ID simple64
Short Name simple64
Name simple64
Type Unknown
Description simple64 is an emulator based on a heavily modified version of mupen64plus-core, and ParaLLEl RSP/RDP. It includes a GUI, netplay, automatic updater, controller configuration, and much more! It should give you the best out-of-the-box experience available for N64 gaming. There are no plugins to download.
Platforms Nintendo 64
Matches scoop-emulators simple64
emucr simple64
emulationstation-de simple64
License GPL-3.0
Binary simple64-gui.exe
Command Line
Links home -
Version Download ChangeLog OS OS Version Bits Date Bin
v2022.11.1 Download ChangeLog Windows 64 2022-11-04
scoop-emulators simple64
    "version": "v2022.11.1",
    "description": "simple64 is an emulator based on a heavily modified version of mupen64plus-core, and ParaLLEl RSP/RDP. It includes a GUI, netplay, automatic updater, controller configuration, and much more! It should give you the best out-of-the-box experience available for N64 gaming. There are no plugins to download.",
    "homepage": "",
    "license": "GPL-3.0",
    "architecture": {
        "64bit": {
            "url": "",
            "hash": "f73d4c3d84c8bf222b51a09707ea0477e9d4908303a9ebe34dae492a0e7cb0df"
    "extract_dir": "simple64",
    "pre_install": [
        "if (!(Test-Path \"$persist_dir\\simple64-gui.ini\")) {",
        "   New-Item    \"$dir\\simple64-gui.ini\" -Type File | Out-Null",
        "   Set-Content \"$dir\\simple64-gui.ini\" '[General]'",
        "   Add-Content \"$dir\\simple64-gui.ini\" 'version=2'",
        "   Add-Content \"$dir\\simple64-gui.ini\" 'configDirPath=$APP_PATH$/config'",
    "bin": [
    "shortcuts": [
    "persist": "config",
    "checkver": {
        "url": "",
        "script": [
            "$version = json_path $page $.tag_name",
            "$file = json_path $page $.assets[0].name",
            "Write-Output \"$version $file\""
        "regex": "(?<version>[^ ]+) (?<file>.*)",
        "replace": "${version}"
    "autoupdate": {
        "architecture": {
            "64bit": {
                "url": "$matchVersion/$matchFile"
emucr simple64
    "id": "simple64",
    "name": "simple64",
    "description": "simple64 uses simple64-gui, a brand new N64 frontend written in Qt6. It supports all of the things you’d expect from a frontend (savestate management, pausing, screenshots, etc.). simple64 comes bundled with paraLLEl-RDP for graphics, and a heavily modified version of mupen64plus-core. It should give you the best out-of-the-box experience available for N64 gaming.<a name=\"more\"></a> <br>\n<br>",
    "tags": [
    "versions": [
    "web": {
        "": "repo"
emulationstation-de simple64
    "id": "simple64",
    "name": "simple64",
    "platforms": [
    "dir": [
    "bin": [
    "cmd": [
        "%BIN% --nogui %ROM%"