ID gambatte
Short Name gambatte
Name gambatte
Type Handheld
Description Gambatte is an open-source GBC (Game Boy Color) emulator that is designed to be portable. The core emulation is kept separate from the UI. This was done to ensure the emulation can be platform-dependent and easily ported to separate operating systems.
Besides Gambatte’s platform-independent design, it is also designed to be accurate. Being based on many corner-case hardware tests and reverse engineering. Thanks to the emulator’s accuracy focus, it does mean that it is also highly compatible with a multitude of games.
The QT GUI frontend of Gambatte is designed to also provide more platform-specific functions such as handling of the video, sound, and timers. The GUI frontend is meant to be able to run on all systems as well. However, the Gambatte team has only provided builds for both Windows and Mac OS X.
Gambatte is available as a core for RetroArch and as a standalone emulator.
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Platforms Nintendo Game Boy Color
Matches emulationking gambatte
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r571 Download ChangeLog Apple
emulationking gambatte
    "id": "gambatte",
    "url": "",
    "name": "Gambatte",
    "logo": "",
    "shortDesc": "Gambatte is a highly portable and highly accurate GBC Emulator with its core code being designed so that it can be used independently of its UI. Gambattee is used as the Game Boy Color emulator for the OpenEmu project.",
    "description": "Gambatte is an open-source GBC (Game Boy Color) emulator that is designed to be portable. The core emulation is kept separate from the UI. This was done to ensure the emulation can be platform-dependent and easily ported to separate operating systems.\nBesides Gambatte’s platform-independent design, it is also designed to be accurate. Being based on many corner-case hardware tests and reverse engineering. Thanks to the emulator’s accuracy focus, it does mean that it is also highly compatible with a multitude of games.\nThe QT GUI frontend of Gambatte is designed to also provide more platform-specific functions such as handling of the video, sound, and timers. The GUI frontend is meant to be able to run on all systems as well. However, the Gambatte team has only provided builds for both Windows and Mac OS X.\nGambatte is available as a core for RetroArch and as a standalone emulator.",
    "platforms": [
    "runs": [
    "screenshots": [
    "versions": {
        "r571": {
            "url": "",
            "os": "Apple"
emutopia 438
    "id": 438,
    "name": "Gambatte",
    "shortName": "gambatte",
    "url": "",
    "type": "Handhelds",
    "platforms": [
    "os": [
        "Mac OS X",
        "Source Code",
    "description": "<span class=\"field-year\"> <p>Gambatte is an accuracy-focused, cross-platform Game Boy Color emulator. It is based on a few thousand corner-case hardware tests, as well as previous documentation and reverse engineering efforts.</p></span>",
    "downloads": {
        "": "Gambatte r532 [Source Code]",
        "": "Gambatte r532 [Windows] [32-Bit Intel]",
        "": "Gambatte r532 [Mac OS X] [PPC]",
        "": "Gambatte r532 [Mac OS X] [Intel]",
        "": "Gambatte 0.5.0 Wip 2 [Source Code]",
        "": "Gambatte 0.5.0 Wip 2 [Linux] [Generic Binary] [32-Bit Intel]",
        "": "Gambatte 0.5.0 Wip 2 [Windows] [32-Bit Intel]",
        "": "Gambatte 0.5.0 Wip 2 [Mac OS X] [PPC]",
        "": "Gambatte 0.5.0 Wip 2 [Mac OS X] [Intel]"
emucr gambatte
    "id": "gambatte",
    "name": "Gambatte",
    "description": "<a href=\"\" style=\"font-weight:normal;color:black;text-decoration: none;\" target=\"_blank\">Gambatte</a> is an accuracy-focused, cross-platform <a href=\"\" style=\"font-weight:normal;color:black;text-decoration: none;\" target=\"_blank\">Game Boy Color</a> emulator. It is based on a few thousand corner-case hardware tests, as well as previous documentation and reverse engineering efforts.<a name=\"more\"></a><br>\n<br>",
    "tags": [
    "versions": [
        "Git r571",
        "Git r550",
        "Git r537",
        "v0.5.0-wip1v2 (r273)",
        "v0.5.0-wip1 (r271)"
    "web": {
        "": "repo"