development of the Colecovision project. So this system is maybe not a outlaw project after all. This computer had a completely rubber keyboard a bit like the <a href="computer.asp?c=223">ZX-Spectrum</a>. Basic statements and graphic symbols could be accessed via combinations of "function" keys such as CTRL, BASIC, FCTN and a special symbol key. The BIT-90 could display 16 colors and 32 sprites, with a high-resolution of 256 x 192 pixels. Like its little brother the <a href="computer.asp?c=367">BIT-60</a>, the BIT 90 could directly accept <a href="computer.asp?st=2&amp;c=755">Colecovision</a> cartridges, and <a href="computer.asp?st=2&amp;c=878">Atari 2600</a> cartridges through a special interface. The BIT-90 bears a striking resemblance with the <a href="computer.asp?c=206">Sega SC-3000</a> computer. It is not compatible, but share a lof things in common. The main common point is that they are both designed around the powerful Texas-Instruments Video Display Processor TMS-9929A which was revolutionnary for the time. A lot of systems used it, and that explains the common feeling when using them: Colecovision, Creativision, MSX computers, Sega SG-1000, Sega-SC3000, Tomy Tutor, Casio PV-1000/2000, etc.. not to forget the TI-99/4 which of course the first to use that VDP. The BIT-90, like the BIT-60 seems to have been available in different colored models, at least one white and one grey. Maybe due to legal problems, this computer didn't last long.

Gamate Bit Corporation Handheld

12 Bondwell Unknown

14 Bondwell Unknown

2 Bondwell Unknown

B1000 Series Burroughs Unknown

B20 Burroughs Unknown

MC-1000 CCE Computer February 1985

What a weird computer !! Though it has a lot of similarities with other computers of that time, it seems to be however an original Brazilian production, a kind of mix between several popular systems. Its name MC-1000 is strangely close to <a href="computer.asp?c=163">MC-10</a> from Tandy. It uses the same video-controller (Motorola MC-6847) but Sound chipset (GI AY-3-8910) and CPU (Z80A) are different. The character set is almost identical, but keyboard layout and Basic statements are not the same (PLOT vs SET, LOAD vs CLOAD, HOME vs CLS, etc.) Maybe the closest system would be the <a href="computer.asp?c=803">Samsung SPC-1000</a>. It has the same CPU, Video processor and Sound processor ! But sadly nearly nothing is known about it... At first sight it doesn't look the same at all, but internaly there are very close. Finally it is also strangely similar to the <a href="computer.asp?c=420">Charlemagne / GEM-1000 / Junior Computer from GEM</a>, or the <a href="computer.asp?c=1328">Rabbit RX83 computer</a> which seem to be the same computer... and indeed they are ! A former CCE employee reports (<a href="" target="_blank">Source</a>) that the original design of the MC1000 was Chinese. A Chinese engineer/representative came to Brazil to present the project to CCE. It was not presented as a final product already in production, but as a prototype. Some partnership was effectively established between CCE and the Chinese factory for the production of the MC1000. He was not reverse engineered. There was a lot of development: Hardware adaptations (for PAL-M, for example, or to adapt components), case, keyboard design, visual identity, packaging, software? The engineering staff worked many months to finalize the product. For the ROM, CCE received very little: just the dump and an assembly listing without comments... _____________ Thanks to Cesar Cardoso for the following information : <font color="#666666">BACKGROUND ON HISTORY: from 1976 to 1990-1992, Brazil had a market reserve policy on microcomputers and selected computing items, i.e. only Brazilian companies could manufacture these items. But most companies only copied foreign computers and only a small part of it created their own technology, like Scopus and a MS-DOS clone called SISNE. This little monster was a genuine Brazilian computer! CCE was a electronics manufacturer known for their low prices and low quality products. They released <a href="computer.asp?c=68">Apple II</a> and PC compatible machines, but developed their own computer, the MC-1000. Hardware-wise, it's close to a <a href="computer.asp?c=90">MSX</a>, with some big project problems (the text mode, unsuitable for something more serious, and the printer port, which was external and sold separately). The most heard word of this computer is "vaporware". CCE made a lot of them for this computer. The biggest of them all: disk drives. Hey, in 1985 disk drives was an essential peripheral of ANY computer - and CCE promised drives. Drives and CP/M - MC-1000 could have been a decent CP/M machine. They promised, promised... and never delivered. So people got tired of waiting and gave up on this computer.</font> <a href="doc.asp?c=331"><img src="graphs/readmore.gif" border="0" vspace="4"></a>

COMX-35 COMX Computer 1983

The COMX-35 was a home computer that was one of the very few systems to use the RCA 1802 microprocessor, the same microprocessor that is also used in some space probes. From the outset the 1802 has also been available fabricated in Silicon on Sapphire semiconductor process technology, which gives it a degree of resistance to radiation and electrostatic discharge (ESD). It had a keyboard with an integrated joystick instead of cursor keys. Although it came on the market relatively late (1983), it was relatively inexpensive and came with a large collection of software. It was manufactured in Hong Kong by 'COMX World operations limited'. Technical specifications CPU: CDP 1802 at 2.813 (PAL) or 2.835 MHz (NTSC) RAM: 35KB (67KiB max.) ROM: 16KB with Basic interpreter VIS: (Video Interface System) CDP1869/CDP1870 Text modes: 40 columns x 24 lines. Alternative 20x24, 40x12 and 20x12 Character set: 128 Programmable characters, the default character set displayed only uppercase characters Character size: 6x9 (PAL) or 6x8 (NTSC) pixels, alternative up to 6x16 Graphics modes: None, but the character-set was re programmable to simulate a 240x216 High Resolution display Colours: 8 foreground colors (with a limited choice of characters that would be displayed in each color) + 8 background colors (for the whole screen) Sound: 1 channel 'beep generator' with an 8 octave span, 16 volume steps and special effects. RAM The 'COMX 35' was called '35' due to the amount of 35K RAM in the machine, this included 32K actual user RAM of which roughly 30K was available for actual basic the rest was used for system parameters and reserved for use by the basic system ROM. An additional 3 K was included as video RAM, for details see the Video Interface System chapter. Video Interface System The COMX used the RCA CDP1869 and CDP1870 Video Interface System (VIS), consisting of the CDP1869 address and sound generator and the CDP1870 colour video generator. The COMX automatically selected operation in PAL or NTSC, this was done via the PAL/NTSC input on the VIS. Also during start-up the system ROM detected PAL/NTSC by checking EF2. EF2 gave PAL/NTSC information before the first pulse on the Q line, after this EF2 was used for keyboard handling. The VIS ran on 5.626 MHz for a PAL and 5.67 MHz for an NTSC machine. This frequency was divided by 2 and output via CPUCLK (pin 38) to the CDP 1802 for timing of the CPU (2.813 and 2.835 Mhz). The VIS was also responsible for the timing of the interrupt (50/60 Hz) and timing of the non display period via PREDISPLAY (pin 1). Video memory could only be accessed during the non display period which allowed for execution of 2160 machine cycles on a PAL and 1574 on an NTSC machine. Provided that not more instructions were executed than the indicated maximum number of machine cycles video memory could be accessed during the interrupt routine. Alternatively the program could be paused by waiting for a non display period by checking EF1. The Video memory consisted of 2 parts, 1K RAM page memory and 2K RAM character memory. The page memory stored the ASCII code for each character position on the screen. The screen had 960 characters where position 0 (left top corner) could be accessed by memory location @F800 (before scrolling). The character memory stored the character definition of each ASCII character and could be accessed by memory location @F400-@F7FF. Character memory could be accessed via different methods see also the VIS data sheet. Models The COMX 35 came in two colours, either a white or black keyboard. Later models also included a monitor connection. The second COMX home computer was called the COMX PC1 which was basically the same hardware as the COMX-35 with a better keyboard and a joystick connection. Peripherals The COMX 35 had one 44 pin external connector for additional expansion options in the form of interface cards. Memory location @C000-DFFF was reserved for use by any interface card, either to connect ROM, additional RAM or for other purposes. The following HW was available: Expansion Box The expansion box allowed up to 4 interface cards to be connected to the COMX 35. The expansion box also included a firmware rom connected to memory location @E000-@EFFF which extended basic with commands and logic to switch between different interface cards. Next to the standard firmware rom there was an adaptation made by F&M (Frank and Marcel van Tongeren) this ROM added a screen editor feature to COMX basic. Floppy Disk Controller The COMX Floppy disk controller allowed connection of 5.25 disk drives. The controller used the WD1770 with a speed of 8 Mhz. The DOS ROM was selected between address C000-DFFF and was also mapped over address DD0-DDF of the basic ROM. COMX DOS supported 35 tracks for both single and double sided disks and 70 tracks on single sided disks. Every track consisted of 16 sectors and every sector of 128 bytes, resulting in disk files of max 140K. Printer Card The COMX Printer card allowed connection of parallel and serial printers. Depending on what type of printer was connected the firmware rom was selected either with the parallel firmware between memory location @C000-@CFFF and the serial firmware between memory location @D000-@DFFF or the other way around. Thermal Printer and Card The COMX Thermal Printer came including a dedicated interface card, printing was done on thermal paper by using a head that with 9 pins which could heat the paper and as such print both text and images. You needed to be careful when writing your own printer drivers, which was needed for graphic printing, as it was very easy to 'burn' the printer head. 32K RAM Card The COMX 32K RAM card placed additional RAM from address @C000 to @DFFF, i.e. only one 8KB bank of the available 32K at a time. To switch to a different 8K bank the OUT 1 instruction needed to be used via 1802 assembler code. Bit 5 and 6 were used for the RAM bank selection (bit 1 to 4 were used for the expansion box slot selection). 80 Column Card The COMX 80 Column card added possbility to use basic with a text mode of 80x24. The MC6845 was used as video chip. F&M Joy Card This card was not developed by COMX but was a home made extension by F&M, only a handfull were ever made! The card had connections for 2 joysticks and came with a simple game and supporting software. Infos from: Wikipedia

Buzztime Trivia Cadaco Unknown

Z88 Cambridge Computer Handheld 1988

Amstrad bought the rights to use the Sinclair name on computer products. However, while Sir Clive Sinclair (the creator of the <a href="computer.asp?c=262">ZX 80</a>, <a href="computer.asp?c=263">ZX 81</a>, <a href="computer.asp?c=223">ZX Spectrum</a> and <a href="computer.asp?c=199">QL</a>) retained ownership of Sinclair Research, he couldn't use the Sinclair name. Sir Sinclair therefore created a new company called Cambridge Research, with the intention of realizing an old project, the Pandora Project. The result of this work was the Z88 (it was achieved in 1988). Sir Sinclair at the time thought it was a revolution and said that this computer would be one of the best commercial successes. Actually it was Clive Sinclair's last contribution to the computer world! This small machine was quite powerful; its operating system could exceed the 64 KB limitation of the Z80 with a good memory manager. It could also divide the memory into 16 KB pages, so the RAM could be expanded up to 3 MB thanks to 2 expansion ports. RAM cartridges of 32 KB and 128 KB were available. It had a built-in EPROM programmer available on the 3rd expansion port, so data could be saved directly on 128 KB EPROMs. The ROM contained a lot of software: Pipedream (spreadsheet, word processor and database), the Z80 version of the BBC Basic (the Basic of the BBC or Electron), a diary, a calendar, a clock, a conversion tool, a VT 52 terminal emulator, Filer (the file manager of the Operating System) and a utility to transfer data to a PC compatible via a RS232 link. This transfer utility exported text and spreadsheet files into Wordstar or Lotus 1-2-3 formats. It's probably worth pointing out that BBC basic built into the Z88 also contains a machine code editor, which allows you to embed Z80 assembly language into your Z88 BBC Basic programs! This feature was used quite often for the 'extra speed' portions of programs. Of course, having the assembly language embedded inside your source code meant that the code was very portable, and all loaded in one go - no messy 'support files' for your application. Jan M.L. Bosmans reported to us that the BBC Basic in the Z88, although very powerful, lacks an essential feature: there is neither an editor nor debugger! This means that mistakes in a line can only be corrected by typing the whole line again. While it's true that the BBC basic had no editor built in, but one of the first 'type in programs' in the BASIC section of the manual was a program you could enter (and save to battery backed memory) that provided a line editor feature! It was just a few lines of BBC Basic, and worked very well. _________ <font color="#666666">Contributors: John J. Diamond, Mark Wills</font>

Lynx Camputers Computer 1983

The Lynx 48 was a competitor of the <a href="computer.asp?c=223">Sinclair Spectrum</a> and the <a href="computer.asp?c=180">Oric 1</a>. It was a good machine but its main problem was a lack of software. Several models were available with 48 KB, 96 KB or 128 KB RAM, and it was possible to reach 192 KB with on-board RAM expansions! There is even a monitor in the Lynx's ROM which allowed the user to write and edit programs written in machine code. The 96 KB and 128 KB versions featured 4 KB of additional ROM memory (mirrored twice for obscure reasons) with lots of extra commands for sound effects, such as laser and klaxon, and for using 24 KB of dedicated RAM as data space. The Lynx Basic has really cool features, unseen on other systems of its category, like REPEAT-UNTIL and WHILE-WEND statements, and automatic indenting of procedures! The graphic possibilities were excellent, especially with the 128 KB model, and CP/M could be used with the optional 5.25" disk-drive and 96 KB or better models. However, the Lynx had no great success outside Great Britain. The designer of the Lynx is John Shireff, an ex-drummer. Some hardware devices on the bus had potentially contentious outputs. This meant that you had to be quite brave if you wanted to program in assembly language - if you made a mistake, you could damage the hardware itself. This was highlighted in the user manual! Camputers ceased trading in 1984. Several companies expressed an interest in buying the business, and in November, 1984, a firm called Anston Technology took over. A re-launch was planned but never happened, and in June, 1986 Anston sold everything - hardware, design rights and thousands of cassettes - to the National Lynx User Group. The group planned to produce a Super-Lynx but was too busy supplying spares and technical information to owners of existing models, and the project never came into being. _________ <font color="#666666">Contributors: John J. Diamond (editor), Richard Hince</font> <a href="doc.asp?c=158"><img src="graphs/readmore.gif" border="0" vspace="4"></a>

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X-07 Canon Handheld 1983

The Canon X07 was very popular. The RAM could be extended thanks to small cards (which looked like credit cards), although these cards were very expensive. ROM cards were also available for professional applications. The Canon X07 had a video interface and uses a cathodic screen. Thanks to this interface, the X07 could use a new text mode, 40 x 24, and a new graphic mode, 256 x 192, with 6 colours. It is unknown if the two displays could be used simultaneously. An infrared interface was also available to allow the connection of peripherals without the use of cables. ____________ <font color="#666666">Contributors: John J. Diamond (editor)</font> <a href="doc.asp?c=258"><img src="graphs/readmore.gif" border="0" vspace="4"></a>

Capcom Classics Capcom Arcade

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Capcom Play System 1 Capcom Arcade 1988

Arcade Board First available 1988 CPU Motorola 68000 Media Arcade The CPS-1 (shipi shisutemu) or Capcom Play System 1 is an arcade system board by Capcom that debuted in 1988 with Forgotten Worlds and Ghouls 'n Ghosts. Street Fighter II, one of the most popular fighting games of all time, ran on this board. History After a number of arcade game boards designed to run only one game, Capcom embarked upon a project to produce a system board that could be used to run multiple games, in order to reduce hardware costs and make the system more appealing to arcade operators. The design of the board had only two incarnations, the later version adding the QSound hardware and Kabuki encrypted sound program ROMs. The system was plagued by many bootleg versions of its games. In particular, there were so many bootleg versions of Street Fighter II, they were in some countries more common than the official version. This problem was virtually eliminated by Capcom in the later CPS-2. The CPS-1 hardware was also utilized in Capcom's unsuccessful attempt at home console market penetration, the CPS Changer. Specifications Main CPU: Motorola 68000 at 10 MHz Sound CPU: ZiLOG Z80 at 4 MHz Sound chip(s): Yamaha YM2151 at 3.57958 MHz + OKI MSM6295 at 7.576 kHz or QSound at 4 MHz Maximum number of colors: 4096 (12 bit RGB) Colors per tile: 16 (4 bits per pixel) Maximum number of objects: ? Scroll faces: 3 Scroll features: Horizontal & vertical scrolling, linescroll Resolution, pixels: 384x224 Infos from Wikipedia

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Capcom Play System 2 Capcom Arcade 1993

Arcade Board First available 1993 CPU Motorola 68000 Media Arcade The CPS-2 (shipi shisutemu tsu) or Capcom Play System 2 is an arcade system board that debuted in 1993 with Super Street Fighter 2 and Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom. History The earlier Capcom system board, CPS-1, while successful, was very vulnerable to bootleggers making unauthorized copies of the games. In order to rectify the situation, Capcom took the CPS-1 hardware (with QSound) with minimal changes and employed encryption on the program ROMs to prevent software piracy. The CPS-2 consists of 2 separate parts; the A board, which connects to the JAMMA harness and contains components common between all CPS-2 games, and the B board, which contains the game itself. The relationship between the A and B board is basically the same as that between a home video game console and cartridge. CPS-2 A and B boards are color-coded by region, and each board can only be used with its same-colored mate. The exception to this is that the blue and green boards can be used together. The B boards hold battery-backed memory containing decryption keys needed for the games to run. As time passes, these batteries lose their charge and the games stop functioning, because the CPU cannot execute any code without the decryption keys. This is known to hobbyists as the "suicide battery". It is possible to bypass the original battery and swap it out with a new one in-circuit, but this must be done before the original falls below 2V or the keys will be lost. Due to the heavy encryption, it was believed for a long time that CPS-2 emulation was next to impossible. However, in January 2001, the CPS-2 Shock group was able to obtain unencrypted program data by hacking the hardware and provided XOR difference tables to produce this data from ROM images, making emulation possible, as well as restoring cartridges that had been erased because of the suicide system. The legality of these difference tables is disputed. In January 2007, the encryption method was fully reverse-engineered by Andreas Naive and Nicola Salmoria. It has been determined that the encryption employs two four-round Feistel ciphers with a 64-bit key. The algorithm was thereafter implemented in this state for all known CPS-2 games in MAME. Also thanks to the encryption, the system was never bootlegged until unencrypted program data became available. Specifications Main CPU: Motorola 68000 at 16 MHz Sound CPU: ZiLOG Z80 at 8 MHz Sound chip: QSound at 4 MHz Maximum number of colors: 4096 (12 bit RGB) Colors per tile: 16 (4 bits per pixel) Maximum number of objects: 900 (16x16 pixels) Scroll faces: 3 Scroll features: Horizontal & vertical scrolling, linescroll Resolution, pixels: 384x224 Region colors Blue: U.S.A., Canada, and Europe Green: Japan Orange: South America Gray: Asia Yellow: "Region 0" (available by rental only) Black: "Region 0" incorporated A and B board in the same unit Infos from Wikipedia

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Capcom Play System III Capcom Arcade 1996

Arcade Board First available 19 CPU Hitachi HD6417099 (SH-2) Media Arcade The CPS-3 (shipi shisutemu suri) or Capcom Play System 3 is an arcade system board that was introduced by Capcom in 1996 with the game Warzard (known as Red Earth outside Japan). History The CPS-3 was the last arcade system board manufactured by Capcom. It features a security mechanism; games are supplied on a CD, which contains the encrypted game contents, and a security cartridge containing the game BIOS and the SH-2 CPU with integrated decryption logic, with the per-game key stored in battery-backed SRAM. When the CPS-3 board is first powered on, the contents of the CD are flashed onto a bank of SIMMs on the motherboard, where it is executed. The program code is then decrypted at run time via the security cartridge. The security cartridge is sensitive to any sort of tampering, which will result in the decryption key being erased and the cartridge being rendered useless. Games became unplayable when the battery inside the security cartridge died, which had to be replaced at cost to the owner. Furthermore, the CPS-3 was only capable of 2D graphics at a time when most games were being developed with 3D hardware in mind. In June 2007, the encryption method was reverse-engineered by Andreas Naive, making emulation possible. The encryption turned out to be a fairly straightforward combination of rotates and XORs. Specifications Main CPU: Hitachi HD6417099 (SH-2) at 25 MHz Storage: SCSI CD-ROM drive RAM (variable amount) Flash ROM: 8 x 16 MiB Sound chip: 16-channel 8-bit sample player, stereo Maximum number of colors: 32768 (15 bit colour, 555 RGB) Palette size: 131072 pens Colors per tile (backgrounds / sprites): 64 (6 bits per pixel) or 256 (8 bits per pixel), selectable Colors per tile (text overlay): 16 (4 bits per pixel) Maximum number of objects: 1024, with hardware scaling Scroll faces: 4 regular + 1 text overlay 'score screen' layer Scroll features: Horizontal & vertical scrolling, linescroll, linezoom Framebuffer zooming Color blending effects Hardware RLE decompression of 6 bpp and 8 bpp graphics through DMA Resolution, pixels: 384x224 (standard mode) / 496x224 (widescreen mode) Known games on this hardware: 6 Infos from Wikipedia

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Casio Casio Unknown

CFX-9850 Casio Unknown

FP-1000 & FP-1100 Casio Computer 1983

The Casio FP-1000 and FP-1100 were essentially the same machine, except that the 1100 had colour capabilities, 48 KB VRAM and enhanced graphic mode (640 x 400). The FP-1100 came with either a monochrome (green) monitor which would display colour as shades, or the colour monitor. The cable feeding the video to the monitor was a simple 2 core unsheilded RCA cable. The mono minitor had a switch at the back so that one could swap foreground and background (green on black or black on green) Both the FP-1000 and FP-1100 had a built in OS called C82 BASIC. To run CP/M, you had to insert your systems diskette and reboot the computer, or if the program diskette had it's own boot strap, you could issue a "mount [1,2]" command where the number [1/2] indicated the diskette drive you wanted to use. You could run multiple console sessions on the FP-1000/1100 toggling between them with the blue function keyboard keys that can be seen on the image. Some programs (eg SuperCalc) ussurped these keys and you were stuck in the console session until you stopped the program. <font color="#666666">Thanks to <b>Zieg Nielsen</b> for the info.</font> <a href="doc.asp?c=101"><img src="graphs/readmore.gif" border="0" vspace="4"></a>

Loopy Casio Console 1995

The Casio Loopy, subtitled My Seal Computer SV-100, is a 32-bit games console sold exclusively in Japan. Released in October 1995, It was unique in that the marketing for it was completely targeted to the female market. Only 10 games were released for it, most being in the GxB and dress-up genres. A very interesting feature of this machine was that it included a built-in thermal color printer that could be used to create stickers from game screenshots. An optional accessory, called Magical Shop, allowed the machine to be used with outside devices (such as VCRs and DVD players) to obtain images from them, add text, and make stickers from those as well. The machine features only one controller port. (info from Wikipedia)

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PB-1000 Casio Handheld 1987

The Casio PB-1000 was an original, well designed and powerful pocket computer for its time. On top of its standard QWERTY keyboard, a row of sensitive keys allowed fast scientific calculations, menus access and text editing. The 4-line LCD display also had 16 sensitive areas. The computer could be programmed either in Basic or Assembly language. The C61 Basic interpreter, based on Japan Industrial Standard BASIC, had a wide range of built-in mathematic, trigonometric and statistic functions. Assembly programs had to be typed by using the built-in editor then compiled. The user's manual gave little information about CPU instructions and, oddly enough, Casio and it's distributors never released a full description of the whole CPU's instructions set, although Casio published an incomplete "Technical Reference Manual". The processor was an Hitachi HDS61700. It contained a small amount of ROM and RAM, as well memory management and I/O circuitry. The memory was managed like a virtual disk. Several Basic or Assembly programs as well as ASCII text could be stored together in the same RAM area. Two extensions were released for the PB-1000, the FA-7 Serial, Parallel and tape recorder interface, and the rare MD-100 3.5" floppy drive unit. The PB-1000 was followed by the <b>PB-2000</b> which lost the lift up display but had the unique feature of being programmable in ANSI C language.

PB-2000C Casio Unknown

PV-1000 Casio Console 1983

Casio of Japan, a successful electronics manufacturer, released their one and only video game console, the Casio PV-1000 in October of 1983 for 14,8000 yen (Dollar129 USD). Debuting against the likes of the Sega SG-1000 and the Nintendo Famicom, this extremely rare and obscure system rapidly was an afterthought and not to be seen on video game store shelves shortly after its release. The PV-1000 itself is not unattractive and the housing feels very well constructed utilizing thick, durable plastics. Dark-teal in color and rectangular in shape, the soft, curved molding culminates with the game cartridge tier. The front inputs are simple but elegant - two joystick ports are centered in the front of the unit face. The back features the same no-nonsense approach with the power connection and RF connectors anchoring the far left and right. The power toggle switch is located on the right side and there is a port on the left side of the system that resembles a PC connector of some sort (use unknown to me). Overall, the PV-1000 design is sleek, unobtrusive and modern compared to its counterparts. Powered by a Z80A micro-processor at 3.5Mhz and 2Kb of RAM, this engine was able to display games at a resolution of 256 x 192 pixels in 8 colors. Games were released on cartridges approximately the size of Nintendo Famicom carts. A total of 15 games were released for this system, mostly ports of earlier Casio releases for MSX compatible computers including Pooyan, Amidar, Tutankhamon and Dig-Dug. Overall video quality is comparable to the Colecovision. Game control is driven through a solid joystick featuring one (1) fire button at the top of the it along with a 'start', 'select' and a large auxillary button at it's base (packed in with the system). Casio also produced the PV-2000 in December 1983, which was a computer version of the PV-1000. Both the PV-1000 and PV-2000 joysticks are compatible though the game cartridges are not. Overall, the Casio PV-1000 was a below average system when it debuted and met its demise quickly. This is an extremely rare item and only recommended for the ultra-serious console collector. This console was released solely in Japan for a short period of time. I do not have a recommendation for price since I have only seen one of these systems once for sale - the one pictured in this review. Be prepared to invest heavily if you do wish to pursue - games are just as scarce and pricey. Infos from

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PV-2000 Casio Computer 1983

Also called 'RakuGaki' in Japan, the PV-2000 is a very obscure japanese system released in 1983 at the same time of the PV-1000 gaming system. These two systems are not compatible with each other, as they have very different architecure. The PV-2000 is closer to MSX systems than to its little brother PV-1000. The PV-2000 is crude little computer marketed as an initiation and gaming machine. The keyboard uses a flat plastic membrane just like the Sinclair ZX-81 for example. 8 direction keys act as a game controller along with two special 'fire' keys next to the spacebar. Of course it had no great success. Only 11 cartridges seem to have been released for it, mainly popular Arcade hits (Pac&Pal, Rock'n Rope, Pooyan, Galaga, Super Cobra, etc). NAME PV-2000 MANUFACTURER Casio TYPE Home Computer ORIGIN Japan YEAR 1983 BUILT IN LANGUAGE C83-BASIC KEYBOARD Flat membrane keyboard, 70 keys, 8 arrow keys + 2 ''fire'' keys CPU D780C-1 (Z80A clone) SPEED 3.579 MHz CO-PROCESSOR TMS9918 (Video chipset), SN76489 (PSG sound generator) RAM 4 KB VRAM 16 KB ROM 16 KB TEXT MODES 32 x 24 GRAPHIC MODES 256 x 192, 32 sprites COLORS 16 colors SOUND SN76489 (PSG sound generator) SIZE / WEIGHT 97 (W) x 211 (D) x 46 (H) mm I/O PORTS TV RF video output, Centroncis connector, Tape Interface (300/1200 bauds) POWER SUPPLY External power supply PERIPHERALS Unknown PRICE 29,800 yen (Japan, 1983) Infos from:

68000 Casper Unknown

Century Electronics Century Electronics Arcade

GGM Great Game Machine Chafitz Unknown

Education Computer China Unknown

Cinematronics Cinematronics Arcade

ColecoVision Coleco Console 1982

Generation 2nd generation First available USA August 1982 CPU Zilog Z80 Media Cartridge Units sold 6 million The ColecoVision is Coleco Industries' second generation home video game console, which was released in August 1982. The ColecoVision offered arcade-quality graphics and gaming style, the ability to play other home consoles' video games (notably the Atari 2600), and the means to expand the system's hardware. The ColecoVision was released with an initial catalog of 12 titles, with 10 additional titles on the way for 1982. All told, approximately 170 titles were released in the form of plug-in cartridges between 1982 and 1985. Hardware The main console unit consists of a 14x8x2 inch rectangular plastic case that houses the motherboard, with a cartridge slot on the right side and connectors for the external power supply and RF jack at the rear. The controllers connect into plugs in a recessed area on the top of the unit. The design of the controllers is similar to that of Mattel's Intellivision — the controller is rectangular and consists of a numeric keypad and a set of side buttons. In place of the circular control disc below the keypad, the Coleco controller has a short, 1.5-inch joystick. The keypad is designed to accept a thin plastic overlay that maps the keys for a particular game. Each ColecoVision console shipped with two controllers. Expansion Modules From its introduction, Coleco had touted a hardware add-on called the Expansion Module #1 which made the ColecoVision compatible with the industry-leading Atari 2600. Functionally, this gave the ColecoVision the largest software library of any console of its day. The expansion module prompted legal action from Atari, but Atari was unable to stop sales of the module because the 2600 could be reproduced with standard parts. Coleco was also able to design and market the Gemini game system which was an exact clone of the 2600, but with combined joystick/paddle controllers. Expansion Module #2 came with steering wheel, gas pedal controllers and Turbo (the pack-in), also for use with the games Destructor and Dukes Of Hazzard. Expansion Module #3, the final hardware expansion module, was released in the summer of 1983. Module #3 converted the ColecoVision into a full-fledged computer known as the Coleco Adam, complete with keyboard and digital data pack (DDP) cassette drives. Module #3 was originally conceived to be the ColecoVision 'Super Game Module' using game wafers as the storage medium. Although Coleco presented a mock-up of the SGM at the 1983 New York Toy Show, that product was never to be. There were also rumors that Expansion Module #3 was to have incorporated an RCA CED player to store larger amounts of data. Coleco prototyped a fourth expansion module intended to provide compatibility with Mattel's Intellivision, but they never released it. There were also two other available expansion modules, a roller controller expansion module that was packaged with a Caterpillar-like game called Slither and a Sports Controller that was similar in design to a boxing glove with a joystick on top and a series of buttons within the grip area. Sales Coleco licensed Nintendo's Donkey Kong as the official pack-in cartridge for all ColecoVision consoles, and this version of the game was well received as a near-arcade perfect port, helping to boost the console's popularity. By Christmas of 1982, Coleco had sold 500,000 units, largely on the strength of its bundled game. The ColecoVision's main competitor in the next generation console space was the arguably more advanced but less commercially successful Atari 5200. The ColecoVision was distributed by CBS Electronics outside of the United States, and was branded the CBS ColecoVision. Sales quickly passed one million in early 1983, before the video game crash of 1983. The ColecoVision was discontinued in the spring of 1984. Even with its late difficulties, the ColecoVision still sold more than six million units. In 1986, Bit Corporation produced a ColecoVision clone called the Dina, which was sold in the United States by Telegames as the Telegames Personal Arcade. Today, Coleco emulators and games are widely available as abandonware on the Internet. Although the games remain copyrighted, the holders of ColecoVision games have tended not to enforce their copyrights, in contrast to Intellivision and some Atari games. Games Coleco's software approach was to go after licensed arcade games that Atari had missed and to make cartridges for the 2600 and Intellivision in addition to its own system. Realizing that Atari had firm support from Namco (creators of Pac-Man and many other hits), Coleco involved itself with companies like Sega, Konami, and Universal. The ColecoVision had enough power to produce near-arcade-quality ports, and industry magazines like Electronic Games were unanimous in their enthusiasm over the console. Some of the more popular games included Donkey Kong (the pack-in), Donkey Kong Junior, Carnival, Lady Bug, Mouse Trap, Smurfs: Rescue in Gargamel's Castle, and Zaxxon. The ColecoVision didn't offer many revolutionary new games, since most of its popular titles were arcade ports. Still, it did offer a few notable original titles like War Room, Illusions, and Fortune Builder, an early milestone in the style of SimCity. Most cartridges did not have an end-game to beat, but instead would loop around to the beginning, such as Cosmic Avenger. Coleco also popularized less popular arcade games, such as Venture, the aforementioned Cosmic Avenger and Lady Bug, as well as Mr. Do!. In some cases, the console versions were arguably superior to the arcade versions, as seen in Space Panic. BIOS All Coleco cartridges and most third-party titles had a twelve second delay before the game select screen showed up. A common, but incorrect, anecdote suggested that this delay was the result of a function in the ColecoVision that emulated the programming language PASCAL. The real reason behind the twelve second delay is a loop in the ColecoVision BIOS, so the delay was purely intentional, to display the Coleco brand name on the screen. Some companies like Parker Brothers, Activision, and Micro Fun avoided the delay by simply bypassing the BIOS (however, this required embedding those parts of the BIOS that were outside the loop in the cartridge code, cutting down the amount of space available for game program). Other games Coleco was infamous for not releasing the games it advertised. In most cases, it isn't certain if games that never came out were advertised using actual screenshots of a game or artist renditions designed to look like a completed game. Nevertheless, over fifty ColecoVision games were advertised in catalogs or on boxes, but never released. In 1997, ColecoVision was given its first 'homebrew' game, the Tetris clone Kevtris by Kevin Horton. Since then, dozens of homebrew games have been released by different authors. Technical specifications * CPU: Zilog Z80A @ 3.58 MHz * Video processor: Texas Instruments TMS9928A * 256x192 resolution * 32 sprites * 16 colors * Sound: Texas Instruments SN76489A * 3 tone generators * 1 noise generator * VRAM: 16 KiB * RAM: 1 KiB * Storage: Cartridge: 8/16/24/32 KiB Similarities to other platforms The ColecoVision contains the same CPU and graphics chip as the MSX1 and Sega SG-1000/SC-3000. It also shares a sound chip with the Sega machines (including the Master System), making them identical in hardware capabilities. The MSX contains a different sound chip that is very similar in capabilities, the General Instruments AY-3-8910. For this reason it proved very easy to port games between the three systems. ColecoVision in popular culture * In the Family Guy episode I Take Thee Quagmire, Peter's free maid Joan pulls a ColecoVision out of Peter's navel. * During the South Park episode, Chickenpox, Kenny's father states, 'We got a ColecoVision hooked up to the black and white TV'; to the puzzlement of Stan and Kyle, and to the dismay of Kyle, who goes so far as to say: 'Oh my God, this is like a third-world country.' * A track is named 'Colecovision' on the album 'Man Overboard' by Canadian rapper Buck 65. * Jay-Z mentions it when ridiculing Just Blaze for being lazy, in his film Fade To Black. Infos from Wikipedia

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ColecoVision ADAM Coleco Computer 1983

The Coleco Adam was a home computer, an attempt in the early 1980s by American toy manufacturer Coleco to follow on the success of its ColecoVision game console. The Adam was not very successful, partly because of early production problems. Coleco announced the Adam in June 1983 at the Summer Consumer Electronics Show (CES) and executives predicted sales of 500,000 by Christmas 1983. From the time of the computer's introduction to the time of its shipment, the price increased, from USD Dollar525 to Dollar725. The Adam is famous for an incident connected with its showing at the June, 1983 CES. To showcase the machine, Coleco decided to demonstrate a port of its ColecoVision conversion of Donkey Kong on the system. Nintendo was in the midst of negotiating a deal with Atari to license its Famicom for distribution outside of Japan, and the final signing would have been done at CES. Atari had exclusive rights to Donkey Kong for home computers (as Coleco had for game consoles), and when Atari saw that Coleco was showing Donkey Kong on a computer, its proposed deal with Nintendo was delayed. Coleco had to agree not to sell the Adam version of Donkey Kong. Ultimately it had no bearing on the Atari/Nintendo deal though, as Atari's CEO Ray Kassar was fired the next month and the proposal went nowhere, with Nintendo deciding to market its system on its own. Technical details In its favor, the Adam had a large software library from the start. It was derived from and compatible with the ColecoVision's software and accessories, and, in addition, the popular CP/M operating system was available as an option. Its price gave a complete system: a 64 KB RAM computer, tape drive, letter-quality printer, and software including the Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom video game. The IBM PCjr sold for Dollar669 but included no peripherals, and although the popular Commodore 64 sold for around Dollar200, its price was not much lower after the purchase of a printer, tape or disk drive, and software. Like many home computers of its day, it was intended to use a television set for its display. The SmartWriter electronic typewriter loads when the system is turned on. In this mode, the system operates just like a typewriter, printing letters as soon as the user types them. Pressing the Escape/WP key puts SmartWriter into word processor mode, which functions similar to a modern word processor. A less expensive version of the Adam plugged into a ColecoVision, which delivered on one of ColecoVision's launch commitments that owners would one day be able to upgrade their game system to a fully featured computer system. Problems Adam generated a surge of electromagnetic energy on startup, which would erase the contents of any removable media left in or near the drive. Making this problem worse, some of the Coleco manuals instructed the user to put the tape in the drive before turning the computer on; presumably these were printed before the issue was known. Initial shipments to customers included a high rate of defective tape drives, some say up to 50 percent. Ejecting a tape while it was moving would usually destroy the drive as there was no eject lock-out mechanism and the tape (based on a standard Compact Cassette) moved at an extremely high rate of speed. Since Coleco made the unusual decision of using the printer to supply power to the entire Adam system, if the printer malfunctioned, none of the system worked. Unlike other home computers at the time, the Adam did not have its BASIC interpreter permanently stored in ROM. Instead, it featured a built-in electronic typewriter and word processor, SmartWriter, as well as the Elementary Operating System (EOS) OS kernel and the 8K OS-7 ColecoVision operating system. The SmartBASIC interpreter was delivered on a proprietary format Digital Data Pack tape cassette. Once put into Word Processor mode, SmartWriter could not get back into the typewriter mode without rebooting the system. Adam's Digital Data Pack drives, although faster and of higher capacity than the audio cassette drives used for competing computers, were less reliable and still not as fast as a floppy disk drive. Coleco eventually shipped a 160K 5.1/4 inch disk drive for it. Reception The Adam received some good reviews based on the quality of its keyboard and printer, and offered competitive sound and graphics. Its BASIC interpreter, called SmartBASIC, was largely compatible with Applesoft BASIC, which meant that many type-in programs from computer books and magazines would work with the Adam with little or no modification. However, sales were weak, especially after the technical issues became obvious. Coleco lost Dollar35 million in the fourth quarter of 1984 as returns flooded in. Officially, Coleco blamed 'manuals which did not offer the first-time user adequate assistance.' Coleco reintroduced Adam with a new instruction manual, lower price, and a Dollar500 college scholarship along with each unit for use by a young child (to be paid when the child reached college). Less than 100,000 units ultimately sold. The Adam was discontinued in 1985, less than two years after its introduction. Legacy The Adam weakened Coleco by absorbing much of the money it had made from Cabbage Patch Kids; the company filed for bankruptcy in 1988. A group of Adam enthusiasts gather every year at the annual Adamcon . The 19th annual gathering was held in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada from July 26 to July 29, 2007. Specifications Coleco ADAM, in word processing mode.CPU: Zilog Z80 @ 3.58 MHz Support processors: three Motorola 6801s @ 1 MHz (memory & I/O, tape, and keyboard control) Memory: 80 KB RAM, 16 KB video RAM; 32 KB ROM Expansion: 3 internal slots, 1 cartridge slot, and a 62.5 kbit/s half-duplex serial bus called AdamNet. The stand-alone also has an external expansion port of the same type as the ColecoVision expansion port, on the right hand side. Secondary storage: Digital Data Pack tape cassette, 256 KB Graphics: Texas Instruments TMS9928A (a close relative of the TMS9918 in the TI-99/4A) 256 x 192 resolution 32 sprites Sound: Texas Instruments SN76489AN 3 voices white noise infos from: Wikipedia

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Quiz Wiz Coleco Unknown

Telstar Arcade Coleco Unknown 1977

The Telstar Arcade is maybe one of the most interesting systems made by Coleco, and also the most advanced PONG system released in America, although it played non-PONG games. Made in a triangular case, the system could play three types of games, each being played on one of the three sides of the case. Obviously, the first side allowed playing PONG games (TENNIS and the like), and the second side allowed playing target shooting games. Nothing very different from most other systems, except the gun storage. The third face was the most interesting: it allowed playing car racing games. Very few systems offering that type of games were released at this time, and the games were only played using rotary controllers or some sort of joysticks. Best of Coleco's Telstar Arcade was the wheel and the gear box for the car racing games. Since several types of games could be played, the system used interchangeable cartridges. Telstar Arcade is therefore of the earliest systems to use cartridges containing a dedicated game chip. Each cartridge contains a chip made by MOS Technology: the MPS-7600. The four versions of this chip contain customised circuits because of the types of games, but they all use the same technology: a basic frame processor that controls the circuits, driven by a small program in ROM (the 8 PONG games chip has a 512-word program). Therefore, the MPS-7600 chips are not like the other PONG chips: they are customized microcontrollers. Coleco used a very uncommon cartridge format: a silver triangular case which connects horizontally on the top of the console. Nothing in common with the other black cartridges whith plug vertically. Coleco released only four cartridges. The first one was sold with the system and the others were available separately for the price of $25. Two flyers came with the system to order cartridges #2 and #3. ________ <font color="#666666">Text from <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font>

Total Control 4 Coleco Unknown

Comad Comad Arcade

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128 Commodore Computer 1987

The Commodore 128 (C128, CBM 128, C=128) home/personal computer was the last 8-bit machine commercially released by Commodore Business Machines (CBM). Introduced in January of 1985 at the CES in Las Vegas, it appeared three years after its predecessor, the bestselling Commodore 64. The primary hardware designer of the C128 was Bil Herd. The C128 was a significantly expanded successor to the C64 and unlike the earlier Plus/4 it remained compatible. The new machine featured 128 KB of RAM (externally expandable to 640 KB) and an 80-column RGB monitor output (driven by the 8563 VDC chip with 16 KB dedicated video RAM, although following the release of the 128D later 'flat' 128s had 64 KB of VRAM[citation needed]), as well as a redesigned case/keyboard with a numeric keypad. The 128's power supply was vastly improved over the 64's troublesome design. It was much larger, with cooling vents and a fuse to protect it from blowing up. Instead of the 6510 CPU of the C64, the C128 incorporated a two-CPU design. The primary CPU, the 8502, was a slightly improved version of the 6510; its main addition was the ability to run at a 2 MHz clock rate (being quite beneficial to the 80 column display, but making it difficult to display a second signal to a second monitor, such as that used for a 40 column display). The second CPU was a Zilog Z80 which was used for ensuring CP/M compatibility and for mode-selection of the computer upon boot-up. The two processors could not run concurrently, thus the C128 was not a multiprocessing system. The C128 had three modes of operation: C128 Mode (native mode), which ran at 1 or 2 MHz with the 8502 CPU and had both 40- and 80-column text modes available; CP/M Mode, which used the Z80 second CPU in either 40- or 80-column text mode; and C64 Mode, which was very nearly 100% compatible with the earlier computer. None of these modes would have been possible as implemented on the C128 without the Z80 chip. The Z80 controls the bus on initial boot-up and checks to see if there are any C64/C128 cartridges present, and if the Commodore key (C64-mode selector) is active on boot-up. Based on what it finds, it will switch to the appropriate mode of operation. Some 128s suffered from a reliability problem caused by the electromagnetic shield over the internal board. The shield had fingers that rested on the top of the major chips to conduct heat into the shield which then acted as a large heatsink. A combination of poor contact and the fact that plastic encased chips do not lose heat that way plus the shield being made from mu-metal (a poor heat conductor) saw some chips overheat and fail. The SID sound chip was particularly vulnerable in this respect as it operated from a 9 volt supply. The situation could be vastly improved by removing the shield completely. C128 Mode C128 Main board While the C64's graphics and sound capabilities were generally considered excellent, the popular home computer was the subject of a number of perennial criticisms. The 40-column VIC-II video display, while excellent for gaming, was often considered inadequate for productivity applications such as word processing. The lack of a numeric keypad was also an issue with some office suite software. Furthermore, the 2.0 revision of Commodore BASIC that was incorporated into the C64 was quite limited, and lacked keywords to handle the system's graphical and sound capabilities. These features had to be accessed via terse and potentially cryptic PEEK and POKE commands, or by custom-written machine language routines. A great improvement was the addition of a reset button on the side of the computer, next to the joystick ports. Finally, the C64's 1541 disk drive was almost universally condemned as slow and unreliable in comparison to the swifter and more capacious Commodore 1581. The designers of the C128 succeeded in rectifying most of these concerns. A new chip, the VDC, provided the C128 with an 80-column color CGA-compatible display (also called RGBI for RGB plus Intensity). The new 8502 CPU was completely backward-compatible with the C64's 6510, but could run at double the speed if desired. However, the VIC-II chip which controlled the 40-column display could not operate at the faster clock rate, so the 40 column display is not available in Fast mode. A numeric keypad was added to the keyboard, as were various other keys. The C64's rudimentary BASIC 2.0 was replaced with the far more flexible and powerful BASIC 7.0, which included keywords designed specifically to take advantage of the machine's capabilities, and also incorporated a sprite editor and machine language monitor. The screen editor was further improved. A reset button was added to the system. Three new disk drives were introduced in conjunction with the C128, the 1570, 1571, and 3.5 inch 1581 drives promising far faster transfer speeds via a new 'burst mode'. With these three drives, more complex drive data arrangements were also made available to Commodore users in the nature of 'track and sector' oriented subdirectories, a feature not available to PC users, who instead had to convolute their file allocation tables to do the same thing. The disk drives also had more on-board RAM than their predecessors, the 1540 and 1541 drives. The C128 also had twice the RAM of the C64, and a far higher proportion was available for BASIC programming, due to the new MMU bankswitching chip. This feature made it possible for BASIC program code to be stored separately from variables, greatly enhancing the machine's ability to handle complex programs. The C128's greater hardware capabilities, especially the increased RAM, screen display resolution, and serial bus speed, made it the preferred platform for running the GEOS graphical operating system. CP/M Mode The second of the C128's two CPUs was the Zilog Z80, which allowed the C128 to run CP/M; the machine came with CP/M 3.0, aka CP/M Plus (backward compatible with CP/M 2.2) and ADM31/3A terminal emulation. To make a large application software library instantly available at launch, the Commodore 128 CP/M and accompanying 1571 floppy disk drive was designed to run almost all Kaypro-specific CP/M software without modification. Unfortunately, the C128 ran CP/M noticeably slower than most dedicated CP/M systems, as the Z80 processor ran at an effective speed of only 2 MHz (instead of the more common 4–6 MHz) and because it used CP/M 3.0, whose complexity made it inherently slower than the earlier, more widespread, CP/M 2.2 system. From the source code of the C128 CP/M implementation, it is clear that the engineers originally planned to make it possible to run CP/M in the 'fast' mode as well, with the 40-column output turned off and the Z80 running at an effective 4 MHz; however, this did not work on the released C128 hardware. A possibly unique feature of the C128 among CP/M systems was that some of the low-level BIOS services were executed by the 8502 chip instead of the Z80. The latter transferred control to the 8502 after having placed the pertinent parameter values in designated memory locations. The Z80 then turned itself off, being awoken by the 8502 at completion of the BIOS routine, with status value(s) available in RAM for inspection. C64 Mode By incorporating the original C64 BASIC and KERNAL ROMs in their entirety (16 KB total), the C128 achieves almost 100% compatibility with C64 software. The C64 mode can be accessed in one of three ways: * Hold down the Commodore logo key when booting the system * Enter the GO64 command in BASIC 7.0 immediate mode * Boot with a C64 cartridge plugged in Some of the few C64 programs that fail on a C128 run correctly when the CAPS LOCK key is pressed down (or the ASCII/National key on international C128 models). This has to do with the larger built-in I/O port of the C128's CPU. Whereas the SHIFT LOCK key found on both C64 and C128 is simply a mechanical latch for the left SHIFT key, the CAPS LOCK key on the C128 can be read via the 8502's built-in I/O port. A few C64 programs are confused by this extra I/O bit; keeping the CAPS LOCK key in the down position will force the I/O line low, matching the C64's configuration and resolving the issue. A handful of C64 programs wrote to $D030 (53296), often as part of a loop initializing the VIC-II chip registers. This memory-mapped register, unused in the C64, operated as a selector for 2 MHz mode in the C128. Since it was not disabled in C64 mode, an inadvertent write could blank the 40-column display by putting the CPU into fast mode. Fortunately, very few programs suffered from this flaw. In July 1986, COMPUTE!'s Gazette published a type-in program that exploited this minor incompatibility, by using a raster interrupt to enable fast mode when the bottom of the visible screen was reached, and then disable it when screen rendering began again at the top. By using fast mode during the vertical blank period, standard video display was maintained while increasing overall execution speed by about 20%. [1] [2] An easy way to tell the C128's C64 mode and a real C64 apart, typically used from within a running program, is to write a value different from $FF (255) to memory address $D02F (53295), which is used to decode the extra keys of the C128 (the numerical keypad and some other keys). On the 64 this memory location will always contain the value $FF no matter what was written to it, but on a C128 in 64 mode the value of the location—a memory-mapped register—can be changed. Thus, checking the location's value after writing to it will reveal the actual hardware platform. RAM setup To handle the relatively large amounts of installable RAM, tenfold the 8502's 64 KB address space, the C128 used the 8722 MMU chip to create different memory maps, in which different combinations of RAM and ROM would appear according to bit patterns written into the MMU's confguration register. While the MMU was designed to handle more than 128 KB, the versions that were actually produced and used in the C128 cannot do so. Although referred to as RAM expanders, Commodore's RAM Expansion Units were not expansion devices at all, as they utilized an external DMA controller to copy bytes between the C-128's RAM and the RAM in the 'expansion unit.' This function was essentially independent of the MMU's memory control features. Commodore 128D A Commodore 128D with a Commodore-brand RGB monitor and Commodore 1581 Floppy Disk Drive In the autumn of 1985, Commodore released to the European market an updated version of the C128 with a redesigned chassis. Called the Commodore 128D, this new European model sported a plastic chassis with a carrying handle on the side, incorporated a 1571 Disk Drive into the main chassis, replaced the built-in keyboard with a detachable one, and added a cooling fan. In addition to being less bulky than the C128's built-in keyboard, the detachable keyboard of the C128D was lighter in weight, and featured two folding legs for increasing the typing angle. The following summer, Commodore released the C128D in North America with numerous enhancements. Outside, the C128D boasted an upgraded steel chassis, but lost the carrying handle. Inside, the C128D ROMs contained several bug fixes, and the 8563 VDC chip (in the C128DCR, the 8568) was equipped with the maximum capacity 64 KB of video RAM – four times that of the original C128. This permitted the C128D to do higher-resolution graphics with more colors in RGB mode, although very little software took advantage of this. With or without the extra RAM, the VDC's high-resolution graphics modes were inaccessible from the C128's BASIC. They could only be utilized by calls to screen editor ROM primitive data types (or their assembly language equivalents), or via third-party BASIC language extensions. The most popular such toolkit was Free Spirit Software's 'BASIC 8', which added high-resolution VDC graphics commands to CBM BASIC. BASIC 8 was available on two disks (editor disk and runtime disk) and with a ROM chip for installation in the C128's internal Function ROM socket. Commodore later released a streamlined version of the C128D, called the Commodore 128DCR (CR for cost reduced), which was marketed in North America. In the C128DCR, Commodore consolidated some of the internal components to save production costs, but also improved heat dissipation to decrease reliance on active cooling. Market performance Because the C128 would run virtually all C64 software, and because the next-generation, 32/16-bit home computers, primarily the Commodore Amiga and Atari ST, were gaining ground, relatively little software for the C128's native mode appeared (probably on the order of 100–200 fully commercial titles, plus the usual share of public domain and magazine type-in programs). While the C128 sold a total number of 4 million units between 1985 and 1989, its popularity paled in comparison to that of its predecessor. This has been blamed on the lack of native software and on Commodore's less-aggressive marketing, which was mostly focused on the Amiga. An additional explanation may be found in the fact that the C64 sold huge numbers to people primarily interested in computer games, which the more expensive C128 didn't add much value towards improving (with the exception of a few Infocom text adventures). The C128 was certainly a better business machine than the C64, but not really a better gaming machine, and people who wanted business machines bought IBM PC clones almost exclusively by the time the C128 was released. With its advanced BASIC programming language, CP/M compatibility and 'user-friendly' native software packages such as Jane, Commodore attempted to create a low-end business market for the 128, branding it a 'Personal Computer' on the case, but this strategy was not successful in the face of low-cost IBM-compatibles like the Leading Edge Model D and Tandy 1000 that, in some cases, sold for less than a complete 128 system. There was a professional-level CAD program, Home Designer by BRiWALL, but again, most of this work was done on PCs by the 128s era. The main reason that the C128 still sold fairly well was probably that it was a much better machine for hobbyist programming than the C64. Also, when the C128(D/DCR) was discontinued in 1989, it was reported to cost nearly as much to manufacture as the 16-bit Amiga 500, even though the C128D had to sell for several hundred dollars less to keep the Amiga's high-value marketing image intact. Bil Herd commented on the Wikipedia C128 article, stating: 'We considered the C128 to be a holding action until the next generation computers arrived, we were trying to up the game as far as expectations for new machines and buy a year, two at the max in the process. In that we exceeded our initial goals but probably due in part to Commodore's lackluster follow through on marketing and selling the Amiga.'[citation needed] C128's hidden features The 40 column version of the C128 Easter egg screen, with a listing of, and a message from, the machine's main developers. Notice the term 'herdware', named after Bil Herd. * Easter egg: Entering the command 'SYS 32800,123,45,6' in native mode reveals the 40-column screen shown to the right: * The Commodore 128's BASIC 7.0, the programming language which comes built-in with the computer, can be crashed or cause the computer to reboot by executing PRINT''+-X (where X is any integer), depending on the number entered for X. This bug is present in all known versions of Microsoft's 6502 BASIC interpreter, including the BASIC of all other 8-bit Commodore machines, as well as Applesoft BASIC. * Entering the keywords QUIT or OFF will produce an '?UNIMPLEMENTED COMMAND ERROR'. These commands are holdovers from a planned but never produced LCD-display portable computer and were intended to exit from the BASIC interpreter and to ignore keyboard input during sensitive program execution, respectively. * The earlier ROM revision of the C128 includes a rather obvious bug. When in 'CAPS LOCK' mode, each of the alphabetic keys type properly in upper-case except the 'q', which remains lower-case. * Multiple zero page and CPU stack locations can be defined by twiddling some bits in the C128's MMU, which theoretically would make multitasking a possibility. In practice, the lack of hardware memory protection would create a difficult-to-manage environment in which to run a preemptive kernel. * Grounding the cartridge port's /EXROM and/or /GAME lines will cause the computer to automatically start up in C64 mode. This design faithfully duplicates the C64 behavior when a cartridge (such as Simons' BASIC) is plugged into the port and asserts either of these lines. C128 mode cartridges are recognized and started by the kernal polling defined locations in the memory map. Specifications * CPUs: o MOS Technology 8502 @ 2 MHz (1 MHz selectable for C64 compatibility mode) o Zilog Z80 @ 4 MHz (effectively running at 2 MHz due to stopping half the time to allow VIC-II video chip access to system bus) * MMU: Memory Management Unit controls 8502/Z80 processor selection; ROM/RAM banking; common RAM areas; relocation of zero page and stack * RAM: 128 KB system RAM, 2 KB 4-bit dedicated color RAM (for the VIC-II E), 16 KB or 64 KB dedicated video RAM (for the VDC), up to 512 KB REU expansion RAM * ROM: 72 KB (28 KB BASIC 7.0, 4 KB MLM, 8 KB C128 KERNAL, 4 KB screen editor, 4 KB Z80 BIOS, ca. 9 KB C64 BASIC 2.0, ca. 7 KB C64 KERNAL, 4 KB C64 (or international) character generator, 4 KB C128 (or national) character generator) – expandable by 32 KB Internal Function ROM (optional; for placement in motherboard socket) and/or 32KB External Function ROM (optional; for placement in REU socket) * Video: o MOS 8564/8566 VIC-II E (NTSC/PAL) for 40-column composite video (a TV set can be used instead of a monitor if desired) + Direct register access through memory-mapped I/O + Text mode: 40Ṫ25, 16 colors + Graphics modes: 160Ṫ200, 320Ṫ200 + 8 hardware sprites + 2 KB dedicated 4-bit color RAM, otherwise uses main memory as video RAM o MOS 8563 VDC (or, in C128DCR, the 8568) for 80-column digital RGBI component video, compatible with IBM PC CGA monitors, monochrome display also possible on composite video monitors; usable with TV sets only when the set has SCART and/or baseband video-in sockets in addition to the antenna connector. Color is possible through SCART, only monochrome through baseband video-in. + Indirect register access (address register, data register in mapped memory) + Text mode: Fully programmable, typically 80Ṫ25 or 80x50, 16 colors (not the same as those of the VIC-II) + Graphics modes: Fully programmable, typical modes are 320x200, 640Ṫ200, and 640Ṫ400 (interlaced). + No hardware sprites + 16 KB dedicated video RAM (64 KB standard in C128DCR, C128/C128D was upgradable to 64 KB), accessible to the CPU only in a doubly indirect method (address register, data register on VDC, which in turn are addressed through address register, data register in mapped memory) + limited blitter functionality helps to alleviate this RAM bottleneck * Sound: o MOS 6581 SID (or, in the C128DCR, the MOS 8580 SID) synthesizer chip + 3 voices, ADSR-controllable + Standard SID waveforms (triangle, sawtooth, variable pulse, noise, and certain combined modes) + Multi-mode filter + 3 ring modulators + Cost-reduced and noise-reduced version of C64's MOS 6581; some early C128s actually have 6581s * I/O Ports: o All the ports of C64 —100% compatible— plus the following: o Higher speed possible on the serial bus o Expansion port more flexibly programmable o RGBI video output (DB9-connector, logically similar to the IBM PC CGA connector, but with an added monochrome composite signal. This added signal causes a minor incompatibility with certain CGA monitors that can be rectified by breaking off pin 7 from the plug at one end of the connecting cable.) (Info: Wikipidea)

64 Commodore Computer 1984

Released August 1982 Discontinued April 1994 Processor MOS Technology 6510 @ 1.02 MHz (NTSC version) / 0.99MHz (PAL version) Memory 64 KiB OS Commodore BASIC 2.0 The Commodore 64 is the best selling single personal computer model of all time. Released in August 1982 by Commodore Business Machines, the Commodore 64 is commonly referred to as the C64 (sometimes written C= 64 to mimic the Commodore company logo) and occasionally known as CBM 64 (its model designation), C-64 or VIC-64 (a label used by some users, magazine writers, third party advertisements and also by Commodore in Sweden). The original Commodore 64 casing has affectionately been nicknamed the 'breadbox' and 'bullnose' due to its shape. Introduced by Commodore Business Machines in August 1982 at a price of USDollar595, it offered 64 kibibytes of RAM with sound and graphics performance that were superior to IBM-compatible computers of that time. During the Commodore 64's lifetime (between 1982 and 1994), sales totaled around 17 million units. Unlike computers that were distributed only through authorized dealers, Commodore also targeted department stores and toy stores. The unit could be plugged directly into a television set to play games, giving it much of the appeal of dedicated video game consoles like the Atari 2600. Its affordable pricing contributed to the video game market crash of 1983. Approximately 10,000 commercial software titles were made for the Commodore 64 including development tools, office applications, and games. The machine is also credited with popularizing the computer demo scene. The Commodore 64 is still used today by many computer hobbyists, and emulators (see here for a list) allow anyone with a modern computer (or even smartphones) to run these programs on their desktop (with varying degrees of success and functionality). The Commodore 64 is commonly seen as an icon of the 1980s. An example is the introductory movie of the video game Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, which features a Commodore 64 screen which later reveals the Rockstar North logo. History In January 1981, MOS Technology, Inc., Commodore's integrated circuit design subsidiary, initiated a project to design the graphic and audio chips for a next generation video game console. Design work for the chips, named MOS Technology VIC-II (graphics) and MOS Technology SID (audio), was completed in November 1981. A game console project was then initiated by Commodore that would use the new chips -- called the Ultimax or alternatively the Commodore MAX Machine, engineered by Yashi Terakura from Commodore Japan. This project was eventually cancelled after just a few machines were manufactured for the Japanese market. At the same time Robert 'Bob' Russell (system programmer and architect on the VIC-20) and Robert Yannes (engineer of the SID) were critical of the current product line-up at Commodore, which was a continuation of the Commodore PET line aimed at business users. With the support of Al Charpentier (engineer of the VIC-II) and Charles Winterble (manager of MOS Technology), they proposed to Commodore CEO Jack Tramiel a true low-cost sequel to the VIC-20. Tramiel dictated that the machine should have 64 KiB of RAM. Although 64 KiB of DRAM cost over US Dollar100 at the time, he knew that DRAM prices were falling, and would soon drop to an acceptable level before full production was reached. In November, Tramiel set a deadline for the first weekend of January, to coincide with the 1982 Consumer Electronics Show. The product was codenamed the VIC-40 as the successor to the popular VIC-20. The team that constructed it consisted of Robert Russell, Robert 'Bob' Yannes and David A. Ziembicki. The design, prototypes and some sample software was finished in time for the show, after the team had worked tirelessly over both Thanksgiving and Christmas weekends. When the product was to be presented, the VIC-40 product was renamed C64 in order to fit into the current Commodore business products lineup which contained the P128 and the B256, both named by a letter and their respective memory size. The C64 made an impressive debut, as recalled by Production Engineer David A. Ziembicki: 'All we saw at our booth were Atari people with their mouths dropping open, saying, 'How can you do that for Dollar595?'' The answer, as it turned out, was vertical integration; thanks to Commodore's ownership of MOS Technology's semiconductor fabrication facilities, each C64 had an estimated production cost of only Dollar135. However, cheaper manufacturing techniques resulted in manufacturing problems; Many of these early units had video problems causing a blurry effect that made alphanumeric characters difficult to read. Winning the market war The C64 faced a wide range of competing home computers at its introduction in August 1982. With an impressive price point coupled with the C64's advanced hardware, it quickly out-classed many of its competitors. In the United States the greatest competitors to the C64 were the Atari 8-bit 400 and 800, the IBM PC and the Apple II. The Atari 400 and 800 were very similar in hardware terms, but it was very expensive to build, which forced Atari to redesign their machine to be more cost effective. This resulted in the 600XL/800XL line and the transfer of their production to the Far East. The IBM PC and the now aging Apple II were no match for the C64's graphical and sound abilities, but they were very expandable with their internal expansion slots, a feature lacking in the 64. All three machines had a standard memory configuration of 16 KiB, 48 KiB less RAM than the C64. At USDollar1,500, the IBM PC and Apple II were three times as expensive, while the Atari 800 cost a mere Dollar899. One key to the C64's success was Commodore's aggressive marketing tactics, and they were quick to exploit the relative price/performance divisions between its competitors with a series of television commercials after the C64's launch in late 1982. Commodore sold the C64 not only through its network of authorized dealers, but also placed it on the shelves of department stores, discount stores, and toy stores. Since it had the ability to output composite video, the C64 did not require a specialized monitor, but could be plugged into a television set. This allowed it (like its predecessor, the VIC-20) to compete directly against video game consoles such as the Atari 2600. Aggressive pricing of the C64 is considered to be a major catalyst in the video game crash of 1983. In 1983, Commodore offered a Dollar100 rebate in the United States on the purchase of a C64 upon receipt of any video game console or computer. To take advantage of the Dollar100 rebate, some mail-order dealers and retailers offered a Timex Sinclair 1000 for as little as Dollar10 with purchase of a C64 so the consumer could send the computer to Commodore, collect the rebate, and pocket the difference. Timex Corporation departed the marketplace within a year. The success of the VIC-20 and C64 also contributed significantly to the exit of Texas Instruments and other competitors from the field. In 1984, Commodore released the Commodore Plus/4. The Plus/4 offered a higher-color display, a better implementation of BASIC (V3.5), and built-in software. However, Commodore committed what was perceived by critics and consumers as a major strategic error by making it incompatible with the C64. The Plus/4 lacked hardware sprite capability and had much poorer sound, thus seriously underperforming in two of the areas that had made the C64 a star. In the United Kingdom, the primary competitors to the C64 were the British-built Sinclair ZX Spectrum and the Amstrad CPC 464. Released a few months ahead of the C64, and selling for almost half the price, the Spectrum quickly became the market leader. Commodore would have an uphill struggle against the Spectrum, it could no longer rely on undercutting the competition. The C64 debuted at Pound 399 in early 1983, while the Spectrum cost Pound 175. The C64 would later rival the Spectrum in popularity in the latter half of the 1980s, eventually outliving the Spectrum when it discontinued in December 1990. Despite a few attempts by Commodore to discontinue the C64 in favour of other, higher priced machines, constant demand made its discontinuation a hard task. By 1988, Commodore were selling 1.5 million C64s worldwide. Although demand for the C64 dropped off in the US by 1990, it continued to be popular in the UK and other European countries. In the end, economics, not obsolescence sealed the C64's fate. In March 1994, at CeBIT in Hanover, Germany, Commodore announced that the C64 would be finally discontinued in 1995. Commodore claimed that the C64's disk drive was more expensive to manufacture than the C64 itself. Although Commodore had planned to discontinue the C64 by 1995, the company filed for bankruptcy a month later, in April 1994. The C64 family 1982: Commodore releases the Commodore MAX Machine in Japan. It is called the Ultimax in the US, and VC-10 in Germany. The MAX was intended to be a game console with limited computing capability. It was discontinued months after its introduction, because of poor sales in Japan. In 1984 Commodore released the SX-64, a portable version of the C64. The SX-64 has the distinction of being the first full-color portable computer. The base unit featured a 5 inch (127 mm) CRT and an integral 1541 floppy disk drive. The SX-64 did not have a cassette connector. Commodore was determined to avoid the problems of the Plus/4, making sure that the eventual successors to the C64—the Commodore 128 and 128D computers (1985)—were as good as, and fully compatible with the original, as well as offering a host of improvements (such as a structured BASIC with graphics and sound commands, 80-column display capability, and full CP/M compatibility). In 1986, Commodore released the Commodore 64C (C64C) computer, which was functionally identical to the original, but whose exterior design was remodelled in the sleeker style of the C128 and other contemporary design trends. In the United States, the C64C was often bundled with the third-party GEOS GUI-based operating system. The Commodore 1541 disk drive was also remodelled resulting in the 1541-II. In 1990, the C64 was re-released in the form of a game console, called the C64 Games System (C64GS). A simple modification to the C64C's motherboard was made to orient the cartridge connector to a vertical position. This allowed cartridges to be inserted from above. A modified ROM replaced the BASIC interpreter with a boot screen to inform the user to insert a cartridge. The C64GS was another commercial failure for Commodore, and it was never released outside of Europe. In 1990, an advanced successor to the C64, the Commodore 65 (also known as the 'C64DX'), was prototyped, but the project was cancelled by Commodore's chairman Irving Gould in 1991. The C65's specifications were very good for an 8-bit computer. For example, it could display 256 colours on screen, while OCS based Amigas could only display 64. Although no specific reason was given for the C65's cancellation, it would have competed in the marketplace with Commodore's lower end Amigas. The Amiga 600 was released in mid 1992, eventually taking the C65's place as the upgrade from the C64. C64 clones In the summer of 2004, after an absence from the marketplace of more than 10 years, PC manufacturer Tulip Computers BV (owners of the Commodore brand since 1997) announced the C64 Direct-to-TV (C64DTV), a joystick-based TV game based on the C64 with 30 games built into ROM. Designed by Jeri Ellsworth, a self-taught computer designer who had earlier designed the modern C-One C64 implementation, the C64DTV was similar in concept to other mini-consoles based on the Atari 2600 and Intellivision which had gained modest success earlier in the decade. The product was advertised on QVC in the United States for the 2004 holiday season. Some users have installed 1541 floppy disk drives, hard drives, second joysticks and keyboards to these units, which give the DTV devices nearly all of the capabilities of a full Commodore 64. The DTV hardware is also used in the mini-console/game Hummer, sold at Radio Shack mid-2005. As of 2006, C64 enthusiasts still develop new hardware, including Ethernet cards, specially adapted hard disks and Flash Card interfaces. Software At the time of its introduction, the C64's graphics and sound capabilities were rivalled only by the Atari 8-bit family. This was at a time when most IBM PCs and compatibles had text-only graphics cards, green screen monitors, and sound consisting of squeaks and beeps from the built-in tiny, low-quality speaker. Due to its advanced graphics and sound, the C64 is often credited with starting the computer subculture known as the demoscene (see Commodore 64 demos). The C64 lost its top position among demo coders when the 16-bit Atari ST and Commodore Amiga were released in 1985, however it still remained a very popular platform for demo coding up to the early 90s. By the turn of the millennium, it was still being actively used as a demo machine, especially for music (its sound chip even being used in special sound cards for PCs, and the Elektron SidStation synthesizer). Unfortunately, the differences between PAL and NTSC C64s caused compatibility problems between U.S./Canadian C64s and those from most other countries. The vast majority of demos run only on PAL machines. Hardware Graphics and sound The C64 used an 8-bit MOS Technology 6510 microprocessor. This was a close derivative of the 6502, with an added 6-bit internal I/O port that in the C64 is used for two purposes: to bank-switch the machine's ROM in and out of the processor's address space, and to operate the datasette tape recorder. The C64 had 64 kbytes of RAM, of which 38 KiB were available to built-in Commodore BASIC 2.0. The graphics chip, VIC-II, featured 16 colors, eight hardware sprites, scrolling capabilities, and two bitmap graphics modes. The standard text mode featured 40 columns, like most Commodore PET models; the built in font was not standard ASCII but PETSCII, an extended form of ASCII-1963. Computer/video game and demo programmers quickly learned how to exploit undocumented or esoteric features of the VIC-II to gain additional capabilities, such as making more than 8 sprites appear on the screen (up to 128 in one case) or displaying additional colors beyond the 'factory' 16. The sound chip, SID, had three channels, each with its own ADSR envelope generator, and with several different waveforms, ring modulation and filter capabilities. It too, was very advanced for its time. It was designed by Bob Yannes, who would later co-found synthesizer company Ensoniq. Yannes criticized other contemporary computer sound chips as 'primitive, obviously (...) designed by people who knew nothing about music.' Often the game music became a hit of its own among C64 users. Well-known composers and programmers of game music on the C64 were Rob Hubbard, David Whittaker, Chris Hülsbeck, Ben Daglish, Martin Galway and David Dunn among many others. Due to the chip's limitation to three channels, chords were played as arpeggios typically, coining the C64's characteristic lively sound. There are two versions of the SID chip. The first version was the MOS Technology 6581, which is to be found in all of the original 'breadbox' C64s, and early versions of the C64C and the Commodore 128. It was later replaced with the MOS Technology 8580 in 1987. The sound quality was a little more crisp on the 6581 and many Commodore 64 fans still prefer its sound. The main difference between the 6581 and the 8580 was the voltage supply: the 6581 uses a 12 volt supply, while the 8580 required only 9 volts. A voltage modification can be made to use a 6581 in a C64C board (which uses 9V). The SID chip has a distinctive sound which retained a following of devotees. In 1999, Swedish company Elektron produced a SidStation synth module, built around the SID chip, using remaining stocks of the chip. Several bands use these devices in their music. Hardware revisions Cost reduction was the driving force for hardware revisions to the C64's motherboard. Reducing manufacturing costs was vitally important to Commodore's survival during the price war and leaner years of the 16-bit era. The C64's original (NMOS based) motherboard would go through two major redesigns, (and numerous sub-revisions) exchanging positions of the VIC-II, SID and PLA chips. Initially, a large proportion of the cost was lowered by reducing the number of discrete components used, such as diodes and resistors. The VIC-II was manufactured with 5 micrometre NMOS technology, clocked at 8 MHz. At such a high clock rate, it generated a lot of heat, forcing MOS Technology to use a ceramic DIL package (called a 'CERDIP'). The ceramic package was more expensive, but it dissipated heat more effectively than plastic. After a redesign in 1983, the VIC-II was encased in a plastic DIL package, which reduced costs substantially, but it did not eliminate the heat problem. Without a ceramic package, the VIC-II required the use of a heatsink. To avoid extra cost, the metal RF shielding doubled as the heatsink for the VIC, although not all units shipped with this type of shielding. Most C64s in Europe shipped with a cardboard RF shield, coated with a layer of metal foil. The effectiveness of the cardboard was highly questionable, and worse still it acted as an insulator, blocking airflow which trapped heat generated by the SID, VIC and PLA chips. The SID was manufactured using NMOS at 7 and in some areas 6 micrometres. The prototype SID and some very early production models featured a ceramic DIL package, but unlike the VIC-II, these are extremely rare as the SID was encased in plastic when production started in early 1982. In 1986 Commodore released the last revision to the 'classic' C64 motherboard. It was otherwise identical to the 1984 design, except that it now used two 64 kbit x4 DRAM chips rather than the original eight 64 kbit x1. After the release of the C64C, MOS Technology began to reconfigure the C64's chipset to use HMOS technology. The main benefit of using HMOS was that it required less voltage to drive the IC, which consequently generates less heat. This enhanced the overall reliability of the SID and VIC-II. The new chipset was re-numbered to 85xx in order to reflect the change to HMOS. In 1987 Commodore released C64Cs with a totally redesigned motherboard commonly known as a 'short board'. The new board used the new HMOS chipset, featuring new 64-pin PLA chip. The new 'SuperPLA' as it was dubbed, integrated many discrete components and TTL chips. The 2114 color RAM was integrated into the last revision of the PLA. The C64 used an external power supply. While this saved valuable space within the computer's case, the supply itself was barely adequate for the C64's power requirements. Commodore's plastic power bricks would typically break from overheating. Some users purchased heavier-duty, better-cooled, third-party power supplies. The C64's disk drives also came with their own external power supplies. Later in the Commodore's lifetime, third-party power supplies became increasingly important when used in conjunction with RAM expansions or Creative Micro Designs' peripherals. Of particular note, a C64 coupled with a RAM expansion or CMD SuperCPU required more power than the original Commodore power supply could provide. A modern PC power unit can be modified to power a C64 and its disk drives. Specifications Internal hardware Microprocessor CPU: * MOS Technology 6510/8500 (the 6510/8500 being a modified 6502 with an integrated 6-bit I/O port) * Clock speed: 1.023 MHz (NTSC) or 0.985 MHz (PAL) Video: MOS Technology VIC-II 6567/8567 (NTSC), 6569/8569 (PAL) * 16 colors * Text mode: 40x25 characters; 256 user-defined chars (8x8 pixels, or 4x8 in multicolor mode); 4-bit color RAM defines foreground color * Bitmap modes: 320x200 (2 colors in each 8x8 block), 160x200 (3 colors plus background in each 4x8 block) * 8 hardware sprites of 24x21 pixels (12x21 in multicolor mode) * Smooth scrolling, raster interrupts Sound: MOS Technology 6581/8580 SID * 3-channel synthesizer with programmable ADSR envelope * 8 octaves * 4 waveforms: triangle, sawtooth, variable pulse, noise * Oscillator synchronization, ring modulation * Programmable filter: high pass, low pass, band pass, notch filter RAM: * 64 KiB (65,536 bytes), of which 38 KiB minus 1 byte (38,911 bytes) were available for BASIC programs * 512 bytes color RAM * Expandable to 320 KiB with Commodore 1764 256 KiB RAM Expansion Unit (REU); although only 64 KiB directly accessible; REU mostly intended for GEOS. REUs of 128 KiB and 512 KiB, originally designed for the C128, were also available, but required the user to buy a stronger power supply from some third party supplier; with the 1764 this was included. Creative Micro Designs also produced a 2 MB REU for the C64 and C128, called the 1750 XL. The technology actually supported up to 16 MB, but 2 MB was the biggest one officially made. Expansions of up to 16 MB were also possible via the CMD SuperCPU. ROM: * 20 KiB (9 KiB BASIC 2.0; 7 KiB KERNAL; 4 KiB character generator, providing two 2 KiB character sets) I/O ports and power supply: * I/O ports: * 8-pin DIN plug containing composite video output, separate Y/C outputs, and sound input/output. (Some early C64 units utilized a 5-pin DIN connector that omitted the Y/C output.) * Integrated RF modulator antenna output via a RCA connector * 2 x screwless DE9M game controller ports (compatible with Atari 2600 controllers), each supporting five digital inputs and two analog inputs. Available peripherals included digital joysticks, analog paddles, a light pen, the Commodore 1351 mouse, and the unique KoalaPad. * Cartridge expansion slot (slot for edge connector with 6510 CPU address/data bus lines and control signals, as well as GND and voltage pins; used for program modules and memory expansions, among others) * PET-type Datassette 300 baud tape interface (edge connector with cassette motor/read/write/sense signals and GND and +5 V pins; the motor pin is powered to directly supply the motor) * User port (edge connector with TTL-level RS-232 signals, for modems, etc; and byte-parallel signals which can be used to drive third-party parallel printers, among other things; with 17 logic signals, 7 GND and voltage pins, including 9V AC voltage) * Serial bus (serial version of IEEE-488, 6-pin DIN plug) for CBM printers and disk drives * Power supply: * 5V DC and 9V AC from an external 'power brick', attached to a 7-pin female DIN-connector on the computer. The C64's original power brick was under-powered, and users would often replace it with a third party solution, particularly if they had power-hungry peripherals attached to their machines. Notes on C64 Software * On address DollarFFF6-DollarFFF9 (65526-9) in the C64 KERNAL, immediately before the hard-coded jump vectors for the processor, is letter sequence 'RRBY'. These are the initials of Robert Russell and Bob Yannes, the two main engineers that created the C64. * The Commodore 64's BASIC V2, the programming language which came built-in with the computer, can be crashed by executing PRINT''+-[x] (where x is any integer), or by attempting to create a BASIC program with an initial line number near 350800. * Due to a quirk in the C64's BASIC operating system, an Easter egg or screensaver of sorts may be activated by pressing the RUN/STOP and RESTORE keys in unison, then entering POKE781,96:SYS58251 on the subsequently cleared screen. * There is a way to hide lines of code written in the BASIC Language stored in local memory. It involved using the 'heart' symbol. * Entering the character shift-L (which looks like an L-shaped border corner) into the program code will cause a syntax error when that line is LISTed. This is a simple way to prevent arbitrary listing of the program code. Infos from Wikipedia

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65 Commodore Computer 1980

The CAB 65 was compatible with the <a href="computer.asp?c=68">Apple II</a>.

8096 Commodore Unknown

8296 Commodore Unknown

Amiga Commodore Computer 1985

The Amiga is a family of personal computers originally developed by Amiga Corporation. Development on the Amiga began in 1982 with Jay Miner as the principal hardware designer. Commodore International bought Amiga Corporation and introduced the machine to the market in 1985. The name Amiga was chosen by the developers specifically from the Spanish and Portuguese word for a female friend, and because it occurred before Apple and Atari alphabetically. Based on the Motorola 68k series of microprocessors, the machine sported a custom chipset with advanced graphics and sound capabilities, and a pre-emptive multitasking operating system (now known as AmigaOS). While the M68k was a 32-bit processor, the version originally used in the Amiga, the 68000, had a 16-bit external data bus, and the original machine (along with its contemporary, the Atari ST) was generally referred to in the press as a 16-bit computer; later models sported fully 32-bit designs. The Amiga provided a significant upgrade from 8-bit computers such as the Commodore 64, and the Amiga quickly grew in popularity among computer enthusiasts, especially in Europe, and sold approximately 6 million units. It also found a prominent role in the desktop video / video production and show control business, and was a less-expensive alternative to the Apple Macintosh and IBM-PC. The Amiga was most commercially successful as a home computer, although early Commodore advertisements attempted to place the Amiga into several different markets at the same time. Since the demise of Commodore, various groups have marketed successors to the original Amiga line. Eyetech sold Amiga hardware under the AmigaOne brand from 2002 till 2005. History The Amiga was originally designed by a small company called Amiga Corporation, and initially intended to be a next generation video game machine, but was later redesigned into a general purpose computer. Before the machine was released into the market the company was purchased by Commodore. The first model, later known as the Amiga 1000, was released in 1985 as a successor to the Commodore 64 and as a rival to the Atari ST. Commodore later released several new Amiga models, both for low-end gaming use and high-end productivity use. Throughout the 1980s, the Amiga's combination of hardware and operating system software offered great value, but by the mid-nineties other platforms, most of all the PC, reduced or eliminated this advantage. In 1994, Commodore filed for bankruptcy and its assets were purchased by Escom, a German PC manufacturer, who created the subsidiary company Amiga Technologies. They re-released the A1200 and A4000T, and introduced a new 68060 version of the A4000T. However, Escom in turn went bankrupt in 1997. The Amiga brand was then sold to another PC manufacturer, Gateway 2000, which had announced grand plans for it. However, in 2000, Gateway sold the Amiga brand. The current owner of the trademark, Amiga, Inc., has licensed the rights to make hardware using the Amiga brand to a UK computer vendor, Eyetech Group, Ltd, which was founded by some former UK employees of Commodore International. They are currently selling the AmigaOne via an international dealer network. The AmigaOne is a PowerPC computer designed to run the latest version of AmigaOS, which was itself licensed to a Belgian-German company, Hyperion Entertainment. Hardware At its core, the Amiga featured custom designed coprocessors, useful for handling tasks such as audio, video, encoding and animation. This freed up the Amiga's central processor for other tasks (given that the coprocessors could keep up with the central processor's demands) and gave the Amiga an edge on its competitors in many situations. The platform also introduced other innovations. For example, the Amiga CDTV was the first computer to feature a CD-ROM drive as standard, as well as being one of the earlier computers to no longer include a floppy drive in the standard configuration. The Amiga was also one of the first computers for which inexpensive sound sampling and video digitization accessories were available. Although it was once regarded as 'unemulatable,' since around 2000, hardware has developed to a point where many different platforms have Amiga emulation programs available that reproduce the Amiga's hardware functions in software. This allows users to run Amiga software without the need for an actual Amiga computer. Central processing unit PowerPC processor.All Commodore Amiga models make use of Motorola Central Processing Units (CPUs) based on the Motorola 68k architecture. In desktop-style Amiga models, the CPU was fitted on a daughterboard (except the A2000) called a CPU card. Low-cost Amiga models came with CPUs either socketed or soldered onto the motherboard. On all Amiga models the CPU could be upgraded through an expansion card or direct CPU replacement. CPU cards were provided by both Commodore and third-party manufacturers. These cards often came with on-board memory slots and hard drive interfaces, alleviating those tasks from the base Amiga. The Amiga was not limited to solely the 68k CPU architecture; it was also possible to install a PowerPC coprocessor that could be used by PowerPC-aware software and libraries, and later the AmigaOne used a PowerPC CPU instead of a 68k CPU. Custom chipset The Amiga's custom chipset, as the name implies, consists of a number of chips. There are three generations of chipsets used in the various Amiga models. The first was the OCS, followed by the ECS and finally the AGA. What all these chipsets have in common is that they handle raster graphics, digital audio and communication between various peripherals (e.g., CPU, memory and floppy disks) in the Amiga. Graphics All Amiga systems can display full-screen animated graphics with 32, 64 (EHB Mode) or 4096 colors (HAM Mode). Models with the AGA chipset (A1200 and A4000) also have 128, 256 and 262,144 color modes and a palette expanded from 4096 to 16.8 million colors. The Amiga chipset could genlock — adjust its own screen refresh timing to match an NTSC or PAL video signal. When combined with setting transparency, this allowed an Amiga to overlay an external video source with graphics. This ability made the Amiga popular for many applications, and provided the ability to do character generation and CGI effects far more cheaply than earlier systems. Some frequent users of this ability included wedding videographers, TV stations and their weather forecasting divisions (for weather graphics and radar), advertising channels, music video production, and 'desktop video'. The NewTek Video Toaster was made possible by the genlock ability of the Amiga. Sound The sound chip, named Paula, supports four sound channels (two for the left speaker and two for the right) with 8-bit resolution for each channel and a 6-bit volume control per channel. The analog output is connected to a low-pass filter, which filters out high-frequency aliases when the Amiga is using a lower sampling rate (see Nyquist limit). The brightness of the Amiga's power LED is used to indicate the status of the Amiga's low-pass filter. The filter is active when the LED is at normal brightness, and deactivated when dimmed. Older Amiga 500's simply turned off the power LED. On Amiga 1000, the power LED had no relation to the filter's status, you had to manually solder a wire between pins on the sound chip to disable the filter. Paula can read directly from the system's RAM, using direct memory access (DMA), making sound playback without CPU intervention possible. Although the hardware is limited to four separate sound channels, software such as OctaMED uses software mixing to allow eight or more virtual channels, and it was possible for software to mix two hardware channels to achieve a single 14-bit resolution channel by playing with the volumes of the channels in such a way that one of the source channels contributes the most significant bits and the other the least ones. It is also possible to use interrupts to control the sound chip and get 14 bits for all four channels. It should also be possible to mix the two channels on each side and get 15-bit sound. Because of the interrupts, this will require a lot of CPU time. The quality of the Amiga's sound output, and the fact that the hardware is ubiquitous and easily addressed by software, were standout features of Amiga hardware unavailable on PC platforms for years. Third-party sound cards exist that provide DSP functions, multi-track direct-to-disk recording, multiple hardware sound channels and 16-bit and beyond resolutions. A retargetable sound API called AHI was developed allowing these cards to be used transparently by the OS and software. ROM The classic Amiga Operating System consisted of Kickstart (including System API) and Workbench. In the Amiga 1000 model, Kickstart was first loaded from a floppy disk, followed by Workbench, or other bootable disk. Later models held Kickstart (and system API) on a ROM, improving start-up times. Models could be upgraded by changing the ROM. The early ROMs were generally known as 'Kickstart' and started with version 1.0 (A1000 floppy) and ending with Kickstart 3.1. There are hardware and software packages that can 'shadow' Kickstart into memory. This resulted in faster operation for functions dependent on the ROM, at the cost of system memory to store the ROM data. Three finger salute The Amiga's three-finger salute (CTRL plus the two 'Amiga' keys), which reboots the system (but does not erase or reload the Kickstart software), is actually implemented in hardware common to the Apple II (CTRL-Open Apple-Reset), but unlike the IBM PC (whose Ctrl-Alt-Del is implemented in software). Another kind of three-finger salute (CTRL plus the two 'Alt' keys) was introduced with AmigaOS 4.0 which resets the machine entirely, forcing a reload of the Kickstart. Third party hardware Many expansion boards were produced for Amiga computers to improve the performance and capability of the hardware, such as memory expansions, SCSI controllers, CPU boards, and graphics boards. Other upgrades included genlocks, ethernet cards, modems, sound cards and samplers, video digitizers, USB cards, extra serial ports, and IDE controllers. The most popular upgrades were memory, SCSI controllers and CPU accelerator cards. These were sometimes combined into the one device, particularly on big-box Amigas like the A2000, A3000 and A4000. Early CPU accelerator cards featured full 32-bit CPUs of the 68000 family such as the Motorola 68020 and Motorola 68030, almost always with 32-bit memory and usually with FPUs and MMUs or the facility to add them. Later designs featured the Motorola 68040 and Motorola 68060. Both CPUs featured integrated FPUs and MMUs. Many CPU accelerator cards also had integrated SCSI controllers. Phase5 designed the PowerUp boards (BlizzardPPC and CyberstormPPC) featuring both a 68k (a 68040 or 68060) and a PPC (603 or 604) CPU, which are able to run the two CPUs at the same time (and share the system memory). The PPC CPU on PowerUp boards is usually used as a coprocessor for heavy computations (a powerful CPU is needed to run for example MAME, but even decoding JPEG pictures and MP3 audio was considered heavy computation in those years). It is also possible to ignore the 68k CPU and run Linux on the PPC (project Linux APUS), but a PPC-native Amiga OS was not available when the PPC boards first appeared. 24-bit graphics cards and video cards were also available. Graphics cards are designed primarily for 2D artwork production, workstation use, and later, gaming. Video cards are designed for inputting and outputting video signals, and processing and manipulating video. Perhaps the most famous video card in the North American market was the NewTek Video Toaster. This was a powerful video effects board which turned the Amiga into an affordable video processing computer which found its way into many professional video environments. Due to its NTSC-only design it did not find a market in countries that used the PAL standard, such as in Europe. In PAL countries the OpalVision card was popular, although less featured and supported than the Video Toaster. Low-cost time base correctors (TBCs) specifically designed to work with the Toaster quickly came to market, most of which were designed as standard Amiga bus cards. Various manufacturers started producing PCI busboards for the A1200 and A4000, allowing standard Amiga computers to use PCI cards such as Voodoo graphic cards, Sound Blaster sound cards, 10/100 ethernet cards, and TV tuner cards. PowerPC upgrades with Wide SCSI controllers, PCI busboards with ethernet, sound and 3D graphics cards, and tower cases allowed the A1200 and A4000 to survive well into the late nineties. Expansion boards were made by Richmond Sound Design that allowed their show control and sound design software to communicate with their custom hardware frames either by ribbon cable or fiber optic cable for long distances, allowing the Amiga to control up to eight million digitally controlled external audio, lighting, automation, relay and voltage control channels spread around a large theme park, for example. See Amiga software for more information on these applications. Models and variants Main article: Amiga models and variants The Amiga 500 (1987) was the most popular variant of the Amiga.The 'classic Amiga' models were produced from 1985 to 1996. They are, in order of appearance: 1000, 2000, 500, 1500, 2500, 3000, 3000UX, 500+, 3000T, CDTV, 600, 4000, 1200, CD32, and 4000T. The PowerPC based AmigaOne was later produced from 2002 to 2005. Some companies have also released Amiga clones. The Amiga 500 was Commodore's best-selling Amiga model. Early units, at least, had the words 'B52/ROCK LOBSTER' silk-screen printed onto their printed circuit board, a reference to the popular song by the rock band the B-52's. Commodore's two subsequent console style models also carried a reference to the same band on their motherboards - the Amiga 600 had 'JUNE BUG' and the Amiga 1200 had 'CHANNEL Z'. The Amiga 500+ was the shortest lived model, replacing the Amiga 500 and lasting only six months until it was phased out and replaced by the Amiga 600. Commodore released three significant upgrades: the Amiga 2000 in 1987, the Amiga 3000 in 1990, and the Amiga 4000 in 1992. These upgrades improved the platform's graphical abilities, allowing for more colors and different display modes, and added expansion slots and ports. The best selling models, however, were the much cheaper but still versatile console models - the Amiga 500 (1987) and the Amiga 1200 (1992). In 2006, PC World rated the Amiga 1000 as the seventh greatest PC of all time, stating 'Years ahead of its time, the Amiga was the world's first multimedia, multitasking personal computer'. AmigaOS 4 systems AmigaOS 4 is designed for PowerPC Amiga systems and currently runs on both Amigas equipped with CyberstormPPC or BlizzardPPC accelerator boards, and on the PPC Teron series based AmigaOne computers built by Eyetech under license by Amiga Inc. AmigaOS 4.0 had been available only in developer pre-releases for numerous years until the final update was 'released' in December 2006. Due to the nature of some provisions of the contract between Amiga Inc. and Hyperion Entertainment the Belgian-German firm which is developing the OS, the commercial AmigaOS had only been available licensed to buyers of AmigaOne motherboards. AmigaOS 4.0 for Classic Amigas equipped with PPC (Cyberstorm PPC or BlizzardPPC) accelerator boards was released commercially in November 2007, prior to this it was available only to developers and beta-testers. There have been no major changes or feature enhancements to Amiga OS 4.0 since December, 2006, and no new hardware released since the AmigaOne, despite rumors of several PowerPC-based motherboards. Amiga hardware clones Long-time Amiga developer MacroSystems entered the Amiga-clone market with their DraCo nonlinear video edit system. It appeared in two versions, initially a tower model and later a cube. DraCo expanded upon and combined a number of earlier expansion cards developed for Amiga (VLabMotion, Toccata, WarpEngine, RetinaIII) into a true Amiga-clone powered by Motorola's 68060 processor. The DraCo can run AmigaOS 3.1 up through AmigaOS 3.9. It is the only Amiga-based system to support FireWire for video I/O. DraCo also offers an Amiga-compatible ZORRO-II expansion bus and introduced a faster custom DraCoBus, capable of 30 MB/sec transfer rates (faster than Commodore's ZORRO-III). The technology was later used in the Casablanca system, a set-top-box also designed for non-linear video editing. In 1998, Index Information released the Access, an Amiga-clone similar to the A1200, but on a motherboard which could fit into a standard 5 .1/4' drive bay. It featured either a 68020 or 68030 CPU, with a redesigned AGA chipset, and ran AmigaOS 3.1. In 2006, two new Amiga-clones were announced. The Minimig is a personal project of Dutch engineer Dennis van Weeren. Minimig replicates the Amiga OCS custom chipset inside an FPGA. The original model was built on a Xilinx Spartan 3 development board, but now a dedicated board has been demonstrated. The design for Minimig was released as Open Source on July 25, 2007. In December, 2007, an Italian company Acube Systems announced plans to commercially produce the original Minimig. In February 2008 Acube began selling Minimig boards. Individual Computers has announced development of the Clone-A system. As of mid 2007 it has been shown in its development form, with FPGA-based boards replacing the custom chips in an Amiga 500. Operating systems AmigaOS Amiga OS 3.9At the time of release AmigaOS put an OS that was well ahead of its time into the hands of the average consumer. It was the first commercially available consumer operating system for personal computers to implement preemptive multitasking . Other features included combining a graphical user interface with a command-line interface, allowing long filenames permitting whitespace and not requiring a file extension and the use of information files associated with other files to store icons, launch and other desktop data. John C. Dvorak stated in 1996 that AmigaOS 'remains one of the great operating systems of the past 20 years, incorporating a small kernel and tremendous multitasking capabilities the likes of which have only recently been developed in OS/2 and Windows NT. The biggest difference is that the AmigaOS could operate fully and multitask in as little as 250 K of address space.' Like other operating systems of the time, the OS lacked memory protection. This was necessary also because the 68000 CPU of the first Amiga computers did not include a memory management unit, and because there was no way of enforcing use of flags indicating memory to be shared. Although it eased interapplication communication (programs could communicate by simply passing a pointer back and forth), the lack of memory protection made the Amiga OS more vulnerable to crashes from badly behaving programs, and fundamentally incapable of enforcing any form of security model since any program had full access to the system. Later this memory protection feature was implemented in Amiga OS 4. The problem was somewhat exacerbated by Commodore's initial decision to release documentation relating not only to the OS's underlying software routines, but also to the hardware itself, enabling intrepid programmers who cut their teeth on the Commodore 64 to POKE the hardware directly, as was done on the older platform. While the decision to release the documentation was a popular one and allowed the creation of fast, sophisticated sound and graphics routines in games and demos, it also contributed to system instability as some programmers lacked the expertise to program at this level. For this reason, when the new AGA chipset was released, Commodore declined to release documentation for it, forcing most programmers to adopt the approved software routines. Following Commodore's bankruptcy, two main clones of AmigaOS were developed: MorphOS, which runs on Amiga and Pegasos machines, and the free software AROS project. Unix and Unix-like systems Commodore-Amiga produced Amiga Unix, informally known as Amix, based on AT&T SVR4. It supported the Amiga 2500 and Amiga 3000 and was included with the Amiga 3000UX. Among other unusual features of Amix was a hardware-accelerated windowing system which could scroll windows without copying data. Amix was not supported on the later Amiga systems based on 68040 or 68060 processors. Other, still maintained, operating systems are available for the classic Amiga platform, including Linux and NetBSD. Both require a CPU with MMU such as the 68020 with 68851 or full versions of the 68030, 68040 or 68060. There is also a version of Linux for Amigas with PowerPC accelerator cards. Debian and Yellow Dog Linux can run on the AmigaOne. There is an official, older version of OpenBSD. The last Amiga release is 3.2. Minix 1.5.10 also runs on Amiga. Emulating other systems The Amiga is able to emulate other computer platforms ranging from many 8-bit systems such as the ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64, Nintendo Game Boy, Nintendo Entertainment System, Apple II and the TRS-80, to platforms such as the IBM PC and Apple Macintosh. MAME (the arcade machine emulator) is also available for Amiga systems with PPC accelerator card upgrades. Amiga software The Amiga was a primary target for productivity and game development during the late 1980s and early 1990s. Software was often developed for the Amiga and the Atari ST simultaneously, since the ST shared a similar architecture. Much of the freely available software was available on Aminet. Until around 1996, Aminet was the largest public archive of software for any platform. Bootblock If an Amiga 500 is rebooted or powered without a floppy this screen is displayed. The displayed OS is Kickstart 34.5 (AmigaOS 1.3), included in the Amiga 500 ROM.When an Amiga is reset, the Kickstart code selects a boot device (floppy or hard drive), loads the first two sectors of the disk or partition (the bootblock), and passes control to it. Normally this code passes control back to the OS, continuing to boot from the device or partition it was loaded from. The first production Amiga, the Amiga 1000, needed to load Kickstart from floppy disk into 256 kilobytes of RAM reserved for this purpose, but subsequent Amigas held Kickstart in ROM. Some games and demos for the A1000 (notably Dragon's Lair) provided an alternative code-base in order to use the extra 256 kilobytes of RAM for data. A floppy disk or hard drive partition bootblock normally contains code to load the 'dos.library' (AmigaDOS) and then exit to it, invoking the GUI. Any such disk, no matter what the other contents of the disk, was referred to as a 'Boot disk', 'bootable disk' or 'Workbench disk'. (A bootblock could be added to a disk by use of the 'install' command.) Some entertainment software contains custom bootblocks. The game or demo then takes control of memory and resources to suit itself, effectively disabling AmigaOS and the Amiga GUI. The bootblock became an obvious target for virus writers. Some games or demos that used a custom bootblock would not work if infected with a bootblock virus, as the virus's code replaced the original. The first such virus was the SCA virus. Anti-virus attempts included custom bootblocks. These amended bootblock advertised the presence of the virus checker while checking the system for tell-tale signs of memory resident viruses and then passed control back to the system. Unfortunately these could not be used on disks that already relied on a custom bootblock, but did alert users of potential trouble. Several of them also replicated themselves across other disks, becoming little more than viruses in their own right. Boing Ball The Boing Ball has been synonymous with Amiga since its public release in 1985. It has been a popular theme in computer demo effects since the 1950s, when a bouncing ball demo was released for Whirlwind computers. Commodore released a bouncing ball demo at the 1978 Consumer Electronics Show, to illustrate the capabilities of the VIC chip. A similar theme was used to demonstrate the capabilities of the Amiga computer at the 1984 Consumer Electronics Show. It was a real-time animation showing a red-and-white balloon bouncing forth and back off the edges of the screen, as a deep 'boing!' sound played on each impact. Since then, the Boing Ball became one of the most well-known symbols for Amiga and compatible computers. Within the context of this tradition of bouncing ball demos at the Consumer Electronics Show, CBS Electronics also showed a Bouncing Ball demo for the Atari VCS/2600, with a spinning and bouncing ball, at the same event. The 1984 Boing Ball demo was one of the very first demos shown on the Amiga. It was specifically designed to take advantage of the Amiga's custom graphics and sound hardware, achieving a level of speed and smoothness not previously seen on a home computer. This demo operated in an Intuition Screen, allowing the higher resolution Amiga Workbench screen to be dragged down to make the Boing Ball visible from behind, bouncing up above the Workbench while the Workbench remained fully active. Since the Boing Ball used almost no CPU time, this made a particularly impressive demonstration of multitasking at the time. Despite its popularity in the Amiga community, the Boing Ball itself was never officially adopted as a trademark by Commodore. The official Amiga trademark was a rainbow-colored double checkmark. After the bankruptcy of Commodore, the Boing Ball remained in use as one of the symbols for Amiga-related systems on hundreds of web sites and products by different companies and individuals. The demo was once ported to the Atari 2600 under the title Boing. The porter impressed himself so much that he added a little Easter Egg, which he referred to as lame (When you hold down the game reset switch, the checkered ball turns into a message that says HAPPY XMAS 1999!-----FROM ROB KUDLA and Jingle Bells starts playing. You also won't hear the bounce sound effect. Releasing the switch stops the music, turns the message back into the checkered ball, and the boing sound effect is played again when the ball bounces). Amiga community When Commodore went bankrupt in 1994, there was still a very active Amiga community, and it continued to support the platform long after mainstream commercial vendors abandoned it. The most popular Amiga magazine, Amiga Format, continued to publish editions until 2000, some six years after Commodore filed for bankruptcy. Another magazine, Amiga Active, was launched in 1999 and was published until 2001. Interest in the platform is high enough to sustain a specialist column in the UK weekly magazine Micro Mart. As of mid-2006, there was enough demand for Amiga expansion hardware to keep some small scale manufacturers in business. Infos from: Wikipedia

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Amiga 1000 Commodore Computer 1992

The inventor of the Amiga 1000 was <b>Jay Miner</b>, who created the <a href="computer.asp?c=76">Atari 800</a> many years before. He wanted to make the most powerful computer ever, then he joined a small Californian company called Amiga. He used the principle of the three coprocessors (again) to help the main processor. At the beginning, the Amiga had only 64 kilobytes of RAM! The original "Amiga" called the Lorraine was meant to be a game machine with some computer capabilities. Atari initially invested the money in the Amiga Corp. to do the R&amp;D on the Amiga computer line. Naturally, when the design was finished, Amiga Corp. gave Atari the choice to purchase the technology. Atari passed in favor of their own project. Amiga Corp. then offered the technology to Commodore, Inc., who were quite pleased to purchase it, seeing that their own 16-bit computer was so far from reaching the shelf. After the loss of a major legal battle for control of the Amiga chip set design, Atari launched the <a href="computer.asp?c=20">ST</a> series (Sixteen-Thirty-two) as a competitor for the upcoming Amiga. The operating system (AmigaDOS) was done by MetaComCo, a British company who specialized in the 68000 processor (they also made languages for the <a href="computer.asp?c=199">Sinclair QL</a>). It is a fully multitasking system which looks like UNIX with a graphical user interface. It was the very first personal computer with great graphics and sound capabilities with a GUI environment. The Amiga BASIC was written by Microsoft (like most other versions of BASIC), but the first models were shipped with a non-Microsoft BASIC called ABasiC. The Amiga 1000 was to lose popularity one year later with the creation of its two main successors: the <a href="computer.asp?c=65">Amiga 500</a> and the <a href="computer.asp?c=63">Amiga 2000</a>. There were two versions of the Amiga 1000. The first one sold only in the USA, had a NTSC display and no EHB video mode. Later versions would have this built in. The second one had a PAL display, the enhanced video modes (EHB) and was built in Germany. The official name for the A1000 was the Commodore Amiga. It was only when the A2000 was launched that they officially began to refer to the machine by its model number. <a href="doc.asp?c=28"><img src="graphs/readmore.gif" border="0" vspace="4"></a>

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Amiga 1200 Commodore Computer 1992

In October 1992 the Amiga 1200 was launched. This machine took the A500 approach to computing with the "distinct" Commodore case, but including the AGA chipset present in the A4000, 2 MB RAM, and the PCMCIA slot from the A600. At the price of ?399 it sold like hot cakes and is seen as one of the best Amigas to date. It appears to have been rushed to launch for the Christmas period with manuals claiming to give you the opportunity to upgrade from 1mb to 2mb chip ram with FPU. It is, however, a darn fine machine that can be easily upgraded for most of your needs. After Escom bought the Amiga during 1995 it was relaunched to mass outrage. The machine still cost ?399, ?150 more than it had done a year previously and was not enhanced in any dramatic fashion. It was released in two versions- the Amiga Magic pack and the Amiga Surfer bundle. Unfortunately, the former was never released due to Escoms financial situation. The Escom Amigas were also struck by incompatibility problems due to a different disk drive being used, it was actually a PC high-density drive mechanism that had been altered to allow compatibility with the Amiga file system. Unfortunately, some games that hit the hardware directly would not run. A circuit upgrade was released free of charge that allowed users to fix the drive problem. <font color="#666666">Source: <a href="" target="-blank">Amiga Interactive Guide</a> </font>

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Amiga 3000 Commodore Computer 1992

The Commodore Amiga 3000 is the successor of the <a href="computer.asp?c=63">Amiga 2500</a> (itself a successor of the <a href="computer.asp?c=63">Amiga 2000</a>). It was replaced three years later with the <a href="computer.asp?c=32">Amiga 4000</a>. <a href="" target="_blank">Amiga Interactive Guide</a> description : <font color="#666666">The A3000 is a powerhouse in comparison to previous Amiga, it was sold as a high-end graphics workstation. For a time it was used by W Industries as the basis of their highly acclaimed Virtuality machines. At the heart of the A3000 was the powerful 68030 (described in ST/Amiga Format as a 'as a mainframe on a chip'). In addition the A3000 was the first Amiga to feature the new Kickstart 2 upgrade and Zorro III slots. To emphasis the A3000s capabilities as a high-end workstation, two operating systems were included: The first was the newly released Kickstart/Workbench 2. This was unusual by the fact that Kickstart was stored on the hard disk rather than in ROM. This was similar to the A1000 that required Kickstart to be loaded from floppy disk before anything else could be done. The second OS to be included with the A3000 was the Unix System (SVR4) V operating system. This allowed the use of the Unix graphical interface, X Windows and Open Look. It also came with standard networking capabilities (probably a first for Commodore), such as TCP/IP, NFS and RFS for networking between different operating systems. In a bizarre twist, the Unix OS was sold on a magnetic tape rather than floppy disk. </font> Three Amiga 3000 models were produced : 3000, 3000UX, and 3000T. The <b>3000</b> was the desktop model (pictured here) which shipped with flippable 1.3 or 2.0 AmigaOS Roms. The <b>Amiga 3000T</b>, released in 1991, was a tower system with built-in speaker, 32Mb RAM, high-resolution mouse, 100 Mb hard-drive, a lot of Zorro II slots, a variety of drive bays, and a 25Mhz 68030 with a 68882 math coprocessor. The <b>3000UX</b> shipped with "AMIX", Commodore's System-5 derived UNIX which was very nice and came with X-windows. It was Commodore's only serious attempt to get into the UNIX workstation market, and a noble effort that unfortunately failed utterly. Notice there are some rare versions of the Amiga 3000: the <b>3000/16</b> (the speed is only 16 MHz) and the <b>Amiga 3000+</b> which uses an AGA video chip and a DSP. The 3000+ was a prototype only. A few units are known to exist, but they are not supported. The DSP was able to function as a software modem in some configurations, which was extremely cool.

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Amiga 4000 Commodore Computer 1992

In 1992 Commodore launched the most advanced Amiga yet. The A4000 used the AGA chipset to allow it to show 256,000 colours on screen from a palette of 16.8 million, as well as the new Workbench 3 that introduced the concept of among other things, datatypes. The Amiga 4000 is one of the most powerful Amigas ever made. As a replacement for the A3000 &amp; A3000T, the A4000 was a combination of the A2000 (big box), A3000 (vertical slots (integrated hard drive controller) and A1200 (AGA chips). As standard it allows memory expansion for up to 18Mb RAM on the motherboard. It shipped with either a 25 MHz 68030/68882 or 25 MHz 68040 CPU. The A4000 was never intended for release, but was a prototype for a system known as the A3000 Plus which was a considerably better machine. The machine was eventually cancelled and the A4000 drafted for release due to the low cost of development. Like the <a href="computer.asp?c=30">Amiga 3000</a>, the 4000 has 2 MB of chip RAM (reserved for its coprocessors) and 4 MB of fast RAM (used directly by the 68040). The Amiga 4000 mainboard was planned to use the AAA chip (the video custom chip designed to replace the AGA chip), the AAA chip was theoretically designed to use 8 MB FastRAM (see the "Chip RAM : ON=2MB, OFF=8MB" jumper on the motherboard), unfortunately, Commodore didn't use this chip, so this jumper is absolutely useless. There's an internal 120 MB IDE hard disk and 4 expansion slots: three ISA slots (for PC compatible cards) and one dedicated 32 bit video slot used for graphics cards. The Amiga 4000 works under WorKBench 3.0, a very powerful and flexible multitasking system which looks like UNIX, it can read &amp; write directly to DOS 1.44 Mb floppy disks. The Amiga 4000 was mainly used for video production but was in direct competition with the PC compatibles when most of its major products (ImageIn, Real 3D, &amp; Lightwave, to name a few) were adapted for Windows. There were in fact two models of Amiga 4000 : - the <b>A4000-040</b> released in September 92 with a Motorola 68040 Processor, 6 Mb RAM, internal 3.5" 1.76 Mb Floppy Drive and 120 Mb IDE Hard Drive, - and the <b>A4000-030</b> released March 93, with Motorola 25MHz 68030EC processor, 4Mb RAM (2Mb Chip, 2Mb Fast), 3.5" FDD, 120Mb hard disk, etc. There was even a more powerful successor called <b>Amiga 4000T</b> ("T" stands for Tower). The A4000T is basically an A4000 in a full tower case with IDE &amp; SCSI-2 Fast controllers integrated as well as 2 video slots and shipped with a 25MHz 68040 processor. A lot of expansion hardware has been developed for the 4000/1200 : Video cards (2000 x 1500 in 24 bit), 3D cards, Wide SCSI controllers and PowerPC 604e/233 MHz accelerator cards. The Amiga scene is still very active and great software is still being developed. <font color="#666666">Source : <a href="" target="_blank">Amiga Interactive Guide</a></font>. <font color="#666666"><b>Todd Deery</b> reports: There was at least one other version of the Amiga 4000 available (at least in Canada) -- the Amiga 4000LC. This version contained the 25Mhz LC version of the 68040, which lacked a math coprocessor.</font> from <b>Chris Coulson</b>: <font color="#666666"> Here in the UK, the 4000-030 (not sure if this is true for the -040 as well) was also available with an 80MB HD in place of the 120MB drive.</font>

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Amiga 500 Commodore Computer 1985

Commodore's Amiga 500 was the low-end version of the <a href="computer.asp?c=63">Amiga 2000</a> and the main competitor of Atari's 520/1040 ST range. The A500 was superior in almost every area, apart from its MIDI capabilities and the disk drive, which was not only slow but very noisy as well and a bitter feud quickly developed between owners of these rival machines. Hardware wise, the A500 is very similar to the <a href="computer.asp?c=28">Amiga 1000</a>, the main internal differences being an increase in memory fom 256 KB to 512 KB and the addition of another custom chip named "Gary" (the only Amiga chip with a male name). This is a new I/O chip that controls the disk drive and also performs address decoding. This chip is also used in the high-end A2000. The A500 was easier to upgrade than both the ST and big box Amigas, thanks to an expansion port located in the bottom of the case. Owners could simply insert a small board which contained an extra 512 KB of Ram and a battery-backed clock. The popularity of this upgrade meant that more 1 MB software (both 1 MB versions of 512 KB software and 1 MB only software) was released for the Amiga than the ST, which had to be taken apart to expand the memory. Over the course of the A500s lifespan several different packages were available, the most basic of which included only the computer, TV modulator and Workbench disks. A number of bundles were also sold, such as the best selling "Batman Pack" which was released in 1989 and included 3 games and Deluxe Paint 2. The A500 was discontinued in 1991 and replaced by the short lived <a href="computer.asp?c=1260">Amiga 500 Plus</a>. <b>Pandy</b> comments: <font color="#666666">The Amiga 500 is a "cleaned" A1000, "cleaned" means plenty of TTL glue logic was replaced by custom IC which was named Gary. A500+ it is a new generation of custom IC's so called ECS (A500 have OCS). A500+, A3000, A600 have new graphics modes (1280 dots in line without overscan and 31Khz scanning similar to VGA - limited to 640 pixels in line with 4 colors).</font>

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Amiga 500 Commodore Computer

Amiga 600 Commodore Computer 1985

After being on sale for only a few months the <a href="computer.asp?c=1260">Amiga 500 Plus</a> was replaced with the Amiga 600 in March 1992. The smallest Amiga ever made, it is similar in size to a laptop and weighs just 6 lbs. Originally the A600 was to be sold alongside the A500+ as a budget model to be named the Amiga 300, but instead replaced the A500+ which required a name change. Very early models of the A600 have A300 printed on their motherboards, an indication of the confusion that was taking hold at Commodore after the surprise launch of the A500+. These early models also have a slightly different version of AmigaOS (although it is still version 2.05, it has the internal revision number 37.299) which doesn't have built-in support for the IDE or PCMCIA interfaces, the drivers for which must be loaded from a floppy disk. Later revisions of the AmigaOS (versions 37.300 &amp; 37.350) have these drivers built-in. The small size of the A600 also added to the incompatibility problems of the A500+. The numeric keypad had been removed from the A600 and this added hardware incompatibility to the already existing AmigaOS incompatibilities. Problems occurred with software that used the numeric keypad for inputs, mostly flight sims but also things like spreadsheets or office software, although a numeric keypad emulator was later released to address this problem. As usual with the Amiga there were a number of official and unofficial bundles were available, with prices starting at ?399. Also released was the <a href="computer.asp?c=1261">Amiga 600HD</a> which included a built-in hard drive. But with the release of the powerful new <a href="computer.asp?c=628">Amiga 1200</a> later the same year, and at the same price as the A600, a great opportunity was missed. By this time sales of the Amiga's great rival the Atari ST were slowing considerably and instead of marketing the A600 as a budget machine (as it should have been originally), it was effectively pushed out of the market thanks to competition from Commodore themselves.

