ID negamame
Short Name negamame
Name negamame
Type Unknown
Description NNegatron is a MAME dedicated front-end that has then been engineered to ease the task for users and be as intuitive as possible. On its first release in November 2015, it was the very first front-end to fully unlock the possibilities of machine configurations available in MAME. Some other front-ends caught up since. But when MAME changed its way to provide information to third-party front-ends in May 2017 with v0.186, it also prevented access to some important information to front-ends. In June 2018, Negatron has once again reiterated its prowess by working in association with the new MAME derivative called NegaMAME. NegaMAME behaves exactly like official MAME. But it simply adds a command that third-party front-ends can use to get back the information missing in MAME since v0.186, effectively helping Negatron to regain full access to all the features it already had in 2015.
Matches scoop-emulators negamame
emucr negamame
Binary negamame.exe
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Version Download ChangeLog OS OS Version Bits Date Bin
0.249-1 Download ChangeLog Windows 64 2022-11-04
scoop-emulators negamame
    "version": "0.249-1",
    "description": "NNegatron is a MAME dedicated front-end that has then been engineered to ease the task for users and be as intuitive as possible. On its first release in November 2015, it was the very first front-end to fully unlock the possibilities of machine configurations available in MAME. Some other front-ends caught up since. But when MAME changed its way to provide information to third-party front-ends in May 2017 with v0.186, it also prevented access to some important information to front-ends. In June 2018, Negatron has once again reiterated its prowess by working in association with the new MAME derivative called NegaMAME. NegaMAME behaves exactly like official MAME. But it simply adds a command that third-party front-ends can use to get back the information missing in MAME since v0.186, effectively helping Negatron to regain full access to all the features it already had in 2015.",
    "homepage": "",
    "license": "",
    "url": "",
    "hash": "ed0387496c4bd8adddddef6ae0c0369ce6b83132b7b49b42d684bfea74504d1b",
    "bin": "negamame.exe",
    "checkver": {
        "regex": "Latest Version: ([\\d\\.-]+)"
    "autoupdate": {
        "url": "$majorVersion$minorVersion$matchTail/NegaMAME-Win64.$version.7z"
emucr negamame
    "id": "negamame",
    "name": "NegaMAME",
    "description": "NNegatron is a MAME dedicated front-end that has then been engineered to ease the task for users and be as intuitive as possible. On its first release in November 2015, it was the very first front-end to fully unlock the possibilities of machine configurations available in MAME. Some other front-ends caught up since. But when MAME changed its way to provide information to third-party front-ends in May 2017 with v0.186, it also prevented access to some important information to front-ends. In June 2018, Negatron has once again reiterated its prowess by working in association with the new MAME derivative called NegaMAME. NegaMAME behaves exactly like official MAME. But it simply adds a command that third-party front-ends can use to get back the information missing in MAME since v0.186, effectively helping Negatron to regain full access to all the features it already had in 2015.<a name=\"more\"></a> <br>\n<br>",
    "tags": [
    "versions": [
    "logo": "",
    "web": {
        "": "repo"