ID andripsx
Short Name andripsx
Name andripsx
Type Unknown
Description AndriPSX was one of the original emulators for the PSX, it was incredibly promising at its time despite being behind completing emulators at the time such as PSEmu Pro.
Sadly despite such a good promising start, AndriPSX’s development was stopped and the emulator never got to meet its full potential.
It managed to run a few games, however never managed to get to the same level of compatibility as similar emulators around its time.
Logo logo
Platforms Sony Playstation
Matches emulationking andripsx
Command Line
Screenshots screensot screensot screensot screensot screensot screensot
Version Download ChangeLog OS OS Version Bits Date Bin
1.0.5 Download ChangeLog Windows
emulationking andripsx
    "id": "andripsx",
    "url": "",
    "name": "AndriPSX",
    "logo": "",
    "shortDesc": "AndriPSX is an early PlayStation emulator for Windows that can play only a few commercial games. AndriPSX was one of the first emulators to prove that PlayStation emulation was possible.",
    "description": "AndriPSX was one of the original emulators for the PSX, it was incredibly promising at its time despite being behind completing emulators at the time such as PSEmu Pro.\nSadly despite such a good promising start, AndriPSX’s development was stopped and the emulator never got to meet its full potential. \nIt managed to run a few games, however never managed to get to the same level of compatibility as similar emulators around its time.",
    "platforms": [
    "runs": [
    "screenshots": [
    "versions": {
        "1.0.5": {
            "url": "",
            "os": "Windows"