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Amiga AGA Commodore Unknown

Amiga CD Commodore Accessory

Amiga CD32 Commodore Console 1993

The Amiga CD32 was the first 32-bit CD-ROM based video game console released in western Europe and Canada. It was first announced at the Science Museum in London, United Kingdom on 16 July 1993, and was released in September of the same year. The CD32 is based on Commodore's Advanced Graphics Architecture chipset, and is of similar specification to the Amiga 1200 computer. Using 3rd-party devices, it is possible to upgrade the CD32 with keyboard, floppy drive, and mouse, turning it into a personal computer. A hardware MPEG decompression module for playing Video CD was also available. The CD32 managed to secure over 50 percent of the CD-ROM market in the UK in 1993 and 1994, outselling the MegaCD, Philips CDi, and even PC CD-ROM sales. The CD32 was released in Canada and was planned for release in the United States. However, a deadline was reached for Commodore to pay a patent royalty to Cad Track for their use of their XOR patent. A federal judge ordered an injunction against Commodore preventing them from importing anything into the United States. Commodore had built up CD32 inventory in their Philippine manufacturing facility for the United States launch, but, being unable to sell the consoles, they remained in the Philippines until the debts owed to the owners of the facility were settled. Commodore declared bankruptcy shortly afterwards, and the CD32 was never officially sold in the United States. However, imported models did come over the border from Canada, and many stores in the United States (primarily mail-order stores) imported units for domestic sale. During the long bankruptcy proceedings, Commodore UK also provided some hardware components and software for the American market, including production of the MPEG Video Module that was not officially released by Commodore International. On its release, the CD32 was marketed by Commodore as 'the world's first 32-bit CD games console'. Although it was indeed the first such machine released in Europe and North America, the FM Towns Marty, a console released exclusively in Japan, beat it to market by two years. Ultimately, Commodore was not able to meet demand for new units because of component supply problems. The sales of the CD32 in Europe was not enough to save Commodore, and the bankruptcy of Commodore International in April 1994 caused the CD32 to be discontinued only months after its debut. Technical specifications Ports located on the back of the Amiga CD32CPU: Motorola 68EC020 at 14.3 MHz Memory: 2 MB Amiga Chip RAM 1 MB Kickstart ROM with CD32 firmware 1 KB of FlashROM for game saves Chipset: AGA (Advanced Graphics Architecture) Video: 24-Bit color palette (16.7 Million colors) Up to 256 on-screen colors in indexed mode 262,144 on-screen colors in HAM-8 mode Resolutions of up to 1280x512i (more with overscan) Audio (Paula): 4 voices / 2 channels (Stereo) 8-bit resolution / 6-bit volume With additional Akiko chip (CD-ROM controller and performs chunky to planar conversion) Double-speed (300 kB/s) CD-ROM drive (proprietary MKE controller) Input/Output connections: S-Video out (4-pin mini-DIN) Composite video out (RCA) RF audio/video out Audio out (2 x RCA and 3.5 mm stereo jack) Keyboard (6-pin mini-DIN) 2 x Mouse/Joypad ports (DE9) RS-232 serial AUX port (6-pin mini-DIN) Expansion Slot: 182-pin expansion socket for official MPEG cartridge or third party devices such as the SX-1 and SX32 expansion packs Operating System: AmigaOS 3.1 and CD32 firmware Accessories and third party devices The CD32 can be enhanced using these devices: ProModule, Paravision SX-1 and DCE SX-32 (which optionally includes 68030 CPU). Those devices extend the capability of Amiga CD32, allowing it to utilize hardware such as an external 3.5' floppy disk drive, hard disk and IBM PC keyboard. An Amiga CD32 can be turned into a de facto Amiga 1200 via the addition of 3rd party packages. The SX-1 appears to have been designed around Commodore's mechanical specs and not the actual production units – it did not fit very well and requires an internal 'modification' to fit properly. Consequently, the SX-1 can be jarred loose if the console is not handled gently. The upgraded SX-32 expansion pack (which included a 68030 25 MHz processor) solves these problems. In addition to its own special controllers, the Amiga CD32 is also compatible with SEGA Megadrive/Genesis controllers. CDs created for the CD32 conform to ISO 9660 level2, mode1; although the Rock Ridge and Joliet extensions are not compatible. Software If the system is turned on without a CD, a splash screen with scrolling colours will appear and a tune will play. After this tune ends, the user can press the blue button on the game pad to enter a language selection menu. The user can also press the red button to access a menu where they can view the contents of the internal Flash ROM. Unlike most game consoles, this menu does not allow the user to delete items. Instead, the system will automatically overwrite the oldest entries when memory runs out. The menu allows the user to 'lock' files to prevent overwriting. At launch, the CD32 was bundled with two games, Diggers, a new game from Millennium Interactive, and Oscar from Flair. A later pack included the one-on-one fighting game Dangerous Streets, a move by Commodore that was met with derision by the press. Many reviewers had given Dangerous Streets terrible scores (Amiga Power rating it just 3 percent) and were surprised that with a slew of powerful rival consoles about to hit the market, Commodore would choose to show off the abilities of its machine with a poor game. The CD32 was capable of running most of the titles developed for the Amiga CDTV multimedia device (differences in CPU speed and Kickstart version prevented some of the earlier CDTV titles from running). Many of the games released for the CD32 were simply ports of games that were already available for Amiga computers. One benefit of this is that, when appropriate, many games retain the ability to use an Amiga mouse (in port 2) or Amiga keyboard (plugged into the AUX port). Like all later Amiga computers, the CD32 has a hidden boot menu that can be accessed by plugging an Amiga mouse into port 2 and holding both buttons down while turning the system on. Most of the options in this menu are not useful on a CD32, but from this menu you can choose to boot in either NTSC or PAL mode. This is important, as there are some games that will refuse to work if the system is in the wrong mode, since most games don't advertise what video mode they were developed for. It should also be pointed out that despite the naming, the menu really only allows a choice of 60 Hz or 50 Hz video output; a PAL system booted in NTSC mode will still output a video signal using PAL color encoding, which will usually result in a black and white picture when connected to an NTSC television. While the console was fairly successful during its lifespan and managed to be the best-selling CD format console in 1993, it was not able to sustain its growth, with Commodore filing for Chapter 11 just a year after its release after not being able to secure additional CD32 shipments for the holiday season. It was speculated that the holiday season could have kept Commodore afloat for another six months. Another problem was the lack of original games, which had also plagued the CDTV before it. The CD32 arrived at a time when new, technically demanding genres such as the first person shooter were becoming popular. While the console was capable of handling some or all of these new types of genres, games developers saw more profit in shovelware—taking an older game and either adding an FMV intro or even (in some cases) just directly transferring the floppy game onto CD. A few pieces of original software did appear and some were well received but by and large the CD32 found itself with a software library mainly containing titles that were up to five years old and which much of the machine's target audience already owned. Given that, along with the fact that 'hot' games like Doom and Virtua Fighter were planned for release on the CD32's competitors, many observers blamed shovelware for the machine's relative failure. However, a large fan base carried over from the success of other Amiga computers, and several notable titles, such as Microcosm, Liberation: Captive 2, Simon the Sorcerer and Super Stardust prevented the console from sliding into total obscurity. Uses of the CD32 In 1993, 109 CD32s were installed to run the interactive exhibits at the London Transport Museum, Covent Garden. They provided information, animations, pictures, sound and text available in several languages, as well as a London Underground simulator. The systems were produced by the Odiham, Hampshire-based company Index Information, utilising their CD32x interface units. In 1995, an Italian company named CD Express used the CD32 as a basis for an arcade machine called 'CUBO CD32'. Inside these machines, stock CD32s were hooked up to an external circuit board which essentially acted as a converter to route all the input and output into a standard JAMMA connector for use in an arcade cabinet. The software was provided on CD-ROM. Nine games are known to exist, all of which are original games created by CD Express. In the mid to late 1990s, some vehicle registries in Canada utilized CD32 systems for interactive multimedia testing for drivers license applications. Infos from: Wikipedia

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Amiga CDTV Commodore Computer 1991

The Commodore CDTV (for Commodore Dynamic Total Vision) was a computer made by Commodore International and launched in March 1991. It was one of the first computers to come with a CD-ROM drive as standard. The CDTV was designed and marketed as a set-top box to go along with one's VCR and be used as a CD-player and games console. It was created as a direct competitor to the CD-i, with neither having any real commercial success. Though the CDTV was based entirely on Amiga hardware it was marketed as Commodore CDTV with the Amiga name omitted from product branding. The CDTV was essentially an Amiga 500, replacing the floppy drive with a single-speed CD-ROM drive. But unlike its progenitor, CDTV was intended as a media appliance rather than a personal computer. As such, its housing had dimensions and styling compatible with most stereo components, and came with an infrared remote control. Similarly, it was initially sold without keyboard and mouse (which could be added separately). Commodore chose Amiga enthusiast magazines as its chief advertising channel, but the Amiga community on the whole avoided the CDTV in the expectation of an add-on CD-ROM drive for the Amiga, which eventually came in the form of the A570. The CDTV was supplied with the already obsolete AmigaOS 1.3, rather than the more advanced 2.0 release. The CDXL motion video format was primarily developed for the CDTV making it one of the earliest consumer systems to allow video playback from CD-ROM. The CDTV debuted in America in March 1991 (CES, Las Vegas) and in the UK (Word of Commodore 1991 at Earls Court, London). It was advertised at Pound 499 for the CDTV unit, remote control and two titles. Though Commodore later developed an improved and cost-reduced CDTV-II it was never released and the CDTV was eventually replaced with the Amiga CD32 following its release in 1993. Technical Specifications CPU: Motorola 68000 at 7.16 MHz (NTSC) or 7.09 MHz (PAL) Memory: 1 MB Amiga Chip RAM 2 kB non-volatile RAM 256 kB Kickstart ROM 256 kB CDTV firmware ROM Chipset: Original Chip Set (OCS) Single-speed CD-ROM drive (proprietary controller) OS: AmigaOS 1.3 and CDTV firmware Wireless infrared remote control/gamepad Connectors/Ports: NTSC model: RF audio/video out (RCA) Composite video out (RCA) S-Video out (4-pin mini-DIN) PAL model: RF audio/video out (RF loop through) Composite video out (RCA) Analogue RGB video out (DB-23M) Audio out (2xRCA and 6.35 mm stereo jack) Mouse (4 pin mini-DIN) Keyboard (5 pin mini-DIN) RS-232 serial port (DB-25M) Centronics style parallel port (DB-25F) Floppy disk drive port (DB-23F) MIDI (In and Out) Proprietary card slot for 64 or 256 kB non-volatile memory cards Infos from: Wikipedia

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Amiga ECS Commodore Unknown

Amiga OCS Commodore Unknown

BX256-80HP Commodore Unknown

C64DTV Commodore Unknown

CBM-II Commodore Unknown

MAX Machine Commodore Unknown

P500 Commodore Unknown

PET Commodore Computer 1977

The PET (Personal Electronic Transactor) was a home-/personal computer produced by Commodore starting in 1977. Although it was not a top seller outside the Canadian, US, and UK educational markets, it was Commodore's first full-featured computer and would form the basis for their future success. Origins and the early models Design of the chiclet keyboard of the PET 2001 seriesIn the 1970s, Texas Instruments was the main supplier of CPUs for use in calculators. Many companies sold calculator designs based on their chip sets, including Commodore. However, in 1975 TI increased the price to the point where the chip set alone cost more than what TI sold their entire calculators for, and the industry they had built up was frozen out of the market. Commodore responded by looking for a chip set of their own they could purchase outright, and quickly found MOS Technology, Inc. who were bringing their 6502 microprocessor design to market. Along with the company came Chuck Peddle's KIM-1 design, a small computer kit based on the 6502. At Commodore, Peddle convinced Jack Tramiel that calculators were a dead-end. Instead they should focus on making a 'real' machine out of the KIM-1, and selling that for much higher profits. Tramiel demanded that Peddle, and Tramiel's son, Leonard, create a computer in time for the June 1977 Consumer Electronics Show, and gave them six months to do it. The result was the first all-in-one home computer, the PET. The first model was the PET 2001, including either 4 KB (the 2001-4) or 8 KB (2001-8) of 8-bit RAM. It was essentially a single-board computer with a new display chip (the MOS 6545) driving a small built-in monochrome monitor with 40x25 character graphics. The machine also included a built-in Datassette for data storage located on the front of the case, which left little room for the keyboard. The 2001 was announced at the '77 Winter CES in January 1977 and the first 100 units were shipped in mid October 1977. However they remained back-ordered for months, and to ease deliveries they eventually cancelled the 4 kB version early the next year. Although the machine was fairly successful, there were frequent complaints about the tiny calculator-like keyboard, often referred to as a 'chiclet keyboard' because the keys resembled the popular gum candy. This was addressed in upgraded 'dash N' and 'dash B' versions of the 2001, which put the cassette outside the case, and included a much larger keyboard with a full stroke non-click motion. Internally a newer and simpler motherboard was used, along with an upgrade in memory to 8, 16, or 32 KB, known as the 2001-N-8, 2001-N-16 or 2001-N-32, respectively. Sales of the newer machines was strong, and Commodore then introduced the models to Europe. However there was already a machine called PET for sale in Europe from the huge Dutch Philips company, and the name had to be changed. The result was the CBM 3000 series ('CBM' standing for Commodore Business Machines), which included the 3008, 3016 and 3032 models. Like the 2001-N-8, the 3008 was quickly dropped. CBM Model 4032 CBM 4040 dual disk drive (5.25') Education, business, and computer science The final version of what could be thought of as the 'classic' PET was the PET 4000 series. This was essentially the later model 2000 series, but with a larger black-and-green monitor and a newer version of Commodore's BASIC programming language. By this point Commodore had noticed that many customers were buying the 'low memory' versions of the machines and installing their own RAM chips, so the 4008 and 4016 had the sockets punched out of the motherboard. The 4032 was a huge success in schools, where its tough all-metal construction and all-in-one design made it better able to stand up to the rigors of classroom use. Just as important in this role was the PET's otherwise underutilized IEEE 488 port. Used wisely, the port could be used as a simple 'network' and allowed printers and disk drives (then very expensive) to be shared among all of the machines in the classroom. Two more machines were released in the PET series. The CBM 8000 included a new display chip which drove an 80x25 character screen, but this resulted in a number of software incompatibilities with programs designed for the 40 column screen, and it appears to have been unpopular as a result. The machine shipped with 32 kB standard as the 8032, but allowed another 64 kB to be added externally. Later the upgrade was installed from the factory, creating the 8096. The last in the series was the SP9000, known as the SuperPET or MicroMainframe. This machine was designed at the University of Waterloo for teaching programming. In addition to the basic CBM 8000 hardware, the 9000 added a second CPU in the form of the Motorola 6809 and included a number of programming languages including BASIC in ROM for the 6502 and APL, COBOL, FORTRAN, Pascal and a 6809 assembler on floppies for the 6809. It also included a terminal program which allowed the machine to be used as a 'smart terminal' as well, so this single machine could replace many of the boxes currently in use at the university. Additionally this machine became a remote development environment where the user could later upload their creation to a mainframe after completing development and testing on the SuperPET. Commodore tried to update the PET line with a new redesign called the CBM-II series (also known as the B series). These were not as successful and were ultimately abandoned. However, due to demand, the original PET machines were revived and the CBM-II case style was retained. These were known as the SK's (due to the separated keyboard). They also had a swivel monitor. Originally, standard 8032 boards were retrofitted into these cases. Later the SK models got a new mainboard that already included the 64 kB extension directly on the board and were sold as 8296 or, with a built-in 8250 dual disk drive, as 8296-D. Although not officially a member of the PET series, in 1983 Commodore packaged C64 motherboards in PET 4000-series cases to create the Educator 64. This was an attempt to retake some of the education market they had largely lost by then to the Apple II. The graphics issue In the home computer market the line was soon outsold by machines that included bitmapped color graphics and sound, mainly the Apple II (introduced later in 1977, the same year as the PET 2001), Atari 400/800 (1979), and, in particular, Commodore's own bestselling VIC-20 (1980/81). The mainstream business computer market of the time considered colors and graphics somewhat less of an issue, a view that would change toward the end of the 1980s. Bitmapping and colors aside, the main limitation of the PET's graphics capabilities was that the character set was 'hardwired' in ROM. On many of the PET range's home computer rivals, the look-up address of the character graphics could be changed and pointed to RAM, where new characters could be drawn by a programmer to create custom graphics shapes. From a programming point of view, this was a relatively simple method of producing good-looking graphics images, and because of this, as well as the acceptable speed obtainable by a BASIC program moving character objects on the screen compared to bitmap graphics, many programs with a certain amount of graphics, including a fair amount of games, were made this way even on bitmap-capable machines. The PET's lack of the character set remapping feature must therefore be said to constitute a major weakness in the machine's design. Somewhat offsetting this drawback, the PET's ROM-restricted character set—an ASCII-1963 deviation known as PETSCII—was one of the most varied and flexible of the era, allowing PET games with rudimentary graphics to be created, exemplified by clones of video games such as Space Invaders. Also, the many popular text adventure games of the time, some multiplatform, some created for the PET line, did not need graphics at all. For specialized applications, alternative character sets could be programmed into an EPROM inserted in the character set ROM socket. Alternative character set EPROMs with diacritics and mathematical symbols were available in the aftermarket. Model summary PET 2001 series / 2001-N & -B series, CBM 3000 series CPU: 6502, 1 MHz RAM: 4 or 8 KB / 8, 16, or 32 KB ROM: 18 KB, including BASIC 1.0 / 20 kB, including BASIC 2.0 Video: discrete TTL video circuit, 9' monochrome monitor, 40x25 character display Sound: none / single piezo 'beeper' (optional external speaker driven by MOS 6522 CB2 pin) Ports: 2 MOS 6520 PIA, MOS 6522 VIA, 2 Datassette (1 used / 1 on the back), 1 IEEE-488 Notes: 69 key chiclet keyboard and built-in Datassette / full-sized, full-travel keyboard, no built-in Datassette PET 4000 series / CBM 8000 series CPU: MOS 6502, 1 MHz RAM: 8, 16, or 32 kB / 32 or 96 kB ROM: 20K, including BASIC 4.0 Video: MOS 6545, 9' or 12' / 12' monochrome monitor, 40x25 / 80x25 character display Sound: single piezo 'beeper' (optional external speaker driven by MOS 6522 CB2 pin) Ports: 2 MOS 6520 PIA, MOS 6522 VIA, 2 Datassette ports (1 on the back), 1 IEEE-488 Notes: basically an upgraded 2001 / basically a 4000 with 80 columns and slightly different keyboard with smaller (11 key) numeric pad SuperPET 9000 series CPU: MOS 6502 and Motorola 6809, 1 MHz RAM: 96 KB ROM: 48 KB, including BASIC 4.0 and other programming languages Video: MOS 6545, 12' monochrome monitor, 80x25 character display Sound: single piezo 'beeper' (optional external speaker driven by MOS 6522 CB2 pin) Ports: MOS 6520 PIA, MOS 6522 VIA, MOS 6551 ACIA, 1 RS-232, 2 Datassette ports (1 on the back), 1 IEEE-488 Notes: basically an 8000 with ROMs for programming languages, it also had three character sets, and an RS-232 for use as a terminal Peripherals Commodore Business Machines made a variety of disk drives available for the PET, using the IEEE 488 interface, including: Commodore 2031 single disk drive Commodore 4040 dual disk drive Commodore 8050 dual disk drive Commodore 8250 'quad density' dual disk drive Commodore 8280 dual disk drive (8') Commodore SFD-1001 'quad density' single disk drive Commodore 9060 hard drive (5 Megabytes) Commodore 9090 hard drive (7.5 Megabytes) Easter Egg In PET Microsoft Basic, type the command 'WAIT 6502.' The screen will fill with the text 'MICROSOFT.' Infos from: Wikipedia

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Plus-4 - C16 - C116 Commodore Computer 1984

The Commodore 16 was a home computer made by Commodore with a 6502-compatible 7501 CPU, released in 1984. It was intended to be an entry-level computer to replace the VIC-20 and it often sold for USDollar99. A cost-reduced version, the Commodore 116, was sold only in Europe. Intention The C16 was intended to compete with other sub-Dollar100 computers from Timex Corporation, Mattel, and Texas Instruments (TI). Timex's and Mattel's computers were less expensive than the VIC, and although the VIC offered better expandability, a full-travel keyboard, and in some cases more memory, the C16 offered a chance to improve upon those advantages. The TI-99/4A was priced in-between Commodore's VIC-20 and C64, and was somewhat between them in capability, but TI was lowering its prices. On paper, the C16 was a closer match for the TI-99/4A than the aging VIC-20. Additionally, Commodore president Jack Tramiel feared that one or more Japanese companies would introduce a consumer-oriented computer and undercut everyone's prices. Although the Japanese would soon dominate the U.S. video game console market, the feared dominance of the home computer field never materialized. Additionally, Timex, Mattel, and TI departed the market before the C16 was released. Description Outwardly the C16 resembled the VIC-20 and the C64, but with a black case and white/light gray keys. Performance-wise located between the VIC and 64, it had 16 kilobytes of RAM with 12 KB available to its built-in BASIC interpreter, and a new sound and video chipset offering a palette of 128 colors (in reality 121, since the system had a 16 base colors and 8 shades but black always remained black, with all 8 shades), the TED (better than the VIC used in the VIC-20, but lacking the sprite capability of the VIC-II and advanced sound capabilities of the SID, both used in the C64). The ROM resident BASIC 3.5, however, was more powerful than the VIC-20's and C64's BASIC 2.0, in that it had commands for sound and bitmapped graphics (320x200 pixels), as well as simple program tracing/debugging. From a practical user's point of view, three tangible features the C16 lacked were a modem port and VIC/C64-compatible Datassette and game ports. Commodore sold a C16 family-specific cassette player (the Commodore 1531) and joysticks, but third-party converters to allow the use of the abundant, and hence much less expensive, VIC/C64-type units soon appeared. The official reason for changing the joystick ports was to reduce RF interference. The C16's serial port (Commodore's proprietary 'serial IEEE-488 bus', no relation to RS-232 and the like) was the same as that of the VIC and C64, which meant that printers and disk drives, at least, were interchangeable with the older machines. The Commodore 16 was one of three computers in its family. The even less successful Commodore 116 was functionally and technically similar but shipped in a smaller case with a rubber chiclet keyboard and was only available in Europe. The family's flagship, the Commodore Plus/4, shipped in a smaller case but had a 59-key full-travel keyboard (with a specifically advertised 'cursor key diamond' of four keys, contrasted with the VIC and C64's two + shift key scheme), 64 KB of RAM, a modem port, and built-in entry-level office suite software. ------------------- The Commodore Plus/4 was a home computer released by Commodore International in 1984. The 'Plus/4' name refers to the four-application ROM resident office suite (word processor, spreadsheet, database, and graphing); it was billed as 'the productivity computer with software built-in'. It had some success in Eastern Europe, but was less popular in Western Europe . A total flop in the United States, it was derided as the 'Minus/60'—a pun on the difference between the Plus/4 and the dominant Commodore 64. Background In the early 1980s, Commodore found itself engaged in a price war in the home computer market. The VIC-20 resulted from MOS Technology designing a video chip it couldn't sell, and companies like Texas Instruments and Timex Corporation undercutting the price of Commodore's PET line. The Commodore 64, the first 64-KB computer to sell for under USDollar600, was another salvo in the price war but it was far more expensive to make than the VIC-20 because it used discrete chips for video, sound, and I/O. Commodore president Jack Tramiel wanted a new computer line that would use fewer chips and at the same time address some of the user complaints about the VIC and C64. Commodore's third salvo — which, as it turned out, was fired just as most of Commodore's competition was leaving the home computer market — was the C116, C16, and Plus/4. There were also prototypes of a 232, basically a 32k version of the Plus /4 without the software ROMs, and a V364 which had a numeric keypad and built in voice synthesis. The latter two models never made it to production. All these computers used a MOS 7501 CPU (6502 compatible but Approx.75 percent faster) and a MOS Technology TED all-in-one video, sound, and I/O chip. The Plus/4's design is thus philosophically closer to that of the VIC-20 than of the C64. The Plus/4 was the flagship computer of the line. The Plus/4 had 64 KB of memory while the C16 and 116 had 16 KB. The Plus/4 had built-in software, whereas the others did not. The Plus/4 and C16 had full-travel keyboards; the 116 used a rubber chiclet keyboard like less-expensive Timex-Sinclair computers and the original IBM PCjr. The C116 was only sold in Europe. All of the machines were distinguished by their dark gray cases and light gray keys. The Plus/4 was introduced in June 1984 and priced at USDollar299. It was discontinued in 1985. It is not completely clear whether Commodore's intent was to eventually totally replace the C64 with the Plus/4, or whether they wanted to attempt to expand the home computer market and sell the Plus/4 to users who were more interested in serious applications than gaming. However, the Plus/4 succeeded at neither and quickly disappeared. Plus/4 strengths Commodore Plus/4 with accessories. Clockwise from top left: power supply, joystick, 1531 tape recorder with tapes.The TED offered 121-color (15 colors x 8 luminance levels + black) video, a palette matched only by Atari Computers at the time, and 320x200 video resolution, which was standard for computers intended to be capable of connecting to a television. The Plus/4's memory layout gave it a larger amount of user-accessible memory than the C64, and its BASIC programming language was vastly improved, adding sound and graphics commands as well as looping commands that improved program structure. Commodore released a high-speed floppy disk drive for the Plus/4, the Commodore 1551, which offered much better performance than the C64/1541 combination because it used a parallel interface rather than a serial bus. (The Plus/4 did not have the parallel interface built-in; it was provided by a plug-in cartridge supplied with the drive). Unlike the C64, the Plus/4 had a built-in MOS Technology 6551 UART chip (the C64 emulated the 6551 in software). This allowed the Plus/4 to use high-speed modems without additional hardware or software tricks (the C64 required specially written software to operate at 2400 bit/s). However, since most people only could afford 300- or 1200-bit/s modems in 1984, and Commodore never released a 2400-bit/s modem, this feature went largely unnoticed. The Plus/4 keyboard had a separately placed 'diamond' of four cursor keys, presumably more intuitive in use than the VIC's and C64's two shifted cursor keys. Also, for serious programmers, the Plus/4 featured a ROM-resident machine code monitor, which rekindled a tradition from the first Commodore computers, the PET/CBM series. While the C64 had the advertised 64 KB of RAM installed, only about 38 KB was available for BASIC programs. The Plus/4's BASIC V3.5 made 59 KB available, aided by its memory map that placed I/O at the top of memory (DollarFD00). In addition, the Plus/4's CPU was about 75 percent faster than the C64's. Plus/4 weaknesses The Plus/4 had three shortcomings, which proved fatal: unlike the C64's VIC II, the TED had no sprite capability, which strongly limited its video game graphics capabilities. Also, its tone generator was much closer to the VIC in quality than to the C64's SID, which, again, made the Plus/4 less attractive to game developers. Finally, the lack of these capabilities made C64 software compatibility impossible. Commodore may not have believed this to be a problem, as the successful C64 was incompatible with most VIC-20 software — but the C64 had developed a large software library by 1984, and while the C64 was a significant upgrade to the VIC-20 in almost every way, the Plus/4 was not. Another problem that kept the Plus/4 from selling was that even though the three machines (116,C16 and Plus/4) were all compatible with one another, developers tended to write programs for the lowest common denominator in a computer family. So as not to alienate buyers of the 116 and C16, which were intended to be the largest selling machines in this series, most software was designed to run in 16k and the extra memory on the Plus/4 was not as widely supported as it could have been. Also, most development for these machines was in Europe. Few North American developers leapt at the chance to write programs for these machines. Peripheral compatibility with the C64 was inconsistent. The Plus/4's serial, user, and video ports were compatible with the C64, but the Datasette port was changed, rendering previous units incompatible without third-party adapters that only became available later. This also posed a problem for the many third-party C64 printer interfaces that allowed one to connect a standard Centronics parallel printer to the Commodore serial port. Since most of these interfaces connected to the Datasette port to get +5 volts for power, they were incompatible with the Plus/4 unless the user modified the interface and risked voiding the warranty. For a computer intended to be used for productivity applications, this was a heavy weakness. Additionally, with the Plus/4, Commodore abandoned the Atari-style joystick ports used on the C64, replacing them with a proprietary mini-DIN port that was said to be less prone to emit RF interference. While this may have been seen as an advantage by the Federal Communications Commission and other regulatory agencies, end users did not share this view. This made upgrading to the Plus/4 from the VIC-20 or C64 more expensive, since the user in many cases would have to buy new peripherals in addition to the new computer. It also made the Plus/4 less attractive to new buyers, since VIC and C64 peripherals were more plentiful and less expensive than their Plus/4 counterparts. The street price for a complete C64 system was lower than that of a comparable system based on the Plus/4. The Plus/4, unlike the C64 and most other computers of its time (with the notable exception of the Coleco Adam), was equipped with ROM-resident application software (developed for Commodore by TriMicro). Unfortunately, the application suite, featuring a word processor, spreadsheet, database, and graphing, was completely inadequate for the Plus/4's originally intended market of business and professional users. Better business software packages were available for other systems, including the C64. Most of the developers of the Plus/4 also worked on the later Commodore 128 project, which was much more successful. The lead hardware designer Bil Herd commented directly on the wikipedia article adding: The TED series (Plus4) was specifically designed to not encroach on the successful C64, it was designed to sell for Dollar49 and to go head to head with the Timex/Sinclair computer line, specifically the color Timex (Spectrum?) Targeting the office more than the game market, the smallest version of the computer had a total of 9 IC's, cheapness was the main metric as defined by Jack Tramiel. After Tramiel left Commodore, the remaining management seemed to not know what to do with the Plus4 line which resulted in untold variations and lack of focus on the targeted market. Since most of the management at that time had only experienced the C64, they tried to market it as another C64 which was exactly what Tramiel had set out not to do. This shortcomings of the end product were the inspiration for the C128 series as the designers calculated that if they created a computer that was compatible with the C64 that ultimately management and marketing could not damage the C64 software base (much) in spite of how they were to take the product to market. Specifications CPU: MOS_Technology 7501, 1.77 MHz (PAL) / 1.79 MHz (NTSC) RAM: 64 KB, of which nearly 60 KB available to BASIC users ROM: 64 KB including Commodore BASIC 3.5, machine code monitor; TRI-Micro's '3 Plus 1' (word processor, spreadsheet, database, graphing) Text mode: 40x25 characters (PETSCII) Graphics modes: 160x200 (lores) / 320x200 (hires), 121 colors I/O ports: Tape connector (for Commodore 1531 Datassette; incompatible with C64) Cartridge slot (incompatible with C64) Two game controller ports (incompatible with C64) Commodore serial bus User port (for modems and nonstandard devices) Composite video connector incl. mono audio signal RF modulator to TV antenna connector Infos from: Wikipedia

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SuperPET - MMF 9000 Commodore Unknown

VIC-10 Commodore Unknown

VIC-1001 Commodore Computer October 1980

The VIC-1001 is the first of the VIC series of computers, which includes the tremendously successful <a href="computer.asp?c=252">VIC-20</a>. The VIC-1001 was only sold in Japan. As such, it includes a special character ROM and keyboard that allow the user to enter Katakana characters. As often with Commodore, the origin of the "-1001" moniker is unclear. It might be a reference to another popular Commodore system, the <a href="computer.asp?c=191">PET-2001</a>. When he introduced the VIC-1001 to the world, Jack Tramiel uttered this unforgettable sentence: "The Japanese are coming, so we must become the Japanese!" (referring to the threats of low-cost systems from Japan) He then proceeded to create one of the most popular line of micro-computers of all time. ___________ <font color="#666666">Contributors: <a href="">Thomas Cont?</a></font>

VIC-20 Commodore Computer 1980

Processor MOS Technology 6502 @ 1MHz Memory 5KB - 64KB OS Commodore BASIC 2.0 The VIC-20 (Germany: VC-20; Japan: VIC-1001) is an 8-bit home computer. It was made by Commodore Business Machines, with 5 KB RAM and a MOS 6502 CPU. The machine's external design was later used by the Commodore 64 and C16. The VIC-20 was released in Japan in 1980, and in the U.S. and Europe in 1981, roughly three years after Commodore's first personal computer, the PET. The VIC-20 was the first microcomputer to sell one million units. History Origin, marketing The VIC-20 was intended to be more economical than the PET computer. The VIC-20's video chip, the MOS Technology VIC was a general-purpose color video chip designed by Al Charpentier in 1977 and intended for use in inexpensive display terminals and game consoles, but Commodore couldn't find a market for the chip. With Apple II gaining momentum with the advent of VisiCalc in 1979, Jack Tramiel wanted a product out that would compete in the same segment, to be presented at the January 1980 CES. For this reason Chuck Peddle and Bill Seiler started to design a computer named TOI (The Other Intellect). The TOI computer failed to materialize, much due to the fact that it required an 80-column character display which in turn required the MOS Technology 6564 chip, which could not be used since it required very expensive static RAM to operate fast enough. In the meantime, freshman engineer Robert Yannes at MOS Technology (then a part of Commodore) had designed a computer in his home dubbed the MicroPET and finished a prototype with some help from Al Charpentier and Charles Winterble. When Jack Tramiel was confronted with this prototype he immediately said he wanted it to be finished and ordered it to be mass produced following a limited demonstration on the CES, since the TOI had not yet been finished. The very hackish prototype produced by Yannes had very few of the features required for a real computer, so Robert Russell at Commodore headquarters had to coordinate and finish large parts of the design under the codename Vixen. The parts contributed by Russell included a port of the operating system (kernel and BASIC interpreter) taken from John Feagans design for the Commodore PET, a character set with the characteristic PETSCII, an Atari 2600-compatible joystick interface and the cartridge port. The serial IEEE 488-derivative interface was designed by Glen Stark. Some features, like the memory add-in board, were designed by Bill Seiler. At the time, Commodore had an oversupply of 1Kbitx4 SRAM chips, so Tramiel demanded that these be used in the new computer. The end result is arguably closer to the PET or TOI computers than to Yannes prototype, albeit with a 22-column VIC chip instead of the custom chips designed for the more ambitious computers. In April 1980 at a meeting of general managers outside of London, Jack Tramiel declared that he wanted a lowcost color computer. When most of the GMs argued against it, he said, 'the Japanese are coming, so we will become the Japanese.' This was in keeping with Tramiel's philosophy which was to make 'computers for the masses, not the classes.' The concept was championed at the meeting by Michael Tomczyk, newly hired marketing strategist and assistant to the president; Tony Tokai, General Manager of Commodore-Japan, and Kit Spencer, the U.K.'s top marketing executive. When they returned to California from that meeting, Tomczyk wrote a 30 page memo detailing recommendations for the new computer and presented it to Tramiel. Recommendations included programmable function keys, full size typewriter style keys, built-in RS-232. Tomczyk insisted on 'user friendliness' as the prime directive for the new computer and proposed a retail price of Dollar299.95. He recruited a marketing team and a small group of computer enthusiasts, and worked closely with colleagues in the U.K. and Japan to create colorful packaging, user manuals, and the first wave of software programs (mostly games and home applications). Scott Adams was contracted to provide a series of cartridge-based adventure games. Tomczyk's account of the story is told in his 1984 book, The Home Computer Wars. While the PET was sold through authorized dealers, the VIC-20 primarily sold at retail, especially discount and toy stores, where it could compete more directly with game consoles. It was the first computer to be sold in K-Mart. Commodore took out advertisements featuring actor William Shatner of Star Trek fame as its spokesman, asking, 'Why buy just a video game?'. Television personality Henry Morgan (best known as a panelist on the TV show What's My Line?) became the ironic voice on a series of clever Commodore product ads. The VIC-20 had 5K of Ram, which netted down to 3.5K on startup, which is the equivalent to the words and spaces on one sheet of typing paper. The computer was expandable to 32k with an add-on memory cartridge. Although the VIC-20 was criticized in print as being underpowered, the strategy worked: in 1982 it was the best-selling computer of the year, with 800,000 machines sold, and in January 1983 it passed the 1 million unit mark—a first in computer history. At its peak, 9,000 units per day were produced, and a total of 2.5 million units were sold before it was discontinued in January 1985, when Commodore repositioned the C64 as its entry-level computer due to the forthcoming release of the C128 and Amiga (the latter taking Commodore into the 16-bit world). In 1981, Tomczyk contracted with an outside engineering group to develop a direct-connect modem-on-a-cartridge (the VICModem) which at Dollar99 became the first modem priced under Dollar100. The VICModem was also the first modem to sell over 1 million units. VICModem was packaged with Dollar197.50 worth of free telecomputing services from the Source, CompuServe and Dow Jones. Tomczyk also created an entity called the Commodore Information Network to enable users to exchange information and take some of the pressure from Customer Support inquires, which were straining Commodore's lean organization. In 1982, this network accounted for the largest traffic on CompuServe, which, it can be argued, was an early implementation of Internet-style user groups. Applications Because of its small memory and low-resolution display compared to some other computers of the time, the VIC-20 was primarily used for educational software and games. However, productivity applications such as home finance programs, spreadsheets, and communication terminal programs were also made for the machine. Its high accessibility to the general public meant that quite a few software developers-to-be cut their teeth on the VIC-20, being introduced to BASIC programming, and in some cases going further to learn assembly or machine language. Several computer magazines sold on newsstands, such as Compute! and CBM-produced publications, offered programming tips and type-in programs for the VIC-20. Many VIC users learned to program by entering, studying, running, and modifying these type-ins. The ease of programming the VIC and availability of an inexpensive modem combined to give the VIC a sizable library of public domain and freeware software, although much smaller than that of the C64. This software was distributed on online services such as CompuServe, BBSs, and via user groups. As for commercial software offerings, an estimated 300 titles were available on cartridge, and another 500+ titles were available on tape. By comparison, the Atari 2600, the most popular of the video game consoles at the time, had a library of about 900 titles near the end of its production life (many were variations of another title). Cartridge games were ready to play as soon as VIC-20 was turned on, as opposed to games on tape which required loading. Titles on cartridge included Gorf, Cosmic Cruncher, Sargon II Chess, and many others. One of the most popular cassette games was Blitz, written by Simon Taylor and published by Commodore, selling many tens of thousands of copies, and remaining in the top ten computer games listings for six months. The game involved flying over a city of skyscrapers, and flattening the buildings one by one by bombing them until the city was flat. The aircraft descended a line at a time, and if your bombing had not been accurate enough, you would hit the skyscraper and crash. Description Basic features The VIC-20 had proprietary connectors for program/expansion cartridges and a tape drive (PET-standard Datassette). It came with 5 KB RAM, but 1.5 KB were used by the system for various things, like the video display (which had a rather unusual 22x23 char/line screen layout), and other dynamic aspects of the ROM-resident BASIC interpreter and KERNAL (a low-level operating system). Thus, 3.5 KB of BASIC program memory for code and variables was available to the user of an unexpanded machine. The computer also had a serial bus (a serial version of the PET's IEEE-488 bus) for daisy chaining disk drives and printers; a TTL-level 'user port' with RS-232 and Centronics signals (most frequently used as RS-232, for connecting a modem); and a single DE-9 game controller port, compatible with the digital joysticks and paddle (game controller)s used with Atari 2600 videogame consoles and, later, the C64 (the use of a standard port ensured ample supply of Atari-manufactured and other third-party joysticks; Commodore itself offered an Atari joystick under the Commodore brand). Importantly, like most video game consoles at the time the VIC had a cartridge port to allow for plug-in cartridges with games and other software as well as for adding memory to the machine. Port expander boxes were available from Commodore and other vendors to allow more than one cartridge to be connected at a time. The graphics capabilities of the VIC chip (6560/6561) were limited but flexible. At startup the screen showed 176 pixels in width and 184 in height, with a fixed-colour border to the edges of the screen; since a NTSC or PAL screen has a 4:3 width-to-height ratio, each VIC pixel was much wider than it was high. The screen normally showed 22 columns and 23 rows of 8-by-8-pixel characters; it was possible to increase these dimensions but the characters would soon run out the sides of the monitor. Like on the PET, 256 different characters could be displayed at a time, normally taken from one of the two character generators in ROM (one for upper-case letters and simple graphics, the other for mixed-case -- non-English characters were not provided). In the usual display mode, each character position could have its foreground colour chosen individually, and the background and screen border colours were set globally. A character could be made to appear in another mode where each pixel was chosen from 4 different colours: the character's foreground colour, the screen background, the screen border and an 'auxiliary' colour; but this mode was rarely used since it made the pixels twice as wide as they normally were. The VIC chip did not provide for a direct full-screen, high-resolution graphics mode. It did, however, allow the pixel-by-pixel depictions of the on-screen characters to be redefined (by using a character generator in RAM), and it allowed for double-height characters (8 pixels wide, 16 pixels high). It was possible to get a fully-addressable screen, slightly smaller (160 by 160) than normal, by filling the screen with a sequence of 200 different double-height characters, then turning on the pixels selectively inside the RAM-based character definitions. (The 200-character limitation was so that enough bytes would be left over for the screen character grid itself to remain addressable by the VIC chip.) The Super Expander cartridge provided such a mode in BASIC, although it often had to move the BASIC program around in memory to do it. It was also possible to fill a larger area of the screen with addressable graphics using a more dynamic allocation scheme, if the contents were sparse or repetitive enough. This was used, for instance, by the game Omega Race. The VIC chip did not support sprites. The VIC chip had readable scan-line counters but could not generate interrupts based on the scan position (as the VIC-II chip could). Thus it was possible, but difficult, to switch graphics modes dynamically during a single screen scan. The VIC chip could also process a light pen signal (an light pen input was provided on the DE-9 joystick connector) but few of those ever appeared on the market. The VIC chip had three rectangular-wave sound generators (about an octave apart) plus a white noise generator. There was only one volume control. Memory expansion The VIC-20's RAM was expandable with plug-in cartridges using the same expansion port as programs. RAM cartridges were available in several sizes: 3K (with or without an included BASIC extension ROM), 8K, 16K, 32K and 64K, the latter two only from third-party vendors. The internal memory map was reorganised with the addition of each size cartridge, leading to the situation that some programs would only work if the right amount of memory was present (to cater for this, the 32K cartridges had switches, and the 64K cartridges had software setups, allowing the RAM to be enabled in user-selected sections). The most visible part of memory that was reorganised with differing expansion memory configurations was the video memory (with text and/or graphics display data). This was because the free memory had to remain contiguous for the BASIC interpreter to be able to use it. An unexpanded VIC had 1K of system memory, followed by a 3K 'hole', then 4K of contiguous user memory up to address 8191. The 3K cartridge would fill the 'hole', so on unexpanded and +3K VICs the video area was placed at the top of user memory (8K - 512). If an 8K or 16K cartridge was added instead, this memory appeared at addresses above 8K; the video memory was then placed at the start of user memory at 4K, just above the 'hole', to provide the maximum amount of contiguous user memory. Some 64K expansion cartridges allowed the user to copy ROM images to RAM. The more advanced versions even contained an 80-character video chip and a patched BASIC interpreter which gave access to 48K of the memory and to the 80-column video mode. As the latter type of cartridges, marketed primarily in Germany, weren't released until late 1984—two years after the appearance of the more capable C64—they went by mostly unnoticed. The VIC's name(s) * The name 'VIC' came from the Video Interface Chip, which, despite its designation, also handled all the sound synthesis in the VIC-20. The VIC chip's successor, the graphics-and-RAM-refresh VIC-II, was used to great success in Commodore's later best-selling machine, the C64, and also in the dual video output C128 for that computer's 40-column/composite video graphics. * The VIC-20 was originally meant to be called Vixen, but this name was inappropriate in Germany, Commodore's second most important market, because it sounds like wichsen, a German language slang word for 'masturbate'. VIC, which was subsequently chosen, has a similar problem—it can be pronounced like fick[en], the German word for 'fuck'. Therefore the VIC-20 was finally marketed as the VC-20 'Volkscomputer' in German-language countries. * In Japan the VIC-20 was marketed as the VC-1001 (1980). * The 20 in VIC-20 has nothing to do with technical specs, Michael Tomczyk thought that VIC sounded like a truck drivers name so he insisted on adding 20 as a friendly number for a friendly computer. According to reports, the original name was going to be VIC-22 (based on the screen width) but 20 was chosen as a friendlier name. (citation needed). VIC trivia * BASIC programs running on a fully expanded VIC-20 could use at most 24K RAM. Any extra occupied the memory space used by ROM cartridges, i.e. commercial software like games and other applications. This allowed people to copy cartridges to tape and distribute them to their friends, who could then load the tape into the top 8K of their 32K RAM packs. * An anecdotal bit of evidence to support Commodore's statement that the VIC-20 could be used not only for games but also as a serious introduction to computing, can be said to originate in the fact that a young Linus Torvalds was given a VIC-20 as his first computer. Torvalds later upgraded to a Sinclair QL, then to a 386 PC. Torvalds later went on to write the Linux operating system kernel. Notes Both the VIC 20 and C64 could be hooked into external electronic circuitry, using parts available from parts outlets like Radio Shack and Maplin. Interfaces were designed to use either the joystick ports, printer port, or the expansion ports, which exposed various analog to digital, memory bus, and other internal I/O circuits to the experimenter. The BASIC language could then be used (using the PEEK and POKE commands) to perform data acquisition from temperature sensors, control robotic stepper motors, etc. The VIC 20 did not originally have a disk drive available for sale, with only a relatively high cost tape recorder system (using audio cassette tapes). Many experimenters built adaptors that allowed any conventional audio cassette recorder to be used for program and data storage. Infos from Wikipedia

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II Compucolor Computer 1977

The CompuColor II, also called the "Renaissance Machine", is said to be the first home-computer available with a colour display. ISC (Intelligent Systems Corp), who was a large color computer manufacturer, conceived the CompuColor II built into a RCA color TV chassis (sans tuner assembly). The main problem of the system was that the machine had *no* RFI (Radio Frequency Interference) shielding what-so-ever and the FCC was soon on their butts. They planned to redesign the system but then prefered to stop production... The first Compucolor system (<a href="computer.asp?c=565">model 8001</a>) was in fact an 8080 based terminal (model 8001) and was later followed by the CompuColor II (model 8051), with BASIC and a floppy interface. It seems like the system was sold by ISC, Compucolor and Intecolor; but in which order ? Any idea someone ? Different models with different keyboards were available. The one pictured here is the Deluxe model with a full implemented keyboard. There were models with 16, 32 or 48 kb RAM. Later models seemed to have a built-in 300 baud modem. Apparently, you could not format the 5.25" disks yourself, surely because Intecolor wanted to make money by selling these preformated disks... But many users ended up by writing their own formating programs. The system was very vulnerable to certain hardware tinkering. Tampering with the addresses that accessed the hardware registers could wipe out all the RAM (it did something fatal to the refresh logic). It used an Intel CRT controller for screen processing. Altering the number of scanlines to too high a value could kill the CRT. The ROM contained a ripped-off version of Microsoft BASIC and a simplistic file system. Microsoft found out about them, and forced ISC to become a Microsoft distributor. They also collected royalties on all machines sold up to that time. The disk drive was originally designed to use an 8-track tape cartridge for storage (yes, you read that right!). When that proved to unreliable, they switched to a 5.25 inch disk drive. They didn't change the file system, which still thought it was a tape drive. When you deleted a file, it re-packed all remaining files back to the front of the disk. Used the 8K of screen RAM for a buffer to do it, which led to some psychedelic I/O. Some games were available, such as the famous Star-Trek, Othello, Chess, Black Jack, Tic Tac Toe, etc. <font color="#666666">Thanks to the <a href="" target="_blank">Computer Closet Collection</a> for the picture. Thanks to <b>Woodside</b> for some information.</font> <a href="doc.asp?c=560"><img src="graphs/readmore.gif" border="0" vspace="4"></a>

MCS-10 Compugraphic Unknown

Plymate Conchess Unknown

Standard Conchess Unknown

PROF-180 Conitec Unknown

PROF-80 Conitec Computer September 1982

This computer was never sold in computer stores. It is an homebrew machine built around an unique board called PROF80. The Prof 80 was a CPM Board for CP/m 2.2 or (later) 3.X., manufactured by Conitec, Dieburg, Germany. There is also a branch in US. The company still exists, and the chief designer of the board, Joachim Hanst, is still working there. It was sold in France in kit form by the Pentasonic stores chain. User had to solder all the components onto the bare board. The PROF80 board was fully compatible with the Tandy <a href="computer.asp?c=18">Trs-80 MOD III</a>, and featured 64 KB of RAM, serial and parallel ports, floppy drive controller, video and tape recorder interfaces and a GRIP (Graphical IO-Processor). The Basic interpreter was the <a href="computer.asp?c=595">LNW</a> version. Various systems were designed by private persons around this board, mainly in Germany. From simple training computers up to complete professional system. The version pictured here was very carefully built from an old video terminal. It featured some enhancements allowing the use of the 8" floppy disk drive as well as graphic capabilities.

CDC110 Control Data Corporation Unknown

AWS NGEN Workstation Convergent Technologies Unknown

MiniFrame Convergent Technologies Unknown

Mega Duck & Cougar Boy Creatronic Handheld 1993

The Mega Duck WG-108 (also known as Cougar Boy) is a handheld game console that was produced by several companies, Creatonic, Videojet, and Timlex, and came on the market in 1993 to be mainly sold in France, the Netherlands and Germany for about €60 ( fl 129,- ). In South America, mainly in Brazil, the Chinese-made Creatonic version was distributed by Cougar USA, also known as 'Cougar electronic organization [sic]', and sold as the 'Cougar Boy'. The cartridges are very similar to the ones of the Watara Supervision, but slightly less wide, and having fewer contacts (36 pins, the Watara has 40). Conceptionally the electronics inside the Supervision and the Mega Duck, are also very similar. the position of the volume and contrast controls, the buttons and connectors are virtually identical. However, the LCD of the Supervision is larger than the Mega Duck's. The cougar boy came with a 4-in-one game cartridge, and a stereo earphone. With an external joystick (not included) two players could play against each other simultaneously. Technical specifications CPU : MOS version of the Z80 (embedded in the main VLSI ) Clockspeed : 4.194304 MHz (= 222 Hz) RAM : 16 KB in two 8K chips (Goldstar GM76C88LFW) System logic : 80 pins VLSI chip (Just the die on the PCB covered with a blob of epoxy) LCD : 2,7' (48 (h) x 51 (w) mm) STN dot matrix. resolution 160x144 at 59.732155 Hz Grayscales : 4 levels of dark blue on a green background Player controls : 4 directional keys, A, B, Select and Start keys Other controls : On/off switch and contrast and volume regulators Sound : Built in speaker (8O 200 mW) and stereo headset output Dimensions : 155 (l) x 97 (w) x32 (h) mm Weight : 249 gram (w.o. batteries) Power : Four AA batteries or AC adapter 6VDC/300mA Current consumption : 700 mW Play duration : according to the manufacturer ca 15 hour on one set of four AA batteries Expansion Interface : Serial link for two player games (6 pins), or external joystick. Game medium : 36 pins ROM cartridge, 63 (l) x 54 (w) mm and 7 mm thick, 17 gram. The Video Display Controller of the Mega duck/cougar boy has one special feature, the display logic uses two 'display planes' that are used to create scrolling backgrounds, as if the picture is drawn on two sheets of which the top sheet is partly transparent. Infos from: Wikipedia

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Cybiko Cybiko Handheld 19??

Cybiko was a hand held computer designed for teenagers featuring its own two-way radio text messaging system. It had over 430 'official' freeware games and applications. Because of the text messaging system, it features a QWERTY Keyboard that was used with a stylus. An MP3 player add-on was made for the unit as well as a SmartMedia card reader. The company stopped manufacturing the units after two product versions and only a few years on the market, but because of the unique radio messaging hardware there is still a hobbyist community using Cybiko. Cybikos can communicate with each other up to a maximum range of 300 metres (0.19 miles) (which can be boosted to 450 metres (0.26 miles) using a freeware program called UI Power). Several Cybikos can chat with each other in a wireless chatroom. Cybiko Classic Cybiko Xtreme with antenna folded down.There are two models of the Classic Cybiko. The obvious difference is that version 1 has a switch on the side; version two uses the 'ESC' key for power management. The not-so-obvious differences between the two are the internal memory changes and the location of the firmware. The CPU is an Hitachi H8S/2241 at 11.0592 MHz and it also has an Atmel AT90S2313 co-processor at 4 MHz to provide some support for RF communications. It came with 512 KB ROM flash memory and 256 KB RAM. It came with an add-on slot in the back. The add-on slot has the same physical appearance (pin-count, spacing) as PC card, but it is not compatible. Cybiko Xtreme The Cybiko Xtreme (commonly misspelt 'Extreme') is the 2nd-generation Cybiko handheld. It boasts many improvements over the "classic" Cybiko, such as a faster processor, more RAM, more ROM, a new OS, a new keyboard layout and case design, greater wireless range, a microphone, improved audio output, and smaller size. The CPU is an Hitachi H8S/2323 at 18 MHz and it also has an Atmel AT90S2313 co-processor at 4 MHz to provide some support for RF communications. It came with 512 KB ROM flash memory and 1.5 MB RAM. It came with an add-on slot in the back, but the only hardware released was an MP3 player. Infos from Wikipedia

Xtreme Cybiko Unknown

AlphaServer DEC Unknown

DECPx AXP 150 DEC Unknown

PDP-1 DEC Computer 1960

It has an 18-bit word and had 4 kilowords as standard main memory (equivalent to 9 kilobytes, or 9,000 bytes), upgradable to 64 kilowords (144 KB). The magnetic core memory's cycle time was 5 microseconds (corresponding very roughly to a 'clock speed' of 200 kilohertz; consequently most arithmetic instructions took 10 microseconds (100,000 operations per second) because they had two memory cycles: one for the instruction, one for the operand data fetch. Signed numbers were represented in one's complement. The PDP-1 was built mostly of DEC 1000-series System Building Blocks, using Micro-Alloy and Micro-Alloy-Diffused transistors with a rated switching speed of 5 MHz. Peripherals The PDP-1 used punched paper tape as its primary storage medium. Unlike punched card decks, which could be sorted and re-ordered, paper tape was difficult to physically edit. This inspired the creation of text-editing programs such as Expensive Typewriter and TECO. Because it was equipped with online and offline printers that were based on IBM electric typewriter mechanisms, it was capable of what, in eighties terminology, would be called 'letter-quality printing' and therefore inspired TJ-2, arguably the first word processor. The console typewriter was the product of a company named Soroban Engineering. It was an IBM Model B Electric typewriter mechanism modified by the addition of switches to detect keypresses and solenoids to activate the typebars. It used a traditional typebar mechanism, not the 'golfball' IBM Selectric typewriter mechanism, which was not introduced until the next year. Case shifting was performed by raising and lowering the massive type basket. It was equipped with a two-color red-and-black ribbon, and the interface allowed color selection. Programs commonly used color coding to distinguish user input from machine responses. The Soroban mechanism was unreliable and prone to jamming, particularly when shifting case or changing ribbon color, and was widely disliked. Offline devices were typically Friden Flexowriters that had been specially built to operate with the FIO-DEC character coding used by the PDP-1. Like the console typewriter, these were built around a typing mechanism that was mechanically the same as an IBM Electric typewriter.[1] However, Flexowriters were highly reliable and often used for long unattended printing sessions. Flexowriters had electromechanical paper tape punches and readers which operated synchronously with the typewriter mechanism. Typing was performed about ten characters per second. A typical PDP-1 operating procedure was to output text to punched paper tape using the PDP-1's 'high speed' (60 character per second) Teletype model BRPE punch, then carry the tape to a Flexowriter for offline printing. Computer music MIT hackers also used the PDP-1 for playing music in four-part harmony, using some special hardware—four flip-flops directly controlled by the processor (filtered with simple RC filters). Music was prepared via Peter Samson's Harmony Compiler, a sophisticated text-based program with some features specifically oriented toward the efficient coding of baroque music. Several hours of music were prepared for it, including Bach fugues, all of Mozart's Eine kleine Nachtmusik, Christmas carols, and numerous popular songs. Current status Only three PDP-1 computers are still known to exist, and all three are in the collection of the Computer History Museum. One was a prototype, and the other two are production PDP-1C machines. One of the latter, serial number 55 (the last PDP-1 made) has been restored to working order, is on exhibit, and is demonstrated two Saturdays every month. The demonstrations include: the game Spacewar! graphics demonstrations such as Snowflake playing music The restoration is described on a special web page of the Computer History Museum. Simulations of the PDP-1 exist in SIMH and MESS, and paper tapes of the software exist in the archives. BBN was DEC's first customer for the PDP-1.[2] MIT's PDP-1, donated by DEC in 1961, occupied the room next door to the TX-0 which was on indefinite loan from Lincoln Laboratory. At the Computer History Museum TX-0 alumni reunion in 1984, Gordon Bell said DEC's products developed directly from the TX-2, the successor to the TX-0 which had been developed at what Bell thought was a bargain price at the time, about USD $3 million. At the same meeting, Jack Dennis said Ben Gurley's design for the PDP-1 was influenced by his work on the TX-0 display. [3] At the museum's PDP-1 restoration celebration in May 2006, Alan Kotok said his Mac G4 laptop was 10,000 times faster, came with 100,000 times the RAM and 500,000 times the storage, was 1/2000 the size, and cost 1/100 as much.[4] (Info: Wikipedia)

PDP-10 DEC Unknown

PDP-11 DEC Unknown

PDP-12 DEC Unknown

PDP-15 DEC Unknown

PDP-7 DEC Computer 1965

The DEC PDP-7 is a minicomputer produced by Digital Equipment Corporation. Introduced in 1965, the first to use their Flip-Chip technology, with a cost of only $72,000 USD, it was cheap but powerful. The PDP-7 was the third of Digital's 18-bit machines, with essentially the same instruction set architecture as the PDP-4 and the PDP-9. It was the first wire-wrapped PDP. In 1969, Ken Thompson wrote the first UNIX system in assembly language on a PDP-7, then named Unics as a somewhat treacherous pun on Multics, as the operating system for Space Travel, a game which required graphics to depict the motion of the planets. A PDP-7 was also the development system used during the development of MUMPS at MGH in Boston a few years earlier. There are a few remaining PDP-7 still in operable condition, along with one under restoration in Oslo, Norway. (info from Wikipedia)

PDP-8 DEC Computer 1965

The PDP-8 was the first sucessful commercial minicomputer, produced by DEC in the 60s, the first real minicomputer, and the first computer costing less than $20,000. By late 1973 to 77, the PDP-8 family was the best selling computer in the world. The basic version could sit on a desktop rather than requiring cumbersome racks well known at the time. This compact size caused it to become a popular system in scientific laboratories. The machine had a now quite strange 12-bit word and four thousand 12-bit words of magnetic core memory. The first model was built without any Integrated circuit - thus no microprocessor - but with discrete transistors mounted on numerous small printed circuit boards called 'flip chips' that were inserted on two backplanes mounted vertically. Both table-top and rack-mount models were available, but adding additional memory required a rack. CPU was composed of 12 interlinked Register Boards each operating on one bit slice of the 12 bit word and containing an Adder function together with all the major registers - MB, MA, AC, PC. Speed a little less than 1MHz. The instructions set of the PDP-8 was very limited, only eight basic instructions encoded by the three left bits of each 12-bit word, and one register, the accumulator: However, the PDP-8 could be programmed to do almost anything. It just took longer (sometimes very longer!) to execute programs. A 110 baud current loop teletype interface allowed an ASR 33 Teletype to be connected, serving as a console as well as a storage device by means of the built-in papertape puncher and reader. There were numerous variations of the original model over the years, among them: 1966: <b>PDP-8/S</b> - minimum price but slow memory serial logic design 1968: <b>PDP-8/I</b> - first version with integrated circuits 1970: <b>PDP-8/E</b> - New bus structure design called Omnibus 1975: <b>PDP-8/A</b> - Allowed OEMs choice of memory type and quantity All together, about 50,000 PDP-8 series computers were sold, as well as numerous clones made USA, Asia and East European countries. In 2000 year, there were still a few PDP8's in operation, mainly in third-world countries.

PDP-9 DEC Unknown

Rainbow 100 DEC Computer 1984

The Rainbow 100 was a microcomputer introduced by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) in 1982. This desktop unit had a monitor similar to the VT220 in a dual-CPU box with both 4 MHz Zilog Z80 and 4.81 MHz Intel 8088 CPUs. The Rainbow 100 was a triple-use machine: VT100 mode (industry standard terminal for interacting with DEC's own VAX), 8-bit CP/M mode (using the Z80), and CP/M-86 or MS-DOS mode using the 8088. <b>Models</b> The Rainbow came in three models, the 100A, 100B and 100+. The "A" model was the first released, followed later by the "B" model. The most noticeable differences between the two models were the firmware and slight hardware changes. The "A" model was the first produced by Digital. The distinguishing characteristic of the "A" model from an end-user perspective was that the earlier firmware did not support booting from a hard disk. Other distinguishing hardware features included the three 2764 (8 KB) ROM chips holding the system firmware and the case fan/power supply combinations. In addition, the 100A was unable to move its hardware interrupt vectors to avoid the conflict with MS-DOS soft INT 21, etc. DOS had to take unusual actions to distinguish between the hard and soft vectors. The Rainbow 100A initially only supported 256 KB of RAM total, but the limitation in the memory expansion slot was later worked around with a special adapter card, though the maximum was limited to 828 KB. The "B" model followed the "A" model, and introduced a number of changes. The "B" model featured the ability to boot from a hard disk (referred to as the Winchester drive) via the boot menu due to updated firmware. The hardware changes included bigger firmware stored on two 27128 (16 KB) ROMs and an improved case fan/power supply. The firmware allowed selection of the boot screen language and keyboard layout, eliminating the need to switch ROM. The "B" model also allowed remapping of hardware interrupts to be more compatible with MS-DOS. The B model also improved the memory expansion slot to allow a maximum configuration of 892 KB. The "100+" model was actually a marketing designation signifying that the system shipped with a hard drive installed; the "100+" and "B" models were identical in all other respects. When a hard-disk option was installed on the Rainbow, the kit included the 100+ emblem for the computer's case. <b>Hardware</b> The Rainbow contained two separate data buses controlled by the Zilog Z80 and the Intel 8088 respectively. The buses exchanged information via a shared 62 KB memory. When not executing 8-bit code, the Zilog Z80 was used for floppy disk access. The 8088 bus was used for control of all other subsystems, including graphics, hard disk access, and communications. While it may have been theoretically possible to load Z80 binary code into the Rainbow to execute alongside 8088 code, this procedure has never been demonstrated. The 8088 could also be upgraded with an NEC V-20 chip, resulting in about 10-15% speed improvement, but it involved either doing an E-PROM hack (published) or manually selecting the boot mode each time. (It was due to the V-20 being so much faster, and the post used a step/increment timing sequence, the system would respond faster than the number of clock cycles it was told to wait until looking for a response.) The 100A model shipped with 64 KB memory on the motherboard, while the 100B had 128 KB memory on the motherboard. Daughterboards were available from Digital Equipment Corporation that could increase system memory with up to an additional 768 KB for a total 892 KB for the 100B or 828 KB for the 100A. The difference in max memory was due to the difference in initial memory configuration. The system was triple boot (in BIOS, and could be set for automatic default boot preference on 100+) and booted in either CP/M, DOS, or VT100 mode. When booted in DOS, the Z-80 acted as an I/O co-processor for the 8088 side, and visa-versa for CP/M mode. <b>Disk-drives</b> The floppy disk drives, known as the RX50, accepted proprietary 400 KB single-sided, quad-density 5?-inch diskettes. Initial versions of the operating systems on the Rainbow did not allow for low-level formatting, requiring users to purchase RX50 media from Digital Equipment Corporation. The high cost of media ($5 per disk) led to accusations of vendor "lock-in" against Digital. However, later versions of MS-DOS and CP/M allowed formatting of diskettes. Of note was the single motor used to drive both disk drives via a common spindle, which were arranged one on top of the other. That meant that one disk went underneath the first but inserted upside-down. This earned the diskette drive the nickname "toaster". The unusual orientation confused many first-time users, who would complain that the machine would not read the disk. This was remedied later by placing a red arrow on the diskette slots and on the top of the diskettes to indicate which side of the diskette to be inserted into each diskette drive. Disks formatted for the Rainbow 100 could not be read or written to by other PC computers, even though materially they were the same type of 5'' disk. <b>Graphics</b> The base Rainbow system was capable of displaying text in 80?24- or 132?24-character format in monochrome only. The system could apply attributes to text including bolding, double-width, and double-height-double-width. The graphics option was a user-installable module that added graphics and color display capabilities to the Rainbow system. The Graphic module was based on a NEC 7220 graphic display controller (which was used in the <a href="computer.asp?c=333">NEC APC</a> among others) and an 8?64 KB DRAM video memory. It enables high resolution color display: - 400x240 resolution, with 16 colors from a pallette of 4096. - 800x240 resolution, with 4 colors from a pallette of 4096. Due to the design of the graphics system, the Rainbow was capable of controlling two monitors simultaneously, one displaying graphics and another displaying text. _______ <font color="#666666">Contributors: Chris Ryan, Wikipedia.</font> <a href="doc.asp?c=284"><img src="graphs/readmore.gif" border="0" vspace="4"></a>

VT-180 DEC Computer 1982

In 1982, Digital introduced an option board which turned a VT-100 terminal into a personal computer using the CP/M operating system. It was called the <b>Digital's Personal Computing Option</b>. Customer could purchase just the option board or could buy the complete terminal/computer package called the <b>VT-180</b>. The VT-100 terminal was introduced by Digital in August 1978. It rapidly enjoyed great popularity and soon became the most widely imitated asynchronous terminal. Its control codes and escape sequences still form the basis of the <b>xterm</b> set and of the ANSI or IBM PC standards. VT100 compatibility is still provided by most terminal emulators. All terminals that came after the VT100 was able to emulate their ancestor, although they offered new features in addition to what the VT100 could do. The VT-180, also called 'Robin', was thus basically a VT100 terminal with an extra board installed which includes a Z80 processor, 64 KB of RAM memory, a floppy disk controller and an extra serial port controller. The single sided floppy disk drives came in a dual case. The system supported up to four individual disk drives (two dual drive units). <a href="doc.asp?c=605"><img src="graphs/readmore.gif" border="0" vspace="4"></a>

DAI Personal Computer Data Applications International Computer 1981

In the early 70s, the British government whished an English computer company could compete with the world major manufacturers. Some years later, the ICL company became one of the larger manufacturer of computers in Europe and did really compete with U.S. companies. In 1980, before the ICL Personal Computer was born, the company met serious financial problems, the English government paid several million pounds and ICL asked the British RAIR CIE to provide the ICL-PC hardware. This ICL Personal Computer is thus exactly the same machine as the <a href="computer.asp?c=454">RAIR Black Box</a> system, a backplane 8085 based system using a serial video terminal as video display, and CP/M (single user) or MP/M (multi-user) operating systems. Two series were released. The <b>PC1</b> series is the model pictured here. The <b>PC2</b> series was the same design case as the <a href="computer.asp?c=852">ICL PC Quattro</a>. This used an Intel or AMD 8085AH-2 CPU at 5MHZ The model numbers for the PC1 series were: <b>Model 10</b> (pictured here) - 64 KB RAM, 2 x 5.25" FDD, CP/M O.S. <b>Model 30</b> with a 5 MB hard disc, CP/M O.S. <b>Model 31</b> 64 KB RAM, three users, 5 MB hard disc, MP/M O.S. <b>Model 32</b> 256 KB RAM, three users, 10 MB hard disc, MP/M O.S. Those of the PC2 series were: <b>Model 15</b> 64 KB RAM, 2 x 5.25" FDD, CP/M O.S. <b>Model 25</b> with a 5 MB hard disc, CP/M O.S. <b>Model 26</b> 64 KB RAM, three users, 5 MB hard disc, MP/M O.S. <b>Model 35</b> 256 KB RAM, three users, 10 MB hard disc, MP/M O.S. <b>Agnus WR Gulliver</b> reports us: <font color="#666666">There were a few simple games written for it, mostly text based (what do you expect, it uses CP/M), but it's main use was of course as an office machine. I recall it being a slow machine to use, even boot-up took about a minute. You had to be very careful with the hard disk because it didn't have auto-parking heads. After it was switched off you had to wait about a minute to switch it on again. </font> According to <b>K.-L. Butte</b>,<font color="#666666">there were 3 different models of it marking the 3 major development steps: The first incarnation wit 8085 and MP/M, the second with 8088 and Concurrent CP/M and the third with 8086 and Concurrent CP/M.</font> <a href="doc.asp?c=752"><img src="graphs/readmore.gif" border="0" vspace="4"></a>

Data East Classics Data East Arcade

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Super-80 Dick Smith Unknown

Super-80, Super-80D, Super-80E & Super-80M Dick Smith Unknown

Super-80R & Super-80V Dick Smith Unknown

System 80 Dick Smith Unknown

VZ-200-300 Dick Smith Unknown

Esselte 100 Didact Unknown

320 Digilog Unknown

DIGIAC 3080 Digital Electronics Unknown

32-64 Dragon Computer 1982

The Dragon 32 and Dragon 64 were home computers built in the 1980s. The Dragons were very similar to the TRS-80 Color Computer (CoCo), and were produced for the European market by Dragon Data, Ltd., in Port Talbot, Wales. The model numbers reflect the primary difference between the two machines, which had 32 and 64 kilobytes of RAM, respectively. Product history In the early 1980s, the British home computer market was booming. New machines were released almost monthly. In August 1982, Dragon Data joined the fray with the Dragon 32; the Dragon 64 followed a year later. The computers sold quite well initially and attracted the interest of several independent software developers, most notably Microdeal. A magazine, Dragon User also began publication shortly after the machine's launch. In the private home computer market, where games were a significant driver, the Dragon suffered due to its graphical capabilities, which were inferior to other machines such as the Sinclair ZX Spectrum and Commodore 64. The Dragon was also unable to display lower-case letters easily. Some more sophisticated applications synthesised them using high-resolution graphics modes (in the same way that user-defined characters would be designed for purely graphical applications such as games). Simpler programs just managed without lower case. This effectively locked it out of the then-blooming educational market. As a result of these limitations, the Dragon was not a commercial success, and Dragon Data collapsed in June 1984. Despite the demise of the parent company, Dragons still proved quite popular. They had a robust motherboard in a spacious case, and were much more tolerant of home-modification than many of their contemporaries, which often had their components crammed into the smallest possible space. Hardware and peripherals The Dragon was built around the Motorola MC6809E processor running at 0.89 MHz. This was the most advanced 8-bit CPU design of the time, having, among other things limited 16-bit capabilities. In terms of raw computational power, the Dragon beat most of its contemporary rivals (which were based on the older MOS Technology 6502 or Zilog Z80), but this made little difference in a market where graphical capabilities and software library were much more important to consumers. Many Dragon 32s were upgraded by their owners to 64K. A few were further expanded to 128K, 256K, or 512K, with home-built memory controllers/memory management units (MMUs). A broad range of peripherals existed for the Dragon 32/64, and on top of this there were add-ons such as the Dragon's Claw which gave the Dragons access to the BBC Micro's large range of accessories (a particularly important factor in the UK home market). Although neither machine had a built-in disk operating system (cassette tapes being the default data-storage mechanism in the home computer market at the time), DragonDOS was supplied as part of the disk controller interface from Dragon Data Ltd. The numerous external ports (by the standards of the time), including the standard RS-232 on the 64, also allowed hobbyists to attach a diverse range of equipment. An unusual feature was a monitor port for connection of a computer monitor, as an alternative to the TV output. This was rarely used due to the cost of dedicated monitors at that time. The port is actually a Composite Video port and can be used to connect the Dragon 32 to most modern TVs to deliver a much better picture. The Dragon used analogue joysticks, unlike most systems of the time which used less versatile but cheaper digital systems. Other uses for the joystick ports included light pens. Video Modes The Dragon's main display mode was 'black on green' text (in actual fact the black was a deeper and muddy green). The only graphics possible in this mode were block based. It also had a selection of five high resolution modes, named PMODEs 0-4, which alternated monochrome and four-colour in successively higher resolutions, culminating in the black and white 256x192 PMODE 4. Each mode had two possible colour palettes. Unfortunately, these were rather garish and caused the system to fare poorly in visual comparisons with other home computers at the time. It was also impossible to use standard printing commands to print text on the graphical modes, causing software development difficulties. Full colour scanline based 64x192 'semi-graphics' modes were also possible, though their imbalanced resolution and programming difficulty (they were not accessible via BASIC) meant they were not often utilised. Disk Systems A complete Disk Operating System was produced for the Dragon by a third party supplier, Premier Microsystems located near Croydon, South London. The system was sold as the 'Delta' disk operating system. Although Premier offered the Delta system to be marketed by Dragon themselves, Dragon were not happy that a third party were hijacking the standards for their computer, and produced their own rival DragonDOS system making it clear that the third party Delta was not compatible with the 'standard' Dragon Disk system. Inevitably, with Delta's head start, software was marketed in either system (but rarely both). The result was the inevitable confusion with customers upset that a particular piece of software was not available for the Disk system that they had. Although this was far from the principle driver for the Dragon's demise, it was nevertheless a factor and had Dragon adopted the established Delta system, the machine may well have had a greater following and a longer life. System software The Dragon came with a Microsoft BASIC interpreter in 16K of ROM. Unlike a modern PC with the operating system on disk, a Dragon starts instantly when powered up. Some software providers also produced compilers for BASIC, and other languages, to produce binary ('machine') code which would run many times faster and make better use of the small system RAM. Towards the end of its life, Dragon Data produced an assembler/disassembler/editor suite called 'Dream'. In addition to the DragonDOS disk operating system the Dragon 32/64 were capable of running several others, including FLEX, and even OS-9 which brought UNIX-like multitasking to the platform. Memory-expanded and MMU-equipped Dragons were able to run OS-9 Level 2. Differences from the CoCo Both the Dragon and the TRS-80 Color Computer (CoCo) were based on a Motorola data sheet design for the MC6883 SAM chip for memory management and peripheral control. The systems were sufficiently similar that a significant fraction of the compiled software produced for one machine would happily run on the other. Software running via the built-in Basic interpreters also had a high level of compatibility, but only after they were re-tokenized (which could be achieved fairly easily by transferring via cassette tape with appropriate options). The Dragon had additional circuitry to make the MC6847 VDG compatible with European 625-line television standards, rather than the US 525-line NTSC standard, and a Centronics parallel printer port not present on the CoCo. Some models were manufactured with NTSC video for the US market. Dragon 32 vs. Dragon 64 Aside from the amount of RAM, the 64 also had an RS-232 serial port which was not included on the 32. A minor difference between the two Dragon models was the outer case colour; the Dragon 32 was beige and the 64 was light grey. Besides the colour and the Dragon 64's serial port (and the model name stickers, of course), the two machines looked exactly the same. Infos from Wikipedia

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DOS Dragon Computer 1981

logo photo
Dragon Dragon Data Computer January 1982

The DRAGON 32 enjoyed a pretty good success in Europe. Its ROM holds the Operating System and a version of the Microsoft Extended BASIC. One of its characteristics is partial compatibility with the <a href="computer.asp?c=91">Tandy TRS 80 Color Series</a>. They can use same peripherals and some cartridges, but most ROM calls will fail on the other computer. However, the Dragon did have at least two advantages over the first TRS-80 Color computer: A typewriter-style keyboard that was somewhat better than the tandy's calculator-like keys; and a Centronics parallel-printer port. Two years later, Welsh launched the <a href="computer.asp?c=503">DRAGON 64</a> which has the same characteristics except the added memory (64k RAM instead of 32k), a RS232c port and minor ROM changes. <a href="doc.asp?c=117"><img src="graphs/readmore.gif" border="0" vspace="4"></a>

FLEX Dragon Unknown

OS-9 Dragon Unknown

Monarch Dynabyte Unknown

Dynax Dynax Arcade

1841 EC Unknown

EG2000 Colour Genie EACA Computer 1982

The EACA EG2000 Colour Genie was a computer produced by Hong Kong-based manufacturer EACA. It followed their earlier Video Genie I and II computers (and was released around the same time as the business-oriented Video Genie III). However, it was not compatible with them. Unlike the earlier Video Genies, which were compatible with their main competitor (the Model I TRS-80), the Colour Genie was also incompatible with the rival TRS-80 Color Computer — one fundamental difference being the different CPUs. Technical Specifications Internal hardware CPU * Zilog Z80, 2 MHz Video Hardware * 6845 CRTC * 40x25 text, 16 colours, 128 user defined characters * 160x102 graphics, 4 colours Sound Hardware * General Instruments AY-3-8910 * 3 sound channels, ADSR programmable * 1 noise channel * 2 8-bit wide I/O ports RAM: * 16 KiB RAM, expandable to 32 KiB ROM: * 16 KiB containing LEVEL II BASIC Keyboard * 63-key typewriter style * 4 programmable function keys I/O ports and power supply * I/O ports: * Composite video out and audio out (cinch plugs) * Integrated RF modulator antenna output, which also carries sound, to TV * Cartridge expansion slot (slot for edge connector with Z80 CPU address/data bus lines and control signals, as well as GND and voltage pins; used for ROM cartridges or the floppy disk controller * 1200 baud tape interface (5 pin DIN) * RS-232 port (5 pin DIN) * Lightpen port (5 pin DIN) * Parallel port for printer or joystick controller * Power supply: 5 V DC, +12 V DC and -12 V DC External hardware options Floppy disk controller with floppy disk station. * Supported up to 4 drives (5.25 inch). * Support for 90 KiB SS/SD up to 720 KiB DS/DD drives. Cassette recorder * EPROM cartridge of 12 KiB EG2013 Joystick Controller * 2 Analogue joysticks with keypads Infos from Wikipedia

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PX-4 EPSON Handheld 1984

This computer is the successor of the <a href="computer.asp?c=143">HX-20</a>. The main cosmetic difference is a wider screen that can be adjusted to the right angle. There are 2 ROM slots under the machine to implement additional ROM programs. On the right of the LCD display can be plugged a tape-recorder, a plotter, RAM expansions, a lot of things or ... nothing. A lot of peripherals were available for this little computer (see hardware page), at least in japan. The PX-4 was logically followed by the <a href="computer.asp?c=198">PX-8</a>.

ETI-660 Generic Unknown

Mark II ETL Unknown

Mark IV ETL Unknown

Mark IV A ETL Unknown

MUGEN Elecbyte Virtual Machine

EDUC-8 Electronics Australia Unknown

BK Elektronika Computer 1984

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BK-0010-0011M Elektronika Computer

BK-0011-411 Elektronika Console

MC-1502 Elektronika Unknown

PECOM 32 & 64 Elektronska Industrija Nis Computer 1985

The information on this page comes from Bostjan Lemut. Ei NIS means Elektronska industrija Nis. ROM was devided into 12KB for Basic and 3.4KB for OS. RAM could be extended for 16KB more, also 16KB ROM was available with an editor and assembler.

Arcadia 2001 Emerson Console 1982

The Arcadia 2001 is a second-generation 8-bit console released by Emerson Radio Corp. It was meant to outshine the Atari 2600, but came out right before the more-advanced Atari 5200 and the ColecoVision. It was a failure as soon as it came to market. The game library was composed of 51 unique games and about 10 variations. The graphics were similar to those of the Intellivision and the OdysseyĠ. The Arcadia was not named after the company of the same name. Arcadia Corporation, makers of the 2600 supercharger, was sued by Emerson for trademark infringement. Arcadia Corporation changed its name to Starpath. Description The Arcadia was originally intended to be a portable console, one can see that it was much smaller than its competitors at the time. The console is powered by a standard 12-volt power supply, so it could be used in a boat, or a camper, and so on. This portability feature, however, required a portable television, which was extremely rare in the early 1980s. It also has two outputs(or inputs) earphones jacks types on the back of the unit, on the far left and far right sides. The system came with two Intellivision-style control pads, but with a lighter touch on the side 'fire' buttons. The control pads have screw holes in their centers, so that one could transform them into a joystick, a la Sega Master System. Most games came with mylar overlays which could be applied to the controllers. The console itself had five buttons: power, start, reset, option, and select. There are at least three different types of cartridge case styles and artwork, with variations on each. Emerson-family carts come in two different lengths of black plastic cases; the short style is similar to Atari 2600 carts in overall size. This family uses a unique 'sketch' type of picture label. MPT-03 family cart cases (see below) resemble Super NES carts in size and shape, except that they are molded in brown plastic. Their labels look much more modern and stylized, with only a minimal picture on each. There are also a family of what look like pirate carts, that look nothing like the others in shape, size or label artwork. The different labeled versions however all used the same cartridges. Market Failure The console was essentially considered dead upon arrival. The system came out at the same time that much better systems came onto the market — the Atari 5200 and ColecoVision — which immediately crushed sales. In addition, Atari's use of exclusive rights to many games made it very virtually impossible for Emerson to get popular games to the console. Emerson actually created many popular arcade titles including Pacman, Galaxian and Defender for the Arcadia and had them manufactured. However, Atari started to sue its competitors for companies that it had exclusive-rights agreements and Emerson was stuck with thousands of manufactured games that could no longer be sold. Today, only a very limited number of console collectors even bother to go after the Arcadia. Variants Unlike almost all other consoles, the Arcadia 2001 was sold from many different firms under different names. These include (Name – Country – Manufacturer): Advision Home Arcade – France - Advision Bandai Arcadia – Japan - Bandai Hanimex Fever 1 – Germany - Hanimex Hanimex HMG-2650 – Germany - Hanimex Hanimex MPT-03 - France? - Hanimex Intercord 2000XL – Germany - ??? Leisure-Vision – Canada - Leisure-Dynamics Leonardo – Italy - GiG Palladium – Germany - Palladium? Prestige MPT-03 – France - ??? Rowntron MPT-03 - ?? - Rowntron? Schmidt TVG-2000 – Germany - Schmidt Soundic MPT-03 - ?? - Soundic? Tempest MPT-03 – Australia - Tempest? Tele-Fever – Germany - Tchibo Tryom - ??? - Tryom? Tunix Home Arcade - New Zealand - Monaco Distributors Ltd. Video Master - New Zealand - Grand Stand Each console had a different number of games released for them; some like the Schmidt had almost every game released for them, others like the Tele-fever only had 4 games released. The Palladium has a different cartridge connector/pinout, 4 extra keys per controller. Technical specifications * Main Processor: Signetics 2650 CPU running at 3.58 MHz * Some variants run a Signetics 2650A * RAM: 512 bytes (originally promised 28K) * ROM: None * Video Display: 8 Colours * Video Display Controller: Signetics 2637 UVI * Sound: Single Channel 'Beeper' + Single Channel 'Noise' * Hardware Sprites: 4 independent, single color * Controllers: 2 x 2 way * Keypads: 2 x 12 button (more buttons on some variants) Games Many of the games for the Arcadia 2001 are lesser-known arcade game such as Route 16 and Jungler. Different games were available for the various clones of the Arcadia 2001, consult the Arcadia FAQ for more information. These game ROMS have been released into the public domain as abandonware. * 3-D Bowling * 3-D Raceway * 3-D Soccer * Alien Invaders * Astro Invader * American Football * Baseball * Brain Quiz * Breakaway * Capture * Cat Trax * Crazy Gobbler * Crazy Climber (Unreleased) * Escape * Funky Fish * Galaxian * Grand Prix 3-D * Grand Slam Tennis * Hobo * Home Squadron * Jump Bug * Jungler * Kidou Senshi Gundamu (only in Japan) * Math Logic * Missile War * Ocean Battle * Pleiades * RD2 Tank * Red Clash * Robot Killer (clone of Berzerk) * Route 16 * Soccer * Space Attack * Space Chess * Space Mission * Space Raiders * Space Squadron * Space Vultures * Spiders * Star Chess * Super Gobbler * Tanks A Lot * The End * Turtles/Turpin Infos from Wikipedia

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Apollo Enterprex Unknown

64 & 128 Enterprise Computer 1985

The Enterprise is a Zilog Z80 based home computer first released in 1985. There were two variants, the Enterprise 64 with 64 kB of RAM, and the Enterprise 128 with 128 kB. The machine was also known by the names DPC, Samurai, Oscar, Elan and Flan before the Enterprise name was finally chosen. The machine had a Z80 CPU running at 4 MHz, 64 kB or 128 kB of RAM and 48 kB of ROM containing the EXOS operating system and BASIC. The case was unique for the time (in the UK at least) for containing both a full-sized membrane keyboard with programmable function keys, and a joystick. The machine was specifically engineered for games, with a 672x256 pixel display and 256 colours per pixel (one byte per pixel being particularly easy to program). Sound was 4 channels, stereo. A graphics coprocessor called 'Nick' and sound coprocessor called 'Dave' (named after the designers Nick Toop, who had previously worked on the Acorn Atom, and Dave Woodfield) took the load off the central processor. The machine came with a surprising array of connectors, far beyond what was common on home computers of the time. There was an RGB output, RS232/RS432 serial port, a Centronics printer port, two external joystick ports, a cassette interface, a ROM cartridge slot and an ordinary expansion port. (To save money, however, the connectors on the rear did not come with sockets. They simply exposed traces on the edge of the printed circuit board). The BASIC ROM could even be replaced by a ROM which could emulate a ZX Spectrum, thus in theory allowing the Enterprise to run the existing catalogue of thousands of Spectrum games. Later, an external floppy drive became available, supporting CP/M programs. Commercial failure Despite being particularly powerful for the time, the machine was not a commercial success. The Amstrad CPC 464 was released before the Enterprise, was less powerful, but included a monitor and cassette recorder, and retailed for less. The CPC in fact had a strikingly similar colour scheme to the Enterprise, and it may be that Amstrad boss Alan Sugar had seen a prototype. After the initial manufacturing run of 80,000 units it is not believed that any further units were made, making the Enterprise an extraordinarily collectible item in Europe. When Enterprise (the company) was wound up in Europe, 20,000 units were shipped to Hungary where it appears a strong user community formed. Development After the home computer market in the UK took off with the launch of the Sinclair ZX Spectrum in 1982, a Hong Kong trading company called Locumals decided to commission Intelligent Software in the UK to develop a home computer. The head of Intelligent Software was David Levy, an international chess player. During development the machine had the codename DPC, standing for damp-proof course, to throw off potential competitors in case anyone left the development plans on a bus. Emulating Amstrad's AMSOFT, Entersoft was set up to ensure a steady supply of software for the new machine. Although the machine was announced to the press in September 1983, it did not go on sale until April 1984, at which point some 80,000 machines were pre-ordered. Unfortunately machines did not ship until 1985, by which point the competitive environment was much worse for Enterprise, as the UK home computer market had become dominated by the ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64, Amstrad CPC and Acorn BBC. A successor machine, the PW360, was developed in 1986 to compete directly against the Amstrad PCW 8256, but by this time the company was in severe financial difficulties and went under. Infos from: Wikipedia

Adventure Vision Entex Handheld 1982

The Adventure Vision is a self-contained (no external monitor is required) cartridge-based video game console released by Entex Industries in 1982. The Adventure Vision was Entex's second generation system. Their first console was the Entex select-a-game, released a year earlier in 1981. Control is through a single multi-position joystick and two sets of four buttons, one on each side of the joystick, for ease of play by both left- and right-handed players. An interesting feature of the Adventure Vision is its 'monitor.' Rather than using an LCD screen or an external television set like other systems of the time, the Adventure Vision uses a single vertical line of 40 red LEDs combined with a spinning mirror inside the casing. This allows for a screen resolution of 150 x 40 pixels. Another product using this technique was produced by Nintendo in the mid 1990s – the Virtual Boy – another product which while technically ahead of its time like the Adventure Vision was doomed to failure in the open market. The game cartridges can be stored in spaces on top of the case. Drawbacks to the Adventure Vision are its monochrome (red) screen as well as the mirror motor, which draws a great deal of power from the batteries. The latter problem can be solved easily by the use of the built-in AC adapter port. Many casual fans dismiss the Adventure Vision as a failed handheld console. In fact, it was a tabletop console that was much too large and fragile to be used effectively for handheld purposes. Entex released four games for the Adventure Vision: Defender, based on the Williams Electronics arcade game of the same name Super Cobra, based on the Konami arcade game of the same name Turtles, based on the Konami arcade game of the same name Space Force, a clone of Atari's Asteroids arcade game Technical Specifications CPU: Intel 8048 @ 733 kHz Sound: National Semiconductor COP411L @ 52.6 kHz RAM: 64 bytes (internal to 8048), 1K (on main PCB) ROM: 1K (internal to 8048), 512 bytes (internal to COP411L), 4K (cartridge) Input: 4 direction joystick, 4 buttons duplicated on each side of the joystick Graphics: 150x40 monochrome pixels Infos from: Wikipedia

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Select-a-Game Entex Unknown

Cassette Vision Epoch Unknown 30th June 1981

The Cassette Vision is a japanese console released on the 30th June, 1981 by Epoch Co. This is for sure an obscure system as little is known about this console. It was one of the first cartridge system released in japan and ha d almost no real competitor until the launch of the fabulous <b>Nintendo Famicom</b> in 1983. It was however clearly a low-end and cheap system. The graphics are very basic and blocky. The overall aspect of the games and cartridges (size and plastic boxes), is strangely similar to the <a href="computer.asp?st=2&amp;c=696">Hanimex HMG-7900</a>... Though games are not the same, there must be a link between these two obscure systems. There were not a lot of cartridge released for it. "Kikori No Yosaku" was its killer game. It is a game where you must chop trees! Other games include Grand Champion (car race), Galaxian, Big Sports 12 (paddle games), Baseball, Astro Command, Elevator Panic, Monster Mansion, Monster Block, etc. The machine did cost 13500 yen and games, about 4000 yen. The controller are in fact two knobs for vertical and horizontal movements (like the Magnavox Odyssey). There are also 4 fire buttons labeled PUSH-1, PUSH-2, PSUH-3 and PUSH-4 (two for each player?). There is also a power on/off switch, SELECT, AUX. and START buttons, a strange switch called COURSE and two others labeled LEVER-1 and LEVER-2... can anyone help us finding the use of these? The Cassette Vision was later followed by the <b>Cassette Vision Junior</b>, which was a low-cost version of the Cassette Vision, and then by the <a href="computer.asp?st=2&amp;c=844">Super Cassette Vision</a>, a more well known system since it was also released outside Japan. Worth noting are also two stand-alone consoles which had each a single game included (and no possibility to play any other games). There were released before the Cassette Vision. First one was called <a href="computer.asp?st=2&amp;c=1017">TV Vader</a> and played a Space Invaders type game. The second one, <a href="computer.asp?st=2&amp;c=798">TV Baseball</a>, was a system playing only a Baseball game. It is interesting to note that both games would be released later for the Cassette Vision as cartridges.

Game Pocket Computer Epoch Handheld 1984

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Super Cassette Vision Epoch Console 1984

The Epoch (Super) Cassette Vision was a video game console made by Epoch and released in Japan on July 30, 1981. Despite the name, the console used cartridges, not cassettes, and it has the distinction of being the first ever programmable console video game system to be made in Japan. The system retailed for 13,500 yen, with games going for 4,000. It is believed, though not confirmed, that Sega and/or SNK made games for the Cassette Vision. Its graphics were less refined than the Atari 2600, and the only controls were 4 knobs (2 to a player, 1 for horizontal movement, 1 for vertical) built into the console itself, along with 2 fire buttons to a player. Though the Cassette Vision was not a fantastic seller, it managed to spawn off a smaller, cheaper version called the Cassette Vision Jr. and a successor called the Super Cassette Vision. The latter was released in 1984, and was sold in Europe, with little success. Except for their failed Game Pocket Computer handheld system, Epoch never had another system released. TSuper Cassette Vision Specifications CPU: uPD7801G (NOT Z80 Clone) RAM: 128B (uPD7801G internal) ROM: 4KB (uPD7801G internal) Video Processor: EPOCH TV-1 VRAM: 4KB (2 x uPD4016C-2) + 2KB (EPOCH TV-1 internal) Colour: 16 Sprites: 128 Display: 256x256 (NOT 309x246) Sound Processor: uPD1771C Sound: 1 channel (Tone, Noise or 1bit PCM) Controllers: 2 x hard-wired joysticks Infos from: Wikipedia

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CPM systems Epson Unknown

HX-20 Optional Epson Unknown

PX-4 & HC-40 Epson Handheld 1984

This computer is the successor of the <a href="computer.asp?c=143">HX-20</a>. The main cosmetic difference is a wider screen that can be adjusted to the right angle. There are 2 ROM slots under the machine to implement additional ROM programs. On the right of the LCD display can be plugged a tape-recorder, a plotter, RAM expansions, a lot of things or ... nothing. A lot of peripherals were available for this little computer (see hardware page), at least in japan. The PX-4 was logically followed by the <a href="computer.asp?c=198">PX-8</a>.

PX-8, HC-88 & Geneva Epson Handheld 1984

The PX-8 was the successor of the <a href="computer.asp?c=370">PX-4</a> and <a href="computer.asp?c=143">HX-20</a>. The main improvement was a twice bigger flip-up LCD screen. It was sold with four cartridges which could be added to the base of the unit: a <b>BASIC</b> Programming Language, <b>CardBox Plus</b>, a diary for 400 names and addresss, <b>Calc</b>, a spreadsheet and <b>WordStar</b> the well known word processor. A double 5.25" floppy drive was available, and an Epson developed stand alone 3.5" floppy drive. The PX-8 was designed to be compatible with CP/M programs but these may need some modifications due to the display system. Actually, 8 lines of 80 characters were shown at any one time, but the display could be scrolled through up to 48 lines. It may also act as a terminal for other computers. The PX-8 was sold as HC-88 in Japan and Geneva in the USA.

QX-10 Epson Computer 1982

The QX-10 was a robust small business computer that used tried and tested technology rather than anything too innovative. Nevertheless, it was designed to be complete in itself for both hardware and software. It had an enhanced keyboard with 10 function keys and up to 16 fonts can be defined. It had a battery to save clock, date and a small 2048 characters buffer. It could use MS-DOS programs thanks to an optional 8088 card. <b>Byte</b> magazine said in January 1983: <font color="#666666"> The QX-10 is, at first glance, not a revolutionary machine. Yet in many subtle ways it is. On the surface, its specs are not spectacular. But the real power of the machine lies in its careful integration of software and hardware. The software was designed with the hardware in mind and vice versa. Such products reflect a growing concern for the user, a recognition that the old standards for hardware and software performance are no longer good enough. We need better-quality products, more attention to details, better-written manuals, and state-of-the-art features. Fortunately, the industry is listening.</font> <a href="doc.asp?c=200"><img src="graphs/readmore.gif" border="0" vspace="4"></a>

Alfaskop System 41 Ericsson Unknown

PC AT WS286 Ericsson Unknown

PC step-one Ericsson Unknown

64 Excalibur Unknown

EXL 100 Exelvision Computer 1984

The EXL100 was introduced in France in 1984. It came with an optional color ( 8 colors ) Peritel monitor, a standard cartridge loader and an optional tape drive. The two joysticks and the keyboard had an Infra Red connection. It also had a pretty good integrated speech synthethesizer. The lack of available software came from the rare Texas Intruments CPU used in the EXL100. The EXL 100 was done by people who worked at Texas Instruments. It uses a lot of technologies of the TI CC40 (like the basic and the CPU for exemple). All the hardware is based on Texas Instruments chips. The TMS 7020 is the CPU, the TMS 7041 manages all I/O, the speech synthesizer (TMS 5220) and the infrared receiver. The keyboard and the joysticks are linked by infrared to the CPU. Several peripherals were developped for this computer : a dot matrix printer (EXL 80) and a modem (ExelModem). This computer didn't have a great market success. It was above all used in schools. NAME EXL 100 MANUFACTURER Exelvision TYPE Home Computer ORIGIN France YEAR September 1984 BUILT IN LANGUAGE Exelbasic delivered on cartridge KEYBOARD Infra-red rubber keyboard, AZERTY, 61 keys CPU TMS 7020 (Texas-Instrument) SPEED 4.91 MHz CO-PROCESSOR TMS-7041 (I/O), TMS-5220A (Speech synthesizer), TMS-3356 (Video generator) RAM 34 kb (2k of the TMS-7020 + 32k VRAM) ROM 4 KB (up to 32 KB) TEXT MODES 40 x 24 GRAPHIC MODES 320 x 200 COLORS 8 SOUND built-in speech synthesizer (TMS-5220A) SIZE / WEIGHT 40 x 30 x 6,5 cm I/O PORTS Tape interface (DIN), RGB video out (SCART), Cartridge slot, expansion slot, RAM cards slot BUILT IN MEDIA optional CMOS RAM card (16k or 64k) Optional 3.4'' disk drives OS CROS (Exelmémoires), ExelDOS (disks) POWER SUPPLY Built-in PSU

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Exeltel Exelvision Computer 1986

In 1986, as the micro-computer market was getting ill, some french manufacturers thought that Telematic was the solution. Oric with the <a href="computer.asp?c=235">Telestrat</a>, Thomson with the <a href="computer.asp?c=240">TO-9+</a> and Exelvision with the Exeltel proposed computers with built-in modems and teletext features. The Exeltel was surely the most innovative of these three systems. It's a "super Minitel" wich can also be used as an answering machine, or can be your children teacher by downloading educative software through a dedicated network. <a href="doc.asp?c=521"><img src="graphs/readmore.gif" border="0" vspace="4"></a>

Sorcerer Exidy Arcade 1978

The Sorcerer was one of the early home computer systems, released in 1978 by the videogame company, Exidy. It was comparatively advanced when released, given its competition of Commodore PET and TRS-80, but due to a number of problems including a lack of marketing, the machine remained relatively unknown. Exidy eventually pulled it from the market in 1980, and today they are a coveted collector's item. History The Sorcerer was first launched in 1978 (although some sources claim 1977, which appears unlikely), at a price of 895 Dollar. It was powered by a Z80 running at 2.106 MHz with 8 kilobytes of RAM. The expansion systems and drives were released at the same time. Sales in Europe were fairly strong, via their distributor, CompuData Systems. The machine had its biggest brush with success in 1979 when the Dutch broadcasting company, TELEAC, decided to introduce their own home computer. The Belgian company DAI was originally contracted to design their machines, but when they couldn't deliver, CompuData delivered several thousand Sorcerers instead. By 1980 Exidy had already decided to give up on the machine, but sales in Europe were strong enough that CompuData decided to license the design for local construction in the Netherlands. They built the machine for several years before developing their own 16-bit Intel 8088–based machine called the Tulip, which replaced the Sorcerer in 1983. One of the largest groups in The Netherlands was the ESGG (Exidy Sorcerer Gebruikers Groep) which published a monthly newsletter in two editions, Dutch and English. They were the largest group for a while in the HCC (Hobby Computer Club) federation. The Dutch company De Broeders Montfort was a major firmware manufacturerer. The Sorcerer also had a strong following in Australia. This is most likely due to Dick Smith Electronics, being a leading electronics and hobbyist retailer at the time, pushing the Sorcerer quite heavily. The Sorcerer Computer Users group of Australia (or SCUA) actively supported the Sorcerer long after Exidy discontinued it, with RAM upgrades, speed boosts, the '80 column card', and even a replacement monitor program, SCUAMON. The history of the Sorcerer has interesting parallels with Exidy's competition's attempts to build a home computer, Bally's various attempts at making a 'real' machine out of the Astrocade. It is particularly interesting that while the Astrocade (and Datamax UV-1) had limited text capabilities but excellent graphics, the Sorcerer instead had excellent text and only 'usable' graphics. Description The Sorcerer was an interesting combination of parts from a standard S-100 bus machine, combined with their custom display circuitry. The machine included the Zilog Z80 and various bus features needed to run the CP/M operating system, but placed them inside a 'closed' box with a built-in keyboard similar to machines like the Atari 8-bit family and Commodore 64. Unlike those machines, the Sorcerer's keyboard was a high quality unit with full 'throw'. The keyboard included a custom 'Graphics' key, which allowed easy entry of the extended character set, without having to overload the Control key, the more common solution on other machines. Unlike other CP/M machines, the Sorcerer did not have any internal expansion slots, and everything that was needed for basic computing was built-in. It included a small ROM containing a simple monitor program which allowed the machine to be controlled at the machine language level, as well as load programs from cassette tape or cartridges. The cartridges, known as 'ROM PAC's in Exidy-speak, were built by replacing the internal tape in an eight-track tape case with a circuit board and edge connector to interface with the Sorcerer. The machine was useable without any expansion, but if the user wished to use S-100 cards they could do so with an external expansion chassis. This was connected to the back of the machine through a 50-pin connector. Using the expansion chassis the user could directly support floppy disks, and boot from them into CP/M (without which the disks were not operable). Another expansion option was a large external cage which included a full set of S-100 slots, allowing the Sorcerer to be use like a 'full' S-100 machine. Still another option combined the floppies, expansion chassis and a small monitor into a single large-ish box. Graphics on the Sorcerer sound impressive, with a resolution of 512Ṫ240, when most machines of the era supported a maximum of 320Ṫ200. These lower resolutions were a side effect of the inability of the video hardware to read the screen data from RAM fast enough; given the slow speed of the machines they would end up spending all of their time driving the display. The key to building a usable system was to reduce the total amount of data, either by reducing the resolution, or by reducing the number of colors. The Sorcerer instead chose another method entirely, which was not really to have graphics at all. There were 256 characters possible for each screen location. The lower half was fixed in ROM, and contained the usual ASCII character set. The upper half was defined in RAM. This area would be loaded with a default set of graphics at reset, but could be re-defined and used in lieu of pixel-addressable graphics. In fact the machine was actually drawing a 64Ṫ30 display (8Ṫ8 characters) which was well within the capabilities of the hardware. However this meant that all graphics had to lie within a checkerboard pattern on the screen, and the system was generally less flexible than machines with 'real' graphics. In addition, the high resolution was well beyond the capability of the average color TV, a problem they solved by not supporting color. In this respect the Sorcerer was similar to the PET in that it had only 'graphics characters' to draw with, but at least on the Sorcerer one could define one's own. Given these limitations, the quality of the graphics on the Sorcerer was otherwise excellent. Clever use of several characters for each graphic allowed programmers to create smooth motion on the screen, regardless of the character-cell boundaries. A more surprising limitation, given the machine's genesis, is the lack of sound output. Enterprising developers then standardized on attaching a speaker to two pins of the parallel port, which users were expected to supply. A Standard BASIC cartridge was included with the machine. This cartridge was essentially the common Microsoft BASIC already widely used in the CP/M world, but Exidy added a number of one-stroke commands that allowed you to type in common instructions, like PRINT with a single keystroke (much like the Commodore BASIC substitution of '?' for the 'PRINT' statement). The machine included sound in/out ports on the back that could be attached to a cassette tape recorder, so BASIC could load and save programs to tape without needing a disk drive. An Extended BASIC cartridge requiring 16 KB was also advertised, but it is unclear if this was actually available; Extended BASIC from Microsoft was available on cassette. Another popular cartridge was the Word Processor PAC which contained a version of the early word processor program Spellbinder. A constant ROM fault in the wordprocessor PAC was a printer status switch setting for the printer, but most people learned about it and turned it off early in their power-on. The Montfort Brothers made an Eprom PAC with a rechargeable battery inside and 16 KB RAM with an external write-protect switch. Thus bootable software could be uploaded to the pack and kept for a longer period. Specifications CPU: Zilog Z80, 2.106 MHz (later 4 MHz) RAM: 4 kB, expandable to 48 kB. larger sizes came standard in later runs ROM: 4 kB, cartridges could include 4 to 16 kB Video: 64Ṫ30 character display, monochrome Sound: none (external additions possible) Ports: composite video, Centronics parallel, RS-232, sound in/out for cassette use, 50 pin ribbon connector including the S-100 bus. infos from: Wikipedia

Channel F Fairchild Console 1976

The Fairchild Channel F is the world's second cartridge-based video game console, after the Magnavox Odyssey (although it was the first programmable cartridge system as the Odyssey cartridges only contained jumpers and not ROM information). It was released by Fairchild Semiconductor (though ostensibly by their parent company) in August 1976 at a retail price of Dollar169.95. At this point it was known as the Video Entertainment System, or VES, but when Atari released their VCS the next year, Fairchild quickly renamed it. Contents 1 The Channel F console 1.1 Channel F Games 1.2 Market Impact 2 The Channel F System II 3 Playing Channel F over the phone 4 Technical specifications The Channel F console The Channel F was based on the Fairchild F8 CPU, invented by Robert Noyce before he left Fairchild to start his own company, Intel. The F8 was very complex compared to the typical integrated circuits of the day, and had more inputs and outputs than other contemporary chips. Because chip packaging was not available with enough pins, the F8 was instead fabricated as a pair of chips that had to be used together to form a complete CPU. The video was quite basic, although it was in color which was a large step forward from the contemporary PONG machines. Sound was played through an internal speaker, rather than the TV set. The controllers were a kind of joystick without a base; the main body was a large hand grip with a triangular "cap" on top, the top being the portion that actually moved. It could be used as both a joystick and paddle (twist), and not only pushed down to operate as a fire button but also pulled up! The unit contained a small compartment for storing the controllers when moving it: this was useful because the wiring was notoriously flimsy and even normal movement could break it. Channel F Games Please improve this article by rewriting this sub-section in an encyclopedic style. Despite its initial popularity, only 26 cartridges were released for the system (though some cartridges contained more than one game), typically priced at Dollar19.95. Contemporary reviewers often don't see much value in the gameplay, although the simplicity of the games appealed at the time to younger children and many parents. Cartridges for the system were large and yellow, and usually featured colorful label artwork reminiscent of the artist Peter Max. The console contained two built-in games: A PONG clone and Hockey. Hockey was a more complex form of PONG, where the reflecting bar could be changed to diagonals by twisting the controller, and could move forward and backward. "Dodge It" consisted of a randomly-sized playing field (a rectangle or square) with an increasing number of bricks of a size set for each level that come out of the wall and bounce around the field. The speed of the bricks was set randomly for each level, and the size of the player's brick (which needed to be moved to avoid impact with the other bricks) was also randomly set per level. Rarely, two computer-controlled bricks would collide, forming a noisy and unstable-seeming "monster brick" that would go to the wall and work its way around it. "Sonar Search" was similar to the game "Battleship". In the game, hidden ships had to be exposed and sunk with sonar pulses. The game supported more than one player, and was popular as a family game, since it had a gamer-controlled pace and fairly simple action, yet contained the challenge of finding the invisible ships. "Maze/Cat and Mouse" is another rather simple title. In "Maze", a player simply had to navigate a complicated maze, but in "Cat and Mouse", the player's brick was an innocent mouse that had to not only successfully navigate the maze, but also had to avoid the cat brick. The mail-order Zircon game, "Alien Invasion", which was released after the Channel F was sold by is parent company, is a clone of the game "Space Invaders", and is possibly the most complicated game for the console. Reviewers often fail to understand the appeal of the Fairchild at the time it was released, because their perspective is distorted by the better quality of the games offered later, by systems like the Atari VCS/2600. The Fairchild doesn't stand up well against these later systems, but was respectable when it was the only programmable cartridge-based system on the market. If Atari had not released its system, it's likely that the console's games would have improved more than they did. Some parents who played the Channel F said they miss the simplicity of games like "Sonar Search" and don't find the complexity of modern games appealing. Market Impact The biggest effect of the Channel F in the market was to spur Atari into releasing and improving their next-generation console that was then in design. Then named "Stella," the machine was also going to use cartridges, and after seeing the Channel F they realized they needed to release it before the market was flooded with cartridge based-machines. With cash flow dwindling as sales of their existing Pong-based systems dried up, they were forced to sell to Warner Communications in order to gain the capital they needed. Naming their system as a takeoff of the VES, when the Atari VCS was released a year later it had considerably better graphics and sound. The Channel F System II The Channel F System IIFairchild decided to compete with the VCS, and started a re-design as the Channel F System II. The major changes were in design, the controllers were removable from the base unit instead of being wired directly into it, the storage compartment was moved to the rear of the unit, and the sound was now mixed into the TV signal so the unit no longer needed a speaker. This version featured a simpler and more modern-looking case design. However by this time the market was in the midst of the first video game crash, and Fairchild eventually threw in the towel, and left the market. Some time in 1979 Zircon International bought the rights to the Channel F and released the Channel F System II. Only six new games were released after the release of the second system before its death, several of which were developed at Fairchild before they sold it off. A number of licensed versions were released in Europe, including the Luxor Video Entertainment System in Sweden, Adman Grandstand in the UK, and the Saba Videoplay, Nordmende Teleplay and ITT Tele-Match Processor, from Germany. Playing Channel F over the phone This section may contain original research or unattributed claims. Please help Wikipedia by adding references. See the talk page for details. By the use of some special circuitry, it is possible to turn voice into simple digital signals. In the 1970s, it seems someone did just this to the Channel F. The voice input could be connected to a phone line, and thus someone on a phone at the other end could make loud noises to trigger the button on a Channel F. It appears this was employed in a TV show which aired as a locally produced show in many markets in the US (some say a human merely listened to the pows and pressed a controller button instead of a circuit doing it). There were also reports of the same kind of show airing in Australia (listings have confirmed this show airing on the RVN-AMV network in northern Victoria and southern New South Wales; there are also reports of a similar-formatted program carried by TVW7 in Perth). This show was usually called "TV Pow". It was organized as a call-in game show. A person would send a letter to say they wanted to be on the show, and the organizers would select contestants and arrange to call them during the show. The host would small talk with the contestant a while and prep them to play the game. When the host said "go", the output of a Channel F playing shooting gallery would be aired on the station. The voice of the contestant could be heard over the game, and the contestant could only activate the "fire" functionality of the game by saying a word loudly into the phone (the word "pow" was suggested and usually used). Shooting Gallery was comprised of a target which would move down the far right-hand side of the screen at an even rate. Somewhere left of that target (it varied) would be the player's "gun". The gun looked exactly like the "bat" in PONG, although sometimes it would be turned at a 45 degree angle. When the player fired the "bullet" would come out perpendicular to the gun in the middle of the long sides. To play TV Pow, the player would have to watch the target move down the screen on the TV station and say "pow" into the phone when he wanted to fire at the target. The system would then fire at the target. Once the target passed by the spot the gun was aimed at, the player could only wait until the target went off the bottom and came out at the top again for a fresh run. Even in the days of all-analog production, there was significant lag in producing and transmitting a TV signal. The player would experience all this lag which likely made playing the game somewhat more difficult. Technical specifications CPU chip: Fairchild F8 operating at 1.79 MHz RAM: 64 bytes, 2 KiB VRAM (2x128x64 bits) Resolution: 128 x 64 pixels, 102 x 58 pixels visible Colors: eight colors (either black/white or four color max. per line) Audio: 500 Hz, 1 kHz, and 1.5 kHz tones (can be modulated quickly to produce different tones) Input: two custom game controllers, hardwired to the console Output: RF modulated composite video signal, cord hardwired to console Infos from Wikipedia

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VES & Channel F Fairchild Unknown 1976

The Channel F was the first programmable video game system, having plug-in cartridges containing ROM and microprocessor code rather than dedicated circuits. Not a very popular or entertaining system, it was nonetheless important at the time for having a number of original features which were copied by later more successful systems. Unique to the console is a `hold' button that allowed the player freeze the game and also change either the time, the speed or both during the course of the game, without altering the score. Another feature which was used for the Hockey game was `overtime' which allowed one minute of extra play should there be a tie-break in the score. Detached controllers were just starting to appear on `pong' units as opposed to having them directly on the unit itself. The Channel F controllers which were attached to the unit with dedicated wires, were gripped by the whole hand and enabled movement in all directions, including the twisting left and right for `paddle' movement. There was no firebutton, the joystick had 8 way digital movement, forward/backwards, left/right, pull knob down/pull up and twist counter-/clockwise. Fairchild released twenty-six different cartridges for the system, with up to four games being on each cartridge. The games included sports, such as Hockey, Tennis and Baseball, educational, such as Maths Quiz, board games, such as Checkers, and shooting games, such as Space War. The cartridges had labels that contained the game instructions on them and each were given a sequential number. In this respect Fairchild started a trend in trying to boost game sales by numbering them and so appealing to consumers who wanted to complete their collection. The Channel F console's popularity lowered when the Atari released their <a href="computer.asp?st=2&amp;c=878">VCS</a> in 1977 as the VCS had much better graphics, games and sound. Fairchild responded to the Atari VCS by changing the name of their console to the `Fairchild Channel F' from it's original name of the `Fairchild Video Entertainment System', but this did not raise flagging sales. In 1978, Zircon International Inc. bought the rights for the Channel F and released it as the Channel F System 2. This new system had some minor modifications : slightly different cosmetic design, sound output through TV speakers and the controller holders at the back of the unit. But this new model did not succeed either, as this time, <a href="computer.asp?st=2&amp;c=878">Atari VCS</a>, <a href="computer.asp?st=2&amp;c=1205">Intellivision</a> and <a href="computer.asp?st=2&amp;c=695">Odyssey?</a> were already on the market... In Sweden this console was sold as the Luxor Video Entertainment System. ________ <font color="#666666"><b>Contributors:</b> Abi Waddell, Fredric CJ Blaholtz, Bj?rn Roman</font>

CMI Series III Fairlight Unknown

Big Board II Ferguson Unknown

MSC Fidelity Unknown

SC6 Fidelity Unknown

Sensory Chess Challenger Fidelity Unknown

I Can Play Guitar Fisher-Price - Mattel Unknown

I Can Play Piano Fisher-Price - Mattel Unknown

Magic Drive Front Fareast Unknown

Photo Film FUJIC Fuji Unknown

FM Towns Fujitsu Computer 1989

The FM Towns system is a Japanese PC variant, built by Fujitsu from February 1989 to the summer of 1997. It started as a proprietary PC variant intended for multimedia applications and computer games, but later became more compatible with regular PCs. In 1993, the FM Towns Marty was released, a gaming console compatible with the FM Towns games. The name 'FM Towns' is derived from the codename the system was assigned while in development, 'Townes'; this was chosen as an homage to Charles Hard Townes, one of the winners of the 1964 Nobel Prize in Physics, following a custom of Fujitsu at the time to codename PC products after Nobel prize winners. The e in 'Townes' was dropped when the system went into production to make it clear that it was to be pronounced 'Towns' rather than 'Tau-Ness', and the 'FM', which stood for 'Fujitsu Micro', was added. Details Several variants were built; the first system was based on an Intel 80386DX processor running at a clock speed of 16 MHz, with the option of adding an 80387 FPU, featured one or two megabytes of RAM (with a possible maximum of 64 MB), one or two 3.5' floppy disk drives and a single-speed CD-ROM drive. It was delivered with a gamepad, a mouse and a microphone. The operating system used was Windows3.0/3.1/95 and a graphical OS called Towns OS, based on MS-DOS and the Phar Lap DOS extender (RUN386.EXE). Most games for the system were written in protected mode Assembly and C using the Phar Lap DOS extender. These games usually utilized the Towns OS API (TBIOS) for handling several graphic modes, sprites, sounds, a mouse, gamepads and CD-audio. A minimal DOS system that allowed the CD-ROM drive to be accessed was contained in a system ROM; this, coupled with Fujitsu's decision to charge only a minimal license fee for the inclusion of a bare-bones Towns OS on game CD-ROMs, allowed game developers to make games bootable directly from CD-ROM without the need for a boot floppy or hard disk. Various Linux distributions have also been ported to the FM Towns system, including Debian and Gentoo. Graphics The FM Towns featured video modes ranging from 320x240 to 640x480, with 16 to 32768 simultaneous colours out of a possible 4096 to 16.7 million (depending on the video mode); most of these video modes had two memory pages, and it allowed the use of up to 1024 sprites of 16x16 pixels each. It also had a built-in font ROM for the display of Kanji characters. One unique feature of the FM Towns system was the ability to overlay different video modes; for example, the 320x240 video with 32768 colours could be overlaid with a 640x480 mode using 16 colours, which allowed games to combine high-colour graphics with high-resolution Kanji text. Sound The FM Towns system was able to play regular audio CDs, and also supported the use of eight PCM voices and six FM channels, thanks to Ricoh RF5C68 and Yamaha YM-2612 chipsets, respectively. Infos from: Wikipedia

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FM-7 Fujitsu Computer 1982

Fujitsu was (and still is) japan's leading electronics company. This computer was the succesor of the FM-8 itself first member of the Fujitsu FM (for "Fujitsu Micro") range of computers, extending from hobbyist home computers up to 16-bit machines for the business market. The FM-7 was conceived as a cut-down version of the FM-8, eliminating the bubble cassette feature, and thereby achieving greater compactness and significantly lower price. But it also offered features not found on the FM-8, like a real sound synthesizer LSI providing 3 voices and 8 octaves. This made it the ideal hobby japanese computer at the time. As the NEC PC series and the Sharp X1 and X68000, these computers were very very popular in Japan. They all had impressive characteristics in relation to the European and American computers counterparts. The Most outstanding feature of the FM-7 was the quality and speed of the graphic display. On the Japanese Computer Museum, one can read: Later, it developed into the FM-NEW7, which used high-integration memory and gate array LSI to reduce price while maintaining FM-7 functionality, and a high-end machine called the FM-77. From the start, the FM-7/77 series emphasized high-resolution color graphics and Japanese language display, and this trend continued with AV (Audio Visual) personal computers (beginning with the subsequent FM-77 AV) and the FM TOWNS hypermedia personal computer. The FM-7/77 machines laid the groundwork for Fujitsu's later hobby machines. Nomura, Hisayuki reports: Fujitsu FM 8 / 7 have a very unique feature. They have 2 CPUs. 1 for Main CPU (it's usual) and 1 for Graphics. Graphic CPU has their own boot ROM and main program. The Grapic CPU recieves request from Main CPU and draw pictures with their software. The two CPUs share small part of memory area and uses this shared area exclusively. As another unique feature, the FM-7 can change its CPU. If optional Z-80A card is inserted, it can run CP/M. In this case, memory is shared by the two different CPUs. Joerg Lemmer's memories: We had the FM7 as our first 'real computers' in school. As the teachers had no understanding in computers at all they first bought the FM7 and then found out that there was no software available for them in Germany. So Z80-cards were bought and installed. By this a modified CP/M could be used with just two applications: An early version of WordStar and TurboPascal. I am not sure, but I think there was dBase running on the FM7 later. One teacher even started programming a library to use the outstanding grafic card of the FM 7 in TurboPascal. We had FM 7 with single and dual external 5,25'', 170KB Diskdrives. NAME FM 7 MANUFACTURER Fujitsu TYPE Home Computer ORIGIN Japan YEAR November 1982 BUILT IN LANGUAGE FUJITSU F-BASIC Version 3.0 KEYBOARD Full-stroke 98 key with 10 function keys, arrow keys and numeric keypad. CPU MBL 68B09 SPEED 2 MHz CO-PROCESSOR second MBL 68B09 (Graphic & I/0) RAM 64 KB (30371 Bytes free with F-Basic) VRAM 48 KB ROM 48 KB TEXT MODES 80 x 25 / 80 x 20 / 40 x 25 / 40 x 20 GRAPHIC MODES 640 x 200 pixels COLORS 8 SOUND Programable Sound Generator, 3 channels, 8 octaves SIZE / WEIGHT 43.2 (W) x 28.5 (D) x 10.2 (H) I/O PORTS Tape, RGB, RS232, Joystick (2), ROM/RAM cartridges, BUS BUILT IN MEDIA Optional 5.25'' disk-drive. 10 or 20 MB hard disk OS Fujitsu Disk Basic , OS-9 (Microware), Flex (CP/M like DOS for 68xx CPU) POWER SUPPLY Built in Power supply AC100V 50/60Hz 70W PERIPHERALS Kanji ROM card, Z80 card, RS232c interface card, etc. PRICE Pound 569 + Pound 430 (Fujitsu monitor) Infos from:

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FM-77AV Fujitsu Computer 1985

The FM 77 AV was an impressive system in 1985. It's a good example of what was developped in Japan and we never heard of in the rest of the world. The system has great audio and video features, hence the AV for "Audio and Video". It can display 640 x 200 pixels in two colors, or 320 x 200 in 4096 colors ! There is even a multipage mode where you can define two 460 x 200 screens with 8 colors each, or six 640 x 200 monochrome screens ! There are a lot of graphical symbols already stored in memory (each symbol / letter is composed by 8 x 8 pixels) : 69 alphanumeric symbols, 63 kakatana signs, 63 hiragana signs and 62 graphic symbols. Moreover, the system is capable of displaying 3418 chinese and asiatic characters with a 16 x 16 character matrix (text resolution is thus of 40 x 12). Last but not least, the FM 77 AV offers superimposition features... On the sound side, it offers three FM voices and three more PSG voices. Other cool features include infra-red keyboard and built-in real time clock. There were two models : the <b>AV-1</b> which has one 3.5" disk-drive (double density) built-in and the <b>AV-2</b> which is equiped with two of these drives. <font color="#666666">Source : <a href="" target="_blank">Junya Kubota's museum</a>.</font>

FM-8 Fujitsu Computer May 1981

Introduced may 1981, the FM 8 was one of the first Fujitsu micro computers (after the LKIT-8 hobby computer in 1977). In any case it was the first member of the FM series, FM standing for "Fujitsu Micro". At that time its features were really impressive: bi-processor (even an additionnal Z80 cpu could be installed), 64 KB RAM, bubble memory, built-in chinese characters ROM, 640x200 high resolution with 8 colors and no proximity conflict! The FM-8 was developed by employing innovative design and state-of-the-art semiconductor technology, and was designed for use in a variety of fields, ranging from high-level hobby use, to business applications and process control. The <a href="" target="_blank">Japanese Computer Museum</a> specifies: <i>"The FM-8 had the following features: - Equipped with two Motorola 6809 8-bit CPUs (main and sub) - The world's first use of 64 kilobit DRAM (like that in large main frame computer) in a microcomputer (64 kilobyte main memory) - Japanese language display using Chinese character (kanji) ROM (JIS level 1 2,965 characters, optional) - High-resolution color graphics (640x200 dot, 8 colors selectable at each dot) - The provided operating systems (OS) included F-BASIC, as well as UCSD-PASCAL, FLEX and CP/M (required Z80 card option) - First use in a personal computer of bubble memory as external memory (At the time of announcement, the machine had a bubble cassette with a 32 kilobyte capacity. A 128 kilobyte cassette was added later. Bubble memory did not catch on, however, and was eliminated from the standard features in the <a href="computer.asp?c=325">FM-7</a>.)"</i> When booted, a menu offers different choices: 1 - F-BASIC (ROM/DISK mode) 2 - DOS (mini- floppy disk) 3 - Bubble memory 4 - DOS (standard floppy disk) There are a lot of character sets available (8x8 matrix): 69 alphanumeric char., 63 katakana signs and 62 graphic symbols. And for characters with a 16x16 pixels matrix: 2965 chinese characters (JIS standard level 1) and 453 non-chinese characters (JIS non-chinese characters). Optional mini floppy disks could be connected (320 KB each), as well as an expansion unit which allowed many things (voice input/ouput, hard disk connection, RS232c interface, analog interface for measurement,etc.) In November 1982, Fujitsu announced a upper model of the FM-8 called the <a href="computer.asp?c=379">FM-11</a>, and a mass-market model called the <a href="computer.asp?c=325">FM-7</a>. _____________ Nomura, Hisayuki reports: <font color="#666666"> Fujitsu FM 8 / 7 have a very unique feature. They have 2 CPUs. 1 for Main CPU (it's usual) and 1 for Graphics. Graphic CPU has their own boot ROM and main program. The Graphic CPU recieves request from Main CPU and draw pictures with their software. The two CPUs share small part of memory area and uses this shared area exclusively.</font> Gern adds: <font color="#666666">In addition to Mr. Nomura's report. During game programmers there was famous "Hidden" feature. The performance of FM-8 was not so excellent as many people expected. Dual CPU concept was bottleneck. When main CPU stores command code to shared memory, sub CPU get halt. Sub CPU restarts and start drawing. Problem was size of shared memory; 128 bytes are too small to store massive graphic requests. That is, FM series are not appropriate for hobby use. However, One of BIOS programmer, Mr.Yamauchi in Fujitsu Ltd. left several hidden commands in sub-system BIOS, which is called YAMAUCHI command. These command permitted us to transfer large binary programs to reserved memory space and JMP! After unveiled this hacking technique, FM series are known to their performance in games.</font>

FMR50 Fujitsu Unknown

StudyBox Fukutake Publishing Unknown

Super A'Can Funtech Console 1995

In 1995, Funtech Entertainment Corporation released the first original gaming system in Taiwan - the Super A'Can. Produced and sold exclusively in its native country, the console and controllers feel very fragile, constructed of thin plastics that belies its strong, dark grey outwardly appearance and extremely high price tag. This system is often mistaken as a Super Nintendo Entertainment System clone due to both the physical design and the processor powering this unit. A closer inspection of this rare oddity reveals a different picture. Appearing just at the end of the hugely successful 16-bit era, the Super A'Can utilizes dual Motorola processors to deliver its gaming experience. The first of these central processing units (CPU) was the 16-bit Motorola 68000, which was also the driving core used in the Sega Genesis and Neo Geo AES systems. The 8-bit Motorola 6502, which originally debuted inside the Nintendo Entertainment System, comprised the second CPU. This dual engine rendered games using a 32,768 color palette and was quite powerful compared to the rest of the 16-bit systems. This processing power would have been a significant advantage for the Super A'Can if this console was released in 1989 instead of 1995. 32-bit technology was already being fully utilized within the gaming market at the time of its release and the Super A'Can was technologically obsolete before it hit the store shelves. The twelve (12) confirmed games, with an additional nine (9) rumored to be in existence, were released in rather large, SNES-like cartridges. Games came presented in flamboyant, cardboard boxes which included a plastic game holder and instruction manual (also well presented). This matched the fun and playful design of the systems packaging. Overall game graphics and play are very similar to the Neo Geo and SNES. Bold, vibrant colors are pleasantly displayed in 2D environments. One of the best games for this system is C.U.G., a Super Mario type clone. Funtech Super A'CanThe Super A'Can failed miserably due to utilizing outdated technology and being initially offered for sale at an exorbitant price. Very few of these systems were sold, and it has been reported that Funtech Entertainment Corporation lost $6 million USD in this venture. Unsold units were disassembled and were parted out to various companies in the USA and abroad. Collecting for this console is an expensive proposition, due to the limited number of units that were purchased and the exclusivity to the Taiwanese market. Expect to invest heavily if pursing this console - $100/$150 USD for a loose system, $250 USD plus for complete in box (CIB). Unfortunately, games are as rare that the system itself and usually run around $50 a piece for the common games, more for the more elusive titles. Super A'Can systems and games are most commonly found from Taiwanese sellers. Shipping costs to the USA will run you a few dollars, but overall are quite reasonable compared to other countries. Overall, the Super A'Can is a pretty rare console solely due to its failure in the gaming industry. There is nothing extraordinary about the system or the game library for it. Only serious console or game collectors should pursue purchasing the Super A'Can - the system itself does not warrant the high investment by the casual gamer. (info:

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Future Pinball Generic Pinball 195?

