ID mednaffe
Short Name mednaffe
Name mednaffe
Type Unknown
Description Front-end for Mednafen
Matches scoop-emulators mednaffe
emucr mednaffe
License GPL-3.0
Binary mednaffe.exe
Command Line
Links repo -
Version Download ChangeLog OS OS Version Bits Date Bin
0.9.2 Download ChangeLog Windows 64 2022-11-04
scoop-emulators mednaffe
    "version": "0.9.2",
    "description": "Front-end for Mednafen",
    "homepage": "",
    "license": "GPL-3.0",
    "depends": "sudo",
    "url": "",
    "hash": "e172f24c656dbc0d07bbeb67de03481b119be155997749697d12f9f33b60af00",
    "pre_install": [
        "$medinst = 0",
        "if (Test-Path \"$scoopdir\\apps\\mednafen\\current\\mednafen.exe\") {",
        "   $medinst = 1",
        "elseif (Test-Path \"$scoopdir\\apps\\mednafen-dev\\current\\mednafen.exe\") {",
        "   $medinst = 2",
        "if ((Test-Path \"$scoopdir\\apps\\mednafen\\current\\mednafen.exe\") -and (Test-Path \"$scoopdir\\apps\\mednafen-dev\\current\\mednafen.exe\")) {",
        "   Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow \"Mednafen and Mednafen-dev were found on this system.\"",
        "   Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow \"Choose one to use mednaffe with, 1 (stable) or 2 (dev)\"",
        "   $medinst = Read-Host -Prompt \"[1, 2]\"",
        "if ($medinst -eq 0) {",
        "   Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow \"No Mednafen installation was found on this system.\"",
        "   Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow \"Choose 1 to install Mednafen stable, 2 for Mednafen-dev, or 3 to cancel the install.\"",
        "   $medinst = Read-Host -Prompt \"[1, 2, 3]\"",
        "   switch ($medinst) {",
        "       1 {scoop install mednafen}",
        "       2 {scoop install mednafen-dev}",
        "       3 {Write-Error -Message \"Install aborted.\" -Category NotInstalled",
        "           scoop uninstall mednaffe",
        "           exit 1",
        "       }",
        "   }",
    "installer": {
        "script": [
            "if (!(Test-Path \"$persist_dir\\mednafen.cfg\")) {",
            "   New-Item \"$persist_dir\" -ItemType Directory | Out-Null",
            "   switch ($medinst) {",
            "       1 {sudo New-Item -ItemType HardLink -Path \"$persist_dir\\mednafen.cfg\" -Target \"$scoopdir\\persist\\mednafen\\mednafen.cfg\" | Out-Null}",
            "       2 {sudo New-Item -ItemType HardLink -Path \"$persist_dir\\mednafen.cfg\" -Target \"$scoopdir\\persist\\mednafen-dev\\mednafen.cfg\" | Out-Null}",
            "   }",
    "bin": "mednaffe.exe",
    "shortcuts": [
    "persist": "mednafen.cfg",
    "checkver": "github",
    "autoupdate": {
        "url": "$version/mednaffe-$"
emucr mednaffe
    "id": "mednaffe",
    "name": "Mednaffe",
    "description": "<a href=\"\" style=\"font-weight:normal;color:black;text-decoration: none;\" target=\"_blank\">Mednaffe</a> is a front-end (GUI) for mednafen emulator. <a href=\"\" style=\"font-weight:normal;color:black;text-decoration: none;\" target=\"_blank\">Mednaffe</a> is written in C language for Linux and Windows. The only dependency is GTK2 (or GTK3). For now <a href=\"\" style=\"font-weight:normal;color:black;text-decoration: none;\" target=\"_blank\">Mednaffe</a> only works with 0.9.28/29-WIP versions of mednafen emulator.<a name=\"more\"></a><br>\n<br>",
    "tags": [
    "versions": [
    "logo": "",
    "web": {
        "": "repo"