ID groovymame
Short Name groovymame
Name groovymame
Type Unknown
Description GroovyMame is a custom M.A.M.E. build mainly aimed at CRT monitors, as we are convinced CRT technology is a must when it comes to enjoying emulation in its full glory. However you can use GroovyMAME to alliviate some of the annoyances associated to emulation on LCD displays, specially for those models which are capable of refreshing at custom rates.
Matches scoop-emulators groovymame
emucr groovymame
Binary mame.exe
Command Line
Links repo -
Version Download ChangeLog OS OS Version Bits Date Bin
0.249-2.002m Download ChangeLog Windows 64 2022-11-04
scoop-emulators groovymame
    "version": "0.249-2.002m",
    "description": "GroovyMame is a custom M.A.M.E. build mainly aimed at CRT monitors, as we are convinced CRT technology is a must when it comes to enjoying emulation in its full glory. However you can use GroovyMAME to alliviate some of the annoyances associated to emulation on LCD displays, specially for those models which are capable of refreshing at custom rates.",
    "homepage": "",
    "license": "",
    "url": "",
    "hash": "fb1f170e03ddd7fd0a1f2f2b65b6d8802fd2d5e3a847887b8f2d46f618d99570",
    "bin": "mame.exe",
    "checkver": {
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            "Write-Output \"$dl $name\""
        "regex": "^<dl>[^ ]+) GroovyMAME (?<ver>[^ ]*) - Switchres (?<minor>.*)$",
        "replace": "${ver}-${minor}"
    "autoupdate": {
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emucr groovymame
    "id": "groovymame",
    "name": "GroovyMame",
    "description": "<a href=\"\" style=\"font-weight:normal;color:black;text-decoration: none;\" target=\"_blank\">GroovyMame</a> is a custom <a href=\"\" style=\"font-weight:normal;color:black;text-decoration: none;\" target=\"_blank\">M.A.M.E.</a> build mainly aimed at CRT monitors, as we are convinced CRT technology is a must when it comes to enjoying emulation in its full glory. However you can use <a href=\"\" style=\"font-weight:normal;color:black;text-decoration: none;\" target=\"_blank\">GroovyMAME</a> to alliviate some of the annoyances associated to emulation on LCD displays, specially for those models which are capable of refreshing at custom rates.<a name=\"more\"></a><br>\n<br>",
    "tags": [
    "versions": [
        "v0.253 Switchres 2.002r",
        "v0.252 SwitchRes v2.002q",
        "v0.251 SwitchRes v2.002o",
        "v0.250 SwitchRes v2.002n",
        "v0.249 SwitchRes v2.002m",
        "v0.248 SwitchRes v2.002m",
        "v0.247 SwitchRes v2.002I",
        "v0.246 SwitchRes v2.002I",
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        "v0.243 SwitchRes v2.002i",
        "v0.242 SwitchRes v2.002h",
        "v0.241 SwitchRes v2.002g",
        "v0.240 SwitchRes v2.002g",
        "v0.239 SwitchRes v2.002g",
        "v0.237 SwitchRes v2.002e",
        "v0.236 SwitchRes v2.002c",
        "v0.235 SwitchRes v2.002b",
        "v0.234 SwitchRes v2.002b",
        "v0.233 SwitchRes v2.002b",
        "v0.232 SwitchRes v2.002b",
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        "v0.228 SwitchRes v2.001b",
        "v0.227 SwitchRes v2.001a",
        "v0.225 SwitchRes v0.017s",
        "v0.224 SwitchRes v0.017r",
        "v0.223 SwitchRes v0.017q",
        "v0.221 SwitchRes v0.017p",
        "v0.220 SwitchRes v0.017p",
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