Future Pinball is a real time Pinball Development System. It allows you to design and play your very own pinball simulation in True real time 3D. It uses Advanced Physics to provide the best possible Simulation of a true to life pinball machine. Tables are built up out of Standard components (Plastics, Pegs, Bumpers, Lights etc..) which are placed onto the playfield via the Editor. Objects like Surfaces, Lights and Rubbers are shapeable within the editor and generated real-time when the table is played. Other objects (Bumpers, Flippers, Gates, Triggers, Targets etc..) use pre-made 3d Models (of which there is a nice selection of each type). The Table logic is scripted in Visual Basic Scripting (via the Microsoft Scripting Technology's built into Microsoft Windows). Scripting is designed to be simple but flexible enough to allow a wide vararity of Original Games to be created. Only a limited subset of the Visual Basic Scripting Language is used as a lot of extra functionality is provided by the game engine. Full Sound / Music Support is also provided with multiple Music Channels to allow cross fading. As Future Pinball is a Game Construction Program it contains some advanced concepts which may require a little bit of time (and patience) to learn and fully understand (such as computer graphics and scripting concepts). Infos from: Website (homepage)

Vectrex GCE Console 1982

Generation 2nd generation First available USA November, 1982 EUR May, 1983 JPN June, 1983 CPU Motorola MC68A09, 1.5 MHz Media Cartridge Controller input Two Top-selling game Minestorm The Vectrex is an 8-bit video game console developed by General Consumer Electric (GCE) and later bought by Milton Bradley Company. The Vectrex is unique in that it utilized vector graphics drawn on a monitor that was integrated in the console. It was released in November 1982 at a retail price of Dollar199. As the video game market declined and then crashed, the Vectrex exited the market in early 1984. Smith Engineering briefly considered designing a handheld version of the device in 1988, though the success of the Nintendo Game Boy made such a project too risky. In the mid-1990s, Smith Engineering condoned the duplication of the Vectrex system image and cartridges for non-commercial uses and has expressed joy to see that it has still-thriving developer and user communities. Unlike other video game consoles which connected to TVs to display raster graphics, the Vectrex included its own monitor which displayed vector graphics. The monochrome Vectrex used screen overlays to give the illusion of color, and also to reduce the severity of the inherent flickering caused by the vector monitor. At the time many of the most popular arcade games used vector displays, and GCE was looking to set themselves apart from the pack by selling high-quality versions of games like Space Wars and Armor Attack. The system even contained a built in game, the Asteroids-like Minestorm. The two peripherals for the Vectrex were a light pen and 3D imager. Trivia * While most video game players first encountered an analog joystick on the Nintendo 64, the Vectrex preceded the N64 by over a decade. The Atari 5200 also had an analog joystick, but it was not self-centering. * Even today there are new games in development by homebrew video game programmers. Also new hardware (for example VecVox, a speech synthesizer) is available. * The built in CRT feature of the Vectrex is shared by the 1983 Philips Videopac G7200 non-portable console, though in raster scan technology. * Newport Cigarettes at one point commissioned a customized version of Web Wars. It just featured 'Newport Cigarettes Presents' on the title screen and trophy room screen. Bill Hawkins finished the coding which was sent to Newport, but it isn't known what happened with that, if anything. * The liquor company, Mr. Boston, gave out a limited number of customized cartridges of Clean Sweep. The box had a Mr. Boston sticker on it. The overlay was basically the regular Clean Sweep overlay with the Mr. Boston name, logo, and percent proof/copyright info running up either side. The game itself had custom text, and the player controlled a top hat rather than a vacuum. * The game built into the Vectrex, Minestorm, would crash at level 13. Consumers who complained to the company received a replacement cartridge in the mail. Entitled 'MineStorm II', it was the fixed version of the Vectrex's built in game. However, not many wrote to the company about it, making MineStorm II one of the rarest cartridges for the Vectrex system. * Was the first system to offer a 3D peripheral (the Vectrex 3D Imager), predating the Sega Master System's SegaScope 3D by about six years. * Cosmic Chasm has the distinction of being the first arcade video game based on a home console video game. * Early units had a very audible 'buzzing' from the built-in speaker, that would change as graphics were generated on screen. This was due to a lack of shielding between the built-in CRT and speaker wiring and was eventually resolved in later production models. This idiosyncrasy had become a familiar characteristic of the machine, especially among owners. Technical Specifications Circuit Board * CPU : Motorola 68A09 @ 1.6 MHz * RAM: 1 KiB (two 4-bit 2114 chips) * ROM: 8 KiB (one 8-bit 2363 chip) Sound * Sound: General Instruments AY-3-8912 * 3' magnet-driven speaker Display The cathode ray tube was a Samsung model 240RB40 monochrome unit measuring 9 x 11 inches, displaying a picture of 240mm diagonal. A vector display such as the Vectrex does not require a special tube, and differs only in the control circuits. Rather than use sawtooth waves to divert the internal electron beam in a raster pattern, digital-to-analog converters drove the horizontal and vertical deflection magnets. The high-voltage transformers and tube remained the same as a television. Such technology was already established by arcade games such as Asteroids. The Vectrex did not have any luminance control, but rather brightness was adjusted by drawing some lines more frequently than others. Screen upgrades were hindered by the cost of redesigning the analog circuits. Likewise it was impossible to connect the Vectrex to a home television. 3D Imager The 3-D imager spins a disk which is 1/2 black and 1/2 colored bands that radiate from the centre (Usually red, green and blue) between your eyes and the vectrex screen. The Vectrex is synchronized to the rotation of the disk (or vice versa) and draws vectors corresponding to a particular color and/or a particular eye. Therefore only one eye will see the vectrex screen and its associated images (or color) at any one time while the other will see nothing. A single object that does not lie on the plane of the monitor (i.e. in front of or into the monitor) is drawn at least twice to provide information for each eye. The distance between the duplicate images and whether the right eye image or the left eye image is drawn first will determine where the object will appear to 'be' in 3-D space. The 3-D illusion is also enhanced by adjusting the brightness of the object (dimming objects in the background). Spinning the disk at a high enough speed will fool your eyes/brain into thinking that the multiple images it is seeing are two different views of the same object. This creates the impression of 3-D and color. Supported Games * 3D Pole Position (not released) * 3D Crazy Coaster * 3D Minestorm * 3D Narrow Escape * 3D Lord of the Robots (homebrew) List of game titles Original * Armor Attack * Bedlam * Berzerk * Blitz! * Clean Sweep (aka Mr. Boston) * Cosmic Chasm * Spinball (aka Flipper Pinball) * Fortress of Narzod * Heads Up (aka Soccer Football) * Hyperchase * Minestorm * Polar Rescue * Pole Position * Rip Off * Scramble * Solar Quest * Space Wars * Spike * Star Castle * Star Trek: The Motion Picture * Starhawk * Web Wars (aka Web Warp) Required add-on accessory hardware: * 3D Crazy Coaster * 3D MineStorm * 3D Narrow Escape * AnimAction (requires light pen) * Art Master (requires light pen) * Melody Master (requires light pen) Unreleased Prototypes * Berzerk II * Cube Quest * Dark Tower * Engine Analyzer (requires light pen) * Mail Plane (requires light pen) * Melody Master II * Pitcher's Duel * Tour De France Home Brew 1996 * Vector Vaders (1996) * Patriots (1996) * All Good Things (1996) * Spike Hoppin' (1996) 1998 * Omega Chase Deluxe (new title developed in 1998, based on Omega Race) * Vecmania (1998) 2000 * Moon Lander (new title developed in 2000, based on Lunar Lander) 2001 * Vectopia 2002 * Gravitrex (new title developed in 2002, based on Gravitar) * Tsunami/VIX (new title (two games) developed in 2002, based on Tempest and QIX) * Vec Sports Boxing 2003 * Protector (new title developed in 2003) * War of the Robots (new title developed in 2003) * Yasi (new title developed in 2003) 2004 * I, Cyborg (new title developed in 2004) * Revector (new title developed in 2004) * Thrust (new title developed in 2004) 2005 * Debris (new title developed in 2005) * Nebula Commander (new title developed in 2005) 2006 * Logo (New Title Released February 2006) * Space Frenzy (New Title Released March 2006) * Colorclash (New Title Released May 2006) * Space Frenzy (New Title Released March 2006) * Star Sling (New Title Released May 2006) * Vector 21 (New Title Released April 2006) * Spike's Circus (New Title Released August 2006) * 3D Lord of the Robots (New Title Released October 2006) Infos from Wikipedia

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Compact Vision Gakken Unknown

Galaksija Galaksija Computer 1983

The meaning of the name "Galaksija" is "Galaxy" and is pronounced "Galaxiya". "Galaksija" was a very important computer - not for its features but for the effect it had on the "geek" society at the time. It was named after the same-name monthly magazine dealing with various scientific issues (i.e. Yugoslav equivalent of "Scientific American"). Sometime in 1983, the editor, Dejan Ristanovic, decided to release a special (but separate) issue dedicated to computers: "Racunari u vasoj kuci" - "Computers in your house". This was the first truly computer magazine in the country. Due to amazing popularity it first became a regular bi-monthly and later a monthly issue. Voja Antonic heard about the plans to release the (first) special issue, contacted Dejan Ristanovic and the plans were made. It was originally thought that it will just be interesting to read but not really to make. Wrong: more than 8000 were made by enthusiasts (amazing number for such a small country). The Galaksija was not envisioned as a *kit* but as a build-it-yourself computer (i.e. one did not have to purchase the kit at all, although kits were available) - so people made it themselves. Later on, some companies (such as "Elektronika Inzenjering" - Electronics Engineering) started making pre-built versions, mainly distributed to schools through "Zavod za udzbenike i nastavna sredstva" (Institute for textbooks and teaching aids). An EPROM has to be sent to the authors to be programmed. The designs were found in the first issue of Racunari u vasoj kuci (which translates to "Computers in your home") magazine. There were 7000 kit complets sold and aproximately 10.000 made computers (including kit built ones). It was a <a href="computer.asp?c=263">ZX81</a> class computer &amp; was invented by Voja Antonic. The Galaksija had an improved, optimised BASIC. Originally the Microsoft Basic was meant to be used, but in order to fit in 4KB of ROM, the improvements were done. Galaksija used only capital characters (like the <a href="computer.asp?c=236">TI-99/4A</a>). The computer was designed in second half of 1983. The diagrams were published in very late December 1983 in the January 1984 issue of magazine "Racunari u vasoj kuci" (special issue of magazine Galaksija). Technically speaking first Galaskijas were made in 1983 but only by the creators. All others were made in 1984 and later. RAM was a static RAM based on 6116 (2 KB) chips. The motherboard had three slots on-board to provide from 2 to 6 KB. Since first 8 KB were reserved for ROMs, RAM was expandable to max. 54 KB. Static RAM was chosen to simplify development although it was more expensive. There is no VRAM. A part of RAM was used, read by the Z80A CPU which, in turn controlled the primitive video circuitry. Almost 75% of CPU time was used to generate the video signal but this made the computer a whole lot cheaper and easier to build. About the ROM, two sockets ("A" and "B") were available for 2732 EPROMs (4KB each). ROM "A" contained the basics (initialization, video generation, BASIC interpreter and alike). ROM "B" was optional and contained additional BASIC commands, assembler, monitor, etc. Galaksija only had a text mode (32x16). However, 64 semi-graphic characters composed of 2x3 blocks combinations allowed PSEUDOgraphics to be drawn in 64x48 resolution. The build-it-yoursef price varied significantly based on when and where parts were purchased. Pre-built model (significantly more expensive, from "Zavod za udzbenike i nastavna sredstva") used to be priced as follows (in 1984 currencies): - ROM A only, 4 KB of RAM: 45,500 din (approx. 447 USD) - ROM A only, 6 KB of RAM: 49,500 din (approx. 487 USD) - Both ROMs, 4 KB of RAM: 55,500 din (approx. 546 USD) - Both ROMs, 6 KB of RAM: 59,500 din (approx. 585 USD) <b>Galaksija Plus</b> was an improvement of regular Galaksija, created by different authors (hardware by Nenad Dunjic and software by software Milan Tadic). They added more RAM (48 K), more ROM (12K total) separate graphics mode (256x208). To reduce time it takes to save or load longer data (for large memory) the tape data recording speed was increased from 280 bps to 1200 bps. It was announced in the sixth issue (june/jully 1985) of the same magazine, now simply called "Racunari" (Computers). Estimated price at that time was much higher, mainly due to very high inflation in the country - 140,000 din. The author of this computer, Voja Antonic, reports us that the "Glalksija" was initialy offered as a "do-it-yourself" project in the 1st issue of the first computer magazine in (former) Yugoslavia, and there is a lot of interesting stuff about it. It was the time when hardly anybody knew what is the computer, so at the first moment he had the estimation of about 100 built samples, but he received over 7000 replies that readers built it and that they work ! The story has many more details, including broadcasting Galaksija programs over the radio (people would save the programs to the tape and then load them later, while other unsuspecting listeners would hear unimaginable noise). __________________ <font color="#666666">Thanks to <b>Aleksandar Susnjar</b> for most of the info !</font> <a href="doc.asp?c=330"><img src="graphs/readmore.gif" border="0" vspace="4"></a>

Plus Galaksija Computer

Galaksija Plus was an improved version of Galaksija, with 256x208 monochrome graphics mode, 3-voice sound based on AY-3-8910 and 48 KiB RAM. The hardware of Galaksija Plus was created by Nenad Dunjic' and software by Milan Tadic' in 1985. The goal was to enhance original Galaksija while keeping the original goal of keeping things inexpensive and simple for the constructor. Continuing to use Static RAM in Galaksija Plus would have significantly increased the cost, so designers decided to switch to dynamic, built out of 4416 chips. Larger memory prompted the need for faster cassette tape data recording rate, which was increased to 1200 bit/s by modifying another piece of firmware. Having enough memory to store the bit map and since Galaksija's own CPU directly drove the video signal, video generation hardware did not have to change significantly. Video generation routine was modified to take the raw video data from the new video memory instead of relying on character set ROMs. Some games for original Galaksija used to do a similar trick, albeit in a limited fashion due to restrictive memory capacity. The final hardware upgrade was addition of AY-3-8910 sound-generation chip, providing contemporary-standard sound to Galaksija without the need to use tricks such as with the cassette tape port (see original Galaksija). Galaksija Plus was manufactured by Institute for School Books and Teaching Aids for an announced price of 140,000 dinars.' * CPU: ZiLOG Z80A 3.072 MHz * ROMs: o Original ROM 'A' or '1' - 4 KB (in 2764 EPROM together with ROM 'B') contains bootstrap, core control and Galaksija BASIC interpreter code o Original ROM 'B' or '2' - 4 KB (in 2764 EPROM together with ROM 'A') - additional Galaksija BASIC commands, assembler, Machine code monitor, etc. o Additional ROM 'C' or '3' - 2 KB (in 2716 EPROM) - additional firmware specific to Galaksija Plus (e.g. graphics mode drivers and handling) o Character ROM - 2 KB (2716 EPROM) contains character definitions * RAM: 48 KB of 4416 static RAM, 46 KB accessible * Text mode 32 x 16 characters, monochrome * Graphics mode: 256x208 * Sound: 3-channels + white noise provided by AY-3-8912. * Storage media: cassette tape, recording at either 280 or 1200 bit/s rate * I/O ports: 44-pin Edge connector with Z80 Bus, tape (DIN connector), monochrome video out (PAL timings, DIN connector), UHF TV out (RCA connector) and two 8-bit parallel ports (e.g. printer and general port) (Wikipedia)

GP2X GamePark Unknown

GP32 GamePark Handheld 2001

Specifications Dimensions: 147 mm x 88 mm x 34 mm Weight: 163 g Display: 3.5 inch TFT, 16-bit colour, 320 x 240 pixels CPU: Samsung S3C2400X01 (ARM920T core), 20 (and under) to 133 MHz (overclockable to 166 MHz+ in some cases. Some have even reached 256 MHz (not always stable, low battery life). Overclocking ability is random, however all GP32s are supposed to reach 133 MHz. A few early "bad" units maxed out at 132 MHz.) RAM: 8 MB SDRAM ROM: 512 KB Sound: 44.1 kHz 16-bit stereo sound - four-channels and up software WAV mixing (it is up to the coder, but four channel is built into the official SDK) - 16-part polyphonic software MIDI (in official SDK) - earphone port - stereo speakers - Storage SmartMedia 8–128 MB - Power Supply 2 x AA batteries or 3-V DC adapter. Batteries last between 6 and 12+ hours, but actual amount depends on a number of factors. Description The console is based on a 133 MHz ARM CPU, which can be overclocked to 166 MHz through software. This is backed by eight megabytes of RAM (upgradeable to 32/64 MB). Unlike similar gaming systems, which are proprietary cartridge-based, the GP32 uses rewritable SmartMedia cards, making it very appealing for amateur game developers. The console also has a USB port for connection with a PC, and a serial expansion port. There are three main commercial versions of the unit: the original GP32, with no light, the front-lit unit (FLU), modified for Game Park by Hahotech, and the back-lit unit (BLU), released in Europe in mid-summer 2004. At the end of 2004, Game Park also released so-called BLU+ versions, which have a different screen than the normal BLU units. All commercially released units are white with grey or white buttons. There are also a number of differently colored promotional units, and several prototype units with wildly different designs. GP32 Features DivX The GP32 is natively capable of playing DivX movies. This sets it apart from its rival product, the Game Boy Advance, which requires a third-party upgrade for this feature. The GP32 plays media files more fluently than Nintendo's console. Software Installation The GP32 stores its software on SmartMedia cards varying in sizes from 2MB to 128MB. This allows the user to store custom media, applications and games on his GP32, including alternative firmware. Commercial games can be acquired via internet download or in a retail box. The box contains a game CD, which is placed in your PC, so that the software can be transferred to the GP32 system's SmartMedia card via USB cable. This method effectively reduced the price of the games because you weren't paying for cartridges (though you still had to pay for high priced SmartMedia cards to store the games later on). Downloading a game online could range from Dollar10 to Dollar30. Homebrew Friendly Game Park planned their system to be powerful and useful, but they also wanted users to be able to create homebrew software (a first in video game consoles). When one bought a GP32, one could register the unit on the official website and get a free suite of development tools to create their own games and applications for the GP32. Game Park also allowed (under certain restrictions) the publishing of such homebrew games on their website. Through this strategy, the GP32 was the host of multiple homebrew applications and games. The various applications made for it ranged from alternative firmware (GUI), games, game generators (such as RPG maker), DivX players, image slideshows, and emulators. Emulators The GP32 has the processing power, and is easy enough to program for that many emulators have been developed for the system. Emulators of many popular 16-bit and earlier consoles are available, as well as of some older computer platforms. Those allowed gamers to play a large variety of older games on their GP32 systems. There is also a Windows-based emulator for GP32, which allows users to run GP32 software on a Windows-based PC. Games Although the number of official games available for the GP32 system is limited, many open source/free software developers are working on various emulators and are porting PC games. In addition to this, a wide range of free, public-domain games are being created by amateur developers. Game Park does not ask any royalties to release games for its device, which makes it easier for small editors or independent developers to release software for the GP32. The modification of Ericsson Chatboard micro-keyboards to work with the system has seen a new flourish of software development, including countless attempts at ports of Linux, and keyboard support being added to many emulators. Commercial availability Commercially, the system can be found mostly in Korea, and some other parts of Asia, although the GP32 BLU model was released in three European markets, including Portugal, Spain, and Italy on June 15, 2004 with a price point of €199. There are official distributors in the United Kingdom and Sweden as well. Game Park, however, does not intend to release the console in America. Despite of the GP32 not being released worldwide, it has a large international community of users and developers Infos from Wikipedia

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Alpha Denshi Co. Generic Arcade

Android Generic Misc 2007

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Arcade Generic Arcade -

MAME is an emulator application designed to recreate the hardware of arcade game systems in software, with the intent of preserving gaming history and preventing vintage games from being lost or forgotten. The name is an acronym for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. The first public MAME release (0.1) was on February 5, 1997, by Nicola Salmoria. As of version 0.121 (actually the 165th proper release), released November 19, 2007, the emulator now supports 3677 unique games and 6900 actual ROM image sets and is growing all the time. However, not all of the games in MAME are currently playable; 851 ROM sets are marked as not working in the current version, and 35 are not actual games but BIOS ROM sets. The project is currently coordinated by Aaron Giles. Design The MAME core coordinates the emulation of several elements at the same time. These elements replicate the behavior of the hardware present in the original arcade machines. MAME can emulate many different central processing units (CPUs), both in number or types, including processors, audio and video specific chips, integrated circuits, microcontrollers, etc., including the needed elements for them to communicate together such as memory regions, RAM, data buses, peripherals, storage devices, etc. These elements are virtualized so MAME acts as a software layer between the original program of the game, and the platform MAME runs on. Individual arcade systems are specified by drivers which take the form of C macros. These drivers specify the individual components to be emulated and how they communicate with each other. Emulation philosophy The stated aim of the project is to document hardware, and so MAME takes a somewhat purist view of emulation, prohibiting programming hacks that might make a game run improperly or run faster at the expense of emulation accuracy (see UltraHLE, a project aimed to run games at a playable speed). In MAME every emulated component is replicated down to the smallest level of individual registers and instructions. Consequently, MAME emulation is very accurate (in many cases pixel- and sample-accurate), but system requirements can be high. Since MAME runs mostly older games, a large majority of the games run well on a 2 GHz PC. More modern arcade machines are based on fast pipelined RISC processors, math DSPs, and other devices which are difficult to emulate efficiently. These systems may not run quickly even on the most modern systems available. The MAME team has not diverged from this purist philosophy to take advantage of 3D hardware available on PCs today. It is a common but incorrect assumption that performance problems are due to some games' use of 3D graphics. However, even with graphics disabled, games using RISC processors and other modern hardware are not emulated any faster. Thus taking advantage of 3D hardware would not speed these games up significantly. In addition, using 3D hardware would make it difficult to guarantee identical output between different brands of cards, or even revisions of drivers on the same card, which goes against the MAME philosophy. Consistency of output across platforms is very important to the MAME team. Game data MacMAME under Mac OS X running Progear.Main article: ROM image In most arcade machines, the data (consisting of the game program, graphics, sounds, etc.) is stored in read-only memory chips (hence the name 'ROM'), although other devices such as cassettes, floppy disks, hard disks, laserdiscs, and compact discs are also used. Most of these devices can be copied to computer files, in a process called 'dumping'. The resulting files are often generically called ROM images or ROMs regardless of the kind of storage they came from. To play a particular game, MAME requires a set of files called a ROM set. They contain all the data from the original machine; however, MAME itself does not include any of these files. For analog media, such as laserdiscs and magnetic tapes with audio/video data, it is impossible to make a 100 percent accurate digital copy. The process necessarily involves an analogue-digital conversion and the resultant reduction in quality. MAME uses two different file types for storing ROMs depending on the original medium: The majority of ROM dumps are stored in raw format and contained in ZIP archives, one for each game. For arcade machines which use hard disks or CDs, MAME uses CHD (Compressed Hunks of Data) files which contain the entire contents of the original hard disk, CD or Laserdisc. Due to the large size of these media, the CHD files derived from them also tend to be large. Parents and clones Original ROM sets ('parent'): the games which the MAME development team has decided are the 'original' versions of each game. Except for the files contained in BIOS ROMs (if needed; see below), the ROM files for these games contain everything those games need to run. The 'original' set is generally defined as the most recent revision of the game, and if multiple regional versions are available, the 'World' or US revision. Clone ROM sets: different versions or variants of the originals. For example, Street Fighter II Turbo is considered a variant of Street Fighter II Champion Edition. BIOS ROM sets: the ROMs in common between all games on various standardized arcade systems (e.g. Neo-Geo). They basically boot the hardware and then allow the regular game software to take over. Naming convention A single supported game is usually referred to as a ROM set. Usually each game will consist of multiple ROM files, each of which represents a single device (usually ROM, but sometimes other devices such as PALs). The MAME developers assign each ROM set an 8-letter name for identification as well as a description associated with that 8-letter name. Examples: Original ROM: hyperpac 'Hyper Pacman' - MAME expects all required ROM images in a folder (or ZIP file) called hyperpac. Clone ROM: hyperpcb 'Hyper Pacman (bootleg)' - MAME will look in both the parent folder (hyperpac) and the clone folder (hyperpcb) for the files. Individual ROM files are often named after labels found on the ROM chips and the position they are located on the board in the format 'label.position'. Sega for example use a standard labeling scheme for all the ROMs found on their arcade boards giving each unique ROM chip a unique label. 'mpr12380.b2' is a ROM from the Golden Axe romset. This implies that the rom was labeled 'mpr12380' and located in position 'b2' on the PCB. By using such a naming scheme it makes it easy to use MAME to identify, and often help repair, non-working PCBs. The 8-letter identification tags are less standardized and usually left to the discretion of individual developers. Although some standards do exist, the descriptive long names often follow naming conventions set by the original game manufacturers. For example, Sunset Riders by Konami: ssriders 'Sunset Riders (4 Players ver EAC)' (This is the parent set, with clones following) ssrdrebd 'Sunset Riders (2 Players ver EBD)' ssrdrebc 'Sunset Riders (2 Players ver EBC)' ssrdruda 'Sunset Riders (4 Players ver UDA)' ssrdreaa 'Sunset Riders (4 Players ver EAA)' ssrdruac 'Sunset Riders (4 Players ver UAC)' ssrdrubc 'Sunset Riders (2 Players ver UBC)' ssrdrabd 'Sunset Riders (2 Players ver ABD)' ssrdradd 'Sunset Riders (4 Players ver ADD)' ssrdrjbd 'Sunset Riders (2 Players ver JBD)' Konami gave each revision of their later games a very specific and clearly visible version number, from the mid 90s onwards. As these represent an easy way to identify each version of the game, including the region in which it was available and the revision of the code, MAME uses this information to identify each set. UAA is American revision A, while ABD is Asian revision D. For companies where it is less clear sets are often simply labeled as '(set 1)' and '(set 2)'. Unreleased games are labeled as '(Prototype)' and non-original versions of games are labeled as '(Bootleg)' Infos from Wikipedia

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Cave Generic Arcade 1994

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Compukit UK-101 Generic Computer 1979

Made in the UK by Compukit in New Barnet, North London, the UK-101 was originally a copy of the Ohio Scientific <a href="computer.asp?c=860">Superboard II</a>. Two years and various legal battles later the UK-101 became, technically, behind its erstwhile rival. You could buy the UK101 as a kit or as ready made for an extra fee. The kit came in a cardboard briefcase, in which there were anti-static tubes containing the 65+ ICs, a box of IC sockets, and bags containing passives (mainly 0.1uF ceramic decoupling capacitors) and keyboard bits (the keyboard switches were soldered directly to the PCB). The UK101 came with a transformer in a plastic case, which was rectified and regulated down to +5, the regulator's heatsink was far too small and it would run very very hot, causing the RF modulator to drift channel. Many people relocated the regulator off-board onto a bigger heatsink to solve both problems. It came with an A4-size book authored by Dr. A.A. Berk, covering assembly, trouble-shooting, and circuit diagrams with descriptions. The UK101 was based around the 6502 processor. On top of ASCII characters, 128 graphic characters were available in ROM. The RAM memory was expandable from 4 KB to 8 KB on board, or 40 KB with an expansion board. At the time, The UK101 was heavily supported by Watford Electronics in the UK, and by various electronics magazines who published circuits. There were many user groups and plenty of software available. It was thus possible to upgrade this machine beyond all recognision ! Several cases were also made and sold by a number of manufacturers. _______________________ <font color="#666666">Contributors: Paul Mansfield</font> <b>John</b> reports to us: <font color="#666666"> There were 3 monitor chips available, this being the 8k rom. The only one I can remember the name of was the Cegmon, the latest in the series. The 40 pin expansion slot offered some inpressive (for the time) abilites. Mine had a sound card in it but I also saw systems with colour, hard drives and 5.25 floppy systems. Some boards had links in them in place of the two sockets on your picture. These needed to be removed if you wanted to use the 40 pin expansion and a couple of 8T28s (buffer chips) put in their place. Other expansions I saw included a 'graphics' chip that could be switched in using software. A small pigiback board replaced the Normal character chip (which is the horizontal one in your picture) with the graphics rom and normal character rom slotted into it. This gave 256 additional characters, and since the replacement rom was an Eprom these new characters could be anything. Programming was via Microsoft 8k Basic and involved a lot of Poke instructions to get it to do anything much. Overclocking was a breeze, but you had to get it right otherwise the screen divided into 4! </font> <b>Martin Ward</b> adds: <font color="#666666"> You could upgrade the graphics RAM by "piggkbacking" two new RAM chips on top of the existing chips, with one pin sticking out sideways which had a flying lead soldered to it. This gave you 48 characters x 32 lines. The tape recorder could also be "overclocked" to 600 or even 1200 baud! RAM cost about ?10 per K (?5 per 1KB x 4bit chip).</font> <b>Dick Greening</b> reports: <font color="#666666">An interesting story is that one of the BBC engineers rewrote the garbage collection routine (in the Microsoft Basic 4 Rom I thing it was,) only to find later that somehow Microsoft had incorporated his routine in their new version of Basic. He was able to prove it was his program as he had encrypted his name in the program! Sound a familiar story!</font>

CoreGrafX Generic Console 1987

Not a new console, this was simply a re-release of the <a href="computer.asp?st=2&amp;c=1231">PC Engine</a>, this time in a black case and with composite AV output.

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Daphne Generic Arcade 1978

Laserdisc (LD) was the first commercial optical disc storage medium, and was used primarily for movies for home viewing. During its development, MCA, which owned the technology, referred to it as the Reflective Optical Videodisc System; changing the name once in 1969 to Disco-Vision and then again in 1978 to DiscoVision (without the hyphen), which became the official spelling. MCA owned the rights to the largest catalog of films in the world during this time, and they manufactured and distributed the DiscoVision releases of those films under the 'MCA DiscoVision' label beginning on December 15, 1978. Pioneer Electronics also entered the optical disc market in 1978, manufacturing players and printing discs under the name Laser Videodisc. For 1980 the name was compressed into LaserDisc and in 1981 the intercap was eliminated and 'Laserdisc' became the final and common name for the format, supplanting the use of the 'DiscoVision' name, which disappeared shortly thereafter; titles released by MCA became MCA Laserdiscs or (later) MCA-Universal Laserdiscs. The format has been incorrectly referred to as LV or LaserVision, although this actually refers to a line of Philips brand players; the term VDP or Video Disc Player was a somewhat more common and more correct name for players in general. During the early years, MCA also manufactured discs for other companies including Paramount, Disney and Warner Bros. Some of them added their own names to the disc jacket to signify that the movie was not owned by MCA. When MCA merged into Universal years later, Universal began reissuing many of the early DiscoVision titles as MCA-Universal discs. The DiscoVision versions had largely been available only in pan and scan and had often utilized poor transfers, the newer versions improved greatly in terms of both audio and video quality. History Laserdisc certification markLaserdisc technology, using a transparent disc, was invented by David Paul Gregg in 1958 (and patented in 1961 and 1969). By 1969 Philips had developed a videodisc in reflective mode, which has great advantages over the transparent mode. MCA and Philips decided to join their efforts. They first publicly demonstrated the videodisc in 1972. LD was first available on the market, in Atlanta, on December 15, 1978, two years after the VHS VCR and four years before the CD, which is based on laserdisc technology. Philips produced the players and MCA the discs. The Philips/MCA cooperation was not successful, and discontinued after a few years. Several of the scientists responsible for the early research (Richard Wilkinson, Ray Deakin, and John Winslow) founded Optical Disc Corporation (now ODC Nimbus), and that company is still the world leader in optical disc mastering technology. It was estimated that in 1998, laserdisc players were in approximately 2 percent of US households (roughly two million). By comparison, in 1999, players were in 10 percent of Japanese households. LD has been completely replaced by DVD in the North American retail marketplace, as neither players nor software are now produced there. Laserdisc has retained some popularity among American collectors and, to a greater degree, in Japan, where the format was better supported and more prevalent during its life. In Europe LD has always remained an obscure format. The first laserdisc title marketed in North America was the MCA DiscoVision release of Jaws in 1978. The last two titles released in North America were Paramount's Sleepy Hollow and Bringing Out the Dead in 2000. A dozen or so more titles continued to be released in Japan until the end of 2001. The last Japanese-released LD-format movie title was Tokyo Raiders. Technical information The standard home video laserdisc is 30 cm (11.81 inches) in diameter and made up of two single-sided aluminum discs layered in plastic and bonded with glue. Although read and featuring properties similar to a compact disc or DVD, a Laserdisc is for the most part an entirely analog system with video stored in the composite domain with analog sound and/or some form of digital audio. The first laserdiscs featured in 1978 were entirely analog but the format evolved to incorporate simple digital stereo sound to multi-channel formats such as Dolby Digital and DTS. Since digital encoding and compression schemes were either unavailable or impractical in 1978, three encoding formats based on the rotation speed were used: CAV (Constant Angular Velocity) or Standard Play discs supported several unique features such as freeze frame, variable slow motion and reverse. CAV discs were spun at a constant rotational speed during playback, with one video frame read per revolution and in this mode, 54,000 individual frames or 30 minutes of audio/video could be stored on a single side of a CAV disc. Another unique attribute to CAV was to reduce the visibility of cross talk from adjacent tracks, since on CAV discs any crosstalk at a specific point in a frame is simply from the same point in the next or previous frame. CAV was used less frequently than CLV, reserved for special editions of feature films to highlight bonus material and special effects. One of the most intriguing advantages of this format was the ability to reference every frame of a film directly by number—a feature of particular interest to film buffs, students and others intrigued by the study of errors in staging, continuity etc. CLV (Constant Linear Velocity) or Extended Play discs do not have the 'trick play' features of CAV, offering only simple playback on all but the high-end laserdisc players incorporating a digital frame store. These high-end laserdisc players could add features not normally available to CLV discs such as variable forward and reverse, and a VCR-like 'pause'. CLV encoded discs could store 60 minutes of audio/video per side, or 2 hours per disc. For films with a run–time less than 120 minutes, this meant they could fit on a single disc, lowering the cost of the title and eliminating the distracting exercise of 'getting up to change the disc'—at least for those fortunate enough to own a dual-sided player. The vast majority of titles were only available in CLV. (A few titles were released partly CLV, partly CAV. For example, a 140-minute movie could fit on two CLV sides, and one CAV side, thus allowing for the CAV-only features during the climax of the film.) CAA (Constant Angular Acceleration). In the early 1980s, due to problems with crosstalk distortion on CLV extended play Laserdiscs, Pioneer Video introduced CAA formatting for extended play discs. Constant Angular Acceleration is very similar to Constant Linear Velocity save for the fact that CAA varies the angular rotation of the disc in controlled steps instead of gradually slowing down in a steady linear pace as a CLV disc is read. With the exception of 3M/Imation, all Laserdisc manufacturers adopted the CAA encoding scheme, although the term was rarely (if ever) used on any consumer packaging. As Pioneer introduced Digital Audio to Laserdisc in 1985, they further refined the CAA format. CAA55 was introduced in 1985 with a total playback capacity of 55 minutes 5 seconds, and was necessary to resolve technical issues with the inclusion of Digital Audio. Several titles released between 1985 and 1987 were analog audio only due to the length of the title and the desire to keep the film on 1 disc (e.g., 'Back to the Future'). By 1987, Pioneer had overcome the technical challenges and was able to once again encode in CAA60—allowing a total of 60 minutes, 5 seconds. Pioneer further refined CAA, offering CAA45—encoding 45 minutes of material, but filling the entire playback surface of the side. Used on only a handful of titles, CAA65 offered 65 minutes 5 seconds of playback time. The final variant of CAA is CAA70, which could accommodate 70 minutes of playback time. There are not any known uses of this format on the consumer market. All of these timing parameters are based on the NTSC standard of 30fps. The PAL and SECAM standards of 25fps increases the playback capacity of all the various formats by 20 percent. Audio Audio could be stored in either analog or digital format and in a variety of surround sound formats; NTSC discs could carry two analog audio tracks, plus two uncompressed PCM digital audio tracks, which were CD quality (2 channels, 16 bit, 44.1 kHz sample rate, and a 96 dB signal-to-noise ratio). PAL discs could carry one pair of audio tracks, either analog or digital; in the UK the term LaserVision is used to refer to discs with analog sound, while LaserDisc is used for those with digital audio. Dolby Digital (also called AC-3) and DTS, which are now common on DVD titles, first became available on Laserdisc, and Star Wars: Episode I (1999) which was released on Laserdisc in Japan, is among the first home video releases ever to include 6.1 channel Dolby Digital EX Surround. Unlike DVDs, which carry Dolby Digital audio in digital form, Laserdiscs store Dolby Digital in a frequency modulated form within a track normally used for analog audio. Extracting Dolby Digital from a Laserdisc required a player equipped with a special 'AC-3 RF' output and an external demodulator in addition to an AC-3 decoder. The demodulator was necessary to convert the 2.88 MHz modulated AC-3 information on the disc into a 384 kbit/s signal that the decoder could handle. DTS audio, when available on a disc, replaced the digital audio tracks; hearing DTS sound required only an optical digital audio connection to a DTS decoder. At least where the digital audio tracks were concerned, the sound quality was unsurpassed at the time, but the quality of the analog soundtracks varied greatly depending on the disc and, sometimes, the player. Many early and lower-end LD players had poor analog audio components, and many early discs had poorly mastered analog audio tracks, making digital soundtracks in any form most desirable to serious enthusiasts. Early DiscoVision and Laserdisc titles lacked the digital audio option, but many of those movies received digital sound in later re-issues by Universal, and the quality of analog audio tracks generally got far better as time went on. Many discs that had originally carried old analog stereo tracks received new Dolby Stereo and Dolby Surround tracks instead, often in addition to digital tracks, helping boost sound quality. Later analog discs also applied CX Noise Reduction, which improved the signal-noise ratio of their audio. Both AC-3 and DTS surround audio were clumsily implemented on Laserdiscs, leading to some interesting player- and disc-dependent issues. A disc that included AC-3 audio forfeited the right analog audio channel to the modulated AC-3 stream. If the player did not have an AC-3 decoder available, the next most attractive playback option would be the digital Dolby Surround or stereo audio tracks. If either the player did not support digital audio tracks (common in older players), or the disc did not include digital audio tracks at all (uncommon for a disc which is mastered with an AC-3 track), the only remaining option was to fall back to a monophonic presentation of the left analog audio track. However, many older analog-only players not only failed to decode AC-3 streams, but weren't even aware of their potential existence. Such a player will happily play the analog audio tracks verbatim, resulting in garbage output in the right channel. On a DTS disc, digital PCM audio is not available, so if a DTS decoder was also not available, the only option is to fall back to the analog Dolby Surround or stereo audio tracks. In some cases, the analog audio tracks were further made unavailable through replacement with supplementary audio such as isolated scores or audio commentary. This effectively reduced playback of a DTS disc on a non-DTS equipped system to mono audio—or in a handful of cases, no film soundtrack at all. Only one 5.1 surround sound option existed on a given Laserdisc (either Dolby Digital or DTS), so if surround sound is desired, the disc must be matched to the capabilities of the playback equipment (LD Player and Receiver/Decoder) by the purchaser. A fully capable Laserdisc playback rig includes a newer Laserdisc player that is capable of playing digital tracks, has a digital optical output for digital PCM and DTS audio, is aware of AC-3 audio tracks, and has an AC-3 coaxial output; an external or internal AC-3 RF demodulator and AC-3 decoder; and a DTS decoder. Many A/V receivers combine the AC-3 decoder and DTS decoder logic, but an integrated AC-3 demodulator is rare both in Laserdisc players and in newer A/V receivers. Hardware The earliest players used Helium-neon laser tubes to read the media with red-orange light, later players used infrared semiconductor laser diodes. It is difficult to find one of the tube players now, in part because of the limited operating lifetime of laser tubes, but mostly because they represent only a small fraction of the total players made. Optical hobbyists have also been known to cannibalize the laser tube machines, further depleting their ranks. Most machines made were single-sided; players which required manually turning the disk over to play the other side. A number of players were made that were 'double-sided', in that the machine could automatically reverse the spin direction and move the pickup head to the other side of the disk. Many Laserdisc players manufactured from the late 1980s through the time of the format's death had both composite (red, white and yellow RCA type connectors) and S-Video outputs on the rear panel. When using the S-Video connection, the player would utilize its own internal comb filter, designed to help reduce picture noise by separating the luminance (brightness) and color parts of the signal, while using the composite outputs forced the player to rely on the comb filter of the display device. Although using the S-Video connection was often considered to yield superior results in the late 80s and early 1990s, most of today's mid and high level television sets contain better comb filters than the vast majority of players were equipped with. In these instances, where a player is being used with a more modern display, using the composite output and allowing the display device's internal comb filter to do the work may yield better results. Combi-players In 1996, the first model DVD/LD combi-player (and first Pioneer DVD player, for that matter) was the Pioneer DVL-9 released in Japan. The Pioneer Elite DVL-90 an updated version, followed by a similar, though supposedly lower-end model, the DVL-700, and were released in 1997. Successors to this model include the Pioneer DVL-909, Pioneer DVL-919, and the Pioneer Elite DVL-91. Although the DVD/LD combi players offered competent LD performance, they paled in comparison to high end LD players such as the Pioneer Elite CLD-99 and the Pioneer Hi-Vision/MUSE HLD-X9. The Pioneer DVL-909 lacks support for DTS output. However, a modification to the player can allow this player to support DTS streams on DTS discs, essentially turning the DVL-909 into a Pioneer Elite DVL-91. The last model DVD/LD player was the Japanese only DVL-H9, but the older DVL-919 is still sold in the U.S. and appears on Pioneer's North American website. However, it has not been actively marketed since the late 1990s. The DVL-919 supports DTS output. The DVL-919's DVD section is unremarkable by modern standards, and does not support progressive scan (480p) even though it has component output. As noted above, the LD section, while competent, is inferior to earlier high end LD players. A few Pioneer dealers offer North American specification DVL-919s, and a unit purchased in April 2004 had a manufacture date of December 2003. Pioneer representatives reportedly state that the product is officially discontinued, and that warranty coverage for 919s will be based on the date of manufacture rather than on the date of sale. Success of the format The format was not well-received outside of videophile circles in North America, but became more popular in Japan. Part of the reason was marketing. In North America, the cost of the players and discs was kept far higher than VHS decks and tapes (mainly to combat anticipated losses at the box office). In Japan, the LD strategy was very similar to the strategy taken by DVD manufacturers early in its life: prices were kept low to ensure adoption, resulting in minimal price differences between VHS tapes and the higher quality Laserdiscs. LD also quickly became the dominant format of choice amongst Japanese collectors of anime, helping to drive its acceptance. Laserdiscs were popular alternatives to videocasettes among movie enthusiasts in the more affluent regions of South East Asia, such as Singapore, due to their high integration with the Japanese export market and superior longetivity compared to videocassette in humid conditions. Also in Hong Kong, although the retail prices of Laserdiscs were relatively high, they became quite popular in the city during the 1990s before the introduction of VCDs and DVDs. The reason was people rarely bought the discs; they usually rented them and the video renting business grew larger than ever at that time. Nonetheless, manufacturers refused to market recordable Laserdisc devices to the consumer segment, while all of the competing video cassette recorder devices could record using their cassettes. Combined with the inconvenient disc size and high North American prices for both players and media, the format was doomed to obscurity. Although the Laserdisc format has been almost completely supplanted by DVD, many LDs are still highly coveted by movie enthusiasts. This is largely because there are many films that are still only available on LD and many other LD releases contain supplemental material not available on subsequent DVD versions of those films. As well, there are various films which are available on DVD as well as LD, but the LD version is preferred. LD players are also sometimes found in contemporary North American high school and college physics classrooms, in order to play a disc of the Physics: Cinema Classics series of mid-20th century Encyclopædia Britannica films reproducing classic experiments in the field which are difficult or impossible to replicate in the laboratories in educational settings. These films have yet to be released on DVD. Laserdisc variations Computer control Early in the eighties, Philips produced a laservision player model adapted for a computer interface, dubbed 'professional'. When hooked to a PC this combination could be used to display images or information for educational or archival purposes, for example thousands of scanned medieval manuscripts. This strange device could be considered a very early equivalent of a CD-ROM. In one case such a 'Laserdisc-ROM' was still present, although rarely used, in 2001. A SCSI equipped Laserdisc player attached to a BBC Master computer was used for the BBC Domesday Project. Apple's HyperCard scripting language provided Macintosh computer users with a means to design databases of slides, animation, video and sounds from Laserdiscs and then to create interfaces for users to play specific content from the disc. User-created 'stacks' were shared and were especially popular in education where teacher-generated stacks were used to access discs ranging from art collections to basic biological processes. Commercially available stacks were also popular with the Voyager company being possibly the most successful distributor. Pioneer also made computer-controlled units such as the LD-V2000. It had a back-panel RS-232 serial connection through a 5-pin DIN connector, and no front-panel controls except Open/Close. (The disc would be played automatically upon insertion.) Video games Main article: Laserdisc video game A number of companies used the Laserdisc format as the basis for arcade video games during the 1980s and early 1990s, most notably Dragon's Lair and Space Ace. Hardware in the arcade cabinet jumped to various scenes on the Laserdisc according to the player's actions. The ability of Laserdisc to use full-motion video provided significantly more detailed and complex visuals (although at the expense of interactivity due to the non-realtime nature of the format) than the simplistic sprite-based graphics of other arcade games at the time. Significant players in the Laserdisc video game market included American Laser Games and Cinematronics. MUSE LD In 1991, several manufacturers announced specifications for what would become known as MUSE Laserdisc, representing a span of almost 15 years until the feats of this HD analog optical disc system would finally be duplicated digitally by HD DVD and Blu-ray. Encoded using NHK's MUSE 'Hi-Vision' analogue TV system, MUSE discs would operate like standard Laserdiscs but would contain high-definition 1125-line (1035 visible lines) video with a 5:3 aspect ratio. The MUSE players were also capable of playing standard NTSC format discs and are superior in performance to non-MUSE players even with these NTSC discs. The MUSE-capable players had several noteworthy advantages over standard Laserdisc players, including a red laser with a much narrower wavelength than the lasers found in standard players. The red laser was capable of reading through disc defects such as scratches and even mild disc-rot that would cause most other players to stop, stutter or drop-out. Crosstalk was not an issue with MUSE discs, and the narrow wavelength of the laser allowed for the virtual elimination of crosstalk with normal discs. In order to view MUSE encoded discs, it was necessary to have a MUSE decoder in addition to a compatible player and a MUSE-compatible TV set. Equipment prices were high, especially for early HDTVs which generally eclipsed USDollar10,000, and even in Japan the market for MUSE was tiny. Players and discs were never officially sold in North America, although several distributors imported MUSE discs along with other import titles. Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Lawrence of Arabia, A League of Their Own, Bugsy, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Bram Stoker's Dracula and Chaplin were among the theatrical releases available on MUSE LDs. Several documentaries, including one about Formula One at Japan's Suzuka Circuit were also released. Laserdisc sizes The most common size of Laserdisc was 30 cm (12 inches). These approximated the size of LP vinyl records. These discs allowed for 30 minutes per side (CAV) or 60 minutes per side (CLV). The vast majority of programming for the Laserdisc format was produced on these discs. 20 cm Laserdiscs were also published. These were approx. 8 inches; one inch larger in diameter than a standard 45-RPM record. These 'EP'-sized LDs allowed for 20 minutes per side (CLV). They are much rarer than the full-size LDs, especially in North America. These discs were often used for music video compilations (e.g., Bon Jovi's 'Breakout', Bananarama's 'Video Singles' or T'Pau's 'View From A Bridge'). There were also 12 cm (5 inch, same as an audio CD) 'single'-style discs produced that were playable on Laserdisc players. These were referred to as CD Video (CD-V) discs, and Video Single Discs (VSD). A CD-V carried up to 5 minutes of analog Laserdisc-type video content (usually a music video), as well as up to 20 minutes of digital audio CD tracks. The original 1989 release of David Bowie's restrospective Sound + Vision CD box set prominently featured a CD-V video of Ashes To Ashes, and standalone promo CD-V's featured the video, plus 3 audio tracks: John, I'm Only Dancing, Changes and The Supermen. CD-Vs are not to be confused with Video CDs (which are all-digital and can only be played on VCD players, DVD players, CD-i players, computers, and later-model Laserdisc players (such as the DVL series from Pioneer that can also play DVDs). CD-Vs can only be played back on Laserdisc players with CD-V capability. VSDs were the same as CD-Vs, but without the audio CD tracks. CD-Vs were somewhat popular for a brief time worldwide, but soon faded from view. VSDs were popular only in Japan and other parts of Asia, and were never really introduced to the rest of the world. Picture discs Picture discs have artistic etching on one side of the disc to make the disc more visually attractive than the standard shiny silver surface. This etching might look like a movie character, logo, or other promotional material. Sometimes that side of the LD would be made with colored plastic rather than the clear material used for the data side. Picture disc LDs only had video material on one side as the 'picture' side could not contain any data. Picture discs are rare in North America. LD-G Pioneer Electronics, one of the format's largest supporters/investors, was also deeply involved in the karaoke business in Japan, and used Laserdiscs as the storage medium for music and additional content such as graphics. The format was generally called LD-G. While several other karaoke labels manufactured Laserdiscs, there was nothing like the breadth of competition in that industry that exists now, as almost all manufacturers have transitioned to CD+G discs (en route, possibly, to a new DVD-based format).!>>!! LaserActive Main article: Pioneer LaserActive Pioneer also marketed a format similar to LD-G, called LD-ROM. It was used by Pioneer's LaserActive interactive Laserdisc player/video game console introduced in 1993, and contained analog video and audio, in combination with digital data (where the digital audio tracks would be on regular Laserdiscs). LD-ROM was used for several games that could be played on the LaserActive player/console. Squeeze LD Cover of Pioneer release of Squeeze LD StargateWith the release of 16:9 televisions in the mid 1990s, Pioneer and Toshiba decided that it was time take advantage of this aspect ratio. Squeeze LDs are enhanced 16:9 ratio widescreen Laserdiscs. In the video transfer stage the movie is stored in an anamorphic format. The widescreen movie image was stretched to fill the entire video frame with less or none of the video resolution wasted to create letterbox bars. The advantage was a 33 percent greater vertical resolution compared to regular Laserdisc. This same procedure was used for DVD. Unlike most DVD players, very few LD players had the ability to unsqueeze the image for 4:3 sets. If the discs were played on a 4:3 television the image would be distorted. Since very few people owned 16:9 displays, the marketability of these special discs was very limited. There were no titles available in the US except for promotional purposes. Upon purchase of a Toshiba 16:9 television viewers had the option of selecting a number of Warner Brothers 16:9 films. Titles include Unforgiven, Grumpy Old Men, The Fugitive, and Free Willy. The Japanese lineup of titles was different. A series of releases under the banner 'SQUEEZE LD' from Pioneer of mostly Carolco titles included Basic Instinct, Stargate, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Showgirls, Cutthroat Island, and Cliffhanger. Oddly enough Terminator 2 was released twice in Squeeze LD, the second release being THX certified and a notable improvement over the first. Recordable formats A CRV Disc with a VHS tape for size comparisonAnother type of video media, CRVdisc, or 'Component Recordable Video Disc' were available for a short time, mostly to professionals. Developed by Sony, CRVdiscs resemble early PC CD-ROM caddies with a disc inside resembling a full sized LD. CRVdiscs were blank, write-once, read-many media that could be recorded once on each side. CRVdiscs were used largely for backup storage in professional/commercial applications. Another form of recordable Laserdisc that is completely playback-compatible with the Laserdisc format (unlike CRVdisc with its caddy enclosure) is the RLV, or Recordable LaserVision disc. It was developed and first marketed by the Optical Disc Corporation (ODC, now ODC Nimbus) in 1984. RLV discs, like CRVdisc, are also a WORM technology, and function exactly like a CD-R disc. RLV discs look almost exactly like standard Laserdiscs, and can play in any standard Laserdisc player after they've been recorded. The only difference an RLV disc has over regular factory-pressed Laserdiscs is their reflective purple-violet (or blue with some RLV discs) color resulting from the dye embedded in the reflective layer of the disc to make it recordable, as opposed to the silver mirror appearance of regular LDs. The purplish color of RLVs is very similar to some DVD-R and DVD+R discs. RLVs were popular for making short-run quantities of Laserdiscs for specialized applications such as interactive kiosks and flight simulators. In spite of nonrecordability being commonly regarded as the primary weakness of the Laserdisc format, these recordable LD systems were never marketed toward the general public, and are so poorly known as to create the misconception that a home recording system for Laserdiscs is impossible Infos from Wikipedia

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EasyRPG Generic Virtual Machine

Eighting / Raizing Generic Arcade

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Hybrid Music System Generic Unknown

IQ-151 Generic Computer Unknown 1984

The IQ-151 was a Czechoslovakian home computer manufactured by ZPA Novy Bor (Novy Bor being the town where ZPA was based). It was mainly intended for educational purpose and was actually supplied to all types of Czech schools. The main peripheral was a standard cassette recorder, but several modules could be connected to 5 built-in expansion slots: VIDEO (display), BASIC (interpreter), BASIC G (graphic Basic interpreter), GRAFIK (256 x 512 graphics), STAPER (printer), MINIGRAF (plotter)

Incredible Technologies Generic Arcade

Intellect-02 Generic Unknown

Jazz Generic Unknown

Ju-Te-Computer Generic Computer

Korvet Generic Unknown

LEMZ Agat Generic Computer 1983

This computer was called "Yablotchko" (small apple) by the westerners as this is a poor copy of the Apple II. And to prove that the Agat is really copied on the Apple, the ROM still has Steve Wozniak's name in memory ! Its operating system and ROM are nearly identical to the Apple II's, but instead of a single board, it uses several chip modules. Agat was produced in a military company based in Moscow called "LEMZ" which stands for "Linozovo (district in Moscow) electronics-mechinical manufacturer". They started producing it in 1985, although prototypes were available in 1984 or probably erlier. Designers of that computer were actually hobbysts and LEMZ picked their design when managers from that company came across Agat designers at an exhibition. Elorg didn't produce any Agat systems. They were just the exclusive distributer of Russian microelectronics products outside of USSR, and as matter of fact tried to promote Agats in Eastern Europe... Agat was built first around a multi-chip processor, clone of one of the LSI-11 processors, but then a real MOS6502 was used. The system is composed of three parts : a screen, a keyboard and a central unit. The screen is in fact a real 30cm Secam (russian standard) television, which is connected to the computer through a 1m long cord (DIN9). The keyboard is composed of cyrillic and latin keys (33 keys) plus function keys and a numeric keypad. It uses the layout of the standard Russian typewriter. There is a built-in 5??1/4 disk-drive into the right part of the central unit. The operating system is not exactly the same as the Apple OS and it?s impossible to start an Apple II with this OS nor an Agat with the Apple OS. On the other hand, once the OS is loaded, it?s possible to read the same disk or run the same programs on both systems. But there were some serious incompatibility problems with first models. There is no way to add a second disk-drive as there is no other connector apart from monitor, keyboard, printer and cassette interface. In the same way, there are no way to expand the original 64k RAM... The Agat can operate under three graphic modes : low, medium and high, which are compatible with the Apple?s graphic features. The cyrillic characters displayed on the screen are said to have been conceived by the russian engineers with the Apple Tool Kit. It was principally meant for education and was the object of some important early educational experimentats such as ?Schkol'nitza? which took place in a Novosibirsk school. Schkol'nitza, which means schoolgirl in russian, was a system developped to assist the teacher in its classroom. It was composed of several Agat computers and software packages. The teacher, who had a computer, a printer and the disks, could command all the network to ask questions, correct the answers, display maps or what he wanted on the pupils' screens. It seems like Elorg and the USSR had plans to export the Agat for $17000 ! ! Quite expensive for a bad Apple II clone... At that time it was impossible for a normal citizen to buy a micro-computer for its own use as all the computers there were for the education, the army, the research or some privileged persons... The original Agat was followed by several other models, from which the <b>Agat-7</b> and the <b><a href="computer.asp?c=510">Agat-9</a></b>. The Agat-7, conceived in 1986, introduced the expansion feature which was the main weakness of the original Agat and had an optional full Apple compatibility card available. The Agat-9, produced a bit later, was a fully compatible Apple II+ system with real expansion possibilities (6 non-apple compatible slots). It was then possible to find memory expansion cards, serial cards, additional disk-drives and even network cards. In fact the Agat-9 was also compatible with the more exotic Pravetz-8 and Tzyntzy computers.

Linux Generic Computer 1991

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LowRes NX Generic Virtual Machine 2020

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Lutro Generic Virtual Machine 2015

NeXT Generic Unknown

Nintendo Power Generic Misc 1997

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OpenBOR Generic Virtual Machine

OpenPandora Pandora Generic Unknown

Orion 128 Generic Unknown

OrionPro Generic Unknown

PC Generic Computer 2000

Just after the <a href="computer.asp?c=20">Atari ST series</a>, Atari decided to launch a series of PC compatible systems. The <b>PC-1</b> was the first model. It used the shell of the Atari Mega ST4 and its mouse. It held 512 KB of RAM, an optional 20 or 23 MB HDD, but didn't have ISA extension slot, to use a PC card, an expansion box was necessary. However, the PC-1 had Parallel, serial and mouse ports built-in as well as an universal video interface allowing either colour CGA and EGA or Hercules monochrome monitors to be connected to the same video port. The range of Atari PC compatible systems was also comprised of: ? The <b>PC3</b>, a 8088 8Mhz based system with 640 KB ram, CGA graphics and 20MB hard drive, ? The <b>PC4</b>, a 80286 16Mhz based system with a 60MB hard drive in which - optionally- a 3.5 1.44 Mb drive could be fitted (the front needed to be cut out and the metal casing sawed by the user). It also featured VGA graphics, ? The <b>ABC</b>, a 80386sx 16Mhz model with a 40MB hard disk and vga graphics. This one came with a 3.5 floppy built in, ? The <b>PC5</b>, a 20MHz 80386 PC featuring 60 MB hard disk and SVGA graphics with same 3.5 floppy disk option as with the PC4, ? the <b>N386</b> laptop.

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PC Intel 8008 - 8080 Generic Computer

PC Motorola 68000 Generic Computer

PC PPC Generic Computer

PC SPARC Generic Computer

PC x86 - x86-64 Generic Computer

PHC-25 Generic Computer 1982 (Japan), 1983 (Europe)

The PHC-25 was released at the same time as the <a href="computer.asp?c=1318">PHC-10</a> and the <a href="computer.asp?c=1319">PHC-20</a>, in 1982. Sanyo wanted to offer a perfect line of products for computing initiation. These three models were supposed to be complementary. But despite high hopes, they just were flops and it's not clear if the PHC-10 and PHC-20 were even really sold, as very few were ever found. The PHC-25 was the only model of the line to have been sold with moderate success. PHC stands for "Personal Home Computer". The PHC-25 was the high-level system of the trio. It offered an extended version of the Sanyo Basic already found in the PHC-20, which itself was an evolution of the Tiny BASIC found in the PHC-10. Editing of the program lines is facilitated by the use of the orange arrow keys found at the top right of the keyboard. The Sanyo BASIC V1.3 is stored in a 24KB ROM. The computer offers 16KB RAM leaving only 14KB for the user to program in Basic or 8KB if the "SCREEN 2" option is chosen at startup. Indeed at startup a "SCREEN ?" prompt welcome the user. If you enter 1, it means you will just need one screen to be stored in RAM, leaving you almost all the RAM available for Basic programming. If you reply "2" at the SCREEN? prompt, then the computer reserves some RAM for a second virtual screen which could be used by the program. The PHC-25 is powered by a NEC D780C microprocessor running at 4 MHz, which is compatible with the Zilog Z80A. The chip used for the video is the famous Motorola MC-6847 Video Display Generator, well known for its omnipresent green colored background, and also used in many systems of that time including the <a href="computer.asp?c=91">TRS-80 Color Computer</a>, <a href="computer.asp?c=117">Dragon 32/64</a>, <a href="computer.asp?c=155">Laser 200</a>, <a href="computer.asp?c=163">TRS-80 MC-10</a>, <a href="computer.asp?c=177">NEC PC-6000 series</a>, <a href="computer.asp?c=80&gt;Acorn%20Atom&lt;/a&gt;,%20&lt;a%20href=" computer.asp>Philips VG5000</a>&gt; (used the Thomson EF9345 compatible chip) or the <a href="computer.asp?st=2&amp;c=584">APF Imagination Machine</a>, among others. Inside the plastic case, everything is arranged on two motherboards connected to each other through a ribbon cable. This MC-6847 chip offers different text and graphic modes, each with a subset of colors available: - Mode 1: 16x32 (text) in 2 colors - Mode 2: 16x32 (text) in 4 colors and 64x48 (semi graphic) in 8 colors - Mode 3: 16x16 (text) in 8 colors and 128x192 (graphic) in 8 colors - Mode 4: 16x32 (text) in 2 colors and 256x192 (high resolution graphics) in 2 colors The set of BASIC commands are: RUN, NEW, LIST, CSAVE, CLOAD, CLOAD?, CLEAR, CONT, EXEC, LLIST, DATA, DEFFN, DIM, END, FOR~NEXT, GOSUB~RETURN, GOTO, IF~THEN, INPUT, INPUT#, KEY, LET, LPRINT, LCOPY, ON~GOSUB, ON~GOTO, OUT, POKE, PRINT, PRINT#, READ, REM, RESTORE, RETURN, STOP, SOUND, PLAY, CTON, CTOFF, ABS, COS, EXP, INT, LOG, RND, SGN, SIN, SQR, TAN, CSRLIN, POS, LPOS, PEEK, SPC, TAB, TIME, USR, POINT, FRE, CHR$, LEFT$, MID$, RIGHT$, ASC, LEN, VAL, INKEY$, STR$, STICK, STRIG, INP, SCREEN, COLOR, CONSOLE, CLS, LOCATE, PSET, PRESET, LINE, PAINT, SLOAD, SSAVE. This is a very complete BASIC which is in fact compatible with the <a href="computer.asp?c=177">NEC PC-6001 one</a>. Thus, the PHC-25 if virtually "BASIC" compatible with the 6001, but some instructions and features need to be modified before running the program. Curiously, it is not the only similarity between these two computers. The colors of the plastic case and keys are almost the same: beige and cream with grey and orange keys ! Alongside the BASIC compatibility, the electronic components are the same. Chances are it must have been intentional. Strangely enough, the computer looks like it was not entirely finished or if the designers lacked some space to implement all the features. Thus, you need to buy the famous PSG-01 expansion box if you want to have sound capabilities on your PHC-25. Crazy if you think that even the cheap PHC-10 had a internal buzzer to play with. Anyway, connect the PSG-01 box and you've got a real 3-voices synthesizer to play with. You even get two DB9 "Atari compatible" connectors to plug your favorite joysticks in order to play... Well, that is the main problem. The PHC-25 has maybe the worst ever choice of games available in the world ! Most of them are poor BASIC games, only INVASION (clone of SPACE INVADERS) being a real machine code game worth being played. Today, the Sanyo PHC-25 seems to be a rare machine. Very few were sold, and most of them were apparently distributed in France, hence most of the games found online are in french.

PT68K2 Generic Unknown

Palm Generic Computer 1995

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Pecom 64 Generic Computer 1985

The PECOM 64 seems to be the 64 KB version of the <a href="computer.asp?c=332">PECOM 32</a>. About this computer, <b>Darko Sola</b> from Yougoslavia says: <font color="#666666"> This is the same model as EI Pecom 32. EI comes from Electronic Industry. Those computers were built in demand from schools. We got this computer in our school to learn Basic (at that time ex-Yugoslav governement had 5 different computer projects). The programming language was Basic with no real graphic commands. Year after, in our school, all those Pecoms were replaced with IBM PC clones. Size of computer was a little bit smaller than A4 page. It had tape as primary media. I do not remember any "Mini FDD". I don't remember OS, was some home-made based on CP/M (as many systems at that time in Yugoslavia). Price? Not so cheap, It was 2 average monthly salaries.</font> Thanks to <b>Sveto</b> (Croatia) for the picture.

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Pico-8 Generic Virtual Machine 2014

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Pinball Generic Pinball

PlayChoice Generic Arcade

Poisk-1 Generic Unknown

Poly Generic Unknown

Pyldin-601 Generic Unknown

SITCOM Generic Unknown

Sammy Classics Generic Arcade

ScummVM Generic Virtual Machine 199?

ScummVM is a collection of game engine recreations. Originally designed to play LucasArts adventure games that use the SCUMM system (the VM in the name stands for virtual machine), it now also supports a variety of non-SCUMM games by companies like Revolution Software and Adventure Soft. ScummVM is a reimplementation of the part of the software used to interpret the scripting languages such games used to describe the game world rather than emulating the hardware the games ran on; as such, ScummVM allows the games it supports to be played on platforms other than those for which they were originally released. ScummVM was originally written by Ludvig Strigeus. Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License, ScummVM is free software. Ports Portability is a design goal of the project. Ports of ScummVM are available for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and a variety of Unix-like systems including Linux (RPM Based, Debian based, source based), members of the BSD family (FreeBSD/NetBSD/OpenBSD/DragonFly BSD) and Solaris. Less mainstream personal computer ports include those to AmigaOS, Atari/FreeMiNT, BeOS/Haiku/ZETA, MorphOS and OS/2. A variety of game consoles have official ports; these range in power from gaming machines such as the PlayStation 2 and Sega Dreamcast to handheld consoles including the GP2X and GP32, Nintendo DS , iPod Touch , iPhone and PlayStation Portable. Handheld computer platforms supported include Palm OS/Tapwave Zodiac, Symbian OS (UIQ platform, Nokia 60, 80 and Nokia 7710/90 phone series), Nokia's Internet Tablet OS (used by the Nokia 770, N800 and N810), Apple's iPhone and Windows Mobile. Platforms supported by unofficial ScummVM ports include the Zaurus and Gizmondo portable device platforms, the Motorola A780, Motorola A680i Linux-based mobile phones, and the Xbox. Development ScummVM was a participant in the Google Summer of Code 2007 and is also a participant in 2008. AGI engine addition On 2006-05-24 the Adventure Game Interpreter engine was added. It is based on Sarien code, an AGI interpreter, but sadly outdated and known for being buggy in some ways (which is now being solved in the new ScummVM engine). The ScummVM's AGI engine is in an early phase of conversion to C++ and is being improved in many ways. The Sarien project stopped its development, continuing the development into ScummVM's AGI engine. TrollVM has also been integrated into ScummVM adding support for three pre-AGI games: Mickey's Space Adventure, Troll's Tale, and Winnie the Pooh and the Hundred Acre Wood. Game releases During the development cycle leading up to the 0.5.0 release on August 2, 2003, game manufacturer Revolution Software not only helped ScummVM developers add support for their adventure Beneath a Steel Sky by supplying them with the original source code, but also decided to release both the CD and the floppy version of the game as freeware, available for download on the ScummVM website. A few months later, the developers of Flight of the Amazon Queen made it freely available in much the same way. The cut scenes from the supported Broken Sword games were encoded in the Smacker video format when originally released, which requires specialised software to be decoded. RAD Game Tools is unwilling to release the specifications of the older versions of the Smacker format and has asked the ScummVM team to not reverse engineer it. Revolution Software therefore allowed re-encoded versions of these cut scenes to be downloaded for free from the ScummVM website. Permission has been obtained for ScummVM to support Discworld 1 and Discworld 2, but the original source code has not yet been delivered to the developers. Infos from: Wikipedia

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Seta Generic Arcade

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Solarus Generic Virtual Machine 2006

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Squale Generic Computer 1984-09-01

The Squale was a strange computer which was sold in very small quantities. The BASIC was supplied in a cartridge. Only 28 KB were free for the user (4 KB for the monitor, 28 KB for BASIC and FLEX and 32 KB for the video memory). One of its interesting characteristics was its built-in modem (Thomson EFB 7510, 1200 baud, full duplex or 1200/75 baud, half duplex). The designers of this computer apparently encountered lots of problems with the development of the Squale, which explains why it sold in such limited quantities. <a href="doc.asp?c=224"><img src="graphs/readmore.gif" border="0" vspace="4"></a>

Standard MIDI Generic Unknown

TIC-80 Generic Virtual Machine 2017

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Technos Generic Arcade

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UT-88 Generic Unknown

Universal Generic Arcade

Video System Co. Generic Arcade

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Web Browser Generic Misc

non Jeu Generic Arcade

the Pinball Arcade Generic Pinball

6809 Gimix Computer 1983

The Codimex 6809 is a brasilian clone of the <a href="computer.asp?c=91">Tandy TRS-80 Color Computer</a>. After the success of another brazilian Coco clone, the <a href="computer.asp?c=1200">Prologica CP-400</a>, several brasilian companies tried to release their own compatible system. The Codimex 6809 is one of them. It has nothing quite special and doesn't seem to innovate at all... Anyone has more info about this system ? <font color="#666666">Source : <a href="">Computadores Brazileiros</a></font>

Gottlieb Gottlieb Arcade

K105-D Logic Analyzer Gould Unknown

K115 Logic Analyzer Gould Unknown

K450 Logic Analyzer Gould Unknown

NewBrain Grundy Unknown

RX-78 Gundam Computer September 1983

The Gundam RX-78 was originaly a very popular manga animation movie from the 80's. Bandai then marketed a personal computer under this name... Little is known about this small computer. Since the Gundam Rx-78 was only sold in Japan nearly all the information currently comes from Japanese websites. The capabilities of the RX-78 were not bad at all for 1983, and the space between the keys offered the possibility to use keyboard overlays with games or applications, except maybe for complaints about the poor keyboard quality. It appears that there were two cartridge slots at the back of the system. One slot was often used for the BS Basic programming language and the other could be used for special expansion cartridges (to connect a printer for example). The BS-Basic cartridge was also equipped with connectors to plug a tape-recorder into the RX-78. While games were the main software developed for this computer an asian brand word processor was also available.

Electronic Games (LCD) Handheld Computer January 1985

<font color="#666666">The following information comes from Death Adder :</font> One of the rarest Commodore machines ever. Only very few units have been built with case, a few (more) without. As opposed to the widely held opinion, this computer is NOT called '<a href="computer.asp?c=98">C64</a> laptop'. Commodore developed this 3 pounds laptop in 1984 and presented it to the public at the Consumer Eletronics Show in January 1985 (Winter CES). In contradiction to what you might think when you first hear of a Commodore laptop, this machine has nearly nothing to do with the <a href="computer.asp?c=98">Commodore 64</a> or the <a href="computer.asp?c=96">Commodore 128</a> - alas. The factory population was 32k of static CMOS RAM, internally expandable to 64k using standard memory chips. It was externally expandable with another 64k of RAM. Its display was one of the best on the market available at that time, made by Commodore's own optoelectronics division, which was sold off shortly after the C=LCD was cancelled. The resolution in graphics mode was 480x128, and 80x16 in text mode. Although only 16 lines could be displayed simultaneously, the virtual screen size was 25 lines. Like the Commodore 264 series (<a href="computer.asp?c=194">Plus/4</a>, <a href="computer.asp?c=97">C16, C116</a>), the Commodore LCD had built-in software, but as opposed to the unfaithful 264 series, the software was by far better. The 96k of CMOS ROM contained the following software, some of which was incomplete in the prototype shown on the Winter CES: - wordprocessor and spreadsheet - both could be worked on using a split-screen display, with the spreadsheet supporting scrolling even in this split-screen format. The spreadsheet engineer stated that it will be faster at moving a thousand cells than Lotus 1-2-3 on an IBM PC. - Address manager and planner - Pocket calculator - Filemanager - Memo pad - Monitor - Terminal program - BASIC 3.6 The main menu offered a few utilities for copying from the internal RAM disk to an external drive, or for downloading over the built-in modem (which was also supported by the BASIC 3.6 by an OPEN statement) or the RS232 port. Both memo pad and calculator (which had also hex and binary mode) could be invoked with a single keystroke at any time without interfering with the running program. The BASIC 3.6 is - with the exception of a few commands which are useless for the CLCD, like COLOR - almost downward compatible with BASIC 7.0. It also supports high resolution graphic commands, just like the Plus/4. The terminal program is of use, indeed, since the CLCD has a built in 300bps auto answer/auto-dial modem. Additionally, the C=LCD has a separate RS232C port, so there is no need to attach a userport-to-RS232C adapter for a 'real' serial port. Commodore also decided to integrate a standard centronics port; rather unusual (at least for that time) is the HP compatible barcode port. Lacking a builtin floppy drive, the LCD came with a serial IEC port, which was compatible with all Commodore serial peripherals. Above that, Commodore showed prototypes of an external 3.5" serial floppy drive, the 1561, which was also battery-powered. A prototypical battery-powered thermal transfer printer with an excellent NLQ image was produced, but didn't make it to the market, either. Although this laptop didn't have an external video output, Jeff Porter stated that his team was thinking about a cartridge for the C=LCD which provided 80 column display for an external video display, using the C128's video chip. Here is an article by Benn Dunnington, from Commodore Info magazine issue #6 (1985) about a CES coverage: <i>"[snip]...Now I pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming (where's Herbie when you need him?): there before our eyes is a working model of a Commodore lap computer with a remarkably readable 80 column X 16 line liquid crystal display! I run ouer to a guy demonstrating one of these units to ask a few questions. He turns out to be Jeffrey Porter, one of the co-designers of the LCD (as it is called). We are surprised at how young and intelligent he looks (we have met 'project' types from Commodore before who would not necessarily fit this description). While we take turns vigorously shaking his hand, Jeff explains that he is a former C-64 'hacker' like us, and was recruited by Comnodore to design "the machine you'd want for yourself". What a concept! We stop to read our product sheets,[stop here and read your LCD press sheets] I take_ a close-up photo of the keyboard noticing that it is different from the one shown in the standard press photos in our kit. Jeff explains that the press kit photos are of early mock-ups, and that the close-fitting keys of the unit on display would be used in actual production. We agree that they have a nice feel, and look better than the earlier version. We are slightly disappointed to learn that the LCD is not C-64 software-compatible, but are impressed with the extensive built-in software which looks much more professional than the PLUS/4 built-ins. I knouw a lot of people that will be delighted with the built in MODEM and the on-board terminal software which can emulate both the DEC VT52 &amp; VT100 terminals. I mentally go over some of the other pluses: 5hrs. operation on 4 penlight batteries, only 5lbs. total weight, fits in my briefcase, compatible with all C-64 peripherals, expected price- under $500) I ask Jeff about some items not covered by the press materials; Is the 32K RAM expandable? Jeff thinks it will be, but doesn't say by how much; does the use of the 6502-compatible 65C102 processor mean that the LCD will be able to use Bill Plensch's fabled 65816 Superchip" from Western Design Center [see 'News &amp; Views', iss. #5] ? a smile flickers over Jeff's lips, and his eyes go slightly out of focus as he replies simply, "We're talking about it." We also want to know more about the 3.5" micro-floppy we see hooked up to the LCD. Al we can find out is that it is a "Sony-compatible" drive that hooks up to the serial port of any of the Conmodore computers (the peculiar thing is that, while other 3.5" drives typically store 1/2 to 1 full megabyte, we are told that this unit will only store a measly 170K- just like the 1541 ! "Why" was not explained)."</i> ____________ <b>Bil Herd</b>, ex Commodore Engineer, reports : <font color="#666666">The LCD project had orders for over 15,000 units in place before it was cancelled. Apparently the Commodore executive who was responsible for this product (Marshall Smith) was convinced during a conversation with a Tandy (Radio Shack) executive that there was no future in LCD notebook computers. Tandy, of course, went on to sell huge numbers of the model 100,102 and 200 LCD notebook computers!</font>

Pencil II Hanimex Computer 1984

This Australian computer was in fact built and conceived in Hong Kong by <b>Soundic Electronics</b>, which produced a lot of low-end products at that time. The high-resolution (256 x 192) can only be accessed with at least a 16k RAM extension. The Basic (SD-Basic 2.0) is supplied on a ROM cartridge, it allowed to display up to 32 sprites. The Pencil II also came with an interesting expansion cartridge. The regular cartridge port was the exact same size as a <b>Colecovision</b> cartridge, and when you plugged the "Colecvision Support" cartridge into the side of the unit, it played regular Colecvision games. Unfortunately, very few games and applications were developped and the Pencil II quickly fell into oblivion...

Game Master Hartung Handheld 1990

The Game Master is a handheld game console developed by the German company Hartung to compete with the Nintendo Game Boy. The Game Master has a 64 x 64 monochrome LCD screen capable of displaying graphics on par with the Atari 2600. The design was much like the Sega Game Gear with a D-Pad and 2 action buttons. The cartridges resemble those used by the Watara Supervision mainly that the card edge of the cartridge jutted out past the plastic of the cartridge. The Game Master utilizes a 40-pin cartridge port like the Supervision but is not compatible with Supervision games. Technical Specifications CPU: NEC upd7810 Screen: 64 x 64 Low Resolution LCD Color: monochrome black/white tones Power Switch External Power Supply Jack (DC6V) Contrast Adjustment 4 Way directional pad Headphone jack (unit includes small stereo headphones) Speaker built-in A & B buttons Select button Start button Volume controller Dimensions: 170 x 97 x 33 mm Input: 40-pin cartridge slot Infos from: Wikipedia

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TinyGiant 68000 Single Board Computer Hawthorne Technology Unknown

HRX Hector Computer Summer 1983

The HRX is only a <a href="computer.asp?c=152">2HR</a> with some more memory (RAM of 64kb) and above all, a new integrated language, the Forth !! Yes, you read well : FORTH. At this time, as the Jupiter Ace was no longer produced, the Hector HRX was simply the only micro-computer in the world with Forth originally integrated (at least I think). <a href="doc.asp?c=142"><img src="graphs/readmore.gif" border="0" vspace="4"></a>

16500A Hewlett-Packard Unknown

4951C & 4952A Hewlett-Packard Unknown

HP 9825B Hewlett-Packard Unknown

HP 9845A-S Hewlett-Packard Unknown

HP 9845B-T-C Hewlett-Packard Unknown

HP Integral PC Hewlett-Packard Unknown

HP-14B Hewlett-Packard Calculator

HP-15C Hewlett-Packard Calculator

HP-17B Hewlett-Packard Calculator

HP-18C Hewlett-Packard Calculator

HP-19B Hewlett-Packard Calculator

HP-27S Hewlett-Packard Calculator

HP-28C Hewlett-Packard Calculator

HP-28S Hewlett-Packard Calculator

HP-32S Hewlett-Packard Calculator

HP-42S Hewlett-Packard Calculator

HP-86/7 Hewlett-Packard Computer July 1982

The HP-86 series was the same machines as the <a href="computer.asp?c=926">HP-87</a> but used a 9" or 13" external monochrome monitor. The built-in BASIC language derived from the <a href="computer.asp?c=353">HP-85</a>'s but featured about 20 additional graphics commands. It also allowed to directly address the ports of external modules. Two vdersions were successively released: The <b>86-A</b> had 64 KB of RAM and was fully compatible with the 87-A. It had built-in interfaces for a printer and dual floppy drives. Internally, these interfaces were seen as HP-IB devices. The <b>86-B</b> had 128 KB of RAM and an HP-IB port instead of the printer/fDD interfaces. It was the same machine as the <b>HP-87XM</b>, but with an external monitor. There was no special operating system. The Basic interpreter provided all the necessary commands for I/O and peripherals management. Notice that the HP-IB interface found on almost all HP computers - from micro to mini - is a special version of the well-known IEEE 488 interface.

HP48 Hewlett-Packard Calculator

HP49 Hewlett-Packard Unknown

HP85 Hewlett-Packard Computer 1980

The HP-85 was a famous all-in-one computer which met a great worldwide success thanks to its high reliability and ease of use. It featured a 8 bit processor, 16 KB of RAM, a built-in 5" CRT display, tape drive, thermal printer and four I/O ports. The HP custom processor had 64 8-bit registers but no accumulators. Even slow, it offered outstanding performances in math calculations. The display offered a full screen editor and and a ROLL key allowing to scroll the screen window up and down through a 48 line (three full screens) buffer . The quiet and quite fast printer could print a hard copy of the screen in text or graphic mode as well as direct programs outputs. The built-in tape cartridge system used a common DC100 data cartridge that could hold 195 KB of program files, binary files or data files. Up to 42 file names could be stored in the directory of the tape. A searching function made a file to be found in less than 1 mn. When the system was switched on, the tape drive automatically searched a program called 'Autost' and ran it if found. HP also provided a large range of interface modules to be plugged in the expansion slots. The system could then manage several peripherals through GPIB or Serial ports: FDD unit, printers, plotters, etc. A 'ROM Drawer' module allowed up to six ROM chips to be inserted. They expanded the capabilities of the internal BASIC interpreter, provided additional languages (Assembler, Pascal), and I/O routines for external devices. A quite special "feature" of the HP-85 was that the screen blanked whenever the printer was printing or the cartridge was accessed! <a href="doc.asp?c=353"><img src="graphs/readmore.gif" border="0" vspace="4"></a>

HP9000-300 Hewlett-Packard Unknown

HP9835A-B Hewlett-Packard Unknown

Basic Master Jr. Hitachi Computer

Basic Master Level 2 Hitachi Computer 1982

An upgraded version of the <a href="computer.asp?c=2">Basic Master Level 3</a>, with built-in chinese character ROM board.

Basic Master Level 3 Hitachi Computer 1980

This japanese computer seems quite powerful. The main board is located into the main case, under the monitor. Inside this main case there are 6 expansion slots which is quite enough ! Thus a lot of expansion boards were available (disk, printers, 8088, Z80 boards, etc). An interesting feature is that there's a little trap-door on the keyboard which reveals some cool control switches : a power switch, a text mode switch (80 / 40 columns), a reset button and volume control knob. Quite useful !

S1 Hitachi Computer Unknown

Nearly nothing is known about this obscure system. Help welcome ! _____________ <font color="#666666"><b>Pat</b> from Australia, remembers: On a whim, I looked up the Hitachi S1. When I was much younger - probably in 1984 or 1985 - my dad worked as a Hitachi reseller in Australia. The S1 was not sold outside of Japan to my knowledge, but it did have English available as a language so that may not be for certain. What really caught my attention outside of the amazing computational capabilities and colours (having used Hitachi Peaches for quite a while) was that the S1 (or at least the one I was playing with) had a hard disk! If only I could remember the name of the games I was playing on this thing!</font>

HomeLab HomeLab Computer 1985

The HomeLab computers family was conceived in the People's Republic of Hungary by the famous <b>Luk?cs</b> brothers. J?zsef Luk?cs, the older brother was the creator of the hardware, and the younger, Endre Luk?cs was the father of software (a great BASIC language). The HomeLab machines were cheap, well-working and easy-to-use Basic computers. They were neither clones nor licencied, but original Hungarian home computers. The <b>HomeLab-2</b> (see the 'More pictures' section) was also called <b>Aircomp-16</b>. It was made by a little agro-electronics company called the <i>Personal Agroelektronikai GT</i>. Thanks to <b>K?pes G?bor</b> for all this information and pictures. All of the HomeLab versions could also be homebrew built or assembled by the HCC (Hungarian Computer Club), an association of amateur computer fans. The <b>Brailab</b> (pictured) was an exciting curiosity. It was a speaking Homelab-4 version especially intended for blind people. It featured a nice retro robot voice and a perfect Hungarian phonetics reproduction. It was a member of the BraiLab series. The text-to-speech system was conceived by Andr?s Arat? and Ter?z Vasp?ri. It was made by the <i>Color Ipari Szovetkezet</i> factory, in Domb?v?r, a little Hungarian city. Only 400 machines were made between 1985 and 1987. The BraiLab ran with a simple tape recorder and could be connected to either a TV set (VHF) or a monochrome monitor. A blind user could use it only with a tape recorder, hear but not watch the data. The BraiLab was followed by the <b>BraiLab Plus</b> with floppy and CP/M system then by the <b>BraiLab PC</b>, a text-to-speech interface for IBM PCs. Click <a href="">here</a> to hear a BraiLab voice synthesizer sample. (MP3 file).

BraiLab HomeLab Unknown

1620 IBM Unknown

3740 IBM Unknown

Displaywriter IBM Unknown

PC 5140 Convertible IBM Handheld april 1986

IBM had little luck with it's portable models, and realized to keep up, they needed a laptop. IBM came up with the 5140, it was a laptop that could be converted into a main desktop in seconds. The LCD screen detaches for a color CRT to be attached. IBM didn't sell many of these due to the fact the LCD was not backlit, and conpetition was less expensive. The IBM 5140 was available in two models, the 2 and the 22; the only difference being the 22 came with diagnostics software. IBM saw little success from this machine due to high costs, slow processor at 4.77 MHz, hard to read screen, and cumbersome size. Both models were expandable to 640KB RAM with third party upgrades. This laptop is unique however because it used static memory, instead of dynamic memory. The static memory was more reliable, and gave the CPU 7% more processing power. There were three distinct display models for the IBM 5140. One was the standard 10? monochrome LCD, which was hard to read. Later on IBM changed this to a super twist LCD, which was much easier to read. The first CRT option was an IBM 5144 monochrome display, which was easy to read, it came with a stand, ac power cord, and CRT adaptor for the 5140. The second and final option was an IBM 5145 color display, which was easy to read as well, it came with a stand, ac power cord, and CRT adaptor for the 5140. The CRT monitors sat atop a stand which was placed over the 5140, the 5140 then could be slid in and out from under the monitor stand for easy conversion. The LCD screen that attaches via proprietary connection could be disconnected and removed easily with the push of a button. There is a 72 pin port on the back of the unit for several expansions; serial, parallel, and CRT interfaces were available. These computers also came with a small, direct-attach thermal printer that was same width, height, etc as the computer so you could carry computer, printer and all by the one handle. <font color="#666666">Thanks to <b>Alex Rushing</b> for info and <a href="" target="_blank"></a> for the picture.</font>

PC and Compatibles IBM Unknown

PC-AT IBM Computer 1984

The IBM PC AT was the successor of the <a href="computer.asp?c=274">PC</a> and the <a href="computer.asp?c=286">XT</a>. IBM added a lot of new features: they abandoned the old Intel 8086 to the Intel 80286, so the PC AT used new 16 bit expansion slots. The PC AT had a new version of the Microsoft OS: MS-DOS 3.0 which could manage the new 5.25" floppy disk format (1.2 MB), the new hard disk capacities (20 MB and more) and allowed file sharing. It had a new keyboard too (the same we use now, more or less) with cursor keys and a key that could lock it. Two models were launched: the PC-AT model 1 (256 KB RAM, two floppy disk units and a color screen) and the PC-AT Model 2 (512 KB RAM, one floppy disk unit, one hard disk and a color screen). This computer was revolutionary, but it was the last time IBM imposed a standard to the PC clone industry. The next year, the first PC based on a 80386 was made by Compaq and IBM failed to impose the PS/2 standard in 1986?

PC-XT IBM Computer 1986

The IBM PC XT 286 is an intermediate computer between the <a href="computer.asp?c=286">IBM PC XT</a> and the <a href="computer.asp?c=185">IBM PC AT</a>. It had a very short career because most of its features can be found in the PC AT. Contrary to the PC XT, it has a saved clock and a calendar. <font color="#666666"><b>James G. Davis</b> reports: Only a few were made-maybe 20,000. Someone with IBM told me that they stopped making them when they had used up all the XT boxes, since the new ATs used a different box.</font>

PCjr IBM Computer November 1983

After launching the <a href="computer.asp?c=274">IBM PC</a> (and its great success), IBM tried to stand out a standard for home computers, it created then the PC junior, which itself is a "light" version of the PC especially designed for home activities. Despite its qualities, the PC jr had few success and never managed to replace the established home computers like <a href="computer.asp?c=98">Commodore 64</a>, <a href="computer.asp?c=68">Apple II</a> or <a href="computer.asp?c=76">Atari 800</a>. Two IBM PC junior models were available: a basic one and a enhanced one (supplied with 128k, 30 programs, a 5.25" floppy disk drive [360 KB] and its controller). Contrary to the IBM PC, the power supply is not integrated to the case, but is external. The keyboard is linked by infra-red to the CPU, though there was a RJ11 (standard phone jack) plug that could be used instead to save batteries. It is impossible to connect a 8087 math co-processor. The RS232 connector is not a standard one. To use a standard RS232 device, the user has to buy a special adapter ("Berg" style connector breakout -&gt; D25 connector). The PC Jr runs under MSDOS 2.1 (the same version as the PC) and handles a hard disk when it is not possible to connect hard disk on the PC Jr (go figure)! There was an internal modem available that ran at 300 bps sold by IBM. Third party modems were also available at 1200bps. A cartridge containing enhanced basic (with special graphics instructions) was also available. To get a 80 column text display, the extra 64k RAM expansion is needed. Many IBM PC programs would not originally run on the PCjr because it did not include a DMA controller. This was available through a memory side-car add-on from Tecmar Systems. Many people were able to then run the PCjr as a competent business type of system as well. <a href="doc.asp?c=186"><img src="graphs/readmore.gif" border="0" vspace="4"></a>

System-360 IBM Unknown

IGS IGS Arcade

PDS-1 IMLAC Corporation Computer 1970

The Imlac PDS-1 is a graphical minicomputer made by Imlac Corporation (founded in 1968) of Needham, Massachusetts. The PDS-1 debuted in 1970 and is considered to be the predecessor of all later graphical minicomputers and modern computer workstations. The PDS-1 had a built-in display list processor and 4096 16-bit words of core RAM. The PDS-1 used a vector display processor for displaying vector graphics as opposed to the raster graphics of modern computer displays. The PDS-1 was often used with another flagship Imlac product, a typesetting program called CES. The PDS-1 was used in many pioneering computer applications. The FRESS hypertext system had enhanced capability and usability if accessed from a PDS-1 system; the user could make hyperlinks with a light pen and create them simply with a couple of keystrokes. Multi-window editing on FRESS was also possible when using the PDS-1. The PDS-1 also had the capability to run remote graphical programs such as those that ran on the Stanford AI Lab's main computer. The PDS-1 was also able to run Mazewar, the first online multiplayer computer game. The PDS-1 connected to a host PDP-10 computer (located at MIT) running ITS over Arpanet and the Mazewar program. Up to 8 players running PDS-1 minicomputers or other terminals could access MIT's Mazewar host. The PDS-1 was also important during the early days of Arpanet when network graphics protocols were under consideration. <i>Source: <a href="" target="_blank">Wikipedia</a></i>

3030 ITT Computer February 1982

The ITT 3030 is a modular system with several options available. The original CPU for example is a Z80A, but a 8086 CPU board was available... More floppy disk drives and hard disks (5, 10 and 15 MB) can be added. The average access time of the hard-disks is 170ms, and the transfer rate 600 kb/s. It is also possible to add up to two 8" disk drives in addition to the original 5''1/4 disk-drives. They can be simple-sides/simple-density (256k) and are thus compatible with the IBM 3740 format, or double-sided/double-density (1024kb). Two monitors were proposed. A greenich monochrome one (80 x 24), and a color one being able to display 512 x 512 pixels and 16 colors. But these monitors could also be replaced with a TV. The ITT 3030 works under <b>CP/M</b>, <b>MP/M</b> or <b>BOS</b>. It was delivered with CP/M and user documentations. The following software were sold with the machine : CP/M, Microsoft Basic 5.0, Cobol, Fortran, Pascal (UCSB), Mailmerge and Supersport. Were also available : Calcstar, Wordstar, Datastar and many professional software (for doctors for example). The ITT-3030 was in fact conceived by Standard Electric Lorenz, a subsidiary of ITT RFA. About BOS operating system, <b>Ian Turner</b> (from U.K.) clarifies: <font color="#666666"> Bos was an independent company who created a truly 'portable' (between different types of computers) operating system and sofware. They specialised in accounting packages but the OS was quite excellent and the name was the acronym of "Business Operating Software". They were highly successful until the early 1990's when they were bought by an insurance company and slowly migrated into an accounts software company running under Unix. I was a major developer and reseller for them and was instrumental in the link between Bos and ITT, who offered Bos as a package with their systems. The company still exists.</font> More information from <b>Thomas Bourke</b>: <font color="#666666"> BOS was originally developed by CAP Ltd who were *the* consulting company for IT in the 1970's - 80's - the eventually were taken over by a French Company with the resulting name of Cap Gemni Sogeti. Anyway, I digress, CAP didn't know what to do with BOS, so they effectively spun it of into a company called MPSL (Micro Process Software Ltd - if my memory serves). It sold BOS and a bunch of horizontal packages (payroll, accounting, word processing, spreadsheet et al) both direct and through a series of dealers throughout the (english) speaking world. Eventually MPSL (by now called BOS Software Ltd) was taken over by MISYS, a UK software/ services company. MISYS ran a VAN (value added network) for Insurance Brokers, hence the confusion with insurance companies - but they did and do other things as well - mainly for financial organisations (but hey, they're big, so they do lots of things!). An MBO bought the remaining pieces in March 1999 and TIS Software Ltd now owns BOS...</font> <a href="doc.asp?c=146"><img src="graphs/readmore.gif" border="0" vspace="4"></a>

Easy Karaoke IVL Technologies Unknown

Eagle Incredible Technologies Computer april 1980

Eagle Computers were originally manufactured by AVL (Audio Visual Labs) as a controller for audio-video projectors. The original models, the Eagle I and II, had AV ports on the back. The computers proved so popular that the AV ports were removed, and standard RS-232 and Centronics ports added. The computer division was spun off and Eagle Computers, Inc. was created. The complete line of CP/M computers they made was: Eagle I, II, III, IV, and V. All were the same except for the storage. The <b>Eagle I</b> had a single single-sided (SS) double-density (DD) 96-tpi 5.25" floppy-disk drive, the <b>Eagle II</b> had two of these. The <b>Eagle III</b> had two double-sided (DS) DD 96-tpi 5.25" FDD. The <b>Eagle IV</b> had one of these and a 10-Mb hard disk, and the <b>Eagle V</b> had one of these and a 32-Mb hard disk. The Is and Vs were not sold in large numbers, because of the small storage capacity of the former, and the high capacity and higher price of the latter. Who needed 32 Mb? <a href="doc.asp?c=526"><img src="graphs/readmore.gif" border="0" vspace="4"></a>

Z-Machine Infocom Virtual Machine

Interact Intec Computer 1979

The Interact computer had a very short life in USA. It had only just got in production when the Interact Co. of Ann Arbor MI, went bankrupt. Several thousand machines were produced though. Some of them were sold by Protecto Enterprizes of Barrington, IL, the liquidator, but the main part was sold by MicroVideo, also of Ann Arbor. Protecto bought lots of back-of-the-magazine ads for years, always printed with 'WE LOVE OUR CUSTOMERS'. The Interact shipped with 2 joysticks, a built-in tape recorder, a TV RF modulator and 2 KB of ROM. Everything, including BASIC, must be loaded from tape. A little trivia: The tape unit did include an erase head, but it was not connected! Tapes had to be erased on a regular cassette recorder before being reused. Another surprising feature is that the '1' key is after the '0' key at the far right of the keyboard. Thus the row is starting from 2 and finishing by 1... See explanation in the 'Read more' page. MicroVideo supported the machine for two years, 1979-80, making some hardware expansions (32K RAM card and stringy floppy drive), replacing the original minimalist EDU-BASIC language with a Microsoft 8K graphic version, and even publishing 3 issues of 'Interaction', a newsletter of the Detroit Interact Group. The Interact computer finally vanished from the US market in late 1980. However, a French company bought the rights of the machine and started to sell the Interact under Victor Lambda name in French market. See the rest of the story here. For five years, several improved sequels of the Interact, called Hector, were launched in France. The last version, the Hector MX, featured high resolution graphics and 4 built-in languages! NAME Home Computer System MANUFACTURER Interact TYPE Home Computer ORIGIN U.S.A. YEAR 1979 END OF PRODUCTION 1979 BUILT IN LANGUAGE None (EDU-BASIC on cassette tape) KEYBOARD QWERTY, chicklet keyboard 53 keys CPU Intel 8080 A SPEED 2 MHz RAM 8 or 16 KB ROM 2 KB TEXT MODES 17 chars. x 12 lines GRAPHIC MODES 112 x 78 in 4 colors COLORS 8 SOUND 1 voice, 4 octaves SIZE / WEIGHT 46.3 (W) x 26.5 (D) x 10 (H) cm / 5.8 kg I/O PORTS 2 joystick sockets, TV output BUILT IN MEDIA Tape recorder (1200 bauds) POWER SUPPLY External AC transformer PERIPHERALS 32 KB RAM card, stringy floppy drive PRICE 300Dollar (USA, 1980) Retrieved from ''

Family Computer Interact Computer 1979

The Interact computer had a very short life in USA. It had only just got in production when the Interact Co. of Ann Arbor MI, went bankrupt. Several thousand machines were produced though. Some of them were sold by Protecto Enterprizes of Barrington, IL, the liquidator, but the main part was sold by MicroVideo, also of Ann Arbor. Protecto bought lots of back-of-the-magazine ads for years, always printed with "WE LOVE OUR CUSTOMERS". The Interact shipped with 2 joysticks, a built-in tape recorder, a TV RF modulator and 2 KB of ROM. Everything, including BASIC, must be loaded from tape. A little trivia: The tape unit did include an erase head, but it was not connected! Tapes had to be erased on a regular cassette recorder before being reused. Another surprising feature is that the "1" key is after the "0" key at the far right of the keyboard. Thus the row is starting from 2 and finishing by 1... See explanation in the "Read more" page. MicroVideo supported the machine for two years, 1979-80, making some hardware expansions (32K RAM card and stringy floppy drive), replacing the original minimalist EDU-BASIC language with a Microsoft 8K graphic version, and even publishing 3 issues of 'Interaction', a newsletter of the Detroit Interact Group. The Interact computer finally vanished from the US market in late 1980. However, a French company bought the rights of the machine and started to sell the Interact under <b>Victor Lambda</b> name in French market. See the rest of the story <a href="">here</a>. For five years, several improved sequels of the Interact, called <b>Hector</b>, were launched in France. The last version, the <a href="computer.asp?c=169">Hector MX</a>, featured high resolution graphics and 4 built-in languages! <strong>If you got tapes for the Interact or Victor Lambda (or Hector/Victor), please contact us. We are trying to save all programs released for this computer before there are lost forever.</strong> <a href="doc.asp?c=1004"><img src="graphs/readmore.gif" border="0" vspace="4"></a>

InterPro Intergraph Unknown

VC 4000 Interton Console 1978

The VC 4000 is an early 8-bit cartridge-based game console released in Germany in 1978 by Interton. The console is quite obscure outside Germany, but many software compatible systems can be found in many European countries (see 1292 Advanced Programmable Video System). It's unclear if Interton really made the VC 4000 from scratch or if they bought the rights and the design to produce it, as many other brands produced similar systems the following years. The VC-4000 is powered by a Signetics 2650A CPU (same as the Arcadia 2001) and a Signetics 2636 Video Controller. The two controllers are composed of a 12-key keypad, 2 fire buttons and an analog joystick. On the control panel of the system, one can find an on/off switch and three buttons: RESET, SELECT and START. Technical specifications CPU: Signetics 2650A Video controller: Signetics 2636 Infos from Wikipedia

Irem Classics Irem Arcade

logo photo
I-7000 Itautec Unknown

InterSystems DPS-1 Ithaca Computer 1979

InterSystems was the computers brand name of the Ithaca company which previously manufactured various cards for other mainframe makers. The DPS-1 is based on the S-100 bus. It seems to be a copy of the <a href="computer.asp?c=62">Altair 8800</a> and <a href="computer.asp?c=542">Cromemco Z-1</a> systems. The case had a 20-card capacity and can support 8 and 16 bit processors. With a 16-bit Zilog Z8000 processor, the system could take up to 256 KB of RAM and run the Unix operating system, as well as the more usual CP/M. It was the last computer proposing a front panel with switches and data/addresses LED. ___________ <b>Mark Mullin</b> specifies: <font color="#666666"> There were actually two boxes as I recall, one holding the computer and the other holding great big nasty heavy quantum hard disks (20Mb each) - you could actually have more than one drive. The OS it ran was Coherent, a Unix 7 clone from Mark Williams in Chicago. It was one of the first machines you could get and reliably and affordably run your own UNIX server - one thing that I do recall was that they'd built their own memory management unit on a S-100 card that attached to the cpu over an additional top bus - the card used static high speed ram to hold the segmentation mapping data, and the chips themselves had a nasty habit of walking out of their sockets every month or so - when the system started crashing a lot more than normal, you pulled out the mmu card and reseated all of the chips.</font> <b>Steven Sorensen</b> adds: <font color="#666666"> They made 2 styles of with a front panel, and one without. Later they came out with a cache-bios for their version of CPM, it became a real hot rod. Motherboards were by Godbout I believe. Early CPU boards were a little flakey at 4 MHz, but later cpu boards were great! I replaced the crystal section on the CPU board with a 6 MHz oscillator and Z80b CPU.</font>

'DP' Game Keys JAKKS Pacific Unknown

'DY' Game Keys JAKKS Pacific Unknown

'MV' Game Keys JAKKS Pacific Unknown

'NK' Game Keys JAKKS Pacific Unknown

'NM' Game Keys JAKKS Pacific Unknown

'SW' Game Keys JAKKS Pacific Unknown

Telestory JAKKS Pacific Unknown

Give us a Break JPM Unknown

Jaleco Jaleco Arcade

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E5101 Juku Unknown

Vii JungleTac-KenSingTon Console 2007

Jungle Soft's Sport Vii is a video game console similar in aspect to the Nintendo's Wii.[1] Originally released in China in 2007, according to Engadget China the console used to sell for 1,280 Yuan; now in 2009 the Vii sells for 443 Yuan a substantially lower price. The Vii is not a competitive console in the current generation; instead, it competes in the 'plug-in TV game' genre of inexpensive consoles with built-in games. It is based on the 16-bit SunPlus SPG CPU. The Vii's Handybar controller is similar in design to the Wii Remote but is smaller in size. It features motion detection but not the pointing capability of the Wii Remote. The Vii remotes also come in different colors. Available Colors: * Arctic White * Hot Pink * Mint Blue. A redesign of the console, colloquially called the Vii 2 by bloggers, features remodeled controllers and a console design reminiscent of the Nintendo Entertainment System and the PlayStation 3,[3] as well as support for both NTSC and PAL televisions.[4] In 2008, the Vii was released in Japan under the name V-Sports (Sport Vii) (Info: Wikipedia) The vii interactive game is to achieve the purpose of entertainment and body-training through the body movement and operation of the player. Vii means a Very Interesting Interactive game console for those who can not afford wii, as vii is only 50% lesser and has the following: - A legitimate interactive video game in China and wii is not - Combining entertainment, sports, and family fun - Wireless motion sensitive control (info:

Jupiter Ace Jupiter Cantab Computer 1982

The Jupiter Ace was a British home computer of the early 1980s, produced by a company, set up for the purpose, named Jupiter Cantab. The Ace differed from other microcomputers of the time in that it used FORTH instead of the traditional BASIC. FORTH systems combine high performance and code compactness with the programming benefits of high-level programming languages . The designers had the courage to deliver FORTH's many advantages to the public, education and industry. Intro It was named after the early British computer, the ACE. The name choice hides several references: An introductory home computer that avoided BASIC programming - It was a first. Having an high level programing language and high performance - It was an ace. Instead of interpreted BASIC it used FORTH, a Threaded code programming language that also acted as Operating System. In the ACE, the FORTH language, and system,was adapted to the disk-less tape-using home computer hardware. The Jupiter ACE was this FORTH dialect inside a simple and efficient hardware. On average, and for similar programs, ACE's FORTH was 5 times faster and needing half the RAM (RAM was an expensive luxury at the time). ACE's FORTH made it a very fast microcomputer and simultaneously one that promoted both well structured code and modular programming. It grabbed the attention of the community. Design The company, Jupiter Cantab, was formed by Richard Altwasser and Steven Vickers. Both had been on the design team for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum: Altwasser did some work on the development of the ZX-81 and in the design of the hardware of the Spectrum. Vickers adapted and expanded the 4K ZX-80 ROM to the 8K ZX-81 ROM and wrote most of the ROM for the Spectrum. A promising association, with high hopes but limited in money and time. So the ACE born conditioned by those limits. A completely new, clean and well engineered board kept it economical. The FORTH usage and clever adaptation made it a good and usable tool for learning, programming and control. Specifications CPU : Zilog Z80 processor clocked at 3.25 MHz. RAM : 1 KB, expandable up to 49 KB. Video : Independent sub-system using dedicated 2 banks of 1 KB making a total of 2 KB of extra VRAM. Sound : Internal Speaker. Keyboard : was the same type used in the Spectrum, but avoiding single-keyword entry (due to the extensible nature of the residing Forth language). Expansion : 2 connectors: One (standard, CPU related) similar to the one in the ZX-81. The other (extra) connecting to the Video sub-system. The ACE RAM is usually referenced including the 2 KB Video banks of VRAM (like the Sinclair computers did), leading to some confusion. Clarification notes on the subject: In computers the ACE is compared, their actual user RAM available is less than the total declared as they share it with Video usage. Their BASIC RAM demands are greater than those of FORTH. RAM amounts are not equivalent, but relative though in a non-direct way: Forth programs usage tends to be be more RAM efficient the bigger programs are as they reuse previous defined code. System A small Jupiter ACE systemThe Jupiter ACE is usually compared with ZX81 due to its looks, though in a white box, B/W display and limited RAM. It is also wrongly classified as a Sinclair derivative or clone when is actually an independent computer: Having a completely new and clean architecture, similarities are limited to the outside box, keyboard or limited RAM: The ZX81 used 75 percent of its Z80 [[CPU Time] to drive the video. In ACE the Z80 CPU was fully used. The Spectrum, like preceding Sinclair Research computers, use available RAM both to programming but also video. The ACE used a Dedicated Video Circuit with its own 2 KB maximizing the role of the CPU. Thus the declared RAM total of 3KB. The use of discrete transistor-transistor logic rather than the ULA Sinclair machines (after the ZX-80). The Jupiter-ACE was new in the market. So it couldn't afford the use of an ULA (only highly economical in high quantities) used by other computers to be more price competitive. Even so, its clever design needed a low number of chips allowing it to be a choice to consider. Like the Spectrum, it used black rubber keys. Likewise, both audio capabilities were CPU controlled with programmable frequency and duration. Also shared sound output through a small built-in speaker. It also used a television as a display output, but in B&W only. Programs and data storage was by means of a common cassette tape, as was standard at that time. Hardware Clean and economical on chips, it was designed from scratch to be efficient. (Not a Sinclair derivative). Video : One 1K bank allowed redefinition of most of its 128 characters ASCII based characters in 8x8 pixel bitmap format. The other 1K bank stored the full screen display of 24 rows x 32 columns of characters in black and white. So while it had only one video mode, text only (each char being a 8x8 defined sprite) graphics could be used: Chunky graphics with a low resolution of 64x48, usually used for plotting or drawing. Emulation of High resolution (256x192) graphics, limited by the 128 available (definable) 8x8 chars. These 2 kinds of graphics could be mixed together and with text. The font of the character set was identical to that of the Spectrum, but the display was white on black instead of color. Although a color graphics board was designed none was ever commercialized. Sound Internal speaker directly controlled by the CPU in single task mode, with control of sound frequency an its duration in milliseconds. External Storage : Cassette tape interface at 1500 baud. Add-Ons : Originally developed to receive ZX-81 add-ons, with a compatible expansion slot, it was actually delivered in a different configuration. A simple rewiring adapter could be used, but not very effective due to power losses. Dedicated add-ons were needed and built by external companies, after the initial 16KB by Jupiter Cantab. RAM Pack 16KB by Jupiter Cantab. Pace 16KB and 32KB by Stonechip Electronics. Pack 48KB by Boldfield (new Jupiter ACE owner after Jupiter Cantab). Keyboard Memotech Keyboard, by Memotech. Sound SoundBoard (1983) by Essex Micro Electronics, Storage Jet-Disc Disc Drive System (1983) by MPE (control up to four 3', 5', or 8' drives). Drive Disk Controler (1985) by MPE (compatible with most makes of 5.1/4' floppy disc units and some types of 3' drive). Printer Adapters ADS Centronics Interface Machine (1983), by Advanced Digital Systems, RS232 & Centronics PrinterCard (1984) by Essex Micro Electronics. Firmware ACE's Forth VocabularyThe major visible difference from previous introductory computers, was it avoided BASIC language problems (low speed, non-structured code) by using Forth as its default programming language. On the downside, the usage of a data stack and the associated Reverse Polish notation were as unfamiliar as Structured programming was. Forth, being a structured language and efficient one (both on speed and RAM usage), was considered more adapted to be used by micro-computers (meaning an affordable but slow CPU and a small size RAM). The new microcomputer was meant to be fast and useful. Control Structures could be nested to any deep level, only memory available dependent. Forth allowed easier implementation of Machine code routines, if needed for a particular task. Used Runtime error Checking by default. This could be turned off to get a further (application dependent) speed improvement of 25 percent to 50 percent. In conjunction with structured code and Modular programming made it a very stable system (an hard to crash computer). Also allowed recursive programing, if desired. The ACE had an 8 KB ROM containing the O/S, Forth Kernel and the predefined dictionary of Forth words in about 5KB. The remaining 3KB of ROM were used for tape control, Floating numbers library and Character definitions table'ACE ROM Project (E-Book)'. </ref>. Some of the ROM was written in Z80 machine code, but some was also coded in Forth, both maximizing the number of functions available in ROM and also maximizing the RAM space for extensions. The next 8 KB were splited in 2 blocks of 4KB space: The Video subsystem access allowing two different priorities by the user to the 2KB VRAM in: Regular or Overriding Video. User RAM. But since only 1KB was delivered this resulted in that 1KB echoing on all 4KB space, wrongly interpreted as a multiple access. So a 16KB space was used for ROM, VIDEO, and USER. Leaving free a 16KB space for RAM extension plus 32KB space free for all possible usages. ACE's Forth ACE's Forth, maybe more correctly named as Jupiter Forth, was based mostly on Forth-79, with some relevant differences: A few extra Words were named similar to known BASIC sound, video and tape commands, as behavior was the same. Lacked less used Forth Words, easy implemented if needed. It introduced several innovations, as follows: As a Programming Language: It simplified usual Forth definer and compiler words creation, with the CREATE .. DOES> , creation pair with: DEFINER .... DOES> : Create new Defining words, usually used to define and build data data structures, ( Examples: Arrays, Records, ... ). COMPILER .. RUNS> : Create new Compiling words, less frequently used to extend the language with new control structures. ( Examples: Case, Infinite-Loop, ... ). As an Operating System: It was adapted to Tape usage, saving/loading user vocabularies instead of the usual numbered programing blocks used in diskette systems. The ACE's Forth could decompile its programs, unlike usual Forth systems: This decompiling ability had several advantages as a solution to the absence of the more flexible disk system used by Forth; It did not store the text of a Forth program, instead it compiled the code after editing and stored it in ready-to-run format. While this saved RAM it also saved time in reading and writing programs from cassette tape. This tape-friendly and RAM-saving solution was unique to the Jupiter ACE Forth. Commercial Though Forth delivered several great advantages over the interpreted BASIC used on all other home computers, the weak box and too small initial RAM kept the sales low in spite of technical interest. Excellent reviews in most magazines grabbed attention and interest on the ACE and its characteristics. Models Jupiter ACE 40001982 - Original Jupiter ACE on an yogurt-pot type of case - Reported 8000 units built. 1983 - Jupiter ACE 4000 on stronger injection moulded case - Reported 800 units built. Sales Sales of the machine were never very large; as of the early 2000s, surviving machines are quite uncommon, fetching quite high prices as collector's items. One main reason, for this low commercial results, seems to have been the need to buy an extra 16KB RAM-extension which almost doubled the ACE's price. It happened that the designed 4 KB of base RAM was not built in favor of the less expensive 1 KB delivered. Industry and Education did not respond, apparently for another reason: The weak case, later replaced in the new ACE4000 model. As for the public, the absence of color kept the ACE squarely in a niche market of programming enthusiasts. It must be understood that with ACE's Forth, 1 KB was equivalent to 2 KB (on average) in Sinclair computers, used here as reference. It was a real limit nonetheless. Notice that an initial 4 KB (in design) would be the equivalent of about 8 KB in Sinclair BASIC. With the designed 4 KB, though the final price would be slightly more expensive, the ACE would have been much more useful and attractive starting right from the base model. Education Its full discrete logic construction makes this home computer an excellent choice to clone for digital electronics, programming learning and small languages study. Any of these isolated or integrated with the others. An added advantage for educators is that Forth is an High level language but still very close to the hardware. Its design blueprints are available for study and construction, as is its ROM file and code. Today, for all the above, the ACE keeps being an excellent education tool (as it was originally intended). infos from: Wikipedia

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Kaneko Kaneko Arcade

II Kaypro Handheld august 1982

Despite its name, the Kaypro II was the first Kaypro model. The name was KAYPRO II, because the <a href="computer.asp?c=68">Apple II</a> was the most popular system (besides the <a href="computer.asp?c=274">IBM PC</a>) around back then, and Kaypro decided to follow in the image. It was conceived by Non Linear Systems inc., a company with over 30 years' experience of producing small portable aerospace electronic equipment, which would later become Kaypro. The Kaypro systems were known to be square-built ! All the hardware is packed into a solid aluminum case. These computers can resist to a lot of trouble as they proved when ten of them (Kaypro IV &amp; 10) were used by doctors for the Paris-Dakar 84's edition. Non of them failed despite extreme conditions. One asset of the Kaypro, over the <a href="computer.asp?c=181">Osborne 1</a> which was available at about the same time, is the 9" built-in monitor, easily twice the size of the Osborne's. Though the Kaypro 2 has no graphic features, it can display 80 x 24 characters. There are two single-sided / double-density full-heigth 5.25'' disk-drives (190k each). One can be used to boot CP/M and the other to run the software. The Kaypro II is a real "luggable" system. Even if it weights more than 10kg, it can be easily moved with the handle found at the back. At the rear of the system, one can find a serial port, a parallel port, a keyboard connector, a brightness control knob and reset button. Perfect Writer, Perfect Calc, Perfect Filer, Perfect Speller, S-Basic, CP/M and Profitplan were bundled with the system. Later WordStar was also available. As usual with Kaypro, the model names logic is quite dramatic to resolve. Several Kaypro "2" were marketed : - In 1984 a new <b>Kaypro 2</b> (refered as Kaypro 2'84) is introduced. It has two SS/DD half-height floppy drives, a Z-80A running at 4.0 MHz, 2 serial ports and rudimentary graphics (through graphic characters). - The same year, the <b>Kaypro 2X</b> is released. Very similar to a Kaypro 2'84 but with DS/DD half-height drives. - Still in 1984, in order to be compatible with IBM software, a special version was marketed with an Intel 8088 CPU instead of the Z80A. It was called the <b>Kaypro II Plus 88</b>! - In 1985 another Kaypro 2 refered as <b>"New 2"</b> is sold. It is basically an old 2X motherboard, with one or two DS/DD floppy drives, but no 300 baud modem previously found on the 2X. It comes with just CP/M and Wordstar for software. - And to spice up a bit things, Kaypro decides to rename its <a href="computer.asp?c=548">Kaypro 4'84</a> as <b>Kaypro 2X</b> (sometimes also known as 2X MTC), thus dropping the previous 2X model! See ! I told you... Trivia : <font color="#666666">In 1985, <b>Arthur C. Clarke</b> published a sequel to 2001 : 2010 Odyssey Two. He worked with Peter Hyams in the movie version of 2010. Their work was done using a Kaypro computer and a modem, for Arthur was in Sri Lanka and Peter Hyams in Los Angeles. Their communications turned into the book The Odyssey File - The Making of 2010. _________ Thanks to <a href="" target="_blank">Bolo's Computer Museum</a> for the picture.</font> <a href="doc.asp?c=550"><img src="graphs/readmore.gif" border="0" vspace="4"></a>

K-1 Keio University Unknown

PasoGo Koei Unknown

Bemani System 573 Analog Konami Unknown

Bemani System 573 Digital Konami Unknown

FireBeat Konami Unknown

Konami Classics Konami Arcade

logo photo
Picno Konami Unknown

Python 2 Konami Unknown

System 573 Konami Unknown

System GV Konami Unknown

e-Amusement Konami Unknown

PSI98 Kontron Unknown

Octopus floppy LSI Unknown

Lambda 8300 Lambda Electronics Computer 1983

The Lambda 8300 is basically a <a href="computer.asp?c=263">ZX-81</a> clone. Made in Hong-Kong (by Lambda Electronics LTD? DEF?), it was designed as a cheap computer for initiation and was licenced to many companies throughout the world. This explains why the same computer can be found under many different brands and names (DEF 3000, Power 3000, Basic 2000, Basic 3000, PC 2000, PC 8300, Marathon 32K, IQ 8300, Futura 8300, Your Computer, etc.). But on all mainboards is written a generic "PC 8300", which explains why 8300 or 3000 are often used in licenced names. The system is thus a cloned <a href="computer.asp?c=263">ZX-81</a> with a modified ROM (to avoid legal problems), a better keyboard, more RAM (2 KB), sound features, a composite video output and even a joystick connector (Atari compatible). These represent in fact all the upgrades ZX-81 users usually wanted to add first to their system, but all bundled for a cheaper price. With its modified ROM, the PC-8300 was only ZX-81 compatible with Basic programs. But soon, a ZX-81 ROM was available to turn your system into a real <a href="computer.asp?c=263">Sinclair ZX-81</a> machine, being able to run all software including machine code. Different addons were available : 16 KB and 32 KB RAM upgrades, color (and high resolution graphics ?) expansion, joysticks, printers... The expansion bus is supposed to be compatible with the ZX-81 one (to be confirmed).

ClickStart LeapFrog Unknown

Didj LeapFrog Unknown

IQuest LeapFrog Unknown

LeapPad LeapFrog Unknown

Leapster Learning Game System LeapFrog Unknown

Little Touch LeapPad LeapFrog Unknown

My First LeapPad LeapFrog Unknown

Turbo Extreme LeapFrog Unknown

Turbo Twist Brain Quest LeapFrog Unknown

Zippity LeapFrog Unknown

ABC 1600 Luxor Unknown

ABC 80 Luxor Computer 1978

In August 1978, first units of the "Advanced Basic Computer for the 1980s", in short ABC-80 left the Swedish Luxor factory. A few months earlier, Luxor contracted with two other companies, Scandia Metric and Data Industrier AB (DIAB), to build the first totally Swedish computer. Scandia Metrics which had previous experience of computer based products designed the main board, DIAB manufactured the chips, while Luxor, one of the biggest TV set manufacturers, built the monitor, case and keyboard and assembled the whole system in its assembly plant of Motala (Sweden, at the northeast shore of Swedens second largest sea, V?ttern). Despite the fact that the technology behind the ABC 80 was very simple and technical features wasn't better than US competitors, the ABC80 was a quality machine and became a great success among early Swedish computer enthusiasts, who had been waiting for a long time a real local computer. More than 10.000 computers were sold within two years. For six years, the ABC80 and then its sequel the ABC800, were by far the most sold and used personal computers in Sweden, for home, hobby, and especially education. Many schools in Sweden had ABC 80 or <a href="computer.asp?c=357">ABC 800</a> for the students. It was possible to connect together several ABC 80 thanks to a network called ABC NET. In 1984, the ABC1600 and ABC9000, two Unix systems, were launched with the slogan "Who needs to be IBM compatible?"... They were the last Luxor computers produced. <a href="doc.asp?c=37"><img src="graphs/readmore.gif" border="0" vspace="4"></a>

ABC 800 Luxor Computer 1981

This computer is the successor of the <a href="computer.asp?c=37">Luxor ABC 80</a> There were several successors to the ABC800, most notably the ABC802 with built-in small 9" monitor and the ABC806 with more memory and more advanced 512x240x16 graphics. The ABC 800 series was also sold by <b>Facit</b> under the <b>DTC</b> (DeskTop Computer) name, in a darker enclosure.

ABC 806 Luxor Unknown

Video Entertainment System Luxor Unknown

X37 Luxor Unknown

PC-01 Lviv Computer 1986

The L'vov was made by an Ukrainian company called "V. I. Lenin". It is also called "Lviv" is KR580WM80A based with 64k of RAM and 8k of ROM. Here are some interesting notes from "Hard Wisdom": 4 simultaneous colors from a palette of .... quite hard to describe: here the source to compute actual color from four screen colors and a 8-bit palette index. // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - enum {BLACK=0, BLUE=1, GREEN=2, RED=4}; // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - int LVOV20_PAL::ComputeColor(int PalettePort, int LvColor) { int Result=BLACK; if (PalettePort&0x40) Result^=BLUE; if (PalettePort&0x20) Result^=GREEN; if (PalettePort&0x10) Result^=RED; switch (LvColor) {default: break; case 0: if (!(PalettePort&0x08)) Result^=RED; if (!(PalettePort&0x04)) Result^=BLUE; break; case 1: Result^=GREEN; break; case 3: Result^=RED; if (!(PalettePort&0x02)) Result^=GREEN; break; case 2: Result^=BLUE; if (!(PalettePort&0x01)) Result^=RED; break; } return Result; } Resolution: 256x256, but this is the full size of videoframe, excluding border we will have 220x200 points. No text mode, only graphic. (To access 16kb of graphic RAM You need to switch RAM pages). Technical Overview: Year: 1986 CPU: KR580WM80A or KR155 RAM/ROM: 64kB / 8 kB Clone: none Colors: 4 Resolution: 256x256 (Info: HCM: East-European Home-Computer)

Monon Color M&D Unknown

MEGA65 MEGA Unknown

Sam Coupe MGT Computer 1959

The SAM Coupé was an 8-bit British home computer that was first released in late 1989. A popular misconception is that it is a clone of the Sinclair ZX Spectrum computer because it has a compatible screen mode and features that allow for emulation and it was marketed as a logical upgrade from the Spectrum. It was originally manufactured by Miles Gordon Technology, plc. (MGT) based in Swansea in the United Kingdom. Contents 1 Hardware overview 1.1 Video memory problems 1.2 Disk drives 1.3 Expansion ports 1.4 Kaleidoscope 2 ZX Spectrum compatibility 3 Commercial fortunes 3.1 Miles Gordon Technology, plc. 3.2 SAM Computers Ltd 3.3 West Coast Computers 4 SAM the robot 5 Notable software 5.1 Flash! 6 Software houses 6.1 Enigma Variations 6.2 Revelation 6.3 FRED Publishing Hardware overview A profile of the SAM Coupé, explaining its car themed nameThe machine was based around a Z80B CPU clocked at 6 MHz, and contained an ASIC that is comparable to the Spectrum's ULA. Memory was accessible within the 64 KiB range of the Z80B CPU, by slicing it into 16 KiB blocks and accessing IO ports to switch which blocks appeared in the 4 slots available to the CPU. The basic model had 256 KiB of RAM, upgradable internally to 512 KiB and externally with an additional 4 MiB (added in 1 MiB packs). Tapes were the original storage medium, but one or two 3.5 inch floppy disk drives could be fitted internally. Six channel, 8 octave stereo sound was provided by a Philips SAA 1099 chip. The ASIC also included a line triggered interrupt counter, allowing video effects to be synchronised to specific display positions with little effort. Four graphics modes were provided: Mode 4 — 256x192, linear framebuffer, 4 bits per pixel (16 colours) = 24 KiB Mode 3 — 512x192, linear framebuffer, 2 bits per pixel (4 colours) = 24 KiB Mode 2 — 256x192, linear framebuffer, 1 bit per pixel with separate attributes for each 8x1 block of pixels = 12 KiB Mode 1 — 256x192, separate attributes, non-linear framebuffer arranged to match the display of the ZX Spectrum = 6.75 KiB All modes were paletted, with a 16-entry CLUT selecting from a palette of 128 colours. Palette entries consisted of 2 bits for each of the red, green and blue components as well as an extra bit which would slightly increase the intensity of all three components. The machine's non-standard SCART connector included signals to drive an old fashioned TTL style monitor, in which case the total palette of colours was reduced to 16. In mode 1, extra forced wait states reduced the CPU speed by around 10 percent to give a more compatible running speed for ZX Spectrum software. The Motorola MC1377P RGB to PAL/NTSC encoder created a composite video signal from the machine's RGB- and Sync-signals (output by the ASIC) for the RF modulator. SAM Coupé bootup screenThe machine shipped with 32 KiB of ROM containing code to boot the machine and a BASIC interpreter (SAM BASIC) written by Andrew Wright and heavily influenced by his earlier Beta BASIC for the ZX Spectrum. No DOS was included in the ROMs, this was instead loaded from disk using the BOOT or BOOT 1 command, or the F9 key. The majority of disks shipped with SAMDOS, the system's first DOS, on them so that they could be directly booted. An improved replacement, MasterDOS, was also developed offering faster disk access, more files and support for the Real Time Clock for filestamps amongst many other improvements. The BASIC was very advanced and included code for sprite drawing and basic vector shapes such as lines and circles. The screen co-ordinate system for these was variable and could be arbitrarily scaled and centred. A provision for "recording" sequences of graphics commands so that they could later be repeated without the speed penalty of a BASIC interpreter in between, very similar to the display lists of OpenGL, was provided. Video memory problems Internal RAM was shared between the video circuitry and the CPU, with accesses incurring a speed penalty (known as memory contention delay) as the CPU was forced to wait for the ASIC to finish. As a result the SAM Coupé's CPU ran only around 14 percent faster than that of the ZX Spectrum, yet was required to do four times as much work to produce the same amount of movement on the display. This penalty applied to all memory accesses to RAM, and not just to memory associated with the video circuitry (as in the case of the ZX Spectrum). Hardware sprites and scrolling would have greatly reduced the effect of this penalty on the performance of games. While the main 256x192 area of the screen was being drawn, the processor could only access memory in 1 out of every 8 t-states. During the border area this was 1 out of every 4 t-states, which had no effect on the many instructions whose timings were a multiple of 4. In modes 3 and 4 the display could be disabled completely, eliminating these memory contention delays for a full 6 MHz running speed. Code running in ROM was unaffected by the contention, though any RAM accesses they performed would still be affected. Disk drives The original MGT SAM Coupé box — all original MGT material pictured a single disk drive inserted into the right hand side even though the machine required single drive users to use the left hand bay.The SAM used Citizen 3.5 inch slimline drives which slotted in below the keyboard to provide front facing slots. Like IDE hard disks, these enclosures contained not just the drives but also the drive controllers, a WD1772-02, with the effect that the SAM could use both drives simultaneously. Due to a flaw in the Coupé's design, resetting the machine while a disk was left in a drive would be liable to cause data corruption on that disk. With the appropriate technical expertise, this fault was easily corrected. The double density disks used a format of 2 sides, 80 tracks per side and 10 sectors per track, with 512 bytes per sector. This gave a total capacity of 800 KiB, though the standard directory occupied 20 KiB leaving 780 KiB free for user files. Files were stored in the same structure as MGT's original +D interface, but with additional codes used for SAM Coupé file types. The firmware of the disk controllers was compatible with that for IBM PC, and programs were available to read FAT formatted disks. Expansion ports Rear of the SAM Coupé. From left to right: break button, MIDI IN/OUT ports, joystick port, mouse port, reset button, Euroconnector expansion port, cassette jack, stereo sound output/lightpen input, power button, SCART socket, power/RF socketA large array of expansion ports were provided, including: Two internal drive bays. Slightly non-standard SCART connector offering composite video and digital and linear RGB. 64-pin Euroconnector for general purpose hardware expansions. Mouse socket (proprietary format, although a converter for Atari ST style mice was later available). Lightpen / Lightgun via 5-pin DIN. MIDI IN/OUT ports (and THROUGH, via a software switch). Network using the MIDI port (up to 16 machines could be interconnected). Atari-style 9-pin joystick port (dual capability with a splitter cable). 3.5 mm mono Cassette jack. Stereo sound output through 5-pin DIN. Uniquely the SAM's RF modulator was built into the power supply unit and connected via a joint power/TV socket. This made signal interference from the ACDC converter common and it was a popular but entirely unofficial modification to remove the modulator and keep it as a separate unit. Due to a flaw in the design, when two joysticks were used at the same time (through the approved splitter) they would interfere with each other. Up to four devices could be connected to the Coupé's Euroconnector port, through the use of the SAMBUS, which also provided a built-in clock. When using more power-hungry peripherals, the SAMBUS required an additional power supply. Kaleidoscope The Kaleidoscope, announced by SAMCo shortly before bankruptcy, extended the machine's total colour palette to 32768 colours in such a way as to allow forwards and backwards compatibility by applications. Although complete, very few were produced and the design ceased with SAMCo. ZX Spectrum compatibility The MessengerEmulation of the ZX Spectrum was limited to the 48K and was achieved by loading a copy of the ZX Spectrum ROM and switching to display mode 1, which mimicked the ZX Spectrum display mode and approximated that machines processor speed. The ROM was not supplied with the machine and had to be obtained from a real ZX Spectrum. The 128K model's memory map was incompatible with the Coupé's memory model and the machine featured an entirely different sound generator. It was possible to convert games by hacking the 128K code. Because the Coupé didn't run at exactly the same speed as the Spectrum even in emulation mode, many anti-piracy tape loaders would not work on the Coupé hardware. This led to the development by MGT of a special hardware interface called the Messenger which could capture the state of a connected ZX Spectrum to SAM Coupé disk for playback later without the Spectrum connected. The Messenger plugged into the Coupé's network port, and the Spectrum's expansion slot. Due to faulty break (NMI) buttons (needed to activate the Messenger software), a break-button card was also provided, which plugged into the Coupé's expansion slot. Commercial fortunes Three different companies have owned the rights to the SAM Coupé. It is believed that about 12,000 SAM Coupé and SAM Élite machines were sold in total. Miles Gordon Technology, plc. MGT, Miles Gordon Technology, plc., which originally produced add-ons for the ZX Spectrum, launched the SAM Coupé (very) late in 1989, missing the Christmas sales. They ended up with a vast number of machines in stock. The 16-bit and PC markets were on the rise and it helped little that MGT in the beginning of 1990 had to ship a new ROM to about 8,000 existing customers to fix bugs, notably a DOS bootstrapping bug. MGT went into receivership in June 1990. SAM Computers Ltd Immediately after the collapse of MGT, Alan Miles and Bruce Gordon purchased that company's assets and formed SAM Computers Ltd. The price of the SAM with floppy disk drive was brought down to under Pound 200 and new games and hardware were released. SAMCo survived until 15th July 1992. West Coast Computers Stock from SAM Computers Ltd were bought by West Coast Computers in November 1992. They revamped the SAM Coupé into SAM Élite. The only changes were that 512 KiB became standard and an external printer connector was added. The slim-line floppy drives from Citizen, which had withdrawn them from the European market in 1990, were replaced with standard 3.5 inch drives. West Coast was placed into liquidation in February 2005. Little is known about the company. For a long period the only point of contact was Format Publications, run by Bob Brenchley, which faded out of existence sometime around 1998. SAM the robot SAM, a friendly robotDevised by Mel Croucher and put in pen by Robin Evans as a mascot for the machine, SAM the robot appeared in the user manual and on most of the advertising literature for the machine and later made an appearance as the main character in the game SAM Strikes Out! Notable software The SAM Coupé was particularly notable for the wide array of disk based magazines that originated for it, include FRED and the official SAMCo Newsdisk. It also became notorious for the overwhelming number of puzzle games for the system, something that Spectrum magazine Your Sinclair jokingly referred to on numerous occasions. Several famous computer games were ported to the SAM, notably Manic Miner, Prince of Persia, and Lemmings. An unofficial but arcade perfect port of Defender surfaced late in the machine's lifespan. Flash! Flash!, an art package, was the only full application bundled with every SAM Coupé and as a result is probably the program best known to SAM owners. Written by Bo Jangeborg, author of the earlier ZX Spectrum program The Artist and The Artist II, it offered pixel editing in all four graphics modes, conversion of graphics from one mode to another and some basic animation functions. Only full screen images were supported and the program's main flaw was an inability to view the entirety of an image while working on it. A copy adapted for use with a mouse was bundled with the official mouse addon. Software houses Before the machine was released, US Gold infamously claimed that "if, as with Strider, we've already produced a games across all common formats, all we have to do is simply take the code from the Speccy version and the graphics from the ST and sort of mix them together. This should take one bloke around two weeks at most.

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Altair 8800 MITS Computer 1975

This computer was one of the first "home" computers ever made, it was sold as a kit, but for additional money, you could buy one fully assembled. It had no keyboard, the "program" had to be entered with the switches located on the front panel of the "computer", and as it didn't have video output (yet), the result was displayed via LEDs. Another computer which had almost the same characteristics was launched by IMSAI and was called <a href="computer.asp?c=389">IMSAI 8080</a> (see both in the "Emulators" section). The ALTAIR 8800 had one input port, also called the "Sense Switches" (I/O address 255) which was the left hand 8 address switches. Address 255 was also used on the IMSAI. The IMSAI front panel differed from the Altair in that you could also output to port 255 to a displayed LED buffer above the sense switches - a feature the Altair did not have (it only had input). The Altair sense switch were used during boot into Altair DOS to specify the terminal port to the DOS. MITS made several peripherals and cards for this computer, namely, a video card, a serial card to connect a terminal, a RAM expansion card and a 8" floppy drive that used hard sectored floppies and stored 300 KB. Several models were launched, they had the same characteristics except the CPU (8080 and later 8080A). Believe it or not, the name "Altair" comes from Star Trek! The young daughter of the 'Popular Electronics' magazine editor gave it the name of the destination planet of the Enterprise from the episode she was watching. <a href="doc.asp?c=62"><img src="graphs/readmore.gif" border="0" vspace="4"></a>

KIM-1 MOS Computer 1975

This prehistoric computer has no "real" keyboard and no video output, program are entered by the small hexadecimal keyboard (located in the lower right part of the picture) and results are displayed on the small LED "screen" (it can display only 6 digits). It has a simple monitor that allows one to examine &amp; modify memory, load and save paper tape, load and save cassette tape, run and debug programs through a 'single step' mode. The monitor works with the built in keypad and LEDs, or a terminal like the Teletype ASR33. It is possible to connect the KIM to a terminal via a dedicated serial port. Soon after release, Commodore Business Machines would buy out MOS Technologies and distribute the KIM-1 with a Commodore name on it. <font color="#666666"><b>Bob Leedom</b> reports : The KIM-1 had "no video output", you say? And the "small LED screen...can only display 6 digits"? Not quite. The software could address each segment of the 7-segment displays in the "LED screen". As a result, tremendous ingenuity was unleashed by the KIM-1 User's Group, and the display was used for many clever things. The editors published my version of the artificial intelligence board game (in which the computer learns which moves lose, and never makes those moves again, until it's eventually unbeatable), my baseball game (two-player or you vs computer, six kinds of pitches possible, scoreboard, men-on-base display, lots more), and my semi-successful commercial entry called KIM-venture (a tiny version of Adventure, with XYZZY-type secret word, monsters, treasures, 26 rooms, and more). It was an amazing little computer. Mine still works! </font>

MSX2 MSX Computer 1985

After the (relative) success of the <a href="computer.asp?c=90">MSX 1 computer</a> (in Japan, Europe and South America), Microsoft and ASCII presented its successor. The main new feature was the very enhanced graphic modes, no other computers were able to display such graphics! The 128 KB VRAM was very impressive! It had a battery-backed clock and a new MMU (to handle more than the Z80 64KB limit). The MSX 2 standard, like the MSX 1, was designed by ASCII, the new operating system MSX DOS 2.0 was designed by Microsoft (it's almost a copy of MS-DOS 3.3). A while after launching the MSX 2 standard, Microsoft abandoned the project, but several manufacturers took it over. <b>John van Poelgeest</b> adds: <font color="#666666"> As the MSX2 and <a href="computer.asp?c=291">MSX2+</a> computers were very alike, it did not take long to have a MSX2 computer rebuilt with the MSX2+ VDP (V9958 from Yamaha) and the BIOS chips from the MSX2+, making the MSX2 computer a fully compatible MSX2+. The one thing lacking was the MSX-Music (FM-Pac), but this could be added by using a cartridge.</font> <b>Toby</b> comments: <font color="#666666">Note that MSX-DOS 2 did not ship with any MSX2 by default. It was developed later and sold as an external cartridge (with the kernel) and 3.5" diskette (containing the OS files). The only computer to ship with MSX-DOS 2 was the MSX turboR (both the <a href="computer.asp?c=775">ST</a> and the <a href="computer.asp?c=627">GT</a>) which had MSX-DOS version 2.3x built in.</font>

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Palcom MSX Unknown

TurboR MSX Computer 1990

Originally, Yamaha and ASCII announced the V9978 Video Display Processor in 1990, the video chip for the MSX3. It was a very capable video IC, featuring two different sets of video modes. In bitmap modes it was capable of up to 768Ṫ240 resolution (up to 768Ṫ480 in interlace mode), up to 32768 colors, superimposing, hardware scrolling, and even a hardware cursor for Windows-like OSes. However the most impressive feature with these modes was the use of high-speed hardware bit block data mover. The MSX2 video IC was also equipped with a hardware bit mover, but the new one was going to be 20 times faster! In pattern mode, it was capable of SNES class features. Multi layers, 16k patterns, several palettes, 128 sprites, a maximum of 16 sprites per scanline. So basicly a SNES but with no mode7. However, something went wrong and the project was canceled. Probably due to the lack of interest in marketing of MSX machines and growing interest in game consoles and powerful PC alike computers (for word processing purposes mainly), companies were not so enthusiastic about creating a new MSX machine anymore. The biggest software supporters of MSX deserted to Nintendo and other computers/game machines. Sony chose to make their own game console. We ended getting the MSXturboR instead, a supercharged MSX2+. Some people say ASCII wasn't able to delivery the new VDP in time for the 1990 release, so they ended going with just the new CPU (named R800). However the V9978 specs and pinout were featured in some databooks from that time. Later Yamaha and ASCII removed the legacy compatibility features in the V9978 and released it as the V9990, which was later used in the GFX9000 hobby project. (See also below.) So, the result is two excellent MSX2++ machines, released by Panasonic. And after that, it ended, as Panasonic moved on to their 3DO game console. Specs: * Mainly the same as the FS-A1ST. Due to some minor bugs that were discovered, the mainboard is a bit different: e.g. MSX-Music part is redesigned to decrease influence of the noise from computer's digital parts. * MSX-BASIC V4.1 (MIDI extensions) * 512kB of main RAM * MSX-MIDI interface built in (Not the same as MIDI-Saurus, thus available as a cartridge from BITĠ for MSX2 and up). Includes 8251 (UART) and 8254 (timer) * 16kB MIDI-BASIC ROM (almost same as FM-BASIC which is built in in the FM-PAC and the MSX2+ machines with MSX-Music) * MIDI in/out connectors * MSX-VIEW (`MSX-Windows') developed by ASCII & HAL. Software as Page Edit, PageView, Page Link, VShell, VTed, VPaint and VDraw) on 512kB ROM DISK (C: drive). * MSX-DOS V2.31 * 32kB SRAM for backup (some games can use it)/SRAM disk (D: drive) * SVHS connector * Sold with the game Seed of Dragon (info:

Odyssey 1 Magnavox Console 1972

The Magnavox Odyssey was the first home video game system, invented by Ralph Baer, who started work on it as early as 1967. It was then launched in 1972 at the end of which over 100,000 units were sold. This system is very basic, having no CPU, score mechanism, colour or sound. In fact there were only 40 diodes and 40 transistors inside. Six cartridges could be used to play up to 12 games - sometimes the same cartridges being used more than once to play different games. The large number of game accessories that came with it allowed for different games to be played, with some games using the accessories as a main focus for the game instead of the console. Each game used a plastic transparent colour overlay which was to affixed to the TV set. The overlays compensated for the fact that the Odyssey could only produce a vertical line, a dot for the ball and 2 shorter lines (representing each player controller) on the screen. The overlays were meant to attach to the TV by use of static electricity and smoothed over by hand or a soft cloth, but the instruction manual said if this didn?t work one should use tape instead. It even suggested that you could trim them down to fit your TV set! The controllers are in fact two largish block sized controllers with a round dial on either side. Twisting the dial on the left for horizontal movement, and the right for vertical movement. An `English? dial on the left of each one controlled the `deflection ? of the ball. Ball speed could also be controlled. Despite the basic nature of the games by today's standards, the system marked a crucial change in the way people used their TVs. In 1972 the marketing stated that the user could now actually `participate? in television and not just be a spectator, with the system manual describing it as: `<font color="#666666">The exciting casino action of Monte Carlo, the thrills of Wimbledon, the challenge of ski trails ? can be duplicated right in your own living room.</font>? The games included tennis, ski, hockey, table tennis, simon says, analogic, states, cat and mouse, submarine, football, haunted house, roulette, invasion and shooting games (with the optional rifle that could be purchased separately). Most games were also played with cards, dices, paper money or game chips delivered with the system. Odyssey?s cartridges contain no components: they are basically wirejumper sets. When plugging a cartridge into the console, internal diode logic circuits are interconnected in different ways to produce the desired result. As a matter of fact, the Odyssey contains everything to make a game based around a ball, one or two paddles representing the players, and a central or off-side vertical line which serves as a net or a wall. The cartridges act to connect some the machine?s diode logic circuitry to set the aspect and the position of the vertical line (normally centered for ping pong and tennis but located on the left or on the middle for handball and volleyball respectively, or not displayed at all for Chase games and gun games), and to determine the interaction between the ball and the other graphic objects: bounce or erase either a player or a ball spot when there is a collision with a player or the central line (a player could even be erased after a collision with the ball). ________ <font color="#666666">Text and info from Abi Waddell &amp; David Winter.</font>

Odyssey 2 Magnavox Console 1978

Generation 2nd generation First available USA 1978 JPN 1982 CPU Intel 8048 Media Cartridge The Magnavox Odyssey 2, known in Europe as the Philips Videopac G7000, in Brazil as the Philips Odyssey, in the United States as the Magnavox Odyssey 2 and the Philips Odyssey 2, and also by many other names, is a video game console released in 1978. In the early 1970s, Magnavox was an innovator in the home video game industry. They succeeded in bringing the first home video game system to market, the Odyssey, which was quickly followed by a number of later models, each with a few technological improvements. In 1978 Magnavox, now a subsidiary of North American Philips, released the Odyssey 2, their new second-generation video game console. Design The original Odyssey had a number of removable circuit cards that switched between the built-in games, of which there were 10 in Europe and Asia, or 12 in America. The Odyssey 2 followed in the steps of the Fairchild Channel F and Atari 2600 by being designed to play programmable ROM game cartridges. With this improvement, each game could be a completely unique experience, with its own background graphics, foreground graphics, gameplay, scoring, and music. The potential was enormous, as an unlimited number of games could be individually purchased; a game player could purchase a library of video games tailored to his or her own interest. Unlike any other system at that time, the Odyssey 2 included a full alphanumeric membrane keyboard, which was to be used for educational games, selecting options, or programming (Magnavox also released a game cartridge called Computer Intro! with the intent of teaching simple computer programming). The Odyssey 2 used the standard joystick design of the 1970s and 80s: the original console had a moderately-sized silver controller, held in one hand, with a square housing for its eight-direction stick that was manipulated with the other hand. Later releases had a similar black controller, with an 8-pointed star-shaped housing for its eight-direction joystick. In the upper corner of the joystick was a single 'Action' button, silver on the original controllers and red on the black controllers. One other difference in these controllers is that the earliest releases of the silver joystick were removable. They could be plugged and unplugged from the back of the unit, while all later silver and all black controllers were hardwired into the rear of the unit itself. One of the strongest points of the system was its excellent speech synthesis unit, which was released as an add-on for speech, music, and sound effects enhancement. The area that the Odyssey 2 may be best remembered for was its pioneering fusion of board and video games: The Master Strategy Series. The first game released was the instant classic Quest for the Rings!, with gameplay somewhat similar to Dungeons & Dragons, and a storyline reminiscent of J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. Market life United States The Odyssey 2 sold moderately well in the US. Even without third-party developers, by 1983 over a million Odyssey 2 units were sold in the US alone. The lack of third-party support kept the number of new games very limited, but the success of the Philips Videopac G7000 overseas led to two other companies producing games for it: Parker Brothers released Popeye, Frogger, Q*Bert and Super Cobra, while Imagic released versions of their hit games Demon Attack and Atlantis. Finally, in 1983 the two Imagic games were brought to the states; these became strong sellers. Europe In Europe and Brazil, the Odyssey 2 did very well on the market. In Europe, the console was most widely known as the Philips Videopac G7000, or just the Videopac, although branded variants were released in some areas of Europe under the names Radiola Jet 25, Schneider 7000, and Siera G7000. Philips, as Magnavox's European parent company, used their own name rather than Magnavox's for European marketing. A rare model, the Philips Videopac G7200, was only released in Europe; it had a built-in black-and-white monitor. Videopac game cartridges are mostly compatible with American Odyssey 2 units, although some games have color differences and a few are completely incompatible. A number of additional games were released in Europe that never came out in the US. Brazil In Brazil, the console was released as the Philips Odyssey; the Magnavox Odyssey was released in Brazil by a company named 'Planil Comércio', not affiliated to Philips or Magnavox. Since just a few units were sold, the Brazilian branch of Philips released Odyssey 2 without its number. Odyssey became much more popular in Brazil than it ever was in the US; tournaments were even held for popular games like K.C.'s Krazy Chase! (Come-Come in Brazil). Japan The Odyssey 2 was released in Japan in December 1982 by Koton Trading Toitarii Enterprise under the name odessei2. 'Japanese' versions of the Odyssey 2 and its games consisted of the American boxes with katakana stickers on them and cheaply printed black-and-white Japanese manuals. The initial price for the console was Yen 49,800. It was apparently not very successful; Japanese Odyssey 2 items are now very difficult to find. Technical specifications CPU: * Intel 8048 8-bit microcontroller running at 1.79 MHz Memory: * CPU-internal RAM: 64 bytes (1/16 KiB) * Audio/video RAM: 128 bytes (1/8 KiB) * BIOS ROM: 1024 bytes (1 KiB) Video: * Intel 8244 custom IC * 160x200 resolution (NTSC) * 16-color palette; sprites may only use 8 of these colors * 4 8x8 single-color user-defined sprites; each sprite's color may be set independently * 12 8x8 single-color characters; must be one of the 64 shapes built into the ROM BIOS; can be freely positioned like sprites, but cannot overlap each other; each character's color may be set independently * 4 quad characters; groups of four characters displayed in a row * 9x8 background grid; dots, lines, or solid blocks Audio: * Intel 8244 custom IC * mono * 24-bit shift register, clockable at 2 frequencies * noise generator * NOTE: There is only one 8244 chip in the system, which performs both audio and video functions. Input: * Two 8-way, one-button, digital joysticks. In the first production runs of the Magnavox Odyssey and the Philips 7000, these were permanently attached to the console; in later models, they were removable and replaceable. * QWERTY-layout membrane keyboard Output: * RF Audio/Video connector * Péritel/SCART connector (France only) Media: * ROM cartridges, typically 2 KiB, 4 KiB, or 8 KiB in size. Expansion modules: * The Voice - provides speech synthesis & enhanced sound effects * Chess Module - The Odyssey2 didn't have enough memory and computing power for a decent implementation of chess on its own, so the C7010 chess module contained a secondary CPU with its own extra memory to run the chess program. Emulation An open source console emulator for the Odyssey 2 called O2EM is available. It includes Philips Videopac G7400 emulation among other features. The emulator works on Linux, Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, DOS and other platforms. O2EM, (originally not open source) was created in 1997 by computer programmer Daniel Boris. The open source multi-platform multi-system emulator MESS has rudimentary Odyssey 2 support, although many games have problems and 4KB Challenger Series games are completely unsupported. Infos from Wikipedia

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Kramer-MC Manfred Kramer Unknown

Alice 32 Matra Hachette Computer 1983

The Matra & Hachette Ordinateur Alice was a home computer sold in France beginning in 1983. It was a clone of the TRS-80 MC-10, produced through a collaboration between Matra and Hachette in France and Tandy Corporation in the United States. Alice 32 and cassette deck The Alice is distinguished by its unique, bright red casing. Functionally, it is equivalent to the MC-10, with a Péritel (SCART) connector replacing the RF modulator for video output. Unlike its progenitor, the Alice became a popular computer in its home country, aided by its presence in schools as part of the country's Informatique pour tous ('Information technology for everyone') programme. Matra later released two successor models: The Matra Alice 32, which shared the case style of the original, but was a different computer inside, due to using the EF9345 video chip in place of the MC-10's 6847. The Alice 32 had 8 kibibytes of main RAM, 8 kibibytes of dedicated video RAM, and 16 kibibytes ROM (the ROM incorporated an assembler). The Matra Alice 90, an upgrade to the Alice 32, which featured 32 kibibytes of RAM and a full-size case and keyboard. Its video cable included video-in, so EF9345 graphics could be overlaid onto the input video. Specifications CPU: Motorola 6803 RAM: 4 KiB on-board ROM: 8 KiB (Microsoft BASIC) I/O Ports: RS-232C serial interface Cassette interface Péritel video output Expansion interface AZERTY keyboard layout All other specifications should be comparable to those of the TRS-80 MC-10, but have not been confirmed. Infos from: Wikipedia

Alice 90 Matra Hachette Computer 1984

The Matra Alice 90 is the successor of the unsuccessful <a href="computer.asp?c=60">Alice 32</a> and is 100% compatible with this computer. This computer was designed, like its predecessor, to be used as a "first contact" computer. Genlocking allowed the user to use the computer and watch TV simultaneously. The ROM contains a version of the world famous Microsoft BASIC, but this version of BASIC can't access to the highest graphic mode (320x250), it could be accessed from the built-in assembler. Like its predecessor, this machine was also unsuccessful.

National JR 200 Matsushita Computer 1982

It is the successor of the <a href="computer.asp?c=320">JR 100</a>. The JR-200 had good features compared to its japanese competitors : 8 colors, 2400 bauds tape speed and 3 voices synthesizer. But sadly there were no real graphic resolution, only a combination of semi-graphic characters. The <a href="computer.asp?c=553">Panasonic JR-200U</a> is the same computer but aimed at the american and european market. Read its page for more information, and a complete history text.

National JR-100 Matsushita Computer 1981

The National (also known as Panasonic or Matsushita in other countries) JR series was pretty popular in Japan. Small quantities were sold outside Japan, in New Zeland among other countries. Little is known about the first system of the range (please help!). It was obviously an initiation machine with black &amp; white display and rubber keyboard. The JR 100 was followed by the <a href="computer.asp?c=324">JR 200</a>. Thanks to <b>Murray Moffatt</b> from New Zeland for most of the information and pictures. <a href="doc.asp?c=320"><img src="graphs/readmore.gif" border="0" vspace="4"></a>

Aquarius Mattel Computer 1983

Aquarius was a very simple early home computer from Mattel in 1983. It featured a Zilog Z80 microprocessor, a rubber chiclet keyboard, 4K of RAM memory, and a subset of Microsoft BASIC in ROM. It connected to a television set and used a cassette tape recorder for secondary data storage. A limited number of peripherals, such as a 40-column thermal printer, a 4-color printer/plotter, and a 300 baud modem, were released for the unit. The computer was not actually made by Mattel, but instead by Radofin, an electronics manufacturer based in Hong Kong. It was announced in 1982 and finally released in June 1983, at a price of Dollar160, but production ceased four months later because of poor sales. Mattel paid Radofin to take back the marketing rights, and two other short-lived companies, CEZAR Industries and CRIMAC Inc., also marketed the unit and accessories for it. Although less expensive than the Texas Instruments TI-99/4A and Commodore VIC-20, the Aquarius had comparatively weak graphics and sound capability and limited memory. Internally, Mattel programmers dubbed it 'the system for the seventies.' Of the 32 software titles Mattel announced for the unit, 21 were released. Most of the released titles were ports from Mattel's Intellivision game console, but because the Intellivision had better graphics and sound capabilities, gameplay was better on the less-expensive console. Computer offerings from other companies who sold both computers and consoles, such as Atari and Coleco, at least matched and sometimes exceeded the capabilities of their consoles. Shortly after the release of the Aquarius, Mattel announced plans for another home computer. There is evidence that the Aquarius II reached the market in small numbers, but it was never a commercial success. Technical Specifications CPU: Zilog Z-80, 3.5 MHz Memory: 4K RAM, expandable to 20K RAM; 8K ROM Keyboard: 48-key rubber chiclet Display: 40x25 text, 80x72 graphics, 16 colors Sound: One voice, expandable to four voices Ports: Television, cartridge/expansion, tape recorder, printer Hardware Sprites: None PSU: Hard-wired into case and cannot be removed. Infos from: Wikipedia

Fisher-Price iXL Mattel Unknown

HyperScan Mattel Unknown

Intellivision Mattel Console 1979

Generation 2nd generation First available USA 1979 (test market) USA 1980 EUR/JPN 1982 CPU GI CP 1610 Media Cartridge The Intellivision is a video game console released by Mattel in 1979. Development of the console began in 1978, less than a year after the introduction of its main competitor, the Atari 2600. The word intellivision is a portmanteau of 'intelligent television'. Popularity The Intellivision was developed by Mattel Electronics, a subsidiary of Mattel formed expressly for the development of electronic games. The console was test marketed in Fresno, California, in 1979 with a total of four games available, and went nationwide in 1980 with a price tag of USDollar299 and a pack-in game: Las Vegas Poker & Blackjack. Though not the first system to challenge Atari (systems from Fairchild Semiconductor, Bally, and Magnavox were already on the market), it was the first to pose a serious threat to Atari's dominance. A series of ads featuring George Plimpton were produced which mercilessly attacked the Atari 2600's lesser capabilities with side-by-side game comparisons. One of the slogans of the television advertisements stated that Intellivision was 'the closest thing to the real thing'; one example in an advertisement compared golf games - the others had a blip sound and cruder graphics, while Intellivision featured a realistic swing sound and striking of the ball, and graphics that suggested a more 3D look, although undoubtedly crude when compared with modern game consoles. Like Atari, Mattel marketed their console to a number of retailers as a rebadged unit. These models include the Radio Shack Tandyvision, the GTE-Sylvania Intellivision, and the Sears Super Video Arcade. (The Sears model was a particular coup for Mattel, as Sears was already selling a rebadged Atari 2600 unit, and in doing so made a huge contribution to Atari's success.) In that first year Mattel sold 175,000 Intellivision consoles, and the library grew to 19 games. At this point in time, all Intellivision games were developed by an outside firm, APh. The company recognized that what had been seen as a secondary product line might be a big business. Realizing that potential profits are much greater with first party software, Mattel formed its own in-house software development group. The original five members of that Intellivision team were manager Gabriel Baum, Don Daglow, Rick Levine, Mike Minkoff and John Sohl. Levine and Minkoff (a long-time Mattel Toys veteran) both came over from the hand-held Mattel games engineering team. To keep these programmers from being hired away by rival Atari, their identity and work location was kept a closely guarded secret. In public, the programmers were referred to collectively as the Blue Sky Rangers. By 1982 sales were soaring. Over two million Intellivision consoles had been sold by the end of the year, earning Mattel a Dollar100,000,000 profit. This was a big year for Mattel. Third party Atari developers Activision, and Imagic began releasing games for the Intellivision, as did hardware rivals Atari and Colecovision. Mattel created M Network branded games for Atari and Coleco's systems. The most popular titles sold over a million units each. The Intellivision was also introduced in Japan that year by Bandai. The original 5-person Mattel game development team had grown to 110 people under now-Vice President Baum, while Daglow led Intellivision development and top engineer Minkoff directed all work on all other platforms. Keyboard Component Many users waited patiently for the promised release of the 'Keyboard Component', an add-on computer upgrade unit touted by Mattel as 'coming soon' even when the original console was first shipped. The unit featured a built-in cassette tape drive for loading and saving data. The Keyboard Component would plug into the cartridge slot on the Intellivision, and had an additional cartridge slot of its own to allow regular Intellivision games to be played in the usual way. The upgrade had proven too expensive to develop and produce, so Mattel had repeatedly sent the engineers 'back to the drawing board' to attempt to increase reliability and reduce cost. Mattel was subsequently investigated by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) for failing to produce the promised upgrade, and eventually ordered to pay Dollar10,000 a day (about Dollar25,000 in 2005 when adjusted for inflation) until it was released. Finally, Mattel offered the Keyboard Component for sale via mail order. The keyboard component became so notorious around Mattel headquarters that comedian Jay Leno, when performing at Mattel's 1981 Christmas party, got a huge response with his joke, 'You know what the three big lies are, don't you? 'The check is in the mail,' 'I'll still respect you in the morning,' and 'The Keyboard will be out in the spring.'' After its limited release, four thousand units were sold; many were later returned for a full refund when Mattel recalled the unit in 1983 due to various support problems, including the then-innovative cassette tape unit which had never proved to be reliable. According to the Blue Sky Rangers web site, users who opted to keep theirs were made to sign a waiver absolving Intellivision of all future responsibility for technical support. In addition, the Keyboard Component could be modified into a development platform for the Intellivision, and such units were used internally for game development during the latter portion of the system's lifespan. By this time, Mattel had set up competing internal engineering teams, each trying to either fix the Keyboard Component or replace it. The rival Mattel engineers had come up with a much less expensive keyboard alternative. The Entertainment Computer System (ECS), was much smaller, sleeker, and easier to produce than the original Keyboard Component. While the original Keyboard Component had some advantages over the small computers of its day, the new Keyboard Component was designed to be inexpensive, not functional, and was far less powerful than emerging machines like the Commodore 64. The two keyboard units were incompatible, but owners of the older unit were offered a new ECS. To maintain secrecy in a toy industry where industrial espionage was a way of life, many projects had code names, so documents and casual discussion did not reveal company secrets. With the video games business already staggering by the time the new Keyboard Component was planned, Daglow suggested the new device be code-named LUCKI (for 'Low User Cost Keyboard Interface.') The name stuck but the good fortune did not: the cheaply manufactured ECS keyboard add-on was a retail failure. The Keyboard Component debacle was ranked as #11 on GameSpy's 25 Dumbest Moments in Gaming. Intellivoice In 1983 Mattel introduced a new peripheral innovative for the time: Intellivoice, a voice synthesis device which produced speech when used with certain games, most of which would not work without the add-on component. Top Mattel programmers including Bill Fisher, Steve Roney, Gene Smith and John Sohl were diverted to the project, slowing the previous initiative to counter Atari with new arcade-style games. Voice titles included: * Bomb Squad * B-17 Bomber * Intellivision World Series Baseball (Intellivoice optional since the game already required the ECS keyboard) * Space Spartans * TRON Solar Sailer Other versions with foreign languages were planned for Space Spartans: they were Gli Spartani dello Spazio, Les Spartiates de l'Espace and Spartaner aus dem All. They would require the International Intellivoice unit, never released. Intellivision II In addition to the Intellivoice module, 1983 also saw the introduction of a redesigned model, called the Intellivision II (featuring detachable controllers and sleeker case), the System Changer (which played Atari 2600 games on the Intellivision II), and a music keyboard add-on for the ECS. Like the ECS, Intellivision II was designed first and foremost to be inexpensive to manufacture. Among other things, the raised bubble keypad of the original hand controller was replaced by a flat membrane keyboard surface. Many Intellivision games had been designed for users to play by feeling the buttons without looking down, and many games were far less playable on Intellivision II. Mattel also changed the Intellivision II's internal ROM program (called the EXEC) in an attempt to lock out unlicensed 3rd party titles. To make room for the lock-out code while retaining compatibility with existing titles, some portions of the EXEC code were moved in a way that changed their timing. While most games were unaffected, a couple of the more popular titles, Shark! Shark!, and Space Spartans, had certain sound effects that the Intellivision II reproduced differently than intended, although the games remained playable. Electric Company Word Fun did not run at all and INTV's later release Super Pro Football has minor display glitches at the start, both due to the modified EXEC. Competition and market crash Amid the flurry of new hardware, there was trouble for the Intellivision. New game systems (ColecoVision, Atari 5200, and Vectrex, all in 1982) were further subdividing the market, and the video game crash began to put pressure on the entire industry. The Intellivision team rushed to finish a major new round of games, including Burger Time and the ultra-secret 3D glasses game Hover Force. Although Burger Time was a popular game on the Intellivision and was programmed by Blue Sky Ranger Ray Kaestner in record time, the five-month manufacturing cycle meant that the game did not appear until the late spring of 1983, after the video game crash had severely damaged game sales. In the spring of 1983, Mattel went from aggressively hiring game programmers to laying them off within a two-week period. By August there were massive layoffs, and the price of the Intellivision II (which launched at Dollar150 earlier that year) was lowered to Dollar69. Mattel Electronics posted a Dollar300 million loss. Early in 1984, the division was closed - the first high-profile victim of the crash. Intellivision game sales continued when a liquidator purchased all rights to the Intellivision and its software from Mattel, as well as all remaining inventory. After much of the existing software inventory had been sold, former Mattel Marketing executive Terry Valeski bought all rights to Intellivision and started a new venture. The new company, INTV Corp., continued to sell old stock via retail and mail order. When the old stock of Intellivision II consoles ran out, they introduced a new console dubbed INTV III. This unit was actually a cosmetic rebadge of the original Intellivision console (this unit was later renamed the Super Pro System.) In addition to manufacturing new consoles, INTV Corp. also continued to develop new games, releasing a few new titles each year. Eventually, the system was discontinued in 1991. Intellivision games became readily available again when Keith Robinson, an early Intellivision programmer responsible for the game TRON Solar Sailer purchased the software rights and founded a new company, Intellivision Productions. As a result, games originally designed for the Intellivision are available on PCs and modern-day consoles including the PlayStation 2, Xbox and Nintendo GameCube in the Intellivision Lives! package. A newer version of the Intellivision Lives! game is in development for the Nintendo DS, and a small number of licensed Intellivision games are available through the GameTap subscription gaming service. Also, several LCD handheld and direct-to-TV games have been released in recent years. Statistics * More than 6 million Intellivision consoles were sold during its 12 year run. * There were a total of 125 Intellivision games released during the initial run; the Intellivision Lives! project has suggested new games may be offered in the 21st Century. Innovations * Intellivision was the first 16-bit game console, though some people have mistakenly referred to it as a 10-bit system because the CPU's instruction set and game cartridges are 10 bits wide. A 10-bit chunk of data is called a 'decle'. The registers in the microprocessor, where the mathematical logic is processed, were 16 bits wide. * The Intellivision was also the first system to feature downloadable games (though without a storage device the games vanished once the machine was turned off). In 1981, General Instrument (manufacturer of the Intellivision's CPU) teamed up with Mattel to roll out the PlayCable, a device that allowed the downloading of Intellivision games via cable TV. * Intellivision was the second game console to provide real-time human and robot voices in the middle of gameplay, courtesy of the IntelliVoice module. The first was Magnavox's voice module for the OdysseyĠ. The voice chip used by both machines, the SP0256 Orator, was developed jointly by Mattel and General Instrument. * Intellivision World Series Baseball, designed by Don Daglow and Eddie Dombrower and released in 1983, was the first video game to use the concept of displaying the action in simulated 3D through 'camera angles' that emulated those used in TV sports coverage. Prior games always showed a single fixed or scrolling camera view of the field. Daglow and Dombrower went on to create the Earl Weaver Baseball games at Electronic Arts in 1987. * Intellivision was the first console to feature a controller with a directional pad that allowed 16 directions. The disc-shaped pad allowed players to control action without lifting the thumb (using motions similar to those used upon the Apple iPod clickwheel) and was considered by many Intellivision users to be a useful and novel--even revolutionary--innovation. However, the ergonomics of the 'action' buttons on the side of the controller were poor, and the disc-pad was perceived by potential buyers as unfamiliar. Along with cost, this was one of the factors in making the Intellivision less popular than the Atari 2600. However, it is interesting to note that the method of controlling movement on the Intellivision (with the thumb) is emulated in many subsequent video game controllers. The joystick-style controller, as seen on the VCS, has not been widely emulated on later consoles. * A collection of Intellivision games was reproduced onto a Play Station game, titled Intellivision Classic Games. Interactive television games Intellivision featured prominently in a brief trend of using videogames as a feature in interactive television shows. 'TV POWWW' started the trend, in which a television show would broadcast a videogame in progress, and callers would play the Fairchild Channel F games by saying POW! into their telephone to interface with the system. With the eventual failure of the Fairchild Channel F, the system was upgraded to use the Intellivision, and during the early 1980s, New York based television station WPIX ran a variant of TV POWWW called TV-PIXX. It was aired during the traditional weekday afternoon slot of children's TV as an interlude. Participants would be called at home to play a videogame that appeared on their screen. The segment originally featured simple games such as Tic Tac Toe and a Breakout type game called Moving Target. Intellivision's NFL Football, Major League Baseball, NBA Basketball, and Space Battle were later featured as the TV segment gained in popularity. Participants interacted with the game by saying the word 'PIXX' to perform game-related actions. Prizes included T-shirts and Dollar10 Dollar U.S. Savings Bonds. They could double their prize or win a bonus prize (such as advance tickets to see upcoming films) by answering a Trivia question. For a chance at playing, children could send a postcard with their name, address, and phone number to TV PIXX. David Elliot, of Staten Island NY, was the grand all time champion of TV Pixx, having won the elusive 'Ke-Op' award, named after the famed character from 'Battle Of The Planets'. The program lasted until 1982; for many New York viewers, TV PIXX was their first glimpse of the Intellivison home game system. The trend of TV use of videogames also spread beyond New York, including 'Switchback' which aired on the CBC affiliate CBRT-TV in (Calgary, Alberta) beginning in 1985, also including Intellivision's Space Battle as one of the featured games. Technical specifications General Instrument CP1610 16-bit microprocessor CPU running at 894.886 kHz (i.e., slightly less than 1 MHz) 1352 bytes of RAM: * 240 x 8-bit Scratchpad Memory * 352 x 16-bit (704 bytes) System Memory * 512 x 8-bit Graphics RAM 7168 bytes of ROM: * 4096 x 10-bit (5120 bytes) Executive ROM * 2048 x 8-bit Graphics ROM 160 pixels wide by 196 pixels high (5x2 TV pixels make one Intellivision pixel) * 16 color palette, all of which can be on the screen at once * 8 sprites. Hardware supports the following features per-sprite: * Size selection: 8x8 or 8x16 * Stretching: Horizontal (1x, 2x) and vertical (1x, 2x, 4x or 8x) * Mirroring: Horizontal and vertical * Collision detection: Sprite to sprite, sprite to background, and sprite to screen border * Priority: Selects whether sprite appears in front of or behind background. 3 channel sound, with 1 noise generator (audio chip: GI AY-3-8914) Game controller specs * Twelve-button numeric keypad (0–9, Clear, and Enter) * 'Four' side-located 'action buttons' (where the top two are actually electronically the same, giving three distinct buttons) * 'Directional Disk', capable of detecting 16 directions of movement * 'Overlays' that would slide into place as an extra layer on the keypad to show game-specific key functions Fans of the game console recall that an overuse injury was possible when playing for extended periods of time due to the pressure needed to use the keypad and especially the side buttons. This was a phenomenon similar to BlackBerry Thumb today. The problem was worsened significantly when the cost-reduced Intellivision II changed from solid rubber side buttons to plastic ones with a hollow center, leaving a rectangular imprint on players' thumbs and causing pain after even short periods of play. The change was apparently made to fractionally reduce the materials cost of the units, and was never play-tested for usability due to the rush to bring the system to market in the early days of the Video game crash of 1983. Infos from Wikipedia

logo photo
Juice Box Mattel Unknown

Quark Megatel Unknown

Video Information System Memorex Unknown

MTX Memotech Computer 1983

The Memotech MTX500, MTX512 and RS128 were a series of Zilog Z80A processor-based home computers released by Memotech in 1983 and 1984. They were technically similar to MSX computers, but were not compatible. The MTX500 had 32KB of RAM, the MTX512 had 64KB, and the RS128 had 128KB (a significant amount at that time). Although the Z80A could only address a maximum of 64KB at a time, the RS128's extra memory was accessible through the technique of page switching. The computers featured an all-aluminum case and full size keyboard with real keys (unlike others of the same vintage such as the Sinclair ZX Spectrum). In addition to the standard (for the time) BASIC language interpreter, it included some interesting variations: - A built-in assembler - A forerunner of HyperCard called Noddy - More sprites than the comparable equipment at the time The computers also featured support for plug-in ROM cartridges (a little like the BBC Micro). The most popular of these was the ISO Pascal language which was much faster than interpreted BASIC. A considerable addition to any Memotech system was the hugely-expensive FDX system which added 5.25' floppy disk drives, Winchester hard disks and CP/M 2.2 operating system. Unfortunately, although they were generally well-received, the computers were not a commercial success, and Memotech went into receivership in 1985. The MTX512 did manage a minor cinematic appearance in the film Weird Science as the computer the two lead male characters use to hack into the Pentagon mainframe - however, it is highly unlikely that the impressive 3D graphics it was supposedly displaying were genuine. Infos from: Wikipedia

MTX512 Memotech Computer 1983

The Memotech company started manufacturing expansion cards and high quality memory modules for the <a href="computer.asp?c=263">Sinclair ZX 81</a><a></a> home computer. The British Memotech MTX 512 has a hardware which looks like the <a href="computer.asp?c=217">Sord M5</a>. It also has characteristics, which are close to the <a href="computer.asp?c=90">MSX standard</a>, but is not MSX compatible. It uses a dedicated chip for video (Texas Instruments TM 9918 or 9928) and sound (Texas Instruments SN76489A) and has a very nice mechanical keyboard and a nice black aluminum case! Both models have the same characteristics, but the MTX 500 has only 32 KB RAM and the 512, 64 KB. It had no success and was replaced a short time later by the <a href="computer.asp?c=202">RS-128</a>. _______________ <font color="#666666"><b>Jon O'Brien</b> reports: I was in computer retail in Bracknell at the time the MTX was released, owned an MTX 512 (which I still have somewhere, I think) and spent quite a bit of time talking on the telephone to the owner of Memotech (whose name now escapes me) about stocking the machines. I was told at the time that much of the MSX design was based on the company's work on the MTX. How true this is I can't say, but it is a claim that was made at the time.</font> <a href="doc.asp?c=168"><img src="graphs/readmore.gif" border="0" vspace="4"></a>

MM I Mephisto Unknown

MM II Mephisto Unknown

MM IV Mephisto Unknown

MM V Mephisto Unknown

Super Mondial II Mephisto Unknown

DREAM-6800 Michael J. Bauer Unknown

Micro Craft Dimension 68000 Generic Unknown

Primo Microkey Computer 198?

The PRIMO is a home computer which was developed in the 80's by a hungarian computer developer called SZTAKI. This is a 8 bit machine, with Z80 CPU. The hardware is realized modesty, but there are some interesting features in this machine. There are more than one product line. The series A has touch keyboard (works on capacitive way, this is the original Primo feeling). The series B has normal keyboard. There are tales about the series C and in this series was the ROM upgraded. We should take a mention about the Pro Primo, which has color screen. (There was a photo in a micro computer magazine near '86, and on this photo is a complete Pro Primo configuration, likely the one and only prototype.) The different series was sold with different RAM configurations. The BASIC (and the operating system of-course) is in a 16K ROM, and only the size of the RAM was changed. A-32: 16K ROM and 16K RAM A-48: 16K ROM and 32K RAM A-64: 16K ROM and 48K RAM B-64: 16K ROM and 48K RAM (normal keyboard, and some I/O implementations which left out from the series A) SCREEN The Primo has only monochrome (black and white) screen with 256x192 resolution. (By the hardware manual the the Primo can works with the resolution 256x256, but this is only a hardware option, nobody used it.) The resolution 256x192 is the same resolution that the ZX Spectrum can do, but without colors. The pixel frequency is onther tan the Spectrum, It is not 7 MHz, but 7.5 MHz, so the CPU frequency is 3.75 MHz, but the displayed area horizontaly is little smaller. The screen memory is at the end of the RAM, and it uses only 6K. The hardware can do double buffering, the secondary screen memory is accesible under the first 8K. The series A has the following starting screen: SOUND There is in the computer a speaker, which was called in the documentation "horn". This is a one bit sound generator like the PC Speaker in the PC-s. In that time, it was enough in a computer. TAPE In the hardware manual there is a complete circuit diagram about the tape interface. In the first view, it seems overcomplicated, but later one can realize that it is very tricky. The interface is a creative and good solution, the loading is also safe when the records are noisy. KEYBOARD In the series A there is a "keyboard" which works by capacitive principles. This was realy only a board. It is from the electronical view a strike of genius, but it is mainly unusable. In the series B and C there are normal (usable) keyboards. OTHER I/O In the series A there is a lot of empty space on the motherboard. There was developed some I/O connection on the motherboard, but not imlemented in the A series. In all series are tape interface. In the B and C series are two additional connector implemented, they are: Commodore type IEC serial interface (the ROM supports it only in the series C) Serial joystick interface (never heard and saw joystick, we think nobody use this) OTHER PRIMO TYPES Primo C was an experimental prototype, the precusor of the Pro/Primo. Pro/Primo was prepared for the second School Computer Tender, with new desing (house, keyboard, and colors. Infos from:

MS-DOS Microsoft Computer 1981

MS-DOS (short for Microsoft Disk Operating System) is an operating system built for x86 based personal computers. It was the most popular of the DOS family of operating systems being the main operating system for IBM PC compatible personal computers. While it reined supreme during the 1980’s through to the mid-1990s, it was slowly replaced by operating systems that offered a graphical user interface (GUI) especially so by the Microsoft Windows. Due to MS-DOS, and DOS in general being around for a long period almost all programs written for it will not run on a modern operating system, requiring software like DOSBox to emulate its architecture to allow old software and games to be run on modern systems.

logo photo
MSX Microsoft Computer 1980

Released 1983 (MSX1) Discontinued 1995 (MSX turbo R) Processor Zilog Z80 Memory 16KB Approx. 512KB OS MSX-DOS / MSX BASIC MSX was the name of a standardized home computer architecture in the 1980s. It was a Microsoft-led attempt to create unified standards among hardware makers, conceived by one-time Microsoft Japan executive Kazuhiko Nishi. Despite Microsoft's involvement, MSX-based machines were seldom seen in the United States but were hugely popular in other markets. Eventually 5 million MSX-based units were sold world-wide. Nishi proposed MSX as an attempt to create a single industry standard for home computers. Inspired by the success of VHS as a standard for video cassette recorders, many Japanese electronic manufacturers along with Goldstar, Philips and Spectravideo built and promoted MSX computers. Any piece of hardware or software with the MSX logo on it was compatible with MSX products of other manufacturers. In particular, the expansion cartridge form and function were part of the standard; any MSX expansion or game cartridge would work in any MSX computer. Nishi's standard consisted primarily of several off-the-shelf parts; the main CPU was a 3.58 MHz Zilog Z80, the graphics chip a Texas Instruments TMS9918 with 16 KB of dedicated VRAM, and the sound was provided by the AY-3-8910 chip manufactured by General Instrument (GI). These components alongside Microsoft's MSX BASIC made the MSX a competitive, though somewhat more expensive home computer package. This design closely resembled the Spectravideo SV-328 home computer, but was not completely compatible with it. Spectravideo later launched a system, the SV-728 which did adhere to the MSX standard. Before the appearance and great success of the Nintendo Famicom, MSX was the platform for which major Japanese game studios, such as Konami and Hudson Soft, produced their titles. The Metal Gear series was originally written for MSX hardware. History In the 1980s Japan was in the midst of an economic awakening. Large Japanese electronics firms may have been successful in the early computer market had they made a concerted effort in the late 1970s. Their combined design and manufacturing power could have allowed them to produce competitive machines, but they initially ignored the home computer market and appear to have been hesitant to do business in a market where no industry standard existed. When MSX was announced and a slew of big Japanese firms announced their plans to introduce machines, it set off a wave of panic in the U.S. industry. However, the Japanese companies avoided the intensely competitive U.S. home computer market, which was in the throes of a Commodore-led price war. Only Spectravideo and Yamaha briefly marketed MSX machines in the U.S. Spectravideo's MSX enjoyed very little success, and Yamaha's CX5M model, built to interface with various types of MIDI equipment, was billed more as a digital music tool than a standard personal computer. During the 1980s Europe became the largest computer games (as opposed to console games) market in the world, and the extremely popular Commodore 64 and Sinclair ZX Spectrum computers dominated. By the time the MSX launched in Europe several more popular 8-bit home computers had also arrived, and it was far too late to capture the extremely crowded European 8-bit computer market. Consequently, MSX never became the worldwide standard that its makers had envisioned, mainly because it never took off in the United States or most of Europe. In Japan and South Korea, MSX was the paramount home computer system in the 1980s. It was also popular in The Netherlands, Spain, Brazil, some Arab countries and the Soviet Union. The exact meaning of the 'MSX' abbreviation remains a matter of debate. At the time, most people seemed to agree it meant 'MicroSoft eXtended', referring to the built-in MSX-BASIC programming language, specifically adapted by Microsoft for the MSX system. However, according to Kazuhiko Nishi during a recent visit to Tilburg in the Netherlands, MSX stands for 'Machines with Software eXchangeability'. The MSX-DOS disk operating system had file system compatibility with CP/M and was similar to MS-DOS. In this way, Microsoft could promote MSX for home use while promoting MS-DOS based personal computers in office environments. MSX spawned four generations: MSX 1 (1983), MSX 2 (1986), MSX 2+ (1988) and MSX turbo R (1990). The first three were 8-bit computers based on the Z80 microprocessor, while the MSX turbo R was based on an enhanced Zilog Z800 known as the R800. The Turbo R was introduced in 1990 but was unsuccessful due to a lack of support and the rise in popularity of the by then well-established IBM PC Compatible market. Production of the Turbo R ended in 1995. In total, 5 million MSX computers were sold, which made it relatively popular but not the global standard it was intended to be. For a comparison with rival 8-bit computers, the Commodore 64 sold 17 million units worldwide in its lifetime, the Amstrad CPC sold 3 million units, the Apple II sold 2 million units, and the Tandy TRS-80 sold 250,000 units. MSX Revival * In 2001, Kazuhiko Nishi initiated an 'MSX Revival' around an official MSX emulator called MSXPLAYer. This is the only official MSX emulator. All MSX copyrights are maintained by the MSX Association. * In 2004 Dutch company Bazix announced they had become the representatives of MSX Association in Europe, being the English contact for any questions regarding the MSX trademarks and copyrights (licensing). * On October 17, 2006, Bazix launched WOOMB.Net, a website selling MSX games (translated to English if necessary), with a selection of 14 games. In Japan, game sales began earlier, through Project EGG. WOOMB.Net is the English counterpart of this (and other) Japanese services offered by D4 Enterprise. * D4 Enterprise also announced (in August 2006) the launch of a new MSX2 compatible system called the 'one chip-MSX', a system based on an Altera Cyclone EP1C12Q240C8 FPGA. The 'one chip-MSX' is similar in concept to the C-One, a Commodore 64 clone also build on the basis of a single FPGA chip. The new MSX system is housed in a box made out of transparent blue plastic, and can be used with a standard monitor (or TV) and a PC keyboard. It has two MSX cartridge slots and supports the audio extensions MSX-MUSIC and SCC+. A SD/MMC-flashcard can be used as an external storage medium, emulating a disk drive and can be used to boot MSX-DOS. Due to its VHDL programmable hardware it is possible to give the device new hardware extensions simply by running a reconfiguration program under MSX-DOS. The 'one chip-MSX' also has two USB connectors that can be used after adding some supporting VHDL code. * In 2006 Nintendo of Japan posted on its Virtual Console webpage that MSX games will be available for Wii's Virtual Console emulator. In February 2007, it was confirmed again and announced that the games would cost 800 Wii Points and will become available in Spring 2007 (for Japan only, at least initially). MSX trivia * The birthday of the MSX Home Computer Standard is June 27, 1983, the day it was formally announced during a press-conference. * MSX 1 computers were very similar to the Colecovision and Sega SG-1000 video game systems. They shared the same CPU and video processors. Their sound processors were also very similar. A Colecovision emulator for the MSX exists. * By far, the most popular and famous MSX games were written by Japanese software-house Konami. * As the MSX's processor, the Zilog Z80A, could only address up to 64 kB of memory, the default allocation (used in most, if not all models) was with the lower 32 kB for ROM BASIC and the upper 32 kB for RAM. Machines intended to run MSX-DOS (a CP/M-like system) had 64 kB RAM, but the lower 32 kB were disabled in order for the ROM BASIC to function. When the computer booted MSX-DOS, the ROM BASIC was disabled and all of the 64 kB address space was mapped to RAM. * Among MSX-DOS compatible software (directly ported from CP/M) were dBase II, Turbo Pascal version 3 and Wordstar. Therefore, in the late 1980s, several Brazilian companies used an MSX system as their 'corporate' computer. As an MSX 1 could display only 40x25 text, expansion kits were introduced that upgraded the display to 80x25, giving MSX a more professional appeal. MSX 2 and up were never manufactured by the main companies in Brazil (Gradiente and Sharp). Much of the market was created alone by Ademir Carchano (MSX Projetos et al) who created most of the aftermarket hardware for MSX, including the MegaRAM cartridge (a way to copy and play MegaROM games), the MSX 2.0 and 2+ conversion kits and IDE interfaces. Although cheaper IBM-PC clones eventually dominated the market, the MSX remained somewhat popular, with hardware being created and sold for substantial prices for some time afterwards. * MSX 1 games were published mainly on cartridge and cassette. Later in the 1980s the MSX 2 was released, which generally included a 3.5' disk drive, and consequently the popular media for games and other software shifted to floppy disks. * The MSX 3.5' floppy disks, at least those formatted under MSX-DOS 2.0, were directly compatible with MS-DOS (although some details like file undeletion and boot sector code were different). * The introduction of MSX led to a new and short-lived kind of software cracking: converting. Since the MSX games were unplayable on the SV-328 computer, SV-328 crackers developed a method of modifying the (MSX 1) games to make them work on the SV-328. In most cases this included downloading the MSX BIOS to the SV-328 from tape or floppy disk. * Due to the same processor (Z80), graphical resolution (256x192 pixels) and number of colors (16) of the MSX 1 systems and the Sinclair ZX Spectrum, many videogames made for the latter could easily be ported to the MSX platform by the (European) authors themselves, making both versions nearly identical. The enhanced color display possibilities of the MSX were not exploited: they did not used any hardware sprites, and the color by character style of the ZX Spectrum graphics was directly used, instead of using the MSX's more advanced facility to have a different color pair for each line in the character. Franchises established on the MSX Several popular video game franchises were established on the MSX: * Bomberman * Eggerland * Metal Gear * Parodius * Puyo Puyo Others got various installments on the MSX, including some titles unique to the system or largely reworked versions of games on other formats: * Aleste * Castlevania (as Vampire Killer) * Contra * Dragon Quest * Dragon Slayer * Final Fantasy * Golvellius * Gradius (Nemesis) * Wizardry * Xak * Ys * Zanac Manufacturers of MSX computers * MSX 1: Spectravideo (USA), Philips (the Netherlands), Sony, Sanyo, Mitsubishi, Toshiba, Hitachi, National, Panasonic, Canon, Casio, Pioneer, Fujitsu General, Yamaha, Yashica-Kyocera (Japan), GoldStar, Samsung/Fenner (Korea/Italy), Daewoo/Yeno (South Korea), Gradiente, Sharp/Epcom (Brazil), Talent (Argentina). * MSX 2: Philips (the Netherlands), Sony, Sanyo, Samsung, Mitsubishi, Victor (a.k.a. JVC), National, Panasonic, Canon, Yamaha (Japan), ACVS, DDX (Brazil, upgrade kit), Daewoo/Yeno (South Korea), Talent (Argentina). * MSX 2+: Sony, Sanyo, Panasonic (Japan), ACVS, DDX (Brazil, upgrade kit) * MSX turbo R: Panasonic (Japan) System specs MSX 1 * Processor: Zilog Z80A running at 3.58 MHz * ROM: 32 kB * BIOS (16 kB) * MSX BASIC V1.0 (16 kB) * RAM: 8 kB minimum, up to 64 kB * Video Display Processor: Texas Instruments TMS9918 family * Video RAM: 16 kB * Text modes: 40x24 and 32x24 * Resolution: 256x192 (16 colours) * Sprites: 32, 1 colour, max 4 per horizontal line * Sound chip: General Instrument AY-3-8910 (PSG) * 3 channels + noise MSX 2 * Processor: Zilog Z80A running at 3.58 MHz * ROM: 48 kB * BIOS + Extended BIOS (32 kB) * MSX BASIC V2.0 (16 kB) * DiskROM (16 kB) (optional) * MSX-Audio BIOS (32 kB) (optional) * RAM: commonly 128 kB (64 kB on Japanese computers, Sony HB-F700P had 256 kB) * Memory mapped (4 MB/slot max) * Video Display Processor: Yamaha V9938 (aka MSX-Video) * Video RAM: 128 kB (sometimes 64 kB or 192 kB) * Text modes: 80x24 and 32x24 * Resolution: 512x212 (16 colours out of 512) and 256x212 (256 colours) * Sprites: 32, 16 colours, max 8 per horizontal line * Hardware acceleration for copy, line, fill, etc. * Interlacing to double vertical resolution * Vertical scroll register * Sound chip: Yamaha YM2149 (PSG) * 3 channels + noise * Clock chip RP5C01 MSX 2+ * Only officially released in Japan (available in Europe and Brazil via upgrades) * Processor: Zilog Z80 compatible running at 3.58 MHz or more (5.37 MHz versions were available) * ROM: 64 kB * BIOS + Extended BIOS (32 kB) * MSX BASIC V3.0 (16 kB) * DiskROM (16 kB) * Kun-BASIC (16 kB) (optional) * Kanji ROM (optional) * RAM: commonly 64 kB (on Japanese computers) * Memory mapped (4 MB/slot max) * Video Display Processor: Yamaha V9958 (aka MSX-Video) * Video RAM: 128 kB * Text modes: 80x24 and 32x24 * Resolution: 512x212 (16 colours out of 512) and 256x212 (19268 colours) * Sprites: 32, 16 colours, max 8 per horizontal line * Hardware acceleration for copy, line, fill, etc. * Interlacing to double vertical resolution * Horizontal and vertical scroll registers * Sound chip: Yamaha YM2149 (PSG) * 3 channels + noise * Optional sound chip: Yamaha YM2413 (OPLL) (MSX-Music) * 9 channels FM or 6 channels FM + 5 drums * 15 pre-set instruments, 1 custom * Clock chip RP5C01 MSX turbo R * Only released in Japan * Processor: R800 and Zilog Z80 running respectively at 29 MHz and 7.14 MHz * ROM: 96 kB * BIOS + Extended BIOS (48 kB) * MSX BASIC V4.0 (16 kB) * DiskROM (16 kB) * Kun-BASIC (16 kB) * Kanji ROM (256 kB) * Firmware (4 MB) * RAM: 256 kB (FS-A1ST) or 512 kB (FS-A1GT) * Memory mapped (4 MB/slot max) * Additionally 16 kB (FS-A1ST) or 32 kB (FS-A1GT) of SRAM (battery-powered) * Video Display Processor: Yamaha V9958 (aka MSX-Video) * Video RAM: 128 kB * Text modes: 80x24 and 32x24 * Resolution: 512x212 (16 colours out of 512) and 256x212 (19768 colours) * Sprites: 32, 16 colours, max 8 per horizontal line * Hardware acceleration for copy, line, fill, etc. * Interlacing to double vertical resolution * Horizontal and vertical scroll registers * Sound chip: Yamaha YM2149 (PSG) * 3 channels + noise * Sound chip: Yamaha YM2413 (OPLL) (MSX-Music) * 9 channels FM or 6 channels FM + 5 drums * 15 pre-set instruments, 1 custom * Sound chip: PCM * 8-bit single channel (no DMA), 16 kHz max using BIOS routines. * Microphone built-in * Sound chip: MIDI in/out (FS-A1GT only) * Clock chip Peripherals MSX-Audio * Yamaha Y8950, also known as: * Panasonic: MSX-Audio (standard name) * Philips: Music Module (no MSX-Audio BIOS) * Toshiba: MSX FM-synthesizer Unit (no sample RAM, no MSX-Audio BIOS) * 9 channels FM or 6 channels FM + 5 drums * ADPCM record and play * 32 kB of sample RAM, which can be upgraded to 256 kB MSX-Music * Yamaha YM2413 (OPLL), also known as: * MSX-Music (standard name) * Panasonic: FM-PAC * Zemina: Music Box * Checkmark: FM-Stereo-Pak * 9 channels FM or 6 channels FM + 5 drums * 15 pre-set instruments, 1 custom * Built-in in many MSX 2+ computers and the MSX turbo R Emulators MSX computers are one of the most emulated platforms today. blueMSX: Considered by many the best MSX emulator * A fairly new MSX emulator for Windows (development started September 2003) initially based on Marat Fayzullin's fMSX * Perfect looking emulation of MSX, MSX 2, MSX 2+, MSX turboR, Colecovision and Spectravideo * Very accurate sound emulation * Many unique emulation features such as ethernet emulation, video recording, digitizing, and theme based user interface * Open source (GPL) since v2.0, which didn't use Marat Fayzullin code anymore BrMSX: discontinued * The fastest MSX and MSX 2 emulator ever, written entirely in Assembly for DOS only * BrMSX author, Ricardo Bittencourt, is now part of the blueMSX development team CJS MSX Emulator: discontinued * Along with fMSX was one of the very first successful MSX emulators * Unlike fMSX the code was not portable and is compatible only with IBM-PC running DOS * Fast MSX and MSX 2 emulation with good sound support fMSX: A portable MSX emulator by Marat Fayzullin * The first widespread MSX emulator and the most ported one * Offers accurate MSX, MSX 2 and MSX 2+ emulation with sound * Source is available in a commercially restricted license (free ports are allowed and encouraged) * The majority of MSX emulators today were more or less based on the fMSX source code fMSX for Series 60 by Juha Riihimäki * Very interesting port of the famous fMSX emulator for the Nokia Series 60 based devices fMSXDS: A portable MSX emulator for the Nintendo DS by Nyagosu MSXPLAYer: * This is the official MSX emulator. * Outside of Japan BAZIX is the representative for MSXPLAYer, and is also acting as the trademark holder for the MSX logo when used in emulators * MSXPLAYer is produced by the MSX Association of which Kazuhiko Nishi, (the inventor of the MSX standard) is the president. * BAZIX is currently in the process of developing a version of MSXPLAYer for the use with mobile phones that use the Symbian 60 OS * In Japan, a Windows and a Pocket PC version is available NLMSX: inactive * A basic, fairly accurate MSX, MSX 2, MSX 2+ and turboR emulator for Windows based on fMSX 2.0b NODollarMSX: by Martin Korth * A decent MSX and MSX 2 emulator aimed to be more of a serious development tool than just an emulator * Has a very useful and comfortable debugger and is written entirely in Assembly language to run smoothly on a 33 MHz PC. openMSX: The MSX emulator that aims for perfection * Open source (GPL) MSX emulator with some unique features (script based operation, command interface via pipes/socket, etc.) * Extremely accurate MSX, MSX 2, MSX 2+ and turboR emulation paraMSX: fMSX port by Yeongman Seo * Was one of the best fMSX ports for Windows in its time RuMSX: Turbo-R emulator for Windows * One of the older MSX, MSX 2, MSX 2+ and turboR emulators * Had very nice sound support for its time * Very intuitive user interface * The first MSX emulator with turboR support RedMSX: blueMSX derivative * Started out as a hack on blueMSX to add zipped ROM support and the SCALE2X graphical enhancement algorithm * Added support for zipped DSK (disk images), lightguns and drag-and-drop launching of zip files * While blueMSX compiles only with Microsoft Visual Studio .Net, RedMSX will compile with Microsoft Visual C/C++ 6. * RedMSX's CPU load is very low (even less than blueMSX) making it run fast and accurately even in older, inexpensive hardware Virtual Console on the Wii Infos from Wikipedia

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MSX Turbo-R Microsoft Computer 1990

Here is the last MSX computer ever made. It is the successor of the <a href="computer.asp?c=291">MSX 2+</a> and thus has many characteristics in common. New features include: a new PCM sound chip which can produce digitized sound up to 44 KHz (in assembly language) and a new Z80 downward compatible R800 processor. The user can select the CPU (Z80 or R800) by software. Panasonic was the only company to produce MSX 2 Turbo R systems: the FS A1. Two versions of the FS A1 were presented, the <a href="computer.asp?c=775">FS A1 ST</a> and the <a href="computer.asp?c=627">FS A1 GT</a>. The GT has 512 KB RAM, a MIDI interface and MSX View in ROM (MSX View is the Graphic User Interface compatible with MSX-DOS). Panasonic stopped the production of the Turbo R when they launched the 3DO game system in 1992. They failed with this system and never returned to MSX. Lot of extensions, however, were produced by third-party companies to enhance the Turbo R, among them, an OPL4 Sound Card, a hi-res card (Yamaha V9990) with lot of hardware sprites and IDE or SCSI interfaces. <b>David Heremans</b> reports: <font color="#666666">There is a mixed mode where you can have +4096 colors simultaneously with an extra 16 indexed colors so that still pictures in full color can be displayed while the index palatte of 16 redefinable colors can be used for all kind of effects. But trying to display that would probably be a litle long for the small space reserved for it on the page.</font>

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MSX2 Microsoft Computer 1985

Released 1983 (MSX1) Discontinued 1995 (MSX turbo R) Processor Zilog Z80 Memory 16KB Approx. 512KB OS MSX-DOS / MSX BASIC MSX was the name of a standardized home computer architecture in the 1980s. It was a Microsoft-led attempt to create unified standards among hardware makers, conceived by one-time Microsoft Japan executive Kazuhiko Nishi. Despite Microsoft's involvement, MSX-based machines were seldom seen in the United States but were hugely popular in other markets. Eventually 5 million MSX-based units were sold world-wide. Nishi proposed MSX as an attempt to create a single industry standard for home computers. Inspired by the success of VHS as a standard for video cassette recorders, many Japanese electronic manufacturers along with Goldstar, Philips and Spectravideo built and promoted MSX computers. Any piece of hardware or software with the MSX logo on it was compatible with MSX products of other manufacturers. In particular, the expansion cartridge form and function were part of the standard; any MSX expansion or game cartridge would work in any MSX computer. Nishi's standard consisted primarily of several off-the-shelf parts; the main CPU was a 3.58 MHz Zilog Z80, the graphics chip a Texas Instruments TMS9918 with 16 KB of dedicated VRAM, and the sound was provided by the AY-3-8910 chip manufactured by General Instrument (GI). These components alongside Microsoft's MSX BASIC made the MSX a competitive, though somewhat more expensive home computer package. This design closely resembled the Spectravideo SV-328 home computer, but was not completely compatible with it. Spectravideo later launched a system, the SV-728 which did adhere to the MSX standard. Before the appearance and great success of the Nintendo Famicom, MSX was the platform for which major Japanese game studios, such as Konami and Hudson Soft, produced their titles. The Metal Gear series was originally written for MSX hardware. History In the 1980s Japan was in the midst of an economic awakening. Large Japanese electronics firms may have been successful in the early computer market had they made a concerted effort in the late 1970s. Their combined design and manufacturing power could have allowed them to produce competitive machines, but they initially ignored the home computer market and appear to have been hesitant to do business in a market where no industry standard existed. When MSX was announced and a slew of big Japanese firms announced their plans to introduce machines, it set off a wave of panic in the U.S. industry. However, the Japanese companies avoided the intensely competitive U.S. home computer market, which was in the throes of a Commodore-led price war. Only Spectravideo and Yamaha briefly marketed MSX machines in the U.S. Spectravideo's MSX enjoyed very little success, and Yamaha's CX5M model, built to interface with various types of MIDI equipment, was billed more as a digital music tool than a standard personal computer. During the 1980s Europe became the largest computer games (as opposed to console games) market in the world, and the extremely popular Commodore 64 and Sinclair ZX Spectrum computers dominated. By the time the MSX launched in Europe several more popular 8-bit home computers had also arrived, and it was far too late to capture the extremely crowded European 8-bit computer market. Consequently, MSX never became the worldwide standard that its makers had envisioned, mainly because it never took off in the United States or most of Europe. In Japan and South Korea, MSX was the paramount home computer system in the 1980s. It was also popular in The Netherlands, Spain, Brazil, some Arab countries and the Soviet Union. The exact meaning of the 'MSX' abbreviation remains a matter of debate. At the time, most people seemed to agree it meant 'MicroSoft eXtended', referring to the built-in MSX-BASIC programming language, specifically adapted by Microsoft for the MSX system. However, according to Kazuhiko Nishi during a recent visit to Tilburg in the Netherlands, MSX stands for 'Machines with Software eXchangeability'. The MSX-DOS disk operating system had file system compatibility with CP/M and was similar to MS-DOS. In this way, Microsoft could promote MSX for home use while promoting MS-DOS based personal computers in office environments. MSX spawned four generations: MSX 1 (1983), MSX 2 (1986), MSX 2+ (1988) and MSX turbo R (1990). The first three were 8-bit computers based on the Z80 microprocessor, while the MSX turbo R was based on an enhanced Zilog Z800 known as the R800. The Turbo R was introduced in 1990 but was unsuccessful due to a lack of support and the rise in popularity of the by then well-established IBM PC Compatible market. Production of the Turbo R ended in 1995. In total, 5 million MSX computers were sold, which made it relatively popular but not the global standard it was intended to be. For a comparison with rival 8-bit computers, the Commodore 64 sold 17 million units worldwide in its lifetime, the Amstrad CPC sold 3 million units, the Apple II sold 2 million units, and the Tandy TRS-80 sold 250,000 units. MSX Revival * In 2001, Kazuhiko Nishi initiated an 'MSX Revival' around an official MSX emulator called MSXPLAYer. This is the only official MSX emulator. All MSX copyrights are maintained by the MSX Association. * In 2004 Dutch company Bazix announced they had become the representatives of MSX Association in Europe, being the English contact for any questions regarding the MSX trademarks and copyrights (licensing). * On October 17, 2006, Bazix launched WOOMB.Net, a website selling MSX games (translated to English if necessary), with a selection of 14 games. In Japan, game sales began earlier, through Project EGG. WOOMB.Net is the English counterpart of this (and other) Japanese services offered by D4 Enterprise. * D4 Enterprise also announced (in August 2006) the launch of a new MSX2 compatible system called the 'one chip-MSX', a system based on an Altera Cyclone EP1C12Q240C8 FPGA. The 'one chip-MSX' is similar in concept to the C-One, a Commodore 64 clone also build on the basis of a single FPGA chip. The new MSX system is housed in a box made out of transparent blue plastic, and can be used with a standard monitor (or TV) and a PC keyboard. It has two MSX cartridge slots and supports the audio extensions MSX-MUSIC and SCC+. A SD/MMC-flashcard can be used as an external storage medium, emulating a disk drive and can be used to boot MSX-DOS. Due to its VHDL programmable hardware it is possible to give the device new hardware extensions simply by running a reconfiguration program under MSX-DOS. The 'one chip-MSX' also has two USB connectors that can be used after adding some supporting VHDL code. * In 2006 Nintendo of Japan posted on its Virtual Console webpage that MSX games will be available for Wii's Virtual Console emulator. In February 2007, it was confirmed again and announced that the games would cost 800 Wii Points and will become available in Spring 2007 (for Japan only, at least initially). MSX trivia * The birthday of the MSX Home Computer Standard is June 27, 1983, the day it was formally announced during a press-conference. * MSX 1 computers were very similar to the Colecovision and Sega SG-1000 video game systems. They shared the same CPU and video processors. Their sound processors were also very similar. A Colecovision emulator for the MSX exists. * By far, the most popular and famous MSX games were written by Japanese software-house Konami. * As the MSX's processor, the Zilog Z80A, could only address up to 64 kB of memory, the default allocation (used in most, if not all models) was with the lower 32 kB for ROM BASIC and the upper 32 kB for RAM. Machines intended to run MSX-DOS (a CP/M-like system) had 64 kB RAM, but the lower 32 kB were disabled in order for the ROM BASIC to function. When the computer booted MSX-DOS, the ROM BASIC was disabled and all of the 64 kB address space was mapped to RAM. * Among MSX-DOS compatible software (directly ported from CP/M) were dBase II, Turbo Pascal version 3 and Wordstar. Therefore, in the late 1980s, several Brazilian companies used an MSX system as their 'corporate' computer. As an MSX 1 could display only 40x25 text, expansion kits were introduced that upgraded the display to 80x25, giving MSX a more professional appeal. MSX 2 and up were never manufactured by the main companies in Brazil (Gradiente and Sharp). Much of the market was created alone by Ademir Carchano (MSX Projetos et al) who created most of the aftermarket hardware for MSX, including the MegaRAM cartridge (a way to copy and play MegaROM games), the MSX 2.0 and 2+ conversion kits and IDE interfaces. Although cheaper IBM-PC clones eventually dominated the market, the MSX remained somewhat popular, with hardware being created and sold for substantial prices for some time afterwards. * MSX 1 games were published mainly on cartridge and cassette. Later in the 1980s the MSX 2 was released, which generally included a 3.5' disk drive, and consequently the popular media for games and other software shifted to floppy disks. * The MSX 3.5' floppy disks, at least those formatted under MSX-DOS 2.0, were directly compatible with MS-DOS (although some details like file undeletion and boot sector code were different). * The introduction of MSX led to a new and short-lived kind of software cracking: converting. Since the MSX games were unplayable on the SV-328 computer, SV-328 crackers developed a method of modifying the (MSX 1) games to make them work on the SV-328. In most cases this included downloading the MSX BIOS to the SV-328 from tape or floppy disk. * Due to the same processor (Z80), graphical resolution (256x192 pixels) and number of colors (16) of the MSX 1 systems and the Sinclair ZX Spectrum, many videogames made for the latter could easily be ported to the MSX platform by the (European) authors themselves, making both versions nearly identical. The enhanced color display possibilities of the MSX were not exploited: they did not used any hardware sprites, and the color by character style of the ZX Spectrum graphics was directly used, instead of using the MSX's more advanced facility to have a different color pair for each line in the character. Franchises established on the MSX Several popular video game franchises were established on the MSX: * Bomberman * Eggerland * Metal Gear * Parodius * Puyo Puyo Others got various installments on the MSX, including some titles unique to the system or largely reworked versions of games on other formats: * Aleste * Castlevania (as Vampire Killer) * Contra * Dragon Quest * Dragon Slayer * Final Fantasy * Golvellius * Gradius (Nemesis) * Wizardry * Xak * Ys * Zanac Manufacturers of MSX computers * MSX 1: Spectravideo (USA), Philips (the Netherlands), Sony, Sanyo, Mitsubishi, Toshiba, Hitachi, National, Panasonic, Canon, Casio, Pioneer, Fujitsu General, Yamaha, Yashica-Kyocera (Japan), GoldStar, Samsung/Fenner (Korea/Italy), Daewoo/Yeno (South Korea), Gradiente, Sharp/Epcom (Brazil), Talent (Argentina). * MSX 2: Philips (the Netherlands), Sony, Sanyo, Samsung, Mitsubishi, Victor (a.k.a. JVC), National, Panasonic, Canon, Yamaha (Japan), ACVS, DDX (Brazil, upgrade kit), Daewoo/Yeno (South Korea), Talent (Argentina). * MSX 2+: Sony, Sanyo, Panasonic (Japan), ACVS, DDX (Brazil, upgrade kit) * MSX turbo R: Panasonic (Japan) System specs MSX 1 * Processor: Zilog Z80A running at 3.58 MHz * ROM: 32 kB * BIOS (16 kB) * MSX BASIC V1.0 (16 kB) * RAM: 8 kB minimum, up to 64 kB * Video Display Processor: Texas Instruments TMS9918 family * Video RAM: 16 kB * Text modes: 40x24 and 32x24 * Resolution: 256x192 (16 colours) * Sprites: 32, 1 colour, max 4 per horizontal line * Sound chip: General Instrument AY-3-8910 (PSG) * 3 channels + noise MSX 2 * Processor: Zilog Z80A running at 3.58 MHz * ROM: 48 kB * BIOS + Extended BIOS (32 kB) * MSX BASIC V2.0 (16 kB) * DiskROM (16 kB) (optional) * MSX-Audio BIOS (32 kB) (optional) * RAM: commonly 128 kB (64 kB on Japanese computers, Sony HB-F700P had 256 kB) * Memory mapped (4 MB/slot max) * Video Display Processor: Yamaha V9938 (aka MSX-Video) * Video RAM: 128 kB (sometimes 64 kB or 192 kB) * Text modes: 80x24 and 32x24 * Resolution: 512x212 (16 colours out of 512) and 256x212 (256 colours) * Sprites: 32, 16 colours, max 8 per horizontal line * Hardware acceleration for copy, line, fill, etc. * Interlacing to double vertical resolution * Vertical scroll register * Sound chip: Yamaha YM2149 (PSG) * 3 channels + noise * Clock chip RP5C01 MSX 2+ * Only officially released in Japan (available in Europe and Brazil via upgrades) * Processor: Zilog Z80 compatible running at 3.58 MHz or more (5.37 MHz versions were available) * ROM: 64 kB * BIOS + Extended BIOS (32 kB) * MSX BASIC V3.0 (16 kB) * DiskROM (16 kB) * Kun-BASIC (16 kB) (optional) * Kanji ROM (optional) * RAM: commonly 64 kB (on Japanese computers) * Memory mapped (4 MB/slot max) * Video Display Processor: Yamaha V9958 (aka MSX-Video) * Video RAM: 128 kB * Text modes: 80x24 and 32x24 * Resolution: 512x212 (16 colours out of 512) and 256x212 (19268 colours) * Sprites: 32, 16 colours, max 8 per horizontal line * Hardware acceleration for copy, line, fill, etc. * Interlacing to double vertical resolution * Horizontal and vertical scroll registers * Sound chip: Yamaha YM2149 (PSG) * 3 channels + noise * Optional sound chip: Yamaha YM2413 (OPLL) (MSX-Music) * 9 channels FM or 6 channels FM + 5 drums * 15 pre-set instruments, 1 custom * Clock chip RP5C01 MSX turbo R * Only released in Japan * Processor: R800 and Zilog Z80 running respectively at 29 MHz and 7.14 MHz * ROM: 96 kB * BIOS + Extended BIOS (48 kB) * MSX BASIC V4.0 (16 kB) * DiskROM (16 kB) * Kun-BASIC (16 kB) * Kanji ROM (256 kB) * Firmware (4 MB) * RAM: 256 kB (FS-A1ST) or 512 kB (FS-A1GT) * Memory mapped (4 MB/slot max) * Additionally 16 kB (FS-A1ST) or 32 kB (FS-A1GT) of SRAM (battery-powered) * Video Display Processor: Yamaha V9958 (aka MSX-Video) * Video RAM: 128 kB * Text modes: 80x24 and 32x24 * Resolution: 512x212 (16 colours out of 512) and 256x212 (19768 colours) * Sprites: 32, 16 colours, max 8 per horizontal line * Hardware acceleration for copy, line, fill, etc. * Interlacing to double vertical resolution * Horizontal and vertical scroll registers * Sound chip: Yamaha YM2149 (PSG) * 3 channels + noise * Sound chip: Yamaha YM2413 (OPLL) (MSX-Music) * 9 channels FM or 6 channels FM + 5 drums * 15 pre-set instruments, 1 custom * Sound chip: PCM * 8-bit single channel (no DMA), 16 kHz max using BIOS routines. * Microphone built-in * Sound chip: MIDI in/out (FS-A1GT only) * Clock chip Peripherals MSX-Audio * Yamaha Y8950, also known as: * Panasonic: MSX-Audio (standard name) * Philips: Music Module (no MSX-Audio BIOS) * Toshiba: MSX FM-synthesizer Unit (no sample RAM, no MSX-Audio BIOS) * 9 channels FM or 6 channels FM + 5 drums * ADPCM record and play * 32 kB of sample RAM, which can be upgraded to 256 kB MSX-Music * Yamaha YM2413 (OPLL), also known as: * MSX-Music (standard name) * Panasonic: FM-PAC * Zemina: Music Box * Checkmark: FM-Stereo-Pak * 9 channels FM or 6 channels FM + 5 drums * 15 pre-set instruments, 1 custom * Built-in in many MSX 2+ computers and the MSX turbo R Emulators MSX computers are one of the most emulated platforms today. blueMSX: Considered by many the best MSX emulator * A fairly new MSX emulator for Windows (development started September 2003) initially based on Marat Fayzullin's fMSX * Perfect looking emulation of MSX, MSX 2, MSX 2+, MSX turboR, Colecovision and Spectravideo * Very accurate sound emulation * Many unique emulation features such as ethernet emulation, video recording, digitizing, and theme based user interface * Open source (GPL) since v2.0, which didn't use Marat Fayzullin code anymore BrMSX: discontinued * The fastest MSX and MSX 2 emulator ever, written entirely in Assembly for DOS only * BrMSX author, Ricardo Bittencourt, is now part of the blueMSX development team CJS MSX Emulator: discontinued * Along with fMSX was one of the very first successful MSX emulators * Unlike fMSX the code was not portable and is compatible only with IBM-PC running DOS * Fast MSX and MSX 2 emulation with good sound support fMSX: A portable MSX emulator by Marat Fayzullin * The first widespread MSX emulator and the most ported one * Offers accurate MSX, MSX 2 and MSX 2+ emulation with sound * Source is available in a commercially restricted license (free ports are allowed and encouraged) * The majority of MSX emulators today were more or less based on the fMSX source code fMSX for Series 60 by Juha Riihimäki * Very interesting port of the famous fMSX emulator for the Nokia Series 60 based devices fMSXDS: A portable MSX emulator for the Nintendo DS by Nyagosu MSXPLAYer: * This is the official MSX emulator. * Outside of Japan BAZIX is the representative for MSXPLAYer, and is also acting as the trademark holder for the MSX logo when used in emulators * MSXPLAYer is produced by the MSX Association of which Kazuhiko Nishi, (the inventor of the MSX standard) is the president. * BAZIX is currently in the process of developing a version of MSXPLAYer for the use with mobile phones that use the Symbian 60 OS * In Japan, a Windows and a Pocket PC version is available NLMSX: inactive * A basic, fairly accurate MSX, MSX 2, MSX 2+ and turboR emulator for Windows based on fMSX 2.0b NODollarMSX: by Martin Korth * A decent MSX and MSX 2 emulator aimed to be more of a serious development tool than just an emulator * Has a very useful and comfortable debugger and is written entirely in Assembly language to run smoothly on a 33 MHz PC. openMSX: The MSX emulator that aims for perfection * Open source (GPL) MSX emulator with some unique features (script based operation, command interface via pipes/socket, etc.) * Extremely accurate MSX, MSX 2, MSX 2+ and turboR emulation paraMSX: fMSX port by Yeongman Seo * Was one of the best fMSX ports for Windows in its time RuMSX: Turbo-R emulator for Windows * One of the older MSX, MSX 2, MSX 2+ and turboR emulators * Had very nice sound support for its time * Very intuitive user interface * The first MSX emulator with turboR support RedMSX: blueMSX derivative * Started out as a hack on blueMSX to add zipped ROM support and the SCALE2X graphical enhancement algorithm * Added support for zipped DSK (disk images), lightguns and drag-and-drop launching of zip files * While blueMSX compiles only with Microsoft Visual Studio .Net, RedMSX will compile with Microsoft Visual C/C++ 6. * RedMSX's CPU load is very low (even less than blueMSX) making it run fast and accurately even in older, inexpensive hardware Virtual Console on the Wii Infos from Wikipedia

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MSX2+ Microsoft Computer 1988

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PC Win3.xx Microsoft Computer 1990

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PC Win9X Microsoft Computer 1995

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Pocket PC Microsoft Unknown

Windows Microsoft Computer 2000

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Windows 3.X Microsoft Unknown

Xbox Microsoft Console 2001

The Xbox was Microsfts first real foray into  Video Game Console development, while they have done gaming on the PC for many years prior, they had never touched console development till the Xbox’s release. It came in the sixth generation of video game consoles, going up against the Nintendo GameCube, the SEGA Dreamcast and the Sony PS2. The Xbox was different to all of the consoles of its time, Instead of utilizing highly customized pieces of hardware like the Dreamcast and PlayStation 2 did, the Xbox instead used hardware that was much more familiar to them. That being they utilized a PC style system and architecture for there console, bringing in the in-built hard drive to store save games directly to the console, removing the need to purchase memory cards. Emulation of the Xbox so far has not managed to get very far, despite a couple of attempts emulation has basically never gotten past managing to get in-game in a couple of games. Performance is not to great in the emulators either. The difficulty of Xbox Emulation is likely due to how much in common it has with the PC Architecture and the sheer lack of any real documentation on how everything works. There is currently only one real Xbox emulator project that is making ground, and that is the XQEMU project. It also brought with it an Ethernet port, and was the first video game console to bring together a proper online gaming community with there console thanks to the introduction of Xbox Live. Xbox Live didn’t just let you play games with other people, it also let you add friends to a buddy list and interact with them. Xbox’s network prowess was helped by there better and more reliable services coupled alongside the fantastic online gameplay of Halo 2. Ultimately the Xbox fared extremely well for there first video game console, coming distant second to the PlayStation 2. Ending with over 24 million units sold, it proved more popular then Nintendo’s GameCube and eclipsed that of the SEGA Dreamcast.

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Xbox 360 Microsoft Console 2005

The Xbox 360 was Microsoft’s entry into the seventh generation of video game consoles, It went up against two very impressive showing, that being Sony’s PlayStation 3, and the extremely successful Nintendo Wii. The Xbox 360 managed to sell over 84 million units, an impressive feat despite suffering some serious setbacks. Initial versions of the Xbox 360 suffered from a severe hardware failure, often refereed to as the “Red Ring of Death”. This was caused by a poor heat sink and bracket that would over time cause the processor to bend and be lifted from the main board. Emulation of the Xbox 360 seemed like a very far fetched idea up considering the sheer difficulty developers had trying to emulate the original Xbox. There is one incredibly promising Xbox 360 emulator that has surfaced, and that is the surprising Xenia. it has already managed to get in game in a variety of different games and is already showing great promise that it will manage to successfully emulate the system. The Xbox 360 was an impressive showing from Microsoft, boasting a much improved online service, something that ended up becoming a core pillar of the device thanks to its sheer success in the previous generation of consoles. The Xbox 360 also boasted a rather robust set of media center abilities, however unlike the PlayStation 3, Microsoft made the decision to only include a DVD drive. While Microsoft eventually brought out an addon that implemented the HD DVD, it ended up a failed effort as the HD DVD ultimately failed after Blu-ray gained significant support. Ultimately the Xbox 360 was a very successful video game console, while not the top selling seventh generation video game console, it did bring with it some of the most memorable games of the generation. One of the most notable game series of those is the Gears of War series, which has now become a pillar of Xbox gaming alongside the fantastic open world racing game, Forza Horizon and the stellar Forza Motorsport series.

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Xbox One Microsoft Console 2013

The Xbox One was Microsoft’s entry into the eighth generation of Video Game Consoles. It perhaps had one of the most botched console releases of all time. This is can be attributed to a very poor marketing effort that left consumers confused. The announcement conference of the Xbox One featured a large segment dedicated to non gaming features, and then the time that was left focused on policies that were never explained properly. Such as the apparent “always-online” feature, and the original policy of being unable to trade in games, replacing the normal console system with a system much like the extremely popular PC Gaming platform, Steam. The next few weeks after the Xbox One’s announcement there was a few attempts to try and clarify there policies but those attempts just ended up throwing fuel on the fire and confusing the consumers even further. Eventually the two key policies of the console ended up being rolled back for the more traditional style. But it ended up with two high level Microsoft employees having to stand down, the most notable of these being the head of Xbox, Don Mattrick. Ultimately the Xbox One never recovered from the disaster that it was the announcement, Sony utilized the mess up to promote there console and appear to be the good guys helping them gain a majority early on in the consoles life. Emulation of the Xbox One is nothing but a pipe dream at this moment, there is no current effort to try and emulate the console, and there does not currently appear to be any real interest in a Xbox One emulator. Please note if you do find any supposed Xbox One emulators on the internet, steer clear of them as they are more then likely loaded with adware. It is currently to difficult to find out how well the Xbox One is doing as Microsoft chose to cease disclosing the Xbox One Sold unit numbers. <div class="et_pb_row et_pb_row_2 et_pb_row_fullwidth"> <div class="et_pb_column et_pb_column_4_4 et_pb_column_2 et_pb_css_mix_blend_mode_passthrough et-last-child"> <div class="et_pb_module et_pb_text et_pb_text_3 et_pb_bg_layout_light et_pb_text_align_left"> <div class="et_pb_text_inner"> <h2>Xbox One Emulators</h2> </div> </div> <div class="et_pb_module et_pb_text et_pb_text_4 et_pb_bg_layout_light et_pb_text_align_left"> <div class="et_pb_text_inner"> There is currently <strong>no</strong> Xbox One emulator in development, or any Xbox One emulator released at all. Please note that if you find any on the internet at this time, it is likely a <strong>fake, </strong>even more so if it claims to actually be able to one any games fully. Please steer clear of any Xbox One Emulators. We will update this page as soon as a legitimate attempt at developing an Xbox One Emulators shows up. </div> </div> </div> </div>

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Xbox Series X Microsoft Unknown 2020

The Xbox Series S/X made up a part of Microsoft’s ninth generation of video game consoles and was released at the end of 2020. These consoles are the successor to the Xbox One and represent the companies fourth attempt at building its own video game console. Like the PlayStation 5, the Xbox Series console sported some of the latest processing technologies from AMD. These processing technologies are AMD’s Zen 2 CPU architecture and their RDNA 2 GPU architecture. The use of these architectures allows the Xbox’s processor to match that of what was a relatively high-end computer at the time of release. Value-wise this put the Xbox Series console in an excellent position. They boasted pretty high-end CPU and GPU performance at a fraction of what it would cost to build a PC of the same capabilities. When marketing their latest Xbox consoles Microsoft focused a lot on their backward compatibility capabilities. The Xbox Series consoles are fully backward compatible with the Xbox One. They even support a large number of games from the Xbox 360 and the original Xbox. On the hardware side, the Xbox Series consoles set out to achieve a few things. The first was to improve the storage speed of the device significantly. Game consoles for years have relied on slow hard drives. The Xbox Series made the jump to an NVMe drive. These drives are incredibly fast, allowing the console to load data almost instantly. These gave rise to features such as Xbox’s Quick Resume. This feature stored the game’s current game state on the NVMe drive to quickly load back into memory. As the Xbox Series consoles are relatively new, there have been no successful attempts at emulating the video game console. Be careful if you see any website claiming they have a fully working Xbox Series emulator. We will update this page once there is progress on developing an emulator of the Xbox Series.

65 Microtan Computer 1979

This computer is what is the ZX-80 to the ZX-Spectrum, but for the <a href="computer.asp?c=180">Oric 1</a>. Tangerine developped this computer before they became Oric and produced the Oric-1. It was mainly sold in kit, without the complete keyboard shown in the photo, but with a little hexadecimal keyboard. The unextended Microtan 65 couldn't use Basic (Basic65) due to its RAM limitation (1kb), so only machine-code was usable. Te 1kb ROM contained TANBUG, a monitor which allowed to enter machine code programs. But with the unextended Microtan65, there was no way to save your work (not tape facility), so you had to re-type your program each time you switched-on the computer ! <a href="doc.asp?c=166"><img src="graphs/readmore.gif" border="0" vspace="4"></a>

Midway Classics Midway Arcade

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Mikro-80 Generic Unknown

1 MikroMikko Unknown

Wicat Millennium Systems Unknown

Microvision Milton Bradley Unknown

Omni (Waveform) Milton-Bradley Unknown

Mindset Mindset Corporation Computer 1984

This little-known graphics workstation is an intriguing example of the many, varied machines introduced in the mid 1980's. The Mindset microcomputer, designed by two ex-Atari engineers, offered graphics performance far beyond that of other personal computers on the market at the time of its introduction in early 1984. Based on the rarely seen, 16-bit Intel 80186 (also used in the <a href="computer.asp?c=1219">Tandy Model 2000</a>), the Mindset was a powerful graphics workstation built on a (mostly) MS-DOS compatible core. Two custom VLSI chips shouldered the burden of graphics heavy lifting; offering graphics performance 50 times that of the IBM PC, leaving the CPU free to handle other chores. The system unit was striking to behold. Crafted by industrial design group, <b>GVO</b>, of Menlo Park, CA, the Mindset was chosen for a place in the Museum of Modern Art. The main system unit lacked floppy disk storage but instead sported two, front-mounted ROM/NVRAM module ports. The system's serial and parallel interface, as well as system memory expansion, were also modular. A dual floppy drive expansion module attached to the top of the unit, giving it a futuristic, double-decker look (most units were sold with the floppy drive module bundled in). The Mindset was one of the very first computers to come standard with a mouse; in this case, a two-button unit with a somewhat unwieldy, heavy cord and a metal mouse ball. <brw the mindset offered>11 advanced graphics modes which could be seen on any of the system's three graphics outputs; impressive flexibility for its day. A very powerful paint program, <b>Lumena</b> from Time Arts, Inc., was available for the Mindset, allowing the creation of stunning, static images from its palette of 512 colors. Beyond the static, however, the machine's custom graphics hardware was capable of performing frame buffer animation at a speed 50 times greater than that of the IBM PC. There were rumors that Atari CEO, Jack Tramiel, was considering purchasing the Mindset to bring it under the Atari flag. This did not happen, but it is interesting to note that the original <a href="computer.asp?c=922">Atari ST</a> series computers, released a year later, featured almost exactly the same graphics modes and palette depth as the Mindset micro. More information about this notable entry in computing history can be found at <a href="">this on-line version</a> of a Feb. '85 <i>Creative Computing</i> review. Thanks to <b>Blake Patterson</b> for information. </brw>

Mitchell Mitchell Arcade

Multi 8 Mitsubishi Computer 1983

The Multi 8 can be used in two modes : a Basic Mode and a CP/M mode. In the CP/M mode, the whole memory (64 KB) can be accessed.

J2ME Mobile Handheld

Pocket PC Mobile Unknown

Symbian Mobile Unknown

MPZ80 Morrow Unknown

EXORciser Motorola Computer 1982

The Exorset was designed by Motorola firstly to be a development kit for the MC6809 and Motorola systems. It has a built-in green 9'' monochrom screen and two 5''1/4 floppy-drives. It runs under XDOS (a compatible MDOS operating system). It is sold with a compiled Basic (BASICM), a text editor and an assembler. <i><b>Douro</b> reports us : The Motorola Exorset-30 has amazing graphic and sound capability. A modified version of this hardware is used in Williams arcade machines !</i>

Z80 TV Game System Mr. Isizu Unknown

Decision Mate V NCR Computer 1984

An other CP/M / MSDOS hybrid system. This computer had no great commercial success. The Decision Mate V came with 128 KB of RAM, but could be upgraded to 256 or 512 KB with expansion cards. The serial and Centronics interfaces were not on the mainboard, but were added as expansion cards. An additional card with a 68000 was developed by NCR in order to use CP/M 68. There were 7 expansion slots. An optional diagnostic card was available for slot 6. Otherwise, diagnostics were produced through 6 red LEDs on the back of the case, above the volume control. The computer had two floppy drives, or only one + a Winchester hard drive mounted in the second bay. A network called 'DecisoNet' was designed to link together several Decision V. _____________ <font color="#666666"><b>Contributors:</b> Sebastian Rho.</font> <a href="doc.asp?c=299"><img src="graphs/readmore.gif" border="0" vspace="4"></a>

Advanced Personal Computer NEC Computer 1982

This professional computer from NEC was a very nice system at the time. With its high resolution graphics (640 x 475) and its large disk capacity (1 MB), it sure was impressive in 1982! <b>Bill Czermak</b> recalls: <font color="#666666">I developed the first version of MIPS (Manufacturers Integrated Production System) on one of the first colour APCs sold in Australia. I added a 5 Mb NEC harddisk later. The 8" floppies held 1.2 Mb. I am told my original system is in a museum in the Geelong area. I added an XT compatibility card to port my software to the the IBM XT and my software worked fine using this card. When I installed it on a customer's genuine IBM, I got a blank screen!!! Which I fixed that day on the customer's premesis. I think the APC was 30% faster than the XT and cheaper with better graphics.</font> <b>Jeremiah S. Junken</b> reports : <font color="#666666">I actually have one of these which still works. By default, it runs CPM/86, there was a UNIX available, and MS-DOS available. Mine had an external 10MB HDD. The software included "benchmark" word processor, VisiCalc and dBase II. The major things worth nothing about this otherwise unremarkable machine were it's relative speed, the fact that the lights would dim slightly when it was turned on, and that, in the year 2002, it still works. :-)</font> <b>Gary McCray</b> adds: <font color="#666666"> I actually still have a working one of these also. Actually, it was pretty remarakable when it came out for its high resolution graphics capability using a (at the time) powerful NEC 7220 Graphics controller chip which formed the base strategy for virtually every other graphics controller since. Unfortunately very little software was available that took advantage of its graphics capability. Also it was featured in one of the stupidist full page ads ever produced and ran for months with a giant hand covering it up and the admonition "The Computer The Competition Doesnt Want You to See" and a suggestion to write away for information on it (see 'Adverts' section). If that wasn't stupid enough, you couldn't actually get any information on it from either writing or calling. It is remarkably well made and was extremely powerful and reliable in the time it was built (weighs over 80 lb). But a combination of truly stupid advertising and lack of easy access doomed it in the US to a very small group. It fared much better in Japan understandably, and surprisingly in Australia (no giant hand I guess). I developed graphics authoring programs for it that sold successfully in both Japan and Australia.</font> <a href="doc.asp?c=333"><img src="graphs/readmore.gif" border="0" vspace="4"></a>

PC Engine CD & TurboGrafx CD NEC Unknown

PC Engine SuperGrafx NEC Console 1989

The SuperGrafx video game console is an upgraded version of NEC's popular PC Engine (North America: TurboGrafx-16) system. At first it was known as the PC-Engine 2 — which was purported to be a true 16-Bit system with improved graphics and audio capabilities, not expected to see release until 1990. However the final machine was named SuperGrafx, was released earlier than expected, in late 1989, only provided modestly enhanced graphics over the original PC-Engine, had audio that was the same as the PC-Engine and no 16-bit CPU, just the same one as the PC-Engine. The enhancements SuperGrafx did have: compared to the PC-Engine, SuperGrafx has four times the amount of work RAM for the main CPU, a second video chip with its own video RAM, and a priority controller chip that allowed the output of both video chips to be combined in various ways. SuperGrafx had support for two independently scrolling background layers, like the Sega Megadrive/Genesis, instead of the PC-Engine's single layer. The SuperGrafx was not well received, due to a lack of software written to support its enhanced abilities; only 7 titles were ever released. There were no CD, SCD, or ACD games written that took advantage of the SuperGrafx platform. Game software was also very expensive, with games approaching 110 (USD). However, the SuperGrafx can play PCE HuCards, PCE CDs, PCE Super CDs, PCE Arcade CDs, and the native SuperGrafx HuCards. These titles combined totals to a very respectable library of near 700 titles. In addition, its single 8-bit CPU had a heavy workload managing the extra video hardware. One accessory of note was the Power Console, designed to add a full flight yoke, throttle and keypad to the SuperGrafx, sliding over the entire console. Besides a prototype, no Power Consoles were ever produced. Technical Specifications CPU: 8-bit HuC6280A, a modified 65SC02 running at 1.79 or 7.16 MHz (switchable by software). Features integrated bankswitching hardware (driving a 21-bit external address bus from a 6502-compatible 16-bit address bus), an integrated general-purpose I/O port, a timer, block transfer instructions, and dedicated move instructions for communicating with the HuC6270A VDC. GPU: A multiple graphics processor setup. One 16-bit HuC6260 Video Color Encoder (VCE), two 16-bit HuC6270A Video Display Controllers (VDCs), and one HuC6202 Video Priority Controller. The HuC6270A featured Port-based I/O similar to the TMS99xx VDP family. Display Resolution Horizontal resolution: variable, maximum of 512 (programmable to 256, 352, or 512 pixels) Vertical resolution: variable, maximum of 242 (programmable in increments of 1 scanline) The majority of SuperGrafx games use 256x240. Color Depth: 8-bit Colors available: 513 Colors onscreen: 482 (241 background, 241 sprite) Palettes: 32 (16 for background tiles, 16 for sprites) Colors per palette: 16 Sprites Simultaneously displayable: 128 Sizes: 16x16, 16x32, 16x64, 32x16, 32x32, 32x64 Palette: Each sprite can use up to 15 unique colors (one color must be reserved as transparent) via one of the 16 available sprite palettes. Layers: The dual HuC6270A VDCs are capable of displaying 2 sprite layers (1 each). Sprites could be placed either in front of or behind background tiles. Tiles Size: 8x8 Palette: Each background tile can use up to 16 unique colors via one of the 16 available background palettes. The first color entry of each background palette must be the same across all background palettes. Layers: The dual HuC6270A VDCs were capable of displaying 2 background layers (1 each). Memory Work RAM: 32KB Video RAM: 128KB (64KB per HuC6270A VDC) Audio Capacity Six PSG audio channels, programmable through the HuC6280A CPU. Each channel had a frequency of 111.87 kHz (while not in D/A mode) with a bit depth of 5 bits. Each channel also was allotted 20 bytes (32x5 bits) of RAM for sample data. The waveforms were programmable so the composers were not limited to the standard selection of waveforms (square, sine, sawtooth, triangle, etc.). The first two audio channels (1 and 2) were capable of LFO when channel #2 was used to modulate channel #1. This was used to achieve FM-like sound qualities. The final two audio channels (5 and 6) were capable of Noise generation. Optional software enabled Direct D/A which allows for sampled sound to be streamed into any of the six PSG audio channels. When a channel is in D/A mode the frequency is as fast as the CPU can stream bytes to the port, though in practicality it is limited to 6.99 kHz when using the TIMER interrupt with its smallest loop setting (1023 cpu cycles). There is a method that combines two channels in DDA mode to play back 8-bit, 9-bit, or 10-bit samples. The addition of the CD-ROM peripheral adds CD-DA sound, and a single ADPCM channel to the existing sound capabilities of the TurboGrafx-16. Game Media HuCard: A thin, card-like game media. The largest Japanese HuCard games were up to 20Mbit in size. In addition to its own HuCard games, the SuperGrafx was backward compatible with all PC Engine HuCard games. The labels on SuperGrafx HuCards were upside-down relative to PC Engine HuCards; A PC Engine HuCard will read upside down on a SuperGrafx, while its own are right-side-up. CD: The SuperGrafx was compatible with the PC Engine Super CD-ROMĠ unit, and could play all PC-Engine CD games with it attached. There were no CDs produced especially for the SuperGrafx. Input/Output HuCard cartridge connector. EXT-BUS expansion connector. (for CD-ROM, Tennokoe 2, RAU-30, etc.) Standard mini-DIN gamepad connector. Enhanced I/O port with 8 output and 4 input pins. 5-pin DIN A/V connector with composite video and stereo audio output only. Power adapter jack. Compatibility mode (PC-Engine or SuperGrafx) switch on back of unit. The enhanced I/O port was designed for a multiple-input perhipheral that was shown in several game magazines but never released commercially. Peripherals RAU-30 adapter Connects SuperGrafx to IFU-30 CD-ROM interface tray, as the SuperGrafx won't fit due to its unusual shape. Infos from: Wikipedia

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PC-6001 NEC Computer 1981

The NEC PC 6001 is the first member of the great NEC PC family. During the 80's and the beginning of the 90's, the big Japanese electronics companies launched several series of computers, they were very powerful and had great features (some of them were costly options or totally non-existent on European or American computers at the time), the FM series from Fujitsu, the JR series from Matsushita (Panasonic), the Pasopia from Toshiba, the Basic Master from Hitachi, the X1 and X680x0 series from Sharp and all the MSX computers are good examples of this. The NEC PC series was among them, they had a really great success and the later models of this family are still use today. The NEC PC-6001 also had an American version, called the NEC TREK, or the NEC PC-6001A. Its ROMs are different from its Japanese progenitor. NAME PC 6001 MANUFACTURER NEC TYPE Home Computer ORIGIN Japan YEAR November 1981 BUILT IN LANGUAGE Microsoft N60 Basic KEYBOARD Chicklet keyboard, 71 keys, JIS standard layout CPU PD 780c-1 (compatible with Z80) SPEED 3.8 MHz CO-PROCESSOR M5C6847P-1 video generator (MC6847 compatible) RAM 16 KB (up to 32 KB) VRAM Unknown ROM 16 KB (Basic) + 4 KB (character ROM) TEXT MODES 32 x 16 GRAPHIC MODES 256 x 192 / 256 x 128 / 128 x 192 / 128 x 128 / 64 x 48 COLORS monochrome (256 x 192) / 2 (128 x 192) / 9 (64 x 48) SOUND three channels, 8 octaves (General Instruments AY-3-8910) SIZE / WEIGHT Unknown I/O PORTS Tape (600 / 1200 baud), RGB, Centronics, Joystick (2), ROM/RAM cartridges, Audio PERIPHERALS Unknown PRICE Unknown Infos from:

PC-8001 NEC Computer 1979

In 1979, the NEC PC-8001 was an excellent machine, offering 8 colors when most of its competitors were still monochrome. There is even a (low) graphic resolution of 160 x 100 dots. It could display capital and small letters. The PC-8001 had great success with Japanese businesses, where it was widely used. At the time, NEC claimed that the PC-8001 represented at least 45% of their home japanese market. This is when the PC serie from NEC and MZ serie from Sharp started competing! The base system was 32K, but a company in Concord, CA. made a thing called the "WEDGE" that mounted below the Base system and added the needed 32K plus it had analog and digital input ports and other goodies. The US version of the PC-8001 was named <b>PC-8001A</b>. ________ <font color="#666666"><b>Contributors :</b> Jeff Denno</font>

PC-8201 NEC Unknown

PC-88 series NEC Computer 1981

PC-8801 NEC Computer 1981

The NEC PC-8801 system was introduced by the NEC Corporation in 1981 and was an early Zilog Z80-based computer. The PC-88, as it is informally called, became very popular in Japan but did not see release in other markets. Hardware CPU: PD9002 (NEC-PD7008 compatible) Resolutions: 640x200, 640x400, 320x200, 320x400 Memory: 1.5 MB ROM, 512 KB RAM Sound: 3 FM channels + 3 SSG + 6 rhythms + 1 ADPCM For its time, the PC-8801 offered a high display resolution, although it could only display 8 out of 512 colors simultaneously. Its sound-producing capabilities were also more advanced than other machines of the time. Software Companies that produced exclusive software for this platform include Enix, Square, Falcom, Bandai Soft, Hal Laboratory, ASCII, Pony, T&E Soft, Champion Soft, Starcraft, Micro Cabin, PSK, and Bothtec. Certain games produced for the PC-8801 found shared release with the MSX platform, such as those produced by Game Arts, ELF, and Konami. Many popular series first appeared on this computer, including Snatcher, Thexder, Dragon Slayer and Ys. Nintendo licensed Hudson Soft to port some of Nintendo's Famicom titles for the system, including Excitebike, Balloon Fight, Tennis, Donkey Kong 3, Golf and Ice Climber, as well as unusual ports of Mario Bros. called Mario Bros. Special and Punch Ball Mario Bros.. Most notably, they produced for it a unique Super Mario Bros. game entitled Super Mario Bros. Special. The game has since fallen into obscurity, prompting some to call it the "true Lost Levels.

PC-88VA NEC Computer 1987

The PC-88VA was compatible with the <a href="computer.asp?c=398">PC-8801</a> and also had a V3 mode that operated in 16bit mode and allowed to run MS-DOS like OS. This machine had sprites for games in character mode. High quality games such as R-TYPE were released using this mode. Unfortunately this machine had no success and was replaced by the PC-88VA2/VA3 series in 1988.

PC-98 series NEC Computer 1982

PC-9801 NEC Computer 1982

The NEC PC-9801 (or the PC-98 for short) is a Japanese microcomputer manufactured by NEC. It first appeared in 1982, and employed an 8086 CPU. It ran at a clock speed of 5 MHz, with two ṁPD7220 display controllers (one for text, the other for video graphics), and shipped with 128 KB of RAM, expandable to 640 KB. Its 8-color display had a maximum resolution of 640x400 pixels. Its successor, the PC-9801E, which appeared in 1983, employed an 8086-2 CPU, which could selectably run at a speed of either 5 or 8 MHz. In the 1980s and early 1990's, NEC dominated the Japan domestic PC market with more than 60 percent of the PCs sold as PC9801 or PC8801. In 1990, IBM Japan introduced the DOS/V OS which enabled to display Japanese text on ordinary IBM PC/AT's VGA adapter. After that, the fall and decline of the PC98 began. The PC-9801's last successor was the Celeron-based PC-9821Ra43 (with a clockspeed 433MHz), which appeared in 2000. FreeBSD/pc98 runs on PC-9801s equipped with an i386 or compatible. Software for the PC98 generally ran from program and data disks (Disk 0 & 1) or (A & B), and NEC did not have a strong GUI to go up against Microsoft's Windows 95 when it took Japan's PC market by storm. NEC's decision to work with Microsoft to offer a PC98 compatible version of Windows 95 could be seen as the first step towards the 9800 series computer's downfall, as consumers were no longer required to have an NEC-built system to run software designed for Windows. The PC98 is different from the IBM PC in many ways; for instance, it uses its own 16 bit C-Bus instead of the ISA bus; BIOS, I/O port addressing, memory management and graphics output are also different. However, localized MS-DOS or Windows will still run on PC-9801s. Seiko Epson manufactured PC-9801 clones, as well as compatible peripherals. As a Game Platform: The PC9801 had thousands of game titles designed for it, many of which did not require fancy graphics but made creative use of the system's limitations (it was originally designed as a business machine) to great commercial success. Desipite having hardware specifications far inferior to the Fujitsu FM Towns and Sharp X68000 personal computers, the massive install base and steady flow of game titles (in particular 'Dojin' style dating sims and RPG's) for the 'Kyuu-Hachi' ('98' in Japanese) kept it as the favored platform for PC game developers in Japan until the rise of the DOS/V clones. In this way the PC9801 might be seen as the Japanese equivalent of the IBM PC (and its successful battle against the Amiga), except that NEC kept much of its hardware and platform proprietary or under license (until the bitter end), so while it had a virtual monopoly in the Japan market, later IBM PC clones with DOS/V and Windows from companies such as Hitachi and Panasonic that did not require such license fees (like Epson's 98 clones) flooded the market and took the NEC giant down. The proprietary technology that was NEC's strength turned into its weakness as its competitors could use off-the-shelf technology to build cheaper IBM PC clones at a time when NEC was charging much steeper prices for its PC9800 series computers. Emulators popular for the PC9801 today include T98-NEXT, NekoprojectII(np2), and ANEX 86. Infos from: Wikipedia

PC-9821 NEC Unknown

PC-Engine NEC Console 1987

Generation 4th generation (16-bit era) First available JP October 30, 1987 US August 29, 1989 EUR 1990 CPU Hudson Soft HuC6280 Media HuCard, CD-ROM (only with the CD-ROMĠ add-on) Units sold 10 million Top-selling game Bonk's Adventure Successor PC-FX Summary The TurboGrafx-16, known as PC-Engine in Japan, is a video game console first released in Japan by NEC on October 30, 1987. The system was released in late August 1989 in North America. A PAL version of the system also saw a very limited release in the UK and continental Europe in 1990 as Turbografx (not including the '16' in the title, and uncapitalized 'g' in 'grafx'). The TurboGrafx-16 was an 8-bit system with a 16-bit graphics chip, capable of displaying 482 colors at once. PC-Engine The PC-Engine was a collaborative effort between Japanese software maker Hudson Soft (which maintains a chip-making division) and NEC. Hudson was looking for financial backing for a game console they had designed, and NEC was looking to get into the lucrative game market. The PC Engine was and is a very small video game console, due primarily to a very efficient three-chip architecture and its use of HuCards, credit-card sized data cartridges. 'HuCard' (Hudson Card; also referred to as 'TurboChip' in North America) was derived from Hudson Soft. The cards were the size of a credit card (but slightly thicker) and thus were somewhat similar to the card format used by the Sega Master System for budget games. Unlike the Sega Master System (which also supported cartridges), however, the TurboGrafx-16 used HuCards exclusively. TG-16 featured an enhanced MOS Technology 65C02 processor and a custom 16-bit graphics processor, as well as a custom video encoder chip, all designed by Hudson. The HES logo found on the manual of every Japanese game stood for 'Hudson Entertainment System'. It was the first console to have an optional CD module, allowing the standard benefits of the CD medium: more storage, cheaper media costs, and redbook audio. The efficient design, backing of many of Japan's major software producers, and the additional CD ROM capabilities gave the PC Engine a very wide variety of software, with several hundred games for both the HuCard and CD formats. The PC Engine was extremely popular in Japan, beating Nintendo's Famicom in sales soon after its release, with no fewer than twelve console models released from 1987 to 1993. It was capable of up to 482 colors at once in several resolutions, and featured very robust sprite handling abilities. The Hudson-designed chroma encoder delivered a video signal more vibrant and colorful than both the Famicom and the Sega Mega Drive and is largely regarded as the equal to Nintendo's Super Famicom, although that system was not released until 1990. As graphics technology improved, gamers continued to stick to the PC Engine despite its shortcomings. Erotic games were a key factor in making the PC Engine popular, and this popularity was maintained far past the lifespan of a regular video game console. New games were released for the PC-Engine up until 1999. Despite the system's success, it started to lose ground to the Super Famicom. NEC made one final effort to resuscitate the system with the release of the Arcade Card expansion, bringing the total amount of RAM up to a then-massive 2048K; many Arcade Card games were conversions of popular NeoGeo titles. The additional memory even allowed the system to display 3D polygon graphics well beyond what the competing Super Famicom and Megadrive/Mega-CD could offer. By this time, however, it was too late -- only a relative handful of Arcade Card games were ever produced, and the expansion was never released in the U.S. TurboGrafx-CD: Pioneering CD-ROM console The TurboGrafx-16 was the first video game console in North America to have a CD-ROM peripheral (following the pioneering spirit of the PC-Engine CD-ROM add-on in Japan, although the FM Towns Marty was the first console to have a built-in CD-ROM). The TurboGrafx-CD debuted at a prohibitive Dollar399.99 (and did not include a pack-in game). Monster Lair (Wonder Boy III: Monster Lair) and Fighting Street (Street Fighter) were the initial TurboGrafx-CD titles. Ys Book I & II soon followed and was instantly recognized as the 'must-have' TurboGrafx-CD game (and continues to be highly regarded today). The TurboGrafx-CD catalog grew at a snail's pace compared to the library of TurboChip (HuCard) titles. The TurboGrafx-CD came packaged in a very large box, 85 percent of which was filled with protective styrofoam inserts. By some accounts, no other video game console (or peripheral) has been packaged in such an overkill manner. The TurboGrafx-CD did however come with a large plastic 'carrying case' that could comfortably hold the TurboGrafx-16 base system, TurboGrafx-CD, all AC adapters, 2–3 controllers, and a few games. Although the TurboGrafx-CD library was relatively small, North Americans could draw from a wide range of Japanese software since there was no region protection on TG-CD / PC Engine CD-ROM software. Many mail order (and some brick-and-mortar) import stores advertised Japanese PCE CD and HuCard titles in the video game publications of the era. Region Protection With HuCards a limited form of region protection was introduced between markets which for the most part was nothing more than running the HuCard's pinout connections in a different arrangement. There were two major after-market converters sold to address this problem, and both were sold predominantly for use in converting Japanese titles for play on a TG-16. In the Asian market, NEC went an extra step of adding a hardware level detection function to all PC-Engine systems that detected if a game was a U.S. release. It would then refuse to play it. The only known exception to this is the U.S. release of Klax which did not contain this flag. This region system was explained at one time by Dean to Turbo Mailing-List members as such: 'The way it works is that of the 38 pins on a HuCard, the middle pins (specifically 15-17 and 19-23, where 18 is ground) are flipped between US and Jp cards. Either way, the converters like the Kisado (and Purple Barney, diving board, Mirai, etc) merely 'flip' these going from the HuCard to the hardware. The problem mentioned is that US HuCards have a lockout where it polls the processor to check the region of the hardware, causing US HuCards to not work on non-US hardware (although Japanese HuCards work fine on US hardware with the converters). To defeat the region block, you must lift pin 29 on the Hu6280 processor and ground it to the board. This allows you to use the US cards on any Japanese unit. The only game I've ever seen affected negatively by this mod is Aldynes for the SuperGrafx. This game hangs during the attract mode, but works fine if you start the game before advancing in the attract mode. The pin 29 mod is simple enough, although that tiny little pin is quite sensitive. The explanation commonly given for this by NEC officials is that most U.S. conversions had been skill level reduced, and in some cases censored for what was considered inappropriate content. Because of that, they did not want the U.S. conversion to re-enter the Asian market and negatively impact the perception of a game. The poster child for censorship in this fashion was Kato-chan and Ken-chan released as JJ and Jeff in the U.S.. With some minor soldering skills, a change could be made to PC-Engines to disable this check. The only Japanese games that could not be played on a U.S. system using one of these converters were the SuperGrafx titles which also required additional system hardware to run. The first converter to market was an Asian developed module labeled the Game Converter and marked with a model number of WH-301. English speaking fans historically have dubbed this device the 'Purple Converter', or 'Barney Converter' due to its purple color that is reminiscent of Barney the Dinosaur. While this device was most commonly sold in a purple color, there has been discussion of them being seen in other colors. The second converter, named the 'Kisado', was created and sold by David Shadoff initially to members of the Turbo Mailing-List in pre-ordered batches. Then later, some were sold through on-line retailers. The main difference between these two converters is their design. The WH-301 extended out of the system and HuCards were inserted into a widened riser platform that contained the HuCard slot (almost one inch above the board). Because of this wide top area to the board, WH-301 adapters were incompatible with the Turbo-Duo as they would not fit into the card slot. The Kisado was a straight board where the HuCard was inserted into a slot on the opposite end of the board that faced back towards the system. For TurboDuo owners the Kisado design is the only one that works with the system. For CD games, it was an entirely different situation. While there was no region-protection on CD games, there were several different CD formats: CD, Super CD (SCD) and, later, Arcade CD (ACD). TurboGrafx-CD, equipped with the original System Card (version 2.01), could play all Japanese and North American CD games. A TurboGrafx-CD, equipped with the updated Super System Card (version 3.01), could play all Japanese and North American SCD and CD format games. The Arcade System Card (for playing Arcade CD titles) had two versions and was never released in North America. The Arcade System Card was sold in two versions, labeled Pro and Duo. The Arcade Card Pro was specifically for pre-Duo systems although it was compatible with all PC-Engine systems (including the SuperGrafx), it included both the SuperCD operating system and the extra memory found in the Duo systems. The Arcade Card Duo worked with Duo based systems exclusively as it featured only the Arcade enhancments. This allowed the Duo card to be sold at a lower price. All Japanese released system cards worked in U.S. systems with the use of a HuCard converter. Rivalry with Nintendo and Sega In North America, the TurboGrafx-16 was first released in late August of 1989, in New York and Los Angeles. Initially, the TurboGrafx-16 was marketed as a direct competitor to the NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) and early television ads touted TG-16's superior graphics and sound. These early television ads featured a brief montage of TG-16's launch titles: Blazing Lazers, China Warrior, Vigilante, Alien Crush, etc. Of course, TG-16 was also in direct competition with the Sega Genesis, which had had its own New York/Los Angeles test-market launch two weeks prior, on August 14. The Genesis launch was accompanied by an ad campaign mocking NEC's claim that the TurboGrafx-16 was the first 16-bit console. Another problem for the TG-16 was its limited hardware. The Genesis only came with one controller, but it provided a port for a second; the TG-16 only had one controller port. Players who wanted to take advantage of the simultaneous multiplayer modes in their games were required to buy, in addition to the necessary extra controllers, the Turbo Tap (a multitap accessory which permitted five controllers to be plugged into the system). Another problem in the battle against the Genesis were the pack-in games (game included with purchase): The Genesis originally came with the impressive arcade translation of Altered Beast (1989), which included big, bold sprites and colors as well as impressive digital sound effects. The TG-16's initial pack-in game was Keith Courage in Alpha Zones (1989), a modest action platform game that did not show off the capabilities of the TG-16 in nearly the same way Altered Beast did for the Genesis (or Super Mario World later did for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System). The Genesis' Japanese counterpart, the Sega Mega Drive, was less popular than the NEC console, the PC Engine. In North America, however, the situation was reversed, and the Genesis is mainly remembered there for its rivalry with the Super Nintendo, not with the TurboGrafx-16. Both Sega and NEC released CD peripherals (Sega CD versus Turbo CD), color handhelds (Sega Game Gear versus TurboExpress), and even 'TV Tuners' for their respective handheld systems. While Sega outperformed NEC in North America in both hardwares, the companies' peripherals and handhelds were not very popular overall. In 1994, comic book-like ads featuring Johnny Turbo were published by TTi. The ads mocked Sega, in particular the Sega CD. By this point it was too little too late, the TG-16 had been defeated by the Genesis in the marketplace, which was by then dominated by the battle between the Genesis and the Super Nintendo. Despite this former rivalry, several TurboGrafx-16 games are currently available via Nintendo's Virtual Console service. Struggles in North America Initially, the TurboGrafx-16 sold well in North America, but it generally suffered from a lack of support from third-party software developers and publishers. One reason for this was that many larger software companies such as Konami supported the PC Engine in Japan, but also produced games for Nintendo. Nintendo at the time had engaged in anti-competitive practices that were later ruled illegal, such as enforcing exclusive contracts and punishing developers who developed for more than one system with 'chip shortages' around the holiday seasons. As a result of this practice, many developers were compelled to pick the immensely popular NES over the upstart NEC console, resulting in a catch-22 for the TurboGrafx-16 — most developers would only consider taking a risk on the TG-16 if it were more popular, and yet it could not become more popular because only a handful of North American publishers would support it. Accordingly, most of the games published for the TG-16 were produced by NEC and Hudson Soft. The TurboGrafx-16 was originally marketed by NEC Home Electronics based in Wood Dale, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. As the system's popularity tanked, the platform was handed over to a new company called Turbo Technologies Incorporated (TTI), based in Los Angeles. This company was comprised mainly of former NEC Home Electronics and Hudson Soft employees, and it essentially took over all marketing and first-party software development for the struggling system. Another reason for the TG-16's lack of success in North America was the system's marketing. NEC of Japan's marketing campaign for the PC Engine was mainly targeted to the largest metropolitan areas in the country. This proved to be quite successful there, but when the same kind of marketing was used in the much larger and more diverse North American market, it resulted in a lack of public awareness outside of the big cities. The TG-16 ended up being far more competitive and popular in certain local markets such as New York, Chicago and Los Angeles, while in smaller and more spread-out areas, it failed miserably. By 1991, the Sega Genesis had clearly surpassed the TurboGrafx-16, putting NEC's console in a distant fourth place in the video game market (Nintendo held the #2 and 3 places with the brand new SNES and the aging but still potent NES). NEC, who was relatively new to the market, had an increasingly difficult time convincing consumers who already owned a Sega or Nintendo system to give the TG-16 a try. Compounding the problem was that the vast majority of the titles that made the system so successful in Japan were produced for the CD-ROM add-on. In the American market, this add-on was difficult to find outside of large cities, and it was widely considered to be overpriced (debuting at nearly Dollar400). TTI tried to address this issue by releasing a combination system called the TurboDuo, as well as dropping the price of the CD add-on to around Dollar150. Unfortunately, at Dollar300, the cost of the TurboDuo was still too steep for most American consumers, even when NEC took the bold step of including seven pack-in titles and a coupon book with the system. Despite all these efforts, the company failed to attract much of a mainstream audience. Many of the CD games for the Turbo platform were innovative and well-received, but the cost of the add-on system was a strong deterrent to buyers, especially when the competition sold for considerably less. Some of the most popular Japanese releases, such as Demon Castle Dracula X: Rondo of Blood, Ys IV: The Dawn of Ys, Tengai Makyo II: Manjimaru and Snatcher, never made it to North American shelves. In the handheld market, the TurboExpress further suffered from short battery life, a hefty price tag, and a large number of units that were missing pixels in their displays (due mainly to the fact that TFT LCD manufacturing technology was still in its infancy at the time). Legacy Today, the TurboGrafx-16 is mainly known for its much-vaunted shoot'em ups, its competition with the Sega Genesis, advertising flop Johnny Turbo, and the Bonk games. After the system died, NEC decided to concentrate on the Japanese market, where it had had much more success. In 1994 NEC released a new console, the Japan-only PC-FX, a 32-bit system with a tower-like design; it enjoyed a small but steady stream of games until 1998, when NEC finally abandoned the video games industry. NEC would then partner with former rival Sega, providing a version of its PowerVR 2 Chipset for the Sega Dreamcast. There is a niche collector's market for TurboGrafx games and Japanese imports, mainly centered around the system's many arcade ports of shooters. Spurring this interest is the fact that Turbo ports from the arcade tended to be closer to the original than Sega Genesis or NES versions, in terms of graphics and sound. Hudson Soft also released some shooters which were exclusive to the Turbo, such as Super Air Zonk, Gate of Thunder, Soldier Blade, Super Star Soldier, Star Parodia (Japan). The most famous North American shooter is probably Blazing Lazers (Gunhed in Japan) and was featured in all of the early television ads. Several PC Engine/TurboGrafx-16 games are available for download on Nintendo's Virtual Console download service. More games among the 'best hits' of the system are planned to be released at as-of-yet undetermined times; the exact number or titles of games selected for future release is still unknown. Variations Several variations on the TurboGrafx were released throughout the 1990s. SuperGrafx Another variation of the hardware is the SuperGrafx. This system is very nearly the same as the original PCE, except it has a duplicate set of video chips (and an extra chip to coordinate the two) and four times as much RAM. Since the CPU was not upgraded most developers were unable to utilize the extra graphics capability, as the CPU just could not keep up. Only five SuperGrafx games (and one hybrid game - Darius) were released, and the system fell into obscurity. Minor variations Other members of the PC Engine family include the Shuttle, the LT (a laptop version similar to the Game Boy Advance SP, but considerably larger), the CoreGrafx I and II, the Duo R and the Duo RX. Contrary to popular belief, the CoreGrafx is not a European version of the PC Engine. It is simply a reengineered version of the original (white) PC Engine with an AV output instead of the original model's RF output. The PC Engine and its derivatives were never officially sold in Europe, although many systems and most accessories and games were available as imports. The PC Engine and its games had been extensively covered by most major European video game magazines and were surprisingly popular. TurboDuo In 1992 TTi (Turbo Technologies Inc.) released the TurboDuo, the North American version of the Japanese Duo. The system combined the TurboGrafx-16 and an enhanced version of the CD-ROM drive (the 'Super CD-ROMĠ') into a single unit. The system could play audio CDs, CD+Gs, CD-ROM2 and Super CD games as well as standard HuCards. The Super System Card required for some games when using the original CD add-on as well as some of the Japanese variants of the TurboGrafx was built in to the Duo rather than requiring the card to be inserted at all times when playing CD games. The original pack-in for the Turbo Duo included the system, one control pad, an AC adapter, RCA cables, Ys book I & II a CD-ROM2 title, a Super CD disc including Bonk's Adventure, Bonk's Revenge, Gates of Thunder and a secret version of Bomberman accessible via an easter egg. The system was also packaged with one random HuCard game which varied from system to system (note: Actually, Dungeon Explorer was the original HuCard pack-in for TurboDuo, although many titles were eventually used, such as IREM's Ninja Spirit and NAMCO's Final Lap Twin and then eventually a random pick). TurboExpress TurboExpress handheld, TV tuner, and gamesThe TurboExpress was a portable version of the TurboGrafx, released in 1990 for Dollar249.99 (the price was briefly raised to Dollar299.99, soon dropped back to Dollar249.99, and by 1992 it was Dollar199.99). It was the most advanced handheld of its time and could play all the TG-16's HuCard games. Its Japanese equivalent was the PC Engine GT'. It had a 2.6-inch screen, the same as the original Game Boy. It shared the capabilities of the TurboGrafx, giving it 512 available colors (9-bit RGB), stereo sound, and the same custom CPU at 7.16 MHz. The optional 'TurboVision' TV tuner included RCA audio/video input, allowing the user to use TurboExpress as a video monitor. The 'TurboLink' allowed two-player play. Falcon, a flight simulator, included a 'head-to-head' dogfight mode that could only be accessed via TurboLink. However, very few TG-16 games offered co-op play modes especially designed with the TurboExpress in mind. A TurboExpress appeared in the movie Enemy of the State which it was partly centered on, despite the system's demise several years earlier. Stand-alone systems PC Engine (1987) White, only RF output PC Engine Shuttle (1989) UFO-shaped system, unique expansion port (no CD option), AV output PC Engine SuperGrafx (1989) The only PC Engine unit to contain enhanced HuCard functionality. Only five games were released for it. (Two regular PC Engine releases, Darius Plus and Darius Alpha, were enhanced to utilize the extra sprite capability of the SuperGrafx.) PC Engine CoreGrafx (1989) Dark grey, blue label, AV output PC Engine CoreGrafx II (1991) Light grey, orange label, AV output, Identical in function to the CoreGrafx CD-ROM accessories PC Engine CD-ROMĠ (1988) Designed for the original PC Engine PC Engine Super CD-ROMĠ (1991) Designed for the CoreGrafx II Portable systems PC Engine GT (1990) Portable system, identical in shape and function to the US-released TG Express PC Engine LT (1991) Semi-portable system (no battery option) similar in size to a normal PC Engine or CoreGrafx. Uses a very large attached screen, and folds up like a laptop (hence the LT moniker) Duo systems PC Engine Duo (1991) Combination PC Engine + CD ROM system, dark grey, has a CD door lock and headphone port PC Engine Duo R (1993) Same as the Duo, but white/beige, shaped differently, and lacks the lock and headphone port. PC Engine Duo RX (1994) Same as the Duo R, slightly blue in colour. The only PCE packaged with a six-button pad. Others X1 Twin Combination of Sharp X1 computer and PC Engine. Only played HuCards. Pioneer LaserActive Pioneer + NEC released a Laserdisc player with video game modules. One module allowed the use of PC Engine games. Other region variations TurboGrafx-CD - North American version of CD-ROM 2 TurboExpress - North American version of PC Engine GT TurboDuo - North American version of PC Engine Duo Vistar 16 (Korean) Several clones TurboGrafx-16 - European (PAL) variant. Slightly different PCB layout to accommodate additional circuitry for PAL display, otherwise is identical to the NTSC TurboGrafx-16. Unofficial variations Various PC Engine Shuttle clones exist, with varying levels of compatibility with original PC-Engine games. One of the more common types is the 'PC Boy'. New Tai Sang Corporation released bootleg HuCards which were sometimes patched to add features like invincibility. Unlike most bootlegs these closely resembled the original games in terms of packaging, even with color labels and manuals. The PC Engine was never officially released in France, but one chain of videogame stores (SODIPENG for 'SOciété DIstributrice de la Pc-ENGine') imported them and made SCART conversions on a moderate scale. In Germany, several importers sold converted PC Engines with PAL RF as well as RGB output. The connectors and pinouts used for the latter were frequently compatible with the Amiga video port, with two unconnected pins used for the audio channels. Unreleased and rumored hardware A modem was developed but never released. A SCSI interface for the Duo CD-ROM drive to be used by a PC existed in prototype form only. (it was featured in a TTi-published TurboGrafx-16 oriented magazine in the US) Peripheral compatibility All PC Engine systems support the same controller peripherals, including pads, joysticks and multitaps. Except for the Vistar, Shuttle, GT and systems with built-in CD ROM drives all PC Engine units shared the same expansion connector, which allowed for the use of devices such as the CD ROM unit, game saves and AV output. See the External Links (bottom) for details on this connector. The TurboGrafx and Vistar units use a different controller port than the PC Engines, but adaptors are available and the protocol is the same. The TurboGrafx offers the same expansion connector pinout as the PC Engine, but has a slightly different shape so peripherals must be modified to fit. The Super System Card provides 192 KiB of RAM, supplementing the built in 64K of DRAM found in the CD interface tray. The PC-Engine Duo/R/RX consoles have the Super System Card's 192 KiB of RAM plus the 64K of standard RAM and v3.00 BIOS software built in, and can play both CD-ROMĠ and Super CD-ROMĠ games without using any additional cards. The Arcade Card Pro is for the original PC-Engine CD-ROMĠ and Super CD-ROMĠ peripherals, adding the 2304 KiB of RAM required by Arcade CD-ROMĠ games. It could, of course, also play standard CD-ROMĠ and Super CD-ROMĠ games. The Arcade Card Duo is for the PC-Engine Duo/R/RX consoles, which adds 2048 KiB RAM. Because the PC-Engine Duo series of systems have 256K of RAM built-in, this does not need to be provided and is why the Arcade Card Duo contained less RAM and was less expensive than the Pro version. Both the Pro and Duo versions of the Arcade Card worked in the same way. Just as with the Super CD-ROMĠ, up to 256 KiB of the RAM was able to be accessed directly by the CPU. The other 2048 KiB was accessed indirectly by transferring data to the other 256 KiB of RAM on the fly. This was done rather seamlessly, so that even though the CPU could only use up to 256 KiB of RAM at once, data could be swapped to and from the other 2048 KiB of RAM at any time. This technique of swapping data from RAM to RAM was much faster than loading the data directly from the CD into RAM, and offered developers a significant advantage over the previous System Card formats, as is evidenced by the many conversions of well-animated Neo Geo fighting games to the Arcade CD-ROMĠ. One technique that was used by games pre-dating the Arcade Card upgrade was to store graphics data in the 64K audio RAM (used for ADPCM samples) that was present. This RAM could be directly populated by the CD-ROM hardware (it had a direct DMA channel from the CD controller) without CPU intervention, and the memory could be accessed in an indirect fashion, similar to the Arcade Card, allowing data stored in it to appear as a 64 KiB stream of linear data that could be easily transferred to the system RAM. Note: Because the aforementioned consoles use the same BIOS revision as the Arcade Card Pro, it is not known (as a cost-saving measure) if the Arcade Card Duo includes the BIOS software itself, or if the existing built-in BIOS is used. The various CD-ROM game types are: CD-ROMĠ (pronounced CD-ROM-ROM) : Standard CD-ROM game. Super CD-ROMĠ : Requires a compatible system or upgrade card. Arcade CD-ROMĠ : Requires an upgrade card. While the standard CD-ROMĠ and Super CD-ROMĠ had RAM for data storage which was accessed directly, the Arcade CD-ROMĠ cards accessed the RAM in a slightly different way. NEC manufactured a very large line of personal computers, one of which featured a single-speed CD ROM drive identical to the PC Engine version. They were designed to be interchangeable, which is why the PC Engine's IFU-30 CD ROM interface could be purchased without a CD ROM drive. NEC developed a prototype adaptor that connected a PC through the HuCard slot, allowing the PC to control the PC Engine's CD ROM as it would any normal SCSI drive. Due to falling CD drive prices and the increasing undesirability of a single-speed SCSI drive, it was never released. It was however previewed in NEC's official US TurboDuo magazine. Video formats All PC Engine hardware is natively NTSC, including the European version which creates PAL-compatible video with the use of a chroma encoder chip not found in any other system in the series. Technical Specifications CPU: 8-bit HuC6280A, a modified 65C02 running at 1.79 or 7.16 MHz (switchable by software). Features integrated bankswitching hardware (driving a 21-bit external address bus from a 6502-compatible 16-bit address bus), an integrated general-purpose I/O port, a timer, block transfer instructions, and dedicated move instructions for communicating with the HuC6270A VDC. GPU: A dual graphics processor setup. One 16-bit HuC6260 Video Color Encoder (VCE), and one 16-bit HuC6270A Video Display Controller (VDC). The HuC6270A featured Port-based I/O similar to the TMS99xx VDP family. Display Resolution: X (Horizontal) Resolution: variable, maximum of 512 (programmable to 256, 352 or 512 pixels) Y (Vertical) Resolution: variable, maximum of 242 (programmable in increments of 1 scanline) The vast majority of TurboGrafx-16 games use 256x224, though some games, such as Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective did use 512x224. Chris Covell's 'High-Resolution Slideshow' uses 512x240. Color: Depth: 9 bit Colors available: 512 Colors onscreen: Maximum of 482 (241 background, 241 sprite) Palettes: Maximum of 32 (16 for background tiles, 16 for sprites) Colors per palette: Maximum of 16 Sprites: Simultaneously displayable: 64 Sizes: 16x16, 16x32, 16x64, 32x16, 32x32, 32x64 Palette: Each sprite can use up to 15 unique colors (one color must be reserved as transparent) via one of the 16 available sprite palettes. Layers: The HuC6270A VDC was capable of displaying one sprite layer. Sprites could be placed either in front of or behind background tiles. Tiles: Size: 8x8 Palette: Each background tile can use up to 16 unique colors via one of the 16 available background palettes. The first color entry of each background palette must be the same across all background palettes. Layers: The HuC6270A VDC was capable of displaying one background layer. Memory Work RAM: 8 KiB Video RAM: 64 KiB Audio Capacity 6 PSG audio channels, programmable through the HuC6280A CPU. Each channel had a frequency of 111.87 kHz (while not in D/A mode) with a bit depth of 5 bits. Each channel also was allotted 20 bytes (32x5 bits) of RAM for sample data. The waveforms were programmable so the composers were not limited to the standard selection of waveforms (square, sine, sawtooth, triangle, etc.). The first two audio channels (1 and 2) were capable of LFO when channel #2 was used to modulate channel #1. This was used to achieve FM-like sound qualities. The final two audio channels (5 and 6) were capable of Noise generation. Optional software enabled Direct D/A which allows for sampled sound to be streamed into any of the six PSG audio channels. While a channel was in D/A mode, its frequency was limited to 6.99 kHz. The addition of the CD-ROM peripheral adds CD-DA sound, and a single ADPCM channel to the existing sound capabilities of the TurboGrafx-16. Game Media TurboChip (HuCard in Japan and North America): A thin, card-like game media. The largest Japanese HuCard games were up to 20 Mibit in size. CD: The TurboGrafx-16 was the first home video game console to offer a CD-ROM accessory. With only one exception, the SuperGrafx, all TurboGrafx-16 hardware could play the entire TurboChip library, and every CD system could play all the CD games - with the right system card. CD hardware technical specifications and information Drive unit: Single-speed CD-ROM drive, managed by a NEC microcontroller and using the SCSI-I interface. Transfer rate of 150 kB/sec. Oki MSM5205 ADPCM chip with variable speed input clock, and 64 KiB DRAM for audio sample storage. Only one channel of 4-bit compressed audio (decompresses to 12-bit, top 10 bits output through DAC) was supported. Programmable, timer controlled, electronic volume attenuator to fade-out the CD-DA and ADPCM audio channels together or individually. The PC-Engine CD-ROM interface tray has 64 KiB of DRAM for storage of program code and data loaded from the CD. The 'System Card' contains the BIOS program used to boot CD media and provides functions for software to access CD hardware through a standardized interface. Later System Cards had extra RAM and updates to the BIOS. The Duo series has the same BIOS ROM (v3.00) and RAM (256 KiB total) as a PC-Engine system equipped with a Super System Card. The Duo implements the memory as a single 256 KiB SRAM chip rather than the split 64 KiB DRAM / 192 KiB SRAM. The list of known System Card releases are: System Card, v1.00 - First release. Came packaged with the original PC-Engine CD-ROMĠ System. Also available as a standalone purchase, in case you lost or damaged the pack-in System Card. System Card, v2.00) – BIOS update. The only difference between this and the original System Card is the BIOS code update to v2.00. Otherwise, it is the same. System, Card, v.2.10 – BIOS update. This may have been a bug fix for the System Card v2.00 BIOS code. Super System Card - 1.5 Mbit RAM (192 KiB) – RAM upgrade and BIOS update. This expands the RAM available for the CD-ROM unit to 256 KiB when including the existing built in DRAM. It also offers a final BIOS update to v3.00. The PC-Engine Duo (Turbo Duo in North America) had 256 KiB of RAM and the same v3.00 BIOS built into the system. Games developed for this System Card bore the title 'Super CD', and could not be played using an older System Card. Arcade Card Pro - 17.5 Mbit RAM (2240 KiB as 2 MiB+192 KiB) – RAM upgrade. This greatly expands the RAM available for the CD-ROM unit to 2240 KiB. The BIOS revision was unchanged from v3.00. Games developed for this System Card bore the title 'Arcade Card CD', and could not be played using an older System Card. The Arcade Card Pro includes the extra 192 KiB needed by the non Duo CD system. The 2 MiB of RAM is accessed through ports or units of single 8 KiB banks and is intended for graphics data storage rather than program code; its flexible addressing system allows for rapid transfer of data to VRAM. Arcade Card Duo – 16 Mbit RAM (2048 KiB) – RAM upgrade. This greatly expands the RAM available for the PC-Engine Duo system to 2048 KiB. The BIOS revision was unchanged from v3.00. Games developed for this System Card bore the title 'Arcade Card CD', and could not be played using an older System Card. This will only work on the Duo systems, as it does not include the extra memory built into the Duo system. Games Express Card – Bootleg system card. This was a bootleg System Card released by Games Express for play of unlicensed Games Express CD games. Only unlicensed Games Express games could be played on this System Card. The corresponding CD-ROM products were: PC-Engine Interface Unit (IFU-30), came with System Card (CD-ROMĠ System, v1.00) System Card (CD-ROMĠ System, v1.00) (standalone, available as a replacement for the above) System Card (CD-ROMĠ System, v2.00) System Card (CD-ROMĠ System, v2.10) Super System Card (Super CD-ROMĠ System, v3.00) Arcade Card Pro (Arcade CD-ROMĠ, v3.00) Arcade Card Duo (Arcade CD-ROMĠ, v3.00) Super CD-ROMĠ System (Super CD-ROMĠ System, v3.00) PC-Engine Duo (Super CD-ROMĠ System, v3.00) PC-Engine Duo R (Super CD-ROMĠ System, v3.00) PC-Engine Duo RX (Super CD-ROMĠ System, v3.00) RAU-30 (Extension cable for the SuperGrafx to fit into the IFU-30 tray) Infos from Wikipedia

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PC-Engine & TurboGrafx-16 NEC Console 1989 (U.S.A.), 1990 (Europe)

Released in 1989, the TurboGrafx-16 was the American name for the <a href="computer.asp?st=2&amp;c=1231">PC Engine</a>. Originally marketed as a competitor for the <a href="computer.asp?st=2&amp;c=866">NES</a>, it sold well initially, but never achieved the same success the PC Engine enjoyed in Japan. Games for the TG-16 came on credit card sized TurboChips, similar to the cards that could be used on the original <a href="computer.asp?st=2&amp;c=840">Master System</a>. TG-16 games have a distinct style, featuring large, colourful sprites, which still hold up well today. The 16 attached to the end of the name referred to the fact it had 16 bit graphics. While the system itself was only 8 bit, the custom chips meant it was still a powerful machine and the graphics were remarkable for the time. A CD add-on was released two years before the Mega CD, making the PC Engine/TurboGrafx-16 the first console capable of playing CD games. The TurboGrafx-CD received its own upgrade in the Super System Card which increased Ram to 256 KB. The Arcade Card Pro was never released outside of Japan. The machine received a limited release in Europe, where it was known simply as the Turbografx. Very few details are available about the European version but it has been suggested that no games were ever released, leaving users with just the one game that came with the console.

PC-Engine CD & TurboGrafx-16 CD NEC Unknown

PC-FX NEC Console 1994

The PC-FX is a video game console released in Japan on 23 December 1994 by NEC Corporation. It is the 32-bit successor to NEC's PC Engine (US:TurboGrafx-16). The PC-FX uses CD-ROMs as its storage medium, following on from the expansion released for its predecessor, which originally used HuCards. The game controller resembles that of the Sega Genesis in shape, only with more buttons. The PC-FX's computer-like design was unusual for consoles at the time. It stands upright like a tower computer while other contemporary consoles lay flat. Another interesting feature is its three expansion ports, as expansion ports are relatively underused in consoles and therefore their inclusion increased the price without offering a great deal to the end user. History The PC-FX was designed based on a new 32-bit development kit by NEC called 'Iron Man'. Iron Man was designed in 1992, while the PC Engine was still quite popular in Japan. It was around the time of the first running demonstration units in mid 1992 that NEC started discussing an imminent release of an Iron Man based system with its many third party developers. Many PC Engine developers seemed upset and disinterested since the PC Engine market was still growing, and as a result NEC halted work on the Iron Man and continued making modifications to the PC Engine. By 1993 the 32-bit 3DO platform was released with lots of the developer interest and Sega and Sony let it be known that the Sega Saturn and Sony PlayStation would be ready for the Japanese marketplace in late 1994, and Bandai was also readying the release of their 32-bit Playdia system. Now in a rush to keep the large development base that made the PC Engine so successful, NEC had to make a decision. Rather than spending the time to develop a new, more powerful platform capable of standing up to their competitors, they marched out the now dated 32-bit Iron Man architecture to be used in the PC-FX. The result was that NEC wound up with a severely underpowered system that failed to impress either developers or consumers, and ultimately led to its demise. As the PC-FX struggled, NEC became far more liberal than most companies with regard to the titles that it allowed to be released for the platform in an attempt to get whatever development support they could. As a result, the PC-FX has gained quite a reputation for its abundance of hentai and dating simulation titles. Technical specifications CPU 32-Bit NEC V810 RISC running at 21.5MHz, 15.5MIPS, 5-Way Superscalar Memory 2MB main RAM 1MB shared RAM(for background generators, CD-ROM DMA, motion decoder, and ADPCM) 256KB dedicated VRAM(for HuC6270 chips) 1 MB OS ROM 256KB CD Buffer 32KB back-up RAM. Video Resolutions:256x240p, 320x240p, 256x480i, 320x480i 6 background layers 2 sprite layers 1 motion decoder layer generated from RLE-encoded or JPEG-like data Sound 16-Bit Stereo CD-DA 2 ADPCM channels at up to Approx.31.5KHz with left/right panning 6 5-bit sample channels with left/right panning Expansion Main RAM Expansion Slot x 1, Backup RAM Card Slot x 1, CPU Expansion Slot x 1 Infos from Wikipedia.

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TK-80 - TK-85 NEC Computer

TurboGrafx-CD NEC Console 1988

Generation 4th generation (16-bit era) First available JP October 30, 1987 US August 29, 1989 EUR 1990 CPU Hudson Soft HuC6280 Media HuCard, CD-ROM (only with the CD-ROMĠ add-on) Units sold 10 million Top-selling game Bonk's Adventure Successor PC-FX Summary The TurboGrafx-16, known as PC-Engine in Japan, is a video game console first released in Japan by NEC on October 30, 1987. The system was released in late August 1989 in North America. A PAL version of the system also saw a very limited release in the UK and continental Europe in 1990 as Turbografx (not including the '16' in the title, and uncapitalized 'g' in 'grafx'). The TurboGrafx-16 was an 8-bit system with a 16-bit graphics chip, capable of displaying 482 colors at once. PC-Engine The PC-Engine was a collaborative effort between Japanese software maker Hudson Soft (which maintains a chip-making division) and NEC. Hudson was looking for financial backing for a game console they had designed, and NEC was looking to get into the lucrative game market. The PC Engine was and is a very small video game console, due primarily to a very efficient three-chip architecture and its use of HuCards, credit-card sized data cartridges. 'HuCard' (Hudson Card; also referred to as 'TurboChip' in North America) was derived from Hudson Soft. The cards were the size of a credit card (but slightly thicker) and thus were somewhat similar to the card format used by the Sega Master System for budget games. Unlike the Sega Master System (which also supported cartridges), however, the TurboGrafx-16 used HuCards exclusively. TG-16 featured an enhanced MOS Technology 65C02 processor and a custom 16-bit graphics processor, as well as a custom video encoder chip, all designed by Hudson. The HES logo found on the manual of every Japanese game stood for 'Hudson Entertainment System'. It was the first console to have an optional CD module, allowing the standard benefits of the CD medium: more storage, cheaper media costs, and redbook audio. The efficient design, backing of many of Japan's major software producers, and the additional CD ROM capabilities gave the PC Engine a very wide variety of software, with several hundred games for both the HuCard and CD formats. The PC Engine was extremely popular in Japan, beating Nintendo's Famicom in sales soon after its release, with no fewer than twelve console models released from 1987 to 1993. It was capable of up to 482 colors at once in several resolutions, and featured very robust sprite handling abilities. The Hudson-designed chroma encoder delivered a video signal more vibrant and colorful than both the Famicom and the Sega Mega Drive and is largely regarded as the equal to Nintendo's Super Famicom, although that system was not released until 1990. As graphics technology improved, gamers continued to stick to the PC Engine despite its shortcomings. Erotic games were a key factor in making the PC Engine popular, and this popularity was maintained far past the lifespan of a regular video game console. New games were released for the PC-Engine up until 1999. Despite the system's success, it started to lose ground to the Super Famicom. NEC made one final effort to resuscitate the system with the release of the Arcade Card expansion, bringing the total amount of RAM up to a then-massive 2048K; many Arcade Card games were conversions of popular NeoGeo titles. The additional memory even allowed the system to display 3D polygon graphics well beyond what the competing Super Famicom and Megadrive/Mega-CD could offer. By this time, however, it was too late -- only a relative handful of Arcade Card games were ever produced, and the expansion was never released in the U.S. TurboGrafx-CD: Pioneering CD-ROM console The TurboGrafx-16 was the first video game console in North America to have a CD-ROM peripheral (following the pioneering spirit of the PC-Engine CD-ROM add-on in Japan, although the FM Towns Marty was the first console to have a built-in CD-ROM). The TurboGrafx-CD debuted at a prohibitive Dollar399.99 (and did not include a pack-in game). Monster Lair (Wonder Boy III: Monster Lair) and Fighting Street (Street Fighter) were the initial TurboGrafx-CD titles. Ys Book I & II soon followed and was instantly recognized as the 'must-have' TurboGrafx-CD game (and continues to be highly regarded today). The TurboGrafx-CD catalog grew at a snail's pace compared to the library of TurboChip (HuCard) titles. The TurboGrafx-CD came packaged in a very large box, 85 percent of which was filled with protective styrofoam inserts. By some accounts, no other video game console (or peripheral) has been packaged in such an overkill manner. The TurboGrafx-CD did however come with a large plastic 'carrying case' that could comfortably hold the TurboGrafx-16 base system, TurboGrafx-CD, all AC adapters, 2–3 controllers, and a few games. Although the TurboGrafx-CD library was relatively small, North Americans could draw from a wide range of Japanese software since there was no region protection on TG-CD / PC Engine CD-ROM software. Many mail order (and some brick-and-mortar) import stores advertised Japanese PCE CD and HuCard titles in the video game publications of the era. Region Protection With HuCards a limited form of region protection was introduced between markets which for the most part was nothing more than running the HuCard's pinout connections in a different arrangement. There were two major after-market converters sold to address this problem, and both were sold predominantly for use in converting Japanese titles for play on a TG-16. In the Asian market, NEC went an extra step of adding a hardware level detection function to all PC-Engine systems that detected if a game was a U.S. release. It would then refuse to play it. The only known exception to this is the U.S. release of Klax which did not contain this flag. This region system was explained at one time by Dean to Turbo Mailing-List members as such: 'The way it works is that of the 38 pins on a HuCard, the middle pins (specifically 15-17 and 19-23, where 18 is ground) are flipped between US and Jp cards. Either way, the converters like the Kisado (and Purple Barney, diving board, Mirai, etc) merely 'flip' these going from the HuCard to the hardware. The problem mentioned is that US HuCards have a lockout where it polls the processor to check the region of the hardware, causing US HuCards to not work on non-US hardware (although Japanese HuCards work fine on US hardware with the converters). To defeat the region block, you must lift pin 29 on the Hu6280 processor and ground it to the board. This allows you to use the US cards on any Japanese unit. The only game I've ever seen affected negatively by this mod is Aldynes for the SuperGrafx. This game hangs during the attract mode, but works fine if you start the game before advancing in the attract mode. The pin 29 mod is simple enough, although that tiny little pin is quite sensitive. The explanation commonly given for this by NEC officials is that most U.S. conversions had been skill level reduced, and in some cases censored for what was considered inappropriate content. Because of that, they did not want the U.S. conversion to re-enter the Asian market and negatively impact the perception of a game. The poster child for censorship in this fashion was Kato-chan and Ken-chan released as JJ and Jeff in the U.S.. With some minor soldering skills, a change could be made to PC-Engines to disable this check. The only Japanese games that could not be played on a U.S. system using one of these converters were the SuperGrafx titles which also required additional system hardware to run. The first converter to market was an Asian developed module labeled the Game Converter and marked with a model number of WH-301. English speaking fans historically have dubbed this device the 'Purple Converter', or 'Barney Converter' due to its purple color that is reminiscent of Barney the Dinosaur. While this device was most commonly sold in a purple color, there has been discussion of them being seen in other colors. The second converter, named the 'Kisado', was created and sold by David Shadoff initially to members of the Turbo Mailing-List in pre-ordered batches. Then later, some were sold through on-line retailers. The main difference between these two converters is their design. The WH-301 extended out of the system and HuCards were inserted into a widened riser platform that contained the HuCard slot (almost one inch above the board). Because of this wide top area to the board, WH-301 adapters were incompatible with the Turbo-Duo as they would not fit into the card slot. The Kisado was a straight board where the HuCard was inserted into a slot on the opposite end of the board that faced back towards the system. For TurboDuo owners the Kisado design is the only one that works with the system. For CD games, it was an entirely different situation. While there was no region-protection on CD games, there were several different CD formats: CD, Super CD (SCD) and, later, Arcade CD (ACD). TurboGrafx-CD, equipped with the original System Card (version 2.01), could play all Japanese and North American CD games. A TurboGrafx-CD, equipped with the updated Super System Card (version 3.01), could play all Japanese and North American SCD and CD format games. The Arcade System Card (for playing Arcade CD titles) had two versions and was never released in North America. The Arcade System Card was sold in two versions, labeled Pro and Duo. The Arcade Card Pro was specifically for pre-Duo systems although it was compatible with all PC-Engine systems (including the SuperGrafx), it included both the SuperCD operating system and the extra memory found in the Duo systems. The Arcade Card Duo worked with Duo based systems exclusively as it featured only the Arcade enhancments. This allowed the Duo card to be sold at a lower price. All Japanese released system cards worked in U.S. systems with the use of a HuCard converter. Rivalry with Nintendo and Sega In North America, the TurboGrafx-16 was first released in late August of 1989, in New York and Los Angeles. Initially, the TurboGrafx-16 was marketed as a direct competitor to the NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) and early television ads touted TG-16's superior graphics and sound. These early television ads featured a brief montage of TG-16's launch titles: Blazing Lazers, China Warrior, Vigilante, Alien Crush, etc. Of course, TG-16 was also in direct competition with the Sega Genesis, which had had its own New York/Los Angeles test-market launch two weeks prior, on August 14. The Genesis launch was accompanied by an ad campaign mocking NEC's claim that the TurboGrafx-16 was the first 16-bit console. Another problem for the TG-16 was its limited hardware. The Genesis only came with one controller, but it provided a port for a second; the TG-16 only had one controller port. Players who wanted to take advantage of the simultaneous multiplayer modes in their games were required to buy, in addition to the necessary extra controllers, the Turbo Tap (a multitap accessory which permitted five controllers to be plugged into the system). Another problem in the battle against the Genesis were the pack-in games (game included with purchase): The Genesis originally came with the impressive arcade translation of Altered Beast (1989), which included big, bold sprites and colors as well as impressive digital sound effects. The TG-16's initial pack-in game was Keith Courage in Alpha Zones (1989), a modest action platform game that did not show off the capabilities of the TG-16 in nearly the same way Altered Beast did for the Genesis (or Super Mario World later did for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System). The Genesis' Japanese counterpart, the Sega Mega Drive, was less popular than the NEC console, the PC Engine. In North America, however, the situation was reversed, and the Genesis is mainly remembered there for its rivalry with the Super Nintendo, not with the TurboGrafx-16. Both Sega and NEC released CD peripherals (Sega CD versus Turbo CD), color handhelds (Sega Game Gear versus TurboExpress), and even 'TV Tuners' for their respective handheld systems. While Sega outperformed NEC in North America in both hardwares, the companies' peripherals and handhelds were not very popular overall. In 1994, comic book-like ads featuring Johnny Turbo were published by TTi. The ads mocked Sega, in particular the Sega CD. By this point it was too little too late, the TG-16 had been defeated by the Genesis in the marketplace, which was by then dominated by the battle between the Genesis and the Super Nintendo. Despite this former rivalry, several TurboGrafx-16 games are currently available via Nintendo's Virtual Console service. Struggles in North America Initially, the TurboGrafx-16 sold well in North America, but it generally suffered from a lack of support from third-party software developers and publishers. One reason for this was that many larger software companies such as Konami supported the PC Engine in Japan, but also produced games for Nintendo. Nintendo at the time had engaged in anti-competitive practices that were later ruled illegal, such as enforcing exclusive contracts and punishing developers who developed for more than one system with 'chip shortages' around the holiday seasons. As a result of this practice, many developers were compelled to pick the immensely popular NES over the upstart NEC console, resulting in a catch-22 for the TurboGrafx-16 — most developers would only consider taking a risk on the TG-16 if it were more popular, and yet it could not become more popular because only a handful of North American publishers would support it. Accordingly, most of the games published for the TG-16 were produced by NEC and Hudson Soft. The TurboGrafx-16 was originally marketed by NEC Home Electronics based in Wood Dale, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. As the system's popularity tanked, the platform was handed over to a new company called Turbo Technologies Incorporated (TTI), based in Los Angeles. This company was comprised mainly of former NEC Home Electronics and Hudson Soft employees, and it essentially took over all marketing and first-party software development for the struggling system. Another reason for the TG-16's lack of success in North America was the system's marketing. NEC of Japan's marketing campaign for the PC Engine was mainly targeted to the largest metropolitan areas in the country. This proved to be quite successful there, but when the same kind of marketing was used in the much larger and more diverse North American market, it resulted in a lack of public awareness outside of the big cities. The TG-16 ended up being far more competitive and popular in certain local markets such as New York, Chicago and Los Angeles, while in smaller and more spread-out areas, it failed miserably. By 1991, the Sega Genesis had clearly surpassed the TurboGrafx-16, putting NEC's console in a distant fourth place in the video game market (Nintendo held the #2 and 3 places with the brand new SNES and the aging but still potent NES). NEC, who was relatively new to the market, had an increasingly difficult time convincing consumers who already owned a Sega or Nintendo system to give the TG-16 a try. Compounding the problem was that the vast majority of the titles that made the system so successful in Japan were produced for the CD-ROM add-on. In the American market, this add-on was difficult to find outside of large cities, and it was widely considered to be overpriced (debuting at nearly Dollar400). TTI tried to address this issue by releasing a combination system called the TurboDuo, as well as dropping the price of the CD add-on to around Dollar150. Unfortunately, at Dollar300, the cost of the TurboDuo was still too steep for most American consumers, even when NEC took the bold step of including seven pack-in titles and a coupon book with the system. Despite all these efforts, the company failed to attract much of a mainstream audience. Many of the CD games for the Turbo platform were innovative and well-received, but the cost of the add-on system was a strong deterrent to buyers, especially when the competition sold for considerably less. Some of the most popular Japanese releases, such as Demon Castle Dracula X: Rondo of Blood, Ys IV: The Dawn of Ys, Tengai Makyo II: Manjimaru and Snatcher, never made it to North American shelves. In the handheld market, the TurboExpress further suffered from short battery life, a hefty price tag, and a large number of units that were missing pixels in their displays (due mainly to the fact that TFT LCD manufacturing technology was still in its infancy at the time). Legacy Today, the TurboGrafx-16 is mainly known for its much-vaunted shoot'em ups, its competition with the Sega Genesis, advertising flop Johnny Turbo, and the Bonk games. After the system died, NEC decided to concentrate on the Japanese market, where it had had much more success. In 1994 NEC released a new console, the Japan-only PC-FX, a 32-bit system with a tower-like design; it enjoyed a small but steady stream of games until 1998, when NEC finally abandoned the video games industry. NEC would then partner with former rival Sega, providing a version of its PowerVR 2 Chipset for the Sega Dreamcast. There is a niche collector's market for TurboGrafx games and Japanese imports, mainly centered around the system's many arcade ports of shooters. Spurring this interest is the fact that Turbo ports from the arcade tended to be closer to the original than Sega Genesis or NES versions, in terms of graphics and sound. Hudson Soft also released some shooters which were exclusive to the Turbo, such as Super Air Zonk, Gate of Thunder, Soldier Blade, Super Star Soldier, Star Parodia (Japan). The most famous North American shooter is probably Blazing Lazers (Gunhed in Japan) and was featured in all of the early television ads. Several PC Engine/TurboGrafx-16 games are available for download on Nintendo's Virtual Console download service. More games among the 'best hits' of the system are planned to be released at as-of-yet undetermined times; the exact number or titles of games selected for future release is still unknown. Variations Several variations on the TurboGrafx were released throughout the 1990s. SuperGrafx Another variation of the hardware is the SuperGrafx. This system is very nearly the same as the original PCE, except it has a duplicate set of video chips (and an extra chip to coordinate the two) and four times as much RAM. Since the CPU was not upgraded most developers were unable to utilize the extra graphics capability, as the CPU just could not keep up. Only five SuperGrafx games (and one hybrid game - Darius) were released, and the system fell into obscurity. Minor variations Other members of the PC Engine family include the Shuttle, the LT (a laptop version similar to the Game Boy Advance SP, but considerably larger), the CoreGrafx I and II, the Duo R and the Duo RX. Contrary to popular belief, the CoreGrafx is not a European version of the PC Engine. It is simply a reengineered version of the original (white) PC Engine with an AV output instead of the original model's RF output. The PC Engine and its derivatives were never officially sold in Europe, although many systems and most accessories and games were available as imports. The PC Engine and its games had been extensively covered by most major European video game magazines and were surprisingly popular. TurboDuo In 1992 TTi (Turbo Technologies Inc.) released the TurboDuo, the North American version of the Japanese Duo. The system combined the TurboGrafx-16 and an enhanced version of the CD-ROM drive (the 'Super CD-ROMĠ') into a single unit. The system could play audio CDs, CD+Gs, CD-ROM2 and Super CD games as well as standard HuCards. The Super System Card required for some games when using the original CD add-on as well as some of the Japanese variants of the TurboGrafx was built in to the Duo rather than requiring the card to be inserted at all times when playing CD games. The original pack-in for the Turbo Duo included the system, one control pad, an AC adapter, RCA cables, Ys book I & II a CD-ROM2 title, a Super CD disc including Bonk's Adventure, Bonk's Revenge, Gates of Thunder and a secret version of Bomberman accessible via an easter egg. The system was also packaged with one random HuCard game which varied from system to system (note: Actually, Dungeon Explorer was the original HuCard pack-in for TurboDuo, although many titles were eventually used, such as IREM's Ninja Spirit and NAMCO's Final Lap Twin and then eventually a random pick). TurboExpress TurboExpress handheld, TV tuner, and gamesThe TurboExpress was a portable version of the TurboGrafx, released in 1990 for Dollar249.99 (the price was briefly raised to Dollar299.99, soon dropped back to Dollar249.99, and by 1992 it was Dollar199.99). It was the most advanced handheld of its time and could play all the TG-16's HuCard games. Its Japanese equivalent was the PC Engine GT'. It had a 2.6-inch screen, the same as the original Game Boy. It shared the capabilities of the TurboGrafx, giving it 512 available colors (9-bit RGB), stereo sound, and the same custom CPU at 7.16 MHz. The optional 'TurboVision' TV tuner included RCA audio/video input, allowing the user to use TurboExpress as a video monitor. The 'TurboLink' allowed two-player play. Falcon, a flight simulator, included a 'head-to-head' dogfight mode that could only be accessed via TurboLink. However, very few TG-16 games offered co-op play modes especially designed with the TurboExpress in mind. A TurboExpress appeared in the movie Enemy of the State which it was partly centered on, despite the system's demise several years earlier. Stand-alone systems PC Engine (1987) White, only RF output PC Engine Shuttle (1989) UFO-shaped system, unique expansion port (no CD option), AV output PC Engine SuperGrafx (1989) The only PC Engine unit to contain enhanced HuCard functionality. Only five games were released for it. (Two regular PC Engine releases, Darius Plus and Darius Alpha, were enhanced to utilize the extra sprite capability of the SuperGrafx.) PC Engine CoreGrafx (1989) Dark grey, blue label, AV output PC Engine CoreGrafx II (1991) Light grey, orange label, AV output, Identical in function to the CoreGrafx CD-ROM accessories PC Engine CD-ROMĠ (1988) Designed for the original PC Engine PC Engine Super CD-ROMĠ (1991) Designed for the CoreGrafx II Portable systems PC Engine GT (1990) Portable system, identical in shape and function to the US-released TG Express PC Engine LT (1991) Semi-portable system (no battery option) similar in size to a normal PC Engine or CoreGrafx. Uses a very large attached screen, and folds up like a laptop (hence the LT moniker) Duo systems PC Engine Duo (1991) Combination PC Engine + CD ROM system, dark grey, has a CD door lock and headphone port PC Engine Duo R (1993) Same as the Duo, but white/beige, shaped differently, and lacks the lock and headphone port. PC Engine Duo RX (1994) Same as the Duo R, slightly blue in colour. The only PCE packaged with a six-button pad. Others X1 Twin Combination of Sharp X1 computer and PC Engine. Only played HuCards. Pioneer LaserActive Pioneer + NEC released a Laserdisc player with video game modules. One module allowed the use of PC Engine games. Other region variations TurboGrafx-CD - North American version of CD-ROM 2 TurboExpress - North American version of PC Engine GT TurboDuo - North American version of PC Engine Duo Vistar 16 (Korean) Several clones TurboGrafx-16 - European (PAL) variant. Slightly different PCB layout to accommodate additional circuitry for PAL display, otherwise is identical to the NTSC TurboGrafx-16. Unofficial variations Various PC Engine Shuttle clones exist, with varying levels of compatibility with original PC-Engine games. One of the more common types is the 'PC Boy'. New Tai Sang Corporation released bootleg HuCards which were sometimes patched to add features like invincibility. Unlike most bootlegs these closely resembled the original games in terms of packaging, even with color labels and manuals. The PC Engine was never officially released in France, but one chain of videogame stores (SODIPENG for 'SOciété DIstributrice de la Pc-ENGine') imported them and made SCART conversions on a moderate scale. In Germany, several importers sold converted PC Engines with PAL RF as well as RGB output. The connectors and pinouts used for the latter were frequently compatible with the Amiga video port, with two unconnected pins used for the audio channels. Unreleased and rumored hardware A modem was developed but never released. A SCSI interface for the Duo CD-ROM drive to be used by a PC existed in prototype form only. (it was featured in a TTi-published TurboGrafx-16 oriented magazine in the US) Peripheral compatibility All PC Engine systems support the same controller peripherals, including pads, joysticks and multitaps. Except for the Vistar, Shuttle, GT and systems with built-in CD ROM drives all PC Engine units shared the same expansion connector, which allowed for the use of devices such as the CD ROM unit, game saves and AV output. See the External Links (bottom) for details on this connector. The TurboGrafx and Vistar units use a different controller port than the PC Engines, but adaptors are available and the protocol is the same. The TurboGrafx offers the same expansion connector pinout as the PC Engine, but has a slightly different shape so peripherals must be modified to fit. The Super System Card provides 192 KiB of RAM, supplementing the built in 64K of DRAM found in the CD interface tray. The PC-Engine Duo/R/RX consoles have the Super System Card's 192 KiB of RAM plus the 64K of standard RAM and v3.00 BIOS software built in, and can play both CD-ROMĠ and Super CD-ROMĠ games without using any additional cards. The Arcade Card Pro is for the original PC-Engine CD-ROMĠ and Super CD-ROMĠ peripherals, adding the 2304 KiB of RAM required by Arcade CD-ROMĠ games. It could, of course, also play standard CD-ROMĠ and Super CD-ROMĠ games. The Arcade Card Duo is for the PC-Engine Duo/R/RX consoles, which adds 2048 KiB RAM. Because the PC-Engine Duo series of systems have 256K of RAM built-in, this does not need to be provided and is why the Arcade Card Duo contained less RAM and was less expensive than the Pro version. Both the Pro and Duo versions of the Arcade Card worked in the same way. Just as with the Super CD-ROMĠ, up to 256 KiB of the RAM was able to be accessed directly by the CPU. The other 2048 KiB was accessed indirectly by transferring data to the other 256 KiB of RAM on the fly. This was done rather seamlessly, so that even though the CPU could only use up to 256 KiB of RAM at once, data could be swapped to and from the other 2048 KiB of RAM at any time. This technique of swapping data from RAM to RAM was much faster than loading the data directly from the CD into RAM, and offered developers a significant advantage over the previous System Card formats, as is evidenced by the many conversions of well-animated Neo Geo fighting games to the Arcade CD-ROMĠ. One technique that was used by games pre-dating the Arcade Card upgrade was to store graphics data in the 64K audio RAM (used for ADPCM samples) that was present. This RAM could be directly populated by the CD-ROM hardware (it had a direct DMA channel from the CD controller) without CPU intervention, and the memory could be accessed in an indirect fashion, similar to the Arcade Card, allowing data stored in it to appear as a 64 KiB stream of linear data that could be easily transferred to the system RAM. Note: Because the aforementioned consoles use the same BIOS revision as the Arcade Card Pro, it is not known (as a cost-saving measure) if the Arcade Card Duo includes the BIOS software itself, or if the existing built-in BIOS is used. The various CD-ROM game types are: CD-ROMĠ (pronounced CD-ROM-ROM) : Standard CD-ROM game. Super CD-ROMĠ : Requires a compatible system or upgrade card. Arcade CD-ROMĠ : Requires an upgrade card. While the standard CD-ROMĠ and Super CD-ROMĠ had RAM for data storage which was accessed directly, the Arcade CD-ROMĠ cards accessed the RAM in a slightly different way. NEC manufactured a very large line of personal computers, one of which featured a single-speed CD ROM drive identical to the PC Engine version. They were designed to be interchangeable, which is why the PC Engine's IFU-30 CD ROM interface could be purchased without a CD ROM drive. NEC developed a prototype adaptor that connected a PC through the HuCard slot, allowing the PC to control the PC Engine's CD ROM as it would any normal SCSI drive. Due to falling CD drive prices and the increasing undesirability of a single-speed SCSI drive, it was never released. It was however previewed in NEC's official US TurboDuo magazine. Video formats All PC Engine hardware is natively NTSC, including the European version which creates PAL-compatible video with the use of a chroma encoder chip not found in any other system in the series. Technical Specifications CPU: 8-bit HuC6280A, a modified 65C02 running at 1.79 or 7.16 MHz (switchable by software). Features integrated bankswitching hardware (driving a 21-bit external address bus from a 6502-compatible 16-bit address bus), an integrated general-purpose I/O port, a timer, block transfer instructions, and dedicated move instructions for communicating with the HuC6270A VDC. GPU: A dual graphics processor setup. One 16-bit HuC6260 Video Color Encoder (VCE), and one 16-bit HuC6270A Video Display Controller (VDC). The HuC6270A featured Port-based I/O similar to the TMS99xx VDP family. Display Resolution: X (Horizontal) Resolution: variable, maximum of 512 (programmable to 256, 352 or 512 pixels) Y (Vertical) Resolution: variable, maximum of 242 (programmable in increments of 1 scanline) The vast majority of TurboGrafx-16 games use 256x224, though some games, such as Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective did use 512x224. Chris Covell's 'High-Resolution Slideshow' uses 512x240. Color: Depth: 9 bit Colors available: 512 Colors onscreen: Maximum of 482 (241 background, 241 sprite) Palettes: Maximum of 32 (16 for background tiles, 16 for sprites) Colors per palette: Maximum of 16 Sprites: Simultaneously displayable: 64 Sizes: 16x16, 16x32, 16x64, 32x16, 32x32, 32x64 Palette: Each sprite can use up to 15 unique colors (one color must be reserved as transparent) via one of the 16 available sprite palettes. Layers: The HuC6270A VDC was capable of displaying one sprite layer. Sprites could be placed either in front of or behind background tiles. Tiles: Size: 8x8 Palette: Each background tile can use up to 16 unique colors via one of the 16 available background palettes. The first color entry of each background palette must be the same across all background palettes. Layers: The HuC6270A VDC was capable of displaying one background layer. Memory Work RAM: 8 KiB Video RAM: 64 KiB Audio Capacity 6 PSG audio channels, programmable through the HuC6280A CPU. Each channel had a frequency of 111.87 kHz (while not in D/A mode) with a bit depth of 5 bits. Each channel also was allotted 20 bytes (32x5 bits) of RAM for sample data. The waveforms were programmable so the composers were not limited to the standard selection of waveforms (square, sine, sawtooth, triangle, etc.). The first two audio channels (1 and 2) were capable of LFO when channel #2 was used to modulate channel #1. This was used to achieve FM-like sound qualities. The final two audio channels (5 and 6) were capable of Noise generation. Optional software enabled Direct D/A which allows for sampled sound to be streamed into any of the six PSG audio channels. While a channel was in D/A mode, its frequency was limited to 6.99 kHz. The addition of the CD-ROM peripheral adds CD-DA sound, and a single ADPCM channel to the existing sound capabilities of the TurboGrafx-16. Game Media TurboChip (HuCard in Japan and North America): A thin, card-like game media. The largest Japanese HuCard games were up to 20 Mibit in size. CD: The TurboGrafx-16 was the first home video game console to offer a CD-ROM accessory. With only one exception, the SuperGrafx, all TurboGrafx-16 hardware could play the entire TurboChip library, and every CD system could play all the CD games - with the right system card. CD hardware technical specifications and information Drive unit: Single-speed CD-ROM drive, managed by a NEC microcontroller and using the SCSI-I interface. Transfer rate of 150 kB/sec. Oki MSM5205 ADPCM chip with variable speed input clock, and 64 KiB DRAM for audio sample storage. Only one channel of 4-bit compressed audio (decompresses to 12-bit, top 10 bits output through DAC) was supported. Programmable, timer controlled, electronic volume attenuator to fade-out the CD-DA and ADPCM audio channels together or individually. The PC-Engine CD-ROM interface tray has 64 KiB of DRAM for storage of program code and data loaded from the CD. The 'System Card' contains the BIOS program used to boot CD media and provides functions for software to access CD hardware through a standardized interface. Later System Cards had extra RAM and updates to the BIOS. The Duo series has the same BIOS ROM (v3.00) and RAM (256 KiB total) as a PC-Engine system equipped with a Super System Card. The Duo implements the memory as a single 256 KiB SRAM chip rather than the split 64 KiB DRAM / 192 KiB SRAM. The list of known System Card releases are: System Card, v1.00 - First release. Came packaged with the original PC-Engine CD-ROMĠ System. Also available as a standalone purchase, in case you lost or damaged the pack-in System Card. System Card, v2.00) – BIOS update. The only difference between this and the original System Card is the BIOS code update to v2.00. Otherwise, it is the same. System, Card, v.2.10 – BIOS update. This may have been a bug fix for the System Card v2.00 BIOS code. Super System Card - 1.5 Mbit RAM (192 KiB) – RAM upgrade and BIOS update. This expands the RAM available for the CD-ROM unit to 256 KiB when including the existing built in DRAM. It also offers a final BIOS update to v3.00. The PC-Engine Duo (Turbo Duo in North America) had 256 KiB of RAM and the same v3.00 BIOS built into the system. Games developed for this System Card bore the title 'Super CD', and could not be played using an older System Card. Arcade Card Pro - 17.5 Mbit RAM (2240 KiB as 2 MiB+192 KiB) – RAM upgrade. This greatly expands the RAM available for the CD-ROM unit to 2240 KiB. The BIOS revision was unchanged from v3.00. Games developed for this System Card bore the title 'Arcade Card CD', and could not be played using an older System Card. The Arcade Card Pro includes the extra 192 KiB needed by the non Duo CD system. The 2 MiB of RAM is accessed through ports or units of single 8 KiB banks and is intended for graphics data storage rather than program code; its flexible addressing system allows for rapid transfer of data to VRAM. Arcade Card Duo – 16 Mbit RAM (2048 KiB) – RAM upgrade. This greatly expands the RAM available for the PC-Engine Duo system to 2048 KiB. The BIOS revision was unchanged from v3.00. Games developed for this System Card bore the title 'Arcade Card CD', and could not be played using an older System Card. This will only work on the Duo systems, as it does not include the extra memory built into the Duo system. Games Express Card – Bootleg system card. This was a bootleg System Card released by Games Express for play of unlicensed Games Express CD games. Only unlicensed Games Express games could be played on this System Card. The corresponding CD-ROM products were: PC-Engine Interface Unit (IFU-30), came with System Card (CD-ROMĠ System, v1.00) System Card (CD-ROMĠ System, v1.00) (standalone, available as a replacement for the above) System Card (CD-ROMĠ System, v2.00) System Card (CD-ROMĠ System, v2.10) Super System Card (Super CD-ROMĠ System, v3.00) Arcade Card Pro (Arcade CD-ROMĠ, v3.00) Arcade Card Duo (Arcade CD-ROMĠ, v3.00) Super CD-ROMĠ System (Super CD-ROMĠ System, v3.00) PC-Engine Duo (Super CD-ROMĠ System, v3.00) PC-Engine Duo R (Super CD-ROMĠ System, v3.00) PC-Engine Duo RX (Super CD-ROMĠ System, v3.00) RAU-30 (Extension cable for the SuperGrafx to fit into the IFU-30 tray) Infos from Wikipedia

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Turbografx 16 NEC Console 1987

Designed by software company Hudson Soft (Famed for the Bomberman series), financial backing was needed to put the console into production. At the same time NEC was looking for a way into the console market. Games for the PC Engine came on credit card sized HuCards, similar to the cards that could be used on the original <a href="computer.asp?st=2&amp;c=840">Master System</a>. Outselling the <a href="computer.asp?st=2&amp;c=866">Famicom</a> in Japan, the PC Engine went on to be a worthy competitor to the 16 bit <a href="computer.asp?st=2&amp;c=837">Mega Drive</a> and <a href="computer.asp?st=2&amp;c=1226">Super Famicom</a>, despite being an 8 bit system. The custom chips meant it was still a powerful machine and the graphics were remarkable for the time. PC-Engine games have a distinct style, featuring large, colourful sprites, which still hold up well today. A CD add-on was released two years before the Mega CD, making the PC Engine the first console capable of playing CD games. The PC Engine CD-ROM? received its own upgrades in the Super System Card which increased RAM to 256 KB and later the Arcade Card Pro. This increased the RAM to 2 MB, and provided the best home versions of games like Ryuko No Ken (Art Of Fighting) and Garou Densetsu (Fatal Fury) outside of their native <a href="computer.asp?st=2&amp;c=1225">Neo Geo</a>. ______________ <font color="#666666">Contributors: Ste (text &amp; info)</font> <b>Taneli Lukka</b> from Finland comments: <font color="#666666">The original PCE is perhaps one of the most beautiful consoles of all time and also the smallest original home console ever, only about twice the size of the standard controller. Today it is the most wanted standard PCE console for collectors and can be pretty hard to find in good condition because the white plastic easily yellows in sunlight and gets generally dirty. A problem when using the machine outside Japan is that it only has RF output which gives a poor quality picture and most TV's outside Japan can't understand the NTSC RF signal. NEC did release a peripheral called the AV-Booster which plugs into the back of the console and gives standard RCA composite and stereo sound output. The Interface Unit required by CD-Rom2 drive also has RCA connectors built in. All of NEC's home consoles were designed to be used with RF or composite output only. S-Video and RGB signal were never originally included altough the machines video chip outputs RGB without problems. Many collectors machines have been RGB modified. The problem with the RGB mod is that many game designers counted on the a bit fuzzy RF and composite outputs to mix colors for them: by putting two diffirent colors side by side they could create a third color or some other effect. The result is that when when using a RGB modded console some games look grainy and the colors or some effects seem a bit off. I have noticed this myself with my RGB modded PCE and prefer the composite output with a number of games.</font>

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NMK NMK Arcade

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Namco Classics Namco Arcade

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System 22 Namco Arcade 1993

The Namco System 22 is the successor to the Namco System 21 arcade system board designed and produced by Namco. It was first released in 1993 with the game Ridge Racer. It was essentially a continuation of the System 21 hardware design, where the main CPU provides a scene description to a bank of DSP chips which perform all necessary 3D calculations. Additional graphical improvements included texture mapping, Gouraud shading, transparency effects, and depth cueing. A variant of the system, called the Super System 22, was released in 1995. The hardware was largely similar to the System 22, but with a slightly higher polygon rate and more special effects possible. System 22 Specifications Main CPU: Motorola 68EC020 @ 25 MHz DSP: 2x Texas Instruments TMS32025 @ 48 MHz (exact number of DSPs may vary) Sound CPU: Mitsubishi M37710 Sound Chip: Namco C352 + Namco Custom Chips Infos from Wikipedia

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System 246 Namco Unknown

Triforce Namco-Sega-Nintendo Unknown

I & II Nascom Computer 1978

The Nascom 1 was the most popular British made computer kit in the U.K. It was an affordable single board Z80 based computer with a keyboard attached by cable. It came as a kit or ready-built. Why Nascom? Because the idea of a low cost computer intended for U.K. hobbysts was originated by an American company called Nasco. However, the board was designed in the U.K. by <b>Shelton Instruments Ltd</b> that, later, also designed and sold the <a href="computer.asp?c=810">Sig-Net</a> The minimum configuration featured 2 KB RAM and 1 KB ROM monitor, but the Nascom could be gradually extended into a system that was powerful enough to compete with many home computers of the time, Pet, Apple or Tandy. Actually, the RAM area was divided into two parts: 1 KB for user program and data and 1 KB for storing characters displayed to the television. The ROM monitor provided basic functions: enter program and data, display memory content and processor registers, save and load programs from a tape recorder. A whole range of peripherals and expansions were available from independant suppliers, as well as a vast range of software and many user groups. Several magazines dedicated to the Nascom and its relatives, the Gemini computers, were published. Many languages were available including BASIC, PASCAL, C, FORTH, etc.

My Vision Nichibutsu Unknown

Nichibutsu Nichibutsu Arcade

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3DS Nintendo Handheld 2011

The Nintendo 3DS was developed by Nintendo as a successor to the original Nintendo DS. While the design is very much familiar the underlying hardware is completely different. It features a more powerful CPU and GPU allowing the device to handle more complex scenes and also the new 3D functionality of the top screen. Emulation of the Nintendo 3DS seemed to be something that was never going to end up happening, after several failed attempts and a seemingly lack of real interest from developers there was a sudden surprise release of 3DS Emulator, Citra. Citra came out of nowhere and proved that 3DS Emulation could be done, and as years have gone, shown that it can be done fast and successfully. There was two other attempts but both of those ceased development before showing the amount of progress Citra did, those 3DS emulators being Tron 3DS and 3dmoo. In a way its a good thing as development now appears to be solely focused around Citra, allowing it the best chance to fully emulate the 3DS. As Nintendo has done with the vast majority of its devices. They have introduced a new different feature to the handheld market, and not one people would of expected. This feature is that the top screen acts as a 3D display. This display is designed in a way so the user does not require 3D glasses to see the 3D effect. Though this has some draw backs in its original iteration. That being that if the screen was not looked at directly and at the right angle the 3D effect wouldn’t work properly and make the screen appear blurry. However this is a problem that was solved with Nintendo’s latest 3Ds iteration marketed as “New Nintendo 3DS”. The console has faced two different iterations of its design to date. The first of these being the Nintendo 2DS. This took away the consoles clam shell design and made it a more flat design. It also removed a key feature of the Nintendo 3DS and that is the 3D screen, despite this the actual hardware inside the console remains relatively the same. It is believed that this iteration was aimed at younger children due to a couple of reasons. The first is the lack of a hinge to be damaged, and the second being the lack of the 3D, as it was believed it could put strain on younger eyes.

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64 Nintendo Console 1996

The Nintendo 64 (Often abbreviated to N64) is Nintendo’s third attempt at a video game console. It was the world’s true first 64-bit CPU console. The N64 saw the release of many games that are touted as being some of the best of all time. These games range from much raved Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time to the game touted with revolutionizing the FPS genre GoldenEye 007. Graphically the Nintendo 64 was the more powerful of the 5th generation consoles, its boost in power was helped in that it came in at the end of the 5th generation of consoles. The N64’s graphics chip was capable of trilinear filtering, among other more advanced 3D techniques. However, the true power of the N64 console was inhibited by the smaller storage size of the ROM cartridges. The smaller size made developers have to reduce the number of textures used and use other methods such as Gouraud shading or extremely simple textures. Emulation wise the N64 is still to be perfected. While the vast majority of games are playable, there are still a few that are completely unplayable. Most problems with N64 emulation and its compatibility doesn’t come from its CPU but from its GPU. The GPU uses methods that are rather complicated to successfully emulate on modern GPU’s, while a modern GPU is far more powerful we simply don’t have the same access to it as developers on the original N64 would have to its GPU. It is also not helped that there is a lack of documentation on the way the GPU operates for specific games. One of the most significant of these being Star Wars Rogue Squadron. Best compatibility emulator wise is Project 64. It offers full and fast support for the vast majority of games, video plugin wise, Glide64 is the go-to for best emulation of the GPU side. However, it does sacrifice speed.

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64DD Nintendo Console 1999

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DS Nintendo Handheld 2004

The Nintendo DS was Nintendo’s successor to the Game Boy Advance. It introduced two very stand out unique features to the handheld market. While the Nintendo DS did make use of the Game Boy Advance’s SP clamshell design, the way it utilized it much differently. The biggest and most obvious of these unique features is the inclusion of two LCD screens that work in tandem, the bottom screen also acts as a touch device allowing interaction with the images on screen. Something, that at the time was quite unusual and different to the standardized single screen and buttons. Another feature the Nintendo DS was the addition of a microphone, this was another different feature games could tap into to use to offer unique game play elements, such as blowing smoke off the screen. The other most noticeable feature is its Wi-FI ability that allows it to connect to other Nintendo DS’s, it also had online play through the Nintendo Wi-Fi connection service. However sadly that service was  shut down in 2014 making online useless for all games designed for the Nintendo DS. This forces people to the 3DS if they want to enjoy games with online abilities. The Nintendo DS would end up seeing three separate reiterations of its look and hardware, this is not include the extra large screen versions that were also relate for the DSi version. The first iteration was  the Nintendo DS Lite, this retained all the features of the original fat DS but however was a lot slimmer, and included better screens. There was also slight improvement to the hardware inside the console, however this was mainly battery saving changes then performance increases. The DS Lite also retains the backwards compatibility with Game Boy Advance games  that the original Nintendo DS allowed. After the Nintendo DS Lite, Nintendo introduced the DSi. This made a few more changes to the formula, adding a camera to the console, improved Wi-Fi and again better screens. Alongside this it also came with iterations that featured a much larger screen. The underling hardware was also improved which meant there were a few games that were made for the DSi specifically. However most developers chose to make sure the game worked on all three iterations, not utilizing the improvements. Despite all these improvements the Nintendo DSi removed the backwards compatibility for Game Boy Advance games that the fat DS and DS Lite had.

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DSi Nintendo Unknown

Nintendo Entertainment System Nintendo Console 1983

The Nintendo Entertainment System (often abbreviated as NES) is an 8-bit video game console that was designed, developed and manufactured by Japanese company, Nintendo. The NES is strongly associated with the revitalization of the US video game industry after the crash of the industry in 1983. Nintendo used the NES to bring to life some of what are they most popular game series to date, these being Super Mario Bros, The Legend of Zelda and Metroid. It also so the birth of Capcom’s Mega Man franchise, Konami’s Castlevania franchise, Square’s(Now Square Enix) Final Fantasy franchise and Enix’s(Now Square Enix) Dragon Quest franchise. All of these franchises are still highly popular and still exist today. While Nintendo’s NES brought to life some of the greatest game franchises it also gave console manufactures a new outlook in their relationship with third-party software developers by restricting developers from publishing software without licensed approval from the manufacturer. This led to the consoles having much more high quality software titles, and in turn better public outlook on the console. While the console is no longer being manufactured, the console has been emulated to the point where almost all hardware functionality has been replicated on the computer, with some emulators such as Nestopia providing cycle accurate emulation of the original hardware, meaning what is shown on screen should be exactly what the original console would of produced.

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Famicom Nintendo Console 1986

The Family Computer Disk System (??????????? ????????, Famiri Konpyuta Disuku Shisutemu?, FDS) was released on February 21, 1986 by Nintendo as a peripheral to its popular Family Computer ('Famicom') console in Japan. It was a unit that sat underneath the Famicom and used proprietary floppy disks for data storage. It was announced, but never released, for the North American Nintendo Entertainment System. Through its entire production span, 1986-2003, 4.5 million units were sold . The device was connected to the Famicom deck by plugging a modified cartridge known as the RAM Adapter into the system's cartridge port, which attached via a supplied cable to the disk drive. The RAM adapter contained 32 kilobytes of RAM for temporary program storage, 8 kilobytes of RAM for tile and sprite data storage, and an ASIC known as the 2C33. The ASIC acted as a disk controller for the floppy drive, and also included additional sound hardware featuring primitive FM synthesis capabilities. The floppy disks used were double-sided, with a capacity of 64 kilobytes per side. Many games spanned both sides of a disk, requiring the user to switch sides at some point during gameplay. A few games used two full disks (four sides). The Famicom Disk System was capable of running on six C-cell batteries or the supplied AC adapter. The battery option was included due to the likelihood of a standard set of AC plugs already being occupied by a Famicom and a television. History In 1986, the disks' 128K of storage space was quite appealing. The rewritable aspect of the disks also opened up interesting possibilities; games such as The Legend of Zelda (the first FDS game), Metroid, and Kid Icarus were released to the FDS with a save feature. Many of these titles were subsequently ported to cartridge format and released for the NES a year or two later, with saving implemented with password resume or battery-backed memory. Hardware versions Sharp released the Twin Famicom (????????, Tsuin Famikon?), a composite console of both Famicom and Disk System under license. Technology The FDS disks were somewhat proprietary 2.8' x 3' 64K-per-side double-sided floppy. These 'Disk Cards,' as Nintendo called them, were a slight modification of Mitsumi's 'Quick Disk' 2.8' square disk format which was used in a handful of Japanese computers and various synthesizer keyboards, along with a few word processors. Some of the QuickDisk drives even made it into devices in Europe and North America, though they were somewhat rare. Mitsumi already had close relations with Nintendo, as it manufactured the Famicom and NES consoles, and possibly other Nintendo hardware. BIOS Nintendo's flagship mascots Mario and brother Luigi make an appearance in the FDS's BIOS. After turning on the system, a 'battle' between the two characters would begin over the color scheme of the Nintendo sign and screen border, until a disk is inserted into the FDS. The sprites used are from the NES version of Mario Bros. Piracy Within a year of its release, piracy of the FDS disks became rampant via use of slightly modified QuickDisks and different disk copying techniques. Hacker publications such as Backup Technique (which later became Game Labo, still published today) and Famicom Kaizo Manual showed the plans to make various devices to copy the disks along with very simple plans to convert QuickDisks to FDS disks. At least a couple issues of Backup Technique even advertised products like the Dubbing Boy and the Dubbing Boy II for copying the disks, which were commercialized versions of some of the do-it-yourself projects that the publications wrote articles on. To thwart this piracy, Nintendo changed one of the ICs in the drive to a newer version and made slight modifications to some of the traces on the other PCB within the drive. Techniques were quickly published to build modification boards to circumvent these measures. Certain software techniques were used by some programmers to thwart the copying of their disks, but even these were circumvented by certain unlicensed FDS programs like Disk Hacker (versions include 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, and II), Kosodate Gokko, Copy Master, Disk Keeper, and others, which facilitated the copying of disks. Reliability issues Blue disk with shutterWhile the Disk System was years ahead of its time in terms of a disc-format game console, the system and games both have reliability issues. The drive belt in the drive is a proprietary size, and standard floppy drive belts are too big. In addition, no drive in the U.S. uses that size belt, so replacement belts must be obtained from Japan. Until 2004, Japanese residents were able to send their systems to Nintendo directly for repairs/belt replacements, but Nintendo of America and the PAL regions do not service them. The old belts have a habit of breaking or even melting on occasion. In addition, the disks themselves must be tested and verified to work on both sides, as the FDS disks' construction can allow dirt to get into the disk, or even for the disk to demagnetize over time. Even one bad sector on a disc will render it unplayable. In an effort to save money on production, Nintendo opted to not use disk shutters (a feature seen on 3.5' floppy disks) to keep dirt out, instead opting to include wax paper sleeves as with the older 5.25' floppies. The only exception to this were certain games that were special released on blue discs (which did have shutters). Games Square Co., Ltd. had a branch at one point called 'Disk Original Group', a software label that published Disk System titles from Japanese PC software companies. The venture was largely a failure and almost pushed a pre-Final Fantasy Square into bankruptcy. (Final Fantasy was to be released for the FDS, but a disagreement over Nintendo's copyright policies caused Square to change its position and release the game as a cartridge.) Nintendo released a disk version of Super Mario Bros. in addition to the cartridge version. The Western-market Super Mario Bros. 2 originated from a disk-only game called Yume Kojo: Doki Doki Panic. Launch titles For information on launch titles, see the Famicom Disk System section of the article on launch titles. Mr. Disk Nintendo would hold game score contests, and the mascot was called Disk-kun (Mr. Disk). Some of the prizes to these contests included 2 gold prize disks, one for the game Golf US course, and one for Golf Japan course (Not to be confused with the title simply called Golf). These two gold disks had metal shutters on them, like the aforementioned blue disks. Other prizes were a stationary set, and a gold cartridge version of the NES/Famicom Punch-Out!! titles. In the gold version of Punch-Out!!, the final boss was Super Macho Man, before Nintendo used Mike Tyson and Mr. Dream instead in later NES versions. Information from Wikipedia

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Family Computer Network System Nintendo Unknown

Game & Watch Nintendo Handheld 1980

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Game Boy Nintendo Handheld 1989

Generation 4th generation First available JP April 21, 1989 US August, 1989 EU 1990 Media Game Boy cartridges Units sold as of December, 2004: 69.42 million (worldwide) 20.61 million (Japan) 48.81 million (other) Top-selling game Pokémon Red and Blue Predecessor Game and Watch Successor Game Boy Color The Game Boy (Gemu Boi) is a handheld game console developed and manufactured by Nintendo, released in 1989 at Dollar89.95 USD. The Game Boy was the first successful handheld console, and was the predecessor of all other iterations of the Game Boy line. The Game Boy was originally bundled with the puzzle game Tetris, since Nintendo thought that an addictive puzzle game would get consumers' attention. Games One of the top-selling games for the Game Boy was Tetris, which sold about 3 million copies in the US and is an example of a killer game. Tetris was packaged with the Game Boy, and often, consumers were buying the Game Boy to play Tetris. Controls The Game Boy's main controls are located on the lower half of its front frame. Like the NES controller, the Game Boy has four face buttons labelled 'A,' 'B,' 'SELECT,' and 'START.' The functions of these face buttons vary from game to game, though generally, the START button is used as a 'pause' function to temporarily stop gameplay. The Game Boy also features a Directional Pad, allowing up to eight directions of movement in its games. Outside of buttons used in gameplay, there is a volume control knob on the right side of the console, and a similar knob to change the contrast on the left side. The ON/OFF switch is located at the top of the Game Boy. Input/output The Game Boy contains the following input/output connectors: A power input, located on the left side of the handheld console. The power adapter was included in a rechargeable battery pack kit. Separate editions of the battery pack were made for 110V and 230V countries. The Game Boy requires 6V DC of at least 250mA. A link cable port, located on the right side. It connects two Game Boy handheld consoles, and transfers information between two games of the same type or same series. This was widely used in games such as Pokémon. A 3.5mm stereo headphone jack output is located on the bottom side of the console. An input for Game Boy cartridges (also called Game Paks) is situated on top of the Game Boy. Sales and competition The success of the Game Boy is exhibited in one way by its expansive and successful line of consoles. For instance, the Game Boy Color and Game Boy Advance have reached worldwide sales figures of 49 million (as of December 2004) and 75 million (as of June 2006), respectively. The original Game Boy sold roughly 70 million units worldwide. At the time of its release in 1989, the Atari Lynx, also known as the 'Handy,' was also just being introduced to the market. This system featured color graphics, a backlit screen, and networking capabilities. Nevertheless, its release price of Dollar179, substantial requirement of 6 AA batteries that would provide roughly four hours of gameplay (compared to 10-12 on the Game Boy), physical bulkiness, and other factors doomed it to a second-rate status. In the 1990s, Nintendo experienced heavier competition from Sega's Game Gear. To promote its new, color console, Sega aired a number of negative but unsuccessful ad campaigns in the United States that criticized the Game Boy's monochrome color palette. Nonetheless, the Game Gear suffered from generally the same problems that the Lynx did. Accessories Several accessories compatible with the Game Boy were also produced: The Game Boy Battery Pack (or AC Adapter), sold for about Dollar30 USD, was roughly 3 in. long, 2 in. wide, and 0.5 in. thick. One end of it had a 2 inch-long cord, ending in a 3.5 mm phone plug, while the other end had a standard mains plug. The first version of it was gray with purple lettering, to match the colors used on the Game Boy. It also featured a belt clip. The battery pack was good for several hours of gameplay per charge, providing an alternative to purchasing more AA batteries once their power was exhausted. The product used nickel-cadmium batteries, lasted about 4-5 hours per charge, and could be charged roughly 1000 times before a significant loss in effectiveness. A major drawback of the battery pack was its weight, as well as the way the phone plug sticks out prominently. Released in 1998, the Game Boy Camera was able to take pictures that could be printed out using the Game Boy Printer. The photos were in black and white only, and the resolution of the pictures was 128 x 123. Both the Game Boy Camera and Game Boy Printer products were marketed together in Japan, the U.S., and Europe, primarily towards children. It is no longer in production by Nintendo. Released at the same time as the Game Boy Camera, the Game Boy Printer was a thermal printer. It ran off of six AA batteries. In addition to printing out Game Boy Camera photos, it also ran in conjunction with several Game Boy games, such as Pokémon Yellow and The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX. The Game Link cable an accessory that established a data connection between two Game Boys using the same game or game from the same series. CPU Custom 8-bit Sharp Z80 at 4.194304 MHz (has a slightly different instruction set than a standard Z80, and integrated sound generation) RAM 8 kByte internal S-RAM Video RAM 8 kByte internal ROM 256 kbit, 512 kbit, 1 Mbit, 2 Mbit and 4 Mbit and 8 Mbit cartridges Sound 2 Square Waves, 1 Triangle Wave, 1 White Noise. The unit only has one speaker, but headphones provide stereo sound Display Reflective LCD 160 x 144 pixels Screen Size 66 mm (2.6 in) diagonal Color Palette 4 shades of 'gray' (green to (very) dark blue) Communication Up to 16 Game Boys can be linked together via serial ports Power 6 V, 0.7 W (4 AA batteries provide Approx.35 hours) Dimensions 90mm(W) x 148mm(H) x 32mm(D)/3.5 x 5.8 x 1.3 (inch) Infos from Wikipedia

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Game Boy Advance Nintendo Handheld 2001

The Game Boy Advance, often abbreviated to GBA is the successor to the Game Boy Color. The hand held console managed to hold on to Nintendo’s reign as being the top hand held console seller. This is in part due to the Game Boy Advance selling over 81.51 million units. Much like its predecessor, the Game Boy Advance retained backwards compatibility support, this allowed the console to support both Game Boy Color and Game Boy games. This gave the Game Boy Advance a superb library of high quality and well made games right off the bat. Making it an easy choice for those who have yet to buy a hand held or are thinking of replacing their Game Boy Colour they can still retain their library of games. The Game Boy Advance saw two redesigns, the first of these was the Game Boy Advance SP. This saw the console move to using the clamshell design that is now present in the Nintendo DS. It also introduced a backlight to the consoles design allowing it to be played much better under different lighting conditions and also allow the colours to appear more vibrant. The second of these was the Game Boy Micro. This was essentially a much smaller version of the Game Boy Advance. It however also meant that it lacked a major feature of the Game Boy Advance. This being its backwards compatibility. It however still had some of the feature improvements that the SP introduced such as the backlight. The Game Boy Advance truly set Nintendo as the company to beat in the handheld console market, and has managed to remain king of the market ever since.

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Game Boy Color Nintendo Handheld 1998

The Game Boy Color, often referred to as the GBC is Nintendo’s fourth attempt at the handheld game console market. Specification wise it did not differ much from its predecessor the Game Boy. However it introduced one big new feature and that was the ability to display the picture in colour, rather than the Gray scale present in its predecessor. Thanks to largely having the same hardware, this enabled the Game Boy Color to remain backwards compatible with older games. This backwards compatibility was a huge advantage when coming up against its competitors as it allowed the handheld to inherit a large game library right off the bat and not rely completely on a couple of games to generate sales. The Game Boy Color proved to be a huge success, going on to sell over 118.59 million units. A number that far exceeded its competitors of the time, the Neo Geo Pocket and WonderSwan.

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GameCube Nintendo Console 2001

The Nintendo Gamecube marked Nintendo’s 5th entry into the home Video game console market. It was Nintendo’s first move into using optical media as its primary storage. However instead of using the standard full-sized disc’s, Nintendo chose to use miniDVD, excluding the console from being able to play standard DVD’s or audio CD’s due to the smaller size. This made it lack a feature its two competitors of the time, the Xbox and the Playstation 2, and that is simply to also be able to act as a DVD player. While a simple feature, it did add an extra element to a consumers decision on what console to buy, especially during a period where DVD players were costly. The system had the ability to expand its hardware functionality via a port on the bottom of the console. This would only ever end up being used for the consoles Broardband Adapter which gave the console its network functionality, and also the Game Boy Player which allowed Game Boy games to be played on the TV with a GameCube controller. While the GameCube was praised for having an extensive library of high-quality games, the console failed to gain the sales that its main competitors did. At the end of its lifetime, the Game Cube managed to make 21.74 million sales, falling short by 3 million sales to Microsofts newcomer, the Xbox. However both fell painfully short of the Playstation 2’s 155 million sales. Despite the GameCube’s shortfall in sales, it still left a legacy thanks to its high quality games.

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Kiosk Video Compact Flash Nintendo Unknown

Mario no Photopi SmartMedia Nintendo Unknown

Nintendo Classics Nintendo Arcade

Play-Yan Nintendo Unknown

Pokemon Mini Nintendo Handheld 2001

The Pokémon mini is a handheld game console designed and manufactured by Nintendo and based on Satoshi Tajiri's Pokémon media franchise. It is a officially the smallest ever cartridge-based system that includes a black-and-white LCD and an integrated gamepad. Other features of the Pokémon mini include an infrared port used to facilitate multiplayer gaming, an internal timer, an accelerometer (shock detector), and a vibrator used to implement force feedback. Some of the Pokémon Mini games were included in the Gamecube game, Pokémon Channel in a software emulator of the Pokémon Mini itself. Infos from: Wikipedia

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Satellaview Nintendo Console 1995

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Snes - Super Mario World Hacks Nintendo Console 1990

Sufami Turbo Nintendo Accessory 1996

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Super Famicom & Super Entertainment System Nintendo Console

Super Game Boy 2 Nintendo Accessory 1998

Super Nintendo Entertainment System Nintendo Console 1990

The Super Nintendo Entertainment System (often referred to as SNES, Super Nintendo or Super NES) is a 16-bit video game console and also Nintendo’s second foray into the game console market. The console introduced quite a few advanced graphical and sound features when compared against other consoles of its generation. It also was the first start at gaining significant progress in the field of 3D graphics, utilizing its “Super FX”  chip the SNES was able to run games with smoother and more detailed 3D graphics than had been seen before. The SNES was a surprising global success with the console quickly becoming the best-selling 16-bit console despite having a relatively late start  and having to face quite fierce competition from SEGA’s Genesis in North American and European markets.The SNES was successful enough to still remain popular even in the 32-bit era and has continued to be popular among fans, collectors retro gamer’s, and emulation enthusiasts. The SNES is one of the most emulated consoles available, having a plethora of emulators that successfully emulate the console completely such as bSNES which offers 100% accurate emulation of the SNES’s hardware, while it does require a more high end system it does mean that everything shown on the screen is exactly how it would be with the original system, right down to every little bug or quirk.

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Super Nintendo MSU-1 Nintendo Console

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Switch Nintendo Console 2017

The Nintendo Switch is a ninth generation video game console developed by Nintendo and is the successor to the Nintendo Wii U. The Switch was released in 2017 to substantial praise thanks to its fantastic launch titles and its ability to switch from console mode to handheld. Launching with a critical hit like Breath of the Wild gave the Switch the popularity boost that the Wii U never quite achieved. Nintendo followed up the release of the Switch with several other hits such as Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Splatoon 2, and Super Mario Oddysee. The console has also had fantastic support from 3rd party developers, with a slew of well-optimized ports of high-profile games such as Skyrim. The Nintendo Switch has a couple of unique features. First is the ability for the Switch to be used as both a handheld console and a video game console. This works by using a simple dock that connects to your tv. One thing to note is that when the Switch in handheld mode, its performance is slightly limited to try to preserve battery life.  This means most games will have their resolutions reduced to 720p. The other is the ability of the controllers to also act as motion controllers. However, this ability is not available on the “Lite” version of the Switch. The Nintendo Switch Lite is a handheld only version of the console with non-detachable controllers. It can run any game that has compatibility for the Switches handheld mode. Switch emulation has made an astonishing amount of progress in just a few short years thanks to the effort of the Yuzu Emulator team. The emulator is able to emulate a large amount of the Switch’s library already successfully. Considering the time it took for the Nintendo 3DS and Wii U to be successfully emulated, the progress in developing an emulator for the Nintendo Switch has been surprisingly fast.

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Virtual Boy Nintendo Handheld 1995

The Virtual Boy is Nintendo’s 3rd foray into the video game console and also their biggest failure. While Nintendo attempted to tout the console as the first “portable” video game console capable of displaying 3D graphics out of the box it was an idea that never took with players. The console was such a commercial failure that it never made it out of Japan and North America. One of the Virtual Boy’s worse points was that its screen was only capable of monochrome colors destroying the immersion of the system. Another problem users found was the lack of games that truly made use of its “3D” features with most of them just using the 3D functionality as a gimmick while still functioning like a 2D game would.

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Wii Nintendo Console 2006

The Nintendo Wii is Nintendo’s seventh generation console, and the competitor to Microsoft’s Xbox 360 and Sony’s PlayStation 3. The console introduced a new factor to the home console market with the controllers designed to act as both a pointing device and also detect moment in three dimensions. This opened up the console to a variety of different games that weren’t present on its competitors systems. The console originally also had two extra functions, one that is not present in the end production model, and one other that has been taken offline. The first of these is the ability to play GameCube games on the Nintendo Wii, this allowed the console to remain fully backwards compatible with all GameCube games as long as you had a GameCube controller.  However this feature was removed for the two later and final versions of the Nintendo Wii, these being the Wii Family Edition and the Wii Mini. The second feature that is no longer present in all versions of the console is its online capabilities and also its WiiConnect24 function that allowed the console to receive updates and messages while its in standby. These were both taken offline by Nintendo, meaning all multiplayer functions of games can no longer be used. Despite these two features being removed the Wii Shop Channel still functions.

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Wii U Nintendo Console 2012

The Nintendo Wii U is an eighth-generation video game console and the successor to Nintendo’s insanely successfully Nintendo Wii. The console was released worldwide in 2012 but sadly lacked the massive amount of hype and excitement that its predecessor had created, this was not helped by a fairly lacking library of launch day games. The Wii U was a primary competitor to Microsoft’s Xbox One, and Sony’s PlayStation 4, sadly though despite those consoles releasing nearly a year after the Wii U’s release, the Wii U just couldn’t make the same level of sales, its hard to say whether this was due to a poor library of games or poor marketing, the name Wii U may of created confusion with some consumers due to its similarities with the Wii name. Wii U emulation seemed to be something that was never going to happen for a period of time, over the years there was a few attempts here and there that attempted to emulate it but most of those projects were short lived or ran into problems due to the sheer lack of documentation on the inner working on the Wii U. It was not until October 2015 when there was a big breakthrough in emulation, and a massive surprise to the emulation community and that was with the first release of Cemu. Cemu was the first Nintendo Wii U Emulator that started showing real promise. Despite Cemu being closed source there is now another promising emulator that is making progress, namely the open source Decaf emulator project. The biggest hindrance to the Wii U is down to its poor library of games, not only was Nintendo incredibly slow in bringing their own superb IP’s to the console, many 3rd party companies abandoned the console altogether leaving it with a void of games despite some superb surprises like Bayonetta 2.

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amiibo Nintendo Unknown

e-Reader Nintendo Accessory 2001

General information The e-Reader is a device made by Nintendo for its Game Boy Advance portable video game system. It was first released in Japan in December 2001, with a North American release following in September 2002. It has a LED scanner that reads 'e-Reader cards', paper cards with specially encoded data printed on them. Depending on the card and associated game, the e-cards are typically used in a key-like function to unlock secret items, levels, or play mini-games when swiped through the reader. See below for a comprehensive list of cards and their functions. The cards themselves contain data, as opposed to unlocking data already on the device itself. The e-Reader is neither a console nor an accessory, but an add-on device, like the Famicom Disk System or the Sega CD. The e-Reader is one of only three official Nintendo add-ons to be released in North America. The other two are the Super Nintendo Entertainment System's Super Game Boy and the Nintendo GameCube's Game Boy Player. Two versions were released in Japan: the original e-Reader (without a link cable port), which could read cards to unlock game content, etc.; and later the e-Reader+ (simply 'e-Reader' in Australia and North America), which came with a link cable port to connect with Nintendo GameCube games such as Animal Crossing and with other Game Boy Advance systems for games such as Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire. The e-Reader was only considered successful in Japan. It was announced for Europe but very few were made, as it was almost immediately canceled, and it was discontinued in North America in early 2004, due to a lack of popularity. In Japan, however, it sold much better and was produced up to the discontinuation of the Game Boy hardware line. In order to add items and scan levels in games such as Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3, a player required two Game Boy Advance systems and a link cable. The gray end would go into the e-Reader GBA and the purple end into the GBA that had the game. After entering the needed point on the game, players would swipe the cards in and the data would be transferred to the game cartridge. This function does not work with the Nintendo DS due to the lack of link cable support. e-Reader cards Two e-Reader cards. The top card is one of the five cards needed to play Excitebike and the bottom card is the EON Ticket, a promotional card for Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire . In the U.S., e-Reader Card packs have been released that contain: 1.NES games 2.New levels and power-ups for Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 3.Items and designs for Animal Crossing 4.New trainers to battle in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire 5.Mini-games, including an exclusive version of Mario Party. 6.Game & Watch Cards, originally there were plans to release every Game and Watch game on a series of E-reader cards, or at least 20 according to some people. There have only been four of the games officially released. There have been numerous other games released with e-Reader support in Japan. Dot code Data is encoded on the cards using 'dot code', a specialized barcode technology licensed from Olympus Corporation. e-Reader Cards may have one or two sets of dot code on them, either a wide strip on the left side of the card, a wide strip on both the left and right sides of the card, a narrow strip on the bottom of the card or a short strip on the bottom of the card with a long strip on the left side of the card. Smaller games may require scanning only one card (two sets of dot code), while the greater NES games can require as many as five cards (nine to ten sets of dot code) in order to start the application. The shorter sets of dot code were only used with the Pokémon Trading Card Game. Cards released in regular sets published by both Nintendo and Wizards of the Coast had dot code on the bottom side of the card. When scanned, the e-Reader displayed a Pokédex data entry for the Pokémon shown on the card. Many of the cards published by Wizards of the Coast included a left side dot code that would allow users to play mini-games, animations, and use secret attacks in the Trading Card Game or play with various songs and graphics. Compatibility The e-Reader plugged into a Game Boy Advance SP. The e-Reader plugs into the cartridge slot of the Game Boy Advance like a regular game would. The end of the e-Reader sticks out from the Game Boy Advance unit to provide a slot to scan the e-Reader Cards. Electronically, the e-Reader is compatible with any console that supports Game Boy Advance games, however it may be mechanically incompatible with some systems (it simply does not fit), and the ability to link consoles may not be available. Once installed, the link cable connector on the Game Boy Advance is obstructed, but a pass-through connection on the e-Reader allows link-up features to be used. The Game Boy Advance SP is also fully compatible, although the e-Reader doesn't mount flush with the SP (see picture). As the link cable connector on the SP is unobstructed, the pass-through on the e-Reader is not used. The Game Boy Player is also fully compatible, and the e-Reader connects as it would to a Game Boy Advance (the e-Reader pass-through connector is used for connecting the link cable). The GameCube hosting this system acts as a Game Boy Advance - in order to link to a GameCube game, a second GameCube, running the game in question, must be used. The e-Reader can connect to the DS Lite, but not the original DS. The e-Reader can however be modified to fit into the original DS, In either case, there is no support for linking features, as neither system has a link cable port. The e-Reader does fit into the Game Boy Micro., and that system has a link cable port, however it is not a standard connector. A special Game Boy Micro Game Link Cable must be used for linking features. The Game Boy Micro's non-standard link cable port can not accept the Nintendo GameCube Game Boy Advance Cable, meaning it cannot link with GameCube games without modification to the cable. Because the first version of the Japanese e-Reader did not have a link cable pass-through connector, it can fit into consoles which the later e-Readers are incompatible with. Even though Game Boys and DSs are region-free, Japanese e-Reader cards work only on Japanese e-Readers, etc. Information from Wikipedia

N-Gage Nokia Handheld 2003

The N-Gage is a mobile telephone and handheld game system based on the Nokia Series 60 platform. It started selling on October 7, 2003. It attempted to lure gamers away from the Game Boy Advance by including cellphone functionality. This was unsuccessful, partly because the buttons, designed for a phone, were not well-suited for gaming and when used as a phone the original N-Gage was described as resembling a 'taco'. In 2005, Nokia announced that it would move its N-Gage games capabilities onto a series of smartphones. These devices have been available since early 2007, and a pre-release version of the N-Gage application allowing users to purchase and download games was made available for download from the official N-Gage website on February 4, 2008. Release of the full version of the N-Gage service is planned for first half of 2008. History In the late 1990s, gamers increasingly carried both mobile phones and handheld game consoles. Nokia spotted an opportunity to combine these devices into one unit. They developed the N-Gage, a device that integrated these two devices. Instead of using cables, multiplayer gaming was accomplished with Bluetooth or the Internet (via the N-Gage Arena service). The N-Gage also included MP3 and Real Audio/Video playback and PDA-like features into the system. With a launch price of USDollar299, the N-Gage was not as commercially popular as Nokia estimated. In its first weeks of availability in the United States, it was outsold by the Game Boy Advance 100 to 1. Within 17 days of the deck's release, popular retailers GameStop and Electronics Boutique began offering Dollar100 rebates on the deck's price. The poor sales performance can be attributed to the poor selection of games compared to its competitors and its cost at launch; it was more than twice as expensive as a Game Boy Advance SP on release day. Poor sales were also amplified by game media being standard MMC memory cards and as with most consoles piracy did become an issue. Besides its gaming capabilities, the N-Gage was a Series 60 smartphone, running Symbian OS 6.1, with features similar to those of the Nokia 3650 (it does not have an integrated camera, however). It was able to run all Series 60 software, and Java MIDP applications as well. Its main CPU was an ARM Integrated (ARMI) compatible chip (ARM4T architecture) running at 104 MHz, the same as the Nokia 7650 and 3650 phones. As of August 2007, it was estimated that Nokia had shipped more than two million N-Gage game decks. The 'N-Gage' brand name still had a poor reputation within the gaming media and the few consumers who recognized the N-Gage brand, due to the weakness of the system's first games and the original model's limitations. Many gamers were unaware of the later QD redesign and still consider the N-Gage as a joke. The situation has not improved either with the arrival of the PlayStation Portable and Nintendo DS handhelds. As of September 2005, Nokia had more than 50 games available for the system. While the N-Gage didn't have any significant financial successes, it did have a handful of critical successes. Pocket Kingdom: 0wn the W0rld received a handful of glowing reviews when it was released, and Pathway to Glory was Nokia's first self-published success. These games came perhaps too late to have much effect in improving the perception of the N-Gage hardware itself in the eyes of consumers or press. In January 2005, UK sales-tracking firm ChartTrack dropped the N-Gage from its regular ELSPA chart, commenting that 'The N-Gage chart, though still produced, is of little interest to anyone. Sales of the machine and its software have failed to make any impact on the market at all.' Although only directly reflective of the UK market, this was interpreted by some as a serious blow to the N-Gage as a viable gaming platform. Despite this, Nokia reaffirmed their commitment to the N-Gage as a platform, to the point where a new version of the hardware was rumored after GDC 2005. February 2005 saw Nokia appoint Gerard Wiener, formerly of Sega Europe, to the post of Director and General Manager for Games at Nokia. Wiener steered Nokia away from looking at the N-Gage as primarily being a games console to 'this is a mobile phone that is great for playing games on.' This strategy, along with targeting niche franchises such as the table-top Warhammer 40,000 series, the Rifts RPG series, and the Settlers of Catan board game, has kept sales of the N-Gage healthy and gotten the platform a modicum of respect from some quarters of the media. It should be noted that this change coincided with the initial releases of the Sony PSP and Nintendo DS. The last game to be released in the US for the system was Civilization on March 2006 according to In November 2006 Nokia released its last game for the N-Gage QD - combat racer Payload. The system continues to be sold in the Chinese and Indian markets. Sales There is some disagreement in sources about the actual number of N-Gage decks sold. Nokia initially claimed 400,000 sales in the first two weeks the deck was available. However, independent market research firms Chart-Track and Arcadia Research claimed that the N-Gage had sold only 5,000 decks in the United States in that time, and 800 decks in the UK. Critics suggested Nokia was counting the number of decks shipped to retailers, not the number actually purchased by consumers. Nokia later admitted this was the truth. In 2004, Nokia claimed in a press release that it had shipped its millionth deck, represented as a company milestone despite falling short of the company's initial projection of six million decks by the end of 2004. However, this number shipped doesn't give a reliable picture of the actual sales of the deck. Nokia ultimately shipped 2 million N-Gage decks by 2007. In all cases, sales of the N-Gage and N-Gage QD have been counted together. White Screen of Death The N-gage also suffered from a software bug problem known as the White Screen of Death, a memory management issue that rendered the phone inoperational if the main memory was used beyond a certain capacity. This prevented the phone from booting and could only be solved by flashing its firmware. Nokia also had a support contract exclusively for the N-Gage that enabled them to reimburse users with such problems for less than the phone cost, disregarding any responsibilities as to this particular problem, due to the phone no longer being supported (although still marketable). Future At E3 2005, Nokia announced their intention to make it possible to play games on their next wave of smartphones. (At E3, games were demonstrated on the Nokia 3230, 6680, Nokia 6630, and N90, but Nokia has not yet announced what phones will be compatible with this as-of-yet unnamed service). These phones won't be compatible with the games sold on MMC in stores, but will be able to download games over the cellular network, or play games downloaded on your computer. All of the details of this scheme have not yet been stated, but this network/scheme is expected for mid 2007. During E3 2006 there were a number of announcements related to Nokia's next generation mobile games strategy which continued to stress gameplay across a range of Nokia cellphones, rather than one particular 'gaming handheld', as before. The company explained the core of the service as '...a pre-installed application which allows consumers to easily find, buy and play rich and immersive games on a range of Nokia Nseries multimedia computers and other Nokia S60 devices.' Nokia also announced that gaming communities, in a similar vein to Xbox Live, are another key element of the company's mobile gaming strategy. At the base of this it cited its already existing N-Gage Arena. Nokia also announced deals with Electronic Arts and Gameloft and six new titles including, fishing sim Creatures of the Deep a follow up to its first party fighting game ONE, with ONE: Who's Next? and System Rush: Evolution. System Rush Evolution is now included as standard on the Nokia N93 and a version of ONE: Who's Next? was demonstrated on the Nokia N93 during E3 2006 as well, both games demonstrate improved graphics. Since E3 2006 Nokia has been relatively quiet. However, recently it announced findings of a study on mobile gaming behavior carried out by Nielsen research. In December 2006, Nokia launched the Future Watch website to track the evolution of the next generation of the N-Gage platform. According to the site, the launch date for the next generation of the N-Gage is mid 2007. On January 30, 2007, mobile games specialist website reported that Pocket Gamer was briefing leading games developers and publishers in secret workshops ahead of the launch of the next gen N-Gage. On August 29, 2007, Nokia unveiled N-Gage as its new download portal for games, compatible with a number of smartphones starting from November 2007. Initial line-up of smartphones comprehend: Nokia N73, N81, N81 8GB, N93, N93i, N95, N95 8GB. In the beginning of November 2007, Nokia announced that Next Generation N-Gage launch has been pushed back to December due to hold-ups on the software front. Nokia N82 was added to the list of compatible devices on November 14th 2007. On November 26, 2007, an announcement was made saying that the old first generation N-Gage Arena servers will be shutting down on December 5th at 10 a.m. PST in order to prepare the new and improved back end servers and databases for the Next Generation launch. On December 20, 2007, a further delay was announced. This time the launch date of second generation N-Gage platform was moved to early 2008. N-Gage First Access, a pre-release version of the N-Gage application, was made available for download for Nokia N81 owners from the official N-Gage website on February 4, 2008. Tetris and World Series of Poker were added to N-Gage First Access application on February 7, 2008 Devices N-Gage Classic The N-Gage browsing Wikipedia using the Opera browserThe original phone's taco-shaped design was considered clumsy: to insert a game, users had to remove the phone's plastic cover and remove the battery compartment as the game slot was next to it. Another clumsy feature was the speaker and microphone being located on the side edge of the phone. This often resulted in many to describe it as if one was talking into a 'taco phone' or 'Sidetalking', or simply that they had one very large ear, because the user held the edge of the phone against the cheek in order to talk into it. The comfort factor of lengthy calls was also called into question. Despite the criticism, it is thought that the speakers were there for a practical reason: if placed elsewhere, the screen would get in contact with the cheek and become smudged. However, almost all other cell phones have the screen against the cheek when the user is talking. Despite the questionable practicality, gamers were still unwilling to talk in such an awkward manner. When considered from a video game point of view, the N-Gage was known for its unusual screen orientation, a vertical one as opposed to a horizontal one (which is more popular with other handhelds). The reason for this was that the underlying operating system, Series 60, did not support horizontal orientations at that time (only supported since S60v3 ). Some felt this to be a negative feature, feeling that 'unconventional' does not necessarily mean improvement. Possibly due to this screen feature, as well as the public's luke-warm reception to the device, the game library was far from extensive. Despite this, the N-Gage did manage to garner some well known franchises such as Tomb Raider, Sonic, Rayman, Red Faction, and Tony Hawk's Pro Skater, The Elder Scrolls, among others. From a cell phone standpoint, the N-Gage also faced problems. Besides the unusual form factor, in the US it was initially sold primarily through specialty game outlets instead of through cell phone providers, which only called attention to its high pre-subsidy price, lack of games, and curious interface compared to other gaming devices (thanks to the Series 60 interface and unusual face button layout). Once cellphone retail outlets started carrying the phone, which didn't become a widespread practice in the US until well after the release of the N-Gage QD, it still faced problems. The N-Gage and its successor, the N-Gage QD, worked only on GSM networks, meaning that it was incompatible with the then-largest US cell service provider, Verizon Wireless, as well as all of Japan's cell networks. Where N-Gage was compatible with major cell phone networks its popularity varied. It was not well received in Canada and the UK for instance but received a much warmer reception in mainland Europe and in particular Asia where games on mobile phones were seen as much more desirable. The original N-Gage, though, still had many benefits to developers and end-users. It had a large amount of executable RAM memory compared to Series 60 devices (the 66xx series); it had MP3 decoding in a dedicated hardware chip as Nokia 3300 (other Series 60 devices, including the N-Gage QD, rely on software decoding); it had stereo output from a mini headphone jack plug; and it could be mounted as a USB Mass Storage device on any compatible computer without requiring the Nokia PC Connect software. Hardware specifications: Weight: 137 g, dimensions: 134 x 70 x 20 mm. N-Gage QD Nokia N-Gage QDThe N-Gage QD (QD stands for quaque die, meaning every day in Latin) was Nokia's successor to the N-Gage and was released six months after the first N-Gage, replacing it in 2004. It revised the device's physical design, being smaller and rounder. It corrected the flaw of the cartridge slot with a more convenient one on the bottom of the device. This design also moved the earpiece to the face of the device, rather than on the side, as in the previous model. Despite the revision, many were quick to criticize the unit, just as they did the original N-Gage. Some noted that the rubber fitting side that closed the gap between the device top and bottom casing could be easily loosened over a few months if it were dropped regularly, although this was hardly a recommended practice in taking care of the unit. Once the rubber piece was removed, the device became more vulnerable to water or particles entering the internals unless the fitting was replaced. The fitting was available at Nokia's service centers, and was also available in a variety of colors through various third-party sellers via online electronics suppliers or eBay. The device retailed at a lower price, further aided by the fact that it was generally sold with a pre-paid cell phone service contract and the corresponding subsidy. In the United States, the N-Gage QD was available as a prepaid phone offered by Cingular for Dollar99.99 at retail games stores such as Electronics Boutique and GameStop. This is no longer the case as the device has reached the end of its lifespan and the above mentioned stores have discontinued carrying the QD. Some of the 'bulky' features of the system such as MP3 playback, FM radio reception, and USB connectivity were removed from the device, presumably to cut size and cost. The QD did not support MP3 internally; however, it could still play MP3s with third-party software, albeit only in 16 kHz mono. Instead of using the N-Gage with generic USB removable drive drivers, a user would use either Bluetooth or a separate MMC card reader to transfer files onto the device memory or an MMC card for use in the N-Gage QD. Another change from the original unit was the 'Orange-and-grey' theme of the face of the unit as well as the GUI. Some felt this was an unwanted change from the 'more colorful' GUI of the original N-Gage. Even then there were some third-party applications that enhanced the interface or replaced the system shell. As for the telephone portion, it no longer supported the three GSM frequency bands 900/1800/1900; instead it came in two dualband variants, one for the American market and one for the European and Asian markets. The rest of the N-Gage QD hardware specifications were otherwise the same as the original N-Gage; same vertical screen layout, button configuration, etc. Hardware specifications: Weight: 143 g, dimensions: 118 x 68 x 22 mm. Infos from: Wikipedia

logo photo
Advantage NorthStar Computer 1982

NorthStar launched this indestructible all-in-one system in 1982. The Advantage combined the well known (at the time) NorthStar 5.25 floppy disc sub-system with a high-resolution display and a durable keyboard. The Advantage also had it's own bus with it's own set of optional I/O card and a 8088 co-processor card for comparability with the newly released IBM PC software. Sadly, the card was delivered with MS-DOS ver.1 which wasn't compatible with the IBM-PC PC-DOS and very few programs were developed for this OS. Despite some interesting features - High resolution graphics display, 8 and 16-bit software compatibility - and a proven reliability, the Advantage never really competed with Apple and IBM-PC systems

Horizon NorthStar Computer 1977

The Horizon was a S-100 bus based system. It was the first floppy-disc based system hobbyists could buy. In a case with a choice of wood or blue metal cover, the basic version included a 4 Mhz. Z80 microprocessor, 16 KB of RAM, a 90 KB 5''1/4 floppy drive with a controller card, a serial terminal interface and 12 S-100 slots. It was sold with the North Star Disc Operating System and a Basic interpreter allowing random and sequential disk files. The Horizon-2 version offered a second floppy-disc drive. Any S-100 cards (compatible with Altair, Cromemco and many other systems) could be added to the system, but North Star provided its own additional 16 KB RAM and hardware floating point boards. In 1979, original 90 KB floppy drives were replaced by Shugart 360 KB models. Northstar also offered an add-on box with two additional floppies, making a total of 4. The box had a matching walnut stained plywood cover.

ND4410 & ND4420 Nuclear Data Unknown

Z80NE Nuova Elettronica Unknown

Osborne 2 Executive OCC Unknown

Osborne 4 Vixen OCC Unknown

Osborne-1 OCC Unknown

S-OS Oh! MZ Unknown

Challenger 1P Ohio Scientific Computer 1979

Ohio Scientific, based in Ohio, USA, were the makers of the Superboard II. The Challenger 1P and Challenger <b>IIP-MF</b> were essentially cased versions of this single board system with integrated keyboard, a single 5Volt power supply and the first 6502 version of Microsoft BASIC interpreter. An optional floppy disk controller and a extra 24K of ram for this unit was available using a 610 expansion board. The <b>C1P-MF</b> was an upgraded version of the C1P having 20 KB of RAM and one 90 KB floppy disc drive. Memory could be upgraded up to 32 KB. The Superboard and its derivatives had good user support and many programs were available. _______________________ Some additional information from <b>Mark Alsing</b>: <font color="#666666"> It had basic keyclick sound capability that could be added by popultaing components (resitors and caps) on the main board.An RS-232 interface could also be added this way and there was a cut-out on the back to mount a DB-25 connector for it. Video output was composite and required an RF modulator to display output on a regular TV. I had a MicroVerter box that put the output on ch. 13 or 14.</font> <b>Ken Jordan</b>, a game developer who got his start on the OSI-C1P, reports : <font color="#666666"> The text mode was really 32 x 32, but because of TV overscan only 24 x 24 was used. As was common, I soldered Atari joysticks to the numeric keys to allow gaming (there was a standard for this mod).</font>

M20 Olivetti Computer March 1982

In 1972, Olivetti established in the U.S.A. (Cupertino), the Advanced Technology Centre (ATC), a research centre specialized in new technologies and office automation equipment design. During ten years the centre designed Olivetti typewriters, calculators, photocopiers, etc.... In 1980, the first Olivetti computer took form in Cupertino, and the M-20 computer was launched in March 1982. More than 50,000 units are estimated to have been shipped in the first year. The M20 was one of the very rare computers based on the Zilog Z8000, a 16 bits microprocessor very close to its 8 bits big brother the Z80. Like most of the computers designed before the IBM PC era, the M20 offered technical choices which made it totally incompatible with the rest of the micro world. The first proprietary M20 operating system, called PCOS (Professional Computer Operating System) was also very particular and didn't allowed files to be exchanged with other systems. Hopefully, MS-DOS V2.0, CP/M-86 and CP/M-80 would be later adapted to the specific M-20 hardware. Moreover, front of this compatibility problem, Olivetti developped a coprocessor board based on the 8086 chip, which offered M20 owners access to IBM PC software. The M20 came with a 12'' monochrome or colour custom built monitor. The international version had a grey plastic case, the Italian version had a brown one.

M24 Olivetti Computer 1984

This is a highly IBM PC compatible system. It means that it is truely hardware and sotfware compatible with the IBM PC of that time. Back then, all "PC compatible" systems were not exactly 100% compatible... so it was a real marketing argument for the Olivetti M24. There were two true tests to know if a system was really IBM PC compatible : Lotus 1-2-3 and Microsoft Flight Simulator, and the M-24 was running both with no problem. But in addition to its good compatibility, the Olivetti M24 was offering more than the IBM PC itself : RS232c and Centronics interface built-in, more complete keyboard, better graphic possibilities (640 x 400) and 7 free expansion slots (instead of 3 for the IBM PC). Even the CPU (8086, real 16-bit) was faster than the 8088 (16-bit with an 8-bit bus) used by the IBM PC. It runs under MS-DOS 2.11, CP/M 86, UCSD P-System and even PCOS, the Olivetti OS used on the M20. The 128k RAM can be expanded to 256k or 640k by adding memory directly onboard. It is also possible to connect two optional 10 Mb hard disks (one internal and one external). The Olivetti M24 was sold with a green or yellow phosphore 12" monochrome monitor, or with a color monitor (more expensive, of course). Two keyboards were available : one absolutly identical to the IBM PC's, and an Olivetti with more keys (102 instead of 83) including 18 functions keys and a complete editing keypad. In September 85 appears a new model, the <b>M24 SP</b>. It is based on a M24 but its Intel 8086 is running at 10 Mhz, it has 512k RAM (still upgradable to 640k) and a 20Mb hard-disk. Conclusion : the Olivetti M24 was the first computer to be fully compatible with the IBM PC and to offer more features than original PC, for a cheaper price ! The Olivetti M24 was also sold as the <a href="computer.asp?c=154">Logabax 1600</a> in France (Olivetti owned Logabax) and the <a href="computer.asp?c=531">ATT PC-6300</a>in the USA (Olivetti signed a distribution deal with ATT). As Olivetti was not entirely satisfied with the ATT deal, it also approached Xerox to distribute its computers in the USA. <a href="doc.asp?c=535"><img src="graphs/readmore.gif" border="0" vspace="4"></a>

Prodest PC 128 Olivetti Computer 1986

The Prodest PC-128 was a rebadged and slightly redesigned version of the French <a href="computer.asp?c=167">Thomson MO6</a> Apart from case design touching up, technical features was the same as the MO6. This machine seems having been sold in very small quantity in Italy.

Prodest PC 128S Olivetti Computer 1987

The Olivetti PC 128S was exactly the same machine as the Acorn <a href="computer.asp?c=729">BBC Master compact</a>. It was sold only in Italy. Olivetti merely transformed the case design with nice blue and grey patterns and translated all the programs of the original Acorn Welcome disk, as well as the manual into Italian language. Although it was one of the most advanced 8-bit computer, the PC 128S, like its predecessor, the <a href="computer.asp?c=853"> PC 128</a>, didn't meet a large success, mainly because it came to late on the market, just at the time when the new Atari and Commodore 16-bit machines were launched in Europe.

Attache Otrona Handheld April 1982

The Otrona Attache was the most wanted transportable computer at the time as it was the smallest of its category. Preceded by the <a href="computer.asp?c=181">Osborne</a> and <a href="computer.asp?c=550">Kaypro II</a>, the Attache was also more expensive than its competitors. Compactness has a price! The Attache is this a nice little CP/M system. High-resolution graphics, compact keyboard, 64 KB RAM, real time battery-packed clock, composite video output, delivered with Wordstar, MBasic, CP/M, the Otrona Attache had all that was needed at the time to be efficient. in 1983, Otrona released a second model, the <b>Attache 8:16</b> which was in fact a "normal" Attache with an Intel 8086 expansion board built-in, thus offering the MS-DOS world in addition to the CP/M compatibility. The <a href="computer.asp?c=274">IBM PC</a> was already putting a strong pressure on the market. The rush toward MS-DOS compatibility had begun, announcing CP/M death. Meanwhile, hybrid machines like this one appeared on the market illustrating the transition. In May 1984, Otrona announced a new transportable model, the <b>Otrona 2001</b>, using an Intel 8088 processor. Sadly the 2001 wasn't completely IBM PC compatible and the production costs were high. Like its predecessor (Attache), the 2001 had real assets, but was too expensive compared to other portables. As Otrona didn't want to exceed the $3000 price limit to stay competitive against IBM and Compaq, they had to throw in the towel. Too bad, as the demand for the "2001" ran extraordinarily well, as Otrona president Jim Lindner explained. 1000 orders in the month were common. But in september 1984, Otrona Advanced Systems announced that it was ceasing production. It gave notice to its 175 employees and said that it had decided that is was not able to reorganize (and thus continue in business) under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Act. Jim Lindner hoped for a buyback which never came (?).

Ouya Generic Unknown

Clipper PDC Unknown

Orao PEL Varazdin Computer 1985

"<i>Orao (English = Eagle) was an 8-bit computer developed by PEL Vara?din in 1984. It was used as a standard primary school computer in Croatia from 1985 to 1991. Orao (code named YU102) was designed by Miroslav Kocijan to supersede <a href="computer.asp?c=1048">Galeb</a> (code named YU101). The goal was to make a better computer, yet with less components, easier to produce and less expensive. Originally a Motorola 6809 microprocessor was planned but was abandoned for the MOS 6502 due to being significantly more expensive."</i> (source : <a href="" target="_blank">Wikipedia</a>) Orao was the computer of choice back in the eighties for educational use in the Croatian elementary schools. When turned on it would start the monitor, and you had to type a command to start the BASIC. There is no text mode. Characters are drawn in graphic mode in an 8x8 grid, allowing the system to display 32 characters x 32 lines. <font color="#666666"><b>Zoran Majcenic reports (source = <a href="" target="_blank"></a>):</b> In 1985 in Croatia (then Yugoslavia), for purposes of education, a microcomputer called Orao (Eagle) was made for elementary schools. I believe that 2 per school were produced (so they are rare). It is a computer with 16 or 32 kb of memory, 6502 processor, internal speaker, 256x256 monochrome display, built-in BASIC and MONITOR programs. It can be connected using antenna or VIDEO connector. The PSU is integrated in its casing so you just directly plug it in power outlet. <font color="#666666"><b>Also, according to Karlo Siljeg (source = <a href="" target="_blank"></a>):</b> "Orao" was made by a company called PEL Varazdin, Velebit was the distributor. Velebit also distributed a number of Apple II Compatible computers called "Impuls". Impuls was a Apple II compatible made by Ivel. Ivel was a company which made oil equipment. It manufactured microcontrollers and branched out in making Apple II compatibles. The company was based in the town of Ivanjic Grad. The Ivel micro was also distributed under the Ivel name as Ivel Ultra. The Ivel micro was one of the "standard" machines by the education board and they which were distributed in Croatia (then Yugoslavia) by the education department as Impuls. The company Velebit which imported Apple's into Croatia also distributed Ivels and Orao machines <b>Sinisa Kolaric</b> adds: <font color="#666666"> "Orao" came bundled with a small black-and-white monochrome monitor. Also, the mentioned "MONITOR" program was actually a rudimentary assembler for 6502. It was a basic but architecturally clean machine, relatively powerful for that age. Something like C64 but without frills. A perfect introduction to the IBM PC which came a little bit later, along with the Amiga and Atari ST.</font> </font></font>

Sol Terminal Computer SOL-20 PTC Unknown

CX 3000 Tele Computer Palson Unknown

3DO Interactive Multiplayer Panasonic Console 1993

Generation 5th generation (32-bit/64-bit era) First available JP/US May 18, 1993 CPU ARM60 Media CD-ROM Units sold 6 million 3DO Interactive Multiplayer (most commonly referred to as the 3DO) is a line of video game consoles which were released in 1993 and 1994 by Panasonic, Sanyo and Goldstar, among other companies. The consoles were manufactured according to specifications created by The 3DO Company, and were originally designed by Dave Needle and RJ Mical of New Technology Group. The system was conceived by entrepreneur and EA Games founder Trip Hawkins. Despite a highly-promoted launch and a host of cutting-edge technologies, the system's high price (Dollar699.95 USD at release) and an over-saturated console market prevented the 3DO from ever achieving any real market penetration. Features and catalogue The consoles had very advanced hardware features at the time: an ARM60 32-bit RISC CPU, two custom video co-processors, a custom 16-bit DSP and a custom math coprocessor. They also featured 2 megabytes of DRAM, 1 megabyte of VRAM, and a double speed CD-ROM drive for main storage, Up to 8 controllers could be daisy-chained on the system at once. In addition to special 3DO software, the system was able to play audio CDs (including support for CD+G), view Photo CDs, and Video CDs with an add-on MPEG video card. The 3DO also included the first music visualizer in a console system, converting CD music to a mesmerizing color pattern. A notable feature of the console is that it is one of few CD-based consoles that feature neither regional lockout nor copy protection, scoring it points amongst import gamers and software pirates alike, though reports have suggested that the Goldstar model isn't particularly durable when used for either of those purposes. Although there is no regional lockout present in any 3DO machine, a few Japanese games cannot be played on non-Japanese 3DO consoles due to a special kanji font. At the request of the 3DO company, most third-party developers included this font directly on the game CDs so that they could be played on any 3DO console; however, a few did not, including Sword and Sorcery (which was released in English under the title Lucienne's Quest) and a demo version of Alone in the Dark. It is often said that the 3DO software library exhibited many of the worst aspects of home video gaming at the time. This was the dawn of CD-ROM gaming, so cutscenes of pixelated video footage dominated many titles at the expense of good gameplay. The most well-received titles were commonly ports of games from other systems, such as Alone in the Dark, Myst, Out of This World, Return to Zork, and Star Control II. Other notable titles include Need for Speed, Road Rash, Jurassic Park Interactive, Crash N' Burn, Gex, Slayer, Killing Time, and the first console port of Super Street Fighter II Turbo, which exceeded the original with its CD-quality audio. Game series that started on 3DO by Electronic Arts, Studio 3DO and Crystal Dynamics established themselves on other 32-bit consoles. One major hit for the 3DO, Return Fire, an advanced tank battle game, was ported from the 3DO to the Sony PlayStation, and Microsoft Windows, but met with limited success. However, few titles utilized the console's full potential. In addition to the consoles, a 3DO Blaster ISA peripheral card for PCs which offered all the features of the home console was manufactured by Creative Technology. The 3DO Company also designed a next-generation console called the M2, which was to use a PowerPC 602 processor, but the company abandoned the console business and sold the technology to Matsushita, who rebranded the hardware and sold it in the kiosk market competing with the CD-i system. Konami later made an M2-based arcade board. As games ran straight from the CD-ROM drive, it suffered from long load times and a high failure rate, so very few games were developed for it. Specs * Double-speed (depending on manufacturer) 300 kbytes/s data transfer CD-ROM drive with 32 kilobyte RAM buffer * Multitasking 32-bit operating system Processor * 32-bit 12.5 MHz RISC CPU (ARM60) made by Advanced RISC Machines (roughly equivalent to 25 MHz 68030) * Math co-processor * 32kb SRAM Display * Anti-aliased 640x480 pixel resolution displayed on-screen, upsampled from 320x240 or 320x480 internal resolution with either 16 bit palettized color (from 24 bits) or 24 bit truecolor. * Two accelerated video co-processors capable of producing 9-16 million pixels per second (36-64 megapix/s interpolated), distorted, scaled, rotated and texture mapped System board * Super-fast bus speed (50 megabytes per second) * 36 separate DMA channels for processing data quickly * 2 megabytes of RAM * 1 megabyte of VRAM * 2 expansion ports Sound * 16-bit stereo sound * 44.1 kHz sound sampling rate * Fully supports Dolby Surround Sound * Custom 16-bit Digital Signal Processor (DSP) Models * Panasonic FZ-1 R.E.A.L. 3DO Interactive Multiplayer (Japan, Asia, North America and Europe) - The first 3DO system, which was initially priced at Dollar699.99 in the U.S. The price was later reduced to Dollar499 in the fall of 1994. * Panasonic FZ-10 R.E.A.L. 3DO Interactive Multiplayer (Japan, North America and Europe) - Less expensive than the FZ-1, the FZ-10 is smaller compared to the FZ-1. The primary selling point of this unit (at least in the U.S. market) was the top-loading design, which addressed the main failure point in FZ-1 of the CD tray. * Goldstar 3DO Interactive Multiplayer (South Korea, North America and Europe) - Early models of the Goldstar systems cause some games not to work * Goldstar 3DO ALIVE II (South Korea only) * Sanyo TRY 3DO Interactive Multiplayer (Japan only) * Creative 3DO BLASTER - PC card (ISA slot) with a 2X CD-ROM drive and one controller that enables a PC to play 3DO games. Demise By the early 1990s, the video game market had become overcrowded. Sega, Nintendo, Commodore, SNK, and Atari each had a video game system on the market. When viewed internationally, the chief competition for the 3DO during its peak had been Nintendo's SNES, the Sega Mega Drive and NEC's PC Engine platforms. The success and quality of subsequent next generation systems which began coming onto the market in the mid-90s, the limited library of titles, the lack of third-party support, and a refusal to reduce pricing till almost the end of the products life were among the many issues that led to the platform's demise. For a significant period of the products life cycle, 3DO's official stance on pricing was that the 3DO was not a video game console, it was a high-end audio-visual system and was priced accordingly, so no price adjustment was needed. Price drops announced in February of 1996 were perceived in the industry to be an effort to improve market penetration before the release of the promised M2, heavy promotional efforts on the YTV variety show It's Alive and a stream of hinted product expandability items supported that idea. The 3DO system was eventually discontinued at the end of 1996 with a complete shutdown of all internal hardware development and divestment of the M2 technology. 3DO restructured themselves around this same time, repositioning their internal software development house (Studio3DO) as a multi-platform software company supporting the Sony PlayStation, Sega Saturn, and PC gaming platforms with a re-launch of Star Fighter as well as the PC Launch of the first commercial, 3-D MMORPG, Meridian 59. The businesses' most successful post 3DO software release is considered to be the Army Men franchise which was their featured product line up until the company filed for bankruptcy and liquidated its assets in 2003. Take 2 Interactive acquired the rights to the Army Men series. Infos from Wikipedia

logo photo
JB-3000 Panasonic Unknown

Partner-01.01 Generic Unknown

Aleste 520EX Patisonic Unknown

Pentagon (ZX Spectrum clone) Generic Unknown

Sprinter Peters Plus Unknown

CD-i Philips Console 1991

Generation 4th generation era CPU Philips 68070 Media CD-i, Audio CD, CD+G, Karaoke CD, VCD Units sold 567,000 CD-i or Compact Disc Interactive is the name of an interactive multimedia CD player developed and marketed by Royal Philips Electronics N.V. CD-i also refers to the multimedia Compact Disc standard utilized by the CD-i console, also known as Green Book, which was co-developed by Philips and Sony in 1986 (not to be confused with MMCD, the pre-DVD format also co-developed by Philips and Sony). The first Philips CD-i player, released in 1991 and initially priced around USD Dollar700, was capable of playing interactive CD-i discs, Audio CDs, CD+G (CD+Graphics), Karaoke CDs, and Video CDs (VCDs), though the latter required an optional 'Digital Video Card' to provide MPEG-1 decoding. Applications Early software releases in the CD-i format focused heavily on educational, music, and self-improvement titles, with only a handful of video games, many of them adaptations of board games like 'Connect Four'. Later attempts to develop a foothold in the games market were rendered irrelevant by the arrival of cheaper and more powerful consoles, such as the Sony PlayStation. CD-i is noted for the release of several spinoffs of popular Nintendo video games featuring characters typically seen only on Nintendo consoles, although those games were not developed by Nintendo. Hotel Mario was a puzzle game that featured Super Mario Bros. characters. In addition, three Legend of Zelda games were released: Link: The Faces of Evil, Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon and Zelda's Adventure. The reason for this was that Nintendo and Philips had established an agreement to co-develop a CD-ROM enhancement for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (after Nintendo and Sony broke a previous deal on an earlier add-on for said console), and Philips was contractually allowed to continue using Nintendo characters after the deal fell through. CD-i also released several CD-i versions of popular TV game shows. Including versions of Jeopardy!, Wheel of Fortune, Name That Tune, and two versions of The Joker's Wild (One for adults hosted by Wink Martindale and one for kids hosted by Marc Summers.) Although extensively marketed by Philips, notably via infomercial, consumer interest in CD-i titles remained low. By 1994, sales of CD-i systems had begun to slow, and in 1998 the product line was dropped. With the home market exhausted, Philips tried with some success to position the technology as a solution for kiosk applications and industrial multimedia. The console still maintains a cult following on the Internet. Philips In addition to consumer models, professional and development players were sold by Philips Interactive Media Systems and their VARs. Philips marketed several CD-i player models. * The CD-i player 200 series, which included the 205, 210, and 220 models. Models in the 200 series were designed for general consumption, and were available at major home electronics outlets around the world. The Philips CD-i 910 was the American version of the CD-i 205, the most basic model in the series. * The CD-i player 300 series, which included the 310, 350, 360, and 370 models. The 300 series consisted of portable players designed for the professional market and not available to home consumers. A popular use was multimedia sales presentations such as those used by pharmaceutical companies to provide product information to physicians, as the devices could be easily transported by sales representatives. * The CD-i player 400 series, which included the 450, 470, 490 models. The 400 models were slimmed-down units aimed at console and educational markets. The CD-i 450 player, for instance, was a budget model designed to compete with game consoles. In this version an infrared remote controller was not standard but optional. * The CD-i player 600 series, which included the 601, 602, 604, 605, 615, 660, and 670 models. The 600 series was designed for professional applications and software development. Units in this line generally included support for floppy disk drives and connected to computer keyboards and other computer peripherals. Some models could also be connected to an emulator and had software testing and debugging features. There also exist a number of hard-to-categorize models, such as the FW380i, an integrated mini-stereo and CD-i player; the 21TCDi30, a television with a built-in CD-i device; and the CD-i 180/181/182 modular system, the first CD-i system produced. Other Manufacturers Besides Philips, several other manufacturers produced CD-i players, including Magnavox, GoldStar / LG Electronics, Digital Video Systems, Memorex, Grundig, Sony, Kyocera, NBS, Highscreen, and Bang & Olufsen, who produced a television with a built-in CD-i device. TeleCD-i & CD-MATICS Recognizing the growing need among marketers for networked multimedia, Philips partnered in 1992 with Amsterdam based CDMATICS to develop TeleCD-i (also TeleCD). In this concept the CD-i player is connected to a network (PSTN, Internet or other) enabling data-communication and rich media presentation. Dutch grocery chain Albert Heijn and mail-order giant Neckermann Shopping were early adopters and introduced award-winning TeleCD-i applications for their home-shopping and home-delivery services. CDMATICS also developed the special Philips TeleCD-i Assistant and a set of software tools helping the worldwide multimedia industry to develop and implement TeleCD-i. TeleCD-i was the world's first networked multimedia application at the time of its introduction. In 1996, Philips acquired source code rights from CDMATICS. Technical specifications CPU * 16-bit 68070 CISC Chip (68000 core) * Clock Speed of 15.5 MHz Display * Resolution: 384x280 to 768x560 * Colors: 16.7 million w/ 32,768 on screen * MPEG 1 Cartridge Plug-In for VideoCD and Digital Video Operating System * CD-RTOS (based on Microware's OS-9) Other * 1.5 MB of Main RAM * Single Speed CD-ROM Drive * Weight With DV Cart 1,460 kg, Without DV 1,210 kg * ADPCM Eight Channel Sound CD-i accessories * CD-i Mouse * Roller Controller * CD-i Trackball * I/O Port Splitter * Touchpad Controller * Gamepad Controller (see Gravis PC GamePad) * IR Wireless Controller Infos from Wikipedia

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P2000 Philips Computer 1980

The Philips P2000T home computer was Philips' first real entry in the home computer market, after the Philips Videopac G7000 game system (better known in the U.S. as the Magnavox Odyssey2) which they already sold to compete with the Atari 2600 and similar game systems. There was also an P2000M version with an additional 80-column card for use with a monochrome monitor. This version shipped with a monitor cabinet also housing a dual 5.25' floppy drive. Basically the P2000T was a Z80 based home computer that used a Teletext display chip to produce the video picture and a small Mini Cassette recorder for mass storage (42 kByte). The mini cassette was seen as a floppy drive from the user perspective using the automatic search for a program (CLOAD command) or free space (CSAVE). A command to display the directory of the cassette does also exist. Philips used components they already produced for other markets (television sets and dictation machines) to quickly design a small computer system. It was partially designed by Austrian professor Dieter Hammer. They also copied the ROM cartridge system from their Videopac G7000 game system. One of these cartridges contained Microsoft BASIC. It was also possible to use cassette tape floppys. Although the Teletext video chip permitted a quick entry into the home computer market, it was also the major weakness of the P2000T. Using the Teletext standard in itself was not a bad idea because it did support eight colors and rudimentary graphics. But unlike later entries in the home computer market which also supported a Teletext display mode, such as the venerable BBC computer and the Oric Atmos, the P2000T did not support a high resolution display mode. This made it very difficult to develop interesting games for it. As a result, the P2000T had only a limited success, and Philips later replaced it with their MSX machines. The machine did gain popularity in The Netherlands, especially in the realms of science, education, and data communications (videotex). The P2000M incorporated two 5,25'-inch floppy disk drives beside a built-in monochrome screen. It could run CP/M or Microsoft BASIC applications depending on the cartridge used. It was incompatible with the P2000T in the way it handled display of special characters (color, 'graphics mode'), which made most P2000T games unplayable. Initially in 1981 the computer costed 3000 guilders (1361 EUR). In 1984 the price was lowered to 1200 guilders (544,5 EUR). The P2000 system can be emulated with the MESS software. Type Home computer Release date March 1980 Operating system 4 KB ROM containing BASIC and JWSDOS, CP/M with extra card[1] + 12 KB Cartridge CPU Zilog Z80 @ 2,5 MHz Memory 16 KB RAM, expandable to 48 KB Display Text mode 40 x 25, 7 Colors (Teletext-type) Sound 1 channel (Beep) Connectivity 2 cartridge slots T version: TV aerial, RGB, Serial M version: Monochrome composite video, FDD interface, Serial (info: Wikipedia)

VG 5000 Philips Computer 1984

This computer was created and made in France by a company called RTC. It was the first home computer released by Philips. It was not MSX compliant and or compatible with the other Philips VG computers. The basic was written by Microsoft. It was designed to be a cheap computer for beginners and school purpose. Philips planned to develop a lot of peripherals for this computer : synthetiser, memory card, floppy disk unit, videodisc interface, etc... but none of them was realised. Finally, it had a limited success. NAME VG 5000 MANUFACTURER Philips TYPE Home Computer ORIGIN Netherlands YEAR end of 1984 END OF PRODUCTION 1986 BUILT IN LANGUAGE Microsoft Basic KEYBOARD AZERTY, 63 keys (chicklet keyboard) 33 Basic statements 10 accentuated letters Editing keypad CPU Zilog Z80 SPEED 4 MHz RAM 24 kb (up to 56 kb) VRAM 8 kb ROM 18 kb TEXT MODES 40 x 25 (15 x 80 only in assembler) GRAPHIC MODES None (pseudo 320 x 250 resolution with semi-graphic symbols) COLORS 8 SOUND 1 voice, 4 octaves SIZE / WEIGHT 28 x 21 x 4,2 cm / 820g I/O PORTS Tape recorder DIN plug (1200 or 2400 bauds) Video output (DIN to SCART) Power DIN plug Extension port (2 x 25 pins) POWER SUPPLY External PSU (VU 0022) PERIPHERALS VG 5200 - Joystick interface VG 5216 - Expansion unit VU 0001 - Joytsick VU 0011 - SECAM Modulator VU 0031 - 16k RAM cartridge VW 0010 - 40 columns printer VW 0020 - 80 columns print PRICE 242 (France, dec. 84) 120 (France, oct. 86) Infos from: Wikipedia

Videopac / Odyssey 2 Philips Unknown

Videopac+ Philips Console 1978

The Philips Videopac + G7400 was a video game console released in limited quantities in 1983, and only in Europe; an American release as the Odysseyġ Command Center was planned but never occurred. The G7400 was the successor to the Philips Videopac G7000, the European counterpart to the American Magnavox OdysseyĠ. The system had 16 KB of both RAM and ROM and featured excellently tailored background and foreground graphics The Videopac+ supported three types of cartridges: * Original Videopac cartridges * Remakes of Videopac games which featured better graphics when played on a Videopac+, and standard graphics when played on a Videopac. * New Videopac+ exclusive games. (info: Retro Roms & Wikipedia)

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Photo CD Generic Unknown

LaserActive Pioneer Unknown

8D Pravetz Computer 1985

The Pravetz 8D was a Bulgarian clone of the <a href="computer.asp?c=79">Oric Atmos</a> featuring a Bulgarian version of the 6502 processor called CM630, 16 KB of ROM and 48 KB of RAM The keyboard was almost the same as the original Atmos version, including a MK key, similar to the CTRL key, a C/L key allowing to display Cyrillic or Latin alphabets, and cursor keys. As in <a href="computer.asp?c=956">Pravets 82</a> (etc), the original lowercase characters were replaced by cyrillic characters and the C/L lock key, was the CAPS LOCK key of the Oric Atmos. Like the original Atmos, The 8D had two modes of recording : Fast mode at 2400 bits/sec. and slow mode at 300 bits/sec. The computer also featured a parallel Centronics interface and a user port. Pravetz provided a local dot matrix printer called "Petritch" but the popular Epson printers could be also connected to the 8D. The "D" after Pravets 8 stays for "???????" (Domashen = For home use), and the idea was, that it should be used without having to buy any peripherals - monitor (which couldn't be connected through composite video to a Pravets 8D without modification) and FDD (cassete recorder used instead). Floppy drives, modem and joysticks were also available. Floppy disk drives were very hard to find (in fact they appeared only in the early nineteens). They were a modification of the <a href="computer.asp?c=956">Pravetz 82</a> FDDs but with a built-in controller, making them two times bigger. Probably that was one of the reasons why Pravetz 8D never achieved the popularity ot Pravetz 8 (despite of the 3 times lower price). There were in fact two ways to have floppy disk drives for the Pravetz 8D. One was indeed to use Pravetz 82 FDD and to develop an additional controller + power supply (the schematic and firmware were published in "Computer for you" magazine). There was an operating system called DOS 8D, developed in Bulgaria by Borislav Zahariev. Later, Pravetz factory decided to develop special FDD for the 8D, which was bundled with the controller and the power supply in a box twice bigger than the normal Apple ][ floppy. It came out on market when the production of the computer itself was finished! It used also modified version of DOS 8D for DIY floppy. The computer was very well crafted and the survived systems often look as new. ___________ <font color="#666666">Contributed to this page : <b>Bozhidar Stefanov, Jordan, anonymous visitor</b></font> <font color="#666666"><b>Peter Petrov</b> reports: <b>ROM</b> There are several rom images of the basic in Pravetz. If you wand disk emulation you need 8DControllerROM and use CALL#320 command. <b>RAM</b> With Basic you have 48 K RAM to work, but with this little schematics you can use additional 16K. The signals that you need for proper work are these. One trigger is used to form MAP signal, but second is free to use additional thing. If you realise schematis of disk controller below you can use these schematics together to load 8DDOS v2.10 in additional RAM. You must use write operation in these adresses to use the controller: #380 - writing in additional RAM - additional thing is off #381 - writing and reading in additional RAM - additional thing is off #382 - writing in additional RAM - additional thing is on #383 - writing and reading in additional RAM - additional thing is on for "additional thing" see Disk controller section So, if you realise this little controller you can use: FOR I = #C000 TO #CFFF : POKE I,0 : NEXT - clearing first 4K of additional RAM or you can move the basic interpreter in additional memory and use: POKE #381,0 to go in RAM interpreter and make changes in it. <b>DISK CONTROLLER</b> If you have Apple ][ floppy drive and disk controller you can use this schematics to connect them to your Pravetz (Oric). The schematics is from two parts: buffers controller The signals for proper work of the controller are here: You can change the signal Q with changing the resistors of monovibrator 74LS123. The record of EPROM is here: You must write it from addres #20 of the EPROM. Connecting RAM controller and disk controller: you can connect these controllers by this way: pin 9 of 74LS74 is connecting to A8 addres bar of 2716 EPROM, so the "additional thing" is second page of the EPROM, where is the program of loading DOS 8D v.2.1 into additional RAM. (The record of the EPROM above is exatly for first and second page). <b>SOFTWARE</b> The versions of the DOS I have are: Dos 8D v1.0 - you can use it if you realise only the schematics of the disk controller, but this versions loads in normal RAM, so it is unusable with long games. Dos 8D v.2.1 - you can use it if you realise the two schematics and connect them. So - dos loads in additional RAM and you can use all the programs you have. You can use regular Oric software in Pravetz 8D, but you have not regular letters. You have cyrillic letters instead. Changing of the keyboard maps is with Ctrl-T. There are some games for Pravetz like SnakeByte, Tetris (exellent clone) and other. Most of them are from Bulgarian computer magazine "Computer for you". There is 80 column text editor, Disk copier program and the most beautiful - Borislav Zahariev ported BigMac Assembler from Apple ][ to Pravetz, so you can use if you realise schematics above. Soon I hope you will see this software here. </font>

Psikyo Psikyo Arcade

Organiser I Psion Unknown

Organiser II Psion Handheld 1986

In 1986 Psion launched their second pocket computer, the Organiser II. Initially there were two models: the 8K RAM model <b>CM</b> and the 16K model <b>XP</b>. Both had a 32K ROM containing simplistic software, including a card file database, diary and clock. Less simplistic was the OPL programming language, a semi-compiled structured language allowing full use of the machine's features. It was this that principally guaranteed the machine's success. Later, the XP was upgraded to 32K RAM for the U.S. market, and given the model name <b>LA</b>, though the cases still bore the legend "XP". In 1989, two upgraded models were released, the <b>LZ</b> and <b>LZ64</b>. These featured an enlarged 20x4 display, a choice of 32K or 64K RAM, and a 64K ROM containing more sophisticated diary and card file software, along with a notepad application. The OPL language was upgraded with a few extra statements to take advantage of the machine's capabilities (and to rectify a few omissions from the CM/XP's built-in language). Expansion was through a proprietary connector in the top of the machine, protected by a sliding door. Bar code readers and a thermal printer were available. Memory expansion was through a pair of expansion slots in the back of the machine. "Rampaks" were simple battery-backed RAM expansions. "Datapaks" were EPROMs which acted as write-once-read-many drives and were formatted with an external formatter device - a simple UV light with timer that erased the EPROMS. "Flashpaks" were EEPROMs, which acted similarly to Datapaks but could be formatted using the Psion itself. Software was supplied on Datapaks, or occasionally PROMs. The model CM could use only Datapaks. The Organiser II range was used in a wide variety of environments, including retail and industrial environments in which its hardy case was particularly valuable. It was superseded as a PDA in 1991 when Psion brought out the Series 3 range, but continued to be manufactured until the late 1990s. Their robust design may well allow them to continue functioning long after the later Series 3 and 5 range machines are beyond repair. Thanks to <b>Damian Walker</b> for information and picture.

Story Reader 2.0 Publications International Ltd Unknown

Story Reader Publications International Ltd Unknown

Chip-8 RCA Misc 198?

CHIP-8 is an interpreted programming language, developed by Joseph Weisbecker. It was initially used on the COSMAC VIP and Telmac 1800 8-bit microcomputers in the mid-1970s. CHIP-8 programs are run on a CHIP-8 virtual machine. It was made to allow video games to be more easily programmed for said computers. Roughly twenty years after CHIP-8 was introduced, derived interpreters appeared for some models of graphing calculators (from the late 1980s onward, these handheld devices in many ways have more computing power than most mid-1970s microcomputers for hobbyists). An active community of users and developers existed in the late 1970s, beginning with ARESCO's "VIPer" newsletter whose first three issues revealed the machine code behind the CHIP-8 interpreter. Information from Wikipedia.

Microboard Computer Development System RCA Unknown

Studio II RCA Console 1977

The RCA Studio II is a videogame console made by RCA that debuted in January 1977. The graphics of Studio II games were black and white and resembled those of earlier PONG consoles and their clones. The Studio II also did not have joysticks or similar game controllers but instead used two keypads that were built into the console itself. The console was capable of making simple beep sounds with slight variations in length. One distinct feature of the Studio II was its five built-in games. Also unique to the Studio II was its use of a switchbox that relayed both the modulated RF signal of the console's video to the television set while powering the console with DC power. This type of hookup would not be seen again (or thereafter) until the Atari 5200 used a similar video signal and power connection method. The Studio II was not a successful product; it was already obsolete by the time it hit the market when compared to the previously released Fairchild Channel F, and had its 'final nail in the coffin' when the superior (to both) Atari 2600 console was released only 9 months later. It was soon discontinued. System specs RCA 1802 microprocessor, 1.78 Mhz 2 KiB (x8) ROM (includes the five built-in games); total of 16 KiB ROM 512 bytes (x8) RAM; total of 4 KiB RAM RCA 1861 "Pixie" video chip, 64x128, monochrome graphics Infos from: Wikipedia

Superchip RCA Unknown

VIP RCA Computer 1977

The Cosmac VIP, originaly named VP-111, is a typical hobbyist 'single-board' computer sold as a kit. You had to build it yourself ! The system uses a RCA CDP-1802 microprocessor like the RCA Studio II video game system. In fact the Studio II is very similar to the VIP and can be considered as its video-game version. But the VIP is also somehow an improved version of the original Cosmac Elf board system, described in Popular Electronics magazine, august 76 and the following months. The CDP-1802 CPU was also used as the heart of the Voyager, Viking and Galileo probes ! Until recently the 1802 was quite popular (for alarm systems for example) thanks to its CMOS technology ideal for low power systems. The Cosmac VIP has a most basic hexadecimal keyboard (16 keys). The language stored in ROM is called CHIP-8 and is only 512 bytes long ! It consists of 31 instructions each of which is two bytes (or four hex digits) long. It's a kind of simplified machine language. 16 one-byte variables are provided. Subroutine nesting and machine language inserts are permitted. CHIP-8 was quite popular at that time (Telmac 1800, ETI 660 and DREAM 6800 used it) as it allowed to program video games easily. CHIP-8 was not only used in the late 70's and early 80's. It was used in the early 90's on the HP48 calculator because there was no programming tools to develop fast games on it. Then, a better version of CHIP-8 appeared: SUPER-CHIP. This interpreter has all the CHIP-8 features, as well as and some new ones like a 128*64 resolution (source : David Winter). RCA also sold Tiny Basic, a simple Basic interpreter, as a 4K ROM on an expansion board. With this system, basic functions are : type programs into RAM from the hex keyboard, save and load programs on tapes, display memory bytes in hex on CRT, step through RAM contents and examine microprocessor registers. Wow. The Cosmac VIP is equiped with a sound chip and a real-time crystal clock. The sound produced can be heard through the tape output connector. It was delivered with some documentations (CHIP-8, machine language) and listings of 20 video games ! To the left of the hexadecimal keyboard are a reset switch and LED indicators for power-on and cassette operation. Memory add-ons, expansion port and parallel interface are pre-wired on the motherboard but have to be implemented as options. With the I/O interface, you could connect interface relays, sensors, printers or ASCII keyboards. NAME Cosmac VIP MANUFACTURER RCA TYPE Home Computer ORIGIN U.S.A. YEAR 1977 BUILT IN LANGUAGE CHIP-8 interpreter KEYBOARD Hexadecimal membrane keyboard, 16 keys CPU RCA CDP-1802 SPEED 1.7609 MHz (4.54 microsecond per machine cycle) CO-PROCESSOR RCA CDP-1861 video chip RAM 1 kb (VP-111) or 2 Kb (VIP), upgradable to 32 kb ROM VP-111 : 1 kb VIP : 4 kb CMOS ROM + 512 byte Monitor ROM TEXT MODES Texts are displayed using graphical features GRAPHIC MODES 64 x 32 COLORS Black & white SOUND 1.4 kHz tone generator. Ouput may be connected to any small standard 8 ohm speaker SIZE / WEIGHT 8.5'' x 11'' x 1'' / 2.2 lbs I/O PORTS Video output, tape cassette interface (100 bytes per second) POWER SUPPLY VP-111 : +5.0 +/- 0.25 VDC @ 250 mA VIP : 5v dc, 600mA PERIPHERALS Expansion interface, Parallel I/O interface PRICE $275 (USA, 1977) (info:

Nimbus PC RM Computer 1985

When the Nimbus PC series was launched, Research Machines already had a long history of providing innovative and reliable computers for the British education market. The Nimbus PC was also intended to support schools in the use of the computers. It wasn't a pale copy of a standard PC but a fast and versatile DOS machine entirely designed and manufactured by RM. The basic machine held 192 KB of RAM, a single 720 KB floppy drive and extended sound and graphics. It could be expanded to 1 MB of RAM, dual floppy drives and up to 160 MB hard disk. The Nimbus was also designed as a network station and came with built-in Piconet and ethernet ports. The Nimbus ran a modified version of Microsoft MS-DOS 3.10 that could not run on a standard PC. Sadly, this was quite a limitation. Although an IBM emulator software allowed some standard PC programs to run, only software specifically written for the Nimbus was able to take advantage of the improved sound and graphic features. However, RM and third-parties released numerous languages and educational software that fulfilled most school needs. A special x86 version of BBC Basic also allowed a wide range of programs written for Acorn machines to be run. To note also that some Nimbus software would run on a standard PC, for example the Nimbus versions MS Word and Multiplan. <a href="doc.asp?c=1011"><img src="graphs/readmore.gif" border="0" vspace="4"></a>

CBX 9751 floppy ROLM Unknown

Arcade Legends & Play TV Legends Radica Unknown

Radio-86RK Radio-86RK Computer

The Radio-86RK was the successor of the 'Micro-80' - the electric scheme and BIOS code were published in the local radio electronics-fans magazine “Radio” in June 1986. The name seems to be derived from the name of the magazin and the year. RK may be a short form of ???????????????? (Electronic Do It Yourself Kit). The circuit count was reduced from 200 to about 29 - so it was easier to built. That might be the reason why the Radio-86RK became so very popular that a lot of clones (some even industrial manufactured) were built. It looks like the whole computer family could be called 'RK-86' compatible. according to Kirill Kukarkin the 8-bit CPU K580VM80 used for the Radio-86 is a clone of Intel 8080A. It has 16/32 Kb RAM, 4Kb ROM, 25x80 monochrome display (TV) and used tape recorder as external ROM. Based on Radio-RK schematic the following PCs were industry produced: Microsha, Krista, Electronica KR01…04 with a insignificant modification in electric scheme and BIOS. The additional adapters designed in 1987 – 1992 allowed to produce sound, add color display, attach FDD, attach ROM modules. According to Sergey in 1989-1991 (during the perestroyka) many of these systems were sold in assembled form as a mass-market product. In the earlier days the RK-86 was mainly available in kit form. In contrast to the many sinclair clones of this time the Radio-86RK has a Intel 8080 compatible (some sources say reengineered, some say officially licensed ?) CPU called ??580??80? (KR580WM80A) . Technical Overview: Year: 1989 CPU: KR580VM80A (8080A) RAM/ROM: 32/64kB / 32kB Clone: RK-86 Colors: b/w Resolution: text only (info: HCM: East-European Home-Computer)

Apogej BK-01 Radio-86RK Unknown

Mikro-80 Radio-86RK Unknown

Mikrosha Radio-86RK Computer 1986

Partner-01.01 Radio-86RK Unknown

YuT-88 Radio-86RK Unknown

704 Raytheon Unknown

RC 700 Regnecentralen Unknown

V6Z80P+ Retroleum Unknown

BIC A5105 Robotron Unknown

HC900, KC85 2, KC85 3 & KC85 4 Robotron Unknown

KC Compact Robotron Unknown

Z1013 Robotron Unknown

Z9001 & KC85 1 Robotron Computer

AIM 65 Rockwell Computer 1976

This strange computer was designed to be a development system for 6502 based computers. It had no display except for a small 20 character LED screen and a very small thermal printer located directly on the motherboard which could print everything that was typed on the keyboard. The board featured five 4 KB-ROM sockets. Two of them were dedicated to the AIM monitor program, including an instant input assembler (no labels) and a disassembler. Various programming languages (BASIC, FORTH...) or custom applications could be added in the three remaining sockets. Several cards were developped for this machine, especially language cards and ROMs: a BASIC card (BASIC language with floating point mathematics capabilities), PL/65 (a mixture of the PL/1 and Algol languages), Instant Pascal (an interpreted version of Pascal), Assembler and the FORTH programming language.

R-8 Roland Unknown

TN-SC1 Roland Unknown

U-110 Roland Unknown

Television Computer System Rowtron Unknown ? 1981

The Rowtron Television Computer System is another <a href="computer.asp?c=726">Interton VC-4000</a> "software compatible" system (saying "clone" would be misleading). That is to say that the internal specs are exactly the same and that games would run on both systems. The cartridge slots are however different in shape, so there is no way simply test that (with an emulator that would be easier). There are two controllers composed of a 12 keys keypad and an analog joystick. Interton VC-4000 compatible systems usualy have this 12 keys PLUS one or two fire buttons. Here there are only 12 keys and one of these, the "8", is used as the fire button (it is thus colored red). However the quality of the keys is excellent (calculator type) compared to other systems... The top of the joysticks can be unscrewed and stored somewhere safe. The control panel has always the same buttons found on all systems of this system family: Function (Start), Reset, Cycle (Options) and on/off switch. Underneath one can find a useful sound volume switch. It's not ON and OFF but rather HIGH and LOW, which is helpful enough. Something very strange about this console, is that on top of the case there is a plastic modeled rectangle at the exact place where it would have been logical to find the cartridge slot. But the real cartridge slot is found on the right side of the system, like an Intellivision... It sounds like the case had been designed for a top-loaded cartridge system, and they had to modify it at the last moment to implement the mother board they finaly got... On the case is written "Television Computer System" as well as "Home Entertainment Centre". Wow, very promising... Underneath the system, there is label reading SD-090R. The letters SD are often found on obscure systems, and are supposed to mean SOUNDIC, an asian company which produced a lot of obscure systems, especially pong-based systems. But SD-090 systems are usualy quite different from the Rowtron. This remains a mistery to me. However, on the motherboard is written MPT-04, which makes much more sense! MPT-0x is often found on obscure system motherboards. We don't know yet who produced them (Soundic?) and sold them to so many brands but: MPT-02 are <a href="computer.asp?st=2&amp;c=728">RCA Studio II</a> compatible systems, MPT-03 are <a href="computer.asp?st=2&amp;c=835">Emerson Arcadia 2001</a> compatible systems and MPT-04 / 05 systems are <a href="computer.asp?st=2&amp;c=726">Interton VC-4000</a> compatible systems! The Rowtron Television Computer System can also be found under the Teleng brand.

Videoplay SABA Unknown

SDK-85 Generic Computer 1977

Each time Intel launched a new microprocessor, they provided simultaneously a <b>S</b>ystem <b>D</b>evelopment <b>K</b>it (SDK) allowing computer company ingineers as well as university students to introduce them to the new processor concepts and features. The SDK-85 was a complete 8085A (5 for 'first 5 Volt microprocessor') microcomputer system on a single board including ROM and RAM memory, a 24 key hexadecimal keyboard, a 6 digit LED display, I/O connections and an expansion area allowing memory and I/O expansions as well as hardware experiments. A 2 KB monitor software provided the same commands as the <a href="computer.asp?c=570">SDK-86</a> board. User could enter and read program results through either the buit-in keyboard/display or using a serial Teletype through the built-in serial TTY interface. A 38 lines parallel interface was also available. A large set of manuals were delivered with the board: MCS-85 (processor) and SDK-85 (board) user manuals, 8085 Assembly Language Programming Manual, full circuit schematics of the PCB, a full dump of the ROM monitor program, programming examples and application notes.

Mega-Play SEGA Arcade

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Mega-Tech SEGA Arcade

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Sega Classics SEGA Arcade

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Aussie Byte II SME Systems Unknown

Hyper Neo-Geo 64 SNK Unknown

Neo Geo SNK Console 1990

Arcade Board / Console Generation 4th generation (16-bit era) First available 1990 CPU Motorola 68000, Zilog Z80 Media Arcade Units sold 1 million Neo-Geo is the name of a cartridge-based arcade and home video game system released in 1990 by Japanese game company SNK. The system offered comparatively colorful 2D graphics and high-quality sound. A major platform for arcade games at the time, the system was also available as a costly home console. The two versions of the system were known as the AES (Advanced Entertainment System, the home version) and the MVS (Multi Video System, the arcade version). History Initially, the home system was only available for rent or for use in hotel settings, but SNK quickly began selling the system through stores when customer response indicated that people were willing to spend the money. Compared to the other consoles of the time, the Neo Geo had much better graphics and sound. The home system featured two CPUs: a 16-bit Motorola 68000 main processor running at 12 MHz and an 8-bit ZiLOG Z-80A coprocessor running at 4 MHz. A custom video chipset allowed the system to display 4,096 colors and 380 individual sprites onscreen simultaneously, while the onboard Yamaha 2610 sound chip gave the system 15 channels of sound with seven channels reserved specifically for digital sound effects. The console was planned to debut at Dollar599 USD and included two joystick controllers and a game (either Baseball Stars or NAM-1975). However, this plan was quickly scrapped and when the system had its national launch it debuted at Dollar649.99 with two joysticks, a memory card, and a single pack-in game, Magician Lord (the early Neo Geo boxes had a gold sticker announcing the inclusion of Magician Lord over the initially planned choice of two games), this package was known as the "Gold System". The system was also released in a "Silver System" package, which included one joystick controller and did not include a game or memory card. Other games cost Dollar200 and up—each. With these "premium" prices though, most gamers weren't able to afford the system and so the console was only accessible to a niche market. The Neo Geo was only to be driven further into cult status by changing mainstream tastes which soon demanded flashy, 3D graphics. Yet, the quality of Neo Geo games kept it alive in arcades, particularly in Japan, where the newest installment of the flagship King of Fighters was certain to cause a stir with each release. The last game by SNK for the Neo Geo system, Samurai Shodown V Special, was released on October 19, 2004. SNK decided to abandon the hardware due to the rampant piracy of games built for the system, which SNK believed was partially responsible for their bankruptcy in 2000. SNK ceased to manufacture home consoles by the end of 1997, but software for both formats and arcade hardware was produced for many years after. Measured from the introduction of the arcade hardware in 1990 to the release of the last home cartridge in 2004, the Neo Geo's 14-year official span of support from its manufacturer makes it the second longest-lived arcade or home console system ever produced, only behind the Atari 2600, which was supported from 1977 until 1992. A new cartridge-based game called Last Hope was released for the home console in 2006 by the independent NG:DEV.TEAM, running at 60 fps and showcasing the continued ability of the Neo Geo even sixteen years after its debut. The game features both hand-drawn and CG graphics with transparency and lighting effects as well as a techno soundtrack. On August 31, 2007, SNK stopped offering maintenance and repairs to Neo Geo home consoles, handhelds, and games. They will continue to repair their arcade hardware. Emulation The GameTap subscription service currently includes a Neo Geo emulator and a small library of Neo Geo games. In February 2007, Nintendo announced on their Japanese website that Neo Geo games would appear on the Wii's Virtual Console in Japan; announcements in April and July confirmed placement on the North American Virtual Console,and on October 1st, a similar announcement was made for the European Virtual Console. NeoGeo games were made available on the Australian and European Virtual Console on October 5th, and North American Virtual Console on October 8th. The first three games released were Fatal Fury: King of Fighters, Art of Fighting, and World Heroes. NeoGeo games released on the Virtual Console cost 900 Wii Points (Dollar9 USD) in all regions. Technical aspects Each joystick controller was 280mm (width) x 190mm (depth) x 95 mm (height) ( 11 x 8 x 2.5 in.) and contained the same four-button layout as the arcade MVS cabinet. The arcade machines had a memory card system by which a player could save a game to return to at a later time, and remarkably, to be used to continue play on the SNK home console of the same name. The arcade version of the hardware is often referred to as the "MVS," or Multi Video System (available in 1-slot, 2-slot, 4-slot, and 6-slot variations, the latter being capable of up to six cartridges loaded into one machine), with its console counterpart referred to as the "AES", or Advanced Entertainment System (most likely to distinguish it from the Nintendo Entertainment System, the dominating console on the market at the time). The programming code is the same on both the MVS and AES hardware. In fact, owners could move EPROMs from one type to the other, and the game would still run. The program specifics for both MVS and AES game options were contained on every game ROM, whether the cartridge was intended for home or arcade use. However, the arcade and home cartridges do have a different pinout. They were designed this way to prevent arcade operators from buying the cheaper home carts and then using them in arcades. ROM sizes and startup screens Specification for ROM size was up to 330 megabits, hence the system displaying "MAX 330 MEGA - PRO GEAR SPEC" upon startup. While no technical specifications were required to display it, some games over 100 megabits followed this screen by displaying an animation proclaiming "The 100 Mega Shock". The original ROM size spec was later enhanced on cartridges with bank switching memory technology, increasing the maximum cartridge size to around 716 Mbit. These new cartridges also caused the system to display "GIGA POWER" upon startup, indicating this enhancement. Specifications Processor Main Processor: Motorola 68000 running at 12 MHz Although the 68000 CPU was designed by Motorola, there were many other clones of this CPU found in the Neo Geo hardware. The most common CPU is the TMP68HC000 manufactured by Toshiba. This is essentially a Motorola 68000 clone. Co-Processor: Zilog Z80 running at 4 MHz. This is used as an audio controller. Sound chip: Yamaha YM2610 15 Sound Channels. 7 Digital, 4 FM synthesis, 3 PSG, and 1 Noise Channel. Memory Main Memory (used directly by 68K): 64 KB Main Video memory : 74 KB Video Memory: 64 KB Palette Memory : 8 KB Fast Video RAM : 2 KB Sound Memory (used directly by Z80): 2 KB Display Display resolution: 320x224 (many games only used the centermost 304 pixels) Color Palette: 65,536 Maximum Colors On-Screen: 4,096 Maximum Sprites On-Screen: 380 Minimum Sprite Size: 1x2 Maximum Sprite Size: 16x512 Maximum Sprites per scanline: 96 Background Layers: 0 Aspect ratio: 4:3 A/V output:RF, composite video, RGB (with separate 21 pin cable FCG-9). Sound Sound CPU: Z80 at 4 MHz Sound hardware: YM2610 at 8 MHz, stereo sounds up to 56 kHz 4 channels FM (4 operators + LFO) 3 PSG 1 noise 7 4-bit ADPCM Work RAM (sound): 2KB Sound ROM 128KB on-board (only less than 32KB used) up to 512KB sound ROM on cartridges Power Source: separate DC 5 V(older systems) and DC 9 V adapter (newer systems). Consumption: 8 W older Systems, 5 W newer Systems Dimensions Console: 325 mm (width) x 237 mm (depth) x 60 mm (height). Controller: 280 mm (width) x 190 mm (depth) x 95 mm (height). Storage Removable Memory Card: 8 KB or 68-pin JEIDA ver.3 spec memory Any 68-pin memory that fits the JEIDA ver.3 spec will work Collecting Home cartridges There is a thriving collectors' scene for the Neo Geo home systems, especially the original AES home console. This is mainly because of the limited runs received by cartridges, the massive arcade library available, and the system's reputation as a 2D powerhouse. It is still common even to this day for both Neo Geo consoles and cartridges to fetch extremely high prices on eBay and other auction websites, particularly English versions of cartridges as these were produced in fewer quantities. A handful of the rarest Neo Geo games can sell for well over Dollar1,000 on eBay. This gives the system an almost cult following, as owners see the system as more of an "investment" rather than an ordinary videogame console. This leads to high resale value on most Neo Geo systems and games and makes the console a "must-have" for a number of video game collectors. The most expensive cartridge for the Neo Geo home system is the European-localized version of Kizuna Encounter: there are only four known copies of the game, with the most recently sold copy selling for Dollar12,000 USD. This version of the game contains 2 unlockable and playable characters that have speical abilities and weapons. Arcade cartridges Another sub-scene within the Neo Geo collector's market involves the MVS cartridges. Although these were initially designed for arcade use, a strong market has developed around collecting this particular format. The MVS market can be divided into two distinct groups: those who are looking for cheaper alternatives to the expensive rare home carts, and those who are interested in paying premium prices for complete arcade kits. For those interested primarily in lower prices on rare home games, MVS carts, particularly loose carts or incomplete kits, can offer a cost effective alternative. Most MVS cartridges go for substantially less money than their home counterparts. This lower price can be associated with their lack of decoration as most were for inside arcade cabinets and lack cartridge artwork or box artwork, the high set-up cost of purchasing the MVS system, and the prevalence of bootleg cartridges. Many of the most common MVS games go for prices between Dollar10-Dollar150. However, in recent years a growing market has emerged for complete MVS arcade kits. These consist of all the materials that would be initially sent to an arcade operator, including the brown cardboard shipping box (with label), the insert materials to decorate the marqee and arcade cabinet (including separate move lists), warning information, dipswitch settings, in some cases even posters and/or any packing materials. Because many of the items in an MVS kit were designed to be discarded by arcade operators, finding complete arcade kits can be difficult and thus the prices for some complete MVS kits can be quite high. Because of the conflicting requirements and desires of the two MVS sub-groups, they rarely compete with each other for games. Counterfeit or bootleg software is regarded in the collectors community as having zero value or very low value. Such software has a reputation for audio and video flaws, and is generally disparaged by fans of the Neo Geo systems. This software is identifiable by visual inspection of the game PCBs, or by comparison of ROM CRC values using a specially designed BIOS. Other Neo Geo systems Several home console systems were created based on the same hardware as the arcade games, as well as two handheld systems under the name Neo Geo Pocket. Hyper Neo-Geo 64 (New Hardware, Arcade only) Neo Geo CD Neo Geo CDZ Neo Geo Pocket Neo Geo Pocket Color Graphical development The Neo Geo was particularly notable for its ability to bring arcade-quality graphics directly into the home. As time went on, programmers were able to further tune the games to produce higher quality graphics than previous years and eventually beyond what was initially thought possible for the system. One of the pack-in games with the original Japanese release was NAM-1975, a side-scrolling shooting game that featured multi-layer scrolling backgrounds. However, the initial Neo Geo games were, graphically speaking, a little less polished than SNK's non-Neo Geo games. By 1991, games like King of the Monsters demonstrated the Neo Geo's ability to produce graphic detail that matched or surpassed contemporary arcade games from the period. In 1992, SNK's Art of Fighting marked the beginning of a series of 2-D fighting game innovations. This landmark game brought visual graphic damage to the characters faces when hit, as well as large character sprites in combination with zoom effects to intensify the action. This zoom feature was also used in the following year's Samurai Shodown, whose even more elaborate graphics and gameplay won it Electronic Gaming Monthly's award as the 1993 Game of the Year and launched a successful franchise. The Neo Geo also became known for its shooters, with the first successful title coming with 1994's Aero Fighters 2. The following year's Pulstar managed to up the ante on both graphics and gameplay. By the mid-1990s, SNK was trying to move onto a new platform, notably the Hyper-64. When the new 3-D system failed to take off, however, SNK found itself still developing games for its old 2-D engine. This led programmers to come up with ways to increase the limits of what was initially thought possible for the system. Six years after the Neo Geo's initial launch, Nazca surprised the video game industry with Metal Slug. A take from the Contra series, Metal Slug is a run and gun game that featured cartoonish, hyper-active graphics and gameplay that also launched a very successful franchise. Since the Neo Geo was unable to produce the 3-D games that began dominating arcades in the 1990s, SNK focused on mastering the realm of 2-D. With the launch of The Last Blade in 1997, SNK programmers demonstrated that the Neo Geo was still capable of producing artistically rendered graphics to match the gameplay. While the system became primarily known for its fighting games in the late-1990s, notably the King of Fighters series, 1998's Blazing Star updated the previous Pulstar with more detail. This trend of adding more detail to 2-D environments reached a plateau with 1999's Garou: Mark of the Wolves, an update of the Fatal Fury series, as well as 2000's Metal Slug 3. By the final Neo Geo-based edition of the longstanding King of Fighters series, The King of Fighters 2003, had stagnated to the level that was initially achieved at the turn of the century. In its 14 year lifespan of official support, the programmers for the Neo Geo appeared to bleed out all that the system's hardware was capable of. Infos from Wikipedia

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Neo Geo AES SNK Unknown

Neo Geo CD SNK Console 1994

The Neo Geo CD was released shortly after its cartridge-based equivalent in an effort to reduce manufacturing costs. The system was originally priced at USDollar300 new. The unit's 1X CD-ROM drive was quite slow, making loading times very long with the system loading up to 56 Mbit of data between loads. Neo Geo CD game prices were lowered to a reasonable Dollar50 as opposed to the usual cost for MVS game cartridges, sometimes upwards of Dollar300. The system could be used to play Audio CDs. The Neo Geo CD comes with a control pad instead of the joystick that is in other Neo Geo systems. This made the controls more stiff and caused some difficulty in play if one was used to the joystick. Ultimately, the Neo Geo CD was considered poor, mainly because of the lack of marketing and the long load times. Models A total of three versions of the Neo Geo CD have been released: A front-loading device (only distributed in Japan, 25000 total units were built) A top loading version that was marketed worldwide (the most common model) The CDZ. CDZ The CDZ was released in 1996 as the Japanese market replacement for SNK's previous effort, the Neo Geo CD. The NGCD had met with limited success because it was plagued by slow loading times that could vary from 30 to 60 seconds between levels, depending on the game. Although SNK's American home entertainment division quickly acknowledged that the system simply wasn't capable of competing with 3D-capable powerhouse systems of the day like Sega's Saturn and Sony's PlayStation, SNK corporate of Japan felt that they could continue to maintain profitable sales in the Japanese home market by shortening the previous system's load-times. Popular rumor suggests that SNK made several changes to the CD hardware to end up with the CDZ, most prominent is the rumor that they increased the CD-ROM drive speed from 1x to 2x. The truth of the matter is that the CDZ had a larger amount of cache. Though the CD-Rom motor in the CDZ may have been more efficient than the one in the original, it was still a 1x speed CD-Rom. The console had a design flaw that sometimes caused it to overheat after certain periods of time, breaking the console in the process and making it hard to repair. This was a result of a lack of ventilation in the cramped housing of the smaller unit and more heat generated by the newer drive which could damage the circuit board. CDZ Availability The CDZ console was the third of three generations of CD system offered by SNK, the first two being the 'front-loader' CD system and the 'top-loader' CD system. Like the original 'front-loader' style CD system, the CDZ was officially sold only in Japan during its production. However its lack of a 'region lock' feature and the fact that it could play older CD software made it a popular import item for enthusiasts in Europe and North America. Today they can be found sporadically on the internet, especially through auction sites such as eBay. Technical Specifications: Neo Geo CD Boot LogoMain Processor: Motorola 68000 running at 12 MHz Although the 68000 CPU was designed by Motorola, there were many other clones of this CPU found in the Neo Geo hardware. The most common CPU is the TMP68HC000 manufactured by Toshiba. This is essentially a Motorola 68000 clone. Colors On Screen: 4,096 Colors Available: 65,536 Resolution: 304 x 224 Max Sprites: 380 Max Sprite Size: 16 x 512 Number of Planes: 3 The system was also capable of Redbook audio as seen in many of the game's soundtracks. This is possibly the only advantage the CD system had over the cartridge system apart from the cheaper storage medium. In addition to the multi-AV port (exact same one as used on the Sega Genesis model 1) all NGCD models had straight up composite RCA A/V and S-Video out jacks right on the rear of the console therefore eliminating the need for proprietary cables. The S-Video out on the console is highly recommended to use over the standard composite video. S-Video out cannot be achieved on the original NeoGeo AES system without hardware modification. The CD system's 58 Mbit / 7 MB of ram was split accordingly: 68000 Program Memory: 2 MB Fix Layer Memory: 128 kB Graphics Memory: 4 MB Sound Sample Memory: 1 MB Z80 Program Memory: 64 kB VRAM: 512Kb (For graphics attributes) SRAM: 2 kB (For high scores / general save data) Infos from Wikipedia

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Neo Geo MVS SNK Arcade 1990

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Neo Geo Pocket SNK Handheld 1998

Generation 5th generation console First available 1998 CPU Toshiba TLCS900H Media Cartridge Successor Neo Geo Pocket Color The Neo Geo Pocket was SNK's first hand held video game system, released in Japan in late 1998. However lower than expected sales resulted in its discontinuation in 1999, and was immediately succeeded by the Neo Geo Pocket Color. The system only had a retail release within the Japan and Hong Kong market. Though the system enjoyed only a short life, there were some significant games released on the system such as Samurai Showdown, and King of Fighters R-1. The Neo Geo Pocket is mostly forwards compatible, meaning it can play the majority of the newer color games. There are, however, notable exceptions such as Sonic the Hedgehog Pocket Adventure and SNK vs. Capcom: Match Of The Millennium. The newer Neo Geo Pocket Color is fully backwards compatible and can play all games released for the Neo Geo Pocket. Specifications 16 bit TOSHIBA TLCS-900H high performance core CPU 32 bit/16 bit register bank cofiguration at 6.144 MHz Virtual screen 256x256 - 16 palettes/plane, 64 sprites/frame Z80 8 bit cpu sound 12 bit DAC & 6 psg tone simultaneous output I/O serial SIO 1 channel 19200 bit/s ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEO GEO POCKET COLOR Manufacturer SNK Type Handheld game console Generation 6th generation era First available JP 1998 US 1999 Media Cartridge Backward compatibility Neo Geo Pocket Predecessor Neo Geo Pocket The Neo-Geo Pocket Color (or NGPC) was released on March 16, 1999 in Japan. It was a 16-bit color hand held game console designed by SNK, the makers of the Neo Geo home console and arcade machine. It came after SNK's original Neo Geo Pocket monochrome handheld, which debuted in 1998 in Japan (and was released in the United States on August 6, 1999). The U.S. version of the Neo Geo Pocket Color had an exclusive launch on the website eToys in 1999. eToys also sold the initial launch titles in the preferred plastic snap lock cases. The system debuted in the United States with six launch titles (20 promised by end of year) and retail price of Dollar69.95. Six different unit colors were available: Camouflage Blue, Carbon Black, Crystal White, Platinum Blue, Platinum Silver, and Stone Blue. In 2000 following SNK's purchase by Japanese Pachinko manufacturer Aruze, the Neo Geo Pocket Color was dropped from both the United States and European markets, purportedly due to commercial failure. Remaining stock was bought back by SNK for repackaging in Asia. Before SNK was bought out, the Neo Geo Pocket Color was being advertised on US television and units were being sold nationally in Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Toys 'R' Us, and other large retail chains. In June 2000 SNK of America (and Europe) tried recalling most of the back-stock of systems and games to be flashed and re-sold in Asia where the system would continue to be sold and supported. Some of the back-stock of US NGPC hardware and software started showing up back on the marketplace in the US and Asia in 2003. These units frequently appear bundled with six games stripped of their cases and manuals. Two games often included, Faselei! and Last Blade were never previously released in United States, meaning that they have no US-localized box or manual; however, these titles did receive a European release, incorporating an English translation. The system seemed well on its way to being a success in the US. Indeed, it enjoyed a greater success than any Game Boy competitor since Sega's Game Gear. However, it was hurt by several factors, such as the Neo Geo heads' (the Barone family) notorious lack of communication with third-party developers, and anticipation of the Game Boy Advance. The decision to ship American games in cardboard boxes in a cost cutting move rather than the much loved hard plastic cases that Japanese and European releases were shipped in may have also hurt the American sales. The system has a language setting on the handheld device, and games display text in the language selected (provided the cartridge supports that language). Other settings can be set on the handheld such as time and date, and the system can provide customized horoscopes when one's birth-date is entered. Cables for linking multiple systems were available, as well as a cable to connect the NGPC and the Sega Dreamcast for King of Fighters themed games. There was a wireless connector released in Japan that allowed several players in proximity to play together, with some cartridge moulding reshaped to hold it. An MP3 audio player add-on was developed but was not released due to SNK's closure. Technical specifications CPUs: Toshiba TLCS900H core (16-bit), 6.144 MHz, Z80 at 3.072 MHz for sound. RAM: 12 k for 900H, 4k for Z80 ROM: 64 kbit boot ROM Interfaces: SIO 1 channel 19200 bit/s, 5-pin serial port Resolution: 160x152 Colors: 16 palettes per plane, 48 palettes. 146 colors on screen out of 4096.** NEO GEO POCKET color mode, 20 colors out of 4096. Sprites: 64 sprites per frame, 4 colors per sprite*. Scrolling: 2 scrolling planes, 8x8 character tiles, 4 colors each*. Sound: PSG 6 tone simultaneous output. Stereo sound. Cartridges: Maximum 4 MB (32 Mbit) with 4-16 Mbit flash memory. Batteries: 40 hours on 2 AA batteries. Lithium CR2032 battery backs up memory and clock. Information from Wikipedia

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Neo Geo Pocket Color SNK Handheld 1999

The Neo-Geo Pocket Color (or NGPC) was released on March 16, 1999 in Japan. It was a 16-bit color hand held game console designed by SNK, the makers of the Neo Geo home console and arcade machine. It came after SNK's original Neo Geo Pocket monochrome handheld, which debuted in 1998 in Japan (and was released in the United States on August 6, 1999). In 2000, following SNK's purchase by Japanese Pachinko manufacturer Aruze, the Neo Geo Pocket Color was dropped from both the United States and European markets, purportedly due to commercial failure. U.S. Release The cartridge of the game Faselei!The U.S. version of the Neo Geo Pocket Color had an exclusive launch on the website eToys in 1999. eToys also sold the initial launch titles in the preferred plastic snap lock cases. The system debuted in the United States with six launch titles (20 promised by end of year) and retail price of Dollar69.95. Six different unit colors were available: Camouflage Blue, Carbon Black, Crystal White, Platinum Blue, Platinum Silver, and Stone Blue. Before SNK was bought out, the Neo Geo Pocket Color was being advertised on US television and units were being sold nationally in Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Toys 'R' Us, and other large retail chains. Post-Aruze buyout Remaining stock was bought back by SNK for repackaging in Asia. In June 2000 SNK of America (and Europe) tried recalling most of the back-stock of systems and games to be flashed and re-sold in Asia where the system would continue to be sold and supported. Some of the back-stock of US NGPC hardware and software started showing up back on the marketplace in the US and Asia in 2003. These units frequently appeared bundled with six games stripped of their cases and manuals. Two games often included, Faselei! and Last Blade were never previously released in United States, meaning that they have no US-localized box or manual; however, these titles did receive a European release, incorporating an English translation. Legacy The system enjoyed a greater success than any Game Boy competitor since Sega's Game Gear. However, it was hurt by several factors, such as the Neo Geo heads' (the Barone family) notorious lack of communication with third-party developers, and anticipation of the Game Boy Advance. The decision to ship American games in cardboard boxes in a cost cutting move; rather than the hard plastic cases that Japanese and European releases were shipped in, may have also hurt the American sales. Technical specifications Handheld game consoles Early units See Microvision and Handheld electronic games Nintendo handhelds Game & Watch | Game Boy (Pocket) (Light) | Game Boy Color | Game Boy Advance (SP) | Game Boy Micro | Pokémon Pikachu | Pokémon mini | Nintendo DS (Lite) Bandai handhelds WonderSwan | WonderSwan Color | SwanCrystal GamePark/Holdings handhelds GP32 | GP2X | XGP | XGP Mini | XGP Kids SNK handhelds Neo Geo Pocket | Neo Geo Pocket Color Sega handhelds Game Gear | Nomad | Mega Jet | VMU Sony handhelds PocketStation | PlayStation Portable (Slim) Other handhelds Atari Lynx | Gamate | Watara Supervision | Mega Duck | | Gizmondo | N-Gage | TurboExpress | Pepper Pad | GameKing | iRiver G10 | Ez MINI | OQO Model 2 Comparison CPUs: Toshiba TLCS900H core (16-bit), 6.144 MHz, Z80 at 3.072 MHz for sound. RAM: 12 k for 900H, 4k for Z80 ROM: 64 kbit boot ROM Interfaces: SIO 1 channel 19200 bit/s, 5-pin serial port Resolution: 160x152 Colors: 16 palettes per plane, 48 palettes. 146 colors on screen out of 4096. Sprites: 64 sprites per frame, 4 colors per sprite*. Scrolling: 2 scrolling planes, 8x8 character tiles, 4 colors each*. Sound: PSG 6 tone simultaneous output. Stereo sound. Cartridges: Maximum 4 MB (32 Mbit) with 4-16 Mbit flash memory. Batteries: 40 hours on 2 AA batteries. Lithium CR2032 battery backs up memory and clock. The link cable for linking systems togetherThe system has an on-board language setting, and games display text in the language selected (provided the cartridge supports that language). Other settings can be set on the handheld such as time and date, and the system can provide customized horoscopes when one's birth-date is entered. Cables for linking multiple systems were available, as well as a cable to connect the NGPC and the Sega Dreamcast. Games that featured this option include King of Fighters R-2 (links with King of Fighters '99 Dream Match and King of Fighters Evolution), SNK vs Capcom - Match of the Millennium (links with Capcom vs SNK 2), SNK vs Capcom - Card Fighters' Clash (links with King of Fighters Evolution), SNK vs Capcom - Card Fighters' Clash Expand Edition (links with Capcom vs SNK 2) and Cool Cool Jam (links with Cool Cool Toon). There was a wireless connector released in Japan that allowed several players in proximity to play together, with some cartridge moulding reshaped to hold it. An MP3 audio player add-on was developed but was not released due to SNK's closure. Today Discovery Store offered packages of Neo Geo Pockets with six games; however, none of these items are in their original packaging. The same packages, usually retailing around USDollar70 apiece, are also carried by various online stores which primarily sell amateur development kits for other portable game systems. Infos from Wikipedia

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SNK Classics SNK Arcade

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Xavix Port SSD Unknown

SoftBox SSE Unknown

II Sage Computer 1982

Sage Technology designed the Sage II around one of the fastest and most powerful chip available at the time, the Motorola MC68000, which was designed, among other things, for the implementation of high-level languages. The Sage II, didn't look awesome. It was physically smaller than an Apple II, but packed a true 16 bits CPU and 512 KB of RAM. Only 128 KB were left free for the user, the remaining 384 KB being used as a RAM disc. The Sage II used the <b>UCSD P-System</b> operating system. P-System means P-Code, an early universal intermediate code concept for programming languages, the same idea that Java is now based upon. Sage had even modified the P-System so that the system was truly multi-user. A special version of CP/M called <b>CP/M 68K</b> could also run on the Sage II. One or two Mitsubishi 5.25 inch floppy drives were used to store programs and data. Each one could store up to 800 Kb per disk in the native Sage format. They were fully software configurable and had preset formats for IBM, Xerox, Rainbow and other systems. The only problem is that the Sage II didn't provide any hard disk management. This is will only be possible with the <a href="computer.asp?c=647">Sage IV</a> model (10 to 40 MB hard disks).

Endgame Saitek Unknown

KSO Saitek Unknown

Kasparov Sensor Chess Saitek Unknown

Atomiswave Sammy Arcade 2003

Arcade Board First available 2003 CPU Hitachi SH-4 128-bit 200 MHz Media Arcade HISTORY: The Atomiswave is a 2003 custom arcade system board and cabinet from Sammy Corporation. It is based on Sega's NAOMI system board (thus it's common to see the 'Sega' logo on its boot up screen). The Atomiswave uses interchangeable game cartridges and the cabinet's control panel can be easily switched out with different control sets, including dual joysticks, dual lightguns and a steering wheel. With the retirement of the aging Neo Geo MVS system, SNK Playmore chose the Atomiswave as its next system to develop games for. In a contract with Sammy, SNK Playmore agreed to develop five games for the Atomiswave system. Metal Slug 6 was SNK Playmore's fifth game for the Atomiswave, after which SNK moved on to a Taito Type X2 arcade board. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: * CPU: Hitachi SH-4 128-bit RISC CPU 200 MHz o Rated performance: 360 MIPS/1.4 GFLOPS * Graphics processor: PowerVR 2 100 MHz o Polygon performance: 3 to 5 million polygons/sec o Rendering speed: 500 M pixels/sec o Additional features: bump mapping, fog, alpha-blending (transparency), mip mapping (polygon-texture auto switch), tri-*linear filtering, anti-aliasing, environment mapping, and specular effect * Sound processor: ARM7 Yamaha AICA (with internal 32-bit RISC CPU, 64 channel ADPCM) 45 MHz * Memory o System: 16 MB o Graphics: 16 MB o Sound: 8 MB * Storage media: ROM board Infos from Wikipedia

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SPC-1000 Samsung Computer 1982

The SPC-1000 is a Z80-based home computer from Samsung. This machine was developed in Korea, but built-in BASIC was written by Hudson soft in Japan. Because of its integrated tape recorder design, it looks like <a href="computer.asp?c=87">MZ 700</a> series. It has a button 'ILP' on its left side. Pushing ILP button enables this machine to load a new O/S from tape recorder. (This concept resembles MZ 700, too). This machine was quite popular at the first time, but advent of MSX and MSX2 pushed this machine off the market. <b>CP/M</b> was available with double-side, double density floppy disk drives. But the cost of the FDD unit and poor display capability limited its use. Part of early productions were delivered under the name of <b>SPC-1100</b>. <font color="#666666"> Thanks to <b>Kue-Hwan Sihn</b> from Korea for info and picture. </font>

SPC-1500 Samsung Unknown

MBC-200-MBC-1200 Sanyo Unknown

MBC-550 Sanyo Computer 1982

The Sanyo MBC-550 was the first of the legitimate "clones" of the IBM Personal Computer. While others (notably the Taiwanese) were duplicating the circuitry and Read-Only Memories (ROMs) of the IBM PC, Sanyo Business Systems designed their own circuitry and wrote their own Basic Input/Output System (BIOS), part of which was in ROM and part was on disk. The character set was also in ROM. In Japan, this computer was the MBC-55. It came with a kanji character set and the CP/M-86 operating system. Sanyo had Microsoft write a special version of their disk operating system (MS-DOS) and command interpreter (COMMAND.COM). They had MicroPro write special versions of WordStar, CalcStar, and EasyWriter which they bundled with the MBC-550, making it a very attractive package, not only for their intended market, business; but also for the computer hobbyist. The Sanyo 55x was the first MS-DOS compatible computer that retailed for under US$1000. It was also quite possibly the only (somewhat) IBM-compatible system that was actually slower than an <a href="computer.asp?c=274">IBM PC</a> (the PC clocked at 4.77 MHz, while the Sanyo clocked at 3.6, giving it a Norton SI rating of 0.8). It came with 5.25" floppy drives sized from 160 KB to 800 KB. One thing the machine had that was odd was a floppy controller for 4 floppy drives, you simply chained them and adjusted the DSx jumper on the drives. The drives were labeled ABCD and if a hard drive was added it became E even if you only had 2 floppy drives as the BIOS reserved A-D for floppy drives. The floppy drives in these models were from Teac. Interestingly, the drive lights always stayed on when the door was closed. They did not go out even if the drive was not currently being accessed. They were manufactured &amp; sold from about 1983 to about 1988. The different models are: - MBC-550 : 1 x 5.25" disk-drive (160 KB) - MBC-555 : 2 x 5.25" disk-drive (160 KB) - MBC-555-2 : 2 x 5.25" disk-drive (360 KB) - MBC-555-3 : 2 x 5.25" disk-drive (720 KB) The default graphics were easy to use: three straight 640x400 bitplanes, R, G, and B. There was no text mode, so stock IBM PC apps that bypassed the video BIOS did not work. The main add-on card was a Sanyo CGA color card, that transformed the original Sanyo into about a 90% PC IBM compatible computer. The CGA board was EXPENSIVE and one version added memory to 640 KB as well. While the mixed text-and-graphics video made it incompatible with many programs intended for the IBM (Lotus 1-2-3 being the benchmark at the time), WordStar worked just fine, as did Microsoft Excel (the original MS-DOS version) and also Borland's Turbo Pascal compiler. If your consideration was more for file interchangeability (it ran MS-DOS 2.1) than for software compatibility, the Sanyo was a solid, workhorse system at a very reasonable price. A lot of "IBM PC" software at the time accessed the address of the video cards directly - B800:0000 for color and B000:0000 for monochrome, since the Sanyo had no video card at this address the video output was never seen. Sanyo offered the CGA card that was present at this address for direct memory writing. There was a pinout on the motherboard for a ribbon cable that would accept a 5 MB hard disk. The 55x motherbaord also included a socket for an 8087 math coprocessor, which helped with spreadsheet applications. Soft Sector magazine and all the BBS systems specific such as First Sanyo Opus and the Sanyo supporting clubs kept these working and many many mods from power supply fixes to memory addons (768 KB was possible) to serial board mods, hard drive addons, etc came out of these. The MS-DOS had to be specific to this machine as well, you couldnt boot the generic versions. There were a few aftermarket DOS's that gave extra abilities to include 800 KB from 720 KB floppy drives. A few people even professed to adding 3.5" drives. A-OK company wrote a OS for the system as well, called A-OK DOS. Among the quirks to the machine: the power supply was not a regular switching power supply. It was a transformer. Also the keyboard had no ALT key - made it nuts to operate software made for IBM specific machines! The IBM PC/XT at the time had 10 function keys while the Sanyo had half that amount. To get the higher function keys you would need to do these strange shift combinations. When you push the power button, you definately had the feeling that Sanyo had borrowed some parts from their stereo division! This systems was also proposed when you got a course through NRI. _________________ <font color="#666666"><b>Contributors:</b> Russ Blakeman, David Botkin, Joe Dellea, Steven Koehler, Victor Frank</font>

MBC-550 and MBC-555 Sanyo Computer 1982

The Sanyo MBC-550 was the first of the legitimate "clones" of the IBM Personal Computer. While others (notably the Taiwanese) were duplicating the circuitry and Read-Only Memories (ROMs) of the IBM PC, Sanyo Business Systems designed their own circuitry and wrote their own Basic Input/Output System (BIOS), part of which was in ROM and part was on disk. The character set was also in ROM. In Japan, this computer was the MBC-55. It came with a kanji character set and the CP/M-86 operating system. Sanyo had Microsoft write a special version of their disk operating system (MS-DOS) and command interpreter (COMMAND.COM). They had MicroPro write special versions of WordStar, CalcStar, and EasyWriter which they bundled with the MBC-550, making it a very attractive package, not only for their intended market, business; but also for the computer hobbyist. The Sanyo 55x was the first MS-DOS compatible computer that retailed for under US$1000. It was also quite possibly the only (somewhat) IBM-compatible system that was actually slower than an <a href="computer.asp?c=274">IBM PC</a> (the PC clocked at 4.77 MHz, while the Sanyo clocked at 3.6, giving it a Norton SI rating of 0.8). It came with 5.25" floppy drives sized from 160 KB to 800 KB. One thing the machine had that was odd was a floppy controller for 4 floppy drives, you simply chained them and adjusted the DSx jumper on the drives. The drives were labeled ABCD and if a hard drive was added it became E even if you only had 2 floppy drives as the BIOS reserved A-D for floppy drives. The floppy drives in these models were from Teac. Interestingly, the drive lights always stayed on when the door was closed. They did not go out even if the drive was not currently being accessed. They were manufactured &amp; sold from about 1983 to about 1988. The different models are: - MBC-550 : 1 x 5.25" disk-drive (160 KB) - MBC-555 : 2 x 5.25" disk-drive (160 KB) - MBC-555-2 : 2 x 5.25" disk-drive (360 KB) - MBC-555-3 : 2 x 5.25" disk-drive (720 KB) The default graphics were easy to use: three straight 640x400 bitplanes, R, G, and B. There was no text mode, so stock IBM PC apps that bypassed the video BIOS did not work. The main add-on card was a Sanyo CGA color card, that transformed the original Sanyo into about a 90% PC IBM compatible computer. The CGA board was EXPENSIVE and one version added memory to 640 KB as well. While the mixed text-and-graphics video made it incompatible with many programs intended for the IBM (Lotus 1-2-3 being the benchmark at the time), WordStar worked just fine, as did Microsoft Excel (the original MS-DOS version) and also Borland's Turbo Pascal compiler. If your consideration was more for file interchangeability (it ran MS-DOS 2.1) than for software compatibility, the Sanyo was a solid, workhorse system at a very reasonable price. A lot of "IBM PC" software at the time accessed the address of the video cards directly - B800:0000 for color and B000:0000 for monochrome, since the Sanyo had no video card at this address the video output was never seen. Sanyo offered the CGA card that was present at this address for direct memory writing. There was a pinout on the motherboard for a ribbon cable that would accept a 5 MB hard disk. The 55x motherbaord also included a socket for an 8087 math coprocessor, which helped with spreadsheet applications. Soft Sector magazine and all the BBS systems specific such as First Sanyo Opus and the Sanyo supporting clubs kept these working and many many mods from power supply fixes to memory addons (768 KB was possible) to serial board mods, hard drive addons, etc came out of these. The MS-DOS had to be specific to this machine as well, you couldnt boot the generic versions. There were a few aftermarket DOS's that gave extra abilities to include 800 KB from 720 KB floppy drives. A few people even professed to adding 3.5" drives. A-OK company wrote a OS for the system as well, called A-OK DOS. Among the quirks to the machine: the power supply was not a regular switching power supply. It was a transformer. Also the keyboard had no ALT key - made it nuts to operate software made for IBM specific machines! The IBM PC/XT at the time had 10 function keys while the Sanyo had half that amount. To get the higher function keys you would need to do these strange shift combinations. When you push the power button, you definately had the feeling that Sanyo had borrowed some parts from their stereo division! This systems was also proposed when you got a course through NRI. _________________ <font color="#666666"><b>Contributors:</b> Russ Blakeman, David Botkin, Joe Dellea, Steven Koehler, Victor Frank</font>

32X Sega Console 1994

Generation 4th generation First available US November 1994 JP December 3, 1994 EUR January 1995 CPU 2x SH-2 - 32-bit RISC (23 MHz) Media Cartridge - CD-ROM with Sega Mega-CD/Sega CD Successor Sega Saturn The Sega 32X (Japanese: 32X) is an add-on for the Sega Mega Drive video game console by Sega. In Japan, it was distributed under the name Sega Super 32X. In North America, its name was the Sega Genesis 32X. In Europe, Australia, and other countries that use PAL, it was called the Sega Mega Drive 32X. Most gamers, for simplicity's sake, refer to it as just the '32X'. Market history With the release of the Super Famicom in Japan and the Super NES in North America, Sega needed to leapfrog Nintendo in the technological department. The Sega Mega-CD, known as Sega CD in North America, had not worked as well, in a business sense, as Sega had wanted it to. Sega had various developments underway, and focused most of its energy on the then new Sega Saturn. Some used System 16 technology, as the Sega Mega Drive, as well as other arcade games, did. The 32X was released in mid-November 1994 in North America for Dollar150, Japan on December 3rd 1994 for Yen 16,800, and Europe in January 1995 for Pound 170 / DM 400. Technical aspects The Sega 32X can only be used in conjunction with a Mega Drive/Genesis system; it is plugged in where the cartridge bay is. Besides playing its own cartridges, it also acts as a passthrough for Mega Drive games so it can be a permanent attachment (The Sega Virtua Processor-based Virtua Racing was the only exception - the game will not run on a Mega Drive with a 32X unit attached due its processor). The 32X came with a spacer so it would fit properly with the Mega Drive II. It could be used with the Sega Multi-Mega/Sega CDX system, but the spacer would not accommodate the CDX, which created a number of user-unfriendly conditions in the unit. Without the use of the spacer on a Mega Drive II, some of the 32X hardware was left exposed and vulnerable. The combined unit was also very prone to tipping over, risking damage to the unit and games. In addition to the physical problems, there was also an issue with FCC approval. Most 32X games cannot be played unless the distribution region of the game matches the region of the console. A few games are not locked and can be played on a console from any region (e.g. FIFA 96). Two games, Darxide and FIFA Soccer '96, were only released for the PAL 32X. All but one of the games released for the Japanese market were released in the United States, albeit some had different names. The one Japanese-only game was Sangokushi IV (known as 'Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV'). In addition to regular cartridge-based 32X games, there were also a very small number of CD-ROM games for the 32X. These games were labeled with Sega Mega-CD 32X (Sega CD 32X in North America). As the name suggests, these required both the 32X and Mega-CD/Sega CD addons. The lack of a significant userbase due to the high cost of purchasing all three necessary components saw only five games released, only one of those developed by Sega. The most notable of these was a new version of the infamous Night Trap with 32,768 onscreen colors instead of the 64 found on the regular Mega-CD/Sega CD version. Technical specifications * Processor: Twin SH2 32 bit RISC processors with a clock speed of 23.011 MHz, approx 20 MIPS each * Video RAM: Two linear framebuffers with support for RLE compression and an overdraw mode to simplify compositing objects with transparency. All scaling, rotation, and 3D operations are performed in software on the SH2 processors. * ROM (BIOS): 3 Kb * Color depth: 32,768 simultaneous colors on screen at standard Mega Drive/Genesis resolution. Video output can overlay Mega Drive/Genesis graphics or vice versa. Mega Drive/Genesis video effects such as shadow or highlight do not affect 32X video. * Memory: 256KB (2 MBit) program RAM and two 128KB (1 MBit) framebuffers. * Audio: Stereo 10-bit PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) mixing with Mega Drive/Genesis sound for a total of 12 audio channels of varying capability, 22 with the addition of a Mega-CD/Sega CD. * I/O: Same as Mega Drive/Genesis. * Storage: 32X cartridges are fundamentally the same as Mega Drive/Genesis cartridges with some small differences in the plastic casing. A few CD-ROM games were developed that also required a Mega-CD/Sega CD. * Compatibility: Compatible with Mega Drive/Genesis models 1 and 2, JVC Wondermega/X'Eye and the Multi-Mega/CDX. The 32X does not work with the Genesis 3 which lacks some of the necessary interface logic. * Size & weight (more or less) : 107x205x110 mm 495 gr History Development On January 8, 1994, Hayao Nakayama, then CEO of Sega, ordered his company to make a 32-bit cartridge based console that would be in stores by Christmas 1994. This would at first be named 'Project Jupiter', but after Sega found CD technology cheaper, they decided to modify it instead of dropping the cartridge project (that would be called 'Project Saturn'). Hideki Sato and some other Sega of Japan engineers came over to collaborate about the project with Sega of America's Joe Miller. The first idea was a new Mega Drive/Genesis with more colors and a 32-bit processor. Miller thought that an add-on to the Mega Drive/Genesis would be a better idea, because he felt that gamers would not buy an improved version of the Mega Drive/Genesis. And so, this project was codenamed Project Mars, and Sega of America was going to shape the project. At the same time, however, Sega of Japan was working on the Sega Saturn, a CD-based 32-bit videogame system. Sega of America did not learn of this until Project Mars was already in progress. Launch The video-gaming public first got a glimpse at the Summer 1994 CES in Chicago. Players highly anticipated the system, because it would make the Genesis superior to the Super Famicom/SNES. The console was unmasked as the 32X, with a price projection of Dollar170 (USD), at a gamers' day, held by Sega of America in September 1994. The 32X hit the market in North America in November 1994, during the same month the Sega Saturn was released in Japan. Many industry insiders speculated that the 32X was doomed from the beginning as the Sega Saturn hardware was widely regarded as more powerful than the 32X and had the support of many Japanese third party software developers (a necessary resource required for any gaming platform's long term success) which the 32X was sorely lacking. Only 500,000 consoles had been produced for North American consumption, yet orders were in the millions. The console allegedly had numerous mechanical problems. Games had been rushed for the system in the run up to Christmas 1994. Some early games came with errors in programming, causing crashes and glitches on certain titles. Other games required leaving out parts in order to make the Christmas deadline; Doom 32X is missing almost half the levels present on the PC. Many complained that their 32X was not working with their Mega Drive/Genesis or television. Sega was forced to give away adapters. Since this was an expensive add-on system, Sega decided to offer a Pound 50 discount on games with the console in Europe. However, the offer came in the form of rebate vouchers, which were difficult to take advantage of. Just like its North American counterpart, this console was initially popular. Orders exceeded one million, but not enough were produced, and supply shortage problems arose. Decline By mid-1995, the time the Sega executives realized their blunder, it was too late. Developers and licensees had abandoned this console in favor of what they perceived to be a true 32-bit console, the Sega Saturn. Even though the 32X was a 32-bit system, the games did not appear to take full advantage of 32 bit processing; many games were rushed and produced in 2D. Many were just slightly-enhanced ports of Genesis or old arcade games such as Mortal Kombat II and Space Harrier. Due to successful marketing, customers perceived the Sega Saturn, Nintendo 64 and the PlayStation as the true next-generation consoles, due to their rich launch titles and 3D graphics. Also, customers perceived that Sega abandoned the 32X despite promises to the contrary, due to the launch of the Saturn. Console makers, prior to the launch of PlayStation 2, would often abandon platforms and offer no backwards compatibility with older systems. For this reason Sega's 32X customers felt cheated because of the apparent lower quality of the games, and the inevitability of obsolescence. Store shelves became littered with unwanted Sega 32X systems, and prices for a new one dropped as low as Dollar19.95. Sega planned a console named the Sega Neptune, which would have been a Genesis and 32X in one. However, by the time a prototype was developed, the Sega Saturn was going to be released, and Sega canceled the Neptune. The last game made for the 32X in the US was Spider-Man: Web of Fire (1996). The last ever 32X game was Darxide, which had been intended by Frontier Developments to be a launch title for the ill-fated Neptune. Both these games now command a high value from collectors — but especially Darxide (up to Dollar1000) due to its scarcity, reputation and auspicious creator (David Braben, co-writer of the groundbreaking game Elite). Nevertheless, it is exceeded in rarity by the European PAL versions of the games Primal Rage and T-Mek. For obscure reasons a mere handful of copies of these games are known to be in circulation - with T-Mek being so scarce that until a copy surfaced on eBay in late 2005, it was widely held that the PAL release was only a rumor. The appearance of a copy has fueled speculation that other rumored but unconfirmed PAL games may also exist, in particular BC Racers. For many years prior, console makers promised devices like the 32X (for consoles such as the Colecovision, Intellivision II, and some Atari systems) that would extend and enhance the original system. The 32X was the first product released that fundamentally altered the original console's abilities. However, deficient in software titles and lacking the 3D capabilities the gaming community demanded, the add-on represented a technological dead end, ultimately punishing early adopters. Ignorant of the idea that console systems' primary strength is in standardization, Sega had created three different platforms (the Sega Mega Drive, and the Mega-CD/Sega CD and the 32X add-ons) all under the same banner, stealing valuable shelf space from itself and confusing both vendors and consumers in the process. The entire episode demonstrated that producing such add-ons is likely to have detrimental effects on a system's brand marketing strategy. The system, like most of other Sega consoles, ended production worldwide in 1996 to focus their efforts on the Sega Saturn. Notable Games: Blackthorne - Interplay/Blizzard Space Harrier - Sega (1994) Star Wars Arcade - Sega (1994) Virtua Racing Deluxe - Sega (1994) Knuckles' Chaotix - Sega (1995) Kolibri - Sega/Novotrade (1995) Virtua Fighter - Sega/AM2 (1995) World Series Baseball '95 - Blue Sky Software/Sega (1995) Infos from Wikipedia

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ALLS Sega Unknown

Beena Sega Unknown

CD Sega Console 1991

Generation 16-bit era First available JPN December 1, 1991 USA October 15, 1992 EUR April, 1993 CPU MC68000 @ 12.5 MHz Media CD-ROM System storage Internal RAM Units sold 6 million (380,000 in Japan) Top-selling game Sonic CD The Sega Mega-CD (Mega Shi Di) was an add-on device for the Sega Mega Drive released in Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Japan. The Genesis add-on for the North American market was called Sega CD. The device allowed the user to play games, audio CDs, and CD+G discs. The development of the Mega-CD was confidential; game developers were not made aware of what exactly they were working on until the add-on was finally revealed at the Tokyo Toy Show in Japan. The Sega Mega-CD was designed to compete with the PC Engine in Japan, which had a separate CD-ROM drive. The Sega Mega-CD was not meant to compete with the Super Famicom (Super Nintendo Entertainment System outside Japan). This posed a problem in the markets outside of Japan, where the PC Engine did not fare very well, and the expectation was that the Mega-CD would be in competition with Nintendo. The first version of the system sat under the Mega Drive console and loaded CDs via a motorized tray. The second version of the system, dubbed Mega-CD 2, had the CD-ROM drive relocated to the right of the Sega Mega Drive system, changed to a top-loading CD-ROM drive with a lid, and was meant primarily to be used with the redesigned Sega Mega Drive 2. However the original model of the Sega Mega Drive could still be used with the addition of an extension that allowed the system to firmly sit on the add-on without overhanging the edge. (the Sega Mega Drive still sat ontop of the system, but to a much lesser extent than before) In North America, the Sega CD was considered a failure due to its high price, low sales, few hardware upgrades, and general confusion with the Sega 32X, another Genesis peripheral offered. Due to Sega of America's lack of support for the Sega CD and 32X, many consumers lost their trust in Sega. It can be said that Sega never recovered from this, as the Saturn and the Dreamcast — although considered good efforts on Sega's behalf — were unable to compete effectively with PlayStation and Nintendo consoles. Markets Japan The Sega Mega-CD was released first in Japan in 1st December 1991. Its retail price was about Yen 49,800. Initially, it was a great success because of the inherent advantages of CDs (high storage capacity and the low cost of media). The fact that it had a large RPG catalog also helped. Despite having been on sale for over 2 years, by March 1994 the MEGA-CD had only sold 380,000 units in Japan, which meant that only 11 percent of Japanese Mega Drive owners had purchased the add-on unit. North America Sega of Japan did not speak to Sega of America about their Mega-CD plans for that market until a few months later. The Sega CD had been announced at the Chicago CES on November 1992. Early reports had suggested that hardware in the system would allow it to display more on screen colors (from a larger palette) than the Sega Genesis or the Super Nintendo, which was an important technical concern for consumers. In the end, the Sega CD failed to convince North American gamers, mostly due to the cost of the console, and the lack of any hardware advancements. Many people felt there was not enough value for the price. Moreover, the game experience was little improved. Players came to have high expectations for the add-on, and Sega even promised that the Sega CD would allow a higher color palette than the Genesis. However, the end result was somewhat lackluster compared to expectations. Graphically, most games ended up looking not much better than normal Sega Mega Drive games, though the sound quality was higher, owing to the CD format of the games. Sega wanted to showcase the power of the Sega CD, and so focused on 'FMV' games rather than taking advantage of the extra storage space of the CD media. Sega insisted on licensing and producing primarily 'full motion video' games similar to earlier Laserdisc games, that were universally panned by game reviewers. The limited 64-color palette of the system, combined with the processor not being well-suited for video, did not lend itself well to reproducing video, resulting in grainy video in most games. Because of the CD format, games suffered load times, which some players criticized. One of the worst examples of which being the port of Midway's Mortal Kombat which suffered from excessive load times, which would often stop the game in the middle of play to load data from the CD. Another criticism of the software library was that most titles consisted of Shovelware, in which a developer takes an existing title and adds minor new content (usually a CD audio soundtrack, or video sequences) while not expanding the original game itself. Few titles received major changes, but two exceptions were Earthworm Jim which featured additional levels and game changes, and The Amazing Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin, which featured many changes, which drastically restructured the game, making it more non-linear, and adding animated cutscenes. Despite a somewhat lackluster library of games, the console introduced very famous franchises. The Lunar series, which despite the relatively narrow circulation the two titles on the Sega CD received, went on to be critically acclaimed and became a cult classic, with both games receiving remakes for the PlayStation and Sega Saturn in the late 90's; and a prequel to the series for the Nintendo DS in 2005. The English publisher of the two Lunar titles, Working Designs, also published another RPG for the platform, entitled Vay. While it received generally positive reviews, the game did not obtain the same popularity as the Lunar titles. Other notable title were the cult-classic Snatcher, a cyber-punk digital comic released by Konami and designed by Hideo Kojima and the only version of the game released in English. Europe In Europe the Mega-CD was thought to be overpriced. It was released in April 1993 in the United Kingdom for Pound 270. Unlike the Mega Drive, which was a very successful console in Europe, only 60,000 of the 70,000 Mega-CD's shipped to Europe were sold by August 1993. Some European countries (Spain for instance), would not get the original Mega-CD, but the Mega-CD 2, which also slowed sales. Australia The Mega-CD was released on 19 April 1993 in Australia. Brazil The Sega-CD 2 was launched in the Brazilian market exactly at the same time of the U.S. Release. Since the original Sega-CD was never released there, it was simply called 'Sega-CD'. However, because several Mega-CD units imported from Japan were already in the market, it was informally known as 'Mega-CD'. It was manufactured locally by Tec Toy. Models The following models were released: * Sega Mega-CD I (Sega CD I in North America) * Sega Mega-CD II (Sega CD II in North America). Designed for the Mega Drive 2 / Genesis (second model) and to reduce manufacturing costs * JVC Wondermega (X'Eye in North American release, never released in Europe), was an all-in-one Mega Drive/Mega-CD unit * Sega Multi-Mega (called Sega CDX in North America). A portable CD player that plays both Mega Drive and Mega-CD games, as well as audio CDs, and CD-G discs. Resembling a slightly longer version of the typical portable CD player of the day. * Pioneer LaserActive Sega Mega-CD module, an add-on device available for the LaserActive system Technical specifications The Sega Mega-CD specifications were as follows: CPU The main CPU is a 12.5-MHz 16-bit Motorola 68000 processor. The Mega Drive/Genesis has the same processor, but at a lower clock rate of 7.67 MHz (NTSC) / 7.61 MHz (PAL). Graphics * Graphics Processor: Custom ASIC * Number of simultaneous colors on screen: 64 out of 512 * Display resolution: 320 x 224 pixels, video size from .1/4 to full screen (only one game had full screen full motion video) * Advanced compression scheme * Software-based upgrade RAM * Main RAM: 6 Mbit * PCM samples: 512 Kbit * CD-ROM data cache: 128 Kbit * 64 Kbit Internal Backup RAM The Mega-CD also features sprite enhancement effects such as scaling and rotation, similar to that of the Super Famicom/SNES Mode 7. However Sega initially refused to allow developers access to the software required to take advantage of these features, partially leading to the system's downfall. Storage * 500 MB CD-ROM discs (equivalent to 62 min of audio data) * .1/4 screen B/W footage video: 1.5 to 4 hours * .1/4 screen color footage: 45 minutes * CD-ROM drive transfer rate: 150 Kbytes/s (1x) (Above specs prior to compression) BIOS * Size: 1 MBit * Used for games, CD player, CD+G and karaoke * Access time: 800 ms BIOS Revisions BIOS Version Machine 1.02 Pioneer LaserActive Mega LD (Japan/North America) (based on ver. 0.98 proto Mega-CD BIOS) 1.00 Original Mega-CD (Europe/Japan) 1.10 Original Sega-CD (North America) 2.00 Mega-CD 2 2.11 Mega-CD 2 2.21 Sega Multi-Mega (Europe/Japan), Sega CDX (North America) Audio The Mega-CD adds 10 extra sound channels to the Mega Drive's YM2612 SPU. * Sound format: Stereo PCM * Sound channels: 8 * Maximum sample rate: 32 kHz (44.1 kHz for CD-DA) * 16 bit DAC * 8x internal over-sampling digital filter * Frequency Range: 20 Hz - 20 kHz * Signal-to-Noise Ratio: > 90.0 dB @ 1K * Channel Separation: > 90.0 dB * Output: RCA stereo Pin Jack x2 (L/R) / SCART cable * Mixing Input Port for stereo sound on the original Sega Mega Drive / Sega Genesis Model. Other * Dimensions: 301mm x 212.5 mm x 112.5mm * Weight: 1.4 kg (3.1 lbs) Accessories * Few accessories were released for the Mega-CD. The most notable being an external memory card that came in the form of a Mega Drive cartridge. Titled the 'CD Backup RAM Cart', it was placed in the Mega Drive slot like a normal Mega Drive game, and the Mega-CD would detect this cartridge upon booting up. Games could either be saved directly to it (on the titles that supported it) or to copy/transfer game saves to and from the Mega-CD's internal RAM. Complete backups were possible as the CD Backup RAM Cart contained 16 times the amount of RAM as the Mega-CD (1Mbit, or 2000 Game Save Blocks, compared to the Mega-CD's 64Kb, or 125 Game Save Blocks.) * A Light gun named the 'Justifier' was also released bundled with Lethal Enforcers * A multi-functional cartridge called 'Megacart' was released 2006. It works as a region converter, RAM cart and can flash cart games. Graphic trivia While the system was in development, several US video game magazines such as Electronic Gaming Monthly and Game Pro had published reports that the Sega CD was going to be able to display more on-screen colors than the Sega Genesis. It appears that there had been some discussion about upgrading the hardware in the Sega CD to compete with the color capabilites of the Super Nintendo, but it was vetoed. A common myth surrounding the Mega-CD is in regard to the number of colors it can display on-screen. Like the unexpanded Mega Drive/Genesis, the published specifications of the Mega-CD indicate that the system can produce up to 64 colors on-screen out of a global palette of 512. However, many people claim that some games, such as Snatcher, Jurassic Park and Eternal Champions: Challenge From The Dark Side, exceeded the on-screen limit with the use of programming tricks, achieving 112, 192, even 256 colors simultaneously. Some versions of this rumor claim that there was a version of the Cinepak video codec that could render FMV in 256 colors on the Mega-CD as well. The idea of displaying more than 64 colors at once in Mega-CD games is not groundless. What is not widely realized, however, is that the Mega-CD breaks this limit with the same methods that can be executed on an unexpanded console, and also that these methods are all severely limited in practical use. The most common way of displaying extra colors is with the use of raster effects, which involve simply changing the on-screen color palette in between TV scanlines as the picture is being drawn. Sonic games use this to make underwater effects. A lesser known trick is to use the priority bit of a pixel for color purposes, allowing any color to have 3 shades (normal, bright and dim) and effectively tripling the number of colors available onscreen. However, this trick compromises the video display processor's capabilities so drastically that it was rarely ever used, especially for in-game graphics. Finally, many developers simply relied on dithering, a simple artist's method of drawing pixels of two similar colors in an alternating, checkerboard-like manner, and relying on the inaccuracy of composite or RF video signals to blend the colors together into a third color. On a side note, this same method could be used to make a fake transparency just by leaving every other pixel blank. The programming trick which many mistakenly believe can be used to display extra colors on the Mega-CD is called HAM, or Hold And Modify. This complicated trick was used with the Commodore Amiga line of computers with the same goal of raising the on-screen color limit. However, the Amiga could also use raster effects, and this is where the confusion most likely started. At some point, it was probably said that a trick similar to one used on the Amiga could be used with the Mega-CD to display extra colors on-screen. Since people knew there was a trick to get extra colors out of the Amiga called HAM, they may have then assumed that the Mega-CD could use HAM as well. However, the Mega-CD has no support for this or a similar function at all whereas the Amiga's graphic chip was designed for it. Controversy On October 15, 1992, the system received one of the most controversal titles of all time, Night Trap, developed by Digital Pictures. The game was a FMV title, and starred a young Dana Plato as one of a group of young girls having a slumber party in a house whose family were secretly vampires. The action consisted of playing the part of a 'security guard' and watching cameras inside the house. The player has control over various traps in the house, and when 'Augers' (men in black outfits) threatened one or more of the girls, the player has to time the springing of the trap to successfully trap the 'Auger.' The title received widespread criticism (and controversy) due to several scenes where the girls could be seen in skimpy clothing/underwear, in addition to the violence. This lead many public figures to condemn the game and demanded it be pulled off store shelves. Along with Mortal Kombat, Night Trap led to the formation of the ESRB. On December 16, 1993 the game was pulled, and the offending scenes edited out, the game was then rereleased under the new 'M' rating, for Mature. In reality, the scenes in question were not as graphic as they were made out to be (some people were claiming the game featured actual nudity, which it did not.) The game was also released for several other systems, including the PC, 3DO, and even the Sega 32X. Infos from Wikipedia

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CD 32X Sega Unknown

Chihiro Sega Unknown

Computer 3000 Sega Unknown

Dreamcast Sega Console 1998

The Sega Dreamcast was released back on November 27, 1998 in Japan, September 9, 1999 in November and finally 1999 in Europe. It is also the final console that Sega released with no successors afterwards. After the setback Sega had with the Saturn system such as high production costs and very complex hardware they decided to take a different approach. The outcome of this decision was a console that was designed to be much more intelligent with subsystems working in parallel. The console was originally very successful as the U.S launch was highly backed by a large marketing campaign but interest in the console rapidly declined once Sony started to build the hype for their upcoming console. There were many factors to why Sega exited the console market but the Dreamcast was one of the leading issues with failing to meet sales expectations and the rise in tough competition such as the Playstation 2, Xbox and Nintendo’s latest console. Even though it had such as short lifespan and very limited support the console was still praised as being ahead of its time. There were some pretty awesome games that were released for the Sega Dreamcast just to name a few Crazy Taxi, Shenmue, Jet Set Radio and as well of some great high quality ports from the Naomi arcade system board.

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Game 1000 Sega Console 1983

The SG-1000 or Sega Game 1000 is a cartridge based video game console manufactured by Sega. This console marked Sega’s very first entry into the home hardware video game market and was released in 1983. The console cost 15,000 Japenese Yen to buy and was released in several different markets including Japan & Australia. Due to the competition at the time the SG-1000 was released into the markets it was not very successful. Issues such as a poor controller, lack of support for the A/V output, however lessons were learnt and help in the development of the master system. There was a total of 68 standard cartridge releases and 29 Sega cartridge releases with a total of 97. There were several peripherals for the SG-1000 such as keyboards, different controllers, a racing wheel and a few more different peripherals.

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Game Gear Sega Handheld 1990

Generation 4th generation First available JP October 6, 1990 US 1991 EUR 1992 CPU Zilog Z80 Media Cartridge Online service None Units sold 8.65 million Top-selling game Sonic the Hedgehog The Sega Game Gear was a handheld game console and was Sega's response to Nintendo's Game Boy. It was the third commercially available color handheld console, after the Atari Lynx and the Turbo Express. Work began on the console in 1989 under the codename 'Project Mercury', and the system was released in Japan on October 6, 1990. It was released in North America and Europe in 1991 and in Australia in 1992. The launch price was Dollar149.99. Support for the Game Gear was dropped in early 1997. Design and technical features The Game Gear was basically a portable Master System with a lower resolution screen, but allowed for a larger color palette, and therefore potentially better-looking graphics. In addition, it could also produce stereo sound (through headphones) as opposed to the Master System's monaural output, although very few games made use of the stereo capabilities. Unlike the original Game Boy, the system was held in a 'landscape' position, with the controls at the sides, making it less cramped to hold. One of the more famous and unusual peripherals for the Game Gear was the 'TV Tuner Adapter', a device that plugged into the system's cartridge slot, and allowed one to watch TV on the Game Gear's screen. Other add-ons included a magnifying glass to compensate for the relatively small size of the Game Gear's screen, and a rechargeable battery pack. Sega had taken a similar approach when developing the Sega Mega Drive, basing it on Sega's 16-bit arcade hardware. This enabled direct conversion of popular games. Likewise, because of the similarities between the Master System and the Game Gear, it was possible for Master System games to be written directly onto ROMs in Game Gear cartridges. Similarly, an adapter called the 'Master Gear' allowed Master System cartridges to be plugged in and played on the Game Gear. The reverse (playing a Game Gear game on a Master System console) was impossible due to the Game Gear's aforementioned larger color palette. Specifications Main processor: Zilog Z80 (8-bit) Processor speed: 3.58 MHz (same as NTSC dot clock) Resolution: 160 x 144 pixels Colors available: 4,096 Colors on screen: 32 Maximum sprites: 64 Sprite size: 8x8 or 8x16 Screen size: 3.2 inches (81 mm) Audio: 3 square wave generators, 1 noise generator, mono RAM: 24 KB Batteries: 6 AA Emulation As of 2006, emulators for Game Gear have been made for the GP2X, GP32, Game Boy Advance, Nintendo DS, Symbian, Windows Mobile,Ipod, PC and the PlayStation Portable, which use less power, fewer batteries and a smaller form factor along with emulation through software. Sales history and Game Boy rivalry The Game Gear was not very popular in Japan, where it was released to a generally apathetic audience, with build quality issues plaguing it early in its service life. Another problem was battery life; while better than earlier color backlit systems, its 5 hour battery life (using alkaline batteries) still wasn't as good as the Game Boy (due to that system's monochrome screen, lack of a backlight, and less powerful hardware). Battery life was a much bigger issue before handheld systems had built-in rechargeable batteries: gamers needed either a constant supply of six AA batteries, or a rechargeable battery pack that was sold separately. Pricewise, the Game Gear was more expensive than the Game Boy (Dollar149.99, versus Dollar89.95 for the Game Boy). The significantly larger price tag contributed to driving away potential Game Gear buyers. When first launched in America, a memorable TV advertising campaign was used to promote the system as superior to the Game Boy. One commercial featured a dog looking back and forth at both portables, with a narrator saying, 'If you were colorblind and had an IQ of less than twelve, then you wouldn't care which portable you had. Of course, you wouldn't care if you drank from the toilet, either.' An advertisement was shown in black and white, with players milling about aimlessly in a dark void, playing Game Boys. A lone rebel appears with a Game Gear, cuing the narrator's comment of 'The Sega Game Gear: Separates the men from the boys.' Another showed a gamer hitting himself in the head with a rigid, dead squirrel in order to see color on his Game Boy. When the Game Boy began to appear in different colors, Sega's ad ridiculed it by showing the Game Boy disguised in loaves of bread. Another ad from that era featured a professor explaining that though the Game Boy now was available in bright colors, the graphics were still monochrome, and therefore Game Gear was still superior. Although Sega was rather proud of these original marketing campaigns, it may have backfired since many gamers - loyal to their existing Nintendo handhelds - saw the ads as offensive, condescending or even patronizing. Negative advertising may have also been detrimental since it implied that the Game Gear was in second place (as indeed it was). However, less offensive advertising included the phrase SEGA does what Nintendon't, but even that phrase didn't discourage Nintendo fans from buying the Game Boy instead. Although its color backlit screen and ergonomic design made it technically superior to the Game Boy, the Game Gear did not manage to take over a significant share of the market. This can be blamed partly on the perception that it was too bulky, and on its somewhat low battery performance: the device required six AA batteries, and the backlit screen consumed these in approximately five hours (six on the later versions), compared to 10-12 hours of four-AA battery lifespan for the Game Boy. External and rechargeable battery packs were sold to extend the devices' battery life. At that time, rechargeable batteries had strict limitations (e.g. the batteries needed to be discharged before being recharged). Ni-Cd batteries were the mainstream type of rechargeable batteries during that era, and Ni-MH and Li-Ion batteries would not become mainstream until after the Game Gear was phased out. The blue Game Gear sports edition, identical to the standard Game Gear, except in body color, was released in 1993, with the game World Series Baseball. Another specialty edition was a red Coca-Cola-themed Game Gear unit, released to the Japanese market, which came with a game entitled Coca-Cola Kid. However, Sega's biggest problem was that it failed to enlist as many key software developers as Nintendo, so the Game Gear was perceived as lacking as many games. Although it was a moderate success, the Game Gear did not manage to achieve the commercial success that Game Boy did, in that when it went off the market it was not replaced by an immediate successor. The Game Gear, however, did better than other portable systems that tried to compete with the Game Boy, such as the preceding Atari Lynx. The Game Gear did suffer from some of the same key problems that plagued the similar Lynx, though the Sega did somewhat better than Atari due to more titles and a stronger marketing campaign. In the end, the Game Gear gained most of its sales by pushing the Lynx out of the market rather than eating into the Game Boy's dominant share. Support ended in 1997, but Majesco released a core version of the Game Gear in 2000 for a reduced price. The Majesco Core Game Gear differed slightly from the original Game Gear in that it was black and had a purple start button rather than dark grey and a blue start button, the logo on the front of the unit was no longer in color, and it did not support the television tuner accessory. It also had a somewhat better speaker that didn't distort as much when played loudly. It was part of Majesco's strategy of eking profits from products with margins too slim for the original manufacturer to pursue, and was accompanied by Majesco's licensed reissue of several classic Game Gear cartridges. Majesco-reissued cartridges are distinguished by having no plastic case, and a Majesco Sales logo on the label, as well as the current games ratings system, which differs slightly from the one formerly used by Sega. The Majesco logo was not prominent, and these were marketed under the Sega name. The Game Gear was rereleased in a smaller handheld form factor in late 2006. This small handheld device was powered by 3 AAA batteries, had a brighter active matrix screen, and contained 20 Game Gear and Sega Master System games. It was released under several brands including Coleco and PlayPal. Though its sales success has been surpassed by the Sony PSP, the Game Gear is still the longest supported handheld console not made by Nintendo to date. Infos from Wikipedia

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Genesis Sega Console 1988

The Sega Genesis or also known as the Mega Drive outside of North America is a console that was developed and sold by Sega. It is also the successor the Master System console. Like most of Sega’s consoles this again didn’t go to well against the two competitors the NES and the NEC’s PC Engine. It still however was able to achieve success in North America and Europe. The huge game library was one of the factors that helped the console sell well. The Sega Genesis boasted a game library of over 900 games these were developed by Sega and also a wide range of third party publishers. The games came in form of a ROM based cartridge. The console featured games such as Sonic the Hedgehog, Disney’s Aladdin, Mortal Kombat and many more classics that we know and love. There were a number of peripherals released for the consoles such as a light gun, a mouse, a foam covered bat and many more extra items to add extra functionality to the console. At the end of 1994 when the newer 32bit bit consoles were released the console became obsolete very fast. By the time the Sega Genesis was discontinued it had sold an estimated 40 million units. The Sega Genesis still maintains a strong fan base with people collecting the old consoles and games. As well as people turning to emulators to replay some of the classics they grew up with.

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Hikaru Sega Arcade 1999

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Lindbergh Sega Unknown

MD-2 Sega Unknown 1993 (Japan) 1994 (Europe)

The Mega Drive II is basically just a re-designed <a href="computer.asp?st=2&amp;c=1247">Mega Drive</a>. The Mega Drive II was much smaller and squarer then the original Mega Drive. It did not have the headphone jack, volume control or RF TV output. The A/V port changed to a custom multi out port that now provided stereo sound to T.V's (previously only mono was output by the Mega Drive, the headphone jack had to be used for stereo sound). The power lead port was made smaller and a different AC adapter was used. Finaly the power switch was changed to a push button. Both the original Mega Drive and the Mega Drive II could be connected to a Sega CD and 32X add-ons. The Mega CD was even remodeled to better fit the Mega Drive II. A specific version of the Mega Adapter/Master System Converter was also designed. ________ <font color="#666666">Adapted from Miles Mason's Genesis 2/Megadrive II text</font>

Mark III & Master System Sega Console 1985

The Sega Master System or also known as the Master System is the third generation console that was developed and manufactured by Sega. Originally being released back in 1985 as the Sega Mark III in Japan was later redesigned for the North American launch in 1986. Both the newer older versions of the console could play the cartridges and also the credit card sized “Sega Cards”. These cards retailed at lower prices than cartridges but had a drawback of having less memory then a cartridge. The Sega cards were eventually dropped because their very small memory limit. (Only 256 Kbit) The system had superior hardware when it was compared to NES containing twice as much memory. The CPU also ran at a much faster pace but this wasn’t enough to stop the NES and its strong franchise lines from outdoing them in sales.There was a few accessories developed for the system such as 3D glasses and a light gun both being designed to work with a range of specially developed games. The console faced strong competition from Nintendo with the Sega Master System only selling about 10-13 million units over its life time which is far less than the NES that sold over 62 million. The game library was criticised of being too small and needed to be more substantial. The Master System did feature the Sega’s flagship character at the time (The Alex Kidd franchise). Other games such as Street Fighter II and Dynamite Headdy were also released for the system.

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Mega CD Sega Unknown

Mega Drive Sega Console 1988 (Japan), 1990 (Europe)

The Mega Drive launched in 1988 in Japan. Europe had to wait two whole years before they would get the machine. Designed as the replacement for the 8 bit <a href="computer.asp?st=2&amp;c=840">Master System</a>, it originally competed against other 8 bit systems, namely the <a href="computer.asp?st=2&amp;c=866">Famicom/NES</a> and <a href="computer.asp?st=2&amp;c=1231">PC Engine</a>/<a href="computer.asp?st=2&amp;c=1240">TurboGrafx</a>. The Mega Drive had mixed fortunes. In Japan the console was out sold by both the PC Engine and later the <a href="computer.asp?st=2&amp;c=1226">Super Famicom</a>. In Europe on the other hand, the Mega Drive fared considerably better. The practically unheard of TurboGrafx was extremely rare and the Mega Drive was able to outsell the <a href="computer.asp?st=2&amp;c=1226">SNES</a>, finishing the generation in first place. However, the success of the console in Europe, and as the <a href="computer.asp?st=2&amp;c=837">Genesis</a> in the States, may well have contributed to Sega's downfall. Two misjudged add-ons, the 32X and Mega CD put a huge dent in Sega's reputation, one so large that the company would never recover. A redesigned <a href="computer.asp?st=2&amp;c=843">Mega Drive II</a> was released in 1993. The smaller console was cheaper to produce, similar in concept to the <a href="computer.asp?st=2&amp;c=1252">Master System II</a>.

MegaTech Sega Unknown

Model 1 Sega Arcade 1992

The Sega Model 1 is an arcade system board released by Sega in 1992. During development of the system, Sega went to General Electric Aerospace (which would become part of Martin Marietta, later Lockheed Martin) for assistance in creating the 3D hardware. The first game for the system, Virtua Racing was designed to test the viability of the platform and was never intended to be released commercially, but it was such a success internally that Sega did so anyway. However, the high cost of the system meant only six games were ever released; among them the popular fighting game Virtua Fighter. The Model 1 would pave the way for the Model 2, one of the most popular arcade system boards ever developed. Model 1 specifications Main CPU: NEC V60 @ 16 MHz Graphics Coprocessor: Fujitsu TGP MB86233 FPU Sound CPU: Motorola 68000 @ 10 MHz Sound Chip: 2 x Sega 315-5560 Custom 28 channel PCM Sound Timer: Yamaha YM3834 @ 8MHz Display Resolution: 496 x 384 Color Depth: 16-bit Graphical Capabilities: Flat shading, Diffuse reflection, Specular reflection, 2 layers of background scrolling, Alpha blending Geometric performance: 180,000 polygons/sec. Infos from Wikipedia

Model 2 Sega Arcade 1993

The Bondwell 2 was a late CP/M machine, designed and shipped towards the end of the lifecycle of the OS. It is, however, a true portable computer running CP/M, which is quite rare. (info: The Machine A low power Z80 running at 4 MHz (despite the fact that some docs say 2 MHz) 64 KB of DRAM a 4 KB EPROM containing the boot code (2 KB) and character map (2 KB) 16 KB of SRAM for the frame buffer (bitmapped 640x200 = 128000 bits = 16000 bytes) an MSM6255 LCD controller chip driving the Citizen 640x200 LCD panel (no backlight) an 82C51 serial interface controller chip an 82C53 programmable interval timer chip an 82C55 PIO chip for controlling the keyboard, memory banking, and floppy drive controls a discrete chip implementation for the parallel port a TMS2797 FDC controller, software compatible with the FD179x family of FDCs a TEAC FD-35 floppy disk drive (SS/DD, 360 KB capacity) two 6V sealed lead acid batteries, wired in series a switching regulator to produce regulated +12V, +5V, and -13V from the ~12V lead acid battery Beneath the case is a single slot where an expansion cartridge can be plugged in. One such cartridge is the RAMCARD. This contains up to 512 KB of DRAM and a 16 KB or 32 KB EPROM. This extra RAM is configured as a RAM disk, and the EPROM contains code that configures it. In my case, this EPROM had been customized to contain three utility CP/M programs that automatically get installed into the RAM drive. The rear of the machine has a fold-down door exposing three I/O connectors. One is for the serial port, one for the parallel port, and one for an external floppy disk drive. All use non-standard pin-outs to reduce the connectors' sizes. Note that the machine has more (with the RAMCARD, a lot more) than 64 KB of things to address. Three of the 8255 PIO chip pins are used to control memory banking. Memory is split with the upper 32 KB being fixed to always map to 32 KB of the 64 KB on the motherboard. The lower 32 KB of the address space can be mapped to the other 32 KB of motherboard DRAM, or the boot ROM, or the video RAM, or the expansion slot. While the other six bank enables appear on the expansion slot interface, the RAMCARD uses one 32 KB aperture to write to a control register in the RAMCARD to provide more bank bits. Without that second level banking, the RAMCARD would have been limited to 180 KB or so (six banks of 32 KB). The two 6V 3Ah batteries in my machine were dead, long dead. I replaced them both with a single 12V 3.4Ah battery; mechanically it is an identical fit and it was cheaper as well. As was mentioned, the graphics are bitmapped at 640x200. The text is drawn in software by splatting the pixels for the character so the appropriate place in the display RAM. As a result, text output is quite slow. TYPEing a document from the RAM disk on a 4 MHz CPU should tear, but on the BW2, it leaves just about enough time to read the document as it scrolls past. (info:

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Model 3 Sega Arcade 1996

The Sega Model 3 is an arcade system board released by Sega in 1996. It was the final culmination of Sega's partnership with Lockheed Martin, using the company's Real3D division to design the graphical hardware. Upon release, the Model 3 was easily the most powerful arcade system board in existence, capable of over one million polygons per second. The hardware went through several 'steppings,' which increased the clock speed of the CPU, as well as minor changes to the board architecture. Well known Model 3 games include Virtua Fighter 3 (1996), Sega Super GT (1996), Harley-Davidson & L.A. Riders (1997), Sega Bass Fishing (1997), Daytona USA 2 (1998), Sega Rally 2 (1998), and The Ocean Hunter (1998), although it is the rarest of them. Model 3 Specifications Main CPU: IBM PowerPC 603e @ 66, 100, 166 MHz Graphics Chip: 2Ṫ Lockheed Martin Real3D/Pro-1000 Sound CPU : Motorola 68EC000 @ 11.3 MHz Sound chip: 2Ṫ Yamaha SCSP/YMF292-F 128-step DSP, MIDI interface, 64 voices, 4 channel, maximum of 16.5 MB ROM, 64 PCM channels, 16-bit audio, 44.1 kHz sampling rate. Main RAM: 8 MB Audio RAM: 1 MB Graphical capabilities: Texture mapping, trilinear filtering, mipmapping, specular reflection, Gouraud shading, flat shading, anti aliasing, alpha blending, perspective texture mapping, trilinear interpolation, micro texture shading, high-specular Gouraud shading. Geometric performance: Over 1,000,000 polygons/sec, 60 million pixels/sec, 16 million coloured textures/sec. Special effects: Zoning fog, 32 levels of translucency, clipping, model & texture LOD, fade in/out, 4095 moving models. Lighting: Parallel light, 4 light sports, pin-point light. Display resolution: 640x480, Z-buffering, non-interlaced. Infos from Wikipedia

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Naomi Sega Arcade 1998

The Sega NAOMI (New Arcade Operation Machine Idea) is a development of the Sega Dreamcast technology as a basis for an arcade system board. The first NAOMI hardware was demonstrated in 1998 at JAMMA as the successor to the Sega Model 3 hardware. The use of mass produced hardware allowed for a sharp reduction in the cost of complete arcade cabinets. The NAOMI and Dreamcast share the same system-architecture. Both systems use the same Hitachi SH-4 CPU, PowerVR Series 2 GPU (PVR2DC), and Yamaha AICA based sound system. NAOMI packs twice as much system and graphics memory, and 4X as much sound memory. And although the NAOMI and Dreamcast operate at the same speed (clock frequency), multiple NAOMI boards can be 'stacked' together to achieve better graphics performance or a multi-monitor setup. The other key difference between NAOMI and Dreamcast lies in the game-media. The Dreamcast typically loads data from a GD-ROM during a game. NAOMI games either use only solid-state ROMs without a GD-ROM, or else load data from a GD-ROM only once at the start of a game to avoid wear and tear on the hardware. The NAOMI system is capable of storing 168 MB of data. NAOMI boards can be used in special game cabinets (NAOMI Universal Cabinet) where a theoretical maximum of sixteen boards can be used in a parallel processing format. Unlike most hardware platforms in the arcade industry, NAOMI is widely licensed for use by other manufacturers. Games such as Mazan, Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 and Guilty Gear XX are examples of NAOMI-based arcade games that are not Sega products. An offshoot version of the NAOMI hardware is Atomiswave by Sammy Corporation. After nine years of hardware production, and with new game titles coming in 2008 like Melty Blood: Actress Again and Akatsuki Blitzkampf AC, NAOMI is considered to be one of the longest running arcade platforms ever and is comparable in longevity with the Neo-Geo MVS. NAOMI Specifications CPU: Hitachi SH-4 32-bit RISC CPU (200 MHz 360 MIPS / 1.4 GFLOPS) Graphic Engine: PowerVR 2 (PVR2DC) Sound Engine: ARM7 Yamaha AICA 45 MHZ (with internal 32-bit RISC CPU, 64 channel ADPCM) Main Ram: 32 megs Main Memory: 32 MByte Graphic Memory: 16 MByte Sound Memory: 8 MByte Media: ROM Board (maximum size of 172MBytes) / GD-Rom Simultaneous Number of Colors: Approx. 16,770,000 (24bits) Polygons: 2.5 Million polys/sec Rendering Speed: 500 M pixel/sec Additional Features: Bump Mapping, Fog, Alpha Blending, Mip-Mapping, Trilinear filtering, Anti-Aliasing, Environment mapping, and Specular Effects. Infos from Wikipedia

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Naomi 2 Sega Arcade 2000

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Pico Sega Console 1993

The Pico was released in 1993 in Japan and 1994 in America and Europe. In these parts of the world, Pico games were produced until late 1996/ early 1997, In Japan, however, games are still being produced. As of April 2005, 3.4 million Pico consoles and 11.2 million software cartridges had been sold (info: Wikipedia) In 1994, Sega shifted the focus of its game marketing to a much younger age group when it released the Pico 'edutainment' system. It was designed as both a learning tool and gaming platform for kids. With the Pico, Sega planned to introduce video games to a new generation. The Pico console resembled a laptop PC. Sega advertised the Pico as 'the computer that thinks it's a toy.' Inside the console was a stylus called the 'Magic Pen' and a drawing pad. The Pico did not come equipped with its own screen and required a television hook-up. When a child touched the Magic Pen to the drawing pad, pre-rendered characters could be animated or original pictures could be drawn. The Magic Pen aided children in learning how to use a computer mouse. They could also control action on-screen by using the Pico's directional arrow keys like on a real personal computer. Software for the Pico system was called 'Storyware.' It was fashioned like a storybook. The Storyware game cartridges fit into its slot in the top lid of the Pico. As Storyware pages were flipped, the television screen changed and displayed new pictures. Voices, sound effects and music also accompanied the turning of each Storyware page. The Pico system originally retailed for $139 and included one pack-in game. Additional Storyware titles ranged in price from $39.99 to $49.99. Sega recommended the Pico for children between the ages of three and seven. The Storyware selections were aimed at teaching children different lessons like spelling (Adventures in Letter Land), counting (Math Antics with the 101 Dalmatians), reading (The Magic School Bus) music (The Musical Zoo), matching (Ecco Jr.), and coloring (Magic Crayons). Naturally Sega introduced its world famous character, Sonic the Hedgehog into a Pico game. He is the star of Sonic's Gameworld which features thirteen games that teach problem solving. Sega licensed other animated characters such as Mickey Mouse in Mickey's Blast into the Past and the Muppets in The Muppets on the Go to increase the Pico's appeal to children. Most acclaimed games for the Pico system include: Disney's The Lion King: Adventures at Pride Rock, A Year at Pooh Corner, Smart Alex and Smart Alice: Curious Kids and Scholastic's Magic School Bus. (info:

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Prologue 21 Sega Unknown

RingEdge Sega Unknown

RingEdge 2 Sega Unknown

SC-3000 Sega Computer 1983

The SC-3000 was the computer equivalent of the SG-1000 cartridge-based gaming console manufactured by Sega. The SC-3000 sold for Yen 29,800 in 1983 and was marketed as a computer for beginners. Since games were compatible with both the SC-3000 and SG-1000, and since the SC-3000 was also able to run computer applications, it outsold the SG-1000. Users were able to create their own programs and games on the machine. A speech synthesis unit, light pen, and several other third party accessories were also available. The SC-3000H, which originally sold for Yen 33,800, was an upgraded version of the SC-3000 with more RAM and an upgraded keyboard (the original keyboard was of the low-end membrane type). The SC-3000 had an add-on called the SF-7000. The SF-7000 added 64KB of RAM and 8KB ROM, a 3-inch floppy disk drive, a Centronics parallel port, and an RS232 serial port. Infos from Wikipedia

SG-1000 Sega Console 1983

The SG-1000 (also called the Mark I) was Sega's first home console. Although a market test was conducted in 1981, it would be another two years until the SG-1000 received it's full launch, putting it in direct competition with the <a href="computer.asp?st=2&amp;c=866">NES</a>. Sega's arcade background meant that a number of arcade games were converted to the system, most of which were very well done. The graphics and sound may seem primitive today, but this was cutting edge technology back then and the games are still quite playable even now. While Sega marketed the console in Asia, Grandstand took care of overseas sales. The console was available in a number of countries and was popular not only in Japan but also New Zealand and Taiwan, but for some reason it was never released in America. A number of clones of this system were available such as the Othello Multivision and the DINA 2-in-1/Telegames Personal Arcade, which was advertised as a <a href="computer.asp?st=2&amp;c=755">ColecoVision</a> clone but it could also play SG-1000 games, a fact which most owners were unaware of! The SG-1000 was followed by the SG-1000 Mark II, which was released in 1984.

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ST-V Sega Arcade 1994

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Saturn Sega Console 1994

The Sega Saturn is the 5<sup>th</sup> generation console developed and sold by Sega. It was released on November 22, 1994 in Japan, May 11 1995 in North American and July 8, 1995 in Europe. It is the successor the successful Sega Genesis. The North American launch was a surprise launch that caught many of the retailers by surprise as only a few retailers had been told about this. As a result few retailers refused to stock any of Sega’s products. The console boasted a dual-CPU setup with a total of eight processors. The games also were in a CD-ROM format. The Saturn’s game library consisted mostly of the Arcade ports that included games such as Daytona USA, Last Bronx, Die Hard Arcade and many more. In 1998 surprisingly the system had more games than its competitor the Nintendo 64. The Saturn faced many problems in the American marketplace after selling well in Japan. The console was released 4 months prior and faced very shaky sales and to top it off the release of the Nintendo 64 in 1996 basically was the final nail in the coffin, with the SEGA Saturn being discontinued in 1998. The Sega Saturn sold a total of only 9.5 million units worldwide and was considered a commercial failure. As there was a decline in the industry the failure of the Sega Saturn put a lot of financial strain onto the company. This caused departures within the company and for the discontinuation of the system leaving the Western Market without any Sega games for over a year.

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Sawatte Pico Sega Unknown

Super Control Station Sega Unknown

Super Control Station SF-7000 Sega Unknown

System 16 Sega Arcade 1985

The Sega System 16 is an arcade system board released by Sega in 1985. Throughout its lifespan, there would be around forty games released on this hardware, making it one of Sega's most successful hardware designs. It was produced in two variants, the System 16A and System 16B. In order to prevent piracy, as well as illegal bootleg games, many System 16 boards used an encryption system. A Hitachi FD1094 chip, containing the main CPU as well as the decryption key, was used in place of a regular CPU. System 16 specifications Main CPU: Motorola 68000 @ 10 MHz Sound CPU: ZiLOG Z80 @ 4 MHz (5 MHz in System 16B) Sound Chip: Yamaha YM2151 @ 4 MHz (+ NEC uPD7759 ADPCM decoder in System 16B) Display Resolution: 320 x 224 Colors: 4096 Graphical Capabilities: 128 onscreen sprites, 2 tile layers, 1 text layer, 1 sprite layer, sprite scaling. Note only System 16B supports sprite scaling. Infos from Wikipedia

System 32 Sega Unknown

Titan Video Sega Arcade 1995

ST-V (Sega Titan Video game system) was an arcade system board released by Sega in 1995. Unlike existing arcade hardware at the time, the ST-V's hardware was essentially identical to their home console system, the Sega Saturn, with the only difference being that the Saturn used CDs to store games, while the ST-V used cartridges. This allowed for very 'pure' ports from arcade to the console. The majority of ST-V titles were released in Japan only. Being derived from the Saturn hardware, the system was presumably named for the moon Titan, a satellite of Saturn. Games released for the ST-V includes the arcade version of Virtua Fighter Remix, Golden Axe: The Duel and Final Fight Revenge. ST-V Specifications Main CPU: 2x Hitachi SH-2 @ 28.6 MHz in a master/slave configuration Custom Saturn Control Unit (SCU): Fixed-point math coprocessor VPD1: 32-bit Video Display Processor - handles sprite and polygon drawing. Dual 256 KB framebuffers for rotate and scale effects. Texture mapping, Gouraud shading. 512KB texture RAM VDP2: 32-bit background and scroll plane Video Display Processor - transparency effects, shadowing, 5 simultaneous scrolling backgrounds and 2 simultaneous rotating playfields Sound CPU: Motorola 68000 @ 11.45 MHz Sound Chip: Yamaha YM292-F SCSP @ 11.3 MHz Main RAM: 2MB VRAM: 1.54MB Audio RAM: 512KB Infos from Wikipedia

Visual Memory System Sega Unknown

WonderMega Sega Unknown 1992

The Wondermega was released in 1992 as a joint development by Sega and JVC. It is similar to the Multi-Mega, being a combination of a <a href="computer.asp?st=2&amp;c=837">Mega Drive</a> and Mega CD, but with the added ability to function as a karaoke machine and improved sound thanks to JVC's new DSP. The system shipped with four karaoke programs and a compilation CD of four games. Two microphones can be connected to the system so users can sing along with CDs, or, thanks to a button on the machine, the CDs vocals can be muted allowing you to sing with just the music as a backing track. In 1993 the WonderMIDI package was released. This allowed users to connect a MIDI keyboard the Wondermega to create sound effects and music, and included instructional software which could help people learn to play the piano. 1993 also saw a re-release of the system, with several small changes designed to reduce cost.

Seibu Kaihatsu Seibu Kaihatsu Arcade

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SemiCom SemiCom Arcade

Aleck64 Seta Unknown

MZ-2000 Sharp Computer 1978

The Sharp MZ is a series of personal computers sold in Japan and Europe (particularly Germany and Great Britain) by Sharp beginning in 1978. Although commonly believed to stand for 'Microcomputer Z80', the term MZ actually has its roots in the MZ-40K, a home computer kit produced by Sharp in 1980. This was soon followed by the MZ-80K, K2, C, and K2E, all of which were based on Fujitsu's 4-bit MB8843 processor and provided a simple hexadecimal keypad for input. (The MZ-80C, which was sold fully assembled, included a full alphanumeric keyboard.) From the first Z80 processor-based model to the MZ-2200 in 1983, the MZ computers included the PC, monitor, keyboard, and tape-based recorder in a single unit, similar to Commodore's PET series. It was also notable for not including a programming language or operating system in ROM, like the IBM PC. This allowed a host of third-party companies, starting with Hudson Soft, to produce many languages and OSes for the system. In an era when floppy disk drives were too expensive for most home users, the MZ's built-in tape drive was considered faster and more reliable than the drive on competing computers; however, this meant that the MZ series was relatively slow to adopt floppy drives as a standard accessory. Infos from: Wikipedia

MZ-2200 Sharp Computer 1983

The MZ 2200 is basicaly a Sharp MZ 2000 with an optional built-in 3.5" floppy disk drive and no buil-in monitor.

MZ-2500 Sharp Computer 1978

The Sharp MZ is a series of personal computers sold in Japan and Europe (particularly Germany and Great Britain) by Sharp beginning in 1978. Although commonly believed to stand for 'Microcomputer Z80', the term MZ actually has its roots in the MZ-40K, a home computer kit produced by Sharp in 1980. This was soon followed by the MZ-80K, K2, C, and K2E, all of which were based on Fujitsu's 4-bit MB8843 processor and provided a simple hexadecimal keypad for input. (The MZ-80C, which was sold fully assembled, included a full alphanumeric keyboard.) From the first Z80 processor-based model to the MZ-2200 in 1983, the MZ computers included the PC, monitor, keyboard, and tape-based recorder in a single unit, similar to Commodore's PET series. It was also notable for not including a programming language or operating system in ROM, like the IBM PC. This allowed a host of third-party companies, starting with Hudson Soft, to produce many languages and OSes for the system. In an era when floppy disk drives were too expensive for most home users, the MZ's built-in tape drive was considered faster and more reliable than the drive on competing computers; however, this meant that the MZ series was relatively slow to adopt floppy drives as a standard accessory. Infos from: Wikipedia

MZ-700 Sharp Computer 1983

The Sharp MZ 700 series replaced the aging MZ 80 (<a href="computer.asp?c=174">MZ 80K</a>, <a href="computer.asp?c=172">MZ 80A</a> and <a href="computer.asp?c=173">MZ 80B</a>) series. Moreover, the MZ 700 was compatible with the MZ 80K and MZ 80A. The MZ 700 series is composed of four machines: the first three models were launched in 1983 (November 1982 in Japan) and the last one was launched in late 1985 (in fact, this one is the "ancestor" of the MZ 800): - the <b>MZ 711</b> was the "naked" model (without any peripheral), - the <b>MZ 721</b>, has an integrated tape recorder - the <b>MZ 731</b>, has built-in plotter and tape recorder). - the fourth model was the <b>MZ 780</b> which was actually a MZ 731 with a 80 columns card, a floppy disk drive and a Centronics port. It worked under CP/M. There was no language in ROM (the ROM size is only 2 KB, it is just used for boot and OS calls), it has to be loaded from tape. So there was a lot of languages adapted for this machine (more than five versions of BASIC, assemblers, Pascal, Lisp, C, Fortran, Comal, Forth, &amp; others). The games were a bit poor because of the low resolution (which was actually graphical characters), but there were 512 graphic characters in ROM, which can be used to offset it (sort of). It will be replaced with the <a href="computer.asp?c=208">MZ 800</a>.

MZ-800 Sharp Computer

MZ-80B Sharp Computer 1981

As the German magazine "mc" reported in its January 1981 first edition, the MZ-80B was shown first on the German Hannover show, in April 1981. The MZ-80B was one of the nicer, if not the nicer, and well designed home computer ever built. It also featured an innovative 'Intelligent' cassette deck which was able to find and load a program anywhere in the cassette tape. All the cassette functions were remote controlled by software. The MZ-80B was compatible with the other MZ 80x computers (<a href="computer.asp?c=172">Sharp MZ 80A</a>, <a href="computer.asp?c=174">Sharp MZ 80K</a>), but unlike these ones, it was possible to have high graphic resolution thanks to one or two optional boards which provided one or two switchable graphic pages. This computer, like all the computers of the Sharp MZ series, had no language in ROM, Basic (or any other language) had to be loaded from tape.

PC-G850, PC-G815 & E200 Sharp Unknown

Wizard Sharp Unknown

X1 Sharp Computer 1982

The X1 is a series of home computer released by Sharp Corporation from 1982 to 1988. It was based on a Z80 CPU. Despite the fact that the Computer Division of Sharp Corporation had released the MZ series, suddenly the Television Division released a new computer series called the X1. At the time the original X1 was released, all other home computers generally had a BASIC language in ROM. However the X1 did not have a BASIC ROM, and it had to load the interpreter from a cassette tape. On the plus side however, this concept meant that a free RAM area was available that was as big as possible when not using BASIC. This policy was originally copied from the Sharp MZ series, and they were called clean computers in Japan. The cabinet shape of X1 was also much more stylish than others at that time and a range of cabinet colors (including Red) was selectable. The RGB display monitor for the X1 had a television tuner, and a computer screen could be super-imposed on TV. All the TV functions could be controlled from a computer program. The character font was completely programmable (A.K.A. PCG) with 4bit color, and it was effectively used into a lot of games. The entirety of the VRAM memory was mapped on to the I/O area, so it was controlled without bank change. Since X1 had these features, it was very powerful for game software. While X1 was struggling to sell, the PC8801 (from NEC) was quickly becoming popular in the Japanese market. In 1984, Sharp released the X1 turbo series with high resolution graphics (640x400, while X1 had 640x200). It had a lot of improvements, but the clock speed was still only 4MHz. In 1986, Sharp released the X1 turbo Z series with a 4096 color analog RGB monitor. An X1 twin, which had a PC-Engine in the cabinet, was finally released as the last machine of the X1 series in 1987. Then this series was succeeded by the X68000 series. Technical Info: Name X1 (CZ-800C) Manufacturer Sharp Type Home Computer Origin Japan Year 1982 Keyboard Full-stroke keyboard CPU Sharp Z80 A Speed 4 MHz RAM 64 KB Virtual RAM 4 KB (up to 48 KB) ROM 6 KB Text Modes 40 / 80 x 25 Graphic Modes 320 x 200 / 640 x 200 Colours 8 Sound 3 voices PSG I/O Ports 2 x I/O ports 2 x Joysticks (Atari) Audio out Keyboard Printer Built in media Tape OS CP/M Power Supply Built-in PSU Price Yen 155,000 Infos from: Wikipedia

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X1 Turbo Sharp Computer 1984

The Turbo serie was launched simultaneously with the <a href="computer.asp?c=313">X1 serie</a>. The X1 Turbo has enhanced graphic features. It also has additional hardware compared to the X1 serie: DMAC, CTC and SIO as standard. CTC &amp; SIO can be however implemented on X1 serie through additional FM sound board or Mouse/Rs-232C board. But DMAC can not. Turbo series has a special "KANJI" V-RAM, compared to X1 series which has only one way to display "KANJI" symbols, a heavy task for the Z80A: to display 1 "KANJI" character, 96 bytes of data are transfered to the V-RAM. As opposed, Turbo series just send 3 bytes of data (2 bytes for shift JIS code, and another 1 byte for attribute) to the "KANJI" V-RAM. Among the 8-bit systems, only the X1 Turbo serie and MZ-2500 have this special V-RAM. The access time is almost null, compared to the X1's V-RAM which is slower. In the same way, it takes from 2 to 8 seconds to define P.C.G (user generated characters, similar to sprites) with the X1 serie, while it takes only 0.5 seconds with the Turbo serie. The <a href="computer.asp?c=416">MZ-2500</a> is also equiped with this feature. There were in fact three models: - Model 10: built-in tape recorder, no KANJI ROM, only 48 KB V-RAM (additional 48 KB available as an option), - Model 20: one 5.25" disk drive instead of the tape recorder, - Model 30: two 5.25" disk drives

X68000 Sharp Computer 1987

The Sharp X68000, often referred to as the X68k, was a home computer released only in Japan by the Sharp Corporation. The first model was released in 1987, with a 10 MHz Motorola 68000 CPU, 1 MB of RAM and no hard drive; the last model was released in 1993 with a 25 MHz Motorola 68030 CPU, 4 MB of RAM and optional 80 MB SCSI hard drive. RAM in these systems was expandable to 12 MB though most games and applications didn't require more than two. Operating System The X68k ran an operating system developed for Sharp by Hudson, called Human68k, which features commands very similar to those in MS-DOS (typed in English). Pre-2.0 versions of the OS had command line output only for common utilities like 'format' and 'switch' while later versions included forms-based versions of these utilities, greatly improving their usability. At least three major versions of the OS were released, with several updates in between. Other operating systems available include NetBSD for X68030 and OS-9. Early models had a GUI called 'VS'; later ones were packaged with SX-WINDOW (not to be confused with Microsoft Windows, whose interface is very different). A third GUI called Ko-Windows existed; its interface was similar to Motif. These GUI shells could be booted from floppy disk or the system's hard drive. Most games also booted and ran from floppy disk; some were hard disk installable and others require hard disk installation. Since the system's release, Human68k, console, and SX-Window C compiler suites and BIOS ROMs have been released as public domain and are freely available for download. Case Design The X68000 featured two soft-eject 5.25' floppy drives, or in some of the compact models, two 3.5' floppy drives, and a very distinct case design of two connected towers, divided by a retractable carrying handle. This system was also one of the first to feature a software-controlled power switch; pressing the switch would signal the system's software to save and shutdown, similar to the ATX design of modern PC's. The screen would fade to black and sound would fade to silence before the system turned off. The system's keyboard, although rather poorly designed overall, had a mouse port built into either side. The front of the computer had a headphone jack, volume control, joystick, keyboard and mouse ports. The top had a retractable carrying handle (only on non-Compact models), a reset button, and a Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI) button. The rear had a plethora of ports, including stereoscopic output, FDD and HDD expansion ports, and I/O board expansion slots. Display The monitor supported 15 and 31 kHz with up to 65,535 colors and functioned as a cable-ready television (NTSC-J standard) with composite video input. It was an excellent monitor for playing JAMMA compatible arcade boards due to its analog RGB input and standard-resolution refresh timing. Disk I/O Early machines used the rare Shugart Associates System Interface (SASI) as their hard disk interface; later versions adopted the industry-standard small computer system interface (SCSI). Per the hardware's capability, formatted SASI drives could be 10, 20 or 30 megabytes in size and could be logically partitoned as well. Floppy disks came in a couple of different formats, none of which are natively readable on other platforms, though software exists that can read and write these disks on a DOS or Windows 98 PC. Expansion Many add-on cards were released for the system, including networking (Neptune-X), SCSI, memory upgrades, CPU enhancements (JUPITER-X 68040/060 accelerator), and MIDI I/O boards. The system has two joystick ports, both 9-pin male and supporting Atari standard joysticks. MSX controllers work natively and Super NES controllers could be used in conjunction with the adapter that came with Super Street Fighter 2. Arcade at home Hardware-wise, it was very similar to arcade hardware of the time. It supported separate text RAM, graphic RAM and hardware sprites. Sound was produced internally via Yamaha's then top-of-the-line YM2151 FM synthesizer and a single channel OKI MSM6258V for PCM. Due to this and other similarities it played host to many arcade game ports in its day. Games made for this system included Parodius Da! -Shinwa kara Owarai e-, Final Fight, Street Fighter 2, Ghosts 'n Goblins, a port of Akumajo Dracula (Castlevania in other regions, the X68000 version being remade for Sony PlayStation as Castlevania Chronicles), and many others. Many games also supported the Roland SC-55 and MT-32 MIDI modules for sound as well as mixed-mode internal/external output. Infos from Wikipedia

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PC-D Siemens Unknown

PC-X Siemens Unknown

PC200 Sinclair Computer 1988

The Sinclair PC 200 was one of the last computers built under the Sinclair brand (along with the PC-500). In fact it was not a Sinclair at all, but a desktop version of the <a href="computer.asp?c=195">Amstrad PPC-512</a>. The case bore a striking resemblance to the <a href="computer.asp?c=20">Atari 520 ST</a> case. It had a built-in 3.5" floppy drive on the right and mouse and joystick ports under the keyboard. And indeed the PC-200 was officially marketed as an Atari 520-ST competitor : same price, same disk drive, same memory (512k) and same design. But compared to the Amiga and 520-ST, the PC-200 looked like a naked pea, even for an IBM compatible. Its two ISA slots were not enough to reasonably expand the system. Standard IBM expansion cards were nearly twice the height of the computer, thus the computer needed to be opened permanently! In 1988, the MDA and CGA graphic modes were quite obsolete as most PC systems had adopted the more convenient EGA mode. An interesting feature of the PC-200 was a TV output socket at the rear of the system, quite rare for a PC compatible system. It shows that Amstrad wanted to market the PC-200 as a low-range PC compatible system for the whole family. At the same time, Amstrad presented the PC 20, which was in fact the same computer as the Sinclair PC 200 except for the color of the case (black for the Sinclair, white for the Amstrad) and the TV output (not implemented on the PC-20). <b>Angus WR Gullivers</b> reports to us : <font color="#666666">The Sinclair PC200 had absolutely no success, it bombed and was withdrawn very quickly from the market. It was advertised for only about 3 months. It was released to poor reviews because of its lack of expansion possibilities and use of CGA graphics when EGA and VGA were already available.</font>

QL Sinclair Computer 1986

The Sinclair QL (for Quantum Leap), was a personal computer launched by Sinclair Research in 1984, as the successor to the ZX Spectrum. The QL was aimed at the hobbyist and small business markets, but failed to achieve commercial success. QL rear viewThe QL was originally conceived in 1981 under the code-name ZX83, as a portable computer for business users, with a built-in flat-screen CRT display, printer and modem. As development progressed, and ZX83 became ZX84, it eventually became clear that the portability features were over-ambitious and the specification was reduced to a conventional desktop configuration. Based on a Motorola 68008 processor clocked at 7.5 MHz, the QL included 128 KB of RAM (officially expandable to 640 KB) and could be connected to a monitor or TV for display. Two built-in Microdrive tape-loop cartridge drives (first seen as a peripheral for the ZX Spectrum) provided mass storage, in place of the more expensive floppy disk drives found on similar systems of the era. Interfaces included an expansion slot, ROM cartridge socket, dual RS-232 ports, proprietary QLAN local area network ports, dual joystick ports and an external Microdrive bus. Two video modes were available, 256x256 pixels with 8 RGB colours and per-pixel flashing, or 512x256 pixels with four colours (black, red, green and white). Both screen modes used a 32 KB framebuffer in main memory. The hardware was capable of switching between two different areas of memory for the framebuffer, thus allowing double buffering. However, this would have used 64 KB of the standard machine's 128 KB of RAM and there is no support for this feature in the QL's original firmware. The alternative and much improved operating system Minerva does provide full support for the second framebuffer. Internally, the QL comprised the CPU, two ULAs, (ZX8301 and ZX8302) and an Intel 8049 microcontroller (known as the IPC, or 'Intelligent Peripheral Controller'). The ZX8301 or 'Master Chip' implemented the video display generator and also provided DRAM refresh. The ZX8302, or 'Peripheral Chip', interfaced to the RS-232 ports (transmit only) Microdrives, QLAN ports, real-time clock and the 8049 (via a synchronous serial link). The 8049 (included at late stage in the QL's design, as substitute for a third ULA) acted as a keyboard/joystick controller, RS-232 receive buffer and audio generator. A multitasking operating system, QDOS, primarily designed by Tony Tebby, was included on ROM, as was an advanced BASIC interpreter, named SuperBASIC designed by Jan Jones. The QL was also bundled with an office suite (word processor, spreadsheet, database, and graphics) written by Psion. Sinclair had commissioned GST Computer Systems to produce an operating system for the machine, but switched to QDOS, developed in-house, before launch. GST's OS, designed by Tim Ward, was later made available as 68K/OS, in the form of an add-on ROM card. The tools developed by GST for the QL would later be used on the Atari ST, where GST object format became standard. Physically, the QL was the same black colour as the preceding ZX81 and ZX Spectrum models, but introduced a new angular styling theme and keyboard design which would later be seen in the ZX Spectrum+. History Bundled application software on Microdrive cartridgesThe QL was the first mass-market personal computer based on the Motorola 68000-series processor family. Rushed into production, the QL beat the Apple Macintosh by a month, and the Atari ST by a year. While clock speeds were comparable, the 8-bit databus and cycle stealing of the ZX8301 ULA limited the QL's performance. However, at the time of launch, on January 12, 1984, the QL was far from being ready for production, there being no complete working prototype in existence. Although Sinclair started taking orders immediately, promising delivery within 28 days, first customer deliveries only started, slowly, in April. This provoked much criticism of the company and the attention of the Advertising Standards Authority. Due to its rushed development, the QL was plagued by a number of problems from release, particularly bugs in the QDOS operating system and SuperBASIC which led to multiple releases of the firmware. In addition, early production QLs were shipped with an external 16 KB ROM cartridge (infamously known as the 'kludge' or 'dongle') containing part of the firmware until the QL was redesigned to accommodate the necessary 48 KB of ROM internally, instead of the 32 KB initially specified. The QL also suffered from reliability problems of its Microdrives. These problems were later rectified, by Sinclair engineers, especially on Samsung produced models, as well as by aftermarket firms such as Adman Services and TF Services — to the point where several QL users report their Microdrives working perfectly even after almost 17 years of service (for Samsung QLs) — but in any case much too late to redeem the negative image they had already created. Although the computer was hyped as being advanced for its time, and relatively cheap, it failed to sell well, and UK production was suspended in 1985, due to lack of demand. After Amstrad acquired Sinclair's computer products lines in April 1986, the QL was officially discontinued. Apart from its reliability issues, the target business market was becoming wedded to the IBM PC platform, whilst the majority of ZX Spectrum owners were uninterested in upgrading to a machine which had a minimal library of games. Sinclair's persistence with the non-standard Microdrive and uncomfortable keyboard did not endear it to the business market; coupled with the machine's resemblance to a ZX Spectrum, they led many to perceive the QL as something akin to a toy. Software publishers were also reluctant to support the QL due to the necessity of using Microdrive cartridges as a distribution medium. The ICL connection The QL's CPU, ZX8301 and ZX8302 ULAs and ZX Microdrives also formed the basis of International Computers Limited's (ICL's) One Per Desk (OPD) - also marketed by British Telecom as the Merlin Tonto and by Telecom Australia as the Computerphone. The result of a three-year collaboration between Sinclair Research, ICL and British Telecom, the OPD had the intriguing addition of a telephone handset on one end of the keyboard, and rudimentary Computer-Telephony Integration (CTI) software. This curious machine interested a number of high-profile business customers, including certain divisions of the former UK Customs and Excise Department, but its success was generally limited. In the late eighties they were used in Bingo halls to allow a country wide networked bingo game. Hardware After Amstrad abandoned the QL, several companies previously involved in the QL peripherals market stepped in to fill the void. These included CST and DanSoft, creators of the Thor line of compatible systems; Miracle Systems, creator of the Gold Card and Super Gold Card processor/memory upgrade cards and the QXL PC-based hardware emulator; and Qubbesoft, with the Aurora, the first replacement QL mainboard, featuring enhanced graphics modes. In the late 1990s, two partly QL-compatible motherboards named Q40 and Q60 (collectively referred to as Qx0) were designed by Peter Graf and marketed by D&D Systems. The Q40 and Q60, being based around the 68040 and 68060 CPUs respectively, were much more powerful than the original QL and have the ability among other things (such as multimedia, high resolution graphics, Ethernet networking etc.) to run the Linux operating system. Hardware add-ons are still being produced for the original QL mainly by TF Services who supply various hardware and software upgrades. Software A few patched versions of QDOS were produced, most notably Minerva which gradually evolved into a completely rewritten operating system, offering improved speed, with mulititasking SuperBASIC interpreters. Tony Tebby went on to produce another updated operating system, SMSQ/E, which has continued to be developed for the Sinclair QL and emulators, offering many more features. Infos from: Wikipedia

ZX Microdrive Sinclair Unknown

ZX Spectrum +3 Sinclair Computer 1982

Processor Z80 @ 3.5 MHz and equivalent Memory 16 kB / 48 kB / 128 kB OS Sinclair BASIC The ZX Spectrum is a home computer released in the United Kingdom in 1982 by Sinclair Research Ltd. Originally dubbed the ZX82, the machine was later renamed the ZX Spectrum by Sinclair to highlight the machine's colour display, compared to the black-and-white of its predecessor, the Sinclair ZX81. The Spectrum was the first mainstream audience home computer in the UK, similar in significance to the Commodore 64 in the USA; the C64 was the main rival to the Spectrum in the UK market during the early 1980s. In 1980–1982 the UK Department of Education and Science had begun the Microelectronics Education Programme to introduce microprocessing concepts and educational materials. In 1982 through to 1986, the Department of Industry (DoI) allocated funding to assist UK local education authorities to supply their schools with a range of computers, with the ZX Spectrum proving useful for the control projects. Hardware The Spectrum's hardware was designed by Richard Altwasser of Sinclair Research. Sinclair's industrial designer Rick Dickinson was responsible for the machine's outward appearance. Based on a Zilog Z80A CPU running at 3.5 MHz, the original Spectrum came with either 16 kB or 48 kB of RAM. Both units had 16 kB of ROM. The Spectrum's video output was through an RF modulator and was designed for use with contemporary portable television sets, for a simple colour graphic display. Text could be displayed using 32 columns x 24 rows of characters from the ZX Spectrum character set, with a choice of eight colours at two levels of brightness, which gave 15 shades (black was the same in both modes). The image resolution was 256x192 with the same colour limitations. The Spectrum had an interesting method of handling colour; to save memory, colour 'attributes' were held separately from the pixel bitmap in a 32x24 grid, corresponding to the character cells. An attribute consisted of a foreground and a background colour, a brightness level (normal or bright) and a flashing 'flag' which, when set, caused the two colours to swap at regular intervals. This scheme led to what was called colour clash or attribute clash with some bizarre effects in the animated graphics of arcade style games. This problem became a distinctive feature of the Spectrum and an in-joke among Spectrum users, as well as a point of derision by advocates of other systems. Other machines available around the same time, for example the Amstrad CPC, did not suffer from this problem. The Commodore 64 used colour attributes, but hardware sprites and scrolling were used to avoid attribute clash. Sound output was through a beeper on the machine itself. This was capable of producing one channel with 10 octaves over ten semitones. The machine also included an expansion bus edge connector and audio in/out ports for the connection of a cassette recorder for loading and saving programs and data. The machine's software was written by Steve Vickers on contract from Nine Tiles Ltd, the authors of Sinclair BASIC. The Spectrum's chiclet keyboard (on top of a membrane, similar to calculator keys) was marked with Sinclair BASIC keywords, so that, for example, pressing 'G' when in programming mode would insert the BASIC command GO TO. Models Sinclair Research models The original ZX Spectrum is remembered for its rubber keyboard and diminutive size. It was originally released in 1982 with 16 kB of RAM for Pound 125 or with 48 kB for Pound 175; these prices were later reduced to Pound 99 and Pound 129 respectively. Owners of the 16 kB model could purchase an internal 32 kB RAM upgrade, which for early 'Issue 1' machines consisted of a daughterboard. Later issue machines required the fitting of 8 dynamic RAM chips and a few TTL chips. Users could mail their 16K Spectrums to Sinclair to be upgraded to 48 kB versions. To reduce the price, the 32 kB extension used eight faulty 64 kilobit chips with only one half of their capacity working and/or available. External 32 kB RAMpacks that mounted in the rear expansion slot were also available from third parties. Both machines had 16kB of onboard ROM. Planning of the ZX Spectrum+ started in June 1984, and was released in October the same year. This 48 kB Spectrum (development code-name TB) introduced a new QL-style enclosure with a much needed injection-moulded keyboard and a reset button, retailing for Pound 179.95. A DIY conversion-kit for older machines was also available. Early on, the machine outsold the rubber-key model 2:1; however, some retailers reported very high failure rates. Sinclair developed the ZX Spectrum 128 (code-named Derby) in conjunction with their Spanish distributor Investrónica. Investrónica had helped adapt the ZX Spectrum+ to the Spanish market after the Spanish government introduced a special tax on all computers with 64 kB RAM or less which did not support the Spanish alphabet (including ñ) and show messages in Spanish. New features included 128 kB RAM, three-channel audio via the AY-3-8912 chip, MIDI compatibility, an RS-232 serial port, an RGB monitor port, 32 kB of ROM including an improved BASIC editor and an external keypad. The machine was simultaneously presented for the first time and launched in September 1985 at the SIMO '85 trade show in Spain, with a price of 44.250 pesetas. Because of the large amount of unsold Spectrum+ models, Sinclair decided not to start selling in the UK until January 1986 at a price of Pound 179.95. No external keypad was available for the UK release, although the ROM routines to utilise it and the port itself, which was hastily renamed 'AUX', remained. The Z80 processor used in the Spectrum has a 16-bit address bus, which means only 64 kB of memory can be directly addressed. To facilitate the extra 80 kB of RAM the designers utilised bank switching so that the new memory would be available as eight pages of 16 kB at the top of the address space. The same technique was also used to page between the new 16 kB editor ROM and the original 16 kB BASIC ROM at the bottom of the address space. The new sound chip and MIDI out abilities were exposed to the BASIC programming language with the command PLAY and a new command SPECTRUM was added to switch the machine into 48K mode. To enable BASIC programmers to access the additional memory, a RAM disk was created where files could be stored in the additional 80 kB of RAM. The new commands took the place of two existing user-defined-character spaces causing compatibility problems with some BASIC programs. The Spanish version had the '128K' logo (right, bottom of the computer) in white colour while the English one had the same logo in red colour. Amstrad models The ZX Spectrum +2 was Amstrad's first Spectrum, coming shortly after their purchase of the Spectrum range and 'Sinclair' brand in 1986. The machine featured an all-new grey enclosure featuring a spring-loaded keyboard, dual joystick ports, and a built-in cassette recorder dubbed the 'Datacorder' (like the Amstrad CPC 464), but was (in all user-visible respects) otherwise identical to the ZX Spectrum 128. Production costs had been reduced and the retail price dropped to Pound 139–Pound 149. The new keyboard did not include the BASIC keyword markings that were found on earlier Spectrums, except for the keywords LOAD, CODE and RUN which were useful for loading software. However, the layout remained identical to that of the 128. The ZX Spectrum +3 looked similar to the +2 but featured a built-in 3-inch floppy disk drive (like the Amstrad CPC 6128) instead of the tape drive, and was in a black case. It was launched in 1987, initially retailed for Pound 249 and then later Pound 199 and was the only Spectrum capable of running the CP/M operating system without additional hardware. The +3 saw the addition of two more 16 kB ROMs, now physically implemented as two 32 kB chips. One was home to the second part of the reorganised 128 ROM and the other hosted the +3's disk operating system. This was a modified version of Amstrad's AMSDOS, called +3DOS. To facilitate the new ROMs and CP/M, the bank-switching was further improved, allowing the ROM to be paged out for another 16 kB of RAM. Such core changes brought incompatibilities: * Removal of several lines on the expansion bus edge connector (video, power, ROMCS and IORQGE); caused many external devices problems; some such as the VTX5000 modem could be used via the 'FixIt' device * Reading a non-existent I/O port no longer returned the last attribute; caused some games such as Arkanoid to be unplayable * Memory timing changes; some of the RAM banks were now contended causing high-speed colour-changing effects to fail * The keypad scanning routines from the ROM were removed Some older 48K, and a few older 128K, games were incompatible with the machine. The +3 was the final official model of the Spectrum to be manufactured, remaining in production until December 1990. Although still accounting for one third of all home computer sales at the time, production of the model was ceased by Amstrad in an attempt to transfer customers to their CPC range. The ZX Spectrum +2A was produced to homogenise Amstrad's range in 1987. Although the case reads 'ZX Spectrum +2', the +2A/B is easily distinguishable from the original +2 as the case was restored to the standard Spectrum black. The +2A was derived from Amstrad's +3 4.1 ROM model, using a new motherboard which vastly reduced the chip count, integrating many of them into a new ASIC. The +2A replaced the +3's disk drive and associated hardware with a tape drive, as in the original +2. Originally, Amstrad planned to introduce an additional disk interface, but this never appeared. If an external disk drive was added, the '+2A' on the system OS menu would change to a +3. As with the ZX Spectrum +3, some older 48K, and a few older 128K, games were incompatible with the machine. The ZX Spectrum +2B signified a manufacturing move from Hong Kong to Taiwan later in 1987. Clones Sinclair licensed the Spectrum design to Timex Corporation in the United States. An enhanced version of the Spectrum with better sound, graphics and other modifications was marketed in the USA by Timex as the Timex Sinclair 2068. Timex's derivatives were largely incompatible with Sinclair systems. However, some of the Timex innovations were later adopted by Sinclair Research. A case in point was the abortive Pandora portable Spectrum, whose ULA had the high resolution video mode pioneered in the TS2068. Pandora had a flat-screen monitor and Microdrives and was intended to be Sinclair's business portable until Alan Sugar bought the computer side of Sinclair, when he took one look at it and ditched it (a conversation with UK computer journalist Guy Kewney went thus: AS: 'Have you seen it?' GK: 'Yes' AS: 'Well then.'). In the UK, Spectrum peripheral vendor Miles Gordon Technology (MGT) released the SAM Coupé as a potential successor with some Spectrum compatibility. However, by this point, the Commodore Amiga and Atari ST had taken hold of the market, leaving MGT in eventual receivership. Many unofficial Spectrum clones were produced, especially in Eastern Bloc nations and South America (e.g. Microdigital TK 90X). In Russia for example, ZX Spectrum clones were assembled by thousands of small start-ups and distributed though poster ads and street stalls. Over 50 such clone models existed. Some of them are still being produced, such as the Sprinter and ATM Turbo. In India, Decibells Electronics introduced a licensed version of the Spectrum+ in 1986. Dubbed the 'db Spectrum+', it did reasonably well in the Indian market and sold quite a few thousands before the market slowly died away by 1990 or so. Peripherals Several peripherals for the Spectrum were marketed by Sinclair: the ZX Printer was already on the market, as the ZX Spectrum expansion bus was backwards-compatible with that of the ZX81. The ZX Interface 1 add-on module included 8 kB of ROM, an RS-232 serial port, a proprietary LAN interface (called ZX Net), and an interface for the connection of up to eight ZX Microdrives — somewhat unreliable but speedy tape-loop cartridge storage devices released in July 1983. These were later used in a revised version on the Sinclair QL, whose storage format was electrically compatible but logically incompatible with the Spectrum's. Sinclair also released the ZX Interface 2 which added two joystick ports and a ROM cartridge port. There were also a plethora of third-party hardware addons. The better known of these included the Kempston joystick interface, the Morex Peripherals Centronics/RS-232 interface, the Currah Microspeech unit (speech synthesis), Videoface Digitiser, RAM pack, and Cheetah Marketing SpecDrum (Drum machine), and the Multiface (snapshot and disassembly tool), from Romantic Robot. There were numerous disk drive interfaces, including the Abbeydale Designers/Watford Electronics SPDOS, Abbeydale Designers/Kempston KDOS and Opus Discovery. The SPDOS and KDOS interfaces were the first to come bundled with Office productivity software (Tasword Word Processor, Masterfile database and OmniCalc spreadsheet). This bundle, together with OCP's Stock Control, Finance and Payroll systems, introduced many small businesses to a streamlined, computerised operation. The most popular floppy disk systems (except in East Europe) were the DISCiPLE and +D systems released by Miles Gordon Technology in 1987 and 1988 respectively. Both systems had the ability to store memory images onto disk snapshots could later be used to restore the Spectrum to its exact previous state. They were also both compatible with the Microdrive command syntax, which made porting existing software much simpler. During the mid-1980s, the company Micronet800 launched a service allowing users to connect their ZX Spectrums to a network known as Micronet hosted by Prestel. This service had some similarities to the Internet, but was proprietary and fee-based. Software The Spectrum enjoys a vibrant, dedicated fan-base. Since it was cheap and simple to learn to use and program, the Spectrum was the starting point for many programmers and technophiles who remember it with nostalgia. The hardware limitations of the Spectrum imposed a special level of creativity on game designers, and for this reason, many Spectrum games are very creative and playable even by today's standards. The early Spectrum models' great success as a games platform came in spite of its lack of built-in joystick ports, primitive sound generation, and colour support that was optimised for text display. The Spectrum family enjoys a very large software library of more than 14,000 titles. While the majority of these were games, its software library was very diverse, including programming language implementations, databases (eg VU-File), word processors (eg Tasword II), spreadsheets (eg VU-Calc), drawing and painting tools (eg OCP Art Studio), and even 3D modelling (eg VU-3D). Distribution Most Spectrum software was originally distributed on audio cassette tapes. The Spectrum was intended to work with almost any cassette tape player, and despite differences in audio reproduction fidelity, the software loading process was quite reliable. While the ZX Microdrive quickly became quite popular with the Spectrum user base due to the low cost of the drives, the actual media was very expensive for software publishers to use for mass market releases (by a factor of 10x compared to tape duplication). Furthermore, the cartridges themselves acquired a reputation for unreliability, and publishers were reluctant to QA each and every item shipped. Hence the main use became to complement tape releases, usually utilities and niche products like the Tasword word processing software and the aforementioned Trans Express. No games are known to be exclusively released on Microdrive. Despite the popularity of the DISCiPLE and +D systems, most software released for them took the form of utility software. The ZX Spectrum +3 enjoyed much more success when it came to commercial software releases on floppy disk. More than 700 titles were released on 3-inch disk from 1987 to 1997. Software was also distributed through print media, fan magazines and books. The prevalent language for distribution was the Spectrum's BASIC dialect Sinclair BASIC. The reader would type the software into the computer by hand, run it, and save it to tape for later use. The software distributed in this way was in general simpler and slower than its assembly language counterparts, and lacked graphics. But soon, magazines were printing long lists of checksummed hexadecimal digits with machine code games or tools. There was a vibrant scientific community built around such software, ranging from satellite dish alignment programs to school classroom scheduling programs. Another, unusual, software distribution method was to broadcast the audio stream from the cassette on another medium and have users record it onto an audio cassette themselves. In radio or television shows in e.g. Croatia (Radio 101), Belgrade (Ventilator 202), Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania or Brazil, the host would describe a program, instruct the audience to connect a cassette tape recorder to the radio or TV and then broadcast the program over the airwaves in audio format. Some magazines distributed 7' 33? rpm flexidisc records, a variant of regular vinyl records which could be played on a standard record player. These disks were known as floppy ROMs. Copying and backup software Most copier software available for the Spectrum was designed for copyright infringement of software through tape duplication. Copiers were developed to copy programs from audio tape to microdrive tapes, and later on diskettes. Complex loaders with unusual speeds or encoding were the basis of the Spectrum's copy prevention schemes, although other methods were used including asking for a particular word from the documentation included with the game — often a novella — or another physical device distributed in the software box (e.g. Lenslok). As protection became more complex it was almost impossible to use copiers to copy tapes, and the loaders had to be cracked by hand, to produce unprotected versions. Special hardware such as Romantic Robot's Multiface was able to dump a copy of the ZX Spectrum RAM to disk/tape at the press of a button, entirely circumventing the copy protection systems. Most Spectrum software has been digitized in recent years and is available for download in digital form. One popular program for digitizing Spectrum software is Taper: it allows connecting a cassette tape player to the line in port of a sound card or, through a simple home-built device, to the parallel port of a PC. Once in digital form, the software can be executed on one of many existing emulators, on virtually any platform available today. Today, the largest on-line archive of ZX Spectrum software is World of Spectrum, with more than 12,000 titles. The legality of this practice is still in question. However, it seems unlikely that any action will ever be taken over such so-called abandonware. Notable Spectrum developers A number of current leading games developers and development companies began their careers on the ZX Spectrum, including David Perry of Shiny Entertainment, and Tim and Chris Stamper (founders of Ultimate Play The Game, now known as Rare, maker of many famous titles for Nintendo and Xbox game consoles). Other prominent games developers include Matthew Smith (Manic Miner, Jet Set Willy), Jon Ritman (Match Day, Head Over Heels), Sid Meier (Silent Service), The Oliver Twins (the Dizzy series), Clive Townsend (Saboteur) and Alan Cox. Community The ZX Spectrum enjoyed a very strong community early on. Several dedicated magazines were released including Sinclair User (1982), Your Sinclair (1983) and CRASH (1984). Early on they were very technically oriented with type-in programs and machine code tutorials. Later on they became almost only games oriented. Several general contemporary computer magazines covered the ZX Spectrum in more or less detail. They included Computer Gamer, Computer and Video Games, Computing Today, Popular Computing Weekly, Your Computer and The Games Machine, Sinclair Programs and Sinclair User. Infos from Wikipedia

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ZX-80 Sinclair Computer February 1980

After the modest but encouraging success of the MK-14 (initiation board with hexadecimal keyboard), Sinclair (at the time Sciences of Cambridge) decided to develop a slightly more advanced computer. The ZX-80 is regarded as a pioneer system in micro-computing as at the time the only available computers were kits for hobbyists like the MK-14 or more expensive systems intended for education or research such as the <a href="computer.asp?c=409">Tandy TRS-80</a> or the <a href="computer.asp?c=191">Commodore PET</a>. The ZX-80 inaugurated the transition between the hobbyist world and the consumer electronics by proposing a true computer in its case for less than ?100. Technically, the ZX-80 is not a revolutionary system but is rather the result of a search for economy through the choice of the components, starting with the membrane keyboard, or the RAM memory limited to 1kb. The operating system, the editor and the Basic interpreter fit into the 4kb of the ROM ! The ZX-80 met some success with nearly 70.000 machines sold in less than one year, announcing the future success of the <a href="computer.asp?c=263">ZX-81</a> and at the same time the birth of a new major actor in the micro-computers world : Sinclair Computers Ltd.

ZX-81 Sinclair Computer 1981

The Sinclair ZX81 home computer, released by Sinclair Research in 1981, was the follow up to the company's ZX80. The case was black, with a membrane keyboard; the machine's distinctive appearance was the work of industrial designer Rick Dickinson. Video output, as in the ZX80, was to a television set, and saving and loading programs was via an ordinary home audio tape recorder to audio cassette. Timex Corporation manufactured kits as well as assembled machines for Sinclair Research. In the United States a version with double the RAM and an NTSC television standard was marketed as the 'Timex Sinclair 1000'. General description As with the ZX80, the processor was a NEC Zilog Z80-compatible, running at a clock rate of 3.25 MHz, but the system ROM had grown to 8192 bytes in size, and the BASIC now supported floating point arithmetic. It was an adaptation of the ZX80 ROM by Steve Vickers on contract from Nine Tiles Ltd, the authors of Sinclair BASIC. The new ROM also worked in the ZX80 and Sinclair offered it as an upgrade for the older ZX80 for a while. As suggested, the computer was similar to the ZX80, but was built around a semi-custom Ferranti ULA (Uncommitted Logic Array) instead of TTL logic. The redesigned system board therefore had only four or five ICs: the microprocessor, the ULA, the 8192 bytes ROM, and either one 1024 bytes RAM chip, or two 1024x4 bit RAM chips. A 16-KB RAM pack that plugged into the rear of the ZX81The base system as supplied (in the UK for approximately GBPound 70 fully built and GBPound 50 as a kit requiring soldering , or USDollar100 in the US) had 1 KB (KiB) of RAM. This RAM was used to hold the computer's system variables, the screen image, and any programs and data. The screen was text only, 32 characters wide by 24 high. Blocky graphics with a resolution of 64 by 48 pixels were possible by the use of the PLOT command, which selected among a set of 16 graphics characters. To conserve memory, the screen bytes were stored as minimal length strings: for example, if a screen line was only 12 characters long, it would be stored as only those 12 characters followed by the code for a new line, the rest of the line being automatically assumed to be spaces. Using this knowledge, it was common to write programs that kept to the top left of the screen to save memory. As another memory-saving feature, BASIC keywords were stored as 1-byte tokens. If memory grew short, the number of lines displayed on the TV screen would be reduced. Even with these limitations and quirks, there were many games and applications that ran in the minimalistic 1 KB, including a basic game of Chess. Originally sold via mail order in kit or assembled form, but a later deal with high street retail W.H.Smith saw the ZX81 and all accessories being sold on the high street (ZX81 was Pound 69.99, 16K RAM pack Pound 49.99, Printer Pound 49.99) The ZX81 was used as an analogy in the Comedy cult series Red Dwarf (S05E01 - Psiriens) in exclamation that their ship had survived a collision and crash landing wholly intact 'Starbug was made to last, sir. This old baby has crashed more times than a ZX81' Memory expansions ZX81 interfacesEven with all these space saving measures, the built-in memory of the machine did not go very far, so the ZX 16K RAM (or Timex-Sinclair TS1016) expansion pack was available with 16 KB of RAM (GBPound 49.95 n the UK, USDollar100 in the US). By mid-1982, third-party 32 KB and 64 KB expansion packs were available. These plugged onto the main circuit board expansion bus edge connector (the 16 KB Memopak from Memotech could be 'stacked' with a 16 KB or 32 KB one) and were notorious for their loose and wobbly connection to the main board. A swift nudge or jolt to a powered-on ZX81 with such an expansion pack usually resulted in a computer crash, known as a 'whiteout', and the loss of hours of programming. Enterprising users used Blu Tack and other things to support the 16k RAM Pack so that it did not wobble. Printers and add-ons The optional ZX printer; a simple spark printer using aluminised paper. Timex Sinclair 2040 printer, sold in the U.S. and in Portugal.The Sinclair ZX Printer was also marketed to accompany the ZX81; this was a spark printer (although it was sometimes misleadingly called a 'thermal printer') in which a wire point sparked the dot pattern into 4-inch-wide silvery-grey aluminised paper, accompanied by a distinct odour of ozone. Although there were FCC compliance issues, the ZX Printer was marketed in the US for a limited time, and later the Timex-Sinclair 2040 thermal printer was produced (also available in the UK as the Alphacom 32). There were also a third-party RS-232 serial interface (at Approx.USDollar140) and a Centronics parallel interface (at Approx.USDollar105) that would allow the ZX81 to communicate to a standard printer, as well as a full-sized external keyboard (at Approx.USDollar85). Memopak also produced a programmable RS-232 dongle, as well as 16, 32, & 64 KB RAM expansion dongles. The RS-232 interface was sometimes used to employ the ZX81 as a robotics controller (although a memory expansion pack was required) and it was well suited for this task as it was sufficiently cheap for a sole-use application. A number of companies such as DK'tronics and Fuller (with the FD42) sold a case and keyboard that, with some skill, could be used to replace the membrane keyboard and black 'doorstop' case. Fast and slow In the ZX80 and ZX81, the video output was generated by the Z80 chip. In the ZX80, when a program ran the screen blanked until the program paused again for input. An improvement of the ZX81 over the ZX80 was that the ZX81 had two modes of operation. The ZX81 could run in FAST mode like the ZX80, blanking while programs ran, or in SLOW mode (approximately a quarter as fast) in which the video was maintained since programs only ran during the blank top and bottom border area of the screen. Since a FOR-NEXT loop from 1 to 1000 took 19 seconds, it was common to run the machine in FAST all the time, even when editing a program, causing the TV to flash every time a key was pressed into the editor. Other peculiarities The ZX81 did not have the ability to make sound, but by switching between FAST and SLOW mode in various combinations under the control of a program, it was possible to modulate the interference that the processor caused on the TV and create a VERY simple musical keyboard. The ZX81 did not use ASCII but had its own character set. Character code 0 was space, codes 1–10 were used for blocky graphics, codes 11–63 corresponded to punctuation, numbers and upper case characters. Character codes 128–191 were reverse video versions of the first 64 characters. Other codes represented BASIC keywords and control codes such as NEWLINE. There were no lower case characters. Keys typically served three or four purposes, with some serving five (from a character, a graphic icon, a symbol or input function and up to three BASIC keywords) with the user selecting each via the 'shift' key, Function mode or Graphics modes, with the cursor showing which mode is current. Another trait of the ZX81 was that it echoed the signal from the tape recorder to the screen whilst loading and saving programs using cassettes, causing the TV to display zigzagging patterns. Because the display was generated primarily by software in the ZX81 ROM, it was possible to override the interrupt service routine and generate the display oneself. Several 'hi-res' (meaning, 256x192, rather than 64x48) games did this, notably from a company called Software Farm. There was a notorious bug causing some ZX81s to give the square root of 0.25 as 1.3591409 rather than 0.5. Sinclair's reputation for poor quality control was due less to the existence of the bug in some machines, and more to the time it took to react once the bug had been reported. Conversely, an article in BYTE of the time, comparing mathematical accuracy of several mainstream and much more expensive computers of the time, reflected positively on the ZX81. The BASIC interpreter was fully proprietary, unlike most microcomputers of this era (except the original Apple II) which used a series of similar but incompatible Microsoft BASIC variants. This meant that there was no need to comply with ASCII or any other existing standards. Success and successors The Sinclair ZX81 was sold in the U.S. by Sinclair itself (from its facility in Nashua, New Hampshire) and also by Timex as the Timex Sinclair 1000. The TS1000 shipped with twice as much RAM (2 KB) The ZX81 sold in large numbers, until it was replaced by its greatly upgraded successor, the ZX Spectrum. Technical description The technical means used to implement the display and other parts of ZX81 was quite original — at a time when the entire 'home' class of computers was in its infancy. The system operated as follows: Hardware overview The integrated circuits The ZX81 contains (depending on RAM type) four or five chips; ROM, CPU, SRAM, and a Ferranti Gate array (or ULA – Uncommitted Logic Array). The ROM occupies addresses 0–8191 (but also addresses 8192–16383, due to minimal decoding hardware). The 1 KB (or 2 KB for Timex) SRAM is placed at address 16384 (but repeats up to address 32767). A15 is used for display purposes (see below), and the upper 32 KB memory area is therefore unusable for code execution. It may still be used to store data, such as BASIC programs or large arrays, however. Unless more than 16 KB RAM is installed, this upper 32 KB area is mirroring the lower 32 KB (except for code execution). Character display The computer uses a resizable display-file (screen buffer) meaning that it can be expanded or shrunk depending on the amount of installed memory and the amount of free space at the moment. There is also a completely non-standard (non-ASCII) character set in which codes 0–63 are printable characters and 128–191 the same characters in reverse video. Bit 6 has special meaning here as, under normal circumstances, the only value with bit 6 set that should be written to the display file is 118, which is a NEWLINE (and also the opcode for HALT!). Placing any other byte with bit 6 set into the display-file would cause unexpected results and may cause the machine to crash. The ZX81 has the bitmaps (patterns) of the character set stored in the uppermost 512 bytes of its 8 KB BASIC ROM. Bus multiplexing To reduce the number of ICs, and also enable the use of standard 40-pin package for the ULA, resistors are employed as simple multiplexers, placed in series with the data lines (CPU & ULA on one side, ROM & RAM on the other), allowing the ULA to override data when the CPU reads from memory (see below). There are also resistors in series with address lines A0–A8, separating the ROM and ULA from the CPU (and from any add-on hardware) on those lines; this is used by the ULA to read pixel patterns out of the ROM by overriding address bits A0–A8, while allowing the CPU to control address bits A9–A12 (see below). The Z80 The conversion of the character codes into pixels on the TV screen employs both well known and other Z80-specific capabilities, most notably the use of the R and I registers: The register R is intended as a dynamic RAM refresh counter; during the last part of each opcode fetch, the value of this counter is fed onto the lower portion of the address bus, and the RFSH control signal becomes active. However, also the interrupt vector register, I, is output* during the refresh cycles, but on the upper portion of the address bus. The HALT instruction is also of central importance in the ZX81, it's necessary to know that a halted Z80 executes repeated NOPs until an interrupt occurs, and that these NOPs causes the refresh counter to tick, just as normal NOPs do. * Undocumented by Zilog and other manufacturers (such as NEC) at the time. Keyboard scanning The membrane keyboard is scanned during (and closely coupled to) the vertical retrace interval. The scan pattern is laid out by the upper* eight bits of the unbuffered address bus and read back through five TTL inputs (8x5 = 40). It thus takes eight readings to determine which 'keys' are being pressed. Decoding and debounce are done in software. * This exploits the undocumented feature that (for instance) IN A, (C) actually puts the whole BC register pair on the address bus. TV picture generation The I register is normally set to point to the base of the character set bitmap table in ROM. The refresh counter, R, is used to count the 32 character positions on the screen during each scan line. The program counter, PC (see below), counts actual character codes, which may be less than 32 due to the fact that the display-file is dynamically sized. During each scan line, the CPU enters a HALT state as soon as it encounters the NEWLINE (HALT) that terminates each line of characters in the display-file, and when the R register has counted all 32 positions, a maskable interrupt (INT) is generated to bring the processor out of the HALT state just in time to prepare for another raster line. SLOW mode During the upper and lower blank parts of the screen, the computer executes application code (i.e. BASIC or machine code), but a non-maskable interrupt (or NMI) briefly interrupts even this, once every HSYNC period; a counter is updated by the NMI-routine, so it can decide whether it's time to go back and produce character patterns again. Unfortunately, the use of the SLOW (smooth multitasking mode) slows all other processing by approximately 75 percent compared to the FAST (flickery mode). Executing characters To actually produce a TV raster scan line of 256 pixels, the interrupt routine literally jumps to the start of the currently scanned line of characters in the display file, but with address line A15 set (i.e. 32768 added); the Z80 control line M1 is also active (indicating an opcode-fetch), and this combination is detected by the ULA: The CPU fetches the character codes (as if it were opcodes), enabling the ULA to easily latch the values; by forcing a NOP (all zeros) onto the Z80 data bus after each retrieved byte, the ULA ensures that 'nothing happens' except that the R register keeps track of the character positions on the line, and that the program counter functions as an auto incrementing pointer into the display file. As long as the retrieved data has bit 6 reset (a character), the CPU will continue 'executing' characters (as NOPs), helping the ULA reading character codes out of the display file. When the ULA detects the HALT (bit 6 set), it allows the Z80 to execute it normally; the processor stays halted and executes NOPs until the R-register wraps around to zero and thereby generates an INT — this works because INT is hardwired to A6. This process is repeated eight times for each line of characters, and 192 times for a full TV frame. The ZX81 makes extensive use of rather intricate 'instruction timing', in the ROM program, as well as some small but delicate hardware fixes to fine-tune this system and avoid glitches and jitter in the generated video picture. The interrupts The INT routines are not proper interrupt routines, in that they mostly do not return. Instead, the return address is constantly discarded so that each interrupt can, technically, interrupt the previous without causing stack overflow. Only once every eight scan lines (pixel lines) is the pushed address used, it then points to the next line of characters in the (possibly) irregular display file, directly after the HALT instruction. The NMI interrupt, however, always makes a conventional return to the application code (i.e. the BASIC interpreter or another machine code program) during the greater part of each blank line in the upper and lower parts of the screen (the upper and lower borders). However, when it's time to initiate the character pattern display, it turns the NMI generator off, and transfers control to the INT routines (and vice versa). More details and timing Due to the refresh-mechanism, the Z80 opcode-fetch consists of four clock cycles, which (during generation of eight pixels) are spent as follows: During the first and second (the opcode fetch), the processor attempts to fetch a character code (as if it were an instruction), but the ULA latches the actual data, while forcing a NOP onto the Z80-bus, as described above. During the third and fourth (the DRAM refresh) the ULA composes the address to the actual byte of pixel-data; bits 0–5 of the latched code is fed onto bits 3–8 of the ROM address (selecting one of the 64 different character patterns); the interrupt vector register supplies the base address (bit 9-12), while bits 0–3 comes from a modulo 8 counter (in the ULA) clocked by HSYNC and thereby selecting one of the eight pixel-rows for all characters on a line simultaneously. The byte from the ROM is then fed into a shift-register, controlled by the same 'crystal' as the CPU, and clocked out to the TV set at twice the CPU frequency (8 pixels during the 4 cycle NOP). TV synchronization pulses (HSYNC and VSYNC) are output by the ULA and mixed with the video signal such that white=5V, black=2.5V, and SYNC=0V and fed to the HF-modulator. HSYNC is autonomously generated in hardware, while VSYNC is generated under CPU control in connection with keyboard scanning. Bit 7 from the original character byte is read by the ULA and controls inverse-video on a per-character basis. The video synchronization pulses uses the same individual I/O bit as is used to generate the output for the 250 bit/s cassette recorder interface. This is the reason for the strange patterns displayed on the TV while saving or loading programs. RAM pack & add-ons I/O-addressing The lower eight I/O address bits were used as individual chip selects for individual I/O devices within the ULA. Every lower address bit except that selecting the desired device would therefore have to be one, theoretically allowing up to eight I/O devices. In the standard configuration, the only I/O present (unless the optional external ZX Printer was plugged into the 40-pin bus edge connector) was one bit for the cassette input, one bit for the cassette/video sync output, a five-bit word of input from the keyboard (which resembled a car bumper sticker more than it resembled a proper keypad) and whatever control registers were required to enable the ULA itself for video generation. This meant that not all eight bits were used, allowing some limited room for external expansion. ZX 16K RAM pack The 16K RAM pack tied the RAM-CS line on the 40-pin edge connector to +5V to disable the internal RAM. It used eight 4116 16 K x 1 bit dynamic RAM chips contained in 16-pin dual inline packages (1 data pin and 7 multiplexed address pins with /RAS, /CAS, /WE, and power). These old chips required +12 V, +5 V and -5 V so the RAM pack contained an oscillator and some inductors to convert +5V into the other required voltages as well as circuitry to multiplex the address lines, adding significantly to its internal complexity. The ZX81's internal voltage was regulated by a simple 7805 5V linear regulator attached to a small heatsink. This could became rather warm as the voltage into the 3.5 mm jack could vary within an approximate 9V-18V range depending on factors such as actual load (RAM pack, printer, etc) and line voltage variations. Unfortunately the 40 pin bus edge connector itself was not gold-plated (the contacts were covered with plain solder) and was very prone to oxidation. In addition the mechanical design of the Sinclair RAM pack (inherited from the ZX80's RAM pack) resulted in an insecure connection to the ZX81, which rendered the upgraded system very crash-prone. This would become annoying as it would take eight minutes to reload the full 16 KB RAM from an (often-unreliable) cassette tape. Home-brew 'kludge' solutions to this problem varied from physically bolting the computer and RAMpack to a solid substrate to placing the whole works in a larger case with a proper surplus keyboard in place of the original. User defined characters and high-resolution graphics Another less-common upgrade made by some end-users was to connect static RAM (as 'pseudo-ROM') in place of the ROM mirrored at addresses 8192–16383. This RAM would need to be connected to the same side of the data bus resistors as the ROM itself so that it could be used to store a user-defined character set of up to 64 characters. One variant on this theme added a one-bit latch to latch the high data bit of the original character (when M1 and A15 were both active) in order to use it to drive one of the address bits, allowing all 128 character bitmaps to be redefined. As the main RAM was on the wrong side of the data and address bus resistors for this to work, the extra static RAM was required for this approach. Loading the I register to point to the main RAM would not produce the desired result, instead displaying garbage as pixels. Clones The ZX81 was cloned for sale outside Europe, with Timex Sinclair, a joint venture, producing the TS1000 for the US market. The ZX81 was also cloned in the Brazilian Market by many local companies, among them: Apply, Ritas, Microdigital and Prológica (these two being the main competitors for the market). Microdigital produced several ZX80 clones (TK 80 and TK 82/82C), a ZX81 clone (the TK 83), a TS1500 clone (TK 85), and two ZX Spectrum clones (TK 90X and TK 95). Prológica produced NE-Z80 (ZX80 clone), NEZ-8000, CP-200 and CP-200S (late cheaper version). There was also a clone in the Argentine market, produced by a electrical motor factory Czerweny: the TS1000 clone (CZ1000), the TS1500 clone CZ1500 and the TS2068 clone (CZ2000) Infos from: Wikipedia

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PlayStation Mobile Sony Unknown

Playstation Sony Console 1994

The PlayStation, which is sometimes refereed to as the PS, PS1 and PSX  was Son’y first real foray into the video game console market. Releasing in 1994 in Japan and then 1995 in North America and the rest of the world, the PlayStation went on to become the biggest selling console of the fifth generation of video game consoles, and the first ever video game console to sell over 100 million units. It was the PlayStations and Sony’s jump start into becoming one of the most formidable opponents in the gaming world. The PlayStation’s biggest competitors during the fifth generation of video game consoles was the Nintendo 64 and the Sega Saturn. Despite going up against incredibly stiff competition with video game giants Nintendo and Sega dominating the market, the PlayStation managed to overcome both of them, overtaking that of the Nintendo 64 and leaving the Sega Saturn in distant third place. One of the biggest advantages of the PlayStation was that it relied on discs, though cartridges were an awful lot faster and didn’t suffer as many durability issues, they just didn’t have the same storage space that a CD could provide. CD’s were an awful lot cheaper to produce, something that appealed heavily to publishers as there wasn’t as significant of a risk to produce large quantities of a game. PlayStation (PSX) emulation is fairly complete, with the vast majority of games able to run flawlessly with no major issues, the focus of most PSX emulators have now turned to focus on increasing the accuracy and speed of their emulation over trying to increase compatibility. This is alongside increasing features such as being able to successfully render PSX games at higher internal resolutions. There is several great PlayStation emulators, though most are plugin based, ePXSE, PCSX-R are both highly capable emulators.

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Playstation 2 Sony Console 2000

The PlayStation 2 (PS2) is a sixth-generation console and was Sony’s successor to there incredibly successful console, the PlayStation 1 (PSX). The PS2 went on to be the biggest selling console of all time, selling an incredible 155 million units throughout its extended lifetime from the year to 2000 right up to 2013. The PlayStation 2 went up against some of the stiffest competition in gaming history, as well as having to go up against surprise entry from software giant Microsoft. It competed against Sega’s final console entry, the SEGA Dreamcast, Nintendo’s GameCube and Microsoft Xbox. A key feature to the PlayStation 2 was its ability to be fully backward compatible with the PlayStation 1 (PSX) games. This means a user who chose to buy the new console did not have to ditch there whole games library or retain the older console. This was in stark contrast to Sony’s competitors at the time, as a new console often meant all your games were rendered useless. The PS2 also managed to retain support for the previous generations’ Dualshock controllers. Emulation of the PS2 has been somewhat successful, largely in thanks to the PCSX2 emulation project. PCSX2 was originally started by the development team, who made the PlayStation 1 (PSX) Emulator, PCSX. PCSX2 proved that the emulation of the PS2 could be achieved. While it has taken a few years, the emulation of the PS2 has matured exceptionally well. Almost every single game now being playable and enough knowledge of the PS2 is now known to be able to emulate it while achieving great speed accurately.

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Playstation 3 Sony Console 2006

The Sony PlayStation 3 is the successor to the highest selling video game console of all time, the PlayStation 2. It competed against Microsoft’s Xbox 360 and Nintendo’s Wii in what was a bitterly fought battle between the 3 companies, and a battle that was thought right up to the end of the seventh generation of video game consoles. The PS3 started slowly with both the Nintendo Wii and the Xbox 360 launching a year before the PS3, while this hurt it in the short time it gave more will to Sony to push there console hard. Leading to the console having some of the greatest video games of all time, such as the excellent Metal Gear Solid IV, the Uncharted series, and The Last of Us, this is among a plethora of other highly successful and highly regarded games. However the delayed launch was not the only negative point to the PS3, while it included much more powerful GPU and CPU then its two competitors, there was a significant flaw with the hardware. That being it was incredibly hard to program for with Sony choosing to make use of the powerful but complex Cell processors. This made it difficult for companies to develop for the console especially near the start of the generation as most companies didn’t have the chance to work out the best way to utilize the processor. This cell processor is also what makes emulating the PS3 extremely difficult, many people thought it would make emulation of the PS3 unachievable. However these doubts were put to rest when PS3 Emulator RPCS3 was released by DH & Hykem, it proved that emulation of the complicated Cell architecture could be achieved. This was an extremely remarkable and impressive achievement. Over 5 years on from its initial release, RPCS3 is now even managing to emulate actual commercial games and get in game, and even be playable at some decent speeds.

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Playstation 4 Sony Console 2013

The PlayStation 4 (PS4) is Sony’s entry into the eighth generation of video game consoles, and the competitor to the Nintendo Wii U and the Microsoft Xbox One. It has manged to gain over 40.0 million sold units in the 3 years since its launch, and is currently the number one selling video game console of the eighth generation of video game consoles.. The PS4 gained a good head start to the Xbox One thanks in large to a very smartly run marketing campaign, and the train wreck that was the Xbox One announcement event and there failed marketing attempts. Sony utilized the confusion in the Xbox One marketing campaign to there great benefit, it helped spur a massive interest in there console and helped get the consumer onto there side. Microsoft’s attempts to fight back against the marketing just ended up pouring fuel into the PS4’s marketing campaign. Emulation of the PS4 is nothing but a pipe dream at the moment, with emulation of the PS3 only just being achieved, emulation of the PS4 will be some time off. If you see any PS4 emulator that actually claims to be able to run a PS4 game successfully at this time, please ignore it. It is likely an adware ridden piece of software with the core goal of making money off a non working piece of software. We will update this page when there becomes some progress in the PS4 emulation scene. <h2>PS4 Emulators</h2> There is currently <strong>no legitimate PS4 Emulators</strong> in development, or even just in the planning stages. Emulation of new consoles take a much longer time due to there sheer hardware complexity. Please note if you find any PS4 Emulators on the internet, at this stage they are likely programs filled with harmful adware. Please stay clear from them. We will update this page as soon as there is legitimate PS4 Emulator.

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Playstation 5 Sony Unknown 2020

The PlayStation 5 is Sony’s ninth generation video game console and the successor to their wildly popular PlayStation 4. The technical improvements introduced in this generation represent one of the most significant leaps in video game consoles’ performance. Instead of relying on older technologies, Sony has utilized AMD’s Zen 3 and RDNA 2 technologies for the PlayStation 5. Both of these technologies were only released in 2020, meaning that they were cutting edge at the time of the release. Where Sony has made their most significant changes is their new PS5 DualSense controller. On the outside, it features a more refined shape with better button placements. On the inside of the controller is where the real magic occurs. Thanks to the introduction of new haptic technology, the rumble has way more fidelity. Additionally, the triggers have been reworked so that they can have a feel of tension as you press them. Games can configure these triggers so that they have different reactions depending on the task. For example, when pulling back a bow, you can feel the tension increase as you pull the trigger. Out of all the changes introduced by the new hardware, the controller is what helps set the console apart from previous generations. At this stage there is <strong>no currently successful emulation projects for the PlayStation 5</strong>. Be wary of any projects claiming that they can emulate any part of the PS5 as it is a relatively new piece of hardware. We will update this page and provide links to emulators as projects manage to get off the ground.

Playstation Portable Sony Handheld 2004

The PlayStation Portable (PSP) was Sony’s first foray into the hand-held gaming market. It was there attempt to tackle Nintendo’s massive dominance in the handheld market. Going up against the Nintendo DS, the PlayStation portable was a commercial failure, despite being a console that was quite well regarded and had a fantastic brand name thanks to the sheer success of the PlayStation 2. The PSP went on to sell over 80 million copies over its 10 year life span, a number that was poultry in comparison to Nintendo’s 152 million sold units for the Nintendo DS. PSP emulation started off not long after the consoles initial release in 2004. The first to try and tackle it was the PSP Emulator, PSPE. While PSPE could never actually emulate a commercial PSP game, it did prove that PSP emulation could be done. This was followed by numerous other emulators. The most modern PSP Emulator is PPSSPP, which has proven itself to be able to emulate basically all PSP games faithfully while offering numerous extra features so the games can be rendered in HD. PSP Emulation is regarded as now being fairly complete, large in thanks to the efforts of the PPSSPP team. The PSP sported high end hardware for its time, boasting a more powerful processor and GPU then its competitor the Nintendo DS. It also featured an assortment of different features such as a tv tuner, media player and various other multimedia capabilities. The device was also meant to sport the capability to be able to connect directly the the PlayStation 3 as well. The PSP had a weird way of storing its games, unlike Nintendo’s hand-held consoles and the various others who tried to beat Nintendo over the years, Sony chose to make use of a optical disc format, bucking the trend of using cartridges for games. The format that ultimately went with with was the Universal Media Disc (UMD).

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Playstation Vita Sony Handheld 2011

The PlayStation Vita was Sony’s second attempt at building a handheld video game console. It was released in 2011 during the eighth generation of video game consoles, going up against the Nintendo 3DS. The PS Vita boasted modest specs for the time. The first iteration even boasted an OLED screen. It also featured complete backwards compatibility for all PlayStation Portable games. You could even use the PS Vita as a remote play device for your PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3. Remote play allowed you to play games without needing to use a TV. While the PS Vita has built up quite a loyal fanbase that has modified the device for their own uses, overall, the console was a commercial failure. It failed to get near the same amount of sales as its competitor with the estimated final sales sitting at about 16 million units worldwide. Analysts primarily point to this failure being of Sony’s own making. During the PS Vita’s lifetime, there were barely any games produced by Sony for the device. Additionally, due to Sony’s lack of support, there was never any real big push from 3rd party studios to support the device. The PS Vita is a popular device for running emulated games, thanks to the broader community’s great work. People choose it as a suitable handheld emulation device thanks to its decent power, built-in support for PSP and PlayStation 1 games, and overall design. However, emulation of the PlayStation Vita has had slow progress, primarily due to programmers’ lack of interest. There is currently only one actively developed emulator that has managed to produce results. That PS Vita emulator being Vita3k. This emulator is still highly experimental and can only play a few commercial games.

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PocketStation Sony Handheld 1998

The PocketStation is a miniature game console created by Sony as a peripheral for the PlayStation. Released exclusively in Japan on December 23, 1998, it features an LCD display, sound, a real-time clock, and infrared communication capability. It also serves as a standard PlayStation memory card. Games for the PocketStation are stored on the same disc as PlayStation games. PocketStation games can enhance PlayStation games with added features. For example, using PocketStation a player may be able to 'level up' characters in one's favorite PlayStation game while driving their car to work. A player can also download stand-alone PocketStation games. It allows a player to swap game data between PlayStation units and also allows multiplayer gaming via the built-in infrared data link. Although the system was not released in North America or Europe, there were apparently plans to do so - a feature on the system appeared in Official UK PlayStation Magazine, for example, and a few games (such as Final Fantasy VIII) retained PocketStation functionality in their localised versions. As a result, the PC version of Final Fantasy VIII added a stand-alone Chocobo World game as part of the installation. Technical specifications CPU: ARM7T (32 bit RISC Processor) Memory: SRAM 2K bytes, Flash RAM 128K bytes Graphics: 32 x 32 dot monochrome LCD Sound: Miniature speaker (12 bit PCM) x 1 unit Switches: 5 input buttons, 1 reset button Infrared communication: Bi-directional (supports IrDA based and conventional remote control systems) LED indicator: 1 unit Battery: Lithium-Ion battery (CR 2032) x 1 unit Other functions: Calendar function and Identification number. Dimensions: 64 x 42 x 13.5 mm (length x width x height) Weight: Approximately 30g (including battery) Infos from: Wikipedia

SMC-777 Sony Computer 1983 (777) - 1984 (777C)

This computer is the successor of the <a href="computer.asp?c=362">SMC 70</a>. It is also capable of superimposition. The big blue pad on the right hand-side are the cursor keys. The difference between the SMC-777 and SMC-777c is about color features (hence the "C").

ZiNc Sony Arcade 19??

Sony ZN-1 Hardware Main CPU : R3000A 32 bit RISC processor, Clock - 33.8688MHz, Operating performance - 30 MIPS, Instruction Cache - 4KB BUS : 132 MB/sec. OS ROM : 512 Kilobytes Sound CPU : Z80 (Encrypted Kabuki Model) Sound Chips : Capcom Q Sound (PSX Sound chip is ignored) Main RAM: 2 Megabytes Video RAM: 2 Megabyte Sound RAM : 512 Kilobytes Graphical Processor : 360,000 polygons/sec, Sprite/BG drawing, Adjustable frame buffer, No line restriction, 4,000 8x8 pixel sprites with individual scaling and rotation, Simultaneous backgrounds (Parallax scrolling) Sprite Effects : Rotation, Scaling up/down, Warping, Transparency, Fading, Priority, Vertical and horizontal line scroll Resolution : 256x224 - 740x480 Colours : 16.7 million colors, Unlimited CLUTs (Color Look-Up Tables) Other Features : custom geometry engine, custom polygon engine, MJPEG decoder Sony ZN-2 Hardware Main CPU : R3000A 32 bit RISC processor, Clock - 50MHz?, Operating performance - 30 MIPS, Instruction Cache - 4KB BUS : 132 MB/sec. OS ROM : 512 Kilobytes Sound CPU : Z80 (Encrypted Kabuki Model) Sound Chips : Capcom Q Sound (PSX Sound chip is ignored) Main RAM: 2/4/8 Megabytes depending on game. Video RAM: 2/4/8 Megabytes depending on game. Sound RAM : 512 Kilobytes Graphical Processor : 360,000 polygons/sec, Sprite/BG drawing, Adjustable frame buffer, No line restriction, 4,000 8x8 pixel sprites with individual scaling and rotation, Simultaneous backgrounds (Parallax scrolling) Sprite Effects : Rotation, Scaling up/down, Warping, Transparency, Fading, Priority, Vertical and horizontal line scroll Resolution : 256x224 - 740x480 Colours : 16.7 million colors, Unlimited CLUTs (Color Look-Up Tables) Other Features : custom geometry engine, custom polygon engine, MJPEG decoder

M5 Sord Computer 198x

The Sord M5 (also sold in the United Kingdom and other countries by Computer Games Limited as the CGL M5), was a Japanese home computer launched by Sord Computer Corporation in 1982. It had keys similar to the Sinclair ZX Spectrum, but with the bottom right corner of each key chopped off. Internal hardware: CPU: Zilog Z80 , 3.58 MHz Video Hardware: TMS9918 24x40 text (8x6 characters), 224 user defined characters 256x192 graphics, 16 colours 32 hardware sprites (up to 16x16 pixels) Sound Hardware: SN76489 3 sound channels 1 noise channel 6 octaves, 15 amplitude levels RAM: 20 KB (of which 16KB is screen memory) ROM: 8 KB expandable to 16KB I/O ports and power supply: TV out Video out (phono socket) Sound out (phono socket) Centronics 16-pin interface 8-pin DIN cassette connector Power supply: external Language cartridge options: BASIC-I Integer arithmetic only (16 bit signed) BASIC-G Graphics and sound functions BASIC-F Floating point arithmetic FALC applications package Retail price: UK Retail prices, December 1983 [1] Sord M5 plus BASIC-I : £190 BASIC-G : £35 BASIC-F : £35 FALC : £35

Specialist Generic Unknown

SVI-318 & SVI-328 Spectravideo Computer 1981

The Spectravideo SV 328 was the ancestor of the Spectravideo <a href="computer.asp?c=229">MSX SV-728</a> (it had the same case and almost all its features) and the successor of the <a href="computer.asp?c=227">SV-318</a>. This computer wasn't a <a href="computer.asp?c=90">MSX</a> machine, even though its hardware design was almost the same as MSX computers. Its Microsoft Extended Basic was also close to the MSX Basic but not fully compatible. The cartridge slot couldn't use MSX cartridges. However, Coleco cartridges could run thanks to an optional card. The SV-328 ran CP/M 2.2 or 3.0 when connected to the 5.25" 360 KB floppy drive unit. Several well known CP/M software were adapted to the SV328; i.e. dBase II and WordStar. Several expansion devices were developed for this computer. Among them, the SV-605B expansion box which offered a 10 MB hard disk, two 5.25" DSDD floppy drives, one Centronics port and six expansion slots. Some other peripherals were released: Graphic Tablet, 80-column card, 1200/75 modem card, RS232 interface.

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Super Brain Generic Unknown

Super Sensor IV Generic Unknown

Quizard TAB-Austria Unknown

Video Computer H-21 TRQ Unknown 198?

Few information is known about this obscure system... It is software compatible with the <a href="computer.asp?st=2&amp;c=726">Interton VC-4000</a> and "clones". This doesn't mean that it can use the Interton cartridges, as they certainly won't fit, but the internal specs and software are the same. The CPU is the 2650A from Signetics and the Video Controller is the 2636 from Signetics as well. About 40 cartridges has been released for the Interton VC-4000, but we can't tell how many were available for the TRQ H-21, nor if exclusive games were developped for it... Like with all the systems of this "Interton family", there are two controllers with 12 buttons keypad + 2 fire buttons + a joystick. Apparently the controllers were designed to use informative plastic layers delivered with each games, showing the functions of each key. The control panel is composed of an ON/OFF switch and three buttons: Carga (Load/Reset), Seleccion (Select) and Inicio (Start). In fact when you switch on the console, you must press "Carga" to "load" the game. <font color="#666666"> ___________ Thanks to Juan Maestre for some info.</font>

Singing Star Karaoke Taikee Unknown

Taito Classics Taito Arcade

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Type X Taito Arcade 2004

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Jumping Popira (Japan) JP-xx series Takara Unknown

e-kara Takara Unknown

TDV 2324 Tandberg Unknown

TRS-80 Color Computer Tandy Radio Shack Computer 1980

TRS-80 was Tandy Corporation's desktop microcomputer model line, sold through Tandy's RadioShack stores in the late 1970s and 1980s. Hobbyists, home users, and small-businesses were the intended consumers, and the endearment of the TRS-80 computer by its users resulted in a successful venture for Tandy Corporation. Its leading position in the 1977 Trinity years was mostly due to Tandy retailing it through more than 3000 of its Radio Shack storefronts, (Tandy in the UK). Its other strong features were its full-stroke QWERTY keyboard, its small size, its well-written Floating BASIC programming language, an included monitor, and a price of Dollar599. One major drawback with the original Model I was the massive RF interference it caused in surrounding electronics. This became a problem when it violated FCC regulations, leading to the Model I's phase out in favor of the new Model III. By 1979, the TRS-80 had the largest available selection of software of the microcomputer market. History Announced at a press conference on August 3, 1977 by Tandy Corporation, the Radio Shack TRS-80 Microcomputer (later redesignated the Model I) was Tandy's entry into the home computer market, meant to compete head-on against the Commodore PET 2001 and the Apple II. At Dollar999 for a complete package including cassette storage, the computer was the most expensive single product Tandy's Radio Shack chain of electronics stores had ever offered. Company management was unsure of the computer's market appeal, and intentionally kept the initial production run to 3,000 units so that if the computer failed to sell, it could at least be used for accounting purposes within the chain's 3,000 stores. Tandy ended up selling 10,000 TRS-80s in its first month of production, and 55,000 in its first year. Before its January 1981 discontinuation, Tandy sold more than 250,000 Model Is. By the end of its lifetime, the computer had become affectionately known by its users as a 'Trash-80'. Hardware The Model I combined the motherboard and keyboard into one unit, in what was to be a common case design trend throughout the 8-bit and 16-bit microcomputer eras, although it had a separate power supply unit. It used a Zilog Z80 processor clocked at 1.77 MHz (later models were shipped with a Z80A). The basic model originally shipped with 4 KB of RAM, and later 16 KB. Keyboard The transfer of information about what keys were being pressed was unusual, in that instead of transferring data via an I/O device or chip, the hardware mapped the keyboard to pre-defined locations in memory, i.e., there was no 'real' memory at this location, but performing a read from the keyboard area of the memory map would return the state of a particular set of keys. A version of the computer was produced which replaced the nameplate with a numeric keypad. Many users complained about the TRS-80 keyboards, which were mechanical switches and suffered from 'Keyboard Bounce', resulting in multiple letters being typed accidentally. A Keyboard De-Bounce tape was distributed to compensate, which both ignored key contact closures if they were detected within a short time of a contact opening, and slowed down polling of the keyboard. Eventually, this was added to a later ROM revision. The keyboard was also changed to be less vulnerable to bounce. Video The TRS-80 was accompanied by a white-on-black display, which was a modified RCA XL-100 Black and White television. The actual color of the system was light bluish (the standard 'P4' phosphor used in black-and white televisions), and green and amber filters or replacement tubes (to make the display easier on the eyes) were a common aftermarket item. Later models came with a green-on-black display. Because of bandwidth problems in the interface card that replaced the TV's tuner, the display would lose horizontal sync if large areas of white were displayed; a simple hardware fix (involving less than half an hour's work) could be applied to correct that. Layout of characters and pixels on the TRS-80 displayThe video hardware could only display text at 64 or 32 characters wide by 16 lines of resolution. This was because the video memory system used a single kilobyte of video memory. Seven of these bits were used to display ASCII characters, with the eighth bit used to differentiate between text and 'semigraphics' characters. Primitive graphics ('text semigraphics,' rather than a true bitmap) could be displayed because the upper 64 characters of the 128 character set displayed as a grid of 2x3 blocks (very similar to Teletext). BASIC routines were provided which could write directly to this virtual 128x48 grid. Although the original TRS-80 Model I could differentiate between upper and lower characters in memory, lower case characters were displayed without descenders. For example, the letters g, p, y, etc., did not display their tails below the base line of the uppercase characters. In order to display the descenders properly on the Model I, one had to solder or clip an eighth memory chip onto the back of one of the existing seven video RAM chips, and then bend up a pin to tap an address line off the system bus. This modification became a popular third-party add-on. Later models came with the hardware allowing the lowercase character set to be displayed with descenders. The software, however, remained unchanged, and when using standard BASIC programming, no lower case characters could be displayed. A small keyboard driver written in machine language could overcome this shortcoming. Any access to the screen memory, either by writing to it using the BASIC statement PRINT or accessing the screen memory directly, caused 'flicker' on the screen. The bus arbitration logic would block video display while access was given to the CPU, causing a short black line. This had little effect on normal BASIC programs, but fast programs made in assembly language could be affected if the programmer didn't take it into consideration. Many software authors were able to minimize this effect. Notwithstanding this primitive display hardware, many arcade-style games were available for the Tandy TRS-80. Cassette tape drive User data was originally stored on cassette tape. A standard monaural audio cassette deck (CTR-41) was included with the machine. The cassette tape interface was extremely sensitive to audio volume changes, and the machine only gave the very crudest indication as to whether the correct volume was set, via a blinking character on screen when data was actually being loaded - to find the correct volume, one would sometimes have to attempt to load a program once adjusting volume until the machine picked up the data, then reset the machine, rewind the tape and attempt the load again. Users quickly learned to save a file three or more times in hopes that one copy would prove to be readable. Automatic gain control or indicator circuits could be constructed to compensate for this (fortunately the owner's manual provided complete circuit diagrams for the whole machine, including the peripheral interfaces, with notes on operation), and there was also an alternative tape interface that one could build in order to receive transmissions from the BBC's 'Chip Shop' programme in the UK, an experiment in transmitting free software for several different BASIC home microcomputers, in a common tape format, over the radio. A special program (loaded using the conventional tape interface) was needed to access the custom interface over the expansion port and then load the recorded software. Tandy eventually replaced the CTR-41 unit with the CTR-80 which had built-in AGC circuitry (and no volume control). This helped the situation, but tape operation was still unreliable. TRS-80s with Level I BASIC read and wrote tapes at 250 baud; however, 'baud' was a misnomer in this application. The data rate was 25 bytes per second. Level II BASIC doubled this to 500 'baud', or 50 bytes per second. Some programmers wrote machine language programs that would increase the speed to up to 1500 baud without loss in reliability. For loading and storing data, no hardware controller existed. Instead, the processor created the sound itself by switching the output voltage from minus to plus and back, thus creating a click for every 1 and silence for every 0 in the bit stream. Expansion interface An optional (and expensive) Expansion Interface provided several important features - the ability to expand up to 48K of RAM, a floppy disk controller, a real-time clock, a second cassette port, a RS-232 port (as an option) and a Centronics parallel printer port. Originally, one could not print from the model I without purchasing an Expansion Interface. However, Tandy Corp. soon sold a printer-only Interface for the Model I for approx. 300 Deutschmark in Germany. The Expansion Interface was the most troublesome part of the TRS-80 system. It went through several revisions (a pre-production version is said to have looked completely different, and to have had a card cage) before on-board buffering of the bus connector lines cured its chronic problems with random lockups and crashes. Its edge card connectors tended to oxidise due to the use of two different metals in the contacts, and required periodic cleaning with a pencil eraser. The unit required a second power supply, identical to that of the TRS-80, and was designed with an interior recess which held both power supplies. Since the cable connecting the expansion interface carried the system bus, it was kept short (about two inches). This meant that the user had no choice but to place it directly behind the computer with the monitor on top of it. This caused problems if one owned a monitor whose case did not fit the mounting holes. Also, the loose friction fit of the edge connector on the already short interconnect cable created the precarious possibility of disconnecting the system bus from the CPU if either unit happened to be moved during operation. Floppy disk drives To use the Model I with a disk operating system, one had to buy the 'Expansion Interface' which included a 'single density' floppy disk interface. This was based on a Western Digital 1771 single density floppy disk controller chip, but it lacked a separate external 'data separator', and was thus very unreliable. The Western Digital 1771 was 'mis-programmed' by Radio Shack's early version(s) of TRS-DOS. Any time the OS issued a command to the 1771, it was required to wait for several instruction cycles before querying the 1771 for status. A common method of handling this was to issue a command to the 1771, perform several 'NOP' instructions, then query the 1771 for command status. Early TRS-DOS neglected to use the required 'wait' period, instead querying the chip immediately after issuing a command, and thus false status was often returned to the OS, causing various errors and crashes. If the 1771 was handled 'correctly' by the OS, it was actually fairly reliable. Double density floppy disks A Data Separator and/or a Double Density disk controller (based on the WD 1791 chip) were made available by Percom (a Texas Peripheral Vendor), LNW, Tandy and others. The Percom Doubler added the ability to boot and use Double Density Floppies (they provided their own modified TRSDOS called DoubleDOS), and included the Data Separator. The LNDoubler added the ability to read and write from 8' Diskette Drives for over 1.2mb of Storage. Double sided floppy disks All TRS-80 disk formats were soft-sectored with index-sync (as opposed to the Apple II formats, which were soft-sectored without index sync, with many Apple drives lacking even an index hole detector), and except for some very early Shugart drives (recognizable by their spiral-cam head positioner), all TRS-80 floppy drives were 40-track double-density models. The combination of 40 tracks, double-density, and index-sync gave a maximum capacity of 180 kilobytes per single-sided floppy disk, considerably higher than most other systems of the era. On the other hand, the use of index-sync meant that in order to turn a floppy disk into a 'flippy,' it was necessary not only to cut a second write-enable notch, but also to punch a second index hole window in the jacket (at great risk to the disk inside). Or one could purchase factory-made 'flippies,' or use the back side for Apple Computer systems (as some software publishers of the era did). The drives sold by Radio Shack were 35-track models with a 160K capacity. Printers One unusual peripheral offered was a 'screen printer': an electrostatic rotary printer that scanned the video memory through the same bus connector used for the E/I, and printed an image of the screen onto aluminum-coated paper in about a second. Unfortunately, it was incompatible with both the final, buffered version of the E/I, and with the 'heartbeat' interrupt used for the real-time clock under Disk BASIC. This could be overcome by using special cabling, and by doing a 'dummy' write to the cassette port while triggering the printer. For Printing, there were offered another two printers: one for 57 mm metal coated paper, selling at approx. 600 Deutschmark in Germany, and one Centronics (the name does not only stand for its interface, but for the manufacturer, Centronics Company) for normal paper, costing at first 3000 Deutschmark, later sold at approx. 1500 Deutschmark in some stores. It had 7 pins so letters like 'g' did not reach under the baseline, but were elevated within the normal line. BASIC Two versions of the BASIC programming language were produced for the Model I. Level I BASIC fit in 4 KB of ROM, and Level II BASIC fit into 12 KB of ROM. Level I was single precision only and had a smaller set of commands. Level II introduced double precision floating point support and had a much wider set of commands. Level II was further enhanced when a disk system was added, and the Disk Based BASIC was loaded. Level I Basic was Li-Chen Wang's free Tiny BASIC, hacked by Radio Shack to add functionality. It achieved a measure of noteworthiness due in large part to its outstanding manual, written by David Lien, which presented lessons on programming with text and humorous graphics, making the subjects very easy to understand. The basic had only two string variables (ADollar and BDollar), 26 variables (A - Z) and one array, A(). Code for functions like SIN(), COS() and TAN() was not included in ROM but printed at the end of the book. The error messages were: 'WHAT?' for syntax errors, 'HOW?' for arithmetical errors (like division by zero), and 'SORRY' for out of memory errors. Level II BASIC was licensed from Microsoft. It was a cut-down version of the 16 KB Extended BASIC, since the Model I had 12 KB of ROM space. The accompanying manual was not nearly as colorful and suited for beginning programmers as the Level I Basic manual. The Disk Based BASIC added the ability to perform disk I/O, and in some cases (NewDos/80, MultiDOS, DosPlus, LDOS) added powerful sorting, searching, full screen editing, and other features. Level II BASIC recognized some of these commands and issued a '?L3 ERROR', suggesting that a behind-the-scenes change of direction intervened between the recording of the Level II ROMs and the introduction of Disk BASIC, which Radio Shack didn't call Level III. Microsoft also marketed a tape-cassette based enhanced BASIC called Level III BASIC. This added most of the functions in the full 16 KB version of Basic. The first models of the Model I also had problems reading from the cassette drives. Tandy eventually offered a small board which was installed in a service center to correct earlier models. The ROMs in later models were modified to correct this. TRS-DOS--Radio Shack's operating system for its TRS-80 computers--was so ineffectual that most discerning TRS-80 owners spurned it in favor of NewDOS, a third-party rival sold by a company called Apparat. (Apparat Personal Computers, Denver CO went out of business in 1987) (Eventually, it was one of multiple TRS-80 alternatives--others included LDOS, DOSPLUS, and VTOS.) Software applications Quite a few popular software applications were available for the TRS-80. Many leading developers, and independent software companies such as Big Five, ported over popular arcade hits like Namco's Pac-Man and Galaxian, Atari's Centipede, Sega's Zaxxon and Stern electronics Berzerk (with digitized speech). Some ported games from other home computers of the area, such as the original Zork adventure game. There were also many games unique to the TRS-80, including shooters like Cosmic Fighter and Defence Command and strange experimental programs such as Dancing Demon, which was not strictly considered a game but did have a big entertainment value. The TRS-80 also had a full suite of office applications, including the VisiCalc and As-Easy-As spreadsheets and the Lazy Writer and Electric Pencil and Scripsit word processors. Clones TRS-80 Model I clone the DGT-100 by DIGITUS Ind. Com. Serv. de Eletrônica Ltda.Many clones of the TRS-80 Model I came on the market: the Lobo Max-80 (Lobo also produced their own version of the Expansion Interface), the LNW-80 Models I/II and Team Computers (LNW also produced an alternate version of the Expansion Interface), and the Dutch Aster CT-80, a computer that could run both TRS-80 and CP/M software, plus it had all the improvements of the later Model III. EACA in Hong Kong made a Model I clone that was marketed around the world under different names with modifications. In Australia and New Zealand it was the Dick Smith System-80, in North America it was PMC-80 and PMC-81, in Hungary the HT-1080Z, in South Africa the TRZ-80, and in Western Europe it was Video Genie. The expansion bus was different and EACA also made its own Expansion Interface to fit it. There were several versions and it was later split into a 'home' and a 'business' version, Genie I and II, and System-80 Mark I and II, where the II would have a numeric keypad instead of the inbuilt cassette player. EACA's Colour Genie was also based on TRS-80 Model I but with improved graphics and other changes, therefore it was not very compatible. In Brazil there were several manufacturers of different Model I/III/IV clones. Digitus made the DGT-100 and DGT-1000, Prologica made the highly-successful CP300 and CP500 series, Sysdata Eletrônica Ltda. made the Sysdata Jr. Dismac made the D8000/D8001/D8002 series. Prologica also made the CP400 / CP 400II which were copies of the TRS80-Color, with the external case being almost a copy of the Timex 2068. In Germany, S.C.S. GmbH in Mörfelden- Waldorf offered the Komtek-I Model I clone. Noteworthy were the four relay switching outputs. Model III As a follow on to the Model I, in July 1980 Tandy released the Model III, a more integrated and much improved Model I. The improvements of the Model III included built-in lower case, a better keyboard, and a faster (2.03 MHz) Z-80 processor. With the introduction of the Model III, Model I production was eventually discontinued as the Model I's did not comply with new FCC regulations regarding radio interference. In fact, the Model I's radiated so much RFI (Radio Frequency Interference) that many game companies made their games so you could put an AM radio next to the computer and use the interference to get sounds. The TRS-80 Model III also came with the option of integrated disk drives. Model 4 The successor to the Model III was the Model 4 (April 1983, with '4' written as an Arabic numeral), which included the capability to run CP/M. Running CP/M had previously only been possible via a hardware modification that remapped the BASIC ROMs away from memory address zero, such as the third-party add-on sold as the Omikron Mapper board, or by running a version of CP/M modified to run at a starting address other than zero. However, this also required modified applications, since the area of memory at zero contined the vectors for applications to access CP/M itself. The Model 4 also had the ability to display high-resolution graphics with an optional board. The Model 4 also came in a 'luggable' version known as the Model 4P (1983) which was portable. It was a self-contained unit that looked like a small sewing machine. Model II TRS-80 Model IIIn October 1979, Tandy began shipping the Model II, which was targeted to the small-business market. It was not an upgrade of the Model I, but an entirely different system, built using the faster Zilog Z80A chip running at 4 MHz, with the computer, 8' floppy disk drive, and monochrome 80x24 monitor built into a single cabinet, DMA and vectored interrupts that the Model I lacked, and a detached keyboard. It was available with 32 KB or 64 KB of RAM; two RS-232 serial ports and a Centronics printer port were standard. Unlike the Model I, the video and keyboard were not memory-mapped, leaving the entire memory space available for programs. Hard disk drives and additional floppy drives were available as options. The Model II ran TRSDOS-II and BASIC. TRSDOS-II was not very compatible with TRSDOS for the Model I, thus the Model II never had the same breadth of available software as the Model I. This was somewhat mitigated by the availability of the CP/M operating system from third parties such as Pickles & Trout. Tandy offered a desk custom-designed for the Model II for USDollar370. It could hold an additional three 8' disk drives or up to four 8.4MB hard drives. Tandy eventually offered a 16-bit upgrade to the Model II, the Model 16. The Model II was later replaced by a cost-reduced Model 12, which added half-height 8' floppy drives, a green phosphor screen, and a white case, but dropped the expansion card cage (though one was available as an option). Model 16, Model 16B, and Tandy 6000 Tandy later released the TRS-80 model 16, which was a follow on to the Model II; an upgrade was available to Model II owners. The Model 16 added a 6 MHz, 16-bit Motorola 68000 processor, keeping the original Z-80 as an I/O processor. It could run either TRSDOS-16 or Xenix, Microsoft's version of UNIX. Of the two operating systems, Xenix was far more popular. TRSDOS-16 was essentially a 68000 port of Model II TRSDOS, with no additional features and little compatible software. Xenix, on the other hand, offered the full power of UNIX System III including multi-user support. The Model 16 family with Xenix became a popular system for small business, with a relatively large library of business and office automation software for its day. Tandy offered multi-user word processing (Scripsit 16), spreadsheet (Multiplan), and a 3GL 'database' (Profile 16, later upgraded to filePro 16+), as well as an accounting suite with optional COBOL source for customization. RM-COBOL, Basic, and C were available for programming, with Unify and Informix offered as relational databases. The Model 16 evolved into the Model 16B, and then the Model 6000, gaining an internal hard drive along the way and switching to an 8 MHz 68000 and half-height, 8-inch floppy drives (double-sided, double density, 1.2 MB). Tandy offered 8.4MB, 15 MB, 35 MB, and 70 MB hard drives, up to 768 KB of RAM, and up to eight RS-232 serial ports supporting multi-user terminals. Additional memory and serial port expansion options were available from aftermarket companies. TRS-80 Color Computers Tandy also produced the TRS-80 Color Computer (Coco) using a Motorola 6809 processor. This machine was clearly aimed at the home market, where the Model 2 and above were sold as business machines. It competed directly with the Commodore 64. OS-9, a multitasking, multi-user operating system was supplied for this machine. TRS-80 Model 100 line In addition to the above, Tandy produced the TRS-80 Model 100 series of 'laptop' computers. This series comprised the TRS-80 Model 100, 102 and 200. The Model 100 was designed by the Japanese company Kyocera with software written by Microsoft. It is reported that the Model 100 featured the last code that Bill Gates ever wrote. The Model 100 had an internal 300 baud modem, built-in BASIC, and a limited text editor. It was possible to use the Model 100 on essentially any phone in the world with the use of an optional acoustic coupler that fit over a standard telephone handset. The combination of the acoustic coupler, the machine's outstanding battery life (it could be used for days on a set of 4 AA batteries), and its simple text editor made the Model 100/102 popular with journalists in the early 1980s. The Model 100 line also had an optional serial/RS-232 floppy drive and a Cassette interface. TRS-80 Model 200 line TRS-80 Model 200 beside a Sony Vaio laptop.The Model 200 was introduced in 1985 as the successor to the Model 102, a Model 100 variant. The Model 200 had 24 KB RAM expandable to 72 KB, a flip-up 16 line by 40 column display, and a spreadsheet (Multiplan) included. The Model 200 also included DTMF tone-dialling for the internal modem. Although less popular than the Model 100, the Model 200 was also particularly popular with journalists in the late 1980s and early 1990s. TRS-80 MC-10 The MC-10 was a short-lived and little-known Tandy computer, similar in appearance to the Sinclair ZX81. It was a small system based on the Motorola 6803 processor and featured 4 KB of RAM. A 16 KB RAM expansion pack that connected on the back of the unit was offered as an option as was a thermal paper printer. A modified version of the MC-10 was sold in France as the Matra Alice. Programs loaded using a cassette which worked much better than those for the Sinclair. A magazine published offered programs for both the COCO and MC-10 but very few programs were available for purchase. Programs for the MC-10 were not compatible with the COCO. TRS-80 Pocket Computers TRS-80 was also used for a line of Pocket Computers which were manufactured by Sharp or Casio, depending on the model. TRS-80 PC-Compatible Computers In the early-1980s, Tandy began producing a line of computers that were more or less PC compatible. Two of these systems were referred to as TRS-80 Model 2000 and Tandy 1000. As margins decreased in PC clones, Tandy was unable to compete and stopped marketing their own systems. Originally, Tandy offered computers manufactured by Tandon Corporation, and then started producing their own line of systems. The TRS-80 Model 2000 system was similar to the Texas Instruments Professional Computer in that it offered better graphics, a faster processor (80186) and higher capacity disk drives (80 track double sided 800k 5.25 drives). The industry was moving away from MS-DOS compatible computers (like the Sanyo MBC-550 and the TIPC) and towards fully compatible clones (like the Compaq, Eagle, Columbia MPC and others). The later Tandy 1000 systems and follow-ons were also marketed by DEC, as Tandy and DEC had a joint manufacturing agreement. Infos from: Wikipedia

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TRS-80 MC-10 Tandy Radio Shack Computer 1983

The Tandy MC 10 (MC means Micro Color) was designed as an "initiation" computer to compete with the <a href="computer.asp?c=477">Timex Sinclair 1000</a>, the american version of the <a href="computer.asp?c=263">Sinclair ZX-81</a>. It was more expensive than the Sinclair machine, but outpassed it in every category. It had sound, color, more memory and even a better keyboard. In fact, the MC-10 is basically a cut down version of the <a href="computer.asp?c=91">Tandy "Coco" computers</a>, but didn't have as much success as its big brothers. It is fully compatible with the first version of the <a href="computer.asp?c=60">Matra Alice </a> (a French computer). Actually both are the same computer (except for the case color, the Alice is red and the Tandy is white).

TRS-80 Model 100 Tandy Radio Shack Computer 1983

The Tandy 100 was actually a computer made in Japan by Kyocera. All the ROM programs were written by Microsoft, and even a few of them were written by Bill Gates (!) himself ! These programs include a text editor, a telecommunication program, which uses the built-in modem (300 baud), and a rather good version of BASIC (no big surprise there). Kyocera made this computer for three main companies: Tandy, Olivetti (Olivetti M10) and NEC (PC 8201), these computers are the same except the case and some little differences in the programs and a few physical differences. The operating system uses 3130 bytes of the 8 KB RAM. So the 8 KB models (Catalog # 26-3801) didn?t sell very well. But there was also a 24 kb model (Catalog # 26-3802), and one year later, Tandy replaced the Tandy 100 with the Tandy 102 (which has 24 kb RAM too), and later with the Tandy 200 (1985). The Tandy 102 is 1/2 inch thinner and one pound weight different. The "Date-Bug" (random changing of the calendar) is also repaired from the Model 100. But many people still prefer the feel of the Model 100 as there are also more 100-only accessories on the used market than compatible accessories... The CMOS CPU (80c85) allows to use the Tandy 100 for 20 hours with only 4 AA batteries (5 days at 4 hours/day or 20 days at 1 hour/day)!! The model 100/102 is still considered and used as an excellent machine, mainly to type texts when you're on the move (you can transfer them to modern computers) and even to send and receive emails ! Fun fact : its CPU was also used on the Mars Pathfinder probe's Sojourner rover ! <a href="doc.asp?c=233"><img src="graphs/readmore.gif" border="0" vspace="4"></a>

TRS-80 Model 4 Tandy Radio Shack Computer 1983

The TRS-80 model 4 (ref 26-1068/69) was one of the last models of the TRS-80 series (and perhaps the less known). It ran at 4 MHz and displayed 80 columns x 24 lines in Model 4 mode, but was fully compatible with the <a href="computer.asp?c=18">TRS-80 model 3</a> and in Model 3 mode actually displayed 64x16 and ran at the Model 3's 2 MHz. It had 64 or 128 KB RAM, the 64 upper KB being used as a ram disk. It had one or two 5.25" floppy disk (184 KB each) and ran under TRSDOS 6.0 or 1.3, LDOS or CP/M. A transformation kit "TRS80 model III -&gt; model IV" was available. The Model 4 was followed by the <b>Model 4D</b> (ref. 26-1070). The only difference being double sided drives -384 KB, instead of single sided drives. A portable version of the Model IV called <a href="computer.asp?c=1083">Model 4P</a> (ref. 26-1080) was also marketed few time after.

TRS-80 Model I Tandy Radio Shack Computer 1977

The Tandy TRS 80 model 1 was the first member of one of the most famous computer family. It was one of the first home computer and was launched at the same time as famous computers like the <a href="computer.asp?c=68">Apple II</a> or the <a href="computer.asp?c=191">Commodore PET</a>. Beside, Tandy competitors nicknamed was "Trash-80". The TRS-80 was developed was developed within the Radio Shack engeneering group, based upon several processor chips, SC/MP, PACE, 8008, 8080 and finally the Z80. It used a black &amp; white TV set, made by RCA, without tuner as monitor. The earlier models use a poor basic called Basic Level 1 (the Basic and the OS fit in the 4 KB ROM!). It was replaced later with the Basic Level 2 which needed a 12 KB ROM. To offset its poor characteristics, Tandy developed a device called Expansion Interface which brings a lot of new features : additional 16 or 32kb RAM, two tape unit connectors, a printer port, a floppy disk controller, a serial port and a real time clock. Tandy did as well 5, 10 and 15 MB hard drives. The case for them is about the size of a small PC tower. It's possible to fit 2 drives into each case. They were compatible with all TRS-80 versions. When it was connected to a floppy disk unit, the TRS-80 uses the TRS DOS operating system, it was pretty bugged and most of the TRS-80 users prefered NEW DOS, it was an operating system done by a third-party company called Apparat. This OS was the real TRS-80 operating system. LS-DOS was also an excellent DOS, superior to NEW DOS for most users. Interestingly, Microsoft's MS-DOS became more and more like LS-DOS each time it was updated, although never as good. LS-DOS was finally adopted by Tandy as the official DOS for the <a href="computer.asp?c=244">Model 4</a>. Documentation for all the TRS machines was superb. Even Microsoft provided documentation for its BASIC interpreter listing all the machine calls. You could use these calls when programming with either machine code or BASIC. The Model I was followed by the <a href="computer.asp?c=243">TRS 80 model II</a> (a business computer) and <a href="computer.asp?c=18">model III</a> which had almost the same characteristics as the model I. _________ <font color="#666666"><b>Contributors :</b> Donald French, Paul D Moore</font> <a href="doc.asp?c=409"><img src="graphs/readmore.gif" border="0" vspace="4"></a>

TRS-80 Model II Tandy Radio Shack Computer May 1979

The TRS-80 model II, is the obscure brother of the TRS-80 family. Many internet pages deal with the models 1,3 and 4 but omit the model 2... This is maybe because the TRS-80 Model 2 was intended to be a business computer for use in offices and labs. Thus it is equiped with a full height Shugart 8'' drive with a capacity of 500k which is a lot compared to the 87k offered by the TRS-80 Model 1 system disk. It is also possible to connect up to 4 floppy disk units, so you could have 2MB disk space online ! It runs under TRSDOS, but can also achieve CP/M compatibility. Options for the machine included a hard disk controller, an arcnet network card, a graphics card and a 6 MHz 68000 board set with extra memory (up to 512K) so it could run XENIX.

TRS-80 Model III Tandy Radio Shack Computer 1981

The model 3 is generally regarded as the successor to the <a href="computer.asp?c=409">Model 1</a>. Its two 5.25" floppy disk drives could convert model 1 disks. Initially Radio Shack wanted to sell both the model 1 and 3 at the same time, but the FCC forced them to stop selling model 1. Is so they were discontinued because of the excessive radio noise that they put out. However, the Model 3 wasn't FULLY compatible with the model 1. There were differences in ROM which meant some programs had to be converted, especially those machine language ones that made ROM calls. ______________________ Model III configurations, by <b>Dave Thompson</b>: <font color="#666666">TRS-80 Model III was sold in multiple configurations. No hardrive configurations included: Model III with Level 1 ROM, 8k RAM sold for US$799. Model III with Level 2 ROM, 16k RAM sold for $999. The first floppy drive cost $849, and could store 168k. The second drive was cheaper, and could store more. The price difference is due to the first one included the drive controller. The increased space on the second drive (189k) was due to the first drive must also contain some TRS-DOS (the operating system).</font> <b>Brandt Daniels</b> adds: <font color="#666666"> There was also a TRS-80 VideoTex Computer terminal in 1980.</font> <b>Mark Fowler</b> reports: <font color="#666666">I worked for a company in 1982 that had integrated a 5MB, and later a 10MB hard disk into the TRS80 Model III. It was then programmed in FORTRAN-66 as a dedicated medical records system, to mimic the pegbook accounting system in use in the 1980's. We introduced green phosphor, and later amber phosphor display tubes. Some systems were used with a modem to do simple email-type applications, and to access various bulletin boards.</font>

Tandy 1000 series Tandy Radio Shack Computer 1984

The Tandy 1000 was a line of <a href="computer.asp?c=274">IBM PC</a> compatible computers made during the 1980?s by the American Tandy Corporation for sale in their chain of Radio Shack electronics stores in Canada and the USA. The Tandy 1000 would be the successor to their influential <a href="computer.asp?c=409">TRS-80</a> line of computers, the Tandy 1000 would eventually replace the <a href="computer.asp?c=91">COCO</a> line of 8 bit computers as well when Tandy decided to prematurely end that project in favor of the Tandy PC line of computers. Targeted toward the home user with a modest budget, it copyied the <a href="computer.asp?c=186">IBM PCjr</a>'s 16-color graphics (PCjr's graphics were an extension of CGA video) and anhanced 3-voice sound, but didn't use the PCjr cartridge ports, instead the Tandy version had built-in game ports compatible with those on the TRS-80 Color Computer (COCO), as well as a port for a "light wand/pen". Most Tandy 1000 models also featured ?line-level? sound and composite video RCA outputs built onto the motherboard so that a standard television could be used as a monitor, albeit with much poorer video quality. Unlike most PC clones, early Tandy 1000 computers had MS-DOS built into ROM allowing the OS to boot in a few seconds. Tandy also bundled onto floppy diskette ?DeskMate?, a suite of consumer-oriented applications, with several models. Besides a composite output to TV, as mentioned earlier, Tandy 1000?s also housed a built in CGA video adaptor equal to PC standards built onto the motherboard and since the Tandy 1000 outlasted the PCjr by many years these graphics and sound standards became known as "Tandy-compatible" or "TGA," and many software packages of the era listed their adherence to Tandy standards on the package. One odd feature of the Tandy-1000, however, was a non standard edge card printer connector built onto the motherboard and protruding through the rear; an adaptor would be needed to work a standard IBM style printer. In 1984, when the ?T-1000? was in its prime, you may have paid up to $2499.00 (Canadian) for a full featured system with matching monitor. The original line was equipped with the Intel-8088 CPU at 4.77Mhz, which was later extended to faster clock speeds up to 7.16Mhz, as well as the upgrade to 8086 and 80286 processors at 10Mhz (in the TL &amp; TX configurations). Common models of the machine included the Tandy 1000, <a href="computer.asp?c=1213">EX</a>, <a href="computer.asp?c=1211">HX</a>, <a href="computer.asp?c=1215">SX</a>, <a href="computer.asp?c=1216">TX</a>, <a href="computer.asp?c=1218">SL</a>, <a href="computer.asp?c=1218">SL/2</a>, RL, and TL, TL/2, TL/3. The ?T-1000? was a workhorse in the IBM PC world, large numbers of units are still in active service today as it?s construction was quite robust. The T-1000 was Tandy?s last attempt in the home computer market. In the early 1990?s Tandy Corporation sold its computer manufacturing business to ?AST Computers?. When that occurred, instead of selling Tandy computers, Radio Shack stores began selling computers made by other manufacturers, such as ?Compaq?. The original Tandy 1000 was similar in size to the IBM PC except it had a plastic case to reduce weight. The original Tandy 1000 featured a proprietary serial keyboard port along with 2 similar joystick ports on the FRONT of the case (a feature that would become standard in later models). The rear featured a PC standard monitor connector (compatible with CGA/EGA), a composite (TV) video-out connector, a single RCA-style monophonic line-level audio connector, a port for a light pen, and the unusual edge-card connector used to attach a parallel printer. The original Tandy 1000 came standard with one 5.25 disk drive, with an additional bay usable for the installation of a second 5.25 disk drive (available as a kit from Radio Shack). 128k of memory was standard, with the computer accepting up to 640k of total memory with the addition of expansion cards. MS-DOS 2.11 and DeskMate 1.0 were included with the system. The Tandy 1000 offered 256 characters: 96 standard ASCII characters, 48 block graphics characters, 64 foreign language/Greek characters, 16 special graphics characters, 32 word processing/scientific-notation characters. __________ <font color="#666666">Contributors: Derek McDonald (aka ?Skel?) Sources: Switchtec's Virtual PC Museum, Emperor Multimedia Electronic Archives, Wikipedia, 8-Bit Micro, Tandy 1000 PC Museum</font>

Tandy 200 Tandy Radio Shack Handheld 1984

The Tandy 200 was an evolution of the successful <a href="computer.asp?c=233">Tandy 100</a>. It offered more RAM and a bigger display. The computer was powered by internal batteries, providing up to 16 hours(!) of use. A lot of utilities were in ROM: a telecommunication program (telcom) which used the built-in modem, MSPLAN spreadsheet (light version of Multiplan), text editor, calendar, address book and BASIC Programming Language. 3.5" floppy disk drives could be connected via the RS-232. There were actually 2 drives made by Tandy for the Model T computers. The TPDD held 100KB whereas the TPDD2 held 200KB. The TPDD2 could read the TPDD disks. They both used 720k floppies. A video interface was also available, it offered a new display resolution (80 columns X 24 lines) on any external video display unit. The main competitor of the Tandy 200 was the <a href="computer.asp?c=198">Epson PX-8</a>. Note that several of the ROM programs were written by Bill Gates himself! ____________ <font color="#666666">Contributed to this page : Kaleb Marshall</font>

Tandy 2000 Tandy Radio Shack Computer december 1981

The Tandy 2000 was launched in December 1981, a full year BEFORE the 1000, and proved to be a mistake on the part of Tandy, but to their credit they weren?t alone, many manufacturers who built systems based on the Intel 80186 CPU suffered the same fate. On the surface the computer was quite the catch: The ?T-2000? featured new instructions and new fault tolerance protection over the TRS-80 and COCO lines. Tandy built the 2000 with advanced color graphics, Intel 16bit processing at 8 Mhz and 2 720K 5.25? Floppy disks; and a CPU that was out performing even the 80286 computers of the time! It was a robust computer with excellent features but that 80186 CPU would come back to haunt it. The Tandy 2000 by many was considered the first AT style computer in North America, a bold and risky move by Tandy. Despite all the advancements, the 80186 CPU was not popular with software developers, so few wrote software for the 80186. More to the point, however, the Tandy 2000, while touted as being compatible with the IBM XT, was different enough for most software beyond purely text oriented to not work properly. It differed by having a Tandy-specific video mode (640x400, not related to or forward-compatible with VGA), along with the new concept of keyboard scan codes, and the proprietary 720kb 5-1/4" floppy format: no other computer used this disk format, which was single-sided high-density, using standard 1.2Mb double-sided high-density disks; the drives could read and write 360kb floppies, but be careful when doing so if the disks were to be subsequently used in an IBM-compatible; there were hardware hacks to use 720kb 3.5" floppy drives, but it was unclear whether disks formatted in this way were compatible with standard PC-compatibles. In addition: The Tandy 2000 was nominally BIOS-compatible with the IBM XT, which allowed extremely well-behaved DOS software to run on both platforms. However, most DOS software is not so well behaved and many PC programmers would bypass the PC-BIOS to achieve higher performance, rendering the software incompatible with the Tandy 2000. Microsoft provided a special version of MS-DOS that could combat these problems, but it was a proprietary programming venture. All other units, including the later Tandy 1000, operated on what was essentially the standard PC-DOS (IBMs version) or MS-DOS. The Tandy 2000 was further killed by the arrival of the 80286 CPU 2 months after its release. In fairness, Tandy wasn't the only casualty of the 80186. Other computers that were built on that format, mostly from Europe, such as the Compis and the Dulmont Magnum were marketed with the CP/M operating system suffered the same fate. If you had a machine based on those systems the only thing that could realistically run on them was the CP/M operating system, but software was scarce, at least with MS-DOS you had some options with software. In the end the computer was poorly supported by Radio Shack; eventually the remaining unsold computers were converted into the first Radio Shack Terminals (which, oddly enough, had been one of the original backup plans for the original TRS-80 Model 1). The Tandy 2000 computer was the only computer sold by Radio Shack that had both logos on the case "Tandy" and "TRS-80". The Tandy 2000 computer was the first to have the "Tandy" logo on it. __________ <font color="#666666">Contributors: Derek McDonald (aka ?Skel?) Sources: Switchtec's Virtual PC Museum, Emperor Multimedia Electronic Archives, Wikipedia, 8-Bit Micro, Tandy 1000 PC Museum</font>

Microtan 65 Tangerine Unknown

Oric Telestrat Tangerine Computer 1986

The Oric Telestrat is the successor of the <a href="computer.asp?c=180">Oric 1</a> and <a href="computer.asp?c=79">Oric Atmos</a> with which it is compatible. It was launched some months after Oric was bought by Eur?ka, a French company in 1985. It was designed especially for telecommunications, like the <a href="computer.asp?c=131">Goupil 2</a>, the <a href="computer.asp?c=240">Thomson TO-9+</a> or the <a href="computer.asp?c=521">Exeltel</a>. It was designed to be used with the Minitel (French videotext terminal): it has a special ROM (8 KB) enabling the Telestrat to act as a videotext server. A 3" floppy disk drive was available (400 KB) which run under StradSED (the Oric operating system, compatible with the old Oric DOS). Several ROM cartridges were developed for this machine: Midi software (unreleased), Hyper Basic (compiled basic), Telematic Basic (designed for telecommunications), etc... <a href="doc.asp?c=235"><img src="graphs/readmore.gif" border="0" vspace="4"></a>

Oric-1 & Oric Atmos Tangerine Computer 1982

British microcomputer company Tangerine Computer Systems was founded in 1979 by Dr. Paul Johnson and Barry Muncaster and was run out of offices in Ely, Cambridgeshire. The company was later renamed, and was known in most of the 1980s as Oric International. Contents 1 An early 6502 machine: the Microtan 65 2 The Oric-1 3 The Atmos 4 The Stratos, the Telestrat, and The end 5 The clones 6 Notes An early 6502 machine: the Microtan 65 The Microtan 65 in the full System Rack enclosure and with the ASCII keyboardTangerine produced one of the first 6502-based kit computers, the Microtan 65. It had a 3U form factor, a small amount of memory (RAM), a video character generator and UHF modulator for use with a TV set, and a simple latch for entering hex data from a keypad, and the computer was designed to be expandable. The manual came with a one-kilobyte listing of Conway's Game of Life. An optional expansion board could be built with a UART, more memory and BASIC ROMs. Additional expansion boards became available later, offering more RAM, dedicated serial and parallel I/O boards, etc. After the Microtan 65, Tangerine planned to build a desktop machine and got as far as selling the design for the Microtan 2 aka Tangerine Tiger to a company who never built it. The Oric-1 Oric 1With the success of the Sinclair ZX Spectrum Tangerine's backers suggested a home computer and Tangerine formed Oric Products International Ltd to develop and release the Oric-1 in 1983. Based on a 1 MHz 6502A CPU, it came in 16 KB or 48 KB RAM variants for Pound 129 and Pound 169 respectively, matching the models available for the popular ZX Spectrum and undercutting the price of the 48K Spectrum by a few pounds. Both Oric-1 versions had a 16 KB ROM containing the operating system and a modified BASIC interpreter. The Oric-1 improved somewhat over the Spectrum with a chiclet keyboard design replacing the Spectrum's renowned "dead flesh" one. In addition the Oric had a true sound chip, the programmable GI 8912, and two graphical modes handled by a semi-custom ASIC (ULA) which also managed the interface between the processor and memory. The two modes were a LORES text only mode (though the character set could be redefined to produce graphics) with 28 rows of 40 characters and a HIRES mode with 200 rows of 240 pixels above three lines of text. Like the Spectrum, the Oric-1 suffered from attribute clash—albeit to a lesser degree in HIRES mode, when a single row of pixels could be coloured differently from the one below in contrast to the Spectrum, which applied foreground and background color in 8 x 8 pixel blocks. As it was meant for the home market, it had a built in television RF modulator as well as RGB output and was meant to work with a basic audio tape recorder to save and load data. According to the Oric World website (see External links, below), about 160,000 Oric-1s were sold in the UK in 1983 with another 50,000 sold in France (where it was the top-selling machine that year). Although not the 350,000 predicted, it was enough for Oric International to be bought out by Edenspring and given Pound 4m in funding. The Atmos Oric AtmosThe Edenspring money enabled Oric International to release the Oric Atmos, which added a true keyboard and an updated V1.1 ROM to the Oric-1. Unfortunately, it also added a faulty tape error checking routine. Soon after the Atmos was released, the modem, printer and 3-inch floppy disk drive originally promised for the Oric-1 were announced and released by the end of 1984. The Stratos, the Telestrat, and The end The Atmos failed to turn around Oric International's fortunes, but they persevered and in early 1985 Oric announced several new machines were on the way, including an IBM compatible and an MSX-compatible computer. On February 1st it demonstrated the Oric Stratos/IQ164 at the Frankfurt Computer Show; on the 2nd however, Edenspring put Oric International into receivership with Tansoft, by then a company in its own right, following in May. French company Eureka bought the remains of Oric and, after renaming itself, continued to produce the Stratos under that name, followed by the Oric Telestrat in late 1986. In December 1987 after announcing the Telestrat 2, Oric International went into receivership for the second and final time. The clones A Yugoslavian company (believed to be Avtotehna, based in Ljubljana) obtained a licence to make 5000 machines. Machines were made, but whether they were under license or not is not known in any detail. It is thought that they assembled parts shipped from the UK. They were Atmos based, the only difference being the logo indicating Oric Nova 64 instead of Oric Atmos 48k. A Bulgarian machine called the Pravetz 8D was produced between 1986 and 1989. The Pravetz is entirely hardware and software compatible with the Oric Atmos. The major change on the hardware side is the bigger white case that hosts a comfortable mechanical keyboard and an integrated power supply. The BASIC Rom has been patched to host both a Western European and Cyrillic alphabet - the upper case character set produces Western European characters, which lower case gives Cyrillic letters. In order to ease the use of the two alphabets, the Pravetz 8D is fitted with a CAPS LOCK key. A Disk II compatible interface and a custom DOS, called DOS-8D, have been created circa 1990. Notes ^ The choice of the company's name, Tangerine, was inspired by the success of the-then already famous (in the computer business world) Apple Computer. ^ The 48k Oric machines are actually really 64k machines. The top 16k of memory are masked by the BASIC Rom and thus normally not available for the user. The disc drive unit contains some additional hardware that makes it able to enable or disable the ROM, effectively adding 16k of RAM to the machine. This additional memory is used by the system to store the Oric DOS software. Infos from Wikipedia

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Zodiac Tapwave Unknown

Einstein TC-01 Tatung Computer 1984

The Tatung Einstein was an eight-bit home/personal computer produced by Taiwanese corporation Tatung, designed and assembled in Telford, England. It was aimed primarily at small businesses. The Einstein was released in the United Kingdom in the summer of 1984, and 5,000 were exported back to Taipei later that year. A Tatung monitor (monochrome or color) and printer were also available as options. The machine was physically large, with an option for one or two built-in three-inch floppy disk drives manufactured by Hitachi. At the time, most home computers used ordinary tape recorders for storage. Another unusual feature of the Einstein was that on start-up the computer entered a simple machine code monitor, called MOS (Machine Operating System). A variety of software could then be loaded from disk, including a CP/M-compatible operating system named Xtal, and a BASIC interpreter. More expensive than most of its rivals, and lacking an obvious niche market other than technically-advanced home programmers, the Einstein was commercially unsuccessful. A later, revised version, named the Tatung Einstein 256 suffered a similar fate. Technical specifications CPU: Zilog Z80A @ 4 MHz RAM: 64KB system RAM; 16KB video RAM Video: 16 colors, 32 sprite planes Infos from Wikipedia

Aamber Pegasus Technosys Computer 1981

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Tecmo Tecmo Arcade

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4052 Tektronix Unknown

4100 Series Tektronix Unknown

4400 Series Tektronix Unknown

Zorba Telcon Handheld 1983

The Zorba is one of the last 8 bits portable computer running the CP/M operating system. Its features were almost identical to the <a href="computer.asp?c=550">Kaypro II</a>. The Zorba was first manufactured and sold by Telcon, a company specialized in telecomunication equipments manufacturing. For $190 more, the user could order the <b>Perfect Software Package</b> including the 'Perfect Writer' word processor, the 'Perfect Speller' spell checker, the 'Perfect Filer' database manager and the 'Perfect Calc' spreadsheet. Having spent a lot of money designing the Zorba, Telcon was seeking for new investors to market its portable and settle a network sales. It was then bought up by <b>ModComp</b> (Modular Computer), a company specialized in mini-computer manufacturing. A group called <b>Modular Micro Group</b>, specialized in Zorba marketing was created. In spite of that, results were very bad and one year after its launch date, Zorba computers stock was sold to a company specialized in selling off surplus stocks, wich sold them at a very low price. Zorba users were nevertheless very satisfied. They were able to read practically every existing CP/M floppy format. Its several video emulations (H19/Z19/VT52) allowed them to run virtually any existing CP/M software.

TS-802 & TS-802H TeleVideo Systems Computer 1982

In 1982, T?l?vid?o was one of the first companies selling passive video terminals. These devices were used as monitors/keyboards for mainframes. Their major competitor was Digital and its VT100 terminal, which became the reference model and was later on copied by several companies. The same year, Digital and Televideo had the same idea: to convert their video terminal into a business computer. The digital solution was called the <a href="computer.asp?c=605">VT-180</a>. Televideo offered their solution under the name <b>TS-802</b>. The TS-802 was a traditional Z80 and CP/M based system. There were two versions: one equiped with double 5.25'' disk drives, and another with a 10 MB hard disk (TS-802H). Like all CP/M systems manufacturers of the time, Televideo offered a free software suite called TeleSolutions. It included the two MicroPro editor bestsellers: <b>WordStar</b> (wordprocessor) and <b>CalcStar</b> (agenda/spreadsheet). Initially, these computers were used by large companies as single user, stand alone systems. Then, they were connected to multitasking mainframe units (Televideo TS-806 or TS-816 for example) and used for many years as intelligent satellite stations.

TS-803, TS-803H & TPC-1 TeleVideo Systems Computer March 1983

The TS-803 succeeded to the <a href="computer.asp?c=610">TS-802</a>. Although it was basically the same CP/M machine, it had several notable enhancements. The all-in-one case had an innovative design. The main unit and mass storage devices were mounted vertically at the right side of a large tilting 14" green display (at the time the standard size was of 12"). The keyboard was also greatly improved. It offered 16 programmable function keys and 10 pre-programmed text-editing keys. It was one of the first keyboard to offer a built-in wrist rest. The TS-803 was also one of the rare CP/M machines to run graphics. At the same period, Televideo also released the <b>TS-1603</b>, an Intel 8088 version with same design which ran CPM/86 and MS-DOS OSs.

TS-806 TeleVideo Systems Unknown

Compis Telenova Computer 1985

The Telenova Compis computer was designed to be used in swedish schools. It featured a 80186 cpu and used CP/M 86. The name "compis" would be a synthesis of the word Computer and the swedish word "kompis", meaning Buddy or mate. It was also a shorting for 'computer i skolan' (computer in school). The Compis was called <b>Scandis</b> in Norway. There was a small speaker in the keyboard. On the later models (Compis II) the network identity and other setup-data of the computer were also stored in the keyboard. Compis II was also capable of running MD-DOS. Some models only had one floppy drive. It had amber monochrome display while the first model had green on black. Svenska Datorer AB (Swedish Computers AB) went bankrupt shortly after beginning the production of the compis. Further production was taken over by the state-owned Televerket?s company TeleNova that invested large amounts of money in the project. The following languages were available on disk : Comal, Pascal, Fortran, Cobol.

TMC-600 Telmac Unknown

8510A & 8600 Terak Unknown

Ondra & Ondra ViLi Tesla Computer 1985

Developed in Elstroj and produced by Tesla Liberec and later Tesla Blatna, the Ondra was a low-cost system intended for computing initiation at home and school. It was build around the U880 processor (East-German version of the Z80). It featured 64 KB RAM, 4 KB ROM and had 320 x 255 graphic capabilities. Three peripherals could be connected, a tape recorder, a Parallel printer and a joystick. Only 1000 units were ever made. Then Tesla wanted to give the manufacturing to other firm. Unfortunately that never happened. Picture and information from <b>Jan Krupka</b>

PMD-85 Tesla Computer 1985

The PMD-85 was a Czechoslovakian personal computer based on the MHB 8080A processor and manufactured by slovakian company Tesla Bratislava. Several versions were available: - PMD-85-1 (most common) - PMD-85-2 (better keyboard and software) - PMD-85-2A (new motherboard) - PMD-85-3 (new motherboard again, pictured) - Mato (kit of a clone in a smaller case) This machine was well known among kids and fans for its presence in schools in 80's. Thanks to Monty Jack and Jan Krupka from Czech Republik for info and picture. The PMD series, by Andrej Actually PMD series started much earlier. First one was PMD-81 (from 1981) followed by PMD-83 (of course manufactured in 1983-84) and the last one from series was PMD-85. While PMD-81 (as far as I know) had just cartridge for Basic G, PMD-85 had as standard Basic G, but also Pascal cartridge was available. Computer didn't have a monitor, it was plugged in regular (at that time B/W) TV. While PMD-85-3 had prominent keyboard (as you can see in a picture), previous models had flat keys Some acid remarks from David Cady: In fact, this computer did not have a built-in language. That Basic G was a kind of a cartridge or a module, that can be seen and identified fairly easy on the picture provided on the page. Above the keyboard, where the upper part of the rear panel begins, you can notice a slightly different colour of the case (the gray is a little lighter) with only one inscription on it in the upper right corner. Well, it's not the case anymore - it's that module! It was huge (in comparison to Atari or Commodore cartridges), quite heavy (almost one fifth of the total weight of the computer) and, surprisingly, fragile. Probably therefore was this Basic G module shipped automatically with the computer (plugged in already - that might be the reason, why it's so often described as built-in). Basic G was really bad, it was a very-low-performance clone of the Sinclair ZX Spectrum Basic programming language. Just imagine, that holding down the function key and pressing a letter key meanwhile wrote the whole command on the screen although there was no indication for the upcoming command on the keyboard itself (unlike ZX). It was very uncomfortable to get used to this and majority of those, who worked with PMD's didn't use this 'fast commands writing feature'. The PMD 85/1 had a pretty miserable keyboard made of telephone keys (!). Writing a couple of A4's could become a blood-sweating experience. PMD's were not really much cheaper in comparison to Atari, Commodore or ZX Spectrum computers (some of the peripherals were even more expensive than their 'western' equivalents), but they were the 'official' computers for youth educating in computer science. Probably every other computer or programming club had several of those, so they became fairly widespread despite the quality. PMD 85/2A, PMD 85/3 and Mato, Slovak successor to (and clone of) PMD 85/2, were basically the same shit. Sorry to say that, but I had to work with them, so I know, what I'm talking about. I didn't like ZX's, but I'd prefer them anytime to PMD's. The peripherals - similar to ZX, any casette player/recorder could be plugged in. There was a special peripheral from Tesla that combined the tape recorder with a printer (the D-100 model or the BT-100 model). This printer had a single-pin head and you had to put a carbon paper (!) in between the head and the clean paper for the printer to work correctly - to print at all! That's what I call innovative approach :-) NAME PMD-85 MANUFACTURER Tesla TYPE Home Computer ORIGIN Czechoslovakia YEAR 1985 BUILT IN LANGUAGE BASIC G cartridge KEYBOARD Full stroke 77 keys CPU MHB 8080A SPEED 2,048 MHz (Xtal 18,432 MHz divided by 9) RAM 48 KB (Mod. 1), 56 KB (Mod. 2A), 64 KB (Mod. 3) ROM 4 KB (Mod. 1, 2A), 8 KB (Mod. 3) TEXT MODES 25 lines x 48 characters GRAPHIC MODES 288 x 256 dots COLORS 4 (Black, White, Grey, Blink) - 8 for the PMD-85-3 SOUND 1 channel SIZE / WEIGHT 31.3 (W) x 26.5 (D) x 6.5 (H) cm / 1.915 kg I/O PORTS Serial, Parallel BUILT IN MEDIA None POWER SUPPLY Exxternal power supply unit, +5V, +12V, -5V, Max 35VA PERIPHERALS Tape recorder PRICE Unknown

CC-40 Texas Instruments Unknown

Speak & Read Texas Instruments Unknown

Speak & Spell Texas Instruments Unknown

TI-59 Texas Instruments Calculator

TI-73 Texas Instruments Unknown

TI-74 Texas Instruments Unknown

TI-80 Texas Instruments Unknown

TI-81 Texas Instruments Unknown

TI-82 Texas Instruments Calculator

TI-83 Texas Instruments Calculator

TI-84 Texas Instruments Calculator

TI-85 Texas Instruments Calculator

The TI-85 is a graphing calculator made by Texas Instruments based around the Zilog Z80 microprocessor. Designed in 1992 as TI's second graphing calculator (the first was the TI-81), it has since been replaced by the TI-86, which has also been discontinued. The TI-85 was significantly more powerful than the TI-81, as it was designed as a calculator primarily for use in engineering and calculus courses. Texas Instruments had included a version of BASIC on the device to allow programming. Each calculator came with a cable to connect calculators (simply a three-conductor cable with 2.5 mm jack plugs on each end). Another cable known as the TI-Graph Link was also sold, along with appropriate software, to connect the calculator to a personal computer. These cables made it possible to save programs and make backups. Technical specifications CPU Zilog Z80 CPU,[1] 6 MHz RAM 32 KB, (28 KB user-available) ROM 128 KB non-upgradeable Display Text: 21Ṫ8 characters Graphics: 128Ṫ64 pixels, monochrome Link capability 2.5 mm I/O port Power 4ṪAAA, 1ṪCR1616 or CR1620 Programming language(s) TI-BASIC, Z80 Assembly (hacked) (info: Wikipedia)

TI-86 Texas Instruments Calculator

The TI-86 is a programmable graphing calculator introduced in 1997 and produced by Texas Instruments. The TI-86 uses the Zilog Z80 microprocessor. It is partially backwards-compatible with its predecessor, the TI-85. The TI-86 can be thought of as the tier among various Texas Instruments calculators directly above the TI-83 and TI-84 line. In addition to having a larger screen than the TI-83, the TI-86 also allows the user to type in lower case and Greek letters and features five softkeys, which improve menu navigation and can be programmed by the user for quick access to common operations such as decimal-to-fraction conversion. The calculator also handles vectors, matrices and complex numbers better than the TI-83. One drawback, however, is that the statistics package on the TI-83 range doesn't come preloaded on the TI-86. However, it can be downloaded from the Texas Instruments program archive and installed on the calculator using the link cable. The TI-86 has been discontinued. Specifications * CPU: Zilog Z80 6 MHz * RAM: 128 KB, 96 KB user-accessible * ROM: 256 KB non-upgradable * Display: 128Ṫ64 pixels high-contrast monochrome LCD * Data Communication: Serial link port; allows two TI-86 calculators to be connected to each other, or one TI-86 to be connected to a PC, for data transfer via a special link cable * Programming Languages: TI-BASIC, Z80 Assembly (ASM) (info: Wikipedia)

TI-89 Texas Instruments Unknown

TI-92 Texas Instruments Calculator 1995

The TI-92 was originally released in 1995, and was the first symbolic calculator made by Texas Instruments. It came with a computer algebra system (CAS) based on Derive, and was one of the first calculators to offer 3D graphing. The TI-92 was not allowed on most standardized tests due mostly to its QWERTY keyboard. Its larger size was also rather cumbersome compared to other graphing calculators. In response to these concerns, Texas Instruments introduced the TI-89 which is functionally similar to the original TI-92, but featured Flash ROM and 188KB RAM, and a smaller design without the QWERTY keyboard. The TI-92 was then replaced by the TI-92 Plus, which was essentially a TI-89 with the larger QWERTY keyboard design of the TI-92. Eventually, TI released the Voyage 200, which is a smaller, lighter version of the TI-92 Plus with a QWERTY keyboard and more Flash ROM. The TI-92 is no longer sold through TI or its dealers, and is very hard to come by in stores. Display: 240Ṫ128 pixels CPU Motorola MC68000 10 MHz RAM 128 KB 70 KB user-available(TI-92) 256 KB 136 KB user-available(TI-92II) Flash ROM 1 MB ROM, (non-upgradeable) Link capability 2.5 mm I/O port Power 4ṪAA, 1ṪCR2032 Release 1995(TI-92) 1996(TI-92II) (info: Wikipedia)

TI-95 Texas Instruments Unknown

TI-99 4A Texas Instruments Computer 1981

he TI-83 series of graphing calculators is manufactured by Texas Instruments. The original TI-83 is itself an upgraded version of the TI-82. Released in 1996, it is one of the most used graphing calculators for students. In addition to the functions present on normal scientific calculators, the TI-83 includes many features, including function graphing, polar/parametric/sequence graphing modes, statistics, trigonometric, and algebraic functions. Although it does not include as many calculus functions, applications (for the TI-83 Plus -- see below) and programs can be downloaded from certain websites or written on the calculator The TI-83 was the first calculator in the TI series to have built in assembly language support. The TI-92, TI-85, and TI-82 were capable of running assembly language programs, but only after sending a specially constructed (hacked) memory backup. The support on the TI-83 could be accessed through a hidden feature of the calculator. Users would write their assembly (ASM) program on their computer, assemble it, and send it to their calculator as a program. The user would then execute the command 'Send (9prgmXXX' (where XXX is the name of the program), and it would execute the program. Successors of the TI-83 replaced the Send() backdoor with a less-hidden Asm() command. The TI-83 Plus is a graphing calculator made by Texas Instruments, designed in 1999 as an upgrade to the TI-83. The TI-83 Plus is one of TI's most popular calculators. It uses a Zilog Z80 microprocessor[1] running at 6 MHz, a 96Ṫ64 monochrome LCD screen, and 4 AAA batteries as well as backup CR1616 or CR1620 battery. A link port is also built into the calculator in the form of a 2.5mm jack. The main improvement over the TI-83, however, is the addition of 512 KB of Flash ROM, which allows for OS upgrades and applications to be installed. Most of the Flash memory is used by the OS, with 160 KB available for user files and applications. Another development is the ability to install Flash Applications, which allows the user to add functionality to the calculator. Such applications have been made for math and science, text editing, organizers and day planners, editing spread sheets, games, and many other uses. Designed for use by high school students, though now used by middle school students in some public school systems, it contains all the features of a scientific calculator as well as function, parametric, polar, and sequential graphing capabilities; an environment for financial calculations; matrix operations; on-calculator programming; and more. Symbolic manipulation (differentiation, algebra) is not built into the TI-83 Plus, but is available via a flash application from Detached Solutions. It can be programmed using a language called TI-BASIC, which is similar to the BASIC computer language. Programming may also be done in TI Assembly, made up of Z80 assembly and a collection of TI provided system calls. Assembly programs run much faster, but are more difficult to write. Thus, the writing of Assembly programs is often done on the computer.

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MO5 Thomson Computer 1982

The MO-5 was presented alongside the TO 7/70, in march 1984. While the TO-7/70 follows and enhances the TO-7 philosophy, the MO-5 is more a cut-down version of the TO-7/70. The idea was to design a coherent French home computer, able to compete with such systems as the ZX Spectrum or the Commodore 64. The case of the MO-5 is elegant with its anthracit colour and pleasant lines. The keyboard, though made of rubber keys, is an improvement over the flat membrane keyboard of the TO-7. Most BASIC statements are engraved onto the keys and can be directly entered by pressing a special BASIC key and the key matching the desire statement. But the Basic commands can also be typed in letter by letter. The keyboard layout is AZERTY which is normal as the MO-5 is a french system. Accentuated letters can directly be accessed by pressing the ACC key, followed by the desired key (6 for é, 7 for è, 8 for ù, 9 for ç and 0 for à). There are also four arrow keys, INS to insert a space, EFF to delete the pointed character, STOP to pause a program, CNT to resume a program stoped and RAZ (remise à zéro) to clear the screen. The cartridge slot is different from the TO-7 and TO-7/70 one. Thus, MEMO7 cartridges cannot be used. The cartridges of the MO-5 are called MEMO5. Next to the cartridge slot is a RESET (software) button. When pressed it re-initiates the computer without clearing the RAM. Thus, programs in memory are not lost. As opposed to the TO-7/70, the MO-5 is very compact in many ways. One of the drawbacks is that there is only one expansion connector. You cannot connect the Game expansion AND a printer, or a disk-drive AND a printer, etc. When you get the computer, you've got the system itself and nothing more. Everything else is optional : tape recorder, light-pen, joystick expansion, etc. This is mainly the reason why the MO-5 was not too expensive compared to the other Thomson systems. Hopefully, the Microsoft Basic 1.0 (Level 5), is built-in ROM (it is not the case with the TO-7/70). This Basic version developped specially for Thomson is quite excellent, with many interesting functions and statements. In fact it is the same found on the TO-7 and TO-7/70 with only some minor changes (the MO5 version lacks DEF USR statement, and double-precision numbers). The light-pen introduced on the TO-7 has been improved on the MO-5 and TO-7/70. While its resolution was only 40x25 on the TO-7, it can now access every point of the screen, that is to say 320 x 200 pixels. But a strange feature is that the tape format of the MO-5 is not compatible with the TO-7 & TO-7/70 one. Tapes saved with a TO system can not be loaded with a MO-5. And games sold for the TO computers could not be directly used by a MO-5. As a result, most games were sold with the program saved in TO-7 format on one side, and in MO-5 format on the other side. So, to clarify everything, the main differences between the MO5 and TO-7/70 are: - Built-in Basic for the MO5, only available on cartridge for the TO-7/70 - Memo5 cartridge slot is different from the Memo7 one - only one expansion port on the MO5, four (including memory expansion) on the TO-7/70 - different tape format, - slightly different Basic versions (MO5 lacks DEF USR statement and double-precision numbers) - colours are coded differently internaly, - MO5 lacks special 'Minitel' videotext characters, - the lightpen is only optional for the MO5, - ROMs and memory addresses are different Though this looks like a lot of differences, both systems are in fact very close in terms of possibilities, features and performances. The MO5 in its conception can be seen as a compact TO-7/70 targeted specificaly for the home-computer / initiation market. The MO-5 was very popular in schools, as Thomson was the main supplier of the French National Education for the 'Informatique Pour Tous' Plan. MO-5 were mainly used as terminals for the famous 'Nanoréseau', an educational network, often piloted by a Logabax Persona 1600. A special version called MO-5 NR (for NanoRéseau) was even developed some times later. The MO-5E (E for Exportation) is a MO-5 version specially developped for foreign markets. It has a proper full-stroke keyboard, a different case, two joystick connectors and several video outputs. It did not have much success... The MO-5 itself was replaced in France by a second version which was only different by its full-stroke keyboard. In 1986, the MO-5 was replaced with the MO 6.

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MO6 Thomson Computer 1982

The Thomson MO 6 was the successor of the <a href="computer.asp?c=12">Thomson MO 5</a>. This machine was widely used in French schools. It was compatible with the MO 5 and the other members of its family (<a href="computer.asp?c=11">TO 7</a>, <a href="computer.asp?c=238">TO 8</a>, <a href="computer.asp?c=239">TO 9</a> and <a href="computer.asp?c=240">TO 9 plus</a>). It has two versions of BASIC on ROM, one to be compatible with MO5 and BASIC 128 (both made by Microsoft). Almost all memory (101 KB) was accessible with BASIC thanks to a transparent 16 KB bank switching mechanism. An optional 3.5" floppy disk drive (640 KB) was available. It had a short life because soon after it was launched, the <a href="computer.asp?c=238">TO 8</a> came and challenged to it. The MO5 was also sold in Italy by Olivetti under the name <a href="computer.asp?c=853"> Prodest PC-128</a>

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TO-series Thomson Unknown

TO7 Thomson Computer 1982

The <b>Thomson TO 7</b> is the first micro computer conceived by Thomson and the first French micro-computer. This computer, also called <b>Thomson 9000</b> was mainly used in french schools and had somehow a great success in France. "TO" stands for "Tele Ordinateur" (ordinateur meaning computer in French). One of the most interesting feature of the TO-7 is its light pen. Indeed, there is one stored in a small trap above the keyboard. A wide range of software used this device. Even on later Thomson systems (MO and TO series), the light pen is still available as an option. It was the distinctive sign of the Thomson micro-computers. On the other hand, its flat membrane keyboard (like the <a href="computer.asp?c=263">ZX 81</a>'s one) is awful! It is impossible to type something quickly. Each stroke is signaled by a small beep. There is a key labeled RAZ (Remise A Zero) which clears the screen, like the classic CLS command... There is a also a ACC key (Accent) which enables accentuated letters. When you switch on the computer, there is no language, just a small configuration tool to test the light pen. The Basic 1.0 (Microsoft Basic 5) is delivered on a cartridge. It inserts into the cartridge trap door on the left side of the keyboard. The cartridges are called "Memo 7". Sadly, the trap door locking system is not very secure, and all TO 7 owners experienced the lost of their programs when the trap door opened itself without prompting... When the trap door opens, the cartridge is ejected, and the system hangs. You've lost everything :( The Basic is quite complete with useful statements. To do graphics you've got LINE (to draw a line), PSET (to draw points), BOX (to draw a box) and BOXF (to draw a filled box). You can also handle the lightpen with INPEN, INPUTPEN, PEN and ONPEN. The joystick states are read with STICK and STRIG. To do music, you have the PLAY statement, which has been Frenchised. To play the standard note sequence, you would type: PLAY "DOREMIFASOLASI"... At the back of the computer, one can find 4 expansion slots protected by plastic caps. Three are identical and are used for common expansions like joystick, disk-drives, etc. The fourth one is used by the optional memory expansion. Another item you can't miss at the back of the TO 7 is the BIG heatsink! This thing is huge and was known to cut a lot :( So be careful when you handle a TO 7! It also gets hot fairly quickly, so don't get burn either (man, the TO 7 is dangerous!). The first programs (mainly developped by Vifi-Nathan) where really bad, often written in Basic. They were essentialy boring educative games. Despite this bad point, the TO-7 did well thanks to the French National Education who bought a lot of systems to the nationalised Thomson company... And in 1984, the TO-7 was replaced with the <a href="computer.asp?c=643">TO-7/70</a> (in fact the TO-7 continued to be sold too for a short time) which corrected the main weaknesses of its little brother.

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TO7-70 Thomson Computer 1982

The <b>TO-7/70</b> was presented alongside the <a href="computer.asp?c=12">MO5</a>, in march 1984. While the MO-5 represents a small break into the <a href="computer.asp?c=11">TO-7</a> philosophy, the TO-7/70 follows and enhances the TO-7 features. The case of the TO-7/70 is almost the same as the TO-7 one : roughly triangular with sharp edges. The keyboard, though made of rubber keys, is an improvement over the flat membrane keyboard of the TO-7. The keyboard layout is AZERTY which is normal as the TO-7/70 is a french system. Accentuated letters can directly be accessed by pressing the ACC key, followed by the desired key (6 for ?, 7 for ?, 8 for ?, 9 for ? and 0 for ?). There are also four arrow keys, INS to insert a space, EFF to delete the pointed character, STOP to pause a program, CNT to resume a program stoped and RAZ (remise ? z?ro) to clear the screen. The light-pen introduced on the TO-7 has been improved on TO-7/70. While its resolution was only 40x200 on the TO-7 (one eighth of the horizontal range), it can now access every point of the screen, that is to say 320 x 200 pixels. The expansion possibilities of the TO-7/70 are the same as the TO-7 : 3 expansion connectors for printers, disk-drives, game extension, etc. and 1 memory expansion slot. There is also still a tape-recorder intreface. The main improvements over the TO-7 are : - better integration of the components on the main-board - a better keyboard (hmmmm, so they say) - more RAM (48 KB, instead of 22 KB) - a switch to lock the cartridge trap door, since it used to open randomly on the TO-7, rebooting the system and thus loosing all work in progress - more colours (16 instead of 8) - better light-pen precision - the infamous heat-sink at the back of the TO-7 has disapeared ! The TO-7 is upward compatible with the TO-7/70, i.e. software developped for the TO-7 can be used by the TO-7/70, but not the contrary... It also means that the MEMO7 cartridge format is still the same. AS for the MO-5, the TO-7/70 was quite popular in schools, as Thomson was the main supplier of the French National Education for the "Informatique Pour Tous" Plan. TO-7/70 (and MO5) were mainly used as terminals for the famous "Nanor?seau", an educational network, often piloted by a Logabax Persona 1600. A second model with better mechanical keyboard was released some months later, for christmas 1985 (see more pictures section). In fact this model was first sold as an exportation model along with the <a href="computer.asp?c=838">MO5E</a>. They were both presented at the "Hannover Messe" (Germany) in april 1985. That explains why some rumours talked about a TO-7/70E model, but it was never called like this. It was exactly the same model sold later in France. The TO-7/70 was finally replaced by the <a href="computer.asp?c=238">TO-8 and TO-8D</a> in 1986.

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TO8 Thomson Computer 1982

The Thomson TO 8 is the successor of the <a href="computer.asp?c=11">Thomson TO 7/TO 7/70</a>. This machine was, like the <a href="computer.asp?c=12">Thomson MO 5</a> very used in french schools. It was compatible with the TO 7 and the other members of its family (<a href="computer.asp?c=167">Thomson MO 6</a>, <a href="computer.asp?c=239">Thomson TO 9</a> and <a href="computer.asp?c=240">Thomson TO 9 plus</a>). It has three basics on ROM : The Basic 1.0 of the TO7, The Basic 512 and the Basic DISK. Almost all memory (235 KB) was accessible with basic thanks to a transparent 16 KB bank switching mechanism and up to 17 programs can be loaded simultaneously in memory and it is possible to switch between them. An optional 3.5" floppy disk drive (640 KB) was available. A new version of the TO 8 was launched few times after, the Thomson TO 8D, this computer had the same characteristics but had a built-in 3.5" floppy disk drive.

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TO8, TO8D, TO9, TO9+ Thomson Computer 1986

The Thomson TO 8 is the successor of the <a href="computer.asp?c=11">Thomson TO 7/TO 7/70</a>. This machine was, like the <a href="computer.asp?c=12">Thomson MO 5</a> very used in french schools. It was compatible with the TO 7 and the other members of its family (<a href="computer.asp?c=167">Thomson MO 6</a>, <a href="computer.asp?c=239">Thomson TO 9</a> and <a href="computer.asp?c=240">Thomson TO 9 plus</a>). It has three basics on ROM : The Basic 1.0 of the TO7, The Basic 512 and the Basic DISK. Almost all memory (235 KB) was accessible with basic thanks to a transparent 16 KB bank switching mechanism and up to 17 programs can be loaded simultaneously in memory and it is possible to switch between them. An optional 3.5" floppy disk drive (640 KB) was available. A new version of the TO 8 was launched few times after, the Thomson TO 8D, this computer had the same characteristics but had a built-in 3.5" floppy disk drive. Tiger Electronics Handheld 1997

The (pronounced in TV commercials as 'game com', not 'game dot com' and not capitalized in marketing material) was a handheld game console released by Tiger Electronics in September 1997. It featured many new ideas for handheld consoles and was aimed at an older target audience, sporting PDA-style features and functions such as a touch screen and stylus. However, Tiger hoped it would also challenge Nintendo's Game Boy and gain a following among younger gamers too. Unlike other handheld game consoles, the first consoles included two slots for game cartridges and could be connected to a 14.4 kbit/s modem. Later models reverted to a single cartridge slot. History This section does not cite any references or sources. (March 2008) Please improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources. Unverifiable material may be challenged and removed. game.comTitles released at's launch included Indy 500, Duke Nukem 3D and Mortal Kombat Trilogy, along with Lights Out which came packaged with the system. Tiger also produced equivalents to many Game Boy peripherals, such as the serial cable allowing players to connect their consoles to play multiplayer games or exchange high scores. Branded items such as an AC adapter, earphones, and a carry-case were also made available. Many of the's extra features had only limited functionality compared to modern portable devices. The touch screen had a fairly low sensor resolution along with no backlight, so it lacked precision and made it hard to see the on-screen controls. Entering phone numbers, addresses or the like was cumbersome. As with most portable devices from the 1990s, data storage was entirely dependent on a button battery, and failure of this backup battery would erase any high scores or information stored on the console. The Lights Out cart which came bundled with the consoleTiger failed to sell the to an older audience. While they were able to obtain more mature-themed game licences like Mortal Kombat, Duke Nukem, and Resident Evil, few of these portable adaptations were developed by their original creators, or kept to the spirit of the original games. For example, the FPS Duke Nukem was presented in the first person, and while shooting does happen, the manner in which it is handled is far from that of the typical First Person Shooter: the player shifts around a room one tile at a time, always facing squarely north, and presses the fire button if an enemy happens to obstruct his gun. Turning, strafing, jumping, and the finer subtleties of aiming are thus rendered non-existent. Most game development, even on licensed games, was done in-house. As such, SDKs were not known to be widely available, and the third party development that has always been crucial to the survival of any gaming platform was absent. At the time, the platform was almost completely ignored by the gaming press. Tiger used provocative and potentially insulting marketing, including controversial slogans such as, 'It plays more games than you idiots have brain cells.', which may have lost it supporters instead of gaining them. In an effort to revitalize their low sales, Tiger would later release the Pocket Pro. This was a smaller version of the which had the same specifications as the original except that it had a single cartridge slot and required only two AA batteries. The initial version of the Pocket Pro featured a frontlit screen (advertised as backlit) and is distinguished by its rough-textured black case. A subsequent re-release omitted the frontlight and came in four translucent colors (green, blue, pink, and purple). This re-release enjoyed very limited success, and the console would be cancelled in 2000, along with its exclusive internet service. Most of the console's problems were due to a small lineup (only 20 games), poor quality of games, lack of third party support, poor distribution, and poor marketing. Moreover, its display, like the original Game Boy's, suffered from very slow screen updates (known as 'ghosting'), which makes fast moving objects blur and particularly hurt the fast-moving games Tiger sought licenses for. The Pocket Pro had a slightly better display than the first model — on par with the Game Boy Pocket's one — with less of a ghosting problem. While the was a failure, it is notable that similar features were later used with great success by Nintendo in their DS handheld console. The was the first console to use a touchscreen, the first to include basic PDA-functions, the first to allow two game carts to be inserted at once and the first to allow internet access. It is arguable that the basic concept of the was a strong one, but the actual implementation of those concepts was completely botched by Tiger Electronics, and severely limited by the technology of the mid-1990s. When Nintendo implemented the same basic ideas on the DS in 2004, the result was extremely successful both commercially and critically. Internet features modem and internet cartridgesUsing the with the modem was cumbersome. The user had to insert the modem into one of the unit's game cartridge slots, connect the to a phone jack, and dial into the (and fairly expensive) ISP. From there, the user could upload saved high scores, or check e-mail and view the web if they had the Internet cartridge (sold separately from the modem). This process would end up being a matter of trial-and-error; both Tiger's now-defunct website and the included manual gave incorrect instructions for setting up a for internet access. Web access was text-only, and the later, single-cartridge versions of the could not access the web or send e-mail at all. No games had actual online play with other people, only high score uploads. The monthly fee, two extra peripherals, and exceedingly confusing setup required meant that only a small percentage of the admittedly few owners had a subscription to the internet service, which would barely survive until the cancellation of the handheld itself. Technical specifications System Size (LxWxD) Original: 190 x 108 x 19 mm / Pocket Pro: 140 x 86 x 28 mm Processor Chip Sharp SM8521 8-Bit CPU Screen Specs 192 x 160 resolution, 12 x 10 grid based touch screen, 3.5 in. diameter (Original) / 2,8 in. diameter (Pocket Pro) Color System Black and White, with 4 gray levels Sound/Music Monoaural, with 8-bit PCM and FM-synthesis, through a single speaker located in the upper left corner Power Source 4 AA Batteries (2 AA batteries in Pocket and Pocket Pro) or AC Adapter Ports Serial Comm Port for the cable, internet cable and weblink cable; 3.5 mm Audio In Jack for headphones; DC9 V in (AC Adapter); 2 Cartridge Slots (1 on the Pocket and Pocket Pro) Buttons Power (On/Off) Action (A, B, C, D); 3 Function (Menu, Sound, Pause); 1 Eight-way Directional Pad; Volume; Contrast Reset (On system's underside) Infos from: Wikipedia

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Gizmondo Tiger Electronics Handheld 2005

The Gizmondo is a handheld gaming console with GPRS and GPS technology, which was manufactured by Tiger Telematics. Launched in 2005, the Gizmondo sold poorly, and by February of 2006 the company discontinued the Gizmondo and was forced into bankruptcy. Gizmondo was overshadowed by Stefan Eriksson's involvement in organized crime. In November 2007 Carl Freer stated in an interview for the Swedish-American journalist Hans Sandberg that he was interested in starting up production of the Gizmondo again. The interview was published in the business news site, and a translated segment of the interview was made available on the author's blog The Nordic Link ( on January 23, 2008. The week before, Veckans Affärer, another Swedish business publication, had confirmed Realtid's story about Carl Freer's cooperation with the British company Plextek, who designed the original platform. Functionality and specifications The Gizmondo includes a GPS module for in-car navigation which could also be used to track player movement in real-time for multiplayer games. It also contains a 0.3 Megapixel VGA camera mounted on the rear of the device. The Gizmondo can play MP3/WAV/MIDI music, WMV/MPEG4 videos and a variety of 2D/3D games. It can send email and even SMS/MMS messages, although it lacks the ability to send or receive voice calls. The phone service to enable users to send messages was provided by pre-pay Vodafone accounts bundled with the device. It can also access the Global Positioning System for use as a navigation aid. There were plans to support a variety of location-based services, for example. GPRS and Bluetooth wireless connections were intended to provide multiplayer gaming. The Gizmondo also had a feature called 'Smart Ads.' In exchange for a discount on the Gizmondo (of Dollar170 in the US, Pound 100 in the UK), up to three advertisements per day would be displayed on the handheld's screen. Although the ads would not interrupt game play or other functions of the unit, the user would be forced to watch them before going on to the next function or shutting down the device. However because of the closure of the company, 'Smart Ads' currently do not run on the 'Smart Ads' enabled devices. Gizmondo is powered by a 400 MHz ARM9 processor and has a 2.8 inch 320x240 pixels TFT screen and an NVIDIA 128 bit GoForce 3D 4500 GPU featuring fixed-pipeline shading, hardware transform engine and 1280KB of embedded memory (only 830KB are left when memory is allocated for the double buffers and the z-buffer). The unit measures 128 mm (4.9 inches) in length, 82 mm (3.2 inches) in width, and 32 mm (1.3 inches) in depth, and weighs in at 155 grams (4.2 oz) including the battery. GE (Gametrac Europe), before changing its name to Gizmondo, said it will offer mobile data communications, such as texting, multimedia messaging, WAP, email, and over-the-air game, music and ringtone downloads, but not voice. This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding reliable references. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (August 2007) The device would feature a tri-band radio. It supports GSM Class 4 and GPRS Class 12 connections. The GPU was added relatively late in the system's design, causing some delays for launch titles and the system, as they were redesigned. The system's appearance and ergonomics were created by industrial designer Rick Dickinson, who worked in a similar role on various Sinclair products such as the ZX Spectrum. United Kingdom Gizmondo was released in the United Kingdom on 19 March 2005, initially priced at Pound 229. Units enabled with 'Smart Ads' (see above) had a reduced RRP of Pound 129. The Gizmondo was available from the Gizmondo flagship store on London's Regent Street, via Gizmondo's online shop, and other highstreet and online retailers (such as Argos, Dixons, Currys, John Lewis among others). United States In the United States, the Gizmondo launched on October 22, 2005. Retail price was Dollar400 for a unit without Smart Ads, or Dollar229 for a Smart Ads enabled device. It was available only through Gizmondo's website or at one of several kiosks located in shopping malls. However, only 8 of the planned 14 games were ever released in the U.S., along with no CoPilot GPS software, though the software was sold on the British site for a week or two. There was little to no advertising, and some of their advertising was even put in magazines of Nintendo Power (Nintendo's official magazine). Plans to distribute the handheld through other retailers never materialized. Gizmondo widescreen Tiger Telematics planned to release a widescreen Gizmondo in 2006. It was intended to have a larger screen and upgrades like Wi-Fi and TV-out support. The widescreen Gizmondo was announced just a few weeks before the US launch of the Gizmondo, possibly prompting some potential customers to not buy the Gizmondo, and instead wait for the improved model. Tiger Telematics Despite the losses, Tiger Telematics had gained continuing funding, including Dollar73.1m worth of investment capital during the year 2005, and it issued some 24.7m shares which brought in over Dollar200m. In October 2005, shortly after Gizmondo was released in America, a Swedish yellow-page paper printed a story linking Stefan Eriksson and two other Swedish Gizmondo Europe Executives to the Swedish crime ring 'Uppsalamaffian' (Uppsala Mafia.) The paper investigated a six months' loss of 200 million dollars, exhibiting large payouts to later bankrupt entities. Further, the trio's felon history was revealed such as Eriksson's 10-year prison sentences in 1993/94, for, among other things, conspiracy to pass counterfeit currency and attempted fraud, and the fact that Johan Enander was wanted by the Swedish police. In light of these findings Eriksson and others resigned. One of those resignations came from Carl Freer, the Chairman of the board and a director, who co-owned along with Eriksson Northern Lights Software Limited. (Freer had previously sold luxury cars in France, Germany and the U.K., some of which turned out to have been stolen. In an interview for he claims that he had no knowlege about that, and that it back then was very hard to verify if a car bought from another country was stolen or not. At one point he stopped a check to a German seller since he suspected him of having delivered a stolen car, not knowing that it was a crime in Germany to stop a check once you had accepted delivery.) Northern Lights was paid a large sum of money to create Chicane and Colors, two Gizmondo games that were actually developed by Gizmondo Europe itself. Freer paid the money back to Gizmondo in order to stop an investigation into the matter. The Gizmondo company itself denied knowing anything about Eriksson's past. Enander, nicknamed 'The Torpedo' started his career as a local bouncer at various restaurants in Uppsala and then rose to become the main enforcer and debt collector of Uppsalamaffian. He was sentenced to over six years for a series of violent crimes. In December 2003 he was again sentenced to one and a half years for physical assault on a woman, upon release, he was assigned as Head of Security. Another management employee was Peter Uf who was sentenced to 8.5 years in prison for similar charges to Eriksson, namely attempting to defraud 22 million Kronor from the Swedish Bank Giro Central. Uf was the other executive to resign. However, Gizmondo conveniently relocated Eriksson to California for its US launch, raising questions as to how Eriksson, a wanted felon, could legally enter the US. Gizmondo booth in a mall in West CovinaIn 2000, Carl Freer had formed Eagle Eye Scandinavian, a small electronics business in Sweden. In 2002 he quietly merged Tiger with Floor Décor, a loss-making carpet retailer based in Jacksonville, Florida, purely for the carpet company's shares, which were quoted on America's pink sheets grey market, which allowed him to have a group of shareholders from whom he could raise finance for his new project. Once that was completed Michael Carrender would come on board as the company chief financial officer. The electronics company would soon be renamed Tiger Telematics, Inc. and a new ticker symbol 'TIGR', with an attempt to take on Sony and Nintendo at the UK market, the third largest market and relocated at an office near Farnborough Airfield. Stefan Eriksson who Freer had met during a previous business visit was brought along into the company with Peter Uf The other executives who were employed by the company were: Steve Carroll, chief technology officer; Peter Lilley, who was the head of the company's Smart Ads operation; David Levett, chief software architect; Rich Clayton, the company's US producer; Tamela Sainsbury, corporate secretary; Johan Enander, Head of Security, and Eriksson's wife, Nicole Persson who was 'marketing and public-relations services officer' for a short period, so was Anneli Freer, the wife of Carl who was paid Pound 100,000 for the same 'consultancy services' which included an introduction to the singer Sting, and time spent in connection with the Agaju gaming concept. In 2004, Eriksson was paid Pound 1.1million by the company with other bonuses that amounted to another Pound 145,000 and also received a car allowance of Pound 5,000 a month. Not to be outdone, Freer was paid Pound 1.1million with a chauffeur-driven Maybach and his own Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren despite an 280,000 USD vehicle allowance. Persson was paid Pound 90,000 for 'marketing and public-relations services' for just over one year. Steve Carroll was paid Pound 800,000 with a company Bentley Continental. The three executives between them own shares of the company amounting to 94 million USD. Carroll's girlfriend, former actress Sainsbury, was paid Pound 78,000 with perks worth Pound 43,000 and a Mercedes-Benz M-Class for a company car. The Gizmondo device made its debut as a concept product at the German CeBIT show in March 2004, when its European subsidiary was then known as Gametrac Europe before renaming itself as Gizmondo Europe. Gizmondo's flagship showroom on Regent StreetThe company became known for its extravagant spending, despite not yet making a profit, let alone getting the Gizmondo off the ground. It counts amongst its exploits buying out model agency ISIS, and leasing a shop in Regent Street in London as its flagship showroom at a cost of Pound 175,000 per annum. The showroom also ran a launch party at the Park Lane Hotel and its own store, sparing no expense. The party was hosted by Dannii Minogue and Tom Green, with performances by Sting, Pharrell Williams, Busta Rhymes and Jamiroquai. Sting was rumored to be paid Pound 750,000 for the performance. In an attempt to promote the product, Eriksson competed at the 24 hours of Le Mans in the Gizmondo sponsored Ferrari 360 Modena GTC in 2005 but retired in the morning with mechanical troubles. In August 2004, the company announced it was buying Swedish games developer Indie Studios, which had already agreed to create two titles for the handheld. In addition, Gizmondo paid Dollar4m to Games Factory Publishing for nineteen concept games on the handheld, including a game called Typing Tutor despite having no keyboard peripheral, Dollar5.9m to Electronic Arts to port its SSX and FIFA games and Dollar3.5m to Northern Lights to develop Colors (the urban gang warfare first-person perspective shooter) and Chicane (a Formula One racing game being developed exclusively for Gizmondo) which was in fact developed by other Indie Studios. Around March 2005, US-based Tiger Telematics bought UK stock market-listed games developer Warthog, for almost 500,000 Tiger shares and Dollar1.13m in cash—together worth Dollar8.1m. Acquiring all of Warthog's operating subsidiaries, along with the group's debts, and Warthog's CEO, Ashley Hall, COO Steven Law and CFO Simon Elms, to become Tiger employees. Warthog's team also has close ties with key games publishers and game franchise owners. Bankruptcy On January 23, 2006, the UK based arm, Gizmondo Europe (GE) declared bankruptcy. Gizmondo haemorrhaged hundreds of millions of dollars before filing for bankruptcy: in 2004, Tiger Telematics reported a loss of Dollar99.29 million, and between January and September of 2005, they lost Dollar210 million, 'Principally due to development costs for the Gizmondo and non-cash expenses associated with shares of restricted common stock issued for services'. In other words it has bartered shares in lieu of cash payments. Soon after Gizmondo retail locations in both the US and the UK closed, and the Gizmondo website was shut down. The game development arm of Gizmondo also went out of business. The company was also involved in various litigation. Swedish Ogilvy Group, MTV Europe, Christian and Timbers (landlord to their office), Handheld Gaming and the Jordan Grand Prix all filed million dollar suits against the company. Gizmondo is currently under investigation in the UK for approximately Pound 25-30 million owed to HM Revenue and Customs. On February 21, 2006, Eriksson lost control of a million dollar Ferrari Enzo sports car which he allegedly drove while drunk on the Pacific Coast Highway in California. Eriksson claimed to have been a passenger in the car, but this claim was not supported by forensic evidence. The car itself was not owned by Eriksson, but was claimed by the Bank of Scotland during the bankruptcy of Tiger Telematics. It was found that the crashed Ferrari and two other sport cars were leased in Britain, that lease payments since had ceased after the company collapse, and that after the export, the Mercedes was reported stolen in Britain with insurance pay-out. On November 7, 2006, Eriksson pleaded no contest to embezzling the two other sport cars and illegally possessing a gun and was sentenced to 3 years in jail. The following month in the same week as the Ferrari crash, Freer, Lilley, Levett and Clayton have founded a virtual network operator called Xero Mobile which is similar to business in terms of business model to the Smart Ads. In early February 2006, the High Court appointed two liquidators. David Rubin & Partners would deal with the sale of the company's assets, thought to amount to little more than the furniture in its Regent Street showroom and Begbies Traynor was asked to investigate exactly where Gizmondo's money had gone. The 27 staff remaining at Gizmondo's head office in Farnborough and five at its London store were made redundant. No Gizmondo accounts for 2005 have been published. But internal figures show sales of just Pound 1.4m in the first nine months of the year. Losses were equivalent to Pound 500,000 a day. Directors' salaries amounted to Pound 6.6m for the nine months. And leasing cars totalled Pound 2m-plus. Infos from: Wikipedia

K28 Talking Learning Computer Tiger Electronics Unknown

Playmaker Tiger Electronics Unknown

R-Zone Tiger Electronics Unknown

Kontiki-100 & Tiki-100 Tiki Data Computer April 1984

The Tiki-100 was a Norwegian educational, professional, homecomputer system that was quite popular in schools. Acutally they first used the name Kontiki-data, and named the first few models <b>Kontiki-100</b>, but had to change the name to Tiki after the Thor Heyerdahl Society, wich owned the rights to the Kontiki name, threatened with a lawsuit. Five models were available, featuring one or two 80 KB, 200 KB or 800 KB 5'' floppy disc drives. An optional 20MB Winchester harddrive was also available. The Tiki-100 could read various disk formats, like Scandis, <a href="computer.asp?c=274">IBM-PC</a>, <a href="computer.asp?c=181">Osborne</a>, and <a href="computer.asp?c=357">ABC-800</a>. The 80 KB format was the same as used in some <a href="computer.asp?c=15">Xerox-systems</a>. The operating-system was called <b>TIKO</b>, and was compatible with CP/M 2.2. It was first called <b>KP/M</b>, but was renamed at the same time as the computer changed the name from Kontiki-100 to Tiki-100. One could also install an optional Intel-8088 processor-board, adding an extra 256 KB ram to the main 64 KB. A 16-bit operating system called <b>TIKOS</b> was used together with the i8088 board, and managed both the i8088 and Z80 at the same time. TIKOS was developed from CP/M-86, and was compatible with it. MS-DOS 2.11 was also available. The Tiki-100 had 3 (maybe more?) graphics modes, but no text-mode as it used bitmapped graphics only. A separate network hub was available that allowed up to 8 (not sure) computers to be connected in a star topology. One of the standard Tiki's serial ports was used for the network, in high speed mode. The server was a Tiki-100 that ran MP/M. Several programs were developed for the Tiki-100. Most common were: <b>BRUM</b> (a simple wordprocessor), <b>Tiki-Kalk</b> (Spreadsheet), <b>Tiki-BAS</b> (Database),<b>WordStar</b> and <b>SuperCalc</b> and a little snake-type game called <b>Pyton</b>. A simple terminal program was also imbedded in the OS, and made it possible to connect to a BBS through a 300 or 1200 bps modem. A serial terminal could be used to acces the Tiki-100 via one of the serial ports. Program languages like: C, Fortran, Cobol, BASIC, Pascal was also available. <font color="#666666"> Thanks to <b>Jon Andre Finnerud</b> and <b>Jorn E.Haugan</b> for information and pictures.</font>

GameKing TimeTop Handheld

GameKing 3 TimeTop Unknown

TS-2068 Timex Sinclair Computer Fall 1983

This is the American version of the Spectrum. It has an additional 8K extension ROM, cartridge port, two joystick ports and AY-3-8912 sound chip with extra Sinclair BASIC commands to support these devices (STICK, SOUND). It was packaged in a hard plastic silver case with nonstandard plastic keys. The TS2068 is Timex's re-engineered 48K Spectrum. It was released in Fall 1983 just before Timex Computer Corp folded in Spring 1984. A rogue arm of Timex in Portugal continued to sell TC2068s (same as TS2068) and TC2048s (an improved Spectrum) until 1989. They, of course, were only allowed to sell in non-Sinclair controlled marketplaces. Timex recognized that a 48K Spectrum would not continue being competitive in North America for long without changes being made. They developed two computers that were to be North America's debut of the Spectrum. One was called the TS2048 and the other the TS2068. The TS2048 was basically a 48K Spectrum w/ Kempston joystick and the advanced video modes of the TS2068. The TS2068 was a completely different computer with the Spectrum as its roots. Timex decided to only sell the TS2068. When sales over Christmas 1983 were disappointing, they pulled the plug. Timex of Portugal, no doubt encouraged by the Spectrum's popularity in Europe, continued to sell the TS2068 and offered the TS2048 as the TC2068 and TC2048 in parts of Europe, notably Portugal and Poland. When Timex pulled the plug, they dumped all their surplus TS2068s in Argentina. As for Spectrum compatibilty: The tape I/O is the same so you can load Spectrum tape files. Spectrum BASIC is a subset of the TS2068's BASIC, so you can run Spectrum BASIC programs. The TS2068's ROM is different, though, so you can't run Spectrum m/c that makes use of the ROM. Without the aid of a Spectrum emulator, you can run about 7% of the Spectrum's commercially available software. The Spectrum emulator is really a Spectrum ROM on cartridge (there are other forms) that is bankswitched into the lower 0-16K region. The top 48K region is filled with RAM. To the software this looks exactly the same as a 48K Spectrum. There are a few hardware reasons for incompatibilities but using an emulator, you can reach 97% compatibility. <font color="#666666"> ________ Text taken from Sinclair Computer Hardware Factsheet. Thanks Bob Johnson.</font>

Toaplan Toaplan Arcade

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KISS-Site Tomy Unknown

Prin-C Tomy Unknown

Tutor Tomy Computer 1983

This computer was partially compatible with the <a href="computer.asp?c=236">Texas Instuments TI 99/4A</a>. It had almost the same characteristics, except its main CPU (TMS 9995 instead of the TMS 9900 for the TI 99/4A). The two languages (GBASIC and Tomy Basic) were only available in UK and US computers. The Japanese computers didn't have the Tomy Basic (a TI-like Basic), but a "nihongo basic" using japanese characters and words, e.g. "kake" meant "print", "moshi-naraba" meant "if-then". This computer, known under the name Pyuuta in Japan had no really success outside Japan. It was followed by the <a href="computer.asp?c=363">Pyuuta Mark 2</a> and a game console called Pyuuta Jr one year later. <a href="doc.asp?c=337"><img src="graphs/readmore.gif" border="0" vspace="4"></a>

Tutor & Pyuuta Tomy Computer 1983

Hardware: CPU TMS 9995 2.7 MHz speed 64 KB of RAM memory 32 Kbytes ROM (20 Kbytes in the Japanese system) 16 KB VideoRAM 256x192 display 16 colors Sound 3 channels Interfaces: 1xTape 1xVideo 1xAudio 1xJoystick (?) 1xI / O port 1xModule

evio Tomy Unknown

Co-Processor Torch Unknown

Pasopia 7 Toshiba Computer 1983

This is the successor of the Pasopia 5. It has improved sound and graphics. A cool feature was it was sold with three interchangeable colored panels, so it was possible to change the color of your computer any time you liked. There were blue, red and black panels.

Personal Computer Pasopia PA7010 Toshiba Computer 1981

This is the first home-computer made by Toshiba and was quite powerful for 1981 : 64k RAM, 80 columns, 640 x 200 high resolution and large expansion possibilities. There were two models : the PA7010 with the T-BASIC built-in, and the PA7012 with the OA-BASIC built-in. The advantage of the OA-BASIC is that it can use indexed sequential access methods to handle files, and has an automatic load / run function for launching programs. It can also handle Chinese characters directly within BASIC. Finally it has a Terminal mode.

Visicom Toshiba Unknown January 1978

This beautiful but obscure Japanese system was released in january 1978. It's basically a clone of the RCA Studio gaming system, one of the first videogame console of all time (released in january 1977). Made by Toshiba, this beauty was also based on the RCA 1802 micro-processor, and its video counterpart, the CDP 1861. However the main difference with the Studio II is that the Visicom 100 offers colour display thanks additional hardware. Another nice difference, is that unlike the Studio II the Visicom comes with 2 beautiful joystick controllers. The Visicom 100 has 5 built in games (Doodle, Patterns, Bowling, Freeway and Additions), just like the RCA Studio II.

Touch & Tell Generic Unknown

Project Touhou Unknown

TV Go Go Toyquest Unknown

Alphatronic PC Triumph-Adler Computer 1983

Triumph was originally Triumph-Adler - the merger company of the 2 typewriter manufacturers Triumph and Adler, to which Triumph (which also produced mechanical calculators and sewing-machines) was the bigger one. Later they got US-typewriter Royal merged into it and had the best years between 1975 and 1988, when they even build competiting machines to IBM System /34 and /36 ... but they did neither understand nor learn the business and ran out of the financial power. The technical part of TA is today a subsidary of Olivetti which tells it all about the downfall of TA. The operational part is a Holding in Nuremberg, which deals with offices, buildings and health-care. The Alphatronic was mainly sold in Germany and was intended as a 'hybrid' Business / Home machine. For Business it was sold as either a 'dumb' Terminal or as a stand-alone Word Processor 'package' (consisting of base unit, WP Cartridge and (Centronics) printer. For home the base unit had a 'built in' Basic ROM - it was also available with either a single or dual Floppy Disks (which included CP/M and Disk basic). It never sold very well in either market - it was much too expensive for home use. Thanks to its Z80 CPU, the Alphatronic PC can run CP/M and quite a few software packages available for it. There were two external disk-drives available: F1 and F2. F1 had the controller built-in. You had to have F1 to use F2, the second one. Sometimes, the Alphatronic PC was sold as a complete wordprocessing package with a daisy-wheel printer (Triumph-Adler TR-170) and a word-processing cartridge inserted into the ROM-pack slot (top left part of the case). Towards the end of it's life, the British Company, MATMOS sold off the final 'batch' or single &amp; dual floppy packages together with a RGB-PAL convertor box. ___________ <font color="#666666">Contributors: Steeve Buniak</font>

Othello Multivision Tsukuda Original Console 1983

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Series 90 UNIVAC Unknown

Vector-06C USSR Unknown

Champion 2711 Unisonic Unknown

EDSAC University of Cambridge Unknown

PC-1 University of Tokyo Unknown

Uzebox Uzebox Console 2008

Erfurt Chess-Master Diamond VEB Mikroelektronik Unknown

KC 85 VEB Mikroelektronik Unknown

Nuon VM-Labs Console

CreatiVision VTech Console 1981

The Video Technology CreatiVision was a hybrid computer and video game console introduced by VTech in 1981. The hybrid unit was similar in concept to computers such as the APF Imagination Machine, the older Video Brain computer, and to a lesser extent the Intellivision game console and Coleco ADAM computer, all of which anticipated the trend of video game consoles becoming more like low-end computers. The CreatiVision was distributed in many European countries and South Africa, as well as in Australia under the Dick Smith Wizzard name. Other names for the system (which were likely clones) included the FunVision Computer Video Games System and Hanimex Rameses. All CreatiVision and similar clones were designed for use with PAL standard television sets. The CreatiVision console sported an 8-bit Rockwell 6502A CPU at a speed of 2 MHz, 1kb of RAM and 16kb of Video RAM, and had a graphics resolution of 256 x 192 with 16 colors and 32 sprites. The console had 2 integrated joystick/membrane keypad controllers (much like the Colecovision) which, when set in a special compartment on top of the console, could be used as a makeshift computer keyboard. The CreatiVision had interfaces for a cassette player, an extra rubber keyboard, floppy disk drive, parallel I/O interface, modem (likely unreleased), Centronics printer and one memory expansion module for use with the Basic language cartridge. The CreatiVision, like many video game consoles and computers, was discontinued in 1984 due to the infamous Video game crash of 1983. Infos from Wikipedia

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Genius VTech Unknown

Genius IQ 128 VTech Unknown

Genius Junior 4000 VTech Unknown

Genius Junior Movie VTech Unknown

Genius Junior Redstar VTech Unknown

Genius Leader 2000 VTech Unknown

Genius Leader 6000SL VTech Unknown

Genius Leader CX VTech Unknown

Genius Leader Color VTech Unknown

Genius Leader Notebook VTech Unknown

Genius Leader Select VTech Unknown

IQ Unlimited VTech Unknown

InnoTAB 1/2/3 VTech Unknown

InnoTV / InnoTAB MAX VTech Unknown

Laser 200 VTech Computer November 1983

The Laser 200 / 210 was sold worldwide under different brands (Dick Smith, Texet, Salora, etc...). Maybe the most popular of these "foreign models" was the VZ-200 sold by Dick Smith Electronics. The Laser 200 is the successor of the poor <a href="computer.asp?c=448">Laser 110</a> and was followed by the Laser <a href="computer.asp?c=157">310</a>. It was a good choice if you wanted to buy a cheap computer for initiation. <a href="doc.asp?c=155"><img src="graphs/readmore.gif" border="0" vspace="4"></a>

Laser 2001 VTech Computer June 1983

In June 1983, Video Technology presented a prototype of the Laser 2001 (and the Apple II compatible Laser 3000 the same day) which can use Colecovision and Atari VCS 2600 cartridges! The Laser 2001 was also sold as the <a href="computer.asp?c=1118">Salora Manager</a> in Scandinavia <a href="doc.asp?c=43"><img src="graphs/readmore.gif" border="0" vspace="4"></a>

Laser 3000 & Dick Smith CAT VTech Computer 1983

A very interesting and obscure system. The Laser 3000 is compatible (software-wise only) with the <a href="computer.asp?c=68">Apple II+</a> through emulation software. A Z80 card with CP/M 80 was available, as well as an Intel 8088 card.

Laser 310 VTech Computer 1984

The Laser 310 is an improved version of the <a href="computer.asp?c=155">Laser 200/210</a>. Both computers are compatible with each other, for both software and hardware. Basically, it has an enhanced keyboard and more memory. This model was also sold worldwide, the most popular version being the VZ-300 from Dick Smith Electronics. <a href="doc.asp?c=157"><img src="graphs/readmore.gif" border="0" vspace="4"></a>

Laser 350, 500, 700 & 750 VTech Computer 1985

Technically the Laser 350 / 500 / 700 / 750 are completely different from the Laser 100 / 200 / 300 family and thus non compatible with them. All 4 computers are nearly identical but the Laser 350 uses a Laser 300 case while the Laser 500 / 700 / 750 use a "new" case. Though the CPU is still a Z80A compatible one (the D780c from NEC), its capabilities are better. There are now 6 graphical modes, ranging from 160 x 96 in 16 colors to 640 x 192 in 2 colors. The memory size is also bigger compared to the old series and ranges from 16K RAM for the Laser 350, to 128K RAM for the Laser 750. The Laser 500 and 700 have 64K. <a href="doc.asp?c=449"><img src="graphs/readmore.gif" border="0" vspace="4"></a>

Laser 500 VTech Computer 1985

Technically the Laser 350 / 500 / 700 / 750 are completely different from the Laser 100 / 200 / 300 family and thus non compatible with them. All 4 computers are nearly identical but the Laser 350 uses a Laser 300 case while the Laser 500 / 700 / 750 use a "new" case. Though the CPU is still a Z80A compatible one (the D780c from NEC), its capabilities are better. There are now 6 graphical modes, ranging from 160 x 96 in 16 colors to 640 x 192 in 2 colors. The memory size is also bigger compared to the old series and ranges from 16K RAM for the Laser 350, to 128K RAM for the Laser 750. The Laser 500 and 700 have 64K. <a href="doc.asp?c=449"><img src="graphs/readmore.gif" border="0" vspace="4"></a>

Mobigo VTech Unknown

PreComputer 1000 VTech Unknown

Socrates VTech Console 2004

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Storio V.Reader VTech Unknown

V.Baby VTech Unknown

V.Flash VTech Unknown

V.Smile VTech Console 2004

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V.Smile Baby VTech Unknown

V.Smile Motion VTech Unknown

9000 - ACT Sirius 1 Victor Unknown

Family Computer VideoBrain Unknown

TVC Videoton Computer 198?

The TV Computer (TVC) was a home computer made by the Hungarian company Videoton around 1986. The computer was based on the Enterprise (computer) and had a built-in BASIC interpreter. Programs could be loaded via tape[3] or floppy. It had a built-in joystick, and a keyboard with Hungarian letters and nine function keys. There were three different models: TVC 32k had 32K of memory. TVC 64k had 64K of memory. TVC 64k+ also had 64K of memory, but had a newer BASIC interpreter (v2.2) and more video RAM (64K instead of 16K). The TVC had three graphical modes: 128×240/16 colors, 256×240/4 colors, and 512×240/2 colors (black and white). Few programs existed for the TVC. Many of these were written by dedicated amateurs and distributed by mail. Information from Wikipedia.

Visco Visco Arcade

Visual Pinball Generic Pinball 195?

Visual Pinball is an editor program and game engine recreation program that allows users to create and play 3D computer simulations of pinball machines on a personal computer. Its ability to import external sounds and images allows pinball players to play renditions of real pinball machines. Design Every Visual Pinball table comprises two main parts: the 'physical' playfield design (displayed in the editor) and the script which controls the table gameplay. The editor uses the Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting (VBScript) language for user programming, but the Visual Pinball program itself is written in C++ with ATL (which helps in making ActiveX controls). This allows Visual Pinball to run on Windows operating systems Windows 98 or newer. Visual PinMAME Modern pinball machines (especially those made after 1992 and using DMD animations) usually require the Visual PinMAME (VPinMAME) program in order to work. VPinMAME adds to Visual Pinball's system requirements and, like other MAMEs, uses image files of the actual ROMs from the physical pinball machines, executing them as simulations of the embedded CPUs, sound chips, and displays from the physical machines. Visual PinMAME is a program (a COM class) that works in combination with Visual Pinball (or in theory any other program that can make use of the COM class) that allows for 3-D renderings of actual pinball table designs. Specifically, Visual PinMAME is for emulating CPUs and the connected ROMs used in modern pinball tables, as opposed to tables with solid-state electronics/electro mechanical machines that contain no ROMs or advanced ICs in their hardware design. Visual PinMAME displays the LEDs and/or DMD of the machines in a separate window and also delivers emulation of the integrated sound chips. In order for Visual PinMAME to work properly with a rendered pinball table, it requires that table's ROM images. Without VPinMAME, Visual Pinball can be used to make original pinball and pinball-like games (such as pitch-and-bat baseball, pinball bingo, and pachinko). Visual PinMAME was written by the team of programmers including Steve Ellenoff, Tom Haukap, Martin Adrian, and Gerrit Volkenborn and was started January 4, 2001. The program is named after the original MAME program for emulating arcade games. Visual PinMAME runs on top of the PinMAME software engine which again uses some parts of the MAME core. Visual PinMAME is written in C++ programming language. History The Visual Pinball program was first released to the public on December 19, 2000 by programmer Randy Davis. In 2005, David Foley purchased rights from Randy Davis for modification of Visual Pinball for a full-sized pinball cabinet based on Visual Pinball software. Chicago Gaming purchased rights for licensed tables from Williams Electronics. The Visual PinMAME team and Visual Pinball development community also joined in the effort to produce improvements to the Visual Pinball product and a few tables. This project, known as UltraPin, was taken over by Global VR following the collapse of Ultracade , and is currently in location test. Infos from: Wikipedia

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Visual 1050 Visual Technology Computer 1984

The Visual 1050. Entered into the PC battles mid-80s from the now defunct Visual Technology company (most famous for video terminals at the time). This CP/M based machine was tailored to Wordstar with a specialized keyboard featuring all the wordstar function keys. Graphic capabilities were managed by a second 6502 processor. It was delivered with a set of Digital Research software, including CP/M, C-BASIC compiler, DR-GSX (graphic extensions), as well as WordStar (Word processor), Mailmerge (address database), Multiplan (spreadsheet) and TTY-1050 (communications) <b>John Citron</b> remembers: <font color="#666666"> I worked for Visual from 1980-1987. From 1983 to 1987, I was a hardware technician with them and serviced many of these machines. In addition to the expansion ports on the outside, there is also a riser header for a, never implemented, optional memory expansion card. The 9" green monitor was manufactured in Taiwan by ADI and it, along with the keyboard, eventually became the main components for their V-50/55 and V-60/65 line of video terminals. In addition to coming with a huge bundle of applications, the system was also able to read CP/M disks from many of the competitive machines in its day. By running a special utility, one could load in programs and data from <a href="computer.asp?c=181">Osborne</a>, DEC VT-180, DEC <a href="computer.asp?c=284">Rainbow</a>, and others. Overall, the system was great in its day and I eventually owned one for a number of years. The video was crisp and the Keytronic keyboard was comfortable to use. The only complaint that I ever had was the noise. The system was very loud due to the empty case and the noisy fan and floppy drives.</font> <font color="#666666"> Thanks to <b>Richard Bramante</b> for information and pictures. </font>

Database Voltmace Unknown

PC Wang Unknown

VS Wang Unknown

Supervision Watara Handheld 1992

The Watara Supervision is a monochrome handheld game console, originating from Hong Kong, and introduced in 1992 as a cut-price competitor for Nintendo's Game Boy. It came packaged with a game called Crystball, which is similar to Breakout. The console has a slightly larger screen and larger buttons, and its games sold for far less than the Game Boy's. The games were simpler than the Game Boy's, and the console did not sell well. The original design for the console changed significantly through several iterations, and the last Supervisions were sold in 1996. The Supervision was marketed by several different companies around the world and under several different names, including Quickshot Supervision, Travell Mate, and Hartung SV-100. It was so popular in the early 1990s that it was once offered as a final prize in the extremely popular television show Legends of the Hidden Temple. Technical specifications * CPU: 8-bit 65C02 processor, running at 4 MHz * Screen: 61 mm x 61 mm (2.37 inches x 2.37 inches), 160 x 160 pixels, 4 greys LCD * Sound: 2 Tonal and 1 Noise Channel plus additional audio DMA stereo output channel. Built-in speaker and headphone jack with stereo earphones included. * Power: 4 x AA batteries or 6V AC/DC adapter * Communication port: Two Player Link using DE-9 connector. * Cartridge port * Controls for 1 Player * TV adapter (optional) Infos from Wikipedia

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Bullet WaveMate Unknown

A Waveterm Unknown

KidConnection SmarTV Adventures / Funtastic TV Adventures WinFun Unknown

Action Max WoW Console 1987

Action Max from Worlds of Wonder (WoW), released in the US in 1987, was a unique, if simple and ultimately unimpressive game system that used special pre-recorded VHS video tapes for software. The original package came bundled with the base unit, light gun, television sensor, headphones, connection cables, documentation and one game, "Sonic Fury". Batteries or a power supply were not included. After connecting the components to the base unit and the base unit to any standard VCR, the player inserted the videotape game into the VCR and pressed 'play'. After minimal video instruction, the target sensor was placed on the appropriate spot on the television's screen via the included suction cup. A short target practice scenario was displayed, then the game began, with the target sensor glowing red every time a hit was registered, keeping count on the base unit. Interaction was strictly one way. There was no reaction from the video when a target, be it a plane, ghost or some other enemy, was hit, so gameplay was a purely linear experience, with the footage rolling unimpeded as long as 'stop' was not pressed on the VCR's controls or the end of the tape was reached. As for the quality of the videos themselves, the special effects were laughable and what little there was in regards to acting was amateurish at best. Since the base unit could receive signals but not output them, a small speaker was built-in to generate simple sound effects. This sound could be disabled or bypassed with the headphones. Three game modes could be selected: 'Standard', 'Reflex' and 'Limited Ammunition'. On the console itself there were dials to adjust interal sound volume and player distance from the display. There were also switches to choose game type ('Normal', 'Special'), players ('First', 'Second') and to turn the system on or Off. So what were the system's failings? Due to the linear nature of the games, targets appeared in the same places every single time, making memorization of "enemy" locations a real issue. While the system had three game variations and play for alternating gamers, it was nothing more than a fancy target game, no matter which videotape was utilized. Interestingly, at the end of each videotape "game", there were video previews of other releases, which also had targets and could be shot at and scored, acting like a (unintentional?) demo! WoW was most famous for its "Teddy Ruxpin" line of animated dolls and "Laser Tag" action game. WoW was also the original distributor of the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) in the US. Eventually, Nintendo's market presence became so great that the company decided to handle distribution and store relations without WoW's assistance. The Action Max then was WoW's ill-fated attempt to re-enter the videogame market with a device that was more toy than videogame. Interestingly, after the company's collapse due to a glut of unbought toys, some of its former employees went to work for Nintendo. NOTE: If you want to buy one of these units from auction sites, the format for the VHS tapes is NTSC, which does not work in many International territories. <font color="#666666"> ___________________ Thanks to Bill Loguidice for text correction and most of the info.</font>

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1108 Xerox Unknown

1186 Xerox Unknown

6085 Xerox Computer 1985

The Xerox 6085 was the successor of the revolutionary Xerox <b>Star</b>, first commercial computer to use a graphical user interface (GUI) with the familiar desktop, icons and a mouse. The 6085 series was offered in models for network, remote (linked by Ethernet) and stand alone operation. The main unit was founded upon Xerox's Mesa 8 MHz processor which had 256 auxiliary registers and executed 48-bit-wide instructions. It also used an 80186 as an auxiliary processor. The basic system came with 1.1 MB of memory, expandable up to 3.7 MB, a 10 to 80 MB hard disk drive, two serial ports and a 15-inch high-resolution monochrome display. An optional card allowed the 6085 to run MS-DOS software. The operating system and GUI interface was called <b>ViewPoint</b>. It also came from the Star. It was written in a language developed at Xerox PARC in the 1970's and also called <b>Mesa</b>. This strongly-typed and structured high-level language, would have a large influence on future well known languages like Pascal or C. Two improved versions were launched afterwards, the <b>6085-II</b> with an almost twice as fast processor, and the <b>XPIW</b> (Xerox Publishing Illustrator's Workstation), basically a 6085 workstation with a scanner. Sadly, like the Alto, the 6085 didn't meet a large success in spite of numerous vanguard concepts, mainly because the Xerox marketing policy was, at the time, above all directed towards copiers rather than computers.

820 Xerox Computer 1981

The Model 820 is an attempt from Rank Xerox to enter the professional micro-computer market. But the 820 is a bit weak with its Z80 at only 2,5 Mhz and its 96kb 5''1/4 disk-drives (83k formated). Fortunately higher capacity 8'' disk-drives were also available (300 kb each). Apparently a 10Mb hard-disk was also proposed. The communication was focused on the fact that the Xerox 820 could suit to a lot of professions, and indeed, thanks to its CP/M compatibility a lot of different software was available (Wordprocessor, Supercalc, AGIS billing, SAARI, Wordstar 3.0, Mailmerge 3.0, Supersort 1.6, Calcstar, Infostar 1.0, FIGARO hair-dresser management, etc...). The Xerox 820 was followed by the <a href="computer.asp?c=487">Xerox 820-II</a>.

820-II Xerox Computer 1983

The model 820-II is basically a <a href="computer.asp?c=15">model 820</a> with a higher clock rate (4 MHz instead of 2.5 MHz) and a 8" double density/double side disk-drive and hard-disk instead of the the two basic 8" Single density/single side disk-drive of the first <a href="computer.asp?c=15">model 820</a>. But the hard-disk is said to be very noisy and the dual disks weigh more than 38 pounds! Nearly all the hardware is housed within the monitor, a bit like a <a href="computer.asp?c=271">Macintosh</a>. The separate keyboard is linked to the monitor by a "not-long-enough" cord. The 8" disk-drive and hard-disk are mounted in a separate huge box. The 10MB hard drive for example was boxed with an 8" drive. A real-time clock is included in the hardware. Green screens were available in all models since the screen/processor case was common to all. Like its predecessor, the 820-II is well furnished in software of all sorts. Thanks to its CP/M compatibility nearly every profession can find a suitable program. A lot of languages and OS were also available (CP/M, Basic 80, C Basic 2, Assembler Macro 80, Cobol 80, Short 80, TTY communication, 3270/3780 emulation). But the 820-II has no real graphic possibilities nor sound, and a small RAM capacity (64 KB) for a professional computer. Above all it was quite expensive compared to its competitors. There was also WP dedicated versions with unique key caps. A 16-bit expansion board was released to upgrade the 820-II, so that its performance would nearly match the new Xerox computer(the <a href="computer.asp?c=14">16/8</a>), and also allowed the 820 to work under DOS. At the start of the year 1985, Xerox would definately leave the micro-computer market and stop the production of the 820. ___________ <font color="#666666"><b>Contributors:</b> Jeremy Wilcox, Bronislaw Opacki Jr</font> <b>Dale Carpenter</b> clarifies: <font color="#666666"> I started working for Xerox in 1983 as a PC tech in the Xerox Service Center a sevice/support part to the retail store they had back then. 820-II's were the next step after 820's they were already double density instead of upgraded like many 820's were. They also supported double sided drives. The drive choices were 5.25" dual drives single or double sided, 8" dual drives also single or double sided and the top was a 8"double sided floppy paired with a 8" 10Mb Shugart hard drive.The 8" double density, 2-sided floppies had a capacity of 960K which was a lot for back then. </font>

860 Xerox Computer March 1980

This wonderful computer was mainly used as an advanced wordprocessing system, but it could do much more. The full-text monitor could display 70 lines of 102 characters. The text could be black on a white background, or the inverse. The Xerox 860 was equipped with one of the first WYSIWYG word processors: <b>BravoX</b> (later called "<i>Xerox Document System Editor</i>") which was originally developed for the 1972 Xerox Alto and became the predecessor of virtually all modern word processors Two 8" disks (600 kb) stored the files. Each disk catalog could store up to 560 files. The system was sold with a Diablo printer, which was bidirectional and could print 40 characters per second. Up to three Xerox 860 could share one Diablo printer. The printer spooler could store up to 20 documents waiting to be printed. The Xerox 860 could also be used to write and send electronic mails or work with data-bases through an Ethernet network. There was another version called 'Supertext' which was the same system but with a smaller screen (24 x 102 characters). These kind of systems were very expensive!

Copera Yamaha Unknown

MisterX Yeno Computer ? 1984

This is a classic <a href="computer.asp?c=90">MSX 1</a> computer. It was also sold under the Daewoo brand. It's one of the few Korean MSX computers... It has 64 KB RAM... Not much more to say !

Game Wave Family Entertainment System ZAPiT Games Unknown

Zeebo Zeebo Unknown

Pinball FX2 Zen Studios Pinball 2010

Pinball FX3 Zen Studios Pinball 2017

logo photo
MCZ-2 Zilog Unknown

Photo Play funworld Unknown

iQue iQue Unknown